Page 1: The Divine-Dimensionality of God: Are Humans · The Divine-Dimensionality of God: Are Humans ... provided a proof of God’s inexistence? Not even close! Have quantum cosmology explained


The Divine-Dimensionality of God: Are Humans

Quantum Mechanical Beings “Created” To Believe We

Have Free Will? If So, What Does It Say About Our


“He must have a long spoon that must eat with the devil” – William Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors

The longest journey in human existence is from the head to the heart. For if “TRUTH” is the ultimate

goal – how then do we “TEST” the “TRUTH”? Winston Churchill once opined that “TRUTH* is so

valuable that it is protected by a bodyguard of lies.”

In the book of Genesis 1: 26-28, outlined are the biological, quantum, esoteric & divine determinism of

mankind’s creative process – modelled after the similitude and based on the Divine-Dimensionality

of a Creator GOD* who stated: "Let Us make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness; and let them

have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all

the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth." So GOD* created man in His

Own Image, in the Image of GOD* He created him; male and female He created them. And GOD*

blessed them, and GOD* said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and

have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that

moves upon the earth."

Today, postmodern, militant, secular & scientific atheism says: HELL NO!

So we have closet triumphalist, Richard Dawkins, in his deluded treatise, entitled: “The God

Delusion”, sardonically ranting about his perceived characteristics of GOD*, stating that HE is:

"jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a

misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal,

sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." If that wasn’t enough of an abbreviated characterization,

he then argues that “religion’s power to console,” doesn’t make it true.” He also suggests that “agnosticism

about the existence of God belongs firmly in the TAP (Temporary Agnosticism in Practice) category. Either he

exists or he doesn't. It is a scientific question; one day we may know the answer, and meanwhile we can say

something pretty strong about the probability." He concludes his argument on the issue of agnosticism by

suggesting that the probability of the existence of God and the burden of proof lies with those of us

who are adherents – but his central plank of belief is that God’s existence is extremely improbable yet

admittedly, no one can honestly say His existence is not disprovable. He therefore cites Bertrand

Russell's parable of the “Celestial Teapot”; the “Invisible Unicorn”; the Tooth Fairy; Mother Goose; Flying

Spaghetti Monster; Zeus; Apollo; Amon Ra; Mithras; Baal; Thor; Wotan; & the Golden Calf of Egypt.”

This is Dawkins at his immoral, scientific best - using a counter-narrative pregnant with vitriol,

innuendo & even virulent blasphemy!

Mathematical Physicist, Agnostic & Sceptic, David Berlinski in his book – “The Devil’s Delusion:

Atheism & Its Scientific Pretensions” in responding to Richard Dawkins book said – “Have anyone

provided a proof of God’s inexistence? Not even close! Have quantum cosmology explained the

emergence of the universe or why it is here? Not even close! Have the sciences explained how our

universe seems to be so fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life? Not even close! Are physicists &

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biologists willing to believe in anything so long as it is not religious thought? Close enough! Have

rationalism & moral thought provided us with an understanding of what is good, what is right and,

what is moral? Not close enough! Have secularism and the terrible 20th century been a force for good?

Not even close! Is there a narrow or oppressive orthodoxy of thought & opinion within the sciences?

Close enough! Does anything in the sciences or in their philosophy justify the claim that religious

belief is irrational? Not even in the ball park! Is scientific atheism a frivolous exercise in intellectual

contempt? Dead on!”

For a sceptic that was pretty damning!

Berlinski further argues that “Religious men and women, having long accommodated the village

idiot, have long accommodated the village atheist. The order of battle is now different. It has been the

scientists - Richard Dawkins, Victor Stenger, Taner Edis, Emile Zuckerkandl, Peter Atkins, Steven Weinberg

(vasta môle superbus) - who have undertaken a wide-ranging attack on religious belief and sentiment.”

He further contends that “a great many scientists are satisfied that at last someone has said out loud

what so many of them have said among themselves: Scientific and religious belief are in conflict. They

cannot both be right. Let us get rid of the one that is wrong. Where before he was tolerated, Dawkins

is now admired. Should he announce that shortly he will conduct a personal invasion of Hell in order

to roust various American evangelicals, ticket sales at the National Academy of Sciences would at

once start vibrating.”

Two worldviews; two schools of thought – both from scientists respected in their individual fields of

endeavour yet so diametrically opposed in correspondence & coherence theory!

The questions arise – who is “PROGRAMMING” who? Whose voices peal the loudest? And is there

a 3rd way based on the pyramid of my truth, your truth & GOD’S TRUTH*? Let’s explore!

21st century theological deconstructionists and evolutionary social constructionist theory in tandem

with biological determinism became de facto markers meant to efface the image of a CREATOR* in

man and have somehow over the millennia hijacked our DNA* - rubbishing our socialization

processes to such an extent that mankind is now regarded as nothing more than a materialistic* being

– a cog in a timeless, quantum machine, deprogrammed from freewill or individual choice –

assimilated like the “Borg” into a illusory “Matrix” of rampant technological materialism &

avaricious consumerism.

The Divine creative determinism proscribed as the “Origins of man’s biological blueprint” which

posits such questions as: “where did I come from?” “What gives life true meaning?” “How do I

differentiate between GOOD* v EVIL*?” Most importantly, “what happens to the human being

when he or she dies?” These mind-numbing questions quickly overshadows the vagaries of the

deeper cosmological underpinnings that makes us more than just sentient, biological organisms but

transcendent beings, multi-sourced from the very Hands & Heart of a powerful CREATOR* (GOD*) -

whose limitless Sovereignty extends beyond the quantum & relative boundaries and confines of time

or space. Yet that divine “programming” seems to have been lost in translation, to be now replaced by

an overly simplistic form of materialistic atheism & empiricist philosophical phenomena.

As created beings, most ask – why are we here? To what end, and for what purpose are we to serve?

Why were we born, where we were born, and why was our linguistic programming handed down to

us in the way that it was? Are the deep pockets of time & space all around us mere mirages, effulgent

illusions or the deep rabbit hole of a primordial “matrix”?

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Powerful questions indeed with no easy scientific answers that neither Dawkins et al are willing to

sensibly answer!

Many are also asking: “if we are created in the very “IMAGE” of GOD* - what have been responsible

for marring that image to such an extent that it is hardly recognizable, as we see man’s inhumanity to

other men? And can that “Original” image ever be restored and what will it take for man to indeed

regain that lost Paradise created by such a wonderfully loving Divine Hand that literally absconded,

leaving a mere parody of our divine humanity in its wake?

Deep religious & philosophical questions indeed – yet secular humanists, evolutionary biologists &

others fail to test “TRUTH” by logical consistency; empirical adequacy & experiential relevance!

The Great Creator of all things, from atoms to galactic clusters, does everything for a purpose: “For

thus says the Lord that “created the heavens”; God Himself that “formed the earth and made it”; He has

established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited…” (Isa. 45:18). The Creator of the

Heavens and Earth designed them to be “inhabited.” They have a special and distinct purpose.

Notice: “For by Him were ‘all things’ created, that are in ‘heaven’, and that are in ‘earth, visible and

invisible…all things’ were created by Him, and for Him” (Col. 1:16).

Science is still trying to quantify the size of our solar system & galaxy. All that can be measured is the

visible universe (and even this value is not completely agreed upon).

Generally speaking, it is thought that the visible cosmos is approximately 93 billion light years in

diameter. Since each light year is 5.879 trillion miles, the diameter of the visible universe is

546,747,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles - 546 billion trillion miles!

It is impossible to fully comprehend a number of such Biblical proportions.


How is this “simple” phenomenon to be explained by “match-box” brains when God breathed the

“worlds” from His Lips?

If you shrink our universe to a more manageable scale by reducing the Earth to the size of a grain of

salt, making our planet 42.5 billion times smaller, at this scale, the diameter of our solar system

shrinks to less than 600 ft and our galaxy reduces to nearly 14 million miles across. Even at this scale,

the visible universe is still 12.9 trillion miles wide.

If we could shrink our solar system from the Sun to Pluto down to the size of a single grain of salt, the

Milky Way galaxy would be 24 miles in diameter - an easy distance to visualize. This still leaves the

universe’s span at an incredible 22 million miles - about two-thirds the distance from Earth to Mars.

If the Milky Way galaxy (in reality, nearly 600,000 billion miles in diameter) was reduced to the size of

a grain of salt, the visible universe would be just over 915 feet wide—about the length of three

American football fields. Finally, a size we can picture!

What is lost in this quantum analogy is the sheer mass of the Milky Way galaxy and how much

reduction is needed to reach this result. In fact, this manageable cosmic scale would mean we have

reduced the universe 3.2 septillion times - or 3.2 trillion trillion times. Our solar system, never mind

the Earth, would be smaller than a single hydrogen atom!

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Astronomers state that there are countless numbers of solar systems. Happenstance or Design? You


[9] Planets revolve around our sun in our solar system and our solar system is approx. 6 billions miles

across. Put into dollars & cents: a $billion spent at a rate of $10K per day would deplete in 274 years &

7 months. Now you have an idea of how rich Bill Gates really is!

Our galaxy called The Milky Way contains approx. 400 billion stars – and each star is a sun and each

of the closest or nearest suns is 26 trillion miles away – and there are approx. 400 billion suns which

have a family of planets and moons.

Let’s assume each sun has planets at an average of 15 planets per sun, but a more conservative figure

of 5 would be realistic given that our solar system has 9 planets.

Therefore, if there are 400 billion suns per galaxy × 5 planets would be 2 trillion planets in (1) galaxy.

It is estimated that there are 100 billion galaxies like The Milky Way. So can we conclude that if each

galaxy contains approx. (a conservative estimate) of 2 trillion planets – then the number of planets

within any given MILKY WAY system would be 200, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Septillion planets…

No matter the scale, science is left with more mind-boggling questions than scientifically rational

answers. The source of the universe, the way it is held together and many other facets are left

unanswerable because THE TRUE SOURCE* of the cosmos is blatantly ignored – for “IN THE


Hungarian born Physics Nobel Laureate, Eugene Wigner, cited that biological materialism focuses on

the human mind and is not “logically consistent with present quantum mechanics.” The problem isn't

what you don't know. The problem is actually what you think you know that just isn't so. Quantum

mechanics according to Sir Rudolf Peierls argues that “the premise that you can describe in terms of

physics the whole function of a human being including his knowledge, and his consciousness, is untenable.

There is still something missing.” That “missing something” is “Programming”! Most scientists &

philosophers who are duly aware of the cosmological properties of quantum mechanics which

include quantum teleportation, quantum entanglement, quantum super positioning and

wave/particle duality still formulate their theoretical framework using measurable, quantifiable,

empirical research, using their brain matter as the “computer matrix” – is nothing more than an

academic colloquium done in time and space.

Again, this is just “Programming”!

So, within this vortex of this quantum singularity, how do we find true meaning within the few

measured years of man’s paltry life existence? How does all this relate to us in our human experience,

given that we are having today to deal with what we believe are “REAL ISSUES”; deadlines of all

sorts; increasing bills; family life concerns; orchestrated perpetual wars; fomented religious

skirmishes; mass socio-political surveillance & intrusions – notwithstanding, petty humans who

deems themselves demi-gods thinking their CRAP* smells better than other people’s?

If the starting-point within our so-called quantum nature can, by slight of hand, be deduced down to

a single point of reference – then everything suddenly changes. The GOD* etched idea that we have

been created in the very “IMAGE” of a powerful GOD* belies any forced obedience or wanton

subservience to these ugly, pitiful phantoms that we call human governments, religious leaders &

captains of industry. Moreover, that we are somehow obliged to keep running on this slavish

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treadmill we've built for ourselves - becomes completely oxymoronic & distinctly reduces us to a state

of morbid obsolescence.

For if we are indeed MASTERS* & CRAFTSMEN* of our own fate – then surely, it must have been

emblazoned on the schematic blueprint of our DNA. If we indeed choose our own destiny by tapping

into the Creative Source of our Divine makeup – then surely, we have the power to choose something

totally & completely different from the baseless CRAP* that is drip-fed us by those who think they

wield power.

The challenge for all of us is to find that cornucopia of “FREEWILL” that languishes on the periphery

of our souls - then strategically toss the “PEBBLE” of choice into the quiet pond of life whose ripple

effect will engulf all within the sphere and circle of our influence. As this is done, the realization that

reality is truly a creative process, engineered by an “Invisible Hand”, and not some biomechanical, uni-

linear, materialistic progression, augmented down to some irreducible daily struggle for the

acquiescence of more & more material goods – yet finding no lasting satisfaction, goes out the


The time has come to “Unplug” and “Deprogram” from the current inviolable “Matrix”- resetting our

hard-drives and to quarantine & delete the Trojan Horses, Viruses & Bad metadata sets which have

conditioned & programmed us - keeping us trapped in this never-ending spiral of crashes, reboots &

buffered survivalism.

We are the quantum singularity interacting with the Source Code of All Power. The more we wake up

to that - the wider the possibilities will become for us and our world.

Time to make that change!

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