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A lot of people are talking about a return of the feminine, and embracing our feminine

nature. We are not actually returning as much as we are embracing. We’re embracing

something that has been here all along.

And while there is a lot of talk about intention and energy and the feminine, there

seems to be little actually written about HOW this all comes together in a way that is

easy to work with and really makes a difference. My hope is that in reading this you’ll

have the tools you need to create a life you love and that serves your soul.

There has been so much written about manifesting and conscious creation that defining

it seems a bit ludicrous . . .or is it? It is a word that’s bandied in many circles, and not

often in the realm of leadership. The word manifest is an adjective that means being

readily perceived by the eye, as in evident, obvious, and apparent. It’s also a verb,

meaning to show up or make clear. Both of these definitions refer to something

making an appearance when there was nothing there before.

Effective leaders are almost always the cause of what is happening around them, and

not usually the effect of other people influence. The job of a leader is to create a new

reality and that new reality benefits everyone. Leaders manifest for the greater good

and it is the consciousness of the leader that makes the change.

Powerful women manifesting a different world only comes when we stop hiding and

begin living in our brilliance.

The world is waiting for YOU and your unique gifts, and an opportunity awaits. Feel

into it, and decide once and for all. Everything depends on this moment, and you

becoming an influential leader. .

Your family

Your business

Your health

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Your relationship

I know how it feels when you

Know that you can’t continue doing it the way you are doing it but have no idea

what is next

Recognize that your family, work, business or team is looking to you for

leadership but you’re overwhelmed yourself

Know that you are influential and a natural leader but feel unsure about how to

feel like a good enough leader

Feel overworked, overwhelmed, exhausted and just done with the old way of

doing things

Have been “working” on yourself and eliminating the beliefs that held you back,

and wondering why you’re STILL not making the progress you know you can

Have let your “story” define you for years and you are ready to write the best

new chapter

Started a business based on your calling and passion (or seriously considering it)

but the money isn’t showing up the way you thought it would

If there was a body centered process to come out of hiding, BE that powerful leader you know you can be and create a life and a business that supports who you really are, would you want to know more?

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Why Listen To Me Why listen to me? Because I have been in your


I have created businesses, lost them, rebuilt them

and done it again, and I’ve helped women create

business from scratch on their kitchen table, or

double their business, clients and income in 90 days

or less. I’ve helped women with extraordinary

businesses create even more success while at the

same time carve out a life that deeply matters to

them. And I’ve worked with women to run the

business they have before they go get more.

Since 2006 I’ve been a business coach and mentor for women, a trainer for Constant

Contact, known for my women’ development group Wildly Successful Women and

my two books “The Feminine Intention” and “Love Pray Manifest”.

Today if you are reading this and feel that you have the best of intentions and feel like

something invisible is always stopping you, if you’re exhausted, burned out and

confused or if you simply aren’t making enough money for the time and energy you

put in, this little book is for you.

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The Choice Point

I know you, you’re an awake and aware women. You’re on a spiritual path, longing to create your life they way you know it was meant to be. You spend time everyday trying to maintain your balance and inner peace, serve your family, perhaps run a business and do your best to give back. We are at a choice point and you can feel it. It’s almost as though you know that the feminine brilliance that you’ve been to afraid to express is part of a much bigger picture and that scares you! You KNOW that your work will make a huge impact. It’s so easy to buy into the biggest lies women tell ourselves – that we’re not good enough, not smart enough, that there is not enough time, that we have to hurry up and be perfect. And even though you know intellectually that you create your own reality, you haven’t been able to really manifest the life of your wildest dreams. Maybe you:

Have bouts of anxiety and then non action, like driving with one foot on the gas and then one on the brakes, even though you’ve been working on your “stuff” for years.

Still get caught in over giving, overdoing and overextending and then feel exhausted. Life Balance seems like a joke.

Want a deeper relationship with your spouse or partner, and feel that their lack of support is holding you back

Feel that if you step into your true work and calling, you will have to leave people behind that you love

Feel that you have no support to create the next best version of you, even though you have wonderful friends

Know that you are called to start a business or a new career path that is more spiritually based and serves but have no idea how that will support you

Know that you are called to be a leader in a new way of doing business and life, but have no idea what that looks like

If you’re experiencing any of these challenges, the good news is that you aren’t the only one. Many of the women that I talk with and have worked with are having these same

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feelings and challenges. It’s a global revolution that is taking place right now and you are feeling the pull of women everywhere ready to change themselves and their world. We’ve been working on ourselves for years and years, trying to heal our wounds and let go of the beliefs that held us back. But what if we’ve been looking in the wrong direction? What if, instead of always looking for what is wrong with us, we look to what’s right? Why is it, that in spite of the forward movement that women have made in industrial society in the last 100 years, that most of us are still feeling isolated, alone, and not good enough to do what we came to do? We haven’t yet truly tapped into the real source of our feminine brilliance and leadership. We’ve worked so hard to be good enough and fit into a system of power that NEVER supported the feminine and never will. The current system of business and commerce was created as a masculine power system, and as brilliant feminine leaders, we simply cannot function at our highest and best in a system that doesn’t support feminine brilliance and energy. It’s time for the brilliance of women to master their manifesting, step into leadership

positions and change the world!

In my work with thousands of people, I developed a body centric process for stepping through fear, stepping into brilliance and mastering your manifesting. It’s time. It’s YOUR time to allow your brilliant feminine leader to emerge. Before we jump into the HOW of manifesting, you’ve got to create congruence

between who you are and what you do. Here’s how to know if you’re ready for

advanced manifesting.

You have extreme clarity about your product or service.

Your product or service is in some way an expression of your soul calling.

You can feel the offering or program in your body.

Word for word understanding of exactly what you sell.

Clearly defined path of inviting people to buy from you.

Lack of fear about asking for the money.

Deep confidence in your ability to deliver what you sell.

You are “biologically open” to the work you are selling.

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You are “on” for the amount of money you will make as a result of your work.

You have time in your life and the ability to perform the service you are selling.

Willingness to take massive INSPIRED action including but NOT LIMITED TO daily intentional manifesting time.

Ability to persevere. Focusing on the teacup and not the whole set.

You know the feel of flow vs. push. If you feel you’ve got some work to do on some of these steps, please allow me to help! Go here and schedule some time with me for a no obligation, one on one conversation.

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The Feminine Manifesting Map

Your entire life and business is in your body and understanding this is the basis of my

coaching philosophy and the way that I look at business development. This

understanding inspired me to create a map, a path for women to manifest and become

fearless leaders – using the power of their body. I call it the feminine manifesting map.

As women we’ve been training to focus on thinking, planning and productivity. This

kind of focus can make it easy to “take leave of our senses” causing a major disconnect

from our body. It can make us feel tired, not connected, and confused and craving a

passionate and juicy life.

The bottom line is that what is happening in your body has everything to do with what is

happening or not happening in your business and life.

Mastering this allows you step into your feminine leadership and this is a body centered

process. This comes from several schools of thought one of which is “embodied

cognition” This is the argument that all aspects of thinking are connected to and

informed by the body. This includes higher level processing like reasoning, judgment,

and categorization and the biology that supports this has to do with the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve is responsible for such things as heart rate, intestinal activity, sweating,

and speech. Vagus pathways also modulate our fear and anxiety response, and also

affect our ability to ‘un-learn’ previously conditioned fear responses. The vagus nerve

contributes to what is known as social engagement and the vagus nerve allows sensory

information to move from the uterus to the brainstem and back again.

This feminine way of creating is exactly the process that is used in the natural way that

women make decisions. It’s the map of HOW women in leadership make collaborative,

inclusive decisions that express flexibility, empathy and cooperativeness.

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That’s the beauty of the feminine. It is the ease and flow. In my opinion, there are two

ways to manifest or bring something into fruition. One is through a descending flow of

energy, and one is an ascending flow of energy.

Men manifest using a descending flow, top down. This is also what most of the

“intentional” and “think about it and create it” work is based on. It goes like this: You

have an idea, and you speak it out loud. You write your affirmations and make sure you

feel aligned with them–they resonate. Then you take an inspired action and (in a

perfect world, given no unresolved blocks) you create something. It is a descending

flow of energy from the top down, and it works. I have done it many times, but what I

noticed is that I always had to keep priming the pump to sustain the results.

Maintaining the experience relied heavily on the investment of my own personal


The feminine manifests in an ascending flow of energy–from the bottom up. You know

how this feels. You have a feeling that something needs to change, or that you’d like to

create something. It starts in the lower body area, something is not quite right. You feel

a deep urge or an impulse, an inspiration. As you evaluate the idea, you decide if you

have enough personal energy to embrace it now, and decide if you can really put your

heart into it. Then you may have a conversation with a friend, a mentor or a coach and

during that conversation the vision becomes crystal clear. Then you’re inspired with the

perfect actions to bring your intention to life.

Every time I speak to an audience of women about the feminine flow of manifesting

there are heads nodding in agreement and often times tears.

I recently had a conversation with women who had made a huge change in her life and

moved from one end of the country to Colorado. She had a feeling; deep inside that the

life she was creating was not the life she was meant to live. It was a deep urge to

change. She felt called to come to Colorado and had the energy to make it happen and

knew that she would LOVE Colorado – she could put her heart into it. When she talked

about it with her coach, it became absolutely clear that this move was the next right

thing for her to do. And so I met her at a Wildly Successful Women event.

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That is how a women manifests in a powerful and feminine way.

It is not about thrusting and actively making something happen, as done in

the masculine way. Rather, it is about surrendering to a process and allowing it to

happen. The feminine way to create is to rely on feelings. It is not doing what we think

needs to be done. It is to rely on our intuitive guidance, and to look to see if what we

are doing feels correct based on the alignment of our feelings with the original feeling

we had.

It’s a lot like walking across a stream of water on stepping-stones in a fog. We can only

see directly in front of ourselves to see the next step. For those of us who love to be in

control, this way of being can be not only frightening, but also downright terrifying. It

requires us to surrender without allowing the mind to be in control. It calls for not

allowing the past to dictate what the future will hold.

Accessing that deep intuition is easy. It’s our own internal guidance system. As leaders,

we’re called on to make quick decisions that impact the life, health and happiness of

other people, and to stand behind them. Learning to make the best decision, in the

moment, and stand behind it allows the process of creating to unfold.

The cornerstone of this mindset is self-mastery. Mastering your own thoughts and

actions creates effective leadership, which creates a successful business and an amazing


Self mastery begins with the ability to change your feelings at will, to exhibit a strong

influence over your own thoughts, feelings and behaviors. I am not talking about

having some kind of robot like grip over the natural fluctuations of the human mind;

however being able to strongly influence yourself can direct your consciousness.

It has never been enough to simply think about what we want; we have got to feel it in

the body. This helps us embody our intention. An embodied intention is the experience

of full belief, with no doubt that what you are considering and creating is exactly right

for you, right now. In fact, you know that it’s perfect for you in the same way you know

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that the new purse you just found is one that you absolutely need or the way you know

that the person you just met is going to be important to you someday.

We talked earlier about the differences in the way that men and women manifest. Just

for clarification let me say, to paint anything with a broad-brush stroke of “all men” or

“all women” would be foolish. What I will say is that the way of manifesting that I’m

about to share with you is powerful, intuitive and duplicatable. It uses skills that are

usually more developed in women simply because of our biology and the way our brains

are wired.

The manifesting map takes you through the process of recognizing that something has

to change, and creating an intention that you would love to experience. It allows you to

become empowered, and feel more confident to speak the changes into existence.

Intention moves energy and is the force that transforms. Everything that shows up in

our lives is a manifestation of the energy behind it. Women living in their brilliance

understand this on an intuitive level.

While the masculine is busy trying to manipulate matter, the feminine quietly attunes

herself to the energy behind the matter, and consciously shifts it to create what she

wants in the world

It all begins with intention–it has been said that men have a “thing” and women have a

“place”. The feminine manifesting map uses intention to create from that place.

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The Power Centers The feminine manifesting map is composed of three power centers, each with their

own gifts and challenges. Understanding how these power centers work and how you

can master them allows you to step into leadership and mastery and to bring your

message to the world.

The Power Center of Conscious Profit and Soul Message “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you figure out why.” – Mark Twain This power center is located in the pelvic bowl. Imagine. Your life and your business is exactly where you want it to be. You have your finances, both business and personal, in order and you can actual take time off and enjoy it. You finally know what you want and what you love to do, and you’re clear about how to give that to the world and get paid for it. WOW! Congratulations! This is what it feels like when the power-center of profit is healthy and clear. This first power-center is all about our programs, products, passion, legacy, and essential soul message. When functioning well, the energy of this power-center relates to creating wealth without guilt, calling your tribe to you, being free to be creative and intentional, expressing your brilliance and making that your business, creating programs/systems to express your work and get paid for it, creating and leaving a legacy, and knowing what you want to be known for. I call this conscious profit. It means making a living while at the same time making a life and making money in a way that honors you and everyone around you. Key ideas here: Brilliance, business, program, profit, legacy, tribe, money, freedom, abundance, and deep joy. Focusing on profit, and not just on making money simply for the sake of making money.

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Power-Center of Grace and Influence “As we let our light shine, we give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson This power center in located in the middle chest. Claiming our power without diminishing the power of others, exuding acceptance, forgiveness, love, initiative and teamwork; consciously communicating our message, our mission to our tribe and asking people to be part of what we are creating: this is the power center of Influence. We all know a woman like this. She’s at once warm and approachable, and clearly the leader in the room. It makes me think of First Ladies, public figures and iconic movie stars–and you on a day that you are feeling powerful and confident. You know how it feels when you radiate a simple elegance–a courteous goodwill–as well as poise, tact, respect, and unconditional positive regard. It’s an attitude of grace, one that values people even knowing their shortcomings, but also expects the best in work and attitude from everyone around you. It is NOT about liking someone. What it means is that we respect a person as a human being, their own inherit free will, and understand that they are simply doing the best they can do. At first, this may seem to be pretty easy to implement, but in practice it can be far more difficult than you might imagine. The really difficult part is taking this same spacious attitude with yourself. That, my friend, is the key that unlocks this power-center. This power-center is pivotal in your leadership capabilities and the ability to influence others to work with you. This comes from managing your own energy and being mindful. Without the ability to influence others, we simply are not leaders. Power-Center of Leadership, Impact and Intuition “I feel myself becoming the fearless person I have dreamt of being. Have I arrived? No. But I'm constantly evolving and challenging myself to be unafraid to make mistakes.” – Janelle Monae The third and final power-center is centered in the middle of the forehead and extends from the throat to just slightly above the head. This is the place where all the magic comes together as we take our essential soul message and empower it with influence and impact. What emerges is a women who is so aligned with who she is and what

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she’s up to, that nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing can stop her. It is the perfect storm of empowerment, vision and calling. Manifestation happens here, almost magically. It feels like the entire universe really is conspiring for your best and highest good. The power-center of impact is all about communicating your purpose, seeing inspired possibilities, taking inspired action and speaking our passion with heart, truth and conviction. This is where you know the higher calling that your work serves, feel to the connected to the divine; and use thought and sound to create success. It grows as we feel confident about expressing our thoughts and stepping into leadership. For women this can be challenging: holding out our own voice that may or may not sync up with what others say, speaking our opinions, blogging, and writing, capturing our thoughts and knowing that what creates through us creates influence. There have been many articles and studies on the topic of what exactly creates great leaders, and how a culture of empowerment is created. Is it charisma on the part of leadership? Personality? Good looks? Great posture? Good sales skills? The core requirements for effective leadership are influence and impact, and that comes from being very clear and very certain about the actions you are taking. Recent research suggests that impact and influence in leadership comes from the how deeply certain that the leader feels. The sense of certainty releases chemicals in the brain, like serotonin and dopamine, that create positive feelings of security and anticipation. Uncertainty, on the other hand, releases norepinephrine and cortisol, leading to a threat response. The good news is that that creating certainty is actually a chemical process in the brain that engages "mirror neurons”. These mirror neurons cause people to imitate the actions they see in others. So in order to create absolute certainty in your marketing, your team or your home, you must first believe it yourself.

What power center is your strongest? Where you can you bolster yourself up?

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Advanced Manifesting

There are certain principles that successful people know and use to create wealth

and personal success. Whether you want more successful relationships, wealth,

career or educational success, you can learn and develop the habits that will spur

you on to the success you desire.

Habits can make or break you. If you’re in the habit of procrastinating, you won’t

complete projects or goals you’ve set for yourself that will make you successful. You

may not even realize what’s holding you back, but a series of bad habits can keep

you from success.

Every highly successful person has developed certain positive habits that have led

them to monetary or personal success. And you may have heard, when you repeat a

good habit for at least 21 days, you’re well on your way to creating the habits that

will lead you to success and replace the bad habits that have held you back.

I’m going to share with you the exact steps I teach my students and clients. For over

20 years I’ve been experimenting, researching and practicing the sequence outlined

below. I know this is powerful and transformational.

1. Feel it in your body. Settle yourself in your chair with both feet on the ground, or

with the knees falling open, and the bottom on your feet touching. Allow all your

thoughts, your feelings, your energy to slowly fall down, deep down into your hips and

bottom. Perhaps you have your hands on your lower stomach, resting, easy. Notice

what you feel here, and what you don’t. This is the power-center of femininity and

creation. Now, Stop. Drop. And power up.

From here all things are birthed. Ideas, children, our legacy, our calling. Feel how full

this power-center becomes–full like a balloon filling with water, or a glowing ball

growing rounder and more beautiful as you observe it. This is YOU–how sweet, how

sacred. How beautiful. Feel yourself powering up as more and more energy expands.

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Notice how you are connected to the seat you are sitting on and then to the ground, as

if the energy of the earth herself contributes to your success.

Stop ~ Drop ~ Power Up

You are powered up now…fully charged. From this place, I am going to give you some

tools to work with this. The mantra to help you get here anytime you want is. . Stop

drop and power up. Now say it to yourself. This is my intention.

· I intend to begin igniting the spark of my feminine manifesting, very consciously.

· I intend to really know who I AM.

· I intend to creatively express myself, as authentically as possible.

· I intend to deeply know beyond a shadow of a doubt what my divine destiny is,

and how it wants to be expressed in the world.

· I intend to ask fearless questions and listen deeply to the answer.

· Drop into your lower power center, into your pelvis.

2. Get in the energy, however you do that. Music, Reiki, meditation, binaural beats,

whatever it takes. Feel the flow.

3. Focus on your key indicator and how that is predictor of your success. Make your

decision final. Immovable. The Latin root for “decide” is "to cut off." To decide is to

eliminate debate, regrets, and other options. The more completely you cut away this

useless conversation with yourself the more powerful you become.

4. Write your intention on a piece of paper. Don’t use the computer. Writing helps

create a new pathway in the brain.

5. Imagine a vivid outcome. Here is where you "rewire" your brain. Close your eyes

and picture the outcome that your decision will create. See it in full color and hear what

it will sound like. Imagine your success as something that has already happened. The

successful outcome has happened. It is done. You experienced it. Make it so real that

you can feel it and it is better than you even thought.

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6. Speak your intention out loud. Vividly, with passion. The SOUND of your voice

creates a wave that actually changes the energy in your body, and therefore, the energy

around you and in the world. DO. NOT. SKIP. THIS. STEP.

7. Muscle test and see if you are “on” for this intention. If not, use whatever tools

you use to shift yourself to ON.

8. Go back to imagining and feeling your intention as if it’s complete. Notice what

actions you see yourself doing and be aware of inspiration about actions you can take

NOW to move this intention from energy to reality.

9. You can’t delegate consciousness and you can’t delegate this part of your

business to anyone else. Your consciousness drives your business and no one else’s.

10. Rinse and repeat daily. Go through the whole procedure daily, even down to

writing your intentions down again on a fresh sheet of paper. Keep your intentions in

front of you so you can be reminded of what you are creating.

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The 21 Day Manifesting Habit

You have no idea the impact of practicing the meditation from above every day for

21 days. By the end of the 21 day period, you should know that this will forever

change your life. Resistance will surely slip in, so here are some tips to help you

overcome that.

1. State the habit you want to create. In this case, you are going to use the

advanced manifesting meditation every day.

2. Use positive self-talk and actions. If you’re going to do this first thing in the

morning, set the alarm clock across the room so you’ll have to get up to turn it off.

Self-talk might include affirmations about how much better you’re going to feel. Only

you know the triggers that can make you more susceptible to the old habit and which

will make you want to carry on with your new plan of success.

3. Make time for your new habit. Any new habit you go for will take some time

out of your schedule. If you plan ahead, you can cut out some time and won’t be so

overwhelmed with your “new” responsibility.

We all have ultra-busy schedules these days, but your new habit can make a

difference in the way you work and fulfill your responsibilities. The habit may create

more time in your life so you’re not so overwhelmed, or it may make you feel better –

so you have more energy.

4. Reward yourself. There’s nothing like rewards to train dogs and people. If you

look toward the reward you’re going to have after completing your habit training,

you’ll succeed.

5. Understand what might trip you up. Think about and answer the following


What would be the best outcome you can create? Why is NOW the time to do this? What happens if you do nothing?

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Who can support you in this manifesting habit? Name some habits you have now that might be hindering your success efforts. Write down 5 habits that could help you reach the success you desire. Explain how you perceive that friends and family will react to your new habits. Jot down some negative thoughts that always creep into your mind when you try something new and better. Write down some names of people whom you admire and then tell why you admire them. Jot down some daily changes that will take place in your life with your new habit in place. Write down some positive things about yourself.

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Next Steps

Building a business, especially when you are trying to have a life can be hard,

frustrating and lonely.

I still have days when I feel lonely, confused or just plain tired.

And even though I’m an amazing coach and I empower women to build a great

business and create a fabulous life, I can’t always sort out that mental slide

into those seven lies, because, well, because I am human.

When I first became a coach, I hired the very best coach I could find. I didn’t

have the money for it and it was stretch. And, it completely shifted my

business. You simply can’t take your clients to place you haven’t been. Now, I

have a team of coaches that I work with, four, in fact. And I rely on them

when the going gets tough.

Not doing it by yourself in NOT a sign of weakness, it’s a position of strength.

The truth is, you’ve had a ton of opportunities, programs, teachers, and

coaches come across your path. And you’ve probably said “YES, I am going to

do this thing!” And after a few weeks, or a month or two, it’s business as


The only way to really change up your life and your business is to change the

daily activates and change who is whispering in your ear.

Are you listening to your best friend who’s never had a business, much less

tried to juggle family and entrepreneurship? Is your wonderful, engineer

husband trying to tell you how to look at the numbers in your business? Does

your mom have a great marketing idea?

I’m not suggesting you discount the input of people who love you, but I’m

suggesting that you add people and things into your life that inspire

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transformation. The best way to do that for a woman is through a support

group and aligning yourself with people that you want to be more like.

Work with a coach who can guide you, step by step, who can see the

challenges you can’t and help you navigate the waters. Click here if you’d like

to see what it would be like for us to work together.

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Final Thoughts Here are few things I really want you to think about before we’re done.

Life is short, and no one is going to live it for you.

Savor every bit of it and don’t wait to feel fabulous.

Feel good every day and express gratitude to someone every day.

Your business and your life is a direct reflection of your consciousness. And if

you don’t like the life you’ve created, then change it.

There is so much more I want to share with you about consciousness in

business, and the pleasure – profit connection. Maybe you can feel it – in your

body that – “This is what I’ve been waiting for” Maybe your logical mind is

doubting but your intuition and your energy know what feels right for you. It’s

that little, still voice, your intuition, that I will always encourage you to listen


Before we sign off, I want to share a story with you.

Several years ago the laws changed in the state I live and made it impossible for

me to do business the way I had always done it. From the time this law passed

until the next spring, my gross revenues plummeted like a stone - they dropped

80% in 9 months and I lost everything. My house, my business and my identity.

I knew I had a choice to make. One of the principles that I knew to be true:

nothing happens by accident: was running around in my head. I could give up

or find out why this had happened and how I might help others. I decided right

then and there, that if I did nothing else in this life, I would take the lessons I

was learning and pass them on to others.

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I’ve created an amazing life, wonderful kids and a business that not only

empowers others but creates a six-figure income. I’m not magical or more

lucky than anyone else. I just discovered a different way to build businesses

that works the way women naturally work, and I’m here to help you.

Too often I hear women (and men too) tell me that they have stayed in the

wrong job, the wrong marriage, the wrong house, and the wrong town because

they didn’t know how to seize their own WILDNESS and to live a life of deep

meaning. It’s your time. ..step forward in faith and be together, let’s make it




P.S. Wondering what others have said about working with me?

1. “I just wanted to let you know something. I surrendered yesterday. I read your

article, I was so stressed out about everything you were talking about. I just sat

back in my chair and said, I get it. I just let it all go and surrendered. And it felt

so so good. I went to bed and just said, I have done everthing I can do, now its

time to just let it be. I woke up this morning and in one phone call my life

changed and everything worked out. My wildest imagining came true and in

the next 13 days I will be able to propel forward 3-5 years ahead. I am so

grateful, extremely grateful. And it all started with surrendering. You have

impact, so please know this and keep it coming”.

2. “Recently divorced and returning to the work force after three years at home

with my children, I found myself without direction. My job search was not

progressing and I began to feel like I was treading water, and getting nowhere.

Dawn helped me to clarify what I wanted to do, which was so different from

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©2015 Dawn Todd *

what I thought I should be doing. She guided me in finding solutions to the

obstacles I saw before me. Even better, Dawn taught me how to get what I

want out of life in general. I can use my new tools to land my perfect job, find

the right house and, eventually, when I am ready, to find my soul mate. Thank

you Dawn!"

3. “Hey Dawn, wow, have I had a great week. First of all, I am doing really well

with the intentions we set a couple weeks ago- I told you I deposited 150% of

my intention Friday, and then this Friday, at the last moment, a check came in

to put me over the 200% mark. Awesome! And as for the intentions we set

for my wonderful relationship- all I can say is: holy burnin’ bushes! this stuff

works fast. I can't believe the wonderful things I've heard come out of (their)

mouth since we talked! It’s been nothing but "caring", "generosity to others",

"helping a community", and even "feeling good to get the luck flowing in the

right direction". We've been laughing a lot more than usual, and making plans

for fun and helping in the near future! Again, holy smokes! There is no way

this is a coincidence- it could NOT have happened without my being MUCH

more open to it. THANK YOU so much for being available to talk about that kind

of thing- you framed it up just perfect for me, man”.

4. “ Dawn really helped me get clear about what I want and how to manifest that.

I doubled my business in less than a month. I no longer feel like I’m stuck

responding to circumstance but like I create it. I can use the principles I’ve

learned here in all areas of my life.”

5. “ Dawn coached me for six months and helped me to lead differently in my life

and business. She has a beautiful way of melding the business world with your

inner core and giving yourself permission to embrace it. She is very skilled,

compassionate and extremely professional. I would highly recommend her.”

6. “ Dawn provided amazing insight to create awareness of challenges and

possible solutions. She not only coaches but also provides sound consulting

advice that results in success. I highly recommend Dawn if you are looking to

get clarity and a plan to move forward.”

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©2015 Dawn Todd *

7. “ I had to take some time to email you and let you know that in the first 6-8

weeks I not only doubled my business but it was the best sales month we have

EVER had! That’s an incredible statement by itself! My employees have always

been aware of my daily goals but are now excited every morning and call and

tell ME what their goal is for the day….crazy good.”

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