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The Motivation Equation in the classroom

NED talk:

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What can we know about the students we teach? ► Their families and cultures ► Their affinities, temperaments, interests ► Their experiences out of school ► Their previous academic experiences Ask yourself ► How can you build on what you are learning about your students?


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1. Make Sure you We’re OK.

In Which Teachers Make It Safe to Risk a Try

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What gives learners a sense of safety and well-being? ► Enough sleep and nourishment ► Good health ► A distraction-free setting ► Group norms of trust and respect ► “Just-right” challenges, not too easy and not too hard ► A culture of learning from mistakes Ask yourself ► Have you ever stopped yourself before asking a question you thought might make you look dumb?


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2. See That It Matters

In Which Students Discover a Reason to Care

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Some reasons to care about a challenge ► The topic connects to our experiences, interests, or deep-seated affinities. ► We see the subject of study as useful to us, now or in the future. ► We admire someone who does that thing or we want to be part of the group that’s involved. ► The challenge helps us build relationships with others. ► We get to choose work and demonstration modes in which we expect success. ► The interest and commitment of an enthusiastic teacher draws us in.

Ask yourself ► What kind of things give you a reason to care about learning something, when otherwise you’re not that interested?

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3. Keep it active

In Which Fun, Play, and Surprise Create a Culture of Curiosity

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What makes a task fun, playful, or surprising? ► New and novel situations ► Competition ► Games of imagination ► Role-playing ► Puzzles ► Uncertainty ► Unexpected outcomes Ask yourself ► When has a playful or exciting situation helped draw you in, spark your curiosity, and keep you learning?

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4. Get Us to Stretch

In Which Students See in Different Ways and Reach Beyond Their Grasp

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What helps us see in different ways and reach beyond our grasp? ► Breaking projects down into manageable steps ► Pooling ideas with peers ► Imagining what it would be like to walk in someone else’s shoes ► Working backward or analyzing a problem from different vantage points ► Consulting experts

Ask yourself ► How have you learned from your peers, your students, or those outside your school?

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5. Act Like a Coach

In Which Teachers Guide Practice and Reinforce New Skills

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How do you guide someone’s practice and reinforce new knowledge and skills? ► Frequent, low-stakes quizzes ► Sensory associations with new knowledge and skills ► Sorting through and making sense of ill-structured material ► Action tasks with tangible results, linked to specific goals ► Timely, user-friendly feedback, including suggestions for next steps

Ask yourself ► What do you need to do to make sure you internalize new knowledge and skills?

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6. Ask Us to Use It

In Which Students Explain, Teach, Present, and Perform What They Learn

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What can learners do to apply and use new knowledge and skills? ► Explain new concepts and teach new skills to others ► Adopt and defend a position based on new knowledge ► Present or perform material based on new knowledge or skills ► Publish or exhibit work that requires new knowledge or skills

Ask yourself ► How do you know you have really taken ownership of new skills or knowledge?

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7. Give Us Time to Reflect

In Which Students Think Back on Their Learning and Growth

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What should learners reflect upon? ► What they learned and how they might apply it in their lives ► How they learned, and which strategies worked best for them ► How new learning is connected with—or built on—prior learning ► How they have changed after acquiring new skills and knowledge

Ask yourself ► Have you ever realized something new about yourself only after looking back upon a learning experience that had concluded?

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8. Have Us Make Plans

In Which Students Figure Out Where to Go Next

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