Page 1: The Formation and Structure of Stars

The Formation and Structure of Stars

Chapter 9

Page 2: The Formation and Structure of Stars

The Interstellar Medium (ISM)

•Gas: ~75% H, 25% He, traces of “metals”

•1% “dust” (silicates, carbon, heavy elements coated with ice, About the size of the particles in smoke)

•150 m average distance between dust grains

•“Dense” => ~10 to 1000 atoms/cm3

•“Thin” ~ 0.1 atoms/cm3

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Structure of the ISM

• HI clouds:

• Hot intercloud medium:

The ISM occurs mainly in two types of clouds:

Cold (T ~ 100 K) clouds of neutral hydrogen (HI);

moderate density (n ~ 10 – a few hundred atoms/cm3);

size: ~ 100 pc

Hot (T ~ a few 1000 K), ionized hydrogen (HII);

low density (n ~ 0.1 atom/cm3);

gas can remain ionized because of very low density.

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3 types of nebula

1. Emission

2. Reflection

3. Dark

Q: Why do emission nebula look red and reflection nebula blue?

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We see absorption in elements where the background stars are too hot to form these lines

Narrow width (low temperature; low density)

Multiple components (several clouds of ISM with different radial velocities)

=> Comes from the ISM

Evidence for the ISM

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Interstellar reddening

Q: Why do astronomers rely heavily on IR observations?

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Q: How do we know the ISM exists?

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The Various Components of the Interstellar Medium

Infrared observations reveal the presence of cool, dusty gas.

X-ray observations reveal the presence of hot gas.

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Stellar formation from the ISM:

Must be triggered by high mass stars –

• Give off intense radiation

• Explode as SNs

Collapsing cloud can form 10 to 1000 stars

• Association

• Cluster

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The Contraction of a Protostar

Q: Why do you think there’s a lower limit on the mass of a main-seq. star?

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The Contraction of a Protostar

Sun: ~30 million years

15 M: 160,000 years

0.2 M: 1 billion years

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From Protostars to Stars

Ignition of H He fusion processes

Star emerges from the

enshrouding dust cocoon

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Protostellar Disks and Jets – Herbig-Haro Objects

Herbig-Haro Object HH34

Q: What are the bipolar flows evidence of?

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Bok globules:

~ 10 – 1000 solar masses;

Contracting to form protostars

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Evaporating gaseous globules (“EGGs”): Newly forming stars

exposed by the ionizing radiation from nearby massive stars

Observations of star formation:

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200 solar mass star

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N 11B

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V838 Mon

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N 49

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The Source of Stellar EnergyStars produce energy by nuclear fusion of

hydrogen into helium.

In the sun, this happens primarily through the proton-proton (P-P) chain

Q: How does the sun fuse H to He?

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The CNO Cycle

Happens in stars > 1.1 M

More efficient that the P-P chain.

Requires high T (>16 million K)

Q: Why does the CNO require a higher temp. than the P-P chain?

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Fusion into Heavier Elements

Fusion into elements heavier than C, O:

requires high temperatures (>600 million K);

occurs only in very massive stars (more than 8 solar masses).

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Stellar structure

Conservation of mass:

Weight of each shell = total weight

Conservation of energy:

E(out) = E(from within)

Hydrostatic equilibrium:

Pressure balances gravity

Energy transport:

Describes flow of energy




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dr r

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dT L

dr ac T r

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Hydrostatic EquilibriumImagine a star’s interior composed of individual shells

Within each shell, two forces have to be in equilibrium with each other:

Outward pressure from the interior

Gravity, i.e. the weight from all layers above

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Hydrostatic Equilibrium (II)

Outward pressure force must exactly balance the weight of all layers above, everywhere in the star.

This is why we find stable stars on such a narrow strip (main sequence) in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.

Pressure-temperature thermostat

Q: How does the P-T thermostat control the reactions in stars?

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Energy TransportEnergy generated in the star’s center must be transported to the surface.

Inner layers of the sun:

Radiative energy transport

Outer layers of the sun (including photosphere):


Basically the same structure for all stars close to 1 solar mass.

Q: Why is convection in stars important?

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Page 33: The Formation and Structure of Stars

Stellar ModelsThe structure and evolution of a star is determined by the laws of

• Hydrostatic equilibrium

• Energy transport

• Conservation of mass

• Conservation of energy

A star’s mass (and chemical composition) completely determines its properties.

…why stars initially all line up along the main sequence, and why there’s a mass-luminosity relation….

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The Life of Main-Sequence StarsStars gradually exhaust their hydrogen fuel.

They gradually becoming brighter, evolving off the zero-age main sequence (ZAMS).

3.5 2.5

fuel 1

rate of consumption



Lifetime of a main-sequence star (90% of total life is on main-seq.)

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The Lifetimes of Stars on the Main Sequence

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The Orion Nebula: An Active Star-Forming Region

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The Trapezium

The Orion Nebula

Infrared image: ~ 50 very young, cool, low-

mass starsX-ray image: ~ 1000 very young, hot stars

less than 2 million years old

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The Becklin-Neugebauer object (BN): Hot star, just reaching the main


Kleinmann-Low nebula (KL): Cluster

of cool, young protostars

detectable only in the infrared

Spectral types of the trapezium


Protostars with protoplanetary disksProtostars with protoplanetary disks





IR + visual


Gas blown away from protostars

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