Page 1: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers

The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking:Understanding Key Financial Concepts

Andrea O’Neal & Patrice MitchellInvestment Banking Program Managers

Page 2: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers

Your Goals

• Become familiar with major methods of analysis used by investment bankers

• Build your vocabulary for investment banking concepts and jargon

• Have a foundation for using / understanding more complex resources

• Become more prepared for banking interviews


Page 3: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers



Page 4: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers

Income Statement

• Summarizes revenue and expense streams related to business operations

• Used to evaluate health of company by determining profitability

• Snap shot of how efficiently company runs core operations

• Used as basis for future quarterly or annual projections in modeling


Page 5: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers

Balance Sheet

• Summarizes assets, liabilities and shareholder equity (capital) of a company

• Used to assess capital structure and financial health – what company owns vs. owes

• Used in valuation methods to determine true worth of a company


Page 6: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers

Statement of Cash Flows

• Summarizes sources and uses of company’s cash

• Cash categorized as operating, investing & financing

• Cash is lifeblood of company; used as basis for valuation (DCF)


Page 7: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers

Commonly Used Terms & Ratios


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Page 9: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers

Comparable Company Analysis


Page 10: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis


Page 11: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers

Other Common Terms for Every Rock Star IB Intern

Analyst Top Responsibility Explanation“Valuation” – (i.e. Comparable Company Analysis (“Comps”), Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Free Cash Flow (FCFF/FCFE) modeling

Financial analysis is at the heart of investment banking. Bankers build models to derive fair value of a company/asset based on several public, private and projected inputs

“Pitchbook / RFP” (Request for Proposal)

Presentation materials used for the purpose of attracting new clients or maintaining existing client relationships

“Live Deal” An active transaction where a client is pursuing a capital raising or M&A

“Roadshow” During a live deal, execs of the client may meet with prospective investors and sell the company’s unique investment story

“PIB” (Public Information Book) Compilation of a client’s publicly available information for banking teams’ internal use

“Prospectus” or “Red” Official deal document filed with the SEC 11

Page 12: The Nuts & Bolts of Investment Banking: Understanding Key Financial Concepts Andrea O’Neal & Patrice Mitchell Investment Banking Program Managers

Preparation ResourcesThere are several ways for students to increase their candidacy for IB internships:

Increase market & industry knowledge. Actively learn terms, read financial news & form a unique opinion (not just copycat sound bites) to demonstrate understanding Beef up on technical ability. Take accounting & finance courses; hone excel, quick math and critical thinking skills Gain practical experience. Join business/finance focused campus groups, take a leadership role to put skills in practice Understand personal strengths. Be able to identify type of banking role that is the best fit; be able to concisely summarize personal strengths, experiences and assets that align with a great candidate for banking 12

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