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Page 1: The Independent




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Relevant topics of today New addictions in

the world? / health


Capoeira: old and traditional

sport /sports section

Page 2: The Independent

National section

Wednesday, 25

Officials advise caution when visiting Costa Rican

volcanoes, due to recent activity

Part of the Pacific Ring Fire Circle, Costa

Rica has over 200 identifiable volcanic

formations dating back over 65 million

years. Today, however, only 100 or so

show any signs of volcanic activity, while

just five are classified as active

volcanoes. Most of the volcanoes in

Costa Rica lie in the northern part of the

country and in the Central Highlands.

This activity increase the economy in the country because, tourist prefer see different

and incredible things like myriad of bird & wildlife species, but is also home to numerous

tropical and exotic plants and trees as well.

However the volcanic activities is more like an amazing show for the people and prefer

this kind of recreational activity with adventure and adrenaline. But the problem here is

that with this volcanic activity the country or the towns are exposed to earthquake, toxic

gases and landslides so put in risk the people.

An excellent advantage with this phenomenon is that they use this volcanic activity to

predict future eruptions and the researchers can prevent future natural disasters and

keep alert to the people of Costa Rica.

Written by Natalia Espinoza

Recuperate from:



Page 3: The Independent

Car accidents in Costa Rica

Every single day we heard about a lot of accidents that happened in our country but we

know that the most common accidents are the car accidents. Is terrible to see in the

news, in the newspapers, or in any communication medium the amount of accidents

that occurs in our streets. Many families every day lost some member because of this


We have to make conscience and see why these accidents happened. There´s a lot of

factors that contribute with these accidents. Some factors can be, drunken people

driving, high speed drivers, the famous “PIQUES”, using of the phone in the car and

other factors. A lot of innocent people die because of irresponsible persons that don’t

care about the others.

We know that in our

country the consumption of

alcohol has a high level,

and this factor is one of

the most common that

causes accidents. A lot

of people go out every

day and more in the

weekends and drink a lot

and then has to drive to come back home and because of that the accidents happened.

Some of these drivers got sleep in the middle of the street or they don’t see well and

crash and they die.

I think that all the people who drive in our country have to make conscience and make a

chance. We are one of the countries that have more accidents per year in all America.

Is important to reduce the car accidents to save more lives, and for don’t destruct

families all over the country. Is easy making a chance?

Written by Fernando Segura

Recuperate from:

Page 4: The Independent

People/Life/Society section

Wednesday, 25

Seven habits of highly effective people

owadays people like to be successful in order to

get better job positions, a higher economical

retribution, or a just to have a good relationship

with family, friends and couples. As a result, experts have

now written books that provide helpful tips for those who

seek for success want to achieve their goals, objectives

quickly and effectively. This article is an example of it as it

talks about something called the “seven habits of highly effective people”.

The first habit the article talks about is to be proactive. It says that we should have the

courage to take risks and accept new challenges to achieve goals. The second habits is

to always begin with the end in mind and it brings projects to completion and it unites

teams and organizations under a shared vision, mission and purpose .The third is to put

first things first , this promotes getting the most important things to be done first and

encourages direct effectiveness. The Fourth habit is to think: “Win-win”, according to the

article this habit allows you to face a conflict in order to come up with a resolution and

helps individuals to seek mutual benefit, increasing group momentum. The fifth habit is

to first understand, then to be understood, it helps people to understand other people`s

problems resulting in targeted solutions. It also promotes better communications,

leading to successful problem solving .The Sixth habit is synergize ensures the whole is

greater than the sum of its parts. It helps the team members and a leader to increase

level of success by finally the seventh habit is to sharpen the saw which promotes

continues improvements and safeguards against burning out and subsequent non-

productive situations.

I think these seven habits that Stephen Covey talks about are interesting and definitely

can help a person a person and an organization to reach success at the professional

level and in personal aspects such as relationships. As an example the third habit was

about put thing important things first, to make a schedule to organize our priorities and

our responsibilities. This is very important because nowadays most of the people cannot

do all the things they have to do have to do because they do not organize their lives.


Page 5: The Independent

In my case, I would not change any habit for another because all help in different

aspects of life.

The article tells a true that sometimes we make mistakes that we cannot undo but we

can learn form.

The habit that called my attention the most was the fifth.”Seek first to understand, then

to be understood. First is important to understand people, and later understand us; for

example, when somebody is talking to us we must pay attention to them and use

“emphatic listening as the article says, “it is listening with intent to understand the other

person`s frame of reference and feelings. We must listen with our ears, our eyes and

our hearth.”It will show people that we appreciate them, and as we appreciate others

more, they will appreciate us more. In my studies, these habits can help us like a human

being to be a better person, so I will try to use it in my life and in my major.

Written by Lince González Cortés

Seven habits of highly effective people: a book for


The seven habits is an excellent book I

read it two years ago. As a future

psychologist, I think that this book had

the best recommendations ever,

because explain how be a better person

with your family, friends and


These habits are a balance of life and

summary a lot of techniques to be a

better human, but in my opinion the

problem is that we do not understand the

power of each of us, for example why we

need a book to be effective o better

person? If each human had a gift or

some power that made the difference

between us.

In my case I would not change any habit in this

book because each of these habits represent a

part of my life, but I think that each human being

needs create their own habit or dream that mades

the difference in ourselves.

The most interesting habit is number four explain

how found the happiness without hurt other

persons, and explain how we can handle this

situations. In my opinion these habits can help a

lot of people if you want change and be a better


On the other hand,

we know that some

people need help,

and a little “push”

in their lives

Written by Natalia Espinoza

Page 6: The Independent

Be positive!

Life is not perfect, or as we would like it

to be, there are always problems and

circumstances to deal with every day. It

is our responsibility to solve our conflicts

in the best way and giving our best

effort thinking that every problem has a


To have a positive life there exist habits that we must follow; these are: 1. Be proactive,

2. Begin with the end in mind, personal leadership, 3. Principles of personal

management, 4. Think win-win, 5. Seek first to understand- then to be understood, 6.

Principles of creative cooperation and finally 7. Principles of balanced solve-renewal.

There are tools if we practice, that can help us to be positive and be effective in

everything we do.

I think there is an eight habit that can be added to the list “always have God in our heart

and in everything we do”. We should put all our plans and goals in his hands having

faith and always thinking that all that happens will be the best for us.

In my opinion the main habit we have to practice is number five: “we must always

understand the circumstances to know how to act and understand ourselves and people

involves. Respect also has an important role because we must respect people´s way of

thinking and understand others point of view regardless of our point of view.

These habits will help me face difficulties and improve my weaknesses. In my career,

sometimes I feel that I will not be able to continue, handing the stress I often feel, but in

those moments I remember that I will receive the reward in the future and know that I

am doing what I really like, and this makes me think positively and helps me to face any


Written by Karolina Araya

Page 7: The Independent

Health Section

Wednesday, 25


This writing is about addictions. How addictions affect people, how people became

addict to something, examples of addictions and other things related to the topic.

First at all, we need to know what an addiction is. An addiction is the abuse of a

substance, or an activity which usually leads to an uncontrollable situation. Some

authors describe the addiction as a “Continued involvement with a substance or activity

despite the negative consequences of doing it”. I think this description is true because if

you can´t control the use of something or doing an activity is a problem that is called


In the past, an addiction was related to substances like drugs and alcohol but nowadays

it is different. Today is not only the use of a substance, today are many others

addictions not related with it and it causes more addicts. Some of this other addictions

are use of internet, shopping, use of cell phones, sex, chatting, and texting. Today these

addictions are the most common between kids, youngsters and adults.

This kind of addictions affect people in many ways, for example, the addiction for

cellphones or shopping causes people to obtain the newest cell phone or cloth in the

market even if you bought some clothes or a cell phone last week you need to change.

A common question for this topic is, why do people become addicts? It is easy there are

a lot of facts that can lead people to become addicts to something, like social pressure,

genetic, environment, parents and other factors. Stress is one of the most important

factors that cause an addiction.

People usually handle the stress very bad, and because of it because addictions like

smoking, drinking, drug use. Stress plays an important role in people live because

stress can destroy your work, your friends, family and yourself. You have to control very

well the stress to protect you of addictions and things like that.

Recreational activities are a good idea to avoid the stress and addictions. Doing

extreme sports for example is an option to relax and stop think in work, your boyfriend

or girlfriend troubles, homework, tests and this activities make u busy and you don´t

think in smoke, drink, use internet, etc.

If you ocupate your free time doing recreational activities this will keep you away of

stress or addictions.

Page 8: The Independent

An important meaning in this topic is live in harmony. All of us need to live in harmony

with ourselves and who are around us, if we are in harmony we are going to feel good,

but if not you are going to look for something else for example any addiction.

To overcome addictions, first it is very important to accept that you have an addiction,

that you have a problem. Addicts should look for help like a support group or a

professional to help them to overcome the addiction, do other activities like sports, talk

to parents for help and believe in God.

Written by Fernando Segura


"I found myself wanting to get home from

school as possible just to see who had

responded to my posts. And I had to reply to all

those people and look all the new photos they

had uploaded. I had gotten a really bad mood when I was

online, and I hated being interrupted". Mary this is an example

of a person who had become addicted to internet; in this case associated to a social

network (Facebook). To define this situation like an addiction, it is necessary to know

what an addiction means. In a word it is a kind of need that involves a person who feels

she/he cannot be alive without this kind of entertainment, the person spends a lot of

time doing it and it is impossible to avoid it.

Nowadays, there are new addictions such as shopping, videogames, internet, love,

sex, traveling, teeth whitening, working, exercising and plastic surgeries. People

become addicts because they like to do this kind of activity, that they do not realize that

they are trapped into it. Most addicts do not accept their addiction at first. So to detect

an addiction, we should ask ourselves: Who are we? What do we like to do? What

makes us feel good? Are we addicted to something?

Knowing the answers, we should think of other activities to overcome addictions; for

example, recreational activities. Those are activities that make us fell free and happy

and help us to avoid stress which sometimes makes people aggressive. If we have

stress, we cannot live in harmony which means live in a positive way.

Page 9: The Independent

Experts give suggestions to overcome addictions, such as go

for a walk, take time for us, for example like 30 minutes per

day, and think in our goals and try to get them.

In conclusion, as a human been, we need a hobby, but we

need to think of how to make a balance between a normal life

and this kind of activities and make sure that it does not

become into an addiction.

Written by Lince Gonzalez Cortés


An addiction is when the body must have a drug or a material

thing to avoid physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms.

An addiction is not only with drugs some people have an

addiction when is so concentrated in negative things or spend

all his time in these things. Elizabeth Hartney (2011) says “More

recently, we have come to realize that people can also develop addictions to behaviors,

such as gambling, and even quite ordinary and necessary activities such as exercise

and eating. What these activities have in common is that the person doing them finds

them pleasurable in some way.

There is some controversy about which of the “behavioral” addictions constitute

scientifically validated “true” addictions, with both professionals and the public failing to

reach an agreement. More research is needed to clarify this issue”. I totally agree with

her because in these days exist a lot of crazy addictions for

example the top ten are: plastically surgery, traveling, love,

sex, shopping, teeth whiting, exercises, suntanned, TV,

internet, video games and work.

Most of the time people are addicted because they have a

necessity or feel empty; they usually look for a thing to

replace bad things in their life. You can detect this kind of

people when you see that this person loses his/her friends and relationship with the


Page 10: The Independent

All these things can produce stress; stress is when you feel sad or mad and always

have a bad mood, you can fight this stress with recreational activities, like sports,

dancing, going to the beach, swimming, running, reading or things in which spend

energy in a positive way, experts recommend to avoid stress or addiction; you can go

for a walk, eat well, share time with real friends and family.

We need to remember that we do not have everything in life and all is about balance

and harmony.

Written by Natalia Espinoza


Technology is an excellent tool to communicate at work, to do business and to create

relationships. People have internet, cell phones, MP3 players, IPOD and other distractions.

There are used by all people of different ages and social classes. However, the influence

caused by this technology may produce addiction, and this could be when you can´t live

without something, or when you need doing something every day. The real problem is that

people do not think, waste their time, and lose their creativity, innovation and productivity.

In recent years exist many new addictions, the most important are: Alcohol Addiction,

smoking, Drug Addiction, Gambling, Food Addiction, Video Games, Internet Addiction, Sex

Addiction, Shopping and Work Addiction

Some people do not use their mental abilities since they can get

everything with her or his addiction. People addicted not

reasoning, since everything is given. People become addict

maybe are very depress, and stress or have a long time and

spend it in some distraction, and this distraction could become

an addiction.

Many people suffer a new disease is stress.

That is the century disease and is very dangerous for your

health, many research says stress can cause cancer. When you

have stress you feel frustrated. Can be many factors like: work,

university, friends, relationship, maybe also you don´t have time

to do everything you need to do.

Page 11: The Independent

If you are an addiction, and if you leave that, the best form first is accepted you're an

addict, then you can practice others activities like: soccer, have good friends and out

with them, enjoy your family, if is necessary you can go to a psychologist for help. You

do not have to be afraid, always is possible out of an addiction.

God made the world to enjoy, and often do not see the beauties of the universe. I think

the unique good addiction is spend time seeing the wonders of God. I know work or

study is necessary, but you have to treat be happy in harmony and not frustrated whit

something you only consume.

Written by Karolina Araya

Page 12: The Independent

Art/Culture section

Wednesday, 25


Violin is a musical instrument originated from Italy in

the early 1500s. It was an instrument from the medieval

period. It is a symbol of romance and one of the most

expressive instruments. Play a violin produces a

relaxing sound every time it is played. When we play a

violin we feel the music getting into our soul.

Independent of our likes and the music we listen, when

we listen a

violin we love it

even if we don't understand how it is played.

People who have the opportunity to play a violin,

they did not just take it like a hobby, and also

they can develop sense of passion playing their

instrument. When we are listening or playing a

violin, we

have a mental

relaxation and during that time we can forget our

problems and feel free.

Learn to play this instrument, it is hard and difficult,

but if we want to learn, we have to make efforts and

give all we have, it requires practice, go to receive

lessons and dedication.

It is best if we want to learn to play an instrument,

begin in an early age. In this case, to learn to play a violin we need to be standing,

concentrate and get fun of it, see it like a hobby in which we are going to develop skills

that we did not have.

Written by Lince González Cortés

Violin: Recuperated April 18th from:


History. Recuperated April 18th from:

Page 13: The Independent

Long-neck women

This tradition is practiced in Thailand by a tribe named

“Yan Pa Doung”. Basically, it is about putting brass coils in

their necks, it is important to know that only women

practice this tradition because in the beginning they said

that this brass coil increase her beauty. There are a lot of

myths around this tradition, but according to

“” this myths include that they worn the

rings to protect themselves against tiger bites but also is

other myth. But there are some facts that may be true; for example, that they started

wearing jewelry as a strategy to attract tourism.

Talking about the origins of it, it is almost impossible to know the true story oh the

tradition since there is not written story of the culture. Nowadays, girls decide whether

they want to wear the rings or not, but most of them do it because it presents beauty

and the preservation of their culture. Though we all may think the neck becomes longer,

actually the ring does not stretch the neck, but it pushes down the clavicle.

May be for us this is strange tradition but for them is completely normal and even


We think it is important for them to preserve their culture and how their ancestors lived

by practicing this tradition.

Written by Natalia Espinoza.

Thailand's Long-Necked Women. (2007). Recuperated in March from: http://mari-

Page 14: The Independent

Black Teeth

In the world there exist many different kinds of cultures and traditions, differences

among depend on the place, some cultures are common for us, but others are very


Japan is a highly developed country that possesses many different costumes. They

have different ways of speaking,

eating, and meeting people. They

also have very creative ways to do

new things. One example is a rather

strange custom called “ohaguro”

which developed between the years

710-794 a.c. This practice consists of

women dying their teeth black. At first

it was practiced to symbolize that a

girl was no longer a girl, yet a woman,

but during the Edo period it turned into a way of telling if the girl was married or not.

Since this custom was somewhat imposed by society, the girls did not feel very

comfortable with dying their teeth and began to cover their mouths unconsciously to


Another theory suggests that it is simply a sign of "immaturity/childishness" of Japanese

women. In fact, Sigmund Freud said that covering your mouth when you laugh signifies

a childish behavior.

The vast majority of married Japanese women were dying their teeth for over 200 years

and even today many Japanese women still cover their mouth by custom, although the

tradition of painting teeth is not longer


Page 15: The Independent

In our opinion we consider that this custom reflected of maleness dominance at that

time because men are not required dye their black teeth or cover their mouth when they


This is a strange tradition when the women did not have the opportunity to make their

own decisions.

Written by Karolina Ataya

The Black Teeth Custom – Between Ohaguro and Globalization: recuperated from

Interesting Japanese Ancient Custom: Ohaguro or Black Teeth: recuperated from:

Sudanese weddings

Sudan is a country that is located in North Africa. The population of this country is a

mixture of native Nilo-Saharan speaking Africans and descendants of migrants from the

Arabian Peninsula. The Arab culture predominates in


In this country the weddings are different from the

weddings that we know. In Sudan, people who are

getting married do things that for our culture may be very

strange. The weddings in Sudan have stages and in

some cases these begin six weeks before the day of the


The celebration of the marriage begins six weeks before,

the bride starts practicing a special dance that she will

dance on the day of the wedding.

Then, about two days before the wedding, the bride invites her friends to the Henna

party. The Henna party consists of hands and legs decoration for the bride. The material

that is used to paint hands and legs is a paste made of leaves of the Henna bush.

Page 16: The Independent

The day of the wedding the bridegroom is welcomed with an

auspicious decoration called umbul-umbul. The bridegroom is

the fiance, and he receives some flowers from her mother in

law and it means the welcome to their family.

The wedding is followed by the blessing of the parents. In this

act the bride and bridegroom kiss the knees of their parents.

After that the nincak endog starts in order to symbolize that the

couple is totally married.

Written by Fernando Segura

Recuperate from:

Page 17: The Independent

Opinion/Editorial Section

Wednesday, 25


My objectives and goals for this course at

the beginning were to improve my skills in

English, like learn more vocabulary, talk

more fluently and grammar. For me the

English is very important because it helps

me to interact with others persons and when

I travel is a good tool to understand a lot of

things. I know that in many occasions the

English classes are boring but we have to

put effort to overcome and learn to have a

tool for the future.

I think my performance during the class

activities and projects was good, I put effort

and I interact with my teacher and

classmates. I get distract in some moments

of the class but I´m still putting attention to

the teacher and the activities. I have all the

intention to learn more about English.

About my dedication and commitment

during the assignments and activities I think

was good. I do most of my homework’s, my

writings and the speaking projects that was

with other classmates. Is important in any

course put dedication and commitment

because it helps you to overcome.

The course gave me a lot of goals in

many ways like cultural goals,

personal goals and language goals. In

language goals I receive a lot of

vocabulary, a los of verbs, grammar

and speaking. For me this course was

great because it helps me to

overcome some obstacles that I have,

like be shy when I was talking in

group and things like that.

I think that I overcome all the

obstacles that I had with this course.

The course helps me in some many

ways, the teacher and my classmates

too. With this course I got confidence

to talk with anyone in English, with

this course I don´t be afraid to travel

to anywhere and communicate


Written by Fernado Segura

Page 18: The Independent

Writing about the course

When I stared this course, honestly I had some kind

of scare because I did not now the teacher and her

teaching methods. However my goals and objectives

always was clear, because the most important things

in my case was improve my vocabulary, my fluency,

my confidence and how I explain and give my own


I think that the most difficult thing is create confidence

with the classmates because you feel intimidated

when other people talk better than you, furthermore

performance during the class is essential because

you practice a lot and develop skills to speak, my

performance always was attentive because the

activities in this course always was interactive,

interesting, kept thinking and learned new things like

culture, privacy, security, etc.

To achieve good results I tried to practice daily, for example I

always listen English song, and I see programs without subtitles

and one experience I want to share is that in some cases

unconsciously I speak in English or say some words in English, to

the other hand talk about the topics of the course I tried to practice

when I do my homework and projects of the course.

Now the course is almost ending and the most important thing are

my goals in my case now I think faster and I have the facility to

create conversations, give opinion, recommendations and


However I have obstacles to overcome for example the problem is

when I tried to say something I think a lot all that I say and I get

nervous and the most of cases I say nothing or I say wrong things.

But honestly I overcame all the expectations of the course I am

satisfied with my performance and my new skills.

Page 19: The Independent

Sports section

Wednesday, 25

Capoeira (Brazil)

Capoeira's origin dates back to 500 years, it was

born in Brazil during the slave trade period. It is a

story of triumph and

freedom. It started when

African people were

brought to Brazil as

slavers. So it was a practice against slavery, in which people

fought for freedom. Capoeira and its practitioners persevered

through centuries of marginalization and discrimination. In the beginning it was a

clandestine activity because people who practiced it were slavers, but it later

transformed into a practice of Brazilian society.

“The game of Capoeira is a fluid series of agile, acrobatic, and martial movements

linked together to form a unique corporal conversation. These games are an intricate

exchange of circular and straight kicks, escapes, sweeps, takedowns, and gymnastic

flourishes.” This art combines circular and straight kicks, acrobatics and creativity with

music with the purpose of feel freedom. The spirit and energy of a Capoeira is

contagious .Capoeira brings health and balance to the life of its participants, regardless

of their age.

At the head of the roda(circle) is the orchestra “consisting of three berimbaus, two

pandeiros and one atabaque”. The berimbau is a mono-chord instrument from Central

Africa; it dictates the flavor and speed of the Capoeira game inside the roda. This lead

instrument can play over 10 different traditional rhythms with countless variations. The

berimbau's unique acoustic sound is accompanied by the atabaque, a drum much like a

primitive conga. The atabaque is the heartbeat of the Capoeira roda and is accentuated

by the pandeiro (tambourine).”The Capoeira orchestra is completed by the chorus, the

ring of voices echoing from the roda in a call and response style song led by one of the

Capoeiristas. Capoeira songs tell of the art's powerful history, stories of legendary

mestres, and of playful anecdotes.

Page 20: The Independent

These stories are colorful, inspiring, funny, and sometimes sad.

Today, the art has evolved from a cultural ritual to a martial art. Nowadays, it is one of

Brazil national sport and is practiced in many countries around the world. It is fun and

friendly fight that survived and reached our days, in

which people need an exercising routine because the

practice demands a lot of energy and body effort.

Capoeira. Recuperate on March 11th, 2012 of:


Capoeira. Recuperate on March 11th, 2012 of:http://www.o-

Written by Lince Gonzalez Cortés

Page 21: The Independent

International section

Wednesday, 25


In the last few years we have

produced a lot of garbage, product of

contamination and consumerism.

Nature makes us pay our dues but

not acting right and by

contaminating, we need to be

conscience that we end up with less

air and water, which is a very serious

problem for all of us seeing as

without air and water we cannot live.

All around the world there has been a lot of propaganda over the topic of recycling.

About what is recycling? Recycling is the conversion of waste products into new

materials, such as waste paper which can be converted into new paper goods.

Recycling is a lengthy circular process which has to include transportation of collected

materials to a processing facility where they are cleaned and sorted. The new materials

that have been converted must comply with the same safety legislation and health and

hygiene regulations as products made from virgin materials. We can only say a product

has been recycled when it has been purchased and used again.

Recycling as many benefits, such as: Lower raw material costs from recycled sources,

reduced waste disposal costs, and reduced energy consumption in manufacturing


Page 22: The Independent

Earth is to be conscious of the waste you produce.

To do this, it takes more than just recycling, but you

also need to first reduce the amount of waste you

produce Reuse things as much as possible and

when you cannot do either of those, then recycle

what is left over! Check out the tips below for

integrating the REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE

philosophy in to your life.

Written by Karolina Araya

Recuperate from:

Page 23: The Independent

To the reader section

Wednesday, 25

Written by Lindsey Gonzales, Karolina Araya, Fernando Segura and Natalia Espinoza.

In the age that we live, all the days we learn many different things; we can obtain that

knowledge reading, listening or just seeing some picture, for today one way you will

obtain new knowledge is by reading those different articles that we created to tell you

about costumes people have or issues of today. This newspaper will have many

interesting sections in which you can choose the most interesting topic for you or your


In some cases people only read articles about your own country and sometimes they do

not know all the important information that the world can give us.

In this newspaper we share lot information with different topics, from Brazil, Thailand to

Costa Rica. And all of you can see that we explain our own opinions and point of views,

that is important because is not the typical newspaper with common and boring


In this newspaper you can find very interesting and fun information. You can learn about

new cultures, also how to feel better and be positive in your life. On the other hand you

can read about addictions and how they affect society. In conclusion we mention many

interesting topics that we hope interest you and be beneficial to all.

This newspaper has a lot of interesting information about many different topics like

culture, about problems that the people has like addictions, and information about

situations that happen in our country. The people should read this newspaper to learn

about these topics and enjoy reading something that is important to their knowledge.

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