Page 1: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

The Inventory


Michael Butler



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center

Page 2: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 1

. ·-·


Deposit 1971

Categories of Folders are those designated by Michael Butler. Material

arranged chronologically within folders. Collection consists of

correspondence related to various business and personal interests.

1) Accessories, Personal- 1967.

10 TLS

22 CTL



7 flyers

1 clips.

2) Accessories, Personal- 1968-1969.



1 Xerox TL

2 bills

l clip

3) Aircraft. 1967-1968.




l TL

1 fly~r

l Xerox TLS

1 Carbon ALS

1 Catalogue

4) Archery. 1965-1967.

13 CTL'._ :' .. 19 Xerox TL


5) Asiatic Oxygen Association. 1963-1965.



17 Xerox TLS

1 Xerox ALS

1 Typed telegram Copy

1 Xerox telegram Copy

i \". ,. '-"· \

\ l

Page 3: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

page 2

6) Asiatic Oxygen Association: Jalan- 1961-1966.

24 Xerox TLS

14 Xerox TL

1 Xerox Contract

1 typed telegram Copy

7 Xerox Financial Reports

on Indian Operations.

7) Astrology (See also: "Butler: Biographical Material"). 1968.

1 Xerox TLS

1 Xerox of "Time-Pattern", 23 pp. from Time Pattern Research

Institute. (As~logical analysis of MB).

8) "Aux Puces". 1966.

2 TLS 1 Xerox TLS

1 CTL 1 News Release.

9) Bath & Tennis project- 1967.

1 Photograph

1 Clip




3 TL

Lists of applicants: Xerox, 33 pp.

Carbon typescript, 12 pp.

Cost sheet: Xerox, 1 p.

10) Bath & Tennis Club- 1968.

2 TLS 8

3 CTL 1

17 Xerox 'i'L. 2

7 Xerox TLS 2

3 TL 1

Mimeo TLS



architects drawings

Mimeo application

7 Mimeo Question & Answer sheets, 7 pp. each

Application lists: Xerox 9 pp.

Budget Lists: Xerox, 3 pp.

Status Reports; Xerox 8 pp.

Plus miscellaneous mimeo material

11) Bath & Tennis Club- 1969.

3 Xerox TL 1 Mimeograph Tl.

1 Mimeograph TLS 1 brochure showing club layout.

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Box 2

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit; 1971

page 3

12) Senator Birch Bayh- Testimonial D:i.nner. 1967-1968.




1 invitation

Xerox clips re: Bayh, 14 pp.

Biography & Legislative Record of Bayh, Mimeo, lOpp.

Holograph memo

Including: Bayh, Birch. TLS, June 7, 1968.

13) Billboards. 1966-

11 TLS 5 ANS 3 pamphlets

6 CTL 1 Xerox ANS l Xerox pamphlet

2 TL ,, Posters 2 Sketches ,· ..

l ALS l Xerox Poster 11 Xerox drawin6s

1 CTLS l Contract 30 bills

3 Xerox TLS 1 Xerox Conract 8 invoices

3 Xerox TL 5 Maps 3 memos

14) Le Bii:;on (Club). 1967-1968.

15 TLS 2 CTL:5

27 CTL 2 Invoices

5 TL 1 Telegram

11 Xerox TLS 1 Xe;:ox check

6 Xerox TL

15) Le Bis0n: Clippings. 1966-1967.

46 newsp~per clips

and 4 Xerox clips: all in clear hinders.

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Box 3

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

page 4

16) Le Bison- Mailidgs. 1965-1966.


43 CTL

4 TL


33 Invitations

24 Xerox invitations/ Invitation sketches

10 bills & invoices

2 memos

1 application form

List of members. Typescript, 4 pp.

1 wine list

2 Xerox wine lists

1 xerox menu 5 Xerox TL

1 Xerox TLS

17) Boca Raton Stables. 1965-1966.





l Xerox TLS

1 TL


1 Invoice

1 contract: typescript and

2 carbon copies (unsigned.)

18) Boots, Shoes, Slippers, etc. 1964-1967.

11 TLS

17 CTL

1 Mimeo TLS

19) Bus. 1967-1970.

4 TLS 1

6 CTL 1

1 TL 1

1 Clip

Miscellaneous notes, leather samples, etc.

Xerox TLS



20) Butler Aviation. 1967.



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BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

21) Butler National. 1966-1967.

l Xerox TL

1 Xerox Memo, 3 pp.

Per sonn.e 1 list. Xerox, 2 pp.

22) Butler Paper Company, 1968

Xerox of minutes of meeting, 3 pp.

Xerox of loan agreement) 8 pp.

page 5


·4 -CTLS

2 CTL Plus miscellaneous xerox business forms, etc.

3 Xerox TLS

23) Butler Paper Company, 1969-1970.




1 Xerox TL

5 Xerox TLS

Minutes of meetings, Xerox, 14 pp.

Plus miscellaneous business forms.

24) Butler Family Crest.

In matted folder with explicatory TLS, no date.

25) Butler- pictures

18 photographs of HB, some include other members of family:

no dates.

26) Butler- Biographic~ M~terial (Se~ also: Astrology).



1 Xerox TLS

2 Natal charts: Xerox, 588 pp.

1 Time Patternreport: Typescript, 21 pp.

Xerox biographal material, 108 pp. (Including essays, lists, birth certificates, passports, etc.)

Mimeograph, 16 pp.

Xerox of holograph, 26 pp.

Holograph, 14 pp.

Typescript, 3 pp.

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Box 4

page 6

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

26) Notebook re: Cam~aign '66 for State Senator in 39th District of

DuPage Cou!'~ty, Illinois.

Including primarily xerox and mimeograph campaign material,

plus a few letters.

27) Campaign '66 (See also notebook in Box·3). Includes 1965-1967.



1 TLS 34 news releases and mimeograph or xerox

1 CTL campaign literature

1 TL 33 xerox clippings & article reprints

1 Memo 4 xerox maps of 39th

2 Posters District

1 button 10 pamphlets

37 Cards with 2 speech texts typescript n,;,tes

Cassini, Inc. (Young America by Cassini.,

2 Mimeograph lists of names

Lincoln Academy: February 11, 1966- 2 February 11, 1965- 6

Includes many duplicate items.

Inc. - MB President),

13 TLS 1 ALS 7 Xerox of documents re: ta:xes

18 CTL 2 Memos 1 Xerox of holograph balance

1 Xerox TLS 3 Pamphlets sheet

1 CTLS 6 Xerox of tax forms 1 Carbon typescript legal (filled out) consent.

Center d>or New Music of Columbia College, 1967.

Budget sheets: 1 Xerox Clip Mimeograph, 4 PP· Xerox, 5 pp. 1 Photograph of William Russo

2 pamphlets 1 memo

1 program 1 holograph invitation

3 programs for Antigone 1 Poster for 1969 summer season.

pp. pp.

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Box 5

page 7

30) Cheetah (Club) 1966.



BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

11 clips

15 Xerox clips

28 Cards Miscellaneous xerox material, 10 pp.

1 Typed telegram copy

4 rn.emos

1 Invitation

31) Chicago Regional Port District, 1966-1967. (MB Member of Board).

Xerox material. Primarily financial data, 26 pp.


19 CTL 2 Annual reports, June 1965-June 1966.

:rnJ. Kerner, Otto (Governor). TLS, July 17, 1967.

11 Xerox TLS

3 Xerox TL

Report on Examination of Financial Statements for year ended June 30, 1967 by Lybrand, Ross Bros. & Montgomery. Typescript, 7 pp.

32) Chicago Regional Port Dist. 1968.



4 Xerox Clips

annual Report, July 1966-June 1967 Incl.

3 Xerox TLS Shapiro, Samuel H. (Governor) TLS J 1 10 19·68 u y , . .


33) Churches. 1966.

1 TL from Paul Butler

2 CTL from Paul Butler

34) Cigars. 1969-1970.



XP.rox TL

l Xerox bill

1 TL

Page 9: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

35) Civics. 1967-1968.

10 TLS

18 CTL

2 TL

1 Xerox TL


2 Mimeograph Tl

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

4 Memos

3 Clips

5 Xerox Clips

Micellaneous xerox,

1 news release.

page 8

3 pp.

36) "Extra Clippings". Most re: campaign for state senator, 1966.

33 Xerox clippings

1 magazine article clip

"The Man Who Gave Us Hair". Tearsheets from Life, June 27, 1969. Article on Buller

4 newspapers

2 posters

37) Clothing. 1967.

se TLS 4 Catalogues

96 CTL 1 Card

1 TL 4 Clips

4 Xerox TLS 1 Xerox Clip

9 ALS 1 typescript telegram copy

1 CALS 1 bill

1 Xerox ALS Miscellaneous xerox material, 3 pp.

3 Memos Miscellaneous mimeo material, 2 pp.

Miscellaneous fabric samples

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Box 6


38) Clothing- 1968.

4 TLS 4 Clips

17 CTL Fabric Samples


1 Xerox TLS

39) Clothing- 1969.

6 CTL 1 Memo

1 TL 1 Xerox Bill

1 Clip

40) Clothing- Spanish, 1966-1967.




page 9

41) Clothing; Sport- Obermeyer, Ltd., Aspen, Colorado, 1967-1968.


17 CTL

l TL


1 Xerox TLS

42) Clubs- 196 7.



1 TL


1 Card

1 Pamphlet

2 Catalogues

9 memos

7 bills and invoices

1 copy of Lloyds Register of American Yachts

Re: Butler Society (Ireland): S xerox pp. & 5 mimeo pp.

By-Laws of Town & Country Equestrian Association. Mimeograph, 9 pp.

8 rn.i.scellaneous mimeograph and printe<l matter

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BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

59) Donations, 1967-1968.


13 CTL

1 TL

2 Memos

Miscellaneous printed material

Including: Stevenson, Senator Adlai III.

page 13

1 ALS 2 TLS, August 28, 1967 and October 9, 1968.

60) DuPage Sports Publication, 1967-1968.



61) "The Enclosure" (Re: enclosure members of Oak Brook polo players).

2 Xerox TLS

1 Xerox ALS

2 TL

62) Etiquette.

1 pamphlet


Miscellaneous xerox material

Xerox of typescript, 3 pp.

63) Expo 67.

5 TLS 1 Xerox Clip

6 CTL 1 memo

l TL Material re: International Sports Corps

1 CTLS Xerox of typescript, 8 PP· Typescript, 4 pp.

1 Mimeograph TLS Carbon typescript, 3 PP·

1 Clip "Habitat 67". Mimeograph article, 9 pp.

64) Finance Committee. 1967.

2 Xerox TLS 4 memos



Miscellaneous invoices, bills, etc.

65) Foreign Visitors, 1968-1969.

2 Xerox Telgram copies 2 TL


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BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

66) Forest Preserve, 1968.

1 Xerox TLS

1 Xerox TL

1 xerox blueprint

2 cards

page 14

1 carbon memo Xerox material re: Forest Preserve, 17 pp.

1 Xerox clip

67) Grune Club, 1968, 1967.

1 TLS 1 Xerox TLS

1 CTL 1 Xerox newsletter, 2 pp.

68) Gatorade, 1968-1969.




1 Xerox ALS

2 xerox memos 2 Xerox TLS

1 TL 4 xerox magazine articles, 8 pp. each;

69) Gazette (Oak Brook Sports Gazette). 1965.

1 TLS 2 memos

1 CTL 4 invoices

1 Xerox TLS 4 copies of Gazette.

1 AL'' ,.t

70) Golf. 1967-1968.

1 TLS 1 Clip 8 memos (Typescript, carbon typescript, and xerox

2 CTL 2 Xerox Clips typescript)

1 TL 4 flyers

1 Xerox TLS 8 pamphlets

71) Greek Mythology, 1968.

1 TLS 1 Xerox Telegram

3 CTL 1 holograph note

2 Xerox TL Miscellaneous typescript, 8 PP·

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Box 8

page 15

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

72) Governors Weekend, 1967.


2 CTL 2 newsreleases

3 Clips Miscellaneous xerox typescript, 4 pp.

1 Telegram Miscellaneous carbon typescript, 2 PP·

1 typed telegram copy Miscellaneous typescript, 1 P·

73) Jerzy Grotowski (Playwright). 1968.

3 Xerox TLS Articles from Tulane Drama Review:

1 Xerox TL Xerox, 99 pp. and Mimeograph, 4 pp.

.1 Memo

1 magazine

74) Hair- Miscellaneous, 1969.

1 TLS 4 Clips 4 posters

2 ALS 3 Posters 3 flyers

3 CTL 4 cards

75) Hair Newsletter. "Green"

"Journal of the American Tribal Love-Rock Ecosystem." 1 copy.

76) Hair- News Release

7 news releases. Each different, no dates.

77) Hair- Opening Night, 1969.


11 TL

15 CTL

2 Mimeo TLS

12 Carbon memos

1 Xerox TL

4 Telegrams

4 Telex printants

Opening Night Guest Lists:

Xerox, 43 pp.; Typescript, 10 pp.

Miscellaneous xerox material, 10 pp.

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Box 9

BUTLER, MICEAEL Deposit: 1971

78) Hair- Opening Night Telegrams Sent, 1969.

45 typescript telegram sending blanks.

3 telegrams

typed address lists, 7 pp.


Xerox of above sending blanks, 7 pp.

79) Hair- Opening Night Party, 1969.

page 16

1 TL Guest lists: Typescript, 5 pp. Xerox typescript, 11 pp.

3 CTL Telex print outs, 3 pp.


1 Invitation

Hair- Opening Night- Chicago- Reservations.

5 CTL 4 Memos

1 TL 1 telegram

1 Xerox TLS 1 typed telegram copy

1 Mimeograph TLS Miscellaneous holograph

Guest lists: Xerox typescript, 18 pp. Typescript, 8 pp. Holograph, 1 p. Carbon typescriipt, 4 ??· Telex printouts, 3 pp.

81) Hair- Programs.

7 programs from around the world.

82) Herm~s- '67- General.



1 TL

2 Telegrams

4 typescript telegram copies

2 bills


notes & memos

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Hermes- '67- Saddles.

1 TLS 2 Xerox

4 CTL 2 Xerox

Herm~s- '68- General



1 Mimeograph TL

Herm~s- 1 68- Saddles



Herme"s- '69' General



4 Xerox TLS

9 Xerox TL

Hippodrome, 1967.



2 Xerox TLS

1 Xerox TL

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971



1 bill

1 Xerox bill

4 bills

1 Xerox Telegram

1 typed telegram copy

1 memo

2 pamphlets

1 blank contract -----1 flyer

page 17

Hippodrome- Working file, 1966-1967.

19 memos

2 Xerox TLS

1 Xerox ALS

Horse Department- 1967

1 Xero:y.: ALS 1 Xerox TLS

1 ALS Xerox, Spp. Financial figures

Page 16: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLE}1., MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

90) Horse Department, 1968





2 Xerox TLS

2 Xerox TL


l TL

Horse Department,


1 Xerox TLS

Xerox holograph

Horse Operations,



l Xerox TLS

1 Xerox TL

Horse Operations-



1 TL

4 Xerox TLS

3 photographs of "Native Son"

9 bills

Xerox, 10 pp. financial figures.


notes, 2 PP·


holograph notes, 3 pp.

Financial: Xerox typescript, 2 pp.

Typescript, 1 p.

Vans, 1966-

1 Memo

2 photographs of vans

2 xerox photographs

3 xerox of architects drawing.

94) Horse Shows- 1967- Miscellaneous.

page 18


12 CTL



1 Xerox TL Xerox material re: horse

5 Memos show, 8 pp.


4 Pamphlets

Page 17: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

95) Horse Show- Grand Prix, 1967.



13 TLS Xerox

2 Xerox TL

1 Xerox ALS

Miscellaneous xerox, 20 pp.

Miscellaneous typescript, 1 p.

96) Horse Show- International 1967.



1 Xerox TLS

97) Horse Show- Oak Brook National,1967.

page 19

3 TLS Xerox maps- 4 Including:

1 ALS 1 news release Tuckerman, to Mrs.

11 CTL 1 program January

1 TL 2 pamphlets

1 Xerox TL 1 bill

2 CTLS 1 carbon contract

7 Memos Guest list for

98) Horse Show- Town & Country 1967.



1 Xerox TLS

2 xerox contracts

99) Horse Shows 1968.

1 TL 1 Program

ball. Xerox, 2 pp.

7 memos

1 prize list

Nancy (Secretary Kennedy). TLS, 27, 1967.

3 Memos Mimeograph copies of schedule of shows for 1968, 25 pp.

100) Horse Show- Grand Prix, 1968.

2 Xerox TLS

Box 10 101) Hotel Oak Brook. No date.

Feasability Study, 9 pp.

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page 20

102) Housing, 1966-1968.


9 Memos

103) Hunting, 1967-1968.



BUTLER, MICllA.EL Deposit: 1971

1 Memo

Miscellaneous mimeograph material

1 TL

1 Xerox TL

Powell, Paul (Illinois Secretary of State). ~df TLS, September 25, 1967 \/4th .COP) of

k ttu.

1 Xerox Map

104~Huntsman & Sons, Ltd., 1968-1969.



8 TLS 2 typed Telegram sending blanks

10 CTL 1 clip

1 TL 1 Xerox TLS

Ice Skating, 1966-1968.

8 TLS 1 Xerox TL

8 CTL Oak Brook Ice Skating Project Report.

3 Xerox TLS Miscellaneous printed material

2 TL General material: Xerox, 18 pp. Himeograph, 26 PP·

1 ALS Holograph, 6 pp.

Illinois Cultural Company, 1966-1968.

20 TLS


3 Xerox TLS

l Mimeograph TLS

1 Mimeograph TL

l Xerox list of Stockholders

6 Memos

Xerox, 22 pp.

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page 21

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

107) Illinois Sports Council, 1968.

30 TLS


31 Xerox TLS

2 TL

35 CTL

15 Xerox TL


2 Mimeograph

5 Memos

4 Clips


1 Xerox Clip

3 News releases

2 Xerox Telegrams

5 Pamphlets & Programs

2 flyers

1 Magazine

1 Photographs

Miscellaneous material:

Xerox, 70 pp. Typescript, 6 pp. Mimeograph typescript, 5 pp. Holograph, 9 pp.


Shapiro, Samuel (Governor). TLS, August 30, 1968.

Clark, William G. (Attarney General, Illinois). TLS, October 31, 1967.

108) Illinois Sports Council- Pantathalon, 1967. Re: box seats.

2 Xerox TLS

1 TL

109) India Dispensary, 1965-1967.

14 TLS

1 Xerox TLS


11 CTL

20 Memos

1 Tl

2 Mimeograph TL

2 Typed telegram copies

1 Xerox clip

1 card

4 pamphlets

2 newsletters

_l invitation

Miscellaneous: Xerox 6 pp.; Mimeo, 2 pp.

Including: Nehru, B.K. (Indian ambassador to U.S.). TLS, November 19, 1965.

Page 20: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 11 110) Indians, 1968.



BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

4 invitations

Xerox article, 5 pp.

page 22

1 Xerox TLS

4 flyers

111) Industrial.

Miscellaneous mimeograph material, 2 pp.

3 CTL, 1966

3 pamphlets "Business Growth in Illinois"

1 newspaper, Illinois Record, October 1964.

112) Invites & Appointments, 1967.

35 Invitations

1 xerox in•.dtations

21 TLS

12 CTL


1 mimeograph TLS

1 TL

1 Telegram

2 memos

1 flyer

1 news release

3 pamphlets

Miscellaneous guest lists, etc.:

Mimeograph, 14 pp.

113) Invites & Appointments, 1968

34 Invitations Miscellaneous mimeo. material, 4 pp.



4 Telegrams

1 Xerox TLS

Including: Houghton, Arthur A. (Board of Trustees, Metropolitan Museum). TLS, May 1, 1968.

2 Typed telegram sending blanks

1 news release

Page 21: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 112

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

114) Invites & Appointments, 1969.

5 invitations 1 typed telegram sending blank



1 Telegram

115) Islands In the Sun, 1964-



2 Xerox TLS

116) Jazz, 1965.



117) Governor Otto

1 Xerox TL

2 flyers

2 Memos

2 clips

Kerner, 1966-1968.

page 23

3 TLS 1 invitation 1 magazine clip.

4 CTL 2 memos

1 Xerox TLS 6 news clips

118) Knights of Malta, 1966.

1 TLS 8 memos

1 XeX:l'.JX TLS 25 invitations

119) Landscaping, 1967-1969.


2 Xerox TLS



1 TL

3 Memos

3 bills

Xerox Arttcle, 4 pp.

Page 22: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

page 24

120) Lincoln Academy (MB Chancellor), 1967-1971.

18 TLS

5 Xerox TLS

18 CTL


5 Memos

2 Programs

1 Invitation

1 News release

1 Bill

1 reprint of advertisement

1 xerox of tax form, 2 pp. with 2 carbon typescript pages attached.

2 xerox proxy authorization

Miscellaneous printed, xerox, and mimeo material, 9 pp.

Speech texts: Xerox, 9 pp.; typescript, 1 p.; Holograph, 3 pp.


Kerner, Gov. Otto. TLS, February 7, 1968.

Roche, J.M. (President, General Motors). TLS, August 2, 1967.

Tuckerman, Nancy. (Secretary to Mrs. Kennedy). TLS, August 22, 1967.

121) Master Plan- Oak Brook. 1964.

Speech texts: Typescript, 2 pp. and carbon typescript, 3 pp.

Miscellaneous notes re: master plan: Carbon typescript, 18 pp.;

typescript, 15 pp.; xerox, 22 pp.

122) Memberships- General (Polo Club). 1964-1968.

15 TLS

16 CTL

3 Xerox TLS

3 Xerox TL


1 Xerox ALS


4 TL

18 memos

3 applications

2 pamphlets

2 newsletters.

123) Mental Health, 1965-1966 ..

3 TLS 1 newsletter

3 CTL 2 pamphlets

1 ALS 1 xerox certificate

1 Xerox TL 1 invitation

Page 23: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 13

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

page 25

124) Mercedes-Benz, 1963-1965.


9 TLS 1 catalogue

11:: CTL 1 magazine

1 typed telegram copy 1 xerox clip

3 memos 1 pamphlet

2 bills & invoices 7 photographs

Metropolitan Opera, 1965-1966.

1 flyer 5 TLS

8 CTL 1 subscription application

of Mercedes-Benz

126) Miscellaneous, 1965-1969.





3 magazines 2 ALS

2 TLS 2 Memos


Morocco, 1968.


Mushrooms, 1969

l TLS 3 drawings

1 Xerox TLS 3 xerox drawings of mushrooms

1 TL

Oak Brook- Articles, 1967-1968.

2 TLS l magazine article clip

1 C'£L 6 newsclips

2 Xerox TL 24 xerox newsclips

Oak Brook Development, 1967.




5 memos

1 map

2 folders of printed material "Oak Brook"

Page 24: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

131) Oak Brook History, no date

Xerox, 23 pp.

132) Oak Brook Utility Company, 1966-1969.

16 memos

page 26



6 Xerox TLS

1 Xerox TL

Miscellaneous (including Meeting Minutes, etc.)

Xerox, 21 pp.


133) Olympic Events, 1964-1967.



1 Xerox TL

2 Memos

2 news releases

2 magazines (Olympiad Official Bulletin, No.14, 1964) ~

Including: Brundage, Avery. 2 TLS, both dated, May 18, 1966.

134) Operations, General, 1967.



1 Xerox TLS 1 bill

20 Memos (typescript, carbon typescript, xerox type)

135) Operations-General, 1968-1969.

4 Xer,:ix TLS 12 memos

136) Organization for Economic De~elopment (OED), 1968-1969).


4 tLTL

2 Xerox TLS


2 memos

2 xerox clips

1 pamphlet

1 xerox tax form, 2 pp.


Shapiro, Gov. Samuel H. TLS, July ~O, 1968

137) Otocsin Project, 19~0.

5 pamphlets

1 map

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page 27

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

Park District, 1968-1969.

Mimeograph, 8 pp. 1 clip

Xerox, 4 pp. 1 xerox clip

2 memos

Pennsylvanians, 1967.


Polo & Party, August 9, 1970.

1 TLS 2 telex printouts

3 Memos typed material (schedules, guest lists), 3 pp.

1 news release

Ponies, 1967-1970).



4 Memos

13 photographs of Shetland Ponies

24 applications/registration forms

2 pamphlets

1 article reprint

Miscellaaeous printed material


Maxwell, William D. (Editor Chicago Tribune). TLS, February 14, 1968.

142) Poulsen, Skone & Company, 1967.

11 TLS



1 TL

143) Poulsen, Skone & Company, 1968-1969.

1 Xerox TLS 1 TL

Page 26: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 14

page 28

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

144) Press material. 1965-1966. (Oak Brook Polo and Sports Clubs).


12 news releases

9 photographs with accompanying articles

2 biographical sketches (HB & Paul B)

145) Press Releases 1967. 1 xerox TL

19 xerox releases

8 press releases

1 photograph with accompanying article



146) Protocol 1965.



1 TL

6 xerox pp. for Roget's Thesaurus

147) Public Appearances 1969.



148) Public Relations 1967.

17 TLS 4 news releases

20 CTL 1 UPI teletype printout

1 TL 7 clips

2 ALS 5 xerox clips

40 Memos 1 magazine

1 Card 1 xerox blueprint


3 memos

2 clips

Miscellaneous notes: Carbon typescript, 4 pp.; Xerox typescript, 3 pp.; Typescript, 13 pp.; Holograph, 2 pp.

Frospectus. Mimeo, 16 pp.

Misc. xerox, 3 pp.

Page 27: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 15

149) Public Relations

248 clips

7 xerox clips

150) Public Relati.ons



1 Memo

151) Public Relations

5 clips

1 memo

152) Publicity up to


12 CTL

1 xerox TLS


27 clips

3 magazines

153) Publicity 1970.



1 Xerox TLS

4 clips

l xerox clip

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

clippings 1967.

6 memos

1 article reprint


1 clip

1 magazine

1 article reprint

clippings 1968

1969 f ~l~Om 1966.

3 iaewsletters

4 newspapers

1 campaign flyer

Radio script. Xerox, 14 pp.

1 newspaper

1 memo

page 29

Galleys, 2 pp. for article re: MB

Xerox of article re: MB, 16 pp.

154) Publicity. Miscellaneous magazines.

5 Oak Brook Annual, 1965-1969.

1 Polo 1970.

Page 28: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 16

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

155) Quarter Horse Racing. 1967-1968.

2 news releases

1 Telegram

page 30



1 TL Miscellaneous mimeograph, 2 pp.

6 Mimeo TLS

156) Radio Station 1968.



1 Xerox telegram

157) Reading Dynamics 1967.


1 Xerox TL

7 pamphlets

12 xerox pamphlets

2 article reprints

1 memo

158) Risk Exercise (see also #160). 1967.



159) Roads 1966.


6 Xerox TLS 10 memos

1 CTL 2 Xerox clips

5 Xerox TL 4 xerox maps

Including: Kerner, Governor Otto. TLS, May 11, 1966.

160) Dr. Rosenthal (See also #158). 1965-1969.

12 TLS



l TL 3 xerox clips

l Xerox TL 3 cards

Article. Carbon typescript, 5 pp.

Article. Mimeo, 9 pp.

7 rrrr h r1; nc P~tent documents. Xerox. I3 oo.

Page 29: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

161) Saddle Club. 1967-1968.



19 Memos

10 suggestions sheets.

2 menus

1 schedule

House rules. 7 copies: 3 typescript 1 carbon typescript 3 xerox typescript

BUTLER, MICHAEL D~posit: 1971

1 clip

page 31

1 carbon typescript contract

5 copies ARTS CLUB house rules: 1 mimeograph 4 xerox typescript

Including: Bayh, Senator Birch. TLS,

October 16, 1967.

162) Saddlery (possible, new, etc.) 1965.



163) Salt Creek. 1966.

5 memos 2 xerox TLS

1 news release 2 Xerox TL

164) Saudi Arabia Project, 1966.

2 memos

165) School of Horsemanship. 1967-1969.



3 Xerox TLS

3 memos

8 pamphlets

166) Sears-Roebuck. 1967.



3 Memos

1 flyer

1 xerox bill

ticket order forms- galleys.

Including: Metcalf, Gordon (Chairman of the Board).

mT f" T••-- ')('\ 1 Q~Q

Page 30: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 17



Senate 1966.


2 Xerox TLS

1 Mimeograph TLS



4 Memos

1 clip

l xerox clip

Sesquicentennial 1967.



1 Xerox TLS

2 Clips

1 telegram

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

2 flyers

1 pamphlet

page 32

Certificates of candidacy. Xerox, 2 copies.

Transcript of meeting: typescript, 15 pp.;

Xerox typescript, 15 pp.

Including: Kennedy, Robert F. TLS, July 19, 1966.


Newman, Ralph G. (Chairman Illinois Sesquicentennial Commission).

TLS, August 24, 1967 Copy TLS, July 6, 1967 TL (printed signature), no date.

1 meeting announcement.

169) Show Field. 1967.


170) Skiing. 1966-1967.

9 TLS 1 pamphlet

17 CTL 2 maps

l Memo 1 card

1 ALS 1 appraisal, 18 pp.

1 Catalog

171) Soccer. 1967.

4 TLS 1 Xerox TLS 1 clip

4 CTL 7 Memos 2 newsletters

Page 31: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

page 33

172) Soto Grande. 1967-

2 TLS 1 Clip


173) Speeches.

2 pamphlets

a) Speech at Press Club, April 9, 1969. Copy of typescript, 15 pp.

b) Speech at University of New Mexico, January 13, 1970.

Copy of typescript, 9 pp.

c) "What I have to say ... 11• Typescript ,4 pp.

174) Sponsored Events. 1967.




10 TLS


1 M:meo TLS

3 pamphlets

Sports Core.



6 Memos

1 Xerox TLS

Sports Core.



1 Xerox TLS


1 flyer

2 Xerox flyers

1 memo

Miscellaneous printe<{ material

Miscellaneous mimeograph, 4 pp.

Miscellaaeous typescript, 1 p.

Miscellan~ous xerox of typescript, 2 pp.

Including: Newman, Ralph G. 2 TLS, Februar_y 1, 196 7

and March 13, 1967.


4 Memos

1 contract

Sport Reports. 1965-1966.

1 TLS 4 Xerox TL

1 CTL 2 article reprints

1 Xerox TLS 1 xerox article

Page 32: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

page 34

178) Sports School. 1967-1969.


1 TL

4 memos

1 xerox prospectus

179) Sports. General, 1967-1968.






1 Xerox TLS

1 Mimeo TL

State Affairs.


17 CTL

1 card


4 memos

1 pamphlet,

1 mimeo book list, 13 pp.

1 xerox congression~l record excerpt

2 Illinois House of Representatives Resolutions

1 typed telegram copy

5 memos

1 mimeo TLS

1 newsletter

1 pamphlet

1 xerox clip

State Affairs.



1 Clip


1 Memo


Kerner, Gov. Otto. TLS, April 4, 1967.

Governor's Ethics Code. Mimeograph, 12 pp.

182) Steeplechase Racing. 1966-1968;



Minutes of meeting. 3 copies. (1 typescript, 2 xerox).

Page 33: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 18

page 35

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

183) The Sunday Club, Inc. 1966.


1 Xerox TL

5 memos

184) Supplement- State (Newspaper Magazine Supplements) 1967-1968.

21 TLS


18 Xerox TLS

4 TL

18 CTL

11 Xerox TL

1 Mimeograph TLS

7 Memos

1 typed telegram copy

1 news release

1 pamphlet

3 public relations reports (Xerox, 3 pp. each)

185) Talent. 1966.




l Memo

186) Tennis, Indoor. 1967.

1 Mimeograph TL

l Xerox bill

l Memo

2 magazine supplement

2 xerox clips

Misc. material: Xerox typescript, 15 pp. Mimeograph, 8 pp. Typescript, 7 pp. Carbon typescript, 3 pp. Printed, 1 p.

Including: Kerner, Gov. Otto.

2 Xerox TLS, October 10, 1967 l TLS, July 14, 1967

Oak Brook Tennis Club Rules­Mimeograph, 2 pp.

Oak Brook Tennis Club Schedule­Mimeograph, l p.

Page 34: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

187) Tennis, Outdoor. 1967.

1 TLS 2 pamphlets




1 Mimeograph TLS

1 Xerox TLS

2 Xerox ALS


4 Xerox TL

Trips. 1966-1967.


16 CTL

2 Xerox TLS

1 Xerox TL

Trips. 1968.



1 memo

Trips. 1969.



7 pamphlets.

1 xerox sketch

2 memos

2 xerox insurance claims

1 Telegram

2 memos

4 pamphlets

1 bill

2 xerox b.ills

191) U.N.World Youth Assembly. 1970.

4 TLS 1 leaflet

3 Xerox TLS 1 xerox leaflet

5 !-fit~eo TI.S 14 telex printouts

5 CTL 5 xerox telex printouts

5 Memos 2 news releases

3 Xerox clips Xerox typescript article,

page 36

10 pp.

Page 35: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

page 37

192) Vehicles. 1967-1968.



1 Xerox TLS

2 Mimeo TLS


l clip

4 pamphlets/catalogues

Miscellaneous printed material

193) Ventures, Possible. 1967~1968.

8 TLS 2 xerox clips

12 CTL

15 Xerox TLS

4 Mimeo TLS


6 memos

3 pamphlets

3 flyers

1 map

Misc. Xerox, 70 pp.

Misc. mimeo, 6 pp.

Miscellaneous printed material

193) Veterinary Medicine (University of Illinois, College of Veterinary

Medicine.) 1967-1968.





Village of Oak


11 CTL

2 Mimeo TLS

5 Xerox TLS

2 Xerox TL


l typed telegram sending blank

1 mimeograph TLS

Miscellaneous mimeo and ditto, 59 pp.

Brook. 1967.

13 memos

1 newsletter

2 maps

1 xerox sketch

4 clips

8 xerox checks

Miscellaneous mimeo, 4 pp.

Miscellaneous xerox typeiscript, 4 PP·

Oak Brook Zoning Ordinance, June 1966, 66 pp. Xerox excerpts, 3 pp.

Mimeograph town ordinance, 5 pp Carbon typescript town

ordinance, 2 pp.

Page 36: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival






BUTLER, MICHAEL Deposit: 1971

Village of Oak Brook. 1968-1969.



7 Xerox TL

Weather. 1967.


Who's Who, 1970.

1 Xerox TLS

Wine, 1970.


1 Xero xTLS

1 Xerox TL

York Golf C!u.b.



1 pamphlet

1 card

2 Xerox TLS

1 memo

1 flyer


1 Xerox ciation


4 photographs of construction work

page 38

Page 37: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 18

Letters 5 TLS, 1 ALS


Addenda: October 1971

Inouye, Daniel K. TLS, May 4, 1971

Levy, David K. (Ticket Bureau Officer, Human Resources Administration,

New York City). TLS to Tom Trenkle, March 25, 1971.

Logan, Joshua. ALS, June 24, 1971 re: "Lenny"

Morgan, Hamilton. TLS, September 11, 1971.

Spencer, Michael Jon (Hospital Audiences, Inc.). TLS, April 8, 1971

Uhre, Curtis B. (Special Assistant to Sen. Hugh Scott). TLS, March 19, 1971

Printed Items re: Hair

1) "Arcadia and Aquarius" by Tom Wicker. Mimeograph, 1 p. (Incomplete)

2) Sermon Preached in the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in

New York. Sunday, July 4,(1971?) by the Rev. Richard R. Kirk.

Copy of typescript, 6 pp.

3) Copy of newspaper clip mentioning Hair, September 9, 1971.

4) Third Birthday Celebration of Hair. Program from Cathedral Church of

St. John the Divine. "Mass in F". 2 different progr~ May 9, 1971.

S) 2 programs for Hair.

a) Paris

b) Montreal.

Page 38: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival



Addenda: 1971 , 1972

A. Article of Incorporation Purpose (Illinois Sports Council) a. carbon of bylaws

b. Xerox items, 2

c. Correspondence 2_ CTL 1 Xerox letter

B. Categories - Assemble4 (ISC) a. Typed items, 9 p.

b. Xerox i terns, 10

c. Correspondence

6 TLS C. Citizens for Kerner - Public Relations (May 1964-August 1964)

a. printed items, 5

b. typed items, 8

c. Xerox items, 2

d. Correspondence (some with enclosures) 7 TLS,


1 Xerox D. Citizens for Kerner - Public Relations (August 1964- )

a. printed items, 5

b. typed items, 3

c. Xerox items, 2

d. Correspondence (with enclosures)


29 CTL 1 Xerox

E. Council Members (!SC) a. typed 1 ist, 1

b. Xerox l is t, l

c. Correspondence


1 TLS 1 CTLS, 1 Xerox

Page 39: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL. Addenda: 1971, 1972 Page 2

BUSINESS FILES (cont.) F. Democratic Citizens Committee - 1970

a. printed items, 1

b. Xerox i terns, 2

c. Correspondence 1 CTL 1 TLS

Including: Shriver, Sargent. TLS. July 22, 1970

Box 20 G. Du Page County (Citizens for Kerner) a. holograph notes, 4 p. b. printed items, 8

c. typed items, 5

d. Xerox item, 1

e. Correspondence 5 TLS 5 CTL 1 Xerox

H. Governer Kerner - Biography - Personal Xerox biographies, 3

I. Governors (ISC)

Correspondence 47 CTL 3 ALS 13 Xerox 20 TLS 1 te 1 egram

J. Kerner a. typed i terns , 18 b. Xerox i terns, 14 c. Correspondence

16 TLS

35 CTL 2 Xerox 1 post card


Page 40: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL. Addenda: 1971, 1972 Page 3

Box 21

Including: Kerner, Otto. TLS. September 4, 1964

TLS. December 28, 1964 TLS. March 24, 1965 TLS. April 20, 1965

K. Office of Economic Development Papers- Articles, Etc. a. report, l booklet b. printed item, l

c. correspondence 2 Xerox 4 TLS 2 CTL

L. OED Working



a. typed items, 3 b. correspondence


Brochure a. holograph notes, b. printed items, 10

c. typed notes, 1 d. Xerox items, 3 e. Correspondence

6 TLS 7 CTL 2 Xerox

- May 7 a. printed items, 13 b. typed l is t, l c. Xerox items, 3 d. Cor.respondence

15 Cfl

11 TLS 3 Xerox

5 p.

Page 41: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL. Addenda: 1971, 1972

BUSINESS FILES (cont.) 0. OED! - New York Times

a. holograph notes, b. magazines, 2

C. printed items, 13

d. Correspondence 8 TLS 1 CTLS 8 CTL 1 Xerox

P. Politics - General a. printed items, 2

b. typed i terns , l C. Xerox i terns, 2

d. Correspondence 5 CTL 4 telegrams

Q. PROTOCOL, Office of Correspondence

5 CTL R. Public Relations

a. printed items, b. Xerox items, 4

C. Correspondence 4 TLS 3 CTL 2 ALS

S. Speeches, Political



speech transcripts, Xerox, 8 p. T. State Protocol

a. typed items, 3 b. printed items, 1

U. Zeigler for Congress Correspondence

l TLS, with enclosure

Page 4

Page 42: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

BUTLER, MICHAEL. Addenda: 1971, 1972

LETTERS Bayh, Birch. TLS. Undated Brooke, Edward. TLS. January 6, 1972 Charles, Prince of Wales. TLS. October 10, 1972

ALS. November 29, 1972 Percy, Charles. TLS. January 7, 1972


Page 5

Boxes 22-88 Thousands of clippings from various American and foreign newspaper and magazines concerning HAIR, MB, the cast members, the production, etc. (66 boxes). Random order 1968-

Packages 1 and 2 SCRAPBOOKS

2 scrapbooks with clippings about HAIR Package 3

FILM print of 11 When HAIR Came to Memphis" originally broadcast on

WMC-TV, Memphis, Tennessee.

Page 43: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 89:

Box 89-91:

BUTLER, Michael

Addenda - March 1973


Speech delivered by MB to Convention of New York Certified Public

Accountants on March 20, 1973. Typescript, 17 p.


Copy of Indian solidarity program at Sto John the Divine Cathedral

in New York, in which MB participated on March 25, 1973.


Additional clippings from various American and foreign newspapers

and magazines, about HAIR, MB, and the cast members, the production,

etc. Random order. c. 1000 items.

Page 44: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 92:

Box 93:

Box 94:

Box 95:

Box 96:

Box 97:

I. Printed Matter

BUTLER, Michael

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gifford

Addenda: November 1974

A. HAIR Press Clippingso

Arranged alphabetically by city or subject; includes magazines,

etc., which have articles on MB and/or HAIR. 1967-1974.

1. Acapulco - 30 newsclips. (Folder #1)

2. Akron, Ohio - 8 newsclips. (#2)

3. Atlanta, Ga. - 5 newsclipso (#3)

4o Australia - 30 newsclipso (#4)

5. Baltimore - 10 newsclips. (#5)

6. Birmingham, Ala. - 6 newsclips. (#6)

7. Bishop, Dro John - 2 newsclips. (#7)

8. Boston - 500 newsclips. (Box 92, Folder llB; Box 93,

Folders#] & #2; Box 94, Folder #1)

9. Butler, Michaelo

a) Magazines with articles on MB, 6 items. (#2)

b) Newsclips & newsphotos, 200 items. (#1-#3)

10. Celebrations - HAIR Birthdays - 75 newsclips. (#1)

11. Charlotte, N. C. - 2 newsclips. (#2)

12. Chicago - 400 newsclips. (Box 96, Folder #3; Box 97,

Folders 111-#3)

Page 45: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

Box 98:

Box 99:

Box 100:

Box 101:

Box 102:

Box 103:

Boxes 104-113:

130 Cincinatti - 15 newsclips. (Folder /14)

14. Cleveland - so newsclips. (Ill)

15. Columbus, Ohio - 10 newsclips. (112)

16. Dallas, Tex. - 10 newsclipso (113)

170 Detroit - 200 newsclips. (1/4 & 115)

18. Evansville, Ill. - 3 newsclips. (#1)

19. Fort Worth/Houston - 10 newsclips. (#2)

200 Hartford, Conn. - 3 newsclips. (#3)

21. Hawaii - 30 newsclips. (#4)

220 Indianapolis, Ind. - 50 newsclips. (#5)

23. Israel - 2 newsclips. (#6)

24. Italy - 6 newsclips. (#7)

25. Japan - 25 newsclips & magazines, with typescript English

translations. (#8)

26. Japan - 2 small scrapbooks, 50 Po each.

27. Kansas City - 10 newsclips. (#1)

28. Las Vegas - 30 newsclips. (#2)

29. Lincoln, Neb. - 10 newsclipso (#3)

30. London, Eng. - 200 newsclips. (#4)

31. Louisville - 10 newsclips. (#1)

32. Los Angeles - 300 newsclips. (Box 101, Folders #2-#4;

Box 102, Folder #1)

33. Miami - 150 newsclips. (Box 102, Folder #2; Box 103,

Folders 111 & IJ 2)

34. Milwaukee, Wisc. - 20 newsclips. (//3)

350 Misco newsclips not sorted by city or subject, ·ca. 2000

page 2

Page 46: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

Box 114:

Box 115:

Box 116:

Box 117:

Box 118:

Boxes 119-124:

Box 125:

Box 126:

Box 127:

newsclips from U.S., Canada, & Europe.

360 Montreal - 500 newsclips. (Folders #1-#3; Box 115,

Folders#] & #2)

37. Moratorium, 1969 - 20 newsclips. (#3)

38. Munich, W. Germany - 75 newsclips. (#4)

39. Nashville - 1 newsclip. (#1)

40. National & European magazines - 75 itemso (#2 & #3)

(also Box 117, Folders #1 & #2; Box 118, Folders #1 &


41. New Haven, Conno - 20 newsclips. (#3)

42. New Orleans - 15 newsclips. (#4)

43. New York City and Area - 2000 newsclips. (Box 118,

Folder #5; Boxes 119-124)

44. U. of Oklahoma - 5 newsclips. (#1)

45. Paris - 1 newsclip. (#2)

46. Philadelphia - 4 newsclips. (#3)

47. Pittsburgh - 25 newsclips. (#4)

48. Phoenix, Ariz. - 15 newsclips. (#5)

49. Press Kit Clippings - 20 newsclips. (#6)

500 Rado-Ragni Affair - 25 newsclips. (#7)

51. Rochester, N. Y. - 5 newsclips. (#8)

52. San Diego - 15 newsclips. (#9)

page 3

53. San Francisco - 350 newsclips. (Box 125, Folders #10 & 11;

Box 126, Folders #1-#3; Box 127, Folder #1)

54. Seattle - 100 newsclipso (#2)

Page 47: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

Box 128:

Box 129-131:

Box 131:

Box 132:

Box 133:

55. San Antonio, Texo - 5 newsclipso (#3)

56. St. Louis - 20 newsclips. (#4)

57. St. Paul, Minn. - 50 newsclips. (Folder #1)

58. Sweden - 25 newsclips. (#2)

59. Toronto, Canada - 1000 newsclips (Box 128, Folders #3 &

#4; Box 129, Folders #1 & #2; Box 130, Folders #1-#3;

Box 131, Folders #1 & #2)

60. Tulsa, Oklao - 4 newsclips. (#3)

61. u. N.-World Youth Assembly Newsclips - 50 items. (#4)

62. Washington, D. C. - 150 newsclips. (#1)

63. Wichita, Kans. - 6 newsclips. (#2)

B. Press Releases and Promotional Material. 150 items. (#3)

C. Music Scores for HAIR Songso 17 items. (#1)

D. Blue Prints & Plans for HAIR Stage Production. 2 items. (#2)

Boxes 133-4: E. Monthly Playbills.

Box 134:

Playbills & Programs for HAIR Productions in U. S., Canada,

Europe, & Japan. 75 items.

F. Handbills & Brochures.

Advertising handbills for HAIR, 40 itemso (Ill)

G. Posterso

12 large HAIR Posters. (#2)

H. Scrapbooks.

Packages 114-/16: 1. 3 large scrapbooks of newsclippings for Boston HAIR.

2o 1 large scrapbook for Chicago HAIR. Package 117:

page 4

Page 48: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

II. Advertising Material

Box 135: 1. Proofs, mockups, etc., for HAIR ads. 30 items. (Folders

Ill & 112)

Package 118: 2o Oversize Ad proofs. 25 items.

Package 119: 3. 10 large transparencies.

III. Photographs

Box 135: Photographs of various HAIR productions, Michael Butler & his

other productions. Arranged alphabetically by subject or city;

mostly 8 x 10 black & white, with some color photos, contact

sheets, & slides noted. 1968-1974.

Box 136:

lo Acapulco - 18 photos. (Folder #3)

2. Australia - 9 photos. (//4)

3. Boston - 36 photoso (/15)

4o Boston U. photos - MB at Special Collections, 10 photos.


5. Bus Ad for HAIR - 2 color photos. (t/7)

6. MB & Robin McNamara - 6 photos, 1 contact sheet. (118)

7. MB, Joe Papp, & cast of "Stomp" - 5 photos. (119)

8. Misc. MB photos - 42 photos. (// 10)

9. First Birthday of HAIR, 1970, with Andy Warhol. (Ill)

10. Second Birthday, 1971 - 4 photos & 8 contact sheets. (#2)

11. Fourth Birthday, 1973 - 8 photos, 9 contact sheets. (#3)

12. Bejart Ballet & HAIR Cast members - 1 photo. (f/4)

13. Chicago - 16 photos. (115)

page 5

Page 49: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael page 6

Box 137:

Box 138:

Box 139:

14. Color engraved plates of Chicago cast photo, for ads. 3 items.

(Folder 116)

15. Cleveland - 1 photo. (#7)

16. Copenhagen - 1 photo. (#8)

17. Detroit - 40 photos. (#9)

18. Directors, producers & other executives of HAIR. Tom O'Horgan,

Julie Arena!, Bertrand Castelli, & others - 30 photos. (/110)

19. David Frost TV Show with HAIR Cast - 20 photos. (#11)

200 Al Hirschfeld HAIR Cartoon - 10 glossies. (#12)

21. Individual Cast Members of HAIR: Shelley Plimpton, Sally Eaton,

Beverley Bremers, Allan Nicholls, Heather Mccrae, & others -

51 photOSo (#13)

22. Kansas City, Mo. - 6 color photos. (#14)

23. London - 36 photos. (Folder #1)

240 Los Angeles: premiere; party with Tom Smothers (producer),

Lee Marvin, & others; & photos pf MB in Calif. - 87 photos,

several in color. (#2)

25. Las Vegas - 27 photos. (113)

26. Miami - 29 photos, several contacts. (#1)

27. Munich, W. Germany - 30 photoso (#2)

28. Unidentified Negatives - 25 items. (#3)

29. New Orleans Protest - 2 photoso (#4)

30. N. Y. Stage photos - 200 photos. (#5-#7)

31. N. Y. Offstage: parties, benefits, misc. - 20 photos. (#1)

32. Paris - 25 photos. (#2)

33. Phoenix - 15 photos. (#3)

Page 50: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael page 7

Box 140:

Box 141:

Box 142:

34. Pittsburgh Outdoor Concert, Prison Concert, & Stage

Photos - 30 photos. (Folder #4)

350 Rado, Ragni & McDermott - 35 photos. (#5)

36. Riker's Island Detentino Center Concert photos - 15

photos, with several contacts. (#6)

370 St. Louis - 40 photos. (#7)

38. St. Patrick's Cathedral with HAIR Cast member - 6 contacts.


39. Seattle - 17 photos, with several negatives. (#9)

400 Sweden - 18 photos. (#1)

41. Tokyo - 42 photos. (#2)

42. Toronto, Ontario - 20 photos, 22 color slides. (#3)

43. Touring Companies: Venus, Mercury, & Jupiter - 150 photos,

several negatives. (Box 140, Folder #4; Box 141, Folder #1)

44. Unidentified American HAIR Cast photos & misc. other photos -

4 photos, 1 in color,9 color slides. (#2)

45. Unidentified foreign HAIR Cast photos & misc. photos -

16 photos. (//3)

46. U. N. World Youth Assembly Benefit HAIR Concert - 25 photos.


47. Voter Registration Day, N. Y. - 1 photo, 1 contact sheet.


48. Washington, D. C. - 35 photos, 43 color slides. (#1)

49. "You Are What You Eat", Movie produced by MB & Peter Yarrow -

32 photos. (112)

Page 51: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael page 8

IV. Correspondence - 26 Boxes.

The following are files maintained by Gifford-Wallace, Inc.,

a public relations firm which promoted HAIR. The files are

arranged alphabetically by subject matter, and all files contain

correspondenceo Some also contain financial records, sales &

promotional reports, personnel records, & misc. advertising material.

1969-1974. (Boxes 143-178)

Letters included in the numbered files which follow:

Butler, Michael, TLS to Michael Gifford, June 21, 1968 (Box 148,

Folder 113);

ANS on TLS from MG, Mar. 18, 1968 (Box 148, #3);

TLS to MG, Mar. 18, 1969 (Box 160, #3);

TLS to MG, July 1969 (Box 154, #1);

ANS on TLS from MG, July 31, 1969 (Box 148, #2);

TLS to MG, Augo 20, 1969 (Box 147, #1);

TLS to MG, Aug. 21, 1969 (Box 148, #2);

2 TLS to MG, Nov. 28, 1969 (Box 150, #1 & Box 162, #1);

2 TLS to MG, Aug. 11, 1970 (Box 147, #1);

ANS on Xerox TLS, Aug. 14, 1970 (Box 147, #1);

ALS to MG, Sept. 10, 1970 (Box 147, #1);

TLS to MG, Jan. 11, 1971 (Box 146, #1);

TLS to MG, Feb. 23, 1971 (Box 147, #1);

2 TLS to MG, Febo 24, 1971 (Box 147, #1);

TLS with ANS to MG, Feb. 26, 1971 (Box 14 7, //1);

TLS with ANS to MG, n.d., 1971 (Box 147, #1);

Page 52: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

TLS to MG, Sept. 16, 1971 (Box 146, #5);

ALS to MG, n.d. (Box 147, #1);

page 9

ALS, "Ambition at Twelve" for SCHOLASTIC MAGAZINE (Box 148,


Javits, Jacob, TLS, Mar. 16, 1971. (Box 175, #5)

Kerner, Otto (Gov., Illinois), TLS, Feb. 18, 1968. (Box 160,


Lodge, Henry Cabot, TLS, June 1, 1970. (Box 173, #1)

Logan, Joshua, xerox TLS, June 24, 1971. (Box 146, #1)

McGill, Arthur (Harvard Divinity School), TLS, Apr. 24, 1970.

(Box 155, /14)

Winchell, Walter, TLS, May 16, 1968. (Box 147, #1)

Ntm1bered Files

Box 143:

Box 144:

Box 145:

Box 146:

lo Acapulco HAIR Production Correspondence. (Folder #1)

2. Advertising Correspondencea (#2-#4)

3. Allegheny Airlines Correspondenceo (/15)

4o American Express. (#6)

5. Australia. (#7)

6. Biltmore Theatre (N.Y.) (#8)

7. Birthday Parties of HAIR, with reproductions of drawings

by Claude Marks. (#1-#3)

8. Block Party N. Y. - Correspondence. (#4)

9. Boston Correspondence - incl. transcripts of HAIR Obscenity

Trials. (Ill)

10. Boston U. Correspondence. (#1)

Page 53: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

Box 147:

Box 148:

Box 149:

Box 150:

Box 151:

llo Boulder, Colo. Venus Tour. (Folder #2)

12. Bus & Truck Tours. (#3 & #4)

13. Michael Butler Misc. (#5)

140 M. B. - Misc. (#6)

150 M. B. - Biography & Press Releases. (#7)

16. M. B. "In" Correspondence. (# 1)

17. M. B. "In" Correspondence. (Ill)

18. M. B. "Out" Correspondence. (//2)

19. M. B. "Outgoing Reading File". (113)

200 M. B. "Summer Sunday" - wholesale clothing company formed

by MB. (//4)

21. Canada Correspondence. (#1)

22. Cast Correspondence. (#2 & #3)

230 Robert Charin Tour. (04)

24. Chicago Correspondence. (115)

25. Chicago - Bob Clarke. (116)

26. Chicago-HAIR Background. (II 1)

27. Chicago "In" Correspondence. (!.:2)

28. Chicago "Out" Correspondenceo (113 & #4)

29. Chicago Weekly Reports. (115)

30. Cincinnati. (116)

31. Cleveland/Mercuryo (117)

32. Company Manager Report. (Ill)

33. Convention Bureau Letter. (112)

340 Cue Magazine. (f/3)

page 10

Page 54: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael page 11

35. Dalai Lama. (#4)

36. Dayton, Ohio. (#5)

37. George Deber/Venus. (#6)

38. Denmark. (#7)

39. Detroit. (#8 & #9)

40. Earth Week. (//10)

41. Evansville, Ind~ (1111)

42. Fight for Sight. ({/12)

Box 151: 43. Flag Sceneo (1113)

44. The Fool. (//14)

450 Forbes Magazine. (1115)

46. Foreign Correspondence. (1116)

47. Foreign Releases. (1117)

48. Peter Frisch. (1/18)

49. Funky Inko (#19)

Box 152: 50. Gifts, Industry & Personal. (Folder #1)

51. Group Sales. (#2)

52. Great Harmony. (#3)

53. Hawaii. (#4)

54. Indianapolis, Ind. (#5 & #6)

55. Kalamazoo, Mich., Venis Tour. (#7)

56. Shirley Kennedy. (#8)

57. Killebrew, Carl. (#9)

58. Las Vegas. (#10)

59. Legal - Carol High. (#11)

Page 55: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

Box 153:

Box 154:

Box 155:

Box 156:

60. London Correspondence. (#12)

61. London - International Tribes. (#13)

62. London - Wendy Hanson. (#14)

630 Los Angeles - Luis Esterez. (Folder #1)

64. L.A. - Randy Hoey. (#2)

65. L.A. - Correspondence. (#3)

66. L.A. Shanahan. (#4)

670 L.A. Souvenir Book. (#5)

68. L.A. Marty Roberts. (#6 & #7)

69. L.A. "In" Correspondence. (Ill & 112)

70. L.A. Weekly Report. (#1)

71. L.A. Dick Osorio. (#2)

72. Madison, Wisc. (#3)

73. Arthur McGill. (#4)

7 4 • H. G. McNab o ( 115)

750 Miami. (//6)

76. Michigan Uo (#7)

770 Milwaukee/Mercuryo (#8)

78. Montreal. (#9)

790 Moratorium - Press Releases. (#1)

800 Moratorium - Correspondence, 19690 (#2)

81. Munich - Souvenir Book. (#4)

82. Munich Correspondence. (#5)

83. Munich - Press Kit. (#6)

84. Murray, Arthur. (#7)

page 12

Page 56: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

Box 157:

Box 158:

Box 159:

Box 160:

Box 161:

Box 162:

Box 163:

Box 164:

850 Misc. HAIR Correspondence. (Folders #1-#3)

860 Nashville. (#4)

87. National Correspondence & Mercuryo (#5)

880 National. (#6)

89. National. (#1)

900 National Weekly Grosses. (#2)

9 lo NBC. (//3)

920 New Haveno (#4)

930 New York - Advt. (#5)

94. N. Y. - Advt. '72. (1/6)

95. N. Y. - Joe Cavallero. (#1)

960 N. Y. Correspondence 1968. (ll2)

97. N. Y. Correspondence. 1968-69. (#3)

980 N. Y. Correspondence.

99. N. Y. Correspondence.

Feb. 18, 1969 Ono (Ill)

In, from April 19690 (#2)

100. N. Y. Out, May 1969. (#4)

101. N. Y. In Correspondence. 1969. (#4)

1020 N. Y. Out Correspondence. Jan. 20, 1969 on. (#1)

10 3 • N • Y • "0 u t" • Aug o 19 6 9 o (112 )

1040 N. Y. Correspondence. 1969. (#3)

105. N. Y. Correspondence. 1970. (#1)

1060 N. Y. Correspondence. Old. (#1)

107. N. Y. Correspondence. 1971 & Current. (#2)

108. N. Y. Correspondence. 1971-72 later. (#1)

109. N. Y. Harlem Cultural Festival. (#2)

page 13

Page 57: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

Box 165:

Box 166:

Box 167:

1100 N. Y. Media Schedules. (#3)

lllo N. Y. Memos, Telex, Inter-Office Correspondenceo (#4)

1120 N. Y. Vietnam Moratorium. (Folder #1)

113. N. Y. Peace. (#2)

114. N. Y. Phoenix House Benefit. (#3)

115. N. Y. Policy and Procedure Manual. (#4)

1160 N. Y. Press Kit. (#5)

1170 N. Y. Printers. (#6)

1180 N. Y. Ragni/Rado Road Show Tour. (#7)

119. N. Y. RCA. (#8)

1200 N. Y. David Rothenberg. (#9)

121. N. Y. Souvenir Booko (#10)

122. N. Y. Theater Party. (#1)

123. N. Y. Biltmore House Seats & Press Seats Correspondenceo


1240 N. Y. Weekly Tr~ibal Meetings - beginning 8/2/690 (#3)

125. N. Y. Weekly Report. (#4)

126. N. Y. Western Union Correspondence. (#5)

127. N. Y. Weekly Sales Report. (#6)

128. Allan Nichols. (117)

129. Norway. (118)

1300 Margaret Opsata. (Ill)

131. Paris. (/12)

132. Peace Fund. (113)

133. Peru. (//4)

page 14

Page 58: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

Box 168:

Box 169:

Box 170:

Box 171:

134. Philadelphia. (Folder #5)

135. Phoenix. (#6)

i36. Pittsburgh. (#7 & #8)

137. Press Correspondence - Promotion. (#9)

138. Press Releases - Copies. (#10)

139. Rainbow Tour. (#1)

140. Reports. (#2)

141. Road HAIR. (#3)

142. St. Paul. (#4)

143. St. Louis. (//5)

144. San Francisco. (#6-#10)

145. Maurice Schaded. (#1)

1460 Scotland. (#2)

1470 Seattle. (#3)

148. House & Press Seatso (Box 169, #4 & #5; Box 170, #1-#3)

149. Sales-Sales Promo. (#4)

150. Shade Proposal. (#5)

151. Tom Sheehan. (#6)

152. HAIR Smut. (#1)

153. Southeastern Regional. (112)

154. Survey. (//3)

155. Sweden. (//4)

156. Tea & Cookies. (115)

157. Telexes. (116)

158. Therma Blem. (#7)

159. Blaine Thompson - Weekly Advertising Schedule. (02)

page 15

Page 59: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Butler, Michael

Box 172:

Box 173:

Box 174:

Box 175:

Box 176:

Boxes 177-8:

1600 Ticket Enquiry. (Folder #1)

161. Ticket Requests & Tom Sheehan - Biltmore Theatre Corre­

spondence. (112)

1620 Tokyo. (113)

163. Toronto. (//4)

164. Tour Reports. (//5)

165. TRS. (Ill)

166. u. N. World Youth Assembly.

Ill & /12)

167. United Airlines. (#3)

168. Venus Tour - 1972. (#4)

1690 Washingtono (#1-#10)

(Box 173, #2-#5; Box 174,

170. Weekly Progress Reportso May 1969-1970. (#1)

1710 Pat West. (#2)

172. Wilmington - Jupiter. (#3)

173. Misc. Mail Order Customer Stickers. (#4)

174. Misc. Correspondence & Reports, etc.

V. Non-HAIR Material

Box 179:

A. Files, etca, from Gifford-Wallace, Inc., not concerned with

HAIR or MB. They contain newsclips, photos, etc., concerning

N. Y. actors & productions promoted by Gifford-Wallace.

L "Alice in Wonderland". (Folder Ill)

2o "Boy Laughing". (112)

3o Chicago "Godspell". (//3)

4. "Endgame" by Samuel Beckett o (//4 & 115)

page 16

Page 60: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival


Butler, Michael

Box 180:

Box 181:




"Fat Friend".

"First Rites".



7o Gavin, John. (#8 & # 9)

8. "Great Hoss Pistol". (/110)

9. "Loot" by Joe Orton. (//11)

10. Viveca Lindfors. (Folder #1)

11. Charles O. Lynch. (02)

12. N. Y. U. ((/ 3)

13. N. Y. U. & Gregory. (#4)

14. Off-Off-Broadway Allianceo (#5 & #6)

15. People's Performing Company. (#7)

16. The Space for Innovative Develop~ent. (#8)

17. Nicol Williamsono (#9)

18. Robert Wilson - Life and Times of Joseph Stalin. (#1)

page 17

B. Photos, etc.

Package 1110:

lo "First Edition" (Rock Group), 6 8 x 10 black & white photos,

some press releases, 5 45 rpm records. (#2)

2o Gandhi Statue & Gurney (Sculptor), 7 8 x 10 b/w p~otos,

negatives & contacts. (#3)

3o Misco 8 x 10 b/w glossies of paintings & photos of great

men - Columbus, B·ach, Franklin, etc., 12 items. (114)

4. 1 Photo of Tom Paxton, 8 x 10 b/wo (#5)

5. 30 misc. slides of "Sally", unidentified.

6. Large mounted b/w photo, 22" x 20", of Ballet Troupe,

signed by photographer Irving Penn & dedicated to "Lucia

Chase, Irving Penn, New York 194 7".

Page 61: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

--~:.·;.··· \;/ .. / l


V --·-

Butler, Michael i

Box 182:

Box 182

VI. HAIR Memorabilia & Recordings.

1. Misc. advertising stickers from various HAIR Productions,

6 itemso (Folder #1)

2. 4 Frisbees used for production of HAIR.

3. "When Michael Calls", 45 rpm recording by Beverly Bremers,

HAIR cast member (#2)

Addenda Feb. 1979

Photographs seven (7) 8 X 10 B/W photos of cast and filming of

movie version of HAIR, ca. 1978 (#3)

page 18

Page 62: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival


Addenda December 19, 1988



1) Magno Video, "Hair TV Clip. I Got Life" 3/15/79 Length 1:58

2) Magno Video, "Hair TV Clip. MP & Berger" 3/15/79 Length 1:30

Addenda June 16, 1994

Personal Files

Box 183 - Peace & Moratoriums #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12

II. Hair

Box 184

- Santa Barbara Museum - Personal Biography - Articles of Interest - Personal Correspondence-1974 - Personal Correspondence-1975 - Personal Correspondence-1976 - Politics-General - Health - Becky Bisovlis - Publicity - Photos & Notes - Gremmler - Various Correspondence, Invites, Clippings

#13 #14 #15 - MB Legal

- Articles of Note

- Clippings - Political - Real Estate- Natoma - Real Estate- Morrison, Michael

- Hair Photo - Hair Reunion List - Hair Phoenix - Hair- Original Play - Hair- Boston - Hair- Muscrat - Hair- Film/Pre Production Expense - Hair Posters & Brochures


#18 #19 #20 #21

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8

Page 63: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

- Xerox & Return #9 II. Hair (cont.)

III. Plays

Box 185

- Betty Mahoney (Personality) - Virginia Pope (Personality) - Cheryl Mrizek (Personality) - Copies Press Hair - Original Press Hair - Hair 1976-1977 Corres. - Hair Film Letters - Hair Movie- Sales Plans - Hair- MGM/UA - Contracts - Hair- Articles (1960's) - Publicity Folders - 2 Copies of Music for Hair - 2 Scripts of Hair - Pictures of Theater - Programs - Photonovels (5)

- Frankenstein - Frankenstein- Breakdown - Frankenstein Comic - Lenny - Reggae Tribute Sunsplash - Jenghis Khan - Ghengis Khan Research File - Assorted Frankenstein Papers

(including Photocopy of Book) - Tilt Info. Packet - Reggae Script - Producer's Binder for Reggae - Reggae Draft - The Last Video

#10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20

#1-#3 #4 #5 #6 #7

#8-#10 #11

IV. Ephemera

Box 186 - Polo - Polo- contains pictures #1 - Special photos & positives #2 - Score Board #3 - MB Appointments- Sporting Calendar #4 - Polo #5 - 3 Copies- Marketing Details for Oak

Brook - Oak Brook Hills Hotel (part of Sports

Complex) info - Information on Oak Brook Development

Plan Including Maps and Artists'

Page 64: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 187

Box 188

Box 189


- Lincoln Academy - Bulletins & Photos #1 - Programs for Various Years

- Royalty & Heads of State - Correspondence with Prince Charles,

Photos of Charles, Second Royal Wedding Memorabilia, Invitation to Inauguration of Bush, Card from Prince Hussein #1

- Newspaper Clippings of Charles' visit

- Personal & Family - Photographs - Photographs - Slides - Le Bison Club - Photographs - Articles, Travel Tickets, Brochures - Correspondence - 10 Envelopes of Pictures - Cards - Photocopies of Articles - Slides

- Newspapers & Magazines - Town & Country - People - Town & Country- 2 copies - Playgirl- 2 copies - Chicago- 2 copies - Time - Newsweek - Palm Beach Life- 2 copies - Esquire - The Monthly Aspectarian - Mainliner- 2 copies - Newspaper Clippings- Mostly Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune Magazine &

The Press

- Miscellania - NY License Plates - Travel Maps- London & Mexico - Producer's Binder for Hair - Posters for Reggae - Pictures of MB

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7


Page 65: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Tube Tube Tube Tube Tube

V. Videotapes

VI. Maps

1 2 3 4 5

- 6 Videotapes - 4 VHS

- Polycom, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, HEAD OF THE SHOW, Interview w/Michael Butler

- 1 Beta - PM Magazine

- 1 3/4 inch - PM Magazine

& Posters

- Plans for Oak Brook - Polo Poster & Plans for Equestrian Center - Hair Posters - Polo Poster - Polo Poster & Set Plans for Hair

Page 66: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Added to Box 182

I. Printed Material.

Butler, Michael #516

2/17/06 Preliminary Listing

A. "John Schell: Goodbye to All That," article, compiled by Tom Engelhardt, 4 p.; includes e-mail, 2/17/06. [F. 4]

Butler, Michael (2/17 /06) Page 1 of 1

Page 67: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 190

I. Correspondence A. Personal

1. Family 2. Friends

Butler, Michael #516

10/18/96, 1/10/97, 1/22/97 Preliminary Listing

B. Correspondence with photographs C. Correspondence from:

1. Rajmata Gayatri Devi of Jaipur 2. Office of King Hussein of Jordan 3. Princess Michael, Kensington Palace office 4. Prince Philip, Buckingham Palace office 5. Highgrove House, Buckingham Palace 6. Gov. Jim Edgar of Illinois

II. Photographs A. Family B. Friends C. Some on Xmas cards D. Some on photo postcards

Ill. Printed Matter. A. Tearsheets, some p/c articles B. Chicago magazine, Dec. 1993 C. Entertainment Weekly. 12/15/95 D. "Hair" material.

1. Pressclips 2. Playbill for 1996 production at the Biltmore Theatre in New York 3. Publicity material including posters and flyers for '96 production

of "Hair" in Chicago

IV. Ceremony Programs A. Polo Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony Dinner and Dance,

3/3/95 B. The Jaipur Cup, Cirencester Park Polo Club, 6/24/95

V. Audio Tape A. Astrologer Laurie Brady for MB, forecast 11 /93-11 /94

Butler, Michael (10/18/96, 1/10/97, 1/22/97) Page 1 of 3

Page 68: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 191 I. Hair Material

A. Piano Conductor's score, 11Hair," music by G. MacDermot 8. Prompt book of 11Hair," p/c script C. Postcards D. Publicity flyers, pamphlets, program E. Two black folders with MB information

11. Pope Joan material A. Pamphlets 8. Cyberbil (2) C. Administrative material D. Oversized pictures, advertisements E. Miniature tapestry "La Papessa"

111. Polo material A. Chicago Polo Club

1. Brochures 2. Rules of Tournament 3. Membership/celebrity lists 4. Informational material

IV. Printed Matter A. BONANZA TO BANKRUPTCY, 1991, Better Yet Publishing 8. Magazines

1. Gay Chicago Magazine, 4/6/95 2. Chicago Tribune Magazine, 6/30/96 {14) 3. Chicago Social, 9/95 4. Chicago, 12/93 (3), 12/95 5. The Doings, Centennial Edition, 1895-1995 6. Cyberbil "Hair" 8/96 7. Lake Shore Drive 8. Chicago Social, 2/96 (4)

a. Seven p/c of MB article

V. Photography A. Seven contact sheets, some b/w, 2 with negatives

1. performance 2. social receptions 3. friends

Butler, Michael (10/18/96, 1/10/97, 1/22/97) Page 2 of 3

Page 69: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

VI. Newspapers A. Tearsheets, clips, p/c, about MB, Pope Joan

VII. Correspondence A. Greeting cards B. Letters C. Internet copy pages

VII I. Audio/visual A. Audio tapes

1. Interview with MB, 8/23/96, WKRS, 'Word of Mouth," Daniel Chapp

2. "I'm International/Hair'' 8. Video tapes

1. Post-newsweek cable, Teresa Gordon Show 2. HAIR, Chicago 196 3. HAIR@CSUF, Act. I & 11, Final show, no sound, beta 4. HAIR@ CSUF, Act II, Final show, no sound, Video *8 5. Re: Boston production of "Hair" containing six hours from Boston

Conservatory. a. Pre-performance warm up. b. 2 complete performances c. Video graphics from the background monitors.

Butler, Michael (10/18/96, 1/10/97, 1/22/97) Page 3 of 3

Page 70: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 192

I. Professional Materials. A. Costumes.

Butler, Michael #516

3/23/98, 4/2/98 Preliminary Listing

1. "HUD" Jacket used in the Montreal production of HAIR [the only bilingual production].

B. "Hair," press kit for unidentified production.

11. Photographs. A. 2 prints re: MB, 9/1/87."HUD" Jacket used in the Montreal production of HAIR, the

only bilingual production.

Ill. Printed Materials. A. 11The Property of Michael Butler," auction catalog, 6/22/91.

Butler, Michael (3/23/98, 4/2/98) Page 1 of 1

Page 71: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Added to Box 192

Butler Michael #516

8/8/02 Preliminary Listing

I. Photographs. A. Prints, color unless otherwise noted.

1. 20, 3x5 re: house. includes: negatives. [Env. 1] 2. 30, re: family. 2000. includes: negatives. [Env. 2] 3. 34, 3x5; 1, 4x4. re: family and friends. Includes: negatives. 4. 14, re: Skiing in Aspen with Jovie and Geoff. 1999.

[Env. 3] 5. 12, re: birthday NYC 2001- guests include: Rusty Holzer,

Leslie Hassler, Hadeu Wayne, Miguel Gooduar, Ashley Holzer Mark Petracca, Yitka Wayne, Rowavia, Wendy, Geoffrey, Michael, Michelle, Reute, Adam, Missy, Jovie, Jones, Mother.

6. 22; 1, collage; 2, black and white prints. Re: MB, Adam, Michelle, Jovie, Geff, Adam, Doug & Kathy Sheehan, Euzanne Reika, Pat Hunter, Jim, Anne Marett & Farley Taylor. [Env. 4]

7. 5, Black and white prints. re: MB [Env. 5] 8. 3, re: MB, Sharmagne St. John, Jeru Kawaoka. December

1972. 9. 5, re: Pontevedra. 10. 30, re: MB and various friends and family. 11. 11, re: MB, Warfeild, house, JBK, Adam. [Env.6] 12. 5, black and white. Re: MB, Governor Kerber, W. Dailey,

Averk Christine Wakezie O.B., and 1, Audry Hepburn.

II. Correspondence. A. General.

Butler, Michael (8/8/02)

1. 22 ALS greeting cards to MB from various. [F. 1] 2. 3 CSLS to MB from Prince Charles. 3. 1 ALS to MB from Mary. Includes: Tyrone Power

Memorial Service Tribute Program, 6 color prints of the event.

4. 1 telegram to MB from Charles, Prince of Wales re: get well.

5. 1 TLS to MB from Prince Philip (Buckingham Palace).

Page 1 of 2

Page 72: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

m. Printed Material. A. Newspaper.

1. "Michael Butler: From Polo Field to Chapter 11." by Bruce Buursma. Chicago Tribune. September 26, 1990. [F. 2]

2. "Papa Haze: Producer Michael Butler talks about Hair, Pope John and Everything in Between." by Kelly Kreglow. Chicago Social. February 1996.

3. "A Renaissance Man: An Interview with Oak Brook's Michael Butler." by Bob Vavra. Du Page Profile. February 25-26, 1986.

4. "The Hippie, Hairy, Heir." by Ira Mothner. Look 8/12/69. (Clippings 4 pages.)

5. 12 clippings on 1 p., photocopy re: MB. B. Magazine.

1. Chicago Social. "75 Years of Oak Brook Polo." by Katherine C. Ruff, pg. 35. August 1997. [F. 3]

2. Polo 1972. Pages: 3, 8, 18 re: MB. 3. Chicago. "Rich Man Poor Man: Michael Butler and the Fall

of a Chicago Dynasty." by Robert Sharoff. April 1991. 4. Polo. "All or Nothing: Geoffrey Kent lived to play Polo &

it nearly killed him." by Mariana Green. June 1999. 5. Score: Oak Brook Polo Club (60th Anniversary Issue).

Pages 7, 28 re: MB whom is publisher of magazine. Summer 1982.

6. Score. MB is publisher. 1987 7. The Horse. "The 1931 Polo Season in Chicago." by Melvin

J. Adams. 4 pages (photocopy). November-December 1931. D. Brochure.

1. Coppa Roma Polo Club 1987. 2. Pontevedra (map) includes: 3 postcards. [F. 4]

IV. Miscellaneous. A. Stickers of bear paw; "Hair."

V. Video. A. VHS tapes.



Butler, Michael (8/8/02)

"Snowmass skiing-Adam & Michelle Butler & 'Clan'." 4/2-4/3, 2000 (3rd and 4th day). 32 minutes. "Obadi Speech."

Page 2 of 2

Page 73: The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection · The Inventory ofthe Michael Butler Collection #516 Howard Gotlieb Archival

Box 193 I.

Butler, Michael #516

10/16/98 Preliminary Listing

Photographs. A. Nine color prints of MB with friends at assorted parties, 1996-1997. [E. 1] B. Color print of a "Michael Butler Doll" by Dana Seppel. C. Twenty-five color prints of miniature creations by Dana Seppel. D. Nine color prints of MB at the Duchess of Bedford's buffet, September,

1997. E. F. G. H. I. J.

K. L. M. N. 0.


Q. R.

Ten color prints of the Gardens at River Point. Color print of Joan Wegner and Pope John Paul II, 1997. Three color prints ofMB's nephew, Mich, 1997. Portrait of MB with sister Jorie at the dedication to Paul Butler. Color print of Oakbrook Polo Club, Fall, 1997.

[E. 2] [E. 3]

Three black and white prints of MB and family at the Oakbrook Polo Ball, 1985. Twelve color prints from the French International, September, 1989. [E. 4] One black and white print for the Polo Hall of Fame promo shot. Two color prints of MB with family and friends. One color print of Susan with her two children. [E. 5] One black and white print of Norman Butler in uniform during World War II. One color print of MB and Christine Walters, costume designer for "HAIR" in Chicago, 1996. Four color prints of MB in Aspen, February, 1997. Five color prints of MB with family at the Polo Ball, 1996.

II Personal Memorabilia. [F. 8] A. Invitation to "The Zebra Ball," October 10, 1997. B. Invitation from Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Kent aboard the "Sunboat ill" along the

Nile River, March, 1998. C. Photocopy of "Chacho" Lopez and Harry Theodoracapolis at Taliswan,

1957. D. Invitation to "The Dragon and the Pearl," November 3, 1996 and

December 27, 1996. E. Poster for "HAIR" at City Variety Music Hall, May, 1997. F. Schedule for Oakbrook Polo Club, 1989. G. Invitation to "The Consular Ball," October 18, 1997. H. Invitation to "The Garden Ball," May 2, 1997. I. Real estate license from the State of Illinois for MB.

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J. Program for the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Butler National's, 1997.

III. Personal Correspondence. [F. 9] A. Fax to MB from Prince Charles thanking MB for his birthday wishes. B. Assorted correspondence from friends and family. C. Letter of thanks from King Hussein, December 13, 1997.

IV. Printed Materials. A. Typescript list ofRSVP's and information for the final preview of"Pope

Joan," February 17, 1997. B. Assorted reviews for the Athenaeum Theatre production of"HAIR,"

Chicago Reader, August 9, 1996; Windy City Times, August 8, 1996. C. Magazine clipping of a miniature doll of Glenn Close as Cruella De Ville,

by Dana Seppel. D. Copy of Chicago Social with an article about MB and the evolution of

Oakbrook Polo Grounds, August, 1997. E. Article for Traditional Home about the Gardens at Highgrove, written by

Prince Charles, March, 1996. [F. 10] F. Article from The Doings concerning MB hosting a fund-raiser at a polo

store, May 28, 1997. G. Newspaper clipping showing MB with his son, Adam at a Friends of

Conservation fund-raiser, August 21, 1997.

V. Audio Materials. A. Two audio tapes for MB concerning his astrological forecast from Laurie

Brady, October, 1994 to September, 1996.

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Added to Box 193

I. Manuscripts. A. Stageplays.

Butler, Michael #516

12/04/98 Preliminary Listing

1. "Hair," by Gerome Ragni and James Rado, script for French production, Montreal, Canada, 72 pg.

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Butler, Michael #516

3/15/06 Preliminary Listing

Added to Box 193

I Printed Material.


A. Approx. 50 invitations re: auctions, dinner parties, weddings, gallery openings, July 2000 - Feb. 2005; includes "Opening of Trois Fontaines Bosquet," with guests Laura Bush, Madame Jacques Chirac, 6/14/04.[F. 1]

B. Flyers. 1. Re: plays at the Geffen Playhouse, 14 fliers, May 2001 - Mar.

2004. [F. 2]


2. Re: MB' s campaign flier for Senator of Illinois, 4 copies. 3. Miscellaneous, 7 flyers. Programs. 1. "Auction of the Property of Michael Butler," 6/22/91. 2. Re: weddings and funerals, 5 fliers, Aug. 2000 - Nov. 2003.

D. 12 clippings, re: MB and family at social functions, Oct. 2002 - Oct. 2005.

E. F. G.

"Islands in the Sun Club Report to Members, Fire Island," 50 p. The Doings, 2 issues, 11/24/92, 8/28/03. Fire Island Tide, 7/4/03.

Professional Material. A. Press packet re: "Oak Brook Sports Core."

[F. 3-4] [F. 3] [F. 4]

[F. 5]

III. Correspondence. A. Personal, approx. 50 greeting cards; may include photographs.

IV. Photographs.


A. Personal. 1. Re: family and friends, 18 color prints. [F. 6] 2. Re: MB's cat and dog, 9 color prints.

B. Professional, re: "The Masked Ball for Conservation for the Benefit of Friends of Conservation and the Abercrombie and Kent Global Foundation," 15 color prints, 10/31/03; some include description on verso.

Audio. A. "WVSB, 90.1, Jan 1, 2005," CD-R. [No Folder]

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Butler, Michael #516

12/15/06, 12/18/06, 1/2/07 Preliminary Listing

I. Printed Materials. A. Blog articles by MB at [F. 11]

1. "About Our Biogs," 2 p., 12/10/06. 2. "Ahmet Ertegun by His Friend Michael Butler," 2 p. , 12/17/06. 3. "Michael Butler: You, Me, and the Rest," 2 p., 9/11/06.

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