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The Art of War Of The Grand Duke

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Qin Shi Huangdi (259 BC – 210 BC), personal name Ying Zheng , was king

of the Chinese State of Qin from 246 BC to 221 BC during theWarring States Period. He became the first emperor of a unified

China in 221 BC. He ruled until his death in 210 BC at the age of50.

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Ying Zheng

Meng Tian Wang Jian Li SiMeng Tian was a general, who distinguished himself in campaigns aga

inst the Xiongnu and in the construction of the Great Wall of China .Wang Jian was Military leader, who led the Qin army in seizing Handan, the capital city of the State of Zhao; Defeated state of Yan, Zhao, and Chu. Li Si was Qin Shi’s Chief Advisor.

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After unifying China, Qin Si and his chief advisor Li Si passed a series of major economic and political reforms.

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Qin Si ordered the soldiers to burn the books and bury the scholars

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The construction of the Qin Great Wall took many lives and a great deal of money and materials .

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In 209 BC, during the reign of Qin Er Shi (successor of Qin Shi Huang), peasant rebellions erupted throughout China to overthrow the Qin Dynasty, plunging China into a state of Anarchy . Zhao Gao began even to sidelined the second Qin Emperor and lead the empire governance to decline greatly . His mismanagement of the state led to widespread rebellion and ruin the very foundations that former Qin Rulers had taken hundred of years to build .

Qin Er Shi Zhao Gao

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Zhang Liang was a descendant from a noble family of State of Han during the Warring States Period. His ancestors had been the prime ministers of the State of Han for five generations. He had once planned an assassination against Qin Shi Huang to avenge the emperor's destruction of Han in 230 BC and in planning so he spent his entire family fortune on hiring assassins. However, the employed assassin mistakenly destroyed the decoy vehicle. He was then forced to flee.

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Legends recounted that he had once helped an old man to put on his shoes and was rewarded a book on military strategy and tactics known as The Grand Duke's Art of War, with which he advised Liu Bang.

Zhang Liang receiving a handscroll of generalship from Huang Shi Gong

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Zhang Liang continued to have plans to reestablish Han. After Chen Sheng started a rebellion against Qin Dynasty in 209 BC, he gathered about a hundred men and planned to join Chen's temporary successor when he met Liu Bang. He was impressed by Liu, and chose to join him.

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When Liu Bang entered Xianyang, the capital of Qin, he saw that the imperial palace was a splendid edifice filled with treasures and beautiful women . Naturally, he wanted to stay there, but his advisors Zhang Liang and Fan Kuai persuaded him not to wallow in enjoyment and luxury, otherwise he would lose the loyalty of his people .

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Liu Bang

Ying Bu Xiao He

Xiang Yu

Han XinAfter the fall of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu or Xian Ji proclaimed himself Hegemon-King of Western Chu. Liu Bang was also granted the title of "King of Han " by Xiang Yu, when Xiang split the former Qin empire into the Eighteen Kingdoms, and he was known by this Title before becoming Emperor of China.

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In the Hongmen banquet (a feast set up as a trap for the invited), Zhang Liang tried his best to cover Liu Bang out of danger . Later he continued to assist Liu in winning every battle with his wisdom and strategies .

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By 202 BC, the war between the Han Army headed by Liu Bang and the Chu forces led by Xiang Yu had continued for several years . At the Battle of Gaixia, Liu Bang besieged Xiang Yu's 100,000 soldiers with his army of 300,000, an absolute advantage over Xiang Yu .

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In 202 B.C., Xiang Yu was besieged by Liu Bang's army at Gai Xia, with few soldiers and little food left. At night, he heard the Chu songs created by Zhang Liang and sung by the Han army from all sides in his tent, knowing that it was useless to fight any more. He drank while singing sad melodies aloud. His concubine sang along: "The Han army is everywhere now. My king has been trapped, how can I hope to live!" After that, the concubine killed herself with a sword.

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Xiang Yu brought forth a few soldiers out of the trap and arrived at the Wu River, but still ended up with a failure. Ashamed of facing up to the people in his hometown, Xiang Yu committed suicide by cutting the throat on the side of the Wu River. Therefore, Chu-Han Contention came to an end with the winning of Liu Bang’s Han army.

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After Emperor Han Gaozu 's death in summer 195 BC, Prince Ying ascended the throne as Emperor Hui . Zhang Liang appeared to have no involvement with the administration of Emperor Hui, and he died in the summer of 189 BC .

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Thus if the ruler thoroughly understands the Upper Strategy, he will be able to employ the Capable and seize his enemies .If the ruler thorougly understands the Middle Strategy, he will be able to employ and control his generals, unite his people. If he thorouglyly understands the Lower Strategy, he will be able to discern the sources of flourish and decline and understand the regulations for governing a state .

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The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong ( 黄石公三略 ) is a text on military strategy, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China.

Huang Shi Gong is believed to be the 'teacher' of Zhang Liang, the advisor and right-hand man of Liu Bang the emperor, that defeated Xiang Yu, and establish the Han Dynasty .

As the name of the title states, there are three chapters in this military work and they are as follows :Upper Strategy Middle StrategyLower Strategy

The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong

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The Three Strategies of Huang ShigongThe Upper Strategy establishes the forms of propriety and rewards,

discriminates between the evildoers and the valiant, and makes clear what is success and defeat .

The Middle Strategy marks out the differences in virtue and behavior and manifest changes in the balance of power .

The Lower Strategy arrays virtue and morals, looks into security and danger, and makes clear the calamity of harming the Capable.

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Hung Shi Gong Upper Strategies1. Popular Support2. Being resolute and flexible3. Talent and people 4. Handling people, enemy, and victory5. How good ruler treat his people 6. How good generals treat their army7. General’s orders8. Relationship between general and his army9. How good generals treat their army 210. Rewards and punishment11. Treating officers, generals, and plans12. Characteristics of good generals13. How to keep plan secret14. Character and temperament of good generals

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1) Popular Support - The commander-in-chief focuses on winning the minds of the capable, remunerate the meritorious, and having his will adopted by the masses .

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2. Being Resolute And Flexible. The soft can counter the hard, the weak can counter the strong . Being soft at the appropriate extent can be a virtue, being inappropriately hard can be a menace . The weak is what the people will help, those that pretend to be strong is what people will resent . Soft, hard, weak and strong, to each has its appropriate place, and one should combining these four and use them where it is most appropriate .

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3. Talent And People. The basic principles of governing the state is to rely on those that are capable and the people . If you trust those that are capable and employ the people as if they are your four limbs, then all your plans will be accomplished.Your measures will follow on each other as natural as your four limbs or the way the joints work with each other, without any hindrance.

Liu Bang is always kind to his subordinates and let them work on their responsible skills and knowledge.

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5. How Good Ruler Treat His People. The ruler who t reats his people well would concentrate on agricul

ture and sericulture and not disturb the people du ring their vital seasonal occupations. He would als

o keep taxes and imposition to a minimum, not exh austing their wealth.

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4. Handling People, Enemy, and Victory. The ess ence of governing the state and army lies in u

nderstanding the needs of the people and ma naging the affairs of the state.

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6. How Good Generals Treat Their Army. Together i n danger, together in safety, his army will be united t

ogether and never be split apart. The army can be em ployed but cannot be tired out. This is because of his

beneficence, he ceaselessly gathers them together, w ith his plans he constantly unites them.

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7. General’s Orders. T he wise general does not rescinds an orders. Rewards and punishment must be carried o ut, much like how Heaven and Earth work, without fail

. Only then the general can employ the men. When the officers and soldiers follow orders, the army can then

be deployed out.

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8. Relationship Between General And His Army. Thus a general that is not able to manage and

control an army should not lead his troops, a rebellious army should not be used against a

n enemy.

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9. How Good Generals Treat Their Army 2. Thus the army can be seen but not withstood, can be

submitted but not be conquered. If the general lead t he men in person, the soldiers will become the most v

aliant under Heaven.

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10. Rewards And Punishment. When rewards and punis hment are clear, then the general's awesomeness is e

ffected. When the proper officials are obtained, then the officers and amen are obedient. When those that are capable are entrusted with responsibility, enemy

states will be fearful.

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11. Treating Officers, Generals, And Plans. Thus c apable officers can be deferred to but not be t reated arrogantly. The generals can be please

d but not be doubted. Plans can be complexed but it must not be doubted.

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12. Characteristics Of Good Generals. “ The general should be of high integrity; able to be calm when nee

ded; able to be fair and strict; able to accept criticism ; able to judge disputes; able to attract and employ ca

pable men; able to select and accept advice; able to k now the customs of states able to map mountains an

d rivers; able to discern defiles and obstacles; and abl e to handle military authority.”

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13. How To Keep Plan Secret. When the general's plans are kept secret, enemy spies would not be effective . If the officers and masses are united, then the hearts of the army is unified . If the attack is swift, the enemy will not be prepared.

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14. Character And Temperament Of Good Generals. If the general does not carefully contemplate his cou rse of actions, his strategist will abandon him. If t

he general is not brave, his officers and men will b e terrified. If the general moves the army recklessl y, the army will not be imposing. If his anger impli

cates the innocent, the whole army will be in fear

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Hung Shi Gong Upper Strategies15. Motivating and keeping talents16. Preparation of war17. Knowing the enemy18. If ruler is a tyrant

19. Thieving from state 20. Source of Chaos21. Chaos at roots22. Treacherous to state23. Misfortune to state24. Harming the state25. Powerful and royal family26. When deceitful officials hold superior position27. Causes of harm to ruler28. How to get rid of the causes of harm

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15. Motivating And Keeping Talents. Treat them with forms of propriety they like, reward them with what they love, then those you seek will come . But if you treat them with what they like initially, but later regret doing so,then they will not remain with you . If you reward them and afterward regret it, then officers will not listen to your commands . If you tirelessly effect propriety and rewards, the officers will fight to lay down their life for the ruler.

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16. Preparation Of War. Thus the good general, in nurturing his officers, treats them no diffe

rently than himself. Thus he is able to unite e veryone and gain complete victory.

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17. Knowing The Enemy. “ The key to using the army is to first know the enemy's situation. Look into his gra

naries and armories, make an estimation of his food stocks, make a judgement call on his army's strength

, seek out his natural advantages. We do all these to s eek out and attack his weaknesses.”

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18. If Ruler Is A Tyrant. “ When a ruler acts like a tyrant, his subordinates will be hasty t

o implement harsh measures. Taxes are onerous and, fines and punishment are imposed at whim and fancy, while people will m

utually injure and steal from each other. Such is called a 'demis ed' state.”

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19. Thieving From State. “ When the secretly greedy, di splays an appearance of incorruptibility; prevaricatio

n to gain fame; steal from the state and distribute as his beneficience, cause confusion in the ranks; and p

eople feign proper countenance to gain high posts. A ll these actions are the beginning of thievery.”

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20. Source Of Chaos. “If the officials form cliques, each advancing the interest of those whom they are familiar with; the states attracts and appoints the evil and corrupt while suppressing the benevolent and capable; officials turn their backs on the state and establish their own individual interests; and men of equal rank slander each other . This is termed as 'the source of chaos'.”

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21. Chaos At Roots. “Clans come together to plan something evil; people without being confered a title acts in high prominence and there are none who are not awed by him .When these practices proliferate and intertwine, they create an image of virtue, established through beneficience, snatch the authority of the existing official . Then they abuse the populace and within the state, there are a lot of clamoring while the officials conceal the truth from the ruler . This is 'causing chaos at the roots'.”

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22. Treacherous To State. “ Generation after generatio n they act treacherously, enroaching and robbing dis

trict offices. All actions only seek their own convenie nce. They forge and distort documents, endangering

the ruler. They are referred to as 'state's treacherousones'.”

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23. Misfortune To State. “When officials are many and people are few, there is no distinction between the honored and lowly, the strong and the weak insult each other . If such action cannot be stopped, then their effects will affect the whole state, and the state will reap misfortune.”

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24. Harming The State. “ When the ruler like the Goo d but do not advance them, while he hates the Evil bu t does not dismiss them, then those that are capable

would go into seclusion, and those who are otherwise holds position. Such situation will bring harm to the


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25. Powerful And Royal Family. “When the ruler's relatives and the powerful families are strong and large, forming cliques and occupying positions of authority, abusing those that are of higher authority . And they are growing more powerful with the passing of time, while the ruler cannot bear to dismiss them, then the state will suffer defeat.”

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26. When Deceitful Officials Hold Superior Position.

“When deceitful ministers hold superior positions, the entire army will be clamoring and contentious . These ministers rely on their awesomeness to grant personal favors, and act in a manner that offends the masses .When ruler employs such characters, he will certainly suffer disaster and calamity.”

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27. Causes Of Harm To Ruler. “ When evil men of courag e praise each other, they cover the ruler's eyes, obfusc

ate his wisdom. When both slander and praise arise to gether, they block the ruler's ears, making unable to d

iscern good and bad. When they praise and cover each other, the ruler will lose the loyal.”

“Calling Stag A Horse” created by Zhao Gao, the Priminister of Qin to separate the enemy out of his group.

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28. How To Get Rid Of The Causes Of Harm. Accordingly, if the ruler investigates these slanders, he will discover the beginnings of chaos . If he engages the capable and virtuous, then evil men of courage will stay away . If the ruler appoints virtuous men of experience and age, myriad affairs will be well managed . If he respectfully invites the recluses to take positions, he will attract those that are really capable . If the plans can be bring to down to all levels, then victory can be predicted . If he does not lose the heart of the people, his virtues will flourish

Lui Bang, Han Gaozu

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Hung Shi Gong Middle Strategies

1. Governing Subordinates2. Full authority on general3. Using each type of men4. Using the expressive and the benevolent5. No divination6. Employing righteous and wise7. Virtuous and awesomeness8. How ancient order was established and destroyed9. The three strategies

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1. Governing Subordinates. The hegemons go verned their officers by virtue of authority,

bonding with them through trust, motivatin g them with rewards. When that trust decli

ned, the officers grew distant, and when re wards are inadequate, they would not subm

it to orders.

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2. Full Authority On General. “ When the army is mobiliz ed and advances into the field, the sole authority lies

with the general. If the court interferes with advanci ng or withdrawing decision, the general will have diff

iculty attaining success.”

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3.Using Each Type Of Men.“ Employ the wise, courage ous, greedy and stupid. The wise take pleasure in esta

blishing their a complishment. Th e courageous love to put their ambition into effect. The greedy fervently pur sue gains. The stupid have little regard for death. Emp

loy them through their unique character, such is the m ilitary's subtle exercise of authority.”

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4. Using The Expressive And The Benevolent.“Do not allow officers who are expressive to discuss the enemy's good point, as that will delude the army . Do not allow the benevolent to control finances, for they will dispense too much to those of lower rank.”

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5. No Divination. “ Prohibit mediu ms from divining about the army

's good or bad fortune on behalf of the officers and men.”

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6. Employing Righteous And Wise. “One does not employ righteous officers using solely material wealth . This is because the Righteous will not die for the malevolent; the Wise does not make plans for an obtuse ruler.”

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7. Virtuous And Awesomeness. The ruler cannot be without virtue, f or if he lacks virtue his ministers will rebel. He cannot be without

awesomeness, for if he lacks awesomeness, he will lose his autho rity. A minister cannot be without virtue, for if he lacks virtue, th

en he has nothing with which to serve his ruler. He cannot be wit hout awesomeness, for if he lacks awesomeness, the state will de cline. But if he is too awesome, then he himself will stumble.

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8. How Ancient Order Was Established And Destroyed. Because the states are of similar power, neither states can overcome each other . Then there is a need to win the minds of valiant, sharing their likes and dislikes, and only after this, the stratagems should be used . Without stratagems, you have no means to resolve suspicion and settle doubts . Without being scheming and unorthodox, you have no means to destroy evildoers . Without plotting, there is no means to be successful .

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9. The Three Strategies. The Sage can embody Heaven and model the laws of the Earth . The wise find their lessons in antiquity . Thus the Three Strategies has been written for period of decadence . The Upper Strategy establishes the forms of propriety and rewards, discriminates between the evildoers and the valiant, and makes clear what is success and defeat .The Middle Strategy marks out the differences in virtue and behavior and manifest changes in the balance of power . The L

ower Strategy arrays virtue and morals, looks into security and danger, and makes clear the calamity of harming the Capable .

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Hung Shi Gong Low Strategies1. The capable and the sages2. Bringing harmony to populace3. Internal stability and external expansion4. Setting example5. Way, Virtue, Benevolence, Righteousness and Propriety6. Benefits of getting the capable7. Treating good and evil8. Creating well-ordered government9. Sage’s knowledge10. When to use army11. Powerful families12. Capable and depraved officers13. Rulers and officers14. Treating the capables15. Treating populace

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1. The Capable And The Sages. Therefore, if the ruler's beneficence extends to the people, the Capable will give their allegiance. If

the ruler's beneficience extends to every part of his kingdom, t he Sages will ally with him. Where the Capable goes to, the sta

te will be strong. Where the Sages go to, he is able to unite all. One seeks the Capable through virtue and the Sages through t

he 'Way'. If the Capable depart from the state, it will become w eak. If the Sages depart from the state, the state will grow dep

raved. Weakness is a step towards danger and depravity is a si gn of doom.

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2. Bringing Harmony To Populace. The governance of the Capable causes men to submit by action. The governance of the Sages ca

- uses men to submit whole heartedly. When men submit by actio n, the beginning can be planned and started. When men submit

- whole heartedly, the end can be preserved. Physical submission (through action) can be attained through forms of propriety. M

ental submission can be attained through 'music'.

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3. Internal Stability And External Expansion. One who does not ensure internal stability but foc

us instead on external expansion, will labor w ithout success. One who focus on internal sta

bility instead of external expansion, will labor with ease and attain lasting results.

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4. Setting Example. One who indulge himself while instructing others is contrary to natural order . One who rectify himself and transforms others to accords is going the Way . Contrariness is summoning chaos, going the Way is the essence of order .

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5. Way, Virtue, Benevolence, Righteousness And Prioriety. Thus everyday our actions should be regulated by forms of propriet

y. Punishing brigands and taking revenge are decisions of rig hteousness. The compassionate heart is an expression of ben

evolence. To right oneself and gain the respect of others is th e path of virtue. Ensuring that all people are equal and do not

lose what they have gained, this is the work of the Way

Han Dynasty Compass

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6. Benefits Of Getting The Capable. To gain Capables, th e process is long. To gain the Incapable , the process is short. Thus the wise ruler would rather take the lo ng process than the short process, so that he is able t

o complete his achievements, respect the Capable an d have his subordinates give their best for him.

Zhang Liang is the capable of Lui Bang, who helped him establish Han Dynasty.

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7. Treating Good And Evil. If you dismiss one goo d man, then all good people will lose heart. Re

ward an evil person and all evil person will be drawn to you. When the good are rewarded an

d the evil suffer punishment, the state will the n be secure and all multitudes of good people

will come.

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8. Creating Well-ordered Government. If those that oppose the ruler are honored, while the greedy and uncivilized are enriched, then even if there is a Sage ruler, he cannot realize a well-ordered government . If those that oppose the ruler are punished while the greedy and uncivilized are arrested, then good moral conduct will prevail in the society and myriad of evil will be eliminated .

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9. Sage’s Knowledge. The Sage perceive the sources of flourishing and decline, understand what causes success and defeat, have attained the crux of governing chaos and know the measure of going and and coming . Though in poverty, they would not hold a position in a doomed state . Though lowly, they will not be receive salary from turbulent state . They will go into reclusion, with ideas on good governance, and take official positions when the time comes . When they met rulers that have the same ambition and goals, they can establish extraordinary achievements . Since their achievements is lofty, their names will be praised in later generations .

Lui Bang, Han Gaozu

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10. When To Use Army. The Sage King does not take pleasure in using the army . He mobilizes it to execute the violently perverse and punish the rebellious . The Sage King does not send troops hastily because war can seriously injure and damage many things . War is not a good thing and it is something the Heaven cannot accomodate . War should only be a last resort, and only then it accords with the Heaven . When king is in accord with Heaven, he is like fish in water .Otherwise he would be dead . Thus the king should constantly remember to be in accord with Heaven .

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11. Powerful Family. When prominent, powerful families gain control of governance, the ruler's awesomeness is weakened .When the power to decide life and death lies in the hands of the powerful families, the state is near its demise . If the powerful families submits to the ruler then the state can last long . If the power to decide life and death lies in the hand of ruler, the the state is secured . When people of all levels are poor, the state is impoverished . When people of all levels feels abundant, then the state will be propserous and happy .

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12. Capable And Depraved Officers. When the capable o fficers are brought to inside the government, deprav

ed ones will be left out. When depraved officers are b rought inside instead, capable officers will perished.

When those that should be in are not in, those that sh ould be outside are not outside, it is the start of disas

ter that can last through generations.

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13. Rulers and Officers. When the major minist ers doubt the ruler, evil will accumulate and

gather. If minister usurp the respect that sho uld be due to the ruler, then there will be conf

usion in ranks. When the ruler occupies the p osition of of a minister, the ranks has losts its


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14. Treating The Capables. If one is to hurt the Capables, s uch actions can hurt the three generations. If someone does not use the Capables, he himself will suffer. If he is jealous of the Capables, his reputation can be tarnished. If someone pr

omote or recommend the Capables, blessings will flow to his future generations. Thus the wise would seek out and advanc

e the Capables and thereby making his name illustrious.

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15. Treating Populace. Profiting one person at the expenses of a hundred, the people will leave the city. Profiting one person at

the expenses of ten thousands, the whole populace is thinking o f leaving. Getting rid of one and profit a hundred, people will re

member your munificience. Getting rid of one and profiting the n thousand, the government will not be in chaos.

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There are three points which should be mastered:

1) Alternate hard and soft approaches . This means a leader must be

both benevolent and awe-inspiring according to what is appropriate . This links to the second principle-

2 ) Act according to the actual circumstances. Avoid respo nses which are based on imagination, memory of the p

ast, or habits acquired in other circumstances. You mus t rely only on observation and perception and be willing

to modify plans at any time.

3) Employ only the capable . This requires an accurate insight into others .

Key Points Of The Three Strategies

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Thank You

Sompong Yusoontorn

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