Page 1: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3

highpostonline.comDecember 2010 Volume 88; Issue 3



Inside... The GLSH cafeteria

food is a bite worth the buck

Page 2 Page 11Page 8Page 4

The traditions of the boys basketball team

How Facebook is changing communication

A look at several local family pizza restauants

Choose WiselyChoose WiselyBad decisions made during snow Bad decisions made during snow

season can have serious consequencesseason can have serious consequences

Page 2: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3

2 The High Post December 2010

Cafeteria Food

The High PostGreater Latrobe Senior High School

131 High School Road Latrobe PA 15650

December 2010 Volume 88 Issue 3Assignment Editors

Maria Graziano and Nathan TakitchOnline EditorTori Vallana

Managing EditorMeredith Saunders

Public RelationsErika Naeger and April Smith

Business EditorJulia Menarchek

Photography ManagerDan Kubus

StaffShea Augustine, Sarah Conley, Kal Kemp, Nick Kovacevic,

Harrison Leipold, Klaudia Long, Chris McKee, Kaitlin Newingham, Lizzie Ruppen, Jimmy Singer, and Rachel Stauff er

AdvisorsMrs. Renee Stallings and Mrs. Acacia Houck

AdministrationMr. LoCascio, Mr. Khrelik, and Mr. Smith

Printed by the Latrobe Bulletin The staff of the High Post is committed to serving the stu-dent body of Greater Latrobe Senior High School. The opinions arti-cles contain the ideas and views of individuals and do not represent the views of the staff , the advisors or administration in its entirety. The High Post is a public forum for student expression, therefore any student who wishes to create dialogue concerning an issue may do so by submitting articles or letters to editors in C109. In order to uphold the integrity of the publication, the High Post reserves the right to edit the submissions for grammar, style, and

available space. Submissions should not exceed 300 words.Cover Photo was staged by Micheal Nicely to show the importance of

driving safely and the dangers of the weather

Cafeteria Food Prices Worth Bite out of Pocket

Everyday, hundreds of students sit down to enjoy a hot meal in a school cafeteria. The cost of the food on their plates is often unacknowledged while deciding what to buy.

Rachel StaufferStaff Writer

ven though you might be eager to meet up with friends, be careful when going through the lunch line. You do not have to pay extra for your lunch just because you are in a hurry. If you take your time while walking through the cafeteria lines, you will save extra money to buy some of your favorite food items. Students are not always aware that adding an a la carte item (extra item) will add to the two-dollar cost depend-ing on the price of that particular item. An a la carte item, no matter what it is, will always cost extra. For example, if a student walks through the pizza line and picks up a slice of pizza, salad, fruit, des-sert, and a drink such as milk or a juice, the cost of that meal will be two dollars as a complete meal. On the other hand, an-other student walks through the same pizza line but picks up two slices of pizza, no fruit, and no vegetable, French fries and a bot-tle of water. This student went from a two-dollar meal to a po-tentially four-dollar meal because everything chosen was a la carte. “I usually go to the pizza line or the salad bar. In the pizza line, I get the pretzel sticks with the cheese dipping sauce. In the salad bar, I get a salad with peppers, cheese, and broccoli. I also get the side entrée that comes with it. I’ll always get chocolate milk to drink,” said Linda Comunale, junior. A complete meal for stu-dents who order from the salad bar will cost them two- dollars. Nine times out of ten, the lunch ladies off er students to go back and get a complete meal, but most students just want to go eat and talk to their friends. “The lunch ladies really try to educate this but it makes it diffi cult when the kids are in such a hurry,” said Ms. Jillian Meloy, director of food services. ”Students most likely keep up with their account when the lunch lady says they have a low amount left or they have a negative balance,” said Meloy. If a student arrives

without lunch money, they are permitted to charge the value of three complete meals, excluding extras. Students cannot charge past the six-dollar limit. A student must put extra items back if they owe any money. By doing this, the lunch ladies are en-couraging students and trying to instill in them that they need to keep up with their lunch account and the amount they owe. A couple years ago Ms. Meloy introduced a system called

café prepay. This online service allows students to deposit money into their account with and allows them to keep track of how much money remains. As long as a student sets up an account, they can login free of charge and view the balance. This account will also list the a la cart items that students have purchased. “It’s a great tool for students and parents,” said Meloy. The food served in the cafeteria follows the federal and state regula-tions with calories, fat, saturated fat, trans fat, and most of students’ vita-mins. In the last years, the food ser-vice department has tried to make the school food healthier by switching

from refi ned grains to whole grains, of-fering more fresh fruits and vegetables, reducing the fat in milk, and changing from fruit drink to 100% fruit juice so students can obtain all of their vitamins.

The pretzel rods with the cup of cheese on the side are new this year. The cheese is homemade and lower in fat and salt, and the pretzel rods are whole grain. To of-fer new foods to students, the Cafeteria tries to mim-ic restaurant ideas such as the KFC mashed potato bowl. Ms. Meloy made modifi cations so it fi ts the calorie and fat regulations. “The food service department is always trying to make changes. I am not going to make a change for the better and have kids not like it. I try to menu new items and get feedback from students on whether they like it or not. If a student asks for something, they’ll try it and if it doesn’t sell well, they will phase it out,” said Meloy.


Q&AQ&A How do you feel about the cafeteria food?

“I like the cheetos because I eat it with a spork so my fi ngers don’t get all cheesy.” ~Rachel Komisak, junior

“Uhm, I think it is okay, but I think it is very, very repetitive and boring.”~Bryan Brasile, junior

“I like the turkey and mashed potatoes because I think it’s the best thing they have. I wish they served it more.”~Lauryn Gianotti, junior

“The sausage egg and cheese bagels are awesome in the morning. They should serve them at lunch. The best things at lunch are the a la carte items, like clux deluxe which are way to expensive.” ~Kevin Davoli, sophomore

Patrick Trumbetta and Patrick Long enjoy the school lunch

while socializing.

~Rachel Stauffer, staff writer and Ciara LaVelle, intern

Photo by Dan Kubus

Top Cafeteria Meals

~Kal Kemp, staff writer

The school lunches feature a variety of diff erent meals. However, according to Ms. Meloy, the special of the day line seem to be what most students look forward to each

day. The top three choices are listed below:

2 3Mashed Potato Mashed Potato

BowlBowlBuffalo Buffalo

Chicken SaladChicken Salad

Barbeque Rib Barbeque Rib Sandwich and Sandwich and

Curly FiresCurly Fires


Page 3: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3

Teacher Feature


Calculus and chemistry teacher, as well as the advisor of National Honor Society, Mrs. Pompelia keeps herself busy both inside and out of school. Her enthusiasm and dedication to her students shine through in her classroom, and her sweet and thoughtful person-ality make her a comfortable person to be around. She loves to travel and has gone on mission trips to Guatemala and New Orleans. These experiences have given her a new perspective on and appreciation for life. A true role model, she off ers students a great education as well as a warm and kind person.

Why did you decide to pursue teaching? hy math/

I used to be an engineer. I stopped working totally when my third child was born. When my youngest went to preschool, I knew I wanted to go back to work. I decided to pursue teaching, because I realized I missed academics. I also found out that I really liked being with young people. The work schedule worked out nicely as a parent. I went to Saint Vincent College to explore my options. I had always loved math and sci-ence. My career counselor suggested that I do a dual certifi cation, so I would be more marketable.

What did you do before becoming a teacher?I was an environmental engineer. I did my undergraduate at Cornell in Environ-mental Engineering. I did my Masters at Stanford. I worked in Boston for a con-sulting fi rm before we moved back to this area.

What is your favorite part of teaching?

The students. I love math and science, but I love the students more.

How did you become the director of National Honor Society? What kind of work does running this club involve?

I did NHS, because I wanted to be involved in something extracurricular. I wanted to know students as more than just a teacher. NHS seemed like a natural fi t. It turned out that shortly after I started teaching, the position opened up.Running the club involves inducting new members and going through the selection process. The annual NHS trip is unique to Latrobe, so I plan for that. I’m also try-ing to encourage the group to be more service-oriented.

On what mission trips have you taken part, and where have you gone?

I’ve been on three long-term mission trips. Two of them were to the same place – a children’s orphanage in Guatemala. One trip was to Katrina right after the hur-ricane. My kids had been involved with a community-wide youth group in Ligo-nier, and I chaperoned for the trip to Katrina. The Guatemala trips were with my church.

What kind of work do you do on these mission trips?

In Katrina, I helped with house construction, painting, roofi ng, etc. During the day in Guatemala, it’s a lot of painting, gardening, and physical labor. We also hang out with the kids and do a summer Vacation Bible School. At the orphanage, there are 70 kids, but they recently built a school. In addition to the kids from the orphanage going to the school, they bring in other kids from the village.

How old are your children, and where are they now in life?

My oldest is 25. She works for Teach for America in Mississippi. This is her third year. She was a math teacher by choice for two years, and now she’s a direc-tor where she mentors younger teachers. Andy is 22, and he also does Teach for America. He is living in Colorado Springs. Amy is 21, she is a junior at the Univer-sity of Virginia, and she is studying German. My youngest daughter Emily is 18, and she is a freshman at Syracuse majoring in Journalism. Also, my husband is an engineer.

What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time?

I like to garden, I love to travel. I really think that a lot of the problems in our world would lessen if people traveled more and learned about other cultures. My family and I got to go to Africa, and I came away with a whole new appreciation for other cultures. At one point, we were on an island in which everyone was Islamic, and to learn about their culture was an opportunity I appreciated. I believe a lot of our problems today are due to ignorance.I also like to read, and I do a lot of volunteer work with organizations involving young people. My husband and I enjoy bike-riding.

What do you most want students to take away from your classroom at the end of the year?

Obviously, an understanding of calculus. Also, an appreciation of mathematics. It breaks my heart when people say they hate calculus or math. I also hope they come away with some growth as a person and the importance of working together with each other. I want them to see some sort of correlation between eff ort and a level of understanding. I hope they can communicate their knowledge in college or some math-related career and be good problem-solvers.


I love math and science, but I

love the students more.

~Mrs. Pompelia

Mrs. Pompelia tutored Guatemalan children in math while in Guatemala. She managed to work around the language barrier and pass on her knowl-edge to these eager learners.

Mrs. Pompelia, along with her husband and daughter and two children that they sponsor smile for the camera. Mrs. Pompelia commented that the children were the best part of the trip.

Mrs. Pompelia and the rest of the group posed before heading to Guatemala. One of their tasks in Guatemala was to plan a VBS for the children.

~Julia Menarchek, Print Editor


Page 4: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3

4 The High Post December 2010

Family Pizza

Family Pizza Restaurants Feed Latrobe


~Shea Augustine, staff writer~Shea Augustine, staff writer

Gino’sGino’s For an array of home style dishes served by friendly employ-ees, including the Gianillis them-selves, Gino’s is your restaurant. Gino’s has been a part of the Latrobe commu-nity for over thirty years. They are known for their home style Italian dishes as well as their delicious thick crust pizza. It all started with Mr. Gianilli opening up his pizza business right after his freshman year at Saint Vincent Col-lege. They opened the business in July of 1979 just across the street from where they are today. From the time they opened to present day, Gi-no’s has prepared homemade recipes as well as other creations made by Mr. Gianilli’s mother. When the restaurant was fi rst opened it was mostly takeouts with a couple booths to eat at. Along with the new location and expan-sion of it came a variety of ways to enjoy their food. Dining, takeout and delivery services, as well as private rooms for special occasions or parties are available. Since 2009, Gino’s Italian Market Express sells Italian bread baked fresh every morning. Along with the bread they sell homemade pepperoni rolls, spaghetti sauce and fresh salads which provide a fast and easily put together meal. With owning a restaurant comes many responsibilities and hard work. Mrs. Gia-nilli, Gino’s wife who helps run the business de-

scribes it as diffi cult but rewarding. “The hardest part would have to be the time de-mand. We’re only closed three days a year and my family is always in and out helping in the restaurant,” said Mrs. Gianilli. “A reason that our restaurant has remained successful for a long period of time is be-cause we put so much into running it.” Another attribute of Gino’s is that they have a large variety of dishes that are appealing to everybody. Their main dishes are pizza and pasta. The pizza in it-self is unique with thick cheese over a rich sauce on thick crust, but specialty pizzas and diff erent combination options are of-fered to suit the preferences of everyone. “I really love their pizza,” said student Caela Long who enjoys eating at the restaurant. “I like their Pierogie Pizza,” said Alex Morris who goes to the restaurant of-ten. Their pierogie pizza is just one of the many specialty pizzas that are off ered at Gino’s. Other specialty pizzas include, buf-falo, white, taco, BBQ, steak, and seafood. Gino’s also provides stromboli, hot sand-wiches, soups and a variety of pasta dishes. Gino’s Restaurant is a great choice for a casual, delicious Ital-ian home cooked meal and a great place to have a party or banquet.

~Klaudia Long, staff writer

Jioio’sJioio’s When you are crav-ing sweet sauce, thin crust, and creamy cheese, where do you go? Jioio’s is known for their notorious pizza. Ju-nior Amanda Adams stated, “I love the sweet, savory sauce. It is delectable.” That is why most people love Jioio’s. Founded in 1951 by Fred and Elvira Jioio, Jioio’s has long been a sta-ple of the town of Latrobe. Elvira Jioio died in 1994, but her husband contin-ued the restaurant until his death ten years later. When Fred died, he left the restaurant to his granddaughter, Jea-nean, who helped run the restaurant after her grandmother’s death. Jeanean has been running Jioio’s ever since. Even though Jioio’s is mostly known for its pizza, the restaurant also carries a variety of other items. Most of the food choices are Italian. They have an assortment of pastas, sand-wiches, soups, salads, and desserts. Jioio’s also feature spe-cialty pizzas, such as Bud’s Specialty Pizza (oil, garlic, tomato and basil without cheese), white pizza (oil, garlic, tomato, cheese, and basil), and pierogie pizza (potatoes, two cheese types, with or without onions).

Junior, Carmelena Moff a, says that she likes “the thin crusts and sweet sauce. I also love their white pizza!” Many people agree with Carmelena, about both the spe-cialty pizza and the regular pizza. So many people like the pizza that they order it by mail. Ironi-cally, because Jioio’s does not deliver, Jioio’s recently started having pizza mail ordered. The pizza is cooked fi rst, and then frozen immediately. The pizza is then put into a foil, reheat-able pan and is wrapped in plastic and boxed. To keep the temperature cool, Jioio’s uses FDA approved Gel Packs. It is easy to understand why Jioio’s decided to make their pizza avail-able by mail. Many people love Jioio’s. It is what many people think of when someone mentions Latrobe. Many cit-izens who move away, family members who visit, and members of the Steel-ers team who are in town for training camp have tried, and fallen in love with Jioio’s. Kreighton Long, Latrobe graduate and former Jioio’s employee says, “Waiting on the Steeler’s was an awesome experience. You could easily see that they love Jioio’s pizza.” The love for the pizza has to be the rea-son Jioio’s has lasted for over 50 years.

In Latrobe, pizza is done diff erently than other cities around. Three restaurants, located downtown are the perfect examples of how our city can take a classic idea and roll with it.

~Rachel Stauffer, staff writer~Rachel Stauffer, staff writer

Q&AQ&AWhat is your favorite place to order pizza?

“Gino’s II because the sauce has a ‘zing’ to it and the cheese isn’t stringy. It’s close to my house, too.”~Cam Shust, sophomore

“Unique, they have really good sauce.”~Kal Kemp, junior

“Foxes, because the sauce has the perfect fl avor and the crust is crunchy and delicious!”~Hayley Simpson, sophomore

“Pizza Hut because I like to order stuff ed crust”~Amy Kaszycki, sophomore

~Maggie Kisick, Intern

Photo by Dan Kubus

most popular, is such a unique crust that families make Falbo’s their one and only place to enjoy pizza. Not only does Falbo’s make their own dough, but also they make their own their homemade tomato sauce. Junior Jordan Buches says, “I eat there once in awhile and I always get their thick crust cheese pizza. It’s delicious!” Other than serving hungry people at the restaurant, Falbo’s also ca-ters for several events. They cater up to 500 people at halls, Christmas parties, funerals, and rehearsal dinners up to 40 people. They will cater at any fi re hall that will allow them to do so. “I enjoy working with the public,” says Mr. Falbo. Falbo’s is a family restaurant with a unique history passed down from father to son. The tradition still remains with their popular pizza and their Italian menu. Family tradition and fresh home-made food makes you feel at home when you enjoy your meal at Falbo’s. That is what sets Falbo’s apart from other local restaurants.

Thick or thin crust? Chewy or crispy? Red sauce or white pizza? No matter what you are craving, you can fi nd it under one roof -Falbo’s. Located in Latrobe, this family oriented local restaurant known for its sweet thin crust pizza, dates back a few decades. Raymond and Patricia Falbo found-ed this local pizza restaurant in 1976, and their son Anthony and his wife Jennifer now run it. Because of Falbo’s popular-ity in Latrobe, the family opened a sec-ond restaurant in 1998 in South Greens-burg that provides delivery and take out for the Greensburg area. Aside from its well- known pizza, its menu ranges from pizza, sandwiches, subs, and wings. What makes Falbo’s pizza so popular? One of the reasons is because they make their own thin and thick crust pizza dough. “The thin crust pizza is the more popular of the two crusts, but the thick crust is just as good,” says Mr. Falbo. The sweet, thin crust pizza dough, which is the

most populahin crust?

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Page 5: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3

Energy DrinksBy the Numbers

160 milligrams of caff eine for a 16 ounce can

7.6 million teenagers drink energy drinks



hours is the estimated time until the caff eine crashdeaths caused solely by the con-sumption of energy drinks

nutrient value

The amount of money the energy drink market is supposed to have made by

the end of 2010.

n tttttteeeeeenaggggggggeeeerrrrrssss ddddddrrrrrrriiiiiiinn

sss ttheeee eeeesttttttiiimmmmmmmaaaatttteeeeddddeeee ccrasssshhhhcccaauseeed ssssoooolelllllyyyyy bbbbboooon offf eeneeeergyyyy dddddrrr

nnnttttt vvvvvaaaaalllluuuueeeee

ttt ooooffff mmmmmoooooonnnnneeeeeyyyyy ttttthhhhheeeee ee

Dangers of Energy Drinks


Purpose of energy drinks DistorTedA new craze is sweeping the nation in energy drinks and not only are students getting a “burst of

energy” from these drinks, but also putting themselves in danger.Kaitlin NewinghamStaff Writer News Update:

According to, Indianapolis, a pow-erful mix of caffeine and alcohol is being banned, now in whipped creame. Infused with alcohol, col-lege level students are using this whipped creame to increase their level of intoxication in smaller doses.

Healthy Alternatives Energy drinks are not the only way to keep you awake on those early school mornings, try some of these next time you need a boost.

Most people who complain about fatigue are actually dehydrated, aim to drink up to 8 glasses of water a day and you’ll feel more awake and ready to be active.

The craze began sweep-ing the nation in 2007 when the en-ergy drink market reached $5.4 bil-lion. Energy drinks seemed to be the ‘cool thing’ to drink. A quick, easy burst of energy to help get you through the long dragging mornings that started at 6:00 am and seemed to last forever. But as more and more people jumped on this bandwagon the health aff ects became more apparent. Any given energy drink can be linked with diff erent sick-nesses and side eff ects. Nausea, ab-normal heart rhythms, seizures and emergency room visits can be caused by the post caff eine ‘crash’. Though these aff ects are known by virtually everyone some students still choose to make these drinks part of their daily routine, stopping at the vend-ing machines before homeroom to get their caff eine fi x for the morning. Senators and activist groups have worked to ban of such energy drinks but one of the most successful was of Red Bull in France in the 90s. It took the death of an Irish basketball player to spark the ban. Ross Cooney collapsed during a basketball game after drinking fi ve energy drinks. The ban was reluctantly lifted in 2008, 12 years after it was originally placed. After hearing the story of someone similar to themselves high school athletes have opted out of drinking energy drinks before games. “I’ve never drank an energy drink be-fore a game, I defi nitely won’t now,” said Stevie Huston, a junior soccer player. Just like everything else in the world, energy drinks are con-stantly changing. The newest form

of energy drinks is a mix of alcohol and these caff einated beverages. Mixing a high concentration of al-cohol and caff eine can be deadly and news headlines are popping up across the country. College students seem to be resorting to these drinks, they are cheap and easily accessible. The most prevalent of the news stories was when nine students from Central Washington University were rushed to the hospital after a party with the alcoholic energy drink Four Loko. Four Loko is a 23 ounce drink with twelve percent alcohol, its contents are equal to four cans of beer and fi ve cups of coff ee. This makes you feel as though you’re not getting drunk as quickly even though you’re alcohol level is actually rising. Energy drinks are a stimulant and al-cohol is a depressant. The stimulant cancels out the depressant in the al-cohol until your alcohol level gets so high that you pass out unconscious from such a high blood alcohol level. Another potentially deadly aff ect of this drink is that both ener-gy drinks and alcoholic beverages are dehydrating. The dehydration causes your metabolism to slow down so the alcohol can’t be moved through the body as quickly. This is yet another reason that a consumers blood al-cohol level can shoot up so quickly. Numerous deaths that have been linked to the drink Four Loko. One family is fi ling a lawsuit against the company for the wrongful death of their son who shot himself after drink-ing three of the drinks. After consum-ing the drink, Jason Keiran a sopho-more at Florida State, placed a gun to

his, joking around with his friends, be-fore they had a chance to take the gun away he accidently pulled the trigger. Keiran’s family is blaming the aff ects of Four Loko for their son’s bad judgment. Valeria Rodriguez, a 14 year-old girl from Arlington, Texas, was killed after consuming a Loko drink which was sold to her and two friends illegally. She was killed when the SUV, her 14 year-old boyfriend was driving crashed. This case has made national news with its components, driving without a license and selling of alco-hol to minors. Four Loko looks much like an energy drink but it is clearly indicated that it contains alcohol. States are beginning to take it upon themselves to protect their residents from the deadly eff ects of Four Loko. The fi rst bans against the drink were in Michigan, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, Utah and Oregon, along with numerous colleges and uni-versities who banned the drinks from campuses. On November 17th the FDA sent a warning letter to compa-nies producing the energy drink ask-ing them to stop selling their drinks. The question remains to be, will the FDA offi cially ban the deadly drink. As college students are angered by the banning of the ‘blackout in a can’, some have even gone as far as buying the drink in bulk before it is banned, parents feel the need to be put at ease and these drinks taken off the shelf.

~ Statistics and alternatives compiled by Kaitlin Newingham; Photos by Dan Kubus

Water ExerciseIf you don’t exercise regularly you should probably start! It’s proven that when people start a regular exercise routine they have an increase in energy.

Dark ChocolateNot only does dark chocolate have more caff eine in it than milk chocolate; it also has theobromine, which is a natural stimulant.

JuiceOrange juice is great for boost-ing energy level. It is high in Vita-min C and helps you get the most iron out of the foods that you eat.

After being the subject of many debates and news headlines in the past few weeks City Brewing of Latrobe is making a change to its products. Four Loko announced Tues-day November 17, 2010 that the caff eine would be removed from their beverag-es. This change came after the FDA proposed a ban on the popular alcoholic drinks

Local Connection

Page 6: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3

6 The High Post December 2010

Smart Choices

Making Smart ChoicesSADD turns Lights

on for LifeStaff WriterLizzie Ruppen

Be a Smart DriverWith winter weather ahead, don’t be afraid to slow down.

~Compiled by Lizzie Ruppen

Click ItWe have all heard a million times, “Don’t forget to put on your seat belt.” The truth is putting on your seat belt can save your life.

Slow DownWhen driving on snow, remember everything takes longer on snow-covered roads. Acceler-ating, stopping, and turning are included.

Keep It FullTry to keep the gas tank at least half way full at all times. This can prevent a gas line freez-ing up. Being stranded in the snow waiting for someone to bring you gas does not sound like an appealing way to spend the day.

Invincibility, not an optionAssuming that your vehicle can handle all condi-tions is not always the best idea. Even four-wheel and front-wheel drive vehicles can struggle on winter roads, no matter how invincible you might think your 4 wheel drive Toyota Tundra truck is.

Back Roads and Extra SleepWe all have found the Marguritte Lake road gets your to school in record time, ensuring extra sleep time. However, when the weather turns bad, Route 30 is your best choice. Highways are typi-cally better maintained and if you get into trouble, plenty of people are around to help.

Wiper fl uid is antifreeze so it won’t freeze in the winter, but it can help you keep your windshield clear. Be sure to keep your windshield wiper fl uid full for those unexpected slush that appears on our windshields.

Wind Shield Wiper Fluid

Remember Your Snow ScraperDigging out your car and the end of the day will go a lot faster with the one of these. Snow scrapers come in many styles and sizes. AAA recommends one with a long handle and a scraper on one end and brush on the other. If you fi nd yourself without a snow scraper use a CD.

On December 17, 2010 staff and students at Greater Latrobe Senior High School joined people across the nation by turning their headlights on. Every year more than 12,000 people die in alcohol and drug-related crashes. Decem-ber is National Impaired Driv-ing Prevention Month. During this month the state of Penn-sylvania is increasing DUI enforcement as a part of Op-eration Safe Holiday. Over 600 municipal police and all State Police Troops participated. Joining this initiative, Greater Latrobe’s SADD club is promoted Lights on for Life Day. Lights on for Life Day is a symbolic headlight obser-vance designed to focus at-tention on impaired driving issues and to honor the lives lost or injured by impaired drivers. This day also kicks off National Lifesavers Weekend. SADD club believes that impaired driving is not

just a problem for law enforce-ment, courts or victims; it also aff ects an entire commu-nity. When an impaired driver takes to the road, they not only put themselves at risk but they also put the public’s safety in danger. Along with the physi-cal and emotional damage im-paired drivers cause, they can place a huge fi nancial burden on the community. During this holiday season, SADD club asks that we be vigilant in protecting our families, friends, and neighbors from drivers who are under the in-fl uence of drugs or alcohol. On December 17, 2010, SADD club members dis-tributed small cards at the end of the school day encourag-ing students to participate in this campaign. If there is one thing to take away from Lights on for Life remember the lives injured and lost by turning on your headlights and driv-ing safe this holiday season.

Members of the Greater Latrobe SADD Club participate in the Lights on for Life event on December 17. Students and state troopers helped with the traffic safety test to make sure drivers were buckled, had their lights on, and had their eyes focused on the road.

SADDSADD ClubPresident, Carly MeholicV. President, Kim McDonaghSecretary, Hilary BachaTreasurer, Justin Klimchak

FACT: Driving with your lights on during the day increases your visibility to other cars by 60%

Alcoholic energy drinks, drugs, distracted driving; high school students are faced with tough decisions and must make smart choices to stay safe

Page 7: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3

Smart Choices


From the fi rst quarter alone, the number of drug violations in our school has increased in compari-son to previous years. Not only is drug use illegal, it also puts the safety of students in jeopardy and displays a negative image to the public. The police roundup sec-tion of the Latrobe Bulletin has made the information known to the entire community. Assistant Principal Mr. Krehlik, explained the school’s policy and stance on the situation. School policy states that any drug violation results in an automatic three day sus-pension and a phone call to the state police. The police will then decide if they want to issue a citation, while they usu-ally do. Following the three day suspension the school conducts an informal hearing with the student and parent or guardian to review the situation. If the ad-ministration determines that the facts warrant a drug violation, the suspension is increased to a full ten days. Krehlik said that the type of drug, the amount of drugs, and the intended use of the drug do have an eff ect on the discipline admin-istered. If the issue was very serious the school may recommend expulsion. For example, if the student had the drugs for distribution purposes or had large quantities. The administration cannot actually expel students; that issue is taken to the board of education. If the student wishes to remain at Greater Latrobe Senior High School, then they must attend mandatory drug and alcohol counseling which is provided by a company called SPHS. This company gives professional counsel-ing all over Southwestern Pennsylvania. If the student has a second violation, the suspension process is im-plemented and the violation automatically is referred to the board of education for an expulsion hearing. “If we see the issue in this building; if we think that we have a suspicion that a stu-dent is either under the infl uence or has some-thing inappropriate on them, we’re not shying

away from it. We’re confronting it head on.” said Krehlik. They want to put the “health, safety, and welfare” of the students before anything else. The majority of students want a safe environment to learn in and Krehlik agrees that the violations have a direct eff ect on education and the culture at Greater Latrobe. The halls are being monitored more fre-

quently and strictly and the administration has asked the teachers to be more observant in the classroom and throughout the school. “It’s our job to be vigi-lant and visible in the hallways. It’s nothing new.” said Mr.Mains. In the eyes of the community, only the violations are seen, not the big picture neces-sarily. Mr. Krehlik said, “I don’t think there’s any denial in the fact that drugs [and] alcohol us-age is a problem; it’s a societal problem. And

I don’t think Latrobe lives in a bubble, and free from all of those problems.” The school is doing what they can to control the issue in our school, but drug viola-tions outside of our community are also an infl uence. If a student sees or suspects someone is using or is in possession of drugs, they should tell an adult as soon as possible. It doesn’t have to be an administrator; any trusted adult can handle the situation properly. A student should not take on, re-solve, or ignore this issue. In the event of a reported violation, “Whatever we’re doing stops, and that becomes our number one priority,” said Krehlik. If the violations are ongoing, the administra-tion will keep administering appropriate punishment in accordance with board policy 227 entitled “Alco-hol and Other Drugs”. If they feel a need to change the consequences at any point, the board of educa-tion has to make any changes offi cial. Student safety is the number one priority, and as long as all cases are followed through with the proper punishment, safety should not be compromised in any major way.

Drug Use and Our SchoolTori VallanaOnline Editor

Our lives are full of decisions. What will I wear tomorrow? What will I eat for lunch? Should I wear a seat belt? But, more importantly, will I stay drug free? It may sound cool when you’re talking with your friends, but as you take into consideration the school’s intense drug policy and are warned of the dangers drugs can do to your body, you may want to think twice. Maybe it’s not so cool after all. Decide today, will you be drug free?

~Erika Naeger, Print Editor & Public Relations

Photo by Dan Kubus

Drug’s Affects on the Body

~Compiled by Tori Vallana; Photo by Dan Kubus

Most, if not all, kinds of drugs have an aff ect on your brain. Drugs aff ect your senses, make you dizzy, ignite mood swings, and more.

A sign of a Hallucinogin user is someone that has dilated pupils. Cocaine users have bloodshot eyes.

Bad breath and bleeding gums can be caused by the use of tobacco and steroids.

Using tobacco puts you at risk for lung disease and frequenr colds.

Inhalents can cause your heart rate to increase or your heart to beat irregu-larly, which neither are a healthy.

Drugs like Rohypnol can make you have chills.

Methamphetamine and Marajuana make you dizzy and can make it hard to walk normally.

Inhalents have the aff ect of making you have a runny nose.

This student was not chosen for any reason pertaining to personally having these symptoms.

Club drugs, like ectasy and GHB make you have slurred speech.

Short term memory loss is caused by using Club Drugs.

Marajuana, Inhalents and Tobacco put a gross smell on your clothes.

Swollen ankles and feet are a sign of Ste-roid use.Community Awareness

According to, authorities in Pittsburgh say they’ve broken up a $4 million cocaine ring that has operations stretching from Dallas to Atlanta to Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett says a grand jury recommended the charges against 21 people as part of a drug ring that used Greyhound buses to ferry cocaine into western Pennsylvania. Agents estimate that between 20-40 kilom-grams of cocaine were being transported into the area every month from at least 2008 until August.The Tribune Review reported on December 17th that the Westmoreland County Drug Task Force com-pleted a six-month-long drug sting early this week with the arrest of 14 people on drug charges. Latrobe, Derry Borough, Ligonier Borough, and Ligonier Township charged the 14 with possession with intent to deliver with drugs such as heroine, vicodinem klonopin pain pills, marajuana, and several other drugs.

These symptoms are signs that a person is making the wrong choices. You can do something about it. Contact an adult or proper authority.

Page 8: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3

Hannah ArmorFacebook alerts you of up-coming events.

Most high school students, with any free time they get, access their Facebook account by any means necessary, be it cell phone or ipod touch, in order to get the latest headlines of drama and excitement that people are talking about. Over the past seven years, since this social networking phenomenon was fi rst created in 2004 by college students Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz, and Eduardo Saverin, Facebook has grown with over 500 million people using it all over the world. According to offi cial Facebook statistics on the website, 50% of all Facebook users log on to their profi les every day and users spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. Facebook is creating a positive impact on our society due to the revolutionary new way that people can now communicate with one another, no matter what the situation. But too much communication among people can often interfere with the truth of a situation. “It’s good because you can stay connected with your friends, but bad because people are constantly on it and cause drama,” said sophomore Sarah Scekeres.

Jane DoeHey Seth! You need to friend request me on Facebook so we can keep in touch after PFEW is over and I have my 4 hour ride back home. We need to arrange a group reunion soon so we can have our entire company back together!

Being able to fi nd and add friends that you just met and want to stay in touch with wile living far away is a huge advantage that Facebook presents to people. Staying connected with everyone you care about and want to keep in touch with, is something that Facebook is used most for.

Bob SmithI heard that we are having a school delay tomorrow morning!! Sleeping in tomorrow!! YAYY!!

By their own nature, teens are highly susceptible to spreading false information to many people, in a very short amount of time, and this is done easiest through their Facebook statuses. So, even though someone heard through their best friend’s mother’s sister who knows a lunch lady at the school, and she claims to know that there is a school delay the next day, it is not always true; even if it is “Facebook offi cial.”

Kate McDonaldOmg! Since when is Rachel dating Norb?? I just saw her relationship status change. I can’t believe she didn’t tell me!

Teens are also suspect to starting fi ghts and creating petty arguments on the social networking site. Arguments starting from something as simple as a comment on someone’s status, to fi ghting over boys are just a rough baseline to the types of drama that start on Facebook. Junior Jimmy Zimmerman said, “It’s actually kind of amusing to watch. It’s always over something extremely petty like someone liking someone’s status or something like that.” Unfortunately even more problems arise from Facebook other than the small petty drama among teens. A student, who attends nearby school district Albert Gallatin, posted a message in November of this year that threatened the safety of the school for March of next year. While the district believes it may have been a simple prank, they took it very seriously by sending out letters to parents that informed them of the situation and made them aware that the school would keep it under investigation thanks to Facebook awareness. Albert Gallatin School District is not the fi rst scenario like this; many other school districts have faced problems with stu-dents posting anything from bomb threats, to threats against other students in school, to trash talking teachers, and especially cyber bullying on Facebook. “It’s stupid, but that’s how they release their anger. It’s wrong and they need help,” said senior Adam Pernelli. Whether or not the person who wrote it may have simply gone too far, or if they seriously intended to harm someone, it always leads to serious consequences for the people involved. Being an online network other issues can arise including, privacy concerns and the consequences of revealing too much personal information to potential online predators, future employers, and even colleges.

Amanda JonesMy mom just made a Facebook account… I can’t believe it! She barely knows how to work her email!

Connecting with old friends of their own, many parents have begun creating their own Facebook accounts so that they can fi nd their old friends and prevent their kids from fi nding trouble on Facebook at the same time. “Both of my parents have Facebooks and I’m friends with both of them. I’m actually even friends with my grandma,” said Jimmy Zimmerman. While this unnerves many teens, knowing that their parents can see anything that they post, some don’t mind it. Jimmy commented, “It’s kind of an added level of accountability I’m being held to. It’s just a good reality check that knowing that my parents can see what I’m posting.” This added “protection” seems to be a good idea to have, so that kids will be more aware of what they are doing and will not end up in a bad situation because they were venting and got carried away. Joan Smeltzer, parent of two boys in high school, said that she created a Facebook “to see people’s pictures because my friends would always post pictures there, so I created a page to see them.” She also said that she did not create a Facebook to spy on her kids, “I trust them and they know that. I wanted to be able to communicate with my friends and the fact that I can see what my sons are doing is a side thought.” Facebook is the number one social networking site for the world today, mainly because of all of the great things people can do with it. Users can share pictures to family who live far away, keep in contact with friends who they do not see often, and stay in contact with old friends, especially after high school. But it can also be used in a negative way such as receiving false information that people think is true, potential online predators, and causing drama among friends. The possibilities that Facebook presents to users is endless. So, it’s no wonder every teen spends a great deal of time procrastinating their homework on Facebook.

8 The High Post December 2010

Facebook Frenzy

facebook Home Profi le Account

Facebook Affects Social WorldA single website changing the way we communicate

Sarah ConleyStaff Writer

Stated by Digital Buzz Blog About Facebook…There are more than 400 mil-lion active users

50% of active users log on to Facebook on any given day

More than 35 million users update their statuses every day

There are more than 60 mil-lion status updates posted each day

There are more than 3 billion photos uploaded to the site each month

There are more than 3 mil-lion active pages on Facebook An average user spends more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook

Compiled by Shea Augustine

What would your life be like without Facebook?

“It wouldn’t really affect my life a whole lot, I don’t really base my life on Facebook, even though I spend lots of time on it.” ~ Jocelyn Stas

“Probably very similar, I don’t use it that much anymore.” ~ Andy Smeltzer

“A lot more productive because when I get on the computer to do homework I wouldn’t get distracted.” ~ Lindsey Dellinger

“My life would go on, but it would be slightly harder to fi nd out things.” ~ Brittney Sarnese

“Without it, my life would most likely be less gossip-fi lled.” ~ Hannah Hemminger

“Facebook is great for me to stay in touch with friends and family in different states which would be much harder other-wise” ~ Danielle Shojaie

“I would probably have no friends because I don’t talk to people outside of Facebook” ~ Emma Terek

Compiled by Sarah Conley


High PostHey everyone! Post some comments about your opin-ion of Facebook and what you like to do while you are online!

Rebecca BaldonieriFacebook is pretty much my news source.

Chris BrantI am on Facebook everyday as soon as I am home and I never get off.

Like Comment See Friendship

Matt WanoI check my notifi cations and put up a mindblowing status.

Gus HoughTalk to my friends about cur-rent issues and inside jokes.

Kaitlyn GidickI read status updates, look at pictures, and talk to friends, and ask about ques-tions I have on homework.

Kelsey DominickJust look at what my friends are up to.

Alyssa AdamsI like to talk with my friends and post on people’s walls.

Jordan MorosiniCreep.

Connor FurwaSee what people are doing.

Katelyn BolishChat with friends and like things.

Compiled with help from Rebecca Baldonieri

Page 9: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3



Let’s Dance What’s your favorite style of dance?

Sophomore Valerie Magda dedicates herself to both an art form and a sport called dance. Ever since her start at age nine she has loved this combination of expression and athleticism. Magda takes classes at Laurel Valley Academy of Dance in Latrobe, PA. She is also a part of the elite company at LVAD. A successful audition ensured her a place in company. Being a part of company off ers Magda the opportunity to attend a variety of conventions including Cecchetti Fall and Spring Ballet Days, typically lo-cated in Ohio. These conventions provide extra classes and diff erent expertise of teach-ing. Magda has taken a variety of classes including ballet, tap jazz, lyrical, modern, acro, and pointe. “My favor-ite style of dance is jazz. It is super fun and very upbeat,” says Magda. The style of jazz began to emerge in the 1950s, infl uenced by many other styles of dance including acro, ballet, contemporary, and lyrical. Over the past seven years of dancing Magda’s favorite routine has been a lyrical number to the song “He Lives in You” from the Lion King. “He Lives in You” was not a typical lyrical dance, which has more of ballet root; this dance consisted of crazy jumps and fun choreography.

The costume for the seven girls in this rou-tine varied in style, but kept the same zebra and cheetah print pattern. In June the annual LVAD recital entitled “The Magic of Broadway” held at Greater Latrobe Senior High School, “He Lives in You” was one of the eight dances Magda

preformed in that evening. Along with being a part of company, Magda also has participated in many competitions over the years. Although preparing for com-petitions consists of lots of hard work and many hours of running dances, the satisfac-tion of performing well and taking home top

prizes is worth it. Madga dedicates eleven hours a week of her already busy week to time at the studio. With much time spent at the studio, nine advanced level dancers have cre-ated a dance family nicknamed “The Cuisse Family.” With many inside jokes, loving hugs, themed Saturdays, and food parties, Kristen Facemyer, Bekah Marsh,

Lizzie Ruppen, Nichole Johnson, Sarah Scekeres, Ashley Pushnigg, Kaitlin Grim, and Morgan Wano have become amazingly close friends. With thoughts of continuing dancing in the future, Magda keeps up with her busy schedule at the studio, while man-aging a challenging course load at school, and participating in the Greater Latrobe Color Guard.

Modern is my favorite because it gives you a chance to be creative and just feel the beat and do whatever you feel should go to the music. - Sarah Scekeres, Sopho-more




I like pointe because it’s graceful but it also takes a lot of strength and tech-nique. I’ve wanted to do it since I was really little. I like being on pointe because I know that I have to work hard to do it. It’s beautiful but the choreography can be edgy. -Morgan Wano, Freshman






”work utiful

Lizzie Ruppen Staff Writer

Q&A: Latrobe DancersSophomore Valerie Magda, is the dancing queen of her class. She dedicates numerious hours a week to time at her dance studio perfecting her ability in this unique art and sport combination.

”““My favorite is acro . Each year the dances feature different tricks and stunts. It is really fun. -Kristen Facemyer, senior

Page 10: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3

10 The High Post December 2010


Athlete Profi le

Basketball Team Spirit Grows through TraditionNathan TakitchAssignment Editor “The thing I miss most about the basketball team is the tradition,” said Jamie Towey, a former Greater Latrobe bas-ketball player, “the atmosphere and team chemistry that come from the tradition and the [Wildcat] Den are unmatched.” Towey would know. He has played basketball in many of the various schools that he has attended. But when he was a part of the Greater Latrobe bas-ketball tradition, it was notably special. The Greater Latrobe Men’s Basketball team is one of the most tradition-oriented teams in the senior high school. As the Wildcats pre-pare for the start of the 2010-2011 regular sea-son, team rituals have been improving team chemistry. Head Coach Brad Wetzel invited any basketball player that was not participating in a fall sport to attend the annual conditioning workouts. The training was held primarily in the weight room and in the mat room to improve the strength of the team. These workouts were designed to not only to get the team in shape for the season, but also to teach the team how to work together to build strength. Additionally, the team partakes in what they call “Hell Week.” Hell week is the week of practices where Latrobe basketball players are con-ditioned hard by the coaches. The athletes must partake in fl oor ladder exercises and suicide sprint-ing drills to gain leg strength, speed, and endurance. This exercise, fused with a heavy dose of running, is what the rigorous “Hell Week” is all about. Get-ting the players used to being exhausted helps the team in the season. The workouts make players feel less tired at the end of a game where they need a late bucket to win the contest. Making it through Hell Week actually becomes a bonding experience in itself, since everybody on the team is working hard to help condition themselves for the season. Not all of the basketball team’s traditions involve more than just pain-the team has fun customs as well, including their annual team-only dinner. Each season the seniors on the team select a local res-taurant for the players to eat at, without the coaches. “It’s my favorite tradition,” said se-nior, Chris Dudzenski, “before the fi rst home game we went to Sharky’s to eat. No coaches, just us players. It’s a nice bonding experience be-

cause we get a chance to talk and be ourselves.” Another linking experience that be-gan last season is the team sleepover in the gym. For the past two seasons in the team has made plans to get together in the gym on a school night to catch up, shoot around, and sleep on the court. In-game customs are abundant as the preseason ones. The team has its own locker room where even more chemistry is built. Senior Josh Shoemaker loves the team’s interaction in the locker room. “The team room makes friendships and bonds that will make playing high school bas-ketball a lifelong memory for everyone,” he said. In addition to the locker room, the team loves the support they get from the Wildcat Den on game night. The Den is known as one of the best student sections in the area, and the players love the energy from their fans that comes in the form of loud chants like “Let’s go cats”, “He’s a tough guy”, “Bo-ing, boing, pass”, and “De-fense”. The only time that the student section takes a break from roaring, is at halftime, when they sing “Hey Baby” to pass the time. The den is traditionally electric. The den can also add a unique element to the game due to its lo-cation: directly underneath the scoreboard-side hoop. “I’m just really hyped to get in front of the Den this season,” said Dudzenski, “the den is so excit-ed, they’re great…it should be a really fun senior year.” The traditions that the basketball team have are all great for overall team chemistry. The memories that are built for the players will indeed last a lifetime and the team will surely remember their days playing high school basketball fondly.

Basketball Overview

~Nathan Takitch Assignment Editor


Key Varsity Addition

Next Home Game

Den Fans

Doug Johnson, Josh Shoemaker, Chris Dudzenski, Jordan Giannini, Don Lonigro

Blake Reeping. The sophomore is going to see his fi rst heavy dose of varsity action this winter. Reeping has size and tanacity that will help Latrobe’s game in the paint.

versus Albert Gallatin on Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Go to the Wildcat Den facebook page regularly to check for den themes throughout the season

Name: Josh Dorfman, winner of the George Lazur Memorial Scholarship for senior leadership

Class: Senior

Sport: Cross Country and Hockey

Best 5K Time: 16:56 at the 2010 Red, White, and Blue Invitational

When did you start running and how have you become so successful over the years?I ran in the Turkey Trot when I was in sixth grade, so when my teacher passed out fl yers for the cross country team, I decided I would take one and see how I liked it. Over the years I began to develop a racing mentality and fell in love with the competition.

How would you rate your individual performance this past season?This past season went very well for me and I have to admit that I surprised myself with my fi rst few races. I started training in June instead of August for my senior year and the work paid off .

What is your best memory from your cross country career?I would say our overnight trip to Hershey this year to race in the PIAA Foundation Invitational. I had a lot of fun with the team at the hotel and had what would probably be the best race of my career there the next day.

You also play hockey for the Varsity Ice Cats. Is there a particular NHL player you look up to or model your game after?Yes, Dion Phaneuf of the Toronto Maple Leafs. He plays excellent shut down defense and has an aggressive style that I try to mirror when I’m on the ice.

Does that mean we can fi nd you in the penalty box often?I don’t know about that. Not all the time, but on occasion.

The GridAthlete,

Class, Sport

Favorite sport, other than your


One thing you could

not live with-out?

What’s on your ipod

right now?

What’s your favorite


Daniel Fergu-son, Junior, Football, Hockey

Basketball My iPod Bruce Springsteen


Josh Dorf-man, Senior, Cross Country, Hockey

Football Water “Get Silly“ by VIC

Quinoa, the Supergrain

April Krivoniak, Sophomore, Volleyball

Football My family, we are very close

The newest, modern songs

Mozzarella sticks and calamari

Photo by Dan KubusWhat are you most looking forward to about the basketball season?

“I am looking forward to the den.“~Hayley Sheffi eld

“I’m looking forward to watching and cheering on my former teammates in the den. I’ll be looking for one sophomore, Ben Havrilla out on the court because I know he has a genuine passion for the game and is a playmaker.”~Kevin Davoli, sophomore ~Andrew Armstrong, Intern

Cross country and hockey are two very diff erent sports. What do you like about their diff erences?Well, in cross country I really enjoy the indi-vidual thrill of doing it all yourself. That be-ing said, I really enjoy the unity of a team in hockey and working hard together to achieve a common goal. ~Harrison Leipold, staff writer

~Nick Kovacevic, staff writer


Page 11: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3



King of the Mountain Wrestling Tournament

~Harrison Leipold, staff writer

Hockey Team RepeatsNick KovacevicStaff Writer

Repeats are very rare in sports. A team trying to repeat must not only have skill, but also the determination and focus to survive every opponent’s best eff ort game after game. The Latrobe hockey team has managed not just two, but three championships in the last three years from 2008-2010. The Ice Cats have become a PIHL dynasty, able to maintain a championship culture no matter who suits up on the ice. Commanding the respect that a three-time defending state champion deserves, Latrobe must still be considered a favorite to win it all again, despite many new faces. In March 2010, Latrobe hoisted its third consecutive PIHL Cup at Mellon Arena. The consistent defense and explosive off ense were the keys to winning a state title. While the Cats lost some key parts from last year (Cody)Ray, Jayson Angus, and Tyler Ridder to name a few), they still had the ability

to outscore most opponents with veterans Zack LaDuke, Matt and Noah Batis returning as well as talented young goaltender Shane Brudnock . When the Batis brothers left Latrobe in September to move to New York, the 2010-2011 team was left with many question marks , especially on the off ensive end. Junior Dan Ferguson, a Center for the Cats, said the goal production has suff ered early in the season. “We defi nitely lack some of the scoring that (Jayson) Angus and the Batis brothers gave us.” Senior Zack LaDuke, the captain for the Cats, said that the team’s success would depend on defense. “As long as we stick to our plan of defense fi rst and put some points on the board, I don’t see anything stopping us from doing well in the playoff s again.” The defense has been sound this year, anchored by the play of goaltender Shane Brudnock. Hockey games are won with goals though, and the Cats will need to players to produce points. So far this year, Chris Johnson and Adam Ferguson have provided that boost.“While we lost a lot of points from last year, we had freshmen Adam Ferguson and Chris John-son move up, and they have fi t in nicely with the team”, LaDuke said.

With all the losses and newcomers, the cats still managed to run up a 5-1-1 record as of December 11, with the loss coming on the road against a talented Peters Township team 5-3. At this early stage of the season, it is tough to predict which team will end up champions in March. Latrobe certainly has talent both young and new, but the key to their success will be sticking together as a team and playing consistent hockey because the path to a state title is not easy. LaDuke stressed, “ Our goal is to get another state championship, but it’s going to be a long road to get there.”


Do you think that the Latrobe Ice Cats are capable of winning states this sea-

“Yes, I do, they have a team of skilled players and could take states again if they keep up the good work.”~Seth Stopa, senior

“Yeah I do because even though we lost key players from the last couple of years, we can win because winning is a tradi-tion in Latrobe hockey and we have the net minders and skaters to make another run.”~Matt Wano, sophomore

When going to a wrestling match, who do you look forward to see wrestle and why?

“Sophomore Matt Dudzenski because he works hard at maintaining his weight.”~Francie Fazzini, sophomore

“Junior Ty Lydic because he is a state champion wrestler.”~Alex Stipanovich, sophomore

“Scott Mohring because I heard he is really good.”~Laura Toman, sophomore

~Erika Hudock and Cassidy Christian, Interns Photos by Dan Kubus

We definitely lack some of the scoring that (Jayson) Angus and the Batis broth-

ers gave us.

~Dan Ferguson, junior

This Years Lineup

H i


on Leipold staff writer

This ThisLinLin

Eric MillsChace SmallDom ScaliseTyler HeydornMitch LeskoTy LydicBryar PletcherDerrick ZavatskyNoah KailZack ZavatskyRichie HallScott MohringJim RitenourDylan Colucci

weight name

From Friday December 17 to Saturday, Decem-ber 8, 2010 the Latrobe wrestling team participated in the King of the Mountain wrestling tournament. Schools from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio were invited to attend. The tournament took place at Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania. The team fi nished third overall in last year’s tournament.

King of the Mountain Tournament ResultsTeam Individuals

What’s Next? The wrestling team will travel to Canon-McMillan for the Powerade Tour-nament on December 28 and 29. The tournament might be the most diffi cult challenge for the Wildcats all season, since it is ranked as the 4th toughest tournament in the nation.

SpotlightLatrobe’s grapplers fi nished 2nd as a team in the tourna-ment out of the 40 teams participating. The Cats were only defeated by an out-of-state opponent.

(Overall fi nish in respective weight class)1st: Ty Lydic, Junior2nd: Scott Mohring, Junior.3rd: Chace Small, Senior.4th: Bryar Pletcher, Junior.4th: Zack Zavatsky, Freshman. 6th: Dom Scalise, Freshman.6th: Noah Kail, Senior.7th: Derrick Zavatsky, Junior.7th: Richie Hall, Junior.

Ty Lydic upset the defend-ing AAA state champion, Steve Spearman of Erie McDowell in an exhilirat-ing match that was de-cided by a score of 4-1 in overtime. Ty won the “Outstanding Wrestler” award for the tournament.

Page 12: The High Post: Volume 88, Issue 3

12 The High Post December 2010

Winter Sports

girl’s basketballPre-Season Train-ing: Indians Summer League and a camp at Robert Morris Univer-sity

Big Games: Hempfi eld (1/17), Norwin (1/24), Kiski (1/13), Penn Traf-ford (12/16), Albert Gallatin (1/10) and Con-nellsville (1/6) because they play each of them twice.

Captains: Seniors Carly Meholic and Valerie Dunlap

Last Year’s Record: 7-14

“Hopefully we can qual-ify for the playoff s after a two year absence.” – Coach Fenton

“We’re looking for-ward to having a good season. With eight seniors and strong underclassmen we want to make it to playoff s and hope-fully contend for the section title.” - Carly Meholic

Pre-Season Training: Weight training, wres-tling technique and cardio workouts twice a week since September for athletes not partici-pating in a fall sport.

Big Games: Connells-ville December 10th at home 7:00 pm, Greens-burg Salem December 22nd at home 7:00 pm, Norwin January 5th at home 7:00 pm, Penn Traff ord January 12th Away 7:00 pm

Key Players: Ty Lydic, Scott Mohring, Chace Small

Last Year’s Record: 13-4

“Solid core of wres-tlers returning, lost only two start-ers from last year.” -Coach Billett.

“The season is going to be great. They are working hard. Hope-fully the team will do well this year.” –Chase Small, senior

wrestlinggirl’s sTraining:Fall conditioning opportunities in the weight room. Hell week condi-tioning. Gym sleepover.

Big Games/Dates:12-14 vs Altoona;1-18 vs Hemp-fi eld;2-1 vs Norwin;2-4 vs Kiski;2-8 vs Penn Traff ord Key Players:Josh Shoemak-er, Doug Johnson, Chris Dudzenski, Ean Jury, Gavin Finley, Don Lonigro (Sr.) Jeff Elam, Jordan Gianinni (Jr.) Blake Reeping

Last Year’s Record:Overall, 14-9Section: 7-3 (3rd Place)

“Our section is the most diffi cult top to bottom in the WPIAL, but our outlook is promising and all the guys are working very hard. The challenge is trying to sustain the work ethic, but if we can the outlook is very bright.” -Brad Wetzel

“We want to win the sec-tion and make the play-off s again this year. We are considered section underdogs; Kiski and Norwin are the frontrun-ners, but we like being the underdogs. I think we can fl oat under the radar and surprise big teams in our section.” -Chris Dudzenski, Sr.

boy’s basketball Training: The team starting

practicing hard with a lot of skating drills and agility, and they also entered a preseason tournament.

Captain: Zack LaDuke (senior off ensive player)Assistant Captains-Alec Koluder (senior defensive player) and Erik Dickerson (senior off ensive player)

Big Games in Season: Peters Township and West Allegheny who both have strong hockey programs and have been fi ght-ing Latrobe to get to playoff s for three years

Key Players: Shane Brudnok (sophomore goalie), Zack LaDuke (off ense) and Alec Koluder (defense)

Last Year’s Record: 21-3-1 and are state champions three years in a row

“I think the seasons going better than expected and I see the team is doing well and working together.”-Coach Ridder

“I think that we've gotten off to a great start to the season but we have a few tough teams to face ahead of us that will give us a test. I expect to do pretty well this season and our ulti-mate goal is to repeat for a Fourth championship but we have a long road to get there.” -Zack LaDuke

Girls Swimming Captains: Emily Friedline, Senior

Training: Optional practices started in October. Mandatory Practice began on November 20, 2010. Practices include Dry land, which consists of running and lifting weights, and water prac-tice. Dry land is held Monday and Wednesday mornings from 6am to 7am. Water Practices are held after school from 3:00pm to 5:30pm

Major Meets: Penn Traff ord [Janu-ary 27] and Hempfi eld [February 10] theses meets decide which team takes home the section title for the year.

Key Players: Maddie Hoopes, sophomore, Emily Friedline, senior

Previous Record: 8-2

Boys Swimming Captain: CJ Shrum, senior

Training: Optional practices start-ed in October. Mandatory Practice began on November 20, 2010. Practices include Dry land and wa-ter. Dry land is held Monday and Wednesday mornings from 6am to 7am. Water Practices are held after school from 3:00pm to [time]

Major Meets: Penn Traff ord [Janu-ary 27] and Hempfi eld [February 10] theses meets decide which team takes home the section title for the year.

Key Players: CJ Shrum, senior, Lucus Bureau, junior, Adam Kniff en, sophomore, and Nathan Apel, juniorPrevious Record: 4-6

Girls Diving:Captains: Emily Friedline, senior

Training: Optional practices started in October. Mandatory Practice began on November 20, 2010. Practices include Dry land, which consists of running and lifting weights, and water. Dry land is held Monday and Wednesday mornings from 6am to 7am. Water Practices are held after school from 3:00pm to 5:30pm

Major Meets: Penn Traff ord [January 27] and Hempfi eld [Feb-ruary 10] these meets decide who is the section champs for the yearKey Players: Shannon Bossart Previous Record: 8-2

Boys Diving:Captains: CJ Shrum, Senior

Training: Optional practices started in October. Mandatory Practice began on November 20, 2010. Practices include Dry land, which consists of running and lifting weights, and water. Dry land is held Monday and Wednesday mornings from 6am to 7am. Water Practices are held after school from 3:00pm to 5:30pm

Major Meets: Penn Traff ord [January 27] and Hempfi eld [February 10] these meets decide who is the section champion for the year

Key Players: PIAA State Quali-fi er, Tim Cengia

Previous Record: 4-6

divingdiving swimminghockey

winter sports previewwinter sports preview

Compiled by Tori Vallana, Lizzie Ruppen, Nathan Takitch, and Shea Augustine

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