Page 1: The Effects of Youth Volunteerism

The Effects ofYouth Volunteerism

Emily Holloway

Page 2: The Effects of Youth Volunteerism

Table of ContentsThank You ............................................................... Page 1

Introduction .............................................................. Page 2

Springbank One Village ........................................... Page 4

Statements From Students and Teachers .................. Page 6

Friendships and Positive Relationships ..................... Page 8

Perspective and Appreciation .................................. Page 10

Creativity and Imagination .................................... Page 12

Responsibility and Commitment ............................ Page 14

Compassion and Empathy ..................................... Page 16

Choices and Values ................................................ Page 18

Participation and Cooperation ............................... Page 20

Purpose and Passion ............................................... Page 22

Leadership and Initiative ........................................ Page 24

Courage and Faith ................................................. Page 26

Determination and Perseverance ............................ Page 28

Organization and Work Ethic ................................ Page 30

Inspiration and Empowerment ............................... Page 32

Education and Awareness ....................................... Page 34

Altruism and Kindness ............................................ Page 36

Self-Awareness and Growth .................................... Page 38

Impact on Future Society ........................................ Page 40

Page 3: The Effects of Youth Volunteerism
Page 4: The Effects of Youth Volunteerism
Page 5: The Effects of Youth Volunteerism

ModelsAlison Baker, Kelsey Blashyn, Lindsay Booy, Alexa Dever, Alex Dye, Hailey Gahan, Bronwyn Johansen, Christeen

Johnson, Coreena Koschewski, Christie Lewington, Emily Martin, Kelly Melrose, Lauren Menzies, Hannah Rosen,

Megan Smith, Becky Staden, Kylie Strate, Nikki Wills

QuotesGemma Bateman, Andrew Fawcett, Bronwyn Johansen, Christeen Johnson, Cole Mercuur, Kaycee Morison, Megan

Smith, Becky Staden, Lachlan Stoness, Lucy Talman, Mrs. Beingessner

Special thanks to Springbank One VillageMadison Angle, Gemma Bateman, Alex Bean, Kate Benner, Kassandra Brehon, Mikaila Brown, Hannah Collings,

Sarah Delorme-Newsom, Alex Dye, Andrew Fawcett, Shannon Fitzpatrick, Sebastian Fuentes, Shannon Gardiner,

Paul Gunn, Nicole Hudye, Taylyn Jameson, Aurelie Janssen, Johanna Janssen, Bronwyn Johansen, Christeen Johnson,

Jordan Kaltenbruner, Matthew Krystofiak, Annie Lee, Jenny Lee, Kelly Melrose, Lauren Menzies, Cole Mercuur,

Owen Moore, Kaycee Morison, Nayan Patel, Jennifer Patterson, Nicole Rose, Hannah Rosen, Malena Rosito, Alissa

Smith, Megan Smith, Lachlan Stoness, Kiana Streu, Lucy Talman, Jared Topham, Semele Viljoen, Emma Wagner,

Madison Wittstock, Kasia Zubkow

Ms. Frauts, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Beingessner, Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Hyshka

Thank You


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Volunteering has a positive impact on society no matter what your age or where you live. Even the poorest people can always find someone who is worse off than themselves, so the ability to volunteer is something that is universally shared. Whether it is raising money to fight poverty in a third world country, collecting food for a local shelter, or planting trees to help the environment, there are countless ways that people can get involved if they choose to do so. I believe that most people are born with a compassion for other humans and a desire to help those in need. As much as we tend to get caught up in out own lives and problems, we can’t ignore the fact that we are all human, and all in this together, which is why 85% of Canadians donated to a charity in 2004. Although adults tend to have the most money to give, youth often have the time and the

passion necessary in volunteering. The reasons for youth volunteering varies, but whether they’re doing it to get into a university, or because they want to change the world, youth give more than they are given credit for in today’s society. In fact, 55% of Canadians aged 15- 24 were part of a volunteer organization in 2004, which is higher than the 45% of adults who volunteered. In this journal, I will discuss the reasons that so many youth are involved in volunteer activities and the effects that it has on them and on society. Volunteering has an obvious impact on those who are receiving the assistance. However, the impact on the volunteers themselves is just as significant. Countless aspects of character, especially in youth, are developed through volunteerism, leading to a better society, and ultimately a better world.

Introduction“It is important for youth to get involved in volunteer programs because it

helps change their perspectives and brings light to important issues in society. Not only this, but the skills needed to volunteer and help others

are important assets needed to succeed in life.” -Kaycee Morison


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“Giving is recieving.” -Andrew Fawcett3

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The One Village group at Springbank Community High

School consists of students from ages fourteen to eighteen who

are dedicated to making a difference in the world. The level of

involvement varies, but there is a passion for helping others in

all of the students, and they each experience growth as a result

of this, whether they recognize it or not.

“The goal of One Village is to support real, on-the-ground

change in the developing world using an active and engaged

approach, and to demonstrate to the students of Springbank

High School that they can make a difference in the world by

joining forces with other youth and choosing to take action.”

The mission statement includes aspects of education,

action, and community. However, the true goal of One

Village can be simply stated in its name. We are changing the

world one village at a time. By focusing our attention on

certain areas, we are able to break down the devastation in the

world into smaller challenges, and make a real impact in the

lives of others. As we try and bring aid to each small village, we

keep in mind our ultimate goal of creating a better global

village for all of humanity. Springbank Community High

School has been partnered with an organization called Free

The Children for six years, and has adopted their goal of

children helping children through education. One Village

projects have included Gotta Get A Goat, Dew The Drop,

packing shoeboxes, collecting food items, the Vow of Silence,

coffee houses, and many other fundraising and awareness

events. Five years ago, One Village adopted the village

Salabwek in Kenya through Free The Children, and have

been raising money in order to improve the lives of those living

there. One of the highlights of my year so far was organizing

an event where the founder of Free The Children, Craig

Kielburger, came to give a speech. That’s a night I will never

forget. Currently, we are hoping to connect with students at

the Kisaruni All Girls Secondary School that was built in

Kenya. Our goals for this year are to educate others about

local, global and environmental issues, enhance the lives of

others, and to develop a culture of global awareness at

Springbank Community High School.

Springbank One Village"Our school wide initiative, One Village, has been instrumental in encouraging

students to become active in the global community, and now we are ready to take this activism to the next level.”

–Leslie Collings (SCHS principal)


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“Changing the world, one village at a time.”-Springbank One Village


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Why is being part of One Village important to you?

“One Village is an important aspect of my life because it makes me feel good

about my influence in the world. Through One Village projects, I have

learned that it is necessary to donate my time to helping others. By doing this,

I am not only creating a better life for the individuals in need, but I also find

that my life is positively affected.” –Kaycee Morison

In what ways has volunteering helped you develop as a person?

“I think I have become a stronger person, and I am better equipped to make

judgments on what is truly important. It has also made me start to think more

about the way the world is set up. Most importantly, I think that meeting

people that honestly care about each other and try to help each other has

made me a more hopeful person, almost more idealistic.”

–Lachlan Stoness

Have One Village projects changed the way that you view the

world and the decisions that you make in your daily life?

“The decisions I make in my daily life have changed because I am more

conscious about how certain actions may have an impact on people who are

in poverty, who have poor health care, and lack education. One way that my

decisions have been affected is when I go out to eat. Nowadays the meals

they serve in restaurants are oversized and too much to eat for one meal, so I

get my food packed up when I leave. When I see a homeless person on the

street, I give him my food. They always welcome the free warm meal. It

makes me feel good that I helped someone, even though it may have been in

the slightest way.” –Christeen Johnson

Why do you think it is important that youth get involved in

volunteer programs?

“Volunteering is something that more teenagers should find the time to do. It

is an experience like no other, one which I cannot even describe.

Volunteering provides a sense of self-worth and a feeling that one person can

make a difference. Given the time, I think that most teenagers would find it

an inspirational experience, which they would then want to continue doing

as often as possible.” –Lucy Talman

What effect do you think youth who volunteer today will have on

society in the future?

“Youth are the next generation and we need to get more youth involved,

because the current youth will be the next leaders. Volunteer programs help

youth develop as people and give hope that the future will be just as good, if

not better. Getting started at a young age will positively affect society

because the amount of help an individual can give in a lifetime is enormous.”

–Megan Smith

How have you seen One Village affect the students who are


“I personally think there are different levels of change that occur, based on

the level of involvement in One Village. For people who actually take on

leadership aspects and make a commitment to a project, there is a bigger

long lasting change. Without question, the most important change I see is

when the students travel and experience other parts of the world. Although

the change is not always immediate or visible in school, we can see it years

later in the futures of the students, and it is a change that makes a lasting

impact.” –Mrs. Beingessner

Statements From Students and Teachers


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“I have experienced first-hand the benefits of volunteering. A three-month volunteer trip to a foreign land has not only made me into the faithful man I am

today, but it also helped me to become more courageous.” -Andrew Fawcett


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One of the greatest benefits of being involved in volunteering is the amazing people you meet and the friendships that are formed. As a young person myself, I am very aware of the large amount of time and energy that youth spend on developing friendships and relationships. Many of these do not last, and some of them can even be harmful. However, there are many opportunities for us to form real connections with others who hold similar values and can help us grow into the people we want to become. By spending time together, working towards a common goal, it is inevitable that lasting friendships will form. Growing up is a time filled with challenges as we all struggle to figure out who we are, while striving to be a part of something. I believe both of these things can be achieved through volunteer efforts, as you discover the type of people you want to surround yourself with, and the type of person you want to become. Because of One Village, I’ve been able to spend time with old friends and grow closer to them, as well as develop new friendships that have had a positive influence on me, and will continue to do so for a long time in the future.

Friendships and Positive Relationships

“One Village has given me the opportunity to strengthen relationships with friends that I may not see as much. It has also

allowed me to meet others, and as a result, I have found some great friendships based on important values. I am thankful for the

time One Village has given me to strengthen these relationships and for allowing them to continue developing.” -Megan Smith


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“One Village has provided me with strengthened friendships, and new friendships that will last an eternity. Our similar views and the need to help others have allowed us to consistently volunteer in groups together and to find new ways to encourage

others to volunteer.” -Christeen Johnson 9

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I believe that perspective is one of the most valuable things that youth can gain from volunteering. Stepping outside of our little worlds exposes us to things that we never even imagined could exist, and this forces us to view not only the lives of others in the world differently, but our own lives as well. When our view of the world changes, everything changes; our priorities, goals, decisions, and values. We realize how lucky we are, and the things that we used to complain about seem to matter much less. We appreciate everything we have here, and make an effort not to take it for granted. We may have our own struggles and hardships, and they don’t disappear with our new perspective, but when we look at the bigger picture, we realize how much worse things could be. We also see how strong other people can be in desperate situations, which can help strengthen us as people and carry us through future challenges. Even if it is still not often enough, we take the time to be thankful for all that we have. Some of the things we have seen are hard to believe, and the fact that there are children just like us living in such dire circumstances can be hard to understand. We become conscious of how large the world really is, and it can be overwhelming at times. However, with our view of the bigger picture in mind, we focus on the small tasks that will allow us to help out where we can, in hopes that the future will look brighter for all of humanity. Personally, my values and what is important to me has changed drastically since I’ve been involved in One Village, and I know that they will continue to grow as my perspective does.

Perspective and Appreciation“I have gained more knowledge into the lives of people in other parts of

the world, and it helps me view my own part of the world differently. We need to think about the other people in the world. Youth, especially teenagers, often get wrapped up in their own drama, and so volunteer

work helps keep things in perspective.” -Lachlan Stoness


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“One Village has offered an insight into lives other than my own. It has led me to see the privileges and benefits that I have as an individual, such as clean water, a

good education, sustainable living, and a good economic quality of life.” -Christeen Johnson


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The conventional fundraisers are sometimes just not enough to really grab people’s attention and make a difference. We can ask for money as much as we want, but in doing that we reach the point where people stop wanting to hand over the same amount for the same cause in the same way, time after time. Luckily, there is no shortage of creativity in youth. Some are musically inclined, some are artists or writers, and some are just full of imaginative ideas that no one else could think of. When young people get in a big group and start throwing ideas around, there’s no telling what they might come up with. There are endless ways to fundraise and raise awareness for a cause, and sometimes it involves thinking outside the box. Recently, our One Village group organized a Vow of Silence, where over seventy students were silent for the entire day in order to raise awareness for children without voices of their own. We got to have fun with some face paint, and create a visual way to show people the issues that children around the world are facing. Creativity is developed through the projects involved in One Village, and can help even the least creative people to come up with imaginative ideas.

Creativity and Imagination“Volunteering relates to creativity because you have to be able to think of meaningful, clear, and unique ways of raising awareness

and money for the cause.” -Becky Staden


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“Participation in the Vow of Silence to raise awareness for the children left without a voice in desolate areas of the world was a great experience.” -Cole Mercuur


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Responsibility is definitely not one of the words that most people think of when they consider today’s youth. However, it is a quality that is necessary in a functioning society. We have to learn to take responsibility for our actions, and fulfill our commitments. There will be nights when we’d rather go out with our friends than work on a poster for a One Village event, but there’s no way we want to let down the people who are counting on us to follow through. I believe that the development of these qualities leads to better decision making, and a more honest and productive future for the youth who volunteer. In order for this group to work, everyone has to do their part, and fulfill the promises they make. We realize how our decisions affect others, and so we begin to think more responsibly. Our commitment to the causes that we are involved in are strong enough for us to make them a priority, and realize what we hold as being important in our lives. This is important, because ultimately the future of the world is the responsibilty of the youth today, the next generation.

Responsibility and Commitment“No volunteer opportunity is a half commitment. It is all or nothing. You more than open a door, you walk through it and

meet what is on the other side.” -Christeen Johnson


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“Because of One Village, I have learned to stick to a commitment, even when it will take a lot of time or effort.” -Lachlan Stoness


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One of the hardest parts of volunteering is coming face to face with the tragedies of the world. You become more aware of the evil around you, and it will break your heart. Reading statistics such as “28,000 children die from poverty-related causes every day” can be hard to deal with at times, and we wonder how the world got so messed up in the first place. I know we’ve all had our share of anger and disbelief during our time with One Village, but from that sadness comes empathy, and from that comes the drive to change things. I remember when Craig Kielburger came to Calgary, and told the story of a young boy who had been hit by a car. People passing by ignored the situation as he suffered alone. The room was silent in shock, and as I looked around, I saw many people struggling to hold back the tears. As much as it may hurt at the time, I believe this compassion for others is great for the world, as it unifies people and allows them to relate and connect to the situation. When they feel an emotional response, they are more likely to get involved and try to bring change. Making a difference starts simply with the ability to care.

Compassion and Empathy“Youth who volunteer now will care more about other people, and be

able to understand their perspectives better. This might lead to a more compassionate society in the future.” -Lachlan Stoness


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“Youth who volunteer have a greater understanding of other people. It builds empathic capability.” -Bronwyn Johansen 17

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Life often seems like walking through a corn maze, blindly choosing each path and hoping that it doesn’t lead to a dead end. However, I’ve recently learned that those choices don’t have to be made blindly. By developing values that become ingrained in your mind, your view of right and wrong become a lot clearer. It is easier to see the consequences of your actions and what lies ahead after each turn. We can never predict the future, but we can get a sense of whether our decisions are leading us in a positive or negative direction, altering our course as needed. As a result of being a part of One Village, I’ve realized how my choices can affect others, not only in our group, but in our society and in the world. If I have the potential to make a difference in the world, I don’t want to destroy that potential by making bad decisions. I know I’ll make wrong turns along the way, but the core values that I’ve developed through One Village experiences and volunteering will keep me more or less on the right path. We’ve all heard the quote by Ghandi that says “Be the change you wish to see in the world,” and when I saw Craig Kielburger speak, I realized what it really meant. Change starts within ourselves, and in order to create a world based on the qualities we value, such as peace, respect, equality, and compassion, we first have to embody those values in our everyday lives, and in our everyday choices.

Choices and Values“One Village has helped me develop as a person, because seeing how lucky I am makes me want to make choices that will keep

me there.” -Bronwyn Johansen


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“My day-to-day life is affected by One Village, because I have learned that it is necessary to make good decisions regarding my future in order to live a

happy and successful life.” -Kaycee Morison 19

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Until recently, I had never before experienced cooperation to the level that has been necessary to achieve the goals we set in One Village. With such a large group of passionate people, it can be hard to make sure everyone’s voice is heard and that everyone has an important role to play. Often it’s a balancing act between many different ideas, but when we arrive at conflicts, it’s useful to step back and look at the project as a whole. We are reminded of our unified purpose, and when we work together, we can achieve things that we may have never thought possible. Many unique people striving for one goal is amazing to witness, and even more amazing to be a part of. Everyone has their own talents that contribute to the common goal of the group, and create something that wouldn’t have otherwise existed. There’s something so cool about sharing a passion with others, and the unspoken bond when working towards our goal is strong enough to get us through anything. When you have people to share your ideas with, the wildest dreams seem more attainable. Cooperation is a skill that is useful in so many areas of life, and I’m thankful that I’ve been able to develop that in One Village.

Participation and Cooperation“Being part of One Village, I feel as if I am able to give back to my community and school by working with other students to

create a difference in the world.” -Kaycee Morison


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“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” -Martin Luther King Jr. 21

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Whatever your beliefs may be, I think that most people can agree that just “surviving” life is a very empty and unfulfilling experience, and the true thrill comes when you find your purpose and take steps towards achieving it. Humans, and specifically youth, are naturally able to feel very passionate about what they believe in. Whether it’s music, or religion, or helping others, finding something to strive for gives your life meaning. Youth who volunteer are given opportunities and experiences that open many doors for them and allow them to discover what’s in their heart. Specifically in One Village, many of the students are looking forward to pursuing paths focused on helping on others and making a difference in the world. The open-mindedness of youth is key to developing this passion, and so I think it is so important that young people get to experience the world outside of their own lives, and allow those experiences to guide them on their path to their future. Many of the students who volunteer feel like they’ve found something worthwhile to pursue, and I know that as long as they keep their dream of a better world in mind, nothing can stop them from discovering their purpose and pursuing it with everything they have. No matter what happens, that passion cannot be destroyed.

Purpose and Passion“One Village has helped me realize my passion for helping

others and my determination to create a better society, where disparity no longer exists.” -Kaycee Morison


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“One Village has ignited within me a passion to make a change, and an initiative to continue that change once I have left high school.” -Lucy Talman 23

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Being the first to stand out from the crowd and stand up for what you believe is one of the most difficult things to do. It’s so easy to wait for some else to make the first move, but if we all keep waiting, we’ll get nowhere. As terrifying as it is, somebody has to start a movement for that movement to exist. I’ve always been a quiet person, but when it comes to protecting the rights of others, I can’t be silent, and through One Village I feel like I’ve gained the ability to be more of a leader. We’ve been exposed to such great examples of leaders, such as Free The Children’s Craig Kielburger. The passion he felt for his cause was greater than the fear of being unsuccessful in his attempt to lead. When he first came up with the idea for Free The Children, he stood in front of his class and asked other students to join him. He said those few seconds seemed to last forever, when nobody raised their hands. However, one by one, other students began to join in, leading to the creation of one of the largest organizations of children helping children in the world. If Craig hadn’t stood up that day, the organization that has changed millions of lives would not exist. He was only twelve years old at the time, so this shows that anyone can be a leader. All you need is a passion for what you believe in and the courage to take the first step. The world will be better if more people lead and less people blindly follow where they are told to go. Youth who volunteer become better leaders, and I believe that this will cause society to move in a positive direction.

Leadership and Initiative“Leadership was demonstrated when the Craig Kielburger event

came up, as we were able to use him as an idyllic example of youth leadership.” -Cole Mercuur


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“One Village has given me leadership opportunities, helping me to really step out of my world and the city I live in to help individuals in another country, individuals who

don’t have the same basic needs that everybody should have.” -Christeen Johnson 25

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Sometimes, the world looks broken beyond repair. It can seem like no matter what we do, there is always going to be poverty, conflict, and abuse. I know that it might be extremely difficult for anyone to really change the world. However, I also know that nothing gets done until we take the first step. It can be terrifying to stand up for what you believe in, especially when no one around you shares that belief. Thankfully, I’ve been surrounded by great people in One Village who share the same passion that I have. However, I know there will come a time in all of our lives when we’ll have to stand alone for what we believe, and put it all on the line in order to chase our purpose and our passion. I know that when that time comes, it will seem a lot easier to just give it up and go home. When I was talking to Craig Kielburger, I asked him if all the people telling him to give up ever made him lose hope, especially in the beginning. His reply was that there were people telling him that a kid couldn’t make a real difference, and although he was discouraged at times, his passion didn’t die. The more he saw of the world, the more he realized that this was about something bigger than himself, and bigger than the organization. It was about giving a voice to children everywhere, and freeing them from the exploitation, poverty, health issues, and lack of education that they lived with. It was about change. He knew in his heart what his purpose was, and his unfailing faith carried him through all the obstacles. It takes courage to be faithful, and the above quote by Martin Luther King Jr. really demonstrates what it means to have faith. There are a lot of things that can cause fear in life, but only when you are able to look past those fears and pursue what is more important will you truly be able to live a meaningful life.

Courage and Faith“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole

staircase.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.


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“By taking the first step of faith into the unknown, courage is built, and the reward is priceless. There is no substitute for courage, and there is nothing besides faith that

can fill one’s heart with fulfillment.” -Andrew Fawcett27

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The phrase “no one said it would be easy” definitely comes to mind when thinking about the projects we have worked on in One Village. We’ve had our share of struggles, whether it’s miscommunication, lack of planning, or just bad luck, but somehow we’ve always pulled together and made it through. There have been times when I’ve wondered what I had gotten myself into, unsure of whether or not the task could be accomplished. However, the great thing about One Village is that we are always reminded of what it truly means to persevere. What we face in our lives here cannot even compare to the hardships of so many others around the world. When we hear about the stories of those who beat all the odds, and those who are still fighting, the fire within ourselves is relit and we dedicate ourselves more to our cause. I see strength in the people living in desperate situations, and it reminds me that if they can make it through something so terrible, I can handle anything that I may be facing. At the end of the day, our goals of making a difference are too important to give up on, and we are determined to follow through. One person really can make a difference, as long as they have the strength to never give up.

Determination and Perseverance“I have gained a new understanding on perseverance after hearing

stories of people who should have no hope, and yet go on to complete their goal, such as during the stories of women with obstretic fistula

that managed to keep surviving.” -Lachlan Stoness


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“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” -Vince Lombardi 29

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Attention to detail is important when planning anything, especially an event for over four hundred people. It was awesome to see all the students pull together when Craig Kielburger was coming to Calgary, as they made sure that everything was prepared in time for the big night. We were separated into groups such as advertising, ticket sales, and refreshments, and everyone worked very hard on each of the designated tasks. Nothing good can come out of being lazy, and although teenagers often deserve that stereotype, there was nothing lazy in the planning of this event. Everyone was so excited, and did their part in making the night a great success. It was a busy few weeks leading up to his arrival, but at the end of the night, with the room buzzing with inspiration, we could see that it had all paid off. There’s not much more satisfying than seeing something that started as just an idea develop into something real and memorable, and the hard work to make it happen is just part of the experience.

Organization and Work Ethic“I have learned that it takes a great degree of organization to

accomplish even the littlest things.” -Lachlan Stoness


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“Almost anybody could write a cheque, but it’s the work that allows the money to actually change the world.” -Cole Mercuur


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“One person can make a world of difference.” This is the message that Craig Kielburger left us with when he visited. Throughout the day, we began to realize how right he was. After all, he was just one person when he started Free The Children. It is so cool to think that just one of us could have anywhere near that kind of effect on others. Because of people like him, we are inspired to dream bigger than we ever have, and feel empowered to make those dreams a reality. We are also inspired by fellow students who take initiative and demonstrate their commitment to a better world. There is so much bad in the world, but when you stop to take a look at all the good, it’s very powerful. Yes, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of devastation in the world, but if you look in the right places, there are also countless people shining a light in the darkness and fighting for the victory of good over evil. These are the people we should look up to, and through volunteering, we become aware of these people, even in unexpected places. The other day I was volunteering at a Christmas dinner, and met a man who spent most nights living in a homeless shelter. You would expect him to feel sorry for himself, but that was not the case. He spends every weekend volunteering and helping others who are even less fortunate than him. It just goes to show that inspiration can be found everywhere; all you have to do is look for it, and be willing to let it change your life.

Inspiration and Empowerment“I have grown as a person because I know that my efforts can be used in many more ways than originally thought” -Megan Smith


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“One Village gave me a chance to open my eyes to the wonderful people around the world who give back in ways that I couldn’t imagine possible, an example

being Craig Kielburger.” -Cole Mercuur 33

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Education is the key solution to so many of the world’s problems, and yet so many youth around the world do not have access to it. Because of this, doors are closed for them, and they never get to reach their true potential. Here in Canada, we often complain about having to go to school, but when I really think about it, I am so grateful that I am able to. I hope that one day no child is denied their right to an education. One of the things I’ve learned through One Village is that giving money does help, but it really doesn’t mean much if people don’t understand where it is going. What I admire most about Free the Children is that they focus on educating people here on the issues, and educating people in developing countries on sustainable living practices. They are creating change that lasts. By sharing the stories of people around the world, we are made more aware of the problems and what we can do to really make a lasting impact. The importance of education is stressed in everything we do in One Village, and we will carry that with us in our future endeavours. Youth who volunteer open their minds to so much more than just what’s going on locally, and therefore have the ability to teach others in order to create real change in the world.

Education and Awareness“One Village has made me more aware of other people in the

world that I probably wouldn’t have thought of otherwise, such as girls in Africa that can’t access education, food, or health care, and

live an entirely different lifestyle.” -Lachlan Stoness


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“At Free The Children, we believe that education provides the highest return of any social investment in the developing world. Together, these projects create a holistic education model, which empowers children and entire communities to break the

cycle of poverty for future generations.” -Free The Children35

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Whether it’s giving up a gift at Christmas to purchase a goat for a family in need, or giving up a Saturday to serve food at a shelter, there are so many ways to give that create a positive impact on people in need, and on the youth volunteering. It becomes easy to make sacrifices when you realize how many sacrifices others have made. Personally, I feel like I have a duty as a human being to do what I can do to help those who are worse off than me, because if I was in their situation, I know I would want others to lend a hand. When we’re born, we are all equal, and so I don’t believe that some human lives should be valued above others. However, this equality is not always present in real life, so I believe that those who are better off should help those who are less fortunate when they can. You would be surprised at how worthwhile it can be, and I can almost guarantee you will learn something along the way. Generosity is not only valuable in helping strangers in need, it is also important in building strong personal relationships with the people around you. Youth who volunteer develop a more altruistic ideology, striving for the greater good of mankind, and not just focussing on their own personal desires. This will lead to a more cooperative and peaceful society in the future, where more people will be given the opportunities to thrive because of the kindness of others. In addition, we have become more inclined to appreciate the kindess that others show towards us.

Altruism and Kindness“Through one village I have been able to develop as a person in a variety of ways. Instead of continuously putting my priorities and myself first, I have learnt to work in a way that benefits the

collective.” -Lucy Talman


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“I feel like the actions I make, whether it be through donations or volunteering, are both going towards the betterment of society, which makes

me feel more altruistic.” -Cole Mercuur 37

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The question “who am I?” comes up often in a teenager’s life. I believe that this is normal, because for the most part, we really have no idea who we are or where we are going. Even if we don’t realize it at the time, every thing we do and every decision we make is shaping the person that we will become. Being involved in volunteering and experiencing the change in perspective that comes with it definitely affects how you see yourself and your role in the world. As you look around at the bigger picture, the things you may have worried about before seem smaller. You develop integrity and values that you may not have otherwise held, and develop qualities that will stay with you forever. You question whether or not you are making the best possible use of your talents and abilities. Many of us in One Village are now striving to become the kind of people that could make a real difference in the world. All of the results of volunteering that I have discussed in this journal are building the people of tomorrow, and as we discover what we want to see happen in our lifetime, we ultimately discover who we need to be in order to make those dreams a reality.

Self-Awareness and Growth“Through One Village, I believe that I have become more self-aware

of my daily life. Furthermore, I have gained a better sense of compassion and empathy for refugees and people in third world

countries.” -Kaycee Morison


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“By engaging in self-testing activities, one gets a sense for who they are as an individual. Getting to know yourself is a life long gift that will continuously reap

opportunities to continue to understand who you are. In doing so, faith in one’s self prospers, and self-esteem/self-confidence overtakes any self-doubt.” -Andrew Fawcett 39

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The youth that are volunteering today are building the foundation for the world. What we do with our lives and the choices we make will shape what the future looks like for everyone. If we choose to lives of respect, then the world will be built on respect. If we choose to live our lives with peace and cooperation, then the world will be filled with peace and cooperation. However, if we chose to live selfishly or violently, the world will be filled with selfish and violent people. We have the chance to shape the world, all we have to do is decide that we want to see change, and work together to make it happen. This is why I believe that youth who are able to develop the values mentioned in this journal, whether it’s through volunteering or other methods, are fundamental in creating the world that so many dream about. From my experiences, I believe that getting involved in society early will really help youth create a brighter future for themselves and those around them. Society could use more of the values I have mentioned, and if volunteering can help develop even a few of them, then it is something that all youth should attempt at some point. The world is ours to change, all we have to do is get started.

Impact on Future Society“Like some of the exceptional people I have had the pleasure of meeting

through One Village related events – I believe that the possibilities for involved youth are endless. They could be the founder of a new NGO, or

the reason poverty is no longer a word that our children and grandchildren recognize or understand.” -Lucy Talman


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“It is important that youth get involved in volunteer programs because it is good for them to discover early that there is more to world then just themselves in their own

little world. It makes an impact on how youth view the world, and makes youth more responsible in their actions.” -Christeen Johnson 41

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© 2011 Emily Holloway

My name is Emily Holloway, and I am a grade twelve

student in One Village at Springbank Community High

School. I’ve only been volunteering for a couple years, but

the memories and lessons are ones that I won’t forget. I can

see how it has helped shape the person I will become. Even

though I still have a long way to go in many of the areas I

have discussed in this journal, I know that One Village has

helped me build a foundation to grow on, and I’m very

excited for my future of pursuing a better world for everyone.

About The Authour

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