Page 1: The Managed E-mail Antispam and Antivirus Service · 2006-12-18 · Datasheet F-PROT AVES from FRISK Software is a comprehensive managed e-mail security service providing customers


F-PROT AVES from FRISK Software is a comprehensive managed e-mail security service providing customers with protection against viruses, worms and trojans that spread via e-mail. In addition, F-PROT AVES filters out unsolicited junk e-mail, or spam. Viruses and spam often cost companies large sums of money through data-loss and decreased productivity. F-PROT AVES filters e-mail at the Internet level, blocking unwanted messages before they even reach your local network. The service allows businesses to significantly reduce bandwidth, storage costs and network maintenance without requiring any additional hardware or software installation and with service activation within one business day. All e-mail is routed through FRISK Software’s global network, pre-emptively protecting your business from world-wide malware threats and the ever-growing problem of spam.

The Managed E-mail Antispam and Antivirus Service

F-PROT AVES Technology OverviewKey Benefits

• Spam and viruses eliminated before they reach your e-mail gateway

• Fully managed service; no additional hardware, software installation or ongoing maintenance required

• Employees spend more time working and less time deleting unwanted

e-mails• Easy set-up and administration;

service activation within a single business day

• High detection rates; minimal false positives

• Reduced bandwidth, message storage and IT resources

• Compatible with all e-mail systems • F-PROT AVES scanning clusters located

globally to ensure no single point of failure

• 24/7 expert system monitoring service• Free 2 month trial

“EIRCOM has been working closely with FRISK Software for over a year now in the development and launch of Eircom Net’s extremely successful Email Protector service. The service is powered by F-PROT AVES antivirus / antispam technology and maintained by FRISK Software’s experts. We have been very pleased with all aspects of this productive cooperation.”

Aileen Casteloe, Product Manager EIRCOM (Irish Telecom), Dublin, Ireland

Page 2: The Managed E-mail Antispam and Antivirus Service · 2006-12-18 · Datasheet F-PROT AVES from FRISK Software is a comprehensive managed e-mail security service providing customers



















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AntispamSpam, often simply referred to as junk e-mail, is unsolicited commercial e-mail sent to large numbers of e-mail addresses, usually in order to promote products or services. In 2004 Gartner clients reported that up to 80 percent of all incoming e-mail was spam. An ever-increasing problem for organizations worldwide, spam consumes network resources and affects performance and productivity. Spam is steadily swamping company networks and mail servers, wasting bandwidth and encumbering e-mail systems unnecessarily as well as bringing undesirable content into the workplace. Spam can also cost businesses a lot of money with staff spending more and more time every day, cleaning out overflowing inboxes with the resulting decrease in productivity. There is also the very real and often very costly risk of important e-mail being overlooked or even inadvertently deleted in the clean-out process.

The F-PROT AVES managed e-mail filtering service identifies spam and blocks its delivery. F-PROT AVES uses spam filters with a variety of proprietary techniques and best of breed technology. With the F-PROT AVES service you need not worry about sorting through everything that arrives in order to throw out the junk. F-PROT AVES cleans out the junk before it even arrives. As a result of the significantly decreased need for bandwidth and processing power, you will have a more efficient

network and cleaner inboxes, allowing your staff to get on with what really matters: business as usual.

An effective spam filter must block the maximum number of unwanted e-mails with an absolute minimum of false positives. This presents a number of complex challenges. However, F-PROT AVES spam filtering engines have been cleverly designed to learn what each organisation views as spam and adapt their filtering accordingly.

AntivirusThe F-PROT AVES managed e-mail security service is based on the award-winning F-PROT Antivirus scanning engine. The F-PROT Antivirus scanning engine is well known worldwide for its speed and performance. The F-PROT Antivirus scanning engine provides customers of the F-PROT AVES service with constant, up-to-date protection against viruses, worms, trojans and other malicious code that spreads via e-mail, before they reach local networks. With the F-PROT AVES service protecting your system at the Internet level, your administrator can always ensure that your company’s data is thoroughly protected against the latest virus threats, with up-to-date virus signature files, before the malware reaches your e-mail gateway.

Key Features Antispam AntivirusAward-winning antivirus engine using state-of-the-art heuristics xOptional blocking of all executable and script files xCustomizable virus scanning and disinfection policies xCustomizable permitted or banned attachment types xDetect and “clean up” active HTML content xMIME integrity checker xEarlybird real-time outbreak prevention technology xE-mails carrying mass-mailer worms are automatically deleted xOnline customer management portal x xOnline management of quarantined e-mail x xQuarantined e-mail kept for up to 14 days x xPortal access control configuration, allowing different users different levels of access x xOnline customer support x xFeatures configurable on domain or per user basis x xUser and administrative access controls x xLexical analysis, including message headers, subject and body xSpam Traps xTrend Analysis xSafe sender and blocked sender lists configured on a domain or user basis xSpam can be quarantined and blocked from corporate networks xSpam can be delivered with a tagged subject line xHeuristics based automatic safe sender lists xAuthorized users are able to access and restore quarantined messages xAuthorized users can configure their own white and black lists xUp-to-date and continuously developed heuristic spam filtering x

Page 3: The Managed E-mail Antispam and Antivirus Service · 2006-12-18 · Datasheet F-PROT AVES from FRISK Software is a comprehensive managed e-mail security service providing customers






















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How F-PROT AVES WorksBefore you receive your e-mail, it is routed through the F-PROT AVES Scanning Clusters and scanned by multiple scanners for viruses and spam. If an e-mail violates the recipient’s security policy, either mass e-mails are deleted or a clean version of the e-mail that complies with the security policy is delivered to the recipient. The original copy is stored in the F-PROT AVES Quarantine for up to 14 days. On the other hand, if the e-mail does not violate any rules, then it is immediately delivered to the recipient. Potential spam is either marked as

such to simplify client-side filtering, or simply detained in the recipient’s quarantine. Users have access to the F-PROT AVES Quarantine via a secure website. The whole process has no noticeable effect on e-mail delivery. On average it only takes 1.5 seconds to scan each e-mail, although the actual processing time for each message depends on network conditions and message size. No changes will be made to your e-mail address but the virus and spam protection will be added to your current e-mail account.

Page 4: The Managed E-mail Antispam and Antivirus Service · 2006-12-18 · Datasheet F-PROT AVES from FRISK Software is a comprehensive managed e-mail security service providing customers



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PrivacyWe respect our customers’ privacy. Only trusted technical experts that have signed a binding confidentiality agreement work on the F-PROT AVES managed e-mail security service.

Cost F-PROT AVES managed e-mail security service is charged monthly, based on the number of users in your company. F-PROT AVES protects any e-mail platform, regardless of the complexity of your IT environment.

Conventional software purchase involves more than the upfront licensing fee and includes work for IT administrative staff in implementation, day to day management, maintenance, updates, upgrades etc. F-PROT AVES is simple to set up and once installed, needs very little input from your IT administrative staff.

Time F-PROT AVES can be activated within one working day, once F-PROT AVES managed security service experts have been in contact with your IT administrators.

The FRISK name and logo, the F-PROT name and logo and their respective symbols are trademarks of FRISK Software. Other company and product names may be registered trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright © 2005 FRISK Software International. DS-AV-0510-02


Subscribe to a 2 month trial of F-PROT AVES

Setting Up Your F-PROT AVES ServiceThe F-PROT AVES managed e-mail security service network is based on modifying the MX (mail exchange) entries in the DNS name server for the domain that will be filtered, to route all e-mail through the F-PROT AVES scanning clusters. The scanning clusters are configured to route the clean and safe e-mail to the customer’s pre-existing mail servers. This ensures that only minimal setup is needed (selecting the desired security policy and re-configuring the DNS servers). Regular users do not need to change any of their local configuration, they simply continue fetching their e-mail from the same mail server as before. There are no strings attached, it is easy to disable the service temporarily or even permanently without any help from FRISK Software.

ResilienceThe F-PROT AVES managed e-mail security service uses multiple global routes in the UK, Ireland, Iceland and the USA, as well as multiple machines, to ensure that potential hardware or network failures do not interrupt the flow of e-mail.

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