Page 1: The Kingdom Sermon Series Guide - Amazon S3...main priority, everything else in life will take care of itself. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.!The key to this passage is 6:33
Page 2: The Kingdom Sermon Series Guide - Amazon S3...main priority, everything else in life will take care of itself. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.!The key to this passage is 6:33
Page 3: The Kingdom Sermon Series Guide - Amazon S3...main priority, everything else in life will take care of itself. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.!The key to this passage is 6:33

The Kingdom Big Idea of the Series: This 8-week series aims to highlight what Jesus meant by the phrase “kingdom of heaven” or “kingdom of God,” and what our role in it is as Christians. For many believers, salvation is simply a “bus ticket,” and they think it doesn’t matter what they do while they wait for the bus. But Jesus teaches that the kingdom of heaven is here, right now, and seeking it should be the top priority of our lives. Week 1 Text: Luke 17:20-37 Topic: Already; Not Yet Big Idea of the Message: The kingdom of God is both a present reality we can experience now, and a future blessing to look forward to later. In order to cultivate a successful, Christian life, we must look to the future, without abandoning the present. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   Jesus became human in order to usher in the kingdom of God. This humorous

scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail shows the struggle of another king who tried to consolidate his power:

2.   The Pharisee in this passage expresses a misunderstanding about the kingdom of God that many people of that time held. They believed that when the Messiah arrived, He would begin a physical reign on earth. Here, Jesus corrects this type of thinking. His earthly ministry is the beginning of the end. The kingdom of God is active now!

3.   Jack Hayford writes: “‘The kingdom of God is within you,’ Jesus said. The significance of this is that it signals a restoration—a wonderful potential for each believer—reinstating something of the ‘rulership’ (dominion) originally intended for humankind (see Gen. 2:26, 28). It is what the Apostle Paul is describing as our

Page 4: The Kingdom Sermon Series Guide - Amazon S3...main priority, everything else in life will take care of itself. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.!The key to this passage is 6:33

‘reigning in life through Christ Jesus’ (Rom. 5:17, 21).”

4.   Notice what Jesus’ words reveal about the way we should live our lives, today. In one sense, the kingdom of God hasn’t been fully revealed yet. After this life is over, God will restore all that is broken. He will wipe away all of our tears. Yet, in other sense, we have much to do now. We can begin that process today. So the Christian life must be held in balance with the future and the present. This world is not all there is (we can sacrifice knowing that there is much more in store ahead), but this world still matters (we must do all we can to bring about God’s love and mercy).

Week 2 Text: Matthew 13:44-46 Topic: Dedication, Sacrifice Big Idea of the Message: When we see the true value of the kingdom of heaven, we will be willing to give up our old lives in order to pursue it. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   Here’s a real life illustration of Jesus’ parable. While remodeling a house, a man

found a copy of Action Comics #1 hidden in one of the walls. He was able to sell it for over $100K. Source:

2.   In Mark 10:17-27, Jesus speaks with the rich young man who is unable to give away his worldly possessions in order to follow Christ. He did not see the kingdom of heaven as more valuable than what he already had.

3.   When a child goes through puberty, they have to deal with comments from adults about how much they’ve grown and how their voice has changed. It only lasts for a while until everyone gets used to the change. It would be strange to still get those comments when you’re 45. It stops being new. It stops being special. This happens to changes in our lives. Do we take the kingdom of heaven for granted? Have we become so used to our new life that we lost our first love?

4.   On the website Reddit, the community was asked what wonderful things we take for granted. Here’s what users said: What do we take for granted in our walk with Christ? How should our list look in comparison to the list we see in this article?

Page 5: The Kingdom Sermon Series Guide - Amazon S3...main priority, everything else in life will take care of itself. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.!The key to this passage is 6:33

Week 3 Text: Matthew 7:13-27 Topic: Scripture, Foundation Big Idea of the Message: The only way to the kingdom of heaven is through Jesus. Those who do not do what Jesus commands do not belong to the kingdom. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   Laurie Oakes, a political journalist in Australia, discovered there was a running bet

through a gambling website concerning what color tie he would be wearing during his election coverage. The choices were gold, red, blue, black, green, and any other color. Oakes wanted to make sure everyone was right so he changed his tie six times during the program. The hard truth is, life doesn’t always work like that. Not everyone can be right. The truth can’t change “ties” to please everyone. Source:

2.   Jack Hayford says: “In the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:1-7:27), Jesus outlines the primary attributes of people who receive the rule of the Kingdom He brings. Nine direct references to ‘the kingdom’ are in this sermon, calling for: humility (5:3), willingness to suffer persecution (5:10), earnest attention to God’s commandments (5:19), refusal to substitute false piety for genuinely right behavior (5:20), a life of prayer (6:10, 13), prioritizing spiritual over material values (6:33), and above all, acknowledging Christ’s lordship by obeying the revealed will of God (7:21).”

3.   Several men escaped a Nazi camp during WWII by dressing up in Nazi uniforms and barking orders at the soldiers guarding the gates. Source: Citizenship in the kingdom of heaven is very much about identity. We can look the part, but our teaching reveals our true character.

4.   Do a Google search for “faulty foundations.” Show some pictures to your congregation, explaining that when we don’t base our life on the words of Jesus, we set ourselves up to fail.

Week 4 Text: Matthew 6:25-33 Topic: Priorities, Worry Big Idea of the Message: When we make seeking after the kingdom of heaven our main priority, everything else in life will take care of itself. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   The key to this passage is 6:33. If we focus on seeking God, there will be nothing in

life we need to worry about.

Page 6: The Kingdom Sermon Series Guide - Amazon S3...main priority, everything else in life will take care of itself. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.!The key to this passage is 6:33

2.   How often do we worry about bills, jobs, and physical comforts? Have we made our life about those things? Or about the kingdom of God? Often, what we think about the most is what we truly worship. What do you worship?

3.   There’s a story told of a father who sits down with his 16-year-old son to try and ease his worry about his first car purchase. The son won’t stop stressing over the tires. How will he pay for tires on his new car? The father has to remind the son that if he focuses on getting the proper car, the wheels will come with them. There’s no need to stress. In the same way, we can find ourselves stressing over issues that are peripheral and shouldn’t be our main focus.

4.   Success Magazine has an article on the three mistakes most people make when setting priorities. “They don’t think about it. They make it too complicated. They don’t live their priorities.” Seeking first the kingdom of God should be our all-encompassing priority. Will we make the same mistakes we often make with our other, less important, priorities? Source:

5.   On the social media platform, Yahoo Answers, the question was once asked, “Why are priorities important?” The top voted answer was simply, “A priority is something that IS important.” We all have priorities in our life. There are things we treat as most important. The only question is, are you treating the most important thing with the most importance? Source:

Week 5 Text: Luke 19:11-27 Topic: Stewardship, Service Big Idea of the Message: Our role in the kingdom of heaven is more than simply waiting around for Jesus to return. We have been given the resources to work for the kingdom until that day comes. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   It is not the servant who was given the most at the start who is commended, but all

those who did something with what they were given. The amount was not important, the obedience was.

2.   “Far too many evangelical Christians today see their salvation as simply a ‘bus ticket to heaven.’ They believe it doesn’t matter what they do while they ‘wait for the bus.’ The Parable of the Talents teaches us what we are supposed to do while we await the return of our King.” – Hugh Whelchel Source:

3.   In Ephesians 2:10, Paul tells us that we have been prepared in advance for the works we are to do on earth.

4.   The servant who did nothing with what he was given admits that he was paralyzed by fear. In 2 Timothy 1:5-8, Paul encourages Timothy to do the work God has called him to do. “God has not given you a spirit of fear.”

Page 7: The Kingdom Sermon Series Guide - Amazon S3...main priority, everything else in life will take care of itself. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.!The key to this passage is 6:33

5.   Are you afraid of doing God’s work? Is it because you believe you will fail? Week 6 Text: Matthew 6:10 Topic: God’s Will, Prayer Big Idea of the Message: When you pray, ask God to change our world so that it better reflects the perfect love and security of heaven. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   Heaven is where God’s perfect will is fully realized. There is no disobedience, pain,

suffering, or sin. By praying, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” we’re asking for earth to look a little more like heaven every day.

2.   This passage is not saying God has no control over earth. Here is a great explanation on the different types of will that God has from R.C. Sproul:

3.   If we want to see God’s will be done, we need to be prepared to do God’s will. Are you looking for opportunities to serve others? Or, are you just concentrated on your own needs? Often, people lack service not because they don’t love others, but because they don’t think of others.

4.   This brings up an important aspect of prayer. Do we pray for others? Do we pray for our world? It should be a regular habit in our daily lives.

5.   Notice how the Lord’s Prayer begins with adoration to God. Before we can change the world, we must first acknowledge whose power will enable us to do it.

6.   “Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness.” - Martin Luther

Week 7 Text: Matthew 18:21-35 Topic: Forgiveness, Grace Big Idea of the Message: It is impossible to enter the kingdom of heaven while being unwilling to forgive others. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   Our job as Christians is to represent Christ on earth. We’re to show the greatness of

the kingdom to draw others to Christ. If we are unwilling to forgive, we are cheating others of the beauty of the kingdom.

2.   A father looks his daughter’s killer in the eye and forgives him in court. You can see how powerful this moment is for the killer. Source:

3.   “Always forgive your enemies—nothing annoys them so much.” - Oscar Wilde This about this quote. When we forgive others, do we do so to annoy or hurt them even more? Or, do we do it from a genuine heart of love toward God?

Page 8: The Kingdom Sermon Series Guide - Amazon S3...main priority, everything else in life will take care of itself. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.!The key to this passage is 6:33

4.   Is Jesus teaching that we earn our salvation through forgiveness? Is this some sort of exchange system? No. Instead, Jesus is teaching that when one has been so consumed with the fullness of God’s grace, they will want to show that grace to others.

Week 8 Text: Revelation 11:15-19 Topic: Fulfillment, Peace Big Idea of the Message: A day will come when the kingdom of heaven will be fulfilled on earth, and it is a day we should look forward to as Christians. Sermon Ideas and Talking Points: 1.   “The prophets expressed their hope in a new world, where God’s rule would be

extended universally–a time of peace and justice under God which would never end (Isaiah 2:4; Daniel 7: 14; Zechariah 14:9).” – Joel B. Green Source:

2.   “On the eve of Jesus’ death, He assured His disciples that He would yet share with them the happiness and the fellowship of the Kingdom (Luke 22:22-30). And He promised that He would appear again. on the earth in glory to bring the blessedness of the Kingdom to those for whom it was prepared (Matt. 25:31, 34). Source:

3.   Christians should look forward to the consummation of the kingdom of heaven. It shouldn’t be something we fear or ignore. See this enlightening article:

4.   Everything we prayed about in Week 6 of this series will be fulfilled. That is worth the worship and praise.

5.   Consider having your worship team sing the song, “Revelation Song,” this week. Here’s Kari Jobe’s version:

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