Page 1: The leader in combined-motion therapy. STAT-A-DYNE

Addresses extrinsic musculature by providing combined ROM therapy to the wrist and digits.

S T A T - A - D Y N E

P H : 8 6 6 - 2 3 6 - 8 8 8 9 / F X : 8 7 7 - 4 0 6 - 4 8 7 2 / W W W . L A N T Z M E D I C A L . C O M

Stretching your range of possibilities

The leader in combined-motion therapy.

Provides isolated wrist capsule stretch.

The Stat-A-Dyne WHFO can facilitate the patient’s quick return to work by incorporating the above biomechanical principles.

Page 2: The leader in combined-motion therapy. STAT-A-DYNE

S T A T - A - D Y N E


The ability to provide combined (synergistic) ROM therapy of wrist and finger extension offers

extrinsic stretch of the long forearm flexor musculature. Tightness in the long forearm flexor

musculature often results in deficits regarding functional hand use. This happens especially when

a patient is trying to achieve a biomechanical movement requiring the combined motions of wrist

and digit extension (ie. reaching for & turning a door knob) which is not possible due to an

inappropriate tenodesis moment from long flexor tightness.

The combined (synergistic) ROM therapy of wrist and finger flexion also offers extrinsic stretch of

the long forearm extensor musculature. Tightness in the long forearm extensor musculature often

results in deficits regarding functional hand use as the patient will frequently complain of hand

weakness especially when trying to put an object down as during the biomechanical release phase

of grasp and release, inappropriate extrinsic extensor tightness will cause the patient to drop

objects due to an inappropriate tenodesis moment from long extensor tightness.

Both of the aforementioned clinical examples occur because of the increased length tension

relationship of the extrinsic flexors and extensors. This clinically manifested shortening can

contribute to increased indemnity costs as the patients’ safe return to work is further delayed due

to improperly operating biomechanical anatomy.

The Stat-A-Dyne ROM device may also provide isolated wrist capsule stretch due to its ability to

position the fingers in flexion with wrist extension and the fingers in extension with wrist flexion.

Due to the device’s ability to address both the wrist and digits, the Stat-A-Dyne ROM System differentiates itself clinically by offering a myriad of treatment options.

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