  • 7/25/2019 The Jews Are Not Brahmins but they are aboriginal Indians


    The Jews are not Brahmins but they are the aboriginal Indians!!

    --- Dr. Pratap Chatse, BAMC "upporter, India

    Now a day, some Brahmin intellectuals are trying to show their relations with the Egyptians,Greeks, Jews, Germans and other Europeans to hide their original identity of ancient BalticPrussians. The Egyptians, Greeks, Jews, Germans and other Europeans are completely differentfrom ndian Brahmins. !fter dissolution of the "ld Baltic Prussian nation, most of the ancientBaltic Prussians got assimilated among the neigh#oring Europeans and mostly among theGermans. That$s why% we see some pagan traditions more or less among the &elts, Germans andother Europeans. "n the #asis of these minor e'idences, they couldn$t #e related with the "ldPrussians and Brahmins. "n the other hand, we can see numerous traditions and rituals of anndian origin of the ndus times. The reason #ehind this is that, after in'asion of the PrussianBrahmins in ndia, many a#original ndians migrated in the (estern direction towards !ra#ia,)iddle- East and Europe. That$s why% we can see complete influence of ndian culture amongthe !ra#ians, )iddle East and European peoples.

    The ndus ci'ili*ation of ndia was an ancient ci'ili*ation of the (orld. t was flourished in#etween + to B&. n around / B&, the Prussian Brahmins had in'aded ndia throughthe 0hai#ar Pass and had destroyed the ndus ci'ili*ation. ! struggle #etween them and the!#original ndians lasted for more than thousand years and it was o'er in around /1 B&. Thein'ader Brahmins defeated the !#originals and ensla'ed them in the name of 23hudra 4arna$. Toescape from this Brahmanical sla'ery, some !#original ndians started migrating in two differentdirections5 one group migrated in the 3outh-East direction and was known as the 3hudra-!tishudras 6today, they are known as 7indus8% whereas, the other group migrated in the North-(est direction towards Europe and was known as Gypsy, 9omani or 9oma% Phoenicians, Jews,Greeks, &elts and so on. The e'idence of this struggle and the migrations of a#original ndiansare gi'en in the Brahmins sacred #ooks like 4edas, and later in the mythical epics like)aha#harata and 9amayana, 'arious 3mritis and Puranas written in 3anskrit.

    The Panis were aboriginal Indus trading peoples and were selling their things fortheir value. A word Pani indicates the dark skinned inhabitants of Indus valleycivilization i.e. they were an aboriginal Indians. It is true that the Panis were theaboriginal Indus traders and they were against the !rah"ins #edic sacri$ces

    %agnyas and ani"al killings. &ue to the invasion of Prussian !rah"ins so"e of thePanis "igrated towards the Arabia and 'urope( they were known as thePhoenicians. The Indo 'uropeans were calling the" as Panih and the )o"ans werecalling the" as Punic. According to *upta the origin of Phoenicians lies in

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    Afghanistan. Actually before the Prussian !rah"ins invasion the Panis wereresiding in the regions of present Afghanistan which was the +orth,-est part ofIndus ivilization. It "eans that the Phoenicians are the descendants of the Panisof Indus civilization.

    /alati 0. 1hendge in her book na"ed 2ivilized &e"ons the 3arappans in )ig #edastates that The Panis participated in the international trade taking the caravansfro" place to place supplying goods according to de"and by bringing the" fro"places where they were in surplus. 4p. 5556. &ue to their rich trade even Pana"awas na"ed after the". In short word 2pani "eans 2tra7c i.e. "oving fro" oneplace to another. The sa"e "eaning is found in the +ahuatl language8 pan 4"eanse9ternal location6( pano( opano 4"eans crossing to the other side6 etc. 41ee Angel/aria *aribay:s ;lave del +ahuatl.6 'ven in our 'nglish language the pre$9 2pan"eans crossing over or uest. It

    "eans that elts as well as Incas were following the Indus culture since the ti"esof Phoenicians. The tradition of 2hild sacri$ce is an Indus tradition. The childrenswere sacri$ced to the Indus "other *oddess na"ed 23ariti. This tradition waswidely followed by Tibetians. Aboriginal Indians are known as the 21ons of 3ariti(si"ilarly all the Tibetans are known as the 21ons of 3ariti. It shows that Tibatansare also the descendants of aboriginal Indians.

    Prof. 0eightly says that, the Phoenicians called themsel'es 20edmus$. n the 3emitic language,0edmum means the East. !ctually, the Phoenicians had come from the East% so, they might ha'eglorified themsel'es in the name of 0edmus, i.e., an Eastern people. This again shows that, the

    9omani as well as the Phoenician ci'ili*ation had tra'elled from the East 6from ndia8 and notfrom Egypt.

    Pockock in his famous #ook :ndia in Greece: states that, 6page ;/.

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    t means that, the Phoenicians went from !fghanistan to the coast of Persian Gulf, from thePersian Gulf to the #orders of 9ed 3ea in !ra#ia and thence to Phoenicia, their last colony andhome. Before coloni*ing Phoenicia, they had coloni*ed Egypt, then, the islands of )editerranean3ea, then, they had coloni*ed the Greece and in the ad?acent countries. n short, the Phoeniciansor Panis had tra'elled from East to the (est. t simply means that, the Panis or Panih of 9ig 4eda

    were the same people as the ancient Phoenicians of !fghanistan.

    The Brahmins were calling a#original ndians as @!suras>. 3ome !suras also migrated alongwith the Panis to the (est after the fall of their ndus ci'ili*ation. They were known as !*ura,ahura and !ssyrians in Persia. Thus, !ssyrians are the a#original ndus peoples.

    3igns of flooding were disco'ered during the eAca'ations of ndus cities, mainly in the form ofslit deposits. 3ince then, it was thaught that, flooding was the #asic cause for the fall ofndus cities and was considered as the most 'ia#le alternati'e to the idea of a Brahmin in'asion.7owe'er, in later times, it was disco'ered that, the flooding had resulted due to Brahminsin'asion. The Brahmins had destroyed the ndus dams and irrigation systems during their attacksand it was the #asic reason for the flooding, fall of the ndus Empire and massi'e genocide. Thee'idences of these destructions are numerous in the 9ig-4eda of Brahmins. 3ome of theeAamples are as follows5

    7e smote 4ratra who encompassed the waters 9g4 4.;.;C.

    7e smote 4ratra who enclosed the waters, like a tree with the #olt 9g4 ./.;C.7e is referred to as Dconuering the waters: 6apsu?it8, which is his prime attri#ute.ndra let loose the streams after slaying 4rtra 9g4 4./F.

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    7e dug out channels for the streams with his #olt 9g4 ./1.C, let the flood of waters flow intothe sea. 9g4 ./F.C7e caused the waters pent up #y 4ratra to flow 9g4 .;+.+% 4././C -- )acIonnellC 3 T+ in 'arious religious #ooks. (e know that a flood dro'e !#raham out ofndia. =...Thus saith the Lord God of srael, your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood inold time, E'en Terah, the father of !#raham, and the father of Nachor% and they ser'ed othergods. !nd took your father !#raham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughoutall the land of &anaan.= 6Joshua ;5;-.8

    t means that, !#raham was an a#original ndian and was residing on the ndian side of the flood.7e and his peoples were following other Gods means that, they were following a#original ndusculture. 7owe'er, Brahmins attacked on the ndus ci'ili*ation and destroyed the ndus damsleading to flooding. Iue to these floods, !#raham had to a#andon ndus and had to flee to&anan.

    The a#original ndians peoples were knowns as @Mada'as> which are still seem among the".B.&.$s of ndia. Lord 0rishna himself was Mada'a. These Mada'as were known as Judas in theregion of !fghanistan. Judas then #ecame Jews. Thus, Jews are the descendants of a#original

    ndian Mada'as

    !ll a#o'e findings suggest that, Jews, Phoenicians, !ssirians, !ra#s are the descendants ofa#original ndus peoples. !lso, all the !ra#s, Jews, Egyptians, Greek-9omans and otherEuropeans were following the ndus culture and traditions% not that of the Brahmin culture andtraditions

    Ianu is the mother of Iana'as 69ahu, 4rushapar'a, 0esin, Namuchi, Narak, 3ham#ar8 whowere an a#original ndians. 7ence, the a#original ndians were worshipping her as the mothergoddess. The European &elts also worship her as the mother Goddess. n the &eltic traditions,

    she is known #y 'arious names like Ion, Iana, Ianu, Ianu# and possi#ly also !nu or !na. 3hefeatures hea'ily in &eltic mythology as the )other Goddess 6and a ri'er Goddess8. 3he is one ofthe most ancient known of all &eltic Goddesses, from whom the hierarchy of the &eltic Godsrecei'ed its name of Tuatha Ie Ianann i.e. the @Oolk of the Goddess Ianu>. !mong the ancient&elts, Ianu was regarded as the @)other Goddess>. !ll the rish Gods and Goddesses were theTuatha Ie Ianaan 6@&hildren of Ianu>8. Ianu was the @di'ine waters> falling from hea'en andnurturing Ble, the sacred oak from whose acorns their children sprang. )oreo'er, the waters of

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    Ianu went on to create the great &eltic sacred ri'erQIanu'ius, today called the Ianu#e. Thus,rish peoples seem to #e the hereditary descendants of migrated a#original ndus peoples.ndus Ianu was the enemy of in'ader Brahmins and so it was appering to them as a fearfulfemale ruler. That$s why% they descri#ed her in their 4edic mythology as @a fearful goddess&hurning of the "ceans,> a story with parallels in rish and (elsh mytholgy. The ndus

    ci'ili*ation was a matriarchial culture means that, the womens were the rulers. )ost of the nduscities were settled on the #order of ri'ers or water dams and these womens were the owners ofthese ri'er streams and dams. These ruler womens were considered as the 2mother goddesses$and their ri'er water was considered as the 2Ii'ine water$. That$s why% Ianu in 3anskrit means@di'ine waters> and @moisture.>n the 4edic mythology, Ianu gi'es #irth to the se'en Ian'anas, the dark ones of the ocean. ThePrussian Brahmins were white and ndians were the Blacks. That$s why$% Iana'as arerecogni*ed as the 2Black ones$. Their trade was across the oceans in different parts of the (orld%hence, they were known as the rulers of the oceans.

    n the earliest of &eltic documents there is the #attle of )oytur fought #etween people of theGoddess Ianu and the Oomors. The Oomors were the &eltic deities of death, darkness and thesea. They were the offspring of @&haos and "ld Night>, their name #eing deri'ed from twoGaelic words meaning @under sea>. The Oomers were #orn from another )other Goddess calledIomnu whose name seems to ha'e signified the a#yss or deep sea. The #attle #etween theOomors and the Tuatha Ie Ianann #egan at the end of summer and the #eginning of winter, onthe e'e of 3amhain 6the &eltic festi'al of the dead or 7alloween as it is called today8. Iuring thecourse of the #loody #attle many were killed, including many of the chieftains. "f all the Oomorsthe deadliest was Balor, with his eye that could slay #y merely looking upon an indi'idual.

    7owe'er% during the later stages of war, Lugh shouted on him and #efore Balor could look uponLugh, Lugh had thrown a magickal stone at Balor. The stone struck Balor, forcing his deadly eyeout through the #ack of his head. "n falling to the ground, the eye then ga*ed on many of theOomors, killing them, and turning the tide of the #attle toward the Tuatha Ie Ianann.E'entually, the Oomors were dri'en away and the people of Ianu were 'ictorious. 7ere,Oormors means an in'ading Brahmins and Tuatha Ie Ianann means an a#original ndians, thechildrens of Ianu.! similar struggle #etween opposing forces is found in 4edic mythology. This struggle was#etween the !dityas, the children of the Goddess !diti, and the Iana'as, the children of theGoddess Ianu. The Brahmins were known as the !dityas or the &hildrens of !diti, whereas% thea#original ndians or Iana'as were known as the childrens of Ianu. There was a hea'y struggle#etween the in'ader Brahmins and a#original ndians and it is depicted in the 4edas in the formof a myth. This myth is referred throughout the 9ig 4eda and focuses primarily on the God ndrain his 'ictory o'er the Iana'an God 4rtra. n the 9ig 4eda, 4rtra is descri#ed as #eing a lim#lessdragon and the source of a great drought. (hen ndra slays him 64rtra8 with his thunder #olt these'en waters are released. t reads in the 9ig 4eda 6Griffith Translation8 @7e slew the Iragon,then disclosed the waters, and cleft the channels of the mountain torrents.> 69ig .;./8>Then

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    hum#led was the strength of 4rtra$s mother5 ndra hath cast his deadly #olt against her. Themother was a#o'e, the son under, and like a cow #eside her calf lays Ianu.> 69ig .;.F83ince, 9ig-4eda was composed #y the Prussian Brahmins, they presented winner ndra as thesym#ol of light and order% whereas% they presented Ianu and Iana'as as the loosers andsym#ols of Iark and chaos. "n the other hand, the &eltic and (elsh mythology was written #y

    the a#original ndians settled in Europe. That$s why% they presented the Brahmins as the looserOormors and sym#ols of Iark and chaos% whereas, Ianu and her childrens as the winners andsym#ols of light and order. "n the microcosmic le'el, it is a struggle #etween freedom o'ersla'ery, knowledge o'er ignorance and 'ictory of a#original ndus peoples o'er the in'aderBrahmins.

    n the &eltic myth, the Goddess Iomnu is regarded as #eing of @&haos and "ld Night>, thea#yss, from whence came the Oomors, the deities of the dark waters who were conuered #yLug, the &eltic 3un God, and the Tuatha Ie Ianann. The forefathers of Brahmins were the

    Baltic Prussians who were also worshippers of mother goddesss. 3he is presented as 2Iomnu$ inthe &eltic mythology. They came from the @Black sea> to ndia. 7ence, they are called as 2thedeities of dark water$ and their mother Goddess Iomnu is regarded as the goddess of @&haos and"ld Night>. !gain, it is the light conuering the darkness. Ianu was an ndus mother goddesswho was fighting for the right of a#original ndians against the in'ader Brahmins. 7ence, she isregarded as a Good goddess in &eltic myths. Iue to her inspiration, we can see many femaleIruids and (arriors and Rueens$s common in &eltic society #ut not in Brahmanism. "n theother hand, Brahmanism recogni*ed womens as 3hudras and of low #irth. That$s why% Brahminsare shown in the 4edic mythology as the descendants of the male Brahma% not of females.

    The horned #od o$ Indus and the %orned Celti& #od 'Cernunnos(

    )ythological reference to the 7orned God 2Pashupati$ can #e found in ancient ndian andNepalese scriptural teAts. "ut of ignorance, many peoples consider the horned God on the ndusseals as that of 2Pashupati$. Pashupati means the God of animals. f he is the God of animals,

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    then, the animals should ha'e shown #owing in from of him, #ut in case of the a#o'e seal, wecan see that, these animals are attacking on him

    f he is the God of animals, then, why animals are attacking on himS t clearly means that, he isnot a Pashupati. 3ome says that, he is a 3hi'a. The general presenatation of 3hi'a is that, he is

    always shown wearing the tiger skin and a snake around his neck. !lso, 3hi'a is always shownwith damaru, #ull, sitting on the tiger skin spread on the ground, #eads in his neck, etc. 7owe'er,in the a#o'e seal, a Mogi is de'oid of these things% he is also shown in a good clothes. t meansthat, a Mogi in the a#o'e seal is not 3hi'a at all

    (ho is this Mogi thenS ! dressing of the a#o'e Mogi is similar to the dressing of Gautam Buddha.!s like the Buddha, he is wearing his clothes on his left shoulder, whereas, his right shoulder is#are. !s like Gotam Buddha, he is using full clothes on his #ody. The Jain monks are completelynaked, so he can$t #e a Jain monk. Gautam Buddha is the only religious person, who wearssufficient clothes on his #ody. 7e had strictly ordered to his monks to wear more than one layer

    of the clothes on their #ody.

    n the a#o'e seal, there is also a picture of #uffalo. ! #uffalo was the fa'ourite animal ofa#original ndians% hence, it is depicted in the a#o'e seal. The Prussian Brahmins were theenemies of a#original ndians, so, they hated them and their animal #uffalos. The a#originalndians were known as the !suras. To defame their #uffalo animal, the Prussian Brahmins haddeclared it as the 'oyage of Mama, who is the God of Ieath. t means that, #uffalo was the signof death for the Prussian Brahmins. !n !sura king named )ahishasura 6who was herding theBuffalos8, was the greatest enemy of the Prussian Brahmins. 7is fa'ourite animal was #uffaloand he was the fierce killer of Brahmins. The Prussian Brahmins were so much scared of him

    that, )ahishasura with his #uffalo was a sign of death for them. 3o, out of hared and fear, theyhad declared the #uffalo animal as the 'oyage of death God Mama. Later on, Brahmin king ndrahad killed him in the #attle. E'en now, a Ihangar caste among the a#original ndians is knownas the herder of #uffalos. That$s why% Brahmins hate them and say that, Ihangars are the idiotpeoples. Emperor !shoka was himself a Ihangar, who was a famous Buddhist Emperor.

    n the a#o'e seal, a Mogi is an !sura, who is seated in meditation. The surrounding animals likeelephants, lions, #uffalos, etc are attacking on him #ut without getting distur#ed, he is doing hismeditation. This picture depicts the scene of )ara attacking on the meditating Gotam Buddha.(hen Gotam Buddha was in deep meditation, mara attacked on him to create distur#ance in his

    meditation #ut still he continues his meditation and gets enlightened. The a#o'e picture iso#'iously, the picture of a meditating Buddha. n fact, he is the first Buddha of ndus ci'ili*ationwho is seated in a deep meditation trying to attain enlightenment and he is #eing attacked #y)ara #ut still, he remains still and undistur#ed and continues his meditation.

    Orom all these e'idence, we can conclude that, the a#o'e seal of ndus ci'ili*ation depicts thepre-enlightenment condition of the first Buddha.

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    Below the meditating Mogi, we can see the two deers #owing and facing to each other and thereis Ihamma-&hakra #etween these two deers. Ieer is the sym#ol of Buddhism and of the3hramana tradition of ndus ci'ili*ation. (e can see the same type of presentation in case of theIhamma-&hakra Pra'artan sutta images. n those pictures also, we can see two deers #owingand facing to each other and there is a Ihamma-Ihakra in #etween these two deers. This type ofpicturesue is typically seen in Buddhism. The eAistences of such seals during the time of ndusperiod suggest that, Buddhism was the pre'alent religion of those peoples.

    The horned *od ernunnos 4also ernenus6 is a pagan eltic god which iswidespread in the ancient eltic lands of the -estern 'urope. It is si"ilar to theIndus horned *od. As like Adi,!uddha of the Indus seals ernunnos is associatedwith deers and other horned ani"als. 3e is usually portrayed seated and cross,legged in a "editative posture as like the !uddha. This connection between thetwo is best illustrated by co"paring a couple of the Indus #alley seals to the

    depiction of ernunnos on the *undestrup auldron 4dated between ?th @ stentury !'6. &)A1 is a place in ;adhakh. It is also known as &A)=1 &)A=1 and&)=1 4&rus BCak6. A chief of &)A1 is known as &)=C,P'1 which beco"es &)=I,&'1 and then &)=I&1. Thus &ruids of 'urope are originally fro" &ras sector of;adakh. Their chief settle"ents are known as ',!=&'1 fro" 3I,!=&&3'1. P3,T3IC,

    TI1 in *reek is derived fro" the 1anskrit word !,3 46 &3%C,&'1 i.e. the land of the!uddhas. Thus the &ruids are the aboriginal Indian !uddhists. Their last refugyplace in !ritain is known as /ona fro" /uni. 4/uni is a !uddhist "onk6. The!uddhists are known as 2the knowers of the $r" knowledge. Thats why( the2&ruids are also known as the 2the knowers of the $r" knowledge.4A learned class

    a"ong the elts is known as the &ruids. A word !uddha beco"es !uoida andword !uddhists beco"e as !uoidst in the eltic language. This word !uoidstbeca"e &uoids and then &ruidsin the eltic language. Thus 2&ruids are the2original !uddhists6.

    All the above things suggest that elts as well as the &ruids are the true successorsof the aboriginal Indians and they were following the Indus ideas and culture evenafter being settled in the re"ote areas of 'urope.

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    0ing Bali was the forefather of the ndus Pani$s. The in'ader Brahmins had killed him in a #attle.Pani$s and all other a#original ndians still worship king Bali for his greatness. The Phoeniciansare the ancestors of ndus Panis$. That$s why% they also had continued king Bali$s worship in theform of 2B!L$. Baal worship was prolific throughout much of the ancient )iddle East. n theland of &anaan, the worship of Baal was found among the )oa#ites and their allies )idinites

    during )oses:s time and was also introduced to the sraelites. The Phoenicians had #ecome thegreatest seafaring culture of that time, there#y spreading the cult of Baal throughout the)editerranean areas. Baal 6or more properly Ba:al8 was worshipped most commonly amongancient 3emitic tri#es, such as the descendants of 3hem 63hem is #elie'ed to #e the oldest son ofBi#lical Noah8 and as late as the Punic wars of the third century B&E. There are elements of Baalworship which can still #e seen today in 'arious cultures of the )iddle East. (ith many grandtitles, there were many temples for Baal-worship in &anaan, and the name Baal was often addedto that of a locality, e.g. Baal-peor, Baal-ha*or, and Baal-hermon. !ncient documents speak ofthe Baal of Tyre, of 7arran, of Tarsus, of 7erman, of Le#anon, of Tamar 6a ri'er south of Beirut8,

    and of hea'en.

    The cult of Baal was most widespread among the ancient Jews. Baal was once worshipped #ythe royalty of the ten Bi#lical tri#es of srael and #y all who depended upon the Gun God for theprosperity of their crops and li'estock. The &eremonies of tri#ute to Baal often included #urningof incense, #urnt sacrificial offerings, and human sacrifice.

    The a#original ndians were known as !suras, 9akshasas, Iasas, Iasyus, whereas% the in'aderBrahmins were known as Ie'as. Numerous Brahmin religious teAts like the 4edas, Puranas,9amayana, )aha#harata, 3mrutis and 3hruties are full with the struggle #etween Ie'as and

    !suras. The Brahmins were calling !suras as @!-Brahma> means that, they are not Brahmins.The word @!#raham> is deri'ed from the root word @!-Brahma>. t means that, !#raham wasnot a Brahmin #ut he was an a#original ndian. 7is nati'e place was known as @r>. The tri#alrepu#lic 6Gan- Parishad8 of the non-Brahmins was known as @r>, whereas% the tri#al repu#lic6Gan- Parishad8 of the Brahmins was known as @Brahma-deya>. !#raham was from 2r$- itsimply means that, he was the ancestor of an a#original ndians. Bactria 6a region of ancient!fghanistan8 was the locality of a prototypical Jewish nation called Juhuda or Jaguda, also calledr-Jaguda. r meant =place or town.= Therefore, the #i#le was correct in stating that !#rahamcame from =r of the &haldeans.=

    The geneology of all !ra#ians and Jews starts from !#raham.t means that, all the !ra#s as well as the Jews are the descendants of an a#original ndians% they

    are not the descendants of Brahmins

    The Greeks are the true descendants of a#original ndians. 9a?graha was the capital of )agadhakingdom during the time of Buddha. Peoples of 9a?graha were called as @Grahika>.Thesepeoples migrated to the present Greece and settled there. 3o, their name 2Grahika$ #ecame@Graihak-os> in Greek language, which #ecame 2Graik-os$ in later times and then, 2Greeks$. Theancient name of Bihar was @Pelasa> which was deri'ed from a king named 2Pelasgus$. n

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    B.&., !rius states that, king Pelasgus is the ancestor of Pelasgi, sprang from the #lack Earth.Gaiya was the sacred city of Pelasa and its soil was #lack in colour and king Pelasgus was fromthis place. That$s why% !rius says that, he sprang from the #lack Earth, means that, king Palasawas from Gaiya. Pelasgus was the son of 2P!L-&T7"N$ means that, he was the son Pali ofPelasa, Bihar. P!L-&T7"N #ecame P!L-3T!N and then P!LE-3TNE. Thus, Palestine is

    also inha#ited #y the a#original ndians.

    The mountainous ranges of Baluchistan are known as 7EL!. The residants of this place areknown as 7EL!NE3. These peoples migrated towards the (est after the fall of ndus andsettled in present Greece. 7ence, Greeks are known as 7ELL!N3. Thus, many ndians from!fghanistan to Bihar migrated to the (est as per their needs.

    )agadha was the ancient kingdom in present Bihar of ndia and it was completely a Buddhistkingdom. )!G!-I!N #ecame )!&E-I"N in Greek and then )!&E-I"N #ecame )!&E-I"N!. The (orld conueror !leAander was from this )acedonia only 7is father$s name wasPhilips and his peoples were known as P7L-P"3. The word 2Bhil-Prince$ #ecame B7L-P"3in Greek language and then, from B7L"-P"3 it #ecame P7L-P"3. The peoples ofP!LE3TNE 6P!L-3T!N or B7L-3T!N8 are the #ranch of peoples of 7!)"N, whoselineage was the B7L-P9N&E3 6P7L"-P"38 of )!&EI"N. Thus, peoples of )acedonia areoriginally from the land of )agadha and they are the ancient Bhills of ndia.

    ! Buddhist word 239!&!$ #ecame 2T79!&E$ in Greece. The Buddhist Lama tri#es of Ti#et#ecame 2L!)EN3E3$ in Greece. The high Lama &hiefs were called as 2""L-L!)-P"3$ inGreece, which #ecame "LM)P3. Thus, the Greek God "lympus is the Grand Buddhist Lama

    of Greece. The Buddha is also called as JEEN!. Jeena means the one who has conuered hisown desires. JEEN! #ecame JEM3 means a Grand Buddhist Lama. JEM3 #ecame JE3 andthen UE3 6JEEN!- JN"3- UEN3- UE38. Thus, the Greek God UE3 is the BuddhistJEEN! or the Buddhist Grand Lama. The peoples of 0ushinara were known as 037,037TE, 037!N, etc. They are also known as 037!-4!7! in the Northern parts ofpresent ndia. !fter migration to the (est, they were known as 2037$ in Egypt and 037-TE3 in Greece. !#yssinians are the descendants of the 0ush peoples. That$s why% the !ra#s callthem as the children of 0ush.

    The a#original ndians were known as I!N!4!3. They #ecame I!N!-" in Greece. Iana'a$s

    mother, I!N was the ruler of ri'er water. 3o, I!N$3 (!TE9 is known as !P-I!)3 inGreece. 3""-)E9! is an imaginary Buddhist )ountain. This 3""-)E9! #ecame 3!-)!9-! in Palestine and 3"-)!-9"3 in Greece. 0andahar is the capital of !fghanistan. 0!NI!-7!9 #ecame 0ENT-!9 in Greek. 3o, the peoples of !fghanistan were known as &ENT!93in Greece. The ancient ndus peoples were of serpant race 6N!G-4!N378, hence, they wereknown as 2!7$. The word !7 #ecame "P73 in Greece. The tri#al repu#lic 6Gana8 of the !his6"phis8 was known as !fghanistan 6"P7-G!N! K !P7-G7!N!-3T!NK

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    !OG7!N3T!N8.The peoples of !fghanistan were known as B7N-B!I!) 6B7N-BI7!N8. They were Buddhists, hence, they were known as Budhan. The town of these BhiniBuddhist was 23aidon$ which #ecame 23I"N$ town in Greece. The Buddhist monks wereknown as the 3II7!3 in Tantrayana. Orom 3iddha #ecame 3idon 63II7!- 3!I"N-3I"N8.

    The a#original ndians were calling ndus 9i'er as !B-3NI which #ecame !B3N in!frica. The mouth of ndus 9i'er was called as &"9, which #ecame &"9!-NT7 in Greece.&"9-NI3 #ecame &"9!NT73 in Greek. UEL) 9i'er #ecame 7MI!3PE3 ofGreece. 0arkatoka was an a#original Naga king. Orom his name, 0!90ET"0! )ountain is in!fghanistan. 0!90ET"0! #ecame 0E0ET3 )ountain in Greece. The region of!fghanistan named 7!U!9! #ecame 7!U"9 in Palestine and !U"9"3 in Greece. The!fghan land of 37!L 6rice8 #ecame T7E3-3EL! in Greece. 3!H"N3 are the 3!0!3 ofndia.

    Balapur means the city of B!L. B!L07 is the place of B!L worship in !fghanistan. !s likeB!L07 is 7EL"P"L3 of 3yria, where, BLL is worshipped. I!)!N or #order #etween3uleman )ountain and ndus 9i'er #ecame !$I!)!N of Greeks and then, !I)!N! #ecame!T7!)!N!. T!L or T7L is a small town in !fghanistan in the desert of 3E(E-3T!N6Land of 3hi'a8 on the route from Iera Ga*ee 0han to Iadur. !lso, 7MPE9B"9E!N3 meanspeoples from 07!BE9-P""9 near the 0hai#er-pass. 7yper#oreans gi'e their offerings toB"I"N or I"I"N 6BodonVIodon are the Buddhist terms8. n /+F, the 3wedish author "laf9ud#eck had coined !tlanteans with the 7yper#oreans and located them at the North Pole. 3omeothers proposed that, 7yper#ora split into Thul and ltima Thul. ndian Brahmin Bal Gangadhar

    Tilak added further in 2The !rctic 7ome of the 4edas$ 6in /F8 that, the southern migration ofthese Thuleans gi'en #irth to the !ryan race. )any germans got fooled in the early twentiethcentury and started #elie'ing that, as like Brahmins, they are also the descendants of the !ryansand are destined to #ecome the master race of supermen through the power of 'ril. 7itler wasone among these Germans. To gi'e realism and prominence to this imaginary theory, a Germannamed OeliA Niedner had founded the T7L 3"&ETM in /F/. 7owe'er% her theory iscompletely imaginary and false. !ctually, T7L is situated in !fghanistan and not on theNorthern pole% similarly, the 7yper#oreans are from the 0hai#er-pass of ndia and not from theNorth Pole. !lso, they are not the !ryans or Brahmins #ut they are the a#original ndians

    P99!4!3 is known as the 3"N "O T7E BII7!, who$s another name, is !9!. tsplural form #ecomes !9!N which means the peoples of !ira. Their land is known as 9!N.Thus, ran is a Buddhist land of the descendants of a#original ndian Purura'as. Purara'as6Iana'as8 were the opponenets of Brahmins 6Ie'as8. That$s why% ranians and their !'esta areagainst the Ie'as 6Brahmins8.

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    I!)!3&3 is the land of I7!))"3, which are the Buddhist monks. Iamascus is situatedin the regions of &!I)"N-T3 6G!I$)!N-E-IE3 K T7E L!NI "O G!T!)!8. Thename of G!TE-)!L! of 3outh !merica is deri'ed from G!T!-)!L! i.e. the place ofG!T!)!. 7ungery$s capital BI!-PE3T means BII7!-P!T7 6T7E (!M "O T7EBII7!8. B!BL"N means the peoples of B7"P!L. &"33E of Greece means the peoples

    of 0!3, ndia. !TT!0-T7!N of Greece means peoples of !TT!0, ndia. &7!LIE!N3means those peoples who worship 0L-IE4T!3. The a#original ndians were the worshippersof 0L-IE4!T!3. "n the other hand, Gotra system was present in Brahmins insread of 0ul-de'ta system. Thus, &7!LIE!N3 were the migrated ndus peoples in the )iddle-East.

    L!-B!N!N means the tri#es of LE7. The earlier name of !M"I7M! was 3!0ET and it was aBuddhist place of wisdom. 6!yodhya peoples- !T7M"-P!N3 K ET7"P!N38. Euse#iusstates that, @the Euthopians ha'e preser'ed ndian wisdom% they ha'e originated from the ndus9i'er and settled in Egypt>. t means that, the Ethiopians are the descendants of ndians and they

    preser'ed the ndian wisdom of Buddhism. Peoples of 07!BE9 P!33K 07!BE9K07EB9E(- K 7EB9E(. The BLL was the most important animal in ndus culture. 3o, itwas worshipped as N!NI, which was also worshipped in Egypt and is still worshipped in ndiae'en now. The BLL of NI3 is also known as the &!LO "O 39!EL. BLL is also offeredto )T79!3 #y PE93!N3.

    T7-P7" Buddhists in the 7imalayan regions- T-P7!N K T7BET K TBET. !lso, T-P7!NK T-P7"N! 6in Greece8. The Brahmins defeated the a#original ndians 6I!N!4!38and pushed them down to P!T!L! 6means 7ELL8. That$s why% the palace of Ialai Lama isknown as P!T"L! 6P!T!L!K P!T"L!8.

    The Buddhist 3aints K the Prince of 3idon K P"3I"N. LMU 6city of Greece8 K &ity of thelas or Buddhas. lla or da is the wife of first Buddha of the ndus ci'ili*ation. This first ndusBuddha is depicted on the ndus seals in the meditating position. The Buddhist 07!BE9settled in &MP9, which #ecame &MP93. 607!BE9- 7EB9E(% &MP9-&MP938.Buddha is also called as BI7, BI, P7T, B"I", B"I, G"I, etc. The word 2G"I$originated from BII7!. 6BII7!- BII"- BI"- BI"- B"I"- B"I- G"I8.)oses speaks of 2BI7$ #y the name of 2P7T$. B""I7 of E!3T #ecame 3""I7 or P9Eof B9T!N, P93 of "LI 9")!N3 and PEE9 of "LI PE93!N3. The Buddhist3II7!$3 #ecame 3ET7"3 of 7E3P!3T"3, Egypt.

    The B!L0!N3 6Peoples of B!L07, !fghanistan8 was known as the 4L&!N3 in Greece.!BENTE of Greece were from the !4!NT of )al'a pro'ince 6!BENTEK!4!NT8. Thepeoples of 3"P9 60ashmir8, who had em#raced Buddhism, were known as 3"-P9-T!N inGreece. They were known as 3P!9T!N3 in Greece in the later times. 63"-P9-T!NK3$P!9T!NK 3P!9T!N8. The word NI3 is called as "H3 in Greek language. 3o, NI3peoples were called as "H!N3, which #ecame 3EH!N in later times 6"H!N3K 3EH!N38. 3o,

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    !NGL"-3EH!N3 are the ndus settlers in Europe. G&L"-IE3 peoples in Greece are fromthe land of G"&L! 6Land of GoclaK Land of Gopala8 of Jamuna ri'er in ndia 6G&L"-IE3KG"&L!-IE38. 7ari is another name of the Buddha. 3o, 7E9-&LE3 means the chiefs of theBuddha tri#es in Greece. The elder Buddhist monk is also called 2BII7!-G""9$, which#ecame PT7!-G"9!3 in English and it #ecame PMT7!-G"9!3 in Egyptian language. The

    elder Buddhist monk is also called as 2T7E9!$. That$s why% the Buddhist monks in Egypt wereknown as 2T7E9!PET3$. The medical word 2T7E9!PM$ also originated from wordT7E9!PET3.

    The )aruts were ndus peoples whose father was 9udra and mother was Iiti. )alita J. 3hendgestates that, the )aruts were the ndus people. They were the enemies of ndra 69ig. /./+1-/++8.The )aruts were called as good Ia'a'as 63u-Iana'- 9ig. /.+-+8. The 0hatti 67ittites8 and)aruts 6!morites8 functioned as the fathers 6protectors8 and mothers 6helpmates or assistants8 ofJerusalem. Thus, 7ittites are the 0hattis and !morites are the )aruts of ndia.

    The 4araha 6Pig8 was worshipped #y the a#original ndus peoples. 9udra was called as @!mush-4araha> 69ig. /.//-18. 3mililarly, !'esta calls )ithra as 4araha. The 4araha is worshiped in theform of 3eres goddess #y British, 3iri*, 3erideen or &arideen goddesses #y the 9omans. nGermany, 4araha is considered holy for the Oreyer Goddess. n the Mule festi'al of Germany6Mule from las Goddess of ndus8, the 4arah is sacrificed to the Goddess. The name of Britishcity Morkshire is deri'ed from !ofor-wik 6means the place of 4araha8. Thus, the ndus culturewas transmitted #y the migrated ndus peoples in Europe.

    The a#original ndus peoples were also called as Makshas or Makshus. Madu or Mada'as were the

    descendants of these Makshus 6MakshuK Madu- M!I!48. They were the worshippers of 4araha.L! is the mother of Makshus, Madus and Mada'as. Madu or Mada'as were the enemies of ndra69ig. ./F.

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    East, Europe, !frica and !merica. The ndus culture and Buddhism also tra'elled along withthose peoples in these remote areas. That$s why% we can see thousands of e'idences of itseAistence in these regions. "n the #asis of these e'idences, some Brahmin intellectuals are tryingto connect Brahmins with the peoples of (est. 7owe'er% Brahmins are connected only withPrussians, since, they are originated from them. !fter getting entered in ndia, Brahmins didn$t

    tra'el to the other countries out of ndia due to their own imposed religious rules of Brahmanism.The )anusmriti says that, no Brahmin can tra'el #eyond the "ceans and #eyond the !ttakregion. f this is the situation, then, how Brahmins can claim their lineage with the Jews, !ra#s,Greeks, Egyptians and the other EuropeansS There are no e'idences of this linkage at all. n spiteof this, some Brahmin intellectuals are showing ndus e'idences as their own e'idences. This isnothing #ut an intellectual corruption and the false propaganda of Brahmins to show the falsegreatness of their Brahmin culture. !ll the a#original ndians should #e aware of this fact ad theyshould try to eApose the Brahmins falsehood as well as they should try to find their nduse'idences at the national as well as an international le'el.

    3ome ndian Brahmins are trying to show their relations with Jews, which is completely false.mportant thing is that, Brahmins try to show their attachments with those peoples who arepowerful. 7itler was powerful during his time. !t that time, the ndian Brahmins of 933 hadcontacted to 7itler to wage a war for esta#lishing the !ryan Empire throughout the (orld. 7itlerwas considering himself as the tenth !'atar 6incarnation8 of Brahmin God 4ishnu, due toinfluence of Brahmins 7is spiritual teacher was Gayatri Ie'i, who was the wife of one BengaliBrahmin 7itler had massacred a#out + million Jews #y coming under the #ad and e'ilinfluence of Brahmanism n short, Brahmins are responsi#le for this massi'e genocide ofJews f this is the truth, then, how such kind e'il Brahmins could #e the #rothers of the JewsS

    The Jews ha'e #ecome powerful today, so, the selfish Brahmins are trying to connect them withthe Jews. This is the historical fact of the cunning Brahmins Iuring ancient times, the 4aishyas6traders8 were not powerful% so, the Brahmins had declared them as the 3hudras. "n the otherhand, the nati'e ndian warrior 0shatriyas were powerful in ndia at that time. 3o, the Brahminshad done alliance with these 0shatriyas to #e the supreme rulers of ndia. Now, the 0shatriyasha'e lost their importance and the 4aishyas ha'e gained importance due to the era of &apitalism.3o, the Brahmins ha'e left 0shatriyas du##ing them as the 3hudras and they ha'e done alliancewith the 4aishyas 3ee the a#rupt change in their #eha'ior They can$t #e trusted at all 3o, theJews should ne'er trust upon them #ecause are not trustworthy people

    f some Brahmin intellectuals are trying to show the false e'idences of linkage #etween the Jewsand Brahmins% then, it is nothing else #ut an intellectual corruption and the false propaganda ofBrahmins to show the false greatness of their Brahmin culture The entire a#original ndians andthe Jews should try to understand this fact that, #oth of them are related to each other and hence,they should try to eApose the falsehood of Brahmins at the national as well as an internationalle'el. 3imilarly, #oth of them should try to connect with each other through our mo'ement ofB!)&EO and Bharat )ukti )orcha. !s the representati'es of a#original ndians 6)ulni'asi

  • 7/25/2019 The Jews Are Not Brahmins but they are aboriginal Indians


    Bahu?ans8, we appeal to the entire Jewish #rothers and sisters to get connected to us and oura#original ndian #rothers and sistersW..


    /. 3ee e.g. the fallVwinter /FF1 issue of Journal of ndo-European 3tudies, almost entirelyde'oted to the Hin?iang mummies.

    ;. .). Iiakono'5 "n the "riginal 7ome of ther 3peakers of ndo-European, Journal ofndo-Europen 3tudies, /-;V/F

  • 7/25/2019 The Jews Are Not Brahmins but they are aboriginal Indians


    /. Ionald 0enrick, =Gypsies5 from the Ganges to the Thames. 6nterface &ollection,4olume 8,= ni'ersity of 7ertfordshire Press, 6;8.


  • 7/25/2019 The Jews Are Not Brahmins but they are aboriginal Indians


    . 7emphill &hristensen5 DThe "Aus &i'ili*ation as a Link #etween East and (est5 !Non-)etric !nalysis of Bron*e !ge Bactrain Biological !ffinitiesD, paper read at the3outh !sia &onference, -1 No'em#er /FF, )adison, (isconsin% p. /.

  • 7/25/2019 The Jews Are Not Brahmins but they are aboriginal Indians


    1;. 3hukla /F+5 =7e#rews and 4edic !ryans= #y )adan )ohan 3hukla, 6, 0umarBha'an, opp. ).). 7ospital, G.T. 9oad, Gha*ia#ad8, 4ish'esh'aranand ndologicalJournal, 4ol.H4, Pt./ 6)arch /F+8, p./-.

    1. 3hukla /FF5 =The 7e#rews #elong to a Branch of 4edic !ryans= #y )adan )ohan

    3hukla, Journal of the "riental nstitute, ).3. 6)ahara?a 3aya?irao8 ni'ersity of Baroda,Baroda, 4ol. HH4 6)arch-June /FF8 Nos. -, p.-1% Iirector, "riental nsitute,Tilak 9oad, opp. 3aya?igun? Tower, Baroda-F;, Gu?arat, ndia% 9s.Vyear.

    1. (addell /F;F5 =The )akers of &i'ili*ation in 9ace and 7istory=, #y L.!. (addell, /F;F,reprint 3. &hand &ompany, P.".BoA No. 1, 9am Nagar, +/, New Ielhi-//11,/F

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