  • League Lecture Series: 

    How to Navigate Information in a World of Fake News and

    Alternative Facts  

    Wednesday, March 15,

    7 pm

    Our panel of experts to discuss this timely topic will include:

    Stanford Economist Matthew Gentzkow, co-author, "Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election" Sarah McGrew, researcher at the Stanford Graduate School of Education and one of the co-authors of the recent report "EVALUATING INFORMATION: THE CORNERSTONE OF CIVIC ONLINE REASONING," which found that college students have trouble judging the credibility of online information Tech Reporter Daisuke Wakabayashi for the New York Times, formerly with the Wall Street Journal

    The moderator will be Dan Russell, search expert at Google

    Venue to be determined. Mark your calendar and

    watch your email for further information.

    The League is a broadly based organization that encourages informed and involved participation in government through voter service and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

    The League does not support or oppose political candidates or parties.

    President’s Letter p. 2

    Board Meeting Highlights p. 3

    Leadership Academy p.3

    Advocacy Report p. 4

    New Voices for Youth p. 5

    Call to CA Convention p. 5

    Lunch with League p. 6

    Program Planning p. 6

    Membership Update p. 6

    Legislative Interview p. 6

    Announcements p. 7

    Calendar p. 8

    The Palo Alto VOTER Vol. XXXII No. VII

    March, 2017The League of Women Voters of Palo Alto

    Inside this issue:

    The 2017 LWVPA Annual Meeting

    will be on Saturday, May 13th

    9 am - 12 noon All members are encouraged to

    participate in our grass-roots decision making. Mark your calendar and

    watch for Program Recommendations and other

    meeting information in the April VOTER.


  • LWVPA !2 March, 2017

    Our League is becoming a truly relevant vehicle for action and civic involvement.

    With the League’s education mission foremost in our minds, we are busy arranging speakers and panels on topics that are of deep concern to many of us in these uncertain times. For this we thank our Speaker Series board member, Maureen O’Kicki.

    Maureen’s efforts have brought us Stanford Professor Jack Rakove who spoke about the Electoral College to a standing-room-only audience at Beth Am; and ACLU attorney, Nayna Gupta, who addressed a very large group at the First Congregational Church about ACLU’s lawsuits against the immigration ban executive order. Ms. Gupta also opened our eyes to the difficult issues regarding the police presence at public school campuses in cities such as Oakland, Stockton and Los Angeles. We are looking forward to the next event on “fake news” on March 15. See front page.

    On February 4, many of you gathered in Sandra Slater’s wonderful home for our quintessential annual grassroots League event known as Program Planning. Here we brainstormed and prioritized those issues and action items that we felt were important to pursue at the various League levels in the next year or two.

    Dominant themes voiced at Program Planning included civic involvement, civic savvy and civil discourse; understanding first-amendment rights and due process for all; distinguishing fact from fiction in the “news”; bringing these issues to our local schools; understanding the importance of a regional focus on matters such as climate change, housing, transportation and transit, water quality and usage, sea-level rise and more. We talked about actively collaborating with neighboring Leagues and with other non-partisan organizations; holding an Activist Workshop; establishing an “observer corps” to monitor our City Council, City boards and commissions and the Palo Alto Unified School District; expanding our outreach to other groups for voter registration and education on civic involvement, particularly for new citizens. We noted that the LWVPA position on Education needs to be updated.

    The input from the Program Planning event will be the basis for the recommended Program and Issues for Emphasis that you will vote on at our Annual Meeting on May 13. (Save the date!) Look for more specifics in the next VOTER. Program Planning ideas will also be reported to the County Leagues and to the State League to help LWVC develop the recommended Program for 2017-19 to be voted on at the LWVC State Convention in early June (see page 5).

    A highlight for many of us in January was Bay Area League Day: Focus on Housing. Please go to to read about what we learned!

    Thank you for being so involved and helping the League pursue its mission.

    Bonnie Packer

    Bonnie Packer President [email protected]

    Mary Alice Thornton 1st Vice Pres., Fundraising

    Ellen Forbes 2nd Vice Pres., Communications, Webmaster

    Karen Kalinsky Secretary

    Steve Levy Treasurer

    Nancy Olson Action Tree Diane Rolfe Community Relations Sigrid Pinsky & Diane Rolfe PreK-12 Education Karen Pauls LAT support Veronica Tincher New Voices for Youth Valerie Stinger Budget Committee Paige Costello Facebook Administrator

    Mary Jo Levy Speakers Bureau Steve Levy Housing and Transportation Julie Cardillo Voter’s Edge Dave Thornton Board Development Committee Nominating Committee Mila Zelkha, Chair Lynn Drake Ellen Springer Lynne Russell Ellen Forbes

    LWV of Palo Alto: Officers, Directors, Off-Board Roster (650) 903-0600,


    Jeannie Lythcott Voter Services

    Megan Swezey Fogarty & Lynne Russell Membership

    Lisa Ratner Advocacy

    Maureen O’Kicki Program/Events Organizer

    Liza Taft Voter Registration, VOTER Distribution, Health Care

    Sue Hermsen VOTER Editor

    Tory Bers Publicity


    Message from our President

    OFFICERS[email protected]:[email protected]://www.lwvpaloalto.org

  • LWVPA !3 March, 2017

    Board Meeting Highlights - January, 2017

    Your Board: • Ratified EAC decisions to

    - Send letters to the Palo Alto City Council on the housing impact fee ordinance, in support of the inclusiveness resolution, and regarding the VTA Next Network Initiative;

    - Create Sanctuary Cities and Gun Safety Committees; - Co-sponsor “Immigrants and Allies” event, and the Pro Choice LWV Los Altos-Mountain View event; and to publicize the Palo Alto Human Rights Commission ‘Being Different Together’ event.

    • Voted to endorse the Palo Alto ballot measure for a stormwater fee increase.

    • Voted to send a letter to the Palo Alto City Council on the Land Use and Transportation Elements of the Comprehensive Plan.

    • Voted to co-sponsor a Leadership Academy on Communications being hosted by the Cupertino/Sunnyvale League.

    • Decided to keep printing “Facts for Voters” as well as a bookmark about LWVPA.

    Discussed: • Next steps to follow up on the

    fantastic Action Brunch – we want to keep the momentum of the Action Brunch going with regular meetings about the action topics.

    • Proposed charter for the Communications Committee. • Plans for the upcoming Program Planning Meeting. • Plans for the upcoming Annual Meeting, set for

    Saturday, May 13.

    Learned about: • The event co-sponsored by Congregation Beth Am,

    with Jack Rakove speaking on “Can We Ever Get Rid of the Electoral College?” There were over 400 people in attendance!

    • Board members attending legislative interviews with State Assemblymember Marc Berman and State Senator Jerry Hill.

    • A panel discussion coming up in March on “How to Tell Fake News from Real News.”

    Karen Kalinsky Secretary

    League Leadership Academy: Strengthening & Building Leaders & Community Partnerships:

    Next Level Communications Saturday, March 11, 2017, 9:30am – 4:00pm

    SEIU Local 521, 2302 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95131

    Learn to tell powerful stories and deliver persuasive messages to move your audiences to action. You will practice new techniques and approaches to presentations and outreach to:

    This workshop includes continental breakfast, lunch and networking time. Our Co-Sponsors: The Leagues of Women Voters of: Cupertino/Sunnyvale, Los Altos/Mountain View, Palo Alto, San Jose/Santa Clara, South West Santa Clara Valley Our Partners at Press Time: Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI), American Association of University Women (AAUW), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Cupertino Chamber of Commerce, SEIU, Silicon Valley Leadership Group

    For more information: If you are interested in attending please contact [email protected]

    BLUE HIGHLIGHTS in the VOTER are linked to pertinent websites. To access the VOTER in PDF format, go to our website at or email [email protected] to start

    receiving the VOTER as a PDF via email.

    • Identify & understand your audience • Use imagery & videos

    • Learn the elements of appealing stories • Frame messages to motivate your community[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]?subject=[email protected]?subject=

  • LWVPA !4 March, 2017

    National LWV President Chris Carson issued a statement against President Trump’s policies on immigrants: “The League is opposed to deportation of non-criminal undocumented immigrants. The LWV supports cities, towns, counties and states that make a decision not to cooperate with federal deportation and enforcement actions that include non-criminal undocumented immigrants. Moreover, the Trump Administration’s orders are of dubious legality. It is simply wrong, and a perversion of the American system of justice, for the Executive Branch to refuse to obey federal court orders. The LWV is opposed to discrimination, including discrimination in immigration, based on religion. The Trump Administration’s orders appear to be targeted at Muslims and immigrants from majority-Muslims nations. We would like to remind all our members that we are faced with many challenges to our positions and the League is involved in serious efforts to address them. Among these, we spent last weekend anticipating the issuance of an Executive Order investigating ‘voter fraud’. We continue to monitor this situation and are ready to issue a statement if that occurs. We also continue our efforts to lobby on ACA in Congress. Everybody in the country is scrambling to keep up.” LWV issued calls to action: 1) to force President Trump

    to disclose his taxes; and 2) to stop the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. LWV also opposed the passage of the REINS Act (which passed the House in January 2017), which would

    require Congressional approval for all major regulations, virtually shutting

    down the entire regulatory process. Finally, LWV continues to remind us that voter suppression played a part in national election results. See the article posted at “Voter Suppression Works Too Well” at A national non-partisan voter registration effort in time for 2018 elections is being organized by local non-profits in our area. Stay tuned for more information, or email me directly. LWV became an official sponsor of the January 21 Women’s March on Washington, clearing the way for local and state Leagues to join the marches under the LWV banner. Leagues across the country traveled to DC and participated in local marches. LWVPA members attended Women’s Marches in D.C., San Jose, San Francisco, and Redwood City.

    Local Bus Services: LWVPA sent a letter to the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and the Palo Alto City Council commenting on the VTA’s proposed cuts to bus service in Palo Alto. LWVPA opposed the cuts to service which would impact seniors, the disabled, and high school students who depend on VTA bus services. The letter voiced support for the positions of other organizations, including Palo Alto Housing, Gunn PTA, and Stevenson House. LWVPA urged alternatives be put in place before any cuts are made. Comprehensive Plan: LWVPA presented a letter before the Palo Alto City Council at their meeting of January 30, commenting on Palo Alto’s draft comprehensive plan’s land use and transportation elements. Among other stances, we supported comprehensive plan policies which encourage affordable housing and reduction of single-occupancy vehicles. Stormwater: The board endorsed the upcoming Stormwater Management Fee mail-in ballot of February 24. An LWVPA Stormwater Committee (Mary O’Kicki and Lisa Ratner) submitted a report to the Board, recommending endorsing the extension of the monthly parcel fee which would bring Palo Alto’s storm drain system into conformance with current design standards, make stormwater run-off from streets meet water quality protection requirements, and provide funds for green and sustainable stormwater management sites. Review of our Natural Resources positions continues under Phyllis Cassel in the next two months. Anyone who wants to help should contact Phyllis. LWVPA’s Action Brunch on January 7 attracted over 80 people to discuss local issues and generate ideas for further action. LWVPA co-sponsored a meeting “Immigrants and Allies.” Speakers (mostly in Spanish) talked about mental health, legal, and education services available to immigrants should the immigration policy change under the new administration. Affordable Housing was the subject of Bay Area League Day in San Jose on January 28, sponsored by LWVBay Area. Many of our members attended. LWVPA sponsored a talk: “Can We Ever Get Rid of the Electoral College?” by Jack Rakove, Professor of History at Stanford, on January 11. About 400 people attended this event, more than any other LWV talk in recent history. ACLU lawyer Nayna Gupta spoke on Civil Rights on February 7 at Lunch with League.

    Advocacy Report by Lisa Ratner

  • LWVPA !5 March, 2017

    New Voices (NV4Y) Update

    New Voices for Youth (NV4Y) is beginning 2017 with programs at Siena Youth Center in North Fair Oaks and a new location, the Boys and Girls Club in East Palo Alto. Our Siena Youth Center group, located in the North Fair

    Oaks area of unincorporated Redwood City, is involved in their neighborhood issues: gentrification and the associated pressure on affordable housing. The NV4Y kids, all Latino, feel the effect of economic pressure around them. In addition, they are aware of the possible effect of changes in federal immigration policies. The Boys and Girls Club has not had a video program for several years, so they were enthusiastic about sponsoring one twice a week. Jose Saavedra (aka “Lalo”), who teaches in both East Palo Alto and North Fair Oaks, says the Boys & Girls Club kids are enthusiastic and engaged. The program is modeled on our Siena Youth Center group’s activities which have been going for more than five years. Kids will learn to video interviews of each other and their friends and family and then work on short topics that affect their lives. We are also looking for venues to screen last year’s video from Menlo-Atherton (M-A) about college prep titled “M-A Students Speak Out: The Truth about College”. Next month, we have been invited to attend two evening meetings of the Foundation for a College Education in East Palo Alto.

    The important job of keeping NV4Y funded continues. In early January, we submitted our first-round proposal for funding from the Palo Alto Weekly’s Holiday Fund. The Holiday Fund has been a generous supporter of New Voices for three years and we hope will continue their support. Finally, we have received LWV Palo Alto’s $1000 contribution to New Voices. We greatly appreciate the endorsement and support of LWVPA and we would certainly welcome additional participation from LWVPA on our Steering Committee. Finally, in the background, the Steering Committee is getting ready for a Spring fundraising mailer. Thanks in advance for your support!

    Veronica Tincher Co-Chair, New Voices for Youth Steering Committee

    First Call to LWVC Convention What: The 66th State Convention of the League of Women Voters of California When: 10 am, Friday, June 2, through 3 pm, Sunday, June 4, 2017, with a special pre-Convention event on Thursday, June 1, 2017. Where: The Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel,Sacramento, CA Who: Attendance at Convention is open to everyone; we encourage all members to attend and are eager for the public to come learn about the League. We ask that you extend invitations to your friends and contacts. LWVPA can send seven voting delegates, but others can attend as nonvoting members. A Capitol ConnectionThe purpose of Convention is to inspire and empower Californians to increase their active and informed participation in civic life. Come meet passionate people from across the state who are making democracy work! Our theme is A Capitol Connection. Read more about speakers, workshops, special activities, and more on our blog:

    New Voices For Youth (NV4Y) is an after-school program for youth in Redwood City, Belle Haven and East Palo Alto designed to encourage civic engagement through video production. It was founded by the Leagues of Palo Alto and South San Mateo in 2004. For more information see:

    Luis, a long-time NV4Y participant, films the fourth march since October to originate at Siena

  • LWVPA !6 March, 2017

    Membership Update We are now 319 strong and growing! Please come to our

    New Member Orientation and Action Evenings.

    Join us for dessert and postcard writing and learn how you can get involved!

    Thursday, February 16 at 7:30 pm, or Wednesday, March 29 at 7:30 pm

    Location: 2421 Bryant Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301 RSVP to [email protected]

    Thank you again for being part of this work —because Democracy is not a spectator sport.

    Lynne Russell and Megan Swezey Fogarty, Membership Chairs

    Nayna Gupta Speaks to Full Room at February Lunch with League

    The speaker for our February Lunch with League was Nayna Gupta, Attorney for the ACLU of Northern California. Ms. Gupta spoke about the ACLU’s lawsuits against the travel ban executive order, and how the presence of dedicated police units in several California school districts exacerbates the problem of a 'school to prison pipeline’. Thank you to Maureen O’Kicki for organizing this popular event, and thank you to the First Congregational Church for use of the meeting room.

    Sue Hermsen

    ACLU attorney Nayna Gupta speaks at LWVPA’s February Lunch with League at the First Congregational Church.

    Local League Members Interview Our New CA Assemblymember

    Our own Lisa Ratner and Bonnie Packer joined Ellen Wheeler of the Los Altos/Mountain View League; Jackie Jacobberger of the North & Central San Mateo League; and Linda Davis of the Cupertino/Sunnyvale League to interview Assemblymember Marc Berman at his office in January.

    Program Planning

    Thanks to the following for all their help at Program Planning on Feb. 4: logistics team, Mary Alice Thornton, Ellen Forbes and Phyllis Cassel; our wonderful facilitator, Ellen Smith; excellent scribes, Karen Kalinsky and Ellen Forbes; Sigrid Pinsky, who helped transcribe and tabulate the notes; those board members who brought food and drinks; and, of course, Sandra Slater for the use of her home.

    Bonnie Packer

    for Palo Alto’s Stormwater

    Maintenance Fee. Watch for your

    Mail-in-Ballot on February 24!

    From Left to Right:: Lisa Ratner, Ellen Wheeler, Jackie Jacobberger, Marc Berman, Bonnie Packer, Linda Davis.

  • LWVPA !7 March, 2017

    Like Us on Facebook League-of-Women-Voters-of-Palo-Alto

    Follow Us on Twitter


    It’s easy to join the LWVPA —Do it now! You will be glad you did. Joining at the local level makes you a member at all levels: National, State, Bay Area and Palo Alto. Voting membership is now open to non-citizens and to individuals 16 years of age or older. Men are encouraged to join. Dues grants are available.

    For more information, call the League office (650) 903-0600.



    City_________________________________________________ Zip_____________________

    Phone (day)____________(evening)______________email_____________________________ Annual membership: $70. Additional membership, same address: $35. Student membership: $35.

    Mail check with this form to LWVPA, 3921 E. Bayshore Road, Suite 209, Palo Alto, CA 94303. You can also join or renew online via PayPal at Membership dues to the LWVPA are not tax deductible.

    The LWVPA Book Group will meet

    Friday, March 31, at 10 am to discuss:

    Strangers in Their Own  Land:  Anger and

    Mourning on the American Right

    by Arlie Russell Hochschild       

    The meeting will be at the home of Betty Gerard. Visitors are welcome.

    Welcome, New Members ! Sarah Bagwell, Katherine Bass,

    Nina Friend, Hamilton Hitchings,

    Carol Hsu, Michele Kasper, Jane Moss,

    Lisa Peschcke-Koedt, Jennifer Sampson,

    Maggi Smeal, Nancy Smith

    We are so glad you have joined the League.

    Donate Online

    Thank you to all the board and off-board members who reviewed this VOTER, and for the invaluable proofreading of Ellen Forbes, Betty Gerard, Bonnie Packer, Lynne Russell, and Karen Kalinsky.

    Sue Hermsen, VOTER Editor

    Ruth Lacey We sadly note that Ruth Lacey, former LWVPA co-president (1997-99), passed away last month. Ruth loved the League deeply and served it in many ways. She was very well organized and responsible. She did research, wrote, and even took training at the Midpen Media Center so that she could record and edit our events, quite a gift. She also left LWVPA a beautiful framed poster celebrating the national League's 75th anniversary. This poster hung proudly in Ruth’s living room and is now in our office. We miss her talents, dedication and ready wit.

    Ellen Forbes

  • LWVPA !8 March, 2017


    League of Women Voters of Palo Alto 3921 E. Bayshore Road, Suite 209 Palo Alto, CA 94303 (650) 903-0600

    Address Services Requested

    Dated Material Please Expedite

    How to contact your elected officials:UNITED STATES President Donald Trump (202) 456-1414 Senator Dianne Feinstein (415) 393-0707 - click “email me” Senator Kamala Harris (415) 403-0100 Rep. Anna Eshoo (650) 323-2984

    CALIFORNIA Governor Jerry Brown (916) 445-2841 Senator Jerry Hill (650) 212-3313 Marc Berman (650) 691-2121

    SANTA CLARA COUNTY Supervisor Joe Simitian (650) 965-8737 [email protected]

    OTHER AREAS in CALIFORNIA Locate your elected officials with your street address

    Thu, Feb 16, 7:30 pm New Member Mtg. Fogarty

    Tue, Mar 8 VOTER Deadline

    Sat, Mar 11, 9:30 am-4 pm League Leadership Academy 2303 Zanker Rd, San Jose

    Wed, Mar 15, 7:00 pm How to Navigate Information in a World of Fake News and Alternative Facts TBA

    Tue, Mar 28, 7-9:30 pm Board Mtg PCC, Raptor Room

    Thu, Mar 29, 7:30 pm New Member Mtg. Fogarty

    Fri, Mar 31, 10 am Book Group Gerard

    Sat, May 13 Annual Meeting TBA

    Fri, Jun 2 - Sun, Jun 4 LWVC Convention Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel, Sacramento[email protected]://[email protected]://

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