Page 1: THE METAPHYSICS OF CREATIVITY By LYNDA EXLEY …...THE METAPHYSICS OF CREATIVITY ... of the requirements for the degree of . MASTER OF METAPHYSICAL SCIENCE On behalf of the Department




A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of


On behalf of

the Department of Graduate Studies of

the University of Metaphysics

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IMM President

Page 2: THE METAPHYSICS OF CREATIVITY By LYNDA EXLEY …...THE METAPHYSICS OF CREATIVITY ... of the requirements for the degree of . MASTER OF METAPHYSICAL SCIENCE On behalf of the Department

Table of Contents


Review of Literature…….……………………………..……4



Works Cited………………………………………..…….…31


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The first medium I ever brushed faith with was Jack. Everyone just called him Jack, so I

never learned his first name. I was around 20 years old and had been exploring metaphysics for

several years when I heard of a Unity Church in Downtown Denver where Jack held evening

prayer circles at which he was known to enter a trance state. If you were lucky, spirit might even

give him a message to convey to you.

After the prayer circle, you could hang around, and he would distribute a hand-written

metaphysical lesson and discuss it, giving everyone a chance to ask questions. It all sounded very

exciting to me, and I couldn’t resist the possibility that spirit might help me make sense of my

turbulent life.

Back then, I was married, owned a new business, and worked full time to help pay for the

business loan. Even so, I made special arrangements to have Thursday nights off to attend a few

of Jack’s sessions. It didn’t take long for me to get hooked, and I continued going for a couple of


At the beginning of each meeting, Jack would explain to newcomers, like me, that years

back he had been in a horrific car accident that altered his life forever. He had a near-death

experience that left him partially paralyzed, but with the ability to channel spirit, which

explained why he was wheeled into the church activity room in a wheel chair. We all formed a

circle, with him at the head of it. He was terribly thin, and his whole body shook from the nerve

damage that resulted from the accident.

He began each meeting with the Lord’s Prayer, speaking in his scratchy, weak voice. He

would then read names off a card. They were the names of people who had either asked for

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healing prayers for themselves, or the names of individuals for whom others were requesting

prayers on their behalf. As each name was read, we paused to say a silent prayer for the person

and send healing energy their way. Almost every night after the healing portion, Jack would

grow very still, breathe deeply and enter into a trance state. His voice would grow strong––

unlike his normal voice––and he would begin to point to members of the circle and shout

messages at them. Sometimes the messages came from a loved one on the other side, and

sometimes they were from another benevolent spirit. One day, he pointed directly at me, and

said, “You should be writing. You should write. Write every day. Spirit write, write, just write.

Do it!”

I was absolutely thrilled to hear those words! Writing was something near and dear to my

heart, but I completely lacked the self-confidence to do it. Back then, I was so shy, I wouldn’t

dare speak out loud in front of a group, but I felt a question well up inside of me, as if it had a

power of its own and would consume me if I didn’t let it out. Finally, I squeaked, “How? How

do I get started?”

Jack, or spirit, gave me two methods. The first was spirit writing, which I tried, and soon

abandoned. I wasn’t ready to receive spirit back then, but will probably try it someday in the

future. The second method is the springboard of this thesis: an Inspirational Energy Board. On a

poster board, I was to write the names of any people I admired for their writing skills––dead or

alive. If I could find photos of them, I was to put the pictures next to their name. Then I was to

meditate on my board, which would connect me with their writing energies and, ultimately, help

me write.

Did it work? Not at first . . . but as I grew spiritually, it finally did work. In fact, after a

while, I could just hold the book of a person I admired and draw energy from it without even

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reading it. Note that this was inspirational, creative energy, not the knowledge of the content of

the book.) These days, I don’t even have to do that. I just say, “Give me the words,” and I listen

to them rush forward and hope I can type fast enough to get them all down.

This is the purpose of this thesis: to show readers that we can draw creative energy from

others––whether they crossed over to the other side ages ago or are currently living on this

planet. Their energy can stimulate our existing creative talents, as well as enable us to perform

creative acts with which we had no former experience. Furthermore, this creative exchange is all

made possible because of our shared God Connection.

To support this theory, I will discuss what other experts say about their creative insights

and from where they come. This will include angels, spirit guides, Jesus, God, and others. I will

also share my first-hand experiences with acquiring new avenues of creative awareness and my

resulting achievements.

Then, I will write about Cosmic Consciousness, of which we are all a part of, and

illustrate how connecting to our Source makes it possible to draw on the creative energies and

ideas of any entity, including God. I will mention some of the methods used to connect with the

Universal Consciousness, but won’t go into detail here, because the focal point of this paper is to

show that connection is possible, rather than show modalities for connecting.

In short, I will show readers how metaphysics makes it possible for them to polish current

creative talents or accomplish new creative endeavors for which they previously appeared not to

have the capability of accomplishing.

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Review of Literature

Where does creativity come from? The brain? The soul? Is there a god of creativity that

favors certain people with inspiration and talent? Can anyone be creative, or must one be born

with creative genius?

According to an article by Jeremy Summers, creativity is thought to be determined by

one’s genes. He reports that University of Helsinki scientists conducted a study that found, “. . .

participants with increased creativity had duplicate DNA strands that contained a gene that

affected the processing of serotonin, a key neurotransmitter.”

In the same article, he also writes, “A recent study from scientists at the Medical

University of Vienna found that elevated serotonin levels in the brain increases the connectivity

in the brain’s posterior cingulate cortex, a key center for awareness and internally directed

thought,” which scientists have determined is essential for creativity.

In short, Summers is claiming people with a certain gene produce more serotonin, and

more serotonin means more creativity.

Later in the article, Summers says the Medical University of Vienna’s findings were

corroborated by later research performed by scientists from Cornell University. Even so, he

concludes his piece by saying, “While it seems that our creative ability is mostly influenced by

our DNA, everyone is capable of learning to be creative to varying degrees.”

This scientific analysis of creativity holds some merit, but based on my own personal

experience, it only explains the mechanics of the receptors of creativity and not the origins of

creativity or inspiration. It also doesn’t explain how someone like myself, who at a young age

was diagnosed with extremely low levels of serotonin, can get a D in art class in High School,

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yet out of the blue win a contest for designing the High School logo, and later win another

contest for cocoa painting on marzipan.

So, let’s delve further into the function and origins of creativity, and touch a bit on what

might prevent creativity from running its natural course.

Creativity, according to Dan Wakefield, author of Unleash the Creativity in Your Life, is

necessary to the human condition. But, he adds, many of us are unable to access our innate

creativity because of spirit- and mind-numbing habits such as, “reliance on drugs, and alcohol,

sexual promiscuity, overeating, anorexia, bulimia, and other attitudes and behaviors that deaden

our senses and stifle our spirit, the source of creativity” (5). In fact, he further says that “clarity”

is an absolute must for creativity (14).

Another thing that stifles creativity, according to Wakefield, is our “I-sight;” i.e., how we

see ourselves. Whether due to our upbringing or our own lack of confidence or self-esteem, the

result is the same. Either we’ve convinced ourselves we are incapable of creativity, or someone

else did, and thus, our creativity is stopped in its tracks (6-7).

However, believing we are not creative is the biggest myth of all, for Wakefield says we

are all co-creators “. . . along with God, or fate, or the universe, however you understand the

force that turns the world” (14).

Vinita Hampton Wright, who wrote The Soul Tells a Story, claims true creativity cannot

be controlled. To try to do so would stop creativity in its tracks. The only way genuine creativity

can take place is if the writer loses control to the creative process. She attributes this to the

spiritual nature of creativity: “The wonder of creative life is that it is connected to a spiritual life

in which forces besides you are operating” (32).

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Wright goes on further to say that abandoning your mind to creativity increases your

intuition, because it gives more attention to your soul, than it would ordinarily get. Letting

creativity control the creative process rather than the mind, sensitizes you to your soul’s

communicative tools, such as dreams, memories that pop up out of nowhere, and hunches. Those

who give creativity free will on a regular basis are more able to read others (32).

“Some people become a little more mystical when they engage in creativity,” says

Wright. “Creative work will demonstrate to you again and again that the world is bigger and

deeper than you perceive, that God has many ways of speaking to your soul, that the soul itself

possesses much wisdom that you simply hadn’t noticed before” (33).

When Wright speaks of authentic creativity, it is reminiscence of meditation in that it

increases your awareness, your attentiveness, and it puts you in the moment. Through creativity––

and meditation––the ordinary becomes extraordinary. She even goes as far as to say that,

“Creativity enhances the spiritual life” (33).

However, make no mistake about it––creativity is not a passive sport, according to

Wright. You don’t just sit around and wait for creativity to perform for you. You must be an

active participant with creativity. “Even when God performed miracles out in the Old Testament

wilderness, God required that some human being do something, such as talk to a stubborn

pharaoh or pick up a staff and start walking. Even when we are waiting for further instruction or

for an idea to form more clearly, we are active in some way. Creative work requires that we do

something, and keep doing it. It’s the doing that brings the real results” (Wright, 63).

Although you must participate, you must not attempt to persuade or control creativity.

Instead, Wright says, “You are submitting to a divine process that is beyond you” (63).

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To tap into unprecedented creativity, Wright ways we must be brave enough to open

ourselves up to our souls. She likens our souls to wells. Our conscious lives are at the top. Below

that is where our subconscious selves reside, and all the way at the bottom is what she calls “the

collective unconscious.” She states, “Many Christians would call it the communion of saints.

Whatever you call it, this deepest part of you is what connects you to the larger world of souls,

the ‘great cloud of witnesses’ mentioned in a New Testament letter” (93).

When we are our most creative, we are tapping into the bottom-most section of our wells.

Wright says that in this place, it is even possible to tap into information we haven’t previously

learned. Some who do this believe they are accessing “paranormal gifts,” which Wright admits to

suspecting are God-given abilities that religion and/or culture have conditioned us into believing

don’t exist.

In her book, Hiring the Heavens, Jean Slatter makes a case for some of the spirits in other

dimensions having similar interests as people on Earth, and that they are just waiting for us to

call upon them. She says, “For a talent or ability to exist here on Earth, its corresponding non-

physical energy must also exist” (10).

Furthermore, she claims that she could not have written her book had she not called on

her “Spiritual Book-Writing Committee” (48). She explains that in addition to receiving celestial

aid with her manuscript, her spirit helpers also hooked her up with Earthly professionals to assist

her. Many of these people were complete strangers who contacted her out of the blue.

When it came time to find a publisher, instead of sending her manuscript to the industry-

standard of 30 publishers, and getting the usual 30 rejections before sending it on to additional

prospects, Slatter asked to be shown the perfect publisher. Her “eyes immediately fell on The

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Power of Now published by New World Library” (51). Without an agent, she submitted her book

to only that one publisher, and was accepted in short order.

According to Slatter, it is the Law of Attraction by which spirit is drawn to you. She says

there are four principal forms of communication from spirit: Clairaudience, where upon you hear

spirit inside our outside of your mind; Clairvoyance, in which you see, people’s energy fields, or

movies or pictures in your head; Claircognizance, which is basically intuition; and

Clairsentience, whereby information is communicated to you by way of bodily sensations (97).

As Slatter does not give an adequate definition of Law of Attraction, I offer this

definition from Ester and Jerry Hicks’ book, The Vortex, which came to them via a group of

Beings calling themselves Abraham. “The Law of Attraction is the Universal manager of all

Vibration which expands to everything that exists through the Universe. And so, at the same time

that the Law of Attraction is responding to the Vibrational content of your physical thoughts, it is

also responding to the Vibrational content of your Inner Being” (19-20).

Simply said, the Law of Attraction is the manifestation of your thoughts, coupled with

what you hold true in your heart, or Soul. What you think, believe, and hold in your heart is what

you get (manifest).

According to Abraham, the creative process all boils down to vibration. Everything that

currently exists in your world now, is the result of your previous vibration, because for

something to exist, it must first be in what they call your “Vibrational Vortex,” which is basically

the vibration that corresponds to the energy of the thoughts you hold in your mind and emotion

you hold in your heart. In other words, the thoughts and emotions in which you are surrounding

yourself. Vibrations then become thought-form (212).

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Therefore, what you see today (your creations) are what you thought yesterday. And, for

you to create something in the future, you must change and sustain the vibration of today’s


In her new book, The Courage to be Creative, Doreen Virtue doesn’t beat around the

bush when it comes to the origins of creativity. She says it flat out, right there in the introduction,

“True creativity is channeling divine inspiration and expressing the infinite mind of God” (xi).

She also says “It takes courage to be creative,” and for many of us, including her, fear is one of

the biggest roadblocks to creativity.

Reading Virtue’s book really struck home for me. Creative people, according to Virtue,

usually possess three important qualities: 1) they are sensitive, 2) they are original or

nonconformists, and 3) they are people of action. She says sensitivity is essential for creativity,

because it is “the gift that leads to inspiration.” However, this “gift” can often feel like a curse if

you don’t understand people’s reaction to it. Creative individuals are often bullied as kids and

criticized as adults for being “too sensitive,” too different, and too often wanting to change the

status quo (4).

Virtue says the cruel way people sometimes treat creative people usually comes from:

Well-meaning people who were trying to “protect” you from

being an outcast by pushing you to conform.

Those who weren’t as sensitive or creative as you.

Those who were jealous because they suppress their own

creativity and sensitivity. (6)

The cruel action of others very often causes creative individuals to suppress their creative

gifts. But, since creativity is an innate part of their personalities, the only way to suppress it is to

block off a part of themselves. We wall in our creativity because we are afraid of getting hurt,

which is why, Virtue says, it “takes courage to be creative.”

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Much of Virtue’s book is dedicated to helping people unblock their creativity and get in

touch with their true feelings and authentic selves. She recommends several exercises that are

much like Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ meditations, which will touch on later.

Virtue says we must move past our fears––which are ego generated––and seek the, “. . .

hidden truths within your own soul, because your soul is your true self and also the pipeline to

the Source, to God, to the divine. Inside of you is a telephone hotline to direct-dial heaven, and

you can funnel all of that comforting communication through your creativity” (47).

Virtue tells the story of how after many commercial flops and threats of losing his record

label, Kerry Livgren prayed in earnest for a hit song for the latest album he was recording.

Shortly after that, “Carry On Wayward Son,” came to him all at once, every single note and word

was there in his head, “as if it were downloaded in his” brain (51-52). Virtue also discusses

Akiane Kramarik, who despite having atheist parents and no reference for divine communication

said, “God spoke to her and encouraged her to paint and draw.” She “created thousands of

paintings portraying her visions of heaven and the world, many of which now hang in galleries

around the world” and sell for thousands of dollars (52-53).

When discussing her own angelic-inspired writings, Virtue says, “. . . God gives us a

purpose and divine assignment, the angels whisper the details about how to fulfill that

assignment. We receive these messages in our heart as feelings, in our head as ideas and

knowingness, or in our mind’s eye as visions and dreams. The angels, after all, are messengers of

God . . .” She also says, Angels “don’t intervene unless asked. It doesn’t matter how we ask

(thinking, praying, affirming, writing, singing, visualizing, or otherwise). All that matters is that

we do.” She adds that angels are an extension of God. “They are one” (55).

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Virtue credits archangels with creative inspiration. She even goes so far as to say that it is

their mission to help us with our creative endeavors, because, “They know that creative projects

are beneficial for promoting inner peace,” which in turn “will bring blessings to the planet” (59).

Of the archangels, Virtue recommends contacting Archangel Michael to get rid of creative

blocks and Archangel Gabriel to find the right words, as He is the “messenger angel” (59-61).

However, Virtue does admit that it isn’t required that one go through an archangel to tap into

creativity. She says, “divine creative inspiration” can come directly from “God’s mind to yours”


In addition, Virtue recommends calling directly on Jesus for creative inspiration––

especially for writing. She says, “He’s the most incredible wordsmith I’ve ever found! When I’m

at a loss for words or unsure how to represent a feeling through language, Jesus always comes

through. His words arise as thoughts and a voice that I hear. He chooses just the right phrasing to

convey esoteric and profound concepts” (66).

To Matthew Fox, creativity results when a human meets with the Divine. “…It is spirit

working through us” (Creativity 4). He further writes that being, as the Bible states, “made in the

image and likeness” of God makes creativity innate to our very nature.

“We are creators at our very core. Only creating can make us happy, for in creating we

tap into the deepest powers of self and universe and the Divine Self. We become co-creators, that

is, we create with the other forces of society, universe and the Godself when we commit to

creativity” (28).

For true creativity to take place, Fox says we need to “shut off the senses” in order to

connect to our Muses. He explains that Muses are “beings, living and dead, who assist us in our

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creativity.” The word “muse” shares its Greek roots with “mysticism,” which means “to enter the

mysteries” (184). This gives us a metaphysical connection to creativity.

To turn our senses off and invite the muse in, Fox suggests meditation as a way to empty

ourselves, thus providing space for our muse to enter. “Meditation allows us to voluntarily

prepare for the coming of the Spirit . . . When we gather our thoughts, feelings, our wandering

and chattering minds into one place and focus our attention, we are meditating. We are calming

the mind, heart, and imagination, and this prepares us for the creativity that can then flow to us

and through us” (189).

Later, he adds that meditation unites us “with the Divine Spirit, which is the Spirit of

Creation and Creativity” (196). Instead of cleanliness being next to Godliness, it sounds as if Fox

is saying Creativeness is next to Godliness!

Ernest Holmes sets the groundwork for the understanding of Oneness in connection to

creativity in his book Creative Mind. He explains it simply by reminding readers that, “In the

beginning” there was only God. “God was the Spirit of All that was to be” (3). Being pure Spirit,

meant nothing material existed. Therefore, all that was created was made possible through the

power of the Original Spirit, God, making him all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing (4).

“The Spirit makes all things out of Itself” (5).

This, of course, would make each and every one of us intimately connected to That which

created us. And, because All that Is is God, there can be nothing more and nothing less than God,

making each of us a projection of Godness. Not a piece of God, like a crumb broken off a cookie,

which is less than the whole of a cookie, but One with God, because God is all there is.

Holmes also states that this All-Knowing One “operates through the power of the Word”

(5). And, “If there is but One Mind then it follows that our word, our thought is the activity of

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that One Mind in our consciousness; the power that holds the planets in their place is the same

power that flows through man” (6). Once we accept Holmes’ reality, we can throw away limits,

denounce the perceived power of others over us, and embrace what Holmes calls “an Infinite

Creative Medium” (13).

In Joel S. Goldsmith’s book, Conscious Union with God, he explains that the truth he

imparts in his book does not come from him. In actuality, it comes from God, the Universal

Consciousness, revealing Itself to the reader via the “word of God,” which already exists within

the reader’s consciousness. So basically speaking, he is awakening the God Consciousness

within the reader. He adds that if God is not the reader’s consciousness, “You will not

understand the truth that is being presented” (Introduction, 1).

Therefore, he says, “Since God is your consciousness, God will be revealing itself unto

Itself. Consciousness will be expressing Its truth unto Itself. Truth will not pass from me to you,

and it will not pass from God to you: The entire activity of truth will take place in the One

Consciousness, the consciousness of me which is the consciousness of you” (5).

In other words, all consciousness is of the One consciousness, God. Which would mean,

too, that all forms of creativity, which is consciousness expressed, are available unto you,

whether you have Earth-based creative experience (what we might call talent) or not! Creativity

is a matter of tapping into the One Consciousness and allowing it to be expressed.

He further supports this theory when he explains that, “There is only one Life, One

Consciousness, one Soul; but that One is the consciousness of you and the consciousness of me.

That is why we do not have to try to reach anyone. When we are in this conscious oneness, we

become so much a part of one another that what one is thinking about, Truth, or God, the other is

hearing, but no transference of thought is involved and should not be so construed. We are not

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one in our humanhood: We are one in the Christ, and all that is being imparted is the divine idea

flowing in consciousness” (7).

This means that the messages, impressions or intuitions we receive from one another,

spirit guides, Jesus, whomever or whatever, are not an act of reading one another’s minds or

thought transference. The words, messages, impressions and intuitions our minds are made

aware of are in actuality the way One-mindedness works. All consciousness is of the One Mind,

therefore what any part of that consciousness thinks––you, me, spirit, Christ, whomever and

whatever––any one or another of us has access to that cosmic thought, because it ALL resides in

Cosmic Consciousness.

However, and that is a big HOWEVER, make special note of the word “access.” This

means it is available to us all, but we aren’t necessarily “aware” of it or “tapping into” it. In fact,

very few of us are. But, because we all have access to it, we all can become aware of anything

and everything that floats around in the cosmic ethers of the One Mind. We just have to know

how, and then take the appropriate steps to accomplishing it (much easier said than done).

In Paul Leon Masters’ Higher Guidance – Or, How to Let God Fill in the Details, a

“Weekly Mystical Insights” available online, he explains a surefire way to obtain new ideas, as

well as receive information on following through with those concepts. “Know that the Presence

of Universal Mind, or God-Mind, is in you right this moment, as it has been all of your life and

will continue to be for the remainder of your physical life and beyond it. Mystical research and

wisdom through the ages have shown that both the original idea and the follow-through thinking

in support of the idea have come from the higher, deeper part of the human mind—that part of

the mind that mystics have described as Universal Consciousness or Presence of God within the

human mind.”

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He takes this concept a step further by saying that God “wants to guide and inspire you.”

Why? Because that’s His way of expressing himself through you, which is the very essence of


“Metaphysically and mystically speaking, God is the Ultimate True Self of yourself . . .

God manifests through creation of human beings and all of existence, and thus wishes the

manifestation to be the best it can be for you and others. For this reason, the innermost God-Part

of your mind wants to be the guide for the more surface, ordinary, or functional part of your

consciousness” (Masters, Higher Guidance).

Masters continues by saying that many can’t or don’t hear God’s Guidance because they

don’t know it’s available to them, or they don’t often enough take the time to connect with the

Ultimate One, or they don’t remain steadfast in this knowledge.

“How, then, do you receive the original, inspired idea and how do you receive follow-up

ideas or thinking to support the original idea? Know that the Presence of Universal Mind or God

Mind is in you right this moment, as it has actually been all of your life. Know also that it will

continue to be within you for the remainder of your physical life—and beyond it. Stay present

and stay open so that God’s guidance can reach through to you” (Masters, Higher Guidance).

To aid one in this creative quest, Masters suggests meditating often and practicing

affirmative prayer.

What Joel Goldsmith refers to as Universal Consciousness or One consciousness, Masters

calls the Cosmic Mind Telepathy in his Minister’s/Bachelor’s Degree Course Study Modules.

According to Masters’ Principals of Cosmic Mind Telepathy, “There is but one primal energy in

this universe from which all other energy comes.” He goes on to say, “This primal energy

manifests itself on many different dimensions of energy, including the physical, personal, mental

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thought energy, psychic thought energy, astral thought energy, and in its primal state.” And,

“The primal state of this energy has experienced all that has ever been – throughout eternity. It is

all knowing. It is Universal Mind, Cosmic Mind, God, or God-Mind” (Masters, Bachelor’s 3:7).

A bit later, Masters says of Cosmic Mind Telepathy, “It exists everywhere in all things,

and is conscious and self-knowing. It is Eternal Wisdom or Eternal Mind.” He adds that,

“Whatever you think, therefore, sets up a telepathic response between your individual and

Cosmic Mind. Whatever you meditate upon, affirm or visualize, adds to the telepathic

communication between your personal mind and Cosmic Mind” (Bachelor’s 3:8).

Masters recommends a combination of affirmations and meditation for achieving a

Cosmic Mind Telepathy. Once in a mild state of meditation, repeat this affirmation: “My

conscious mind is open and receptive every moment of every day to receive telepathic

communication in the form of intuition and creative ideas for my own well-being, from the

Cosmic Mind within me” (Bachelor’s 3:10).

He adds that, “As we serve GOD with our thoughts and mental attitude, GOD, in turn,

serves us by channeling HIGHER WISDOM, CREATIVITY, POWER and DIRECTION into

our mind, giving us all we need to firmly convince ourselves that, indeed – WE CAN”

(Bachelor’s 3: 28).

In terms of sources for creativity, Masters makes note of something few others hit on in

the literature studied for this paper: extra sensory perception. He says, “. . . ESP affects the daily

life of every human being on earth through a constant exchange of ideas between people on a

psychic level of communication” (Master’s Curriculum 1:20).

According to Masters, everything one thinks on a conscious level is automatically stored

in the person’s “personal subconscious, or memory bank of the mind,” which in turn enters into

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the “psychic mind.” How this pertains to human-to-human creative idea exchanges is that

whatever is in the “psychic mind,” is transmitted out to the universe and its human occupants “on

the same vibrational energy frequency as the nature of the thoughts. . . . Just as every radio

station has its own frequency, every thought and/or emotion has its own energy frequency”

(Master’s Curriculum 1:20).

Therefore, kind thoughts would have a specific frequency of energy, and harmful

thoughts would have a different specific frequency associated with them. So, it would seem that

creative thoughts would have their own unique frequencies as well, would it not? And, it would

appear that ESP would be one way of tapping into the flow of creative ideas buzzing up and

down the psychic highway.

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There are some obvious common threads running through the synopses contained in the

Review of Literature.

Like Fox, Wright, and Masters, Virtue recommends meditation for getting in touch with

the creative spirit––be it angels, spirit guides, Jesus, or your own Higher Nature––citing that, “A

recent study found that meditating for 30 minutes a day heightened creativity, especially

emotion-based creativity. . . . The researchers concluded that creativity isn’t doing something

that’s inherent in a select few individuals, but is a skill that can be developed through healthful

habits such as meditation” (79). She also recommends dream interpretation (88), which was

touched on by Wright earlier; creative visualization; and affirmations––also recommended by


Based both on research and their own personal experiences, these authors all make

excellent cases for using the above-listed methods for inducing creativity. I can personally vouch

for them as well. In fact––hinting as to what will come later in this thesis––I would say I started

with one method and “progressed” through the others, one-by-one, as my own spiritual

vibrational energy increased.

The key to making these metaphysical exercises work in regard to creativity is focused

intention. You must have your creative intention in mind as you meditate, prepare yourself for

sleep (and thus dream), or when you pray.

Virtue explains it like this, “Creativity is a form of focused meditation. This means that

you have an intention while meditating, as opposed to free-form meditating, where you open up

to whatever comes to you. With focused meditation, you act as a conduit for universal messages

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and energies about your creative project.” Through this process, Virtue says she has seen in her

mind, book titles, words, and whole blocks of information (Virtue, 107-108).

Where some of the sources cited tend to differ somewhat is with the origins of creative

inspiration and ability.

My first spiritual mentor, Jack, suggested an Inspirational Energy Board, using human

muses, both living and deceased, to draw in creativity from those whom I most admired.

Similar to Jack’s suggestion, Virtue recommends using what she calls Vision Boards to

boost creativity and bolster a positive attitude about being creative (119). On her Vision Board,

she recommends filling it with pictures of anything that inspires you. “Each time you see your

vision board, stop and envision all the images and words being true in the present moment.

Remember Jesus’ message, ‘Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it,

and it will be yours’” (120).

Based on what Masters says about intuition and the psychic mind, one could most

certainly pick up creative vibrations from other human beings––especially if that was their focus,

as it would put you and your creative muse on the same creative vibrational frequency. “As the

psychic levels of their minds send out psychic energy, they are united on a psychic level with all

other minds on earth also operating on that same energy level” (Master’s Curriculum 1:21).

Humans do this every day. It’s called brainstorming.

During times when I’m given a task at work that requires creative thinking, but I’m too

stressed or busy to focus on being creative, I get together with a co-worker. We bounce ideas off

each other, and before I can snap my fingers, those creative juices are flowing, and I go back into

my office and take care of the task at hand. We’ve just exchanged creative energy!

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Would a person have to be in the same room, state, country, or even alive on this plane of

existence in order for you to draw on them as a creative muse? My answer is “no.” Although it

may be easier or quicker to attract the creative energy of another when he or she is in the same

room, it isn’t necessary to have close proximity.

As Masters said earlier, like energy attracts like. It doesn’t matter where a person is for

you to tap into the psychic mind in which all thoughts, ideas, creativity, and knowledge is

present. It only matters that your energy vibration is on the same frequency.

Plus, it doesn’t make any difference whether a person is in existence on the Earth plane

or has passed on, because everything that ever was, is, or will be is present in the psychic mind,

because the psychic mind exists in spirit.

As Holmes puts it, “There is no physical explanation for anything in the universe; all

causation is Spirit and all effect spiritual. We are not living in a physical world but in a spiritual

world peopled with spiritual ideas. We are now living in Spirit” (9).

Therefore, my favorite authors’ creative storehouse exists in the psychic mind––be they

dead or alive. So, if my vibrational energy is the same as my favorite authors’, and “like attracts

like,” then I can fine tune my energy to theirs and pull from the same storehouse of ideas,

thoughts, and knowledge as they do.

So, why then would I need angels, guides, or other spirits for creative inspiration as

Slatter and Virtue both indicate give you a direct line to creativity? In my estimation, it all boils

down to compatibility and level of vibrational energy.

When I utilized my Inspirational Energy Board, it worked, but only to a certain degree.

After a while, I felt like I had hit a dead-end. I stopped progressing. There was so much more I

wanted to accomplish, but I couldn’t seem to go any further.

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Jack and my other metaphysical friends kept telling me to ask for help from my spirit

guides, but I was afraid to. I had seen Jack go into trance and channel spirits, and occasionally a

“dark” spirit tried to come through. It wasn’t a problem for him. He would just shout––and I

mean shout, “Go away! You are not welcome here! Only those who walk in the light of Christ

are welcome.” And, the dark spirit would, apparently, flit away.

However, I wasn’t as confident. I was afraid that I would attempt to contact my Guardian

Angel or spirit guides and a dark spirit would take over me. It seems silly to me now, but it was a

real fear back then.

About this time, I sold my business and moved to another state with my then-husband to

give our marriage a fresh start. That lasted all of six months before we divorced. During our

separation period, I hurt my back and could no longer do my “dream job,” so the company I

worked for put me on secretarial duty––which didn’t pay enough. After my divorce, I switched

jobs to make enough money to support myself, but ran into another problem when my car was

totaled in an accident. Shortly after that, I started getting calls from bill collectors for a credit

card my ex-husband had forged my name on and charged a ton of money on after we divorced. It

took me what seemed like forever to get the card cancelled. In the meantime, the house we

owned together was finally sold and according to our divorce agreement, we were supposed to

split the profit from the sale. However, my ex was living in it, but not paying the house payment

as he agreed to do, and instead of making money, we owed money. We had to pay to sell the

house! You could say I hit an all-time low in my life.

How did I get out of my downward spiral? And, what does it have to do with creativity? I

did the only thing I had left to try: I prayed for my spirit guides to help me.

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As Dr. Master says in his Master’s Degree Course Study Modules, “It is not until a

person’s circumstances and/or inner emotional nature dictate, ‘You can’t do this anymore – YOU

HAVE GOT TO CHANGE, if you are going to survive!’ – only then, in most instances, will a

person be in earnest about making the necessary changes that will result in a transformation of

mind and soul” (2:67).

Virtue echoes Masters when she writes, “Sometimes when your back’s against the wall,

you make a fervent prayer and surrender your ego. You’re humbled, because what you’ve been

doing hasn’t been working. So you get out of God’s way and open yourself up to divine

inspiration” (52).

I began to study angels and guides in earnest, as well as meditate nightly, which in turn

raised my vibration. I humbly asked for help and opened myself to receiving help. Not only did I

get out of my financial bind by getting a high-paying job I wasn’t even qualified for, but I

learned the job through spiritual osmosis, since the only woman who knew how to do it had left

without notice. In addition, as I had wanted to earlier, I grew creatively. I was writing better than

I ever had before. I could go into a semi-hypnotic state and paint, which I only did twice before

in my early years. I even trained and rode in a century bicycle ride, which wasn’t supposed to be

in my cards after I had hurt my back. I was tuned in and definitely getting help from my angels

and guides.

I can’t cite the books here that I read back then, because I don’t remember which ones

they were. However, there are plenty of books on the market today that explain why and how

angels and guides help us with creativity and other needs, including Virtue’s The Courage to be

Creative, and Sonia Choquette’s Ask Your Guides.

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Choquette says, “Helper guides will very lovingly show up to lend a hand when you’re

stumped, blocked, or discouraged.” She explains that guides who had a specific area of expertise

on the earthly plane will often choose to help humans within that same specialty. “By serving

you, they raise their own vibration” (118).

My fears were holding me back, but my intention to be more creatively expressive was

propelling me forward, which led to a crisis––often the catalyst for change. In desperation, I set

aside my fear, prayed and meditated, which raised my vibration, enabling my guides to connect

with and help me. From my experience, I learned that my Inspirational Energy Board could only

get me as far as the vibrational level of the humans on it. To truly transcend, I needed the aid of a

loving being with a higher vibrational level; i.e. angels or guides.

“Our guardian angels also work with our spirits and our Higher Selves throughout our

lives to keep us on our path, especially when we become mired in self-doubt” (Choquette 23).

Not only do our angels and guides inspire us and connect us with the right people and

situations at the right time, but they also raise our vibration, which increases our ability to create.

The higher we raise our vibration, the higher up the angel ladder we can go, eventually

being on such a level that we can work with Archangels.

Choquette says, “Archangels, in addition to personal guardian angels, encourage the

development of your artistic talents and have the power to jump-start your creativity into high

expression. They move you to take risks and share the energy of your gifts, whether you enjoy

playing music, painting, dancing, acting, cooking, or gardening” (35).

Contacting angels is not channeling, as Jack did with spirit. Therefore, my fears were for

naught. In her book, Angels in Our Lives, Marie Chapian explains that, “Angels are our spiritual

helpers. They work alongside us to raise our level of spiritual awareness throughout our entire

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lives. They do not reside within us, taking the place of or moving in with the Holy Spirit; no,

they travel alongside us” (194).

She goes a step further, too, bringing God into the mix by saying angels, “are the agents

who lead us into intimacy with God. God uses angels to influence us by touching our

consciences with certain images, inclinations, aspirations, and desires that direct us to him”

(Chapian 192).

Does this mean we can contact God directly for creative inspiration and ideas? Is it petty

or selfish to do so? After all, there are innocent children in third-world countries dying of

starvation every day, so shouldn’t we be saving our God requests for something more worthy

than writing or painting?

Wayne Dyer doesn’t seem to think so. In his book, Inspiration, he writes that God’s

desires and ours are one in the same:

It may sound too simplistic, but the ancient biblical advice to ‘ask, and it will be

given’ carries a great message for us as we attempt to find our way to an inspired

life. I interpret to ask as being identical to allowing the guidance of our Source to

flow back to us. Recall that allowing is an absence of resistance, which means that

we’re in the process of reconnecting to the vibrational energy of Spirit, not

making a plea to a disconnected being residing outside of us. When we’re in

harmony with Spirit, we’re just like God, so our desires are the same. (60)

Slatter says we were born to create. “…By divine design we are creators, and it is our

birthright––indeed, our directive––to joyfully wield the power of the Universe” (Slatter 6). Later

she explains that, “…We are an integral part, an extension even, of God, and that as such, we are

being asked to consciously create our own world, fully confident in our seat of authority––and in

our knowledge that the entire Universe stands joyfully ready to assist us” (63-64).

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Holmes is right on Board with Dyer and Slatter, writing “…Now we are coming to see

that God and man are one, and that the One is simply awaiting man’s recognition, that he may

spring into being and become to man all that he could wish or want” (11).

From what these experts conveyed, one could conclude that creating is not only

something God approves of, but one of life’s “purposes.”

Furthermore, if, as Masters says, “In truth, our reality is God expressing through physical

form and matter” (Bachelor’s 5:20), then anything we do, including art, writing, singing,

dancing, and so on, would all be God expressing Himself through us. Thus, making it not petty

for us to ask for His assistance in such creative endeavors.

This would mean we have a direct connection with God. But, how should we work with

that direct connection to achieve creativity or anything else to ensure the desired results?

Although Goldsmith was discussing healing when he said, “The moment we touch the

Center, the divine essence of Being within our own being, we have contacted not only God, but

the life of individual man, the life of the one calling himself, for the moment, patient,” (25), this

principle also applies to connecting with the Source for creative purposes.

Now, think of Goldsmith’s method of healing in terms of creativity. When we go inward

to meet with “the divine essence of Being,” we are not only connecting with God, but to “the life

of the one calling himself” artist, singer, painter, writer, and so on.

But here’s the real key to making this all work. When you connect with the Center of

your being, God, Goldsmith adamantly says, “Never take the name of the patient there; never

take the claim, whether it is one of employment, insanity, or disease: Take nothing with you

there, but God, and God is already there. Find God! And when the sense of release comes, you

will soon get word from the patient that he is healed” (25).

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Again, we can apply this to our Inspirational Energy Board and creativity. The very

action of making the board shows your intent for creativity. So, when you connect with your

Center, God, don’t take your name there. Don’t take the artist, singer, painter, or writer’s name

there. Don’t ask for creative talent to shower down on you. “Take nothing with you.” Just be in

your Center with God, who already knows your desires and intentions, and the creativity will


Goldsmith says, “When a problem is presented to you, drop it and turn within until you

attain that center of consciousness where you feel the release, and then the whole problem

disappears” (26).

The very act of asking for or praying for creative inspiration or ideas indicates you feel

you lack it in some way. Therefore, we can consider a feeling of lack of creativity or talent as the

“problem,” and plug that into Goldsmith’s sentence above. Release it (the belief of not having a

certain talent or enough creative energy), and “the whole problem disappears,” leaving in its

place inspiration, creativity, answers. After all, if we are all connected to God, how can we

possibly lack anything?

So, how do we get to this “Center?” Forget the problem, “close your eyes and take some

quotation into your thought, preferably a very short one like, ‘I and my Father are one,’ or, ‘Be

still, and know that I am God’” (Goldsmith, 26).

Basically speaking, you go into a meditative state. Every time your mind strays, you pull

it back to your quotation. Continue this until you feel at peace. “In that moment of quietness,

remember you are listening for ‘the still small voice.’ Keep your ears open as if there were a

message just outside waiting to come in” (Goldsmith, 26).

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Keep practicing this, and you eventually will get a message or impulse to do something,

which will ultimately give you the results you desire. But the trick is not to ask or beg––that

would be a sign of disbelief or belief in lack. You don’t go into the meditation saying, “God give

me creativity,” or “God, show me how to paint.” You enter meditation knowing that you are

connecting to the Divine Source who makes all things possible, and knowing that the Original

Creator will show you the way.

As Holmes states, “It is this One [God] that creates for us whatever we believe. Our

thought operative through this One produces all our affairs. We are all centers in this Mind,

centers of creative thought activity” (Holmes, 12).

We are all one with God, therefore when you “connect” to God from within, you are

going to that sacred space already knowing that you have access to the creative abilities you wish

to exercise. You are merely connecting with the One to accept His gifts.

Creativity is our heritage. The only way we would lack it is if we block it in some way.

Earlier, Wakefield noted that we can block it with alcohol, eating disorders, bad attitudes, sexual

promiscuity, and more.

Virtue pointed out that creative people are often misunderstood, and some people are

jealous of creative people. For these reasons, creative individuals are often mistreated, resulting

in them blocking their creativity for self-preservation.

Fox indicates that the very qualities creative individuals possess that facilitate their

creative intuition are often the very same reasons creative people shut the door to acceptance.

The most creative people among us are often beset by drama and forces of guilt,

doubt, darkness, and fear. They are often highly sensitive, and this can be a

burden as well as a blessing. Vulnerability is a necessary part of their lifestyle––

they must wear a thin veil between themselves and life itself in order to represent

life and report back on it. . . . It is for this reason that many artists are tempted by

stimulants of alcohol or drugs––sometimes to ‘come down’ from their highs,

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sometimes to ‘get some sleep,’ and sometimes with wishes of being inspired by

seemingly unattainable Muses. (Fox 195)

This is why it is more important than ever for creativity-seeking individuals to live a

clean life and meditate often to stay connected with their Creator.

“I believe the future invites artists to let go of these outside stimulants that so easily

become addictions and to commit to meditation instead. To train the mind to do its own letting

go and relaxing allows the Muses freer access to our souls and work” (Fox, 195-196).

The last component to ensuring continual access to our innate creative abilities is being


As Dr. Masters says, “Give thanks each day for any prosperity you may have achieved

that day, as it happens, or for any prosperity in the past. This sets up positive energy vibrations in

you that attract even more prosperity to you” (Bachelor’s 4:67).

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After reviewing and discussing the works of a variety of experts, there is no doubt that

we, as humans, can tap into creativity through other people (alive or passed on), angels and

guides, or directly through God. In fact, it is our birthright.

As Fox says, “Creativity constitutes the very meaning of being human, and our powers of

creativity distinguish us from other species” (2).

The approach to achieving creativity that works best for each of us individually depends

on our vibrational frequencies. If we are of a lower frequency, then the Inspiration Board,

brainstorming with co-workers, and other human-to-human contact methods may work, because

people are generally of the same energy frequency.

Meditation was mentioned several times as a great way to increase our vibration levels. If

we raise our vibration, than in addition to human-to-human methods, we can work with angels,

guides and other spirits. As many of our sources testified, these benevolent spirits want to helps


“We’re all spiritual beings with a spiritual support system on the Other Side. This support

system oversees and helps guide our lives from the instant we’re born to the moment we leave

our physical bodies and return to Spirit. Not knowing this fact is a severe handicap, as the

Universe is designed to care for and nurture all its creatures and help make our life’s journey

easier and more successful” (Choquette, back cover).

Working with angels and spirit guides can also help to elevate us to the next level, which

is directly connecting with the God Self. The power to draw directly from God is and has always

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been there for us. We’ve just blocked it, and the way to unblock it is to raise ourselves to the

point of knowing who we already are, and that is the creative expression of God.

“God in Its infinity is our individual consciousness, and it is our consciousness that

contains the entire universe; it is our consciousness that becomes the law unto our world. The

very moment that we can consciously feel and realize that presence of the Christ, we have that

quality of being which to our sense annihilates every form and belief of sin or erroneous

conditions in our experience” (Goldsmith 30).

In other words, to be creative––know that you already are!

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Works Cited

Chapian, Marie. Angels in Our Lives: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Angels

and How they Affect Your Life, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania: Destiny Image Publishers,

Inc., 2006. Print.

Choquette, Sonia. Ask Your Guides: Connecting to Your Divine Support System, Carlsbad,

California: Hay House, 2006. Print.

Dyer, Wayne. Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling, Carlsbad, California: Hay House, 2006. Print.

Fox, Matthew. Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet, 1st trade paperback ed. New

York: Most Tarcher/Penguin Books, 2004. Print.

Goldsmith, Joel S. Conscious Union with God. Wilder Publications, Blacksburg, Virginia, 2011.


Hicks, Ester and Jerry (with Abraham). The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All

Cooperative Relationships. Carlsbad, California: Hay House, 2009. Print.

Holmes, Ernest. Creative Mind: A Metaphysical Classic, 4th

ed. Burbank, California: Science of

the Mind Publishing, 2005. Print.

Masters, Paul Leon. “Weekly Mystical Insights.” Higher Guidance – Or, How to Let God Fill in

the Details. Web. January 8, 2017.

---. Minister’s/Bachelor’s Degree Course Study Modules. 4 Vols. 2014. Microsoft Word File.

---. Master’s Degree Course Study Modules. 2 Vols. 2014. Microsoft Word File.

Slatter, Jean. Hiring the Heavens. Novato, California: New World Library, 2005. Print.

Summers, Jeremy. “Is creative ability determined by our DNA?” Genetic Literary Project,

September 20, 2013. Web.

Virtue, Doreen. The Courage to be Creative: How to Believe in Yourself, Your Dreams and

Ideas, and Your Creative Career Path. Carlsbad, California: Hay House, Inc., 2016.


Wakefield, Dan. Unleash the Creativity in Your Life: Releasing the Creative Spirit. Woodstock,

New York: Skylight Paths Publishing, a Division of LongHill Partners, Inc., 2001. Print.

Wright, Vinita Hampton. The Soul Tells a Story: Engaging Creativity with Spirituality in the

Writing Life. Downers Grove, California: InterVarsity Press, 2005. Print.

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