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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide

Note: Videos of me playing almost all of the blitz matches using each class with audio commentary can be found on You Tube. The General Information section of each blitz contains the details (or search YouTube for “mnc boxsox”). The videos include me rambling on aimlessly while showing you how to achieve stupidly high rankings in each blitz (except the Scramble Blitz because I still suck at that).

This guide will cover general information about Monday Night Combat, the four key elements to a successful blitz, general strategies, round specific strategies, and the initial rounds of game play for every blitz. I highly recommend reading (ok, maybe just skimming) the entire guide before attempting to use these strategies. Other than the bot breakouts, avoid the details section unless you run into problems. I included those sections just in case you cannot find strategies that work for you.

Please remember that this is a “guide” not a tips and tricks. When I do lay down some of the coolness that is the box, it will be in sections labeled Box Tops:. These are some of the most awesomest (I know it’s not a word) things that I have discovered in Blitz. Also, what works for me and the others whose strategies are included may not work for everyone. This guide is meant to give you basic information about the game (I seem to have forgotten that idea though) and a look into how the pros’ approach each match. Try different setups and techniques if these strategies do not work for you.

First of all, why should you follow my advice (when shooting me is so much more fun)? My name is John Bowersox and my X-Box ID is Boxsox. In the overall rankings worldwide I am ranked #1 in the world for both the Season Blitz and the Playoff Blitz. I am ranked #3 in the world for the Sudden Death Blitz and I am #4 in the world for the Exhibition Blitz. Also, I am ranked in the top 7 players for 23 out of 36 single rankings and I am in the top 1% in 34 out of 36 blitz rankings (6 blitz matches / 6 classes) worldwide. So it goes without saying that I have figured out a few things about Blitz. Box Tops: I have found a strategy that while it takes forever (4 hours for $30,000), allows you to get unlimited money in 5 blitz matches. I like being #1 so I’m not giving you that one.

If you take nothing else away from this guide, make absolutely sure you pay attention to this next part as it is probably the single most important thing in this entire guide. “DON’T SHOOT THE BOX”. As long as you remember that, everything will be fine. NTB: stands for “Not The Box” and is awesomeness from another player.

While very long and boring, the sections entitled “Walkthrough(s)” cover in-depth strategies for each of the matches. You may want to skip those sections if not necessary (unless you are having trouble sleeping).

This guide is only what I have come up with based on my gameplay and what others have told me. If you find better strategies or would like to fill up my “hate mail” inbox, please feel free to drop me a line. I may, depending on how good they are, include suggestions and/or hate mail in future revisions. The E-mail address for this is [email protected] . I rarely check this email so you may need to message me on X-box that you sent me an email so that I can ignore you in as many ways as possible (actually, just to remind me to check my messages).

I am aware that I have taken this far too seriously and have gone way too far with this guide. However, if it helps others in their gameplay as it has helped me (doing this has caused me develop and refine these strategies), then I will consider this a success regardless of what you say about me.

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Acknowledgements: I cannot thank Bob Berry and the rest of the team at Uber Entertainment enough. They have made me feel that this project

was worth the time and effort. I also want to thank Sean McGilvray at Wikia for help negotiating some of the legal aspects of this guide. The “X-Box Live” gamers I wish to thank (using their X-Box ID’s) are: “Fearless Feedle” who has been a part of this almost from the very beginning and to whom I am indebted. His pointing out all of my mistakes (that’s actually a good thing) has been invaluable and has helped me refine and improve not only this guide, but my gameplay as well. Thanks also go out to “WhatWouldJonDo” and “Lueight” for their strategies with classes I am unfamiliar with. “Don’tTAZERme”, “RHEMtron”, and Fearless Feedle” all helped me get the information I needed to cover all of the multi-player blitz games so their help was made it possible for me to have absolutely no life what so ever so thanks (I think) to them. Pepsi Remake and botpunch2les kicked down some very helpful details about some of the games class and general information so they are now cool people also. Thank you “Gunked” for staying awake long enough (most likely) to proof the guide and for providing feedback. Without any of you, this guide would not have been possible.

Copyright Information: All graphics and information in this guide are either taken directly from personal gameplay with written permission from

Uber Entertainment or the originator has been cited with the initial work and is referenced per APA standard in the “References” section of the guide.

©2010 Uber Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Monday Night Combat is a trademark of Uber Entertainment. ©2009-2010.

Uber Entertainment and the Uber logo are trademarks of Uber Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

This game has been rated “T” for teen by the Entertainment Software Rating Board

The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.

Unreal, the circle-U logo and the Powered by Unreal Technology logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Epic

Games Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. All other marks are property of their respective owners.

Uber Entertainment does not administer, nor are they liable for any aspect of this guide. The author of the master document does not ensure the validity or legal use of any information within guides that are not licensed. All rights reserved.

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a


Table of Contents

1 General Information .................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 The Goal of Blitz Matches ................................................................................................................................... 1

Figure #1: Moneyball with 100% shields ................................................................................................................. 1 Figure #2: Moneyball with 50% shields ................................................................................................................... 1 Figure #3: Moneyball with shields down ................................................................................................................. 1 Figure #4: Moneyball health bar w/ percentages ..................................................................................................... 1

1.2 The Arenas ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Figure #5: The Annihilator ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Figure #6: Sprintz Arena Details .............................................................................................................................. 2 Figure #7: Bot Spawn and Path Details – Sprintz Arena ............................................................................................ 2 Figure #8: Survivitol Arena Details .......................................................................................................................... 3 Figure #9: Bot Spawn and Path Details – Survivitol Arena ........................................................................................ 3

1.3 Screen Information ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Figure #10: Screen Information ............................................................................................................................... 4

1.4 Controls ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Figure #11: Standard Controller Setup ..................................................................................................................... 5 Figure #12: Standard Tactical Controller Setup ........................................................................................................ 5 Figure #13 Southpaw Controller Setup .................................................................................................................... 5 Figure #14: Southpaw Tactical Controller Setup ...................................................................................................... 5

1.5 Bullseye ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Figure #15: Bullseye ............................................................................................................................................... 5

1.6 Power-Ups ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Table #1: Power-Up Details .................................................................................................................................... 6

1.7 Clones ................................................................................................................................................................ 6

1.8 Prestige Information ........................................................................................................................................... 6

Gunner Class ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Table #2: Skills Matrix – Gunner Class ...................................................................................................................... 8

Tank Class ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Table #3: Skills Matrix – Tank Class ........................................................................................................................ 10

Support Class ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Table #4: Skills Matrix – Support Class ................................................................................................................... 12

Assault Class ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Table #5: Skills Matrix – Assault Class ..................................................................................................................... 14

Assassin Class ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Table #6: Skills Matrix – Assassin Class ................................................................................................................... 16

Sniper Class ........................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Table #7: Skills Matrix – Sniper Class ...................................................................................................................... 18

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1.9 Bots .................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Slim ................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Blackjack .......................................................................................................................................................... 19 Gremlin ........................................................................................................................................................... 19 Buzzer .............................................................................................................................................................. 19 Gap-Shot .......................................................................................................................................................... 20 Scrambler ........................................................................................................................................................ 20 Bouncer ............................................................................................................................................................ 20 Jackbot XL ........................................................................................................................................................ 20

1.10 Turrets .............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Table #8: Turret Details ......................................................................................................................................... 21

2 The 4 Key Elements to a Successful Blitz .................................................................................. 21 I Turrets ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 II Multi and Consecutive Jackbot Rounds ........................................................................................................ 21 III Picking the Right Sponsors .......................................................................................................................... 21 IV The First and Last 5 ..................................................................................................................................... 21

2.1 Turrets .............................................................................................................................................................. 22 2.1.1 General Turret Build Information ................................................................................................................ 22 2.1.2 Turret Build Placements ............................................................................................................................. 22

2.2 Multi and Consecutive Jackbot Rounds .............................................................................................................. 23

2.3 Picking the Right Sponsors ................................................................................................................................. 23 Table #9: Sponsor Breakdown ............................................................................................................................... 24 Table #10: Sponsor Build Table .............................................................................................................................. 24

2.4 The First and Last 5 ............................................................................................................................................ 24

3 General Blitz Strategies ........................................................................................................... 25 3.1 General Blitz Strategies – Sprintz arena .............................................................................................................. 25

3.2 General Blitz Strategies – Survivitol Arena .......................................................................................................... 25

3.3 General Blitz Strategies – Sponsors .................................................................................................................... 25

3.4 General Blitz Strategies – Turrets ....................................................................................................................... 26

3.5 General Blitz Strategies – Bot Handling .............................................................................................................. 26

3.6 General Blitz Strategies – Controlling the Lanes .................................................................................................. 26

3.7 General Blitz Strategies – Juice ........................................................................................................................... 27 Table #11: Juice Status Effects ............................................................................................................................... 27

3.8 General Blitz Strategies – The Annihilator .......................................................................................................... 27

3.9 General Blitz Strategies – Improving Game Play ................................................................................................. 27

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4 Exhibition Blitz ........................................................................................................................ 28 4.1 Exhibition Blitz – General Information ................................................................................................................ 28

Table #12: Beat The Box – Exhibition Blitz ............................................................................................................ 28

4.2 Exhibition Blitz – Single Player Match ................................................................................................................. 28

4.2.1 Single Player Match – General Information .................................................................................................. 28

4.2.2 Single Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection ....................................................................................... 28

4.2.3 Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .............................................................................. 28 Figure #17: Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ............................................................. 28 Table #13: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order .................................................................................... 29

4.2.4 Single Player Match – The Breakouts .......................................................................................................... 29 Table #14: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ................................................................................ 29

4.2.5 Single Player Match – Walkthrough ............................................................................................................ 29

4.3 Exhibition Blitz – 2 Player Match ........................................................................................................................ 30

4.3.1 2 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 30

4.3.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 30

4.3.3 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 30 Figure #18: 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .................................................................... 31 Table #15: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................... 31

4.3.4 2 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 31 Table #16: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ........................................................................................ 31

4.3.5 2 Player Match – Walkthrough .................................................................................................................... 31

4.4 Exhibition Blitz – 3 Player Match ........................................................................................................................ 32

4.4.1 3 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 32

4.4.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 33

4.4.3 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 33 Figure #19: 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .................................................................... 33 Table #17: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................... 33

4.4.4 3 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 33 Table #18: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ........................................................................................ 33

4.4.5 3 Player Match – Bot Strategies ................................................................................................................... 33

4.5 Exhibition Blitz – 4 Player Match ........................................................................................................................ 34

4.5.1 4 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 34

4.5.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 34

4.5.3 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 34 Figure #20: 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .................................................................... 35 Table #19: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................... 35

4.5.4 4 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 35 Table #20: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ........................................................................................ 35

4.5.5 4 Player Match – Bot Strategies ................................................................................................................... 35

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5 Season Blitz ............................................................................................................................. 37 5.1 Season Blitz – General Information .................................................................................................................... 37

Table #21: Beat The Box – Season Blitz ................................................................................................................. 37

5.2 Season Blitz – Single Player Match ..................................................................................................................... 37

5.2.1 Single Player Match – General Information .................................................................................................. 37

5.2.2 Single Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection ....................................................................................... 37

5.2.3 Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .............................................................................. 37 Figure #21: Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ............................................................. 37 Table #22: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order .................................................................................... 38

5.2.4 Single Player Match – The Breakouts .......................................................................................................... 38 Table #23: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ................................................................................ 38

5.2.5 Single Player Match – Walkthrough ............................................................................................................ 38

5.3 Season Blitz – 2 Player Match ............................................................................................................................ 40

5.3.1 2 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 40

5.3.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 40

5.3.3 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 41 Figure #22: 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .................................................................... 41 Table #24: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................... 41

5.3.4 2 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 41 Table #25: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ........................................................................................ 41

5.3.5 2 Player Match – Bot Strategies ................................................................................................................... 41

5.4 Season Blitz – 3 Player Match ............................................................................................................................ 43

5.4.1 3 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 43

5.4.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 43

5.4.3 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 43 Figure #23: 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .................................................................... 43 Table #26: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................... 43

5.4.4 3 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 44 Table #27: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ........................................................................................ 44

5.4.5 3 Player Match – Bot Strategies ................................................................................................................... 44

5.5 Season Blitz – 4 Player Match ............................................................................................................................ 46

5.5.1 4 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 46

5.5.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 46

5.5.3 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 46 Figure #24: 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .................................................................... 46 Table #28: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................... 46

5.5.4 4 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 47 Table #29: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ........................................................................................ 47

5.5.5 4 Player Match – Bot Strategies ................................................................................................................... 47

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6 Playoff Blitz ............................................................................................................................ 50

6.1 Playoff Blitz – General Information .................................................................................................................... 50 Table #30: Beat The Box – Playoff Blitz ................................................................................................................. 50

6.2 Playoff Blitz – Single Player Match ..................................................................................................................... 50

6.2.1 Single Player Match – General Information .................................................................................................. 50

6.2.2 Single Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection ....................................................................................... 50

6.2.3 Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .............................................................................. 50 Figure #25: Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ............................................................. 50 Table #31: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order .................................................................................... 51

6.2.4 Single Player Match – The Breakouts .......................................................................................................... 51 Table #32: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ................................................................................ 51

6.2.5 Single Player Match – Walkthrough ............................................................................................................ 51

6.3 Playoff Blitz – 2 Player Match ............................................................................................................................ 54

6.3.1 2 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 54

6.3.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 54

6.3.3 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 54 Figure #26: 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .................................................................... 54 Table #33: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................... 54

6.3.4 2 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 55 Table #34: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ........................................................................................ 55

6.3.5 2 Player Match – Walkthrough .................................................................................................................... 55

6.4 Playoff Blitz – 3 Player Match ............................................................................................................................ 57

6.4.1 3 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 57

6.4.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 58

6.4.3 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 58 Figure #27: 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .................................................................... 58 Table #35: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................... 58

6.4.4 3 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 59 Table #36: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ........................................................................................ 59

6.4.5 3 Player Match – Walkthrough .................................................................................................................... 59

6.5 Playoff Blitz – 4 Player Match ............................................................................................................................ 61

6.5.1 4 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 61

6.5.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 62

6.5.3 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 62 Figure #28: 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .................................................................... 62 Table #37: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................... 62

6.5.4 4 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 63 Table #38: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ........................................................................................ 63

6.5.5 4 Player Match – Walkthrough .................................................................................................................... 63

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7 The Scramble Blitz .................................................................................................................. 66 7.1 The Scramble Blitz – General Information .......................................................................................................... 66

Table #39: Beat The Box – The Scramble Blitz ....................................................................................................... 66

7.2 The Scramble Blitz – Single Player Match ........................................................................................................... 67

7.2.1 Single Player Match – General Information .................................................................................................. 67

7.2.2 Single Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection ....................................................................................... 67

7.2.3 Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .............................................................................. 67 Figure #29: Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ............................................................. 67 Table #40: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order .................................................................................... 67

7.2.4 Single Player Match – Walkthrough ............................................................................................................. 68 Table #41: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ................................................................................ 68

7.2.5 Single Player Match – Walkthrough ............................................................................................................ 68

7.3 The Scramble Blitz – 2 Player Match ................................................................................................................... 69

7.3.1 2 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 69

7.3.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 69

7.3.3 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 69 Figure #30: 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order .................................................................... 69 Table #42: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................... 69

7.3.4 2 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 70 Table #43: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ........................................................................................ 70

7.3.5 2 Player Match – Walkthrough .................................................................................................................... 70

7.4 The Scramble Blitz – 3 Player Match ................................................................................................................... 71

7.4.1 3 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 71

7.4.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 71

7.4.3 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 71 Figure #31: 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ............................................................................ 71 Table #44: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order ................................................................................................... 71

7.4.4 3 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 72 Table #45: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ................................................................................................ 72

7.4.5 3 Player Match – Walkthrough .................................................................................................................... 72

7.5 The Scramble Blitz – 4 Player Match ................................................................................................................... 73

7.5.1 4 Player Match – General Information ......................................................................................................... 73

7.5.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection .............................................................................................. 73

7.5.3 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ...................................................................................... 73 Figure #32: 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order ............................................................................ 73 Table #46: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order ................................................................................................... 73

7.5.4 4 Player Match – The Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 74 Table #47: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout ................................................................................................ 74

7.5.5 4 Player Match – Walkthrough .................................................................................................................... 74

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8 Sudden Death Blitz .................................................................................................................. 75 8.1 Sudden Death Blitz – General Information ......................................................................................................... 75

Table #48: Beat The Box – Sudden Death Blitz ...................................................................................................... 75

8.2 Sudden Death – Bot Paths ................................................................................................................................. 75 Figure #33: Sudden Death Blitz – Bot Path Details ................................................................................................ 75

8.3 Sudden Death Blitz – Single Player Match .......................................................................................................... 75

8.3.1 Single Player Match – General Information .................................................................................................. 75

8.3.2 Single Player Match – Sponsor Selection ...................................................................................................... 76

8.3.3 Single Player Match – Turret Build Order .................................................................................................... 76 Figure #34: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order ................................................................................... 76 Figure #35: Single Player Match – Firebase Placement .................................................................................. 77 Table #49: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order .................................................................................... 77

8.3.4 Single Player Match – Consecutive Jackbot Rounds ...................................................................................... 77

8.3.5 Single Player Match – General Strategies .................................................................................................... 77

8.3.6 Single Player Match – Round Specific Strategies ........................................................................................... 78 Slim bot, Blackjack, and Slim bot / Blackjack Rounds .................................................................................... 78 Gremlin Rounds .......................................................................................................................................... 78 Buzzer / Gap-shot Rounds Rounds ............................................................................................................... 78 Scrambler Rounds ....................................................................................................................................... 78 Bouncer Rounds .......................................................................................................................................... 78 Jackbot Rounds ........................................................................................................................................... 78

8.3.7 Single Player Match – The Breakouts ........................................................................................................... 79 Table #50: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds) .......................................................... 79 Table #51: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)................................................... 80 Table #52: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds) ..................................................... 80

8.3.8 Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts ................................................................................................ 80

8.3.9 Single Player Match – Walkthroughs............................................................................................................ 80

8.3.10 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Gunner Class ................................................................................................ 81 Figure #36: Sudden Death Round Matrix – Gunner Class .............................................................................. 82

8.3.11 Fixed Rounds (1 – 50) Gunner Class ............................................................................................................. 83

8.3.12 Transition Rounds (51 – 60) and Random Rounds (61+) Gunner Class ........................................................... 87

8.3.13 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Tank Class .................................................................................................... 87 Figure #37: Sudden Death Round Matrix – Tank Class .................................................................................. 88

8.3.14 Fixed Rounds (1 – 50) Tank Class ................................................................................................................. 89

8.3.15 Transition Rounds (51 – 60) and Random Rounds (61+) Tank Class ............................................................... 92

8.3.16 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Support Class ............................................................................................... 93 Figure #38: Sudden Death Round Matrix – Support Class .............................................................................. 94

8.3.17 Fixed Rounds (1 – 50) Support Class ............................................................................................................. 95 Figure #39: Firebase Placement ................................................................................................................... 95

8.3.18 Transition Rounds (51 – 60) and Random Rounds (61+) Support Class .......................................................... 99

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8.3.19 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Assault Class.............................................................................................. 100 Figure #40: Sudden Death Round Matrix – Assault Class ............................................................................ 101

8.3.20 Fixed Rounds (1 – 50) Assault Class ........................................................................................................... 101

8.3.21 Transition Rounds (51 – 60) and Random Rounds (61+) Assault Class ........................................................ 106

8.3.22 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Assassin Class ............................................................................................ 106 Figure #41: Sudden Death Round Matrix – Assassin Class .......................................................................... 107

8.3.23 Fixed Rounds (1 – 50) Assassin Class ......................................................................................................... 107

8.3.24 Transition Rounds (51 – 60) and Random Rounds (61+) Assassin Class ....................................................... 112

8.3.25 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Sniper Class ............................................................................................... 112 Figure #42: Sudden Death Round Matrix – Sniper Class ............................................................................. 113

8.3.26 Fixed Rounds (1 – 50) Sniper Class ............................................................................................................ 113

8.3.27 Transition Rounds (51 – 60) and Random Rounds (61+) Sniper Class .......................................................... 117

8.4 Sudden Death Blitz – 2 Player Match ............................................................................................................... 118

8.4.1 2 Player Match – General Information ...................................................................................................... 118

8.4.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selections .......................................................................................... 118

8.4.3 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order ......................................................................................................... 119 Figure #43: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order ....................................................................................... 119 Figure #44: 2 Player Match – Firebase Placement ...................................................................................... 119 Table #53: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................ 119

8.4.4 2 Player Match – Consecutive Jackbot Rounds .......................................................................................... 120

8.4.5 2 Player Match – General Strategies ......................................................................................................... 120

8.4.6 2 Player Match – The Breakouts ............................................................................................................... 120 General Information ................................................................................................................................ 120

Table #54: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds) .............................................................. 121 Table #55: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds) ....................................................... 121 Table #56: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds) ......................................................... 121

8.4.7 2 Player Match Walkthrough – Fixed Rounds (1 through 50)...................................................................... 121

8.4.8 2 Player Match Walkthrough – Transition ( 51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+) ............................... 124

8.5 Sudden Death Blitz – 3 Player Match ............................................................................................................... 125

8.5.1 3 Player Match – General Information ...................................................................................................... 125

8.5.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selections ........................................................................................... 125

8.5.3 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order ......................................................................................................... 125 Figure #45: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order ....................................................................................... 126 Table #57: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order ......................................................................................... 126 Figure #46: 3 Player Match – Firebase Placement ...................................................................................... 126

8.5.4 3 Player Match – Consecutive Jackbot Rounds .......................................................................................... 127

8.5.5 3 Player Match – General Strategies ......................................................................................................... 127

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8.5.6 3 Player Match – The Breakouts ............................................................................................................... 127 General Information ................................................................................................................................ 127

8.5.7 3 Player Match Walkthrough –Bot Spawn Breakout .................................................................................. 128 Table #58: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds) .............................................................. 128 Table #59: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds) ....................................................... 128 Table #60: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds) ......................................................... 129

8.5.8 3 Player Match Walkthrough – Fixed Rounds (1 through 50)...................................................................... 129

8.5.9 3 Player Match Walkthrough – Transition ( 51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+) ............................... 132

8.6 Sudden Death Blitz – 4 Player Match ............................................................................................................... 133

8.6.1 4 Player Match – General Information ...................................................................................................... 133

8.6.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selections .......................................................................................... 133

8.6.3 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order ......................................................................................................... 134 Figure #47: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................ 134 Table #61: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order ........................................................................................ 134 Figure #48: 4 Player Match – Firebase Placement ...................................................................................... 134

8.6.4 4 Player Match – Consecutive Jackbot Rounds .......................................................................................... 135

8.6.5 4 Player Match – General Information ...................................................................................................... 135

8.6.6 4 Player Match – The Breakouts ............................................................................................................... 135 General Information ................................................................................................................................ 135

8.6.7 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts ..................................................................................................... 136 Table #62: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds) .............................................................. 136 Table #63: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds) ....................................................... 136 Table #64: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds) ......................................................... 137

8.6.8 4 Player Match Walkthrough – Fixed Rounds (1 through 50)...................................................................... 137

8.6.9 4 Player Match Walkthrough – Transition ( 51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+) ............................... 141

9 Super Sudden Death Blitz 9.1 Super Sudden Death Blitz – General Information .............................................................................................. 142

Table #65: Beat The Box – Supper Sudden Death Blitz ....................................................................................... 142 Figure #49: Super Sudden Death Blitz – Buzzer Safe Spot ................................................................................... 142

9.2 Super Sudden Death Blitz – Bot Paths .............................................................................................................. 143 Figure #50: Super Sudden Death Blitz – Bot Spawns and Bot Paths .................................................................... 143

9.3 Super Sudden Death Blitz – Single Player Match ................................................................................................ 143

9.3.1 Single Player Match – General Information ................................................................................................ 143 9.3.2 Single Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection ..................................................................................... 143 9.3.3 Single Player – Turret Build Order .............................................................................................................. 143

Figure #51: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order ................................................................................. 144 Table #66: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order ................................................................................... 144

9.3.4 Single Player Match – General Strategies ................................................................................................... 144

9.3.5 Single Player Match – Bot Breakouts ......................................................................................................... 144

Figure #52: Single Player Match – Multi-Jackbot Example ........................................................................... 145 Table #67: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts .............................................................................. 146

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9.4 Single Player Match – Walkthroughs ................................................................................................................. 146 9.4.1 Single Player Walkthrough – Gunner Class ................................................................................................. 146 9.4.2 Single Player Walkthrough – Tank Class ..................................................................................................... 151 9.4.3 Single Player Walkthrough – Support Class ................................................................................................ 155

Figure #53: Super Sudden Death – Single Player Firebase Positions ............................................................ 155 Figure #54: Super Sudden Death – Firebase 1st Position .............................................................................. 155 Figure #55: Super Sudden Death – Firebase 2nd Position ............................................................................ 155

9.4.4 Single Player Walkthrough – Assault Class ................................................................................................. 160 9.4.5 Single Player Walkthrough – Assassin Class ................................................................................................ 163 9.4.6 Single Player Walkthrough – Sniper Class ................................................................................................... 167

9.5 Super Sudden Death Blitz – 2 Player Match ....................................................................................................... 171 9.5.1 2 Player Match – General Information ....................................................................................................... 171

9.5.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection ............................................................................................ 171

9.5.3 2 Player Match – General Strategies .......................................................................................................... 171

9.5.4 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order .......................................................................................................... 172

Figure #56: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order ......................................................................................... 172 Table #68: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order .......................................................................................... 172

9.5.5 2 Player Match – Bot Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 172 Table #69: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts ..................................................................................... 173

9.5.6 2 Player Match – Walkthrough .................................................................................................................. 173

9.6 Super Sudden Death Blitz – 3 Player Match ....................................................................................................... 177

9.6.1 3 Player Match – General Information ....................................................................................................... 177 9.6.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection ............................................................................................ 177 9.6.3 3 Player Match – General Strategies .......................................................................................................... 177 9.6.4 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order .......................................................................................................... 178

Figure #57: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order ......................................................................................... 178 Table #70: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order .......................................................................................... 178

9.6.5 3 Player Match – Bot Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 178 Table #71: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts ..................................................................................... 179

9.6.6 3 Player Match – Walkthrough .................................................................................................................. 179

9.7 Super Sudden Death Blitz – 4 Player Match ....................................................................................................... 182

9.7.1 4 Player Match – General Information ....................................................................................................... 182 9.7.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection ............................................................................................ 183 9.7.3 4 Player Match – General Strategies .......................................................................................................... 183 9.7.4 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order .......................................................................................................... 183

Figure #58: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order ......................................................................................... 183 Table #72: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order .......................................................................................... 183

9.7.5 4 Player Match – Bot Breakouts ................................................................................................................. 184 Table #73: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts ..................................................................................... 184

9.7.6 4 Player Match – Walkthrough .................................................................................................................. 185

Appendix A – Glossary ............................................................................................................................. A1

Appendix B – Index ................................................................................................................................. A7

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Appendix C – Printable Summaries .......................................................................................................... A9

Sprintz Arena Summary ..........................................................................................................................................A9

Survivitol Arena Summary .................................................................................................................................... A10

Turret Summary ................................................................................................................................................... A11

Power-Up Summary ............................................................................................................................................. A11

Skills Summaries .................................................................................................................................................. A12 Gunner Skills Summary ................................................................................................................................. A12 Tank Skills Summary ..................................................................................................................................... A12 Support Summary ........................................................................................................................................ A13 Assault Summary .......................................................................................................................................... A13 Assassin Summary ........................................................................................................................................ A14 Sniper Summary ........................................................................................................................................... A14

Sponsors Summary .............................................................................................................................................. A15

Exhibition Blitz Summary ..................................................................................................................................... A16

Season Blitz Summary .......................................................................................................................................... A17

Playoff Blitz Summary .......................................................................................................................................... A19

The Scramble Blitz Summary ................................................................................................................................ A21

Sudden Death Blitz Summary ............................................................................................................................... A23

Supper Sudden Death Blitz Summary .................................................................................................................... A29

Appendix D – Strategy Guide Legal Information..................................................................................... A34

Appendix E – References ....................................................................................................................... A34

Note: The table of contents is hyperlinked. Using the left mouse button on a line will take you directly to that section

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1 General Information

1.1 The Goal of Blitz Matches

The goal of blitz matches is to either keep the Moneyball alive for a specified number of rounds, or in the case of Sudden

Death and Super Sudden Death, to keep the Moneyball alive for as long as possible. This is done by preventing the

Moneyball from taking damage. The Moneyball has shields in place to keep it from taking damage (see Figure #1, Figure

#2, and Figure #3). As long as the shields are up, the Moneyball health bar (see Figure #4) will not decrease. When the

shields take damage they separate from the Moneyball. The Moneyball shields have 1000 hit points (HP). When the

shields go down, they will stay down until the Moneyball has not taken any damage for 30 seconds. The Moneyball itself

has 4000 HP. Should the Moneyball have only 1 hit point remaining, the shields will not come back up. The Moneyball

health bar also displays the status of the shields. At full strength, there is a silver shield icon located on the right side of

the health bar. When the shields are hit, the color of the shield turns to red and the shield begins to flash. When the

shields fail, the shield icon goes away.

Figure #1: Moneyball with 100% shields Figure #2: Moneyball with 50% shields Figure #3: Moneyball with shields down

Figure #4: Moneyball Health Bar (w/percentages)

1.2 The Arenas

All Monday Night Combat Blitz matches except for Super Sudden Death take place in the “Sprintz” arena (see Figure #6 and

Figure #7). Super Sudden Death takes place in the “Survivitol” arena (see Figure #8 and Figure #9).

Above each arena is an Annihilator (see figure #5). When activated, the Annihilator sends a damaging field throughout the

entire arena. The Annihilator severely damages all bots and pros’ that are not on the same team as the person who

activated the Annihilator. All bots except Jackbots are killed instantly and all Jackbots and opposing clones are severely

damaged. Note: the Annihilator only damages other pro’s in the Crossfire matches.

Figure #5: The Annihilator

75% 50% 25% 5% 10% 90% 95%

Shield Icon

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The Sprintz arena (see Figure #6) has 12 turret nubs (red markers), 4 jump pads (white markers), 5 bot spawns (black

markers), 3 ejector pads (blue markers), 2 juice stations (teal markers), 1 annihilator pad (purple maker), and 1

annihilator (yellow marker: the annihilator is located above the arena).

Figure #6: Sprintz Arena Details (StarPilot, 2010)

The bot paths for the 6 bot spawns are detailed in the following figure (see Figure #7).

Figure #7: Sprintz Arena Bot Spawns and Paths

FL – front left; FR – front right; L – left; R – right; BL – back left; BR – back right.




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The Survivitol Arena (see Figure #8) has 12 Turret nubs (red markers), 6 jump pads (white markers), 5 bot spawns (black

markers), 3 ejector pads (blue markers with 1 below the annihilator), 2 juice stations (teal markers), 2 Support Firebase

locations (gold markers), 1 annihilator pad (purple marker), and 1 annihilator (yellow marker: the annihilator is located

above the arena).

Figure #8: Survivitol Arena Details

The bot paths for the 5 bot spawns are detailed in the following figure (see Figure #9).

Figure #9: Survivitol Arena Bot Spawns and Bot Paths

L – Left; FL – Front Left; F – Front; FR – Front Right; R – Right.



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1.3 Screen Information

Figure #10: Screen Information

1) Juice Gauge – Shows the current level of juice. When the gauge is full the bar flashes between dark and

light purple. Juice cannot be used until the bar gauge is full (the player in Figure #10 is

currently juiced).

2) Moneyball Health Bar – Shows the amount of life remaining on the Moneyball.

3) Shield Icon – Is displayed whenever the shields are up. The icon flashes red when the shield takes

damage. The icon disappears when the shields go down.

4) Ammunition Gauge – Displays the current number of rounds in the weapons clip. The gauge is empty for

weapons that do not have ammunition (i.e. the Supports Hurt/Heal Gun and the

Assassins Dagger/Katana).

5) Money – Shows the current amount of cash on hand.

6) Active Skill Levels – Shows the current level of each of the three active skills: 1, 2, or 3 based on which

controller button activates the skill. The bars on the outside of each button show the

current number of skill points.

7) Player Hit Point Gauge – Shows the current remaining hit points the player has. This gauge is only visible when the

clone takes damage. The gauge disappears again once the clone remains free from

damage for a period of time.

8) Round Display – Shows the current round number.

9) Enemy Name & Hit Point Gauge – Are displayed when an enemy is being tracked (i.e. within the clones crosshairs) or

damaged by the clone.

10) Temporary Round Display – Shows the current round number at the beginning of each round (used to indicate to the

player that a new round has started and which round it is regardless of where they are in

the arena).

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1.4 Controls

To view and/or change the controller configuration, select “HELP AND OPTIONS” from the main menu, then select

“CONTROLS”. The 4 controller configurations are outlined in in the following figures (see Figures #11, #12, #13, and


Figure #11: Standard Controller Setup Figure #12: Standard Tactical Controller Setup

Figure #13: Southpaw Controller Setup Figure #14: Southpaw Tactical Controller Setup

1.5 Bullseye

Bullseye is the Monday Night Combat mascot (see Figure #15). Bullseye appears either after a Jackbot round in matches

where there more fixed round Jackbots or immediately before a Jackbot round when there is only 1 remaining Jackbot

round in the blitz. For Sudden Death and Super Sudden Death Blitz matches Bullseye only comes out at the end of every

10 rounds for the first 60 rounds. Bullseye drops power-ups and can be shot or can be hit with a melee attack for juice

and money. Bullseye cannot be killed but instead goes away after 35 seconds. If a pro tries to grapple Bullseye, Bullseye

will knock them back with his belly. Note: Grappling Bullseye in multi-player matches when the music stops will keep

him in the arena while he knocks the player back. This will give the other players a few more seconds to gain money and

power-ups from him.

Figure #15: Bullseye

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1.6 Power-Ups


COIN Each coin is worth $6 COMMON Regular bots, Jackpots, and Bullseye

JUICE BOXIncreases the amount of juice in the juice

gauge. Having "Juice" as one of the sponsors

increases the amount received per box.

COMMON Regular bots, Jackpots, and Bullseye


Grants a temporary increase to the base

speed of the clone. Several can be obtained at

the same time lengthening the amount of time

the clone is boosted.

COMMON Regular bots, Jackpots, and Bullseye

CHURROReplenishes a medium amount of Hit Points

and a small amount of Skil l Points.LESS COMMON Regular bots, Jackpots, and Bullseye

BACONGives gold level sponsorship on all 10

endorsement simultaneously. Remains in

effect until the clone is kil led.

RARE Jackpots and Bullseye


Table #1: Power-Up Details

1.7 Prestige Information

Prestige’s (levels of experience) within Monday Night Combat are achieved by earning money and are designated by bot

symbols separated by groups of 100 levels. Every time a player earns enough money to pass 100 levels ($1,750,000 to

advance 100 levels) a new bot symbol is awarded that precedes the players name in a lobby. Once you reach level 800

and receive the Jackbot, only the level number resets to 0 after passing each subsequent 100 levels. The symbol does

not change anymore after level 800. Prestige is earned in both Crossfire and Blitz and is calculated using the match

earnings and not the payout.

Level Symbol Money needed

100 $1,750,000

200 $3,500,000

300 $5,250,000

400 $7,000,000

500 $8,750,000

600 $10,500,000

700 $12,250,000

800 $14,000,000

1.8 Clones

There are 6 classes of players (clones) in Monday Night Combat. Those 6 classes are broken down further into 3 separate

class types. The 3 class types are heavy, medium, and light. Heavy classes have greater native armor and offensive

capabilities but are slower and less maneuverable than the other class types. Medium class types are a more balanced

type allowing for decent armor and firepower while not giving up too much on the maneuverability. Light classes are

very fast but have very little native armor or general offensive capabilities. The light classes however gain a significant

advantage over medium and heavy classes in their special attacks (i.e. the assassins back grapple and the Snipers head

shot). The following gives detailed information on each class (Kirson, 2011).

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Gunner Class

Class type – Heavy

Armor/Hit Points – 700

Health regeneration starts after 8 seconds

Speed – 550

Main weapon – Mini-Gun Alternate weapon – Mortar Launcher

Level 3 damage – 68 Level 3 damage – 90

Level 3 rate of fire – 600RPM to 1250RPM (spun up) Level 3 rate of fire – 40RPM

Clip size – 100 rounds (Level 3 is 150 rounds) Clip size – 10 rounds

Reload time – 5 seconds Reload time – 2 seconds

Pressing the left trigger with the Note – Pressing the left trigger with the Mortar Mini Gun selected causes the Gunner Launcher selected causes the Gunner to To keep his Mini Gun barrels spun up. perform a grapple. Note: The Gunner cannot grapple Jackbots.

Default Build

Gold Silver Bronze

Clip Size +100% Reload Speed -26% Speed +3%

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Skill R egenerat ion +10 / Second +10 / Second +10 / Second

GUNNER DEPLOY D eployed Spread 0 .8 x 0 .8 x 0 .8 x

D amage Taken 0 .75x 0 .75x 0 .75x

C rit ical Shot C hance + 2 % + 5%

Sniper Headshot A ct ive A ct ive D isab led

Skill R egenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

B ot St un D urat ion 3 Seconds 3 Seconds 3 Seconds

Pro St un D urat ion 5 Seconds 5 Seconds 5 Seconds

Pro St un Speed 0 .5x 0 .5x 0 .5x

" F lapJack M ast er" D amage 150 0 150 0 150 0

D amage 150 2 0 0 2 75

R ad ius 512 76 8 10 2 4

GUNNER GRAPPLE Skill R egenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Grapp le A t t ack # 1 50 50 50

Grapp le A t t ack # 2 10 0 2 50 550

Grapp le vs. B ot s 2 0 0 0 3 50 0 50 0 0

GUNNER M ort ar count 1x 2 x 3 x

M ort ar rad ius 3 8 4 3 8 4 3 8 4

T he deplo yed Gunner do es

mo re damage, takes less,

and can’ t mo ve.

Gunner Skills Matrix

Symbol Skill Name and Description Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Increases mo rtar damage,

splits mo rtar ro unds, and

replaces the minigun with a

dual minigun.


Gunners slam damages,

slo ws, and pushes enemies


Gunner grapple damages

o ppo nents and turns into a

thro w when upgraded.

Table #2: Skills Matrix – Gunner Class

Note – Upgrading the Gunners passive skill (Gunner) from level 2 to level 3 replenishes all Ammunition

Deploy – A skill that causes the clone to extend braces to the sides and rear stabilizing him. Deploying a Gunner will

give him greater control allowing for better accuracy (smaller shot reticule) and increased critical shot

chance. When deployed, the Gunner losses all walking capability and side-to-side traversing is reduced.

While the Gunner will remain on the ground, his jet pack is still functional causing flame damage to any bots

or pros directly behind him. Upgrading to level 2 gives the Gunner a + 2% critical shot chance bonus.

Upgrading to level 3 gives the Gunner a +5% critical shot chance bonus and places a protective shield in

front of the Gunners face when turreted. This shield prevents head shots from Snipers (the Gunner will still

take damage from the shot but will not be instantly killed).

Slam – A skill that causes the Gunner to jump a short distance in the air and come down slamming the ground. This

causes a shockwave to extend out away from the Gunner. Any bots or enemy pros hit by the shockwave will

take damage and will be temporarily stunned. It is possible for pros to jump over the slam negating its

effect. Upgrading the slam increases the area of impact and the duration of the stun. Performing a slam

directly over an enemy clone or bot (Jackbots are not affected) causes the gunner to flatten the enemy with

a “Flapjack”, instantly killing them and awarding the Gunner with a “Flapjack Master” pro tag when done to

a pro.

Gunner Grapple – A skill that causes the clone to grab onto either a pro or bot (provided that the bot can be grappled) and

slams his weapon into them causing damage. Upgrading to level 2 throws the target to the ground causing

additional damage. Upgrading to level 3 causes the Gunner to use is weapon to knock the target away from

him causing even more damage and may knock the target out of the arena.

Gunner – A skill that increases the clip size and shot count of both weapons. Upgrading to level 2 gives the weapon 1

additional mortar round to each shot of the mortar gun (total of 2). Upgrading to level 3 gives the mini-gun

an additional barrel doubling the rate of fire and adds 1 additional motor round to each shot of the mortar

gun (total of 3).

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Tank Class

Class type – Heavy

Armor/Hit Points – 700

Health regeneration starts after 8 seconds

Speed – 500

Main weapon – Jet-Gun Alternate weapon – Rail-Gun

Level 3 damage – 50 (for .3 seconds then reduces to 30) Level 3 damage – 149

Level 3 rate of fire – 600RPM Level 3 rate of fire – 60 RPM

Clip size – 50 rounds Clip size – 10

Reload time – 2 seconds Reload time – 2 seconds

Pressing the left trigger with the Pressing the left trigger with the Rail Jet Gun selected causes the Tank Gun selected causes the Tank to to perform a Death Blossom. Note: The perform a grapple. Note: The Tank Tank cannot grapple Jackbots. cannot grapple Jackbots.

Default Build

Gold Silver Bronze

Armor +300 Skill Recovery -25% Reload Speed -18%

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Skill R egenerat ion +10 / Second +10 / Second +10 / Second

R ange 76 8 76 8 76 8

Jet pack F lame D amage - 10 - 2 0 - 3 0

TANK DEPLOY F lame int ervals 0 .5 / Second 1 / Second 1.5 / Second

F lame D urat ion 5 Seconds 10 Seconds 15 Seconds

D amage R educt ion .75x

Healt h R egenerat ion D elay 0 .5x 0 .5x

Healt h R egenerat ion D urat ion 0 .5x 0 .5x

A mmo R egenerat ion 1 / Second

Skill R egenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

D amage 10 0 150 150

R ad ius 2 56 3 8 4 150

St un D urat ion 2 / Second 2 / Second

Grenade Sp lit 4 x

JET CHARGE Skill R egenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

D amage 150 2 75 3 0 0

TANK Healt h R egenerat ion D elay 0 .75x 0 .75x

M ax Healt h +3 0 0

Tank Skills Matrix

Symbol Skill Name and Description Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Increases health and health

reco very.


P ro duct Grenade damages


Will blind enemies when


T he deplo yed T ank do es

mo re damage, takes less,

and can’ t mo ve.

C harging thro ugh enemies

will damage and kno ck them


Table #3 – Tank Skills Matrix

Note – Upgrading the Tanks passive skill (Tank) from level 2 to level 3 replenishes all Health.

Deploy – A skill that causes the clone to extend braces to the sides and rear stabilizing him. Deploying a clone will give

them greater control allowing for better accuracy (smaller shot reticule) and increased critical shot chance.

When deployed, the clone losses all walking capability and side-to-side traversing is reduced. While the

clone will remain on the ground, their jet pack is still functional causing flame damage to any bots or pros

directly behind them. Upgrading to level 2 gives the clone a + 2% critical shot chance bonus. Upgrading to

level 3 gives the clone a +5% critical shot chance bonus and places a protective shield in front of the clones

face. This shield prevents head shots from Snipers (the clone will still take damage from the shot but will not

be instantly killed).

Product Grenade – A skill that causes the Tank to launch a ball. Either when striking a target or after a specified distance, the

ball will explode. An exploding product grenade sends sponsor information in all directions. Any enemy pro

or bot struck by a piece of sponsor information is temporarily blinded by sponsor tags which paste

themselves to the viewing area of the target for a short time. A level 2 Product Grenade increases the

damage received from 100 to 150 and increases the affected range from 256 units to 384 units. A level 3

Product Grenade increases the affect range from 384 units to 512 units.

Jet Charge – A skill that causes the Tank to use his jet pack to speed through any enemy clones or bots directly in front of

him. Upgrading to level 2 increases the amount of damage the charge inflicts and increases the recharge

rate to 6 SP / second. Upgrading to level 3 increases the base damage to 300 and increases the recharge

rate to 8 SP / second.

Tank – A skill that increases the life of the clone. Upgrading to level 2 gives reduces the health regeneration delay

by 25%. Upgrading to level 3 gives the Tank an additional 300 hit points of health.

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Support Class

Class type – Medium

Armor/Hit Points – 400

Health regeneration starts after 7 seconds

Speed – 600

Main weapon – Heal/Hurt Gun Alternate weapon – Shotgun

Level 3 damage – 21/Second with the hurt beam. Level 3 damage – 27 (x15 if entire shot hits the target) The Support gains fewer HP than the gun inflicts in (high damage, short range weapon). damage (Twitchys’ law stipulates: Molecular transference of energy by means of a positronic device causes a loss of energy. Energy loss is determined by the output power (P) of the device generating the field and the energy density (d) of the beam). Damage – 8/17/21 (Lvl1/Lvl2/Lvl3)

Rate of fire – 1 unit every 0.1 seconds Level 3 rate of fire – 60RPM

Clip size – N/A Clip size – 8 rounds

Reload time – N/A Reload time – 2 seconds

Press the left trigger causes the Pressing the left trigger with the Grenade Support to send out the Heal Beam. Launcher selected causes the Support to Any friendly target leashed with a perform a grapple (Jackbots cannot be Heal Beam will recover HP faster, receive an grappled by the Support). Armor bonus reducing damage by 50%, and will receive no fire damage.

Default Build

Gold Silver Bronze

Skill Recovery -33% Armor +200 Health Recovery -20%

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Skil l R egenerat ion +1 / Second +1.5 / Second +2 / Second

Healt h 10 0 0 12 50 150 0

Pickup Skil l R ecovery +15 +3 0 +4 5

Shot Int erval 0 .1 / Second 0 .1 / Second 0 .1 / Second

D amage 15- 5 2 0 - 5 2 0 - 5

R ange 12 8 0 12 8 0 12 8 0

Healing aura rat e 10 % / Second

Healing aura rad ius 3 8 4

Skil l R egenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Healt h 10 0 0 12 50 150 0

Pickup Skil l R ecovery 15 3 0 4 5

Shot Int erval 0 .1 / Second 0 .1 / Second 0 .1 / Second

D amage 15- 5 2 0 - 5 2 0 - 5

R ange 12 8 0 12 8 0 12 8 0

Healing aura rat e 10 % / Second

Healing aura rad ius 3 8 4

Skil l R egenerat ion 1 0 .75x 0 .6 7x

D amage 2 50 0 2 50 0 2 50 0

R ad ius 2 56 3 8 4 512

Skil l U se 6 0 3 0 .5 2 0 .5

Support healt h regen delay 0 .6 x 0 .6 x

Passive bo t support aura 76 8 76 8

Support ed bo t f ire int erval 0 .75x 0 .75x

B ot damage reduct ion 0 .5x 0 .5x

Support max healt h + 2 0 0

Support Skills Matrix

Symbol Skill Name and Description Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3


T he F irebase will sho o t at

enemies and can be

deplo yed anywhere.


C alls in a R o cket strike fro m

the sky.

H acking increases the range

and f ire rate o f the target

turret .



Increases health and bo t

strength aura.

Table #4: Skills Matrix – Support Class

Note – Upgrading the Supports passive skill (Support) from level 2 to level 3 replenishes all health

Firebase – A skill that allows the Support to place a movable turret anywhere on the map that a clone can stand. The

firebase is a high rate of fire turret. When originally placed, the firebase must deploy. During that time, the

firebase is vulnerable and will not fire. Upgrading to level 2 increases the skill regeneration rate from 1 unit

per second to 1.5 units per second and increases the amount of damage it causes from 15 to 20. Upgrading

to level 3 adds a healing aura to the firebase which will heal any nearby clones or bots.

Hack – A skill that allows the Support to boost the range and rate of fire of friendly turrets. Upgrading to level 2

reduces the hacking time from 5 seconds to 4 seconds. Turret range is increased by 1024 units. Upgrading to

level 3 reduces the hacking time to 3 seconds. A level 3 hack increases the range of hacked turrets by 1536

units (from a level 1 hacked state) and reduces the fire interval to 0.6. A level 3 hack can also take control of

enemy turrets (hack time is longer than when hacking friendly turrets).

Air Strike – A skill that allows the Support to call in an aerial missile attack. Upgrading to level 2 increases the number of

available air strikes from 1 to 2, increases the area of impact from 256 units to 384 units, reduces the cost

(in skill points) from 60 to 30.5, and reduces the recharge time by 25% to .75. Upgrading to level 3 increases

the area of impact from 384 units to 512 units, reduces the cost (in skill points) from 30.5 to 20.5, and

reduces the recharge time by 12% to .67.

Support – A skill that improves the Supports enhancement ability with regard to leashed (supported) bots and pros.

Upgrading to level 2 reduces the regeneration delay of the Support by 40%, sets up a passive Support aura

around the Support of 768 units where any bots or friendly clones in that area will receive a reduction in

their time to regeneration. A leashed bot or pro will receive a boost to their fire interval of 25% causing

them to fire quicker and a reduction in damage received to 50% of normal.

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Assault Class

Class type – Medium

Armor/Hit Points – 500

Health regeneration starts after 7 seconds

Speed – 600

Main weapon – Assault Rifle Alternate weapon – Grenade Launcher

Damage – 18 (36 when aiming) Damage – 75

Rate of Fire – 600 RPM Rate of fire – 60 RPM

Clip size – 25 Clip size – 10

Reload time – 0.1 seconds Reload time – 2 seconds

Holding down the left trigger causes the Pressing the left trigger with the Grenade Assault to aim down the sights Increasing Launcher selected causes the Assault to accuracy and critical shot chance while perform a grapple (Jackbots cannot be decreasing vision and movement. grappled by the Assault).

Default Build

Gold Silver Bronze

Rate of Fire +21% Clip Size +60% Skill Recovery - 20%

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Skill R egenerat ion +10 / Second +10 / Second +10 / Second

FLY Skill C apacit y 10 0 10 0 10 0

A ct ivat ion cost 10 10 10

D rain - 3 0 / Second - 2 0 / Second - 15 / Second

Skill R egenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Skill C apacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

D amage 10 0 2 0 0 3 0 0

R ad ius 2 56 3 8 4 512

D amage vs. t urret 3 3 0 6 6 0 9 9 0

D amage va. B ot 2 50 50 0 750

D amage vs. M oneyball 150 3 0 0 4 50

D amage when at t ached 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0

Skill R egenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Skill C apacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

D amage 150 3 0 0 3 0 0

D amage vs. B ot s 50 0 50 0  

Grapp le D amage 4 50

Grapp le D amage vs. B ot s 50 0 0

ASSAULT C rit ical Shot C hance + 2 % + 5%

C rit ical Shot D amage 1.15x 1.2 5x

H o ver jets allo w the A ssault

to f ly fo r a sho rt t ime.

A ssault charges fo rward and

damages everything he hits.


Increases jump height and

crit ical sho ts.


R emo te deto nated bo mbs

can be attached to enemy

players, turrets, and bo ts.

Assault Skills Matrix

Symbol Skill Name and Description Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Table #5: Assault Skills Matrix

Fly – A skill that allows the Assault to hover in the air for a short amount of time. Upgrading the skill to level 2

reduces the rate at which the skill points are used from 30 per second to 20 per second. Upgrading to level 3

reduces the rate from 20 per second to 15 per second.

Bomb – A skill that allows the Assault to throw a bomb that can either attach to the ground, a wall, or a bot/clone.

Attaching a bomb to an opposing clone results in a “Head Crab”. When detonated, an attached bomb

instantly kills any clone or light to heavy bot. An attached bomb will not instantly kill a Jackbot due to its

extensive health unless the Jackbots health is already below the attached bombs damage rating. Upgrading

the skill to level 2 increases its damage from 100 to 200 and its damage area from 256 units to 384 units,

and increases its recharge rate from 4 per second to 5 per second. Upgrading the skill to level 3 increases its

damage from 200 to 300, its damage area from 384 units to 512 units, and increases its recharge rate from 5

per second to 6 per second.

Assault Charge – A skill that allows the Assault to dash toward an enemy clone/bot inflicting damage. Upgrading to level 2

increases base damage from 150 to 300 and increases damage to bots from 150 to 500, and increases skill

regeneration from +3 per second to +4 per second. Upgrading to level 3 enables the Assault to grapple the

target causing additional damage. Grapple damage vs. clones is 450 and grapple damage vs. bots is 5000.

Additionally the Assault uses his Assault Rifle to hit the target away from him which may knock bots/pros

out of the arena.

Assault – A skill that adds critical shot chance bonus and critical shot damage bonus to the Assault Rifle. Upgrading to

level 2 adds a 2% critical shot chance and a 1.15% critical shot damage bonus to the Assault Rifle (this is in

addition to any sponsor bonuses). Upgrading to level 3 adds a 5% critical shot chance and a 1.25% critical

shot damage bonus to the Assault Rifle.

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Assassin Class

Class type – Light

Armor/Hit Points – 300

Health regeneration starts after 6 seconds

Speed – 650

Main weapon – Dagger / Katana Alternate weapon – Shurikens

Damage – 50 / 75 Damage – 61

Front grapple damage – 400 / 150 Rate of fire – 600 SPM

Back grapple damage – 700 / 1000 Clip size – 10

Grapple vs. bot – 3000 / 5000 Reload time – 1 second

Attack interval – 0.5 Seconds Front grapple damage – 100

Back grapple damage – 175

Grapple vs. bot – 3000

Pressing the left trigger causes the Pressing the left trigger causes the Assassin to perform a grapple. The Assassin to perform a grapple. The Assassin can grapple Jackbots. Assassin can grapple Jackbots.

Default Build

Gold Silver Bronze

Speed +21% Critical Shot +3% Chance +15% Damage Skill Recovery - 20%

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C rit ical hit ( out o f cloak) 10 0 % 10 0 % 10 0 %

C rit ical hit mult ip lier 1.5x 1.5x 1.5x

C rit ical hit durat ion 0 .5 Seconds 0 .5 Seconds 0 .5 Seconds

M inimum V isib il i t y R ange 2 4 0 0 - 10 0 0 2 4 0 0 - 10 0 0 2 4 0 0 - 10 0 0

C o lo r V isib il i t y R ange 70 0 - 3 50 70 0 - 3 50 70 0 - 3 50

High V isib il i t y R ange 2 50 - 150 2 50 - 150 2 50 - 150

C loak d rain - 6 / Second - 5 / Second - 4 / Second

C loak regenerat ion +2 / Second +2 / Second +2 / Second

C loak St at ionary R egenerat ion +1 / Second

DASH Skil l R egenerat ion +10 / Second +10 / Second +10 / Second

Skil l C apacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

Skil l U se 2 0 / Second 15 / Second 5 / Second

Skil l R egenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Skil l C apacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

Jump height boost 2 .5x 2 .5x 2 .5x

Jump boost durat ion 1 Second 1 Second 1 Second

Jump air cont ro l 4 x 4 x 4 x

Jump air cont ro l durat ion 4 Seconds 4 Seconds 4 Seconds

B ot st un durat ion 4 Seconds 4 Seconds 4 Seconds

Pro st un durat ion 1 Second 1 Second 1 Second

D amage t aken 0 .5x 0 .5x 0 .5x

D amage mod if ier durat ion 1 Second 1 Second 1 Second

Smoke b last rad ius 3 8 4 512 6 4 0

ASSASSIN Fall ing damage 0 .5x 0 .0 x

Kat ana N o N o Y esD ecreased fall damage.

D agger replaced with swo rd.

Symbol Skill Name and Description

Assassin Skills Matrix


Smo ke B o mb tempo rarily

blinds enemies aro und her.

Light and nimble, the

A ssassin can dash into o r

o ut o f a situat io n.


T he A ssassin relies o n her

clo aked armo r to avo id

being seen.

Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Table #6: Skills Matrix – Assassin Class

Note – Upgrading the Assassins passive skill (Assassin) from level 2 to level 3 replenishes all health

Cloak – A skill that allows the Assassin to render herself nearly invisible. The cloak creates a disturbance in the air

when assassin moves making them partially visible to enemy pros who are paying close attention to such

things. The cloak also emits a hum that gets louder as the Assassin gets closer to her target. Upgrading to

level 2 reduces the skill point usage from 6 points per second to 5. Upgrading to level 3 reduces the skill

point usage to 4 units per second Note: When upgraded to level 3, no skill points are used if the Assassin

remains still. Once she is not moving, the skill points will begin recharging even while remaining cloaked.

Dash – A skill that allows the Assassin to sprint. Upgrading to level 2 reduces the skill point usage from 20 points per

second to 15 points per second allowing her to run longer. Upgrading to level 3 reduces the skill point usage

to 5 per second.

Smoke Bomb – A skill that allows the Assassin to throw down a bomb that creates a temporarily blinding flash. Jumping

immediately after throwing a smoke bomb gives the Assassin a bonus to her jump, launching her higher into

the air than normal. While most bots are frozen while blinded (Jackbots are not affected), enemy pros while

blind can still move and attack. Upgrading to level 2 increases the affected area from 384 units to 512 units.

Upgrading to level 3 increases the radius to 640 units.

Assassin – A skill that increases the amount of damage the Assassin inflicts while reducing the amount of damage she

receives from falling. Upgrading the skill to level 2 reduces the amount of fall damage by 50%. Upgrading to

level 3 eliminates all fall damage and gives the Assassin a Katana which deals significantly greater damage.

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Sniper Class

Class type – Light

Armor/Hit Points – 300

Health regeneration starts after 6 seconds

Speed – 650

Main weapon – Sniper Rifle Alternate weapon – SMG

Damage – 100 (170 when aiming) Damage – 39

Rate of Fire – 60 RPM Rate of Fire – 600 RPM

Fire Interval – 1 Second Fire Interval – 0.1 Seconds

Clip size – 4 Clip size – 10

Reload time – 2 seconds Reload time – 1 second

Default Build

Gold Silver Bronze

Critical Shot +5% Chance +25% Damage Accuracy - +35% Clip Size +40%

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Skil l C apacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

Skil l R egenerat ion +2 / Second +2 / Second +2 / Second

Trap Healt h 2 5 2 5 2 5

Trigger R ad ius 2 56 2 56 2 56

Ef f ect R ad ius 6 4 0 6 4 0 6 4 0

Trap A rming T ime 3 Seconds 3 Seconds 3 Seconds

Skil l U se 6 0 3 1 3 1

M ax T raps 1 2 3

Slow D urat ion 0 .5 Seconds

Slow M ovement Speed 50 %

B ot / Player F reeze D urat ion 0 .5 / 1.5 Sec 0 .5 / 1.5 Sec

Skil l D egenerat ion - 1

D egenerat ion D urat ion 1 Second

Skil l C apacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

Skil l R egenerat ion +3 / Second +3 / Second +3 / Second

D urat ion 5 Seconds 5 Seconds 5 Seconds

D amage Int erval 0 .2 5 Seconds 0 .2 5 Seconds 0 .2 5 Seconds

D amage vs. Turret 3 x 3 x 3 x

D amage vs. Pro 12 .5 / Second 2 5 / Second 3 7.5 / Second

D amage vs. M oneyball 8 .2 5 16 .5 2 4 .75

D amage 2 5 50 75

R ad ius 2 56 512 76 8

Skil l C apacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

Skil l R egenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Grapp le vs. Jackpot 2 50 0 2 50 0 2 50 0

D amage 150 2 8 0 4 50

D amage vs. B o t 2 0 0 0 3 50 0 50 0 0

SNIPER Sniper R if le Penet rat ion Inact ive A ct ive A ct ive

Exp losive D amage 10 0 10 0

Exp losive R ad ius 2 56 2 56

Sniper grapples will spin o r

thro w enemies.



T raps will s lo w enemies,

keeping areas co ntro lled and

and pro tect Snipers.


Sniper thro ws o ut a F lak

Grenade that damages an

area fo r a t ime.

A dds penetrat ing and

explo sive sho t to the Sniper

R if le .

Sniper Skills Matrix

Symbol Skill Name and Description Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Table #7: Skills Matrix – Sniper Class

Note – Upgrading the Snipers passive skill (Sniper) from level 2 to level 3 replenishes all health)

Traps – A skill that allows the Sniper to lay down a marker. When a bot or opposing clone pass near the trap, they

are slowed down and cloaked enemies are revealed. Upgrading to level 2 reduces the skill points used from

60 to 31, gives the Sniper 1 additional trap (total of 2), and freezes instead of slows bots and clones that

activate it for 0.5 seconds (bots) and 1.5 seconds (clones). Upgrading to level 3 gives the Sniper an additional

trap (total of 3), and traps now drains skill points from trapped pros / bots.

Flak – The Sniper throws a flare. Heat radiated from the flack illuminates cloaked pros and bots in addition to

causing damage. Upgrading this skill increases its base damage and radius.

Sniper Grapple – A skill that causes the clone to grab onto either a pro or bot (provided that the bot can be grappled) and

either throws them to the ground or slams his weapon into them causing damage. Upgrading to level 2

causes the Sniper to throw the target to the ground causing additional damage. Upgrading to level 3 causes

the Sniper to hit the enemy with his weapon knocking them away from him causing even more damage and

may knock the target out of the arena.

Sniper – A Skill that gives piercing and explosive damage to the Snipers rounds. Upgrading to level 2 adds piercing

rounds which will pass thru targets inflicting damage to the initial target and all targets behind it. Upgrading

to level 3 adds explosive rounds which also damage nearby enemies that are struck.

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1.9 Bots

There are 8 different types of bots in Monday Night Combat. The 8 types of bots fall into 2 main categories which are breach

bots and eliminator bots. Breach bots focus primarily on taking down the Moneyball shields while Eliminator bots focus

on pros. Both types of bots however will attack turrets and pros if they come into range. The 8 types of bots are as

follows (Wikia, Bots, 2011):

In Blitz Matches, the statistics of each type of bot increases every 10 rounds starting at round 11 for the first 60 rounds.

Every time that the speed, attack power, and defensive strength of the bots increase, the bots change colors.

Slim – A light armor, light ranged attack breach bot. Hit Points – 175 Speed – 450 Laser damage – 7 Laser interval – 0.5 Seconds Targeting range – 1280 Units Damage vs. Moneyball – 250

Blackjack – A moderate armor, moderate ranged attack, very heavy melee attack breach bot. Hit Points – 2000 Speed – 400 Laser damage – 25 Laser speed – 1800 Melee damage – 200 Attack interval – 0.75 Seconds Targeting range – 1280 Units Damage vs. turret – 38 Damage vs. Moneyball – 250

Gremlin – A light armor, heavy melee attack eliminator bot with cloaking ability. Hit Points – 200 Speed – 750 Melee damage – 50 Damage vs. turret – 200 Damage vs. Moneyball – 250

Buzzer – A super light armor, heavy attack flying eliminator bot with kamikaze ability. Hit Points – 10 Lifespan – 20 seconds Speed – 900 Detonation damage – 125 Detonation radius – 128 Damage vs. turret – 750 Damage vs. Moneyball – 250

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Gap-shot – A light armor, heavy long range eliminator bot. Hit Points – 750 Speed – 150 Mortar damage – 250 Mortar radius – 256 Attack interval – 2.0 Seconds Damage vs. turret – 1000 Damage vs. Moneyball – 250

Scrambler – A moderate armor, heavy melee attack breach bot with skill draining ability. Hit Points – 1000 Speed – 450 Melee damage – 150 Drain rate – -3 Skill Points per second Drain radius – 768 Damage vs. Moneyball – 250

Bouncer – A heavy armor, heavy melee or grapple attack eliminator bot. Hit Points – 5000 Speed – 600 Melee damage – 150 Grapple damage – 275 x 2 hits Grapple regeneration – 5 Seconds Damage vs. turret – 600 Damage vs. Moneyball – 300 Damage vs. Moneyball – 250

Jackbot XL – A super heavy armor, heavy attack, breach bot with ground slam ability. Hit Points – 20000 Health regeneration delay – 30 seconds without damage Health regeneration time – 30 seconds to full health Speed – 300 Cannon damage – 150 Cannon radius – 256 Cannon projectile speed – 3000 Attack interval – 1 Second Targeting range – 4096 Units Damage vs. pros – 1500 Damage vs. turret – 600 Damage vs. Moneyball – 250 Slam damage – 200 Slam radius – 1408 Slam regeneration – 20 seconds

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1.10 Turrets

There are 4 types of turrets in Monday Night Combat. The four types of turrets and the details for each type are outlined in

the table below (see Table #8). Note: All ranges are given in units (see Glossary).

Name: Characteristics: Level: View: Cost: Build / Upgrade Time: Health: Damage: Modifier: Interval: Range:

Turret Nub Build Location N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


TurretInactive Nub N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Laser Blazer Low Direct Damage 1 $25 2 Seconds 1500 6 / Shot 0.2 Seconds 1408

Low Armor 2 $50 3 Seconds 3000 7 / Shot 0.2 Seconds 1664

Low Cost 3 $100 4 Seconds 4500 10 / Shot 0.2 Seconds 1920

Shave Ice Slowing Aura 1 $100 4 Seconds 5000 Speed 0.8x 2.5 Seconds 1408

High Armor 2 $200 5 Seconds 10000 Speed 0.75x 2 Seconds 1408

Moderate Cost 3 $400 8 Seconds 15000 Speed 0.6x 1 Second 1408

Long Shot High Damage 1 $75 4 Seconds 1000 60 / Shot 4 Seconds 3684

Low Armor 2 $150 5 Seconds 2000 60 / Shot 2 Seconds 4096

Long Range 3 $300 10 Seconds 4000 60 / Shot 1 Second 4608

Medium Cost

RockIt High Direct Damage 1 $150 7 Seconds 5000 160 / Shot 1 Second 1408

High Armor 2 $300 10 Seconds 8000 160 / Shot 0.75 Seconds 1664

High Cost 3 $600 15 Seconds 13000 160 / Shot 0.5 Seconds 1920

Table #8: Turret Details

2 The four key elements of a successful blitz

I Turrets: Not only what turrets are placed where, but in what order you build them make a huge difference in

keeping your Moneyball shields up.

II Consecutive or Multi Jackbot rounds: For consecutive Jackbot rounds, at its most sadistic and more than once in a

single game (Sudden Death and Super Sudden Death Blitz only), I have actually had 6 consecutive Jackbot rounds 2 times

in a single game within 20 rounds of each other.

III Class sponsors. You need to be able to kill heavy bots quickly and live long enough to enjoy their cries of pain.

IV The first and last 5 (the first 5 seconds and the last 5 seconds of each round). While you can recover from being in

the wrong place at the onset of the round (depending on what comes out) being in the correct place and moving in the

right direction at the beginning of the round can easily mean the difference between keeping your shields up or having

them down around your ankles.

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2.1.1 General Turret Build Information

In my attempt to achieve MNC nirvana I tried a plethora (I haven’t used that word in a long time and I like the sound of it so

there) of turret placements and build-up’s. One in particular that sounded good but failed miserably in Sudden Death

was that I built the inside rear turrets (#15 and #16) to level 2 laser blazers with the idea that they could take care of the

lighter bots, and when they were destroyed, I would then build my long shot turrets to control the heavier bots from the

front. Unfortunately they were never destroyed and became completely useless to me when bots stopped coming out

of the rear spawns in Sudden Death (In X-box live 3 player and 4 player matches this is not the case so you need

different turrets in the 4 rear nubs).

Having the four rear turrets as long shots in single and 2 player Sudden Death serves 2 main purposes. The first is that gap-

shots will tend to shoot at these turrets more than any others and this will help you keep your Rockit and Shave Ice

turrets from going down too often. The second is that they will hit the Bots coming from the side spawns. This will make

your life much easier when it comes to Jackbot rounds (covered in the Jackbot sections). Using Shave Ice and Rockit

turrets in the 4 rear nubs is meant to slow down bots so that the Rockit turrets can whittle away their health making

them more manageable.

The turrets that when they go down you need to pretty much stop everything (except killing Jackbots) and rebuild

immediately are the Shave Ice turrets. In time, the bots will be moving so fast and have so much armor that if you lose a

Shave Ice turret, the bots will be on your Moneyball long before your Rockit turrets can kill them.

To help you get your turrets set up properly and in time to deal with the bots, I suggest that you hold off on upgrading your

clone (with the exception of the firebase and hack for Support, and the gun for the other classes) until you have all the

turrets completed. Incidentally, when playing Support, I put my firebase in front of turret nub #8, under the bridge, and

between the rear black stripe and the rear orange stripe (see Figure #17 in the Support walkthrough section). This will

cover the front and sides beautifully and will draw most of the fire from the bots (protecting your other turrets and

Moneyball). Be sure to keep your firebase healed during Jackbot rounds.

When playing the Support class, the only 3 turrets I hack are the 2 forward Rockit turrets (this will let them quickly kill the

gap-shots and helps tremendously with the Jackbots) and the firebase (a 3.3 hacked firebase will make it so that you do

not have to worry very much about the bots coming in from the side spawns). Note: There are 3 separate positions that

the Gap-Shots can stop at. The 1st is on the extreme left. The 2nd is 25% in, and the 3rd is in the middle of the wall. If

your turrets take too long and the gap-shot moves to the third position, your turret cannot hit it. At this point, run up to

kill the gap-shot using the Shot-Gun. This will almost certainly throw off the timing of your hacks and can leave you

exposed (that is police code #182 I believe). Because you will never get the firebase perfectly in the center, it will attack

whichever bots are closest to it first. When playing Support, use your air strikes on the Jackbot the firebase attacks. This

will take it down that much faster (and save you from going crazy if you are lucky). A little side note for those who are

unaware of this fact. The hack number 3.”3” will start off full and will become hollow as time goes on. When it becomes

completely empty, your hack is gone. This makes it easy for you to keep track of which turret needs to be hacked next.

2.1.2 Turret Placements

The goal with turret build-ups (what turrets are placed where and in what order they are built) in blitz matches is to have

the turrets do as much work as possible leaving you time to rip your hair out.

Each blitz has a single turret build-up. Regardless of which Classes are played, the same turrets will always be built on the

same turret nubs. It has taken me an insane length of time to come up with turret builds that work for every class. If you

find a build that helps them all even more, please let me know.

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2.2 Multi and Consecutive Jackbot Rounds

Multi-Jackbot rounds are rounds where more than one Jackbot comes out either at the same time as another Jackbot or in a

separate wave within the same round.

Consecutive Jackbot rounds will never appear before round 62 in Sudden Death (round 61 being the first available round in

which Jackbots can appear randomly and where consecutive Jackbot rounds are possible. Once you have controlling the

lanes and bot handling down, this should be the only real threat to your Moneyball shields. I suggest only using the

annihilator for consecutive rounds (or emergencies where your shields are down and you are being overrun). When I

first started playing sudden death, I would use the annihilator whenever I saw a second set of Jackbots come out. Using

the annihilator so often, I found that it was unavailable when I most desperately needed it (i.e. two rounds later when I

was on my fourth consecutive Jackbot round). Consecutive Jackbot rounds only apply to the Sudden Death Blitz and the

Super Sudden Blitz matches. In Sudden Death the danger is far less as with a little planning, you can have the annihilator

ready before each group of consecutive Jackbot rounds. In Supper Sudden Death The multiple levels and short bot paths

make these rounds far more difficult.

Generally, you want to remain very close to the Jackbots so they are slamming (instead of shooting at your Moneyball).

Focus your firepower on the Jackbot being hit by your firebase (if playing Support) or the one being targeted by the

majority of your turrets.. After a Jackbot slams, walk backward while shooting for a little. Then, walk forward up to the

next Jackbot (moving away from them and returning, causes them to consider you a threat. This makes them slam).

From what I have seen in my gameplay I believe Jackbot breakouts to be tiered. What this means is that when the game

begins, the tier (level) is set. This determines how often and in general how many consecutive Jackbot rounds (and other

bots as well) you will see on average. So if by round 250 you have seen many instances of 3 or more consecutive Jackbot

rounds, this trend will continue for the rest of the game (regardless of how far you get). The converse is true as well. If

by round 250 you have seen only a few of these rounds, it should stay that way for the rest of the game (although you

will still see a few areas where you get a lot of Jackbots).

Because how you approach consecutive Jackbot rounds varies greatly with each class, each class section for Sudden Death

will contain a strategy.

2.3 Endorsements – picking the right sponsors (Does Ammo Mule make my butt look big?)

Picking which companies endorse your clone is crucial to say the least. Endorsements are broken down into 3 tiers, Gold,

Silver, and Bronze with Gold giving the greatest boost. When selecting who endorses (sponsors) your clone, there are a

couple of things to consider. What class you are using is of coarse important, but only in so far as how you can use that

class’s strengths to keep bots off your Moneyball. Never forget that this is your goal. Do not get side tracked (like I do

with my rambling) by focusing on other areas (i.e. do not start focusing on killing bots to get a pro tag or get caught

working on long shot turrets when Jackbots hit the floor, etc. Killing bots quickly must be your highest priority.

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Endorsement Type Bronze Sponsor Silver Sponsor Gold Sponsor



+100 +200 +300

Clip Size


+40% Clip size +60% Clip size +100% Clip size

Critical Shot


+2% Critical shot chance +10% Critical shot damage

+3% Critical shot chance +15% Critical shot damage

+5% Critical shot chance +25% Critical shot damage

Health Recovery


20% Less time to start regen 20% Less time to full regen

30% Less time to start regen 30% Less time to full regen

40% Less time to start regen 40% Less time to full regen



+ 1/2 Juice pickup extra + 1 Juice pickup extra +2 Juice pickups extra

Reload Speed


-18% Reload time -26% Reload time -38% Reload time

Rate of Fire


+7% Rate of fire +14% Rate of fire +21% Rate of fire

Skill Recovery


-20% Recharge time -25% Recharge time -33% Recharge time



+ 3% Speed + 8% Speed + 13% Speed

Weapon Accuracy


Accuracy +20% Accuracy +35% Accuracy +50%

Table #9: Sponsor Listing (Wikia, Endorsements(MNC), 2011)

Do not forget when selecting sponsors that you will not be going up against pros here. You need to kill heavy bots quickly

and survive until you get/reacquire bacon.

Bacon: Getting bacon gives your clone gold level sponsorship on all 10 endorsement types simultaneously.

Gold Silver Bronze Gold Silver Bronze Gold Silver Bronze Gold Silver Bronze

Heavy Rate of Fire Critical Shot Clip Size Rate of Fire Armor Clip Size Armor Clip Size Rate of Fire Skill Recovery Speed Armor

Medium Rate of Fire Skill recovery Critical Shot Speed Skill Recovery Armor Armor Skill Recoery Speed Skill Recovery Speed Armor

Light Clip Size Rate of Fire Skill Recovery Skill ecovery Armor Clip Size Armor Skill Recovery Speed Skill Recovery Armor Clip Size

Sponsor Build Table

Offensive Balanced Special AbilitiesDefensiveClass Type

Table #10: Sponsor Build Table

2.4 The first and last 5 (What’s the time? It’s time to get killed; or, the second most fun 10 seconds of your day)

And yes I know how lame I am to quote them in this guide (the sad thing is that I only had to add 3 letters, and if you don’t

know what I’m talking about, spare yourself and don’t look it up).

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The first five seconds and the last five seconds of each round can be critical in keeping your Moneyball shields up. For the

most part, there are only two places you want to be at the start of each round in the Sprintz arena. At the beginning of

most rounds you will want to be between the forward Shave Ice turret and one of the adjoining Rockit turrets. This

allows you to see what’s coming out of the forward spawns and be in position to move forward or turn and move to the

side quickly. The second place is going to be next to the Moneyball (this is for when you need to check or build/upgrade

the rear turrets). If your clone has a long range weapon (i.e. gunner mortars or tank Rail Gun) by default you will want to

have that selected since the majority of rounds should be those that this weapon is better suited to in the beginning. For

the Survivitol arena I typically stand just behind the Moneyball so that I can see which path(s) light(s) up.

3 General Blitz Strategies (or, I hope you picked up because you are about to have company)

With regard to strategies in this guide, due to the number of influencing factors, I will not be giving detailed round

strategies for multi-player blitz matches. Only single player matches will give specifics with regard to handling

bot breakouts. Multi-player sections will give some details but will mainly give information on where the

players need to focus their attention. In time I plan to upload to YouTube multi-player strategy videos so that

people can see how experienced players who communicate well approach the different scenarios.

3.1 General Blitz Strategies – Sprintz Arena

Turrets, the Annihilator, and using special skills properly are the secrets to this arena. While for most Blitz matches you want

to save the annihilator for Jackbot rounds, do not be afraid to use it if you have a bunch of bots on the floor and your

shields are down.

Except for “The Scramble Blitz” and “Sudden Death Blitz”, do not worry if your Moneyball drops. The lack of bots and the

amount of Moneyball health mean that you have plenty of time to get control of things before you need to worry. The

absurd number of bots in “The Scramble Blitz” and the goal of “Sudden Death” make this far more important in those


Do not be afraid to buy juice if you have the cash. Juice stations in Sudden Death and Super Sudden Death Blitz matches do

not have a reload time like they do in Crossfire. When in doubt “squeeze the lemon” (as the Tank is want to say)

3.2 General Blitz Strategies – Survivitol Arena

The extremely short bot paths make this arena very difficult. Couple this with Gap Shots and Jackbots coming out of the

upper spawns and I guarantee that there will never be a dull moment on this map.

While playing single player is very difficult (a 3 person blitz is actually far easier in spite of the increase in bots), by keeping

the top spawns under control, properly setting up your turrets, and using special skills correctly, you can actually

perform very well alone despite the absurd number of bots.

Shave Ice turrets and not focusing on a single bot path will be the keys to single player Super Sudden Death Blitz so make

sure that they are taken care of.

3.3 General Blitz Strategies - Sponsors

Because there are literally 1,000 different ways we can set up our sponsors (combinatorics hard at work), we need to be

intelligent about it when getting ready for Blitz matches. There are 4 main ways that we can gear our sponsors for Blitz.

Offensive builds, balanced builds, defensive builds, and special abilities builds. Offensive builds are geared more toward

death and destruction (hopefully theirs). Balanced builds are actually geared a little more offensively but are designed to

give you a little more staying power. Defensive builds are meant to keep your clone in the game longer. Special Abilities

builds are designed to allow you to quickly use your skills.

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For most Blitz matches we want either an offensive or balanced build for our heavy and medium classes. We will be using

the annihilator on Jackbot rounds so we don’t have to worry very much about Jackbots. On most matches it doesn’t

matter if the ball drops because with the turret setups we won’t lose the match. Basically we want to be awesome

killing machines to take advantage of Bullseye when he appears and to quickly kill heavy bots.

For the Scramble Blitz, we generally want a more defensive or special abilities build to help us not die 17 times in every


3.4 General Blitz Strategies – Turrets

The best offense is a good defense. Although the original saying was the opposite, this one perfectly sums up Blitz matches.

It is very important that you pay attention to your turrets. Do not go more than a couple of rounds without checking

them or you will not only lose the money it takes to re-build them, but the firepower to control bots as well.

Pay particular attention to the build orders. While you can usually get away with building 1 or maybe 2 turrets out of order

(depending on the blitz and the round), it will help you immensely if you build them correctly. Pay more attention to the

order in the tables and not the round numbers in the walkthroughs.

Be very careful when building your turrets. My X-box in general, and my controller in specific, have declared war on

humanity (I actually get pop-ups that say “boxsox must die” but those may be from other players). Sometimes when I

move the selector to a turret or skill, it automatically changes to the turret or skill opposite of it because, I assume, of

the rocker in the thumb control. This is one area where it is better to lose a second or two and get the correct turret

built, than to get constantly overrun by bots. Make sure that the selection stays on what you chose before spending the

cash. Especially if you get a Shave Ice turret built incorrectly, leave the game and start over (unless you are into that

whole group thing).

3.5 General Blitz Strategies – Bot Handling

Everyone has weaknesses. Try to find out which bots give you the most trouble and develop ways to keep them under

control. Each class has weaknesses that certain bots can exploit. Find out what weaknesses your class and gaming style

have and try to find sponsor builds and techniques to minimize them.

Learn which bots are handled better by your classes special skills so that you do not have to spend an inordinate amount of

time trying to kill bots (i.e. a single well placed air strike can take out an entire group of Gremlins where it takes forever

to kill them with the hurt gun).

Gang up on the little buggers. You should almost always be shooting at the bots that are being hit by your turrets. The bots

will eventually have massive armor and speed. Targeting the bots being hit by the turrets will kill them far quicker (many

of the later bots take far too long to kill even with upgraded heavy guns). The exception to this is on the

Scrambler/blackjack rounds in Sudden Death where you target the Scramblers first (less armor and skill drain).

3.6 General Blitz Strategies – Controlling The Lanes

You need to learn what bot paths to focus on depending on the breakout. Knowing who to shoot depending on the

circumstances is vital. Are you running minimal or no armor and there are a lot of Buzzers in the arena? Do you let

yourself die to kill Scramblers so they don’t take down your shields. These are important things to learn and only come

with experience.

If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, …. (or just stun them). When bots are crowding your ball, sometimes it’s better to

stun them before trying to shoot them. Sometimes Blackjacks can have as much 90% of their health when they get to

your ball (although it is rare). If it is only one, just grapple them (how ya like them grapples?), but if there are more,

always slam, charge, or ice trap (why take chances).

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Focus on bots that like to attack your turrets rather than bots that like to attack you. You re-spawn without spending any

extra money, your turrets do not (unless you have bacon, then ignore everything I say).

Pay attention to your Shave Ice turrets. If they are taking a lot of damage sometimes it’s better to even let your Moneyball

go down than to lose a Shave Ice in the grand scheme of things.

3.7 General Blitz Strategies – Juice

Wheeze the juice (yes this is an Encino Man quote). Once you have the cash reserves, do not hesitate to buy juice. There is

no reload time for juice like there is in Crossfire. Note: the first taunt that you complete so long as juice is still active, you

get $100 instead of the normal $5. Table #12 shows what effects activating juice has on your clone (Wikia,, 2011).

Attribute: Bonus: Percentage: Damage taken 0.33x 33% (of normal damage)

Critical shot chance 100% 100%

Critical shot damage 3.0x 300% (of base damage)

Fire interval 0.8x 80% (20% faster)

Reload time 0.5x 50%

Max health 1000 +35%(Heavy Classes)

+45%(Medium Classes) +70% (Light Classes)

Speed boost

Tank and Gunner +180 +50%*

Support and Assault +200 +33%

Assassin and Sniper +250 +27%

Note: Gunner receives slightly less than a 50% boost due to having 50 more native speed points than the Tank

Table #11: Juice Status Effects

3.8 General Blitz Strategies – The Annihilator

For most Blitz matches you should only need to use the Annihilator on Jackbot rounds, when playing “The Scramble Blitz”

you may need to use it to clear out the 8,452 bots that always seem to be on the floor every time you blink, for “Sudden

Death Blitz” it should be reserved for Multi-Jackbot or consecutive Jackbot rounds once you are past the fixed rounds,

and for “Super Sudden Death it should be used when being over-run or when you have Jackbots on the upper paths and

you just can’t seem to get rid of them.

3.9 General Blitz Strategies – Improving Game Play

I created a Microsoft Excel application (yes, due to all of the things this does it qualifies as an application) to track and

display various aspects of gameplay in Sudden Death (the other Blitz matches are generally too short or in the case of

Super Sudden Death too crazy, to get enough data). Before each class walkthrough in Sudden Death is a copy of the first

page of one run using the Sudden Death Round Matrix. I created this to help me identify where my weaknesses are, how

well I was improving, and to show me what I need to do to reach the goals I set (My 1st goal was round 100. My 2nd was

round 1000. My 3rd was to keep the Moneyball up for the first 100 rounds, etc.). I designed it to automatically Figure

out things like my average rounds between Moneyball drops and such. For those attempting go beyond 2000 rounds in

Sudden Death, this can help you. The Matrix details a single run with that class. These are taken from actual games I

have played with each class (which is why some of them do not look very good). This, coupled with several short term

goals has helped me focus on improving my techniques for dealing with the craziness that MNC throws at me (and it can

throw pretty hard).

You need to be aware that it is very time consuming (and sometimes frustrating) to keep an accurate round matrix. You will

be pausing the game a lot and if you are in the zone, this may throw you off. I have found however, that by doing this for

a while (I’m so awesome that I no longer need this), that I improved my game play significantly by keeping track of what

was happening. Also, by doing this I verified that the number of Jackbot rounds has a direct and significant impact on

how often my shields went down. By seeing this, I found that I needed better strategies for handling Jackbots.

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4 Exhibition Blitz

4.1 Exhibition Blitz – General Information

The Exhibition Blitz has a difficulty rating of “Easy” and is a 10 round blitz match. The limited number and strength of the

bots makes turrets almost unnecessary regardless of which class is used. However, we will still build a Shave Ice turret to

help keep bots off of the ball. While the main goal of the Exhibition Blitz is to keep the Moneyball alive for 10 rounds,

our goal is to get as much money as possible (for a higher ranking on the leaderboards). Beat the Box: The following

table displays details about the blitz and my records for each class. Note: the listed sponsor builds are not necessarily

the ones used for my highest scores, only the builds I have found to be the most effective overall.

Class Box's Rank Box's Score #1 Score Total Players Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 4 30319 92106 341087 0.0012 % Overall 15958 3411 4018 N/A Class Gold Silver Bronze

Gunner 4 6382 8251 138089 0.0029 % Gunner 5434 1381 4048 Gunner Juice Rate of Fire Armor

Tank 6 5912 7099 81338 0.0074 % Tank 5253 813 3878 Tank Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Support 4 30319 92106 97428 0.0041 % Support 15494 974 4055 Support Juice Rate of Fire Armor

Assault 6 5939 8144 154820 0.0039 % Assault 5133 1548 3827 Assault Juice Clip Size Rate of Fire

Assassin 7 6373 8798 133966 0.0052 % Assassin 5873 1340 3737 Assassin Juice Rate of Fire Armor

Sniper 7 5472 27413 81991 0.0085 % Sniper 5040 820 3721 Sniper Juice Armor Clip Size

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Sponsor BuildsPercentile

Table #12: Beat the Box – Exhibition Blitz

4.2 Exhibition Blitz – Single Player Match

4.2.1 Single Player Match – General Information

This match is so short and easy, that it is great for new players to get used to the controls, strengths, and weaknesses of the

different classes against bots, and for learning how to use special skills. Mostly this is where you want to spend time

getting comfortable with a class before tackling the more difficult blitz matches.

4.2.2 Single Player Match – Sponsor Selection

The sponsor build for this blitz is designed to let you juice and shoot Bullseye more, with killing the bots coming in second.

Go gold juice, silver rate of fire, and for bronze, use clip size for heavy classes, skill recovery for medium class, and armor

for light classes. This should help you reap the rewards nicely.

4.2.3 Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Because this blitz is so short, we are only going to build 2 turrets up to level 2 and 1 turret to level 3 (see Figure #17). We will

build the Shave Ice turret to level 3 only to keep the Jackbot busy for more juice taunts.

Figure #17: Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order


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Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3

Single Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #13: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order

4.2.4 Single Player – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL 1 2* SB 7 1 FR 3 BZ

2 1 FR 6* BLK 8 1 FR 25* SB

3 1 FR 25* SB 9 1 FL 6* BLK

4 1 FL 3 GM

5 1 FR 1 BN 10 1 FR 1 JP

6 1 FL 2 SC

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout


Table #14: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

4.2.5 Single Player Match – Walkthrough

Before leaving the spawn upgrade the clones’ weapon to level 3 (except the Support which you upgrade the “firebase” and

“hack” skills to level 2).

Note – You do not receive and money for bots killed by your turrets (money is received for bots killed by the Supports


Round #1 – 12 Slims from the front left spawn. Melee the bots for extra juice (push down on the right analog stick to

perform a melee attack).

Note – We are only building the Rockit turrets to level 1 because we want them destroyed in round 10 by the Jackbot.

The only reason we are building them at all is to make sure that our Moneyball does not take damage until we

want it to in round 10 (we want it to later to allow us to earn more money for a higher ranking).

Round #2 – 6 Blackjacks from the front right spawn. By coming around behind each one and using the melee attack from

behind, the Blackjacks will not shoot at you. Note: If you come too close along the side when moving behind

them they will take a swipe at you so don’t get too close.

Round #3 – 25 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #4 – 3 Gremlins from the front left spawn. As soon as you see their cloaking shield (it distorts the air) moving along

the ground, melee them.

Note – We are not going to build the Shave Ice turret until later so that the Jackbot destroys the Rockit turrets without

taking too much damage.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front right spawn. Wait until the Bouncer is almost to you (this will take practice to get the

timing down) and jump backwards as he lunges. Run forward and grapple the Bouncer. Once the grapple is

done, if you have the armor, melee him until you are down to 25% health and finish him off with your weapon.

Round #6 – 2 Scramblers from the front left spawn. Run behind them and melee.

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Stay just in front of your turrets, aim up and to the right, and shoot them

with your short range weapon.

Round #8 – 25 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #9 – 6 Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

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Bullseye – When Bullseye appears (on the exclamation point just in front of the forward bridge), activate your juice, quickly

perform a taunt (you get $100 instead of $5 for the first taunt when juiced), and unload on him. Note: If you

have the timing of the taunts for the class you are using down, ignore the last Blackjack, use juice and taunt so

that just as you are finishing your taunt Bullseye appears. This will get you the highest score possible, especially

if you are on a weapon with a very short taunt.

Build and upgrade turret #3 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn. If you can, try to trap the Jackbot in the spawn door and melee him until

you have juice. Once you have juice, let him out and move behind him so that he does not slam. Hit your juice,

taunt, and while staying behind him move forward to the bridge. Once the Jackbot destroys both Rockit turrets,

build and upgrade to level 3 the Shave Ice turret. Note: The sole purpose of the Shave Ice turret is to force the

Jackbot to attack it Instead of the Moneyball. This will lengthen the time you have to juice taunt so that you

earn more money. Jump up onto the turret nub to the right of the Jackbot so that his slams will not affect you.

Use your melee attack on the Jackbot until he is down to 25% health. Once the Jackbot is down to 25% health,

leave him alone so that he can replenish it again (it takes 30 seconds for the Jackbot to start regeneration and

another 30 seconds to fully regain his health). Continue rebuilding the level 3 Shave Ice turret and juice taunting

until the Moneyball is down to 5% health. Quickly finish off the Jackbot and collect the power-ups.

4.3 Exhibition Blitz – 2 Player Match

4.3.1 2 Player Match – General Information

Even if you are playing with someone who has no idea what they are doing, this is still a very hard blitz to loose. If both

players have headsets, be sure to take turns with melee attacks and juice taunts so that both players can get decent

rankings. This is actually a good blitz to get more familiar with the controls on classes you are not familiar with.

4.3.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

Unless you are on some REALLY good stuff, armor is a complete waste here for any class. I would go gold juice, silver rate,

and either clip size or speed on bronze for both classes. Clip size is preferable so that you have more bullets to pour into

Bullseye. Remember, the more pain you cause him, the less pain you will have when your final score pops up.

4.3.3 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Because this blitz is so short and easy, we only need 1 turret. We will build the Shave Ice turret to level 3 only to keep the

Jackbot occupied so that our Moneyball stays up longer (more money from juice taunts).

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Figure #18: 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3

2 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #15: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order

4.3.4 2 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL 24 SB 7 1 FR 6 BZ

2 1 FR 1 2 BLK 8 1 FR 50 SB

3 1 FR 50 SB 9 1 FL 1 2 BLK

4 1 FL 6 GM

5 1 FR 2* BN 1 0 1 FR 2* JP

6 1 FL 4 SC

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout


Table #16: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

4.3.5 2 Player Match – Walkthrough

Before leaving the spawn upgrade the clones’ weapon to level 3 (except the Support which you upgrade the “firebase” to

level 3).

Round #1 – 12 pairs of Slims from the front left spawn. Both players should be using the melee attack to gain as much juice

as possible.

Round #2 – 6 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn. While both should be using a melee attack from behind the

Blackjacks for extra juice, you may need to just kill a few groups to be safe.

Round #3 – 25 pairs of Slims from the front right spawn. Smack my slim up, smack my slim up (that song is so old that even I

can't remember most of the words to it).

Round #4 – 2 groups of 3 Gremlins from the front left spawn. It’s time to lay the smack down on them for posterities sake.

Round #5 – 2 Bouncers, one after the other, from the front right spawn. One player should melee while the other attacks.

When the second Bouncer comes out, switch roles.

Round #6 – 2 pairs of Scramblers from the front left spawn. Melee, melee, melee


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Round #7 – 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Just kill the little buggers.

Round #8 – 25 pairs of Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #9 – 6 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

Bullseye – If you have the timing down, juice taunt so that the taunt finishes just as Bullseye appears, then lay into him.

Round #10 – 2 Jackbots, one after the other, from the front right spawn. Kill the first Jackbot as quickly as possible and collect

the power-ups. Do not attack the second Jackbot but fall back and let it move forward to take out your Rockit

turrets. Once the Jackbot destroys both Rockit turrets, build and upgrade to level 3 the Shave Ice turret. Note:

The sole purpose of the Shave Ice turret is to force the Jackbot to attack it Instead of the Moneyball. This will

lengthen the time you have to juice taunt so that you earn more money. 1 player should jump up onto the turret

nub to the right of the Jackbot so that his slams will not affect them. Use your melee attacks on the Jackbot until

he is down to 25% health. Once the Jackbot is down to 25% health, leave him alone so that he can replenish it

again (it takes 30 seconds for the Jackbot to start regeneration and another 30 seconds to fully regain his

health). If you have the cash, while 1 player remains next to Jackbot to keep him slamming, the other player can

run up, buy juice, and perform a juice taunt. After 1 player has finished his juice taunt, switch places with the

other player so that they can do that also. Continue rebuilding the level 3 Shave Ice turret and juice taunting

until the Moneyball is down to 5% health. Quickly finish off the Jackbot and collect the power-ups.

4.4 Exhibition Blitz – 3 Player Match

4.4.1 3 Player Match – General Information

Pay attention so that bots don’t slip by and take down your shields but other than that, this should be very easy even if you

are playing with idiots.

4.4.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

1 Support and 2 bot killers can make pay dirt here. With the support keeping everyone happy and healthy and with his

firebase near the Moneyball, pimp slapping bots has never been more fun. Every class should have gold juice.

Depending on your skill, you may want silver armor but you will see higher leaderboard rankings with silver rate of fire

and bronze armor (just in case the bots decide to pick on one person).

4.4.3 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

As long as the team either is communicating or has each read this guide, you still do not need any more than a single Shave

Ice turret. If you want to play it extra safe, you can build 2 level 1 Rockit turrets next to the Moneyball but it really

should not be necessary.

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Figure #19: 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3

3 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #17: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order

4.4.4 3 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL / FR 1 2* / 24 SB 7 1 FL / FR 3 /6 BZ

2 1 FL / FR 6* / 1 2 BLK 8 1 FL / FR 1 2* / 24 SB

3 1 FL / FR 1 2* / 24 SB 9 1 FL / FR 6* / 1 2 BLK

4 1 FL / FR 1 2 / 1 2 GM

5 1 FL / FR 1 / 2* BN 1 0 1 FL / FR 1 / 2* JP

6 1 FL / FR 2 / 4 SC

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout


Table #18: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

4.4.5 3 Player Match – Walkthrough

Before leaving the spawn upgrade the clones’ weapon to level 3 (except the Support which you upgrade the “firebase” to

level 3).

Round #1 – 12 Slims from the front left and 12 pairs of Slims from the front right spawns. Have your bot killer focus on the

side with the pairs in case they get too far up. Have while the other players melee attack either side.

Round #2 – 6 Blackjacks from the front left and 6 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawns. Meet the new bot, same as

the old bot (that one is a stretch but it works).

Round #3 – 12 Slims from the front left and 12 pairs of Slims from the front right spawns.

Round #4 – 3 Gremlins from the front left and 6 Gremlins from the front right spawns. Polish the butt of the rifle with them.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front left and 2 Bouncers from the front right spawns. Melee, grapple, melee, grapple, FUN!

Round #6 – 2 Scramblers from the front left and 4 Scramblers from the front right spawns. Do I really need me to tell you?

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front left and 6 Buzzers from the front right spawns. Buzzers are great for target practice.


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Round #8 – 12 Slims from the front left and 12 pairs of Slims from the front right spawns.

Round #9 – 6 Blackjacks from the front left and 6 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawns.

Bullseye – Show Bullseye some of that juicy lovin.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front left and 2 Jackbots from the front right spawns. Gang up on the Jackbot from the front

left spawn and take him out as quickly as possible. Repeat with the first Jackbot from the front right spawn. Let

the last Jackbot move up and take out your Rockit turrets if built any. Once the Jackbot destroys both Rockit

turrets, build and upgrade to level 3 the Shave Ice turret. Note: The sole purpose of the Shave Ice turret is to

force the Jackbots to attack it Instead of the Moneyball. This will lengthen the time you have to juice taunt so

that you earn more money. 1 player should jump up onto the turret nub to the right of the Jackbot so that his

slams will not affect them. Use your melee attacks on the Jackbot until he is down to 25% health. Once the

Jackbot is down to 25% health, leave him alone so that he can replenish it again (it takes 30 seconds for the

Jackbot to start regeneration and another 30 seconds to fully regain his health). If you have the cash, while 1

player remains next to Jackbot to keep him slamming, the other players can run up, buy juice, and perform a

juice taunt. After 1 player has finished his juice taunt, switch places with the other player so that they can do

that also. Continue rebuilding the level 3 Shave Ice turret and juice taunting until the Moneyball is down to 5%

health. Quickly finish off the Jackbot and collect the power-ups.

4.5 Exhibition Blitz – 4 Player Match

4.5.1 4 Player Match – General Information

This is still almost too easy. Even with the added bots, as long as 1 person is staying back near the Moneyball to take out any

bots that get by, mostly this is exactly like a 3 player match when it comes to how you approach it.

4.5.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

I suggest at least 2 bot killers and 1 Support for his Firebase and heal gun. While this is the easiest 4 player match in the

known universe, don’t get cocky. You want to have gold juice for taunts but add armor in there for each class to be on

the safe side.

4.5.3 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Just like the 3 player match, If you have decent communication and are solid players, you really don’t need any turrets

except for the Shave Ice..

I suggest putting the firebase near the Moneyball so that the players can melee the bots for juice before the firebase kills

them. Also, you still have extra bot coverage just in case the world comes to an end.

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Figure #20: 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3

4 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #19: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order

4.5.4 4 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL / FR 24 / 24 SB 7 1 FL / FR 6 / 6 BZ

2 1 FL / FR 1 2 / 1 2 BLK 8 1 FL / FR 24 / 24 SB

3 1 FL / FR 24 / 24 SB 9 1 FL / FR 1 2 / 1 2 BLK

4 1 FL / FR 1 2 / 1 2 GM

5 1 FL / FR 2* / 2* BN 1 0 1 FL / FR 2* / 2* JP

6 1 FL / FR 4 / 4 SC

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout


Table #20: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

4.5.5 4 Player Match – Walkthrough

Before leaving the spawn upgrade the clones’ weapon to level 3 (except the Support which you upgrade the “firebase” and

“hack” skills to level 2).

Round #1 – 12 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns. With 2 pairs of you using your melee attacks on each

side for juice, they should go down pretty easily. Please be fair and spread the beatings around evenly.

Round #2 – 6 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. Each pair in each group should take turns. One

person melee while the other attacks to make sure that they do not get past you.

Round #3 – 12 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns.

Round #4 – 12 Gremlins from the front left and front right spawns. Melee the Gremlins for juice. If you have a support it

makes it easier for the others to be a little more aggressive for juice.

Round #5 – 2 Bouncers from the front left and front right spawns. Kill the first from each spawn then melee the second one

together for juice as always.

Round #6 – 4 Scramblers from the front left and front right spawns. Stop messing around and slap the little punks already.


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Round #7 – 6 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. I want you to work on your distance marksmanship.

Round #8 – 12 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns.

Round #9 – 6 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns.

Bullseye – I guess that it’s time to rock the casba.

Note – Have 1 player run up and stand by the annihilator for the next round.

Round #10 – 2 Jackbots from the front left and front right spawns. Hit the annihilator and quickly take out 3 of the Jackbots.

Let the last Jackbot move up next to your Shave Ice turret nub. Build and upgrade to level 3 the Shave Ice

turret. Note: The sole purpose of the Shave Ice turret is to force the Jackbot to attack it Instead of the

Moneyball. This will lengthen the time you have to juice taunt so that you earn more money. 1 player should

jump up onto the turret nub to the right of the Jackbot so that his slams will not affect them. Use your melee

attacks on the Jackbot until he is down to 25% health. Once the Jackbot is down to 25% health, leave him alone

so that he can replenish it again (it takes 30 seconds for the Jackbot to start regeneration and another 30

seconds to fully regain his health). If you have the cash, while 1 player remains next to Jackbot to keep him

slamming, the other players can run up, buy juice, and perform juice taunts. After 1 player has finished his juice

taunt, switch places with the player on the turret nub so that they can do that also. Continue rebuilding the level

3 Shave Ice turret and juice taunting until the Moneyball is down to 5% health. Quickly finish off the Jackbot and

collect the power-ups.

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5 Season Blitz

5.1 Season Blitz – General Information

The Season Blitz is has a difficulty rating of “Medium” and is a 20 round blitz match. The following table gives the details and

YouTube addresses with the videos of me using each class in this blitz. Note: the listed sponsor builds are not necessarily

the ones used for my highest scores, only the builds I have found to be the most effective overall.

Class Box's Rank Box's Score #1 Score Total Players Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 1 33170 33170 311860 1st Place Overall 11046 3119 6908 N/A Class Gold Silver Bronze

Gunner 2 8831 9226 149974 0.0013 % Gunner 7832 1500 6793 Gunner Juice Rate of Fire Reload Speed

Tank 2 8700 10195 83888 0.0024 % Tank 8240 839 6873 Tank Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Support 1 33170 33170 111484 1st Place Support 11046 1115 6997 Support Juice Armor Rate of Fire

Assault 4 8421 9640 139097 0.0029 % Assault 7214 1391 6210 Assault Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Assassin 6 8736 14067 100849 0.0059 % Assassin 8080 1008 6408 Assassin Juice Armor Rate of Fire

Sniper 3 7889 8264 62611 0.0048 % Sniper 6932 626 5956 Sniper Juice Armor Clip Size

Percentile Sponsor Builds

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Table #21: Beat the Box – Season Blitz

5.2 Season Blitz – Single Player Match

5.2.1 Single Player Match – General Information

While you need to be more attentive than in the Exhibition Blitz, so long as do not make too many stupid mistakes (a few

really won’t make too much of a difference) this should still be fairly easy regardless of the class used.

5.2.2 Single Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

This blitz is still easy enough that even if you are weak with a class, you can still have a fairly easy time so long as you pay

attention. When choosing your class here, think about their special skills as this is still a good place to practice them and

get better at (or at least more comfortable) using them.

As for most single player matches, go gold juice for laughing in the bots faces. There a lot more bots in the second 10 rounds

than in the first 10 rounds. Because of this (and because we will not have a lot of turrets), for those not blitz mad like me

I recommend at least some armor on even the heavy classes and rate of fire in there as well. Order them according to

your skill level but higher rate will mean a higher leaderboard ranking so I would at least try silver rate first.

5.2.3 Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #21: Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order


2 3

1 4

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Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3 4 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 2

Single Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #22: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order

5.2.4 Single Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 7* SB 1 3 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

2 1 FR 3* BLK 1 4 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BZ / BZ

3 1 FR 7* SB 2 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

4 1 FL 3* GM 1 5 1 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

5 1 FR 1 BN 1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

6 1 FL 4 SC 2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

7 1 FR 3 BZ 1 7 1 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

8 1 FR 7* SB 1 8 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BZ / BZ

9 1 FL 3* BLK 2 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

1 0 1 FR 1 JP 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

1 1 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

1 2 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM 20 1 FR / R 1 / 1 JP / JP

2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout



Table #23: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

5.2.5 Single Player Match – Walkthrough

Before leaving the spawn upgrade the clones’ weapon to level 3 (except the Support which you upgrade the “firebase” skill to

level 3).

Note – You do not receive and money for bots killed by your turrets (money is received for bots killed by the Supports


Round #1 – 7 Slims from the front left spawn. Melee them for juice.

Round #2 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Run behind them and melee them. Note: swing in wide as you come

along beside them so that they do not take a swipe at you and smack them in the back of the head to keep from

taking damage.

Round #3 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #4 – 3 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Melee them as they get close, just for fun.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front right spawn. Wait until the Bouncer is almost to you (this will take practice to get the

timing down) and jump backwards as he lunges. Run forward and grapple the Bouncer. Once the grapple is

done, if you have the armor, melee him until you are down to 25% health and finish him off with your weapon.

Round #6 – 4 Scramblers from the front left spawn. Run behind them and melee them as they move up.

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Stay just in front of the forward bridge, aim up and to the right, and shoot


Round #8 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #9 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

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Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn. If you can, try to trap the Jackbot in the spawn door and melee him until

you have juice. Once you have juice, let him out and move behind him so that he does not slam. Hit your juice,

taunt, and while staying behind him move forward to the bridge. Once the Jackbot destroys both Rockit turrets,

build and upgrade to level 3 the Shave Ice turret. Note: The sole purpose of the Shave Ice turret is to force the

Jackbot to attack it Instead of the Moneyball. This will lengthen the time you have to juice taunt so that you

earn more money. Jump up onto the turret nub to the right of the Jackbot so that his slams will not affect you.

Use your melee attack on the Jackbot until he is down to 25% health. Once the Jackbot is down to 25% health,

leave him alone so that he can replenish it again (it takes 30 seconds for the Jackbot to start regeneration and

another 30 seconds to fully regain his health). Continue rebuilding the level 3 Shave Ice turret and juice taunting

until the Moneyball is down to 50% health. Quickly finish off the Jackbot and collect the power-ups.

Bullseye – If you have the timing down, pop juice just before Bullseye appears and taunt (you want the taunt to finish just

as he gains sentience). Bullseye appears in the center of the exclamation point just in front of the forward

bridge. Once the taunt is complete, have a nice, relaxing time beating the snot out of Bullseye with the

remainder of your juice.

Build and upgrade turrets #2 and #3, and #4 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Round #11 – 10 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 15 Slims from the left spawn. Start out by slapping the Slims for

juice. After about half of the Slims are dead head over and help your turrets finish off the Blackjacks. Stand near

your Shave Ice turret and shoot at the Blackjacks. Note: You want to remain under the bridge if you can to force

the Bouncer on the next round to go past your Rockit turrets.

Note – Starting on round 12, some of the rounds will have 2 waves of bots. When either all of the bots from the first

wave are destroyed or too much time has elapsed, a second wave of bots will come out during the same round.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 3 Gremlins from the back

left spawn. Use long range weapons on the Gap Shot. Switch to your short range weapon and shoot at the

Gremlins while avoiding the Bouncer. Note: Sometimes one or more of the Gremlins will attack the Rockit turret

instead of coming after you. This is another reason we stay near the center at this time. 2nd wave: 10 Blackjacks

from the front left spawn and 15 Slims from the left spawn. Smack, smack, smack your bot, gently in the face

(now you’ll never get that stupid song out of your head).

Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #13 – 10 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 15 Slim-Bots from the left spawn.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front right spawn and 4 Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. Take

out the Gap-Shot first and then worry about the Buzzers. 2nd wave: 10 Blackjacks from the front right spawn

and 15 Slims from the right spawn.

Build and upgrade turret #5 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #15 – 10 Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 15 Slims from the right spawn.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 3 Gremlins from the back

left spawn. 2nd wave: 10 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 15 Slims from the left spawn.

Round #17 – 10 Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 15 Slims from the right spawn.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front right spawn and 4 Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. 2nd

wave: 10 Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 15 Slims from the right spawn.

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Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 3 Gremlins from the back

left spawn. Use long range weapons on the Gap Shot. Switch to your short range weapon and shoot at the

Gremlins while avoiding the Bouncer. 2nd wave: 10 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 15 Slims from the

left spawn. Note: because there are more Slims than Blackjacks, move forward and kill the Blackjacks as they

exit the spawn. When you finish off the Blackjacks, you should have enough time to reload and get into position

before the Slims are all killed by your turrets.

Bullseye – It’s Rambo mode time. Juice and enjoy. Once you are done picking on poor little Bullseye, reload, take the jump

pad(s) to the Annihilator, and wait for the Jackbot round to start.

Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from both the front right and right spawns. Get behind the front Jackbot and melee him as he moves

forward to gain juice. Juice taunt behind him and continue to collect juice until the Jackbot destroys most of the

turrets. Once all but 1 of the turrets are gone, kill off whichever Jackbot has the least amount of life. Using the

slap-n-juice technique that you perfected earlier, juice taunt off of the last Jackbot until the Moneyball is down

to 5%. Mop up the last Jackbot and check out the stats.

5.3 Season Blitz – 2 Player Match

5.3.1 2 Player Match – General Information

This 2 player match should be cake and pie even if you do attend the dysfunctional family Christmas every year. About the

only thing that should annoy you is if you are playing an X-Box live blitz and the other player is not on a headset and is

determined to lay waste to the entire known universe as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the additional bots make it so

that you can get quite a tidy sum before the match ends earning you a respectable place on the leaderboards.

5.3.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

In the grand scheme of things it should not matter which classes you choose. I like having a Support because of his

firebase and I have grown somewhat attached to the Assassin in blitz so personally I like those 2 for 2 player

matches. Make sure you have gold juice and some armor in there somewhere and you should be able to rank

pretty high as long as you don’t do something too stupid.

5.3.3 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #22: 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order


2 3

1 4

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Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3 4 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 2

2 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #24: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order

5.3.4 2 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 1 4 SB 1 3 1 FL / L 20 / 30 BLK / SB

2 1 FR 6 BLK 1 4 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ

3 1 FR 1 4 SB 2 FR / R 20 / 30 BLK / SB

4 1 FL 6 GM 1 5 1 FR / R 20 / 30 BLK / SB

5 1 FR 2* BN 1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

6 1 FL 8 SC 2 FL / L 20 / 30 BLK / SB

7 1 FR 6 BZ 1 7 1 FR / R 20 / 30 BLK / SB

8 1 FR 1 4 SB 1 8 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ

9 1 FL 6 BLK 2 FR / R 20 / 30 BLK / SB

1 0 1 FR 2* JP 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 8 GS / BN / GM

2 FL / L 20 / 30 BLK / SB

1 1 1 FL / L 20 / 30 BLK / SB

1 2 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 8 GS / BN / GM 20 1 FR / R 2* / 1 JP / JP

2 FL / L 20 / 30 BLK / SB

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout



Table #25: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

5.3.5 2 Player Match – Walkthrough

Note – If you find that your Moneyball is going down before you want it to (yes you heard that correctly), you can build

1 or 2 of the Rockit turrets to level 1 to help manage the bots.

Before leaving the spawn upgrade the clones’ weapon to level 3 (except the Support which you upgrade the “firebase” skill to

level 2).

If using a Support, have the Support place and hack his firebase halfway between the forward center turret nub (used for the

Shave Ice) and the front supporting pillar for the center catwalk.

Round #1 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left spawn. Melee them for juice.

Round #2 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Sprint behind them (so that they do not shoot you) and melee

them to get juice.

Round #3 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #4 – 2 groups of 3 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Melee them.

Round #5 – 2 Bouncers (one after the other) from the front right spawn. One player should melee while the other attacks.

When the second Bouncer comes out, switch roles.

Round #6 – 4 pairs of Scramblers from the front left spawn. Treat them like the red headed step children they are.

Round #7 – 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. For crying out loud, just shoot them will you.

Round #8 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawn. Is your hand sore yet?

Round #9 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

Note – If using a Support, have them remove their firebase at this time.

Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

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Round #10 – 2 Jackbots (one after the other) from the front right spawn. Kill the first Jackbot by any means necessary but do

not attack the second when it comes out. Once the second Jackbot has moved all the way forward, have both

players melee the Jackbot until they can juice, then each do a juice taunt (If 1 player stands on the turret nub

next to the Jackbot, it will take time to slam and those slams will not affect the player). When the Moneyball

drops below 75% Finish off the Jackbot. Try to save your last juice until just before the Jackbot is killed. Before

killing the Jackbot, Pop juice, taunt, and finish him off. Use the rest of your juice to get more money from


Bullseye – Light em if you got em (light him up with loads and loads of bullets that is)

Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret and turrets #2, #3, #4, and #5 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Replace and re-hack the firebase if using a Support.

Round #11 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawn. Decide who is going to

smack whom around and have some fun. Note: Before the end of the round one player needs to ready to take

out the Gap-Shot that comes out in round 12.

Note – Starting on round 12, some of the rounds will have 2 waves of bots. When either all of the bots from the first

wave are destroyed or too much time has elapsed, a second wave of bots will come out during the same round.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 2 Bouncers (one after the other) from the back left spawn, and

2 groups of 4 Gremlins from the back left spawn. Have your bot killer take out the Bouncers while the other

player takes out first the Gap Shot, then the the Gremlins. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left

spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawn.

Round #13 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 7 pairs of Slim-Bots from the left spawn.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front right spawn and 3 Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. Have

the bot killer take out the Gap Shot while the other player focuses on the Buzzers. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks

from the front right spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the right spawn.

Round #15 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the right spawn.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 2 Bouncers (one after the other) from the back left spawn, and

2 groups of 4 Gremlins from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 7

pairs of Slims from the left spawn.

Round #17 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the right spawn.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front right spawn and 3 Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. 2nd

wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the right spawn.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn and 3 Buzzers from both the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave:

3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front Left spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawn.

Bullseye – Tag team, back again (old song, I had no Idea it was even rattling around in my skull).

Note – Unless you have done horribly and your Moneyball is near death, remove your firebase before the next round

starts. If things are looking grim, just leave it there and use the annihilator in the next round to help you polish

off the Jackbots quickly.

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Round #20 – 2 Jackbots (one after the other) from the front right spawn and 1 Jackbot from the right spawn. Let both

Jackbots move up and take out the turrets. When all but one of the turrets have been destroyed, take out the

Jackbot from the right spawn letting the front one finish off the last turret. Build and upgrade turret #1 to a

level 3 Shave Ice turret and let the Jackbot heal. Keep building and upgrading turret #1 so that the Jackbot

attacks it instead of your Moneyball) and melee the last Jackbot for juice taunts. As the Jackbot nears zero hit

points, leave him alone so that he can regain his health (it takes 30 seconds to start regeneration and another 30

seconds to recover all of his health). When the Moneyball health drops below 5%, take out the last Jackbot.

5.4 Season Blitz – 3 Player Match

5.4.1 3 Player Match – General information

Don’t get overconfident because of the first 10 rounds. The last 10 are much more hectic than the first for 3 player matches.

Make sure that you have 1 player near the Moneyball just in case and you should be fine. Have the players rotate the

Moneyball guard player so that you can even distribute the bot slapping amongst you all.

5.4.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

I suggest 1 Support and 1 bot killer. The last class shouldn’t matter as long as the bot killer doesn’t suck horribly. If you work

as a team this is a very good opportunity to get good rankings with classes that you suck at. Especially if you have a solid

Support to help you.

For sponsors I say gold juice and silver rate of fire. The bronze sponsor should be geared toward the class and playing style

(i.e. strong Supports may want skill recovery, Assassins, Snipers, and Assaults armor, Gunners and Tanks clip size).

5.4.3 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #23: 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3 4 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 2

3 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #26: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order


2 3

1 4


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5.4.4 3 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 1 3 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

2 1 FL / FR 3 / 6 BLK 1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

3 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

4 1 FL / FR 3 / 6 GM 1 5 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

5 1 FL / FR 1 / 2* BN 1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN

6 1 FL / FR 4 / 8 SC 2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

7 1 FL / FR 3 / 6 BZ 1 7 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

8 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

9 1 FL 3 / 6 BLK 2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 0 1 FL / FR 1 / 2 JP 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 1 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 2 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN 20 1 FL / FR / R / BR 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP / JP

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout



Table #27: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

5.4.5 3 Player Match – Walkthrough

Before leaving the spawn upgrade the clones’ weapon to level 3 (except the Support which you upgrade the “firebase” skill to

level 3).

Round #1 – 7 Slims from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawns. A bot killer should focus on the side

with the pairs using melee attacks and just plain awesome destructive power when needed. Other classes

should work on the single file side.

Round #2 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawns. You can try melee attacks

but it is pretty embarrassing if you die on round 2. Mostly I go kill-em-all (thank you Metallica) on the first half,

then melee what’s left for juice.

Round #3 – 7 Slims from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawns.

Round #4 – 3 Gremlins from the front left and 2 sets of 3 Gremlins from the front right spawns. I tried the water thing here

but it didn’t work. Just shoot them.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front left and 2 Bouncers single file from the front right spawns. Bot killer on 1 Bouncer, 2

others melee attacking the other.

Round #6 – 2 pairs of Scramblers from the front left and 4 pairs of Scramblers from the front right spawns. Ready, fire, aim.

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front left and 2 sets of 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. 10,000 years shooting Buzzers

can give you such a crick in the neck (yes there is a baby box who likes Aladdin).

Round #8 – 7 Slims from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawns.

Round #9 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

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Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front left and 2 Jackbots from the front right spawns. Quickly kill the first 2 Jackbots leaving

the second single Jackbot alone. Both players should fall back to the center and have one player jump up onto

the turret nub to the right of the Jackbot so that his slams will not affect them and melee him from there. The

second player will have to melee and jump over the slams (moving away to taunt) to build juice. Use your melee

attack on the Jackbot until he is down to 25% health. Once the Jackbot is down to 25% health, leave him alone

so that he can replenish it again (it takes 30 seconds for the Jackbot to start regeneration and another 30

seconds to fully regain his health). Continue rebuilding the level 3 Shave Ice turret and juice taunting until the

Moneyball is down to 50% health. Quickly finish off the Jackbot and collect the power-ups

Bullseye – Light em if you got em (light him up with loads and loads of ammunition that is)

Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret and turrets #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Have your Support (if you have one) place his firebase mid-way between the Shave Ice turret and the center walkway


Round #11 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front left spawn and 10 Blackjacks together with 15 Slims from the

left spawn. A bot killer should remain in front to take care of that area while another player (preferably the

weaker against bots) handles the side bots. Any Supports should remain near turret nub #1 to heal either other

player as needed and to melee or kill bots that get through.

Note – Starting on round 12, some of the rounds will have 2 waves of bots. When either all of the bots from the first

wave are destroyed or too much time has elapsed, a second wave of bots will come out during the same round.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 2 groups of 3 Gremlins from the left spawn, and 2 Bouncers

single file from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: Blackjacks from the front left spawn and Slims from the left


Round #13 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front left spawn and 10 Blackjacks together with 15 Slims from the

left spawn.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns. 6 Buzzers from both the left and right spawns. 3

Buzzers from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front right spawn and

10 Blackjacks together with 15 Slims from the right spawn.

Round #15 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front right spawn and 10 Blackjacks together with 15 Slims from

the right spawn.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 2 groups of 3 Gremlins from the left spawn, and 2 Bouncers

single file from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: Blackjacks from the front left spawn and Slims from the left


Round #17 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front right spawn and 10 Blackjacks together with 15 Slims from

the right spawn.

Round #18 – 1st wave: Gap Shot from the front right spawn and Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. 2nd wave:

Blackjacks from the front right spawn and Slims from the right spawn.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns. 6 Buzzers from both the left and right spawns. 3

Buzzers from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front left spawn and

10 Blackjacks together with 15 Slims from the left spawn.

Bullseye – Same old song and dance.

Note – Before round 20 starts, have one of the players head up and get ready for the annihilator.

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Round #20 – 2 Jackbots single file from both the front left and front right spawns. 1 Jackbot from both the right and back

right spawns. 1 Jackbot from both the right and back right spawns. Activate the annihilator and punish the

Jackbots from the right and back right spawns. Let the front Jackbots come forward and take out your turrets.

Once all of the turrets are gone, continue building and upgrading the Shave Ice turret to perform melee attacks

with juice taunts until the Moneyball reaches 5%. Note: While two are smacking the Jackbot around, the 3rd

player can be buying juice to do their taunts with. Now, take out the 2nd Jackbot and collect all of the power-ups

that he was so nice to leave you guys.

5.5 Season Blitz – 4 Player Match

5.5.1 4 Player Match – General information

Pay attention and help each other out and this is still a fairly easy blitz match. Your Support may run a little ragged but as

long as they are a solid Support they should be fairly used to that anyway.

5.5.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

The Box recommends at least 1 Support and 2 Assassins. The fourth class shouldn’t matter too much here but if

you want a little more bot stopping power I would go with a Tank.

Except for any Snipers (unless a support will make sure they stay alive), stick with gold juice and silver rate of fire.

Your bronze sponsor I leave up to you. For Snipers I suggest gold juice, silver armor, and bronze skill recovery.

This will allow you stay alive and help out the team with flak and ice traps more. Make sure you have at least 1

Support and 1 Assassin (for grappling Jackbots).

5.5.3 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #24: 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3 4 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 2

4 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #28: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order


2 3

1 4


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5.5.4 4 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 1 4 SB 1 3 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

2 1 FL / FR 6 / 6 BLK 1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

3 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 1 4 SB 2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

4 1 FL / FR 6 / 6 GM 1 5 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

5 1 FL / FR 2* / 2* BN 1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / BN / BN

6 1 FL / FR 8 / 8 SC 2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

7 1 FL / FR 6 / 6 BZ 1 7 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

8 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 1 4 SB 1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

9 1 FL 6 / 6 BLK 2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 0 1 FL / FR 2* / 2* JP 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / BN / BN

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 1 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 2 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / BN / BN 20 1 FL / FR / L / R 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP / JP

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout



Table #29: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

5.5.5 4 Player Match – Walkthrough

Before leaving the spawn upgrade the clones’ weapon to level 3 (except the Support which you upgrade the “firebase” skill to

level 3).

Round #1 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns. With 2 pairs of you using your melee attacks on each

side for juice, they should go down pretty easily. Please be fair and spread the beatings around evenly.

Round #2 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. Each pair in each group should take turns. One

person melee while the other attacks to make sure that they do not get past you.

Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #3 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns.

Round #4 – 2 sets of 3 Gremlins from the front left and front right spawns. Melee the Gremlins for juice. If you have a

support it makes it easier for the others to be a little more aggressive for juice.

Round #5 – 2 Bouncers single file from the front left and front right spawns. Kill the first from each spawn then melee the

second one together for juice as always.

Round #6 – 4 pairs of Scramblers from the front left and front right spawns. Stop messing around and slap the little punks


Round #7 – 6 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. If this round is difficult for you crawl into a hole and hide.

Round #8 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns.

Round #9 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns.

Note – If using a Support, have them pick up their Firebase so that I does not accidentally kill the Jackbots.

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Round #10 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front left and front right spawns plus 1 Jackbot from the right and back right

spawns. Take out one Jackbot from each spawn and let the last 2 move forward and take out your turrets (yes,

you heard that correctly). Once the turrets are destroyed take out one of the Jackbots and let the last one heal.

While waiting for the Jackbot to get his health back, build and upgrade to level 3 the Shave Ice turret (this will

make it so that the Jackbot attacks it instead of the Moneyball). Once the Jackbot is back to full health, take

turns using your melee attacks on him until he is down to 10% then allow him to re-heal. Take turns between

who does their melee attacks and who runs back to buy juice for juice taunts. Keep re-building the shave Ice

turret and performing juice taunts until the Moneyball is down to 50%. Kill the Jackbot, collect the goodies, and

start building turrets.

Bullseye – If all of you gather around Bullseye it will trap him making it easier to get money and power-ups from him. Note:

When the music stops, have 1 player grapple Bullseye. This will cause him to knock the player back lengthening

how long he is in the arena during the animation for the other players.

Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret and turrets #2, #3, #4, #5, and #6 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Have your Support (if you have one) place his firebase mid-way between the Shave Ice turret and the center walkway


Round #11 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front left and left spawns.

Note – Starting on round 12, some of the rounds will have 2 waves of bots. When either all of the bots from the first

wave are destroyed or too much time has elapsed, a second wave of bots will come out during the same round.

Note – Have 1 bot killer ready to take out the Gap Shots while another prepares to get funky with the Bouncers.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 2 Bouncers single file from the back left and

back right spawns, and 2 sets of 3 Gremlins from the left spawn. Have players with good long range attacks take

out the Gap Shots while your bot killers lay waste to the Bouncers. Have who ever took out the Gap-Shots mop

up the Gremlins. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front left and left spawns. You know

the drill.

Round #13 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front left and left spawns.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns. 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the left, right, back

left, and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front right and right


Round #15 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front right and right spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 2 Bouncers single file from the back left and

back right spawns, and 2 sets of 3 Gremlins from the left spawn. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims

from the front left and left spawns.

Round #17 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front right and right spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns. 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the left, right, back

left, and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front right and right


Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 2 Bouncers single file from the back left and

back right spawns, and 2 sets of 3 Gremlins from the left spawn. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims

from the front left and left spawns.

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Bullseye – Crowd around and hem him in to reap the rewards.

Round #20 – 2 Jackbots single file from both the front left and front right spawns plus 1 Jackbot from both the left and the

right spawns. Wipe out the 2 Jackbots from the side spawns and the first Jackbot from each of the front spawns.

Allow the 2 remaining Jackbots to move forward and take out your turrets (unless your Moneyball health is

dangerously low). Once all but 1 of the turrets are gone, kill one of the the forward Jackbots (the one with the

least amount of health) and allow the last Jackbot to regain his life back. Melee and juice taunt off of the 2nd

Jackbot until the Moneyball is down to 5%. Now, exterminate with extreme prejudice the remaining Jackbot and

get rich off of his corpse.

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6 Playoff Blitz

6.1 Playoff Blitz – General Information

The Playoff Blitz has a difficulty rating of “Difficult” and is a 30 round Blitz Match. The sheer number of bots that come out

(especially after the round 20 Jackbot) make them very difficult to keep up with. The Shave Ice turrets play a critical role

in the last 10 rounds of this match. The following table gives the details and YouTube addresses with the videos of me

using each class in this blitz. Note: the listed sponsor builds are not necessarily the ones used for my highest scores, only

the builds I have found to be the most effective overall.

Class Box's Rank Box's Score #1 Score Total Players Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 1 24588 24588 233892 1st Place Overall 12044 2339 8526 N/A Class Gold Silver Bronze

Gunner 3 11348 11543 102449 0.0029 % Gunner 9680 1024 8403 Gunner Rate of Fire Juice Clip Size

Tank 3 11295 11624 58141 0.0052 % Tank 9799 581 8397 Tank Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Support 1 24588 24588 89762 1st Place Support 12044 898 8647 Support Juice Rate of Fire Armor

Assault 2 9869 10645 80251 0.0025 % Assault 8564 803 7640 Assault Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Assassin 3 11345 11861 58976 0.0051 % Assassin 9592 590 7911 Assassin Rate of Fire Juice Armor

Sniper 2 8945 9594 31729 0.0063 % Sniper 8384 317 7139 Sniper Juice Armor Rate of Fire

Playoff Blitz DetailsPercentile Ranking Score Rankings

Sponsor BuildsPercentile

Table #30: Beat the Box – Playoff Blitz

6.2 Playoff Blitz – Single Player Match

6.2.1 Single Player Match – General Information

The Playoff Blitz is where things start to get a little interesting. This match is long enough to wear down your defenses if you

are not paying attention and there are enough bots to keep you on your toes. Be sure to check your Moneyball health

before the round 20 Jackbot round to decide if you want to allow the Jackbots to whittle away at your Moneyball health

or save it for the round 30 run.

6.2.2 Single Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

If fairly new to the Playoff Blitz I would recommend beginning with a class that you are more comfortable handling and using

special skills with. When you have the bot handling down for the match, then try different classes.

Unless you are a veteran Blitz player begin with at least silver armor preferably gold and have the other one rate of fire.

Juice or skill recovery are good bronze sponsors for starting out with here.

6.2.3 Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #25: Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order


9 10

11 12

4 5

7 8


3 22

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Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3 7 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 2 1 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 9 Shave Ice 3

6 Rockit 2 1 0 Shave Ice 3

Single Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #31: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order

6.2.4 Single Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 1 2* SB 18 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 4 / 4 GS / BZ / BZ

2 1 FR 6* BLK 2 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

3 1 FR 25* SB 19 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

4 1 FL 3 GM 2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

5 1 FR 1 BN 20 1 FR / R 1 / 1 JP / JP

6 1 FL 2 SC

7 1 FR 3 BZ 21 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 0* BLK / BLK

8 1 FR 25* SB 22 1 FL / FR / L / BL 1 / 1 / 1 / 4 GS / GS / BN / GM

9 1 FL 6* BLK 2 FR / R 1 0* / 1 0* BLK / BLK

10 1 FR 1 JP 23 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 0* BLK / BLK

24 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 0* BLK / BLK

11 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 2 FL / L / BL 1 0* / 1 0* / 5* BLK / BLK / BZ

12 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM 25 1 FR / R / BR 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 26 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

13 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 2 FL / L / BL 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

14 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BZ / BZ 27 1 FR / R / BR 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 28 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 5 / 5 GS / BZ / BZ

15 1 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 2 FR / R / BR 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

16 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM 29 1 FR / R / BR 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

17 1 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 30 1 FR / R 1 / 1 JP / JP

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time




Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Table #32: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

6.2.5 Single Player Match – Walkthrough

Before leaving the spawn upgrade the clones’ weapon to level 3 (except the Support which you upgrade the “firebase” skill to

level 3).

Note – You do not receive and money for bots killed by your turrets (money is received for bots killed by the Supports


Round #1 – 7 Slims from the front left spawn. Melee them for juice.

Round #2 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Run behind them and melee them. Note: swing in wide as you come

along beside them so that they do not take a swipe at you.

Round #3 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #4 – 3 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Melee them as they get close, just for fun.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front right spawn. Wait until the Bouncer is almost to you (this will take practice to get the

timing down) and jump backwards as he lunges. Run forward and grapple the Bouncer. Once the grapple is

done, if you have the armor, melee him until you are down to 25% health and finish him off with your weapon.

Round #6 – 4 Scramblers from the front left spawn. Run behind them and melee them as they move up.

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Stay just in front of the forward bridge, aim up and to the right, and shoot

them with your short range weapon.

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Round #8 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #9 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn. If you can, try to trap the Jackbot in the spawn door and melee him until

you have juice. Once you have juice, let him out and move behind him so that he does not slam. Hit your juice,

taunt, and while staying behind him move forward to the bridge. Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Shave

Ice turret. Note: The sole purpose of the Shave Ice turret is to force the Jackbot to attack it Instead of the

Moneyball. This will lengthen the time you have to juice taunt so that you earn more money. Jump up onto the

turret nub to the right of the Jackbot so that his slams will not affect you. Use your melee attack on the Jackbot

until he is down to 25% health. Once the Jackbot is down to 25% health, leave him alone so that he can

replenish it again (it takes 30 seconds for the Jackbot to start regeneration and another 30 seconds to fully

regain his health). Continue rebuilding the level 3 Shave Ice turret and juice taunting until the Moneyball is

down to 50% health. Quickly finish off the Jackbot and collect the power-ups.

Bullseye – If you have the timing down, pop juice just before Bullseye appears and taunt (you want the taunt to finish just

as he gains sentience). Bullseye appears (in the center of the exclamation point just in front of the forward

bridge). Once the taunt is complete, have a nice, relaxing time beating the snot out of Bullseye with the

remainder of your juice.

Build and upgrade turrets #1 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret and turrets #2 and #3 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Round #11 – 10 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 15 Slims from the left spawn. Stand near your Shave Ice turret and

shoot at the Blackjacks coming from the front. Note: You want to remain under the bridge if you can to force the

Bouncer on the next round to go past your Rockit turrets.

Note – Starting on round 12, some of the rounds will have 2 waves of bots. When either all of the bots from the first

wave are destroyed or too much time has elapsed, a second wave of bots will come out during the same round.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 3 Gremlins from the back

left spawn. Use long range weapons on the Gap Shot. Switch to your short range weapon and shoot at the

Gremlins while avoiding the Bouncer. Note: Sometimes one or more of the Gremlins will attack the Rockit turret

instead of coming after you. This is another reason we stay near the center at this time. 2nd wave: 10 Blackjacks

from the front left spawn and 15 Slims from the left spawn.

Build and upgrade turret #4 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #13 – 10 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 15 Slim-Bots from the left spawn.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front right spawn and 4 Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. 2nd

wave: 10 Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 15 Slims from the right spawn.

Build and upgrade turret #5 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #15 – 10 Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 15 Slims from the right spawn.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 3 Gremlins from the back

left spawn. 2nd wave: 10 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 15 Slims from the left spawn.

Round #17 – 10 Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 15 Slims from the right spawn.

Build and upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front right spawn and 4 Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. 2nd

wave: 10 Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 15 Slims from the right spawn.

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Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 3 Gremlins from the back

left spawn. Use long range weapons on the Gap Shot. Switch to your short range weapon and shoot at the

Gremlins while avoiding the Bouncer. 2nd wave: 10 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 15 Slims from the

left spawn. Note: because there are more Slims than Blackjacks, move forward and kill the Blackjacks as they

exit the spawn. When you finish off the Blackjacks, you should have enough time to reload and get into position

before the Slims are all killed by your turrets.

Note – Take a jump pad up and go to the annihilator before the next round starts (do not activate the annihilator yet).

Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from both the front right and right spawns. Don’t worry about getting money here. Hit the annihilator,

drop down, and take out the front Jackbot as quickly as you can. Run over as fast as possible and take out the

Jackbot from the right spawn. Collect the power-ups and get ready to juice on Bullseye.

Bullseye – Hit the juice and wail away.

Upgrade turrets # 1 and #2 to level 3 Rockit turrets.

Round #21 – 10 Blackjacks from both the front left and left spawns. As you have more firepower in the front, focus on the

bots coming from the side spawn first. Keep an eye on the front just to be safe though.

Build and upgrade turret # 9 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from both the front left and front right spawns, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4

Gremlins from the back right spawn. Use your long range weapons on the Gap shots to kill them as quickly as

possible. Switch to your short range weapon and attack the Gremlins while avoiding the Bouncer (the turrets

will take out the Bouncer). 2nd wave: 10 Blackjacks from both the front right and right spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #10 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #23 – 10 Blackjacks from both the front left and left spawns.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 10 Blackjacks from both the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 10 Blackjacks from both the front left

and left spawns and 5 Buzzers from the back left spawn. Attack the Buzzers first, and then take out the


Round #25 – 7 Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from both the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims from the back right spawn.

Start out by killing 4 of the Slims (you have far less firepower in the back and they occasionally get through and

take down your shields). After killing about 4 of the Slims, focus of the pairs of bots coming in from the side


Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 3 Gremlins from the back

left spawn. Upgrade turret #9 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret. 2nd wave: 7 Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from

both the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims from the back left spawn.

Round #27 – 7 Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from both the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims from the back right spawn.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn , 2 Scramblers from the left spawn, and 5 Buzzers each from both

the left and back left spawns. Kill the Gap Shot first using your long range weapon, the switch to your short

range weapon to take out the Buzzers. 2nd wave: 7 Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from both the front right

and right spawns. 7 Slims from the back right spawn.

Upgrade turret # 10 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #29 – 7 Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from both the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims from the back right spawn.

Bullseye – Get juicy and get your freak on.

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Round #30 – 1 Jackbot from the front right and right spawns. Get behind the front Jackbot and melee him as he moves

forward to gain juice. Juice taunt behind him and continue to collect juice until the Jackbot destroys most of the

turrets. Once all but 1 of the turrets are gone, kill the forward Jackbot. Melee and juice taunt until the

Moneyball is down to 5%. Mop up the last Jackbot and chill.

6.3 Playoff Blitz – 2 Player Match

6.3.1 2 Player Match – General Information

As long as you are not playing with a complete idiot this one should be pretty easy even without communicating

with each other. You may want to shoot anyone not on a microphone a message asking them not to hit the

annihilator unless there are Jackbots, but that should be the only truly frustrating thing that will undo you


6.3.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Builds

Personally I say go with a Support and an Assassin or Tank. With a little practice and solid communication this blitz

is not terrible difficult regardless of who plays what class though. For beginner players or pairs with no

headsets, go gold armor and silver rate (the bronze I leave to you but you may want rate of fire or juice

depending on your gaming style).

6.3.3 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #26: 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 1 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 9 Shave Ice 2

5 Rockit 2 1 0 Shave Ice 2

6 Shave Ice 2 4 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

2 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #33: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order


9 10

11 12

7 8

4 5


2 1

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6.3.4 2 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 1 4 SB 18 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ

2 1 FR 6 BLK 2 FR / R 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB

3 1 FR 1 4 SB 19 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 6 GS / BN / GM

4 1 FL 6 GM 2 FL / L 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB

5 1 FR 2 BN 20 1 FR / R JP / JP

6 1 FL 8 SC

7 1 FR 6 BZ 21 1 FL / L 7 / 7 BLK / BLK

8 1 FR 1 4 SB 22 1 FL / FR / L / BL 1 / 1 / 2* / 6 GS / GS / BN / GM

9 1 FL 6 BLK 2 FR / R 7 / 7 BLK / BLK

10 1 FR 1 JP 23 1 FL / L 7 / 7 BLK / BLK

24 1 FL / L 7 / 7 BLK / BLK

11 1 FL / L 7 / 14 BLK / SB 2 FL / L / BL 7 / 7 / 6 BLK / BLK / BZ

12 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 6 GS / BN / GM 25 1 FR / R / BR 7 (1 4 ) / 7 (1 4 ) / 1 4 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FL / L 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB 26 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 6 GS / BN / GM

13 1 FL / L 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB 2 FL / L / BL 7 (1 4 ) / 7 (1 4 ) / 1 4 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

14 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ 27 1 FR / R / BR 7 (1 4 ) / 7 (1 4 ) / 1 4 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FR / R 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB 28 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ

15 1 FR / R 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB 2 FR / R / BR 7 (1 4 ) / 7 (1 4 ) / 1 4 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

16 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 6 GS / BN / GM 29 1 FR / R / BR 7 (1 4 ) / 7 (1 4 ) / 1 4 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FL / L 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB

17 1 FR / R 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB 30 1 FR / R 2* / 1 JP / JP

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time




2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Table #34: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

6.3.5 2 Player Match – Walkthrough

Round #1 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left spawn. Melee them for juice.

Upgrade the Supports Firebase skill to level 2.

Note – If you and your partner are playing Support and are can keep the bots off of the Moneyball for the first 9

rounds, do not build any turrets other than the Shave Ice.

Round #2 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Sprint behind them (so that they do not shoot you) and melee

them to get juice.

Round #3 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawn. Play fair and let your partner smack them around some also.

Round #4 – 2 groups of 3 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Melee them.

Round #5 – 2 Bouncers (one after the other) from the front right spawn. One player should melee while the other attacks.

When the second Bouncer comes out, switch roles.

Round #6 – 4 pairs of Scramblers from the front left spawn. Be a sneaky bastard and smack them from behind.

Round #7 – 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Take care of my light work will you?

Round #8 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #9 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

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Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn. If you can, try to trap the Jackbot in the spawn door and melee him until

you have juice. Once you have juice, let him out and move behind him so that he does not slam. Have both

players hit their juice, taunt, and while staying behind him move forward to the bridge. Once the Jackbot

destroys both Rockit turrets, build and upgrade to level 3 the Shave Ice turret. Have one player jump up onto

the turret nub to the right of the Jackbot so that his slams will not affect them and melee him from there. The

second player will have to melee and jump over the slams (moving away to taunt) to build juice. Use your melee

attack on the Jackbot until he is down to 25% health. Once the Jackbot is down to 25% health, leave him alone

so that he can replenish it again (it takes 30 seconds for the Jackbot to start regeneration and another 30

seconds to fully regain his health). Continue rebuilding the level 3 Shave Ice turret and juice taunting until the

Moneyball is down to 50% health. Quickly finish off the Jackbot and collect the power-ups.

Bullseye – Light em if you got em (light him up with loads and loads of ammunition that is)

Round #11 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawn.

Note – Starting on round 12, some of the rounds will have 2 waves of bots. When either all of the bots from the first

wave are destroyed or too much time has elapsed, a second wave of bots will come out during the same round.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 2 Bouncers (one after the other) from the back left spawn, and

2 groups of 4 Gremlins from the back left spawn. Take out the Gap Shot either with long range weapons as he is

leaving the spawn, or have a fast player (like the Assassin) just run up and pummel him. Have 1 player take out

the Gremlins so that they do not destroy any turrets, and have the other player concentrate on taking out the

Bouncers. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawn.

Round #13 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 7 pairs of Slim-Bots from the left spawn.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front right spawn and 3 Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. Focus

on the Gap Shot then finish off the Buzzers. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 7

pairs of Slims from the right spawn.

Round #15 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the right spawn.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 2 Bouncers (one after the other) from the back left spawn, and

2 groups of 4 Gremlins from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 7

pairs of Slims from the left spawn.

Round #17 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the right spawn.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front right spawn and 3 Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. 2nd

wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the right spawn.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn and 3 Buzzers from both the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave:

3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front Left spawn and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawn.

Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn and 1 Jackbot from the right spawn. Hit the annihilator, and take out the

front Jackbot first (there are more turrets in front and they will kill him faster than the one from the side and all

of his goodies will be gone before you get there if you do not). Run like mad over and mop up the second

Jackbot pillaging as you go.

Bullseye – I think that the 2 of you should be able to take care of Bullseye don’t you.

Round #21 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks from both the front left and left spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from both the front left and front right spawns, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4

Gremlins from the back right spawn. 2nd wave: 7 pairs of Blackjacks from both the front right and right spawns.

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Round #23 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks from both the front left and left spawns.

Note – The Support should stop healing turrets and let them get destroyed. You want as few turrets as possible for the

upcoming Jackbot round.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 7 pairs of Blackjacks from both the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 7 pairs of Blackjacks from both

the front left and left spawns and Buzzers from the back left spawn.

Round #25 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks together with Slims from both the front right and right spawns. Slims from the back right


Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 3 Gremlins from the back

left spawn. 2nd wave: 7 pairs of Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from both the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims

from the back left spawn.

Round #27 – 7 Blackjacks together with 7 pairs of Slims from both the front right and right spawns. 15 Slims from the back

right spawn.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn , 2 pairs of Scramblers from the left spawn, and 3 Buzzers each

from both the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 7 Blackjacks together with 7 pairs of Slims from both the

front right and right spawns. 15 Slims from the back right spawn.

Round #29 – 7 Blackjacks together with 7 pairs of Slims from both the front right and right spawns. 15 Slims from the back

right spawn.

Bullseye – Crack open the hurt locker, it’ll be fun. Note: Have the Support pick up his firebase before the Jackbots come


Round #30 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn, 1 Jackbot from the right spawn, and 1 Jackbot from the back right spawn.

Have the bot killer pop juice and quickly kill the Jackbot from the back spawn. Let the other 2 Jackbots take out

all of the turrets. When all of the turrets are gone, have the bot killer take out the remaining Jackbot from the

side while the other player builds and upgrades to level 3 the Shave Ice turret. Keep re-building the Shave Ice

turret as you both take turns melee attacking the last Jackbot for juice. While 1 player melee attacks, the other

can run back and buy juice for juice taunts. The player who is smacking the Jackbot around should be standing

on the turret nub right next to his so that they do not have to worry about the slams. When the Jackbot is

nearing death, stop the smack attack and let him re-heal. Once the Moneyball is down to 5%, finish him off and

steal everything of value that he was so kind top drop.

6.4 Playoff Blitz – 3 Player Match

6.4.1 3 Player Match – General Information

Until you are solid with this Blitz I would avoid public X-Box live matches. People building weird turrets in even weirder

places will frustrate you to no end. Also, players who are not on a headset tend to get all of their friends who also do not

wear headsets to play public blitz matches and you really don’t want to kill people before you finish the match because

it is harder to get higher leaderboard rankings from prison.

Read the section on controlling the lanes beforehand and communicate with each other and this is still a very doable blitz

where you can get seriously high rankings by working together.

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6.4.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

Go 1 Support and 2 bot killers (unless you are trying to rank up a specific class then just ignore me like everyone else does).

You will probably want gold rate, silver armor, and bronze speed or juice for the bot killers until you are comfortable

with this blitz. For the support I say go with gold rate (faster healing and over-healing), silver armor (juice if you are

really good with the class) and bronze speed or the one not used for silver.

6.4.3 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #27: 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 2 9 Shave Ice 2

2 Rockit 2 1 0 Shave Ice 2

3 Shave Ice 2 1 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 1 1 Laser Blazer 3

6 Rockit 2 1 2 Laser Blazer 3

7 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

3 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #35: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order


9 10

11 12

7 8

4 5


2 1

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6.4.4 3 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

2 1 FL / FR 3 / 6 BLK 2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

3 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN

4 1 FL / FR 3 / 6 GM 2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

5 1 FL / FR 1 / 2* BN 20 1 FL / FR / L / R 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP / JP

6 1 FL / FR 4 / 8 SC

7 1 FR / R 3 / 6 BZ 21 1 FL / FR / L / R 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK

8 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 22 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 2* / 2* / 6 / 4 / 2 GS / GS / GM / BN / BN

9 1 FL 3 / 6 BLK 2 FL / FR / L / BL 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK

1 0 1 FL / FR 1 / 2 JP 23 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK

24 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2 / 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

1 1 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 2 FL / L / BL 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK

1 2 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN 25 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7

( 7 ) / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / BLK

( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB / SB

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 26 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 2* / 2* / 6 / 4 / 2 GS / GS / GM / BN / BN

1 3 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 2 FL / L / BL BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ 27 1 FR / R / BR BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 28 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2 / 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

1 5 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 2 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7

( 7 ) / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / BLK

( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB / SB

1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN 29 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7

( 7 ) / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / BLK

( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB / SB

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 7 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 30 1 FL / FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP / JP

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time




3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Table #36: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

6.4.5 3 Player Match – Walkthrough

Upgrade the Supports Firebase skill to level 2.

Round #1 – 7 Slims from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawns. Have everyone melee them for juice


Round #2 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawns. Melee, just make sure that

a bot killer is is on the spawn with the pairs just in case you need to enforce a little martial order.

Round #3 – 7 Slims from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawns.

Round #4 – 3 Gremlins from the front left and 2 sets of 3 Gremlins from the front right spawns. I suggest just killing them.

There enough of them that 1 or 2 can slip by and weaken or take out turrets if you are not paying attention.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front left and 2 Bouncers single file from the front right spawns. Grapple kills where possible

are the best here with melee attacks to mop them up.

Round #6 – 4 Scramblers from the front left and 8 Scramblers from the front right spawns. Kill, Kill, Kill.

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front right and 2 sets of 3 Buzzers from the right spawns. Ready, fire, aim.

Round #8 – 7 Slims from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawns.

Round #9 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawns.

Note – Have your Support remove his firebase (don’t waste time with questions just do it).

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Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right and 2 Jackbots single file from the right spawn. Have your bot killer pop juice and

quickly take out the first Jackbot from the right spawn. Have everyone collect their booty (I feel like a pirate

right now for some reason) and allow the remaining two Jackbots to move forward and take out the turrets.

Once all but 1 turret is destroyed, take out the second side Jackbot and allow the front Jackbot to heal. As the

Jackbot is healing, build and upgrade to level 3 the Shave Ice turret. Take turns using melee attacks on the

Jackbot for Juice and buying juice for juice taunts (more money) until the Moneyball drops to 50% health. Finish

off the Jackbot, collect the power-ups, and start building turrets.

Bullseye – Try to trap Bullseye between you so that you can all get as much money from him as possible. As soon as the

music stops, have 1 player grapple Bullseye (this will keep him in the arena while the animation of him knocking

the player back plays).

Set the Supports Firebase and hack it.

Round #11 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front left spawn and 10 Blackjacks together with 15 Slims from the

left spawn. Any Bot Killers should focus on the front while the weaker classes focus on the sides.

Note – Starting on round 12, some of the rounds will have 2 waves of bots. When either all of the bots from the first

wave are destroyed or too much time has elapsed, a second wave of bots will come out during the same round.

Note – Do not worry about juice taunts for now. Just wipe out the bots and keep the Moneyball from going down.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 1 Bouncer from the back left and back right

spawns, spawn, and 6 Gremlins from the left spawn. Have the bot killer focus on the Bouncer while the other

players take out first the Gap Shot, then the Gremlins. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 30

Slims from the left spawn.

Round #13 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front left spawn and 10 Blackjacks together with 15 Slims from the

left spawn.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 1 Bouncer from the back left and back right

spawns, spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the left spawn. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 30

Slims from the left spawn.

Round #15 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front left spawn and 10 Blackjacks together with 15 Slims from the

left spawn.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 1 Bouncer from the back left and back right

spawns, spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the left spawn. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 30

Slims from the left spawn.

Round #17 – 20 Blackjacks together with 30 Slims from the front right spawn and 10 Blackjacks together with 15 Slims from

the right spawn.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front right spawn and 4 Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. 2nd

wave: 20 Blackjacks from the front right spawn and 30 Slims from the right spawn.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 1 Bouncer from the back left and back right

spawns, spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the left spawn. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 30

Slims from the left spawn.

Note – Have one of the non-bot killers head over to the annihilator to wait for the next round.

Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from the front left and front right spawns. 2 Jackbots single file from the right and back right spawns.

As soon as the round begins, hit the Annihilator and quickly wipe out the Jackbots.

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Bullseye – Same drill, slap and juice.

Round #21 – 20 Blackjacks from both the front left and left spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from both the front left and front right spawns, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 6

Gremlins from the back right spawn. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks from both the front right and right spawns.

Round #23 – 20 Blackjacks from both the front left and left spawns.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 20 Blackjacks from both the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 20 Blackjacks from both the front left

and left spawns and 5 Buzzers from the back left spawn.

Round #25 – 7 Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from both the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims from the back right spawn.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 3 Gremlins from the back

left spawn. 2nd wave: 7 Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from both the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims from

the back left spawn.

Round #27 – 7 Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from both the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims from the back right spawn.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn , 2 Scramblers from the left spawn, and 5 Buzzers each from both

the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 7 Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from both the front right and right

spawns. 7 Slims from the back right spawn.

Round #29 – 7 Blackjacks together with 7 Slims from both the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims from the back right spawn.

Bullseye – Run around like mad shooting each other. No wait, gather around Bullseye so that he can’t move and rack up

the cash.

Round #30 – 1 Jackbot from the front left, front right, right, and back right spawns. Have bot killers hit the juice and take out

2 of the Jackbots (the ones from the side spawns). Let the 2 remaining Jackbots take out all but 1 of the turrets.

When down to one turret, kill 1 of the Jackbots (the one with the least amount of health) and let the last one kill

that final turret. Once the last Rockit turret is destroyed, let the Jackbot heal. Continuously build and upgrade

the center shave Ice turret while the Jackbot is healing and until you finish him off (this will give you more time

to juice taunt for more money). Once your Moneyball health drops down to 5%, mop the floor with the last

Jackbot and check out your leaderboard rankings.

6.5 Playoff Blitz – 4 Player Match

6.5.1 4 Player Match – General Information

This one is pretty crazy, especially if there is not good communication or there are no veteran players. I would stay away

from 4 player Playoff Blitz matches until you have a solid private match team who are good at multi-player matches. The

serious advantage to 4 player matches here is that with a little planning, even fairly weak blitz players can achieve

stupidly high leaderboard rankings.

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6.5.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

If you do not have 2 Assassins and a Support this could get interesting (Malcom: “Define interesting”. Wash: very

calmly replying “Oh god, oh god, were all going to die” (Serenity quote)). The 4th class can be a weaker bot

killing class but I say go with either another support or a tank (for his death blossom).

Gold rate for everyone is my play here. Unless you think it looks cool when you re-spawn, might I suggest at least

silver armor on all medium and light classes and silver critical shot is good on your heavy classes (the real

bonus being the extra damage not chance). Bronze armor for heavy classes, skill recovery for medium, and clip

size for light classes are good choices as well.

6.5.3 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #28: 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3 9 Shave Ice 2

2 Rockit 2 1 0 Shave Ice 2

3 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 3 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 1 2 Laser Blazer 3

6 Rockit 2 1 2 Laser Blazer 3

7 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

4 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #37: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order


9 10

11 12

7 8

4 5


2 1

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6.5.4 4 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL / FR 1 4 SB 1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ

2 1 FL / FR 6 BLK 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB

3 1 FL / FR 1 4 SB 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2* GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

4 1 FL / FR 6 GM 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB

5 1 FL / FR 2* BN 20 1 FL / FR / L / R 2* / 2* / 2* / 2* JP / JP / JP / JP

6 1 FL / FR 8 SC

7 1 FR / R 6 BZ 21 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 BLK

8 1 FL / FR 1 4 SB 22 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2* GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

9 1 FL 6 BLK 2 FL / FR / L / BL 1 4 BLK

1 0 1 FL / FR 2* JP 23 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 BLK

24 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2* / 2* / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ

1 1 1 FL / L 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 SB / SB / BLK / BLK 2 FL / FR / L / BL 1 4 BLK

1 2 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2* GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN 25 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 BLK

2 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 26 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2* GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

1 3 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 5 /

1 5BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK / SB / SB

1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ 27 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 5 /

1 5BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK / SB / SB

2 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 28 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2* / 2* / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ

1 5 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 5 /

1 5BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK / SB / SB

1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2* GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN 29 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 5 /

1 5BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK / SB / SB

2 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB

1 7 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 30 1 FL / FR / R / BR 4* / 4* / 4* / 4* JP / JP / JP / JP

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time




4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Table #38: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

6.5.5 4 Player Match – Walkthrough

Round #1 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns. This is a good time to build up juice for juice taunts.

Have everyone melee and juice taunt so that you can have money to build turrets later.

Round #2 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. Don’t sweat the melee attacks as much here

except for heavier armored players or players with a support leashing them. Mostly just put them in their place

(the scrap yard).

Round #3 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns.

Round #4 – 2 sets of 3 Gremlins from the front left and front right spawns. Just kill them, if they swarm a single player and

take him/her out this quickly they will probably stop playing MNC altogether.

Round #5 – 2 Bouncers single file from the front left and front right spawns. You can have 2 pairs of you. While 1 player in

each pair uses their melee, the other can shoot. Then switch roles for the second from each spawn.

Round #6 – 4 pairs of Scramblers from the front left and front right spawns. For crying out loud, just shoot the jerks already

will you.

Round #7 – 2 sets of 3 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. Look, up in the sky, it’s birds, it’s planes, it’s….

dead Buzzers. Long range weapons or the excessive use of harsh language will usually take care of them.

Round #8 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #9 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns.

Note – Towards the end of the round have 1 player head up to the annihilator and wait for the next round to start.

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Round #10 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front left spawn. Focus all of your attention on the first Jackbot and when he has

gone the way of the dodo, collect all of the goodies that he was so kind to leave you. Fall back near the

Moneyball. Have no more than 2 players walk up behind the 2nd Jackbot to melee him for juice as he moves

forward. When his health drops to about 25% back off and let him heal (it takes 30 seconds for him to start

regeneration and another 30 seconds for him to regain all of his health). The other 2 players can run over and

buy juice and perform taunts while they wait for the chance to abuse the Jackbot some more. Once the Jackbot

moves all the way forward he will generally take down your shields, then start shooting at the Shave Ice turret.

Keep using melee attacks and building/upgrading the Shave Ice turret until the Moneyball is down to 75%

health. The floor is dirty so mop it real quick with the last Jackbot and have everyone head over to the front

ejector to be ready for that guy you hate to love.

Bullseye – Try to trap him between you so that it is easier to pummel him.

Round #11 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns plus 6 Slims from the left and right spawns. Have

2 of your bot killers focus on the front while your other 2 co-conspirators take on the side bots. Don’t worry

about juice, just kill.

Note – Starting on round 12, some of the rounds will have 2 waves of bots. When either all of the bots from the first

wave are destroyed or too much time has elapsed, a second wave of bots will come out during the same round.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and right spawns. And 2

Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. Long range players on the Gap Shots, bot killers on

the Bouncers, and anyone left alive on the rest. 2nd wave: 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right

spawns plus 6 Slims from the left and right spawns.

Round #13 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns plus 6 Slims from the left and right spawns.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns plus 6 Buzzers from both the right and back right

spawns. 2nd wave: Blackjacks from the front right spawn and Slims from the right spawn.

Round #15 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns plus 6 Slims from the left and right spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: Gap Shot from the front left spawn, Bouncer from the left spawn, and Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: Blackjacks from the front left spawn and Slims from the left spawn.

Round #17 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns plus 6 Slims from the left and right spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: Gap Shot from the front right spawn and Buzzers from both the right and back right spawns. 2nd

wave: Blackjacks from the front right spawn and Slims from the right spawn.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and right spawns. And 2

Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left

and front right spawns plus 6 Slims from the left and right spawns.

Note – Near the end of the round have 1 player head up to the annihilator.

Round #20 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. Once you see their goofy little heads

hit the annihilator and kill every living (or robotic) thing as fast as you possibly can.

Bullseye – Meet the new Bullseye, same as the old Bullseye.

Round #21 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

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Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and right spawns. And 2

Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left,

front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #23 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 2 Gap Shots single file from the front left and front right spawns. 12 Buzzers from the left, right, back

left, and back right spawns. Players with weaker long range weapons against bots (i.e. Assassins) should take out

the Gap Shots while the others take out the Buzzers. Supports may want to cover the Assassin(s) due to their

low native armor and the almost 50 Buzzers that may just decide that Assassins are a part of a complete

breakfast. 2nd wave: 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #25 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and right spawns. And 2

Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left,

front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #27 – Blackjacks together with Slims from both the front right and right spawns. Slims from the back right spawn.

Round #28 – 1st wave: Gap Shot from the front left spawn , Scramblers from the left spawn, and Buzzers each from both the

left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: Blackjacks together with Slims from both the front right and right spawns.

Slims from the back right spawn.

Round #29 – 7 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Bullseye – Near the end of your tenure as the official Bullseye beater upper, have 1 player head up to the annihilator.

Round #30 – 4 Jackbots single file from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. Once you see their goofy little heads

hit the annihilator. Hit the Annihilator and take out the first 2 waves of Jackbots as fast as you can. Make sure

that everyone has juice ready without using it. Wait until the 3rd and 4th waves take out all of the turrets.

Unleash all holy hell on all but 1 of the remaining Jackbots (Note: try to leave the Jackbot with the most health

alone during this onslaught). When you are down to only 1 Jackbot, leave him alone and build/upgrade a Shave

Ice turret to level 3 next to the remaining Jackbot. Keep re-building the turret and melee attacking the Jackbot

for juice taunts until the Moneyball falls to 5%. Finish him off and slap each other on the back for a job well done

(figuratively that is).

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7 The Scramble Blitz

7.1 The Scramble Blitz – General Information

The Scramble Blitz has a difficulty rating of “Very Difficult” and is a 10 round blitz match. Do not let the small number of

rounds fool you. The number and types of bots in each wave are frustrating to deal with to say the least. The 1 positive

aspect (If you want to call it positive) is that this is the only Blitz match without any Jackbots.

You need to be very careful and keep up on the Gremlins or else they will destroy your turrets (or you) before you even

know that they are there. There are enough Gremlins in this blitz to make you decide to never play video games again so

don’t play around with them. Also, they have included just enough Bouncers to make things very interesting if you don’t

get your Shave Ice turret up in time or if it gets destroyed. I suggest running like a crazy person from the Bouncers (for

the most part) and focus on the Gremlins while your turrets deal with the Bouncers and Scramblers. If you need to kill

Bouncers, grapple them instead of shooting them. If your turrets are in good shape, this will kill them far quicker than

shooting them and free you up to do more important things such as scream like a 2 year old girl (I have done that quite a

lot since I started playing this game). Also, the Scramblers (and depending on the timing, screaming) can make using

skills difficult if you don’t stay back where your turrets can kill them before they become a threat.

The Laser Blazers are in place to help manage Buzzers and Gremlins. The reason we do not use more of them is because of

their limited bot stopping power. With the Laser Blazers high rate of fire, the Rockit turrets can easily keep up with the

rest of the bots and can keep them off of the ball even if you do die. However, if you do die, expect a turret or 2 to go

bye bye.

Do not be afraid to use the annihilator often. Especially if you die, seriously consider using it once you re-spawn. I suggest

purchasing at least 1 jump pad below the spawn and at least 1 of the forward pads so that you can get to the annihilator

quickly if need be.

Note – The listed sponsor builds are not necessarily the ones used for my highest scores, only the builds I have found to

be the most effective overall.

Class Box's Rank Box's Score #1 Score Total Players Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 1891 10144 21049 183710 1.0293 % Overall 16301 1837 10176 N/A Class Gold Silver Bronze

Gunner 37 9569 12208 72781 0.0508 % Gunner 10663 728 7771 Gunner Juice Armor Clip Size

Tank 1751 10144 21049 51523 3.3985 % Tank 16091 515 11329 Tank Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Support 186 9437 13525 60794 0.3060 % Support 11314 608 8708 Support Juice Armor Skill Recovery

Assault 22 8965 12798 51143 0.0430 % Assault 9336 511 6947 Assault Juice Armor Clip Size

Assassin 163 9608 18041 35904 0.4540 % Assassin 18041 359 8877 Assassin Rate of Fire Armor Juice

Sniper 61 6916 14064 13804 0.4419 % Sniper 8118 138 6299 Sniper Skill Recovery Armor Clip Size

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Sponsor BuildsPercentile

Table #39: Beat the Box – The Scramble Blitz

Box Tops: With the exception of the sniper, if you stand at the back of the forward bridge on the left side and aim up and

toward the left (at the shoulder pad of the large Bouncer) you will be able to hit the Buzzers and they will not be

able to hit you until you are reloading). The aiming can be tricky but it is worth finding this safe spot. For some

reason I cannot get it to work with the Snipers SMG (probably because I suck horribly with that class).

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7.2 The Scramble Blitz – Single Player Match

7.2.1 Single Player Match – General Information

First the bad news. It is impossible to get a high overall leaderboard ranking playing single player. All of the top leaderboard

ranks were accomplished using private multi-player and teams that helped each other out (like they should). The good

news is that except for the tank, it is possible to get high rankings on the class boards playing by yourself (just don’t go


7.2.2 Single Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

Because you are pretty much guaranteed to lose at least 1 turret and most likely several each time you die, we are going all

defense with our build. For heavy and medium classes pick gold armor, silver skill recovery (more slam, flak, traps, and

charge time) and bronze clip size. We want clip size to reduce how often we are reloading. There are so many bots and it

takes so long to reload some of the guns that this can easily be a major point of concern. Sometimes when using the

gunner class I slam just before I reload to give me an extra 2 seconds to not get over-run. For light classes I recommend

the same build but with bronze speed (“retreat, retreat, let’s get the hell out of here”) (That was a quote from Armies of


7.2.3 Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #29: Single Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Laser Blazer 3 5 Shave Ice 3

2 Laser Blazer 3 7 Rockit 2

3 Laser Blazer 3 8 Rockit 2

4 Laser Blazer 3 7 Rockit 3

5 Shave Ice 2 8 Rockit 3

6 Laser Blazer 3

Single Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #40: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order

5 7 8

1 2 6

4 3

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7.2.4 Single Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 40 GM 6 1 FL / FR 40 / 6* GM / BN

2 1 FR 6* BN 7 1 FL / FR 30* BZ

3 1 FL / FR 40 / 6* GM / BN 8 1 FL / FR 1 00 / 6* GM / BN

4 1 FL / FR 30* BZ 9 1 FL / FR 30 / 6* ( 6 * ) ( 1 2 ) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

5 1 FL / FR 40 / 6* GM / BN 10 1 FL / FR 30* / 1 2* ( 1 2* ) ( 24 ) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Bullseye Bullseye

Table #41: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

7.2.5 Single Player Match – Walkthrough

Upgrade your weapon skill to level 3.

Round #1 – 40 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Melee for juice or use your short range weapon as the Gremlins come

out of the spawn in groups of 2. During round 1 build and upgrade turret # 1 to a level 3 Laser Blazer turret.

Build and upgrade turret # 2 to a level 3 Laser Blazer turret.

Round #2 – 6 Bouncers from the front right spawn. Begin with melee attacks and finish up with grapples to gain juice.

During round 2 build and upgrade turret # 3 to a level 3 Laser Blazer turret.

Build and upgrade turret # 4 to a level 3 Laser Blazer turret.

Round #3 – 40 Gremlins from the front left spawn and 6 Bouncers from the front right spawn. Focus primarily on the

Gremlins until the Bouncer is about half way to you. Switch to the Bouncer once it is close enough to also be hit

by your turrets. Watch your ammunition so that you reload between Gremlin sets. In between Bouncers, melee

the Gremlins for more juice. During round 3 build and upgrade turret # 5 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #4 – 20 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns. Kill using your short range weapon by aiming up at

them while standing behind the front 2 Laser Blazer turrets. If you have the timing down, run forward and stand

in the front left spawn door (your turrets will take care of the Buzzers from the other spawn). Melee the Buzzers

as they come out for juice until you only have a few left. Drop back and get ready for Bullseye. Note: Make sure

that you have juice ready before Bullseye appears. If you need to, buy it at the juice machine. During round 4

build and upgrade turret # 6 to a level 3 Laser Blazer turret and upgrade turret #5 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Bullseye – Activate juice and collect as much money as you can. Upgrade your bot handling skill to level 2 (Gunner Slam,

Tank Charge, Support Air Strike, Assault Charge, Assassin Smoke Bomb, Sniper Flak).

Round #5 – 40 Gremlins from the front left spawn and 6 Bouncers from the front right spawn. During round # 5 build and

upgrade turrets # 7 and # 8 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Round #6 – 40 Gremlins from the front right spawn and 6 Bouncers from the front left spawn. During round # 6 upgrade

your bot handling skill to level 3.

Round #7 – 30 Buzzers from each of the affront left and front right spawns. During round # 7 upgrade turret # 7 to a level 3

Rockit turret.

Round #8 – 100 Gremlins from the front left spawn and 6 Bouncers from the front right spawn. During round # 8 upgrade

turret # 8 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #9 – 30 Buzzers from the front left spawn with 6 Scramblers, and 6 Bouncers and 12 Gremlins from the front right

spawn. Focus on the Gremlins and Bouncers while leaving the Buzzers and Scramblers for your turrets.

Bullseye – Pop juice (don’t do it pre-maturely) and light that freaky little dude up.

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Round #10 – 30 Buzzers from the front left spawn with 12 Scramblers, 12 Bouncers and 24 Gremlins from the front right


7.3 The Scramble Blitz – 2 Player Match

7.3.1 2 Player Match – General Information

Bouncer / Gremlin teams and Buzzers will most likely be your toughest challenges here. The good news is that you only have

to worry about the front 2 spawns.

7.3.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Builds

Having a support here is a great bonus. Hacking shave ice turrets will help manage bots and his firebase is awesome against

the Buzzers. The tank is a great second class because of his death Blossom and the sheer destructive power of his rail

gun. If you have a really good support and you run armor, snipers can do well here if they are good at using their traps

and flak. I would stay away from using Assaults in multi-player matches here unless you are good with the grenade

launcher (it is awesome against Gremlins if your aim is solid).

Run either gold armor or rate with silver being the other (except for snipers where you want your gold to be armor and your

your silver to be skill recovery). Speed or health health regeneration are good bronze sponsors for pretty much anyone

because you will be trying to get away from the Gremlins a lot.

7.3.3 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #30: 2 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Laser Blazer 3 5 Shave Ice 3

2 Laser Blazer 3 7 Rockit 2

3 Laser Blazer 3 8 Rockit 2

4 Laser Blazer 3 7 Rockit 3

5 Shave Ice 2 8 Rockit 3

6 Laser Blazer 3

2 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #42: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order

5 7 8

1 2 6

4 3

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7.3.4 2 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 40 GM 6 1 FL / FR 90 / 1 2 GM / BN

2 1 FR 1 0 BN 7 1 FL / FR 60 BZ

3 1 FL / FR 80 / 6 GM / BN 8 1 FL / FR 1 20 / 1 2 GM / BN

4 1 FL / FR 30 BZ 9 1 FL / FR 60 / 1 2 (1 2) (24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

5 1 FL / FR 1 80 / 1 2 GM / BN 1 0 1 FL / FR 60 / 1 2 (1 2) (24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Bullseye Bullseye

Table #43: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

7.3.5 2 Player Match – Walkthrough

Round #1 – 40 pairs of Gremlins from the front left spawn. Both Players should be using their melee attack to build up juice.

Round #2 – 5 pairs of Bouncers from the front right spawn. Each player should grapple a Bouncer. After the grapples, kill 1

Bouncer as quickly as possible, then both should melee the remaining Bouncer for juice.

Round #3 – 40 pairs of Gremlins from the front left spawn and 3 pairs of Bouncers from the front right spawn. Have your bot

killer focus on the Bouncers while the second class takes out the Gremlins.

Round #4 – 15 pairs of Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns. Each of you pick a spawn. If you are one of

the cool kids and can pull it off, stand in front of the spawn door and melee the Buzzers as they come out for

more juice.

Bullseye – Activate juice and collect as much money as you can.

Round #5 – 90 pairs of Gremlins from the front left spawn and 6 pairs of Bouncers from the front right spawn.

Round #6 – 45 pairs of Gremlins from the front right spawn and 6 pairs of Bouncers from the front left spawn.

Round #7 – 30 pairs of Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Round #8 – 60 pairs of Gremlins from the front left spawn and 6 pairs of Bouncers from the front right spawn.

Round #9 – 30 pairs of Buzzers from the front left spawn with 12 Scramblers, 12 Bouncers, and 12 pairs of Gremlins from

the front right spawn. Fall back to the middle and let the Laser Blazers take care of the Buzzers while the 2 of

you focus on the other bots. Try to take out the Bouncers first, then the Gremlins. As long as the Bouncers are

out of the way quickly, the turrets can help finish off the Scramblers when you are done playing with the


Bullseye – Lay waste to the entity known as Bullseye.

Round #10 – 30 pairs of Buzzers from the front left spawn with 12 Scramblers, 12 Bouncers, and 12 pairs of Gremlins from

the front right spawn.

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7.4 The Scramble Blitz – 3 Player Match

7.4.1 3 Player Match – General Information

Here is where it starts getting a little crazy. The number of bots gets a pretty ridiculous here and if you don’t plan it right,

players and turrets will quickly go the way of the dodo. Talk to each other and keep on top of the Gremlins or they

definitely keep you busy here.

7.4.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

I prefer 2 bot killers and a Support if you want to just get through this bad boy. A hacked level 3 Shave Ice turret and your

firebase will help out the team tremendously. Stick with armor for everyone’s gold sponsor and skill recovery for your

silvers. Bronze is debatable depending on how good you are with the class and your gaming style but I like reload speed

or just plain speed for my classes.

7.4.3 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #31: 3 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Laser Blazer 3 5 Shave Ice 3

2 Laser Blazer 3 7 Rockit 2

3 Laser Blazer 3 8 Rockit 2

4 Laser Blazer 3 7 Rockit 3

5 Shave Ice 2 8 Rockit 3

6 Laser Blazer 3

3 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #44: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order

5 7 8

1 2 6

4 3

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7.4.4 3 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 40 GM 6 1 FL / FR / BL / BR 90 / 6 / 90 / 6 GM / BN / GM / BN

2 1 FR 1 0 BN 7 1 FL / FR / L / R 60 BZ

3 1 FL / FR / BL / BR 80 / 6 / 80 / 6 GM / BN / GM / BN 8 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 20 / 6* / 1 20 / 1 2 GM / BN / GM / BN

4 1 FL / FR / L / R 60 / 30 / 30 / 30 BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ 9 1 FL / FR 60 / 1 2* (1 2*)(24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

5 1 FL / FR / BL / BR 60 / 6 / 1 20 / 1 2 GM / BN / GM / BM 1 0 1 FL / FR 60 / 1 2* (1 2*)(24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Bullseye Bullseye

Table #45: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

7.4.5 3 Player Match – Walkthrough

Round #1 – 20 pairs of Gremlins from the front left spawn. Have your Support(s) keep the bot killer(s) healed while they get

down and get funky with the bots.

Round #2 – 10 Bouncers from the front right spawn. Grapple and kill, grapple and kill, grapple, oh…. you get the picture.

Round #3 – 40 pairs of Gremlins from the front left and back left spawns plus 6 Bouncers from the front right and back right

spawns. Bot killers should focus on the Bouncers first with any other classes using weapons with greater spread

(i.e. the Supports shot-gun or air strike as opposed to his heal-hurt gun). Bot killers then help mop up the


Round #4 – 30 pairs of Buzzers from the front left and 15 pairs from the front right, left, and right spawns. I hope you like

looking up a lot.

Bullseye – Activate juice and collect as much money as you can. Try to trap him between the players so that he is easier to

beat up for cash and prizes.

Round #5 – 30 pairs of Gremlins from the front left, 3 pairs of Bouncers from the front right, 60 pairs of Gremlins from the

back left, and 6 pairs of Bouncers from the back right spawns. The same as round 3 but with a little more

urgency please.

Round #6 – 45 pairs of Gremlins from the front left and back left spawns and 3 pairs of Bouncers from the front right and

back right spawns.

Round #7 – 30 pairs of Buzzers from the front left, front right, left and right spawns.

Round #8 – 30 groups of 4 Gremlins each from the front left and left spawns, 3 pairs of Bouncers from the front right and 6

pairs of Bouncers from the back right spawns. Let me see your war face!

Note – If using a Support, have them move their firebase up in front of the ejector pad purchase station and hack it.

This will help you keep the Buzzers from being much more than an annoyance.

Round #9 – 30 pairs of Buzzers from the front left spawn with 12 Scramblers, 12 Bouncers and 24 Gremlins from the front

right spawn. Unleash your bot killers on the groups but have your Support nearby to keep their health up.

Bullseye – Treat Bullseye like a freshman in high school.

Round #10 – 30 pairs of Buzzers from the front left spawn with 12 Scramblers, 12 Bouncers and 24 Gremlins from the front

right spawn.

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7.5 The Scramble Blitz – 4 Player Match

7.5.1 4 Player Match – General Information

You are about to very acquainted with Buzzers and Gremlins in this match. This is an excellent place to get pro tags for both

of those bots. The sheer number of them is amazing and even with a couple of supports leashing you, you still may die.

7.5.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Builds

If you are going to play a 4 person Scramble Blitz, any players that are going up against bots directly (i.e. Tanks or Assassins)

need gold armor. Even with multiple supports healing you it’s brutal here. Have at the very minimum 2 Supports, 3 is

better unless your second attack player is awesome. For heavy classes I say go with silver reload speed and bronze clip

size (death blossoms and more mini-gun/jet-gun time). Assassins should go with gold armor, silver rate of fire, and

bronze skill recovery (smoke bombs, if used correctly here, can be a huge help).

7.5.3 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Figure #32: 4 Player Match – Bot Paths and Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Laser Blazer 3 5 Shave Ice 3

2 Laser Blazer 3 7 Rockit 2

3 Laser Blazer 3 8 Rockit 2

4 Laser Blazer 3 7 Rockit 3

5 Shave Ice 2 8 Rockit 3

6 Laser Blazer 3

4 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #46: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order

5 7 8

1 2 6

4 3

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7.5.4 4 Player Match – The Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 40 GM 6 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 90 / 6 / 90 / 6 / 90 / 6 GM / BN / GM / BN / GM / BN

2 1 FR 1 0 BN 7 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 60 BZ

3 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 60 / 3 / 60 / 3 / 40 / 3 GM / BN / GM / BN / GM / BN 8 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 20 / 6 / 1 20 / 1 2 GM / BN / GM / BN

4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 30 BZ 9 1 FL / FR / R 60 / 1 2 (1 2)(24) / 1 2 (1 2)(24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM ) / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

5 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 60 / 6 / 60 / 6 / 1 20 / 1 2 GM / BN / GM / BN / GM / BN 1 0 1 FL / FR 60 / 1 2 (1 2)(24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Bullseye Bullseye

Table #47: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout

7.5.5 4 Player Match – Walkthrough

Note – Unlike most other blitz matches, do not try to juice taunt very much. The sheer number of bots will very quickly

overwhelm you and death is bad m’kay (South Park quote).

Round #1 – 20 pairs of Gremlins from the front left spawn. Stop playing around, kill, kill, kill.

Round #2 – 10 Bouncers from the front right spawn. Whoever can should grapple while the other players pound the hell out

of them.

Round #3 – 30 pairs of Gremlins from the front left and back left spawns, 60 pairs of Gremlins from the left, plus 3 Bouncers

from the front right, right, and back right spawns. Assassins should focus on the Bouncers (grapples), tanks get

to play with the Gremlins (death blossom), and Supports get to hack and heal the Assassins (the tank is a jerk so

we don’t care if he dies).

Round #4 – 30 Buzzers from the front left, front right, left, right, and back right spawns. Mom, the Buzzers are picking on


Bullseye – Activate juice and collect as much money as you can. If Bullseye drops bacon try to let the Assassin get it

because gold armor, rate of fire, and critical shot will make her devastating here.

Round #5 – 30 pairs of Gremlins from the front left, 3 pairs of Bouncers from the front right, 60 pairs of Gremlins from the

back left, and 6 pairs of Bouncers from the back right spawns. Keep up the good work.

Round #6 – 45 pairs of Gremlins from the front left and back left spawns and 3 pairs of Bouncers from the front right and

back right spawns.

Round #7 – 30 pairs of Buzzers from the front left, front right, left and right spawns.

Round #8 – 30 groups of 4 Gremlins each from the front left and left spawns, 3 pairs of Bouncers from the front right and 6

pairs of Bouncers from the back right spawns. Let me see your war face!

Note – If using a Support, have them move their firebase up in front of the ejector pad purchase station and hack it.

This will help you keep the Buzzers from being much more than an annoyance.

Round #9 – 30 pairs of Buzzers from the front left spawn with 12 Scramblers, 12 Bouncers and 24 Gremlins from the front

right spawn. Unleash your bot killers on the groups but have your Support nearby to keep their health up.

Bullseye – Is Bullseye making faces at you? That’s it, make him pay.

Round #10 – 30 pairs of Buzzers from the front left spawn with 12 Scramblers, 12 Bouncers and 24 Gremlins from the front

right spawn.

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8 Sudden Death Blitz

8.1 Sudden Death Blitz – General Information

The Sudden Death Blitz has a difficulty rating of “Expert” and is an infinite round Blitz match. The goal in Sudden Death is to

keep the Moneyball alive for as many rounds as possible.

Brush up on using special skills and killing Jackbots and you can do very well here.

Note – The listed sponsor builds are not necessarily the ones used for my highest scores, only the builds I have found to

be the most effective overall.

Class Box's Rank Box's Score #1 Score Total Players Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 3 4174 5013 170546 0.0018 % Overall 3517 1705 421 N/A Class Gold Silver Bronze

Gunner 1 3589 3589 75142 1st Place Gunner 893 751 187 Gunner Rate of Fire Juice Armor

Tank 5 2287 4060 51263 0.0098 % Tank 1785 513 393 Tank Rate of Fire Juice Clip Size

Support 2 4174 5013 75601 0.0026 % Support 2298 756 512 Support Skill Recovery Armor Juice

Assault 21 489 1063 59968 0.0350 % Assault 589 600 149 Assault Rate of Fire Armor Clip Size

Assassin 6 1507 5013 52478 0.0114 % Assassin 1323 525 253 Assassin Rate of Fire Armor Juice

Sniper 73 235 1284 29075 0.2511 % Sniper 483 290 138 Sniper Armor Clip Size Juice

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Sponsor BuildsPercentile

Table #48: Beat the Box – Sudden Death Blitz

8.2 Sudden Death Blitz – Bot Paths

Figure #33: Sudden Death Blitz – Bot Path Details

8.3 Sudden Death Blitz – Single Player Match

8.3.1 Single Player Match – General Information

All of my highest rankings in this blitz have been done playing single player. Find ways to handle Jackbots and master your

special skills and you will rock this blitz.

Make sure that you occasionally check you side and rear turrets as they are crucial in keeping the side bots off your ball.

Also, do not let your Shave Ice turrets stay down for long because they are the linchpins of your defense.

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8.3.2 Single Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

Because this is an infinite round match, We need to be prepared to face heavy bots that are very powerful and fast later on.

For heavy classes I tend to go gold rate of fire, silver reload speed, and bronze armor. For the Assault and Assassin

classes I like gold rate of fire, silver armor, and bronze skill recovery or juice. When I play Support I go gold skill recovery,

silver armor, and bronze speed. My sniper is partial to gold armor, silver skill recovery and bronze clip size.

8.3.3 Single Player Match – Turret Build Order

The next section outlines what I have found to be the most effective turret build strategies. Using these strategies; if I have

not picked up bacon; by round 61 I generally have all but one Rockit turret to level 3 (that one is usually still at level 2)

and have yet to build any of the long shot turrets (when playing heavy classes).

Once everything but the long shot turrets are built, upgrade the rest of your skills (except the yellow skill until you have the

cash reserves). While upgrading your skills and building the long shot turrets, try to keep an additional $750 in reserve

(you never know when you will need to buy an annihilator and/or juice). By this time you will be on the random levels

and must be prepared for multi-Jackbot rounds. It will take longer but will be worth it in the long run.

Hold off on building Rockit turrets until you have $450. Build, and then immediately upgrade to level 2. It is very frustrating

to lose $150 because bots snuck in and destroyed your turret as you were over getting crazy with the cheese whiz (A

friend of mine covered part of the stucco celling with cheese whiz and when we asked him what was going on he replied

“I don’t know, just getting crazy with the cheese whiz”). There are so few bots in the beginning that keeping them under

control without a level 1 turret should not be an issue. Later, when the bots are faster and stronger (and a whole lot

more them to boot), you will have other turrets helping so there should not be a problem using this strategy then either.

On Scrambler/Blackjack rounds do not upgrade turrets on the side that the bots are coming from. It’s better to run across

and not shoot bots for a little bit or to wait until the round ends before upgrading than to lose the firepower of a level 2

Rockit turret that is directly in the path of a gazillion Scramblers.

Watch out on Buzzer / Gap-shot rounds. Sometimes 1 or more Gremlins decide not to come after you but attack the turret

on the left side of the Moneyball. After you take care of the Gap-shot and as you are heading back to take out the

Bouncer and Gremlins, make a quick check to see if any of the Gremlins stopped to take out your turret.

Bots eventually come from all of the spawns in this match so you need to be prepared for anything.

Figure #34: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order


7 8

1 2


6 5

4 3 11 10



16 15 17 18

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Figure #35: Single Player Match – Firebase Placement

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 1 1 4 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 1 3 Rockit 3

1 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

2 Rockit 2 1 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 1 2 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 1 5 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 1 0 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 1 1 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 1 3 Rockit 3

9 Shave Ice 3 1 4 Rockit 3

1 0 Rockit 2 1 5 Long Shot 3

1 2 Rockit 2 1 6 Long Shot 3

1 2 Shave Ice 3 1 7 Long Shot 3

1 3 Rockit 2 1 8 Long Shot 3

Single Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #49: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order

8.3.4 Single Player Match – Consecutive Jackbot Rounds

Once you get your turrets built up properly and you are good at bot control, consecutive Jackbot rounds should be the only

real threat to your Moneyball. Because you need to approach these rounds differently with each class, each

walkthrough has its own consecutive Jackbot section.

8.3.5 Single Player Match – General Strategies

Because there is far more firepower in front, begin each round attacking the side bots while staying as close as you can to

the forward Shave Ice turret. If using a heavy class use the long range weapon. If using a light or medium class, run over

and attack them. Just as the side bots are down pretty much to nothing, engage the center bots. When using the

gunner, slam them and then pretty much forget about them. Until you learn the timing of the bots, you will probably

want to turn toward them before slamming but in time that won’t be necessary.

For Jackbot, gap-shot/buzzer, and gremlin levels, ignore the sides and focus only on the front. This is why we have the turret

setup that we do. Occasionally a bot will get through on one of the sides but this in and of itself should not bring down

your Moneyball.

Only build or upgrade 1 level at a time when performing back turret work. If, when coming forward, you see that it is a

round where you can again perform back work, turn around and go back. This is better than being on one of the back

outer turrets when all craziness breaks loose. This gets easier once you have bacon; but even with bacon, don’t get


Try to make sure that you are reloaded and ready before Bullseye comes out after each 10 rounds for the first 60 rounds. If

you are able to save your juice and use it on Bullseye instead of the Jackbots you will see a far greater amount of money

earlier in the game. This will help you tremendously with building your turrets.

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8.3.6 Single Player Match – Round Specific Strategies

Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my Moneyball, prepare to die (one of my favorite lines from the Princess Bride,

except for the Moneyball part of course):

Slim bot, Blackjack, and Slim bot / Blackjack rounds

For slim bot, blackjack, and slim bot/black jack rounds, you will want to shoot the side bots first. You do not need to kill all of

these bots, only take them down to less than 20% health before they make the final 45⁰ turn. Once that is done, you can

then worry about the forward bots. Because you have far more firepower facing forward, I generally stun the forward

bots (if they are even still alive), and do a quick check to see if I have any of the inner turrets down and/or have the

annihilator ready. Move back to the start position for the beginning of the next round.

Gremlin rounds

Stay between the turrets and switch to your short range weapon (i.e. gunner mini-gun or tank Jet Gun) and aim at the

ground forward of one of your Rockit turrets. Once you see the distortion of their cloaking shield start shooting and

moving backward. Once the first set is dead, shift your aim and repeat with the second set (when walking backwards,

walk slowly so that you do not cause the second set to swing wide around the Shave Ice turret. This will save you time so

that you can set up for the next round easier). By the time both sets are dead, you should be about even with the money

ball or slightly behind it. Move forward to the start position. For Supports, walk back next to the Moneyball (off to one

side). Wait until you see the cloaking shields and throw an air strike (It may take some time to get the timing down but

you can take out all 6 Gremlins with a single level 2 or level 3 air strike this way).

Buzzer / Gap-shot rounds

Switch to your short range weapon and aim up at the Buzzers and kill them first. Change to your long range weapon and

shoot at the Gap Shot. Since the short range weapon takes longer to reload for the gunner, once I fire the last long range

shot (it usually takes 4), I switch to the short range weapon and reload it. As long as the next round is not Jackbots, I

switch back to the long range weapon and reload it as I am turning to toward the next bots that I am engaging. The extra

2 seconds you gain as the Gap Shot is being killed will make it easier if the next round is Jackbots as you will have more

rounds to juice on them with. If the next round is Jackbots, don’t even worry about reloading your long range weapon

until the Jackbots are dealt with (again, faster reload speed).

Scrambler rounds

Run forward and try to stun them (if your class can do that). If you cannot stun them, use your long range weapon to take

down their health before they get to the turrets. The turrets should finish them off easily by then.

Bouncer rounds

Run forward and stun (if you can) or stay put and use long range attacks. If they get close, grapple them (awe come on, all

the kids are doing it these days).

Jackbot rounds

Single Jackbot rounds are covered by the “Consecutive Jackbot Rounds” sections.

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8.3.7 Single Player Match – The Breakouts (or, the bad, the really bad, and the “seriously”?)

General Information

Sudden Death bot breakouts (what comes out of each spawn) fall into 3 distinct sets (fixed, transition, and random). On the

fixed rounds, the listed type and number of bots will always be the same. On transition, which groups appear for each

round becomes random and how many that exit will change (though some sets are different from the random rounds)

and while the bots are stronger and faster than the fixed rounds, they are not as strong, nor as fast, as the bots in the

random rounds. The random rounds contain the fastest and strongest bots. The fixed rounds are rounds 1 through 50.

Rounds 51 through 60 are the transition rounds. After round 60, you will be on the random rounds (while the breakouts

themselves will no longer change, the bots will periodically get faster and stronger the longer you play).

Below is the spawn setup (with the paths that the bots follow) and how I labeled it for this guide (I know it should be

fairly self-explanatory, but I put the legend to ensure that we are all on the same page; or at least in the same book)

along with the paths that the bots follow. Next is the list of which bots are in each of the rounds and from which spawns

they exit (broken down into each of the 3 sets); after that, I will cover what I do in each of the first 60 rounds for all 6


8.3.8 Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL 7* SB 28 1 FR / R / BR 4 / 4 / 2 BZ / BZ / SC

2 1 FR 3* BLK 2 FR / R / BR 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

3 1 FR 7* SB 29 1 FR / R / BR 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

4 1 FL 4 GM 30 1 FR / R 1 / 1 JP / JP

5 1 FR 1 BN 31 1 FL / L 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

6 1 FL 2* SC 32 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

7 1 FR 3* BZ 2 FL / L 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

8 1 FR 7* SB 33 1 FR / R 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

9 1 FL 3* BLK 34 1 L / BL 4 / 4 BZ

10 1 FR 1 JP 2 FL / L 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

11 1 FL / L 3 / 7 BLK / SB 35 1 FL / L / BL 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

12 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BLK / GM 36 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

13 1 FR / R 3 / 7 BLK / SB 2 FL / L / BL 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

14 1 FL / L 3 / 3 BZ 37 1 FR / R / BR 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FR / R 3 / 7 BLK / SB 38 1 FL / L / BL 4 / 2 / 4 BZ / SC / BZ

15 1 FL / L 3 / 7 BLK / SB 39 1 FL / L / BL 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

16 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BLK / GM 2 FR / R / BR 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FL / L 3 / 7 BLK / SB 40 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP

17 1 FR / R 3 / 7 BLK / SB 41 1 FR / R 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

18 1 FL / L 3 / 3 BZ 42 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

2 FR / R 3 / 7 BLK / SB 2 FL / L 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

19 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BLK / GM 43 1 FR / R 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

2 FL / L 3 / 7 BLK / SB 44 1 L / BL 5 / 5 BZ / BZ

20 1 FL 1 JP 2 FL / L 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

21 1 FL / L 4 / 4 BLK / BLK 45 1 FL / L / BL 5 ( 5 ) / 5 ( 5 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

22 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM 46 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 5 GS / BN / GM

2 FL / L 4 / 4 BLK / BLK 2 FL / L / BL 5 ( 5 ) / 5 ( 5 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

23 1 FL / L 4 / 4 BLK / BLK 47 1 FR / R / BR 5 ( 5 ) / 5 ( 5 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

24 1 FR / R 3 / 3 BZ / BZ 48 1 FL / L / BL 5 / 2 / 5 BZ / SC / BZ

25 1 FL / L / BL 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB 49 1 FL / L / BL 5 ( 5 ) / 5 ( 5 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

26 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM 2 FR / R / BR 5 ( 5 ) / 5 ( 5 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FR / R / BR 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB 50 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP

27 1 FL / L / BL 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

Table #50: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

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B o t type(s) B o t type(s)

SB / SB / SB / SB BZ / BZ

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) GS

BLK / BLK BZ ( GS ) / BZ



Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

FL / FR / ( L or R ) 3 / 3

FL / FR 3 / 3 FL / FR / L / R 1 / 1 / 3 / 3

FL / FR 2 / 2

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 FL / FR 3 / 3

FL / FR / ( L or R ) 2 ( 1 ) / 2 ( 1 ) FL 1

FL / FR 3 ( 1 ) / 3

Table #51: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)


BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) BZ ( GS ) / BZ



Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

FL / FR 3 / 3

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 6

1 / 1 / 3 / 3

FL / FR 2 / 2

FL / FR / (L or R) 2 ( 1 ) / 2 ( 1 ) FL / FR 3 ( 1 ) / 3

FL / FR / (L or R) 3 / 3 FL / FR / L / R

Table #52: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

8.3.9 Single Player Match – Walkthroughs

General Information

A-round and a-round we go (where we stop, is insanity).

Welcome to the jungle, before you leave the spawn I would upgrade the skills that you are going to start out with. For most

classes, upgrade the gun to level 3. For Support, upgrade firebase to level 3. Note: Hold off on upgrading other skills

until you have all of your turrets built. The exceptions to this are the “Firebase” and “Hack” for the Support class and

“Traps” and “Flak” for the Sniper class (the walkthroughs detail when I upgrade these).

I am including when I am buying each turret. You may be able to purchase them sooner or later than I am in this guide

depending on which class you use and how much money you get. I am purposely not getting bacon so that if you do not

get it either, you will still have an idea of when the turrets need to be built by in order to keep your Moneyball shields

up for the first 100 rounds. Should you get bacon; you will have your turrets up before I do in this guide. As long as it is

not more than a couple of rounds after what I show you here, the order is far more important than when for what we

are trying to accomplish.

To keep a long story short (too late), if I do not give a strategy after the detailing what bots are in a round, it means that I

have done so in another round either with that exact bot breakout, or a very similar one.

Gunner Class

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8.3.10 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Gunner Class

Start between the forward Shave Ice turret and the Rockit turret next to it. Upon seeing Jackbots, run forward and activate

your juice when you are about half way there. Jump and start shooting at one of the Jackbots (keeping the jump button

pressed down to get the most height out of the jump). At the top of the jump, release and quickly re-press the jump

button (this will allow you to float down avoiding the slam from the second Jackbot which can be as much as 3 seconds

after the first slam) When coming down you should be heading back towards the forward Shave Ice turret while

continuing to shoot. When the first Jackbots health is down below 10%, turn and start shooting the second one (jump

back toward your Moneyball while shooting).

Typically you will need to do 2 jumps for the 1st Jackbot and 1 for the 2nd to avoid getting slammed. By the time the 2nd

Jackbot is dead you should be about halfway to the juice station and the next round of bots should be leaving the

spawn. If it is another Jackbot round, once you buy juice, run forward. Activate your juice as you pass the Moneyball and

from behind the forward Shave Ice turret, start shooting the first Jackbot. As you shoot the first Jackbot, try to keep

between the second Jackbot and the Moneyball. Because you used juice you have plenty of health and this will keep the

2nd Jackbot from hitting your ball as long as you keep jumping in the way. While firing at the 1st Jackbot, start the

jumping back while shooting maneuver to keep buying juice while killing Jackbots. If done properly, you can take out up

to 4 rounds in a row without your Moneyball going down (Although it is very difficult). If you get caught by a slam (and

don’t go sky diving from it) and get pushed to the side while being forward of the bridge, or find yourself nowhere close

to the juice machine when the next Jackbot wave emerges, forget about shooting and head for the annihilator. Until you

get very good at Jackbots (actually even when you are good at them) having 4 to 6 on the map at one time is brutal with

all of the slamming and shooting (and yes, I have actually had 5 Jackbots on the map at one time, and yes, I still have

nightmares about it).

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Figure #36: Sudden Death Blitz Round Matrix – Gunner Class



295 1786 3335


1 - 333 1668 - 2000 3334 - 3667 3508


295 1 1 207 82 4

382 2093

1000 70% 75%

2000 50% 50% 334 - 667 2001 - 2333 3668 - 4000

3000 10% 25%


87 1 1 307 0

676 2353

1st Bacon 842 2362

1 1st Loss 668 - 1000 956 2417 2334 - 2667

2nd Bacon 972 2427

2 2nd Loss 998 2633

3rd Bacon 123 5 5 108

3 3rd Loss 1070 2724

4th Bacon 1219

1001 - 1333 1322 2668 - 3000

108 3 1 91 1 - 1000

(61) 61 1452 3021 3259 1001 - 2000

(134) 195 1579 3064 2001 - 3000

(70) 265 1334 - 1667 3108 3001 - 3333 3001 - 4000



129 2 6 89

*The "Total Jackpots" cells are only populated if the "Jackpot Round Tracking" section is filled out.

Moneyball % Act | Goal

Moneyball Health

% to Target 90%





Total drops

307Highest # of rounds w/ shields









+200 Target 4000

Total Jackpots* 0





25% Health

By: Boxsox




Endorsements (Select using pull-down menus)

Critical Shot+2% Chance

+10% Damage





Rate of Fire




Monday Night Combat Sudden Death Round Matrix (REV 2)






Bot Type

Slim bots



200050% Health

Target Round




Final Round

Rounds where the moneyball lost its shields

75% Health 1000








Note #


Total # of rounds w/o shields


Multi-JP Total










Note: Only purple (pull down menu) fields and grey (input) fields can be edited. All other fields are locked for automatic calculations.

Note: All round scales will automatically adjust depending on the entered "Target Round".


# of Drops







Avg # of rounds / drop 120



Multi-JP AVG


Total JP



JP kills/round| (set) total

Clone JP Kill

9Total RNDS

W/O Bacon


5/2 4 6

Reset Workbook Reset Page

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Note – Pay attention to the red WARNING notes. If not played properly, you will die a fiery, horrible death (Actually,

the Moneyball will go down, you will lose turrets, or your clone really will die a fiery, horrible death).

8.3.11 Fixed Rounds (1 through 50) – Gunner Class

Upgrade your “Gunner” skill to level #3.

Round #1 – 7 Slims from the front left spawn. Start on the left side of turret 8 and wait until the Slims get fairly close. Shoot

them as they get along side of turret nub #6 (without turrets you do not want to spend too much time chasing

juice boxes and money).

Round #2 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Same strategy as round 1 but on the right. You will of course start

shooting the bots far earlier as they have a lot more armor.

Round #3 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #4 – 4 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Between rounds 3 and 4 I move back toward turret nub #1. Once I see the

cloaking shields of the Gremlins, I kill them, get their goodies. Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 2 Rockit


Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front right spawn. When the Bouncer is half way to you, shoot it with the mini-gun. As it

gets closer you may want to start backing up to avoid getting grappled (how you like them grapples?). If you do

get grappled don’t worry. Your turret should be built by then and you have silver armor.

Round #6 – 2 Scramblers from the front left spawn. Wait until they are close to turret nub #6 and unload on them.

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Move in front of the forward bridge and aim up to shoot them. Build and

upgrade turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #8 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn. Build turret #3 to a level 1 Rockit turret.

Round #9 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left spawn. I kill 2 Blackjacks and then reload (more rounds for the Jackbot coming

up next). As I reload I am walking backward. I then kill the final blackjack and move toward the front right spawn

to engage the Jackbot.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn. Show the Jackbot what dual mini-guns can really do. Once the Jackbot is

dead, press the reload button, collect all of the goodies, and move toward the center of the main lane facing the

ejector symbol in the middle (this is where Bullseye will appear).

Bullseye – The moment you see Bullseye, hit the juice and start shooting him. Your goal is get at least 3 full clips into him

before he goes away (more bullet holes means more money). If you were lucky enough to get bacon from the

first Jackbot you will make pay-dirt here with gold clip size and gold rate of fire.

Build turret #4 and #5 to level 1 Rockit turrets. Once #5 is started, upgrade turrets #3, #4, and #5 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Round #11 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns. Ignore the left completely (your turrets can

handle this with no problems) and move forward to kill the Blackjacks coming from the front left spawn. After

the second blackjack is dead, reload before finishing the third one off. As I am reloading I move next to turret

nub #6 and switch to mortars once the third blackjack is dead.

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Round #12 – Warning: This round (and many more later) has 2 waves of bots. Either when you kill the entire first wave, or

too much time has passed, a second wave comes out prior to the next round. 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the

front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left spawn. As soon as the gap-

shot appears I move forward and shoot 3 mortars at it (2 should kill it but I play it safe). Once the 3rd mortar is

away, I reload and switch to my mini-guns. Here I sometimes pop juice and kill the Bouncer (coming from the

left spawn or from around the left corner if you were by or in front of the ejector symbol), but if you reloaded

during the last round and if you started by nub #6, you won’t need to. Also, if you start too far forward,

sometimes 1 or 2 of the Gremlins decide to attack Rockit turret #3 instead of coming after you. If this happens,

pop juice, kill the Bouncer, and run down to turret #3 and kill the Gremlins before they drive you mad-house

insane by destroying the $450 you just spent. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left

spawns. Again, only worry about the front bots. Build and upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #13 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns. Only focus on the 3 Blackjacks in the front.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from both the front left and left spawns. Move in front of the forward bridge and aim up to

hit the Buzzers. Turn around, walk back under the bridge, and aim up and to your right to target the Buzzers

coming from the left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns. Build

and upgrade turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #15 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns. Build and upgrade turret #8

to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #17 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7

Slims from the left spawns.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. Build turret #9 to a level 2 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7

Slims from the left spawns.

Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from the front left spawn.

Bullseye – Activate Juice and use the force Luke.

Build and upgrade turret #10 to a level 2 Rockit turret. Build and upgrade turrets #11 and #12 to level 2 Shave Ice turrets.

Round #21 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns. Upgrade turret #11 to a level

3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #23 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns. Upgrade turret #12 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #24 – 3 Buzzers from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #25 – 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn. Your

focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. Kill all of the side bots and use any time remaining to

build/upgrade turrets. Build and upgrade turret #13 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

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Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Round #27 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the front right and back right spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn. 2nd

wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right


Round #29 – 4 slim bot/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

When you have killed all but 2 of the slim bot/blackjack sets, use the jump pad and then jump over to the

annihilator letting the turrets finish off the bots.

Round #30 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right and right spawns. Once the round starts, use the annihilator and attack

the Jackbot coming in from the right spawn. Once this Jackbot is dead, collect the goodies and head for the

other Jackbot.

Bullseye: – Give Bullseye some of that juicy lovin and take him for all he’s worth.

Build and upgrade turret #14 to a level 2 Rockit turret and upgrade turret #4 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #31 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #32 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Upgrade turret #3 to a level 3 Rockit turret (bots are coming out of this side but at this point, it should not be an issue).

Note – For many of the bots, the numbers of bots coming out of each spawn increases at this point in the game.

Round #33 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front

right and right spawns.

Warning: – This is where it starts to get crazy. Try to keep the Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the sides at or behind the side

bridge until you reload. When upgrading turrets, do not upgrade them on the side that you are fighting bots on.

This will give you one less turret directly in the path of the incoming bots. If you wait until that wave of bots is

over, and build before attacking the opposite side, you should find it much easier when next set comes from

each of those sides. Be sure to keep enough money to purchase the annihilator when upgrading turrets. Also,

try not to use juice past round #36.

Round #35 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Your focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. You have enough firepower in the front to handle those

bots. Start shooting the bots as soon as possible. As you are nearing the end of your ammo, pull back towards

your Moneyball. Reload while walking backwards and once you are set, begin walking forward and shooting the

side bots again (sometimes you need to kill a few of the Slims before going back to the Scramblers at this point

which is why I walk toward the Moneyball) When attacking the side bots focus first on the Blackjacks as they

have more armor.

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Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. Upgrade turret #7 to a level 3 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left

and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #37 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

Round #38 – 4 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn.

Upgrade turret #6 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right. After killing the 2nd pair in the 2nd wave, head for the annihilator.

Round #40 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns. Hit the annihilator and kill the Jackbot

coming from the front right spawn first. Collect you winnings and waylay the Jackbot from the back right spawn.

Enjoy, and finish off the front right Jackbot if needed.

Bullseye – Go ballistic on Bullseye and reap the rewards.

Upgrade turret #9 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #41 – Upgrade turret #10 to a level 3 Rockit turret. 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #42 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #43 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #44 – 1st wave: 5 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. Upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Rockit turret. 2nd

wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #45 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #46 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left spawn.

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #47 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right

Round #48 – 5 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the left spawn.

Round #49 – 1st wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Round #50 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns.

Bullseye – Personally, I recommend the timeless and very therapeutic pimp slap but feel free to utilize any method you

choose when dealing with this freak.

Upgrade turret #8 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret and Upgrade turret #5 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

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8.3.12 Transition Rounds (51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+) – Gunner Class

Slim bot rounds – 6 Slims from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Slim bot/Blackjack rounds – 2 Blackjacks and 1 slim bot group from the front left and front right spawns. (1) 2

blackjack and 1 slim bot group from either the left or the right spawn.

Blackjack rounds – 3 Blackjacks from each of the front left and front right spawns. 3 Blackjacks from either

the left or the right spawn.

Gremlin rounds – 3 Gremlins from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Scrambler rounds – 2 Scramblers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Buzzer rounds (Transition only) – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Gap–Shot rounds (Transition only) – 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn.

Buzzer/Gap–Shot rounds – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns. 1 Gap Shot from the front

left spawn.

Jackbot rounds – 1 Jackbot from each of the front left and front right spawns and 3 Blackjacks from both

the left and right spawns.

Round #55 – Upgrade turret #13 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #57 – Upgrade turret #14 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Bullseye – After Bullseye is when I typically upgrade the Slam skill to level 3.

Build and upgrade the long shot turrets at your leisure (all skills and turrets should be built / upgraded by round 75).

Tank Class

8.3.13 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Tank Class

If on the Jet Gun, switch to the Rail Gun. Activate juice and begin firing at the first Jackbot while moving forward. Keeping

somewhat centered between the two Jackbots. Aim the Rail Gun at the Jackbots sternum (center of the Jackbot 2/3 the

way up). Leap over the slam(s) keeping the jump button pressed down to achieve the highest jump possible (double

Jackbot sets can have as much as a 3 second difference between when the first Jackbot slams and the second one does).

At the top of the jump, release and quickly re-press the jump button. This will give you a slow decent which should help

you avoid the slam from the other Jackbot (you will need to adjust your aim while jumping; otherwise, you will be

shooting over the Jackbots head). Also, at the top of the jump, you will want to pull back and toward the middle of the

two Jackbots on the directional stick. At this time you want to be positioning yourself so that your jumps put you

between the Jackbot and your Moneyball (You want your clone to take any damage instead of the Moneyball’s shields).

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When the first Jackbot dies, Position your clone again between the remaining Jackbot and your Moneyball. I have yet to

confirm this however, when I play using the Tank class, I find that the Jackbots attack my clone and the turrets less, and

the Moneyball more; than when I play using other classes. As soon as the second Jackbot dies you need to be heading

back to buy juice. If you stuck to using the Rail Gun, the second Jackbot should be at the very end of its life when the

next round starts. At first, I would switch to the Jet Gun when I closed with the Jackbots. When the next round would

start the last Jackbot would still have over 255 of its life and I would be nowhere near buying juice. If it is another

Jackbot round, turn around and use the charge skill to quickly get back to the juice station. As soon as you have juice,

activate it. Engage the first Jackbot while running like a mad man (or mad woman) back toward the Moneyball. Repeat

as many times as necessary (or until you break down into tears).

Figure #37: Sudden Death Blitz Round Matrix – Tank Class



62 425

73 467

1 - 83 82 486 418 - 500 834 - 917

27 3 3 38 0

87 513

250 75% 75% 96 526

500 50% 50% 84 - 167 160 534 501 - 583 918 - 1000

750 25% 561

1000 565

26 3 5 16 0

205 615

1st Bacon 647

1 1st Loss 168 - 250 584 - 667

2nd Bacon

2 2nd Loss

3rd Bacon 45 1 2 41

3 3rd Loss 291

4th Bacon 293

251 - 333 332 668 - 750

42 3 0 1 - 250

373 251 - 500

501 - 750

334 - 417 751 - 833 751 - 1000

41 1 0 Avg # of rounds / drop 31



Multi-JP AVG


Total JP



JP kills/round| (set) total

Clone JP Kill

537Total RNDS

W/O Bacon











Note: Only purple (pull down menu) fields and grey (input) fields can be edited. All other fields are locked for automatic calculations.

Note: All round scales will automatically adjust depending on the entered "Target Round".

Multi-JP rounds.

Forgot to buy

juiceBuzzers after JP



# of Drops





75% Health 250








Note #


Total # of rounds w/o shields


Multi-JP Total

Monday Night Combat Sudden Death Round Matrix (REV 2)










Bot Type

Slim bots



50050% Health

Target Round




Final Round

Rounds where the moneyball lost its shields

By: Boxsox




Endorsements (Select using pull-down menus)

Critical Shot+2% Chance

+10% Damage





Rate of Fire









+200 Target 1000

Total Jackpots* 0





25% Health

*The "Total Jackpots" cells are only populated if the "Jackpot Round Tracking" section is filled out.

Moneyball % Act | Goal

Moneyball Health

% to Target 65%





Total drops

86Highest # of rounds w/ shields











7/1 6 6

Reset Workbook Reset Page

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8.3.14 Fixed Rounds (1 through 50) – Tank Class

Upgrade your “Tank” skill to level #3.

Round #1 – 7 Slims from the front left spawn. Use the Jet Gun them.

Round #2 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Start using the Rail Gun when they get about half way to the forward


Round #3 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn. Same strategy as round 1.

Round #4 – 4 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Use the Jet Gun when you see their shields.

Build and upgrade turret #1 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front right spawn. Charge the Bouncer, and then use the Jet Gun.

Round #6 – 2 Scramblers from the front left spawn. Use the Jet Gun.

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Aim up and use the Jet Gun.

Build and upgrade turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret

Round #8 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Build turret #3 to a level 1 Rockit turret

Round #9 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn. Switch to the Rail Gun, hit the annihilator, and light him up.

Bullseye – Switch to the Jet Gun. The moment you see Bullseye, activate juice and start shooting him.

Build turret #3, #4, and #5 to level 1 Rockit turrets. Once turret #5 is building, go back and upgrade turrets #3 and #4 to level 2

Rockit turrets.

Round #11 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns. Build and upgrade turret #5 to a level 2 Rockit

turret. Staying by turret #2, use the Rail Gun on the Blackjacks.

Round #12 – Note: This round (and many more later) has 2 waves of bots. Either when you kill the entire first wave, or too

much time has passed, a second wave comes out prior to the next round. 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front

left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left spawn. From under the forward

bridge (this will make the Bouncer go past the center turrets instead of going around the outer wall) Rail Gun

the Gap-shot (should take 3 shots). Turn and Rail Gun what is left of the Bouncer (with luck your turrets have

taken his health down considerably). Use your Jet Gun on the Gremlins (or death blossom). 2nd wave: 3

Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #13 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from both the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7

Slims from the right spawns.

Round #15 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

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Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Round #17 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #8 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7

Slims from the left spawns.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. Build turret #9 to a level 2 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the

left spawns.

Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from the front left spawn.

Bullseye – Pop juice and “shoot the Bullseye, shoot the Bullseye, you’re really gonna like it” (I know, the sad thing is that I

have no idea why that ancient and really weird song even popped into my mind).

Build and upgrade turrets #9 and #10 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Round #21 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Build and upgrade turrets #11 and #12 to level 2 Shave Ice turrets.

Round #23 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from each of the front right and right spawns. Upgrade turret #12 to a level 3 Shave Ice

turret. 2nd wave: 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #25 – 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn. Your

focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. Kill all of the side bots.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Upgrade turret #11 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #27 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the front right and back right spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn. 2nd

wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right


Build and upgrade turret #13 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #29 – 4 slim bot/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

When you have killed all but 2 of the slim bot/blackjack sets, use the jump pad and then jump over to the

annihilator letting the turrets finish off the bots.

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Round #30 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right and right spawns. Once the round starts, use the annihilator and attack

the Jackbot coming in from the front right spawn (because there is more firepower in the front, if you attack the

side Jackbot first, the power-ups will be gone from the long dead front Jackbot before you can get over there).

Once this Jackbot is dead, collect the goodies and head for the side Jackbot.

Bullseye – By the time you have collected everything from the second Jackbot Bullseye should be out. Switch to the Jet

Gun and use your “Charge” skill to get to the center quicker. As you get close to Bullseye, hit the juice and light

him up with a vengeance. Then, once he is all nice and lit, rob him blind.

Build and upgrade turret #14 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #31 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Upgrade turret #3 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #32 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Upgrade turret #4 to a level 3 Rockit turret (bots are coming out of this side but at this point, it should not be an issue).

Note – For many of the bots, the numbers of bots coming out of each spawn increases at this point in the game.

Round #33 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front

right and right spawns.

Warning: This is where it starts to get crazy. Try to keep the Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the sides at or behind the side

bridge until you reload. When upgrading turrets, do not upgrade them on the side that you are fighting the bots

on. This will give you one less turret directly in the path of the incoming bots. If you wait until that wave of bots

is over, and build before attacking the opposite side, you should find it much easier when next set comes from

each of those sides. Be sure to keep enough money to purchase the annihilator when upgrading turrets. Also,

try not to use juice past round #36. You want juice on the triple Jackbot round coming up.

Round #35 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Your focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. You have enough firepower in the front to handle those

bots and turret #5 can handle the Slims and the occasional bot that gets by from the side (to a point because of

the Slims). Use the Rail Gun on the Scramblers (less armor and skill drain) and finish off the Blackjacks if needed.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left spawn.

Round #37 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

Round #38 – 4 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn.

Upgrade turret #7 to a level 3 Rockit turret

Round #39 – 1st wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right.

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Round #40 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns. Hit the annihilator and kill the Jackbot

coming from the front right spawn with your Rail-Gun. Collect you winnings and waylay the Jackbot from the

right spawn.

Bullseye – Slam some juice real quick and tap that (double tap repeatedly with your Jet-Gun, geesh, what kind of sick

person are you).

Upgrade turret #6 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #41 – Upgrade turret #9 to a level 3 Rockit turret. 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #42 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #43 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #44 – 1st wave: 5 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left

and left spawns. Upgrade turret #10 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #45 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #46 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left spawn.

Round #47 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right

Round #48 – 5 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the left spawn.

Round #49 – 1st wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Round #50 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns.

Bullseye – Well, what are you waiting for?

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

8.3.15 Transition Rounds (51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+) – Tank Class

Slim bot rounds – 6 Slims from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Slim bot/Blackjack rounds – 2 Blackjacks and 1 slim bot group from the front left and front right spawns. (1) 2

blackjack and 1 slim bot group from either the left or the right spawn.

Blackjack rounds – 3 Blackjacks from each of the front left and front right spawns. 3 Blackjacks from either

the left or the right spawn.

Gremlin rounds – 3 Gremlins from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Scrambler rounds – 2 Scramblers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Buzzer rounds (Transition only) – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

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Gap Shot rounds (Transition only) – 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn.

Buzzer/Gap Shot rounds – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns. 1 Gap Shot from the front

left spawn.

Bouncer rounds – 1 Bouncer from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Jackbot rounds – 1 Jackbot from each of the front left and front right spawns and 3 Blackjacks from both

the left and right spawns.

Round #52 – Upgrade turret #13 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #55 – Upgrade turret #14 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #59 – Upgrade turret #8 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.


Build and upgrade the long shot turrets at your leisure (all skills and turrets should be built / upgraded by round 75).

Support Class

8.3.16 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Support Class

For your initial position you want to be between the forward Shave Ice turret and the Rockit turret next to it (explained in

the general strategies section). NOTE: Do not use juice at this time. Upon seeing that this is a Jackbot round you will wait

until your firebase begins shooting. Once you see which Jackbot it targets, throw as many air strikes as you have on that

Jackbot. Run up between (you want to actually be closer to the Jackbot that you are NOT shooting at) the two Jackbots

(make sure that you don’t get too close to your air strikes) while hurt gunning the Jackbot you threw the airstrikes on.

Jump over the double slam (it may be 2 slams up to 3 seconds apart so use small jumps) and start to walk backwards.

Just before your hurt gun is out of range, move forward to make the Jackbots slam again. When the first Jackbot is dead,

start shooting the second Jackbot using the run back and forward technique. If you needed to use juice, once the second

Jackbot is dead, run back and buy more juice.

If another Jackbot round, once you buy juice, run forward looking to see which Jackbot the firebase engages, If you have

silver or gold skill recovery you should have 1 or 2 airstrikes recharged by this time. As you run forward try to land your

heal beam on your firebase (you can still throw air strikes while leashed). This will recharge some of the health (the

Jackbots most likely have taken it down to below 25% health by this time). Throw your airstrike on the Jackbot being hit

by your firebase and switch to using your hurt gun on the Jackbots. Keep repeating as necessary. You should only use

juice if slammed out of the way or your Moneyball is in danger of going down.

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Figure #38: Sudden Death Blitz Round Matrix – Support Class



101 340 2132

138 2241

1 - 419 207 2370 2095 - 2513 4189 - 4606



57 6 3 124 0

456 2619 2888

1256 90% 75% 580 2641 2902

2513 50% 50% 420 - 838 2714 2514 - 2931 4607 - 5025

3769 15% 25% 2791

5025 2831

120 2 7 76 0

882 2978

1st Bacon 908 3044

1 1st Loss 839 - 1256 999 3222 2932 - 3350

2nd Bacon

2 2nd Loss

3rd Bacon 140 3 3 107

3 3rd Loss 1318 3476

4th Bacon 1362 3498

1257 - 1675 1384 3572 3351 - 3769

1489 3598


107 5 4 94 1 - 1256

(52) 52 1815 3815 4085 1257 - 2513

(75) 127 1945 3868 4174 2514 - 3769

(97) 224 1676 - 2094 1999 3878 3770 - 4188 3770 - 5025



154 3 7 82 Avg # of rounds / drop 97



Multi-JP AVG


Total JP




JP kills/round| (set) total

Clone JP Kill 118%


3776Total RNDS

W/O Bacon











Note: Only purple (pull down menu) fields and grey (input) fields can be edited. All other fields are locked for automatic calculations.

Note: All round scales will automatically adjust depending on the entered "Target Round".

Avoiding grems.

Hit by air strike.

Slammed off of

the map.

Slammed off of

the map.


# of Drops







75% Health 1256








Note #


Total # of rounds w/o shields


Multi-JP Total

Monday Night Combat Sudden Death Round Matrix (REV 2)











Bot Type

Slim bots



251350% Health

Target Round




Final Round

Rounds where the moneyball lost its shields

By: Boxsox




Endorsements (Select using pull-down menus)

Speed +3%




Skill Recovery










+35% Target 5025

Total Jackpots* 1406





25% Health

*The "Total Jackpots" cells are only populated if the "Jackpot Round Tracking" section is filled out.

Moneyball % Act | Goal

Moneyball Health

% to Target 83%






Total drops

319Highest # of rounds w/ shields












7/4 6

Reset Workbook Reset Page

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8.3.17 Fixed Rounds (1 through 50) – Support Class

Upgrade your “Firebase” skill to level #3.

Place the firebase under the forward pass-thru centered between the rear grey dashed lines and the forward orange line

(under the bridge) (see Figure #29). When hacked, the firebase will beautifully cover the front (and more importantly)

the side spawned bots.

Keep the 2 forward Rockit Turrets and the firebase hacked at all times. If you need to allow one of the turrets to go without

a hack, make it the forward right Rockit turret. NTB: Another good hacking strategy is to keep the forward Shave Ice

turret hacked instead of the forward right Rockit turret. This will slow down the bots further out and increase the

time they are being hit by your turrets. Note: I have since adopted this strategy. You will see far less times where your

Moneyball shields drop because you are able to kill the Jackbots before they start shooting at your ball.

Figure #39: Firebase Placement

Round #1 – 7 Slims from the front left spawn. Start on the left side of your firebase and use the hurt gun as the come out.

Round #2 – Upgrade the hack skill to level 2. 3 Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Use the same strategy as round 1, but

on the right. Your firebase will help take them down.

Round #3 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn. Kill the bots.

Round #4 – Upgrade the hack skill to level 3. 4 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Once I see the cloaking shields of the

Gremlins, I kill them, get their goodies.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front right spawn. Switch to you shotgun (left bumper) and move forward near the ejector.

When the Bouncer is close enough he will lunge at you (In time you will lean the timing). Jump back as he lunges

and grapple him (do not be between the Bouncer and your firebase). Switch back to your hurt gun.

Round #6 – 2 Scramblers from the front left spawn. Wait until they are near turret #1 and unload on them with the Hurt-

Gun .

Build turret #1 to a level 1 Rockit turret.

Round #7 – Upgrade turret #1 to a level 2 Rockit turret and hack it. 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Just chill, your

firebase will kill them.

Round #8 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn. Your firebase will kill the bots.

Round #9 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left spawn. Hurt gun them while your firebase does the real damage. During round

#9, build and upgrade turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn. Run forward and throw an airstrike onto the Jackbot. Walk backwards

while using the hurt gun. When the Jackbot slams, perform a small jump over the slam and continue shooting it

until it dies. Once the Jackbot is dead, collect all of the goodies and move toward the center of the main lane

facing the ejector symbol in the middle (this is where Bullseye will appear).

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Bullseye – Before Bullseye appears switch to the Shot-Gun. The moment you see Bullseye, activate juice and perform a

taunt (you get $100 for the first taunt while juiced instead of the usual $5 and the Shot-Gun has a very short

taunt allowing you to quickly engage Bullseye after). Shoot Bullseye with your hurt gun (you get a ton more

money using the hurt gun as opposed to the Shot-Gun). Collect everything Bullseye drops while continuing to

hurt gun him. If you were lucky enough to get bacon from the first Jackbot you will make pay-dirt here.

Build and upgrade turret #3 to level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #11 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns. Ignore the left completely (your turrets can

handle this with no problems) and move forward to kill the Blackjacks coming from the front left spawn with

your hurt gun and make sure turret #1 is hacked (a .3 hack can just about reach the spawn door if it is a level 2

Rockit turret). About half way through the round, head back and finish off the Slims from the side.

Round #12 – Note: This round (and many more later) has 2 waves of bots. Either when you kill the entire first wave, or too

much time has passed, a second wave comes out prior to the next round. 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front

left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left spawn. Ignore the gap-shot (your

hacked turret should kill it easily. Warning: The gap-shots can stop in 3 different positions along the back wall.

The 1st is on the extreme left edge of the low wall. The 2nd is 1/4 of the way in from the left side of the wall. The

3rd is at the mid-point of the wall. If the gap-shot moves to the 3rd position, even a 3.3 hacked Rockit turret will

not reach it. If this happens, you need to move forward and kill it (preferably with your shotgun) (FIRE!!!!

FIRE!!!). Fall back and kill the Bouncer and Gremlins. If you hear the gap-shot still shooting as you finish up with

Gremlins, high-tail it up to the wall and kill it. Build and upgrade turret #4 to a level 2 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 3

Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns. Because your turret is upgrading, kill the Slims

from the right and finish up with any remaining Blackjacks from the front.

Round #13 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns. Only focus on the 3 Blackjacks in the front.

Round #14 – Build and upgrade turret #5 to level 2 Rockit turret. 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from both the front left and left

spawns. Move in front of the forward bridge and aim up to hit the Buzzers. Turn around, walk back under the

bridge, and aim up and to your right to target the Buzzers coming from the left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks

from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Round #15 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. Build and upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7

Slims from the left spawns.

Round #17 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and left spawns. Build and upgrade turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit

turret. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from the front left spawn. Because we have the turrets this time, do not use the annihilator. Instead,

just “kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit” (sorry, I mean Jackbot and yes I know I am dating myself

with this but I am a hardcore old school Looney Tunes fan even though the term hardcore is something of an

oxymoron with Loony Tunes). I generally throw an air strike and hurt gun him while my turrets do the real


Bullseye – Activate juice, grab an ice cold lemonade, relax, and stomp the hell out of him.

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Build and upgrade turret #8 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #21 – Build and upgrade turret #9 to a level 2 Rockit turret. 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #22 – Build and upgrade turret #10 to a level 2 Rockit turret. 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1

Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left

and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Round #23 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #24 – Build and upgrade turret #11 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret. 3 Buzzers from each of the front right and right


Note – Your focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. Kill all of the side bots and use any time remaining to

build/upgrade and heal your turrets.

Round #25 – 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: Upgrade turret #11 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret. 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right

and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn. Focus on the bots coming from the right spawn.

Round #27 – Build and upgrade turret #12 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret. 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and

left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the front right and back right spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn. Use

your shotgun to quickly kill the Scramblers. Switch to your hurt gun to finish off any remaining Buzzers. 2nd

wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right


Round #29 – Upgrade turret #12 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret. 4 slim bot/blackjack pairs from the front right and right

spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn. Note: Before engaging the bots, Quickly buy the jump

pad next to turret #5 and the one from the forward walkway to the annihilator. When you have killed all but 2 of

the slim bot/blackjack sets, use the jump pad and then jump over to the annihilator letting the turrets finish off

the bots.

Round #30 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right and right spawns. Once the round starts, use the annihilator, and attack

the Jackbot coming in from the front right spawn (the forward turrets will help you kill it very quickly. If you

attack the other Jackbot first, all the money and prizes (except bacon) will be gone before you get to them).

Once this Jackbot is dead, collect the goodies and head for the other Jackbot.

Bullseye – Hit the juice and Hurt-Gun like a mad man.

Build and upgrade turrets #13 and #14 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Round #31 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #32 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Note – For many of the bots, the numbers of bots coming out of each spawn increases at this point in the game.

Round #33 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns. Upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

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Round #34 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front

right and right spawns.

Warning: – This is where it starts to get crazy. Playing this section with the Support can be tricky If you are not careful.

When upgrading any of the turrets, do not upgrade them on the side that you are fighting the bots. This will give

you one less turret directly in the path of the incoming bots. If you wait until that wave of bots is over, and build

before attacking the opposite side (make sure that the next round/wave is not coming from the same side

again), you should find it much easier when next set comes from each of those sides. Be sure to keep enough

money to purchase the annihilator when upgrading turrets. Also, try not to use juice past round #36 (if you

need to use juice be sure to buy more during round 39 if you haven’t re-acquired it by then).

Round #35 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Upgrade turret #7 to a level 3 Rockit turret. Your focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. You have

enough firepower in the front to handle those bots and turret #5 can handle the Slims and the occasional bot

that gets by from the side (to a point because of the Slims). Start shooting the bots as soon as possible. As you

are nearing the end of your ammo, pull back towards your Moneyball. Reload while walking backwards and

once you are set, begin walking forward and shooting the side bots again (sometimes you need to kill a few of

the Slims before going back to the Scramblers at this point which is why I walk toward the Moneyball) When

attacking the side bots focus first on the Blackjacks as they have more armor.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left spawn.

Round #37 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #38 – 4 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right

Round #40 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns. Hit the annihilator and kill the Jackbot

coming from the front right spawn. Collect you winnings and waylay the Jackbot from the right spawn. Enjoy,

and finish off the back right Jackbot if needed.

Bullseye – Same old drill as the other Bullseye parts. Upgrade turrets #3 and #9 to level 3 Rockit turrets.

Round #41 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #42 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #43 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns. Note: The bots are coming from this side however,

there are so few of them that it should not be an issue with your firebase also covering.

Round #44 – 1st wave: 5 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left

and left spawns.

Round #45 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

After killing the bots, upgrade turret #10 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

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Round #46 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left spawn.

Round #47 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right

Round #48 – 5 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the left spawn.

Round #49 – 1st wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Round #50 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns.

Bullseye – Upgrade turret #13 and turret #14 to level 3 Rockit turrets.

8.3.18 Transition Rounds (51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+) – Support Class

Slim bot rounds – 6 Slims from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Slim bot/Blackjack rounds – 2 Blackjacks and 1 slim bot group from the front left and front right spawns. (1) 2

blackjack and 1 slim bot group from either the left or the right spawn.

Blackjack rounds – 3 Blackjacks from each of the front left and front right spawns. 3 Blackjacks from either

the left or the right spawn.

Gremlin rounds – 3 Gremlins from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Scrambler rounds – 2 Scramblers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Buzzer rounds (Transition only) – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Gap Shot rounds (Transition only) – 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn.

Buzzer/Gap Shot rounds – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns. 1 Gap Shot from the front

left spawn.

Bouncer rounds – 1 Bouncer from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Jackbot rounds – 1 Jackbot from each of the front left and front right spawns and 3 Blackjacks from both

the left and right spawns.

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Assault Class

8.3.19 Consecutive Jackbot rounds – Assault Class

Once you see that it is a Jackbot round, switch to the grenade launcher and activate juice. Launch juice grenades at the first

Jackbot. Run forward and when the Jackbots are in range of your bomb, throw and attach if possible a bomb to the

second Jackbot and activate you “Fly” skill. Once the bomb is in place, detonate it and continue shooting the first

Jackbot with grenades. Once both Jackbots have completed their first slam, de-activate the “Fly” skill to save skill points

and run backwards away from the Jackbots. Once you are far enough away (it will take some practice to learn the

distance) run forward again, jump, and activate your “Fly” skill when needed. By this time the first Jackbot should almost

be dead. When the first Jackbot is below 10% health, target and start shooting the second Jackbot. While shooting

grenades, continue the back/forward maneuver until the second Jackbot is below 5% health. If the next round is another

Jackbot round use the jump pad to get to the upper level and fly across to the center and purchase the annihilator.

Note: This is the only class where when playing single player, the annihilator is needed for the second round of Jackbots.

Once the annihilator is activated, drop down and buy juice before moving forward again. Do not use juice at this time.

We purchased juice in case there is a third consecutive Jackbot round. As you run forward launch grenades at whichever

Jackbot is still alive after the annihilator and turrets. Repeat as needed.

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Figure #40: Sudden Death Blitz Round Matrix – Assault Class

8.3.20 Fixed rounds (1 through 50) – Assault Class

Upgrade your “Assault” skill to level #3.



46 428

55 457

1 - 83 79 489 418 - 500 834 - 917

26 3 3 25 0


250 23% 75% 108

500 50% 84 - 167 117 501 - 583 918 - 1000

750 25% 140

1000 163

17 5 0 0

181 228

1st Bacon 185 234

1 1st Loss 168 - 250 200 245 584 - 667

2nd Bacon 212 249

2 2nd Loss 220

3rd Bacon 10 9 0

3 3rd Loss 287

4th Bacon 329

251 - 333 668 - 750

40 2 0 1 - 250

(14) 14 349 251 - 500

389 501 - 750

334 - 417 415 751 - 833 751 - 1000

29 3 0

*The "Total Jackpots" cells are only populated if the "Jackpot Round Tracking" section is filled out.

Moneyball % Act | Goal

Moneyball Health

% to Target 49%






Total drops

45Highest # of rounds w/ shields











+100 Target 1000

Total Jackpots* 132





25% Health

By: Boxsox




Endorsements (Select using pull-down menus)

Clip Size +40%





Rate of Fire







Monday Night Combat Sudden Death Round Matrix (REV 2)











Bot Type

Slim bots



50050% Health

Target Round




Final Round

Rounds where the moneyball lost its shields

75% Health 250








Note #


Total # of rounds w/o shields


Multi-JP Total










Note: Only tan (pull down menu) fields and grey (input) fields can be edited. All other fields are locked for automatic calculations.

Note: All round scales will automatically adjust depending on the entered "Target Round".


# of Drops





Avg # of rounds / drop 20


Multi-JP AVG


Total JP



JP kills/round| (set) total

Clone JP Kill 12%

245Total RNDS

W/O Bacon 9.09%


7/1 5 6

Reset Workbook Reset Page

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Round #1 – 7 Slims from the front left spawn. Use your Assault Rifle as they get close.

Round #2 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Use the same strategy as round 1, but on the right.

Build turret #1 to a level 1 Rockit turret.

Round #3 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Build turret #2 to a level 1 Rockit turret.

Round #4 – 4 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Once you see the cloaking shields of the Gremlins, kill them with the

Grenade Launcher (it may take a little practice to get the aiming down) and get their goodies.

Upgrade turret #1 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front right spawn. Wait until the Bouncer lunges and jump back to avoid it. Immediately

move forward and grapple the Bouncer. Finish him off with the Assault Rifle.

Round #6 – 2 Scramblers from the front left spawn. Hit them with the Grenade Launcher as they come out of the spawn.

Switch to the Assault Rifle when they get close and finish them off.

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Aim up and shoot them with the Assault Rifle.

Upgrade the Assaults “Bomb” skill to level 2.

Round #8 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #9 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn. Activate the annihilator, attach a bomb to the Jackbot and detonate it. Use

the assault rifle to take down the Jackbot. Once the Jackbot is dead, collect all of the goodies and move toward

the center of the main lane facing the ejector symbol in the middle (this is where Bullseye will appear).

Bullseye – The moment you see Bullseye, Use juice and start shooting him with your Assault Rifle. Collect everything

Bullseye drops while continuing to show him who’s boss.

Upgrade the Assaults “Charge” skill to level 2.

Build and upgrade turrets #3 and #4 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Round #11 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns. Ignore the left completely (your turrets can

handle them with no problems) and move forward to kill the Blackjacks coming from the front left spawn. About

half way through the round, head back and finish off the Slims from the side and collect any remaining coins.

Round #12 – This round (and many more later) has 2 waves of bots. Either when you kill the entire first wave, or too much

time has passed, a second wave comes out prior to the next round. 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left

spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left spawn. Switch to the Grenade

Launcher and while remaining under the forward bridge (this will make the bounder come into the middle so

that your turrets will hit him) shoot the Gap-shot as it emerges from the spawn. Once the Gap-shot is dead,

switch to your Assault rifle, find the Gremlins by looking for their cloaking shield, and charge through them. If

the Bouncer is still alive, grapple him to finish him off quickly. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7

Slims from the left spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #5 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #13 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns. Only focus on the 3 Blackjacks in the front.

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Round #14 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from both the front left and left spawns. Move in front of the forward bridge and aim up to

hit the Buzzers. Turn around, walk back under the bridge, and aim up and to your right to target the Buzzers

coming from the left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Round #15 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns. Just in case you forgot, kill the bots.

Build and upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Round #17 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7

Slims from the left spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #8 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from the front left spawn.

Bullseye – Get juicy and lay down the law with Bullseye.

Build and upgrade turrets #9 and #10 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Round #21 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #11 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #23 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #24 – 3 Buzzers from each of the front right and right spawns.

Note – Your focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. Kill all of the side bots and use any time remaining to

build/upgrade and heal your turrets.

Build and upgrade turret #12 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #25 – 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn. Focus on the bots coming from the right spawn.

Upgrade turret #11 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret

Round #27 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the front right and back right spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn. Use

your shotgun to quickly kill the Scramblers. Switch to your hurt gun to finish off any remaining Buzzers. 2nd

wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right


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Upgrade turret #12 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #29 – 4 slim bot/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

Note: Before engaging the bots, Quickly buy the jump pad next to turret #5 and the one from the forward

walkway to the annihilator. When you have killed all but 2 of the slim bot/blackjack sets, use the jump pad and

then jump over to the annihilator letting the turrets finish off the bots.

Round #30 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right and right spawns. Once the round starts, use the annihilator and attack

the Jackbot coming in from the front right spawn (the forward turrets will help you kill it very quickly. If you

attack the other Jackbot first, all the money and prizes (except bacon) will be gone before you get to them).

Once this Jackbot is dead, grab all the cash and head for the other Jackbot.

Bullseye – Never underestimate the therapeutic value of using the Assault Rifle on Bullseyes’ (or another players) face.

Round #31 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Build and upgrade turrets #13 and #14 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Round #32 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Note – For many of the bots, the numbers of bots coming out of each spawn increases at this point in the game.

Round #33 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front

right and right spawns.

Warning: – This is where it starts to get crazy. Playing this section can be tricky If you are not careful. When upgrading any

of the turrets, do not upgrade them on the side that you are fighting the bots. This will give you one less turret

directly in the path of the incoming bots. If you wait until that wave of bots is over, and build before attacking

the opposite side (make sure that the next round/wave is not coming from the same side again), you should find

it much easier when next set comes from each of those sides. Be sure to keep enough money to purchase the

annihilator when upgrading turrets. Also, try not to use juice past round #36. You want juice on the triple

Jackbot round coming up.

Round #35 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Your focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. You have enough firepower in the front to handle those

bots and turret #5 can handle the Slims and the occasional bot that gets by from the side (to a point because of

the Slims). Start shooting the side spawn bots as soon as they exit the spawn with the Grenade Launcher (focus

on the Scramblers first because of their skill draining aura and their lower hit points). As you are nearing the end

of your second clip of ammo, pull back towards your Moneyball. Reload while walking backwards and once you

are set, switch to your Assault Rifle and begin walking forward while continuing to shoot the side bots again

(sometimes you need to kill a few of the Slims before going back to the Scramblers at this point which is why I

walk toward the Moneyball).

Upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Rockit turret

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left spawn.

Round #37 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

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Round #38 – 4 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. Upgrade turret #2 to a level 3 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right

and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right

Round #40 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns. Hit the annihilator and kill the Jackbot

coming from the front right spawn. Collect your winnings and waylay the Jackbot from the right spawn. Enjoy,

and finish off the back right Jackbot if needed otherwise just do a snatch and grab of the loot and head over to

Bullseye using your Dash skill.

Bullseye – When in doubt, juice and shoot that’s my motto.

Upgrade turrets #3 and #4 to level 3 Rockit turrets.

Round #41 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #42 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #43 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #44 – 1st wave: 5 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left

and left spawns.

Upgrade turret #9 to a level 3 Rockit turret

Round #45 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #46 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left spawn.

Round #47 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

Upgrade turret #10 to a level 3 Rockit turret

Round #48 – 5 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the left spawn.

Round #49 – 1st wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Round #50 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns.

Bullseye – If you need for me to tell you what to do with Bullseye by now; just stop playing MNC forever and join a

monastery or cult.

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8.3.21 Transition Rounds (51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+) – Assault Class

Slim bot rounds – 6 Slims from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Slim bot/Blackjack rounds – 2 Blackjacks and 1 slim bot group from the front left and front right spawns. (1) 2

blackjack and 1 slim bot group from either the left or the right spawn.

Blackjack rounds – 3 Blackjacks from each of the front left and front right spawns. 3 Blackjacks from either

the left or the right spawn.

Gremlin rounds – 3 Gremlins from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Scrambler rounds – 2 Scramblers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Buzzer rounds (Transition only) – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Gap Shot rounds (Transition only) – 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn.

Buzzer/Gap Shot rounds – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns. 1 Gap Shot from the front

left spawn.

Bouncer rounds – Use the grenade Launcher on one of the Bouncers as they close on you.

Jackbot rounds – 1 Jackbot from each of the front left and front right spawns and 3 Blackjacks from both

the left and right spawns.

Note – Once all of your Rockit and Shave Ice turrets are fully built and upgraded, Upgrade your skills before building

and upgrading your Long Shot turrets. Be sure to keep an additional $750 in reserve when finishing up your skills

and turrets in case you need to buy juice and/or purchase the annihilator.

Build and upgrade the remaining turrets as you have the money.

Assassin Class

8.3.22 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Assassin Class

From the starting point activate juice. Switch to Shurikens and shoot at the first Jackbot while running towards the other

Jackbot (you want to angle your body so that as you are shooting the one Jackbot, you can just barely see the other one.

stay closer to the Jackbot that you are not shooting as you run). Note: So much for mom telling us not to run with sharp

objects. Jump over the slam and grapple the Jackbot. When the grapple is complete, run over in front of the second

Jackbot (shooting as you go). Jump over the slam and grapple the second Jackbot. When the second grapple is complete,

jump in front of the second Jackbot (the first should already have been killed by your turrets while you were grappling

the second) keeping yourself between the Jackbots cannon and your Moneyball. Attack the Jackbot with your sword as

you jump in front of it. After the first or second jump (following the grapple) the next round should emerge from the


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Should the next round be Jackbots, leave the nearly dead Jackbot and run back to buy Juice. Once you have Juice, use the

“Dash” skill to close in on the next wave of Jackbots quickly. Activate Juice while running forward and shoot until you

cause the first Jackbot to slam. Jump over the slam and repeat the last paragraph as many times as needed or until you

have a mental breakdown.

Figure #41: Sudden Death Blitz Round Matrix – Assassin Class

8.3.23 Fixed rounds (1 through 50) – Assassin Class

Upgrade your “Assassin” skill to level #3.

Round #1 – 7 Slims from the front left spawn. Wait until the bots are about half way to the forward bridge. Hold down the

right trigger and kill them using the sword.



53 330


1 - 63 359 314 - 375 626 - 688


53 1 4 15 0

78 376

188 85% 75% 89 406

375 20% 50% 64 - 125 109 376 - 438 689 - 750

563 25%


19 3 2 18 0


1st Bacon

1 1st Loss 126 - 188 439 - 500

2nd Bacon

2 2nd Loss

3rd Bacon 63 1 0

3 3rd Loss 210

4th Bacon

189 - 250 501 - 563

38 1 0 1 - 188

(18) 18 266 189 - 375

(22) 40 272 376 - 563

251 - 313 292 564 - 625 564 - 750


25 4 0

*The "Total Jackpots" cells are only populated if the "Jackpot Round Tracking" section is filled out.

Moneyball % Act | Goal

Moneyball Health

% to Target 54%






Total drops

63Highest # of rounds w/ shields













+100 Target 750

Total Jackpots* 90





25% Health

By: Boxsox




Endorsements (Select using pull-down menus)

Critical Shot+2% Chance

+10% Damage





Rate of Fire







Monday Night Combat Sudden Death Round Matrix (REV 2)











Bot Type

Slim bots



37550% Health

Target Round




Final Round

Rounds where the moneyball lost its shields

75% Health 188








Note #


Total # of rounds w/o shields


Multi-JP Total










Note: Only tan (pull down menu) fields and grey (input) fields can be edited. All other fields are locked for automatic calculations.

Note: All round scales will automatically adjust depending on the entered "Target Round".

Slammed out of

the arena.

Slammed out of

the arena.


# of Drops





Avg # of rounds / drop 25



Multi-JP AVG


Total JP



JP kills/round| (set) total

Clone JP Kill 5%

335Total RNDS

W/O Bacon


7/1 6 6

Reset Workbook Reset Page

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Round #2 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Same strategy as round 1 but on the right.

Round #3 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn. Same strategy as round 1.

Build turret #1 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #4 – 4 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Once you see the cloaking shields, use the same strategy as round 1.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front right spawn. Switch to and use shurikens until the Bouncer is 2/3 the way in. Switch to

the Katana, wait until the Bouncer lunges, back up, move forward, and grapple him.

Round #6 – 2 Scramblers from the front left spawn. Use the katana on them when they are more than ½ way in.

Build turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Use the shurikens while aiming up and to the right.

Round #8 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Build turret #3 to a level 2 Rockit turret

Round #9 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn. Shuriken while running forward. Switch to the katana and grapple (jump

over the slam if needed). Finish off using the katana while jumping over his slams (should only slam 1 more time

after the grapple).

Bullseye – The moment you see Bullseye, Use the juice, and start hitting him with the katana.

Build turret #4 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #11 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Round #12 – This round (and many more later) has 2 waves of bots. Either when you kill the entire first wave, or too much

time has passed, a second wave comes out prior to the next round. 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left

spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left spawn. Use shurikens on the Gap-Shot

from behind the forward bridge. Grapple the Bouncer, Switch to the katana, and kill the Gremlins 2nd wave: 3

Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Build turret #5 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #13 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from both the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7

Slims from the right spawns.

Round #15 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Build turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns

Round #17 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Build turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and left spawns. Upgrade turret #4 to a level 3 Rockit turret. 2nd

wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Build turrets #8 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

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Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. Build turret #9 to a level 2 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the

left spawns.

Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from the front left spawn.

Bullseye – As soon as Bullseye appears pop juice and turn this mamma jamma out (Jamie Fox quote but I can’t remember

the movie so now I’m twice as lame as I was before you read round 20).

Build turrets #9, and #10 to level 2 Shave Ice turrets.

Round #21 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Round #23 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Upgrade turret #9 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #24 – 3 Buzzers from each of the front right and right spawns.

Upgrade turret #10 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #25 – 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn. Your

focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. Kill all of the side bots

Build turret #11 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Round #27 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Build turret #12 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the front right and back right spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn.

Engage the Scramblers coming from the back right spawn with the katana. Switch to shurikens to finish off the

Buzzers. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from

the back right spawn.

Round #29 – 4 slim bot/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

When you have killed all but 2 of the slim bot/blackjack sets, use the jump pad and then jump over to the

annihilator letting the turrets finish off the bots.

Round #30 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right and right spawns. Once the round starts, use the annihilator, pop juice,

and attack the Jackbot coming in from the front right spawn. Once this Jackbot is dead, collect the goodies and

head for the other Jackbot.

Bullseye – By the time you have collected everything from the first Jackbot, the second should be very close to being dead

(from your turrets) and Bullseye should almost be out. Collect everything you can from the second Jackbot and

run like mad back to the center. Shoot Bullseye, then rob him blind.

Build turret #13 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #31 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Build turret #14 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

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Round #32 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Round #For many of the bots, the numbers of bots coming out of each spawn increases at this point in the game.

Round #33 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front

right and right spawns.

Upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Note – This is where it starts to get crazy. Try to keep the Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the sides at or behind the side

bridge until you reload. When upgrading turrets, do not upgrade them on the side that you are fighting the bots

on. This will give you one less turret directly in the path of the incoming bots. If you wait until that wave of bots

is over, and build before attacking the opposite side, you should find it much easier when next set comes from

each of those sides. Be sure to keep enough money to purchase the annihilator when upgrading turrets. Also,

try not to use juice past round #36. You want juice on the triple Jackbot round coming up. Focus on the bots

coming from the left and right turrets. You should have more than enough firepower to handle the front and

rear spawns as long as you keep the sides under control.

Round #35 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Your focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. You have enough firepower in the front to handle those

bots and turret #5 can handle the Slims and the occasional bot that gets by from the side (to a point because of

the Slims).

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. Upgrade turret #7 to a level 3 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left

and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #37 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #38 – 4 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right

Round #40 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns. Hit the annihilator and kill the Jackbot

coming from the front right spawn. Collect you winnings and waylay the Jackbot from the right and back right

spawns. Go to the cashier and collect your winnings.

Bullseye – Do that juice thing and go ballistic on Bullseye to reap the rewards.

Upgrade turrets #3 and #4 to level 3 Rockit turrets.

Round #41 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #42 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #43 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

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Round #44 – 1st wave: 5 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left

and left spawns.

Upgrade turret #6 to a level 3 Rockit turret

Round #45 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #46 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left spawn.

Round #47 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right

Upgrade turret #7 to a level 3 Rockit turret

Round #48 – 5 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the left spawn.

Round #49 – 1st wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Round #50 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns.

Bullseye – Oh come on now. Do you really need me to tell you what to do here?

Round #52 – Upgrade turret #11 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #55 – Upgrade turret #12 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #58 – Upgrade turret #13 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #60 – Upgrade turret #14 to a level 3 Rockit turret.


Round #62 – Upgrade turret #8 to a level 3 shave ice turret.

Round #66 – Upgrade turret #5 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Upgrade the Long Shot turrets and your skills as you can. Note: Try to keep an additional $750 in reserve just in case you need

to buy juice and/or the annihilator.

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8.3.24 Transition Rounds (51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+) – Assassin Class

Slim bot rounds – 6 Slims from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Slim bot/Blackjack rounds – 2 Blackjacks and 1 slim bot group from the front left and front right spawns. (1) 2

blackjack and 1 slim bot group from either the left or the right spawn.

Blackjack rounds – 3 Blackjacks from each of the front left and front right spawns. 3 Blackjacks from either

the left or the right spawn.

Gremlin rounds – 3 Gremlins from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Scrambler rounds – 2 Scramblers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Buzzer rounds (Transition only) – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Gap Shot rounds (Transition only) – 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn.

Buzzer/Gap Shot rounds – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns. 1 Gap Shot from the front

left spawn.

Jackbot rounds – 1 Jackbot from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Sniper Class

8.3.25 Consecutive Jackbot Rounds – Sniper Class

From the starting point run forward and throw 1 trap as far forward and towards the Jackbot that you will attack second.

Throw a second trap closer in toward the Jackbot you will engage first. As soon as the closer Jackbot hits your trap, run

forward and grapple it. Once the grapple is done, throw as many flack as you can at the first Jackbot, run over to the

second Jackbot, and grapple it. When the second Jackbot grapple is complete, move back and jump when the Jackbot

slams. Throw any re-charged flack at the second Jackbot and move forward to cause the second Jackbot to slam again.

If the next round is another Jackbot round, Move forward throwing your flack at the second Jackbot you will engage

repeating the above process. If you only have 1 flack recharged throw it at the second Jackbot and grapple the first as

quickly as possible (jumping over its slam when you are close enough). Should you have another trap available when you

complete the first grapple, throw it in front of the Jackbot you just grappled along with any flack you have re-charged,

and run over to grapple the second Jackbot. Repeat as many times as needed.

The sniper is the most difficult class to play single player sudden death with. Be very careful when dealing with the

Scrambler/blackjack sets. Do not be afraid of dying in the first 60 rounds (unless you have bacon) so long as you can

keep the bots off of your Moneyball.

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Figure #42: Sudden Death Blitz Round Matrix – Sniper Class

8.3.26 Fixed rounds (1 through 50) – Sniper Class

Upgrade your “Sniper” skill to level #3.





1 - 21 114 105 - 125 209 - 229

0 3 7 0


63 100% 75% 34

125 25% 50% 22 - 42 126 - 146 230 - 250

188 25%


7 2 0 0


1st Bacon

1 1st Loss 43 - 63 147 - 167

2nd Bacon

2 2nd Loss

3rd Bacon 8 1 0

3 3rd Loss 73

4th Bacon 77

64 - 83 81 168 - 188

11 3 0 1 - 63

85 64 - 125

98 126 - 188

84 - 104 189 - 208 189 - 250

11 2 0 Avg # of rounds / drop


Multi-JP AVG



Note: Only purple (pull down menu) fields and grey (input) fields can be edited. All other fields are locked for automatic calculations.

Note: All round scales will automatically adjust depending on the entered "Target Round".

# of Drops


Total JP



JP kills/round| (set) total

Clone JP Kill

113Total RNDS

W/O Bacon















75% Health 63








Note #


Total # of rounds w/o shields


Multi-JP Total

Monday Night Combat Sudden Death Round Matrix (R3b1)



No Data




Bot Type

Slim bots



12550% Health

Target Round




Final Round

Rounds where the moneyball lost its shields

By: Boxsox




Endorsements (Select using pull-down menus)

Skill Recovery +20%





Rate of Fire


# Killed




+100 Target 250

Total Jackpots* 0




25% Health

*The "Total Jackpots" cells are only populated if the "Jackpot Round Tracking" section is filled out.

Moneyball % Act | Goal

Moneyball Health

% to Target





Total drops

Highest # of rounds w/ shields








7/2 2 6

Reset Workbook Reset Page

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Round #1 – 7 Slims from the front left spawn. Use the SMG.

Build turret #1 to a level 1 Rockit turret.

Round #2 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Same strategy as round 1 but on the right. You will of course start

shooting the bots far earlier as they have a lot more armor.

Round #3 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Upgrade turret #1 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #4 – 4 Gremlins from the front left spawn. Throw a flak once you see the distortion of their cloak, them use the SMG.

Round #5 – 1 Bouncer from the front right spawn. Use the SMG as he approaches. When the Bouncer lunges, jump back, the

run forward and grapple him. Walk backwards while firing the SMG to finish him off with your turret.

Round #6 – 2 Scramblers from the front left spawn. Stand near your turret and start off with the Sniper Rifle. As they get

close, switch to your SMG and finish them off.

Build and upgrade turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #7 – 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Aim up and use your SMG.

Round #8 – 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #9 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

Build and upgrade turret #3 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front right spawn. Before the round starts, lay down a trap close enough to your base so that

when it slows down the Jackbot where your Rockit turrets can hit it. Soot the Jackbot with your sniper rifle until

it hits your trap. Throw out a flak and switch to your SMG. Grapple the Jackbot and when done, finish him off

with your SMG.

Bullseye – The micro second (yes you want to do it that fast) that Bullseye appears utilize the juicy goodness that you have

been hoarding, taunt (the stupidly short clip size means you will make far more money if you taunt first), and lay

the smack down with the SMG. The high rate of fire and insanely short reload time of the SMG means that you

can get a whole lot of the green stuff from him quickly (I mean money, people).

Once you have everything from Bullseye build turret #4 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #11 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns. Focus on the Blackjacks.

Round #12 – This round (and enough after it to make you curl into a ball and cry like a 2 year old) has 2 waves of bots. Either

when you kill the entire first wave, or too much time has passed, a second wave comes out prior to the next

round. 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the

back left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns. Move up next to

turret nub #5 and switch to you sniper rifle. Aim down the sight using the left trigger and shoot the Gap-shot.

Release the left trigger, reload the rifle, and switch to the SMG. Avoid the Bouncer as you shoot the Gremlins

with the SMG (the Rockit turrets will take care of the Bouncer).

Round #13 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Upgrade turret #3 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from both the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7

Slims from the right spawns.

Round #15 – 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

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Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Upgrade turret #4 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #17 – 3 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 Slims from the right spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7

Slims from the left spawns.

Build turret #5 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. Build turret #9 to a level 2 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the

left spawns.

Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from the front left spawn.

Upgrade turret #5 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Bullseye – The moment you see Bullseye, Pop juice and start shooting him with your SMG.

Build turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #21 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 3 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 Slims from the left spawns.

Build turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #23 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #24 – 3 Buzzers from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #25 – 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn. Your

focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. Kill all of the side bots and use any time remaining to

build/upgrade turrets.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Build turret #8 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #27 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the front right and back right spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn. 2nd

wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right


Build turret #9 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #29 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

When you have killed all but 2 of the Scrambler/blackjack sets, use the jump pad and then jump over to the

annihilator letting the turrets finish off the bots.

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Round #30 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right and right spawns. Once the round starts, use the annihilator, drop down

and run forward under the bridge, and throw a flak at the forward Jackbot. Shoot the front right Jackbot with

your SMG. Once this Jackbot is dead, collect the goodies and head for the other Jackbot.

Bullseye – Run like mad back to the center after collecting everything from the second Jackbot and as round the corner

squeeze the lemon (the Tanks saying when he uses juice). Put all of those hours logged on Call of Duty to good

use and shoot the hell out of Bullseye with the SMG.

Build turret #10 and turret #11 to level 2 Shave Ice turrets.

Round #31 – 4 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #32 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 blackjack/slim bot pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Upgrade your flak skill to level 2.

Note – For many of the bots, the numbers of bots coming out of each spawn increases at this point in the game.

Round #33 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Build turret #12 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front

right and right spawns.

Note – This is where it starts to get crazy. When upgrading turrets, do not upgrade them on the side that you are

fighting the bots on. This will give you one less turret directly in the path of the incoming bots. If you wait until

that wave of bots is over, and build before attacking the opposite side, you should find it much easier when next

set comes from each of those sides. Be sure to keep enough money to purchase the annihilator when upgrading

turrets. Also, try not to use juice past round #36. You want juice for Bullseye (unless you don’t want extra

money for turrets and skills).

Round #35 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Your focus on these rounds needs to be on the sides. You have enough firepower in the front to handle those

bots and turret #5 can handle the Slims and the occasional bot that gets by from the side (to a point because of

the Slims). Throw a trap under the side bridge to slow down the bots for your turrets. If too many bots are still

crowding you, throw a flak to help the turrets while you use your SMG on the bots. Try to keep far enough away

from the Scramblers to rebuild your skill points. At this point traps and flak are more important than money.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. Build turret #13 to a level 2 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and

left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #37 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

Build turret #14 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #38 – 4 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right

Round #40 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns.

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Bullseye –

Upgrade turret #6 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #41 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #42 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Upgrade turret #7 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #43 – 5 Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #44 – 1st wave: 5 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the front left

and left spawns.

Round #45 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Upgrade turret #9 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #46 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left spawn.

Round #47 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right

Round #48 – 5 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the left spawn.

Upgrade turret #8 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #49 – 1st wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Round #50 – 1 Jackbot from each of the front right, right, and back right spawns.

Bullseye – If you don’t know what to do by now, seek medical attention.

8.3.27 Transition Rounds (51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+) – Sniper Class

Slim bot rounds – 6 Slims from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Slim bot/Blackjack rounds – 2 Blackjacks and 1 slim bot group from the front left and front right spawns. (1) 2

blackjack and 1 slim bot group from either the left or the right spawn.

Blackjack rounds – 3 Blackjacks from each of the front left and front right spawns. 3 Blackjacks from either

the left or the right spawn.

Gremlin rounds – 3 Gremlins from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Scrambler rounds – 2 Scramblers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Buzzer rounds (Transition only) – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Gap Shot rounds (Transition only) – 1 Gap Shot from the front left spawn.

Buzzer/Gap Shot rounds – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and front right spawns. 1 Gap Shot from the front

left spawn.

Jackbot rounds – 1 Jackbot from each of the front left and front right spawns.

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Round #52 – Upgrade turret #9 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #55 – Upgrade turret #10 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #58 – Upgrade turret #11 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.


Build and upgrade the rest of the turrets as you can (all skills and turrets should be built / upgraded by round 85).

8.4 Sudden Death Blitz – 2 Player Match

8.4.1 2 Player Match – General Information

Work out who will be purchasing and upgrading turrets as much as you can before you start; so that you do not loose time

deciding who is going to build what, where, next. If playing a public match and the other person is not on a mic, shoot

them. No, actually, send them an X-Box message asking them to only do upgrades and not build or only build the front

turrets or something like that. You want to send that off before all of the bots come out to play. Also, you may want to

let them know of any Shave ice turret locations beforehand if possible. Otherwise you may have a very interesting blitz

ahead of you.

Try to develop a system between you if possible for using and buying juice to make sure that someone always has the juicy

goodness in case you get Jackbots as someone is running to the back of the map.

As long as 1 person plays primarily forward of the front bridge and 1 person plays primarily in the center, unless you have

really angered the gaming gods there should not be too much that is different from your average single player match

once you get to the random rounds.

Pay particular attention during the Scrambler / Blackjack rounds and make sure that you are communicating with your

partner to keep them under control because the sheer number coming out in those rounds is ridiculous.

The bots did what? To whom? For how many jelly beans?

The 2 most important things about the differences between a 2 player match and all of the others are that double the

number of bots are spawned each wave and that after the round 60 Bullseye, you still will not have any bots emerge

from the rear spawns Note: When more than 2 players are in the match the breakouts change drastically and bots

(including Jackbots) come from the rear spawns after round 60.

8.4.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

Unless both players are very good at Sudden Death you want one of the players to be a support. Hacked turrets (especially

the front Shave Ice) and his firebase are awesome and will help you get further. The Assassin is amazing in 2 player

matches but the Tank is also a very good choice when dealing with wave after wave of Jackbots (but only if you play with

me because I have apparently angered the gaming gods. I do not recommend going 2 Supports because of their lack of

bot stopping power.

You want special ability builds for Supports and Snipers with balanced builds for pretty much everyone else. You will soon

understand why.

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8.4.3 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Unlike the single player blitz do not wait until you have enough for a level 2 turret before building them here. As soon as you

have the cash, build/upgrade the turret immediately. Between the two of you, the level 1 turrets should not stay level 1

for very long and the extra firepower helps a lot.

On Scrambler/Blackjack rounds do not upgrade turrets on the side that the bots are coming from. It’s better to run across

and not shoot bots for a little bit or to wait until the round ends before upgrading than to lose the firepower of a level 2

Rockit turret that is directly in the path of a gazillion Scramblers.

Watch out during the fixed rounds on Buzzer / Gap-shot rounds. Sometimes 1 or more Gremlins decide not to come after

you but attack the turret on the left side of the Moneyball. After you take care of the Gap-shot and as you are heading

back to take out the Bouncer and Gremlins, make a quick check for any stragglers.

Figure #43: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Figure #44: 2 Player Match – Firebase Placement

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 1 1 3 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 1 1 4 Rockit 2

1 Rockit 2 3 Rockit 3

2 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 1 1 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 1 2 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 9 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 1 0 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 1 3 Rockit 3

8 Shave Ice 2 1 4 Rockit 3

9 Rockit 2 8 Shave Ice 3

1 0 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

1 1 Shave Ice 2 1 5 Long Shot 3

1 2 Shave Ice 2 1 6 Long Shot 3

1 1 Shave Ice 3 1 7 Long Shot 3

1 2 Shave Ice 3 1 8 Long Shot 3

2 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #53: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order


7 8

1 2


6 5

4 3 11 10



16 15 17 18

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8.4.4 2 Player Match – Consecutive Jackbot Rounds

The bot killer should be in front engaging the Jackbots as quickly as possible. The key here is to kill the first Jackbot before

the second even gets half way to the bridge. The bot killer then moves forward and either grapples the second Jackbot

to keep him from engaging the Moneyball or stands directly in front of him slowing him down while tearing into him.

The center player should take down the bots from one side to less than 50% then switch and do the same to the bots on

the other side. Once both sides are below 50%, the center player runs forward leaving the side bots to the turrets. Once

the forward player has finished off the Jackbots, they run back and buy juice.

If the next round is another Jackbot round, the center player pops juice and using any relevant special skills (i.e. air strikes or

traps) on the second Jackbot, engages the first Jackbot. Once the bot killer has juice (do not use juice at this time unless

the center player was killed and the Jackbots are coming up on your Moneyball), as they are running forward, they wipe

out the Blackjacks on one side. The bot killer continues forward and takes on the Jackbot that is not being handled by

the other player. As soon as the forward player attacks the second Jackbot, the center player falls back and takes out

any remaining side bots as they run back to buy juice. Repeat as necessary.

8.4.5 2 Player Match – General Strategies

The player handling the middle of the map should begin by attacking the side bots. If using a heavy class use the long range

weapon. If using a light or medium class, run over and attack them. When the side bots are taken care of, check the

turrets and see if the front player needs any help.

For Jackbot rounds in either the transition or random rounds, the player in the middle should use their long range weapon

to take one side down to about 50%, then switch over to the other side and do the same. Once the second side is down

to 50%, do a turret and partner check.

Only build or upgrade 1 level at a time when performing back turret work. If, when coming forward, you see that it is a

round where you can again perform back work, turn around and go back. This is better than being on one of the back

outer turrets when all craziness breaks loose. This gets easier once you have bacon; but even with bacon, don’t get


Try to make sure that you are reloaded and ready before Bullseye comes out after each 10 rounds for the first 60 rounds. If

you are able to save your juice and use it on Bullseye instead of the Jackbots you will see a far greater amount of money

earlier in the game. This will help you tremendously with building your turrets.

8.4.6 2 Player Match – The Breakouts

General Information

There are twice as many bots that come out and in some cases they use different spawns. Pay particular attention to the

Scrambler rounds as they can trip you up and take down your shields.

Set it up between the 2 of you so that 1 player primarily covers forward of the front bridge and the other covers the center.

You will need to temporarily have the center player cover the front whenever the front player falls back to buy juice, but

with solid communication this will be easy to do.

Be sure to let the bot killer get bacon first (if both players are using bot killer classes have the front player get bacon first).

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8.4.7 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL 1 4 SB 27 1 FL / L / BL 8 / 8 / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 1 FR 6 BLK 28 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 4 GS / BZ / SC

3 1 FR 1 4 SB 2 FR / R / BR 8 (8) / 8 (8) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

4 1 FL 8 GM 29 1 FR / R / BR 8 (8) / 8 (8) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

5 1 FR 2* BN 30 1 FR / R 2* / 2* JP / JP

6 1 FL 4 SC 31 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

7 1 FR 6 BZ 32 1 FL / FR / L / BL 1 / 1 / 2* / 8 GS / GS / BN / GM

8 1 FR 1 4 SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

9 1 FL 6 BLK 33 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

1 0 1 FR 2* JP 34 1 FL / FR / L 1 / 1 / 6 GS / GS / BZ

1 1 1 FL / L 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

1 2 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 4 / 2* GS / GM / BN 35 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

1 3 1 FR / R 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 36 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

1 4 1 FL / L 1 / 6 GS / BZ 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FR / R 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 37 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

1 5 1 FL / L 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 38 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 4 BZ / BZ / SC

1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 4 / 2* GS / GM / BN 39 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FL / L 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

1 7 1 FR / R 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 40 1 FR / R / BR 2* / 2* / 2* JP

1 8 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ 41 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

2 FR / R 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 42 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 4 / 2* GS / GM / BN 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

2 FL / L 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 43 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

20 1 FL 2* JP 44 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 9 / 9 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / GM / GM / BZ / BZ

21 1 FL / L 8 BLK 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

22 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 8 / 2* GS / GM / BN 45 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FL / L 8 BLK 46 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

23 1 FL / L 8 BLK 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

24 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ 47 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FR / R 8 / 8 BLK / BLK 48 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 9 / 9 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / GM / GM / BZ / BZ

25 1 FL / L / BL 8 / 8 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB 49 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

26 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 8 / 2* GS / GM / BN 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FR / R / BR 8 / 8 / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB 50 1 FR / R / BR 2* / 2* / 2* JP

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

Table #54: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)


BLK (SB) / BLK (SB) / BLK (SB) / BLK (SB) GS

BLK BZ ( GS ) / BZ



Slim bot - SBGremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GSBouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 FL / FR 6

FL / FR / L / R 6 (1 2) / 6 (1 2) / 6 (1 2) / 6 (1 2) FL 1

FL / FR 6 (1 ) / 6

1 / 1 / 6 / 6

FL / FR 4

FL / FR / L / R 6

L / R 6 FL / FR / L / R

Table #55: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)


BLK (SB) BZ ( GS ) / BZ



Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 1 2

1 / 1 / 6 / 6

FL / FR 4

FL / FR / (L or R)

Gapshot - GS

6 (1 2) FL / FR 6 (1 ) / 6

FL / FR / (L or R) 6 FL / FR / L / R

FL / FR 6

Table #56: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

8.4.8 2 Player Match Walkthrough – Fixed Rounds (1 through 50)

Upgrade your initial skills before leaving the spawn.

Round #1 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left spawn. Melee for juice.

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Round #2 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Take turns with melee attacks and just plain destruction.

Round #3 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #4 – 4 pairs of Gremlins from the front left spawn. Melee them for that deep warm fuzzy feeling you get.

Round #5 – 2 Bouncers single file from the front right spawn. Grapple and melee, any questions….too bad.

Round #6 – 2 pairs of Scramblers from the front left spawn. Knock some sense into and juice out of, them.

Round #7 – 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the front right spawn. Aim high….kill.

Round #8 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #9 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn.

Note – Before the next round, have a non-bot killer head up and wait next on the annihilator.

Note – If bacon is dropped either by the Jackbots or Bullseye, let the bot killer get it at this time (you will thank me later

and if you don’t, I know where you live).

Round #10 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front right spawn. If you can manage it, do not use juice during this round. At the

start of the round, hit the annihilator. Both of you should do everything in your powers to send them to the

lowest level of hell there is.

Bullseye – Pop your juice, taunt (if using a class where it makes sense), and tear into Bullseye like there is no tomorrow.

Round #11 – 6 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawns. Have your bot killer introduce

themselves to the Blackjacks while the 2nd player takes out most of the Slims. When there are only a couple of

bots remaining, switch it up so that the bot killer is near the center for the next round.

Round #12 – Warning: This round (and many more later) has 2 waves of bots. Either when you kill the entire first wave, or

too much time has passed, a second wave comes out prior to the next round. 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the

front left spawn, 2 sets of 4 Gremlins from the Left Spawn, and 2 Bouncers single file from the back left spawn.

Set your bot killer on the Bouncers and have the other player focus first on the Gap-Shot, then the Gremlins. 2nd

wave: 6 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawns.

Round #13 – 6 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 pairs of Slims from the right spawns.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from both the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from the front

right and 7 pairs of Slims from the right spawns.

Round #15 – 6 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 2 sets of 4 Gremlins from the Left Spawn, and 2 Bouncers single

file from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawns.

Round #17 – 6 Blackjacks from the front right and 7 pairs of Slims from the right spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from each of the front left and left spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from the front

left and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawns.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 2 sets of 4 Gremlins from the Left Spawn, and 2 Bouncers single

file from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the left spawns.

Round #20 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front left spawn. Hit the annihilator go to town. Again, try to save your juice for


Bullseye –

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Round #21 – 4 pairs of Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns. Have your bot killer stay in the front for the

following Gap Shot round and have the second player get mid-evil on the side bots.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 2 sets of 4 Gremlins from the Left Spawn, and 2 Bouncers single

file from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the left


Round #23 – 4 pairs of Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #24 – 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from each of the front right and right spawns. Beware of falling bots.

Round #25 – 4 pairs of Blackjacks with 4 slim bots from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. Bot killer taking on the front, 2nd player hitting the side bots, turrets mopping up the rear spawned bots.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 2 sets of 4 Gremlins from the Left Spawn, and 2 Bouncers single

file from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and 7 pairs of Slims from the left


Round #27 – 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the front right and back right spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn.

Switch roles, the bot killer should focus on the side spawned bots with the other player disgracing the front

spawned ones. 2nd wave: 4 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file)

from the back right spawn.

Round #29 – 4 slim bot/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

Round #30 – 2 Jackbots from each of the front right and right spawns. Once the round starts, use the annihilator and each of

you take on a spawn. I recommend that the bot killer takes the side bots and the 2nd player the front (the side

spawns have less turret coverage than the front).

Bullseye: – Stop playing this game immediately if you still need me to tell you what to do here.

Round #31 – 5 Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #32 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left and front right spawns, 4 Gremlins from the left spawn, and 2 Bouncers

single file from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 5 blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right


Note – For many of the bots, the numbers of bots coming out of each spawn increases at this point in the game.

Round #33 – 5 Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 4 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from the front left, front

right, left, and right spawns.

Warning: – This is where it starts to get crazy. The bot killer should focus their attention on the front, coming back when

they can to help mop up any stragglers. The center player should use their long range weapon (if they have a

good one) on one side to take them down below 50% health. Once that is done, they should switch to the other

side to help the turrets finish off the other group. Be sure to keep enough money to purchase the annihilator

when upgrading turrets. Also, try not to use juice past round #36.

Round #35 – 5 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn, 1 Bouncer from the left spawn, and 4 Gremlins from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left spawn.

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Round #37 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right spawn.

Round #38 – 4 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the right spawn.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right.

Round #40 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front right, right, and back right spawns.

Bullseye –

Round #41 – 5 pairs of Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #42 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left and front right spawns, 4 Gremlins from the left spawn and 2 Bouncers

single file from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 5 pairs of Blackjacks from each of the front left and left spawns.

Round #43 – 5 pairs of Blackjacks from each of the front right and right spawns.

Round #44 – 1st wave: 5 Buzzers from each of the left and back left spawns. 2nd wave: 5 pairs of Blackjacks from each of the

front left and left spawns.

Round #45 – 5 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #46 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left and front right spawns, 4 Gremlins from the left spawn and 2 Bouncers

single file from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7

Slims (single file) from the back left spawn.

Round #47 – 5 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back right

Round #48 – 5 Buzzers from each of the front left and back left spawns. 2 Scramblers from the left spawn.

Round #49 – 1st wave: 5 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left and left spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left

spawn. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front right and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back right spawn.

Round #50 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front right, right, and back right spawns.

Bullseye –

8.4.9 2 Player Match Walkthrough – Transition (51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+)

Slim bot rounds – 6 pairs of Slims from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Slim bot/Blackjack rounds – 2 Blackjacks and 1 slim bot group from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Blackjack rounds – 3 Blackjacks from each of the front left and front right spawns. 3 Blackjacks from both

the left and the right spawns.

Gremlin rounds – 2 sets of 3 Gremlins from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Scrambler rounds – 2 pairs of Scramblers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Buzzer rounds (Transition only) – 2 sets of 3 Buzzers from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Gap–Shot rounds (Transition only) – 2 Gap Shots (one after the other) from the front left spawn.

Buzzer/Gap–Shot rounds – 2 sets of 3 Buzzers from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 2 Gap

Shots (one after the other) from the front left spawn.

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Jackbot rounds – 1 Jackbot from each of the front left and front right spawns and 3 Blackjacks from both

the left and right spawns.

8.5 Sudden Death Blitz – 3 Player Match

8.5.1 3 Player Match – General Information

Warning – When more than 2 players are in the match, the breakouts change drastically and bots (including Jackbots)

come from the rear spawns after round 60.

Work out who will be purchasing and upgrading turrets as much as you can before you start; so that you do not loose time

deciding who is going to build what, where, next. If playing a public match and the other people are not on a mic, send

them an X-Box message asking them to only do upgrades and not build or only build the front turrets or something like

that or you will quickly learn just how little other people know about blitz matches. You want to send that off as soon as

possible or you will get very acquainted with the bots very quickly. Also, you may want to let them know of any Shave

ice turret locations beforehand if possible. Otherwise, get ready to be frustrated.

Try to develop a system between you if possible for using and buying juice to make sure that someone always has the juicy

goodness in case you get Jackbots as someone is running to the back of the map.

As long as 1 person plays primarily forward of the front bridge, 1 person (preferably a Support) plays primarily in the center,

and 1 person covers the back spawns and helps with the middle, This is still a workable blitz.

Pay particular attention during the Scrambler / Blackjack rounds and make sure that you are communicating with your

partners to keep them under control because the sheer number coming out in those rounds is ridiculous.

8.5.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

The Supports firebase is, to say the least, crucial in 3 player matches. The second class needs to be a class that can kill bots

quickly such as the Assassin or the Tank. To say that the Assassin is a great choice as the second class would be like

saying “it would be nice, if as a person, you would occasionally get oxygen”. The Assassins ability to grapple Jackbots and

her insanely fast attack speed make her ideal here. I would highly recommend either a 2nd Assassin or preferably a Tank

as the 3rd class. While slow, the Tanks death blossom and product grenade can help keep bots away from the ball.

I recommend at the least silver preferably gold armor (there are going to be a lot of bots and Buzzer swarms in 3 player

games will instantly take out pros before they know what happened). At least try silver skill recovery once because

properly using special skills can make or break a multi-player Sudden Death run. You will probably want either rate of

fire, or juice as your bronze sponsor depending on the class and your playing style. While you will not need the extra

money, getting juice quicker will help you keep bots off of your ball.

8.5.3 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Unlike the single player blitz do not wait until you have enough for a level 2 turret before building them here. As soon as you

have the cash, build/upgrade the turret immediately. Between the two of you, the level 1 turrets should not stay level 1

for very long and the extra firepower helps a lot.

On Scrambler/Blackjack rounds do not upgrade turrets on the side that the bots are coming from. It’s better to run across

and not shoot bots for a little bit or to wait until the round ends before upgrading than to lose the firepower of a level 2

Rockit turret that is directly in the path of a gazillion Scramblers.

Watch out during the fixed rounds on Buzzer / Gap-shot rounds. Sometimes the Gremlins decide not to come after you but

attack the turret on the left side of the Moneyball. After you take care of the Gap-shot and as you are heading back to

take out the Bouncer and Gremlins, make a quick check for any stragglers.

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Figure #45: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 2 1 8 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 3 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 1 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 1 0 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 1 1 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

9 Shave Ice 3 8 Rockit 3

1 0 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

1 1 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

1 2 Rockit 2 1 2 Rockit 3

1 3 Rockit 2 1 3 Rockit 3

1 4 Shave Ice 3 1 5 Rockit 3

1 5 Rockit 2 1 6 Rockit 3

1 6 Rockit 2 1 7 Rockit 3

1 7 Rockit 2 1 8 Rockit 3

3 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #57: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Figure #46: 3 Player Match – Firebase Placement

7 8

1 2


6 5

4 3 11 15 10

13 12 17 18



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8.5.4 3 Player Match – Consecutive Jackbot Rounds

Have a bot killer run forward and take on the front Jackbots using juice. The second player (not the Support) should focus on

the side Jackbots (without juice if possible) while the Support mops up the other bots after throwing air strikes on any

Jackbots that are closing in on the Moneyball.

Once the front Jackbots are dealt with, the forward player runs back to buy juice. As the forward player is heading back, the

side player heads forward in case there is another Jackbot round. As the next round of Jackbots comes out, the side

player (who is now covering the front) pops juice and goes to work. The bot killer who just bought juice takes on the side

Jackbots after hitting that juicy goodness. After the side Jackbots are dead, he runs back for more juice before heading

up to take the front spawns again. Once one of the front Jackbots is dead, the Support activates his juice and runs

forward throwing his air strikes on the remaining forward Jackbot as the now front player runs back for more juice. The

Support runs forward causing the remaining front Jackbot to slam and leashes him moving away and then forward again

to keep the Jackbot slamming (instead of shooting turrets or the Moneyball). When the player who engaged the front

Jackbots seconds finishes buying juice, he moves to cover the sides for the next round. Once the player who started out

playing forward gets back up there and starts finishing off the second forward Jackbot (without using juice), the Support

heads back to buy his own juice. Repeat as necessary.

8.5.5 3 Player Match – General Strategies

Keep an eye on the rear spawns or they will be your undoing. Keep your turrets up and hacked as much as possible. Have

any tanks keep an eye out for gremlin rounds as their death blossom will be a life saver to lighter classes. Make sure that

your bot killers get bacon first, then any supports. Because the Supports usually stay in the middle of all of the turrets

they need the added offensive and defensive power less than the players out mixing it up with the big boys. Make sure

everyone knows when you hit buzzer rounds so that those with low armor can run and hide.

8.5.6 3 Player Match – The Breakouts

General Information

Watch out for multiple single file Jackbots and Jackbots coming from the rear spawns. Also make sure that your bot killer is

keeping up with the Scramblers (they come out of different spawns when using 3 players) and the Scrambler / Blackjack

pairs as they will make it past your turrets (even with a firebase).

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8.5.7 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 7 SB 27 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL8 ( 8 ) / 8 ( 8 ) / 8

/ 8 / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) /


2 1 FL / FR 6 / 3 BLK 28 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 4 / 4GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

3 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 7 SB 2 FL / FR / L / R / BL8 ( 8 ) / 8 ( 8 ) / 8

/ 8 / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) /


4 1 FL / FR 8 / 4 GM 29 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL8 ( 8 ) / 8 ( 8 ) / 8

/ 8 / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) /


5 1 FL / FR 2* / 1 BN 30 1 FL / FR / R / BR 2* / 2* / 1 / 1 JP

6 1 FL / FR 4 / 2 SC 31 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

7 1 FL / FR 6 / 3 BZ 32 1 FL / FR / L / BL 2* 2* / 4 4 / 2* 2*GS GS / GM GM / BN


8 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 7 SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

9 1 FL / FR 6 / 3 BLK 33 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

1 0 1 FL / FR 2* / 1 JP 34 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 /

6 / 6

GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ / BZ

1 1 1 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 3 / 1 4 / 7 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

1 2 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 4 / 2* / 1GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN35 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


2 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 36 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 2* 2* / 4 4 / 2* 2*GS GS / GM GM / BN


1 3 1 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 (1 0 ) SC ( BLK )

1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1/ 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ 37 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 (1 0 ) SC ( BLK )

2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 38 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 / 1 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 4 /


GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

1 5 1 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 39 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


1 6 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 4 / 2* / 1GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 40 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR2* / 2* / 2* / 2* / 1

/ 1JP

1 7 1 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 41 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1/ 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ 42 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2GS / GS / GM / GM /


2 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

1 9 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 8 / 4 / 2* / 1GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN43 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 44 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2* 2* / 1 2 1 2 / 6 6 GS GS / BZ BZ / BZ BZ

20 1 FL / FR 1 / 2* JP 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

21 1 FL / FR / L / R 8 / 8 / 4 / 4 BLK 45 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


22 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN46 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2

GS / GS / GM / GM /


2 FL / FR / L / R 8 / 8 / 4 / 4 BLK 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


23 1 FL / FR / L / R 8 / 8 / 4 / 4 BLK 47 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


24 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 / 1 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 /


GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ / BZ48 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR

2* / 2* / 9 / 9 / 6

/ 6

GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

2 FL / FR / L / R 8 BLK 49 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


25 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL8 ( 8 ) / 8 ( 8 ) / 8 /

8 / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) /

BLK / BLK / SB / SB2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


26 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN50 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR

2* / 2* / 2* / 2* / 1

/ 1JP

2 FL / FR / L / R / BL8 ( 8 ) / 8 ( 8 ) / 8 /

8 / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) /


3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

Table #58: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)

SB BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ


BLK ( SB ) BZ ( GS ) / BZ ( GS ) / BZ / BZ



Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 FL / FR / L / R 6 / 6 / 6 / 6

FL / FR / L / R 6 FL / FR 1 / 1

FL / FR 6 (1 ) / 6 (1 ) / 6 / 6

1 1 / 1 2 1 2 / 1 1

FL / FR / BL / BR 4

FL / FR / L / R 6 (1 2 )

FL / FR / BL / BR 6 FL FR / L R / BL BR

Table #59: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

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B o t type(s) B o t type(s)


BLK BZ ( GS ) / BZ ( GS ) / BZ / BZ

BLK ( SB ) JP / JP / BLK / BLK / JP / JP


Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

FL / FR / BL / BR 6

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 1 2

1 / 1 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 2 / 2

FL / FR / BL / BR 4

FL / FR / L / R 6 FL / FR 6 (1 ) / 6 (1 ) / 6 / 6

FL / FR / L / R 6 (1 2 ) FL / FR / L R / BL / BR

Table #60: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

8.5.8 3 Player Match Walkthrough – Fixed Rounds (1 through 50)

Upgrade your initial skills before leaving the spawn.

Round #1 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left spawn and 7 Slims from the front right spawn. Have a bot killer on the pairs

just in case but everyone should melee for juice.

Round #2 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 3 Blackjacks from the front right spawn. Same drill but you

may want to kill one (or one pair) without melee just in case.

Round #3 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left spawn and 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #4 – 8 Gremlins from the front left spawn and 4 from the front right spawn. Decisions, decisions; melee or just kill?

Round #5 – 2 Bouncers single file from the front left and 1 Bouncer from the front right spawns. Slap and shoot is my

philosophy here.

Round #6 – 4 Scramblers from the front left and 2 from the front right spawns. Just have fun.

Round #7 – 6 Buzzers from the front left and 3 Buzzers from the front right spawns.

Round #8 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left spawn and 7 Slims from the front right spawn.

Round #9 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left spawn and 3 Blackjacks from the front right spawn.

Round #10 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front right spawn and 1 Jackbot from the right spawn.

Bullseye –

Round #11 – 6 Blackjacks with 14 Slims from the front left spawn, 3 Blackjacks from the left spawn, and 7 Slims from the back

left spawn. Have 1 bot killer (preferably your strongest) up front. Your other bot killer (or strongest non bot

killer) handling the side, and your 3rd player covering the back and center for any bots that slip by.

Round #12 – Warning: This round (and many more later) has 2 waves of bots. Either when you kill the entire first wave, or

too much time has passed, a second wave comes out prior to the next round. 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the

front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left spawn and 4 Gremlins from the right spawn. 2

Bouncers single file from the back left spawn, and 1 Bouncer from the back right spawn. Once the forward bot

killer takes out the Gap Shots, have them fall back to the middle to help with the Gremlins that are now running

amuck. The center bot killer should focus on the pair of Bouncers while the non bot killer takes on the single

Bouncer. Wrap up the Gremlins as quickly as possible once re-enforcements arrive. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of

Blackjacks from the front left, 3 Blackjacks from the front right, 7 pairs of Slims from the left, and 7 Slims from

the back left spawns.

Round #13 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right, 3 Blackjacks from the right, and 7 Slims from the back right spawns.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns. 3pairs of Buzzers from both the left and right

spawns. 3 Buzzers from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right, 3 Blackjacks

from the right, and 7 Slims from the back right spawns.

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Round #15 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, 3 Blackjacks from the left, and 7 Slims from the back left spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left spawn and 4 Gremlins

from the right spawn. 2 Bouncers single file from the back left spawn, and 1 Bouncer from the back right spawn.

2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, 3 Blackjacks from the left, and 7 Slims from the back left


Round #17 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right, 3 Blackjacks from the right, and 7 Slims from the back right spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left and front right spawns, 6 Buzzers from the left and right spawns, and 3

Buzzers from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, 3 Blackjacks from the left,

and 7 Slims from the back left spawns.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left spawn and 4 Gremlins

from the right spawn. 2 Bouncers single file from the back left spawn, and 1 Bouncer from the back right spawn.

2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, 3 Blackjacks from the left, and 7 Slims from the back left


Round #20 – 1 Jackbot from the front left and 2 Jackbots single file from the front right spawns. Don’t play games, hit the

Annihilator and wipe them out like right now. Get ready for Bullseye.

Bullseye –

Round #21 – 4 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. 4 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns. As

usual, bot killers forward, everyone else cowering in the middle.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 2 gap-shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and

right spawns. 2 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 4 pairs of Blackjacks

from the front left and front right spawns. 4 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

Round #23 – 4 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. 4 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

Round #24 – 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns. 3 Buzzers from the left, right, back left, and back right

spawns. 1 bot killer up front on the Gap Shots. Everyone else looking to clip some wings.

Round #25 – 8 Blackjack/Slim bot pairs from the front left and front right spawns. 8 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

7 Slims (single file) from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 2 gap-shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and

right spawns. 2 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjack/Slim bot

pairs from the front left and front right spawns. 8 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file)

from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #27 – 8 Blackjack/Slim bot pairs from the front left and front right spawns. 8 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

7 Slims (single file) from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left and front right spawns, 6 Buzzers from the left and right spawns, and 2

pairs of Scramblers from the back left and back right spawns. Once again have your main bot killer up front, your

2nd bot killer should hit the Scrambler from the back spawns, and your 3rd player takes care of the sides. 2nd

wave: 8 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left and front right spawns. 8 Blackjacks from the left and right

spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #29 – 8 Blackjack/Slim bot pairs from the front right and front left spawns. 8 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

7 Slims (single file) from the back left and back right spawns.

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Round #30 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front left and front right spawns. 1 Jackbot from the right and back right spawns.

Bullseye: –

Round #31 – 5 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. 5 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

Round #32 – 1st wave: 2 gap-shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and

right spawns. 2 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 5 pairs of Blackjacks

from the front left and front right spawns. 5 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

Round #33 – 5 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. 5 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 2 gap-shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns and 6 Buzzers each from the left,

right, back left, and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 5 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns.

5 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

Warning: – This is where it starts to get crazy. The bot killer should focus their attention on the front, coming back when

they can to help mop up any stragglers. The center player should use their long range weapon (if they have a

good one) on one side to take them down below 50% health. Once that is done, they should switch to the other

side to help the turrets finish off the other group. Be sure to keep enough money to purchase the annihilator

when upgrading turrets. Also, try not to use juice past round #36.

Round #35 – 5 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left and back right spawns.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 2 gap-shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and

right spawns. 2 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Scrambler/Blackjack

pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the back left and back right


Round #37 – 5 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 7 Slims (single file) from the

back left and back right spawns.

Round #38 – 1 gap-shot from the front left and front right spawns, 12 Buzzers from the left and right spawns, and 4

Scramblers from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 10 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 7 pairs of Slims

from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 10 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right,

left, and right spawns. 7 pairs of Slims from the back left and back right spawns.

Warning: – You will want to play the next round very differently than the previous Jackbot rounds. Read the walkthrough

before you attempt to play the next round.

Round #40 – 2 Jackbots single file from each of the front left, front right, back left and back right spawns plus 1 Jackbot from

the left and right spawns. Do NOT use the Annihilator yet. Have both of your bot killers pop juice and take out

the first Jackbots from the rear spawns. The 3rd player should run over and try to get one of the side Jackbots to

slam to slow him down a little. Once the Jackbot slams, the 3rd player will run like mad over and get on the

annihilator. Once the second set of bots emerge, hit the annihilator. Once the first Jackbot from each of the rear

spawns is dead, the bot killers will run back and buy juice. As soon as they have juice, they activate it and head

over to finish off the last 2 read Jackbots (they should just about be dead from the annihilator). Once the back

end is clear, they run forward and help mop up any remaining bots and go to buy juice again.

Bullseye –

Round #41 – 5 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. 5 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

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Round #42 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and right spawns.

2 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 5 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left

and front right spawns. 5 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

Round #43 – 5 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. 5 Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

Round #44 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left and front right spawns, 12 Buzzers from the left and right spawns, and 6

Buzzers from the back left spawn. 2nd wave: 5 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. 5

Blackjacks from the left and right spawns.

Round #45 – 10 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left

and back right spawns.

Round #46 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and right spawns.

2 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 10 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the

front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #47 – 10 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left

and back right spawns.

Round #48 – 2 gap-shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns and 6 Buzzers each from the left and right

spawns. 6 Scramblers from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #49 – 1st wave: 10 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the

back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 10 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and

right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #50 – 2 Jackbots single file from each of the front left, front right, back left and back right spawns plus 1 Jackbot from

the left and right spawns.

Bullseye –

8.5.9 3 Player Match Walkthrough – Transition (51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+)

Slim bot rounds – 12 Slims from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Slim bot/Blackjack rounds – (6) 2 Blackjacks and 1 slim bot groups from the front left, front right, left, and right


Blackjack rounds – 6 Blackjacks from each of the front left and front right spawns. 3 Blackjacks from both

the left and the right spawns.

Gremlin rounds – 6 Gremlins from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Scrambler rounds – 2 pairs of Scramblers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Buzzer rounds (Transition only) – 6 Buzzers from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Gap–Shot rounds (Transition only) – 2 Gap Shots (one after the other) from the front left spawn.

Buzzer/Gap–Shot rounds – 6 Buzzers from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 2 Gap Shots

(one after the other) from the front left spawn.

Jackbot rounds – 1 Jackbot from the front left, front right, back left, and back right spawns plus 6

Blackjacks from both the left and right spawns.

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8.6 Sudden Death Blitz – 4 Player Match

8.6.1 4 Player Match – General Information

Warning – When playing with 4 players, the breakouts change drastically from 1 or 2 player matches. Bots

(including Jackbots) come from the rear spawns (Even after round 60).

Communication, turrets, communication, handling Jackbots, communication, and communication will be the

deciding factors when playing a 4 person blitz. You need to be constantly deciding where to direct your bot

killers and evaluating which lanes you are having trouble controlling so that you can adjust your turret build

and lane focus strategies on the fly.

The pace at which a 4 player Sudden Death Blitz runs is dizzying. Especially when you get to the random rounds

where you run into consecutive Jackbot rounds it gets insane even with a full roster of seasoned players.

Unless you brought plenty of KY and pain killers, never attempt a 4 player public Sudden Death Blitz. The best

thing that you can hope for in one of those is that some of the others will freak out and leave early on.

8.6.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

You want at the very minimum, 2 bot killers and one support. The other class(s) are not as critical at this stage so

long as you have that (and the 4th player doesn’t suck horribly).

The box recommends 2 Assassins, 1 Tank, and 1 Support. 1 Assassin will generally cover the front, 1 Assassin will

cover the back, and the Support and Tank will cover the sides with the Tank also helping cover the spawn

opposite of the one the rear Assassin is covering in the rear. You want a tank to help with the 54,996 Gremlins

that are going to play havoc on your Support and turrets every 30 seconds.

For your bot killers (i.e. Assassin or Tank) I suggest heavy offensive gold and silver with a defensive bronze. The

greatest advantage you get in multi-player blitz matches with these classes is their ability to quickly kill


For your Support, I recommend gold skill recovery (hacking), silver armor (you will understand why in the random

rounds), and bronze speed to help you run around like crazy checking and healing turrets/players.

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8.6.3 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Figure #47: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 2 1 8 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 3 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 1 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 1 0 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 1 1 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

9 Shave Ice 3 8 Rockit 3

1 0 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

1 1 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

1 2 Rockit 2 1 2 Rockit 3

1 3 Rockit 2 1 3 Rockit 3

1 4 Shave Ice 3 1 5 Rockit 3

1 5 Rockit 2 1 6 Rockit 3

1 6 Rockit 2 1 7 Rockit 3

1 7 Rockit 2 1 8 Rockit 3

4 Player Match - Turret Build Order

Table #61: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Figure #48: 4 Player Match – Firebase Placement

8 9

1 2


6 5

4 3 12 15 11

14 13 17 18



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8.6.4 4 Player Match – Consecutive Jackbot Round

Pray, no, seriously, pray. Your forward bot killer should pop juice and do their very best to massacre the front Jackbots as

quickly as possible. The center bot killer should do the same for the first wave coming from the rear spawns. If you have

3 bot killers the 3rd should be focusing all his juiciness on the rear spawn that the other center bot killer is not hitting.

The 4th player should be doing everything in their power to tear down one side Jackbot do 50% health, then head over

to the other to keep him busy. The non bot killer will want to remain near one of the forward jump pads in case the next

round is another Jackbot round. As soon as the rear bot killers lose their juice, they should immediately head over and

buy more. Don’t wait for me, as soon as the bot killers have bought juice, hit it and get funky with the remaining

Jackbots (helping the sides out on your way to the back).

As soon as the next round comes out and you see that it is another Jackbot round. The non bot killer (while he is still

swearing) uses the jump pads to activate the annihilator. As soon as the annihilator hits, the non bot killer needs to head

forward to engage the new Jackbots while the forward bot killer heads back to buy juice. The main job for the non bot

killer right now is to get the Jackbots to perform slams so that they are not moving forward. Once the forward bot killer

gets back from his vacation, fall back and start to heal as much as you can. Keep this up until your head explodes.

8.6.5 4 Player Match General Strategies

Slowing down and stopping Jackbots as far out as possible will help keep your shields up. Master using your special skills as

they can make a tremendous difference in how effective the team can keep bots off of the ball.

Be very careful on Gremlin and Buzzer rounds because the sheer numbers that swarm you can instantly lay waste to any

class even when they have Bacon before you even realize they are on the floor.

Try to use weapons with greater spread (Jet-Gun, Shot-Gun, Grenade Launcher) more than the others and focus on the

weaker groups of bots first. By clearing out smaller bots that are in greater numbers, you allow your Rockit turrets to

pound away at the heavier bots. This gives you time to check the surroundings to make sure you don’t need turrets,

need to activate ejectors, or back up a friend who is currently getting the snot beat out of him by Gremlins.

8.6.6 4 Player Match – The Breakouts

General Information

Keep an eye on the rear spawns or they will be your undoing. Keep your turrets up and hacked as much as possible. Have

any tanks keep an eye out for gremlin rounds as their death blossom will be a life saver to lighter classes. Make sure that

your bot killers get bacon first, then any supports. Because the Supports usually stay in the middle of all of the turrets

they need the added offensive and defensive power less than the players out mixing it up with the big boys. Make sure

everyone knows when you hit buzzer rounds so that those with low armor can run and hide.

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8.6.7 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL / L 1 4 / 1 4 SB 27 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 /

7 / 7


/ SB / SB

2 1 FR / R 6 / 6 BLK 28 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 4 / 4GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

3 1 FR / R 1 4 / 1 4 SB 2 FL / FR / L / R / BL1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 /

7 / 7


/ SB / SB

4 1 FL / L 8 / 8 GM 29 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 /

7 / 7


/ SB / SB

5 1 FL / FR 2* / 2* BN 30 1 FL / FR / R / BR 2* JP

6 1 FL / FR 4 / 4 SC 31 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

7 1 FL / FR 6 / 6 BZ 32 1 FL / FR / L / BL 2* 2* / 8 8 / 4* 4*GS GS / GM GM / BN


8 1 FR / R 1 4 / 1 4 SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0 / 1 0 BLK

9 1 FR / R 6 / 6 BLK 33 1 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0 / 1 0 BLK

1 0 1 FR / R 2* / 2* JP 34 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR2* / 2* / 9 / 9 / 9

/ 9 / 9

GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ / BZ

1 1 1 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 6 / 1 4 / 1 4 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0 / 1 0 BLK

1 2 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN35 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


2 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 36 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 2* 2* / 8 8 / 4* 4*GS GS / GM GM / BN


1 3 1 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR20 ( 20 ) / 20 ( 20

) / 1 0 / 1 0 / 7 / 7

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1/ 6 / 6 / 6 / 6GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ37 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR

20 ( 20 ) / 20 ( 20

) / 1 0 / 1 0 / 7 / 7

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 38 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 / 1 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 4 /


GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

1 5 1 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 39 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR20 ( 20 ) / 20 ( 20

) / 1 0 / 1 0 / 7 / 7

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


1 6 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN2 FL FR / L R / BL BR

20 ( 20 ) / 20 ( 20

) / 1 0 / 1 0 / 7 / 7

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 40 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2* JP

1 7 1 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 41 1 FL / FR / L / R 20 BLK

1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1/ 6 / 6 / 6 / 6GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ42 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2

GS / GS / GM / GM /


2 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0/ 1 0 BLK

1 9 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN43 1 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0/ 1 0 BLK

2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 44 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR2* 2* / 1 2 1 2 / 1 2 1


20 1 FL / FR 2* JP 2 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0/ 1 0 BLK

21 1 FL / FR / L / R 8 BLK 45 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


22 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN46 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR

2* / 2* / 8 / 8 / 4*

/ 4*

GS / GS / GM / GM /


2 FL / FR / L / R 8 BLK 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


23 1 FL / FR / L / R 8 BLK 47 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


24 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 /


GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ / BZ48 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR

2* / 2* / 30 / 30

/ 8 / 8

GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

2 FL / FR / L / R 8 BLK 49 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


25 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 7

/ 7


/ SB / SB2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 4

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


26 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN50 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2* JP

2 FL / FR / L / R / BL1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 7

/ 7


/ SB / SB

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

Table #62: Sudden Death Blitz – 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)



BLK ( SB ) BZ ( GS ) / BZ ( GS ) / BZ / BZ



Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 24 FL / FR / L / R 1 2

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 FL / FR 2*

FL / FR 9 ( 2* ) / 9 ( 2* ) / 9 / 9

2* 2* / 24 24 / 2* 2*

FL / FR / BL / BR 6

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 ( 24 )

FL / FR / BL / BR 1 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR

Table #63: Sudden Death Blitz – 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

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B o t type(s) B o t type(s)


BLK BZ ( GS ) / BZ ( GS ) / BZ / BZ

BLK ( SB ) JP / BLK / JP


Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

FL / FR / BL / BR 1 2

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 24

2* 2* / 24 24 / 2* 2*

FL / FR / BL / BR 6

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 FL / FR 9 ( 2* ) / 9 ( 2* ) / 9 / 9

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 ( 24 ) FL FR / L R / BL BR

Table #64: Sudden Death Blitz – 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

8.6.8 4 Player Match Walkthrough – Fixed Rounds (1 through 50)

Upgrade your initial skills before leaving the spawn.

Round #1 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns. Have 2 people on each spawn and have everyone

melee for juice.

Round #2 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. Same drill but you may want to kill some just in


Round #3 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns.

Round #4 – 8 Gremlins from the front left spawn and 4 from the left spawn. Decisions, decisions; melee or just kill?

Round #5 – 2 Bouncers single file from the front left and 1 Bouncer from the front right spawns. Slap and shoot is my

philosophy here.

Round #6 – 4 Scramblers from the front left and front right spawns. It doesn’t really matter so long as you have fun.

Round #7 – 6 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns.

Round #8 – 7 pairs of Slims from the front left and front right spawns.

Round #9 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns.

Round #10 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front left and front right spawns. Bot killers to the fore. Try to use grapple attacks

so that you can save your juice for Bullseye.

Bullseye – Try to gather around Bullseye so that he is trapped between you. This will make it much easier to get massive

amounts of money from him.

Round #11 – 6 Blackjacks with 14 Slims from the front left and left spawns, and 14 Slims from the back left spawn. Have 1 bot

killer (preferably your strongest Assassin) up front with another player to keep him company (actually to cover

the other side for the next round Gap Shots). The other players can decide amongst themselves who will destroy


Round #12 – Warning: This round (and many more later) has 2 waves of bots. Either when you kill the entire first wave, or

too much time has passed, a second wave comes out prior to the next round. 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the

front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left spawn and 4 Gremlins from the right spawn. 2

Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. Once the front players take out the Gap Shots,

have them fall back to the middle to help with the Gremlins that are now chasing your weakest player. The

center bot killer should focus on the Bouncers while the non bot killer tries valiantly to keep them alive. Wrap

up the Gremlins as quickly as possible once everyone is in the middle. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the

front left and front right spawns. 7 pairs of Slims from the left and back left spawns.

Round #13 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right spawns. 7 pairs of Slims from the right and back right


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Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns. 3pairs of Buzzers from the left, right, back left,

and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and left spawns, plus 7 pairs of Slims

from the back left spawn.

Round #15 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and left spawns, and 7 pairs of Slims from the back left spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and right spawns. 2

Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left

and left spawns, plus 7 pairs of Slims from the back left spawn.

Round #17 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front right and right spawns, plus 7 pairs of Slims from the back right spawn.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 6 Buzzers from the left, right, and back left

spawns. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and left spawns, plus 7 pairs of Slims from the back

left spawn.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and right spawns. 2

Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 3 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left

and left spawns, plus 7 pairs of Slims from the back left spawn.

Round #20 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front left and front right spawns. Hit the Annihilator and go to work. Again, try to

save juice for punishing Bullseye.

Bullseye –

Round #21 – 4 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. Pretty simple, kill, kill, kill.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 2 Gap Shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and

right spawns. 2 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 4 pairs of Blackjacks

from the front left, front right, left and right spawns.

Round #23 – 4 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, front right, left and right spawns.

Round #24 – 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns. 6 Buzzers from the left, right, back left, and back right

spawns. 1 bot killer up front on the Gap Shots. Everyone else looking to clip some wings.

Round #25 – 8 Blackjack/Slim bot pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 7 pairs of Slims from the back

left and back right spawns.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 2 gap-shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and

right spawns. 2 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjack/Slim bot

pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 7 pairs of Slims from the back left and back right


Round #27 – 8 Blackjack/Slim bot pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 7 pairs of Slims from the back

left and back right spawns.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 6 Buzzers from the left and right spawns, and 2

pairs of Scramblers from the back left and back right spawns. Your main bot killer is up front (as usual), your 2nd

bot killer should hit the Scramblers from the back spawns with another player while the last player hits the

sides. 2nd wave: 8 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 7 pairs of

Slims from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #29 – 8 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 7 pairs of Slims from the back

left and back right spawns.

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Round #30 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front left, front right, right, and back right spawns. Hit the annihilator then juice

until your eyeballs are bleeding.

Bullseye: –

Round #31 – 5 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #32 – 1st wave: 2 Gap Shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and

right spawns. 4 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 5 pairs of Blackjacks

from the front left and front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #33 – 5 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 2 Gap Shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns and 9 Buzzers each from the left,

right, back left, and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 5 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left and front right, left, and

right spawns.

Warning: – This is where it starts to get crazy. The bot killer should focus their attention on the front, coming back when

they can to help mop up any stragglers. The center player should use their long range weapon (if they have a

good one) on one side to take them down below 50% health. Once that is done, they should switch to the other

side to help the turrets finish off the other group. Be sure to keep enough money to purchase the annihilator

when upgrading turrets. Also, try not to use juice past round #36.

Round #35 – 10 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left

and back right spawns.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 2 Gap Shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and

right spawns. 4 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 10 Scrambler/Blackjack

pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #37 – 10 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left

and back right spawns.

Round #38 – 1 Gap Shot from the front left and front right spawns, 12 Buzzers from the left and right spawns, and 4

Scramblers from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 10 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 7 pairs of Slims

from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 10 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right,

left, and right spawns. 7 pairs of Slims from the back left and back right spawns.

Warning: – You will want to play the next round very differently than the previous Jackbot rounds. Read the walkthrough

before you attempt to play the next round.

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Round #40 – 2 Jackbots single file from each of the front left, front right, back left and back right spawns plus 1 Jackbot from

the left and right spawns. Do NOT use the Annihilator yet. Have 2 bot killers pop juice and take out the first

Jackbots from the rear spawns. The 3rd player (hopefully another bot killer) hits the juice and takes on the front.

The 4th player should run over and try to get one of the side Jackbots to slam to slow him down a little. Once the

Jackbot slams, that player should haul over and get on the annihilator. Once the second set of bots emerge, hit

the annihilator. Once the first Jackbot from each of the rear spawns is dead, the bot killers will run back and buy

juice. As soon as they have juice, they activate it and head over to finish off the last 2 read Jackbots (they should

just about be dead from the annihilator). Once the back end is clear, they run forward and help mop up any

remaining bots and go to buy juice again.

Bullseye –

Round #41 – 10 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #42 – 1st wave: 1 Gap Shot from both the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and right spawns.

2 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 10 pairs of Blackjacks from the front

left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #43 – 10 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Round #44 – 1st wave: 2 Gap Shots single file from the front left and front right spawns, 12 Buzzers from the left, right, back

left, and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 10 pairs of Blackjacks from the front left, front right, left, and right


Round #45 – 10 Scrambler/blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left

and back right spawns.

Round #46 – 1st wave: 2 Gap Shots single file from the front left and front right spawns, 8 Gremlins from the left and right

spawns. 4 Bouncers single file from the back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 10 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs

from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #47 – 10 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left

and back right spawns.

Round #48 – 2 Gap Shots single file from both the front left and front right spawns and 6 Buzzers each from the left and right

spawns. 6 Scramblers from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #49 – 1st wave: 10 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 14 Slims from the

back left and back right spawns. 2nd wave: 10 Scrambler/Blackjack pairs from the front left, front right, left, and

right spawns. 14 Slims from the back left and back right spawns.

Round #50 – 2 Jackbots single file from each of the front left, front right, left, right, back left and back right spawns.

Bullseye –

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8.6.9 4 Player Match Walkthrough – Transition (51 through 60) and Random Rounds (61+)

Slim bot rounds – 6 Slims from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Slim bot/Blackjack rounds – 2 Blackjacks and 1 slim bot group from the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Blackjack rounds – 3 Blackjacks from each of the front left and front right spawns. 3 Blackjacks from both

the left and the right spawns.

Gremlin rounds – 3 Gremlins from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Scrambler rounds – 2 pairs of Scramblers from each of the front left and front right spawns.

Buzzer rounds (Transition only) – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns.

Gap–Shot rounds (Transition only) – 2 Gap Shots (one after the other) from the front left spawn.

Buzzer/Gap–Shot rounds – 3 Buzzers from each of the front left, front right, left, and right spawns. 2 Gap Shots

(one after the other) from the front left spawn.

Jackbot rounds – 1 Jackbot from each of the front left and front right spawns and 3 Blackjacks from both

the left and right spawns.

Congratulations, you now officially have no life.

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9 Super Sudden Death Blitz

9.1 Super Sudden Death Blitz – General Information

The Super Sudden Death Blitz has a difficulty rating of “Asinine” and is an infinite round Blitz match. The goal in Super

Sudden Death is to keep the Moneyball alive for as many rounds as possible (and to not go stark raving mad). I highly

recommend playing Super Sudden Death with a 3 person team. While you get more bots with every extra player, by

having a heavy class (the Tank is much stronger in this blitz), a medium class (I recommend the Support), and a light

class (the Assassin is awesome). Or 1 heavy class, a medium, and a light, it will be far easier to handle the crazy


Class Box's Rank Box's Score #1 Score Total Players Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 58 182 635 68629 0.0845 % Overall 451 686 104 N/A Class Gold Silver Bronze

Gunner 10 111 155 25144 0.0398 % Gunner 108 251 79 Gunner Rate of Fire Clip Size Armor

Tank 158 114 458 18069 0.8744 % Tank 373 181 110 Tank Rate of Fire Juice Clip Size

Support 30 182 635 27630 0.1086 % Support 319 276 114 Support Skill Recovery Armor Juice

Assault 68 82 130 18540 0.3668 % Assault 99 185 78 Assault Juice Clip Size Armor

Assassin 155 100 635 17507 0.8854 % Assassin 253 175 92 Assassin Rate of Fire Armor Speed

Sniper 158 70 179 8341 1.8943 % Sniper 109 83 79 Sniper Armor Skill Recovery Clip Size

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Sponsor BuildsPercentile

Table #65: Beat the Box – Super Sudden Death Blitz

Super Sudden Death is a completely different monster than any of the other Blitz matches. Super Sudden Death is different

not only in what arena it is played in, but also in the way that the bots are spawned. Almost every single round is like the

random rounds in Sudden Death with the exceptions of what bots come out in total (which spawns are used is random)

and only Buzzers and Jackbots always come out of their listed spawns.

To keep the Moneyball shields up for the first 50 rounds is extremely difficult. While it is far easier with the Support class

because of his firebase even with that, it can still be a major challenge. Turrets and bot control are the keys to making

this happen.

Box Tops: Between rounds 82 and 89, you will be accosted by what seems to be 859,000 Buzzers (when playing single

person). If you run forward and stand in the doorway of the front spawn the Buzzers will not be able to hurt you. They

will still try to, instead of taking out your turrets or shields. There are a couple of spots in the door where they can hit

you so you may need to move a little to the right or left for this to work. Note: The match from the video shown below is

on YouTube at the following address:

Figure #49: Super Sudden Death Buzzer safe spot

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9.2 Super Sudden Death Blitz – Bot Paths

Figure #50: Survivitol Arena Bot Spawns and Bot Paths

9.3 Super Sudden Death Blitz – Single Player Match

9.3.1 Single Player Match – General Information

Do not attempt Super Sudden Death with classes you are weak with until you are familiar with this blitz. This is such a fast

paced blitz that the speed in which you will be handed your ass is phenomenal. I started sneezing at the beginning of a

game and thought that I had pressed the pause button. I didn’t and the game was over in round 5. Yes, that fast.

Watch out for upper spawned Gap Shots because they will try to pick on your turrets and it won’t take them long for them

to start arguing. Yes, the Gap Shot will win those arguments quickly.

9.3.2 Single Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

There are so many bots and the bot paths are so short, that we absolutely need to kill bots quickly and also we need cash to

build turrets fast. If you die, you are pretty much guaranteed to have your ball drop (don’t worry though; it’s a common

thing at your age). Because of this we do need either some armor, or we need to be able to get the hell out of dodge like

yesterday. Personally, I am a huge fan of juice in this blitz. The first time you finish a taunt with juice still active, you get

$100 instead of $5. The extra money helps you get turrets up much faster and getting up faster is good right?

9.3.3 Single Player Match – Turret Build Order

One thing you need to be aware of is that with Super Sudden Death, while the build order is logical, the upgrade order is

based on what bot types are coming up not the next numerical turret number. Make sure that you are building /

upgrading the correct turret before spending the money. The turrets are quite literally the key to keeping your

Moneyball shields up. This build is designed to give you overlapping fields of fire as quickly as possible while covering for

the random Blackjack exits regardless of the class used.



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Figure #51: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 1 1 0 Shave Ice 3

2 Rockit 1 1 1 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 1 1 2 Rockit 2

4 Rockit 1 1 Rockit 3

1 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

2 Rockit 2 3 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 1 1 Rockit 3

9 Shave Ice 3 1 2 Rockit 3

Single Player Match — Turret Build Order

Table #66: Single Player Match – Turret Build Order

9.3.4 Single Player Match – General Strategies

While you may switch between playing offensively and defensively in Sudden Death, you only want to play defensively in

Super Sudden Death. The absurdly short bot paths and sheer number of bots means that you must always be focused on

keeping bots off of your ball.

The only thing that is more important than bot control is the turrets build up. You need to get your turrets up as quickly as

possible. The bots are quite literally lining up to pimp slap your Moneyball. Pay particular attention to your Shave Ice

turrets and make sure they do not get taken out or you will quickly develop a close, intimate relationship with the bots,

and they with your Moneyball.

Do not forget to upgrade your bot handling skills or you will receive a genuine, bon-a-fide, whoopin. The Gremlins coupled

with Bouncers love to make your life interesting so be sure to upgrade as soon as you have enough turrets on the floor.

9.3.5 Single Player Match – Bot Breakouts

The bot breakouts, like everything else concerning Super Sudden Death, are different from every other blitz match. While

the type and number of bots in the table remain consistent, which spawn the bots exit from on the lower level is

random starting from the very first round. When bots emerge from only 1 spawn they can use any single spawn on that

level. When bots leave from 2 spawns, they of coarse can use any 2 spawns. When multiple types of bots are in the

same wave, each groups exit point is random on the lower level but the mixed group types and numbers never change

from the table. The only exception to this is that Jackbots and Gap-shots will always use the listed spawn.




5 4


8 6





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All of the bots become faster and stronger (both defense and offense increase) every 10 rounds starting on round

11. This will continue until they have gone to plaid and reach ludicrous speed (Spaceballs quotes) You will note

that like the other blitz matches the color of the bots change when their stats change. Additionally, you will

notice that the number of bots in each set increases at specific intervals for a while as well.

Eventually your will have massive amounts of Jackbots coming out to destroy your very existence. Figure #34

shows round 115 (without the Jackbot that I had just killed on the upper level). Yes, at one time I have had 7

Jackbots on the floor (*#$@!!!!!!). Sorry, I shouldn’t talk like that in this guide. What I meant to say was

expletive, expletive, expletive.

Figure #52: The random rounds which include consecutive Jackbot rounds start after round 120

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R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s) R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s)

1 1 7 SB 25 2 8 BLK

2 1 7 SB 26 1 1 BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

3 1 7 SB 2 8 BLK

4 1 4 BLK 27 1 1 BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

5 1 4 BLK 2 8 BLK

6 1 7 / 7 / 4 SB / SB / BLK 28 1 1 BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

7 1 1 GS 2 8 BLK

2 4 BLK 29 1 1 BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

8 1 1 BZ 2 8 BLK

2 4 BLK 30 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

9 1 1 BZ 2 2* JP


1 0 1 1 BZ 31 1 1 5 BZ

2 1 JP 32 1 1 / 1 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS ]

33 1 1 BZ

1 1 1 1 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 34 1 1 BZ

1 2 1 1 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 35 1 1 BZ

1 3 1 1 BN 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 36 1 1 / 2 / 2 BN / GM / SC

1 4 1 1 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 37 1 1 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 5 1 1 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 38 1 1 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 6 1 1 BN 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 39 1 1 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 7 1 1 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 40 1 1 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ B Z ]

1 8 1 1 BZ 2 2* JP

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB

1 9 1 1 GM 41 1 1 GS

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 42 1 3 BZ

2 0 1 1 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / [ B Z ] 43 1 1 / 2 BN / GM

2 1 JP 44 1 1 5 SB

45 1 8 BLK

21 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ] 46 1 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 1 5 SB 47 1 1 BN

22 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 2 2 GM

2 1 5 SB 3 1 5 SB

23 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 48 1 8 BLK

2 1 5 SB 49 1 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

24 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 50 1 1 / 2 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / [ GS / GS ]

2 1 5 SB 2 2* / 1 JP

25 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

Gremlin - GM Buzzer - B Z Scrambler - SC Blackjack - B LK Bouncer - B N Jackpot - JP / - separates each spawn ( ) - to gether [ ] - upper level

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

1 group from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

Bul lseye

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns 1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

Slim bot - SB Gapshot - GS

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

1 group from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the upper spawn

Bul lseye3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

1group from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn BreakoutSpawn(s) Spawn(s)

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

Table #67: Single Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts

Note – Sometimes when Gap-Shots come out of the upper spawns they do not move all the way forward and cannot be hit even by hacked Rockit turrets. If this happens and you are within the first 50 rounds a single well placed air strike or a couple of mortar rounds or grenades can take them out. If you have not built any Long Shot turrets and you do not have solid long range weapons that can hit the upper paths, you will need to use the jump pad and get a little more personally acquainted with them the old fashioned way.

9.4 Single Player Match – Walkthroughs

9.4.1 Single Player Walkthrough – Gunner Class

Note – This is the walkthrough that is shown in the YouTube video that I used to keep the Moneyball shields up for the

first 50 rounds.

Note – The sooner you get upgraded Rockit turrets (four of them to level 2), the sooner you can stop being worried

every round that your money ball may drop. When you have time between rounds, taunt as often as you can.

It’s only $5 a pop but they add up and every turret you get upgraded is one more that is less likely to be


Upgrade your “Gunner” skill to level 2.

Build turrets #1, #2, #3, and #4 to level 1 Rockit turrets.

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Round #1 – 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Note: you get more juice performing a melee attack than you do for

shooting them. Knock them around for extra juice.

Round #2 – 2 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Guess what? Melee one side while your turrets take care of the


Upgrade turret #1 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #3 – 3 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Pimp slap until your heart is content. When about half are slapped,

head over to the other 2 spawns to pick up any dropped power-ups.

Note – Whenever you are performing upgrades always stay near that turret until the upgraded turret not only is built,

but has the bots under control as well.

Note – Because the breakout is random concerning which spawn the bots exit from, you may want to upgrade turrets

in front of a non-used spawn and not necessarily the exact one listed in the table. Note: Do not upgrade more

than 2 turrets in advance though.

Round #4 – 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Switch between melee attacks and useing your mini-gun, you

don’t want to let any of them get close to your Moneyball.

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #5 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Mini-Gun them up close until 3 are toast. Collect anything they

dropped and run over to the other group firing like mad. You want to collect as much of what each group drops

as possible.

Round #6 – 2 groups of 7 Slims plus 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Focus on the Blackjacks with your mini-


Round #7 – 1st wave: 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns. Before the round starts switch to your Mortar gun and lob mortars

on him. You need to kill him as quickly as possible so make sure your shots are not blocked by anything. During

round 7, upgrade turret #3 to a level 2 Rockit turret. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns

Round #8 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. Ignore him completely. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 4

Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Focus on the Blackjacks coming from the side where you have the least

number of turrets.

Upgrade turret #4 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #9 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. Ignore him completely. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 4

Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front spawn. Note: Do not use juice at this time unless you are about to die. Save it for


Upgrade your “Gunner” skill to level 3.

Bullseye – My mom always said that juice was good for you (and she mentioned you by name). Take a shot of juice and

then a shot at Bullseye. Spun up dual mini-guns with juice will help you make pay dirt here.

Build / upgrade turret #5 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Note – Your focus on mixed rounds with Slims must always be upper spawned bots first, then heavier armored or pairs

of bots on the lower level, then, finally the Slims.

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Round #11 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns. Shoot the Blackjacks that are either coming from the front or left spawn so that

you are ready for the next round.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns. Shoot the Blackjacks that are either coming from the front or left spawn so that

you are ready for the next round.

Build and upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #13 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns. Grapple and pound him for juice. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks

and 1 group of 4 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #15 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper left spawn. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn plus 1 Bouncer and 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower

spawns. Once the Gremlins are taken care of if your turret couldn’t reach the Gap-Shot, take the jump pad up

and deal with him personally. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #17 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gremlin from the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the

lower spawns. During round #19, build and upgrade turret #8 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #20 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from 1 of the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd

wave: 1 Jackbot from one of the lower spawns.

Bullseye – Pop open a refreshing can of Spunky and while being very respectful of his feelings, beat the snot out of him.

Build and upgrade turret #9 to level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #21 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot and 1

Buzzer from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #23 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns. During round 23, build and upgrade

turret #10 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Upgrade your “Slam” skill to level 2.

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Round #25 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot and 1

Buzzer from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #27 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #29 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #30 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot and 1

Buzzer from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Jackbots single file from the front spawn.

Bullseye – Is Bullseye picking on you? I guess it’s time for a beat down then.

Upgrade turrets #3 and #4 to level 3 Rockit turrets.

Round #31 – 2 groups of 15 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Round #32 – 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns with 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #33 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers

from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #7 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers

from the lower spawns.

Round #35 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers

from the lower spawns.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 groups of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 group of 4 Buzzers

from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler

from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #8 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #37 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler from the lower


Round #38 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler from the lower


Upgrade turret #2 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler from the lower


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Round #40 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Jackbots single file from the front spawn.

Bullseye – So these 3 nuns walk into a bar. But the 4th one ducked.

Upgrade turret #3 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #41 – 3 Gap-Shots from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #42 – 3 groups of 3 Buzzers from each of the lower spawns and 1 groups of 3 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Round #43 – 1 Bouncer from 1 of the lower and 2 Gremlins from another of the lower spawns.

Round #44 – 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #45 – 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #6 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #46 – 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Scrambler / Blackjack pairs from the lower spawns. Stay on the pairs as

much as you can. The Scramblers will get past your turrets if you are not careful.

Round #47 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from each lower spawn. 2nd wave: 2 Gremlins from each lower spawn. 3rd wave: 15 Slims

from each lower spawn.

WARNING: – Make sure that you keep $250 for the annihilator during the round 50 jackbot-o-nanza.

Round #48 – 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #49 – 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Scrambler / Blackjack pairs from the lower spawns.

Note – Ironically, it is the Jackbot from the upper left spawn and not the one from the front spawn that is the biggest

threat in this round. The upper left Jackbot will take down your shields within 2 seconds of coming to the front

of path so he is our main concern in the beginning of the round. WARNING: Make sure that you are on your

Mortar-Gun before the round starts.

Round #50 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Jackbot from the lower spawns. 2 Gap-Shots and 1 Jackbot

from the upper spawns. As soon as the round starts count to 1 and hit the annihilator (it will take some practice

to get the timing down but this should get you close right off of the bat). Once you hit the Annihilator, pop juice,

run forward, and lob mortars on the upper left Jackbot hopefully killing him before he can shoot at your

Moneyball. Note: You may want to jump up and down in front of the lower Jackbot just to make sure he doesn’t

hit your shields while you pummel the upper one. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from the front spawn. Once the upper

Jackbot is dead switch to your Mini-Guns and lay into him while jumping up and down between the remaining

Jackbot and your Moneyball to block his shots.

Note – Do not forget to upgrade your skills soon or the 8.5 gazillion Bouncers and Gremlins will run you through the


Bullseye – Go ahead and pick on him, I give you my permission.

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9.4.2 Single Player Walkthrough – Tank Class

Upgrade your “Tank” skill to level 2.

Build turret #1 to a level 3 Laser Blazer and turrets #2, #3, and #4 to level 1 Rockit turrets. Note: You will need to taunt a few

times to have the money for the 3rd turret before the round starts. I suggest switching to the rail gun as it is a shorter taunt.

Note – Whenever you have some time (like right now) you want to be taunting for extra money. EVERY dollar helps

when playing Super Sudden Death solo with the Tank in the beginning.

Round #1 – 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Make sure that you are on your Jet Gun and charge toward the spawn

the Slims come out of. Melee them when you are close enough for extra juice.

Round #2 – 2 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Melee for the juicy goodness. During round 2 build turret #5 to a

level 1 Rockit turret.

Note – As soon as you have juice, activate it and taunt. You have enough turrets on the floor to handle the bots at this

point and cash is a good thing. No, it really is.

Round #3 – 3 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. I know you never would have guessed but melee.

Round #4 – 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Use the same strategy as you did with the Slims.

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #5 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. If you are running heavy armor go ahead and melee 2 or 3

before running over to the other spawn. Otherwise, rail gun instead of melee. We do this so that one turret

doesn’t get hammered too early in the game and to collect more dropped prizes.

Round #6 – 2 groups of 7 Slims plus 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. During round 6 upgrade turret #3 to a

level 2 Rockit turret.

Note – Before the next round begins, make sure that you head up to the upper left spawn to kill the Gap-Shot that is

coming out next.

Round #7 – 1st wave: 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns. Quickly kill the Gap-Shot with your Jet-Gun and head down to the

lower level. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Focus on the lane that has the least

amount of firepower covering it.

Round #8 – 1st wave: 2 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. Don’t sweat the Buzzers, your turrets will take

care of them (don’t worry, if you want to play with Buzzers you will have your wish more than fulfilled between

rounds 80 and 90). 2nd wave: 3 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #4 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #9 – 1st wave: 2 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower


Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front spawn. Note: Do not use juice at this time. Save it for Bullseye. I recommend running

up to him which will cause him to slam. Jump over the slam and use the rail gun on him as you jump back

towards the Moneyball. This is so he shoots us instead of the ball. Jump forward again while using the rail gun

and get ready to jump over the next slam. By moving away and then back, it causes him to consider you a threat

so he slams (and is not shooting you Moneyball). Note: Be sure to switch to the jet gun before the Jackbot dies

(more cash from Bullseye).

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Bullseye – Once Bullseye appears, pop juice and attack with a vengeance to reap the rewards. Note: We do not taunt here

because the amount of money we get with a juiced jet gun is more than the $100 we would get for the time we


Upgrade turret #5 to a level 2 Rockit turret. Build and upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret. Build turret #7 to a level 1

Rockit turret.

Note – Your focus on mixed rounds with Slims must always be upper spawned bots first, then heavier armored bots on

the lower level, then, finally the Slims.

Round #11 – 1st wave: 2 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks and 1 group of

4 Slims from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 2 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks and 1 group of

4 Slims from the lower spawns.

Build turret #8 to a level 1 Rockit turret.

Round #13 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns. Grapple and pound him for juice. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks

and 1 group of 4 Slims from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #8 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Upgrade your “Tank” skill to level 3.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #15 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper left spawn. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Build then upgrade turret #9 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn plus 1 Bouncer and 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower

spawns. Once the Gremlins are taken care of if your turret couldn’t reach the Gap-Shot, take the jump pad up

and deal with him personally. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #17 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #9 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gremlin from the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the

lower spawns.

Round #20 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from 1 of the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd

wave: 1 Jackbot from one of the lower spawns.

Bullseye – Hopefully you know how to rip him a new one. If not, join a monastery.

Build then upgrade turret #10 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #21 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot and 1

Buzzer from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

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Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Build then upgrade turret #11 to a level 3 Long Shot turret.

Round #23 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #25 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot and 1

Buzzer from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Build then upgrade turret #12 to a level 3 Long Shot turret.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #27 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #29 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Note – Before round 30, head up to the upper left spawn and get ready to lay the smack down.

Round #30 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot and 1

Buzzer from the upper spawns. Quickly wipe out the Gap-Shot and head down to mop up all of his friends. 2nd

wave: 2 Jackbots single file from the front spawn. Lob a product grenade at the Jackbot and run up to it while

shooting madly with the rail gun. As you get close, switch to the Jet-Gun and jump over the Jackbots slam and

assert yourself.

Bullseye – When in doubt, whip it out (the juice that is).

Upgrade turrets #5 and #6 to level 3 Rockit turrets.

Round #31 – 2 groups of 15 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Round #32 – 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns with 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #33 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers

from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #7 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers

from the lower spawns.

Round #35 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers

from the lower spawns.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 groups of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 group of 4 Buzzers

from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler

from the lower spawns.

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Upgrade turret #8 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #37 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler from the lower


Round #38 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler from the lower


Upgrade turret #2 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler from the lower


Round #40 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Jackbots single file from the front spawn.

Bullseye – Oh come on now, you know you like shooting him.

Upgrade turret #3 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #41 – 3 Gap-Shots from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #42 – 3 groups of 3 Buzzers from each of the lower spawns and 1 groups of 3 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Round #43 – 1 Bouncer from 1 of the lower and 2 Gremlins from another of the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #6 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #44 – 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #45 – 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #46 – 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Scrambler / Blackjack pairs from the lower spawns. Stay on the pairs as

much as you can. The Scramblers will get past your turrets if you are not careful.

Round #47 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from each lower spawn. 2nd wave: 2 Gremlins from each lower spawn. 3rd wave: 15 Slims

from each lower spawn.

WARNING: – Make sure that you keep $250 for the annihilator during the round 50 jackbot-o-nanza.

Round #48 – 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #49 – 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Scrambler / Blackjack pairs from the lower spawns.

Note – Interestingly enough, it is the Jackbot from the upper left spawn and not the one from the front spawn that is

the biggest threat in this round. The upper left Jackbot will take down your shields within 2 seconds of coming to

the front of path so he is our main concern in the beginning of the round. WARNING: Make sure that you are on

your Rail-Gun before the round starts.

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Round #50 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Jackbot from the lower spawns. 2 Gap-Shots and 1 Jackbot

from the upper spawns. As soon as the round starts count to 1 and hit the annihilator (it will take some practice

to get the timing down but this should get you close right off of the bat). Once you hit the Annihilator, pop juice,

run forward, and lob a Product Grenade at the upper left Jackbot. Use your juiced Rail-Gun on the upper left

Jackbot to finish him off. Note: You may want to jump up and down in front of the lower Jackbot just to make

sure he doesn’t hit your shields while you pummel the upper one. 2nd wave: 2 Jackbots single file from the

front spawn. Once the upper Jackbot is dead switch to your Mini-Guns and lay into him while jumping up and

down between the remaining Jackbot and your Moneyball to block his shots.

Bullseye – Don’t forget to have fun. This is a game after all.

9.4.3 Single Player Walkthrough – Support Class

Note – With minimal offensive bot stopping power, the Support would be a very difficult class to play Supper Sudden

Death with. The firebase however (if placed correctly) makes him a very versatile and strong player for this

match. The firebase has 4 positions throughout the match as detailed below If the firebase is kept in a hacked

state for even 50% of the time, it will keep the majority of bots from getting near your ball by either killing them

itself, or by weakening them enough that your turrets can easily take them out. The 3rd position is meant to

keep the red bots from the right spawn from ever getting near your ball while also covering the upper right

spawn which will spit out 3 gazillion Gap-Shots (not a guest-a-mation people). This frees you up to only manage

the other lanes of bots which is possible with air strikes, the shot-gun, and grapples (because 4 out of 5 doctors

say that grapples are good for you).

Figure #53: Super Sudden Death – Single Player Firebase Positions

Upgrade your Firebase and Hack skills to level #2.

Place your firebase halfway between the Rear dark grey ring and the forward dark grey ring (this will let it shoot past the

turrets and hit the bots coming in from the side spawns while almost reaching the front spawn exit) and hack it (see

Figure #54).

Figure #54: Super Sudden Death Blitz – Firebase 1st position





Firebase Positions

1 – Start of the game

2 – After round 30

3 – After round 79

4 – After round 99

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Round #1 – 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Get up close and melee them for extra juice and also, so that you can

pick up any dropped power-ups.

Round #2 – 2 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Build turret #4 to a level 1 Rockit turret.

Round #3 – 3 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Build turret #5 to a level 1 Rockit turret.

Round #4 – 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Use the same strategy as you did with the Slims. During round

#4 upgrade turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #5 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. If you are running heavy armor go ahead and melee 2 or 3

before running over to the other spawn. Otherwise, rail gun instead of melee. We do this so that one turret

doesn’t get hammered too early in the game and to collect more dropped prizes.

Round #6 – 2 groups of 7 Slims plus 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Note – Make sure that you are keeping your turrets hacked as it becomes available. This will help you immeasurably (I

don’t think that I have ever used that word in a sentence in my entire life).

Note – Before you start round 7, head on up to the upper left spawn to pay the Gap-Shot visit (he’s lonely).

Round #7 – 1st wave: 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns. Quickly kill the Gap-Shot with your Shotgun and head down to the

lower level. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Focus on the lane that has the least

amount of firepower covering it.

Upgrade turret #3 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #8 – 1st wave: 2 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. Your firebase will destroy them no problem. 2nd

wave: 3 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #9 – 1st wave: 2 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower


Build and upgrade turret #4, to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front spawn. Note: Do not use juice at this time. Save it for Bullseye. As soon as the Jackbot

emerges he will start shooting at one of your forward Rockit turrets. Once you see which one he attacks, attach

your heal beam to it, run forward, and throw your air strike on the Jackbot. After your air strike hits, run forward

and make the Jackbot slam while you jump over it (this way he is not killing your turrets). The turrets and your

firebase will take it out pretty quickly. Switch to your shot gun while you are collecting everything from the


Bullseye – Once Bullseye appears, pop juice and taunt (the first time you taunt while juiced you get $100 instead of the

usual $5) and get to work on making him miserable.

Upgrade turrets #4 and #5 to level 2 Rockit turrets. Build and upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

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Note – Your focus on mixed rounds with Slims must always be upper spawned bots first, then heavier armored bots on

the lower level, then, finally the Slims. As long as you keep turrets hacked and are building them within a decent

amount of time, Slims and Scramblers will never be an issue to your Moneyball until much later (the other bots

however will be now). You will be doing a lot of grappling of Blackjacks and Bouncers to keep them back but still

need to keep tabs on the other lanes to make sure that another group is not making a play at your shields. This

early in the game you do not have a lot of firepower to handle bots coming in from three or four directions at

once. I say 4 because if you are next to the Moneyball, the Buzzers will take out your shields going for you.

Round #11 – 1st wave: 2 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks and 1 group of

4 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 2 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks and 1 group of

4 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #13 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns. If you are in front of the spawn the Bouncer comes out of, switch to

your Shotgun, wait until he lunges and jump back, then move forward and grapple him. If you are not in front of

his spawn, avoid the Bouncer while taking out the Gremlins as quickly as you can using your Shot-gun (far faster

than the hurt gun and you don’t have a plethora of time) (The Three Amigos movie quote). Once the Gremlins

are killed, go after the Blackjacks. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks and 1 group of 4 Slims from the lower


Build and upgrade turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #15 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper left spawn. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn plus 1 Bouncer and 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #8 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #17 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7

Slims from the lower spawns.

Note – Do not build level 1 Long Shot turrets. The Gap-Shots will take them out too fast. Wait until you can get them to

level 2 or preferably level 3 before building them.

Build and upgrade turret #9 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 Gremlin from the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the

lower spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #10 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #20 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from 1 of the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd

wave: 1 Jackbot from one of the lower spawns.

Bullseye – Hit your juice and ring his bell.

Upgrade turrets #9 and #10 to level 3 Shave Ice turrets. Build and upgrade turrets #11 and #12 to level 2 Long Shot turrets.

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Round #21 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot and 1

Buzzer from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #11 to a level 3 Long Shot turret.

Round #23 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #12 to a level 3 Long Shot turret.

Round #25 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot and 1

Buzzer from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. During round #26 upgrade turret #4 to a level 3

Rockit turret.

Round #27 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. During round #28 upgrade turret #5 to a level 3

Rockit turret.

Round #29 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Buzzer from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #30 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot and 1

Buzzer from the upper spawns. Get all freaky deaky on the Gap-Shot and use your telekinesis to transport your

matter down to collect all of the goodies left by all of the dead bots.. 2nd wave: 2 Jackbots single file from the

front spawn. Get up close and personal so that the first Jackbot slams as far back as you can get him to. Aim up

at the second color of his armor and throw an air strike (by aiming up at the second color you have about a 95%

chance of the air strike attaching to him). Hit him with the hurt-gun and back away from him. Move forward

again (this will cause him to slam but it may take some practice to get the distance down). Keep up the good

work until he cries uncle and dies.

Bullseye – In the immortal words of Will Smith, get jiggy with it.

Upgrade your “Firebase” skill to level 3.

Remove your firebase and when available, place it next to the upper left spawn jump pad hanging over the side (see Figure


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Figure #55: Super Sudden Death Blitz – firebase 2

nd position

Build and upgrade turret #6 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #31 – 2 groups of 15 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Round #32 – 1 Bouncer, 1 Gremlin, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns with 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #33 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers

from the lower spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. During round #34 upgrade turret #7 to a level 3 Rockit

turret. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #35 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers

from the lower spawns.

Upgrade your “Hack” skill to level 3.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 groups of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns and 1 group of 4 Buzzers

from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler

from the lower spawns.

Round #37 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler from the lower


Round #38 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler from the lower


Round #39 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Blackjacks paired with 8 Scrambler from the lower


Upgrade your “Air Strike” skill to level 3.

Round #40 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 groups of 2 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns with 2 Buzzers from the upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Jackbots single file from the front spawn.

Bullseye – If you need me to say it again you really do need help.

Upgrade turrets #8 and #2 to level 3 Rockit turrets.

Round #41 – 3 Gap-Shots from the lower spawns and 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #42 – 3 groups of 3 Buzzers from each of the lower spawns and 1 groups of 3 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Round #43 – 1 Bouncer from 1 of the lower and 2 Gremlins from another of the lower spawns.

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Round #44 – 3 groups of 15 Slims from the lower spawns. During round #44 upgrade turret #3 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #45 – 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. WARNING: Do not use any airstrikes from now until round 50.

You will need them to keep your Moneyball shields from going down. Also, keep $250 for the annihilator.

Round #46 – 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Scrambler / Blackjack pairs from the lower spawns. Stay on the pairs as

much as you can. The Scramblers will get past your turrets if you are not careful.

Round #47 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from each lower spawn. 2nd wave: 2 Gremlins from each lower spawn. 3rd wave: 15 Slims

from each lower spawn. During round #47 upgrade turret #6 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #48 – 3 groups of 8 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #49 – 2 groups of 8 Blackjacks and 1 group of 8 Scrambler / Blackjack pairs from the lower spawns.

Note – Your main focus in the start of round 50 will be the upper left Jackbot. As weird as this is, he is the one that will

take out your shields first and not the one from the front spawn.

Round #50 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 2 Gremlins, and 1 Jackbot from the lower spawns. 2 Gap-Shots and 1 Jackbot

from the upper spawns. The moment you see the Jackbot come out of the front spawn hit the annihilator. Run

forward and throw all of your airstrikes on the Jackbot from the upper left spawn. 2nd wave: 2 Jackbots single

file from the front spawn. Run run run as fast as you can and get in front of the front Jackbot while using your

heal-gun on whichever turret they were shooting at (most likely turret #5). Keep jumping in front of the front

Jackbot to block him from shooting your Moneyball as your turrets take him out. When the second lower

Jackbot emerges run forward to make him slam, jump over his slam and throw any recharged airstrikes on him.

Run back away from him and then back forward (it will take practice to get the distance right). Jump over the

new slam and repeat until he has gone the way of the dodo.

Bullseye – You may actually ignore Bullseye if you have any level 3 Rockit turrets close to death. If the turret is that low on

health, the burn damage may take it out before it starts to recover hit points.

9.4.4 Single Player Walkthrough – Assault Class

WARNING: Do not upgrade your “Assault” skill at this time. At this point you need the money more for turrets.

Build turrets #1, #2, #3, and #4 to level 1 Rockit turrets.

Note – You need to be taunting constantly from the time you build the fourth turret until the round starts. Every dollar

counts here.

Note – Melee the bots instead of shooting them as much as possible to build up your juice faster.

Round #1 – 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Melee the bots for extra juice and pick up any power-ups they leave


Upgrade Turret #1 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #2 – 2 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. After using your melee on 4 of them, dash over and melee the

second set so that you can pick up any power-ups they drop as well.

Round #3 – 3 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Upgrade Turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #4 – 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. At this stage I suggest lobbing grenades at them from a distance,

then running forward to pick up any power-ups..

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Round #5 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Switch back and forth lobbing grenades on them.

Upgrade Turret #3 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #6 – 2 groups of 7 Slims plus 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Before the round finishes buy one of the

jump pads near the spawn and go to upper level. You want to be where you can drop down next to the

Moneyball after dealing with the Gap-Shot.

Round #7 – 1 group of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns plus 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns. Start lobbing grenades

to kill the Gap-Shot. Once the Gap-Shot is dead, drop down and take out the Blackjacks.

Round #8 – 1 group of 4 Buzzers plus 1 group of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Aim up with the Assault Rifle and take

out 3 of the Buzzers. Ignore the last Buzzer and after switching to the Grenade Launcher, pummel the lower bots

onto oblivion (I promise that it will be every bit of fun as it sounds).

Upgrade Turret #4 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #9 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns plus 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. At this point it

becomes difficult to melee but try to whenever you can.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front spawn. Pop juice (don’t worry I won’t tell anyone) and lob grenades on him as fast as

you can. Run forward causing him to slam while you jump over it. Run back a little, then forward again so that

he slams again (this way he is not shooting at your turrets or Moneyball). Repeat until he is toast (that actually

sounds good to me right now).

Bullseye – Once Bullseye appears, kill-Kill-kill!

Upgrade your “Assault” skill to level 2 and build / upgrade turret #5 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Note – Your focus on mixed rounds with Slims must always be upper spawned bots first, then heavier armored bots on

the lower level, then, finally the Slims.

Round #11 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #12 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 7 Slims plus 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the lower spawns.

Build / upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #13 – 2 groups of 5 Blackjacks, 1 Bouncer, and 1 group of 3 Gremlins from the lower spawns. Avoid the Bouncer while

taking out the Gremlins as quickly as you can. Once the Gremlins are killed, go after the Blackjacks.

Round #14 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the lower spawns.

Build / upgrade turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #15 – 2 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 4 Buzzers plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn plus 1 Bouncer and 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower

spawns. Take the jump pad up and deal with the Gap-Shot personally, then drop down and get acquainted with

the Gremlins and Bouncer. 2nd wave: 1 group of 3 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #17 – 1 group of 3 Blackjacks and 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Build / upgrade turret #8 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #18 – 2 groups of 7 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 11 Slims together with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the lower spawns.

Round #19 – 1 group of 11 Slims together with 1 group of 4 Gremlins plus 2 groups of 7 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

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Round #20 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from 1 of the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from one of the lower spawns.

Bullseye – Pound on him solely for the therapeutic value of doing so.

Upgrade your “Assault” skill to level 3 and build / upgrade turret #9 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #21 – 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 4 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler together with 3 groups of 11 Slims from the lower spawns. 1

Gap-Shot from the upper spawns

Round #22 – 3 groups of 11 Slims together with 1 Bouncer plus 1 group of 2 Gremlins from the lower spawns.

Round #23 – The same as round #22.

Upgrade turret #9 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #24 – 2 groups of 7 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 11 Slims from the lower spawns together with 1 Gap-Shot from the

upper spawns.

Build / upgrade turret #10 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #25 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Round #26 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Round #27 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #11 to a level 3 Long Shot turret.

Round #28 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Round #29 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Round #30 – 1st wave: 1 Jackbot from the front spawn and 1 Scrambler from one of the lower spawns plus 1 Gap-Shot from

the upper Spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from the front spawn.

Bullseye – The doctor said that Bullseye needs more lead in his diet. Take care of that will you.

Build and upgrade turret #12 to a level 3 Long Shot turret.

Round #31 – 1 group of 18 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Round #32 – 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns with 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #33 – 1 Bouncer, 1 Scrambler, and 1 group of 2 Gremlins from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 group of 2 Gremlins

from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #9 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #35 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Scrambler together with 1 group of 2

Gremlins from the lower spawns plus 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer together with 2 groups of 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns plus 1 group of 4 Buzzers from

the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns together with 1 group of 5

Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #10 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #37 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 4 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the lower

spawns plus 5 Scramblers from 1 of the lower spawns.

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Round #38 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower


Round #39 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower


Round #40 – 1st wave: 1 Jackbot from the front spawn. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from the front spawn.

Bullseye – When in doubt, whip it out….. Oh come on now, I was talking about your Assault rifle. Grow up people.

Upgrade turrets #2 and #3 to level 3 Rockit turrets.

Round #41 – 2 Gap-Shots from the upper spawns and 1 Gap-Shot from the lower spawns.

Round #42 – 5 groups of 5 Buzzers from each spawn.

Round #43 – 3 groups of 14 Slims from the lower spawns with 1 group of 2 Gremlins at the same time.

Upgrade turret #4 to level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #44 – 3 groups of 14 Slims together with 2 groups of 2 Gremlins.

Round #45 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #46 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #5 to level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #47 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from each lower spawn. 2nd wave: 2 Gremlins from each lower spawn. 3rd wave: 15 Slims

from each lower spawn.

Round #48 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #49 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #50 – 1st wave: 1 group of 2 Gremlins together with 1 Jackbot plus 1 group of 2 Gremlins plus 1 Bouncer from the

lower spawns plus 2 Gap-Shots and 1 Jackbot from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from the front


Bullseye – It’s time to get mid-evil on his buttocks (Gump Fiction quote).

Upgrade your remaining turrets and skills as time and money allow (but do it quickly).

9.4.5 Single Player Walkthrough – Assassin Class

Upgrade your “Assassin” skill to level 2.

Build turrets #1, #2, #3, and #4 to level 1 Rockit turrets.

Note – Switch to the Shuriken launcher and perform taunts until the round starts (the launcher has a much

shorter taunt than the dagger and you need every dollar you can get).

Round #1 – 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Run up and melee the bots for extra juice.

Note – If one of the two groups of bots in round #2 exit from the spawn you are at, melee 4 of the bots before building

the next turret and moving on to the other group.

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Round #2 – 2 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Melee again but after the 4th bot is killed run over to the other group

to pick up any power-ups they dropped.

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #3 – 3 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Same old same old.

Upgrade turret #4 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #4 – 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Use the same strategy as you did with the Slims but get behind

the Blackjack before you start to melee him. This way he does not take a swipe at you. The Blackjack behind you

will be shooting at you but this should not be a problem yet.

Round #5 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #6 – 2 groups of 7 Slims plus 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Focus on the Blackjacks but try not to

use any ejectors yet as you need the money. During round #6, upgrade turret #3 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #7 – 1 group of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns plus 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns. Purchase the jump pad

up to the upper left spawn and kill the Gap-Shot. Drop back down and take out the Blackjacks that are closest to

your Moneyball.

Round #8 – 1 group of 4 Buzzers plus 1 group of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Ignore the Buzzers and as quickly as

you can take out the Blackjacks.

Round #9 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns plus 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front spawn. Note: Do not use juice at this time. Save it for Bullseye. Run up and after

jumping over the slam, grapple the Jackbot. Once the grapple is complete, dart around behind the Jackbot so

that he does not shoot you and attack him with your dagger with a vengeance. If he is still alive after 4 seconds,

grapple him again.

Bullseye – Once Bullseye appears, pop juice and taunt (the first time you taunt while juiced you get $100 instead of the

usual $5), then light him up. You will not get more than $100 from Bullseye so taunting first gets you more cash.

Upgrade turret #1 to a level 2 Rockit turret and build / upgrade turret #5 to a level 2 Rockit turret. Build turret #6 to a level 1

Rockit turret.

Note – Your focus on mixed rounds with Slims must always be upper spawned bots first, then heavier armored bots on

the lower level, then, finally the Slims. Use your Shuriken launcher to take out the upper spawned bots.

Round #11 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #12 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 7 Slims plus 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #13 – 2 groups of 5 Blackjacks, 1 Bouncer, and 1 group of 3 Gremlins from the lower spawns. Avoid the Bouncer while

taking out the Gremlins as quickly as you can. Once the Gremlins are killed, go after the Blackjacks. Focus on the

Blackjacks coming from the side spawn with the weakest or upgrading turrets during these rounds.

Round #14 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the lower spawns.

Upgrade your “Assassin” skill to level 3.

Round #15 – 2 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 4 Buzzers plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

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Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn plus 1 Bouncer and 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower

spawns. Once the Gremlins are taken care of if your turret couldn’t reach the Gap-Shot, take the jump pad up

and deal with him personally. 2nd wave: 1 group of 3 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #17 – 1 group of 3 Blackjacks and 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Build / upgrade turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #18 – 2 groups of 7 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 11 Slims together with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the lower spawns.

Build / upgrade turret #8 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #19 – 1 group of 11 Slims together with 1 group of 4 Gremlins plus 2 groups of 7 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Hunt down the Gremlins to make sure that they do not take out any Rockit turrets. Take care of the side

Blackjacks after the Gremlins are toast.

Round #20 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from 1 of the front spawn. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from one of the lower spawns. When the

Bouncer lunges at you jump back, then run forward and attack him with you Dagger. Note: Do not grapple the

Bouncer. You want to be able to grapple the Jackbot right behind him. Follow the same strategy as round 10.

Bullseye – Juice and cut, cut, cut (after you taunt of course).

Build / upgrade turret #9 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #21 – 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 4 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler together with 3 groups of 11 Slims from the lower spawns. 1

Gap-Shot from the upper spawns. Take the jump pad and deal with the Gap-Shot. Immediately jump down and

hunt down the Gremlins.

Round #22 – 3 groups of 11 Slims together with 1 Bouncer plus 1 group of 2 Gremlins from the lower spawns.

Build / upgrade turrets #10 and #11 to level 2 Long Shot turrets.

Round #23 – 3 groups of 11 Slims together with 1 Bouncer plus 1 group of 2 Gremlins from the lower spawns.

Round #24 – 2 groups of 7 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 11 Slims from the lower spawns together with 1 Gap-Shot from the

upper spawns. Take out the Bouncer and quickly head up and kill the Gap-Shot. The Gap-Shot is more dangerous

to you here than the Gremlins. Once the Gap-Shot is down, kill the Gwemlins, kill the Gwemlins, kill the

Gwemlins (Sorry, Elmer Fudd moment there).

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #25 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Round #26 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Round #27 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #3 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #28 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Round #29 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

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Round #30 – 1st wave: 1 Jackbot from the front spawn and 1 Scrambler from one of the lower spawns plus 1 Gap-Shot from

the upper Spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from the front spawn. Here is where it starts to get crazy (and no I did

not miss the last 4 rounds but this is worse). Run forward and hack the Bouncer to death all quick like. Grapple

the first Jackbot from the front spawn. When the grapple is done, leave the Jackbot to the turrets and take the

jump pad up and kill the Gap-Shot. Drop down and grapple the second Jackbot. Stay in front of the Jackbot and

keep yourself between him and your Moneyball. It’s ok if you die here as long as he cannot take down your

shields. When done, hit the juice, taunt, and go ballistic on Bullseye.

Bullseye – Are you feeling SPUNKY? Well, are you?

Upgrade turret #4 to level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #31 – 1 group of 18 Buzzers from the upper spawns. Stand next to either turret nub #10 or #11, aim up toward the

upper spawn, and use your shurikens.

Round #32 – 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns with 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns. Go get medieval on the Gap-Shot.

Round #33 – 1 Bouncer, 1 Scrambler, and 1 group of 2 Gremlins from the 3 lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #10 to a level 3 Long Shot turret

Round #34 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 group of 2 Gremlins

from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #7 to level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #35 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Scrambler together with 1 group of 2

Gremlins from the lower spawns plus 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer together with 2 groups of 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns plus 1 group of 4 Buzzers from

the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns together with 1 group of 5

Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Note – Make sure that you are focusing on the Gremlins first, then the Scrambler / Blackjack pairs, then the Bouncers.

The Gremlins will take out your turrets very fast and the Scrambler / Blackjack pairs will get through your turrets

and take down your shields. Ironically, the Bouncers are the least threatening on the floor in these rounds as

long as you keep them from grappling you..

Round #37 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 4 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the lower

spawns plus 5 Scramblers from 1 of the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #5 to level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #38 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower


Round #39 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower


Round #40 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer plus 2 Gremlins from the lower spawns and 1 Jackbot from the front spawn. 2nd wave: 1

Jackbot from the front spawn. Stay near the forward spawn and quickly kill the Gremlins and Bouncer when they

come to you without using a grapple. Repeat the Jackbot handling method from round 30 to get through this


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Bullseye – Oh come on, you know that you want to. Go ahead and pound him into the pavement. All the kids are doing it

these days.

Build and upgrade turret #9 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret and turret #1 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #41 – 2 Gap-Shots from the upper spawns and 1 Gap-Shot from the lower spawns. Take the jump pad up to the upper

left spawn and kill the Gap-Shot there with your Katana. Switch to your Shurikens and take out the other upper

Gap-Shot leaving the lower Gap-Shot for your turrets.

Round #42 – 5 groups of 5 Buzzers from each spawn. Standing near one of the Long-Shot turrets, take out the Buzzers with

your Shurikens.

Round #43 – 3 groups of 14 Slims from the lower spawns with 1 group of 2 Gremlins at the same time.

Upgrade turret #12 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #44 – 3 groups of 14 Slims together with 2 groups of 2 Gremlins.

Round #45 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #46 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower spawns. As usual, focus on the


Build and upgrade turret #12 to a level 2 Shave Ice turret.

Round #47 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from each lower spawn. 2nd wave: 2 Gremlins from each lower spawn. 3rd wave: 15 Slims

from each lower spawn.

Round #48 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #49 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #50 – 1st wave: 1 group of 2 Gremlins together with 1 Jackbot plus 1 group of 2 Gremlins plus 1 Bouncer from the

lower spawns plus 2 Gap-Shots and 1 Jackbot from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from the front

spawn. This will be crazy so get ready. As soon as the round starts, count to 3 and activate the annihilator. Dash

forward, and grapple the front Jackbot. The front Jackbot will take out your shields within 2 seconds of leaving

the spawn and I’m not joking so you need to get to him as fast as you can. Once the grapple is complete, Pop

Juice, and quickly finish off the front Jackbot with your Katana. Switch to your shurikens and shoot the Jackbot

from the upper left spawn. Switch back to your Katana and grapple the 2nd front Jackbot. Stay in front of the

Jackbot keeping yourself between him and the Moneyball and finish him up with the Katana sacrificing yourself

if you have to for your shields..

Bullseye – I suggest that you pause the game and take a moment to breath. Then get back to slapping the shiznit out of


9.4.6 Single Player Walkthrough – Sniper Class

Note – To say that playing the Sniper class solo in this blitz is difficult would be like saying grunt Marines occasionally

like to shoot things. In other words, it would be just a wee bit of an understatement (sorry, I just watched Star

Trek Into Darkness again and that word is stuck in my head with Mr. Scott’s accent). While the Sniper may be

awesome at taking out pro’s with his headshots, traps and flak, these are not especially effective against the

swarms of bots that are about to descend on you. 90% of the people who have played this class have not seen

round 82 (and that is including those playing in teams with others). Be very careful with the Gremlins especially

when Bouncers are on the floor.

Upgrade your “Sniper” skill to level 2.

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Build turrets #1, #2, and #3, to level 1 Rockit turrets.

Round #1 – 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. Melee the annoying little pains in the @$$ with your SMG (quicker

strikes) so that you can pick up any dropped power-ups.

Build turret #4 to a level 1 Rockit turret.

Round #2 – 2 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #3 – 3 groups of 7 Slims from the lower spawns. When you have killed 4 of the Slims, run over to another spawn and

take those out so that you get the power-ups those bots drop as well.

Note – If you have been using the melee attack up to this point, you should just about have juice. Once you have it, pop

juice, taunt for the extra $100, and attack the Blackjacks to help your turrets get them taken of.

Round #4 – 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns. Use the same strategy as you did with the Slims.

Round #5 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #1 to a level 1 Rockit turret.

Round #6 – 2 groups of 7 Slims plus 1 group of 4 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #7 – 1 group of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns plus 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns. Take the jump pad up to

the upper left spawn. Throw a flak at the Gap-Shot as it emerges, then finish him off with your SMG. Drop down

and take out what bots remain down there.

Upgrade turrets #2 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Note – To keep up with the Blackjacks you will most likely need to use the ejectors. I suggest waiting until one has just

passed you and another is just out of the spawn so that you take out both at the same time. Don’t use them too

much though because you still need cash to build turrets.

Round #8 – 1 group of 4 Buzzers plus 1 group of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Upgrade your “Flak” skill to level 2.

Round #9 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns plus 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. During round

9 upgrade turret #3 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #10 – 1 Jackbot from the front spawn. Note: Do not use juice at this time. Save it for Bullseye.

Bullseye – Once Bullseye appears, pop juice and taunt (the first time you taunt while juiced you get $100 instead of the

usual $5) and get to work on making him miserable.

Upgrade turrets #4 and #5 to level 2 Rockit turrets.

Note – Your focus on mixed rounds with Slims must always be upper spawned bots first, then heavier armored bots on

the lower level, then, finally the Slims.

Round #11 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #12 – 2 groups of 4 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 7 Slims plus 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #6 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #13 – 2 groups of 5 Blackjacks, 1 Bouncer, and 1 group of 3 Gremlins from the lower spawns. Avoid the Bouncer while

taking out the Gremlins as quickly as you can. Once the Gremlins are killed, go after the Blackjacks.

Upgrade turret #7 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

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Round #14 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the lower spawns.

Round #15 – 2 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 4 Buzzers plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 1 gap-shot from the front left spawn plus 1 Bouncer and 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower

spawns. Once the Gremlins are taken care of if your turret couldn’t reach the Gap-Shot, take the jump pad up

and deal with him personally. 2nd wave: 1 group of 3 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #8 to a level 2 Rockit turret.

Round #17 – 1 group of 3 Blackjacks and 1 group of 7 Slims from the lower spawns.

Round #18 – 2 groups of 7 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 11 Slims together with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the lower spawns.

Upgrade your “Sniper” skill to level 3.

Round #19 – 1 group of 11 Slims together with 1 group of 4 Gremlins plus 2 groups of 7 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Round #20 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from 1 of the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from one of the lower spawns.

Bullseye – Yeah, it’s time to kill Bullseye again. This truly is the best part of my day (is that sad or what).

Build and upgrade turrets #9 and #10 to level 2 Shave Ice turrets.

Round #21 – 1 Bouncer, 1 group of 4 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler together with 3 groups of 11 Slims from the lower spawns. 1

Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Build and upgrade turret #11 to a level 2 Long Shot turret.

Round #22 – 3 groups of 11 Slims together with 1 Bouncer plus 1 group of 2 Gremlins from the lower spawns.

Round #23 – The same as round #22.

Build and upgrade turret #12 to a level 2 Long Shot turret.

Round #24 – 2 groups of 7 Blackjacks plus 1 group of 11 Slims from the lower spawns together with 1 Gap-Shot from the

upper spawns.

Round #25 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Round #26 – The same as round #25.

Round #27 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #11 to a level 3 Long Shot turret.

Round #28 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Round #29 – 3 groups of 7 Blackjacks with 1 group of 2 Gremlins, 1 Scrambler and, 1 Bouncer from the lower spawns.

Round #30 – 1st wave: 1 Jackbot from the front spawn and 1 Scrambler from one of the lower spawns plus 1 Gap-Shot from

the upper Spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from the front spawn.

Bullseye – Just think of Bullseye as the embodiment of all of the evil in the universe and act accordingly.

Upgrade turret #12 to a level 3 Long Shot turret and turret #9 t o a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #31 – 1 group of 18 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Upgrade turret #10 to a level 3 Shave Ice turret.

Round #32 – 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns with 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

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Round #33 – 1 Bouncer, 1 Scrambler, and 1 group of 2 Gremlins from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Bouncer and 1 group of 2 Gremlins

from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #1 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #35 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Scrambler together with 1 group of 2

Gremlins from the lower spawns plus 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer together with 2 groups of 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns plus 1 group of 4 Buzzers from

the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns together with 1 group of 5

Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #37 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer and 4 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 5 Blackjacks from each of the lower

spawns plus 5 Scramblers from 1 of the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #2 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #38 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower


Round #39 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns with 1 group of 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower


Round #40 – 1st wave: 1 Jackbot from the front spawn plus 1 Bouncer and 2 Gremlins from the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 1

Jackbot from the front spawn. Avoid the Bouncer and Gremlins and run forward to grapple the Jackbot. Once

the grapple is done, swing behind him for a couple of seconds then get back in front of him. When the second

Jackbot appears leave the first to the none too tender mercy of your turrets and grapple the second Jackbot.

Repeat the Jackbot destruction process until you can pillage all of their goodies.

Bullseye – You are almost there so don’t worry, Bullseye can take it.

Upgrade turrets #3 and #4 to level 3 Rockit turrets.

Round #41 – 2 Gap-Shots from the upper spawns and 1 Gap-Shot from the lower spawns. Use the ejector on the Gap-Shot

from the lower spawn. Switch to your Sniper rifle and take out the Gap-Shots from the upper spawns.

Round #42 – 5 groups of 5 Buzzers from each spawn. Move next to one of your Long Shot turrets, switch to your SMG, and

fire up at the Buzzers.

Round #43 – 3 groups of 14 Slims from the lower spawns with 1 group of 2 Gremlins at the same time. Melee the

Gremlins and then go after the Slims.

Round #44 – 3 groups of 14 Slims together with 2 groups of 2 Gremlins.

Round #45 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

Upgrade turret #5 to a level 3 Rockit turret.

Round #46 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #47 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from each lower spawn. 2nd wave: 2 Gremlins from each lower spawn. 3rd wave: 15 Slims

from each lower spawn.

Round #48 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

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Round #49 – 3 groups of 5 Blackjacks together with 1 group of 5 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #50 – 1st wave: 1 group of 2 Gremlins together with 1 Jackbot plus 1 group of 2 Gremlins plus 1 Bouncer from the

lower spawns plus 2 Gap-Shots and 1 Jackbot from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from the front

spawn. Ignore the other bots and take the jump pad to the upper left spawn path. Throw an ice trap in the path

of the Jackbot far enough back that he does not have a clear line of sight to the Moneyball when he hits it.

lower Jackbot. Grapple the lower Jackbot using your “Grapple skill. Run forward and grapple the 2nd Jackbot

from the front spawn. Once the grapple is done, finish off the lower Jackbot with your SMG and your turrets.

Switch to your Sniper rifle, throw a flack up at the upper Jackbot, pop juice, and wail away until the upper

Jackbot is dead.

Bullseye – Pause the game, have a mental breakdown, then resume with the destruction of Bullseye.

Upgrade everything else as time, money, and nerves permit.

9.5 Super Sudden Death Blitz – 2 Player Match

9.5.1 2 Player Match – General Information

So long as you have 2 decent blitz players a 2 person Super Sudden Death Blitz is not as difficult as you would think. Just

make sure each person covers the heavy bots in their lanes and keep the Gap Shots under control. Until you get past

round 81 it is actually easier than a single player match. Just be sure to pay attention to your turrets and make sure that

they do not go down. Don’t be afraid to use special skills like the Tanks product grenade and the Assassins smoke bomb

to stun bots.

9.5.2 2 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

Trust me on this, you want an Assassin. Her wicked fast bot killing power and her ability to grapple Jackbots are a must have

here. If you want a balanced match, go with the Support. If you want more mayhem, death, and destruction either go

another Assassin or a Tank. Stay away from the Sniper or the Assault unless you only want to rank up and do not plan on

getting really far. Their lack of bot stopping power makes them a huge liability when dealing with the stupid number of

Jackbots that you will soon be facing.

Offense, offense, offense, and a little defense in there for good measure is how you want to set up your sponsors (yes I can

count I just choose not to). High rate of fire and either clip size or critical shot for your bot killer. I would suggest armor

for your bronze since there will be a ton of bots who want to come out and play with you. For Support, go skill recovery,

armor, and juice. You want to keep as many turrets hacked as you can and 4 out of 5 doctors recommend juice when

facing legions of bots.

9.5.3 2 Player Match – General Strategies

1 Player should cover the left side and 1 the right. Make sure that you buy the jump pads fairly early so that you don’t get

caught wishing for 5 more dollars as a Gap Shot single handedly takes out your turrets.

Try to rotate if you can who is making the money so that you both get your skills upgraded as quickly as possible.

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9.5.4 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Figure #56: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 1 1 0 Shave Ice 3

2 Rockit 1 1 1 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 1 1 2 Rockit 2

4 Rockit 1 1 Rockit 3

1 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

2 Rockit 2 3 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 1 1 Rockit 3

9 Shave Ice 3 1 2 Rockit 3

2 Player Match — Turret Build Order

Table #68: 2 Player Match – Turret Build Order

9.5.5 2 Player Match – Bot Breakouts

The bot breakouts, like everything else concerning Super Sudden Death, are different from every other blitz match. While

the type and number of bots in the table remain consistent, which spawn the bots exit from on the lower level is

random starting from the very first round. When bots emerge from only 1 spawn they can use any single spawn on that

level. When bots leave from 2 spawns, they of coarse can use any 2 spawns. When multiple types of bots are in the

same wave, each groups exit point is random on the lower level but the mixed group types and numbers never change

from the table. The only exception to this is that Jackbots and Gap-shots will always use the listed spawn.

All of the bots become faster and stronger (both defense and offense increase) every 10 rounds starting on round 11. This

will continue until they have gone to plaid and reach ludicrous speed (Spaceballs quotes) You will note that like the

other blitz matches the color of the bots change when their stats change. Additionally, you will notice that the number

of bots in each set increases at specific intervals for a while as well.




5 4


8 6





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R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s) R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s)

1 1 1 4 SB 25 2 1 6 BLK

2 1 1 4 SB 26 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

3 1 1 4 SB 2 30 SB

4 1 6 BLK 27 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

5 1 8 BLK 2 30 SB

6 1 8 SB / SB / BLK 28 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

7 1 1 GS 2 30 SB

2 8 BLK 29 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

8 1 2 BZ 2 30 SB

2 8 BLK 30 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

9 1 2 BZ 2 3* JP


1 0 1 2 BZ 31 1 45 BZ

2 2* JP 32 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS ]

33 1 2 BZ

1 1 1 2 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 34 1 2 BZ

1 2 1 2 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 35 1 2 BZ

1 3 1 2 BN 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 36 1 1 / 2 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / [ GS ]

1 4 1 2 BZ 2 8 / 8 / 8 ( 8 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 37 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 5 1 2 BZ 2 1 6 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 38 1 2 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 6 1 2 BN 2 8 / 8 / 8 ( 8 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 39 1 1 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 7 1 3 BZ 2 8 / 8 / 8 ( 8 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 40 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS ]

1 8 1 2 BZ 2 3 JP

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB

1 9 1 4 GM 41 1 1 GS

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 42 1 6 BZ

2 0 1 2 / [ 2 ] BN / [ B Z ] 43 1 1 / 2 BN / GM

2 2* JP 44 1 30 SB

45 1 1 6 BLK

21 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ] 46 1 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 30 SB 47 1 1 BN*

22 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 2 2 GM

2 30 SB 3 30 SB

23 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 48 1 1 6 BLK

2 30 SB 49 1 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

24 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 50 1 1 / 2 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / [ GS / GS ]

2 30 SB 2 3 / 1 JP

25 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

Gremlin - GM Buzzer - B Z Scrambler - SC Blackjack - B LK Bouncer - B N Jackpot - JP / - separates each spawn ( ) - to gether [ ] - upper level

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn BreakoutSpawn(s) Spawn(s)

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

Slim bot - SB Gapshot - GS

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

1 group from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the upper spawn

Bul lseye3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

1group from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns 1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

1 group from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

Bul lseye

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

Table #69: 2 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts

Note – Sometimes when Gap-Shots come out of the upper spawns they do not move all the way forward and cannot be

hit even by hacked Rockit turrets. If this happens and you are within the first 50 rounds a single well placed air

strike or a couple of mortar rounds or grenades can take them out. If you have not built any Long Shot turrets

and you do not have solid long range weapons that can hit the upper paths, you will need to use the jump pad

and get a little more personally acquainted with them the old fashioned way.

9.5.6 2 Player Match – Walkthrough

Upgrade your offensive (gun) skills to level 2 or 3 depending on your class and skill level. Note: More turrets at the onset of

the match will help you a lot here.

Round #1 – 7 pairs of Slims from 1 of the lower spawns. Take turns using melee attacks on them for juice.

Round #2 – 7 pairs of Slims from 2 of the lower spawns. This time use the back of your hand just to shake things up.

Round #3 – 7 pairs of Slims from 3 of the lower spawns. Yes, again.

Note – If you have been using the melee attacks up to this point, both of you should just about have juice. Once you

have it, pop juice, taunt for the extra $100, and attack the Blackjacks to help your turrets get them taken of.

Round #4 – 3 pairs of Blackjacks from 1 of the lower spawns. Use the same strategy as you did with the Slims.

Round #5 – 4 pairs of Blackjacks from 2 of the lower spawns.

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Round #6 – 4 pairs of Slims from 2 plus 3pairs of Blackjacks from 1 of the lower spawns. Have your bot killer (or strongest

player if using 2 bot killers) focus on the Blackjacks.

Round #7 – 4 pairs of Blackjacks from the lower spawns plus 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns. Have your bot killer take

the jump pad up to the upper left spawn and take out the Gap-Shot, then have them drop down and help finish

off the Blackjacks.

Note – To keep up with the Blackjacks you will may need to use the ejectors (unless your bot killer is in the zone). I

suggest waiting until one has just passed you and another is just out of the spawn so that you take out both at

the same time. Don’t use them too much though because you still need cash to build turrets.

Round #8 – 8 Blackjacks from 1 plus 4 Buzzers from another of the lower spawns. If one of the players has a good long range

weapon have them hit the Buzzers first, then help clean up for dinner.

Round #9 – 4 pairs of Blackjacks from the lower spawns plus 4 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Round #10 – 2 Jackbots single file from the front spawn plus 2 Buzzers from the front left spawn. Note: Do not use juice at

this time. Save it for Bullseye. Ignore the Buzzers and just work on the Jackbots.

Bullseye – Once Bullseye appears, pop juice and taunt (the first time you taunt while juiced you get $100 instead of the

usual $5) and show him how good you 2 are at teamwork.

Note – Your focus on mixed rounds with Slims must always be upper spawned bots first, then heavier armored bots on

the lower level, then, finally the Slims.

Round #11 – 1st wave: 2pairs of Buzzers from the upper spawns. If you watch closely, it’s like feeding Alka-Seltzer to pigeons.

2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from 2 and 6 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 2pairs of Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from 2 and 6 Slims from 1 of the

lower spawns.

Round #13 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers single file from the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from 2 and 6 Slims from 1 of the

lower spawns.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 2pairs of Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from 2 and 6 Slims from 1 of the

lower spawns.

Round #15 – 1st wave: 2pairs of Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from 2 and 6 Slims from 1 of the

lower spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers single file from the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from 2 and 6 Slims from 1 of the

lower spawns.

Round #17 – 1st wave: 2pairs of Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the

lower spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 2pairs of Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the

lower spawns.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 1 group of 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the

lower spawns.

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Round #20 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers from 1 of the lower spawns. 2 Buzzers from one of the upper spawns. Both players should

be hitting the Bouncers as quickly as possible leaving the Buzzers to the turrets and your armor. 2nd wave: 2

Jackbots single file from the front spawn. Time to practice the “flying but pliers” (Ren and Stimpy quote) on

them. Try to use grapples and getting directly in front of them (to trap them as far back as possible) to keep

them from shooting at your turrets or Moneyball. Note: You will not have much time in the next set of 10

rounds to devote to your turrets.

Bullseye – If possible, try to trap him between the 2 of you and one of the angled walls near your Moneyball so that you

can get more money from him.

Note – Before the next round starts you want your bot killer to take the jump pad up to the upper left spawn to be

ready for the upcoming Jackbot.

Round #21 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 1 Gap-Shot and 2 Buzzers from the

upper spawns. As usual, the bot killer on the Gap-Shot first, then practice your Moe on the Bouncer. The 2nd

player should be on the Gremlins (the Scrambler and Buzzers are beneath you both) 2nd wave: 30 Slims from 3

of the lower spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 2 Buzzers from the upper spawns.

Have the bot killer lay waste to the Gap-Shot and then immediately drop down to take on the Bouncer. 2nd

wave: 30 Slims from 3 of the lower spawns.

Round #23 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 2 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 30 Slims from 3 of the lower spawns.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 2 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 30 Slims from 3 of the lower spawns.

Round #25 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 1 Gap-Shot and 2 Buzzers from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from 3 of the lower spawns.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 2 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 30 Slims from 3 of the lower spawns.

Round #27 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 2 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 30 Slims from 3 of the lower spawns.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 2 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 30 Slims from 3 of the lower spawns.

Round #29 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 2 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd

wave: 30 Slims from 3 of the lower spawns.

Round #30 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 1 Gap-Shot and 2 Buzzers from the

upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Jackbots single file from the front spawn. You may want to have the bot killer take

on the first Jackbot alone while the 2nd player stands near the annihilator. Have the 2nd player hit the annihilator

once the 2nd Jackbot hits the floor and then have them run forward to help wipe out the 2nd and last Jackbot.

Bullseye – Try to get an ultra combo on Bullseye (I am playing a lot of Killer Instinct on my X-Box One).

Note – Neither of you should be trying to melee for juice anymore. Things will be far too crazy for that to be practical


Round #31 – 2 groups of 45 Buzzers from the upper spawns. Watch out for falling Buzzers (they can be somewhat of an


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Round #32 – 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns with 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

Round #33 – 1st wave: 2 groups of Buzzers from the upper spawns. Bot Killer on the Bouncers as usual with the 2nd player

hitting the Buzzers first, then everything else that moves (not your partner yet unless you are in a pub and they

are pissing you off). 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 2 groups of Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers

from the lower spawns.

Round #35 – 1st wave: 2 groups of Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers

from the lower spawns.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from 1 lower spawn, 2 Gremlins from a 2nd lower spawn. 1 Gap-Shot from the upper left

spawn. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2, plus 8 Blackjacks with 8 Slims from 1 lower spawn.

Round #37 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers from 1 and 4 Gremlins from another lower spawn. 4 Buzzers from the upper left spawn.

2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks with 16 Scramblers from 1 and 16 Blackjacks from 2 lower spawns.

Round #38 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers from 1 and 4 Gremlins from another lower spawn. 4 Buzzers from the upper left spawn.

2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks with 16 Scramblers from 1 and 16 Blackjacks from 2 lower spawns.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers from 1 and 4 Gremlins from another lower spawn. 4 Buzzers from the upper left spawn.

2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks with 16 Scramblers from 1 and 16 Blackjacks from 2 lower spawns.

Round #40 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer, 2 Gremlins, and 1 Scrambler from the lower spawns. 1 Gap-Shot from the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 Jackbots single file from the front spawn.

Bullseye – You are almost there so don’t worry, Bullseye can take it.

Round #41 – 1 Gap-Shot from each lower spawn. 1 Gap-Shot from 1 upper spawn. Have your bot killer head up top and take

out 1 Gap-Shot with their short range weapon. The second player should get plenty of exercise running down

the 3 Gap-shots from the lower spawns.

Round #42 – 6 Buzzers from each lower spawn. 6 Buzzers from 1 upper spawn.

Round #43 – 1 Bouncer from 1 lower spawn and 2 Scramblers from another lower spawn.

Round #44 – 30 Slims from each of the lower spawns.

Round #45 – 16 Blackjacks from each of the lower spawns.

Round #46 – 16 Blackjacks from 2 and 16 Blackjack/Slim pairs from 1 of the lower spawns. You may want your bot killer on

the pairs (I’m just saying).

Note – Do not use your juice from now until the Jackbot round. Save it for a rainy day because it’s about to storm.

Round #47 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from each of the lower spawns. 2nd wave: 2 Gremlins from1 of the lower spawns. 3rd

wave: 30 Slims from each of the lower spawns.

Round #48 – 16 Blackjacks from each of the lower spawns.

Round #49 – 16 Blackjacks from 2 of the lower and 16 Blackjack/Slim pairs from 1 of the lower spawns.

Note – Have the player who either can kill Jackbots the fastest or who can grapple Jackbots head up to the upper left

spawn before the next round.

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Round #50 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from 1 of and 2 Gremlins from the 2nd of the lower spawns with 1 Gap-Shot from the Upper

left and upper right spawns. Have a bot killer take out the upper left Gap-Shot with their short range weapon,

then switch to their long range weapon to take out the 2nd upper Gap-Shot. Note: Have the bot killer remain top

side. The second player should take out the Gremlins and avoid the Bouncer leaving it for the turrets to take

care of. WARNING: After the Gremlins, the lower player needs to be next to the annihilator. 2nd wave: 3

Jackbots single file from the front spawn and 1 Jackbot from the upper left spawn. As soon as the first Jackbot

appears, hit the annihilator and run forward to crack open a can on the first lower Jackbot. The upper player

should attack the upper Jackbot with a vengeance once it appears and kill it as quickly as they can (it should be

easy since the annihilator was used). The upper player should then drop down, pop juice, and get to work.

Bullseye – Pat each other on the back (figuratively unless you are playing split screen) and commence with the emptying of the

magazines on poor little old Bullseye.

9.6 Super Sudden Death Blitz – 3 Player Match

9.6.1 3 Player Match – General Information

If you are going to play multi-player Super Sudden Death a 3 person blitz is the best type with regard to the additional

number of bots versus additional firepower. Do not however play a public 3 player match or “your pain will be

legendary, even in hell” (Hellraiser 2 quote).

Stick to 2 Assassins and either a Support (recommended) or Tank. The Supports firebase will definitely help with the zounds

of Buzzers and will also help keep upper level Gap Shots from being much more than a nuisance.

9.6.2 3 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

Might I suggest an offensive gold (like rate), a defensive silver (armor), and another offensive bronze (speed or clip size).

There will be a whole bunch of your new bestest friends who want you to come out and play and you absolutely need to

put them in their place fast and stay alive while doing it.

9.6.3 3 Player Match – General Strategies

While you may switch between playing offensively and defensively in Sudden Death, you only want to play defensively in

Super Sudden Death. The absurdly short bot paths and sheer number of bots means that you must always be focused on

keeping bots off of your ball.

The only thing that is more important than bot control is the turrets build up. You need to get your turrets up as quickly as

possible. The bots are quite literally lining up to pimp slap your Moneyball. Pay particular attention to your Shave Ice

turrets and make sure they do not get taken out or you will quickly develop a close, intimate relationship with the bots,

and they with your Moneyball.

Do not forget to upgrade your bot handling skills or you will receive a genuine, bon-a-fide, whoopin. The Gremlins coupled

with Bouncers love to make your life interesting so be sure to upgrade as soon as you have enough turrets on the floor.

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9.6.4 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Figure #57: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 1 1 0 Shave Ice 3

2 Rockit 1 1 1 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 1 1 2 Rockit 2

4 Rockit 1 1 Rockit 3

1 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

2 Rockit 2 3 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 1 1 Rockit 3

9 Shave Ice 3 1 2 Rockit 3

3 Player Match — Turret Build Order

Table #70: 3 Player Match – Turret Build Order

9.6.5 3 Player Match – Bot Breakouts

The bot breakouts, like everything else concerning Super Sudden Death, are different from every other blitz match. While

the type and number of bots in the table remain consistent, which spawn the bots exit from on the lower level is

random starting from the very first round. When bots emerge from only 1 spawn they can use any single spawn on that

level. When bots leave from 2 spawns, they of coarse can use any 2 spawns. When multiple types of bots are in the

same wave, each groups exit point is random on the lower level but the mixed group types and numbers never change

from the table. The only exception to this is that Jackbots and Gap-shots will always use the listed spawn.

All of the bots become faster and stronger (both defense and offense increase) every 10 rounds starting on round 11. This

will continue until they have gone to plaid and reach ludicrous speed (Spaceballs quotes) You will note that like the

other blitz matches the color of the bots change when their stats change. Additionally, you will notice that the number

of bots in each set increases at specific intervals for a while as well.




5 4


8 6





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R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s) R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s)

1 1 1 4 SB 25 2 1 6 BLK

2 1 1 4 SB / SB 26 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ]

3 1 1 4 SB / SB / SB 2 1 6 BLK

4 1 8 BLK 27 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ]

5 1 8 BLK / BLK 2 1 6 BLK

6 1 8 SB / SB / BLK 28 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ]

7 1 2* GS 2 1 6 BLK

2 8 BLK 29 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ]

8 1 3 BZ 2 1 6 BLK

2 8 BLK 30 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 2 / 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ GS / BZ ]

9 1 3 BZ 2 3 / 2 JP


1 0 1 3 BZ 31 1 45 BZ

2 2 / 1 JP 32 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GM / GM ]

33 1 3 BZ

1 1 1 3 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 34 1 3 BZ

1 2 1 3 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 35 1 3 BZ

1 3 1 6 ( 2 ) / 6 ( 2 ) / 6 BLK ( GM ) / BLK ( BN ) / BLK 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 36 1 2 / 4 / 4 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / GS ]

1 4 1 3 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 37 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 5 1 3 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 38 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 6 1 6 ( 2 ) / 6 ( 2 ) / 6 BLK ( GM ) / BLK ( BN ) / BLK 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 39 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 7 1 3 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 40 1 2 / 4 / 4 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / GS ]

1 8 1 6 ( 2 ) / 6 ( 2 ) / 6 BLK ( GM ) / BLK ( BN ) / BLK 2 3*/ 2* JP

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB

1 9 1 2 / 4 GM 41 1 1 GS

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 42 1 9 BZ

2 0 1 1 /2 / [ 3 / 3 ] BN / [ BZ ] 43 1 2 / 4 BN / GM

2 2* / 1 JP 44 1 30 SB

45 1 8 BLK

21 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 2 / 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ GS / BZ ] 46 1 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 30 SB 47 1 2* BN*

22 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ] 2 4 GM

2 30 SB 3 30 SB

23 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ] 48 1 1 6 BLK

2 30 SB 49 1 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

24 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ] 50 1 2 / 4 BN / GM

2 30 SB 2 2 * / 3* / [ 1 / 1 ] JP

25 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 2 / 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ GS / BZ ]

Gremlin - GM Buzzer - B Z Scrambler - SC Blackjack - B LK Bouncer - B N Jackpot - JP / - separates each spawn ( ) - to gether [ ] - upper level

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Spawn(s) Spawn(s)

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns


3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the upper spawns

Slim bot - SB Gapshot - GS

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

2groups from the lower spawns


3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the upper spawn

Bullseye3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2groups from the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the upper spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns 2 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

1 group from the lower spawns / [ 1 groups from the upper spawns ]



2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

Table #71: 3 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts

Note – Sometimes when Gap-Shots come out of the upper spawns they do not move all the way forward and cannot be hit even by hacked Rockit turrets. If this happens and you are within the first 50 rounds a single well placed air strike or a couple of mortar rounds or grenades can take them out. If you have not built any Long Shot turrets and you do not have solid long range weapons that can hit the upper paths, you will need to use the jump pad and get a little more personally acquainted with them the old fashioned way.

9.6.6 3 Player Match – Walkthrough

Round #1 – 14 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #2 – 14 Slims from 2 of the lower spawns.

Round #3 – 14 Slims from 3 of the lower spawns.

Note – If you have been using the melee attack up to this point, you should just about have juice. Once you have it, pop

juice, taunt for the extra $100, and attack the Blackjacks to help your turrets get them taken of.

Round #4 – 8 Blackjacks from 1 of the lower spawns. Use the same strategy as you did with the Slims.

Round #5 – 8 Blackjacks from 2 of the lower spawns.

Round #6 – 8 Slims from 1, and 8 Blackjacks from 2 of the lower spawns.

Note – Have a bot killer head up to the upper left spawn to be ready to waylay the Gap-Shot that comes out next.

Round #7 – 1st wave: 2 Gap-Shots single file from the upper left spawn. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 3 of the lower spawns.

Note – To keep up with the Blackjacks you will most likely need to use the ejectors. I suggest waiting until one has just

passed you and another is just out of the spawn so that you take out both at the same time. Don’t use them too

much though because you still need cash to build turrets.

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Round #8 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 of the upper spawns. Any long range weapons should focus on the Buzzers while the

other players chill (don’t worry, you won’t be bored for long). 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 of the lower


Round #9 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 of the upper spawns. Any long range weapons should focus on the Buzzers while the

other players chill (don’t worry, you won’t be bored for long). 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 of the lower


Note – Try not to use juice on the Jackbots. Save it for Bullseye

Round #10 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 of the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from 1 lower and 2 Jackbots single file

from a 2nd lower spawn. Grapples work wonders here.

Bullseye – Once Bullseye appears, pop juice and taunt (the first time you taunt while juiced you get $100 instead of the

usual $5) and get to work on making him miserable.

Note – Your focus on mixed rounds must always be upper spawned bots first, then heavier armored bots on the lower

level, then, finally the Slims.

Round #11 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 upper spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from 2 and 6 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 upper spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from 2 and 6 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #13 – 1st wave: 6 Blackjacks with 2 Gremlins, 6 Blackjacks with 2 Bouncers, and 6 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

You want at least 1 bot killer on the Bouncers. If you have a second bot killer have them start with the Gremlins

and then help out the 3rd player. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 upper spawns. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #15 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 upper spawns. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 6 Blackjacks with 2 Gremlins, 6 Blackjacks with 2 Bouncers, and 6 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #17 – 1st wave: 6 Blackjacks with 2 Gremlins, 6 Blackjacks with 2 Bouncers, and 6 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 6 Blackjacks with 2 Gremlins, 6 Blackjacks with 2 Bouncers, and 6 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 2 Gremlins from 1 and 4 Gremlins from a 2nd lower spawn. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims

from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #20 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from 1 and 2 Bouncers single file from a 2nd lower spawn. 3 Buzzers from 2 upper spawns.

2nd wave: 2 Jackbots single file from one and 1 Jackbot from a 2nd lower spawn. A least 1 bot killer (preferably

an Assassin) needs to be in the front with the 2 Jackbots. As soon as the front Jackbot appears, have the front

player pop juice and kill it as fast as they can. If there is a 2nd bot killer, they should be taking out the single

Jackbot with the 3rd player backing up the front bot killer.

Bullseye – If you can, try to trap Bullseye either between the 3 of you, or against one of the front walls holding up the

raised platform. This will make it easier to get tons of money from him.

Round #21 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 2 Gap-Shots and 3 Buzzers from the upper spawns. The keys here are having your bot killer(s) wipe out

the Gap-Shots first, the Bouncers second, and Gremlins pronto. Then finish off the stragglers. 2nd wave: 30

Slims from the 3 lower spawns.

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Round #22 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 30 Slims from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #23 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 30 Slims from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 30 Slims from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #25 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 2 Gap-Shots and 3 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #27 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #29 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #30 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 2 Gap-Shots and 3 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Jackbots single file from 1 and 2

Jackbots single file from a 2nd lower spawn. Have your bot killers go to town. If you have a Support use what air

strikes you have on the front spawned Jackbots and keep any Assassins healed. Note: Try to have 1 player

remain as close to the annihilator as they can. Once the second set of Jackbots hit the floor, use the annihilator

and join the others in death and destruction.

Bullseye – You go girl (if you are offended by that statement then my work here is done).

Round #31 – 45 Buzzers from 2 of the upper spawns.

Note – Make sure that a bot killer is on one of the upper ledges before the next round.

Round #32 – 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers from the lower spawns. 1 Gap-Shot from both upper spawns. The

upper spawn bot killer should first use their short range weapon on the nearest Gap-Shot, then switch to their

long range weapon and engage the second. Like always, any other bot killers should work out their aggression

first on the Bouncers, then everything else in the universe.

Round #33 – 1st wave: 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2Bouncers, 4 Gremlins,

and 2 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2Bouncers, 4 Gremlins,

and 2 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #35 – 1st wave: 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2Bouncers, 4 Gremlins,

and 2 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers and 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns. 1 Gap-Shot from both upper spawns. 2nd wave: 8

Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #37 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers and 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns. 4 Buzzers from an upper spawns 2nd wave: 8

Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 of the lower spawns.

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Round #38 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers and 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns. 4 Buzzers from an upper spawns 2nd wave: 8

Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers and 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns. 4 Buzzers from an upper spawns 2nd wave: 8

Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #40 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 4 Scramblers from the lower spawns. 1 Gap-Shot from both upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Jackbots single file from the front spawn. 2 Jackbots single file from a 2nd lower spawn.

Bullseye – You are almost there so don’t worry, Bullseye can take it.

Round #41 – 1 Gap-Shot from each lower and 1 upper spawn.

Round #42 – 9 Buzzers from each lower and 1 upper spawn.

Round #43 – 2 Bouncers single file from 1 and 4 Gremlins from a 2nd lower spawn.

Round #44 – 30 Slims from each lower spawn.

Round #45 – 8 Blackjacks from each lower spawn.

Round #46 – 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 lower spawn.

Round #47 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers single file from 1 lower spawn. 2nd wave: 4 Gremlins from each lower spawn. 3rd wave: 30

Slims from each lower spawn.

Round #48 – 8 pairs of Blackjacks from each lower spawn.

Round #49 – 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 lower spawn.

WARNING: – To say that this is where things get a little interesting would be somewhat of an understatement. I highly, highly,

highly recommend that everyone saves juice for the 2nd wave. Unless the Jackbots are nearly all cleared out,

everyone should be heading back to buy juice before theirs wears off. Speed will be the key to keeping your

shields and / or turrets from going down here.

Round #50 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers and 4 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns. 2 Gap-Shots from each of the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 Jackbots from 1, 2 Jackbots from a 2nd, and 1 Jackbot from the 3rd lower spawns. 1 Jackbot from the

upper left spawn. Have someone who is very fast at killing Jackbots (a very experienced Assassin) take the jump

pad to the upper left spawn. The upper player should hit their juice as they are being hurled bodily thru the air

to the upper Jackbot so that they can immediately jump over the Jackbots slam (If they are using an Assassin

they should use their cloak to keep the Jackbot from slamming them off). The other 2 players should be using

the run up and away technique to keep the lower Jackbots slamming so that they do not shoot at your stuff.

Note: The Tanks Product Grenade is awesome here. As soon as the Jackbots emerge, 1 player should hit the

annihilator (this will help get the upper player back down faster to help manage the craziness) before joining the

others in their fun.

Bullseye – Pause the game, have a mental breakdown, then resume with the destruction of Bullseye.

9.7 Super Sudden Death Blitz – 4 Player Match

9.7.1 4 Player Match – General Information

Ouch, get used to that word, you will be using it and a lot of others that I cannot put in this guide throughout this match.

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9.7.2 4 Player Match – Class and Sponsor Selection

If you do not have at least 2 Assassins you are in for a world of hurt. The strength of the bots means you most likely will

want the 3rd player to go Tank, and to help with the Buzzers and 8 gatrillion (yes, I just this moment made that number

up) Gremlins, and a Support. While it will most likely get taken out quite a few times, the firebase and especially your

ability to over heal and hack turrets will be a life (or shield) saver to say the least. You definitely want offensive gold,

defensive silver, and offensive bronze sponsors for everyone but the Support. I recommend gold armor, silver skill

recovery, and bronze speed for your Support. In spite of what you may think, you will not have the time to spend

hacking if you use gold skill recovery. Also, later on, armor is much more important to you, especially if you do not get

bacon for a while (you actually want your Assassins to get it first if possible).

9.7.3 4 Player Match – General Strategies

You want to assign 1 Assassin to cover 1 of the upper spawns and the lower side spawn near it. The second Assassin should

do the same on the other side. Your Tank should cover the lower spawns and the upper spawns if an Assassin is killed or

buying juice. The Support should pretty much ignore the bots and focus on healing / hacking turrets and keeping his

team mates over healed as much as possible. The exception to this is when he sends out air strikes to take out upper

Gap Shots or when he is grappling Bouncers to keep from getting pimp slapped by them.

Do not forget to upgrade your bot handling skills or you will receive a genuine, bon-a-fide, whoopin. The Gremlins coupled

with Bouncers love to make your life interesting so be sure to upgrade as soon as you have enough turrets on the floor.

9.7.4 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Figure #58: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 1 1 0 Shave Ice 3

2 Rockit 1 1 1 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 1 1 2 Rockit 2

4 Rockit 1 1 Rockit 3

1 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

2 Rockit 2 3 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 1 1 Rockit 3

9 Shave Ice 3 1 2 Rockit 3

4 Player Match — Turret Build Order

Table #72: 4 Player Match – Turret Build Order




5 4


8 6





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9.7.5 4 Player Match – Bot Breakouts

The bot breakouts, like everything else concerning Super Sudden Death, are different from every other blitz match. While

the type and number of bots in the table remain consistent, which spawn the bots exit from on the lower level is

random starting from the very first round. When bots emerge from only 1 spawn they can use any single spawn on that

level. When bots leave from 2 spawns, they of coarse can use any 2 spawns. When multiple types of bots are in the

same wave, each groups exit point is random on the lower level but the mixed group types and numbers never change

from the table. The only exception to this is that Jackbots and Gap-shots will always use the listed spawn.

Let the games begin. You are about to be hit with so many bots that it will literally amaze you. Be sure to cover each other

during Buzzer or Gremlin rounds or multiple people will die very quickly. Lighter classes should stand near either

firebases or tanks (his jet gun melts Buzzers and his death blossom is the bane of Gremlins everywhere) so that they can

remain in the land of the living (at least or a little while longer).

R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s) R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s)

1 1 28 SB 25 2 3 2 BLK

2 1 28 SB / SB 26 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

3 1 28 SB / SB / SB 2 3 2 BLK

4 1 1 2 BLK 27 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

5 1 1 6 BLK / BLK 2 3 2 BLK

6 1 1 6 SB / SB / BLK 28 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

7 1 2* GS 2 3 2 BLK

2 1 6 BLK 29 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

8 1 4 BZ 2 3 2 BLK

2 1 6 BLK 30 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 / 4 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

9 1 4 BZ 2 2 / 3 / [ 2 ] JP

1 6 BLK

1 0 1 4 BZ 31 1 60 BZ

2 1 / 2 / 1 JP 32 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GM / GM ]

33 1 4 BZ

1 1 1 4 BZ 2 4 / 8 / 4 BN / GM / SC

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 34 1 4 BZ

1 2 1 4 BZ 2 4 / 8 / 4 BN / GM / SC

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 35 1 4 BZ

1 3 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 / 2 ] BN / BN / BN / [ GS / GS ] 2 4 / 8 / 4 BN / GM / SC

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 36 1 2 / 4 / 4 / [1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS ]

1 4 1 4 BZ 2 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 37 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 5 1 4 BZ 2 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 38 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 6 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 / 2 ] BN / BN / BN / [ GS / GS ] 2 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 39 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 7 1 4 BZ 2 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 40 1 2 / 4 / 4 / [1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS ]

1 8 1 4 BLK ( GM ) / BLK ( BN ) / BLK 2 2 / 3 / [ 2 ] JP

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB

1 9 1 2 / 4 / 2 GM 41 1 2* GS

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 42 1 12 BZ

2 0 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 / 2 ] BN / BN / BN / [ GS / GS ] 43 1 2* / 4 BN / GM

2 1 / 2 / 1 JP 44 1 60 SB

45 1 3 2 BLK

21 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 / 4 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ] 46 1 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 60 SB 47 1 2* BN

22 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 2 4 GM

2 60 SB 3 60 SB

23 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 48 1 32 BLK

2 60 SB 49 1 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

24 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 50 1 2* / 4 BN / GM

2 60 SB 2 2* / 3* / 2* / [ 1 / 1 ] JP

25 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 / 4 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

Gremlin - GM Buzzer - B Z Scrambler - SC Blackjack - B LK Bouncer - B N Jackpot - JP / - separates each spawn ( ) - to gether [ ] - upper level

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

Bul lseye

Bul lseye

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [1 gro ups fro m the upper spawns]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns 2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ] 3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [1 gro ups fro m the upper spawns]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

Slim bot - SB Gapshot - GS

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3groups from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the upper spawn

Bul lseye3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn BreakoutSpawn(s) Spawn(s)

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ] 3 groups from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the upper spawns

Table #73: 4 Player Match – Bot Spawn Breakouts

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9.7.6 4 Player Match – Walkthrough

Before starting the match, go to the store and buy rosary beads, Vaseline, and lots of alcohol because you are going to need

them. I highly recommend not playing a 4 person Super Sudden Death match. The number of bots that you will be hit

with is ludicrous to put it as mildly as possible. A 3 person bIitz is about 50 times more manageable if you have people

who are at least decent players. I played a 4 person game with 3 other very seasoned players (1 of whom has been past

round 400 in Super Sudden Death) where we all got bacon and we still got mauled horribly after we passed round 100.

You will have many times with at least 6 Jackbots on the floor simultaneously and they will wipe out your turrets almost

like it’s an afterthought and then shoot at you (not anyone else on your team, you). Consecutive 4 player Jackbot rounds

are common and extremely brutal to say the least.

Round #1 – 14 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #2 – 14 Slims from 2 of the lower spawns.

Round #3 – 14 Slims from 3 of the lower spawns.

Note – Be sure to juice taunt as often as you can for the extra $95 ($100 instead of the usual $5 as long as juice is still

active when the taunt finishes), and attack the Blackjacks to help your turrets get them taken of.

Round #4 – 8 Blackjacks from 1 of the lower spawns. Use the same strategy as you did with the Slims.

Round #5 – 8 Blackjacks from 2 of the lower spawns.

Round #6 – 8 Slims from 1, and 8 Blackjacks from 2 of the lower spawns.

Note – Have a bot killer head up to the upper left spawn to be ready to waylay the Gap-Shot that comes out next.

Round #7 – 1st wave: 2 Gap-Shots single file from the upper left spawn. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 3 of the lower spawns.

Note – To keep up with the Blackjacks you will most likely need to use the ejectors. I suggest waiting until one has just

passed you and another is just out of the spawn so that you take out both at the same time. Don’t use them too

much though because you still need cash to build turrets.

Round #8 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 of the upper spawns. Any long range weapons should focus on the Buzzers while the

other players chill (don’t worry, you won’t be bored for long). 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 of the lower


Round #9 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 of the upper spawns. Any long range weapons should focus on the Buzzers while the

other players chill (don’t worry, you won’t be bored for long). 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 of the lower


Note – Try not to use juice on the Jackbots. Save it for Bullseye

Round #10 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 of the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 1 Jackbot from 1 lower and 2 Jackbots single file

from a 2nd lower spawn. Grapples work wonders here.

Bullseye – Once Bullseye appears, pop juice and taunt (the first time you taunt while juiced you get $100 instead of the

usual $5) and get to work on making him miserable.

Note – Your focus on mixed rounds must always be upper spawned bots first, then heavier armored bots on the lower

level, then, finally the Slims.

Round #11 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 upper spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from 2 and 6 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #12 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 upper spawns. 2nd wave: 6 Blackjacks from 2 and 6 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

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Round #13 – 1st wave: 6 Blackjacks with 2 Gremlins, 6 Blackjacks with 2 Bouncers, and 6 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

You want at least 1 bot killer on the Bouncers. If you have a second bot killer have them start with the Gremlins

and then help out the 3rd player. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #14 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 upper spawns. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #15 – 1st wave: 3 Buzzers from 2 upper spawns. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #16 – 1st wave: 6 Blackjacks with 2 Gremlins, 6 Blackjacks with 2 Bouncers, and 6 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #17 – 1st wave: 6 Blackjacks with 2 Gremlins, 6 Blackjacks with 2 Bouncers, and 6 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #18 – 1st wave: 6 Blackjacks with 2 Gremlins, 6 Blackjacks with 2 Bouncers, and 6 Blackjacks from the lower spawns.

2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #19 – 1st wave: 2 Gremlins from 1 and 4 Gremlins from a 2nd lower spawn. 2nd wave: 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Slims

from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #20 – 1st wave: 1 Bouncer from 1 and 2 Bouncers single file from a 2nd lower spawn. 3 Buzzers from 2 upper spawns.

2nd wave: 2 Jackbots single file from one and 1 Jackbot from a 2nd lower spawn. A least 1 bot killer (preferably

an Assassin) needs to be in the front with the 2 Jackbots. As soon as the front Jackbot appears, have the front

player pop juice and kill it as fast as they can. If there is a 2nd bot killer, they should be taking out the single

Jackbot with the 3rd player backing up the front bot killer.

Bullseye – If you can, try to trap Bullseye either between the 3 of you, or against one of the front walls holding up the

raised platform. This will make it easier to get tons of money from him.

Round #21 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 2 Gap-Shots and 3 Buzzers from the upper spawns. The keys here are having your bot killer(s) wipe out

the Gap-Shots first, the Bouncers second, and Gremlins pronto. Then finish off the stragglers. 2nd wave: 30

Slims from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #22 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 30 Slims from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #23 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 30 Slims from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #24 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 30 Slims from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #25 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 2 Gap-Shots and 3 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #26 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #27 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #28 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from the 3 lower spawns.

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Round #29 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 3 Buzzers from an upper spawn. 2nd wave: 16 Blackjacks from the 3 lower spawns.

Round #30 – 1st wave: 30 Slims with 2 Bouncers, 30 Slims with 4 Gremlins, and 30 Slims with 4 Scramblers from the lower

spawns. 2 Gap-Shots and 3 Buzzers from the upper spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Jackbots single file from 1 and 2

Jackbots single file from a 2nd lower spawn. Have your bot killers go to town. If you have a Support use what air

strikes you have on the front spawned Jackbots and keep any Assassins healed. Note: Try to have 1 player

remain as close to the annihilator as they can. Once the second set of Jackbots hit the floor, use the annihilator

and join the others in death and destruction.

Bullseye – You go girl (if you are offended by that statement then my work here is done).

Round #31 – 45 Buzzers from 2 of the upper spawns.

Note – Make sure that a bot killer is on one of the upper ledges before the next round.

Round #32 – 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 2 Scramblers from the lower spawns. 1 Gap-Shot from both upper spawns. The

upper spawn bot killer should first use their short range weapon on the nearest Gap-Shot, then switch to their

long range weapon and engage the second. Like always, any other bot killers should work out their aggression

first on the Bouncers, then everything else in the universe.

Round #33 – 1st wave: 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2Bouncers, 4 Gremlins,

and 2 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #34 – 1st wave: 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2Bouncers, 4 Gremlins,

and 2 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #35 – 1st wave: 2 groups of 3 Buzzers from the front left and front right spawns. 2nd wave: 2Bouncers, 4 Gremlins,

and 2 Scramblers from the lower spawns.

Round #36 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers and 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns. 1 Gap-Shot from both upper spawns. 2nd wave: 8

Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #37 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers and 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns. 4 Buzzers from an upper spawns 2nd wave: 8

Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #38 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers and 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns. 4 Buzzers from an upper spawns 2nd wave: 8

Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #39 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers and 4 Gremlins from the lower spawns. 4 Buzzers from an upper spawns 2nd wave: 8

Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 of the lower spawns.

Round #40 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers, 4 Gremlins, and 4 Scramblers from the lower spawns. 1 Gap-Shot from both upper

spawns. 2nd wave: 3 Jackbots single file from the front spawn. 2 Jackbots single file from a 2nd lower spawn.

Bullseye – You are almost there so don’t worry, Bullseye can take it.

Round #41 – 1 Gap-Shot from each lower and 1 upper spawn.

Round #42 – 9 Buzzers from each lower and 1 upper spawn.

Round #43 – 2 Bouncers single file from 1 and 4 Gremlins from a 2nd lower spawn.

Round #44 – 30 Slims from each lower spawn.

Round #45 – 8 Blackjacks from each lower spawn.

Round #46 – 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 lower spawn.

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Round #47 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers single file from 1 lower spawn. 2nd wave: 4 Gremlins from each lower spawn. 3rd wave: 30

Slims from each lower spawn.

Round #48 – 8 pairs of Blackjacks from each lower spawn.

Round #49 – 8 Blackjacks from 2 and 8 Blackjack / Scrambler pairs from 1 lower spawn.

WARNING: – To say that this is where things get a little interesting would be somewhat of an understatement. I highly, highly,

highly recommend that everyone saves juice for the 2nd wave. Unless the Jackbots are nearly all cleared out,

everyone should be heading back to buy juice before theirs wears off. Speed will be the key to keeping your

shields and / or turrets from going down here.

Round #50 – 1st wave: 2 Bouncers and 4 Gremlins from 2 of the lower spawns. 2 Gap-Shots from each of the upper spawns.

2nd wave: 3 Jackbots from 1, 2 Jackbots from a 2nd, and 1 Jackbot from the 3rd lower spawns. 1 Jackbot from the

upper left spawn. Have someone who is very fast at killing Jackbots (a very experienced Assassin) take the jump

pad to the upper left spawn. The upper player should hit their juice as they are being hurled bodily thru the air

to the upper Jackbot so that they can immediately jump over the Jackbots slam (If they are using an Assassin

they should use their cloak to keep the Jackbot from slamming them off). The other 2 players should be using

the run up and away technique to keep the lower Jackbots slamming so that they do not shoot at your stuff.

Note: The Tanks Product Grenade is awesome here. As soon as the Jackbots emerge, 1 player should hit the

annihilator (this will help get the upper player back down faster to help manage the craziness) before joining the

others in their fun.

Bullseye – Now you understand the pre match list a little better don’t you. But wait there’s more. For a limited time only

(ok so it’s not really limited) you get to receive at no additional cost (except your sanity) a bunch more Jackbot

rounds. Stay tuned after Bullseye for more.

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Appendix 1

Appendix A – Glossary Active Skills – The yellow (Y), blue (X), and red (B) buttons on the controller are used to activate one of 3 unique

class options.

Air Strike – An upgradable Support skill. Calls in missiles to hit the designated area or person. Like the Assaults “Bomb” the Air Strike can be attached to bots and enemy clones. A “Ground Zero” signifies that the Air Strike has been successfully attached to something. Moving under walkways causes the Air Strike to hit the walkway and not the target. Upgrading the skill gives the clone 1 additional Air Strike per upgrade up to 3 Air Strikes and each upgrade increases the size of the strike area. Air Strikes are particularly effective against groups of bots (especially low armor bot such as Slims and Gremlins. A single Air Strike can take out an entire group if placed and timed correctly.

Annihilator – A special weapon that resides above the arena. By purchasing the annihilator pad (circle with an exclamation point surrounded by 2 lightning bolts), the annihilator actuates killing all non-Jackbot bots and significantly reducing the hit points (HP) of any Jackbots on the floor. Once purchased the annihilator must recharge before it can be used again. The annihilator symbol turns from red to green when fully recharged.

Assassin – One of the six class types that players can choose from when playing Monday Night Combat. The Assassin is a light class known for its deadly grapple, speed, and smoke bomb which blinds bots and enemy pro’s and allows the Assassin to leap extremely high.

Assault – One of the six class types that players can choose from when playing Monday Night Combat. The Assault is a medium class known for its ability to fly for short periods of time, its bomb skill which can attach a bomb onto an enemy pro or bot in most cases killing the target immediately.

Assault Charge – An Assault Skill where the Assault uses his jets to speed forward, damaging any bots or enemy clones in his path. Upgrading causes the Assault to inflict additional damage. When upgraded to level 3, the Assault will grapple any enemies he hits with the charge and will use his weapon to knock them away. Hitting enemies causes additional damage and may knock them out of the arena.

Assault Rifle – Primary weapon for the Assault class. The Assault Rifle is a high rate of fire, small clip size (so that’s what the kids are calling it these days) weapon. Upgrading the Assault Rifle adds a bonus to its critical shot chance and the amount of damage that each critical shot inflicts. These bonuses are in addition to any sponsor bonuses.

Bacon – Everything is better with Bacon. A power-up that immediately gives your clone Gold level sponsorship for all 10 endorsements simultaneously. Bacon is lost when the clone dies.

Blackjack – Breach bot with medium level blaster and melee attacks.

Blitz – A series of matches in which differing bots advance from “bot spawns” to destroy the “Moneyball”. There are 6 types of blitz matches with differing objectives

Bomb – An upgradable skill for the Assault class only. Allows the clone to lay a bomb on the floor, attach the bomb to a wall, or Attach the bomb to a clone or bot. If the Assault “attaches” the bomb to another clone or bot, a significant increase in damage occurs. Any other clones or low level bots will be killed instantly from a triggered attached bomb. Jackbots have too many HP to be killed by an attached bomb but do suffer additional damage.

Bots – Computer controlled enemies which are in one of two categories: Breach Bots or Eliminator Bots.

Bot Spawn – One of 6 places on the Sudden Death map that generates bots (See Figure #6).

Bouncer – A heavy attack, heavy armor eliminator bot that can grapple clones.

Breakout – Term used to indicate what type and quantity of bot(s) is/are coming out of which spawn(s).

Breach Bot – Follow the lighted paths to the Moneyball. Breach bots will attack turrets and pro’s if they come within range but will continue on toward the Moneyball while doing so. The primary function of the breach bot is to destroy the shields surrounding the Moneyball.

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Appendix 2

Bullseye – The Monday Night Combat mascot. Bullseye cannot be killed but can be shot or hit causing him to drop money and/or power-ups. Grappling Bullseye will cause him to knock you back using his belly. After the specified time Bullseye falls over and disappears.

Buzzer – Eliminator bot with flying kamikaze ability.

Charge – An upgradable skill where the clone speeds forward causing damage to any enemy in its path. A charge that has been upgraded to level 3 causes the clone to grab onto any enemies in his path and launch that enemy away by hitting them with his weapon causing additional damage and possibly ejecting the enemy from the arena.

Churro – A power-up that is dropped by bots or Bullseye that replenishes some of both health and skill points.

Cloak – An upgradable skill that renders the Assassin nearly invisible. The cloak distorts the air around the assassin making them partially visible and makes a humming sound. The closer the Assassin is to an enemy pro, the louder and more visible the cloak is.

Clone – Player character. Called a clone due to the fact that there is no finite amount available to the player. when killed, clones will re-spawn after a set amount of time. Should the player have acquired bacon, it is lost once the clone dies.

Coin – A power-up that gives the clone an additional $6.

Consecutive Jackbot – A term used to describe when there are 2 or more Jackbot rounds in a row.

Controls – 1 of 4 pre-setup configurations for the controller. Changing to a different configuration will change the button layout and directions for the different axis of the controller.

Critical Shot – A single hit from either a projectile weapon (gun) or hand weapon (dagger) that causes double the normal damage to the clone or bot that is hit. Also one of the 10 status modifiers (endorsements) that can be applied to a clone. When the endorsement is chosen, the critical shot chance and the damage received by each successful critical shot hit are increased.

Dagger – The primary weapon used by the Assassin class. The dagger is a short, edged weapon which is replaced by the Katana when the Assassin skill is upgraded from 2 to 3.

Dash – An upgradable skill giving an Assassin a small burst in speed. A higher skill number reduces the skills usage rate and gives the Assassin more time in which to continue using the skill.

Death Blossom – A maneuver that causes the Tank to activate his Jet Gun and spin 360⁰ dealing extensive damage to any enemy clones or bots around the Tank. Performing a Death Blossom empties the weapon of all ammunition and causes an automatic reload. If the clip is not full when the Death Blossom is performed, the amount of damage will be less than if it had been. Killing an enemy clone with a Death Blossom while juiced awards the player the “Spin ‘n Juice” pro tag.

Deploy – An upgradable skill immobilizing the clone. When deployed, the clone gains a boost to accuracy and critical shot while all walking is disabled and side-to-side panning is reduced. While deployed, the clone can still use its jump jets (without jumping into the air) to damage enemies that approach it from the rear, catching them on fire. A level 3 deploy places a protective shield in front of the clones head preventing sniper headshot kills. The clone will still take damage from, but cannot be instantly killed by the “headshot”.

Ejector – An area on each map where, if the ejector pad is purchased for $50, a shockwave is triggered causing damage and knocking the effected target up and away. The direction the target is knocked is determined by where they are in relation to the center of the ejector. Turreted clones and Jackbots are not knocked away but still receive damage. The ejector can launch enemy clones and bots off of the map.

Ejector Pad – A designated point where an ejector can be activated provided that the clone has the required $50.

Eliminator Bot – Eliminator bots focus primarily on clones. Eliminator bots will attack the Moneyball if there are no clones within range.

Endorsement – Tiered status modifier. Gives the clone an increase to one of the 10 statuses (i.e. Armor) based on the level (Gold, Silver, or Bronze, with Gold giving the greatest boost) and sponsor (i.e. GobiNumb).

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Appendix 3

Firebase – A portable turret carried by the Support class. A Firebase can be placed anywhere that a standing clone can be. Should a Firebase be built on top of a turret nub, it will remain there once the turret has been built. If on a jump pad, it will be destroyed once the pad is purchased.

Flak – An upgradable Sniper skill that sends a flare out. The size and damage of the flare increase as the skill is upgraded. The flak also shows cloaked bots or enemy clones that pass within its area. The Flak does also damage the sniper who used it if he is within its damage area.

Flapjack – A term used to describe when a slam is performed directly over an opposing clone. The slam flattens the clone instantly killing them. A “Flapjack Master” pro tag is earned upon the successful execution of a flapjack

Fly – An upgradable Assault skill that allows the clone to be suspended in the air for short periods of time. The amount of time depends on how many skill points the clone has and the usage rate. The higher the skill level is, the lower the skill point usage rate, and the longer the flight time.

Gap–Shot – Eliminator bot that sends mortars to attack clones and turrets.

Grapple – An upgradable skill for the Gunner and Sniper classes that allows the clone to grab an enemy target and slam them to the ground causing the target damage. A fully upgraded grapple will cause the clone to finish the grapple by hitting the target with their weapon, sending the target flying away. Sometimes a level 3 grapple will eject the target from the arena. Other classes can also grapple opponents but not with the ability to upgrade its effectiveness.

Gremlin – Eliminator bot with cloaking ability.

Grenade Launcher – Secondary weapon for the Assault class. The grenade launcher hurls exploding grenades. Grenades can ricochet off walls and bounce off the ground to hit targets that are out of the Assaults line-of-site.

Gunner – One of the six class types that players can choose from when playing Monday Night Combat. The Gunner has the second highest amount of native armor of all 6 classes allowing him to go toe-to-toe with heavy bots even without bacon. The Gunners heavy short and long range weapons do significant damage to even the mighty Jackbot making him an ideal choice when playing Sudden Death.

Hack – An upgradable Support skill that allows him to improve the range and rate of fire of friendly turrets. Upgrading to level 2 reduces the hack time and increases the amount of time that the turrets stay in their hacked state. Upgrading to level 3 further reduces the time it takes to hack and allows the Support to take control of enemy turrets (the time to hack enemy turrets is longer than the time it takes to hack friendly turrets).

Head Shot – A headshot is awarded when a Sniper hits an opposing clone in the head while using the Sniper Rifle. The clone is immediately killed regardless of how many hit points remain. A fully upgraded deploy skill places a shield in front of that players head preventing head shots. The clone will however still take damage from the shot, even in this state. A head shot that is made without the Sniper looking through the scope is called a “quick scope”.

Heal / Hurt Gun – Primary weapon for the Support class. Pressing the right trigger when in range of friendly clones, bots, or turrets causes a beam to extend from the weapon to the target. Anything that is hit by the beam (leashed) begins filling up hit points (HP). When full, if the beam is kept on the target, the target will become over-healed (health bar will begin to be filled with a white bar instead of a green bar) up to 200% of the targets maximum health. If the leash is removed from the target, the over-healing will slowly dissipate until the target is at 100% health. Leashing a target also mitigates fire damage. Pressing the left trigger when in range of enemy clones, bots, or turrets causes a red beam to extend from the weapon damaging the leashed target.

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Appendix 4

Health Bar – Gauge showing the amount of hit points (HP) that remains. As the amount of HP reaches 0, the color of the bar changes from green to yellow, and then from yellow to red. If over-healed by a Support, the bar becomes white on the percentage of health that is greater than 100%. Over-healing dissipates after a short time even if no damage is received. The Moneyball cannot be healed by the Support and neither the Moneyball nor Jackbots can be over-healed.

Hit Points (HP) – The amount of life that a clone, bot, turret, or the Moneyball has. Hit points are denoted as “Armor” when attributed to clones. When the HP of something is reduced to 0, that thing is destroyed. In the case of clones, after a set amount of time the clone will re-spawn in its base. If no damage is received for a short period of time, anything with reduced HP will automatically start to regenerate it. The delay and rate is dependent on the type of target (i.e. clone class type, bot, or turret).

Jackbot XL – A super heavy breach bot with ground slam ability.

Jet Charge – A Tank skill where the Tank uses his jets to speed forward, damaging any bots or enemy clones in his path. Upgrading causes the Tank to inflict additional damage. When upgraded to level 3, the Tank will grapple any enemies he hits with the charge and will use his weapon to knock them away. Hitting enemies causes additional damage and may knock them out of the arena.

Jet–Gun – Primary weapon for the Tank class. The Jet-Gun is a short range high powered weapon that sends a stream of flame out in front of the tank. The continuous stream inflicts damage on anything within its range. Pressing the left trigger with the Jet-Gun selected will cause the tank to perform a death blossom empting the weapons ammunition clip and instigating a reload of the weapon.

Juice – Steroids for Monday Night Combat clones. Juice can be acquired by taking damage, inflicting damage (melee attacks gain more juice than projectile attacks), collecting Juice Box power-ups, and by buying it at designated Juice stations. Juice temporarily increases specific attributes greatly (Wikia,, 2011). To activate juice, press the “RB” and “LB” buttons at the same time (when using the standard controller setup).

Juice Box – A power-up that increases the juice gauge. Having “Juice” as one of the endorsements increases the amount received per box depending on the level of sponsorship.

Juice Station – One of two places where juice can be purchased for $500. The two juice stations in are located under the spawn below the two side exits. They are angled forward and toward the outer wall on both the left and right side. While juice stations in crossfire take time to reload when purchased, juice stations in Sudden Death and Super Sudden Death are always available should the player have the required money.

Jump Pad – A designated section of the arena that once activated (purchased for $50), Will launch any clone that walks on it, up and over to its landing area. There are two types of jump pads. One type of pad will launch the clone up to a higher level while the other type launches the clone across a gap to another walkway or area on the same level.

Katana – Primary weapon for the Assassin class. This weapon is originally the dagger but becomes the Katana when the “Assassin” skill is upgraded to level 3. Upgrading to the Katana mitigates all fall damage received by the Assassin.

Laser Blazer Turret – A Low cost, low armor, high rate of fire turret.

Long Shot Turret – A medium cost, low armor, high damage turret.

Melee Attack – An attack not using projectile weapons. A melee attack is performed by pressing down on the right joystick. This causes the clone to swing their weapon at the enemy instead of firing it. Using this type of attack gains the clone more juice than firing their weapon. Should a melee attack kill an opposing clone, a “Humiliation” pro tag is earned.

Mini–Gun – The mini-gun is the primary weapon for the “Gunner” class. As the mini-gun barrels spin up the weapons rate of fire increases while its damage decreases. When upgraded to level 3 the mini-gun gains an additional barrel doubling its rate of fire.

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Appendix 5

Moneyball – A suspended ball located within the players base. When the Moneyball shields are active, the Moneyball remains in the air. When bots either shoot at or jump on the Moneyball they damage its “shields”. When the Moneyball shields are destroyed, the Moneyball drops to the ground (Some damage to the Moneyball is taken at that time). When the Moneyball shields are down, it can take damage from enemy bots. If the Moneyball receives no damage for a 30 seconds, the Moneyball shields will become active again. The visual indication that the shields are in their weakened state is that the rectangular panels that make up the skin of the Moneyball expand away from it. A crunching sound also accompanies a weakening of the shields. The Moneyball has 3000 HP.

Moneyball Shields – Defensive cover over the Moneyball. The Moneyball will not take damage so long as its shields are in place. The Moneyball shields have 1000 HP. When in place the Moneyball is suspended in the air. When the shields take damage, portions of it separate from the Moneyball. Should the Moneyball not take any damage 30 seconds, the shields will activate (so long as there is more than 1 hit point of health left). Note: Should the Moneyball have only 1 hit point remaining, the shields will not raise and the Moneyball will remain in that state until the end of the game.

Mortar Launcher – Secondary weapon for the “Gunner” class. This is a high powered weapon that lobs motor rounds to a distant target. Upgrading the “Gunner” skill to level 2 adds an additional mortar round to each launch for a total of 2. Upgrading the “Gunner” skill to level 3 adds one more additional round for a total of 3 rounds every time the weapon is fired.

Multi–Jackbot – Term used to describe when there are 2 or more Jackbots in a single round.

Passive Skill – A skill that is always in use once purchased, without using SP’s or actuating any buttons.

Power–Up – An item that is dropped by a bot or Bullseye that increases either a status or the money of a clone.

Prestige(s) – Prestige’s are indications of experience. Every time a player reaches 100 levels, a bot symbol is placed before their name in the lobby. There are 8 levels of prestige in Monday Night Combat. Once the Jackbot prestige is awarded (after level 800), while the level number resets to 0, the symbol remains the same for each 100 levels afterwards.

Product Grenade – An upgradable Tank skill that launches a ball away from the Tank. Either when the ball hits a target or reaches a set distance from the Tank, it explodes. The explosion sends product information flying in a sphere away from the center of the explosion. Any clones hit by shrapnel from a product grenade are blinded with endorsements, Upgrading increases the radius of the explosion. A fully upgraded Product Grenade causes damage to the target as well as temporarily blinding them. Note: Clones while blinded by the Product Grenade can still move and fire.

Rail–Gun – Secondary weapon for the “Tank” class. The Rail Gun is a very long range, very high powered weapon.

Rockit Turret – A high cost, high armor turret that also deals very high damage.

Round – A single disbursement of bots. Can be in either 1 or 2 waves.

Round Matrix – A Microsoft Excel application designed to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses in Sudden Death.

RPM – Rounds per minute or the total number of bullets that would hit the target if continuously (without having to reload) shooting for 1 minute.

Scrambler – Breach bot with skill draining aura.

Shave Ice Turret – A heavy turret with high armor that generates a slowing aura. The slowing aura reduces the speed of any enemy clones or bots within its area and makes any clones or bots within its aura that are cloaked visible.

Shotgun – Secondary weapon for the Support class. The shotgun is a very high power, short range weapon. The amount of damage increases with the percentage of the shot that hits the target. The shotgun can hit multiple targets simultaneously dealing a solid amount of damage even when spread across 2 or 3 targets.

Shurikens – Secondary weapon for the Assassin class. Shurikens, like Assault bombs, can ricochet off walls dealing damage to enemies that are out of sight.

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Appendix 6

Skill Points (SP) – The amount of energy either remaining or required to use one of the 3 active skills. SP are shown using the rectangle bars around the clones skill display. Each skill has 10 bars with 10 SP per bar for a total of 100 SP’s for each skill.

Skills – Abilities that can be upgraded with money to improve the clones’ performance. The 2 types of skills are active and passive. Active skills must be activated by pressing one of the 3 active skill buttons (X, Y, or B). Once activated, that skill loses either some or all of the skill points depending on which skill is used. Most skills are unavailable until all of the skill points have recharged (skills such as “Fly” can be used without all of the skill points being replenished). Unavailable skills are lighter in color. Each active skill is surrounded by 10 skill bars. Each skill bar contains 10 skill points each for a total of 100 skill points. Skill points are regained on their own naturally depending on the skill and any relevant endorsements, and by eating churros which are dropped from killed bots and Bullseye. Passive skills (green (A) button) are always active once they are purchased. Upgrading a clones’ passive skill from level 2 to level 3 replenishes all of the clones’ health.

Slam – An upgradable Gunner skill where the clone jumps up and forces his body down causing a ripple of damage to spread out stunning and damaging bots and enemy clones. The duration of the stun and the amount of damage are dependent on the skill level. Should the clone perform a slam directly on top of an enemy clone, a “Flapjack” will be performed flattening the enemy clone and instantly killing them and a “Flapjack Master” pro tag will be earned. Enemy clones can jump over the slam thereby avoiding its effects.

Slim – A very light breach bot that attacks in groups.

SMG – Secondary weapon for the Sniper class. The SMG is a high rate of fire short range weapon.

Smoke Bomb – An upgradable Assassin skill that causes an explosion. The explosion produces a cloud of smoke and increases the jump height of the Assassin if timed correctly. An upgraded Smoke Bomb will temporarily blind any bots or clones within its area.

Sniper – One of the six class types that players can choose from when playing Monday Night Combat. The Snipers low native armor and low bashing power make him a difficult class to play sudden death with however, his traps and flack abilities when used properly can help immensely especially when used with other players in X-Box live sudden death matches.

Sniper Rifle – Primary weapon for the Sniper class. A highly accurate high powered weapon with the ability to zoom in on targets. When aiming the sniper rifle the Snipers visibility is limited. Hitting a clone in the head with a shot from the sniper rifle results in an immediate kill called a “head shot”. Tanks and gunners with a fully upgraded “deploy” skill are immune to headshots due to a protective shield being in place. A chance exists with the sniper rifle to get a head shot on an opposing clone without aiming by firing (right trigger) immediately after the left trigger (aim) is pressed. This action is called a quick scope. A level 3 adds explosive damage to the ammunition.

Speed Boost – A power-up that gives the clone a temporary increase in their base speed. Multiple speed boosts can be collected at the same time lengthening the duration of the boost.

Sponsor – There are 30 sponsors in Monday Night Combat. Each sponsor gives a specific boost to one of 10 clone attributes by way of endorsements. Sponsors are categorized into 3 separate tiers, Gold, Silver, and Bronze with Gold being the highest tier. A clone can only have 3 sponsors at a time, Those 3 sponsors must be set up as 1 Gold sponsor, 1 Silver sponsor, and 1 Bronze sponsor. The higher the sponsorship level, the greater the boost to the attribute it affects.

Sprintz Arena – The arena where the Exhibition, Season, Playoff, and Sudden Death matches take place. One major difference between the Sprintz arena and Crossfire arenas are the juice stations. Both Juice stations are just below the exit to the spawn and unlike in Crossfire, do not have a reload time.

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Appendix 7

Support – One of the six class types that players can choose from when playing Monday Night Combat. The Support is the medic of Monday Night Combat. The Supports primary function is to keep his team and turrets alive. The Supports ability to over heal clones and turrets as well as his ability to hack into turrets either to improve his own, or to take control of enemy turrets, makes him an indispensable member of the team. In blitz, the Supports firebase is an integral part of any successful game.

Survivitol Arena – The arena where the Super Sudden Death takes place. Dreaded for its very short bot paths and raised non-connected spawns which generate Buzzers, Gap-shots, and Jackbots.

Tank – One of the six class types that players can choose from when playing Monday Night Combat. The Tank is known for its firepower and excessive native armor. The Tanks heavy armor does reduce its maneuverability and speed. The tank is also equipped with jet packs and has very powerful offensive weapons.

Traps – An upgradable Sniper skill that places a marker on the ground. When a clone or bot come within range of the marker they are slowed or stopped. A fully upgraded Trap skill renders the target immobile and drains skill points from them for a short period of time.

Turrets – Defensive hardware that can be purchased to protect your base/Moneyball. There are 4 types of turrets varying in general purpose and utility. Turrets can only be built on unused active turret nubs (the Supports firebase does not require a turret nub but can be placed anywhere a standing clone can be.

Turret Nub – A designated place where a single turret can be built. When a turret is destroyed, a damaged turret base is visible and no new turret can be built there. After a set amount of time, the turret nub resets and a new turret can then be built.

Unit(s) – A measured distance equaling 1 pixel on the monitor. All distances are given in units to standardize them regardless of the display that is being used.

Upgrade – An option to use money to increase the statistics of either a clone skill or a turret.

Wave – A group of bots. A single wave of bots can come out of multiple spawns. Some fixed rounds have 2 or even. (3 waves are in Super Sudden Death Only) separate waves of bots.

Appendix B – Index

Note: Only instances where information about the listed term is given or when the term is significant to gameplay are indexed, not every occurrence of each term.

Note: Clicking on the page number will automatically take you to the page and section for the iteration of the selected term. (T) Denotes the “Title” page

Active Skills – A1

Air Strike – 12, 12, A1

Annihilator – 1, A1

Assault, Assault Skills Matrix, Assault (skill) – 13, 14, (14), (14), A1

Assassin, Assassin Skills Matrix, Assassin (skill) – 15, 16, (16), (16), A1

Assault Charge – 14, 14, A1

Assault Rifle – 13, A1

Bacon – 6, A1

Blackjack – 19, A1

Blitz – 1, A1

Bomb – 14, 14, A1

Bot(s) – 19, A1

Bot Spawn(s) – 2, 3, A1

Bouncer – 20, A2

Breach Bot – 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, A1

Bullseye – 5, A2

Buzzer – 19, A2

Charge – A2

Churro – 6, A2

Cloak – 16, 16, A2

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Appendix 8

Clone(s) – 6, A2

Coin – 6, A2

Controls – 5, A2

Critical Shot – A2

Dagger –15, A2

Dash – 16, 16, A2

Death Blossom – 9, A2

Deploy – 8, 8, 10, 10, A2

Ejector – A2

Ejector Pad – 3, A2

Eliminator Bot – 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, A2

Endorsement – 27, 28, 28, A2

Firebase – 12, 12, A3

Flak – 18, 18, A3

FlapJack – 8, 8, A3

Fly – 14, 14, A3

Gap-Shot – 20, A3

Grapple – 7, 8, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 15, 17, 17, 18, 18, A3

Gremlin – 19, A3

Grenade Launcher – 13, A3

Gunner, Gunner Skills Matrix, Gunner (skill) – 7, 8, (8), A3

Gunner Grapple – 8, 8, A3

Hack – 12, 12, A3

Head Shot – A3

Heal/Hurt Gun – 11, A3

Health Bar – 1, A4

Hit Points (HP) – A4

Jackbot XL – 20, A4

Jet-Gun – 9, A4

Jet Charge – 10, 10, A4

Juice – 24, 27, A4

Juice Box – 6, A4

Juice Station – 2, A4

Jump Pad – 2, A4

Katana – 15, A4

Laser Blazer Turret – 21, A4

Long Shot Turret – 21, A4

Melee Attack – A4

Mini-Gun – 7, A4

Moneyball, (Moneyball Shields) – 1, (1), A5, (A5)

Mortar Launcher – 7, A5

Multi-Jackbot – 22, 27, A5

Passive Skills – A5

Power-Ups – 6, A5

Prestige(s) – 6, A5

Product Grenade – 10, 10, A5

Rail-Gun – 9, A5

Rockit Turret – 21, A5

Round – A5

Round Matrix – 82, 88, 94, 101, 107, 113, A5

Scrambler – 20, A5

Shave Ice Turret – 21, A5

Shot-Gun – 11, A5

Shurikens – 15, A5

Skill Points (SP) – A6

Skill(s) – A6

Slam – 8, 8, A6

Slim – 19, A6

SMG – 17, A6

Smoke Bomb – 16, 16, A6

Sniper, Sniper Skills Matrix, Sniper (skill) – 17, 18, (18), A6

Sniper Grapple – 17, 18, 18, A3

Sniper Rifle – 17, A6

Speed Boost – 6, A6

Sponsor – 21, 23, 24, 25, A6

Sprintz Arena – 2, A6

Sudden Death – T, 1, A7

Supper Sudden Death – 1, 142, A7

Support, Support Skills Matrix, Support (skill) – 11, 12, (12), A7

Tank, Tank Skills Matrix, Tank (skill) – 9, 10, (10), A7

Trap(s) – 18, 18, A7

Turrets – 21, A7

Turret Nub – 2, 21, A7

Unit – A7

Upgrade – A7

Wave – A7

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Appendix 9

Appendix C – Printable Summaries

Sprintz Arena Summary

The Sprintz arena (see Figure #6) has 12 turret nubs (red markers), 4 jump pads (white markers), 5 bot spawns (black

markers), 3 ejector pads (blue markers), 2 juice stations (teal markers), 1 annihilator pad (purple maker), and 1

annihilator (yellow marker: the annihilator is located above the arena).

FL – front left; FR – front right; L – left; R – right; BL – back left; BR – back right.




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Appendix 10

Survivitol Arena Summary The Survivitol Arena (see Figure #8) has 12 Turret nubs (red markers), 6 jump pads (white markers), 5 bot spawns (black

markers), 3 ejector pads (blue markers with 1 below the annihilator), 2 juice stations (teal markers), 2 Support

Firebase locations (gold markers), 1 annihilator pad (purple marker), and 1 annihilator (yellow marker: the

annihilator is located above the arena).

L – Left; FL – Front Left; F – Front; FR – Front Right; R – Right.

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Appendix 11

Turret Summary Name: Characteristics: Level: View: Cost: Build / Upgrade Time: Health: Damage: Modifier: Interval: Range:

Turret Nub Build Location N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A


TurretInactive Nub N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Laser Blazer Low Direct Damage 1 $25 2 Seconds 1500 6 / Shot 0.2 Seconds 1408

Low Armor 2 $50 3 Seconds 3000 7 / Shot 0.2 Seconds 1664

Low Cost 3 $100 4 Seconds 4500 10 / Shot 0.2 Seconds 1920

Shave Ice Slowing Aura 1 $100 4 Seconds 5000 Speed 0.8x 2.5 Seconds 1408

High Armor 2 $200 5 Seconds 10000 Speed 0.75x 2 Seconds 1408

Moderate Cost 3 $400 8 Seconds 15000 Speed 0.6x 1 Second 1408

Long Shot High Damage 1 $75 4 Seconds 1000 60 / Shot 4 Seconds 3684

Low Armor 2 $150 5 Seconds 2000 60 / Shot 2 Seconds 4096

Long Range 3 $300 10 Seconds 4000 60 / Shot 1 Second 4608

Medium Cost

RockIt High Direct Damage 1 $150 7 Seconds 5000 160 / Shot 1 Second 1408

High Armor 2 $300 10 Seconds 8000 160 / Shot 0.75 Seconds 1664

High Cost 3 $600 15 Seconds 13000 160 / Shot 0.5 Seconds 1920

Power-Up Summary


COIN Each coin is worth $6 COMMON Regular bots, Jackpots, and Bullseye


Increases the amount of juice in the juice

gauge. Having "Juice" as one of the sponsors

increases the amount received per box.

COMMON Regular bots, Jackpots, and Bullseye


Grants a temporary increase to the base

speed of the clone. Several can be obtained at

the same time lengthening the amount of time

the clone is boosted.

COMMON Regular bots, Jackpots, and Bullseye

CHURROReplenishes a medium amount of Hit Points

and a small amount of Skil l Points.LESS COMMON Regular bots, Jackpots, and Bullseye


Gives gold level sponsorship on all 10

endorsement simultaneously. Remains in

effect until the clone is kil led.

RARE Jackpots and Bullseye


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Appendix 12

Skills Summaries

Skill regenerat ion +10 / Second +10 / Second +10 / Second

GUNNER DEPLOY D eployed spread 0 .8 x 0 .8 x 0 .8 x

D amage t aken 0 .75x 0 .75x 0 .75x

C rit ical damage + 2 % + 5%

Sniper headshot A ct ive A ct ive D isab led

Skill regenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

B ot st un durat ion 3 Seconds 3 Seconds 3 Seconds

Pro st un durat ion 5 Seconds 5 Seconds 5 Seconds

Pro st un speed 0 .5x 0 .5x 0 .5x

" F lapJack M ast er" damage 150 0 150 0 150 0

D amage 150 2 0 0 2 75

R ad ius 512 76 8 10 2 4

GUNNER GRAPPLE Skill regenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Grapp le at t ack # 1 50 50 50

Grapp le at t ack # 2 10 0 2 50 550

Grapp le vs. bo t s 2 0 0 0 3 50 0 50 0 0

GUNNER M ort ar count 1x 2 x 3 x

M ort ar rad ius 3 8 4 3 8 4 3 8 4

T he deplo yed Gunner do es

mo re damage, takes less,

and can’ t mo ve.

Gunner Skills Matrix

Symbol Skill Name and Description Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Increases mo rtar co unt,

splits mo rtar ro unds, and

replaces the minigun with a

dual minigun.


Gunners slam damages,

slo ws, and pushes enemies


Gunner grapple damages

o ppo nents and turns into a

thro w when upgraded.

Skill regenerat ion +10 / Second +10 / Second +10 / Second

R ange 76 8 76 8 76 8

Jet pack f lame damage - 10 - 2 0 - 3 0

TANK DEPLOY F lame int ervals 0 .5 / Second 1 / Second 1.5 / Second

F lame durat ion 5 Seconds 10 Seconds 15 Seconds

D amage reduct ion .75x

Healt h regenerat ion delay 0 .5x 0 .5x

Healt h regenerat ion durat ion 0 .5x 0 .5x

A mmunit ion regenerat ion 1 / Second

Skill regenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

D amage 10 0 150 150

R ad ius 2 56 3 8 4 150

St un durat ion 2 / Second 2 / Second

Grenade sp lit 4 x

JET CHARGE Skill regenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

D amage 150 2 75 3 0 0

TANK Healt h regenerat ion delay 0 .75x 0 .75x

M ax healt h +3 0 0

Tank Skills Matrix

Symbol Skill Name and Description Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Increases health and health

reco very.


P ro duct Grenade damages


Will blind enemies when


T he deplo yed T ank do es

mo re damage, takes less,

and can’ t mo ve.

C harging thro ugh enemies

will damage and kno ck them


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Appendix 13

Skil l R egenerat ion +1 / Second +1.5 / Second +2 / Second

Healt h 10 0 0 12 50 150 0

Pickup Skil l R ecovery +15 +3 0 +4 5

Shot Int erval 0 .1 / Second 0 .1 / Second 0 .1 / Second

D amage 15- 5 2 0 - 5 2 0 - 5

R ange 12 8 0 12 8 0 12 8 0

Healing aura rat e 10 % / Second

Healing aura rad ius 3 8 4

Skil l regenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Healt h 10 0 0 12 50 150 0

Pickup skil l recovery 15 3 0 4 5

Shot int erval 0 .1 / Second 0 .1 / Second 0 .1 / Second

D amage 15- 5 2 0 - 5 2 0 - 5

R ange 12 8 0 12 8 0 12 8 0

Healing aura rat e 10 % / Second

Healing aura rad ius 3 8 4

Skil l regenerat ion 1 0 .75x 0 .6 7x

D amage 2 50 0 2 50 0 2 50 0

R ad ius 2 56 3 8 4 512

Skil l Po int use 6 0 3 0 .5 2 0 .5

Support healt h regen delay 0 .6 x 0 .6 x

Passive bo t support aura 76 8 76 8

Support ed bo t f ire int erval 0 .75x 0 .75x

B ot damage reduct ion 0 .5x 0 .5x

Support max healt h + 2 0 0


T he F irebase will sho o t at

enemies and can be deplo yed



C alls in a R o cket strike fro m

the sky.

H acking increases the range

and f ire rate o f the target

turret .



Increases health and bo t

strength aura.

Support Skills Matrix

Symbol Skill Name and Description Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Skill regenerat ion +10 / Second +10 / Second +10 / Second

FLY Skill capacit y 10 0 10 0 10 0

A ct ivat ion cost 10 10 10

Skill Po int use 3 0 / Second 2 0 / Second 15 / Second

Skill regenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Skill capacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

D amage 10 0 2 0 0 3 0 0

R ad ius 2 56 3 8 4 512

D amage vs. t urret 3 3 0 6 6 0 9 9 0

D amage va. bo t 2 50 50 0 750

D amage vs. M oneyball 150 3 0 0 4 50

D amage when at t ached 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0

Skill regenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Skill capacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

D amage 150 3 0 0 3 0 0

D amage vs. bo t s 50 0 50 0  

Grapp le damage 4 50

Grapp le damage vs. bo t s 50 0 0

ASSAULT C rit ical shot chance + 2 % + 5%

C rit ical shot damage 1.15x 1.2 5x

Assault Skills Matrix

Symbol Skill Name and Description Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Increases jump height and

crit ical sho ts.


R emo te deto nated bo mbs

can be attached to enemy

players, turrets, and bo ts.

H o ver jets allo w the A ssault

to f ly fo r a sho rt t ime.

A ssault charges fo rward and

damages everything he hits.


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Appendix 14

C rit ical hit ( out o f cloak) 10 0 % 10 0 % 10 0 %

C rit ical hit mult ip lier 1.5x 1.5x 1.5x

C rit ical hit durat ion 0 .5 Seconds 0 .5 Seconds 0 .5 Seconds

M inimum visib il i t y range 2 4 0 0 - 10 0 0 2 4 0 0 - 10 0 0 2 4 0 0 - 10 0 0

C o lo r visib il i t y range 70 0 - 3 50 70 0 - 3 50 70 0 - 3 50

High visib il i t y range 2 50 - 150 2 50 - 150 2 50 - 150

Skil l Po int use 6 / Second 5 / Second 4 / Second

C loak regenerat ion +2 / Second +2 / Second +2 / Second

C loak st at ionary regenerat ion +1 / Second

DASH Skil l regenerat ion +10 / Second +10 / Second +10 / Second

Skil l capacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

Skil l Po int use 2 0 / Second 15 / Second 5 / Second

Skil l regenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Skil l capacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

Jump height boost 2 .5x 2 .5x 2 .5x

Jump boost durat ion 1 Second 1 Second 1 Second

Jump air cont ro l 4 x 4 x 4 x

Jump air cont ro l durat ion 4 Seconds 4 Seconds 4 Seconds

B ot st un durat ion 4 Seconds 4 Seconds 4 Seconds

Pro st un durat ion 1 Second 1 Second 1 Second

D amage t aken 0 .5x 0 .5x 0 .5x

D amage mod if ier durat ion 1 Second 1 Second 1 Second

Smoke b last rad ius 3 8 4 512 6 4 0

ASSASSIN Fall ing damage 0 .5x 0 .0 x

Kat ana N o N o Y esD ecreased fall damage.

D agger replaced with swo rd.

Symbol Skill Name and Description

Assassin Skills Matrix


Smo ke B o mb tempo rarily

blinds enemies aro und her.

Light and nimble, the

A ssassin can dash into o r

o ut o f a situat io n.


T he A ssassin relies o n her

clo aked armo r to avo id

being seen.

Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Skil l capacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

Skil l regenerat ion +2 / Second +2 / Second +2 / Second

Trap healt h 2 5 2 5 2 5

Trigger rad ius 2 56 2 56 2 56

Ef f ect ive rad ius 6 4 0 6 4 0 6 4 0

Trap arming t ime 3 Seconds 3 Seconds 3 Seconds

Skil l Po int use 6 0 3 1 3 1

M ax t raps 1 2 3

Slow durat ion 0 .5 Seconds

Slow movement speed 50 %

B ot / Player f reeze durat ion 0 .5 / 1.5 Sec 0 .5 / 1.5 Sec

Skil l degenerat ion - 1

D egenerat ion durat ion 1 Second

Skil l capacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

Skil l regenerat ion +3 / Second +3 / Second +3 / Second

D urat ion 5 Seconds 5 Seconds 5 Seconds

D amage int erval 0 .2 5 Seconds 0 .2 5 Seconds 0 .2 5 Seconds

D amage vs. t urret 3 x 3 x 3 x

D amage vs. p ro 12 .5 / Second 2 5 / Second 3 7.5 / Second

D amage vs. M oneyball 8 .2 5 16 .5 2 4 .75

D amage 2 5 50 75

R ad ius 2 56 512 76 8

Skil l capacit y 6 0 6 0 6 0

Skil l regenerat ion +4 / Second +5 / Second +6 / Second

Grapp le damage vs. Jackpot 2 50 0 2 50 0 2 50 0

D amage 150 2 8 0 4 50

D amage vs. bo t 2 0 0 0 3 50 0 50 0 0

SNIPER Sniper r if le penet rat ion Inact ive A ct ive A ct ive

Exp losive damage 10 0 10 0

Exp losive rad ius 2 56 2 56

Sniper grapples will spin o r

thro w enemies.



T raps will s lo w enemies,

keeping areas co ntro lled and

and pro tect Snipers.


Sniper thro ws o ut a F lak

Grenade that damages an

area fo r a t ime.

A dds penetrat ing and

explo sive sho t to the Sniper

R if le .

Sniper Skills Matrix

Symbol Skill Name and Description Attributes Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

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Appendix 15

Sponsors Summary

Endorsement Type Bronze Sponsor Silver Sponsor Gold Sponsor


Effect: +100 +200 +300

Clip Size

Effect: +40% Clip size +60% Clip size +100% Clip size

Critical Shot

Effect: +2% Critical shot chance +10% Critical shot damage

+3% Critical shot chance +15% Critical shot damage

+5% Critical shot chance +25% Critical shot damage

Health Recovery

Effect: 20% Less time to start regen 20% Less time to full regen

30% Less time to start regen 30% Less time to full regen

40% Less time to start regen 40% Less time to full regen


Effect: + 1/2 Juice pickup extra + 1 Juice pickup extra +2 Juice pickups extra

Reload Speed

Effect: -18% Reload time -26% Reload time -38% Reload time

Rate of Fire

Effect: +7% Rate of fire +14% Rate of fire +21% Rate of fire

Skill Recovery

Effect: -20% Recharge time -25% Recharge time -33% Recharge time


Effect: + 3% Speed + 8% Speed + 13% Speed

Weapon Accuracy

Effect: Accuracy +20% Accuracy +35% Accuracy +50%

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 16

Exhibition Blitz Summary

Class Total Players 1st Place Score Current Rank Current Score Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 340621 92106 4 30319 0.0012 % Overall 15958 3406 4018 N/A Class Gold Silveer Bronze

Gunner 137883 8251 4 6075 0.0029 % Gunner 5434 1379 4048 Gunner Rate of Fire Reload Juice

Tank 81200 7099 6 5912 0.0074 % Tank 5253 812 3878 Tank Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Support 97268 92106 4 30319 0.0041 % Support 15494 973 4055 Support Rate of Fire Juice Skill Recovery

Assault 154584 8144 8 5251 0.0052 % Assault 5133 1546 3827 Assault Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Assassin 133703 8798 11 5690 0.0082 % Assassin 5746 1337 3737 Assassin Juice Rate of Fire Armor

Sniper 81826 27413 10 5040 0.0122 % Sniper 5257 818 3721 Sniper Juice Armor Rate of Fire

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Sponsor BuildsPercentile

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3

Exhibition Blitz Turret Build Order

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL 1 2* SB 7 1 FR 3 BZ

2 1 FR 6* BLK 8 1 FR 25* SB

3 1 FR 25* SB 9 1 FL 6* BLK

4 1 FL 3 GM

5 1 FR 1 BN 10 1 FR 1 JP

6 1 FL 2 SC

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout


Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL 24 SB 7 1 FR 6 BZ

2 1 FR 1 2 BLK 8 1 FR 50 SB

3 1 FR 50 SB 9 1 FL 1 2 BLK

4 1 FL 6 GM

5 1 FR 2* BN 1 0 1 FR 2* JP

6 1 FL 4 SC

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout


Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL / FR 1 2* / 24 SB 7 1 FL / FR 3 /6 BZ

2 1 FL / FR 6* / 1 2 BLK 8 1 FL / FR 1 2* / 24 SB

3 1 FL / FR 1 2* / 24 SB 9 1 FL / FR 6* / 1 2 BLK

4 1 FL / FR 1 2 / 1 2 GM

5 1 FL / FR 1 / 2* BN 1 0 1 FL / FR 1 / 2* JP

6 1 FL / FR 2 / 4 SC

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout


Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL / FR 24 / 24 SB 7 1 FL / FR 6 / 6 BZ

2 1 FL / FR 1 2 / 1 2 BLK 8 1 FL / FR 24 / 24 SB

3 1 FL / FR 24 / 24 SB 9 1 FL / FR 1 2 / 1 2 BLK

4 1 FL / FR 1 2 / 1 2 GM

5 1 FL / FR 2* / 2* BN 1 0 1 FL / FR 2* / 2* JP

6 1 FL / FR 4 / 4 SC

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout



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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 17

Season Blitz Summary

Class Total Players 1st Place Score Box's Rank Box's Score Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 311860 33170 1 33170 1st Place Overall 11046 3119 6908 N/A Class Gold Silveer Bronze

Gunner 149974 9226 2 8831 0.0013 % Gunner 7832 1500 6793 Gunner Juice Rate Clip Size

Tank 83888 10195 10 8240 0.0119 % Tank 8240 839 6873 Tank Rate Clip Size Juice

Support 111484 33170 1 33170 1st Place Support 11046 1115 6997 Support Rate Juice Armor

Assault 139097 9640 5 7341 0.0036 % Assault 7214 1391 6210 Assault Juice Clip Size Armor

Assassin 100849 14067 7 8500 0.0069 % Assassin 8080 1008 6408 Assassin Juice Rate Armor

Sniper 62611 8264 9 7057 0.0144 % Sniper 8903 626 5956 Sniper Juice Armor Clip Size

Percentile Sponsor Builds

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3 4 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 2

Single and 2 Player Matches - Turret Build Order

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 7* SB 1 3 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

2 1 FR 3* BLK 1 4 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BZ / BZ

3 1 FR 7* SB 2 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

4 1 FL 3* GM 1 5 1 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

5 1 FR 1 BN 1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

6 1 FL 4 SC 2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

7 1 FR 3 BZ 1 7 1 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

8 1 FR 7* SB 1 8 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BZ / BZ

9 1 FL 3* BLK 2 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

1 0 1 FR 1 JP 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

1 1 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

1 2 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM 20 1 FR / R 1 / 1 JP / JP

2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout



Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 1 4 SB 1 3 1 FL / L 20 / 30 BLK / SB

2 1 FR 6 BLK 1 4 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ

3 1 FR 1 4 SB 2 FR / R 20 / 30 BLK / SB

4 1 FL 6 GM 1 5 1 FR / R 20 / 30 BLK / SB

5 1 FR 2* BN 1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

6 1 FL 8 SC 2 FL / L 20 / 30 BLK / SB

7 1 FR 6 BZ 1 7 1 FR / R 20 / 30 BLK / SB

8 1 FR 1 4 SB 1 8 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ

9 1 FL 6 BLK 2 FR / R 20 / 30 BLK / SB

1 0 1 FR 2* JP 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 8 GS / BN / GM

2 FL / L 20 / 30 BLK / SB

1 1 1 FL / L 20 / 30 BLK / SB

1 2 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 8 GS / BN / GM 20 1 FR / R 2* / 1 JP / JP

2 FL / L 20 / 30 BLK / SB

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout




2 3

1 4

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 18

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Shave Ice 3 4 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 2

3 and 4 Player Matches - Turret Build Order

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 1 3 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

2 1 FL / FR 3 / 6 BLK 1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

3 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

4 1 FL / FR 3 / 6 GM 1 5 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

5 1 FL / FR 1 / 2* BN 1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN

6 1 FL / FR 4 / 8 SC 2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

7 1 FL / FR 3 / 6 BZ 1 7 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

8 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

9 1 FL 3 / 6 BLK 2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 0 1 FL / FR 1 / 2 JP 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 1 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 2 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN 20 1 FL / FR / R / BR 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP / JP

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout



Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 1 4 SB 1 3 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

2 1 FL / FR 6 / 6 BLK 1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

3 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 1 4 SB 2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

4 1 FL / FR 6 / 6 GM 1 5 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

5 1 FL / FR 2* / 2* BN 1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / BN / BN

6 1 FL / FR 8 / 8 SC 2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

7 1 FL / FR 6 / 6 BZ 1 7 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

8 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 1 4 SB 1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

9 1 FL 6 / 6 BLK 2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 0 1 FL / FR 2* / 2* JP 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / BN / BN

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 1 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 2 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / BN / BN 20 1 FL / FR / L / R 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP / JP

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 20 ( 30 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout




2 3

1 4


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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 19

Playoff Blitz Summary

Class Total Players 1st Place Score Box's Rank Box's Score Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 233892 24588 1 24588 1st Place Overall 12044 2339 8526 N/A Class Gold Silveer Bronze

Gunner 102449 11543 3 10988 0.0029 % Gunner 9680 1024 8403 Gunner Rate of Fire Juice Clip Size

Tank 58141 11624 4 10454 0.0069 % Tank 9799 581 8397 Tank Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Support 89762 24588 1 24588 1st Place Support 12044 898 8647 Support Juice Rate of Fire Skill Recovery

Assault 80251 10645 3 9267 0.0037 % Assault 8564 803 7640 Assault Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Assassin 58976 11861 5 10411 0.0085 % Assassin 9592 590 7911 Assassin Rate of Fire Juice Armor

Sniper 31729 9594 12 8338 0.0378 % Sniper 8384 317 7139 Sniper Juice Armor Rate of Fire

Percentile Sponsor Builds

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 1 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 9 Shave Ice 2

5 Rockit 2 1 0 Shave Ice 2

6 Shave Ice 2 4 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

Playoff Blitz - Turret Build Order

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 1 2* SB 18 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 4 / 4 GS / BZ / BZ

2 1 FR 6* BLK 2 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

3 1 FR 25* SB 19 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

4 1 FL 3 GM 2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

5 1 FR 1 BN 20 1 FR / R 1 / 1 JP / JP

6 1 FL 2 SC

7 1 FR 3 BZ 21 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 0* BLK / BLK

8 1 FR 25* SB 22 1 FL / FR / L / BL 1 / 1 / 1 / 4 GS / GS / BN / GM

9 1 FL 6* BLK 2 FR / R 1 0* / 1 0* BLK / BLK

10 1 FR 1 JP 23 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 0* BLK / BLK

24 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 0* BLK / BLK

11 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 2 FL / L / BL 1 0* / 1 0* / 5* BLK / BLK / BZ

12 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM 25 1 FR / R / BR 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 26 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

13 1 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 2 FL / L / BL 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

14 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BZ / BZ 27 1 FR / R / BR 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 28 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 5 / 5 GS / BZ / BZ

15 1 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 2 FR / R / BR 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

16 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM 29 1 FR / R / BR 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FL / L 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB

17 1 FR / R 1 0* / 1 5* BLK / SB 30 1 FR / R 1 / 1 JP / JP

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time




Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout


9 10

11 12

4 5

7 8


3 22

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 20

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 1 4 SB 18 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ

2 1 FR 6 BLK 2 FR / R 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB

3 1 FR 1 4 SB 19 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 6 GS / BN / GM

4 1 FL 6 GM 2 FL / L 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB

5 1 FR 2 BN 20 1 FR / R JP / JP

6 1 FL 8 SC

7 1 FR 6 BZ 21 1 FL / L 7 / 7 BLK / BLK

8 1 FR 1 4 SB 22 1 FL / FR / L / BL 1 / 1 / 2* / 6 GS / GS / BN / GM

9 1 FL 6 BLK 2 FR / R 7 / 7 BLK / BLK

10 1 FR 1 JP 23 1 FL / L 7 / 7 BLK / BLK

24 1 FL / L 7 / 7 BLK / BLK

11 1 FL / L 7 / 14 BLK / SB 2 FL / L / BL 7 / 7 / 6 BLK / BLK / BZ

12 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 6 GS / BN / GM 25 1 FR / R / BR 7 (1 4 ) / 7 (1 4 ) / 1 4 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FL / L 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB 26 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 6 GS / BN / GM

13 1 FL / L 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB 2 FL / L / BL 7 (1 4 ) / 7 (1 4 ) / 1 4 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

14 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ 27 1 FR / R / BR 7 (1 4 ) / 7 (1 4 ) / 1 4 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FR / R 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB 28 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ

15 1 FR / R 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB 2 FR / R / BR 7 (1 4 ) / 7 (1 4 ) / 1 4 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

16 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 2* / 6 GS / BN / GM 29 1 FR / R / BR 7 (1 4 ) / 7 (1 4 ) / 1 4 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FL / L 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB

17 1 FR / R 7 / 1 4 BLK / SB 30 1 FR / R 2* / 1 JP / JP

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time




2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

2 1 FL / FR 3 / 6 BLK 2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

3 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN

4 1 FL / FR 3 / 6 GM 2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

5 1 FL / FR 1 / 2* BN 20 1 FL / FR / L / R 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP / JP

6 1 FL / FR 4 / 8 SC

7 1 FR / R 3 / 6 BZ 21 1 FL / FR / L / R 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK

8 1 FL / FR 7 / 1 4 SB 22 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 2* / 2* / 6 / 4 / 2 GS / GS / GM / BN / BN

9 1 FL 3 / 6 BLK 2 FL / FR / L / BL 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK

1 0 1 FL / FR 1 / 2 JP 23 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK

24 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2 / 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

1 1 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 2 FL / L / BL 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK

1 2 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN 25 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7

( 7 ) / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / BLK

( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB / SB

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 26 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 2* / 2* / 6 / 4 / 2 GS / GS / GM / BN / BN

1 3 1 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 2 FL / L / BL BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ 27 1 FR / R / BR BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 28 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2 / 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

1 5 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 2 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7

( 7 ) / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / BLK

( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB / SB

1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 2* GS / GM / BN 29 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7 ( 7 ) / 7

( 7 ) / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / BLK

( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB / SB

2 FL / L 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB)

1 7 1 FR / R 20 ( 30 ) / 1 0 (1 5 ) BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB) 30 1 FL / FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP / JP

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time




3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL / FR 1 4 SB 1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ

2 1 FL / FR 6 BLK 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB

3 1 FL / FR 1 4 SB 1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2* GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

4 1 FL / FR 6 GM 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB

5 1 FL / FR 2* BN 20 1 FL / FR / L / R 2* / 2* / 2* / 2* JP / JP / JP / JP

6 1 FL / FR 8 SC

7 1 FR / R 6 BZ 21 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 BLK

8 1 FL / FR 1 4 SB 22 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2* GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

9 1 FL 6 BLK 2 FL / FR / L / BL 1 4 BLK

1 0 1 FL / FR 2* JP 23 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 BLK

24 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2* / 2* / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ

1 1 1 FL / L 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 SB / SB / BLK / BLK 2 FL / FR / L / BL 1 4 BLK

1 2 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2* GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN 25 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 BLK

2 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 26 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2* GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

1 3 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 5 /

1 5BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK / SB / SB

1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ 27 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 5 /

1 5BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK / SB / SB

2 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 28 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2* / 2* / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 1 2 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ

1 5 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 5 /

1 5BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK / SB / SB

1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2* GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN 29 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 4 / 1 5 /

1 5BLK / BLK / BLK / BLK / SB / SB

2 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB

1 7 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 4 / 1 4 / 6 / 6 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 30 1 FL / FR / R / BR 4* / 4* / 4* / 4* JP / JP / JP / JP

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time




4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 21

The Scramble Blitz Summary

Class Box's Rank Box's Score #1 Score Total Players Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 1891 10144 21049 183710 1.0293 % Overall 16301 1837 10176 N/A Class Gold Silver Bronze

Gunner 37 9569 12208 72781 0.0508 % Gunner 10663 728 7771 Gunner Juice Armor Clip Size

Tank 1751 10144 21049 51523 3.3985 % Tank 16091 515 11329 Tank Juice Rate of Fire Clip Size

Support 186 9437 13525 60794 0.3060 % Support 11314 608 8708 Support Juice Armor Skill Recovery

Assault 22 8965 12798 51143 0.0430 % Assault 9336 511 6947 Assault Juice Armor Clip Size

Assassin 163 9608 18041 35904 0.4540 % Assassin 18041 359 8877 Assassin Rate of Fire Armor Juice

Sniper 61 6916 14064 13804 0.4419 % Sniper 8118 138 6299 Sniper Skill Recovery Armor Clip Size

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Sponsor BuildsPercentile

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Laser Blazer 3 5 Shave Ice 3

2 Laser Blazer 3 7 Rockit 2

3 Laser Blazer 3 8 Rockit 2

4 Laser Blazer 3 7 Rockit 3

5 Shave Ice 2 8 Rockit 3

6 Laser Blazer 3

The Scramble Blitz - Turret Build Order

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 40 GM 6 1 FL / FR 40 / 6* GM / BN

2 1 FR 6* BN 7 1 FL / FR 30* BZ

3 1 FL / FR 40 / 6* GM / BN 8 1 FL / FR 1 00 / 6* GM / BN

4 1 FL / FR 30* BZ 9 1 FL / FR 30 / 6* ( 6 * ) ( 1 2 ) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

5 1 FL / FR 40 / 6* GM / BN 10 1 FL / FR 30* / 1 2* ( 1 2* ) ( 24 ) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Bullseye Bullseye

5 7 8

1 2 6

4 3

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Appendix 22

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 40 GM 6 1 FL / FR / BL / BR 90 / 6 / 90 / 6 GM / BN / GM / BN

2 1 FR 1 0 BN 7 1 FL / FR / L / R 60 BZ

3 1 FL / FR / BL / BR 80 / 6 / 80 / 6 GM / BN / GM / BN 8 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 20 / 6* / 1 20 / 1 2 GM / BN / GM / BN

4 1 FL / FR / L / R 60 / 30 / 30 / 30 BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ 9 1 FL / FR 60 / 1 2* (1 2*)(24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

5 1 FL / FR / BL / BR 60 / 6 / 1 20 / 1 2 GM / BN / GM / BM 1 0 1 FL / FR 60 / 1 2* (1 2*)(24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Bullseye Bullseye

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 40 GM 6 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 90 / 6 / 90 / 6 / 90 / 6 GM / BN / GM / BN / GM / BN

2 1 FR 1 0 BN 7 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 60 BZ

3 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 60 / 3 / 60 / 3 / 40 / 3 GM / BN / GM / BN / GM / BN 8 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 20 / 6 / 1 20 / 1 2 GM / BN / GM / BN

4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 30 BZ 9 1 FL / FR / R 60 / 1 2 (1 2)(24) / 1 2 (1 2)(24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM ) / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

5 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 60 / 6 / 60 / 6 / 1 20 / 1 2 GM / BN / GM / BN / GM / BN 1 0 1 FL / FR 60 / 1 2 (1 2)(24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Bullseye Bullseye

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type (s)

1 1 FL 40 GM 6 1 FL / FR 90 / 1 2 GM / BN

2 1 FR 1 0 BN 7 1 FL / FR 60 BZ

3 1 FL / FR 80 / 6 GM / BN 8 1 FL / FR 1 20 / 1 2 GM / BN

4 1 FL / FR 30 BZ 9 1 FL / FR 60 / 1 2 (1 2) (24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

5 1 FL / FR 1 80 / 1 2 GM / BN 1 0 1 FL / FR 60 / 1 2 (1 2) (24) BZ / SC ( BN ) ( GM )

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Bullseye Bullseye

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 23

Sudden Death Blitz Summary

Class Box's Rank Box's Score #1 Score Total Players Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 3 4174 5013 170546 0.0018 % Overall 3517 1705 421 N/A Class Gold Silver Bronze

Gunner 1 3589 3589 75142 1st Place Gunner 893 751 187 Gunner Rate of Fire Juice Armor

Tank 5 2287 4060 51263 0.0098 % Tank 1785 513 393 Tank Rate of Fire Juice Clip Size

Support 2 4174 5013 75601 0.0026 % Support 2298 756 512 Support Skill Recovery Armor Juice

Assault 21 489 1063 59968 0.0350 % Assault 589 600 149 Assault Rate of Fire Armor Clip Size

Assassin 6 1507 5013 52478 0.0114 % Assassin 1323 525 253 Assassin Rate of Fire Armor Juice

Sniper 73 235 1284 29075 0.2511 % Sniper 483 290 138 Sniper Armor Clip Size Juice

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Sponsor BuildsPercentile

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 1 1 4 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 1 3 Rockit 3

1 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

2 Rockit 2 1 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 1 2 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 1 5 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 1 0 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 1 1 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 1 3 Rockit 3

9 Shave Ice 3 1 4 Rockit 3

1 0 Rockit 2 1 5 Long Shot 3

1 2 Rockit 2 1 6 Long Shot 3

1 2 Shave Ice 3 1 7 Long Shot 3

1 3 Rockit 2 1 8 Long Shot 3

Single and 2 Player Matches - Turret Build Order

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Appendix 24

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 2 1 8 Rockit 2

2 Rockit 2 3 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 1 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 1 0 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 1 1 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

9 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 3

1 0 Shave Ice 3 5 Rockit 3

1 1 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

1 2 Rockit 2 1 2 Rockit 3

1 3 Rockit 2 1 3 Rockit 3

1 4 Shave Ice 3 1 5 Rockit 3

1 5 Rockit 2 1 6 Rockit 3

1 6 Rockit 2 1 7 Rockit 3

1 7 Rockit 2 1 8 Rockit 3

3 and 4 Player Matches - Turret Build Order


7 8

1 2


6 5

4 3 11 10



16 15 17 18

8 9

1 2


6 5

4 3 12 15 11

14 13 17 18



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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 25

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL 7* SB 28 1 FR / R / BR 4 / 4 / 2 BZ / BZ / SC

2 1 FR 3* BLK 2 FR / R / BR 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

3 1 FR 7* SB 29 1 FR / R / BR 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

4 1 FL 4 GM 30 1 FR / R 1 / 1 JP / JP

5 1 FR 1 BN 31 1 FL / L 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

6 1 FL 2* SC 32 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

7 1 FR 3* BZ 2 FL / L 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

8 1 FR 7* SB 33 1 FR / R 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

9 1 FL 3* BLK 34 1 L / BL 4 / 4 BZ

10 1 FR 1 JP 2 FL / L 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

11 1 FL / L 3 / 7 BLK / SB 35 1 FL / L / BL 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

12 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BLK / GM 36 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

13 1 FR / R 3 / 7 BLK / SB 2 FL / L / BL 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

14 1 FL / L 3 / 3 BZ 37 1 FR / R / BR 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FR / R 3 / 7 BLK / SB 38 1 FL / L / BL 4 / 2 / 4 BZ / SC / BZ

15 1 FL / L 3 / 7 BLK / SB 39 1 FL / L / BL 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

16 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BLK / GM 2 FR / R / BR 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FL / L 3 / 7 BLK / SB 40 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP

17 1 FR / R 3 / 7 BLK / SB 41 1 FR / R 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

18 1 FL / L 3 / 3 BZ 42 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM

2 FR / R 3 / 7 BLK / SB 2 FL / L 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

19 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BLK / GM 43 1 FR / R 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

2 FL / L 3 / 7 BLK / SB 44 1 L / BL 5 / 5 BZ / BZ

20 1 FL 1 JP 2 FL / L 5 / 5 BLK / BLK

21 1 FL / L 4 / 4 BLK / BLK 45 1 FL / L / BL 5 ( 5 ) / 5 ( 5 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

22 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM 46 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 5 GS / BN / GM

2 FL / L 4 / 4 BLK / BLK 2 FL / L / BL 5 ( 5 ) / 5 ( 5 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

23 1 FL / L 4 / 4 BLK / BLK 47 1 FR / R / BR 5 ( 5 ) / 5 ( 5 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

24 1 FR / R 3 / 3 BZ / BZ 48 1 FL / L / BL 5 / 2 / 5 BZ / SC / BZ

25 1 FL / L / BL 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB 49 1 FL / L / BL 5 ( 5 ) / 5 ( 5 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

26 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 1 / 4 GS / BN / GM 2 FR / R / BR 5 ( 5 ) / 5 ( 5 ) / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FR / R / BR 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB 50 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 1 / 1 JP / JP / JP

27 1 FL / L / BL 4 ( 4 ) / 4 ( 4 ) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)

SB / SB / SB / SB BZ / BZ

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) GS

BLK / BLK BZ ( GS ) / BZ



Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

FL / FR / ( L or R ) 3 / 3

FL / FR 3 / 3 FL / FR / L / R 1 / 1 / 3 / 3

FL / FR 2 / 2

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 FL / FR 3 / 3

FL / FR / ( L or R ) 2 ( 1 ) / 2 ( 1 ) FL 1

FL / FR 3 ( 1 ) / 3

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)


BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) BZ ( GS ) / BZ



Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

FL / FR 3 / 3

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 6

1 / 1 / 3 / 3

FL / FR 2 / 2

FL / FR / (L or R) 2 ( 1 ) / 2 ( 1 ) FL / FR 3 ( 1 ) / 3

FL / FR / (L or R) 3 / 3 FL / FR / L / R

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 26

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL 1 4 SB 27 1 FL / L / BL 8 / 8 / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

2 1 FR 6 BLK 28 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 4 GS / BZ / SC

3 1 FR 1 4 SB 2 FR / R / BR 8 (8) / 8 (8) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

4 1 FL 8 GM 29 1 FR / R / BR 8 (8) / 8 (8) / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB

5 1 FR 2* BN 30 1 FR / R 2* / 2* JP / JP

6 1 FL 4 SC 31 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

7 1 FR 6 BZ 32 1 FL / FR / L / BL 1 / 1 / 2* / 8 GS / GS / BN / GM

8 1 FR 1 4 SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

9 1 FL 6 BLK 33 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

1 0 1 FR 2* JP 34 1 FL / FR / L 1 / 1 / 6 GS / GS / BZ

1 1 1 FL / L 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

1 2 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 4 / 2* GS / GM / BN 35 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

1 3 1 FR / R 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 36 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

1 4 1 FL / L 1 / 6 GS / BZ 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FR / R 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 37 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

1 5 1 FL / L 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 38 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 4 BZ / BZ / SC

1 6 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 4 / 2* GS / GM / BN 39 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FL / L 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

1 7 1 FR / R 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 40 1 FR / R / BR 2* / 2* / 2* JP

1 8 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ 41 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

2 FR / R 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 42 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

1 9 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 4 / 2* GS / GM / BN 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

2 FL / L 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB 43 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

20 1 FL 2* JP 44 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 9 / 9 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / GM / GM / BZ / BZ

21 1 FL / L 8 BLK 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

22 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 8 / 2* GS / GM / BN 45 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FL / L 8 BLK 46 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2 GS / GS / GM / GM / BN / BN

23 1 FL / L 8 BLK 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

24 1 FR / R / BR 1 / 6 / 6 GS / BZ / BZ 47 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FR / R 8 / 8 BLK / BLK 48 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 9 / 9 / 6 / 6 GS / GS / GM / GM / BZ / BZ

25 1 FL / L / BL 8 / 8 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB 49 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

26 1 FL / L / BL 1 / 8 / 2* GS / GM / BN 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7 SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) / SB

2 FR / R / BR 8 / 8 / 7 BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) / SB 50 1 FR / R / BR 2* / 2* / 2* JP

Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)


BLK (SB) / BLK (SB) / BLK (SB) / BLK (SB) GS

BLK BZ ( GS ) / BZ



Slim bot - SBGremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GSBouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 FL / FR 6

FL / FR / L / R 6 (1 2) / 6 (1 2) / 6 (1 2) / 6 (1 2) FL 1

FL / FR 6 (1 ) / 6

1 / 1 / 6 / 6

FL / FR 4

FL / FR / L / R 6

L / R 6 FL / FR / L / R

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)


BLK (SB) BZ ( GS ) / BZ



Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 1 2

1 / 1 / 6 / 6

FL / FR 4

FL / FR / (L or R)

Gapshot - GS

6 (1 2) FL / FR 6 (1 ) / 6

FL / FR / (L or R) 6 FL / FR / L / R

FL / FR 6

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 27

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 7 SB 27 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL8 ( 8 ) / 8 ( 8 ) / 8

/ 8 / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) /


2 1 FL / FR 6 / 3 BLK 28 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 4 / 4GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

3 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 7 SB 2 FL / FR / L / R / BL8 ( 8 ) / 8 ( 8 ) / 8

/ 8 / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) /


4 1 FL / FR 8 / 4 GM 29 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL8 ( 8 ) / 8 ( 8 ) / 8

/ 8 / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) /


5 1 FL / FR 2* / 1 BN 30 1 FL / FR / R / BR 2* / 2* / 1 / 1 JP

6 1 FL / FR 4 / 2 SC 31 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

7 1 FL / FR 6 / 3 BZ 32 1 FL / FR / L / BL 2* 2* / 4 4 / 2* 2*GS GS / GM GM / BN


8 1 FL / FR 1 4 / 7 SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

9 1 FL / FR 6 / 3 BLK 33 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

1 0 1 FL / FR 2* / 1 JP 34 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 /

6 / 6

GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ / BZ

1 1 1 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 3 / 1 4 / 7 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

1 2 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 4 / 2* / 1GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN35 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 5 / 5 / 7

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


2 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 36 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 2* 2* / 4 4 / 2* 2*GS GS / GM GM / BN


1 3 1 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 (1 0 ) SC ( BLK )

1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1/ 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ 37 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 (1 0 ) SC ( BLK )

2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 38 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 / 1 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 4 /


GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

1 5 1 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 39 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


1 6 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 4 / 2* / 1GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 40 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR2* / 2* / 2* / 2* / 1

/ 1JP

1 7 1 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 41 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1/ 6 / 6 / 3 GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ 42 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2GS / GS / GM / GM /


2 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

1 9 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 8 / 4 / 2* / 1GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN43 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 3 / 7 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 44 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2* 2* / 1 2 1 2 / 6 6 GS GS / BZ BZ / BZ BZ

20 1 FL / FR 1 / 2* JP 2 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 / 1 0 / 5 / 5 BLK

21 1 FL / FR / L / R 8 / 8 / 4 / 4 BLK 45 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


22 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN46 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2

GS / GS / GM / GM /


2 FL / FR / L / R 8 / 8 / 4 / 4 BLK 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


23 1 FL / FR / L / R 8 / 8 / 4 / 4 BLK 47 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


24 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 / 1 / 3 / 3 / 3 / 3 /


GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ / BZ48 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR

2* / 2* / 9 / 9 / 6

/ 6

GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

2 FL / FR / L / R 8 BLK 49 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


25 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL8 ( 8 ) / 8 ( 8 ) / 8 /

8 / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) /

BLK / BLK / SB / SB2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


26 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN50 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR

2* / 2* / 2* / 2* / 1

/ 1JP

2 FL / FR / L / R / BL8 ( 8 ) / 8 ( 8 ) / 8 /

8 / 7 / 7

BLK ( SB ) / BLK ( SB ) /


3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)

SB BZ / BZ / BZ / BZ


BLK ( SB ) BZ ( GS ) / BZ ( GS ) / BZ / BZ



Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 FL / FR / L / R 6 / 6 / 6 / 6

FL / FR / L / R 6 FL / FR 1 / 1

FL / FR 6 (1 ) / 6 (1 ) / 6 / 6

1 1 / 1 2 1 2 / 1 1

FL / FR / BL / BR 4

FL / FR / L / R 6 (1 2 )

FL / FR / BL / BR 6 FL FR / L R / BL BR

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)


BLK BZ ( GS ) / BZ ( GS ) / BZ / BZ

BLK ( SB ) JP / JP / BLK / BLK / JP / JP


Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

FL / FR / BL / BR 6

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 1 2

1 / 1 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 2 / 2

FL / FR / BL / BR 4

FL / FR / L / R 6 FL / FR 6 (1 ) / 6 (1 ) / 6 / 6

FL / FR / L / R 6 (1 2 ) FL / FR / L R / BL / BR

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 28

Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s) Round Wave Spawn # of bots Bot type(s)

1 1 FL / L 1 4 / 1 4 SB 27 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 /

7 / 7


/ SB / SB

2 1 FR / R 6 / 6 BLK 28 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 4 / 4GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

3 1 FR / R 1 4 / 1 4 SB 2 FL / FR / L / R / BL1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 /

7 / 7


/ SB / SB

4 1 FL / L 8 / 8 GM 29 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 /

7 / 7


/ SB / SB

5 1 FL / FR 2* / 2* BN 30 1 FL / FR / R / BR 2* JP

6 1 FL / FR 4 / 4 SC 31 1 FL / FR / L / R 1 0 BLK

7 1 FL / FR 6 / 6 BZ 32 1 FL / FR / L / BL 2* 2* / 8 8 / 4* 4*GS GS / GM GM / BN


8 1 FR / R 1 4 / 1 4 SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0 / 1 0 BLK

9 1 FR / R 6 / 6 BLK 33 1 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0 / 1 0 BLK

1 0 1 FR / R 2* / 2* JP 34 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR2* / 2* / 9 / 9 / 9

/ 9 / 9

GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ / BZ

1 1 1 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 6 / 1 4 / 1 4 BLK / BLK / SB / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0 / 1 0 BLK

1 2 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN35 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


2 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 36 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 2* 2* / 8 8 / 4* 4*GS GS / GM GM / BN


1 3 1 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR20 ( 20 ) / 20 ( 20

) / 1 0 / 1 0 / 7 / 7

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


1 4 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1/ 6 / 6 / 6 / 6GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ37 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR

20 ( 20 ) / 20 ( 20

) / 1 0 / 1 0 / 7 / 7

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 38 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 / 1 / 1 2 / 1 2 / 4 /


GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

1 5 1 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 39 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR20 ( 20 ) / 20 ( 20

) / 1 0 / 1 0 / 7 / 7

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


1 6 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN2 FL FR / L R / BL BR

20 ( 20 ) / 20 ( 20

) / 1 0 / 1 0 / 7 / 7

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 40 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2* JP

1 7 1 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 41 1 FL / FR / L / R 20 BLK

1 8 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1/ 6 / 6 / 6 / 6GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ42 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2

GS / GS / GM / GM /


2 FL / FR / R / BR 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 2 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0/ 1 0 BLK

1 9 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN43 1 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0/ 1 0 BLK

2 FL / FR / L / BL 6 / 1 4 / 6 / 1 4 BLK / SB / BLK / SB 44 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR2* 2* / 1 2 1 2 / 1 2 1


20 1 FL / FR 2* JP 2 FL / FR / L / R 20 / 20 / 1 0/ 1 0 BLK

21 1 FL / FR / L / R 8 BLK 45 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


22 1 FL / FR / L / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN46 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR

2* / 2* / 8 / 8 / 4*

/ 4*

GS / GS / GM / GM /


2 FL / FR / L / R 8 BLK 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


23 1 FL / FR / L / R 8 BLK 47 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


24 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR1 / 1 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 /


GS / GS / BZ / BZ / BZ

/ BZ / BZ48 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR

2* / 2* / 30 / 30

/ 8 / 8

GS / GS / BZ / BZ / SC

/ SC

2 FL / FR / L / R 8 BLK 49 1 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 4SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


25 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 7

/ 7


/ SB / SB2 FL FR / L R / BL BR 1 0 / 1 0 / 1 4 / 1 4

SC ( BLK ) / SC ( BLK ) /


26 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 1 / 1 / 8 / 8 / 2* / 2*GS / GS / GM / GM /

BN / BN50 1 FL / FR / L / R / BL / BR 2* JP

2 FL / FR / L / R / BL1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 / 7

/ 7


/ SB / SB

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Fixed Rounds)

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)



BLK ( SB ) BZ ( GS ) / BZ ( GS ) / BZ / BZ



Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Transition Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 24 FL / FR / L / R 1 2

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 FL / FR 2*

FL / FR 9 ( 2* ) / 9 ( 2* ) / 9 / 9

2* 2* / 24 24 / 2* 2*

FL / FR / BL / BR 6

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 ( 24 )

FL / FR / BL / BR 1 2 FL FR / L R / BL BR

B o t type(s) B o t type(s)


BLK BZ ( GS ) / BZ ( GS ) / BZ / BZ

BLK ( SB ) JP / BLK / JP


Slim bot - SB Gremlin - GM Buzzer - BZ Scrambler - SC Blackjack - BLK Gapshot - GS Bouncer - BN Jackpot - JP * - Single file Bots in () - At the same time

FL / FR / BL / BR 1 2

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout (Random Rounds)

Spawn # o f bo ts Spawn # o f bo ts

FL / FR / L / R 24

2* 2* / 24 24 / 2* 2*

FL / FR / BL / BR 6

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 FL / FR 9 ( 2* ) / 9 ( 2* ) / 9 / 9

FL / FR / L / R 1 2 ( 24 ) FL FR / L R / BL BR

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 29

Super Sudden Death Blitz Summary

Class Box's Rank Box's Score #1 Score Total Players Class #10 Score Top 1% Rank Top 1% Score Youtube Address

Overall 58 182 635 68629 0.0845 % Overall 451 686 104 N/A Class Gold Silver Bronze

Gunner 10 111 155 25144 0.0398 % Gunner 108 251 79 Gunner Rate of Fire Clip Size Armor

Tank 158 114 458 18069 0.8744 % Tank 373 181 110 Tank Rate of Fire Juice Clip Size

Support 30 182 635 27630 0.1086 % Support 319 276 114 Support Skill Recovery Armor Juice

Assault 68 82 130 18540 0.3668 % Assault 99 185 78 Assault Juice Clip Size Armor

Assassin 155 100 635 17507 0.8854 % Assassin 253 175 92 Assassin Rate of Fire Armor Speed

Sniper 158 70 179 8341 1.8943 % Sniper 109 83 79 Sniper Armor Skill Recovery Clip Size

Percentile Ranking Score Rankings

Sponsor BuildsPercentile

Turret # Type Build To Level Turret # Type Build To Level

1 Rockit 1 1 0 Shave Ice 3

2 Rockit 1 1 1 Rockit 2

3 Rockit 1 1 2 Rockit 2

4 Rockit 1 1 Rockit 3

1 Rockit 2 2 Rockit 3

2 Rockit 2 3 Rockit 3

3 Rockit 2 5 Rockit 3

4 Rockit 2 6 Rockit 3

5 Rockit 2 7 Rockit 3

6 Rockit 2 8 Rockit 3

7 Rockit 2 4 Rockit 3

8 Rockit 2 1 1 Rockit 3

9 Shave Ice 3 1 2 Rockit 3

2 Player Match — Turret Build Order






5 4


8 6





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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 30

R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s) R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s)

1 1 7 SB 25 2 8 BLK

2 1 7 SB 26 1 1 BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

3 1 7 SB 2 8 BLK

4 1 4 BLK 27 1 1 BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

5 1 4 BLK 2 8 BLK

6 1 7 / 7 / 4 SB / SB / BLK 28 1 1 BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

7 1 1 GS 2 8 BLK

2 4 BLK 29 1 1 BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

8 1 1 BZ 2 8 BLK

2 4 BLK 30 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

9 1 1 BZ 2 2* JP


1 0 1 1 BZ 31 1 1 5 BZ

2 1 JP 32 1 1 / 1 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS ]

33 1 1 BZ

1 1 1 1 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 34 1 1 BZ

1 2 1 1 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 35 1 1 BZ

1 3 1 1 BN 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 36 1 1 / 2 / 2 BN / GM / SC

1 4 1 1 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 37 1 1 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 5 1 1 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 38 1 1 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 6 1 1 BN 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 39 1 1 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 7 1 1 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 40 1 1 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ B Z ]

1 8 1 1 BZ 2 2* JP

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB

1 9 1 1 GM 41 1 1 GS

2 4 BLK / BLK / SB 42 1 3 BZ

2 0 1 1 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / [ B Z ] 43 1 1 / 2 BN / GM

2 1 JP 44 1 1 5 SB

45 1 8 BLK

21 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ] 46 1 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 1 5 SB 47 1 1 BN

22 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 2 2 GM

2 1 5 SB 3 1 5 SB

23 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 48 1 8 BLK

2 1 5 SB 49 1 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

24 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 50 1 1 / 2 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / [ GS / GS ]

2 1 5 SB 2 2* / 1 JP

25 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

Gremlin - GM Buzzer - B Z Scrambler - SC Blackjack - B LK Bouncer - B N Jackpot - JP / - separates each spawn ( ) - to gether [ ] - upper level

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

1 group from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

Bul lseye

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns 1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

Slim bot - SB Gapshot - GS

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

1 group from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the upper spawn

Bul lseye3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

1group from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

Single Player Match - Bot Spawn BreakoutSpawn(s) Spawn(s)

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

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The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 31

R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s) R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s)

1 1 1 4 SB 25 2 1 6 BLK

2 1 1 4 SB 26 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

3 1 1 4 SB 2 30 SB

4 1 6 BLK 27 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

5 1 8 BLK 2 30 SB

6 1 8 SB / SB / BLK 28 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

7 1 1 GS 2 30 SB

2 8 BLK 29 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

8 1 2 BZ 2 30 SB

2 8 BLK 30 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

9 1 2 BZ 2 3* JP


1 0 1 2 BZ 31 1 45 BZ

2 2* JP 32 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS ]

33 1 2 BZ

1 1 1 2 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 34 1 2 BZ

1 2 1 2 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 35 1 2 BZ

1 3 1 2 BN 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 36 1 1 / 2 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / [ GS ]

1 4 1 2 BZ 2 8 / 8 / 8 ( 8 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 37 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 5 1 2 BZ 2 1 6 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 38 1 2 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 6 1 2 BN 2 8 / 8 / 8 ( 8 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 39 1 1 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 7 1 3 BZ 2 8 / 8 / 8 ( 8 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 40 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS ]

1 8 1 2 BZ 2 3 JP

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB

1 9 1 4 GM 41 1 1 GS

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 42 1 6 BZ

2 0 1 2 / [ 2 ] BN / [ B Z ] 43 1 1 / 2 BN / GM

2 2* JP 44 1 30 SB

45 1 1 6 BLK

21 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ] 46 1 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 30 SB 47 1 1 BN*

22 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 2 2 GM

2 30 SB 3 30 SB

23 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 48 1 1 6 BLK

2 30 SB 49 1 1 6 / 1 6 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

24 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 50 1 1 / 2 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / [ GS / GS ]

2 30 SB 2 3 / 1 JP

25 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 1 / 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

Gremlin - GM Buzzer - B Z Scrambler - SC Blackjack - B LK Bouncer - B N Jackpot - JP / - separates each spawn ( ) - to gether [ ] - upper level

2 Player Match - Bot Spawn BreakoutSpawn(s) Spawn(s)

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

Slim bot - SB Gapshot - GS

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

1 group from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the upper spawn

Bul lseye3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

1group from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns 1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

1 group from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

Bul lseye

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

Page 233: The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Biltz Guide REV 1a

The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 32

R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s) R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s)

1 1 1 4 SB 25 2 1 6 BLK

2 1 1 4 SB / SB 26 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ]

3 1 1 4 SB / SB / SB 2 1 6 BLK

4 1 8 BLK 27 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ]

5 1 8 BLK / BLK 2 1 6 BLK

6 1 8 SB / SB / BLK 28 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ]

7 1 2* GS 2 1 6 BLK

2 8 BLK 29 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ]

8 1 3 BZ 2 1 6 BLK

2 8 BLK 30 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 2 / 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ GS / BZ ]

9 1 3 BZ 2 3 / 2 JP


1 0 1 3 BZ 31 1 45 BZ

2 2 / 1 JP 32 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GM / GM ]

33 1 3 BZ

1 1 1 3 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 6 BLK / BLK / SB 34 1 3 BZ

1 2 1 3 BZ 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 35 1 3 BZ

1 3 1 6 ( 2 ) / 6 ( 2 ) / 6 BLK ( GM ) / BLK ( BN ) / BLK 2 2 / 4 / 2 BN / GM / SC

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 36 1 2 / 4 / 4 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / GS ]

1 4 1 3 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 37 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 5 1 3 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 38 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 6 1 6 ( 2 ) / 6 ( 2 ) / 6 BLK ( GM ) / BLK ( BN ) / BLK 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 39 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 7 1 3 BZ 2 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 40 1 2 / 4 / 4 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / GS ]

1 8 1 6 ( 2 ) / 6 ( 2 ) / 6 BLK ( GM ) / BLK ( BN ) / BLK 2 3*/ 2* JP

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB

1 9 1 2 / 4 GM 41 1 1 GS

2 8 BLK / BLK / SB 42 1 9 BZ

2 0 1 1 /2 / [ 3 / 3 ] BN / [ BZ ] 43 1 2 / 4 BN / GM

2 2* / 1 JP 44 1 30 SB

45 1 8 BLK

21 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 2 / 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ GS / BZ ] 46 1 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 30 SB 47 1 2* BN*

22 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ] 2 4 GM

2 30 SB 3 30 SB

23 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ] 48 1 1 6 BLK

2 30 SB 49 1 8 BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

24 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ BZ ] 50 1 2 / 4 BN / GM

2 30 SB 2 2 * / 3* / [ 1 / 1 ] JP

25 1 3 0 ( 2 ) / 3 0 ( 4 ) / 3 0 ( 2 ) / [ 2 / 3 ] SB ( BN ) / SB ( GM ) / SB ( SC ) / [ GS / BZ ]

Gremlin - GM Buzzer - B Z Scrambler - SC Blackjack - B LK Bouncer - B N Jackpot - JP / - separates each spawn ( ) - to gether [ ] - upper level

3 Player Match - Bot Spawn Breakout

Spawn(s) Spawn(s)

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns


3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the upper spawns

Slim bot - SB Gapshot - GS

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

2groups from the lower spawns


3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the upper spawn

Bullseye3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2groups from the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the upper spawns 3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns 2 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

1 group from the lower spawns / [ 1 groups from the upper spawns ]



2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2groups from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 group from the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 groups from the upper spawns ]

Page 234: The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Biltz Guide REV 1a

The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 33

R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s) R o und Wave # o f bo ts B o t type(s)

1 1 28 SB 25 2 3 2 BLK

2 1 28 SB / SB 26 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

3 1 28 SB / SB / SB 2 3 2 BLK

4 1 1 2 BLK 27 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

5 1 1 6 BLK / BLK 2 3 2 BLK

6 1 1 6 SB / SB / BLK 28 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

7 1 2* GS 2 3 2 BLK

2 1 6 BLK 29 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ]

8 1 4 BZ 2 3 2 BLK

2 1 6 BLK 30 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 / 4 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

9 1 4 BZ 2 2 / 3 / [ 2 ] JP

1 6 BLK

1 0 1 4 BZ 31 1 60 BZ

2 1 / 2 / 1 JP 32 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 1 / 1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GM / GM ]

33 1 4 BZ

1 1 1 4 BZ 2 4 / 8 / 4 BN / GM / SC

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 34 1 4 BZ

1 2 1 4 BZ 2 4 / 8 / 4 BN / GM / SC

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 35 1 4 BZ

1 3 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 / 2 ] BN / BN / BN / [ GS / GS ] 2 4 / 8 / 4 BN / GM / SC

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 36 1 2 / 4 / 4 / [1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS ]

1 4 1 4 BZ 2 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 37 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 5 1 4 BZ 2 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 38 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 6 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 / 2 ] BN / BN / BN / [ GS / GS ] 2 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 39 1 2 / 4 / [ 4 ] BN / GM / [ BZ ]

1 7 1 4 BZ 2 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 40 1 2 / 4 / 4 / [1 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS ]

1 8 1 4 BLK ( GM ) / BLK ( BN ) / BLK 2 2 / 3 / [ 2 ] JP

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB

1 9 1 2 / 4 / 2 GM 41 1 2* GS

2 1 2 BLK / BLK / SB 42 1 12 BZ

2 0 1 1 / 2 / 1 / [ 2 / 2 ] BN / BN / BN / [ GS / GS ] 43 1 2* / 4 BN / GM

2 1 / 2 / 1 JP 44 1 60 SB

45 1 3 2 BLK

21 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 / 4 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ] 46 1 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

2 60 SB 47 1 2* BN

22 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 2 4 GM

2 60 SB 3 60 SB

23 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 48 1 32 BLK

2 60 SB 49 1 3 2 / 3 2 / 1 6 ( 1 6 ) BLK / BLK / BLK ( SC )

24 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 ] BN / GM / SC / [ B Z ] 50 1 2* / 4 BN / GM

2 60 SB 2 2* / 3* / 2* / [ 1 / 1 ] JP

25 1 2 / 4 / 2 / [ 2 / 4 ] BN / GM / SC / [ GS / B Z ]

Gremlin - GM Buzzer - B Z Scrambler - SC Blackjack - B LK Bouncer - B N Jackpot - JP / - separates each spawn ( ) - to gether [ ] - upper level

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

Bul lseye

Bul lseye

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [1 gro ups fro m the upper spawns]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the upper spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns 2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ] 3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [1 gro ups fro m the upper spawns]

2 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

Slim bot - SB Gapshot - GS

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 1 gro up fro m the upper spawns ]

3groups from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 Groups from the upper spawns

1 group from the upper spawn

Bul lseye3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ]

3 groups from the lower spawns

4 Player Match - Bot Spawn BreakoutSpawn(s) Spawn(s)

1 group from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns

1 group from the lower spawns

2 groups from the lower spawns

3 groups from the lower spawns / [ 2 gro ups fro m the upper spawns ] 3 groups from the lower spawns

Bul lseye

3 groups from the lower spawns

2 groups from the upper spawns

3 groups from the upper spawns

Page 235: The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Biltz Guide REV 1a

The Official Monday Night Combat Ultimate Blitz Guide REV 1a

Appendix 34

Appendix D – Strategy Guide Legal Information

Revision level nomenclature:

Non-finalized revisions – the upper case letter R (for revision), followed by the revision number. A lowercase letter b (for “build”), then the current iteration, and completed with the distributers assigned designator (i.e. R1b1a). Note: The lowercase letter “a” is reserved for the master set.

Finalized revisions – the word “REV” (all upper case) followed by a space, then the revision number, and lastly, the assigned distributors’ designator (i.e. REV 1a). All assigned distributor letters will be recorded in the master document for traceability. Each licensed distributor is expected to maintain their own separate records regarding any and all changes to their documents.

Changes to the documents wording, graphics, and/or information will be included in build changes only.

Changes to the document structure, the addition of sections, and/or organization will be included in both revision and build changes.

Strategy Guide Recorded Graphics:

All graphics that were recorded from game play were recorded by X-Box Live user boxsox using a Hauppauge HD PVR2 recorder (S/N: 11184626). Graphics retrieved from game play: Monday Night Combat title graphic, Monday Night Combat shield logo, Uber Entertainment trademark, ESRB rating, Unreal Technology logo, Sprintz Arena Aerial, Controller Set-ups, class graphics, weapon graphics, skill graphics, turret graphics, sponsor graphics, taunt graphics, Figure #1, Figure #2, Figure #3, Figure #4, Figure #5, Figure #7, Figure #8, Figure #9, Figure #11, Figure #13, Figure #14, Figure #14, Figure #16, Figure #17, Figure #18, Figure #19, and Figure #20.

Third Party Licensing:

Third party licensing will be authorized so long as the third party adheres to all pre-arranged conditions as stipulated in the relevant signed contract. Each third party will be assigned a specific designated letter unique to that distributor to maintain the separation of all intellectual property. All revision nomenclature must follow the standard set forth in the REV 1a master document. All third party revision information must be provided to the original author of the master strategy guide within 90 days of that document being released to the general public. All third party revision information must be properly cited and referenced, and will be documented by the original author in a master revision document to allow for traceability and to preserve all copyright and intellectual property rights. Note: is exempt from licensing for a single copy of the guide.

Note: The author of the master strategy guide does not ensure the validity or legal use of any information within guides that are not licensed.

Appendix E – References

Monday Night Combat Hands on Preview. (2010, June 19). Retrieved 08 09, 2013, from XBLA Fans:

Entertainment, U. (2010, January 15). Uber Entertainment - Crossfire Tutorial Video. How to play. Kirkland, Wa., U.S.A.: Uber Entertainment.

Kirson, D. (2011, May 19). Retrieved August 02, 2013, from

StarPilot. (2010, October 30). Sprintz Arena. Retrieved August 10, 2013, from

Wikia. (2011, January 01). Bots. Retrieved August 2, 2013, from Wikia:

Wikia. (2011, January 01). Endorsements(MNC). Retrieved August 02, 2013, from

Wikia. (2011, January 01). Retrieved August 02, 2013, from

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