Page 1: The MAIL; or, Chypmles DAILY… · GLAS'S W A R E~ Received by-- the Brig MARTHA from Arnfter-dam* aa4 1>T

The MAIL; or, Chypmles DAILY ADVERTISER:Price T U E S D A Y , OCTOBER 2, 1792. [NUMBER 420.

PHILADELPHIA, Printed and Sold by D C C L A Y P O O L E , at his Office, No z, South Third-ftreet, vtrhere Subfcn'puoris, Advertifements, &c are receiv d for this Paper

JAGKSON and EVENS;Ne 31, Itont'Stmt, between Mariet ttni Qhef-

$ttmit$treet$,Have received by the late arrivals from England,

Ireland and Scotland,'}, very compleat and ge-neral affortment of

DRYGOODS,amongft which are

\ TEB.Y large and common fized Wilton Car-V pets, of fuperior elegance and quality, a

bale of w*ll afforted Scotch mgraii, do and cat-peting-, fuperfine cotton and linen damaflfc ta-blecloths, 10 by 10 and 10 by 14, common do-of the different fizes, Ruflia towelling, Rufliadiaper, mens' and boys' felt hats, aflorted incafes, Crowley fteel, &c Itc

They have alfo on Sand,A quantity of fine India Czlicoes, in gown pit-

terns of 4 yards, India Nanieen*, by the bale,'very-cheap, a parcel of New England Uv> Unenwith a few barrels of fluff fttocs

oaober 1 <*°



T ) ESPECTFUIX.Y inform their Friends andI V the Public in general, that they have re-ceived by the fhrps lately arrived, * large andelagant aflbrtancnt of

Linen Drapery Goods,Which they have opened for fale at their

WHOLESALE and R E T A I L Warehoufe,Mo 79, South Sseond-StrcetThey beg leave to obferve that their affort-

ment csnfifts of the mo/ifa/hionable article' in theabove line ever before irapoited, and which theyare determined to fell at the moji reducedftncei

Thofe Ladies who may be pleafed to honordiem with their patronage, may rely 6ii theirattention in recommending fuch articles" only aswill mfiu-e their future favors

Ofiober 1 d

BURRILL &E£)W<\.RD CARNESyKo 71, Sooth Second Greet,

at theOfd Manu/aSory of Paper Hangings,

Beg leive to mform the Pablic, that they haveon hand a large and varitgafed affortmsnt of

PAP ER S,Winch for colours and elegance of defigH, can-

not Tje fttrpafled by any raanufaSory in thiscountryThey refer to a candid Public to judge of the

merits of their Manufacture, and affure theirfcllow-ciiizens that the ftriiSteft attention (hallbe afed to accommodate to the utmoft, thofe1

who think proper to cdnfer on tn«lfi the execu-tion of their orders

The employ they conftantly give to thirtyworkmen, enables them to keep a ftoek from«ighi to ten thoufand pieces

All orders from any part of fne CommentStall be duly attended to, and the1' ilfoai credittt^ , _**_ - _ ~ i

dtf „

GLAS'S W A R E~Received by-- the Brig MARTHA from Arnfter-

dam* aa4 1>T t n e °nlP GEOR&E BARCLAY,from London, anaJ ^ r f*l*6y

MAKE and CO.No 15s, Mariet Sheet

The foHawinjj G L A S S W A R E , feefiQ&CH Plate and Coach Lamp GlaffesV^t Tumble**, half pints, pint and" <[naTt, plant,

flowed and'paintedWindew-glafo, 8 by lo-afnd 7 by 9 (white-and

green)Smelling-bottles, various CzesApothecaries, phials, aflbrtecTBracket, barrel and cabin lamps

An exterrjive ajjoi trneni ofLOOKING GLASSES, andLOOKING GLASS PLATES

of various dimensions,AWp—Holland- Gin, in cafes-, jngs-snd p ip*Madder, janipcr berries,, drugs and medicinesSaffranGerman Linens, affortedCrofs-cut and mill fawsBfflc locks-and rile barrelsBrafs kettles, in nefts,

. Iron lamps, padlocks, fcates, Sec ScsAndfs well chofen Invoice of 4 and 6-4

BOLTING CLOTHSeptember %/f eo 4W

JUST IMPORTED,In $ e Brig, Afcfrso-uRi, Cajltain B A I £ , from


A quantity of PRUENS,And excellent

HAtIT BRION CLARET,,In cafes of a|_doaen e^ch,

To hefitl byC J O P L E Y R O S E ,

Nx>/8j, Sautfi Water^StreetSeptember 26. eo ti


MQ.RBKC4I LEWIS,,N C H B B W , in piyes^nd tierces

Holland G'Q, in calks and cafesHyfon and^SouchongTeasLevant CottonRoll and Bump BrimftoaeA.few balesioHndd- GoodsAn Invoice of French Manufa&nres

And a XHUUfty of'tthtr

HANDIZEMSeptember 24. eo tm

To be S O h D,On foitr *Terms,

af No. 87, South Second ftres^JV quantity of


7-g-and yard wide IRISH LINEN5,B»wn SILESIAS and. SHf ETINGS, and

a few pieces qOARSL CLOTHSAlfo m Eltymt CARRIAGE'HORSE,

a. BRIGHT BAY, young and handfrfne,warranted fouid,

Or aborfe to match hipi will be purcha&dSb tuthf avr< ;

JAMES HAWTHORN,No, 64, South Front

His received by the fl«p General Waffiing'ton,fram Dublin,


Which ha will difpofe of on moderate termsSeptember a2 eo tf

S T I L L SjBrewers', Tullfers', Dyers', Rope »fek*

ers' and Soap^Boilers'

C O P P E R S ;Together With all "kinds of Copperware, made

fold and repaired byJOHN M'CA.ULEY,

Who has for fale, linglifh BRASS KETTLES innefts, fintlhed or unfiniflifctl, looolb of thinSheet Copper fit for buildings, at his Copper-ware Store, No 89, South Front-itreet

N fc Tin Wira may be had at the »bov«ftore Full value given for did Copper, Brafs,Pewter And L«ad. , April 16 dtf


At his Store, No. 4, SoiitH Third ftrec't,Old Conmtiuut & Rhode I/land

CHEESE,From the beft Dairies, equal to Englilh of the

fame age,

GREEN COFFEE,tnTiefces arid Bags,

BOSTON BUTTEft,In Frrkiris,

BOSTON MACKERELL,And a large AflbrtrheBt of

Enghfh and Iridia Goods,Either by Whoiefale or Retail, very cheap

July 16 dtf


By the quantity of flflgle hat,IVfade to any Pattern, SW, 6r Colour,

at Nf 135, North Sutnd-SirtetSeptember 47. dtf

0EVONALD and ?RfCE,iVo yi,Soutb Prbnt-jircct,

Have received per the William Plenn and* ifer-mony from London, tfid foUbwing

GOODS,Which fhey will fell on the molt rerfo'nable

terms, vizSnmdry' Woolfens, Worted and Cotton Hofiery

do Calimancws, Vtlrerets arid Velveteensdo Printed Calicoes and Sh*W&do Copperplate and Chintz Furnituresfe^^intzCaUicoeit-yfeU^hinf ^ jao iJfcaC&Siairls &bbraereahantIfceic!Mdo Scotch Shirtings aftd Flaxen Linensd* 4-4 f 9 and 3^4 Inffi Likens, & J)owdo Book Mv&ins and Coffads—

With a variety of other articluSSeptember 19 A

Prime JAMAICA1SUGARS,In hogflieads,

And a few Puncheons af >

High pfoof R. U M,Landmjffrom the* B»ig(LtTTttf S5»I(AW, Cap"-

tain THOMA*, from Kingfton,ant for Calefy

P E T E R NfACKIEN B The Little Sarah Will take a. few bar-

rels on freight, for Klirigflfon, if1 engaged on orbefore Thttrfday ntiit—ahd has ekt'ellentf accom-modations for RUTengeri jfp

""HOLLAND GIN,In Pipes and Ca/hs,

And a few Puncheons of High ProofJAMAICA RlTM,

Juft received, and*for fale byJ O H N S - A T A G f i ,No. 15-1, SonthrWater-ftreet eo

Genfang "Wanted,

FOR which Cafc and the higheft price willbe given, by W A I N W R I G H T &• CAtD-

WELL, Nor 37, corner of Wall ftreet ana H*.nov«r fquares, Ne-wwYorfc. eo f

Auguft 6,1791-

COMMISSION STORE,For the Sale of ,


ROBER.V ROSS,No J23, in Second Street, nearly oppoGtc Mr

TJSOMASBARTOW^S, between Arch uridRace,Philadelphia,BUYS AND SELLS ou'COMMrSSION,

TJ'ANK STOCK, Bills oFExchange, aH'kind'sJ > of Certificates, Land Warrants, CongrefsDollar Money, Houfes,- Lots ind Plantations,Money procured on Depofits and Moitgagts.

For Sale, feveral Houfe*, Lots and Planta-tions, &c

Settlements of Army accounts By power ofattorney, done in the different offices.

£ Soo wanted on mortgages in the countycf Philadelphia

£ 1500 Wanted for a term of years, on RealEftates, in the Country Inquire as above

September 14 d

Univerial Hymn Book.TO BE SOLD ST

THOMAS DOBSON,Mid other Bookfcllers in Philadelphia,


Pfalms, Hymns and SpiritualS gj

Sele&etWromr different Authort.and publift-e<t by order of the Convention'holding the SalJvatianofallMenj met in-Philadelphia the 45thef May, J79J

Price of a Cngle Book bound, Three Eighthsof a Dollar—with good allowance to tfeofewho takij quantities, Aug.' 3. aaw tf


The Sloop Nsnpanel,

CAPTAIN TATEM,She has good accommodations for paffengers,ind Will fail oh the 4th inftant For freight orpa'Hage apply to the mafter oh bosrd at Mor-ten's wharf, or to

WHARTQNmd. G££EF£$October 1 d

^iT _ • 1 1 - 1I1 11 iff 1 ' 1 1 .1 T. 11

Oh Tuefday next, 0&pi>fr id,AT r E N 6*di»ees,

At ALBERTJOS'^ Wharf,Will be Sold by PublicVendue

(Oh account of the concerued)Tht HULL of tfe Ship


ALSO—HER MATERIALSt Cmfip'gfAnchors, Cables, ftandingandrynningRigging

Sails, &c &c &c ii per InventoryWhich will be Sold in Lois to fun the purchasers*i* 7be Inventory U be feen it thefuhfinkr's Store

RICHARD FOOTMAlSf(.jfcucTidNEltRSefi il dtf



Mary Sophie,French Brig

Captam MARTIALTo fail the ift of OAober-»FcSr Freight todPafiage apply to


Fcjr C A P R R A N G O I S ,

T f i e

^ U jbr freight fer Paf-fage Mjply to the mafter on teffi&j it Aech-ftreetwharf pr ta

^ i T a and. ^ I R » O W A Y,No, 39,NortliWste»Street.

The NewbeA ^aifcet is airong good'veflel,-buik of live oirfc and wd ce^»,,*id h*reic«Uentaccornmoda.'ttons ftir faffen^i

September »6 ' ' d

ForSt SHARKS i/Af POThe new

M R i c , Btaflel jTo'failfroni.the 5U to the_iotli of Ot4ober

next.-—-*-f ot- Freight or Paffagc1 apply, 10£ CROUSlLLAT

September **. d

Mprted m the lVMtam Perm, and otherveffeiijujt dmveijj-om Eurape\


F'ifte Writing ?^>er,Of every Sizrf,

Iliclud(Hij Gilt, Plain; Mxtra arid Common ?oft,alfo Tranfparent, for »an»fenng!Maps, &o &c

A well feleaed ColleftieMi of

Modern Books of Tafte,indadirig Hiftory, VoyageS^ravelsiPMofophy;

Divinity, Law, School Books, &c &cSold WHOLESALE (WrfliSTAIL by

WILLIAM' YOUNG,BooitSBLiER, No 5*, Seeond-firscf, this corner of

Chefrut-fireet*** Catalogue's will be publiflicdin a few days

Sift it „

BTJTHOMAS DOBSON,he Mifc^nan^ous EfTays and

Otcafional WritingsorFRANCIS H'OPKINSON, ESS-.

In Three Volumes O'iravoPrice Feur SJollan,


The Eoiner of Chefou»»ftreet »nd Third ftfeetPiiil-idclphJa, hason hand and ready for fete,

TV/I'JEN'S* and womeos* faddfes of the nevvei V t ' patterttiBridles o'falnioll every-fortPorynantuasind vcluies of difleWnt fizesSaddle bags and cost cafesBoot garttrsStable haltersPortmantna trunksTrunk* covered -with- hiir,' fcatbaf and-pap'erWhips of almoft every kindPlated and brafs mounted harnefsWaggon harnefs of all fortsChair collars and fire bucketsLight-horfe, jockey, and velvel capsHor-fe covers and'rollei-sCurry, combs and brnfliesSword belts and fcabbardsHolfters and light caps

The above articlesie has manufactured underhi? own* particular direction

He has liieibiji fir fale,Plated ftirrupBandfpurs'ofthe'firft qualityPlated fets for one, two and 'fout- horfe harnefiBeft red, yellow and common Morocco leatherBear flcin for houfings

Which he wiM feH,' whdlefefc and retail, onthe moftreafoiiabfe- terms for csrfh or (hort cre-<dit v March S4. sawtf

BOARDING and LODGINGAt No 173, Third ft«et Solnth

"Philadelphia, Sfptemltr jtyh, } 793 .' T ' H E (Sorporaison, for the relief of poor dif"* ftrelled Prefbytenan mimfters, their w^

dows, &c are notified (to meet by adjourn-ment) in the Firft Prefbytenan Church in thiscity, on the aoth day of October nsxt, 4 o'clock,P M, on bufinefs of importance

By order of the Board.JAMES SPROAf, Sec'ry "Stl

i><>/? Ogee, Philadelphia, Sept a 6, 179 2

LETTERS for the Britilh Packet, Daflwwood, for Falmouth, via Halifax, N S will

be received at tins office until Tuefday motnlngthe id of Oiftober at £ o'clock


Imported in the 'Oirp General V/a]binlimt fromDublin, for Sals by

'WtJARTON and QREEVES,No I u , Soi&h Walter-Street

September J 8 dlw


Hat removed his Office to No 65, Qfr$>a£te MatbewJWConnel, Efq Cbefnitt-fi,Tel,

"1TETHERE he carries or#the Brokers' BnfmefsW in the fame manner as ts tranfacSed b'y

Sworn and Ticket Broker? on thu Royal Ex-change, London He affure3 his Friends andthe Public in genera], that he docs not fpeo«vlate on h'o own account, but buys and fijtls. efl-tn-ely on a modersite and very low commiffionHe iojicits his Friends and the Public in gene-ral, for their employment, which {hall be condueled with the firicleft honoi, dafpatch andpuncluility In order to prevent any mifun-derftandmg between the buyer and felltr, hehas a book open at his Office, where tiiofe whofhall think proper to employ him, may pendown the ftock they wifh to leli or buy, theprice, terms of payment, and length of time theyWife to leave their orders—which he hspe?fliall be executed in fuch a mann^i that it willmeet the approbation of his employers Helikewife takes in all kinds of Msrchandife oncommiffion, is ufual, at hts Houfe, No S2Q,North Second ftreet, and procures Money ongood Notes or Depofits

Philadelphia, Auguft 47, 1792 aawtT


ON Monday, the 17th -lnitanf,' WILLIAM'M'DOUGALL wi'l open his School in the

Long-Loom, Videl's alley, a few doors ,ftom thecorner of Chefnur and Second ftreets Thehours of tuition for young' Ladies will b£ frbm9 to xt o'clock, on Mondays, Wednesdays, andFridays An Eveh'ng School will be Opened forGrown Gentlemen, as foon as a fufficient number'fliall offer Enquire at No 113, fouth Secondftreet Sept 4. eol7t

THE HIGHEST PRIC£Will be Given for

OLD COPPER*At the Mint, in North Seventh-ftreet, No a'o.

September 3 dtf

A Pxdce of COARsfi C L O T H ,

WAS found in Water-Street yefterday mor- jMrig, early The owner, praving his '

property, and paying the charge1 of this adver-tifement, may have it again, by applying to

MICHAEL bWITZER, Porter,the corner of Arch and Water-Streets ,

September a 6 6fp

ALEXANDER POWERHa! remaned hi' Office

From N° 1 ?2> in Market ftreet, to the cornerof Chefnut and Fourth ftreets, (

W H-E R jfc. he continues, tor Jiuy.ajjdfcll jHoufes, tft)ts, Plantations, Bank Stick, j

certificates of every denomination, military do« >,nationsv,Iand warrants, fettlements of army ac -counts by powers of attorney, draws deeds,mortgages, and other writings1, does bufinefsm the land office, furmfliing^ certificates andpaper money, on the moft reasonable terms

Alfo, land' difcovtiries for a number of plan ;tations of unimproved lands on the waters ofSufquehanna, Jumata, Allegheny, and Monon-gafiela—certiffe'd by magistrates of the refpec 'tive, counbess Thofe- who choofe to be' con-cerned in buying or felling fuch decryptions ofunimproved lands' may have their furveys fuperintended, an<J patents completed, without itheir perfon'al attendance, on very moderateteVms

The hfgKeft price given for Congrbfs moneyof 1778 and 1779, ahd otherpapcr money of1780 and 1781

N B A generous price will be given forPennfylvania land warrants granted fince theyear 1784, that1 come certified by the furveyoi' of the refpedive diftriift and count},thcr the lands intended to fill that warrant or warrants, were prevraufly forveyed byvirtue of an older warrant or warrants

May r j tu th & f

Soldiers,Mariners, and militia men's pay, lands, and

claims on the public,

Shares,In the Banks, in the Canals, and Turnpike


Certificates,Granted by the public, and the old and late pa'

per monies,

Notes,Of hand1, bills, bonds, and mortgages,' with ot

without depofits,

Bought,Sold, or negotiated, at No a, in Fourth Itreeii '

below1 Market ftreet, by

FRANCIS WHITE,Who tfanfa&s bufinefe in the public offices forcountry people and others, by virtue of a poVer"of a'ttorney, pr by perfonal applicatien


Genfeel Boarding &f Lodging,at No 19?, South Second Street.


Np 54, Secohd-Street, fonth,Has received by late arrivals frem London, Dub

Un, and Glafgov, a Lrge affortment of

B O O K S ,Apon* which are

CROEE's. Reports, 4 vols 8voLoid Raymond's do 3 Vols 8yo.

Gibbon's Hi$or,y of the decline and fall of theRoman Emptre, 1 i vote f

Hume's' Hiftory of Enghad, with or withoutSmollet's continuation

Robertfon's Hiftorj of Cha'les Vth 4 volsdo, t do . , : of America j vols

Mofiieim's Eccle^afticaJ Hiftoryj 6 volsJqhnfon's Lives of the Britiffi Posts, 4 volsLocke on the human underftanaing, 7, vols,Trarvels through Cyprus, 3 volsLytLleton'sLetteisMontefquien's Spirit ot Laws, s volsZimmerman on SolitudeKey to Polite LiteratureSmart's poems , 1De'la Croix on the Conftitutions of the different

States of Europe, a volsSwinton's IYivels.Buffon's Natural Hifiory, abridgedHiftory of Rome, 3 volsHlllory of France, 3 volsLaies ' PreceptorWiUiams'e' Letters from FranceFieldirfg's, Peerage&egant Extriifts ui Profe and Vet'eKnox's Domeftic DivinityFeftival 4 Wit, do of Love ,Lcffons of a Uoy^nefs, 3 volsContinuation of the Arabian Night's Enter-

tainments, 4 volsBrydone's Tour thro' Sicily and Malta, 3 volsZimmerman's experience in Phyfic

do on the DyfentaryGardiner on animal economyKirkland's inquiry into the prefent ftate of Sur-

gery, i vols ,Munro on the Difcafes of the ArmyMotherby's Medical DictionaryWhite on WomenArmftrong on the DifeSfes of ChildrenChaptol'sChenjiftrj, 3 volsMunro's Chemiftry, 4 volsNicholfon's ChemiftryQjjmey's LexiconClarke on the Difeafes ef long Voyages

do , on FeversWalhs's Sydenham, a volsHunter on the Difeale&of the ArmyEuropean and Literary Magazines for the fir A

6 months of 179aBuller's Nifn PriusLovelefs on WillsStube's Crown CircuitBurfQW's Reportf, 5 vols.Dunfordand Eaft's Reports, 3 "volsMetford's Pleadings in ChanceryMorgan's Law Eflay, 3 volsNewnam's Convevancmg, 5 volsBlackftone's ReportsSalkeld's Repoi ts, 3 volsSullnan^s Lectures ontheEnghfti ConftrtuticrPerrc Wilbams's Reports, 5 VqlsComma's ReportsLeache's Crown LawHargra-ve and Butler's Coke OB Lyttlete-HPowel on PowersPowe^ on ContraSsCowper's ReportsD6uglas'» ReportsBr'o^n's Chancery, a vo'sAmbler's ReportsPpwel's Eifiys, a volsThe Bqtannk GardenBlmr's Leisures, 2 volComyn's Dige4 of the L'a'ws, 5 volsFergufon's Hiftory ef the Romin Republic,

5 volsGibbons's Hiftory al the decline and fall of the

Roman Empire ' compleat n 6 volsValhant's Travels into Africa, % volsNewton's Work?, 6 vols Mirror, 3 volsVan Sweeten's Commentaries, 18 volsDuncan's Medical Commentaries, 6 volsThe Bee, by Dr Araeifon, 6 vols &c &c Sc

N B Country Merchants, and tr-ofe whopurchafe by the quantity, wll be fupplied with,Family, OdaVo, Ccmnion and Pocket BibleTeftanients, Spelling Books, Primers, Hiftones,Writing Papei of all kinds. Blank Books, &c,on the very loweft terms

Sept 19 wf tf

A L L perfons mdebttd tothe eftate of SAMUEL STOCK, hte of

the Northern Liberties, Cooper, detqafed, are-defired to make imrhediat< payme'nt , and allPerfons having any di.roandj agamft tbs faideftate, ardicqueftedtorendcr their accounts, dnly attefted for fetflement

ELIZABEfH STOCK, AdmimilratrixThird ftreet,Noiine<*n Liberties, \vg 18

law 4W


A NURSE, -nrtk. 1 good Bread: of Mii-kAlfo—'i Mart Sc\an

•£t qi-re af t]>u Printer

Page 2: The MAIL; or, Chypmles DAILY… · GLAS'S W A R E~ Received by-- the Brig MARTHA from Arnfter-dam* aa4 1>T

" - $ • •

ijv, th Ipene is»ftrfngth-permit

«HOUGH the por^e be at prefe/nttoo <nuch etfe^vafedto re ommSntje

ainft Aulhja and Ituffia, it& anin tinatfo t * app ar

q a t ^ ^ W g V would its*Cfn the one hand tfie

J ^ f t » r i y eefcTng Tufeterfug a,inllead of f lftUiflg, tbe,c ndittonslaced in' ihe 'treaty of Cfcijtove ypr tend, (jtythe. co»ti&ry, thatth places"taken djtwuijg die" lafl war, Gvall h reflared- without d4ay j '«Mid>ott the other,the Bofritgcs become. 4ai}y m rcfyibborOj,tdA degree which renders 4$ "probable|W£th,' " bulllijels f-deterW«un&tb<ffio'iTtier betwe n Beiirfa andr'th Atrftnan

wiltfcl• ^ro^en off, "andehl«ii% the A,ft

ner will 4>e obliged to return towitbo it executin h fli

Qur troops in jful f motion* which- th<rma\eaa the &qnti«s-, asfarefians gH6, t & c . fepjlyraeS in tfuj Ukraine^ ready

h cuttfftsm ea

lit* I»en3 d Antrim ? AWi no# havingipne'Jhaijj b, is ,pdt: he omifl^tp ^ g*(as a body^isiy fey) itfjfrtififieftSen

Lpoi; af the Cun/ltiutwn, G Bin franse'{ 4repot th y g h gas faft as tWy can-? Ttafbe fuie'they^re,and ve (h uld fcjUowtheir example'

" GEMMIN,1 I a t n a freeholder, andxMm jatt ntion and moifover' I don*tmind % ^ ? a ny (Tvp''e tbafl I d w,wj» ?w»^DO/J ''-^.thoog^li for the matter of that,it don't htfs n^rthti '

I fay agjain t,anj agaii ft th Parch•nation -y and fo, 0^MMJN ? having $ wMdrriyTay, I ftialj fay np more upon th?f b a ' '

./ uguft 4Yh pnnee of Waldeck a genei^l m

the Anitriaii f rviee, pafled the Rhine,w.ith'adejtachm'e.ntoTcavahy,^6n th ?ofhof July, and rseoBJioitrfd th fortrefs o£L d , without, t^e *Fr ach ganffon

any mo^ejftent )Khal ver It ts^ whole- ^uftrisji army wiH foon

pafs tk river and-ttocaffip on theSpeyer l

^ ^ Trench at Tre«e«, andin its eBvn»B8t we're preparing X mee,tih b f e S i the

jtg% p ^ , ^ ^ y fofrto fttengtheft the, attStSiS in' Eolanst,

i | t ^ t ^ M ^ d i a i£the J[?»•waver? or ft«w the Jeaii nieiinatibn tbreak with the, allied powers

Bis thg Raffians* proceed J J | PJjJaTiKt,}ad van ing on both- fiifsof-WarfW, flua^»y crfp%ei BpliiH noblemen, quit f heir ha"bitations and retire elfewhere One pf'thefe prince PoiJtniki, has ehofen VferT'na for his afyhim Numbers f them aregone tp Gafiicia 5 and there ar fp manyat Btodi fine the Ruffians- arc be om•nafters f Oftrog, Dulrao,, and tuck ,tha t they «an feaVcfly find 1 dgjng, andmany have been obliged to g^ forwardt X.emberg» and other, towa? in* Galh ia

At Cleqpientp.w» ia th Palitinate. of^Sendpmir, the richer families ar

the latt r appear t o have taken th wif«

t p gbreCfeten inajrtnjatSiogen

27th. - rT$k i^gtHient of tqylJ V l h "fiace its dgfation was.

3 i n us m»rsb. td|er vit <3ven


P f l i y ^ y whieh i | ^ f ^upper p a r f e l (he !Kh-Mfl|qpric|s:" |t Jsfti* t l l ^ l ^ &



t0,^the trS ps,

The fituation of Ppland is eertamlymelanchpjy Th mor timid inhabitantsare f pini n that the quarr I withRuffia annot turn out advantageouflyfor the republic , thefe- fhrtnk from- thfe

•danger and.,think it w. uld hav b enpiore prudfetjt^g jisg ciate with the courtof F terfb urg t than'to auger ft by anoppoiitipa Js^armi,

Th« emperor fa tiegociating a loan oftwenty milli ns of fl nns at Genoa , we|ia\e not y t heard h w the, f i f rjbers

oraft forbid , S 1In puiliijgT down |he ho'pfes which,

furro nd omr jngtropolitati churchy twuri us ftatues, I h , Gothic fefc '

faav h n difcQver *Wifffui has qffered

for vhi h a

i , l f 25The king SfPipffiaJ with-h'isj'a

d h h &, at j^ ^ ) g p y water

•m one of the e ^^.r avant courier countermanded; the

the city, lt'bdog^tTjs,wfQ\ to go to his h^ad-quartef 't at

« tsboinflUft witihojit eclat ,, Qjn th 2,3d his majeAjr dined at horn?. -

f he elector hawerer vifjt dhfm in the af-ter oon vti$i a iins ra?|e&y<lt'q^j^p &

The 23d apd .24th the Fiehch pF.t,pqesBfa i p f o ^ he kwg'3

J:|ie*-prinees attended a

The barbarities eoajijHtted by OK A Uftnans on the frontiers of Frattce havebeen mentioned With a.due portion of abhorrence ; but they have notT>e n fiifficintly aptw d; as proeeedinjjirom th»po-

ll y oft thofe-whocfenduft the war. ""TheAuftran "commanders, fea>fiil that th |rtroops way be fcduced % v the Feepe%mar h all yie regiraeifts, winch, had fewe.dfor|any timely the Netherlands," jntath interior of .the/ country, and replac'e-themby others, wht hhad beeftf'ng^again ft 1 he "Tmhs d iwmg^s late war

d«s are oroppfed of jjrejv who *tn genemlfefiow no oth«i thai* th Hungarian Jan,gyagg fierce in their mannerspoctment, an4 irritated at thej'by which they-are* denied't rval pf teft *%' f° mariy'y«aTs cfervice, they iraTa r e'vejy falttaryiFreflchmaii th t falls into their"rev ng%fo.e an aft ftrs

The fenttroefits of fthis ii'at-ipn HI fevpur of tb,« gaB^i and fufixrmg Poles, ishappily as ftrong a it is g neral Ther&is, therefore, a-ground to hope, that thero re e3tp'r«ffion of that fentiment, whit is known may tend to abate, the feve,rity' of

/ ^ Auftna ^bo tibrty yestra fine , #'n<which was gi-aiefulty c ept d by th'<^« n Th refa of Hungary aqaoiintedt 49?o^o| But with the ib onger claimsofJE*olan<£ whether we onfiderth metit or the diftrefs of that people, andwith the mcreafe of wealth and liberality,which during thatintfrvaliias occurred mthis soBijtrf V 61Je€tiQn j|f iO^qcSojiwo.uld*fa|l w.rtjof the/g aeral

frea,tly irtamfl fted d 1 ing the late tumults; Parian Caitjps and Sieges, a|Ford a finer,

W ^ ' a more frying d'fpky f manly .fpirit than a p pular irifurrefti n , but ni}iB occafioii L uts certainly5, d'fplay d a

refolution w /thy f the ijj'efcendant ofHenry TV . *' "

Pethiou^ondu^ c,?n hav no j uftifican 'His a#mty and vigjkn e have

been manifgfted on other occafions; I119power as a Magiltrate is very great , hisperfonahhflu nee in Pans n arly unb undd , a d yet this rooft (hafii;<!fui,,outragea

and p pular ejic ff a g .on vyith ut puchmteri-upti 11, or any exertion nhispait

Looking up n ftsed^m to be th inalienable Right^f >CtotJ^e coafider Withabh rrence any attempts 1;o icirap f thefh^gkles of farmer Dt fpotifm But theFr?" doro rwe usder^aad\«» b? has right,

f b d b hs r » b? g , .

in Society be cireumfcrabed by the Laws ; it maft t become IJeeotioufee'fsIn Fradee-the people &re 'overturning^allthe falutary boundaries of their Conftitu-tion "and reducing t contemptible iniigmficance tbet feft public Fuofttonary.They have f rgette,ia the,Precept•of 'Mlf «6eait™«* If Fr48c?w tbhayeaKing,- he ihould bf Rgyal; the m amngand n t mgrejy t^e oam l|bouldi ttendhim—he fho fsj j j f ^iefted with largepowers, and4JS|3yl£§aU inftance^ the,ft ;a d ^ n i n ^ i ^ p ^ i f of them,'

& & o u nj ofpi^f,A ^ % pr 'JeT-iblng the

^ jif*%r»ef'cvtvK J» ffi theirjp^v*Wttft<Witra power sf pf«ewmUa^«h£% ftffla t ^ f t i s g iqiea th gates ofthe Rojal ^i§|!aee£ andf p ijrmg byth ufands1 rate* ihs pnvat apartmetitsf ofthe King ? Cairve^fappp^i that the pikesof the multitude would bend with def rence to the Senate whom th y pay, whenthey me aced «ith deftruiftion the wdependenc of the Sovereign Will»

S 1 A

p g formidable atroi *t by Ruffiito^owrtyirn the iiberti s'of

nd^ th ]^%^eft~w^ich. they havmade doe* notj|gia to i^icate that theire#»ts a,r^lik ^^m id Be attended withfuccefs The' |alea,jnie d» the ag f

b | ^ aye left without,&phi gny of the

ilfat aofpirtie8 t okpia e lately in thSNati nat AfT mbly4 t ie fpmt ftill prdominates and it is fa from b ing kting i(h d Th viol nt lamtfur riif d againft M, la Fayette ontp 'th idol f thpe pie but n w c nfid&«d, particularlyby thfe Jacobin party^ asafiifpici a p rfon may 1 ndter him difaffecTied t theeauf whi h he has bujherto fp z al uflyefpoufed f his cefebrated man' is ftnfibleof th, dang r that impends pv r Fiance ;biJt he fee's, at th fame time that Vigoroua meafures oannqt be adopted w-hi] dif-11m n priiails a\n6ng thofe^wh h,ave thefupreme management of affau 3 As theproper- m an* of medymg this ev 1 hiwifces that an ehd flioiild be put to clttbs1

and popularaffembJies, whieltareth ughtX have top much iirffijence over thminds of th people , and thi% has beend ckred by fome tp he ai dittft attacku^ n the liberties of th peoplfi M Fay tte, however, feems to enjoy the confidence ofthe IS vercign and ofih array jbut this 13 not enough t enfjr fuccefsto ti(ie affairs* bf Franc ,' he £Uj*nt t «-j y t&at" of the «peopJe aJfo J¥ajice certamfy, ljnce the commencement of therev lution, Has never'bj^n in fo difagreeable and berpkxed^a ^fituatton as atprcfent Without an eiBcient miniftry, witjiput, Btsney " ;wbicfe is the finews of war, without a l l gle airy andmthout a faifiiwncjf of'troops t oppofcthofe numerous bqdt s of Auftrian miPrufBanf, wejli diiBipimed and commanded by experienced offic FS, who are readyto entef htsr-tenjtgiifcs, f fee»m,uft fpeed Iyadopt fomr plan to promote unanimityand give energy to ter gdvernm^nt, elfea fklai bloV may be- aim |J with ffeftand fubvert in an inilant the new nflvtutj n The propofal made for r m vingth National Aflembly to fome f thf utbern provin s, in, the prefect crifis,is imprudent as well at impolitic, andfhe ws that feripus apprehenfions are entertawed of it« faf ty Should this plan bearned into executKW the capital r»U beleft'in a ftate of anarchy and the nmi s of th e nftauti n-ypl^have an-sopportunity of exciting commotions' whichmay b attended with the w rft- <?pnfe-qu noes Th

Bei 1

On Sat rday Wdhatn AUen, .Nathanf 1 Lilley J h ^ Bwfch^p aliasJam s Martm, and Mai y JJaaatwio had efca'p d &pm B" tany 1brought & m on, beard &J) GorgQB BJM^of war, at Purftset, Uy'iMefTs Morant,Miller.'and Eennedy1, fifcers belongujg toBow ftreet, and the lame day und rvventan o w i p ^ i p n relative to, their ejfcape

The fiftl witnefs examined wa3 Ea(vardEdward's1,- Elq %ptifo toi his Mtfe&y'»fet fhip Pandora, of 2agims,, which witewr kedY n the a^th^f iAttgu|t |«u% Pjt tbco&ft pf Nw l 8puth, WBIS^ WHO fardfjthataftef the lpfs pfife fljip anofpart fthe crew, he, with the aejiiaiflder in aoeat, wide* a ^iaffr eaffi^ QMfaagf 1*th<£ifland of TiSfc*Si g l f e # v f ttfemeutwhere }ie was ihforga«u

,that ejght raen> Qne'ciildren {a$ JdjgWhJf iplace w an pf ji^oafcfid, the jtfa jtf tune pithen faid A y' ^gngedifor Botany ^ayt witht.

hopes ofEuropeanbrave people,

will bje atjle tocountiy^ andftitutjoii1 on \]fomidations,hfcl

gnythey ar aadduced to

that th y-efcry afin f f h iblfljhg cpn

loft fo'lid and lafting

few years, thewhi h fweepsout d f t ^ *tt. , _ x b^a&i|#fent; andth impe i«p|||fpat, may 'free th mfrom a trouble )!bour,

4ambitiou3 neigh

In] ,Is ftflindid

Virijiels the p ftniiple'!o£15i%n gove^am, nt, and' hoaour

.mpnarchy fq p^oof ofiihefirftpW have h ard as yet of nothing likecorruption n the government of A ^ r i »ca. Bjjtiij whlfw of t ie ntbns^cjiies mhbnoUjr at, jjrgfeiit tov fee fpiipd'-^g?^tStfCef $n$ictyd & ,$,n.Uw roualift f ad*o<?#es in f$=your of aiparljameDtftry ieformV is toib'added ^th« cautious and courtly JB%6

1 ctajujy admit! ,tha> « \$ anyiMtei'^ioiJnUgbt^^wijjKsdouiijggffted i* the pre *•fenfram of parb$j8^nta,'%% Iholildbe in

• favour <tf a jnorc.of "

rt«|te# and njoftl i§'thepre

f H


I pt Arabafadorofat FiaH foit His

i scai^g '6rifr *%ate?e.n f nall F V J?t tijp 4«aJiy on^ Ni4

Cff'flew'c<>nffiiua(ea rpinnjigmVented and juft * '"^

dearly a raill|o'i)i* ii.t the l

^ f

otmpt, containing"

of her own titles, a>$lfire»a«»i4ft* theflbouts ofie

%obert3,'Vv?e^on,h {M had;


ii ofParis,' re tds


fefstoyfclf a &1 cau& hf ia ;a -weltVJiieB %e kn wvtfae

g p p ^ | <

new mgafur s i n ^ e Cabinet may ,\b theconf qu oc w (3t#e)appar,^ntfijcc flbr ofCathai?ine I I and-Sis party have longbe n mimi al to the plans of that princeisaad w^eu^r^tad- js^^lcf^tf ' t te tpua newN

the J iber t^ ioJ^a^nd. Whatever maybe the ifliw ojf conteft between thfiiends of liberty and th advocates ofdefpqtifm, it appears that the courts of'


aqd France

yof Poland

ante a imnt^pmuXf has forinalty refifed1

to accede to the German league-formedia,gamft the French oafhtutipn, andthough fpme railirfR' pripa'rStidns werlate | | made in Denmark thei'e is no rea«jfon to^&ppofe'tha^tbsy^rekte to'anyihc-f

wko l o doubt ,h^ve their -emiffarifa biufil^mployjt4", jenjoy, the fatisfaftion of feeing

France r?d.\jeed to that fituation wbicbtheyjwifhed What v r o^eratiort?, howvfr, TOpB^'ejifrp'd n* agawft ft by it*

enemies, the emigrants will be all wed,as isfa,id, to (akefuch ftiate intnen^ only,,

,as the confederat s roa,y thifik proper* 1 h y are n w numerous, ajid, |>y the fteqo nt defertions -froiii" 'th5 ^r D h tro ps,form a body of at leaft twenty 'thpufandmen, w 11 difciphncd, arid commandedby officers f the firft diftincTsipn, a Withr gatd to the pnn s who are at their

ih ad,- they may juftly" fay, jada (fl leq

apy is iconfttcate^, f m a m t n ^ navetaken unarms ag»m(ttheir cou try, th?ymuft eith r «nter it triumphant, r ren un e it for ever, aiid be ~c nteirted toremain dependents on the b onty of fbve-i r i g s courts Th .fiic£*ffr,of > , ,„-»(

EARL OR,N\VALI-IS,m India, and thfe likjlibood ,of^eac be' ing eftablimed th r on terms higlily advantageefus t the BJtoffl natipri,1* mufl^ive p}eafo« to tv' ry eine whp/ hW the

•Hltereft f %t& coUfitrf at1 heart Thtfa nficejj which, iTfppvod^hjii jjiad , ip or-der to iaW bjinfllf frpm.^tt|r, d*f fjttuctiop,while tjiey witt,iiipa|i"^ejjiriify' tb# Ea.JtItldia ^ping^ny :wr WC^expences'of tfie

iwar, muft weaken biat»ppW,er to> much,^thathe w(JMca1fe|"ly agwnyentiM; Xp threati_en PUI^Oriental pjjffefroii^'or tb" attacklany f th native po-wew wh may be inalliance w i t t 1$reJ;t Bntayt ' While we

wuli all th

,. thafetfewboat at fer,, iffiibicji^e,remainder of tftf ere#lbut after they had been (time a quarrel arofe among them, andthe G: vernoT difcovered tjiasy*^^ COBvfi^s wfejo had eftsped frpm B^aflirl|ay j><jn which he had them .taken 'IJI ciiftody,and' n theanJval fC " * ™ i !"v

livened them info-his (had paid 1ance procuredDutch* fltip to Bailsof the men and one of the chiWreti 1Frpm thence he mbarktd them on !ther /hips, and brpiight the 1

fpwemem, theth OSpeitfJGi;men havingIfatasia io- the , .. .7 .,..„_ r . .the father childbed T i e Gaeg^n wanf

wd d^ir?dA^fc«%)*^ &$woman to liis fcharge^ *bo brouAt themto England, fome'o €raptaip ^iward»fei4s that the prifr«e»hi4behaved themfelves. ip the moft peaceablemanner the wboje 4jseih:«y bad beeu vinderjiiscare. "

x !Theiacc,wnt<heprifotter*gf.ife of theirefcape fcem BptauytBay is nearly asjel-ldws ^ T b w after tlfy H$ beta- tMc? a-esMifiderabte fime," and f ffi nog greatharo!flups frq^ithje want o/pfovifi %* bf»*ijig a d d h

^ p y , p ftfor tbejr'efcapq, WficK fbe| were a§a|to put in prt^ice by the aflftaMeDutch fnow, which,£hen ^ iSydney;Qp«?i- tb« C ^ 4 ^pjV A, >bem with a c<M>afsf aana lome proviuon, and a fib 1 ngmgtphisTreJIH,

d f b ^ W ^ Bristol, one of^ d * d ^ | a t

world, an^d' Jjilfr thirl*is Jo little app ar-anc of our Sfaaquilty; Being foon ujterrupted, lf£ us pay.fttenCiottjt thofe ob

& h h ^ f r^ife empires to |h.e%ul i tP JJC c^ r e

f ^ p prdjperl&y|)uf l&gjflatdVs "Sifcharjeiwitb; fid htf the

ft Kpofejdjo theiip, if they* eiert th| i i ^ | d

the Jf|i6%a#&! r t d i g J ltrary tb their e|p|@a,tipfa's,* rfJ«iy fign5 of t h | t ^ > ' f ihj

lintranqe into tie itnitroediat ly %o lnttelta of the c Ved, and c att,avai ficafions h j

ufual ;pn Smth. <>againft -this^ k d


a-fefervfe «naniroily and, |^a ;g9o4 f ias ra ls , Gka t

l»r,if hftanfljflg the wars fhe hasi Way et >bid iefiap e

d c ntfnue t be feared^a^» o

O,Sr trader t<i ih&twjll fafve-tanajH-efs A Cfeinef

With higher ideas fhaflihe^ ver perhapsb fere siiwrtained f tKe-ppw^r ana dig-:n^ty;pf th» , Ufttryi and may b themeans, of opeituig. nftw' feurpes1 ©finitrce with, thisin^tftrtipiis' p<?6pJ .^piicent prefents pf Vatiaus ki^ids, aiTd

al ap.jjaratus^ hayef bsesa pro*.yided'iflotdfeptp eotteihate'tfee friendfhippf

Wlit tratufe,attlfl

was paid fo,r \>ythe pijrty, bu| whp

, Batavia Having got tiprovifion rfiey —wh Jf to

'•& ur,|o fMt por,k,th-py- (

;1 Sydn y Cove »n tSe' *8'atten (about for pear WJj|t«ne they faffes?4 J. f iW the want,qf!« ..,. ,,theinckcpencyiolp wither, ;corerrajg in the boat, tfeey ari^ved 0,39 th sr15th of June, alujoft p^enfted, at'Jh^•land of Timo^ | that diiHng thefrj*whi h w^s!'they had,been able to get ver:-ply of provifion' of water, the Iio high5, that tt v|rythem togo*dn more, i{did,inhabited j_a^d that thafear -•at

board" ihe .Qo/from the Ca|)e 6

ft; Mrevery thing neceffarybelsnown (which moith,e bft day of nextlarly lamented iha|they Jhd d gp dtfeSargethem o ^


my his i^en of Tpience


f vepce, ps\d ^vtffll nd? d l b J f e

important any ' l e of

jtrto 1dm4

feb^ption at*Ae" eoijrt 0^av,g cv^ry issfps to .hope that.aSJ|tres!aijd addrejs, he will be

the objecl: of hj|. Hp Rc

y j } > p j ywhen they were' inforai^d, they" wer? lia-b! t o j f % f e t B&& B y <*ferve e>

J Jeph'|rap-pGeorge, s Fields,

C O B> J. E NTfk, (--: Nothing) 3fhe ?rii|5|nand list S iall fl

tt^i^fe that p f i ?w8l"Toow be <9?ar,|d off ^ f 4 £ j s t *


to][ f r hi? «ncOTj'ment $

stv gour The


Page 3: The MAIL; or, Chypmles DAILY… · GLAS'S W A R E~ Received by-- the Brig MARTHA from Arnfter-dam* aa4 1>T

V I E N N A , July 14

Sumptuary Laws are about to be proclaimed refpe&mg diefs A certain tintibita drefa 13 to be affigned to each rankand occupation Cold, filver, and embroi-dery upon the cloathes, are interdi&edtoall who are not noble

A young girl of this city was in lovewjth a Painter, who had promifed tomarry her Her father only was alive,a,nd was averfe to the match She profeseuted him for hei maternal dowrv,which confifted of Bine hundred florins—(he was of age to, demand it, and the father was fentenced to p-»y the fmn Themoney fhe receitfed-i—ihe figw to her loverand gtfve it to hrm to keep. The nextday (he returned to his lodging) but thePainter had gone off. The poor girl,thus finding herfelf deprived at once oflier lover, her money, and the affection of& r father, uiged by defpair, threw herfelf )BB> the Danube, and was drowned.

Throughout Auftnan Lombavdy, an^efdmance u publifhed, requiring all ftrangers eftabhfhed there fines 17 £9, and exejeifing no trade,1 to qurt the country —No Frercbmatt is upon any account toenter the territory, uidefs turmlhcd wkha paffport from" the chanceiy of Vienna,or the Airftnan rmnifters at Venice or


WARSAW, July 13.tiTe have teeeived accounts Here that

the Polilh atmy under Prince JofephPomatowfla, near Polonnqc, has fuffereda great lofs from' the Ruffian*,

On the 7th mft the Polifh army*, con-fiftmg of 2C,ooo men, approached the ,Ruffians, of whofa numbers we have noaccount Prince Poniatowfki was juftabfent > thus tt^e at my wanted a headThe Ruffians no foooer appeared but thePohfh national troops were immediatelyfimek with a panic, t«ror and put toflight

Two PoWh General, either throughuichnation or fear, went over to the Ruf-'fians^ A reinforcement of 20,000 menfor th?l army was on the, and it istnuchapp'ieliended they will meet with theRuffians unprepared.

The lofs of our defeated army confifts6f the whole field equipage, 49 guns,227 bags, of gunpowder, 1475 tiielocks,50,006 cartridges, 24,000 Jack? of dour,'5000 facks of oats, 2500 cart leads' ofnwj 28,000 pieces L« cloth1, 47o'ammun'ifiqn waggons, and the clielt of war ,1735s' men were killed,. 439 wounded,

* and, 1347 taken pnfpners This affair<ioft the Ruffians nothingv finee th« Polriharmy made no refinance,, On the iQfh July, the King, and the

•wliole corps de tefetye that were encamped in the adjacent di(lnd\sy marched, and-fised their camp in the neighbouihood ofPrague (in Poland) on the oppofitebanks«f «be Viftjife* — — -

ia? O&ober 2.A beautiful neve (hip, built by Mr

Gofic, for Mr Wileox, and to be comipanded by Capt Samuel Smith, waslaunched at JCenlmgton laft Wednefday,in prefence of a very numerons'aSimblyof citizens, who had collected there 6nthe occafibrt.

Accefs to the old American Theatrein Southward, is becoming every daymore and more eafy From the proo;fefaof pavements in that' pait of the town,riding and walking to it wi'fr (ban, in nbfcafoa, he difagrWible or difficult

Th,e cofttmiffioners are npw payingThird ftreet, between Lwjbanl andSouth ft> eets Preparations are made forthe purpofe in Fifth*, and the latermediaie ttfeet, it can furely not be intendedto, negleft Should thefe three pavementsbe completed, the avenues to rjiat placfeof rational entertainment, will lie muchimproved, and if extended to one fquareof South'^rpft, oprpdfite tlie Theatre,«?U give iia a paved, w*y to'tw very entrance,. 1 , '

•* Our court, (fays a letter from Richrricuid, Virginia) rhas' rejefted the allow-ing ihe recovery of oldSntifh debts, until the treaty is fulfilled, by Great Bri-tain, reftonngjdse Weftein Pofts Thefaying 13 h^re, Let them, fulfil the treatyon their part, «od we wfU readily da foon purs "

To the P1IDT13


THEfollawing is faid-to be a copy ofa letter, and as, in my humble opinion, itcontains jbme'vgry juft fentimejits on ourpubKc affair^ as they ftand at the prefentrodrtWtj hbw'SVer it might have been in'tended , I Aerefor* wifli you to give it apkee m your ufeful paper. And in fo do-ing, it is not apprehended that either youor myfelf tan fufiep any blame, for I doafiure you, I e'ame hy tjje qopy fanly,and thjs perfon».qf whom 1 received it, al-lowed me to $D with it whatever I pieafed

A, B.

-h-» Mfg. near Pitt/hsrgbi

'** That part of tb,e late proceedings ofjtourfelf and affociates, Which you pider-cd tp J|te piibhibeB'in the Pittlburgk Qa-ze}:$e, wa,» rerpufalifhed, here a few daysago, and nght forry I was myfelf to- feeit, dnd io waLail your other fi fends ) forthings were going" ngh.t enough withoutit, and you might have been in Congrefs*is clean ana wWf|k) s£ you "could haye had

patience U let your friends, play the game,and only looked on

" But by one afyoWrefofoes agaiti/llitlatut, and the Excife officeis, you havegiven the other party a handle, and thepeople now fay, they believe you want no ,laws at all, and that fuch men will not dofor them for although fpme of the con-tinental laws bear pretty tight uponinAvuluals, they would rathei have fomekind of regulauty, than live in fuch uncertainty and corfufion as every thingwas before the new government, andthat they now confider their propertyquite fecure, notwithstanding you ufed tofay it would be oJierwife, and that theywould be all turned into Heflians

" Neithei the Da8or nor the Secretarycan fay a word in favour of your proceedings, or give them any kind of colouring ever fo flight and your goodfriend — — , fays, fou are alwaystoo faft } and although he made fuoh anoife at the town meetings, and earnedhis^oin/, you have up fet every thing Ireally begin to think, that after a'U ourpains, Thomas Scott will get jnto Cot»-grefs before you , for the people (ijt theyunderftaad he la a friend to laws, and or-der, and government, and all that i andlikes the conditulion

" You did right in inviting people indifferent parts of this ftate and of theUnited States, to correfpond about theExcife, and yet I very much doubt if youwill get any body to join you , for notwithtlandirfg all that has been faid andwritten againft that, and again ft the go-vernment, faftt feem to contradiR words,and every body pays the duty and feemhappy, except yourfelves , and peoplefrom every quarter fay, that the countryis thriving

" Another thing is againft us, fomevery honeft well-inform.ed jaen tell me,that after all that is faid about the dutyopftills, &c that,- fince the nfief tuhtjky,they have fold more ftills, and copper tomake them, within thefe fix months, thanthey did for fome years before

«' Another thing, the farmer* begin tothink, that if you repeal the Excife, youwill be for laying a hand Tax

" You muft have known before this,'that we opppfed the other party's appointing Gonfeiees for the purpofe of fix-ing a tic&et, not becaufe we tiiaught it aKid meafure, but leaft ltmould injure theticket ius hid agreed upon before the Mem-ben of Affemhly left the city , ,and ever fincethat and fome other matters were fullyknown, OUr party has been lofing ground 4

" You muft alfo have obferved in ourproceedings at the town meeting,' thatwe agreed fo far with the plan oE Wilfonand Lewis and thofc people, as to namea Committee of Correfpondence , biitthen we took care to appointfuch perfon: tobe the a8wg members of fatd eottimittee, aswe knew would ni|yj»sttJiie-hufiAefaiQi_aa

" tTTat~rT6 alteration (hould be made' in theticket which had hen agreed upon, as abovementioned

" However, I will vote ta\ yoir at£nyrate, and am, with refpeft,

il Your obedient«< Humble fervant "

Philadelphia, \yh September, 1792

To the vntuous, free, and independentE]e&o*s oi Bai»moi£ Tflw'm

Gentlemen, ,' <

AS the illuminative riys of Xub,er,tyhave biirft with fuch flood* of glo

ry over this highly favored land, wheieby, all unjuft atfd ai bitra-ry dilfin&ions arelaid, afiie,- and being fully convinced thatthe citizens of this place poffeft catholicfpirits, and liberal fentiments in an emi-nent degree, I am emboldened1, with anhumble reliance on their difcernrrient andcandor, to offeY myfelf a candidate foryom fuffrages at thesnfmng election, fora Reprefentativa for the Town of Baltimore

I conceive that juffiee'-aiftf equity willexcite you to choofe one Man of Color toreprefcnt fo many hundreds of poor Blacksas inhabit this town, aa well as feveialthoufands ID the different pans of thisftate

I'have never deferfed my country^? intertft in the time pf danger and diftrefs ;but have been a zealous patnof in the

'caufe of liberty duung the late ftrugglefor freedom and independence, not fear-mgpjifonor death for my country's caufe;and thinks to £he Author of 'Life arfdLiberty, it is now eftabhflitd in fpite ofall internal as well as external Foes '

1 have already been honored with publie offices and places of truft, l Mhave faithfully difcharged accolaw aad the directions of th? oil 4 v

appointed me, and I hope to ijfa giaeraifattsfaciion of my felloW-citi jKa.

Should I be Jo happy aS taAt the objec\ of your choice, I promile to have allTones and Ann's turped out of office,until they (hew evident ligns of repen-tance, and attachment to the new govern-ment , for the corpulency of ray body(hall be no clog to the exercife of mygenius, and agility of my limbs, which

' fliall be kept in perpetual motion for thegood of the ftate,

I have the honor to be, Gsntlernen,Your devoted humble fervant,

T H O M A S BROWN.Ba|tM0Qre, Septembet 24, 1793


His Catholic Majefiy's Commijfumrs to theUnited States of Ammca, &C.

WHEREAS it has reached our notice that 3certain advertifement of the following

nature has been exhibited ui the pi&kc coijee-houfe of thiscity, to Wit'

" Any perfon wanting » paffportfor a veffel" to'go to New Orleans, or make her a Spanifli" bottom may know the terms by applying, at\" ifo 161, Vine ftreec

" Philadelphia, September 47th, r ; j ? "And whereas the power of granfmg Spanifh

paffpdrts 19 not delegated to any other perfonwithin the United States, to our knowledge, butourfelves , and that we are not authorized togrant any of the above defuiption, nor even topermit abonafide Spamfh veifel to proceed fromany port of the United States to any of his Ca-tholic jlajefty's poffefljons in America

Therefore we think it incumbent upon us towarn the public againft entering into any agree-ment fpr die paffpoi t above-mentioned, m orderto avoid the difappointment and difegfeeahleconfequences which probably would attend theproperty and perfons concerned therein

Philadelphia, Ofl t,


The Schooner

Manied on Th urfday evening laft, bythe Rev Doftor Ewuig, Mr AlexanderLavvrtnce jun ttieiphant, to the amia-ble Mifs Anna Mann, both of th^ c ' ty

N A N C Y ,

Jams Smith, Matter,Burthen about 80 tons, with good, accomwbdatiens for paffengers , will fail m five days - ^Fer Freight or Paffage apply to the Captainon board the Schoouer, lying at Chefnut-ftreetwharf, or to BASIL WOOD, in SouthThird-ftreet, Ns 19, at Mr JOHN BARNES

Ths Friends of the fubfrabera and the publie in general, will plcafe to take notice that theabove fchoqner will be hereafter a conftanttrader, and the greateft attention will be paidto the loading and unloading (he Cud veffel, asthe owners will refide one in the city of Richmond, and the other 111 this place


Odober % *


The faff failing

Sebootier NANCr,

i Nortbeni Liberties, Septmhir 2$, 1792


On the 4th4ay of Qftober next, at .the houfe ofJOHN HARJT, on the Germantown Road,near the Three Mile Run ,

FOUR valuable high bred covering heifes ',two breeding mares, and two ftone colts,

got by Morrtci Ball —— The payirsnt ot eitherwill be made eafy to the purcha&rs

A L S O,—Two milch cow», four fwme , a mmiiier of

feather b<« with bedding, bedfteads HPA fa&ing-bottom?, wmdlor and rulh >ottom ch tin, aclock, thelts and cheft of drawers, tables of va-rious fees and qualities, brifs and iron kettles ofvanoife fizes,, and a number of empty cadis ofdifferent fiz?s together with a large quantityof HaufchM and Kitchen Furniture, too tediousto mention t

Thefaje to1 begin at l a o'clock in the fore-noon, where due attendance will be given, andthe conditions made known by


Philadelphia, September %gth, 179s

BY virtue of a writ of Levatl Facias to medirected, will be expofed to public file at

th* premifes in Southward and betweenSecond and Third Streetj, on Wednefday the10th of October next, at three o'clock, m theafternoon , a certain two-ftory brick meffuageor tenement, and a two ftoty frame kitchen andlot or piece, of ground thereto belonging, fitu-ate on the north fide of PUimb-'ftreet in the dif-tnift of Soothwarfe aforefaid, in the county ofPhiladelphia, containing in breadth on faidftreet twenty three feet, arid in length and depth90 feet, boundedweft ward by ground late of Den-nis Dougherty, deceafed, eaftward by gronnd ofMargaret JekyJ, and fouthward by Plupib f*reetaforefaid Seized and taken in execution as theproperty 6f Robert Colhngs, deceafed, and to befpld by

WILLIAM vVILt, Sheriff

Ft cm TntTiDlA, prhieJm London



•juried all 1 biild, bu); trial was Vajn, ,A All Surrey dettfted the name of TOM PArar

PAINE to TOOKEAll Britain, I fear, dunk ¥tnuch the, fame wa —*To France then, Dear TO«KC, pray what do

you fay ?

TOOKE to PAINETo France, my Dear Friend • nb, thatwijl not do-lt has Jacobins plenty without I and you

PAINE to TOQKBTo Ireland then, that nation is handy,And our1 advice wiUaffift Nappy Tandy

TOOKE h PAINEdon't like the Irifli A king they ftilllovey f

Befides, they believe tfoSreVa Sovereign AMpit

Captain SUJITS ,A conftant trader She has good accommoda-tions fer paffengers, and will fals on the 6di inft

For freight or paflage apply to the Capta»non board at Landirtgberger's wharf, or to

R O B E R T HENDBRSO.N,1 No io, Chefnufeftreet *


Frundfitf,The Schooner

MACKNAsif,,-, .. ,Now lying at Meffra /Inc^otiy Morris &Co's Wharf. W $ 4 l l o t t T r i u r r d a y n e x t

For Freight or Paflage apjly to the Maf-

, AINE f ToOSKSo di<J all the French , but they now' hate their

! Who has fir Sale,Virginia Tobacco, Wheat, Hemp, and

Gmfong* ,Odober t. 4fp

'Medicinal Waters,For Drinking and Batlung^atHasr-towgale, with-

in four miles of, the city ofPtiiladelnhia, nearthe Frankfort Road

1'flli Authpr of Nature haying provided theabove mentioned fpot with two diflerent

Sands of mineral waters, the fubfermer has, at aconfiderable expente, erciSted fuch buildings overthem, as will r'ender" fhem fit to be ufed either, %internally or externally, accusing to thedifeafesof the perftiniwho require them.

Theft wa|ers have be pn wpeatedjy examinedBy DoetoriRufh and Moyes

The lirft fpringcontams a<juantjty of folphur-ous, or what thefe gentlemen call, hepatic air,and a fmall quantity of iron, it is remarkablylight, and: refemblcs, both in compofition andmedicinal qualities, the famous Harrowgate wai-ters in England. The fe£opd,fpnngi8 a com-mon chalybeate waller, and refemblcs the Bnl

, tol ef this ftateThe fubfenber fubmits it to the. judgment 6f

the phyficians of Philadelphia, when, m whatdtfeafes, and in what quantity, to recommendthe ufe of tihefs waters he will only piferve,that the. Harro legate Waters have rendered ef-fectual fervice w perfons affluSe'd \vith difeafes4ndobftru(ftiohsoftheftomach, bowels and Jpi3-nies, they have alfo removed worms, and re-lieved the irregular gout aVid chronic rneuma--tifm Externally applied, title waters'have, uLmapy inftances, cared ulcers and other erupti-ons of the fein ,

In the houfe«rfiifte<I oVer Hsrrowgate wateh,are two Shojtssii E ljs and twi> Dreffing-roonis,and at fte CMybeate Spring' is a coaVenfent*bath foif plunging ; '

For tie ufe of tfeofe- 8ain5,iths' price will befdw dollars" the' feafon, tvvq" dollars for onemonth, five Shillings for one week, one (hilling

1 for each time the baths are ufecj lefs than a week,and two dollars the feafoti to thole who drinkthe waters only • 1 '

The Harrowgate Light Wjggofl' will Eiln c -very afternoon, after the 14th l Iay, leaving MrHenry Epple"s, at the Rainbow In Race ftreef rprecifely at $ o'clock, and returning the fanfevemngK to convey paffengers at the rfflfderste

iharge'of a/6 eachAll kinds of the beft hqoiirs affd re'rrfhments,

breakfafts, dmners, fuppefs, and lodging in thegenteeleft nianrfer, Way be had at Harrowgate

The fubfentfer return* his fincere thanks tothofe ladies and gentlemen who have heretoforehonored him wit^ thetr' coiripiny, and mformsthem, Ifckt the fame attentiQn fhall be obfervedto rendw their accoirtraodation both pleafantand agreeable, by their bumble/eryant,

GE0R,G'E ESTERLVHarrowgate, April Z3 ' law

F O R S A L E ,

A LARGE ELEQTRICAI MACHINE, efitirelynew, with apparatus compleat lot exhibit

ing a great variety' of curious experiments, itsfize renders it fit /or '* college or any public femi nary of learning -~-For further particulars enquire at the SJail frwtingJOnice,

A«gitfi 6. aawiw


A compendious Syilem of the

New and Old Husbandry,With fcverai Esp'enments made in both Syftems/CONTAINING the Mechanical, Chymical,V-< and Philofophical Elements of Agriculture,in which tlie different foilsand manures are ana-lized proving which manure is moft fmtablefor each foil, and the forts of grain andgraffesnatural to them Adapted to the different foilsand climates of America Directions for la/rmg out, and managing the Farm-Yard, whereby great quantities of manures and convpoftsmay be made, andtp make foroe new, cheap,and effectual mapiaiff fe vera! experiments madeby the author on grain of different forts, anddirections to make fertilizing fteeps, which willdouble the crops, kill the Animalcule, and prevent Blights and Smut Proper methods ofPloughing, and meliorating the different foils,proper to receive the grain The miperfe&ipnsof the prefent mode of Cultivation, m thiscountry, clearly pointed out, w»tH anevy modsof Culture, foundfcd on obfervatioas aiid expenence, wherein is'yroved, by proper managementchanging the crops, and letting grain and graflescbme in rotation, the pooreft land may be en-riched, and made to prqduu: as much as newland las nature and propeities of foreigngraffes andpulfe, fuchaslucern, feintfoin, bur-nct, trefoil, rye-grafs,horfe-Bean 5, peas,tares, vet-ches, &c with cheir benefits; and advantages\ comparifon of different methods of farming,

jWthe different cgunties of England The me' Tnoa of leedinj anS fattemngiheep on turnips,

w<th dire'ibons for making, and placing the hurdle§ |or penning them, and tlie benefit receivedby thjir dung The beft method of railing thetttrnip, and an effectual receipt for'preventing •the^ra^ages of the fly An account of the cul-ture and ufe of the Mangel wurzel, or root of ;Scarcity, known in France under the name of \Racine "de Difette, with experiments mads by 'the 4.bbede Commefell, Dr Joh» Co*kleyl-ete- Iiota, and the autfcor recommended for feeding !atfd^fattening of cattle, and for culinary ufesThe ufefulnefs, culture, and method of railing,dryi%, and tlie virtues of hops Directions for l

fovviiSf, tranfplammg, and mamagmg of flow- jers, heftsj and1 vegetableis, m *h,e garden; with 'grafting-, budding or inoculating, all forts of

And, as to a GOD, they allow no fuch thing

1 POKE to PAINETheBwhatftallwedo, forin Bntain'snohope- -To reward a Reformer ,the Law holds a rope

PAINS to TOOKSIQioHld to Aaienca quickly retam 'But me and my wmks all the people there fpurn

TOOKE tp PAINEIs th>rs no pk e 6n earfh to perfect ourplNo fpottofupport our NEW RIGHTS of

PAINE to TOOKEI have it—-A people there n wfio think our wayTo them we'll preacft Freedom—-^-m BOTAMT


TooKFtt PAINE.How fliall we. get there f 'tis a long way from

hence,Muft we aft leave to go at the public expence i

PAINE to TOOKEAft leave, indeed No, No, Til force them my

Friend,.Let us inftantly WHITE Some aflhlance you'll


g t n g , bddmg or inoculating, all forts ofI fruit trtees, ajid a new method of planting and' improving tieesin tha fidd—To brew beer, andto make cyder keep, and be much ftroBger thanthe common method: A defcription of a DrillMachuus (which any ingenious carpenter canhiake) for planting all Bspx ef grain, pulfe, graf-feedt, &c in e<jui diftant rows, and a ruaningho«, which will do double die work of a com-man one ^Dire&ions for making aud plaiibmgof hedges, ara excellent and cheap method offtijcing -ia-rTJie management audfattenmg otcows, fteep, andho^s, fuckling and weaning oTcalves and lambs, with directions aijd remediesto cure tfre ieveral difeafes cattle are fubjefl to,affd to prevent and cur. the toot in fheep Withmany other ufeful and interefting fubjei s by

J O H N S P U R R I E R ,an old experienced and experimental Farnferlate »f the county oi Herts, in Great-Britain,and now at the Queen of France Tavern, bfe-tween Chefter and Wilmington, in Brandywinehttudredj«#unty of Newcaftle,and ftate of Eielaitfanr,, C O N D I T I O N S

Ttaswsrkto be, hanoTomeiy printed, in ofia-m vo, on a good type and paper, to contain about.' 300 pages —Sewed

The price to febfenbers One Dollar, to non-fubfenbew One Dollar and a Quarter—to be paidfdrondelnery '

This wor.v fhall be publiihed as foon as fiyekrindred copies are fubfenbed for.

Subscriber*? names iha!{ be prefixed to thework

Boots, for the purpofe of fubfcribersentenngtheir names, be left at the Merchants' Cut-

Thouib, in Secend-ftreet, at Mr, Pelofi's CoiFee-hoiife', in Market-ftreet, at Mr, Infteep'eftage-effice, in Arcli-ftreet, at Mr Crukihank's, No,91, Market ftreet, Mr Young's, No. $i, fouthSecond, Ar-est, and Mr Bobfon's, NQ 41, fouthSecond-rftreet, Mr Campbell, !Mr Carey, Mr.

• Riee, Mr Pnchard,- and Meffrs. Hall and Sel-lers.

Any gentlemen living at a diftance, who maybe inclined to patronize this work, are requeft-ed po forward their names to any of the abovepices Feb ao

WANTS EMPLOY,| N a WHatefale or-Grocery Store, in a Family,

or by a. Cngle Gentleman, a perfon v;ho iswell acquainted with Mercantile Bufinefi, fpeaksand writes > tte GSerman, EtigUft, and FrendiLanguages, and underjHnds a little Mufic, hehas been in feveral-»f the States, and in the-Weft-lodies Enquire at the Mail Printing Office,or of Mr. M'A IWter, 'Whip and Cane, Makerin Third ftreet A/I

A N E C D O T ERETCHER, welt known as authorof letteis on Monkhood, was m

his youth under the rteceffity of enliftingin the troop of a travelling quack, inwhich he filled the office ofjacL puddingBlezinger, of Komnglbrunn, in Wir-temberg, liberated him fiom this dif-graoefut poft, took him into lijs houfe,and fent him to the univerfity WhenBretcher was afterwaids recommtiidedto the curacy of Biberach, and waSpreaching bis probation fermon, it hap-pened, that his foimer matter was at thechu'ree with his landlord On obTuvingthe quack wiping his eyes, the landlordjrfked him w\if he wept ? " Ah 1 ' " faiahe, " that gentleman was onCe mv jackpudding, and never in my lite mall I getfuch another " This unlucky adventureflopped Bietclier'spiomotion for the pre-fent, though he was more fortunate inhis next attempt

F O R S A L E ,

A Valuable T ^ N - Y A P D ,

SITtJAT E in Buckingham Townftiip, BucksCounty, on the Old YoikRoad, a8 miles

from Philadelphia, with or wit) oat the iiockThe improvements tmifift of a Urge two ftofyftone currying-fiiop »nd bark-houfc, f% feet inlength, a new beam houle and flied; §6 feetlong, with i hmes, t bait^, f handlers, and a*vats, with a plentiful fupply of #aterand other

i conveniencies, ell m good repair for cairyi^g onI the tanning bufinefe extenfively Alfo, a gooiij two ftory ftono dweUing btonfe, -vVith a gaidenr

( and lime quarry, , LIKEWISE, . ,

A valuable PLANTATION, tying en i&j great road leading from Biiftolto Durham, mI Plumftead Townlhip, couttiniHg x6o acres, a-

bout jo of \yhich are' good meadow, with alarge proportion Of ^dftdfand l*h* iiiprove-ments are, two dWeliSigi-hfaufesj a barn, ipnng-Houfe, and a young' orchard

, For terms pleafe to apply to G E O R G E> P E N N O C K", Merchant, ltfphiladeiphia, ori the fubfenber1 JffS,EPH HASROID

Buchnglam Toivnfitp, Bucks County,Auguftid, J79»

N B The aboveroentioned Tan Yard, if notfold, will be rented the enftnpg laljt


AMERICAN BALS4M,IS to be fold m Philadelphia, by Mr Wilhant*

Poyntell, at Bis ftore (tie corner of Blackhorfe-alley, 10 Seeond ftreet, at Lancafter, byLudwick Lauman, efqaire, at New York, byHugh Game, and by the Subfcnber at Jrer placein Blockley, price 6/6 a bottle, and by, the do-zen, 6s a bottle

Xhjs Balfam is n6w awards of a6 years foVvcll Ipnown m America, that it is a moft effec-tual and infallible medicine for colds, coughs andafthraas, it g-ives relief lBtjie moft painful rheu-matism, lirxholics, gravel and coniumption, itis a aioii excellent cure IE whooping cough, andin moft all difprders1 and,fickneffe,s,of chiliiren,aiid for many other difeafes, as may bs feen inprinted directions, in Englift and German,- on,each bottle In old diftafes of long ftandmg, itWill be neceflary to contpwe the ufe of tms heal-ing Balfam for,a reafonable tnne, by more thanone Cngle bottle j tl-ien they may expect relieffrom this, as thoufimds of people can teiify vrhah*ve tried other things without ftccefs Thereare, indeed, feveial ballamsand preparations ofmedicmt, which giye fomwsnes prefent rebef_for a fliprt time in many diforders, but foon afterreturns more furious than before, but this Ame-rican Balfam performed perfe'S-and, effectualcure? Its fame is fpread almoft every wheie 1it is almQlt inconceivable to hear what fupnfingcures this Balkm has performed, wjth peoplewho have tried and experjenced «s \vonderfuleSeSks, Each bottle isfealed up wjth tlie repre-fen ation of a cirtem plant' in a heart, and ifany Balfem under this name ftoujd be fold many other place uotmentioaedm myadvertjfe-ment, the public may be'sflured it is not DrHill's Balfam, but a countetfeit, becaufe noother perfon rs able to prepare1 tbe; genuine Bal-fam, tor wapt qf the prinupjil ingredients ofvhich Dr Hill's American Bilfunis coicppfed, Since the former rroVinetors are deceafed,hoth William Young junior, and fenior, it de-volves, on the fubfenber, a3 filler to WilliamYtfung, juaior, botamft Feb 39

C L i i C K .

Page 4: The MAIL; or, Chypmles DAILY… · GLAS'S W A R E~ Received by-- the Brig MARTHA from Arnfter-dam* aa4 1>T

* •

SECRETARY'S OFFICE,Philadelphia, Au^uf, 10th, 179,1.

i X rUEREAS In trod by an aA of >.te GeneralVVV Affcnibly, entitled, " An a6t to provids

far opening and improving fundrynavigable wa-ters and roads witiim th-H Commonwealth,"and thefiipplemontof the fttd, *&; Gqvernorii empoweied to central with individuals, orwith companies, foi the purpofe of undret k-mg and carrying Hit'o-immedMte effeit, the im-

• proitemcnt of tHs navigation of -the fevers! ri-veis and creeks herein after defcribed: —

Noltce ts therefore'' given,By order of <the Governor, that 'progo&ls inwriting, directed to the following objects ref-lectively, will he received at this Office, to wit;

I. For improving the navigation of fhe riverSiifquehanna, from the mduth of. th&Swatata,,tothe mouth of the Jumata s fron. the mouth oftfre Juruafa, to the rheuth of the. W^ft-hijanch}and Ironj the mouth of the Weft-branch to 5tar-ucca at the great bend.

%. For improving thie navigation of the Weft-branch of the ISufquehanna cfrdm its mouth '0the mouth of the Siunamahoning, thence tip" the&naamahoning to its north branch,- and thsneeup the north, branch thereof to the place knownby the name of Prift-Wtiod; making fejpir^eftatemtgitsfor the improvements from jjie northof thi_ weft-branch of the Sufqjiehanna to theSionamahoning; from the 5innaraahoBinj* to.its north-branchy ^andfrom tht north-branch o,fSmnamahoning as far as the place called Dhlt-Wood. - ' ,

3. For improving the navigation-of the Alle-gheny river from the north of the Csnewaugocreek ap th« fdid river unto the place-where thersad from Duft-Wood {hall iirike the laid river.

4. For improving the navigation of french-" Creek 011 the river Allegheny, from the mouth

qf the laid acek^to the portage leading there.,from to Prefque-Ifle, on Lake-Erie.

5. For improving the navigation of the riverJuniata from the mouth' {hereof to AughwickFalls. • , '

6. For improving the' navigation qf the Co-inemaugh from Stony-Point to Richards'! run,from thence through CHefcuf-ndge, and from"Chefnut-ridge to Loyal Hanninj; making le-

- parate ftjitements for tha improvements, from ,Stony-Ppmt to Richards's run; from lUchards'srun thxoagh Chefnut-ridge; snd from Cheihut-udge,ta Loyal Hanmng.

7. For, improving the navigation of the Kii-kiaiinitas to the fecoad fulls mclufivc, and from

' thence to the river Allegheny; making feparateftatements for the improvements from tjic Kif-!dminftas,to the fecond Falls mclulive; and fromthe faid Falls to the river^-llegheny.

8. For improving the navigation of the riverMonongshela, from the mouth thereof to theVirginJiUne

J). JF01 improving the navigation ef theYoughioney riyer, from the mouth thereof tothe mouth of the Salt-Lick creek.

10. For improving the Ray's-town branch ofthe JunUta from the mouth thereof to Magiu-'*iey's mil], abaut three miles above the town ofBedford, and of Dunniug's cieek from themouth thereof to the Big-foik.

And whereas it may eventually be found ex-pedient,, under the authority of the find reerted-a-ft of the General Affembly, to lay out, openand laiprove the fo.Howing roads, \or fuch parttliereof reflectively, as being connected, andleceffary to correfpoud, with' the ftage of im-provement of the navigation of the feveral wa-ters before deferibed 1 -'

Notice is' further given,By prder of the, Goy^rilar, that Propefals inwriting, directed to the objecls hereinafter-menyoned, will alfo be received at this office,to wit: s • ~ .

1. For opening and improving a jjaadfromthe jlace called Prift-Wop4, on. the river Sinna-oiahqnnigj to the river Allegheny, obierving a-northsrly courfe. , ,, '

s. For opjamg laa4 improving a xoad. fromFrench Creek to Prefqu^-Iile on Lake Erie.' Ajid tt/hfreqs certain fuais of naoaey are ap-

- propriaWby tlie. faid recited aci of the GeneralAffembly, and the faid fupplement theieto, foropc.'ing and irjptovip^ certain other roads

-, h?jem after mentioned-. , •

Notice is further gimtr, .,

By order of, the Governor, .that Prqpofiils initntingj-for ppeni»g ,apd iBiprostiBg theibllow-«ig roads, will alfq^be .jectfijfed;. at this office,to wit: ,, . • ' • . , ' * ' " '

5. 4 road fron\Be.dfafd to Pi'ttlbiirg. gene-rally.' , " "'- 2. TftatSputt of {he soad from Bedford toPitttburg, whicli runs between the. eaft fide of'Allegheny and the weft fide of=Laurel-luH.

-"3.-AToadvfrpr(»*BLeadingito"Sunljurf.4 'A -road itferoagh . Black's, Gap over the .

South IjJouBtaiii.$. A toad fronj Biscli?iifi4i's op the eafl-fide

of the Uprth-Mosiitam, ^"d through thtj gff at" eoveto tw'foocof'Sidelmg'-hill.*• 6. Xi'oad£rQ.mthenioiith'ofJu»iata to David'J f i t a ' s oh Jiiniata.,

7. A road, from Coneiitaugh, at or Bear |he•nouth of Stosy-Creek, to the north-weft fideof the Qhsfnut-rJdge,- at«er near Thomas Trim-ble's. ' •

'8 A road thtottgh Ae Canoe Narrows; andfrom'the faai Canbe?Na»cfsrs'-to Frank's-Town,fo as to join the road dhiaedj-and'from FTatit'sTown to' Canemaugh. ' .

A' road, on the beft and modd ' f h ft fid t L l h

9 , g- groand.'from the eaft fide at Laurel-hill,' at or' neai-'Jones's mill^l«n the waters 6f ihe-nwth

branch of yaughiogeny river, to the weft fide1 OP/ tb;e Chefiiut-radge; at ot near Conol's/erry"

on Ydughiogeny river,. •_- io.'-A road from'Fort-Psnn,"extending up

ih? eaft-fide qf the' eaft-brajidi of Broadhead's-ci§elrf eroding the head- watery-of BufckUJ,•jhoholy and Blabming^grove creeks, thence,

-oti.the rnofl? elJgiVte'rtiiiti'to the great falls to• > Lachawaxeoi'ffieiu*'northerly, on the moft fuitr

1 able groundTaetwHen- the water? of Lachawaxen•'snd^&elawars'Hver, until the rout interfe<5ts'TSie poi-tage. betwe£»eBelavvare and Shphockingcreek. ,' XI. The ro»d frprrf;* the eaft fide of Sidelrag-

hill to the town of Bedford, it being a part efilie'ro&d leading, from Sfiippen.iburgh fo Bed-fard.

i s . The road laid out through Shippenftoargh£fp ovarihs. South moantain leading to York-

' ".13 A'roaifrom Hughes'sEncampment,-at.

.the ioot irf the flrjf-ridgej acrols the*All^ghtny' the weft-fide thereof, at or nearSpirch<jy's h8,ufc~to he laid put, improved andopened on the Uefl. and moft'eligible.ground;

14, Arosd froai Cherry's mill, ontfacob'streekj. oh the welt fide, ot the ChefnuNndgeLjicrofs the' foid ridge, ani thenee tothe tep ofJ^jurel-hillj fe as to mterfeil theroad Jeidiqg

- from Jones's wM, on the north branch of Yough-•fogeny riv<;r, to Caiiol's ferry us T h i

Ttj. A road in a wmH»g glcettl sverVatidec-en's hill in Roxleury townmip,-m the csuntyof Philadelphia, agreeably to thejprjncip.lea ofa furvey niade by David Rittenhonfe and Tho-mas Hutdiins in purfuance of inltruSions fromthe General AiTeaibly pf the 16th September

83. ,16. The road leading from Lancafter to Har-

rifburgh, beginning at the Bear in, Donnegaltownfhip to §wat3racree^inDa»phincounty.

if,. The ri?4d, from.MoijotVrofk,near Car-lifle, to R»nkin's ferry on Snfq.uehanna s-.tobeapplied to that part of the rpad which will ex-end acrofs the South mountain.

T.%. A road acrofs theBluemftuntaintat Smith'sgap, hetvteen the Wind^gap and the Lehigh

' water-gap.,19. A rpadalpng theeaftiideof SufqueJian-

na beyond Pctei's fountain Slid to extesd toSunbury;, (the grant to hfi expended in Nor-thumberland county.) . ,'

so. The road from M'Call's ferry .until itmeets or falls in with the road to. be.Wd flutirom Peach-bbttom towards Chriftiana cr«pk.

All the contrails "\vill be" foianded on aflualfurvey. The ,perfq.ns making propofels willtherefore, Jte pje fed, to Hare, as' accurately asthey- can,, lijeprefent conditio* of the road, the"epening primpro-v^npt of which they defire toundertake;' together with its courfes, diftapcesand breadth; thefpecjfic improvements tKat,aremeant to be made, by levelling the*ground, re-moving ftones, and bridging creeks or runs; Andthe namei. til the'fureties, tp^ar^ht?6,*!1* dueaod faithful performance of" the cpntr^fls fprwhich they refpeftivejy apply. T.he jprppqfalsfor improving tlie navigatjph of thi«(pver5 andcreeis, mnft, in lilce manner, J ate ^e^preieutconditio* of the river qr qrgek, to wlji9h th,epropofals refpe^ivelj rejfer; ( ,e stftrjiArQijs inthe dream; and the fp'ecific iniprOTemejJts thatare intended to be ma^e, by blowing roiks, e-reeling flukes and wing-walls, clearing Ihoals,&c. For the convenience qf t^j perfons 'whofepropofals mall he accepted, the contra As' andbonds will be prep^rpd^t this.omce, an,dtranf-mitted, for eiecution, to the Prothonatory ofthe county in which"tha i;ont,rat5tor» refgeftively•refide.- , A.' j DALLAS,

ep . Secretary of the


Thirty Dollars Reward."""AS, <?r takeii from the fubfcriber-'s. packet oh. Monday laft, either in Yren-

ton, or between that place and Morton's t>vern,on the Briilol road, zfiialf redleather POCKET-BOOK, pretty much WQrn, containing (befides;feveral notes, receipts, and" papers pf rtoufe to any except the owner J one tbfrty arid onlefive dollar Bank Nofe, and ab,ou,t fifteen pounds inJerfey" paper money ; %twqscJertjficate> of "|ne ftateof New-Jerfey, %ned by Jam"es Matt, £fg,ujre,the Treafurer, a)ld'*cdunter(igned jjy. AaronDunham, efquire, theArfditor pf accounts of,that ftate, viz. ]S[o. 484, giveiT to Jfcnjarnin§chooley,for » demand of£.13 Hs.Qd. agajnftthe confifcatsd .ettate ,of John Cg'ujjle> a^J No.500, to Jofeph Sharp1, for £ jji Tjy? 7 / geainftthe confifcated eftate of Jofeph Jjaripn : jfll theintereft and one fourth of thepjrjncjpat hare beeijpaid on the .faid certificates, agreeably jo a latel»w of the faid ftate, and although np/prpxitpnis made, by law for further paymejit, she Aib-fcnber has taken the preqautios to gjva. pifor-mation of'his lpfs to* tlieTreafurej^' who i a s inhis office a parficujar account, and d!?ffription ofthe fame certificates. Upon delivery oTthe.Ppc-ket-Book and' c6nte'nts (or inform$tipn given Jothat thefamefljallberecoverel4)to "&fr Ajrah^ipHunt, merchant, of Trenfop, Jofeph' Cluim, efq.of Briftol, Alexander Ancje'rfpn, No, 39, NorthSecond-Street, •Philadelphia^ or to the' fubfcri-ber at' Suffex CpurNfcJoufe, New-Jerfey, the a-bove reward will he pai^siM mtqusftlniEr njhtnl

• " THOMAS ANDERSON."Sept. i s . " , dN. B. should the certifigates be offered for

fale, itisrea.ueft&d they tasij be^ftopped, and in-formatipn given as. above".' ' , '

Four Dollars Regard.LOST, about, the ?otb toftami foj ' *

yhefe in^Third-ftreetj a I^WER,NET, execv(ted by J- 5HOKAH4JI, ofand, and acknojvkdgcd before, PETtN. PuBlic—Alfc»i tw<J 'Certfjeate's, ^}three other Pap'ers, whfcS"~- t - " r

any But tHe o»vijer ; '^—'•old n

,twp pruft to


fliall receive the ^o*w reward. . . , ,Pliid^>&a,' Auguff 17. dtf

gR4N>way fraijion b,oa.r4,the fchopner-Eet,_ . , l y s f C^leftpft a Ntigro-Mft?! named

JACOflj 'fist; feef four <>t five inches Wgh, varydeaf, f|>eafe|, bad ,5ngljft, ,a£out tventy.-<jveyearp; of age. Whpevw fepnres h i» h any, of^ e •flJgWpr/nff, -gaioM, or deltijets hjm to tV-fu6icri|(;r flia|Qrcceiyc the abov? jeward^, andreafonapJs; qh^rget , " ,

- '- '"" * SAMUEL ALLEN.

AKt away laft wight fjoiji the, fubfcrlber li-i j | k f D G f e f l rf\ j g pn.j)p|Q,

Mary'knd;, ^ fc'rvant «»an» W ^ &QbWE^gy, i& pr, JD years of,ag«!7-tfey>h£-i5 anative,ofrIre^^id,ab]o!Utij feejtgorxjjncljes.; heu WjeJ} fet, and has d*ri$ brfl^hajr ,angoladark'complexion. He had on when he wenj^.way a check ifeir-t, fi tiowfi jacl^^t, the rightileev^of. which" wa,s cfi wed off by. c^tdq^afniajlfelt bit, old Ihoftsw^ buckles,, and.white,linen" croitfers." He is an artful cunmngfejjow,.and perhaps chaagps his clothes and name, andit,is,e'xpecjed hs \m P*f6' m$ £aov&agf.ea.tdeal of the country. Wtiofoever takes up, <j»efajdiepvant, and ffecures him, fo that ijuXraaftermay get him sgam., fcal • have,, the re-ward,a,nd-re.afoiialjle chjrgps if broughthome, .

DAVID GORSUCK. 4July8 , 1 7 9 a , , - ' '

OH the night of the roih inftaat, the ceof the fuoferiber,-in .Alexandria Townfhio,

Huntendon County, -New-Jerfey, was brofeopen, and money and valuable' papers ftokntherefrom, viz—-la Jerfey pajer fixttm founds ;in Specie and Bank Notes, about trie hundredpounds x papers and ocher-eiEwSs wifcnowii.

S1WTT DOLLARS REWARD,is hereby oifered for the difcovery and appr,e»henfibn of the -Perpetrator or Perpetrators 0?this -Robbery, as well is for the feftoration of the/money and papers, and for any .part 'thereof inproportion. -

WILLIAM LOWItEY.SeptembeJ I \,]J 794. d

.and Lodging, .?T7"ANTED % the Month, or'Yew, foraW , Family of refpeftability (of four in num-

Iwr) in a Private Hsu/e, wherf 00 other .lodgersare admitted.-^Should boarding be inconveni-ent, the family would diet therrifelves, if a pn-vate'kitchen can be procured, for particularsInquire at the M»jl Printing-Office.

September *8, " jfp

Treafurf 01 ttie linked States,September 17, 1792.

•TT/"ICEREAS purfuant to the fifth feaion ofVV the 2.8L of Oongrefs entitled " A n ad ,

fupplimentary to the ait making proyifion forthe debf ot the United Spates" paffed the eighthday of May l^ft,' proviflan has been made fordifchargmg the debts d«e t» cei tain foreign ofii-cefs,- on account of g»y and during thelate war, theiiitereft whereof, as expreiTed ia the,certificates granted to thefaid officers.'by virtueof a refolution of the'United States in Cbugrefsaffembled, is payable at the houfe of, Mr. Gr*»d*Banker, at Parifc

This is therefore to give notice, that provifionhas been and is made for the payment of theprincipal of ihe faid debt at the Treafury pf theUnited, States at airy time'Jafter the fifteenth dayof Oflober next, upon de«and of the partiesrefpeiSiYely to whom the faid certificates wefegranted, er their refpedhve lawful reprefenta-tives or attornies duly constituted and authoriz-ed, and the production of the certificates in eachcafe granted; ai3(d alfo fpr the paymeat of theintereft wiich jhall be due upon the foid certifi-cates to the thirty-firft day of December neit in-ckifively, at P?ris, ia coafonnity to the tsnor ofthe faid certificates.

Should any whoprefer receiving theirwhole dues, intereft as well as principal at theTreafury afbrefaid, it ihall be in their option foto do; but in this cafe all fuch -Who are not with-in the United States at the date hereof, muftmake k.npwn their ejle&ipnto the Miniftcr Ple-nipotentiary of tjje.United'States, at the Courtof France, or to tjieperfon w]ioln be fliall ap-point for that purpofe, and muft obtain from thelaid Mimfter Plenipotentiary, .or fcoia th« ,per-fon appointed fay him, a certrfii»te of his havingmade and comaiuuicated bit fikftion ib to do. .

In cpnfeqaence qfthe foregoing^provifion, m-Uwft, after ,d»c faid laft day of December jnext,will ceafe upon all fuch pf the faid.debts, for thepayment whereofappUtation fliall not have-beeamade putfuant to the teuor hereof, prior to die"firft jj»y of January, one^hpufandfevan hundredand ninety-thtee.

SAMUEL AffiREDlTH,' Trtapirer of ihe United States.%Z? The Printers throughout the United

States are requsfted to lUfert.the foregoing noti-fication in their refpefliaie papers.' • • d tf


INFORMATION is b#refcy given to all theX military invalids pf i hp Unfted States, thatthe fums to which »hey jre intitled for 6 monthsof thfir annual pfjgfiqn, ^o^u the 4th d^y. °fMarch 179a, and- jafhich will become due onthe j th day of September 1794, will be paid onthe faid day by the Commiffioners ,of the Loanswithin the States refpe<9ively, under the nfualregulations," vix.

Every applicant for payment muft be accom-panied by the following youcherj. ~ " ;

ift. T ie certificate giren by th* Hate, fpepi-fying that the perfon poffoffing the fame is infa<9 an invalid, and ascertaining the fum towhich as fuch he is anpuaHy entrtltd. - -•

id. An ^BdWit, a^reejbiy, (9' the follow-ing form:

A. B. came before i/e, one tfthc jfvfticts ef, thecounty tf in thljtte sif and made oath thathe is the fane A. S.'tgjjwhm the original certificateinbispojjtflion tfigt givin, ef^bicb tf>e. fdloinmg is.a copy (the certifigfc given tyr the Jiate to he recited'JThat befervei '<• (reghpent; eorpt or 'vejfclf afthe time be -woj Jifailed, and that te now refides inthe asn4#)iMty of nriihai refidedtherefor the la/I * 'jitars,jrevhus U wh^h hire

la cafa an invalid fijould apply for paymentby an attorney, the -($$ attorney, befides the 'certificate and oat|i;before recked, muft producea fpecial letter of attorney agreeably to the fol-lowing form: '

\, county tf flute of do hereby conflttute ajfi npfn'nt C. V. of my lawful at-torney,to reeeive'irpmy behalf of my pfnfion fpr^.fix mantis, as an invalid of tbc United Stales, fromthe'fourth a'ay^Qf&ep'temhcr, one tbjmfand fevenhundred and ninety-one, and ending the fourth day ofMarch, one tbatifaifdfeven bvndrtdand —'•-*•• "—

Signed and fealedin the prefcnee of

}Aclcriowleig«ll%ef6re me.

Applications dpt.tecutbrs and admirnftratorsmuft t e accompaBied with legal evrdence oftheir refpeftive offices, and alfo of tS« time tjheinvalids died, whdfepenfion they may claim.*

By eomaunrf of the Prefiitntrof;tKe United States,H. ENOX, Secretary of War.

^Jp yffre Printers in the re/peeiivefjates are re*gutjled It puiii'Jh tie above in their new/paper*, fortbejpace tftijia months. ' ' «f'

the p thjat,4'aHd W?tant ftr^ets,

j ^ J ^ i s , -v^hste he npw car-e ^ p i3,hu#nefs i^ aj),its -c^ws. hran hesi.TT-

That is, to, lfa'y/he-in^es fioft^, Cljariots,C^gbfift, PteWjtt$ Chairs, &c. w'^het(effieftand neatcft faftiioiis; he means to givq the

| f i l ^ l i J h f J ^ i ; f b h j

t,Hf gaad lejj'ajid.a.eal.' He begs save to i n f o } {

living fp nqaj; the. iatS&M&tyix be ^fell fecond hand cirriages of *U kinds on com-miffipn j ' '

Cheftert^wn and Baltimoie •

3 T-h O E, S.;n P H E Eajmifl'Swre,Stages, hy w»y,o£ Chef--X tertown, to lpmpre, <lajt regularly from,

James Thompson"!,ledwn Ojieax, Eourth-ft^eet,Philadelphia, every Monday, We.dsiefday. aadFriday worning^precifely at 7 o'clock, andonth» fame mornings, i t four o'clock, from. Mc-Gran t \ (ft Baltimore, The" cRlflyatioa ojf the,country, 'and goipnefs of the roasls, togetherwith, thea^tpntio|! * jSfew)1 V p a i i hy theprp-prjetqrs, •v^()/Jt,^,liftp.edt beafu'fficieptinduce-pjeat fpr a^preftjsrieeltsiRg given, to Ais rout.


N. B. Ligh^ Tyaggons fpr hire by Jamesrhompfon, at tjj* Indian C^ueep.

March- 30. . . . dtfR.Q & STAL- £,

A HOUSE, ftajile, yard, &,c, occupied, as aTavern. (itt'Elbow L'»m) being wejl caL-

njlated for the avco)mmo4aj ofli af mwket peo.-ple.and muchfregueWeiby th«mai^otl\ers^-For further par,tiei|Uweiiquire of Sarsh Dyer, OSTthe premifes, or ol Edward Bonfall, and Co attheir office in Feufth to?et below Walnut ftrcet

Auguft 10. 4tf

To be S- 0 1 B,at private fale,

A Three Stoi y Brick Holds, kitchen,, and atwo-ftory Frame Tenement adjoining:—

Situate in Race-Street, between Second andThiid-Strcets, from Delaware,1 No. 78, contain,mg in breadth,on-Rac^Strpet-j5 feet, and-«idepth 75 feet, with the privilage of *» alley -—F.or terms, apply to Mr prtderhk Iieyler, inArch-Street, or iX, the office of Peter Lohra,No. 171,-North Third-Sfrcet.

September ^9. , tuth'fff

p - Q - ^ S A L E," p W O • .Valuable LOTS of GROUND, part-of•*- the ,Old ffarrad ground, Hi the Northern-

Liberties ; one of them 20 feet in bicadth, onSecond-Street, in depth extending to Lilly alley,IIS feet The other containing in breadth 10feet on &fcd alley, and-extending in depth 100feet to St. John-ftreet—Thefe lots range oppo-fite to each other, and each of them have theadvantage of two fronts. -For terms apply to

RICHARD WH.ITEHEAD, Scrivener,No.'6», Vins-Street. t n f

F,OR SALE,In a >•»«// fettled Country.

QIXTy-FIVE thouUnd three handred andO -feventy-four acres pf Land, in one ipdy,for fale, 18 the moft populous part of the Stateef South-Carolim, in the-drftn<a of Ninety-fix,It is fitujted in a fine healthy climate, free fromfevers and agues- A.beut 60 miles from Colum-bia,, the feat of governmsnt. The land is conti-guous to the town of Cambridge, where h a is-minary for the iuftruction of youth, and-afepe-rior court of law. It i« at prefent within ahoutthirty-five miles pf good navigation with a pro-bability of having the .river called ihe Great§ttluda, that,flowsalo»g one fide of the.tend,miade navigable. The land is beautifully diver-g e d m fwells and rich vales, and ispezfedlywell calculated for the culture of tobacco, cot-ton, Indian corn, and every kind of fhiall gram.A-grea* proportioB of it may be made meadowground.—There is not perhaps fuch a body ofland fo circuraftinced for fale in any otherftats in the Union. The terms of paymentwill he made cpnvenient to th'« purchafer prpurchafert. Application for further informa-tion te he made to the Printer. dtf

T E R R E Sdans unpais bien peapJc.

QOIXANT£ cing mUle trojs cents etfoixante• 3 quatorze afpents de terre, dans uue feulepwee,' a vendre dans la partie la plus peupleVdela Sud-Carohne, 4*O3 1* diftrift de ninety fiat'Cette. terre eft fituep dans un plimat bien beauet fam, tout a fdit exempt des [unices i a penpres ibixante miles (*o licuers) de Colombia krefidence du Gouvernment. EUe et tout pr&de la Vifle ^de Cambridge, on il—y—a un fe-minaire pour l'education de la Jenneffe et aneCour Supreme des 1OB£. Certa prefent d'entre35 mitl«s d'tipe bonne navigation, et IJ eft vrai-feniblable que lariviere appellee la gr^nda ftlu-da, <jui mouiile 1'un cotedu terrain, fera rendti,navigable. Le terrain eft pkifamment diverfifiiepar das des riches vallies et parfaite-nlent bicn adapte a la culture du Tabac, Cottoa,Maig et toutre autre forte de grains, il w'y apas peutetre un tel autre terrain a vendre (Janstout les Etats de 1'URion, Pour las details onpuet f informer a L'impnmene du Msil.

WANTED TO RENT,.A CONVENIENT HOUSE, withTakitcheni l and yard, in or near Market-Street.Any perfoH having fuch tq Let, is defired toIpplyto " '

dtfin Water-Street,

September a8.


On ReafonabU 'terms.Apply to BENJAMIN NONES, Broker.'

South-Frontrftr«et, No. 14.September j , _ eo 13

T O B E L E T,• . Fery'Cheap,

THREE RQ0M&Suitable for publi<r ©r private offices, on

, the Fkft floor of-the Hwufe• At No, 53, NprthFoueth-ftreet. ,

, Applyat the faid Houfe, , .it!-,

Itythe capacity a£, a, Houf^keeper aad CQftk,a woman who has lived in fome of the gep->

teeleft families in this city, and can be well re-cpmmended. Inquire at No. 179, North,Frdnt-ftrest, near. Vine-ftreet, ' dtf

A Qo on, PR E SS M, A F ,

W H 0 is.fober, ftsady and attentive, wifi-m^pt viitk. con^aftt etaploymen?.—

Apply to THOMAS DOBSON. dtf\ T7"QULI^, be; happy, to m«et- wfth encou-!W ragement, a Woman who is capable ofj

fup«ripten.ding a Qen lemar)'s>HqUfe,,or tendinga Shop, who may be depended on.for punc-tuality : the latter would be'prefered.

Inquire of ftfe. H A R R I S , next to St.'Paul's Church. dtf

* WANTS A PLACE.A Middje agsd Woman who c§n D^wel} r«>

•*••-commended as cook and'houfekeeper in afmall family; Iheunderftands Paftry, Pkgrv-iag, and. Pickling. Enijuire of John Smipfon,Catherine ftrept, negr'Second .ftrge,t> -- dtf_


W fi^O can be well recommended, wants aplace,.—Inquire at Mr. GLEESON's, m

Ohriftia,a-5'pi5#f betwe*'? Eroet and Secoad-Streets. ' d

c AIJ T I O N .H is caufe to apprehend that a q

Jt tity of CERTIFICATES of tlie FundedDebt of. Pennsylvania hath been counterfeited,and may bfi offered for fale-s-pne havmg beenlately detecied. Meafures ar.e purfuing,to inveftigate the fubjecr.,. and.this Caution is givenin the mean time, that perfpns may bewarewho lmve Certificates of this defcription oiffredto them. • , ' JO&.N NICHOLSON.

Comptroller General'i Ojficct\ ' dJune 11/, 179s. S

L O S T ,

An Umbrella^ not much worn,covered with green filk, marked on tht handleTHOMAS ; it was in a blue lineij cafe when drbprpfed. The finder, on depofitihg it ?t thfr MaUPrinting-Offica, or No, 90, Raic-ftrect, (hall besntitied to riJceiva One Dollar reward. ,

Airlift Z$. "Itf.




Old and New Teftaments, 'With-the APOCRYPHA, :

On a Very large arid beautiful "new Typej aiidjti^perfine Paper.

"^pME great importaneeof theHoryScriprui^s,'4" ,jat<srefting<to eveisy irfdividwal; the divine

excellence ot its do<9rifces ?nd precepts, and th*,beauty and fublimity of its,paffige8, haye fo lorjgroads it a capital objedl of attention, as to prc-dude occafion or opportunity for eu'logium; .

The piety or -^nterprize 0/ mdWduafs 'hwprcfonted this infaiuablt book to the public in a,vutk-ty of forms ; in fome editions it lias bee»highly embellifl»e4 with, fuperb engravmg*,which have greatly enhanced its price ; in othctait has been accompanied with voluminous com-mentaries, which neceflirify incrdaifai th^fize;while a variety ef plain' chesp copies have ge-nerally ,diffufed the knowledge-of tlKScnptorsand ma,de the puri-hafe eafy to eTWijymWs. '

Without wiflung ia the fin^left .degret t»leffen the merits of th?.varioused»tipns, whether1

pkm or ornameritea, whichtheptftlicare 4 -r-eady in poffefliep of, it is pertinent to'remark^ •that vory aoaoy «adorjr oi tafte-aad ^dgmauthave expreffeda wafc 'pr a Family-Bible unen-cumbered with additions. There ftJlappeWroom for another edition on a beautiful newtvpe,iuperierin fize and elegance to any Biblethat has yet been printed in the Engimrten-guage, and which, leasing the adventitious cirrcumitances pf ornament or comment, m»y exhi-bit the Oracles of God in their native limplicity.

S P E C I M E N U S - T - H E T Y P S . ,- '

And the eaxth waswithqut form, and

With rcfpetStful fubmiSion t» j # g%nd candour of the Public, th« following pro--pofals areofiered .

I. The work lhall be printed with tfie greiteftfidelity and attention to correiftneis both in th&text and marginal references, on a fuperfinC .Paper, made on purpofe, with an elegant new-Type call for the woik, of the fize o{ the *bov«fpecimen. , - "'

II. The work will be compnfed m tw«st]Tnumber's, making two elegant volumes in be furmihed to fubfesribersat onedoljar isaehnumber. To prevent any complaints of want >of punctuality, no part of tke work v/ill b« de-livered unlefs paid for.

v 1JJ. The firft jjHnjber^ containing fixty ffAut,pages, elegantly printed, will be furmflied on th.eortl Saturday of July nexc, when fubferiberiare to pay the price of the lirft and fecond nnm-bers, and'the ptics of pn* nuntber to bo atoay*i t advance ftll the work is completed; The fo>~fsquent numbers to be published regularl>.6nthe firlt Saturday of each fucceeding aiqati, tillthe whole is fanflied.

SttfefcriptiMiB will be received" inphia, by the Publiihqr* Thames Bohfat, No, 4<D >Soui i Seeond-ftrest, w&Jobn Parker^o. »^o,North Second-.ftrcst; and by all the Bookfcl- ,l«rs : in Charlsfton, by William P. r«i»g: Rich- fmond, by Archibald Carrie.- Baltimoreiby famis'.Sice: Wilmington, by Peter Arynierg; Newr-York, by. Thomas Aihn t New*Haven, by Ifiaaa ,fc- - Prow.donca, (R. L) by WMnm Wiliiv-

fan .tSalem, by Thomas Cufbings Boflon, by Jit'md Weft, Benjamin Guild, and Thomas and /f«-dre-ws. wf tf. ,

Burr Mill StonesMade and fold by the fubferiber, warrantai?

Alfo, Stones for Chocolate and Paint Mitis*

HE will repair old ftones fo as to. laft feveral5 •years, and attend at tiw mills for that pw »

pofe, if a con>veya«ce is provided. Millerowhowift to purcbafe their own. n^terij^k ,]8oj&f • .&c. may have them made, agreeably tf thjwai. .re&ions on generous terms, at his (h«ip thecorner of Third and South ffireets. " '

The manufacturer flatters himftl^ tfcaehisknowledge in the. milkng line will" give hirrv apreference, at he has dona bufinefs-at moft of tht,capital mills on the continent. Any applicatiflO.direiftedta him will be attended to.

HUGH: BAKEK.April 30. tuftf

N. B. Several pair of ftose OK hand (war-ranted) and. will be difpofed' ef 9a rnotleratiterms.

To Strangers\ and thein general*

rTi'^S. fiib/cpier-havinga large 3##cofltoj5(adiiL<*• OHS ho»fe, for the aifcommodiiiion qf. Q<!ftH h , f !ft

tlemen andLa^ies, intends to, difjpfe of thefame in fijeh way as mayb'efMuit riis lodger?.;and-thb/athat apply firft; ftmHsha:ye;the ehoia oS'fixteen bed chambers, arid two parlours^ (the*

hole of whieb »»^^»«S9eJIyfurm8ied5 >««* thei ^ ^ y 5ufe, of a, very gOjCid kitchen an4 yard.a^d teqgiand convenient, cellars, 8t for ftoring gpp.d* <>rfor laying in. wood. Th«^above will be" ftf aadimmediirte peffeffion' given^ together or apart?— ~A^PV to, ' l< f • xomc&xsisRii -

' No. 1.47, n9jib,$ee«j&!fti!e8«N. Bv BWding may bp h,* , It u j r e ^ w , -

full, or onlyiireakfafts, with or withomt tm, IJIthe evening, Hkewife lodgijig for one or twonights, for any,.g*n$l<imaii.whq ,mgy prefer pri-vate lodgings to that ota.taverh; and as,the a-bove houfe is now in compleit repaid Haying /juitbe«n painted and,paj)«eeU,j^^Vlt%^ed, it will be, foupd. to, fliitftrangefsin,town._ _ Awg ft

To Trav&llcr& ' •"' ;T P H E fubliriber informs thepuMjc>diatKo"X has lately taken that large and connmodi-, v

oua,Tavern, « • ths.eity of^New-Bwslsiiisfc,known by the name of the WHITE HAJiL,T-behas furmflicd himfelf with every^uiflfeto make Travellers comfortably, a^4i5Xpep*'by 'his attention to air who favour Mtnt,l*y fiaUftig-'atliistioufe, that they will leav.&iti weU faticsfied.


Jerky,f State of

W df;the- Coifimettwertfr ha--*- ving been pleafcd to appoint »pd comimffion

the Subfcribor a Sitiora Tntfrpreta ofe.EofeignLanguages, he moft, rei^iftfully • informs thePublic, that he keeps his QlSce on the north fideof Ca(iowhill-Str«et, between Third and'Fburth.Streets, No. 121, where he tranflates^froinfand •into Bnglifi, French, German and Lo-w Dutch,with a.ecuracy, fecrecy and difpatch; on-.the, moft.moderate terms*. , . :',- ' -;

He likewife draws deeds, mertgages, foals, &c.CHARLES EBDMjVNN.

•' Sspt.'ri}. - ' ' ' • w f '




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