Page 1: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central




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&~ Vol, 6.5. No. 75 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1958 {Price 7 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons

• ,nes1an rappe S. Snow Storm Proves A Killer :others Whittled.

iBy Death, Desert1on ort~~ Persons eported Dead

Storm In Forty Years

\1:11 YPHh--:\1' - Ade\•astating snow· ra:;rtl 1:n"hah•d for a second day Friday tht· t·ntll·d States eastern seaboard. Up

i1·,· ,,· 'no\\' buried some sections, In rNt'' :: l'•·nns~·l\'ania the snow damage

1h1· ''"''I 111 Ill )·curs. The area was placed : a ~1.,1<' of L'llll'l'J:cney as the storm cut

0:.~· lik tu a nawl. 't•lt' ill· ·----·----------

'. "dtl ar,·a~. Hi1·crs O\'frflowed their , hanks. The possibility of a sud·

. : .. ,.,., ;t>l· , ciPn thaw raised the question of ,,:•n· Prt··' spnn)l tluods. ,

• ·<'1.,.,.,11 .. ! On th~ temJI~SHossed .~tlanllc . ,, .,,, ,1 ,,:1i : Ocean ~~~~ m1lcs ·~>t of Cape ·: '.l:lllll' lw : 1·od. a .l s. Con> uu~~d cutter

· ' hnttled 20-foot seas to atd a New i lkdford, jlas~.. fishing \'eSj;d

, ·::·, :11HI with disabled l.'n~ines. The fish· .. , r r c· in~ l'~>>cl had 1 I men aboard.

--------~-·---.. . ' . .. ~.,

l . ·. ~

. : ·o:niit f:uruu•; RESTAt:RAST ALEXANDRIA. Egypt-At left aho\'e the :i.OOll· tnn freighter. Sadia, or Pan.lmanian l'CJ:"blr~·. is i On the snow • blocked pcnn~)·l· '1ania turnpike, state pollee be· llhown with only part of her bow and her SllJICI' sh·uctUJ'c abo\'c water a few hundred yards from

'l:ll'1'11 1' I himl l~tlldozm e1·acunted mm the entrance to Alexandria Harbour. The ship allegedly struck submerged rocks while trying to · · · •· .·., •rrAI lh~n 800 person~ stranded for 36 h ff enter the harbour without 11 pilot dlll'in"' a l\ledit crranean storm. T e crew of 3:i wAr. taken o

SINGAPORE-AP - The Indonesian anny claimed Friday that it has 300 rebels trapped against a lakeshore in north Sumatra and that rebel forces arc being whittled down by death and desertion.

The revolutionary regime, on the other hand, announced over its radio at Bukittinggi that it has formed a fledgli-ng navy and --! it into action against a government blockade.

A rebel leader also charged that Soviet ships have arrived at Jakarta, capital of Presi· dent Sukarno, with arms shipments for the gov· ern men t forces.

TRAPPED BY LAKE ---·- --------Army spokrsman Lt.-Col. Rudy ters of the Caltex Oil Company

Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central Sumatra, deserted be· 1\lajor B o Y k e ll!ainn Golan, fore they got there, Antara IS· leader of a mutiny in the north serted. Sumatran capital of illedan last The Dutch liner Oranje Jandec Sunday. was pinned against the 520 from Medan herf east side ot Lake Toba with 300 Friday. •two more ships wen of his men. Golan has no boats scheduled to bring other toreign in which to escape across the ers from Padang because of the l~ke, about 50 miles southwest of possibility of a government at·

I. ~ledan, the spol<esman said. tack there. Army spokesman Pirngadi re· Col. Dahlan Djambek. rebel in-

, ported hundreds of lleeing rebel terior minister said he has rea-11troops l':a1 e surrendered north son to belic1·e that Soviet ship~ 1 and west of ~ledan in a pusuit had arri1·ed at .Jakarta with arms 1 hy ~overnmcnt ground forces and last 1\'cdncsday. i fighlcr·l>ombers. "Jakarta is asking for Com. 1 Antm·a. t.he Indonesian news munist help to destroy Indo· : a~:en~y, smd three compamcs. nesia," he said . : totalling about 400 men. deserted The Bukittinggi broadcast ,JR • j from the f~rces of Lt.-Col. Ach· 'nouncinJ: formation of a rebd i mad lfussem,. rebel commander j nal'y gave no details, but nid it. : 1n ccntt·al Sumatra. and went/ already ha~ caused damage to 1 hac~ to thrtr hometown~. 1 Sukarno ~ea force~ in action

· ·: .. ~··"·- hotn·~ in a heatlr~s. liGhlle~s " • ''"l~•ld- llll'np*e rc~taurant near Morgan·, by tug,;, Se\'en crewmen were injurer! and hos pitali:r.erl.-tJ.~. Photo),

·. _.. r,,,·'•'n. 1own. -----

: S,\\ S REBELS DESERTED I amund the lliou"' Tslands, 3110 i Rrhr.l rrinforremrnt~ ~rnt In, mil•~ Fouth of Singapore and ea!l

---------·------ :""take P~kanbaru. thf h•adquar·! rof !'tJm~tr~ . I -

At Geneva More I Missile Bases .. ,,, .,, ,,. , ., 1111~il A ~llflll' · lad~n roof of A 5Un· · ... , . Dorch colla115ed at a ~tate mental

· hospital on Island. One · .. 'I' ''"MI. woman patient wa5 killed and

. l)·in& 1 seven injured. · ---- The storm began late Wednes·

day and increased in lntenaity throughout Thursday.

The storm came off the Atlantic along the Carolina coast and mo\'ed northeast at a leisurely

, pnce. At first the finow was wet f';~•tT rt

1 and. seemed destined to melt and

No _Agreement On ;.;:=t~ !Ade~auer Kills Terri. tori· al Waters WASHINGTON IAPl-The u.s.! Russian Hopes Atomic Energy Commission Fri. I

i .. r·.• ,.,. were J dram awar. But temperatures ·c..· .. ,_, f'l'ldn)' d~opped, and it ,fitarted to pile up.

. .. m1 the H1gh wtnds-wtth gusts up to a ·: ••. ,,.;,. 1~ olf ! hur~icanc force of 75 mlles-ga1•e


ENEA V CReutcrs t 'fhc

IJcrs unable to agree nn meas. ures to define the extent of tcr· ritorial waters.

day night announced the detec-j tl . . .1 I' 't tion of two more So1·iet nuclear l ISTERPRETING THE NEWS ward Moscow's $(ream o! propa-'ke~ ~~ e tmt · . C d . weapons tests.


By JOSEPII MacSWEES ganda re.,.arding eonditions tot rllam1 ~~~ agat~·1't .alnda 3 st 1 "The first occurred Thursday ranadlan Press SCaff Writer the sum;it meeting,

. i a btU er edge to the storm as it world conference on the law of the sea here appeared Friday to be headed for the rocks, it~ mem.

The same i~s\lc also ca11sed the Hague conference of 19311 to focndet'.

~r~r~sa 'rtruse ~ .wou. .cull at the usual Siberian testing Any lingering Russian hopes of The United States and Britain /'.am 0 rom. et prmctpa l~trounds and the second Friday.! pre1·cnting the establishment of I hal'e suggested once again, in a d("1~~~Ta~~~'!F1~~ ::s~;~~~.~~fd c~:s! I nop!t o~ the Artie_ .Circle." the jn.uc_lear missile bases in Western dec~dedl~ cO?I manner, that BuJ. 50·per·cent drop in the country's! AEC satd. It added. ; ~.ut ope hm e. been .knockd on I ga~:_n qutt hts now·famous Jetter· deep-sea fi~hing catch, I "The energy yield or th~ for·ltlw head by wtly old Konrad Ade· . 1\'rlttng act_ and gc_t down t_o .more

With regard to fishing interests mer was small and of the ~ccond ' nauer. . j orthodox dtplomahc barbatmng.



!llol'cd north into New Enrdand. • . ;.1tr.J nf

' : ·_:;:::llitn:J~ I Warn I· ng F The conit·r~occ i'"rida~· ruled iG

·' • : 1·ur~oda~ , ~ - :,,1] \\Ofld

( ~·· t'• ::l;.t th~: .

rom to !&-with Russia and the Com· munist nations of Eastern .r-;u.

j rope opposed-to postpone until March Jl detailed discussions of

the major development has b~~~ I in a larger range." l He .wen_t n~ht to the crux of the : l\lA Y ~OT REPL ~ .

.,.. , '"':".~:;P.M. Macmillan draft rules for fixing the extent of territorial waters. The post· ponement was made to gi1·e members extra time to seek a compromise, but their positions are so far aoart that obserl'ers feel there is tittle chance or their agreeing on an effective sctlle· mcnt within the next 10 da)'s.

Canada's proposal, which ~till! Thr Russians hal'f. hrrn c.on-! ~ucs~to~ m speech I . Prevtous suggesllons along th1s would leave her without jurisdic· dueling a test series in both i ~115\\ enng Sol tct ~'at mngs and j' hne only s_crvcd to spur th_e Rus. tion o\'er much of the Newfound· areas !hat began about 11 month thr~ats on the subJect. . . Stan prem!er t_o ren~ed lt~erary land grand hanks and other im· ago .. Tapancse scientists reported \\est Gcrm~ny_ ha:~ no chotce ~n 1 effort.~ so tt ~·til be tntereshnt. to portant fishing areas. Feb. 24 that the Russians had ex· t~.c .matte~ tf tt. IS to rcl~tatn see what 9.'111 be the eact1on

, . ploded 11 h\'drogen bomb in the Y.tthm NAfO, satd the 82·)ear. no·.~. fhc Canadian proposal has Siberian Arctic old chancellor. tf th~ alliance Prime Minister Macmillan has : ·r '\;. ~ r "

-c·notJ~ t ( ''UU" !I l P . r t ~:;•,r.· · .. '"'IJ•'l )]f.'~·r .~ .J:.. ·" I ~~u cniJ .-- nme

, · :::• 0, .. , 11 n . ~hmstcr Macmillan Frtday nlgltt '':·····... . : ' ~>· : warned I hat disillusionment after · .' ,.,. , ,. ";,r~. 1\'ns a "ncgatil'e and unsatisfactory'

and derinitc." found support from a number ol · deems such bases necessary, not ~·et replied to Bulganin's last other countnes. among them Nor· Th€ tests r~pot·tcd Fridav were West Germany must accept nu· letter. He has repeatedly alated

· · lite Mnmnit meeting might be foJ. ~ lo11 cd by "something like des.

\I . JU I rnir." • ·" . h I dl ''< •' ,,_.,.,,_ 1,, 11 _ a, Spcakmg to t c annua nner

···.~ !:c-· ~' r , led _,cc- , of the Parliament Press Gallery :.<~.·., !h :. : '" ni ht at. the Ho~se of Commons, Mac· );,1 ,,, ,,,, h g mtllan satd he wants summit

•::• a:ra F .·.·. urlnmg talks but he wants any discus· r• r. ··') a ter· . sions with Soviet leaders to .··; fv~rrc· "''.: it ap. ~ achlc1·c "some real success."

Discussing the hydrogen bomb, Macmillan said there is "nothing to be gained by being halC· hearted" about the deterrent pol· ley.

"The preservation of peace de· pends on the determlnaaion to deter, clearly and unambiguously slated.

"It aLso depends on efficient weapons end efficient means of delivery."

Without such agreement, vir· tually nothing can be done with the other 72 draft articles, which Include the question of air space over territorial waters. the judi· clal status of teritorial waters and the right o( innocent pas. sage,

way, Iceland. Ireland and Ails· th~ 33rd and 34th reported·b.1· the clear armaments. his wish for summit talks and he ~ralia. It also appears to be gain· AEC, although the commission On the other hand. refusal by may not consider a new reply mg further support from such has said it does not report all West Germanv would mean in ef. necessary since he had hoped to Asiatic countries as India. ~xplosions which it detects. feet withdraival from NATO- end the correspondence with his

Of Canadians Irish Origin

and that in turn would probably own leiter of February. Britain , mean the beginning of tht end already is going ahead 'lrith or the alliance. plans for missile bases. EXASPERATED N:OOD The U.S. state departtaent has

Adenauer's words out I in e said in so many words that BuJ. graphically just how vital has ganin's missives have lost their been the issue raised by Khrush· fascination, since they "more or chev and Bulganin in their pre- less" repeat themselvet,

' 't .a '"fl'•lluc "on ; He said proper preparatory , "' 11 111 tne t;iand . work must come first, "althr.ugh .r. :n :r"' r. · ! th< last thing we shall do Is to .. make unnecessary diCCJcultles." ···' .,,: '""' twarly · Ht added: · ;h·~·:• '"H ~ll'cn i "Our poliC\' Is and should be

::, Rd 1 ro'.' Hostel 1 flexible on th'e means in the hope · R'~"1·• e11hrr while 'of attaining the end, 'r.·r, :r, hr''llltal or i "We must not expect too much

c:•thc,r~•·d from ! ol ~uch a meetinll. To do 10 1 would he to court disappointment.

Iran~· I "I should he ~atisfied wilh a limit rd ad\'ance if it were clear

Macmillan said there are those who are prepared to use force but believe nuclear weapons so terrible and different in kind from conventlonal armaments t h a t they must be renounced as in· trinsicaUy Immoral.

"I find this point of 1·iew e. lremely difficult to understand." he said. "If we believe we should defend our civilization and our way of life, then we should be prepared to defend It at whatever the co~t

For Un.employed, ction For Farm·ers

WANT 3·MlLE Lll\UT The Unied States, Britain and

France lead powers favoring the three·mile limit as the legal ex· tent of territorial waters.

Sweden. Norw&)', and Finland recognized q four . mile limit, while India,. Ceylon. Yugoslavia and Greece are among countries claiming six miles.

Russia, her Eastern European allies and Egypt and Indonesia claim 12 miles. In addition, In· donesia has declare!\ its intention to draw a line around its entire archpelago of 3,000 islands to in· elude all the waters within.

Canada supports the thrce·mile limit, but with acceptance of 1 12 • mile zone over which the coastal alate could exercise con· trol of fisheries.

And at the exlreme end, there are some South American re· publics which elaim up to 200 mile1.

TOO COSTLY Mr. Dicfcnbakcr, speaking to the Canadian agriculture industry

a noon·hour audience of aom~ and In particular our fruit and 1,800, dealt mainly with unem· vegetable growes." ployment and farm problems. Mr. Dlefenbaker did not specify HEADS FOR KINGSTON what acUon would be taken.

Following the me e tl n g he JOBLESS AT MEETING

The United States maintains it would be extremely costly to ex. tend the present limit to'12 miles. 'l'o do so, it said, would be to add an extra $180,000,000 a year to the present cost of patrolling the

O'ITAWA tCP• - Religious St. Lawrence where they prob· fervour. a rebellion, a 'potato ably landed on one of the Mag. crop failure and the promise of dalen islands and ·subsequently to better. things in the _new world c3pe Breton Island. have 10 recent centunes spurred the Irish into leal'ing their home. , --------land for America. '

At present, almost 300 yearfi I Pearson after the establishment of the I

summit space • age propaganda assaults. NEW YORK CAPJ-The nose·

At present, it appears the Rus· wheel of a Scandanavian Airlines sian leaders over·slepped them· DC·7 collapsed during a takeoff seh•es. Adenauer's plain talk CO· at Idlewild airport Thursday night incides with a toughening atti and the big plane skidded 100 feet tude-a mood of eeration-in ofi the runway. Fifty persons both London and Washington to. aboard ucaped injury.


first known settlement in the ! -----­Western hemisohere. roughly 1,· i 480,000 Canadians are listed as , s • t being of Irish origin. This i.~ al I OVle most double the 848.000 counted . in the Dominion census of 1871. ;

Crimes Stop Peace

The largest numbers of Irish ' came to Canada during the 1800s, • N t· particularly after the potato Earn- ' Q me of 1845. : JNTREPID SAJJ.ORS I

Should Talks

On St. Patrick's Day, Irish 'I By H,\ROLD MORRISON speakers reiterated claims that ,Canadian Press Staff Writer intrepid Irish sailors landed on 1 TORONTO rCPI - Lester !l. North A m e r i c a hundreds of Pearson said Friday he wo~ld yeas before the Norsemen, Co· not agree to the usc of force in lumbus and the French. revising the German . Polish

Judge Owen McGivern of the border but he would be the last New York . Superio~ Court told man to oppose any revisions the St. P~trtck'~ Soc1ety of Mon~· achieved thruugh negotiations.

a possiblr collision. many regammg IDst territorie; At a luncheon he adrocatr.d through the use of force.

Western negotiations with the So· Mr. Pearson said it was tru: l'iel on every possible occasion, that he said he would oppose the not merely in the interest of se· usc of force. No Canadian gov curing peace but also in the in· crnmcnt could sanction such ac tercst of unshackling the en· tion. But he would be the las slaved. . man to oppose border alteration

Then he touched on the Ger· through agreement. man-Polish issue,· recalling that He added that he hated to sa he had given an interview to a anything that would disturb u Polish journalist before he be· cial groups in Canada. caught a train at Hamilton for 1 The unemployment situation

night meeting et Kingston, home was brought to the prime minis· of Canada'.a first prime minister, ter's attention 111 he arrlvde et Conservative Sir John A. Mac· the meetlll( by e quiet, orderly Donald. row of unemployed men carry.

real earlier thts week that evJ· The Liberal leader touched on dencc has ~een uncovered to this delicate foreign issue at a show that Irtsh settlements ex. Toronto and Yorks Liberal lsted in the St. Lawrence Valley Association luncheon for some between 875 and 9f!O A.D. . 300 ethnic group representatives

Some ~rlsh hlstortans place the after flying in from a two-day date thctr ~ncestors lan.ded here campaign in his Algoma East four centunes before thts. constituency in Northern On·

came Liberal leader in mid·Jan· 1 -;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ yar and that the printed version II -which had caused some ethnic group colttroversy-was not ex­actly in accordance with the facts.

Weather For the farmers here, he said lng signs such as "Tory times DRIVEN FOR JCELAND lario.

Dr. Gustave Lanctot, a Can a- A near mishap marked his ar· Cloudy with scattered lurries. High 32. Outlook ·or Sunday: Cloudy with ·lurries.


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the Conservative government ere hard times" and "no evlc· . MOSCOW <API - Radioactive does not intend "to allow the Ca· tlons for unemplOyed families." gold has been used successfully nadlan agricultural producer to The picketers later sat at th~! In the treatment of malignant find his 'Industry destroyed or un· meeting. cerebral tumors at the Leningrad dtrmined as a result of the dump· Outside the arena where the Institute of Neurosurgery, Tass lng of poduce from any coun· meeting was held Don Nyal, repored Thursday. The Soviet try.': preside!)! or a recently ~ formed news agency said the size of the

" ... If this eovernment Is re· union of the unemployed In the tumos was reduced and the turned to oower we shall act, area, presented th prime minis· health of patients improved by within our rl~:hts under GATT, tr with a copy of a brief pre· introducing a clloid, or glue·likc, lthc General A11rccment on Tar· sentCd last Monday to the On· solution o( gold Into the tumor ills and T r a d el to prr~rve !arlo cabinet. through an aperture in the skull:

dian historian and retired Domin· ri 1•al at nearby Malton Airport. ion archivist, said peaceful, Irish Hi~ chartered DC·3 aicraft was Celt~ living in Iceland were coming iri for a landing and was driven from their homes by the about 150 feet above the unway barbaric and pagan Norseman in when pilot Bob Smallman P.Uiled thn loth century. th~ !)lane up for another circuit Pearson had been asked what his position would be on the matter of the territory ceded by Germany to Poland as a result of the Second World War if ever Gemany became reunited. LIKES REUNIFICATION • I •• I. 1

Dr. Lantot' said this small of the field before landing. hand apparently was drh·en by The pilot explained later he thll prevailing winds to tr.e coast spotted another plane ready to oi Labrador and into the Gulf of take Dff. He decided not' to risk

He was quoted as having said he would support the reunifica. tion of German)' through free elections but would oppose Ger.

loncton ....... 24 .lalifax . .. . .. . .26 Sydney .. . . .. .. '.!1 St. John's 26

35 34 37


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Page 2: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central


'• '•

; .: !

.. '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------TH_E __ DA_I_LY_N_E_W~-------------5-AT~U~RD~A~Y~,~~

TH. E ELECTION CAMPAIGN 1 AfterllisitingTiltiniHarbuurl , Mr. Winter spoke to a large ·1 audience in the Omnge Hall

outlining the politics of the Liberals Mr. ~lill~r mer at the Poin programme Pro 1 ~ Pearson to he! P~ economic trr Phi • I I I th I . . ill , Die fen baker i TORIES AKE T ·

C e campa gn meet ngs n e ex· te eviSlon at Stephenv e. i Mr. Winter's campaign man- ~ T , 00 MUCH / meetmgs toda)'. :.: Onservatlves treme western end of the rid· _He is scheduled to return_ to: ager, Whitfield Bannister, says I CREDIT FOR SPECIAL 1 Mr. Smallwood didn't finish ing, . h1s Corner Brook campaign in a message to 1'. c. bead· I . G~ANTS . 1 c?mpaigning until aft_er elev~n

, • .. On the same tram with Mr. headquarters Sund~y to wrap , quarters that Mr. Winter horl Cyr•l P~rkms, a rellred St. o clock on Thursday_ mgbt when

h'l •u !· w I P. the To,· '· h .11 .res

111 1 a rn: <I 10 P(~ar:-.on h;.., luke a v:,1t construction in C3nad;r, Ant! '!

HIGGINS by the tremendous lift to my Marshall will be M~s. Cole who 1 up pl~ns. for the fmal days of previously addressed packed

1 Johns busmessman. has char_ged he _wound up a m~ehng at Burnt

"Premier Smallwood will spirits from the great support wlll apend the final. days o(. the , campa1gmng. , halls in Twill in gate, Herring · th_e Ne:ovf~undlanrl Conservahv~s; yomt. The Premier _held ~ec! 11ever go to Western Canada 1 met everywhere." campaign at the Side of her I Neck, Change Islands and Fogo , w1th takmg to~ m~ch cred1t • 1~gs, on Thursda? m Bngu~. during this campaign. His own The Grand Falls-White Bay- husband. . . Mc~RATH while the Joe Batt's Arm mfcl· f?r the g~ants m a1d to the 1-hhb s Cove, Shi,P Cove, Port po~ltlon here in Newloundland Labrador candidate said that Mr. Cole .hunself meanwhile The campaign of the St. ind was every hit as enthusias- Newfoundland government from. de Grave, Clarke s Beach, Bay It= ;far too weak to permit him he spent one of the roughest is making good progress along; John's Ea_st candidate Jim ~Jc- tic~ , O~t~wa w~en, in fact, Prime' Roberts East, Bay Ro~ert~ Cen­tO leave." six hours of his life Thursday the south coast by boat. He • G_rath shifted I? Foxtrap last Mr. Bannister reports that en- lhmster Drefcnbakc~ had to be tre. Shcarslo";n, ~panwrd s Bay ; . ·These were comments made ; dri\•lng the six miles from hopes to reach Port Aux Bas-i mght '."here a g1an! rally l?ok thusiasm is running high every-: persuaded by Prem1er Sm~ll- ~ Centre, Spamard s Bay East. by a prominent member of the Roddick ton to Englee In a snow- ques tod.ay and to take off from 'place m the Regional Jhgh where Mr. Winter visits. ! ~vood at. th_c No1•cmber Domm- Upper Island Cove, Harbour·

·. P, C. party here several weeks i mobile, the trip took 3 hours. there th1s c1•enlng by boat for I School. . Toclav the Bonavista-Twillin- : wn-Provmcwl conference . to. Grace South,. H~rhour Grace, 1110 when Liberal press rrleases ; During the past week or so Mr. North Sydney. . The ~echng got undcrwa~· at gate ca.ndidate is scheduled to i get Newfo~ndl~nd the a_sstst· • Ca~bonear, Vrctona and Burnt

. .q ~d out, ~lr. Pear;o , mclurle~ lnx re;· r._t per crnt. uc11~

~lr. :ltillrr '•k, t ' t', {'•j I

o ~n·p lh(·lr ~u~ Pe·1r<on·, e%~ · ' • . pru~rcrr;.,._

undcuhtrdly h~;1 .~-: <:' ··r·n·' .J.~ , I " ,.... f'f'I!Jl!)l"":(' ., r ·Ia. . ... Q·~~-

~tated that l\lr. Smallwood ·Decker said he held two meet· In North Sydney Mr. Cole e1ght o clock and among the mit the Carmanville-Gandcr ; ance to whiCh II was enlltled. Pmnt, would do mnch of his campaign. lngs in St. Anthony, .both of will deliver a radio address guest speakers on the platform Bav renion and will· continue ·Mr. Parkins, s;rid ~lr. Diefen· The Premier said while he ---lng In other parts of Canada, which were .exceptionally well~_ !hrou~h the S)'dne)' radio stat-. with Mr. McGrath w~re lht• ehmpni;':nin~ in thl' Wesley· : h~~er ba~l h;rd no intention of and ~Jr. Tucker .did not l'isil 1'0\IDI ;;;iff_:-working as far west as Sask- 'attended. l'islted A number of; ton a1merl at the we~tern parts leader of the 'OpJlOslll_on ~lal· l'illc-~.lusgrave Harbour next : ~1vmg Newfoundland a share Bll the commumtres alon~ the atvhewan. homes of P. C. supporters in 1 ol ~be riding. Also expected to eolm Ho!lett. th~ president. of week to wind up his campai~tn. I in the grant~ propo>.ed for th~ ;;trelrh of rna't tlw~- con~reri Tit" P1'" ,r,_i·,[.

James D. Hig~ins. the M.H.A. Cook'!< Harbour, adressed a, be m Sydney OI'Cl' the weekend the P. C. Assocwt10n of i\ew- The p c. Federal orilaniler. other Atlanlrc Pro\'mccs untrt Thur·.<rla~·. ~lr. Tuckrr w1ll br lli 211 ''·<' '·''·' .;;for St. John's East. who made packed house in Roddickton and I is Mr~. ~~·ace Sparkes. who ~as foundlan~, Leslie ~larshall and l'h:rrlie Bun•e;- leaves St. .John'>. J~rcn!iel' Smallwoo!l made a pub- .r_rHP·nin~ th.ere n<·xt wrek to ,Jt, ·.1:.' "f :-.:,pc•r,1

~these comments, c0uldn't rcsi~t ~ddr~ssed . an unplanned meet- been mrl\l!d to help out. wrt~ the pro~mcwlmc~be~ for St. today to join Mr. \\'inter in , he fight at the N~1·embcr c_on· [nmh campa1gnmg and cam·a~, Ul'~('l' '":"" : • ·,1. :~,11. "I told you so" yesterda)· 1 mj! m Mam. Brook. .


the S~·dncy P. C. candtdate s Johns East,. Jrm H1ggms._ . this area for 3 few days. 1 ferences .. ~!r, Pa~kms, spe3ktng these s~tllement~. mr·rllr-~ '·•· r-,,,,;:· :.."':-u ht pointed out that the The Rodd1ckton mectmg was campaigns. ~lr. ~Jc(,ralh meunwh1le ~~ · on telenswn, sa1d the records '''~"'"' \lr. ··.t,: •. ', ~~dline for the Premier's de- held in the Pentecostal School Other mdio addresses will took in~ forward to the visit on DIEfTNBAKER of the conferrnce will hear out Tl 'CKER \\'ILL liT\' \\'/Til ;:;~:~\;."',-,_!,, '':·:_!,; :,;:jlllrture for other parts of can· there and the turnout was so 1 also be ~oin~ out from S~·dney ~Iunday next o( Transport ~Jm·, 11is charge. (. 11.\'/JSLIDJ-.' ;_,

1i<"lr hr. . ,_., _ _..,

··:ada has lon" since pass•d. The lnr•e that they found it neces· i Ol'cr the weekend hy James D. isiCI' !Ion. Geor~r Hccs who Prime ~Jinister Diefenhaker ~lr, Parkins al•o rbnr~~d the Prrmirr Smallwood has 101 ... . ,,,, .. ' .. I I b h h . ' 1 k ' ~ •H! I '.'' ' ' Premil'r himself meanwhile sary to open up folding doors 1 Higgins nnd h)' Mrs. Co c. ot will br t e pnnc1p e spca er commented in a telel'ision ad· Conservative gorernment with r:r>t a lanclslidr victor' tor .lim ,, -•·

: 1~ ~till ver,v much immersed i~ ; and include three classrooms fori of which ha1·c bet'n recorded at another giant rall;·-this time drc~s last ni~hl on the vigorous fumbling in lite strug~le to ron- Tucker, lhr I.iher·al ~andid•h· :; '· the campaign here at home as· the 0\'erflow crowd. I here in St. John's and sent to on Bell l~land on ~londay youth of the Progressive Con· trol the ~rowth of uncmplo;- in lhr rid in:~ of Trinill'·l'nrr· 0 Th, :; ·

he attempb to bol~ter the weak' At Main Brook, Mr. Decker Sydney for broadcast. night. st·rvntive Party in the present men!. He $aiel its a proven fact tion nn lla··rh ~1>1. Tlu; l'rc·~.:: !'.,._ .. , ·: · campal11n pffort~ of his Liberal said. they had not intended , A spokesman for Mr. ~k- election. that within a few months nf ma•le this prcrlirloin nf1,.r h'' he 1'' 1 •· Alanclard·bearer in Trinilr-Con. holding a meeting but had . BROWNE Grath's cnmpai~n headquarters "Xinety·two of the two bun- the time the Dirfenbilker go1·- fir~t da;· of in : r: ~ 1 ' ·" ~eption. • ·planned to call at some of the · Hon. W. J. B1·owne. New- s;lid that they are expecting a drcd and six(l·.fire P. C. candi· ernment took oflice unemploy- Trit:ily-l'onrpetio11 ,,,1 Thur_,. ><e-n 1'' :·

~!r. Hllt~in~ th~n ref!'rred to, homes. When they arril'ed there' foundland's rcprcsentatil'e ~n large turnout for both tl!c Fox- dates are under fort;· year5 of mel)! began to grow at an a>· , .. " !.:r,_. \1·, o,:_

:\lr. Smallwood'~ repeated claims howerer they found a cro1~·d of j the Federal Cabinet is contm- trap and Bell Island ralhcs and age," the Prime Minister sail!. lronomicnl pace. He said lit~ •·Jt's tant:r>tir_ 11·, .it~> I ti;;, that the Liberals are goin~ to 1 !ifty peoplr. already a~semhle1l i uin!!. a tnu_r of part~ of the PI~· he arl?rrt that lhrough?ut the r.cldh~ that more than half the pr~eent gol'ernment hn~ rlel!'on- tl,e r:,mp:ii:~n rln:·in~ thr relrr­ll'in all ~CI'rn spats in ;-;ell'· i m the theatre and the result i rentla regiOn of h1s St. ,Johns eampa1;:n the. St. Johns ~ast cr.nrlidates are under fort~-fi1•e. stratecl all too well that 1t " ('nr!um. 11 will ht• an absolute "i1 in:: n:· foundland as nothitw. l'rnr~ than I was one of the most enthusins· 'East riding. candidate has drawn exceptiOn· "We're extremely proud of this" un~hlt• to r·opr 11 ith lhr proh- trnrl;!irJe for .Jit,1 Tra·kt·r·." thr "whistlin!! in th~ dark ius! ns. lie meetings of tht> Grand Fall•· A message to P. C. headquar- ally large crowds of 1·oters for ~!r. Dicfenh::';rr ~aid poinlinl! lcm ann the pcorle of. Canarl:• l'n•ll'i"r ·'"id 11 r hi' re('I'P:i"n a child doc~ wh~n he is •carer!." • \\'hile Ba;·-Labrador eandidat~\. ters in St. John's stat~s that all hi< nwPtin~s. m11 that it had ton~ bern one of ha\'(' no l'hoicl' IHII to are<·rt 'lr. Snwtt~·ood s:drt that ,,1 Car-

. . I F . H h I f' . I I 1:i ... :uirlr~ · "Th~ mnst ~cnrrd innh·iduall northern tour. ; ~lr. Browne l'lsltet a1r a1·en, his stronl(e~t dt'~ires to sec I e soum tnancta propo~:r' honear lw was met b·.- a motor-

\1 r. l'o' '. ,.

In· Xewfoundland torla1• is th~' ~lr. Decker returned to En- Little Harbour E:•~l ann Come 11:\fl.\'f.'TT ~nun~ Cannrla take a serious ad1·anced hy J.pster B. Pcar,on cari<' ni :lO (·:u·, .,,;d tl'l~l'k> ~ran'IN· '· Premier" :\lr. llig~ins ~·Ji<l. nrlcl- 'J:lt'e wlwre he held anotht•r· B)' Chance. shaking hands and Thr P. C'. candidate for Trin- intcrP'I in the aff:•i!·s of thl' and the Libe1·al part)' if rt'" 1-.hirh l'S\'ol'led him In Victoria '''hil'h h;,. ing· that he has ~rren l'en.· ~oorl ~uccrs>ful mectin~ last ni.~h_ t .. speak in~ with the P.e ople in each i!y-Conception, Al'l Harnett. is n:.t:on. nomic stability is to he rr- for onr <1[ I he hi~~est opr•n air thr P"'''···' rea•uns to be searrrl. ~ · F.1·er;· place he has l'l.~lted rlace. Thursda;· mght the St. continuing a rapid parr. as he Turnin~ to thr national con- stored. m•·t·tin~< 1•1-,.r hP!d lhi"'P. 5'''" hl-r• ,. ·

"If the Premirr lwd all\ rrnl ·thus far· in the \.rand Falls· John's Wrst candidate held an cowrs the Conception Ba)· l't•ntion of Young P.C.'s which ~!r. l':n·kin, abo allat·krn flu· -\t Burnt Point thr ni~hl ~ir .i••h' 11 "ol': hope of makin~ ~ain~ in. :bi~: White Jl;ry.J.ahrador ridin~ ha~' rnlhu~ia~tir mretin~ at Arn· ports of hi> l'iding. :, ok plarr in Otta\l'a february Dirfenb:lkrr po!ic~· of dh·Prt w: ...• :1• 1\t•rt•rl hy bla>l' I rom :•r.rl thP:

' rlN-tion in :'li~ll'fnundbnol hr: b~rn trrmendou~ly intere~led In 1 old's C'o\'e and ycslcrcl:r;· hr got Thursrl:ry, :\fr. Harnett held f1rsl the Prime ~lini.~ter <lis· ing trade from thr l'nitrd '"": ':un,. hs shnnls and che!'rs. lo all 11 I:• woudln't hal'c to chnn~c his thr coming election. ~lr. Drcker ~~ far as l\'orlh Harbour. four full-fledged meetin~s at l'lo.<ed that it was a source of Slate~ to <irrat lll'itain ,;a1·inc a~rl by blowing horns, f!a~s and thi• ll"" · ·· pl3n>, ~nrl •Ia'· hnmr to run thr said. and he expressed confi· i ~1r. Bro1~'1le ~Inns to holrl each of which an rnthu,iastir rral prid& to him that morp it had slrrn.gthrnrd thr hand iHmlin~ crrrtrd I he Prem'rr is porrt"''" wh~lr rnmpak:n him•elf". the dence that the people of the· othrr mcrt1ngs m such placrs turnout of l'nlt•rs turner\ up to th:.n nne lhousanrl young ron- of lobh~isls in the l:nitrd States and ~lr. Turker ali along the light '': ~::• Sl.' .lohn'> f:;,~t ~I.H.A. •aid riding are going to support the a• Fox Jlarhonr. Dunl'ille and hear his arhlressrs. Thfo tir·,t sen·ati1·e me~ and women from ll'ho arr seeking to impose a routr. from ~' 111 '''

·. "The truth is the Pr·emi~r llicfenhnker C.ovrmment in the Fre;hwater hefore wind in!(, up meeting )'C!itercla)· was at .Joh'> riW)' sec\ion of Canada turn- tariff on C'<madian !ish export~ ~lr. Tuekrt,.> I'<Jmp<Jicn II' :on- t;,hli·hnll·: ' l;no11.• ~·~r.1· well th~t not onh·: el~rrion h;· gil'in~ him-!llr .. his Placentia tour, winrtin~ up Core. the ~econd al Rerl lka•l ed up to lake part. . lo the l'. S. He said it is only agcr. <;raham ~lrr·cer. PIW('(Icrl ~tr. Po·• · · art th~ r.C'• r.nin~ to hold onto . Drcker-thrir support. 1 with th~ Freshwater meeting Col'r. lhr thirrl at Daniel's Core It is also significant, \Jr. a Liberal government that thr thr Premier with a loud-spcakrr ~:~1~11}t"',~'"' !'1. John'.< Ea<l anrl Wr~l-- "Thrre's ahsolutcl~· no <louht, tonight. nnd thP fourth and final merl· o;cfenhakrr suggested, that security of l'\ewfoundland's fbh rquipperl l'ar to inform the pco-!htl''rr ~oinj: to win at lrast two in my mind now". ~lr. lleckrt I ing nt the duy was at c;ralr's out of nineteen mock parlla- markets can he gu:pnteed. pte or Pnch <eltlcment lhat ~lr. \l'r~l. Hr ~~h~r sP;rU awa1· from lhP l.ih- i sairl, "that the ridina is gone I C' Alii LT. Col'r. ments thus far conducted In : -- smallwood was on his wal'. 11 ill hr '"·' tr~ls Thnl's what'~ wnrp·in~: Ol'rr to the Con~ervMil'e' in' Tom C;thill, the P. C. ranrli- Ye~lerdal' ~lr. Harn1•11 hwl l'anudi:•n uni\wsitiPS fifteen; SMALL\\'OOD SETS Then the Prrmie1• arril'erl io ion "1 ·11 ' ~lr. Smallwonrt", ~lr. Jli~·~ins ~strength anrl thi~ will he shown, date in Humher-St. George's, another me.rling sH1edulrd. This ha1·e resulted in the election!' FMiTASTIC PACE holri his mretin;ts from hi.• car ~~~ ~":;; t:.·:·:r· ., ~aid, "nnd therl''' no d.t rht 111p on ~1ar~h 31 with a good rna·' will he spend in.;: today in the \\'as held at three o'clock in of Comen·atil'e Governments. Premier Joseph R. Small\\ nod with the ~elp of a _lour! ~peakpr ~on P her:,u.-•· _.

11 "r,;.

about it he has good cause for : jorit)' for me." 'C'oclroy Valley ar~a as b~ winrl~ thr afternoon at Ochre Pit Cn\'e Thr Prime ~!ini~ter referred 'has set a fantastic pace in hi~ ~;·~rem wrth a rarlrus of ovrr a of the hi, 1

•• , •••

\\'Orr~·." ~tr. Deck~r ha~ one more' up nn intensive campaign Iolli' an~ the Trinil)'·l'onreplion ran- to thr unl'mployment situation first da)' of campaigning mil~ I · ·'·• · · ''IT.!. meeting ~chcdulecl before he I of the wrstern sectiom ol i1is rlid;rte l''ill al•o ~prnrl ;omr 11:th t!w commrnf thnt there i~ through the riding of Trinity- Y~sterd;rv Mr. Smallwood party of thr ~~rp:•.

DF:C'KE!? returns to St. John's. This one II ridint::. time in the Cart.or~car arr·a. ;;ow a 1rry rPal imliration that Conception anrl in the process was workin>: hi> wa'· from I P":.-\R!'IJ'\ ,;,-.l"£' Dnid Decker, th~ P. C. can· takes place tonight nt Point During the pa~t frw da)·s 1'. ,, hr•1·r rome to the tum in~ o£ he has put himself well on thr Burnt Point to old Per lie an.! '·

didnte for Grand Fall~·\\'hlte Leamington. From lhl're he· Cahill has kept up a •tr~dy pacr 1\'f.\'TE'R . the tide and hr crediterl for thi': way toward surpa.<sing all rec- He hopes to make Ranr!om Ba-y·L~hrador wa~ In Gander will return to St. John's for a i of In the are:1 The P. C. candirlate for Bona- the mnn;· joh-rrrntin;: measures 1 ords for thr number of meet· Sound thr furthermost point of Tn a "'m 1' :'•

.l'•.~terrla.l· after fh.·i~V: back from. ~hort breather before return·, Stephenville and the l o~r.or l·i:;ta-Twilling:rte. Gereld Win-' hrou.~hl in by the P. C. Go\'· in'{!s held by one campaigner his three·da1.., the ;-;ewfnunri:a~l. ~ 1 1 1 d 1 · · · sociation. tlv· Ro<lrlickton and la~t nl~ht he· ing to the bust ngs ~ga n enrly' Val r;· an report~ rr.1c!un;:: trr, who relrbrnte<l hi~ ort~··' rrnmrnt ~ince last .June. These 1 in a single day.

helcl a campaign meeting In! next week. here indicate. I hal it wa~ thr first birthdn;· \\'crlncsday on, includrcl the provi~ion of three! Gcttinl( started with a meet· WHAT BROWNS HAS .\'E- - ter B. Pear-·•r :ea~1: Glrnw~0d. ! same stor)' ll'lth ~!r. Cnh1ll a~ Fo~o Island was in the home. hundred million dollars for . ing at Bri~us at elr,·en o'clock GI.ECTED MILLER \I' ILL ::\ational

~lr. Decker reported h)· tclr· MARSHALL AND COLE with _all se1·cn P. C. canrlirlates tol':n of his fcllow-P.C. cnnrli· ·home build in!(, the Jaunchin(! ·Thursday morning the Premier SERVE has exprr><•·•: ,,~:i phone to P. C. headquarters The president o! the P. C. -sohd support from the peo· date Darid Decker Thursday. 1 nf the )!rent new public work$· held no lo'$S than 16 meetings. A Liberal party leader has ~~c"tiQon(' ~r,"'~~·h reslerda\' that he has had a 1 Association, Mr. Leslie Mar- ple el'rrywhere he !lOt'S. :llr. Winter rece:l'ed a most program and the reduction ol in support of Liberal candidate aecuserl W. J. Browne the· 00 : . · · ~- • ·'·

!ou~h but very satisfactory tour: shall, ltal'es St. John's h)' Today ~lr. Cahill is schc· rnlhu.<in:;tic welcome at Joe c:.narta·, trade rlrfirit with the, Jim Tuekrr on Thursday. Anti, member In thp last Ho~s~ of. puhllcar~nn "'" '1':

of the northern areas of hi• 'train tonight for Port Aux Bas· duled to hold a bi~ meeting in. Jl:rll's Arm :1s guns boomed out l'nited States which. in January if at! 1\'l'nl well. ~!r. Smallwood. Commons for St. John's West. Pe.~rson' '"' ·.'· ·,', riding. "It was rng~ed tral'el·, ques where he will join the: St. George's and tomorrow ol'rr the lillie town and crnwds this year, stood at one half of· was clue to pas< thai mark )'es· with nr)!lecting hi~ riding. On. I he;el.i~ linr.·•: ~lr. Deckrr reported. Burin-Bur~eo P.C. nndidate 1 erenin.;: the llumbl'T-SI. (;rorge'; ot cnthu>ia>tic people gatherecl 1 what it had h!'en at the same_ terrlny and lod:r)· with 40 meet- Hubrrt Kell;·. speaking at a_ camp~l~n :::·~;.,'·. r~: "but the tired frt•lini,! is ease<i llnn'r)' Cole for A ~eriP-~ of! c~ndidate will be appe:.ring on .n·otmd the canrlidatr. . period last year. · ing.•. The Premier plans 20 rall;· for Liberal candidate, counlr) 1 . ,;"

__ ....,.-.....__ ... -G VII nr 6 ... Pnntiac /uJj Cannon'•

higg•.•r c~oieP nf tngi~~. u:idP.JI range of ptm<>r.

'511' • Jr•-1hm Tlffl' rolort in a odd• ranp• of long-lasting, hil!h-glr><< Jinishr..

Leonard \lillrr on Blackhead i ~ou. at~ "· ... ,, Road Thursda~· night. said \lnC!a nOt! "---·.

'"nothing has been done for this my smcrre·' tl .. ,.,, 11 Wa'- rlonr on !Y''. arra b_)' the present .member. · . . , n ,; ; .,1 "He sa1d the ConsHvah1·e mem- apptPCiott n · · her bas shown no interest in the -I\ htch 11.,,, ''., people of that al'fa. a sneers< ,._ .. ' H!

~!r. K~lh· said \lr. \!rll~r 1, pr~,~~ri 11 '11 h • a "Ji~ make~ no irll~ th, rrrPPIIO' • prom1srs. He is a man of hi~ wh~r• 1 '' •· · worrl ~nd a man nf action anrl part~ Is In Will ~~t thin~~ dnnP for the l.lhPrall•"'

· prop!P nf hi~ rirlin£. \lr. Krl11· :~ppr,,l ;,r.r.

~airl all thP prrs~nt memh•~ ~pp~n~n:~ , .. , ''""" i has done ha~ bren "tn _go ('I ,nn 11 • --

:India and ~·II ~OITIP whPat." \larrh ~t '· . I · Tn A mf!-.~: :~ ~'~~ r~;T I Th• Ltbera1 mrmh•r of the Pr . 0 \!r r "'' ,1.•-

L~gi;lature for Fo~o. Isaac .~r.- ". r•"h '1;. ·: . \tercer, ~peakin~ at th• >:lme \fan; 1 ;· · • mPelin(! aske~ ~t·hat ha• heen •Elel!ram A.

; <lone b): ~lr. Tl!e(rnb,kcr anrl I? tbr f:~·:; · -,-· "·::~ hi> 1(01-ernment. \!r. . \l~rcer :-;ewfonn~·;·'.~. ,: --~ !!:•' .•arrl all hP has done dunng thrs frrml) th · . , ..


! present campaign ha~ been to camp_ (;no~ '' ··-i wave his finger ann say he has ; Wl~herl to vc

; fulfilled his promises. 1\!r. Mer·' "ARE TRF'' -c•w·r,qr,

I cer asked how Mr. Diefenba~cr ' _· 1 r· ;, -\D1' would ba\'e been able to m- · ( ·

. crease old age pen~ ion~ and The L1hr:·:: , , -1• ~pent the mone1· that he has to rid in~ of Sl tnhr.! fulfill his promise if the Lib- "if the Ton : · :·:, ;!

1 rral go1·ernment harl not lrft · rt're in ils pre~:!!. 1 him a huge financial resen·e. · i1 that nt• 1':-: ... ';:,r. ~

\lr. \lercer chargrd that the ·why ha;n't · d·J~1 . 1 grra1.t'<t in>ull Newfoundland 1 about incn·:.'''i' : .; 1 has suffered was at the hands : insnram·~ hv·::t; :of tht• Diefenbakrr gorern- : Cir:trly ch::r·~··' :.1 1.

/ment when "a pot;.to-tligger Colliers Thu:·-·'··' 1

from Prince Edward I~ land was lhon~h the· • .•r .. .,. ~:- ··-


1 ~ppointed Minister of Fisher- :. !"illion~. of "_:":"r' Jes." He asked wh,- ~!r. Browne · m the l nen:t''''· · · wasn't made ~linlsler of Fish- 'Commi>.<ion t:d ~~~;

::.::· .. .,... '4. 'l""t ~-­:". ~ .. ,. .::· -­,. .. ... :·: : ~ ..... •. ....... !'!: . ~.

~·; :;f

~·· ~· ···~ . .. · ,. .. . .

Puan!IDER 2-Door &Mn

BIGGEST Money's Worth on the Market! Here It Is- it's Canada's Number(j) Buy!

In performance, size, luxury-and meticulous attention to details of quality

and appointments- Pontiac stands alone. An ~spection and a drive will

prove it in short order. Before you buy any car at any p~ice you owe it to

yuureelf to ~ee how much more you get in Pontiac 1

Fabulou,< choieft of cnlor-keyed inttrirm gi v• exrrn beauty ro every Bold Nm~ POI!liiiC.


1 eries. · heen don~ to c~I~P

/ ~~r. Mercer said the Conser- 1 ~rir!( thrm in !mP ,' 1 vauve ~o1·ernment had no men, m the \"O<I nf h\ln •.• 1 of experienc~ to hold office. He , ~!r. O'C.r:11l;. !0r~l·

I accu~ed it on bungling and of the :'\atior\·.,! .· stumhlinJI. Mr. ~tercer asked fice in St. ·

I who is better able to govern, self Thur>rl'·~ Canana. The 5tumhlin:t Conser- 'the intPrr~t• 01 'h!


, vativr~ or the Liherab, a part;· I :-.:ewfonndlarrl 1f h! ~ of fine expt>rienced men who . to serk an :nrrPl!f ha1·e demonstrated their abililv ' plovmPnt in•u,.1ntt to lead Canada through geuer- He· al~o promife~ ation after generation of pros- ~ nttended thr rn.l hi perity. 1 that he •p;oulil M

I of N'ewfounrltand "SMALLWOOD GREATEST see that the" Mt

PREMlER"-!tllLLER ; portunit;· on . · The Liberal candidate in the : lion job< in '\c,,rlm.1 1&"':':

riding of St: John's West has' Mr. O'Grady c:alled Premier Smallwood the j of world pe::cP. lie greatest Premier in the history of us who has seen of NeWfoundland. Leonard Mil· to ha1•e anothrr

: ~l_ :,

' . ~·· ,•, Ire told his mectin~ at Black- no better man . th! bead Road on Thursday ni!!ht to lead Canada 1n

: .~~~ '. ~~ ·~·

. 1 ... ·'


Get the FACTS and You'll Get a

htat no one can deny Mr. Small •. strul!l!le for JlP~ce woocl's !lreatnP<S in thr light of : B. Pearson. ~ ·

' • ft review of the ad1·ance~ that I ~~~rr-mol:•··. . have been madr in thP fields of · r,rrri education. hPalth. ll'~lfare ani! rtrru:r,.-·r.;•! r~i: road ser~ices. RF:r~rr ,.)llr.

Mr. M1ller referred to Llh- '!'he Llber~l r~ru · era! leader Lester B. Pearson's ridinl! of proposal to pay 90 per cent of i has met with thP . the cost of completing the Trans /' cil of Wesleyville to Canada Highway in Newfound· problems. The land. He said If the Conservative I W. Pickersgill me~ r government were to remain In · leyville on Thur 1i

! power the Newfoundland gov- · Mr. Pickersr1ll to~ · ernment would ha1·e Ia find 40· for the ml'l·llr.~ &- h million dollar~ for completion urrl hi~ swin~ throu>

1 of the Trans Canada. With 1\h'. Bav. : r~arson a~ Prim!' MinistPr. hr f"rirla1· 'Jr. 11 . ;nirl. the co;t to N'rwfound\and meeting~ at :"•11' 1Q0~ 1 ; ~would be only 8 million dollars. leyfield-Badgds u ·


wbhes trom Okc; 15).

the following Wm. P&rsons,

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Page 3: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central

... : tt

. ·~

1e 1 met 'hursdJY 111 took lll~ ., throu~h




New Command Surgeon At Pepperrell A. F. B.

Doctor ( Cr.ptain) G corge A. 1 Zazanis, the son o( Mr. and ~Irs. , . Athanascos G. Zazanis, of 913 Beckford Street, New Castle, Pennsylvania recently arrived at Headquarters, U.S. Army Trans­portation Terminal Command (7278! located here at Pep· perrcll Air Force Base, and has been assigned as the Command Surgeon with duties at the USAF Hospital.

Doctor Zazanis rccPi1•r.d a di· reel commission !rom the De· partment of th~ Army ln 1957 ami Wi•> called to aclire duty in January 1958. ,

I Doctor Zcr.anis. a gradualr. of

New Castle CPa. l Hi~h School. received his llachclor ol Science

I degree in 1952 !rom the Uni· versity of ~lichigan, whfrc he took his prc·mcdical lr;;inih~. ,

SCENE nt the Annual Reunion of "D" Company, Royal New£o undland Regiinent, which was held at Frost's Restaurant on ! He received hi.~ dcgrre of Doc-: tor of Medicine from the DOCTOR (CAPT.) r.EORGE A.

ZAZA~IS Tlnu·sdn-:~: night.-(Daily News Photo). · ------·-·-·--·-- ------·

Red Cross

yre's Checker Of The Year

• Temple University, School of ' · Medicine in 1956. l

Helps Doctor Zazanis served his in· 1957 he also was resident p)ly.

. ternship ;.t the Cook Countr · sician at the Indiana County Hospital, Chicago, Ill. During (Pa.) Hospital.



Green and Wine Frieze Cloth, with contrast

trim. All fully Rayon lined. Originally 5.95.

NOW ............................... T... ..... 3. 95


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:'lEI\' I ·o:-;TF:S'f \\'all'll lor lht n•w and

t''' IIIli!: t<•l<lr.ot sl~i'ling uu A!Jfll 8. II iJ lltW to~ :\•llluundland amt will bt ltilloweu by t huu•:.nds of our readrrs.


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Page 4: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central

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THE DAILY NEWS Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper


Canada ............. .. United t\lngdom and all

Foreign Countsles . . . $14.00 per annum Authorized as 6econd class mall Post Offices

_oeprtrtment, Ottawa.

The DAlLY NEWS Is 1 morning papeJ established In 1894, IUd published at the News Bullnlng, 355-350 Duckworth Street. St. John's, Newfoundland, by Robinson & Company, Limited.

MEMBERS OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Ia exclusively entitled

to the use for republication of all news despatches In this paper credited to it or to the Associated Press or Reut~:~tl and also the local news published therein.

All Press service and feature articles In this paper are copyright and their reproduction Ia prohibited.

• I Member Audit Bureau Of

· Circulations.


The Vanishing Grant In the estimates of rc\'enue for next

y~ar the so-called t!·ansitional gra·nt mil appear il1 the figure of $1.050,000 <.nd two years from now, it will cease tCI exist. That is a factor that the 1\IcNair C~mmission has undoubtedly considered very carefully in the c·ourse of its analysis of the New­foundland financial position.

The transi tiona] grant was the original acknowledgment that New­!oundlancl migi1t require some special fmancial help m her adjustment to the new status of a pro,·ince.

It was originall;.· set at $3,500.000 for earh of the fu·st three \'ears after which it was to be reduce~! annuallv tmtil it was extingui);hed. ·But as ~ re~ult of the deliberations in Ottawa in HH8. the total amount to be paid in the tweh·e ~·ear period was in­e:re:Jscd.

The new amount was to be $6,500,-000 for each of the first three vears after which it would fall each' year b~· $850.000 until the last two vears when the reduction would be adjusted to an annual dedine of 5350,000.

Now while 11 was true that the transitional gt·ant was designed to fal'ilitate the adjustment of New­!oundland to her new status and par­ticularly to allow the de,·elopment of new tax re\·enues. it was also a frank admbsion that this adjustment might uot be easy. In fact, it is difficult to ! epnrate the purposes of the transi­tional grant and the provi~ion for rcYiew contained in Term Twenty­llmc.

~~1all frui.t, can be grown easily and \.·el_l. W1thout subsistence fanning wh1ch pr~babl~· had its beginning in John Guys colonr. settlement would have been impossible. There was a time,. as recently as the early years of th1s century, when a combination of home gamens and small cmnmer­C'ial fanning made Newfoundland al­most completely self-supporting so as root crops and some other com­modities were concerned.

Today we are producing little more than ten percent of the value of agri· <:ultural commodities consumed in Newfoundland. That might suggest our inability to produce more. But the Royal Commission on 1\.griculturc held a different opinion. It was sat­isfied that certain types of commer­t·ial farming could be profitable and ti1at in due course, with the continued aecline of subsistence farn1ing. the total agricultural production on a commercial basis will expand.

The potential market is large. Sixty years ago the output of potatoes was •. bout 500.000 barrels fo~ a population of 200.000 people. On the assumption that the per caput consumption of potatoes has not declined, output to­day should be more than a million barrels. We are already growing most of our requirements of cabbage and turnips, But the Royal Commission felt that the commercial prospects of lettuce, parsnips, radishes. cucum­bers. and other vegetables had been overlooked.


In The News Newspaper History Of Bell Island



T~e elec~ion campaign is commg rapidly and merciful· ly to a close. The rivals hnl'e entered the last stretch. The pace Is expected to' accelerate although it is dil'ficult to se• a~y ~ew issues emerging that Will mcrease popular interest and bring the contest to ·a crashing finale. We often mar· vel at the energy that party leaders seem able to summon up for genera-l election cam­~aigns. They ought by this tllne to be feeling the first ~ymptoms of exhaustion. lf they aren't, they should be. How so many men verging be· tween upper middle-age and the elderly, and accustomed to a sedentary life, can find the strength for the hectic life of a political campaigner in a 1·ast country like Canada i! lw:•ond u,;. It makes us tired e\'en to think or what :l!r. Dicfenbal;er and Mr. Pearson arc doing. We can only as­sume thnt the bite of the po. litical microbe acts like an energizer.

So far as may be seen from this clistnnct!, men mon• than pulicie; seem to domiuate the situation. The pnrt~ · leadet s make all the news. Even thc'ir chid .lieutennnts hardly get a menllon. Ancl there ma1· he a nr.1· good reason for this. The decision for man;- l'oters may be made less on ll'hich they think to be the hrttcr part I' I han II ho I hCI' he Jiei'C will. he the better· man in chnr~e of nffairs at this par tirulnr turning point in Can­adian histor~· .• \nd whi:e ~lr. Pt•arson has impro1·ed his rpcaJ(in~ st1·!c and hns latch· been getting more into th~ swin;: ·of thing•, ~!r. Diefcn· lwkcr's forceful manner and nlmo>l missionary zen! have gil'en him a head start. So far a~ Issues go there's no much that dil'irles the two major partie>. Tlwrc is a difference of opinion m·er the hest means of CJping with emplo~·· mcnt. Funclamentally, how­rver, thc·re is not too mnch to cho•J;e between patty philo>O· phic;;:. 1'he election will be de· cidea by other things.

What other things~ It ma~· he ens1!~· imagi'lcd that the Canaciian e!ector:tlc wi;hcs to ;n·oid a ~cries of inconclu~il'e ,!!ene1al elections. That means that man~· people may \'Ole for the part~· that they think most lil;eJ:· to- win an Ol'erall majoril)'. 1'hcre i~ reason to helirve that fortune in this

case may favour the Conser· \'a lives.

It the public believes that the party which received the greatest measure of national support last June is most like­ly to win this time, an imme· diate bias is set up in favour of the Conservatives. There is also ,[he factor of giving new men a chance. The Liberals beld power for 22 years. A subconscious or perhaps even a conscious sense of fairness in the average voter mav prompt many to support th~ Conservatives. ~!arcover, th·~ Liberals have lost many of the1r strongest men. · Tilcir lcar!ership has not got the ~arne personal appeal that ex· islcd a few ~·cars ago. The bemgn eldrr statesmanship of St. Laurent, the curt and forcetul character of Howe. the cheerful dynamic of Bob Winter>, the more austere but brilliant personality of Clax· ton, and lhe lei'CI·headcd con­fidence of Abbott are no long PI' there to enhance the pres· t ige of the party. The glow ol al'l1icrement has worn itself out. No part~: can trade con­tinuou,·:~· on its past. The Ltherals have to build up new men and new ideas and per­haps even ncl\ ideals.

[From The Files Of The Daily News]


Part 2 Chapter

-----------------------····-------------THE HOSPITAL QUESTION f erect a lllonument to the b- at the C.L B. Anno .... During the years 1920 and land's dead and this was un- peated n ot f'l.n~,,j''

1921 the hospital question was; veiled in 1921. (The story tl[ me~ her, 1 .. ,.1 •. C. prominent on the local scene.! our War :lfemor ial will be told cha11·man: ,1 1., B B The various developments in · in another article.) >~·c1 ct;u:) ·I:, .. ur<:. f , connection with it all add up 1 In 1921. however. the hospi dmc. dtl'l'cl<o:. \It•~: · to an interesting story. It tal question was re\'il·cd. A '1 •'• r ,,. 1 ··l-~ • . . ' ' ' '! ' •• ,\ J started In the winter of 1920 • public meeting was !wid at tlw phy, C. I·'''''"· ti.' . over the question' of a suitable! C.L.B. Armoury ou .June 3 to ,\lt»r, 1.1'! 11, .'. 11,, · War Memorial for the Island. di>cu's the necrl for an ll'l·ni- son. P.rtll. r:, ·.•:ell, A meeting to discuss that mal·: !HI. ~la!!i>trale l'OI\CI' prc<itl~·rl and t~tlll: 't \IH·r• J ter was held in the Star Hall and L. C. jJUI'Ph:· 11 ns t•!r•c·trd phy, t. (,o.rJo:t·:,, \\' J on Feb, 24, with President N. G.: Secretary, Hev. .1. Stead an. J. L .. \1"" .. I: O<kiE, · Lodge of the G.W.V.A. presid- nouncerl that l!is Exccllr•nc·; rlk II .J <;,, ..•. , ar.j .. ing over the meeting, It was the Gol'ernor nne! L:Hiy Ham:, Anmr ['!!',• ;,.,. of . proposed that the :.lemorial 1 had ot'ferrd S2500 toward tht• nwrried nr. \'<· 1 10 should take the form of erect·, erection of a small hospital f."rtktt ''' \I r; .• 1·<Ie .. ing a suitable building as a which was estimated to co>t mony bctn;; v:fr1r~•l Club Rooms for veterans, and $10,000 to built!. :md which P.e1·. Jk. • \:rne'"'C~ the following committee was would he maintainc•rl h1· a co- R. C. C·th•··i·.,! ii.~ '. appointed: C. B. Archibald, A. ~.operatil'e plan with -~01·ern· :•ttrndrd h:. Ld:1an · ~lac Donald, J. H. Bennett, D. i me~t, mining. cum~anics and the ~room h· : .T. Jackman, John Hussey and restdents parllctp:Jtmg. . T\\o min,.r. m~· . W. K Butler. A financial dril'e A resolution of apprcr·iation iou, acrid• :,· '·" \1.· was decided on, to begin in a~d thanks to Thdr Exrcllc·n- they 1• m· q· .:~ h:.'11 ~larch, c1es 11as pas~crl and the lotio\\'· car. .John i il;,0.,

On Apr. 13 a public meet in!! ing committee appointed to ~n- Col'r. B.ll \' riJe1 ,,1. was held at the Orange Hall to quire into all phases o! tl·r juric•~; :111~ \'. ~: ·· report progress and to hear an 1 proposal: Rev. .1. SleRd, !:c1· Bri~us lo'' :"·'h . nddre;s by Comrade J. G. Hig- Ira Curtis, Dr. II. A. Gio\',ll· Extr,1cl f:· .• ,. ,,1 · ,

~ins, B.A .. of the St. John's netti, Dr . .1. B. Lynch. !Jr. W. cecrlm!.!,, .\!· ·. \7· ' Branch. ~!agist rate Power pre- 1 L. Carnorhan, C. ll. :\rcl,ihald. ~Ill. l!lf;I.J\' "<f' · sided. Capt. L. C. ~furphy also l A, ~lac Donald. Il. l'ron;lfoot thr Premtr·. ,; 1~e • add!'e,osed the gathering, The I C. F. Taylor and .1. .\. Ila~iw>. had dectr1< I 'IV•" C.L.B. Band un,Ier Sergi, W .. T.I That was the ncarr;t tinw with re~;,,,. t, tt:; Martin was in attendance. lt j Bell Island was to ~ct to an clt•rtion~ for !.• c'l was reported that $3000 had. hospital until tlw present l'~ar Bell l.<l,1nd <· ·~ . .., he en subscribed. Votes of: when the prol'incial go1:crn- natnn• of <.1 .:,•" · ... ~hanks to the speakers were! mcnt announced its intention to HEPLY: .\ pq:· 11~. proposrd by K G. L<>dge and provide two hr,spitals. a ~en. rccrl\'rd ;;;,:lr~ :o:' C. 0, Butler. era! and a children's ho;pital, tion 11 hich !; ,, b!e:

It was after that meeting within the next five year<, , thr .\ ltornr: 1 ···n,•:;: that the idea of an hospital - Why did the 1920·21 propo,al ~irlerat\On llr: ~.,h.:e which was far from being a new fail? With a quartet· of the Council t> d.:::~ t~! one - was again mooted. On cost guaranteed throu~h the A worb;• r.. . .

One tar::1ct of both major parties is Social Credit. Solon Low and his followers are fighting ror their political lit·c.. A product of the great dt'pn·s~.wn, Social Credit h:~s mttlil'l'd the little usefulne~s it may el't'r ha1·e had. Its nine· teen scats may be in jeopardy. lt is hardly likely to lose them all but it seems almost cer· lain to lose some with the l'unserl'alii'Cs <ts the most probable beneficiaric>. Yet it dol'S not seem possible for the Conserl'atil·rs to capture t•nough ~eats oUl5tde of Que­lwl' to )!ive them a comfort· a llk nwjonty. Quebec remains tl;c !1cv to the election. The ('nn,er~·atil·cs hal'e entered t hr contest in that province with a good deal of confi· dence. But the real test will be whether the people of Quebec or their political lead· crs heliC\'e the Conserl'alil·es will come back with a majori­ty in the rest of the nntion. !f they do think that. they ma:·· decide to throw in their wcil!ht to a~sure the Conser· vatil'es Of l'ictory and Quebec of a full share in a new gol'­ernment. That seems to he the most l'ilal fa~tor in this ~lection.

Apr. 27 a letter appeared in generosity of the Governor and store 11'<1> <•rr~.<·! a: the DAlLY l\EWS m·er the his lady, it seemed to h~1·c :~ in J[ay m o l,oJ::O:::; signature of "A Miner" statinq I reasonable prospect of sucl'r<~. f; om .Jolm B .. -~, T:e that the Island already harll The reason unrlouhtNIJ:: can he was Rirha:•l !;l'::er.. three clubs and that an hospital• a;crihed to the !<land's reo- Trint)' ···Jii. _,, cf · should he erected as a War 1 nomic condition at the tim~. suits puhlt.· :· ! .r. · ~!emorial rather than a Club 1 The post-war rere,.ion 11 a< 1 t:iined the froi!···11r.g house. i then settin.!! in. Wa;!e~ IIWC, Junior: Eiler-. ~!e•;

That letter drew ~upport i low, the hi,~he<t pay in the ~lar;zaret Stc-,. o::. ;:; from the highest quarter in the: mines hein;: 25c an hour for para tor): A!ic·r Kt:: land-Government House. Lady 1 drillers and blasters, and 1'2c. l'irst Str•p. .\11" Constance Harris, wife of Go\'-, less for the other ll'orknwn. :\ K11thlecn IJ·,\F, .• rJnot· Sir Charles Harris, wrote

1 merger of the mining compnn- I Chnrle.• Pr~~lr '''

to the DAILY :"l'EWS supportin~, ies was unrlcr negotiation hut at thr wrd•l:r.c ·! 1\ the plea of "A :lliner" and of- i hac! not been finalized. rn- to )!i;s Flr·:rc.ce fering financial help for the, fortunate!;- this combination of June 1~. ( ,1 : •• '·"E project out of a special fund: adi'Cr~c circumstance< wn< so 1 wa; hride,n· .. !. at the disposal of Their Excel·' strong that the hospital unr!cr-' The ~tat1n:- <htE: lcncic>. 1 taking was not pur<uccl to a )lethodi't t'h,Jrc; ---------------------


sundrty in Le,,n J J[oly com~unum: . communiOn; 1

Preacher. Th 2.45 p.m.. Sunda

Jr. Bible Class an 4.15 p.m .. Holy BaJ churchings: 6.30 p.m and sermon: Preacl


a.m.. Hoi:· Cor 2.30 p.m.. sund:

7 p.m.. El'enson~ ar

E1 ensor

Sen·ice.>: · ~londay, Tm•;;da

Saturday B a n . 7.45 a.m.: Th•trsd.

con·m1union:· ~~ o n d :l t Annunciation Lo! t

Virgin Mary l: Frirl 7.30 a.m.: \\''

a.m.; Thursd.1~

Dail~· )land. "'"""'"'"' and Sat!

\\'cdr.e;day 7.30 p.m.

I Dei'O'ions: F:·i1' ' Broadcast OI'Cl' CB~

: 8 a.m .. Holy C1

9.30 a.m .. Hoi·.· Cr 8 p.m .. El'en;ong

There seemed to be an inference ,r not a direct implication that New­foundland could onlv survive financi­dly as a Canadian· pro\·ince if she 1 ecei\'ed subsidies over and abo\·e those provided on a statutory basis for all pro\'inces. The deliberators in l94i and 1948 were working com­pletely in the dark. They could only r,uess about the future. Above all else. they did not ha\·e eYen an ap­proximate idea of how far New­foundland lagged behind other pro­\'inces in public seryices.

There seems reason also to believe that we could become ven· nearlv ~:elf-supporting in lamb, mu'tton and· pork, always pro\'ided that modern techniques were to be adopted, par­ticularly with respect to storage and marketing.

l\othing more was heard of i successful conclusion. , showed the n:.a·• n( the matter during 1920 but the' Returning to th~ Hent< of Curtis [or Bc:l l!:a:d ST. }/ARY'S

I ! idea of building club rooms 1920, we find that a l'horal tuga\ Col'c. Sunday)

They settled for the transitional .rrant at the increased rate as some· thing to keep us going until the re­qsion of the financial terms had been completed.

But the position is now that an kward of $6,500,000 a. year would be necessary merely to restore the grant to the le\·el of 1949 to 1951 and that a ~'l_lbstantial increase will be needed to &!low the public services to be con­tinued at both the levels and stand­nrds reached in the first eight years of union.

Our financial future now hinges upon the outcome of the hearings be­tore the McNair Commission and it is reasonable to suppose that the report of that Commissmn will be presented to the Government of Canada soon after the general election. We should know our financial fate, so far as the original terms of union will detennine it, within the next three or four ,~·eeks.

· Making Farming Pay A few months ago the Minister of

Mines and Resources talked about the Importance to farmers of co-operative (IWnership of freezing. plants, storage warehouses and modern packaging operations.

Nothing has since been heard that would .indicate that local fanners have &ny intention of taking this advice

. tc heart and making use of the sub­''entions or financial assistance that may be had for the purpose. It may

This, of course, is an old story. It is trotted out e\•ery now and then in the hope that a greater, more lasting and practical interest in fatming for the home market may be encouraged. Yet, in spite of the sceptics, the fact re>mains that the reduction of our economic dependence on imports points to farming as a basic industry and a potential contributor to greater ~ndependence. This might be a good year for a new and persistent effort to develop interest in better organized 1:ommercial farming in the St. John's area where the largest market is to be found . ..;.:..:..;.;,;.:;;;.;.. ______ -Strength For The Day


THAT SCHEDULE PUSHER There are two types of people de­

signed to send their families and as· sociates straight to the psychiatrist and the observation ward. The first is the person who has no schedule, is never on time, never knows when to go home, and in general is under everybody's feet-and for a lifetime. The other is the person who has a schedule which yields neither to God · uor man. This fearful creature plunges through life like ;i snow plow going down the avenue. The Ten Commandments are nothing compar·

ed with the sacred and inviolable schedule this person sets. up for him­self, and for which he will fight to the last' ditch and to the last drop of blood-his own and everybody's else's.

If he confined his acHvities within the limits of his own personal life, he would be enough of an infliction on his family and friends. But ahnost invariably he must extend his sched­ule and· push it and fight for it in every circle in which he happens to be, The sacred thing before which he insists everybody else .must pros­trate himself. His wife must be nag­

on!~ be hoped that this silence does ged and yelled at until she hears and ~ot mean that the s~all. fann~rs are' confonns. The children slip away generally unprogress1ve m the1r out- early, confident that life must surely look. have something better in store for

WI; 0 /; A S • rl s · f A 2 Holy Communifln: lat t le _.8 .. e arvlng fnr the l'etcrans was droppe .. ociety was ormcr! on pr. 1). ~ Eucharist anrl C•

J • • • ' 'J l In its ~!Pad it was clecidecl to The,v gal'e their fir;t cone~~~-·---- f."iE.\T i'.r ~··.:_ r,::~:of Ever~· ~l~m

IIAitD·BEATEN' ~I(.;SIC north to C<JI)IC into the new 2.30 p.m .. Sun

Xew Glasgow News \\'est Indies at all, and it ~ As I See It ~ p.m., Bible Clas· k Hoi;· Bapti.;m When the Gilbert and .Sul- would seem desirable to ma ·c

b of \\'omen: 6.30 p livan copyrights II'CL'c run· it p:ain now that progress e· ning out, there was talk in yond internal self.gol'crnment )!arch 25 ( .\nr England of legislation to make is not feasible other than by By PAT LEES It Virgin ~i< them a national property to ~uch a federation with Can- Onr particular aspect of St. around Duckworth and \\'ater Communion. be safeguarded in the same n:la. John's that strikes the compara· streets. ~!arch 26 -way as an old and re1·cred Both colontt'li consist of is· tive newcomer is the numbpr Their lil·es appear to be com- spe• buildmg being protectfd from lan1l groups, the Bahamas esti of Dickensian characters lurk· plctely pointless anrl thE•ir rx- F< pupils; 7.30 p l'andals and deca~·. matl'll to include a land area in;z around the older parts of istcnce is apparently dil'idhl and Intercession.<.

Nothin~: came of thr sug· of ;ome 5,450 square miles thr city. Their favorite haunts between the gutter and the American• '" r:o;: 8 a.m., Holy C gcstlon but the tantalizing in the twenty-nine main is· seem to be the entrances of lockup ... their ~en>e of time material a1h, ... e oH: p.m.. E\·cn; thought remains that music lands, 661 cal'es and 2,387 liquor stores, the "bootlegging'' merely the interl'nl between tew short )·,, .. a;c. and the arts are as worth~: rocks constituting the arch areas and the :Magistrates one bottle of "pinky'' aud the monuments ' p:o;r~; of protection as a building. ipclago. The main islands in· Court. They appear to be ir- next! It is a sad busine.<.<, r1rn people whu ,. "' a::t: This thought may ta1·e pass- elude a total of 4,375 square resistib\v drawn to these thou~h one can laugh bril'fll' material .,.. ' cf ed through the minds of the miles and a population of 98,. places, by the subtle aroma of at the pantomime put hy som;. High O\'CI'

Ro,·al commissioners prcpar· •!89. hard liquor on the one hand whose wits haven't completely ~t<mds a ''· o: ' 1 h I b 1 b 11 I f h nresents inti .. ··!:· in" their report on cop,·right '!'he Bermudas include some anc t e css su I e, ut equa l' e t t em. ~

b ' II' · f 11 1 Th · 1· · li1.cs the iuc•.c wi'lll thci'r recommendations 3GO small islands with a total compe m~. maJesty o 1e aw e worst aspect ti rea 1stng ' h h th · h' I' 1 inr. which 1r ~·1 ... •:-: 1:2.! on the Canadian protection to area of 21 square miles. About on t e at cr. at even m t 1s en 1~ Ill• ned ,ible. be accorded writers, compos- twentv are inhabited. Great These gentlemen of the age there nrc so manr indil•id· In contmst 1, tht> c>l'S and others producing ori· llct·m;Hia or Jl!ain Island, the alley-ways seldom Jose the uals who hal'e lost all sense of is a small ,,, .. ~ ginal works. But they, like the lar~est is 14 miles long and 1 shreds of pride to which the:· purpose in life ... wlw.<e only little-kno\rn .... : English, must have felt that mile wide. The total population cling so fiercely and the plea purpose. in fact, is being a in prayer '" :.:c while it is possible to stop is estimated at 41,160 with of "not guilty yer honor" after "horrible example" for mem- city. He w:l ;;o: someone drawnig a moustache 85 • < of the colony's revenue being found in a state of happy ben of Temperance Societies bcred for Ill-on the !\lona Lisa, It is impossi· cominl! from the tourist trade. unconsciousness, face-down in a who m!stnkenly beliel'c that his outstanJ.nb >fl::t

· d s t gutter, is often the prelude to alcohol tS the root of all el'il. hie to stop someone mauling In 1940 the Umte ta es was dtr. . t d 99 r 1 a e for na•· an exhibition of outraged dig. Alcohol, when used in the lit's attt'tt·,,·,··· ,,

a Popular bit of mus1c. gran e -yea · e s s •· , "' nity worthy of a cabinet mini- proper proportions, merely h · Yet regret must remain that al and air bases there. ster caught pilfering a piggy. produces a pleasant social at· s::~s1·\~ f1~~e 1:wktl

the craze for singing commer· bank! · mosphere, and probablv do•.• h ld b h • <> pause and tu1n t e~

cials shou have rought II' at F L } They are a strange, lost. fra. less harm to the human ~ystem God. It wnt.ld be can only be called abuse to re· orm. oca ternity, whose familiar face~ than eating large quantities of quietly for the spected musical airs. Tht•y are are to be seen with the rel!U· french fries! But, like anything God than to made to gallop to the whip Branch Diabetic larity of clockwork in tile lower else. when it becomes the be· mtmorialiZill~ of unfamiliar W(}rds for the court, or pacing out their all and end-all of existence it we. too. t•an ssonukpe. of toothpaste, soap and Ass· OCI.ati"on "beat" with uncertain steps produces a slow deterioration prayer for the humll

of the person using it. How· the city. The robbery of nursery ever, human nature being what

rh)·mes, national song albums A meeting of vital import· ant at Crane Limited, and .well· it is . . . e1·en if hard liquor and even the classics may be ance to all concerned with the known in city circles. were banned . . . there'd be quite beyond the control of problem of Diabetes was held It is the intention. of the As· other things that people would copyright. hut it should not be on Mrrrch lOth at the General sociation to appoint a Medical use to reduce themsch·es to be:·ond the control of good Hospital under the sponsorship advisory committee composed something less than human. taste which is (or should be) of the Tangiers· Group of the of interested doctors along with What puzzles me is why St. more authoriative than any St. John's Rotary Club. other Committees ~uch as ed~· John's seems to have more law. Optimism Was the key note c~Jotional, social and publici•y. than an ordinary quota of be·


Saint John Telegraph Journal An interesting 'proposal ha~

been put forward by Sir Hilary Blood long-time British col· onial 'administrator, that Ber­muda and the Bahamas should become part of Canada in order to achieve independ

cnt 1 talus. Sir Hilary ,who has served

three British ccrlonics as gov· ernor and in various colonial posts for 35 !'ears, suggests that the two colonies are too small to achieve independent sovereignty. Political ties with Canada would be the ideal solution, he says.

when Dr. James Darcy of the Other executiVe posts will also fuddled citizens . . . and whe­Tanglers Group, chairman of be filled when the Association's ther because of this lac!, we the steering committee report· program has been organized. shouldn't try a new approach ed on the progress. made to Preliminary discussions were to the problem. date in organizing this branch held regarding the proceeding The endless p~rade thrc.u~h of the Canadian Diooetic As· with the educational, social and magistrate's court ha; little sociation. The local division to other ~ims of the Association. effect • . · it is merely arcepted be known as the St. John's and P&rticular emphasis ivas placed as routine by those who~e Distri~t branch, on the question of a detection only "home" is often the lock.

The Association is fortunate- survey, and it is hoped that the !IP or some dim alley where in having the following out· facilities of the M.V, Christmas they can sleep off a bottle of standing executive e I e ct e d: Seal will be made available to pinky. They're utterly incur­President, Dr. John T. Saker, the Association. able, that's for sure · · · ~o a Professor of Modern Languages Dr. Stoker expressed the new "angle" is nrt'!led if we

· 1 u · · v· are to smarten up this 1 ener-at Memoria mversaty; ace- thanks of the newb• ~armed able old city. The only solution

DISCt:SS JOB W!t\DSR. Ont. 1Cl'1

United Auto \l'orkerl council will hold a ference to discuss unemploymrnt. present almost f\ 111 the pro\'ince where ttl a contract.

When Ianning LO room, stick to a scheme. especiallY ona budget. Plan bold strle note to . to the room. Htht 1

is easilv washable, ~ worth a little extra sets off a room. ftl pensive to maintalll·

sica!, wa~· ·of streets from. less parade of

This is not an. easy province for the them than that. Or, to change the gen­fanner. Yet 1t h~s been · prov~n der, this schedule pusher has her 1hrough the .centunes that certam bridge club in a dither, her neighbors products, particularly root crops and afraid to look out-of-doors.

These islands have many economic and commercial ties with North Mnerica, he ar· gues, and they are too far

President, Mr. J&mes J. Green, executive to the Tangiers group that comes to mind is to 'lre­Prominent city lawyer and Pre· for the interest and concern pare a sort of Newfoundland sident of the Kiwanis Club; and thr.t prompted their sponsor- 1·ersion of the Tenhous~ of the Mr. Graham Moores, well· ship or this very Important August Moon where hap­known businessman from Car- health problem. less souls coulcl finish their bonear; Secretary, Miss Pa· The next meeting of the As· days in a rosy haze of cheap tricia Giovanetti, Dietitian at soclation is to be held in the red wine! It wouldn't cost much the St. John's Sanr.otorium, and immediate future and the time more than keeping them in the President of the St. John's Home and place of meeting will be lockup or paying a police force Economics Association; Treas· announced through the media to bring them in off the streets. urcr, Mr. Brian Walsh, Account· of press and radio. It would be a kindly, whim·

ers" and would time and trouble on our public serl'antl· too kind-hearted · bi~ seems to me that 1 characters are past and jail sentences law is forced to bein-g the onb· the incidence of away from the

Page 5: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central

• # -

Worth Remembering SERVICE~ Best

, . . . . Behind me stand the Infinite

Loved Hymns God 'Befriend And Bless You

Studies In The Beatitudes 1; .\.. ~.D • ~>Sistan~ Min~ste~, 1 Grace and Power of God! At even, when the sun was set

hrl · \\ •1· \\ ?oilre~' B.D.,. Dl· Before me Is Endless Possibility The sick, 0 Lord, around Th~e Ia"', May e1·ery blessing this life can •8, BLESSED AHE THE PER· bless the persecutor, he wili turn 1 -.·tul' of l'hnstwn Educat•o.n: for Soul Development! 0 · 11 d' ' hold • 's•CUT'•',D at·ound and become our friend. \h· \ E Heselwoocl· Orgamst m w at 1\'ers pains they met! ~ • · ': · • Under me are the EverlastinR 1 Be yours m the fullest measure. __ Jesus gave no such promise. It .•nd l hon· )laster: ~lr. Douglas Arms of Divine Protection and 0 w th what joy they went away! 1\lay content, that is better thnn i "Blessed are thev which are does mean that in blessing them, (hmond. L.ll.A.~I. 9·45 a.m., Love' . gems or gold, . persecuted for ·righteousness' m returning good for evil, we '' l!ll: l'cuplp'< Bible Class in I Around me Is Boundless Opper· Once more 'tis eventide, and we, F1ll your future da~·s With plea- s~ke: for thei1· 1s the kingdom keep our own hearts sweet llllll lilt- ~lrmunal Hail (15·17 tumtv for Service to God Oppressed with various ills, draw ncar; sure . 'ot heal en." itlatthew 5:10. clean. We remam wh:J.: Jcsua '"11>) II n.m., Divine Wor- and my fellows! What if Thy form we cannot see, May clouds ne er gather above, li 15 not hy chance that the says \le must seek to remain, -lllp. Preacher: Rcl'. W. J. What further encouragement We know and feel that Thou are here. Y.our way, llcntitude "Blessed are the per-~ "the children of our Father." . \I ''"!lit'~. Suhject: "Lo~alt~· in could I desire to face the Nor grief nor gloom appress vou, se~uted" follows immediately The third thing that Scripture .\cuon": II ,1.m .. Nursery De· future? 0 Saviour Christ, our woes dispel; And every hour and every day after, "Bics,ed are the peace

1 suggests that we may have to do

pa. tmrnt Ill th~ Common Room; For some are sick, and some are sad, 1 May God bcfnend and bless you I mukers" In the long strange, is to ftc!!. our Lord said that 2 30 p.m., Sunda~· School and (} • T And some have never loved Thee well, 1 slo"'' of man peacemakers ha1·c I occasions would arise \\hen that \clnlt BIIM Clas<: 3 45 p.m.. ostng me And some have lost the love they had; Fai"th I oft~n heen u;e most persecuted. \\OU!d be the right strategy, "Be·

! tlllrl'll ~lt'illht'r~hip Class: 6.45 I The •1•01·ct that our Lord used for hold I send "ou forth as sheep I ~Olin Snr,···cn• 7 p In Di· The dm· Is done and with It DO A d -n d 'th dl I • • • " b p n . . ~ • •• . .. " n ovme are prcsse WI wor y care, "per ccute" means to "pursue In the m1dst of woh·e s: e ye

1 nw Worship. Preacher: Rei', the deeds And some are tried with sinful doubt; -- : ci ~le lv" With the one sole therefore wise as serpents and I' E \'!pone!. Subject: "A Talk The d~eds I ~cco~plished and And some such grievous passions tear, I say I? you, if you have faith' ~IJj~ct Is~ \·;cw namely to make harmless as d~ves-But '\\hen I" 'i\'cn•. Twcnlles nnd Others." 1 ose ~ t un one, That only Thou canst cast them out; a~ a g~am of .musta~d seed-not 1mc as miserable as p~ssible for they persecute you in this city,

__ The hop.cs 11e held, like embry.1

hmg w1il be Imposs1hle to you.j tl . t d 11 • mean in· 1 flee ye into another: for nnly

I omc seeds 1\latthew !i·20 Read Luke 7·1· K pcrsecu ~ · ma~ GEORGE STREET Tl t 'th •. 1 f II , b And some hnve found the world is vain, · · · I fhctin" bo<hlv suffering but ~1-1 I sav unto vou Ye shall not have •1 t .. R p J 11 • m WJ cr~"'• c ere came o • y f 10. ~. · · : · • • . . 1 1 t'll ·' 1111' Cl. e1 · • . om mer I I' · et from the world they break not ree: Th d f th rh . wn)'S 1t docs mean mental dis· gone over the c11ies of srae . I

-rn. B.A.. B.D. 11 a.m., :llorn· d !VIon.h lif . 1 It d And some have friends who give them pain,' . e c.reat wor s 0 e ns- 11 css Our i.ord ~l'arned lhs dis , the Son of Jllan must be comc ·• 111~ Service and Junior Con· So oes eac e mo~e 0 s ~n Yet have not sought a friend in Thee; !tan rehgJOn through !h.c ~cntur- I cJple~ to expect persecution. i Too ott en Christians remam in

. , • •rr.:.nwn. Subject: "Do You So do tl.Ie hours the1r conclusion 1cs .hare been the drl\'lng force," k t tl Ph· isees who company \\here nothing Is more ' · brmg· belnnd the "reat acts ol the I .,pea mg 0 Je ar · l·1t ln." !! 30 p.m.. Sunday \\' 11 ' 1 t 11 (who has And none, 0 Lord, have perfect rest, •1 . . 1~ . W 1 ,, ere persccullng Him, Jesus ccrtam than that they are gomg ~chuol. Bible C'la~s and Junior 1 you no c . m~ 1 For none arc wholly free !rom sin; C .mstl~n rc 1~ 1on. on s ex·: s'aid thev \\Otlld do the same to ~to be hurt. or be drawn into sin, ( ~·n~Jrgauon:. i P;.m .. ~~·ening llf w~:~~~·~lyn~~~fd shall bring II And thC'I who ram would serve Thee best n~~ssa~~c~~~d~~~as a~Sd'l~~o~c::~ lhs followers. "Wherefore, be- \\hen all ti.Je time God hns pr?-\1 °l>i11p. !'uh)ect: ,\s \\e For· I some finer Sprinn' Are conscious most of wrong within. h 'I th t 'th g th, hold, I send }Oil prophets, and \uled a \lay of escape. \\e

" 8 p m Youth Fe! ' "· as sau a no 111 on car 1 · d 'b 1 m ha1•e no right to r1•mam In com· ~!lr · · : · '' · Another chance another urge 1 can wilhstand the power of an w1se m~n. an sen cs an< £~ e h>ll~iup Hour. profound-' · 1 0 saviour Christ, Thou teo are ~!an, idea II hose time has an'JI'etl. I of them ~c shall kill and crucify: I pany 11here God does n.ot 11ant

' ' -- d 11 · h' · \\'C' Th n t b t bl d t t d t · d · . anA <om•• of them shall ye us to remmn. and thal company ,, 1 !'O 'IIR 1 \'1:: STRE.'F:T To we Wit m their bemg ou as ecn rou c , emp e • ne : ~uch a word of po1~·er 1s fmth. . " ~, . •. oogues and I efers not onlv to people but to , ,, 1 ' · · pos•ess' 'l'hy kind but scarchin~: glance cnn scan lt 1s pccuharlv a ChnstJall 11 ord scour be m ~our -~na~ r : d 1. d

'l!!\1' lt'r: He,· .. \\', L. La_n·l Even no,; . .:_far !list ant- do Jl The \'cry wounds I hal shame would hide; h occurs ~ni)· tlllcc .m the en: I p~rsccutc them from city to I thoughts passwns. an at nu. es. 1'.;, ~1llt•. R.A: 01•gamst and Choir· I hear the sound lire Ole! Tescamcnt but 0\cr two •c1ty." tn the upper room He 1Th1s was m Pa~ls counsel m1:t

n>a<\1'!' Dr. D. K Peters, L.T. Of beaut~· moving toward new Thy touch has still its ancient power: hundred tunes 111 the 7\ew. The ~aid, "They hale persecuted 111.~ Timothy 2·22: ' Flee a~o Jivout 1: l'l.: llir<'ctnr n( l'hl'l<twn Edu.ll loveliness I ""o \l'ord from 'l'hee can fruitless fall; \lord \las often on the l•lls of thcl' lllll also pcrs~cute yo~. I fullusts:. hut follow rig teo:lsl

· \I · f' S '" k on · · · " ·\ 1 til"'' dJA Tl1n per•ecutlon ' ncs• fmth chant''. pence, Wit I ( .. uun .. 1•. .. · nLc ers ·' ·---- - ---- ----- Hear in this solemn evening hour, Jesus Perhaps ·norc than any · m c. "· " • j ·• · ' 11 ;1.m., ~lorning Worship. 1 Captain R. Bowering~ Corps Of· And in Thy mere)' heal us all. Amen. othel:: except j01 ~. It 11 ~, tile took many forms. Autlwntles. t~cm that call .~n the Lord out

1 :'\ur>rr~ .. nd Junior Worship· I fleers. 11 a.m., Holiness Serv· I key word of Jesus' tcachmg. 1 gorernmcnts. and emperors ,per-~~~ a ~:1re heart. T~erc Is n~th· r~: '· 2 :JO p.m. Sunday School ice: 2.30 p.m., Sunda)' School; • , But what is faith'' .\s Dr. seculcd the church as a wnole. IM ;ushonourable ~n r~nnmg ""·n Bible (lasses (Ladies.l6.30 p.m., ~rarer ll!eeting; 7 8. h Sheen Writes : Truchlood sa~s. "Faith is nol ~C· Local churdt~.s \I ere pcrsrcuted, I awa): \\hen the_ \lay 111 ll:nch 11.e

j,.. Yc>un~ Purple's Youn~: Chinrse I p.~ ... SalvatlO~ ~lcetmg. I Is op I lie( \llthollt ptcof, but trust \11th· mdLI'ldll~l behere:s \I ere per>~- I run IS the \Ia~ 0~ c~!~-1. '~~ l hfl;tlan As~ociatlOn \: 7 p.m., F r1day evemng 8 p.m., Cadets . . . 1 0111 resel 1 atlon." Faith means cuted. 1luo laltet kmd of pet· ~us~ not ~cmpt ro_n ~nee ~ 1'1enin~ Worship. The ~hnl· Meeting. BY FULTO:\ J. SHEE!'i 1 tists. (or their dtscovcms. ami m

1 living m a cctlain spJutual pos-, >ccutwn has ah1ays ,~Jcen, the 1 k:cpm.g the c~~~~;~wl~n :~~~e

-tt·r 111ll preach at both serv· Under the West Stadium ~f parll~ular fo: lhc acumen and, ture, a calm, con!Lrlrnt, com·n~c- 1 hardest to bear. \,hen the 1 11ho 11ould P~r for us to keep 11 r- Come and let us welcome MUNDY POND Stagg Field of the Unil ersit~· of l~a.r~mg !Jehmd the theory of re· 1 011,, unworrwd atlltud~ 1011 .ml 1 ;vhoie . chm ch or a congrcgatw.n 1 1s ~o necessi.Y 1 ,,u to our Church. Lieut~nant and :\Irs. C. Pike, Chicago on December 2. 19~2. latmty. . hie The ba•ic question it asi.s 1s bcmg. persecuted, tl~ere IS 1 their compa~) th' " we can do · Corps Officers. 11 a.m., Holiness the first atomic f1rc in the his· 'fhc question before man toaay of the unil·ersc is one 11 hlch sug. 1 strength m the f~llo\\ sh1p, but The four! . 111? ff .

S!'llURBAX MISSIO.\' Service; 2.30 p.m., Sunday torv of the world was lighted. is whether he will u<e this power I "Csts and ~!most contains Jts I \I hen It is an indl'.idual who IS I ab?ut persecutmn Jl ~~.d<u ~r L'i ~hmstcr· Douglas Mouland. i School; 7 p.m., Sal\·ation Meet· Our atomic era began. smce for destruction or use it for pur· 1 ~11.11 answer -a qucstio~' as old , being persecute?. he or she: has Th1s ~~ what P~u h 1 wr~es St. Paul's - 11 a.m., Dl\ine ing. that da)' some have hlamect poses of peace. It often hap-~ a~ Ahrnham to \I hom God snid often to benr Jt m lonclmess. Connthwns 4 L e .. ;

\\' h' ~ 30 sunda, I science f~r re\•ealing such des· pens i'n the history of the 11or!d "Shall 'not tile .Judge of all \11 ~ 1 The field of persecutwn may be "Bemg persecute~. ~c ,su:fer 1tlf Sc~~~~ol~P~ p~m .. ~R;~~icr. ~. ~lOU:>iT PEARL GLENDALE tructive powers in the atom. that great benefits flow from re·, enrth do n~llt''' Like ,Jesus, let one's Olin home. It may be m !n o.ther \\ords. m m.,h u~o~d

rort Amherst-II a.m .. ~lin· Capt. and ~Irs. W. Norman, Against this and other false chnr- straint, such ns ~he denymg ~f 1 u~ ask in faith, believing and we office: or busmcss. ~nd sad .to m CII'Cumst~nces ~here e r I S h I C Off 11 H 11 \\·. \I'OUid s,a. 8 wotd in de· oreself the eatmg of a fnut shall receJI'e sa)' Lt may be \\!thm the chns· nol escape rom t. e persccu Jon,

l•tt•r. :! 30 p.m .. Sun< a) c oo. orps leers. a.m., o • gcs,e ocf science ) which stands for a knowledge of' Let l's P;av• 0 Lord Christ tlan fellowship-the last place !Jy the grac~ of God he demon· r;rovc's Road-2.45 p.m., ~1m-' ness Service; 2.30 p.m., S~n· fenSsc'Ience Is no't atheistic and evil as well as good. There i~ I s"rene Son of (;'o<l let th> ma,t's:' \'.here one II'OtJld expect to _fi~d' strated to his . p~rs,;cutorst tltaft

Her. 'clay ~chool; 7 p.m., Salvation . t' t f ·h'ch it ' . . I t , d . t the pl"cc \I here It IS I he could take Jt. .• e mus su • . •n• ! :llccllng. godless. Physical science ~~.not ~orne u~esba rec romot \Ito! cat· It~· master us. thy }JOIIcr of calm' J r't ,m l~t~te •st a'n'd hardest to' fer it lllth the \erv patience of

TOPSAil 1 concerned with God. or rchg10n, IS mans ~smess !I ~ ' 'control us, lh3t fur om· fears 0 rn n, rc . I • Himself The \\ord that •111 • , p t tal or moral values. It is just ac, there are thmgs \lhlch he ou':ht lie mnv hale fallh. and for our' hc,tr. \le must note f:?'" that I C~nst . . !>I

~ .• ncl 11 a.m .. :Ill', ::\clson LeGro\1~: en ecos· w r 0 n g to accuse e mplricnl to forswear I? use, lest they Ill· I dtsquiciude perfect trust in thee. I our Lord did not say BIC>SC~ I Paul us~d for the su:fe~L~g II !! 30 r.m .. Sunda~· School; ' bein atheistic as to crease the evil of the world. \men 'are all that are persecuted. I ~rsecutiOn Is a rare \lor m Je P m .. The ~linlster. ' science of g . nti- If the troubles of our world are . . 'The blessing is hmited to a par- ::\cw Testament. Our Lord used

-- I BETHESDA TEMPLE accus~ a speaker ~f b~mg II outside of us-socially and econo 'ticular group of people, to those I it at the foot of the ~!ount .of .IJOFST PEAllL I 209 New !lower Street Ameman because m his spe~ch mically-we shall have to sub- Ch • l Calls Us I \lho are persecuted for n"htcous I Tr:msfiguratJOn when He said.

:llount P~nrl-11 a.m... The I ~- Chesley Snow (Pastor); hP. does not ,q!IOte the Consht~~: mit to a cruel fate indeed. If riS I ness' sake, those \lho ar: made "0 fmthless generall?n. how \llnistcr; 2.30 p.m., Sunda)', Els1e B, Snow (Asst. Pasto~). lion of the ~~lte.d St~~~s. ~lai't the trouble with the world lies in __ 'to suffer because they are true 1 long s~ail. I suffer you. lie SU!· ~chool. 1 10.30 a.m., .Pra~·e; Ser~Ice: hr the con;J~~~~\e 1 w~so di~- side the human heart, then it is Read Psalm 107 21-31. to thtr profession of faith. be- fered It nght t~ e.nd. So too Jt

The people of ~lount Penl'l, ~ 11 a.m., :llornmg \\ orshlp, 3 und~r the N . 1 ~ r do God nor possible to remedy all Uwt f'orgcttmg those things 11 h~th cau<e tl•cy arc loyal to our Lord.l WI! must rem am .m the atmos· c.icndnle, ate renundcrl of the p.m .• Sunday School; 6.30 p.m., cussmg. 'Jede: h ·sics or clle· trouble. We can remedy It by an· behmd, nnd rcaclung forth Tnat lol·nlty \I ill mean perseut··l phe~e of persecutiOn. let '!s beat Annual ~Iceling to he o1eld In Prayc.r Sen·ice; 7 p.m., El'an· ct~lcs fall 1 n P ) returning again to the great tra- unto those thmgs 11h1ch arc be· non. b~1t for those 11ho suffer 1t 1 1t With qmct~e~s and. confLdence, th church on Thursday eve·, gellsllc Sen·ice. / mist;Y·, . i b· •d 11 on dition of our Founding Fat- fore, I press toward tlw mark the1 e is special ble.ssmg. . I el'en as ~hnst bore It. . ntng at 8 p.m. A large attend· I' lllonday:-8 p.m., Young Pco· E\er~ sc:,cnce ~ Lt a ?ion hers of being once more a reli· for the pmc of the h1gh cnlhn~ How rlo we enter mto lhts bies- .The~e IS ?ne fma! \lord 0j ad ance is requested. pie's Serv1ce. . I ~n a:st~ac 10~' t r" .·a. 0~ fook- gious people. loving our neigh- of God m Cluist Jesus. tPlul1p- <"~· when we arc persecut~? j l'l~e ~~ th1s Beautulle. ~~u~

I Wenesday-8 p.m., Testimony , !S ta mg, a po 11 1° 1 JCII t . bor, our country and serving I pians 3: 1!3,141. If "e waul d ha1 e the bless mg. smd, Blessed are I Icy " IC

P e 1)"-··teriailt and Praise. 1 mg at th,ngs um cr ~ cer am as· God. One erening \le 11ere coming \\e must meet the perscuuon in' ar~ persecut~~. fo~ nghte?usness I' S ' I Thtmday - 8 p.m .. P1•ayer j pect or. from a pnrtJ~ular a~glc. back bv ferry to Pusnn Tht· the wa1· in 11hich Scripture tells sake. for t.~eu· s IS the kmgdom

. ., ~lceting. Everybody welcome. All sciences ar.e dt!ferentlated S • Cl • I sea w:is unusually rough. As I us "P. must meet it. There arc of hca1 en,. whtc~ means that ST. Ail DREW s I b~· their abstracllon.. prtng eamng I sat in the captmn's cabin. l look- Cl•rtam thmgs lie must clo about we must In the midst of perse-

)!Jnister: Rev. ~· M. ?Id: Jehovah's a JUmps off.)' 'ed ahead intcntlv. I watched as the perscct,tor and persecution, ct•tion look be~ond ou~ persecu· ~1..\. 11 a.m., Mornmg Scruce, bridge mto a n~er and a ph~.~- -- I he steered the iittle bout for ou ns in the doing of these lhmgs zors to our possesstons. The II it.m. Sunday .. School; 7 p.m., WI"tl'"""S·eS c~st, a psychologist ~nd a theolo- Now's the time to make )'Our 1 am• then cut back 1011 anl he \\c- shall fmd the blessing. ere I kingdom of heal'en 1s ours. ~hl! :\IJ >t·r\'ICC at Kt~·k. . «::-0 A!an all look at this man .fall. home look nice and spick and 1 hmhor He directed Ius c!att at 11 e shall fmd the ble~sing. Here rersecutor and the persecutiOn

1 he congrrgatlon IS l111'ited Each of them looks at thr JUm· span-to reno\' ate and decorate, 1 just the nnht angle to nde the are fn e of the mam thmgs we I will pass hke the green bar tree, tn 11orship 11:ith .the con~rcga-1 KINGDOM HALL p~r from ~ particular pomt ?£ b sch~me and plot and plan: to i \I'll\ c< most eastly. • ~:ust do. ! but the ne1;· life we. ha1·e in ~e~us t1o11 of St. .Aidcn.s, Topsml ~d. 40 Morris Avenue ,. vt~w Which make~. up ~~.s think of alterations that would 1 Once I glanced back. 1 ~~~·. First and foremost 11e must and the sp~rttual riches to .. \lhtch Transporta.tiOn. \\Iii be .PrOI'ld· I 7 p.m., Pub~!c Address:. A 1 sc!~~ce. Th~ pl,lysiC~st sa~s., make the place l?ok ne1~·; there, the stein of the boat heal 111g ptay for them that persecute us. \'.c are hc1r w1th lhm: 11111 re· ~<! h)' getung m touch ~~·1th ~lr. Depth Religion ; 8 ~.m., Btble


Now that IS a \e.ry mterestmg are a hundred httle thmgs tha and pitching. 1 saw fishmg craft 'fhis is our Lord's command. mam for e1~r and e1cr The t•ur<lon Elton, phone 5640, I Stud~·: "Fruitful lllimsters Led ph~nomenon, watchmg try~t man willing. hand~ m1ght do.. I rollmg and tossmg, but!ctcd b~· , \\'hen Saul grieved Samuel by ~ersecutor w11l becon;e fo; ~'

-- br Active Force"-Ezek. 36:27. fall. Here I see exemplified the A bnght distemper might im·l the 1, a\cs. Ius conduct, Samuel said. "As hke a bad dream 11h1Ch ~am.s· ST. DAVID'S I Thursday, 27th - 7.30 p.m., I law of falling bodies. He is prol'e that dingy little hall; a 1 As 1 turned 'my naze forward lot me. God forbid that I should 1 he~ ~~·en from our memones m

(fOJ mcrlv Queen's Road) Public Bible Speakll!il Cia~~- I ~oing to fall thirty:two feet the jur, of .apple-blossoms looks so I agmn, 1 thought, "How hke life sm against the Lord in ceasing 1

. the hght of da~·. \\1mtcl'er the ~hnlstc•·: Rev. J. A. Gold·I"The English BtDJe m Print. • 1 first second and SIXty·f.our feet gay agamst a wall; and flowery that IS! \\hen 1 look at \lie 1 to pray for you " So we must nature of o~r persec~t10n then

omith). 8.30 p.m., 1\linistr, Oevtlop th~ second sec~nd. G1ven the linen cov~rs can transform rour rough seas about me. 1 become • prny specifically for the":~ that I i~t us s~.v 1Wilh Paul .m Rom~~~

11 a.m .. D11·1nc Worship; 2.30 I ment Class: Th"me: ''Thor- height of the bridge as one hun- fo~ed cha1rs. And .what a bit of 1 upset and fearful As long as 1 i persecute us Pmyer w1n ac· 1 Ul-39. \\~a! ~hall 11e then · 0.r

p.m, Church School; 4 p.m., 1 oughly Accomplish Ministry"- dred {~et above the wa~er, . I pamt w1il do to bnghten up the jlook forward I have hope ami 1 hicle more than Mgument. It, to those thmbs. If. God be f E1 rnin~ Devotions. Worship 2 Tim, 4:5. must figure o~t how long ,!t Will stairs. . can keep ste~dy and confident. I 11 111 succeed where retaliation us, \1 ho can be a~amst us? H~ I'.Jth us. take,him to h1t the water. The ~he buds and b1rds are a.lll Only by keeping my eyes tollard 1 willfail The persecutor max, ~~~t spar~d not lhs Son, hu\d;Y ) F • t Bap~i.lllt phys1st must not be condem~· astir-so put your apron on. Its I thP harbor and trusting the ski!·, hme many \\capons prayer 1,! hHred h1m up fo~ us all. o

1 ST. AlDAN'S l!rS ell for not considerin.~ the moll· time to sel your house m orde~- ful guidance of the Captain to 1 not one of them. This is the I s~all he not Wl~h h~m also f~~~~ 7. (Topsail Road) Cl•·J•rcll vation which induced the man to dreary days ha,•e gone: ~l'lth jlead m" can I be sure to reach unique weapon God has giren to: Sll'e us ~II thmgs Who

1 \I' 1 1 R J A Gold· "' " jump. Such a problem is out- soap and paint ~nd scrubbmg. , port safely." : Hls foliowers. It 15 the be- 1 la~· .anythm; to the charge. of 1 <n;n\~ > rr: C\', • • side the scope of his science. brush, 111th pohsh,qmop and 1 PHAYt:R lie~er's secret \\capon. From, Gods ele~t I.t Is God that ~~s-1 Sunrlav _ 2,30 p.m.. church 104. P~RTUGAL C~VE RD. The ~sycholo.g!st loo~s at hi~ broom-get busy-sweep the cob 1 Hcal'enlv Father as 1 proceed I the place of praver vou can send I l!fwth. \\ ho Is he that . n· , ~ .1 1. ·" p m Divine Wor· Re\, F. C. Fenert>o B.A. and sa~s to himself, 1 wonde1 webs out of e\cry dusty roo":~.

1 into 'a neiv clay. j place rnvsclf 1 the weanons of'Iove into enemy i demeth• It is C~rist. that d~~~·

• ~ 100 ' ' • ·• 1 9.45 a.m .•. Sund~~· School; 11 1 why he jump~d? ,lllaybe he had And when at .last ~·our task. 1s 1 in Tl]y hnnds. Guide me this territory. You can hombard ycat .rather, that IS !1sen agd of

s ~f.· d d. 8 pm lllidweekla.m., ~lormng \\orshlp; 7.15•a fight with h1s Wife: maybe the done, and al11s fresh and bm:htldav that \lhatcver 1 do mm· !urn day and mgh! \\'hat 11 ,11 11!10 1s crcn at the nght.han .~' nes a;- . · ·: h 1 p.m., Evening Worship; 8.30 I income tax collector cau_ght up -with carpets cleaned and C!IP· i caiw me forward 1011 ard the you prar for, Pray first for 1 God. who also maketh mtercet~

Srn Ice. '\\ orshiP Wit us. 1 p.m., Young People's Socict)', with him: or perhaps h1s mot. ~oards scoure~. a~d evcryt~mg i goal Thou hast set before me. ! your~cl£ that ~·ou 111ay not be- swn for us. \\~o shall. scfara 11 f.JfllV·Uf.i.OO .(rmy j Wednesday - 8 p.m., Mid· her-in.Iaw moved in." He could JU,st right-you 11 l'lcw.your 11ork lin llis name. Amen i come obsessed with the fact ol .us. !rom the lo1e of Chi'ISL sha

Ll week service for prayer and think of a thousand and one \'.'!til pnde, for you will feel you I THOUGHT FOR Til F. D \ \' pel stcution. Pray for the perse- I tnhu~ahon. or d1~tress, or p~r------------ I Bible Study; 9 p.m., Teachers other motives which inspired the have done ~·our share-;-to make Faith in Christ inspires a•su· cutor that he may he cmn icted secutwn. or. famme, ~r na~e~-

TElllPLE CORPS I Training Class. act. But the psychologist must the world more beautiful when ranee and hope bv the Holy Smrit and that he.l ness. or pen!. or s\\ord. As 11 .. ~ Snringdate Street 1 come and find a warm wei· nol be condemned for Ignoring Spring is in the air. 1 · 'or she, may to know Jesus 1 written. For thy sak~ '':e are k!l· " , k come' ' I any but a psychological problem. And don't forget that human 1 1 Secondly we must bless the 1Ied all the day long. \1 e are ac-

Bn~adler and Mrs. \\ · Oa • : · The theologian looks at him, brains get duil and dusty, too., 'persecutor.' This is Paul's coun-~ counte? as .sheen for the. slaugh· ie). Corps Officers. 1~ a.m., Ch i t• S iP-nCe and says "I wonder if he made We need to make our mental Th k g" "ng 1 scl in Romans 12:14 "Bless them ler. Nay. mall these thmgs l'ic

I Holiness Service; 2 p.m., Sun· I ..J rlS ?!an c ' I an act of contrition before he hit houses airy, sweet and new- to an s lVI : llhich persecute you: bless and are m 0: e than conquerors 1lay Sch.ool; 7 p.m .. Evangells· 1 the water?" Hi s concern is whe elcar away the gloomy thoughts j 'curse not ·• Prayer 1s something I throu::h H1m that loved us. , For tl<' Service. On friday evenlnr Corner Rcnnics' Mill Road and ther he died In a state of sin or that \linter leaves behind-sur- ~lake a joyful noise unto the. Ill' .do m. secret aw:~v from the I I am persuaded, that neither ;~t 8 p.m., n pubhc prayer mec . Empire Allcnue' I in union with God. prising .ho~ much :ubbish c~n . L~rcl, all ye land•. . i presence of the ·persecutor. i de~th: n?l: life. nor angels, nor

'mg will be conducted, by. !h;' Sunday Service 11 a.m. Sub•! Apply this t~ the physical collect ms1de the mmd.: ~ "~ 1 Serve the Lord 111th ~ladness. Bl()Ssing is something we do pr~nclpahtJes, nor powers. n~r ~len Cadets from the fraimn., jeet of Lesson Sermon: "Mat· scientist. He Is. mlerested in t~e need to turn out new I~eas, ?id . Come before Ills presence With when we meet them and arc in I thmgs pr~se~t. nor thmgs o

l'r,"rr. 9 College. You .are cordlal~y ,In· ter." Wednesday meeting 8.00 unive~se only 1n te~ms of 1ts grudg~s and old woe-;-fhng Wl~c 1 singing, 'their conmany . Blessing them come nor height: nor depth, ~or l'r•· t. ·, :1~ p m. 11ted to share m worship .. t .he p.m. Free Reading Room Satur·l quanbtr ~nd Its motion e:<pres· the w1~dow and adn~1t the suns, !\now ye that the Lord He 15 I means that we will refrain from J any other creatm.e, shall he a le

Trmple. , day p.m. Sunday I sed prmc1pa1ly In math~.m~tlcs, refreshmg glow-to hght the s~C· God: it is He thnt halh madl· us. 1 speaking harsh words. We will It~ senar.ate .u~ ftom. th~ l~ve ~: o( ! School for pupils up to the age or I~ wh,~l arc called . pmnter ret places that arc ~~rk with 3 nd not we ouroelves. 11 e are 1 remember the cry of the Psal- God. ~~·h1ch ISm Christ es so

CITADEl, CORPS o! 20 years is held at 11 a m j readmgs. God and rehg10n arc hate ~nd fear-let love mto. yo~1· , His people, and the ~beep Ills I mist, "Set a watch, o Lord, be- Lord. , 9 • m Jtr.h r·nm Adam's Avenue at l'm.ce of / ' ' 1 outside tJie scope of his science, consciOusness, and these l'llli d1s 1 pQslure. 1 fore my mouth: keep the door ,r1

lrr. !'ral·' Wales Street N • and it is as unfair to accuse the appear. Enter into His galrs 1•.ith I of my lips. Incline not my heart J Th" k Jt Mu 1 :r. lhapt l ' 1 Sr. Captain and 1\lrs. A. S. o,es scientist, as a scientist, of being Patience Strong thanksgiving, and in 1 0 His to any evil thing, to practise In S

- Hoh rcommu. , I1ritchetl, Corps Of{icet'S: atheistic as It Is to accuse him courts with praise: be thankful


, 1\icked works with men that lhopPl: \lormn 1 10.30 a.m .• l'rayer Service: 11! GOWER STREET of heing anti-British. He ·might I unto Him, and bless lhs nam~. work iniquity: and let me not eat Be Somewhere

· Hc,h (•m'mumo~ ln.m. Holiness Service. The sub· In tl\e morning Rev. W. J. very well be anti·Brltlsh. but Step Aside For the Lore! is Good: !lis of their dainties." We shall re· ~PI'\ IC~ 7 30 jrct will be "The Believers I Woolfrey will conduct the Ser- not because he is a physical mercy cndurcth to all genera- I member whal Solomon wrote,

S<:~:ce Quidi ·Fellowship with God"; 2.30 I vice and preach the sermon scientlsl. ~Ie conceivably might tions. "It thine enemy be hungry. gil•e · p.m., Sunday School and Bible while Rev. F. E, Vipond Is be atheistic, but he is not atheis· One step aside with Jesus. I him bread to eat: and if he b~

- \l~rnin" Pmcr 1 Class. !llajor Ratcliff will con- conducting the service and de· tic because he Is a scientist. He A rest In desert land . thirsty, gi\·e him water to drink: Pra,~r '5 30 1luct a special Sunday School llverillf! the sermon at St. An· might be atheistic because he Is Talk with Him in the shadows The night will not he long Cor thou shalt heap coals of fire

· · • Sen·icc; 7 p.m., Evangelistic drew's Presbyterian Church. a fellow traveler of Communism. Stlil nearer-Touch His hand· i Thr prison doors will onen upon his head, and the Lord ltornmg Pr~ver 9 , Srrvice. The subject will be The Church Membership Clas~ Poetry Is outside of the domain Stiil nearer-Touch His hand. 1 And dawning breaks with song. shall reward thee." We shall

I think it must be somehwere written, that the virtues of the mothers shall be visited on their children as well as the sins of the fathers. Dickens

Communion '10 I"Why Deceive Yourself?" will meet at 3.415 p.m. At the of physic s as such. So are God One step aside with Jesus One sten aside with Jesus remember what Paul wrote. Be Lenten Se.rvice On Friday evening at 8 p.m., evening service Mr. Vipond and morality. It Is as unfair, You sure will find Him there In paths of sorrow trod not overcome of c1·il. but over· Father of my spirit, I thank

· Cadets Meeting. Come to the will have a special message !or therefore, to say science Is athei Tell Him all your troubles And climb th~ hili to Call'ar~ come e1•ii with good." To he Thee that I do not make my way ~=----- !Clade! and enjoy the freedom young people and others under sti~ as to say it is antipoetlc. No matter, when, or where Just one roadleads to God sure this will mean that we must alone through the world. AI· Chur,.J• and warmth of christian atmot the title "A Talk To Teens, The science of a religious man I One step aside with Jesus 1 One steo aside with Jesus have n great suoply of the grace ways underneath and round

•· • phere. Twenties and Others." VIsitors must be scientific; the religion lin trouble or-distress j He ooens wide the door. of God. but Scripture assures us , abo~t me arc Thy everlasting STRF:" I In the city nnd people without of asc!entlfic man must be reli· To find in Him a refuge Ascending to return again that where sin abounds. He I anns. Heln me to li\'e this day

Rev. F '" T ,. DUCKWORTH STREET « church home are mo~t wel· glous. . . And lean u~on H_ls breast Ali1·r for c1·rrmore. makes grace too abound more., 11 ith th~ sense of eternity in my · E. V tpond, Sr. Captain E. Duffett and I come at any of our services. Great credit then to our scten· One step as1de with Jesus. Martha E. Butler It does not mean that when we heart. Amen.



Page 6: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central

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' ·--------------------------------~----~---------------------------------------T_H_E_~_A_IL_Y_N_E'_N_S.~S_T_._JO_H_N_'S_._N_FL_D_ .. _S_A_Tl_JR~Q-AY~,~M~~~RC~H}l.

BELL ISLAND NEWS All Forms ol Prore·l· .. IOn

Bell Island Editorials

Red ·cross Campaign ' l\larch b Red Cross month but this 1·ear the bad !

lteather and sleet storm disrupted everything on Bell Island. The \\'Ol'st blow came when the mines had tp dose for two week~ lea1·in~ the miners without ah~· pa,,·. except one week of Unemployment Insur­ance. This ha~ dist·upted the economy of Bell Island 'imd the setback will be felt for man1· week~; · 1f the UlC rules were clastic ~~·e could. expect

·the miners to be paid their full complement-the ·fund l'an afford it and Hea1·en knows when another crisis will ~trike. One insures for risks: the risk has come 11nd gone but the payments hal'e not been made l'Omcnsuratc with the silunlion.

Hmi'CI'ct·, we know Bclll~landers. e1·en in their :curtailer! econon1k ~tate. will do what they can Im· Rerl Cro~.; e1·cn 1f the~· postpo11e contributing until ·.Jul~· nr Au;:u~t when all the regular campaigns ha1·e i

cCtt'ied. i THE ABOVE PHOTO shows the beginning 'or a large motorcade on Bell Island St. Patrick's Day \\'c ortcn \\'U'1dcr wh,1· most of the camplli!lns : 11s the annual cdchration~ of tht• l1·i~h. sponsord ,,,. !he Kni;:!ht~ of Columbus, got underway,

fnr funds l'Cntrc round the beginning of the year' ---• ...... _ · · -- ·-

!People In Rev. T. E. Smith, Anglic~n

Rector, went to St. ,John's ~Ion­day on a business trip. He re­turned to the Island TueEday afternoon.

1 Dr. G. Buckingham was a ! \ I3itor to the capital during the 1 past week.

1 ~Jr. Ron Snow, lnolmlrial En·


1 gineer. Imperial Oil. !.imi:rrl. St. .John'~. ll'a~ hrrr TIH~rlr-y in tho· intcrrst ol his company.

~lr. <". E. Car~w. pun·h~-in~

I a~rnl. Dominion \\';ohan~ Ore Din-ion. m~ric a ha.<inr.<; trip

ito Tnnoail Tnc.\il~~-.

I. :.ti:. . .:; Rr~ina ('on".-~.~- ·.~.·~~ ;. . rrcetli l'isitor tn !h~ c~pit<JI.

i ~lr. T E. Fulton. rrp~<"rn: ;:. 'tiw nt lh~ f;lcctric St"r~~~ Comp3ny of Can~da. Limiteri, ~lontreal. wa, here Tuesday

·doing businc;s for his comp<ny.

~!r,. Silas Rcr• mr<lr a hu·i· nr>s lrip to SL .Jnhn'• Tur.•rlay. She returned the ~a me day.

. for anumh~r of \·c:1rs arri\·ecl 1 \lr. Ralph Rllhrrts. tra,·cllin~ . salr-man. wa~ here during the wrck doing hu::incss.

;Ir. lrl'in Lid.<lonr or Dunlop Tirr·' Limited, Dartmouth. :\'.S .. mode .1 hu.,in,.,s trip to the I'· land Tur.<day.

when there are ~o man~· clcm~nds .-uch as inl·omc ' Jim ~'lt•Crath APRON ALLEY . \ Mol'.e. Robberies t~x. ,.,, r 1 irencc;; ~ nd other ex,gcncies ;:r t this time. ' ·

Red C'rns;; mu~t go on and it needs our support /171• .;;:l·f~ Js]aJld " h ,. h' DLll.lllO' Pa-.:t .'Jr. R"l>•·>·t rJ·" .. rJ.II. r"rr".·"llt· f .::J ~ • \\'r wnnu<•r ow man~· •·ur<r>. 11·• eups mer 111m w tic 'aucc .._ .::J ·• " ·' • '.,


. \lr .brn•. 1:;~~ .. ~u·~·n n·-1· ~~~~ ._1 \'~. i · .r ;; nu ~::h• r . : .''·· hrrr f\•1' ·11,1'; 1; 1• : ~. : 'J hi~ i1r'l: >( .• · <!..;···. :i;HI 'f·~~·-n Ti!·,~·r·;· .. .',~I'\.:, \\' !1, i. .. • r; ,; '. •

:·.Jr. 1'(1111rli( I : ( 1

\Yr·. ·; r 11:n~ 'ira\·rl!t·

Dr .1 i', 1n lhc 1.: hu . ..:inr_ .. , ~~ .!.

'fr P.,·:. ~ :; .. ·J· hu . ..:in,.. ... ~ :. : ~· · 1\'rdnr•<.:,


more than C\'rl'. ·---·- funnerly lt•WIIt•d at coal-burn· 1 redpe follows) w,:eel\· ,_. in~ l;!anrl Salr;, w:·' here !rum 1 RF:LI. ISI .. \:0..'11 __ .Iiiii ~k in~ range>. lmr t•hanged to Salt and pepper ft · Sl. Johr.'' rP<'·.·nl!y in the in· : r; 1·ath came 10 the blanol 1111 hlt•s<ing; <lul'in~ thi; hl;oekout'? 11, cups flnkcn cooked 1H' can· trrr;t Of his firm. \Jr. 1.··•

Ele(ti.OOS \\'cdnesdn)' allrmoon. lie 11 . .,, We pi cart guilty to pa<t di<!)ar· nrc! !ish. BELT. ISL\\Il-B:-;•h·in< an· ,l.:hn·., 11. 1 . ,,,, •.

nccompanird h.1. Dick c11 .,, 11r. a~emcnt of our· olirty, smoky, Corn llrrad I recipe follows) .Jill playing a ·leadin~ part in \Jr. l'hark; Dcarin. m:11:a~rr. t k II k., I I " l' b. e " It' h· t · t 1 d ['(' · 1 1 \rwfoundlanrl :\rm~turr Work;. . . , . The)' were mN a~ thr Iandin~ tan an rrous or ·1 c wn IO~r)·: um me sauc anu s . ne s :;n a a1r5 anr .irl·rra

Bell hlanderl' thc~e da~·s arc gettmg then· ftll of . by mcmhcrs ot 111c l'l'. party hut durin,g the pa<t ten da)·~ heat o1w hot water. Season mo1·e store~ hal'c hern raided 'c:•mc to the Island \\'ednc,day .IJr F'' ,: ;;,,., ~~· I d 'd t th · 1 d 1 1 d we hal'r tried to i~norc I hi' with salt anrl pepper. Cut hot during the pa,;t wcrk. • on hu<ines> lor hi> compa1w

election speeches. We Sl'mpathize wit l can 1 a es un P ts Jn anc ;H·oceer L' 10 ~mokc that sometimes curled tr, corn brenrl in squai'rs. Scrl'c simp>on-Scars rrt:dl fur-· Hr "''" accompanie~ h)· ~lr. " 1" 1 '"~' .. ···:r '" .,, ' h h . . • N f dl d . · te the hearlquartet·~ on Town . . . rl 1. 1 h d E 1 1 p 1 " ~ 11 , \l't•dnr•r!< ,hrcc_,., .w o ll\'e to catnplllgn 111 1 e\\' oun an ln \VII\ r Snuarr. where a lar;:r nt11nhcr the ct•thn~ when we sltrred up crcamr 1-' 1 on corn rca . nilure ~torr on Scotia Rict2e r w:~r< a mer. a r.·prr.'d "'

and no doubt whoerer the successful candidates are. :or' supporters lwd r,athererl, the first. or put in a sho•.•cl o[ Mf.'D/[1.\! 11'1/l'fE SAVCE. :was entered on Tuesd<Jv ni~ht lil'e o! the same com pan)·.

the • \''t'll trl' "nd persuade those in authoritv that i' In the night n mec~ing coni. Instead o! eomplainin.~. 2 ths. butter or mar~arine and a sale hr"krn open. with a 1 . -.- !'a~~;,r:>r. ~ ,,~:,=. ', ~ : . " . . . :was held when repre~entatll'es wr thanker! our luck~· stars fo1·. 2 tbs. flour six loot crow h~r. I "r. \JII'had \rary of Rrnnt·

next ttme the electiOn be called m the summer from all sections of the island the heat that not onl~· enahlrd 1 cup milk ; The contents n! the ~afc 11-rr" fnrrt. Ontario. i~ prl'~rntl~· 1·i•it· rturin~ lh• ·'"'' ·· Tra1·ellin;: conditions and the weathet• are enough to rhiefly. to _f~rmulnte us to cook, but sure!:; helped 12 I~P· s;lt. I take a awar. ~!r. Gorrlon Mar· . 111 :-_ ht< .. ~ ..... ~her. _~!r. Prlrr · nrs• !or h' ·~·~

· k b ttl h t plans !or the comtn" 1'1>11 of the to warm the hruse, smce the I·ew ~ram~ papper , .tin. mana;!cr of the sl•ll·e snid S, J J• H , Office,· \\·:•:,.,,, ., .. cripple II mr1n's health .. We may JO e II. Oll \e 0 Hon: Geor~e Hee~, . :llinisJcr. !urnac~ neerl~ electricit~· lor ,its. Melt. huller. or ma1·~mnr:. there is ahnut S60 and some 1-al·! {) UlefS orne : li'c or \'1:~. ''· ,,,. ?ir candidates and then· sponsors are hkcly to be , ol Tran•port. . operMion, And the oven,• ;\ hy hl~llll tn flour, graduall~ add: uablc papers mis~ing. 1 . lionr•l 111 P<rl· .

manufacturing durin~ meetings, .but 1 th~t. is ~side :Be~ ~~~~~~~~:rr~ta,~i~;f ~~~~~~1P ,,~f ~~~~.c o~~a~~ ti~~~e~~·c ~~~~r·~~ o~:~: ~;~:~ingcoo\c~~~rona~~~~. w:,~~~i • at,;~.: ~;~;~·e~n~;~~~-i~~rltt~~u:~'.~;~ . On Furlou!!h I:~~.,.~"~;;.; .. k.-r. !:' from the difficulties and problems tn\'0 \'e In wtnter i' Hces ~t Torha)' Airport whrn compared .so nn!al·onrably with thick. Add. ~alt a~rl . pappri. a ba~rment door. Drawers in . '- tran>frn·•rl '" :h• ·, campaigning. lle arrii'C~ at Hpproximah·l~· 4 thr hc.aultful. rl'c•;ly hen ted c:ook 5 nunutc~. ~hrrmg occa· 'nfiircs wrre ransacked and . R~:U, ISLA\~ · ·- Pri,·at~~

Bv 1\01\', even though the Cflmpllign hns been r.m. on ~lrmdar. ~l~rrll 24th. oHns ~~~ the rlrctflC ~tun•s of swnally, I their contents ~cattercd. !· rrrl anr! Tom :-iorman .• ~ons of . d d Hr will r.,·o recrl to nell l.•lnnrl ou_r lmnd~. was now . a real: CORX BREAD · F \! R . ff' 1 . h ~Jr. and \Irs. Roberl r'lorman .

• ohot·t. n1o.··t o( the .·.··,~.'lle 0• 1111\'e bee nexpoun e ·- ,. Ol 11 II h . ' . osr' 0 Ices 1\'IIC i (' St 1 ll 'I I I ~ ~ , ,, ., 'anrl frnlll lllr nrat•h " motur. pnzr. I. wr . ei·erl· llll.q "' I . tl h ·rd· .r;nnmar . rce rl 'anu. l.;.,j1t11· .. 1. \l'l'!ll)<'h'. It is UIJ to the \'Olers to weed · r.:.rle Will r .. ;co:·t him r•n ~ tour it~ littlr n.wmcril _o_f ~,lur_r .~".e 1 rup rorn mea w,erc Ill IC ks~rlmch Ul 1 111 ~ wcl·r 'arf prr<cntlr ho~r on lca,·c on thr niiNn•

., '' ,., k 1 1 1 rup [lour a so ransac e )' t 1e same: f n (' 11 ·B r 1 n ()· tar·10 .John's l;r:·rr; ·. . ·r I d l I up his mind or tht• i>lan~. suppMe. c~rn smo ~· r .. , s O\P.. 1 k' I ' ro ' a •P o r r . ·' . . 'I fad from [ielion, i lC can. fill 0 mate • At 8.30 11.m. nn :llonrl:.,\' niglll nut. lets thmk ahout food. 3 l.ip. 13 llllt powc ~r gr?~1 P· . ; Th~,· <lre sen·in~ with the \lr. ~"" · r• fr>r ).larl'h :11. Another important point to bear m a hi~ ra!ll' will be h~ld In lhr Last week we had a coup!~ ol 17 I>P. salt ' hie same llil!hl on t~e o~·. H0\·~1 Canadian AmP' Srn·irr. one httor mind b the len.~_·th of time a lotted to \'Olers. Polls r.J..Il. :\rmour)·. when :'!Jr. pieces ol lr!t·_orrr coin !tll_~t. 1 rg~ 'postlc >Ide of the street llarkc s . Co;w. 'l'hr•· hare th>:ce broth- Palma •;c.•

l 1 1 . J!rrs will he the prinrip;d ~hat !oohd m>' unappeli7.· 1 cup milk or )!eat ~larhkct W;Js bt~klenl tnlo 'rrs m the. ~rrrice>. Bill ha~ l•pen at r. i'l.lll. and dose "l li p.m. The fcc el'a rtt e ~pral;er. m~. hut was sill! good !oo~. '.4 c~p me~\rd ~hortt~lnil I and a ~tl>. r~~ISt~r ni Cl. :been four )'ears in the Ro)·a;

'·.~ 11•1t c1:1,,_t 1·,.'·IJ to Jlermit pe011le \\'hO may f;!CI · · ,. nd natural11· wr couldnt .. al~rl _on 1.011 n sq.uatc the. sam.r cannill·a,n :\,'al'l' an~ hA 1· .• now . , • , ~11·. Hers i~ romm~ to ,,rw- a , ·' . . · ~ S1fl togrthrr rorn rural. fltmr. n1ght i\ormore s and Sto)·tc s . l' . r 1 1 ·" 8" Ra,lpt" anrl

tr> th<' J1111ls at (i.Ol j).tll. to vole. So for tho~e who f~ounrlla•ul lor lhr <~M purpo-r throw II al\a,l· .. "h!lr lr.all,n~ I k' ·d . anrl •all Brat l . on o\c < n r. ·'· . ' 1 I I nf hnlrlin" this m~rliil~ nn Brll thron):h out reclprs. lookma. oOI' >a 'IM PO" _ci . . . . ~!cat ~larkrts were rnlcrcc No Harn· arr with lhr R.C.A.S.C.

1' 1".,. ha·.-e rnntcmJ)Iatcd w•1ing 11fter lea. t 1C.'' mus ~ ·· 1 k 1 J·tlrl e~g: adrl nulk and ~hn1tcmn~ loot was securer! by the thtel'c; R ·1 h . . , " . 1,.". , 6 Island all•~ di.·ru~~~n~ rwnhlrm; .<nmr wa~· 11 ma ·e r:• r · 1. or salad oil. Add 10 dn· tn·., . ,. . . d ,. a p 1s. se1_1 m~. 111 _-,) P•

1101~. make ;;.urc they get lhci&' \'otes in .hef?re P;m. of tr;wr.onation whil'!l arr morr pntntahlr. we fonnd \ m · · · · h at ;>;ormorc 5 • hut It 15 un c. and 'larn· 1s 1\'llh h>s umt 111

1. 1 t · tl clectton 1 pMtJI>'a 1· 1•1 tllr !•1,·1nrl. 1'llr "1 .r.· .. rli<h whir h. tumcd out to he ~redicnts. sllrnng .JII•t enoug 1 stood a quantity of meat II'&.< 'r· . ' ' , · · .· " t. . . Belllsland lttts its 0\\'11 r~nr tc a e Ill \IS , " " lo moisten. Pour mto greased . . . .. ,riman) senm, a \IO ~e~r ~ . [ ·in'1 two strong men or : pnrly her•: onlil'ipalc a lar~r l'r.r)' .~oorl md.crtl. " X 8'' ll 8". Rake in hot. t.lken at :SIO~ICS. term. Also home on lea\'e IS

liS !In independent. 1 C IS C\( b . f th ·turn nut to hcnt• ~:Hl mrrll CRf,AMF.D HS/l ON CORN 1 ~~~n 8

1400.Fl for 30 minutr~. -·----·-···-- Pril'ale Vincent Mansfield of the other major parties and in some secltons 0 e 'thl~ ili~tin~uish~rl Can~rlinn. , . RRF.AD · __ . . ---- ~ f" } Sf thr Royal Candaian Army Ser·

·l'ng riding he is \'er~· little known. Howe,·er, In tllP mcanlimP ~le\SI'~. MC·i-- -·.----..... -M·--·---A- ~, 10..... : Ire n ore l'irP Corp~. He i.< ~lationrd at spra\\ I ' . . . G•·ath anrl GrcenP AI'P lllt<\' ; KI'"afiJS eet t ~~" ,, i Cnl1lfl llnr~en anti will llr that is what makes polttrcs mtereshng. • . tnurin~: the 1.-Jaml ~nrt 11 iit ' ! ~ 'On Town Suuare · •rrn1lin~: 3R da~·s with hi~ par·

Bell Island,has figured in !'ome of the camp?tgn m~Pt ~~ m:n1.'' ritizrns ·~ po.1· · C L R A . I • •- 1 · ' , rnt.< ~!.r. ~nrl Mr•. John M~n~-. speeches 1·n Yiew of the ferry _and oth_ E'l' sen·tces.. slble during theil' ~~a~·. :. 10 • , rmuur.v · RELf, ISLA:'>:O--Vir~ h•· fi~l!l.

th I : Jip\·rrl In ha1·• oril!in•IPrl from ; ---·--·-.. --.Politicians seize upon every httle thmg, ~s . e~ F• J R , ThP Brll l~lanrl Kiwani• • 'ao ol·rrloadrrl flourr.;cent, NAT W k should. to further their own cause. The malll thrng i Ire n -~arn. rluh hPlrl_ lis r~~ular \l'r~kl~: I I light. hrok~ out in the rlry l . 0 or er

h . t d 1\" h 31 is to \'Ole. The person · meetm~ tn thr~r lempotar, 1 I!Oorls storP of 'lr. Leon .



\'oters a\ e 0 0 on '!arc ' b H R I 'quarters in the C.L.B, Armoury.' ' ' T ' s ' . \\' d v· . . p n•ho has a \'ote and refuses to use 1t should not e Ol'se eSCUet Wcdnesrlay evening, March 19. From ~lmh3·~larch .12 all Greden. on hto\\n qum e.! ]Sltlfl~ afelllS " . • d ' the per· . . regularly scheduled ba>kcthall. nes a~ mg . . e ~=:iiiiiiiii heard the day after pollmg da~ con emnmg BELT, lSLA:-iD-Thr Domtn· :at ;·3\f"mt B w Tucker was games were cancelled. The 1 Pohce and ~tremrn w~rr , BELL ISLAND-:Pettr Olfi son elected. ion Volunteer Fire Brigade . in t~:' c~~ir ~nd ·a large num· 1 games that would. norm~ II)' h~ve l·~orced to b~ea~ mto the bml~· i ccr and Mrs. L. G. Williams, .

battled a stuhborn and danger· h r were in attendance. :been played durmg thts per1od 1g to chec~ \\hat could haH!, arrived here Wednesday on a ; v Tl . I JJ. mmy' Squires 04j~ f.ire earh• ~l~rch 17th. I \tr. James llcGrath the Fed· i arc to be played next werk.! been a m_a)or blaze: .. ' visit to l\lrs. Williams' parents. l oun~. neves . A oarn belongmg to Eugene I er al ~I ember !nr the riding o! I Team members _are asked to ... Tile bu~lnmg \\as 0\\,led b~ . ~lr. and l\lrs. John Parsons. :

l.· I d T R Kelly, of the Ft·ont. Bell Island. , St. .John's East. wa~ pre~ent as' note the followlll~ dates of .~u· .. J~e •Carbage whose ia~1!~ Freshwater, Bell Island. Petty ,

Ge1. 3 1\. ·Jotltltfl II 1ai 0 est caught fire and a large bulk of , the guest of Dr. Bernie Egan i games a.nd trams llii'Oived for l11:rd 111 an apartmPnt upstam. -- ...... -·-- -· ·---· _____ .. 1 l' ha!' i!(mted. 1 and was given a real Kiwnnian i the conung :-''eek: M1ss Nan~:. Carbage who. oper·

BELL I"L,l,~D _ Tl•• two BELL ISLAND-The funeral A horse, belonging to .Tack i welcome. ' ~lon<lay mght. March 24th - ales an adjacent eonlechonary ,·outh~ "'h~~ 1;.;r~ arre;ierl by of the Ia I!' .lim~y, Sq~lres too~ .Jackman was in the barn at thP 1 A group or Kiwanians ha,·e 'Gerald Lahey vs. Don Bull at I and ury goods store was just ·1h~ R.C .)! r. c' er the \l'rek· nt.acp to !;t. () pr1an s Churc tim~ of the blaze ancl the ani· l signified their intention of 7.30. I goiug to h!!d at W p.m. when

· end in connection w1 t~ the \\ Pdne~cl;:•· ~ftcrnoon. March mal bee~ me so stupific~l with 1 making an inter-club at Har· i Monday night, March _24th- I s~e. $31_1' the . flames in the ·ro\ll:ler,. )larrh 8 o[ approxi·. tfl and II'~S lat•~:e.Jy atte~ded. the smoke that the f1remen hour Grace ~londa\' ni~ht. All; Ed Walsh v&. Lewis lltekford I ce11tng and ratsed the alarm. m.ttel,: ~t~OO in e\pcn~i\'e I The 1·ery lmprcssll'e scn1ce avt had considerable cliffieulty in Sal'a"e. International Tren•urer ·at 8.15. , The Dominion Volunteer

. watches from the jeweller~· 1

the Church was. conducted b. rescuin11 it. It was fina'lly dra!!· o[ 1\lwanis, assUI'Pil lltP C'!uh. Monday m~ht, March ~4th-~1 Fire Brigarle werl! quickly on ~tore of John Simon on Town the Rector, Re1 ercnd .T. E. geol out cof the buming build ! that duplicates of their banner: Gem·ge Ba~ha \'S. Doug fowler the scene with two trucks and . S uare 3 f~l'ed bef~re ~Jagil•· Smith, fo:lowln~ whlrh h1s mor· in~ nnd the fit•e was checked, 1 and ribbons, destroyed in the· at 9.30. . within half an hour the flames j tt~IP -r.' ~f \\'aile in tlw lorulJ tal remains we~P cun,l:eyed I>~' lhun!,!h lht• IJa)' kept smoulder· I Legion Fire. will hP forwarder! I Tuesda~· mght. March 25-1 were out, . court \\'rdnesdo)' morning .. Und1•rtaker Htdeo~t s mo\or ing all d:l)'. .<oon a.~ available. In his let·! Pot Normore \S. Gerald Lahey, I There ''Y:as 110me damage to 1

1'ht'\' plrarlrol ~uilly anrl wrrt• i hearse to the !\nghcan Cemek }J J Iter to the club, Mr. Sa\'aqe • at 7.30. . . • h l the buildin gand a quantity of 1

'"ntrtu·r•l 111 :1 mouJh, in llrr , IN~· wl1err mtr.rm.enl too 10(' \CV I mane touch in~ rrfcrcncr to lhe! Tuesday ~lght .. Mairn 251 ; I rh:: goorl~ were ~oaked by the . :'l;dr.\11 ·, P•niirnli~l'). Thr . pl~rr. \It'. Malrohn Rlcl~nu1 1\'i\~ •. . passin~ or .lohn ('. nrnll n, P~sl Rlll L;~ne IS. Mike ~lcLran t I watrr. The ~torr< n('IPral.or, I

~-~r~~lrl. p~rl nf lhr •lflkn PI'" thr unrkrt~ktr. • . . 1 · Lirut. Gnrrrnor. The hrll n•r1l 8.15. . 1 ,1 . h 21i ~11·. (;rrrn ,11·a~ in St .• Tohn's ~ · · 1''1" lair .lilllll\\' Sotllil'r~ wa'i Rl·.t.L l::il.:\:'\IJ-.. C.on~ralua· at thr mrrtin~< wa~ nroruwl \\'r<lnr.<d~y nl!:ll. ni!IC t th t'mp 1

. p~rl\' \l n' re~·• .. ·rrrtl ' I • • I 1 tl Sl I I •. c· I' I I~ . . - . ,. ,. H ... Aor~· Ba•ha a p I . · · __ · · __ · __ .... 111r In ~·ca 1· old s<lll n! ~1r ~11rl I lnl.'~ ,'1 1' • · ' 0 11 .'. •.11, a h)' Dr-1nonrl Wh1tr while on -· 1m rarn 1'~. '" ~" · 1 As thr huilninJ: \\'~• loc~lrrl \II'<, !1~1'1~' Sq111rc~ nf thr Front, : ~~ck~). _I ram 0~. 111; 11 1 r~rn_t onr o! hi~ St . .lohn'• \'i<it<. al !1.30· . .• in the heart n! Town Square, ., l s·, • Brll island. and rlird at the \ICIOI~ Ill thr J.~slcln A~l-:"\ell· A Cookie ~nrl Cakr Sale i<. Thnsr l\ho rrgt.lrretl !or in ~nother ten minute~ fire· Sun< a v CI'\11CCS Gcnrrnl llo.•pital ~Iunday as a founrll:uul hockc)' scml·flll~l~ planned !or ~larch 28. and 29 photography •h~uln. he at the mrn ~airi, the fire emlld' ha,•e '

• . . It ft·om injul'ies rcccil'cd in OI'Cl' th~ B~ll Island Sclll?l ~ anrl a cat·rl "am~ !or April 9. cluh on ~lonrla~ m~ht. ~hreh . rl ~h headwav to I •• .\:oifrLIL\:-i ~~sfull I I Saturda•· Bees anrl the be•t of luck tn: It was neclderl to forward a. 24th at 7.30 al~o those who ~re ~hamel enou I nearb build

- 1 · · L 1 a a as '· th comin" series ~·ninst · / b I the elcctri•al t rea en severa Y · ' r f I tl1 ~~ 111~ av 111 en 1 Jimm\' lca1·es to mourn be· e ~ · • ~ I memento of appreciation to mem en ° · · 111' 5 Carbage said $he' ST. CYPRIAN'S-~ector, RH. I si•les hls parents, five sisters Grand Falls for. the . A!.I·Ncw I Jack Cohen for his outstanding group, . • mgs, t'' ~~f I that the fire was

T. E. Smith; Assistant Priest, :· ~d lou brothers to whom the : !oundla~d. ehnmplon~htp tn the service to the club. Since be· I On Tuesday mght the \IOO~ nand ub fore she went to Re'' F. \\', Sib:r)', R.A.: Or ! ~vm •ath\• of tile' whole com· : .,~., Dl\'lslon. Every sports· coming a member a number or I work group mee~s at 7.~0 an lseovere e gamst lli~:- )I L. .tct'mins:s. , · f1 . · 111 to the berra\' mmded Bell lslanrlrr should vears a"o Jnck ann hi• famih· 1 on Wednesday !ilgltt rad1o. me. be:.:d~·---------

. m•Jnl 1 l!oc~ u · · r "O"n'1•r 1h· fa•t th•t 111• ~~ · · "' · · · h · d wood"'ork groupq L.RA.:\1. 8.30 ~.m . lloly Cum· •. ' ,. ·n their lo~s. e, ~ •·, . " '. " · " " · lr!l h~re Iii<! wrelc for Toronto. I c ames an . n • •

num1nn. 11 a.m .. sun~ Eucha1·. : _d • 1 ~ 11111 · 11 .~ IVet·e as fnl· .lohn •. C~1111als 1~ t~r h~mr 1•·lwrr thrv will make their . mrrl. Thursda)• n~~ht I~ morlr1 1 nouncement which 1.s to be i l·t 2 30 p 111 Sum:la,· School· 1 1 he pa cn,rrrs 1 Doll tram tn lhP commt rh~mo11m llutur~ hnnir 1 plans ~roup me~till~ and nn marie at lhr club durmg the,


HAWCO In lovlnf memory of our

dear Grandmother


who difd March 23rd, lt57 We were not there to see

you die, :'\or cla~p your hAnrl to

MY goorlhyr; . Rut 1\'t will rrmrmhPr nur

whn\, livrs throu~th . '111• last 1~11' hours \\'l'

~pent with )'OIL

Ma)· her !OUI re!t in peace.

-AlwAys rrmrmhrred b~· her Grandchildren,

the O'Qulnn'1.


HAW CO '· · · · · · ' l•1\\T Fo<trr ,am·mooc, 1 t' 1 f! · ~ 1 J~ I • · F ·1 · 1 t th F'tr•t Aid · k 5 p.m., Hoh· Baplhm ar,rl · · . · s 1 H ,. ,. 1 5 II (I I' a~·-o s "n" ~ IIJIIn 1"1r.: .John Simon wa~ rnn~r~lulal nr a)· Ill~ 1 e • 1 comml! wee · 1 , churthln~:: 7 p.m .. EHn,on~ ~turplt~ · .!aT·~~. ~ar rNm·aro ~~ our mnral ".lllPOI'I at ~~~'t. ; rrl on thr hirth of n ~on M<lrrh Group mrcl~. . · 1 Memhrrs may nnw. watch 1 In ln\'ln~ mPmnry ,.j m~ • and s~ 1 n!n~. Bennrtl, 'lr tar . , '

1 ~. 'h· 1\'r ;ilsn 1mh tn 1·nn~r;•:ub!e 'tR. ann Rill Bonn~ ann Frlix 1 Roys o! ri~h~. mnr anrl trn ~orne of their !al'ount~ TV 1 drar wllo>

· ST. ~IAnY·s ... a.m, H:•ll :lorcph. Bolanrl. A ~ru.n.~\ 1~ Hu~h l'arrly !or the !•nr prr-! naw~on II'I'Tr ronUI'alulat~rl on yc~r.< ill'~ renn~rlr.d n! wnorl·' pro~rammrs. at I he clnh. It' Communton: 11 a.m.. l!ol•· 11clr 1\'ii~ used 1 ~1 co~ 1 r; 1 11:r. !ot·man~r. he ~HI'C lhr<~u~hn•JI, lhril' wccl<lin~ annil'rl"<al'ir•. work uroup wh1rh mrets nn · >hnulrl hr rm.nle~ ont. however,: Communion; i n.m El'emong pall·hrarers, al.-o I orH thr. <rrl~'· . I Rill'> was ~larrh Ill nnrl felix', ~!nnrl~1·, ~.larch ~4th at , 4.15.: that the TV " on hrlwccn 4.3~ and Se""'"" · · • 'JUles. ; . 1 hr c1ty lr·~m " nr>~\ 1•·r;11·· i camr nn ~l.11'rh 13. Bill Sha)' 1s the m~tructor !or

1 anrl 5.30 from M?n~ay to ~rt·

•1 t::"'ITED Cll\'llCII I .---· · ... - .. --·-, and ~~~~a hock~~- crown helrl hy Hell i Rl'ian ~Jurph,. gal·r. ~ r•'llili- this ;:roup. . day _ann for a hm>ted penod -~Ylnistt·r. Rei'. :\. B. H·>rlrlrr., _BELl. l~LANI>-111[-... " l~lanrl riu.nng the prci'IOU> !nut'! lion of r.ah\',1\'.lla~· as a winrl· • 1\Jr.mher~ 11'11~ plra~r notr 1 at nti:hl. . · 11 m Dil'nP \I' r"hip· 2301 Mts .. lnhn Stmon are 1PJOIC111. ~Nr<. 1hr J~lanol team al•n np of lhr Sl Patrick's D"'' crl•· that phys1c~l l11nes< tc<ts are i Attrnrlnnre nt the dub smce.

a. !I · 1• 1 S h 0 1: 7 ' ·· I in lhr birth nf a bah~· hoy, The hrlrl the All-~rw!ounrllanrl hoc· hr tiqn F:ri~ie Rus."rn ·~·as at In he;:in in lhr nrar future. We II he hrainning o( :\larrh has 1 t';j~~-· \~·01.:;'- 'c 00 • pm., I hle~·,rd r1·rnt occurrerl at Bell kr)' rhampionship nurin:: <hrre th~ kr;~~ ' · ' 1 know th~l all our mcmhrr.<, hrrn hi~ h. \\'e hdie1·e th:~t the

•·:~' ~~~~AL~!,\~!~)~ .\IDJ\' !~land ~larch IR A h~otb~; fc~l' · nr . thr~c )'cat:~ and at_ lintr~ · · · . , 1··ill want to II')' thr~r test.•.: m~.inrhy of .o~·~ mcmhcr~ arP , ·• ·: r , . ~I . \\' 11 . u: ~1arta and Gar)·. Congtalul.t· <1urmg the scncs .111!>1 hnlfhcd l>n)'' arc ynun~. 1•·1th srl'et·al '!he n;•mrs of th•>~r who p~.« us1ng the lac1ht1es of the r.lub,

• .:~en~~ ' atr.. a 1 ace an ~ions. 'il looked as if I he local clnh years of hockey In front of will be published and in addi- and in addition seeing to it that Nr:j 1 e,M ;? s: 2 ~O a.m., BELL' ISLANil C ,. was strong enough to take the them and next season. although / tlon they will t·eceil'e a cerlifi·l studies are not neglected. · 0 ness ce. ng, · p.m. • , - ongratu· clty bo~·s. The brea~s ol the not the defending champions. 'calc. 1 The Boys' Club is here to Sund~~ .school, 6 ,p.m., ~o~ng 1 1atl~~s an~ bes~ wbhes In 1 qamc rlld not permit that to they will be in there del~rr!'in. : Tho;;e who are now playing 1 serve the bo~·s of the Rc11 Is-, PCOP1_cs, 7 p.m .. Sahat10n 1 B~tn!c_ Pa1slcy 1~ho cclchralcd ,h~ppcn. Howcrrr. lha loc~l rrl to win a chamt>i•m:-h!p. ~' ha~krtboll in lnlrrmerli;~le A ·tann community, Adults arr 1 .M~et;ng. You are conhally hi~ h!tccnth lnrthday Marc!: ; ho)·s p!ayrrl well throughout . prrl·!o•t' ilrl! !slanrl tr~m.; h;11r o111rl R .<rctior.~ a1·r. a~k~rl to a~kcrl a~ain In ~ivt it thrir tnl'lted to all these services. 21. 'the ~eric~ anrl man~· ol the ; rlnnr. Who know~7 1 watrh lor an important an· I continued support.


who riltll Marrh !~rd. 1957

Our home ha~ rhnngrrl in manv wnv~

Since ive w~r; all logrthPr: The family chain i~ broken

now, But m~morie~ \ii'P forr!'rr. lllit ~lcmories live forever,

May her soul rest in peace.

-Evu rrmembutd by her hu~hand, Bernard H11wco.


one .-an · Memories are

no or.r can Some u.J)' !\ow ,.o~: Jre But 1:llltill


\\'hn rlird . wtt~ 1 1, 0.,1" 1 r ·

f'OIJiri .. ,1~·.

"Hello, lir.11 r.-; san•• rlrl •'·

'f hr~r ··our fJ • 11f <or \'1111r ,,-r. · · ·on To .<il w11h) ~wh1lr, .• 1

:'\o lenglh ,r 11 · awal', 1

~(\· 1hn11Chi< ' ' ' morn" Frr.m day to

May hrr peact .


There are 1

tan make t Clf his frien

Andamc For the

are simply

apparent t1


?r its Fleet lis craftsm;


Page 7: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central


,., .,




. '



1( Market Report\ tn:L.... 3:~<~• 8 a a ~·"' Alb ~oo :1.1 :1.1 lh•'t llll fll '• 141,, Ill>- '•/ ;<icw Cl 3500 20 19 l>onrl<lo ~000 ll II H -. \• :->ocw Urlhl 100 37 :11 I>U\ .111 l500 H IJ 13 N U1cken mo :ua :!lj ~: .\11hl J!l.l<l 8 711 B +I N )'run 12380 14 o 1 • ~'''' ~IJl ~ 13~ 139 139 t 2 New Ca 3~ 211 19 ~:.111 Sull 500 19~ m IDS N Dckc•l 1150 ~ ~ f.a•t ~lin Jill() 33 32'>1 33 • 2 N Ulcken l!lO 2:1.1 ~ Eld<l' H7UO 72 ti9 72 +I N llleken 1150 ~ 22~ t-:1 ~nl ~~Otl t: 11 12 T I N och:u111 2000 s 5 Eurtka !0000 30 27 28 + 2 N llarrl 2800 14 13 E\r.l ,\11 2!1.1~l In 161-. 1& +I :\ JU 1000 12•'2 12~'l

'• }'a ron l~S 12-\1'1 2Ht 24\; ... \l Sew lloato ~ 13 IJ Farii~·•Y J500 H~ ll6 II -3 :'iow Jason MO. ~H 6~, Fara "h 2lOO ll 4l 4! :'i Keore ~ 7 7 Fla !:an l!IUO Sll'• Ill'• 10>• N Kelore. MOO 7 7 Ftoh••htr ..a6u 1~:> 150 uo +2 ~ewund 3SOO 11 16 (i.lll\\ 111 .Jt}I)O 6t1 h \~ N Myaa 25000 22 2:.! <;alo<•no IJJJ 34 .ll 31 -2 ~ Stnator 1500 6 fiN'O Mint~ 113Sf tlOh 10l,. 10\~ Sick Rl 2nr1 "7 .... t"·nt-:r. ::•(In 12 12 12 --n 1 ~ • ~ ~~ <ftu Scle-n 13()11 :Sf- 3~ 3~ -.4 2 ,\ II nt 9000 135 125

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,:.• (' I \'K 500 lJ• 53~ ~Jl II Slato 1500 6 6 ","" ·' • - ' Sorelal 2470 210 2.15 :11n 4 10

li ,:r,rr (llll liS J1ll l8U Sora 21201l 23 '20 21 ""-I tiHtttt•n·~~ot ~ 9 9 !.l X Rank 1H20 40 37 4D -2

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11'';; 'lOUR CUP A~E7 1 AIN''T





,, ,.•1 l·t·l• I•~'J,'·' ll'; url 10~ " 5 1 11 rtaton 9\.1(1 5~0 5j0 ~so t 11 , 11 ·~.~~ .:!ou I!' lti~ l~:i -~ :rPntfll ~~ ~00 39.5 3~15 -~ .l .. t :,~ 1 - ~- 111 11'\4.1 p.; 100 , 3 1 ronto Wtl 4110 IS 13 15 .Ia,~· 1~,n J~uu ;, ~~

5 l'rlll Ar 20il 11)(1 100 lOll ... 1 \ ''•:!It 1011 1:!.'i 12~ 1t: ~fi<· ~lnt• 100 253 253 25J W :r.ran:il Hi5 16! --3 1.\lum 1 pr z2o S22', r.., %2'1 IRonny\·Jc 2000 22 22 22 +1


Jln.x: ~ 111 ; 1 I9·:z li'<~ lfl'l ... : '!ul" Cb Hill) ~!II'J 47 ~R -2 Walt<> Am 75 6~5 25 ·~ \(' WC'sl Pete 650 635 15 35 +25 W Dccata lS 173 -+J 1 '\Jum pr l5~ $471 47\2 .,~, Born'!~ ~ \0 10 10 -1

1."''•' ,• :•1.•0 l ~> 5 _ ,, t,uo Cop 71110 3l Jt 3) •4 , We<dull 1000 2U 20 -t l'l'l'l' lhl 200 :W l5S 30 W !loco 101 IM i :\nalog 400 :!75' 27~ 27; 2

,211 IBou•~•d 1000 m; m;, lliAI + !i h• tr .\dd

100 J);l:a

171_.J 1~,_, + ~" Uu(l Lab 2('10(t 7 7 j -· \:; 1.,\'trn<'r 211011 R' 8 , (l't'l' \Hs 500 17i 170 l71 -1 ~lt ~!t . ~!I oos o uv.) M Ani Pulp pr 1.l S50L\ 501.; 50'.:~ I Hurnt HU 1400 113 II J,:5

h·!o·:nlh' :11

1,1 19~,~

180 190 Uueo Lt 100 5.~ 550 :r.~ ... 2fl \\' ~1nlitr :JOO() ~~ ~ :'h. ~ 1 '.1- ~l DC\'·Pitl 45550 1~ 1%2 12.'. .f.~ W Dec wla 1000 20 18 18 ArJ>U' SOIJ S17 li li Cam Chib 71~ .5'70 W II _+•

1\ ,._ \l"l 2""" 50 47 /of! II Metal 3Qt\ll 92 llil 9ll • '' ',.,., '' '1 ~~ ~2 '" .~ 'llnmr F.d u;.\ C~o 840 ~ -10 Windlo 2000 13 13 13 +I I"""' 250 pr 40 St3'• IJ'I 43'1- t 4 Cdn AI Ol too J" Jll Bl II h..1 \ Toll n liltll)

10 10 10 QuniiOn 2t'lotl 15 14':a l:i .o. 1:, Willsey 3.S~ao J7 1 16 - l.!i, 1 l·:xn~blor z12 45 45 45 W Can OG rt 00 U 12 12 -n:a 1 A A~t oo S9•~ 9~• il4 + 1,t

1 c Lithium 500 17 1T 11




r 4i5 11

l!ll, t6 Qurmnnt 2~5 R4!1 fl15 114!i .,20· \t .. UH':\ ,,,,1 ti1':1: 1 ~ ·~ ~f~~,n;:o 720 585 575 585 Curb \A 1\rt debs M$100 100 100 \Cana11k toOO 13 U U -\ti l.o..t Cln ~11,1 tnl 100 ton • 2 ndlnre 1000 40 39 39 \'k fl<•nr HUO 7 7 • -I l'arr.o 720 58l 575 M5 Dalhousie 1700 1,.1 It 15 + 1 Atlas Steel 255 S17 17 17 Canorama - :rr Jl II H I ,.h•• t. "'

3,1(>(1 n•,

6 6,1

__ ,, M·rnolt 4000 93 88 90 Zcnn"c 9200 29 2 2; -10 ~'r l'ln!ns ztOO St 16 I~ BASKS Bank Mnnl 190 $11 4011 41 _. •> ' Canuba ~ 10 I lit -IIi !

1 ..


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2so ~lO r\Spr R200 ~; 311; 37 •l ' lulnpn 12110 13 13 13 llnrr.o Oil ,\ 880 Sl5', ll ll'l - II Mont · 190 $41 4G'h 41 + t. I Bank ss 260 SWI 52\o 52 \Ia _ I> I Cent De Jllo !1700 7&0 740 N

'1..1 L'Jl ::tl,) :!% 2Pti 2:1 fll'C 1000 13 13 13 -t2 rurh 111m• Oil n 101 51·1"~ 14''& 143•- ;, NS 260 S.J2~~ 52.\7. :!12~2- ""I Bell Phone- 1296 Snt· .. 411• 4n. + ~ Cblb, JIC 1000 40 40 ., l.t .• t·n l~o(l\1 l30 l2i 132 T 5 ltockwln filO~ 29 %A 28 8Uhltl 2:00 39~ 3~0 ~90 -15 II 8 Oil !78 S1~8 11l1 '4 Hil." Comm 257 $43 42~'4. 43 + ,., I' nowatrr 100 380 380 390 c Ba Or• I ' 5 I

:" 1.1. l.ttt" H.'ltl n aa;.~ 18 £jA\·\ ~.:and h• 40011 11 10 11 .,.. \2.


Ga'inC Co ltiJ S.!l';~ :;.; :1. 211;l +l ~Jum Pnd 2000 22 22 22 Royal 450 $53~1 ~3 53-;., Brollil 995 S''l 6'! •.i Contnt .C J7 Jill lr

1 11r,Hh' :!hlU ~l t

11 ~2 ~l'rrltt 3-l!lll t25 41~ 415 OILS :\Julwn 800 74 9 74 +4 I~DliSTRULS I BCE f. pr ziO S79 79 79 Uosan J3Z15 39 • » -5


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1,, HZ"I ~~~ 1!1 211

1 Si<ror ~jill ~p lR 5R ·-I Am t,edttc IPII•I 19 1~ 19 S rnnl 11000 30 30 30 An~lo Nlld 135 Sl 5 l - \i ! BCE 4'• pr %25 $91\4 91 91 East Mill 1lOO 33 Jl I -1

'.L·.-•. · a :h~\.'1 .:;:, 2·, 11 2itt ·-5 1 s:oran \' S:lO -I\~ 4!~ ~~~ ,\m•hnr 49925 ~~ ~z~~ 2~ _..1 , ~1idl'On BOO 74 t9 74 +t C Brew l~ 52~ 271ff. Z7V,- ~~~· RCO 5 ['C :U.O S-1.9 49 4 E Oi 500 10 JO :ID 'l,1;,:r,!t' ltut\ W'! lll1 li'.! +1 I ~t;tftl~hlh lflln lfi2 15ti l~!l -4 An~n·Am Jntl $111'• 10 Jf\l.f ,_ :1,.._ ':\ Concord 5:13 28 28 28 -1 V Steel z~ 120"" 19 19 flCf: 5''2 nr 70 $Slli, :lot 51 _ \4 FFab 1000 t t I -" '


11 .. 11'111 .!!• :!i :.Z!~ .. 2 Stanrck 3i~ lll3 183 U~l .\!lnmrr.1 2SOll tf.O 180 ItO :0: Cont ltOOO 30 JO 30 ~or Star 1!5 $121,~ ll;1 121.1; 1 RC For~st 2RS5 $914, t 9L.& -1 ano lOOt " M '"' + 1t

·,J.,nllll.r 2~1,111!1 ,,!l ~ ~7 . 2 !i'tnrrnU !.()(Ill !II, ~\:I ~1~ nullr)' SA :PO ;;o jill nu -t-10 I X Gll:-1 Ext 600 124 121 l21 Slmsons 525 SPa Uih 16~1. + ~I nc Po•\' 255 $4{) 39!~ 39~-" Fa!l• 1000 ' w 11 -.1 \l:~uune ~~·.~·11 ~!' .~> ·,7 ,2 !'ilrrt• 41fl Sto• .. sn~ 10 -+! nails ~:1,. r :z~:; $23 :!3 :'J ~Gas E~l oo 12~ 121 121 !'Hedman IZS S27 21 27 ·nc Phon• 40 $Jll.f. 43 ,,., 43t~-¥..t Ha~tlan 19500 3 I I \l;

11111 !1\.\uO 19 1'7·J tfl Slun:l'On \~t\0 11 11 11 n 111,ft :!1111 li li.1 17~ -! X SUl'riur 400 121 122 124 -t-2 \\'ainwrd 2rKI 300 1.~ 300 Brown 1041 Sll>'ti lOla 10~, llomi•.r 400 hl'* 11 ~•

'I..':,,"" ,,.,, l• 11 II • 1 Su1t ('nnr llll'~ ~ ~ - '' 11"1:1 5"1 G•, o', <; -I · :\('0 \1 I• fiO no 110 no -1 Walk N•w 100 127'.i 261'o 27'i + % Rru•·k B goo 1~5 m 195 -5 KontUu JOOO 710 'M 710 + \lo \'lln:~rt" ll:o ~~··'; ;~·~ ; .... ~ 1' 'l I ~ulthan IIlii 213 21:1 :!1~ -2 I ('nlnlla J(\J(I ~1 ~I M -2 : l'hlllls 2ilt)l) iO 5 65 I Jluild Prod 1~0 S4.2 -'l"i 41:1.~ +~' I Merrll_l JlOOIOO rr•z 12 as +1 '~-··:o•l 1,!11(1 l.! 1.! I'' - I I Sunhur•t JJI)Il I.J!:: Hll )41~ I ('nl Ell 21(1 $111 211 21l Phillis 200J ;o ~ 6~ Total aalc-1: 1.601000. I Hullorh5 A z~.o Sfi ~ I ll1d thtb a • \lt·tn\1 12olflll Hi tt3 a.,\ -.2 S)lvantf i 4111) 112 112 11: (.'Oil 1. wts 1111 71 711 il -2 '1'10\'0 •• ~~ 26$ 20 23 + ·- ~- ---- 1 Durr •t r:~;) SU 12 1:! I Molyb 500 1tJO 100 100

I'·"' , .• ,,,, ", ~'i l T•n•lem 1.1011 II'' II II -I r,; 0 11 wts !:·110 70 6!1 11 -l . lti<WII 1200 t20 Ill 120 TORONTO CLO~ISG ~TOCK8 llllln:~· on , 11 51 2 ll<i II'Y : ~!on~r• 3700 4.\ 411 U '''llr,m 11)'111 ;o -;on ;u

1 T.1UrC' \'l 5011 471._. 171: ~;:~- t':l; CS l'l'lt' 1~!.!.1 :w;, :1g11 :l!N"I Hm·k~· Pt'tt' 50i SlJ'~ 13 13lcl +1 Hr Thr Canadlat~ PrrY~II -I Cal l'ow 360 1741 69-, 11 70 ,.. Yl ~isa _Cr :000 22 J2 22 _,

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'·[tlO:Ul u '.'n '..!!'"· :!~ :9•:- - \~ urblt 1fl"lll :.'7 :'7 .,- . :! i (.' fo:\ <:.u 1:;0 ~711 4';0 ~;11 -111 ~·oN't·r 300 I 20 t!lt':l: 20 s t · "' • 1

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ll u1~<~ J.~ :1 .21 i 11 ~hitw 11"!00 :'J.I :n ... . l <~ lln:1U'.,td r-~:1 ~1!1 ::!Ito ·:u1 Tt·~ f'al ~~l 3~'~ 35 1 ~ ~.-. 1 1 Abitibi 1~33 $?i'\1 23 2f. - J 4 .-· p · ·k An • 1 S4l 40 .at 1 1 - ·IV'U .,.. ~ .. ~ .,.

\, t E''' t.·•tl t"'.o: It• I'~ 1' t\•bhiO.~j 11.1~1 ;,fit1 :111~ !\~ .Jn <' hu~',;y 42 lllfiO ]1"1(1(1 10C(I ... :zn 'l'rnno;; t.'an 200() 72 it'l i2 -1 141mrw S 7i."• $ll~,.. fiJi ~~~ {· r•!\ B d .. Okall.s 300 t.U H2 U: ',, l,oh i:'l~l : ,!:1 .;,\ -~4 I n1, (.'all f'll 64 I .; '1 '(' nu~:~) \\b 10,1 3\11 tl+l nn \II Triad 011 410 110 ~tn AU.n Oi'll tno 1-\~ 14~ H~ ('~! l 'il') JJijlt :!A'~ :VPi. '"I Parlndll:• lnf)tl » ~· • ..... ,,tl l'\r ::1'1'1\0 l'' 1" !ti''! : \'otndoo 1f1Ml ~~ ti 1' I ('11'~11 llcl 4f!2 7:, ~~:. 7~11 '111 l'n Otl! l!H 1!}0 100 ·-J \H:\ n I \l ~10 I~ I ' 0 .. , . l.l'i SJ~ :';•l ~!) -I Pfnnbtt ?.000 ~ ta: 20 _, ,

1. ' 15 ,,u 2. IJ t IO l' Bank ('om 2li ~~3 -1.2'• 4'i ' 1•' · t•ort•ge 13100 l! - 1

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'\o• l.h ,;.10., 2 2~ 31 -4 i\1<<• Vl'l :••. "-C Drnr.on 11100 2.1 2~ !~ t Wr<,,o Z9 z••·, Z9 1\htminl ,,~j $Jt; ~·· ,0.' • ·Cdn Brow 190

Sl;•, '7'•

27'~-·•~Prn•·o 00 :160 :160 :Ill ' • .. 1 '~ ... ' 4 · ·~ • · ~n Bre-w pr 100 128 2~ 211 ~- \11' Qur Chlh J.'lOO 50 4& 50 •• Cdn Can A 3?0 Sl-1 14 l~ + :,j : Que Co JiOO 33 J.l :ll

• \ l'lln t.:rlan :1()('1 SJ~TJ ~~~4: 15: ... '" 1 Qur S•lt ~ :at 11 t2

I c c .. 1 Sf7j pr !!.~ S29,. 29'1. 29~, .. \.t Rtur 1000 1~ Jl u +t hem tnll 185 •so 110 ... ,. serritt 100 4U "5 •u +11

, fnlh•ri" :no 140 435 440 ; 15 j Stee 11. 1200 $1011 10 10 : C Curt W 700 130 141 14! -l Taor 5500 12 Jl II~ • t' Drawn pr 100 Sll 11 11 +I i Tonde L~OO 11~ Jll,~ 111!1 I e ydro Car z:m $7)l, 73 i. 13 , Tarbell 5500 f\; ~ t" 1 Cdn Oil ~6 JW1 %4V, 24'• I li : Tazln 1000 17 1T tl +1

rdn Oil r :o 5153 .153 m • ~ I Till t:lor 00 11 II It _, C Ol ~•• II !1M tl5 m tl5 +I 1\- t ' t ~ ..,.,IJ. CPR m1 $24 11 Zl ,. 1\ l' A&bffi lOO 51Cl 59<1 Pll ~ 10 <.:1rc Rar r:".n :zoo 200 2M \ Tllit.n 1000 J.51-l ~ J5 Cuc Bar A z5n 400 400 400 , t'n OUJ 300 193 190 llO _, CnC'kihUU 1318 $8'~ 81.-i 81 1 -"" \'~nturf'l 1100 t23'1 231

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1: ran Wut !f101.1 2ti 26 : -I , P•lrot 13990 57 % 55 1 ~F1 lydu


H~· 'lhr ('.anadl:ln Prt\1 ;\1t~ntr"al Stork F.lrb;~ntl"!\.hr IJ

rQumRi.lnnl In cent$ unless markrd n:;:ht:~~~. xw-Ex-warranU.)


Jhe _Decision That Afeeds ATe _Explanation/ ni!Tt ~If rdotivcJy few personal decisions 01 ntan tan malt that command the unanimous approval Q( hi! frieuds and a~quaintances.

And an tong these is his choice of a Cadillac car.

Fo.r the things that inspire a man to Cadillac art ~Imply too numerous to be overlooked an·d too apparent to he misunderstood.

fnn\irlr red from a standpoint of its beauty­?' 11~ Fhtwood luxury-or its performance-or 115 craftsmanship-or its soundness of investment -Cadillac occupies a position entirely its own.

At the heart of this great Cadt11ac 'goodness is,

of course, Cadillac'• unrivalled experience in the

creation of quality motor cars.

For certain it is tlw.t the ability tc do can come on{,

from the bing!

For more than h,alf a century, Cadillac's sole concern in the design and manufacture of its

products has been to make them as sound and as good and as fme as automotive acicnce would


It l~ out of this constancy of purpose that have come Cadillac's great contributions to motor car progress. And from it, too, has come international recognition as the Standard of the World.

We im·itc you to sec, both in the showroom and on the highway, how brilliantly this latest Cadillac exemplifies all of these great traditions.

Choose which Cadillac you will-from the Sixty-two coupe to the magnificent Eldorado Hrough~m-your complete satisfaction is assured -your choice unchallenged.

----------Visit your _local authorized Cadillac dealer CAO.S58C

.. '--1- --......--·· .. ---···---·-·- ----


Abitca An" I>Ud Con D SUI C l'aek B Cat a1 C Paer Dom Ent Ford A llubb•rd Moore Moorr row Cr 2r Qut' Phont Russell 1' Fin A nana Com 'I r,tn., ~lt l II <.1~

t\n;tt'On .\rno

, flai S .'\ B:-.:f'"llt!U

1 "': .,,,:rn• ·'" b~'lrbtr


'i ·;I

Page 8: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central


1 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, 1'\fLD., SATUF.N.Y. MARCH ·-------------~------------------- --- ... ---------· ···------------------

I ---------------------------"·------··--------... ----,·----~-


Personal \'ISITISG ST. JOIIS'S · duy in the lorm of pullovers, in --------------------------------·----~-------~

Mbs Dorothy l•'owlel', 11.:";., response to the USC's current , regional director for the Vic "Pullaver l'al'ndc". The sweat· · wrian Order ol Nur <es an·in•cl t•r; cncumpass e1•er)' colour of here carl)' this week and will ll:c ~dnbow. and sizes var)' teOI'e here tomorrow for Cor· from tiny inlanl.i' sweaters to ncr Brook to conlinUl' ht•r 10111 one mummoth pulhll'er that will of inspection of the Vichll'lHu sm·e\)· cul'el'. one ragged Ko Ordcl' work in Ncwf..unlllnrul rcnn m:m r1ght down tu h1 Miss Fowler b al~o director !,>;· :-Jl;k;: Under their "Pullol'el Nova Seoti:• and li1·es nl Au• l'arntlc". the USC has pledge·· hcrst. 25.000 1\'Ul'lll, lun~·slccvcd sweat

P;esent-For You and Yours ... Relv nn your own efloo t<. You couiJ br mi;\od hy one who nc\'Cr kccr.; prnmi,l;'··.

They Go Into the Tumble Dryer 1 hough out took i~ ! ,,n1C\'. h.1t

1 ne~alivc, lecp h.n~y '' ith :-i~imu· , lating talk~. A httl~ to~! 11 •II ~·> ; ~ ]on~ wny in ~!r:·r.••_; up trou·

CFUW The St. Joh11's chtb ol th~

Canadian Federation nl l>ni' \\'omen will hold it:< Marcll meeting on ~lunda)', ~~ 8.15 p.m. in Room 13 u! ~It· moria! Unh·crsit~·. ~lain build­ing.

C·l'S lu rep\;11'~ the thin rags ol at \e::;t some o! Kuren\ shiver· in!( children.

S!STEJ:S OF SEU\'In: The Si~tcrs of Scn·icr Anxil

iiu·y hrlcl a ~cncral meeting un Thum:n)' cn•nin;~ at the rcsi· drtll'r w::id1 was Jr.rg,•l)' attend rd. Thr l'rcsidcnt. ~Irs. B. A.

W.:'lt.'l, :\orri~. gnl'l' a HI')' intcreslin!l The monthly mrrtin~ Ill ancl t•ncnuragim! n•porl on thf'

rochr::-ne Street Llnitrd Church auxili::ry·~ nrtivilil•s lor the Woman's )lisstunnry Snd1•ty firs! qu .rtt•r. :'\ew bm•i•w·~ wa> wa,; held on the aflcrnunn ,,r next nu tht• n•1cnda. and the )larch lith with lh•• pl'l'>ic:rnt. hir.hli·~ht l>l this discu,;sion wa> 'I H 'I D · ·· 1'\ tht• brid~e :nHI auction pr.rty. ,, rs. . ,, , awe prcstmn~. w wouhip ,;cn·it•c wa> condlll'lt'd with t:1;hinn shnw whirh i; to b)' ~lr~. 11. Simm~. who \I'll> :1s· ·be lwld at lhr :\rwloundl:md ~iotcd by )Irs. Hmld. The sui>· llnH :;l a dntc It> lw announc ject or mccliclntiun llll' lh!• ~··r eel latrr \'ice wa. "The Secullfl .llil!-" Foil win~ !he mcctin~ Fnther Th1·ec mrmhcl'> I rom the !'X I'll· C. 0':\. Conroy showcrl a 1 cry in~ auxiliary t•l tlw \\' .~1 S. intL't'<'•lin~ :nul t•njo)':lhle lilm. 'I 1 ,. 11 'I \\' () Tht• l'lll'll~ ladies lrom the rt••i ,, r~ ....• ewe ..• rs. . rnl'l'l' . and \lr~. \\', SpUl'l'l'll ~al"l' n clt•ncl' who had sucrt·~sfull)' cnm rcl'icw 1•1" tlw honk. "Student plrtrrl ;·. I'I'L'illiun:tl training • '! 1 1 " d 'I 1 t'olll'>~ (t'tllll tht• l!nivt•r>il)' ul ... c 11 , <·t>iltl. an ·' ''· • Nt11'cl1 awl )]r> . .-\. l!adct•<·k llltaw:1 ll'l'I'L' then \ll'C>t'nh•d ~an!l 1 dul'l. with tlot·ir tluJ>Ioma .• by Father

blesomc situalion.

• Past ... Our .trC>ttt•!•· "ith the Fufurl! ... The · red men he~"" on M:~rch ~~. Cong"''• 11 ·1 ONnd.

16~~. with the fir-t recorded In· .crnmcnt l<•.,n, tq ' dian ma"acrc of 11 hilc people 11 ill t.•l.c in the

at ).lmr"Sh1\\ n. \'irt!ini.L Om of rr:.. ·'' m.,,~ b•: a P"r::!.ll;on "' l,:!.tU )'hitc..:, nrw·h(•r.~: 371"1 •: · :. I::J. ~rans.

The Day Under Your Sign

I ARIES I Ec ... l,l. ·e' 11 to Apt;l20) rrt\1."<" 1 I 1 I <' rrf>,I,Ct l'"l Ot l~rq "kr·:.: ~ ,, u .t:•'."

(Ap,;t 11 to M•y 201 ;•, (' " ~· :,, )c "'Ill 1:1\JIIOI t )('llf

·,-.. :'In•{ 1'1U:II:t.

GEMINI (lhy 21 to Ju.oll) Yon!!"''·., Hor ~~~~1:-t:O)C·~ mt~.1 Tr:r to he c;r,·{l>rl.oiiH.

CANCER (Juno 22 to July 221 '"t;!t ,.,,.. f"rt- 3'1•1 let 1: ',., ~1 <',.'~ frr thrm-~o\t~.

LEO (July 21 to Auq. 22) ·,mflr·l r•'l!· · .!• r.:·'ol•". ll•',n't •lr ("·~

•1ttta1Lr':1 111 thr•r 1 u tmr.

VIRGO (Aug. ll to S•pt. 22) II \,..,, !lrf' t•lt"'1\.I~IIL' '<i'lm!tl.!r.£'. (1\tC'... rrtu t~tlJ.

PISCES l' -(1,! ~ I

cc::o!JCt "'.

Fashion Tips \Beauty i

\ '-. \\"itil Ea,;tcr not too far """"''. ~ ,\, '·" . , , /1. •t•ccial E:•,lt•r r;dl~ l1a' l't>lll".ll'. The successful randi

heen planned for tht• allt·nHnlll cl:ot<·s · ll't•rc as lnlloll'5: ~li,srs of April 9th. Hncl nn inritatinn ~1.11'il' llrenn:on . .-\ill'!'ll l'al'l'ol\. hH~ been rxtcndrd to all the t'rsul:t ninn, Eileen lil'nnt, ~lar f.

women ol the congrcgutwn. c1•1\a <iran!. 11:, Kt•nt. )!;u·garct

\\11 . lt•t',; take a look at the doth~;;\ h~io.ter ,,-.,. ' r;;;:., ·for the moppets. little girls and' tunw- a··· ·

:er their tcen-a~e sisters. hut spe- ! --····-·-····------------=~:..---------......... dully the little girls. For them! Your .,.,, . The mrmbrrs rcspollllcd to r. ::llalom•)·, l.ur)' O'Bri<•n <ttl<l

rCIJliL',l tor knittct·s frum l'ni· )l:tl')' .\l::rphcrson. F:1thct' Con· tarian Scr1·ice L'••mmittcc l!ll' roy spol;r hriclly on the l'aluc ~wt'atrr> for the children ul 1\n· · ol thb rnunc, and congratu\at· • rea. Thr nwctin~ cln.•t•d with rd thn>~' who ll'l'rl: "' succrss· the Bcncdirtion hy tht• l>l'l''i· tu\. .\Irs. B . .\. ::\'t>l't'is. tlwn pro· dent. tm,cd it ,·otc nl thanks to Fathrr

l'onr:t) (ur his kindnrss.

POR'I'R.\ITS OS SilO\\' One hllcrc>tin~ rxlnhitinn in

St .. John's during the ll'l'ck·t•nd Ia the ,\lowing ol p.•rlrait~ painted b~· ~Irs. Ilclcn P<ll'sons Shepherd. Portrait. which hare been paitllcd on conuni»itl!l. and paintin~s done when ~h·•· Shepherd w a s studying m F.uropr l~_,t ~-,•;~r niHhr up the (OJiection of hn·ty·c•nc t>icliii'C>

Rl'l't:'\.:SS 1'RII' ~lis~ l\1r..ude it) an ol tlw 1:""'

Supply Compan) nl St. .1. hn\ lrft h~re on Snnday h~- Tt'.-\ till 1 bu~ines~ trip to mainliltHI ilncl American citi~s.

RJRTHDAY GRt:ETJSGS Birthday ~:rcctin~s at·~ rx­

~~nded b\' her lricncls to Bertha Parsons~~ 14 \\'inchcstcr Street. who is cclebratin~: her birthd<t) with a part~· at her hon\1'.

SO·EP fl.t'R A gencr&l mrctin~ of the

~o-ed club will he held ill thl' YWCA thi; e1·cning at B.:lll. ,\11 Jingle aduUs o1·cr 21 ycnrs ol age, who nrc intcrcstr·l in- hr· rominJ: members a1·e rorclia\1)' inl'ited to attend.

110m; f'RO~I IJOSPIT.\1. Maurice \\'ihmsk)' "'"' 11is·

rhar~ccl !rom the Gc~~t·rnl lim, pilal \'C'tcrday r·n•l will be ct•n nlc;cin~ at hi, humc 9 Glrn· rid.te Crr,<·rnt fur the next frw na~·s before rcturninc tn 1\orh

llmlE .\Sll SCIIOOI. The monthly nwetin~ ul tht

tiuu\rl• llomr and Sl'huul As· surir•tioll WitS h~\d on .\larch 19th. Following the business meet in~. ;cl'rra I fil tns were •huwn. Olll' film showed the ad· ranta~es ol lhr llunw al\!l Schon( A'sm•intion In hoth the parc:1:s aiHI the l'hiltln·n .. \n) rwnhlcm t•omw!'lcd with thr l'hiltl. whclht•r it l'tilll'cl'lls school or not, c<tn o!trn hr ;oll'rd wl1l'n the part·nl :onrl: tt•ach•·r talk it uwr tn~cthrr. It: Pill' l'hildl'l'll at'e In uct thr ~~·c:•lt'>l hrncfil from school. il must not .hr. lell to the ~rat·h· t•t's :-lont'. It lws 111 be a lilly· fifty job hrtwcl'n the p;tl'cnls and lht· tcuchcrs.

Anuthrr Jiltn showed how p:orents can help, ~hildrcn over· come fear. If a child keeps a fear ol something hidden, it \':ttl nllccl his school work. e1·en lm whole lilc. But if he can t:~lk 11 oi'Cl' with someone, and ~:ct <Jt the cause of·it, very oflon he er-n set• that there was noth· ing to Jrar alter all.



. ,·;

" .. .... : ....... . . ........ - ...... . . . ..... .... . .... " .. . ..

'fhe fh·st autom;o:it• 11ash, dry atl!l we:tr fashions are hc1·c. ,\II lhrt•e tlesl1:ns shown hcl'e can be lanndcrcd in a nml'hinc 11 asher. ]lilt throu)!h the dry~r and be ready to wrar, smooth and wl'inklc-ln•r, in ahuut an hour. For thr outdoor life, th~s!' srtmratrs (1('[1) In dacron antl cotton al'c ideal. J'nllol'l'l'

top i' dmtblr·handcd at thr hiplinP, is lPamrd with fisherman l!illlls. C\assk drrss ( ePnlerl in !lat·l·on and rayon has a race· ful. tlurah\~· plealc1l 'ldrt anti remnvabiP, flat whitr t·ollar. Suit (ri~htl is cut with strai~:h.t jackrl and >lim skirt. 'llu· Iabrie j, da•·mn and orion.

as well a~ their older sisters and ~··•· it 1 iJ, • , 'tlwir mother~. the chcmbc sil·! hcinn ""' :. 'hou<'lle is re!lcctctl in dres~cs, 'too." play clothes, jackets and coats. ;

Dn ... r.;l' :'\ewe,;t t•hildreA's eoal ,;(. ciall;. th""

BY G.-\li.F. llli(i.\S 'pocket~, l'Uff~ and trimmin;;< iw\1 orion m· clanon lilll'r<. Th•• ina\ ,izt•. :'\t•ll· \'ork - ':'iEA' Fas· · ::loss)". orion and dac-ron arc hlcndt•d

houette is ;emi-tittl'd. report !he; lwl'i~ and ,, la,·hion analy;;t;;: boxy suit jac- I soon ~i"·

hi11ns that arc n·ally l'f'Ud)'·IO· Till' ~cerci lies in m;m-madr· with ra:cun or eotton or with 11 t•ar. without ironil1~. an hour fiim·s •·oupled with spL•I'ial con·. c:tch otiwr to ;; .. t la>llion, that alter they're put into the auto· struction tcl'illliqucs. Th,·sc ;HI· , ,.,l'. t:tia• mildtinc al'lion. nu:tic lla<h<•r, hare arrin•tl. lomatic wash and wear fashions, I\ nil ted fil,hions tor 'ummer

Tlwy mu•l go throu~h tumhlf': inl'iude tailored suits. drr~~c.<. : w1ll he a real boon to gals 11 ho clr)·in:: ot course. ,\nd the~· i kn''wcm· and spori>Wear. There 1 dislikc,lal"in~ o1 er a hot iron on l'llll'l'~l' lrnm it with !milt' J>lrats. ar<' nlain, patterned and nuhh)' 1 a hot day. Th••)' laund••r 1"'1'­,mootiJI~· in pl;tt'l' and l'oihu->.1 fabric~. all of them rontainin~ 1 ftoC'tl)' and >l:n· trUP to thr ori~-

Jiffv-Knil 1

' Adaptable ...

.Jiffv ·'

Crnrhct :Furniture Fits

Homemakimz •

. 01 cr hali of the home clr~w' kl'ts are tapered. sottly belted Ol' 1 Slicer '''" ., Ill use at tIll' end ol thts year . hleust'!l: >kirts are pleated, and : oprn >Prt:: _ 11"111 he ahl•! to handle the auto- tht 01-erb\mtsc ~il"es an easy 'call foo 1 .... malic Wil'h and wear fa.<hions. lin(' to sports \\"car separates. , lt•l't. .\nd the new models comin~ up "ill he pquipne<l with a >pel'ific st•ttin;: tnr ~al'lnrnt~ in man­made lihrr,_

Drt•ss watotlincs whkh slartt·tl to di>apprar (a,t >~a,on undl'r · middie>. 01-crblouses and Chand

the must beautiful shoe news ut years


:\ot on!)· tlw t>''"llir<t . hut the most hrautifully ftttm~ Pumps :ou can imaginr! \\'p ha1·c a hig l'Oilettoon in e1·ery heel height, tailored. fancy or contrasting bow;. You <·an thoose trom st)·ies in color~ of Rt•rl. Beigr, Tan, Brown. :'l:ai'Y and Black. Sizes 4 to 9.



s36.00 , A ;:ooey soap dish greet~ most i family members each day. And ' when dried, the dish contains fluky. unsightly crusts. One way to avoid this is to line the dish with waxed paper. It cuts


' .

:;?:MONTREAL s63 00 1~::;~~:: ~: .: ::::: • ! cages stmpler 1f the bottom 1s

i lined. By using a waxed paper i there Is less chance of rusting

s79.00 Tourist one-way fares from St. John's. ......

: from water dripped from the bath or drinking cup., To clean, remove bottom liner and replace with fresh paper.

Firt' lascinales youngstel'S and it is always wise lo take as


· many precautions as poNsilJit• lor theirs afdy, \'ou can mal;e a home prell:U'ution in which to soak their play clothes. After drying, the clothing may be iron· ed safely. A formula for flame

l. proofing material is a mixture

of 7 ounces horax, 3 ounces boric acid and 2 quarts water. NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL, TEL. 712!

i I

"FEATURE FLAVOR Drip-dry clothing is a boon lor


tJlaking use of leisure timl'. · llowever, . many items of thi> kind are going into the autumn lit• dryer for even less error' Durable-pleated items are an r ccption. Some ol them need 1 be drip-dried because it is tl· action of dripping water thill ll.::~;;;;;;;;;::;;;iiiiillii:=::J shapes and resets the pleats. l_ ~---


$4.~ TO



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tiT fnl otl

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Page 9: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central

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$4.50 TO $7.95

Eat wiTH FLURRIES fa:r weather when you

Th~ Daily News WALSH'S .. ,:ti~SU~ANCE AGENCIES

UMITfD 010

1 ~0027 Sf. John'·


oundland Hockey High School Basketball: Exhibition Tilt \ Spitfires Win

B L S d F I Win Tenth AtHr.Grace. ,H . G 3d ees eave un ay a cons • c:.'::~~~oo.'!.::;"t:~~:, arrmgton ets r . Tt If n hers N t G . . Drop CurtiS 84 - 42 wil! n;eet the She~~stown "Tig· Sh w· 3 0 1V let 0 otng The Pepperrell Falcons cap· and Heber Bowring registered\:~~~ l:t .. ~h;xh:~~~~r h~~:~ utout; InS -

· tured their tenth straight win the other 2 StadiUm tomght at 7.30. lm· , . • , •


'" thr lt•ncl'man are out for lhr first Walsh. The)'· will flank Eng. I in High School Basketball this Falcons ~utpointed Curtis 43. per~al are presently involved in 1 :~.r:Y ~IL~O,;" BUT~E.R a • 'ass1ote~ marker.· Murphy count 1 : \1 ·.• 11•1111

11· two games. oel Hulton is the land. Walsh was bothered with ·season as they dropped Curtis 18 in the second half with I a hght battle for the top spot lh'

1 e1 f ar::nb~o~ P aym., m ed agaan at 12.30 assasld b~

·' ·'


,. th<' ilt•!t•ncl'm;m. Tl'd Gillie~ and a shoulder injury and couldn't; 8442

at the St Pal's gym ''eS· Jo,•ee countering I4 markers in the Commercial League with i A'efne 00r ..

1~ plltl_re1• odr the' Stack and Vic Young and Btaek : .• 1 at:,•r· ~like Woodford w1'll be n1iss1'ng pia g · t th 1 1 d d · · ' I ' '' defend'1nu champs 'I ·' Ir orcc

11'1Sion regas ere hi>· roundd out the scora'na 1'n th · Y n at.ns . e . s ~n squa ' te1·day &ftcrnoon. The victory Austin had 11 Harmon and I . " . ' " ammy s I third h t t · f' · o · ·


• - ~ 1

'. : .: Falls. ,,(f the first line with Lloyd The tlurd !me 15 mtact. Ra)' gave the Pepperrcll squad a Pryjom,ki got •6 apiece Blain : whlht the Tigers recently cop· , terd· s uft~ m 1\~\) eo· p~nod at I4.n7. unaSSistH tt . • .., tap> l'ookr and Bill Gillies gone from Bowe. is cent~r wit~ Uoyd Kelly perfect record ot ten wins and Leidy had 3 Morton g~t 2 and 'ped _the title in the North ·con· I hut~~~ alh ea ~oatlhaS~I as ~ camo lga:·e the .. ~lagmhec~t a 4 <o t

·:·.;· Ill tht• >rcond combination. Also workmg on raght wang ant Cyril . ' 'cepllon Bay League ~~ e 'ur ars ''to · cad. \\1lh nme mmutes gon• .•. ·' ,.:.1' ··r;. out of action is Jack Withers. lvany doing duty on the left no l_os~e~ thas year .. Last ~e.ason! Rh,od,es added 1 t~ rou.nd out ' The Oilers will iangle with m ~!her game~ played. the Vic· in the• second period ~lurph:


ith \\'i:heys didn't plav in the sille F'orlvarcls R 1

h R II the) [llllshcd up With the same the I epperrell sconng. Feltham I ~I· ,• 1 th A ,1 , tor) nosed out the Hnton 3 to com·crled Stack's pa•s to pu · ·· ... ,, · ' a P owse record but th'as se·•son the" I ll''ath 10 'nt • t l 1

' '• ,.mm) 5 a e rena on ''on·' q d th 'I i.. d · •· .... :.t;ull ~··riL•S with Bell Island because and George Philips round out , , . ," .. ,, ' . . . pol s_w:lli ups or "~r· day night and will go into the ~ ,811 e ·' agn liCcnt ump the has team out front 5 to 0 before

. ,. Pl'l'· .. r a bad back but he did hope the City squad and both m • c , hale two games acmanun., to lis an the (mal frame wath t •'th h Vanguard 5 to 1. the van~uard were able to re"i

I I · tl l' 1 H · act'aon a• ult'al'at)' a~ 5 e be played. Ycstcrdr,y's encoun· Coombs having 4, Bowring got ~ncouln er 111h f

1 1ncwl coa~ 1· SPITFIRES 1s. :\'OJ!'I'H s·r.\RS lct'"ei


11·ch tlicl' da'd al I

3" :.

" Pay an le mas. e IS out • . t . .. . h d 1, 1 2 d , 1 th . . 1 negu ar coac or t 1e mpcna s 'tf'. . f . ' . ' • .,. ,, •q:I:Hl for at least the opening games. The first two aames f th ca 11as a rc·sc c u ct game an "ercer rei\ an , 1 d . L . hi b h p1 11 cs .t ter shutoulln" the :ts V

1clor Richards banNed i " 0 e from the tir·t ound B b J I d "th 29 squa as en coug an 111 e ::-lorth St· 3 t o ~ · • · o n

F11c .\like Woodford h also on the best of seven !cries for the "B" s r · 0 oyce em e up wa , · b . r St J h ·· B . • • ars

0 mol'ed an.o Dal'c llealc p~ss to the onh

• il•·· injnred list. He played the first crown will be ola~·cd at Grand 1 Jo'alcono used a hall court points for the Falcons to be the.! 15

: 111.~~ bel

01 . •

0 ~ •G ee~ a second pl;1ce tie with the Jet' Van~uant ~oal. · t•m·ountcr of thl' East Coast F~lls on ~londay and Tuesdav press and then dropped back I game's high liner. Lawrence.~~ 11 wt ~~ Pd~ymg. ~I ~n 1 : an? Labcrators each with 6 :'\ext gJmc, arc •chedule loa i ,,•mi·finals but ha;n't played The City team will leave f~~ into a zone defence while Cur- Feltham came up with IB points i / .s.

011b ·

0t .. y 111 ~: • ll 0~ poants. \\'ayn_e )lay. Fran!; llic· this nwrnin~ when at 8.00 a.m.


since. He will likely be ready home after the second game and tis went with a man to man to be top man for Curtis. Of' I maco~ e. d orme~ [ th ~~ s. key and Dand Power were the Xcl•on 1'>. Vtcton· at 8 30 am

I for srn·ice when the teams move arrh•e in St John on '\''cdnes style for the whole contest. I, the 30 fouls called by referees I orwarl hank coa,c

0 ell 'be· scorers for the Spill ires "tth 1 Hood meet Briton and· at 9 oo' . · · ,, . · Th p

11 . . mona oe e)' earn. w1 e \I .. n . 1 · · 1 ·

It• St. John's next Frada1• night. dnv The third and fourth en l c epperrc team used the1r 1 Rehkopf and Fricke Pepper· 1 k' f th 0.1 d . · "~ s ooa conung m t 1c llrst 1 u . llurncaurs lace oft with the cln· \\'alsh. one of the netmind· cou~ters are set for Friday and i height to good advantage and : rell drew 17 but no player wu ! ca m~, c~~e (} b c I ers unng ! p~l·iod. •yhile Hickey and Pai~'CI' I r .anc~> crs. -On ~londay after· ! crs .lor the ~aps, will not be Saturday nights at the stadium 1 took most of ~he rebou~ds. forced to le&ve the game. I' oug a

1 a scnce. 1 ro_un~cd m the sec?~d.hal •. ~!ll;e noon at 4.1.> p m. North Stars


makmJ: th~ trap. with the next three if necessary 1 Bob Joyce fared 15 poants in FALCONS: Joyce 29; Austin 'H~rrmgl_on I he Sp!Uarcs net· vs. Jets. At 4.;;;; p.r.t. Sappers I The Caps will hai'C ~terv, being staged at th~ Stadium 0~ ·the opening stanza making 15; Harmon 10; Morton 10; Sl Bon's A A 'mmder as seltm~. the pa.ce !or ••lCN Gunners anrl at 535 p.m. t:awnc and Ron Skirving along the following Monday, Tuesday. most or them with a ·nice hook Pryjomski IO; New 4; Leidy a; • • •


031 lenders m .'he Atr!orcc· York r>. ''an~uard.

i a~ goalie~ with Greene likely to and Wednesday nights. ·shot to pace the winners. Henry. Rhodes 3, H k L 1 Dal •••on hai'I~g rc;:lstcrcd tln·cc ------- ---- -- --~ct the norl for the opening Grand Falls. the defending: ;\lorton had 8 points with Joe: CURTIS: F f 1 t hI m I6; . oc ey eague i shu.louts Ill ill'~ games and al· Newfound Ia nd :game. On defence Hugh Fard~·. champs, took Corner Brook anrl' Austin, Larry Harmon, H&rry Coombs, 14: Best 4; Bowring 4; I !

10'1cd on!~ lhac.e goals to hr

Len Cou~hlan. Bern Goobie and Gander both In three straight· Pryjomski and Gary Newell Butler a: Mercer 1. . The 1958 playoffs in associa· score~ a~aanst hlm to hold :up ServiCeS ~;ax Howell will all sec duty. games in the best of five series. :having 4 and Bob Rhodes ad· The big game for the second lion hockey get underway this : s~l m. the !'<ICC for the net· TIARY 7':orl Sparrow will tenter the St. John's stopped Bell Island. ding 2. On Curtis Eric Coombs round of the High School Lea· Sunday between O'Gr..cty's · minder


tr?phy. . . · fi1'51 ~Iring. Tom )lurphy who three games to one also in a i came up with 10 points to head! gue is scheduled Cor sunday Forum team and Vinicombc's .RRIT?lll ''


• 'I( TOR\' .


.\SO 8,\ \' Rt:"i PL.\CENTI:\ i mo1·cd up_ to l~c first line. to ~est of ~ive games sct·ie~. This; his squad with Lai\Tence Fel·: afternoon at 2.30 with tht Fal· Shamrocks \eam. starting time· 1

1 h~ ~:tton _.t:~llcr dweller> 1


. . ... , I ""''" lhk' .\I oodfocd '''!"'' " tho laot '"' tho t tho Ci" ' ih m potU" 6. COot" Fn ok i ""' m"'iog Hoi> C•~• o t th• i "'II bo I I o olook ''"' i · ~" ' ~:I 0" '·'"" P~ I 0

P 1 hw


,: • ':: 1 .re. Brll lsl~nd wal! skate on r1~ht has entered the finals of the Butler and Ike Best got 3 ea-ch • crusaders gym, 1 Rev. Bro. Darcy Prcsadcnl o!. c,t !a~ht of ,the .se~,on so tar

· .. ~' ·, ·''1

w1n~ wnh Rolhc Clarke takang "B" dil•ision. The Caps will --···---- St. Bona1·cnture College will ol· as the:. cam~ ·o wathu~ one ~o:tl ·.



111 TNI Gillirs' SJlOt on the left practice tonight from 6 to 8 ficiall~· open the series bv drop- of a he wath the flr•l place

. :;r .,·;,lr side. Clarke played defence on and on Sunday morning from Baseball Ro undu.P ping an the puck bclwe~n Jim: Vaclory. a~ they l'ante. out on

Rr::ulal' H a.m. lr~in lcal'in: St. .John·.; ~I•Hlda)·. ~larch 241 h. will make connection at .\r ~entia with )!olor \ eo.;cls or thr ":a)· nun and \\'est Rur Placentia B<~Y·

··. · ····•· '

1" a: 1lhr .funior L'aps and just re· 11 to 12. Vinicombe, President of St. • the .

5h"rl Side of a 3·2 w1n. after

. . . i tua·nr~l from Grand .Falls this The St. ,John's team will hal'c , . , . . . . . Bon's Athletil: Association and han!lg 3

first peno<l :.! ~0 I !carl · • 'I'' · : wrrk. lie was workmg at the a railway car to lhcmseh·cs tlurago \\hate S~x got the hats; 01cr the P1ttsburah P1ratr~ at St. Arthur J~ckmau. President of, possible for the hr;t tame tins

.· ... ''.~ ~,''' P;liJ~rtown., . with another set aside for any -:-17 of them _Fnday-;~u~ ~he I \ele!·burg, ~·Ia. . St. Bon's Old Bo~·s Association. se~son, they allowrd the Vlei.ory


CANADIAN A · ' ,' "' t I \\:men England ~~ the onlr team supportt>rs makin!l the trip. 11 o1ld t•hal111liOns \\till aukcc 1 1 ANKEES LOSE Both excculire members of the !II o goa]s In the second h<ill fo1·

.• ''.'1;1,'.':

1,. m~mbrr co( the scco.nd com~in· There are still a few l'aca~cics Brarcs had, Hank, A~t·on, who [ ,At. \~est ral~l ~ea~h. ~·ln ... Associ<olion will be on hnnd for, t~clr . fifth. straagh:. lo>s. Erl.

'1'' '1 ·1 ~lion who saw achon agamst remaining in the supportel'S' car b~lted a sc1 cnth mmng hom«'r 1 :\ell \ ork \ a~kecs Mark. Frcc-1. the game which should prol'e to Colfm d :::_a• c ~he Bl.>ton a 1 to ~~~··n llrll lslan

11 •oin~ to Grand and •n,·one

1·nterestcd ·an the with two mates aboard for a fi .. t' man walked Mtke Baxcs wllh the b f 1. ·t f th 0 lead wath fare mumtc; ~one NATIONAL

' ~ .. n • f . I .,.,. 0 It f II 0 th 0 th . . d I P. one 0 lllCS games 0 c . lh I . F~JJ,. . n.eplacing the missing going to the Papcrtown for the grape l'l!ll ex 11 l~ 10~ mto1·~··.. ~~ses u _a~ em~ mnmg an i ~·ear. m . c .t:a~1c. :1~1~ two m.lllUtl'; R111 Gillie> and Lloyd Cooke series should contact the ticket . Aarons homCI o\e~ the ll~ht \1\nn~~s Cat~ Athletacs sc?red an Both teams will he <til out la~ea .Joe~ CoiCor~n p•;: has wall he Fred ~orth and Charlie ollice at the c N R held fence off Bob Keegan 11as ~8-7 11ctory. It tndcd a 5lx-game r lh'. . . team out front 2 to o a !carl

---. ---·

Stadium _______ : ... --- · · · on~ ofose1•en Milwaukee hils, and Yankee winning streak. 0! IS 1~1 portant. w~n, a~ the the Briton held on to un'il t-UI it rnabled the Braves to ~quare Cal McLish and Dick Tomanek wmnP.l' wall pia)' tyn~ l'ow~r·s , whm Terry .Jenkins t•ounte·d for th~ir spring record at 5·5 in the; held Baltimore to fil'e hits al Ca.mpus team for the ChampiOn·; I he Victory unassisted. with it" I game at Bradenton, Fla. i Scottsdale, Ariz.. as Cle•·cland sh1p next. Sunda~· · fifly-scven seconds "onr in 'thr Schedule Bowling Schedules In a free-hitting contt<~t at : Indians blanked Orioles 2·0. A ipecaal committee has been second period Larr7' Seaward Tampa, Fla .. the Cincinnati !led· San Francisco Giants defeated foa·med to pick the l!.V. award


broke awa1· f"r the 'viet nn and lc·l(s shol'ed across three run< in Chicago Cubs 8·2 at Mesa. Ariz., and the most gentlemanly plaj·· i scored unassislccl to tic. thr

c Notice .•'1 ·.· ·, d for

1 ;r:olk II.

, ... T.r ~~rt·~ a1

''"'' 51650·

1 •• :.dulatr ._, · .~ .. , nrrr

!> ··£ p~10ni~\

• 1 ·, ·'";· Opf"r· ·_,.\ ( ;,h!li'y

' .•: · ··,, · public· ·' ·,;,,] illlll · :i-plo:. rc~.


!:t:·cl·h lhr r: ~-~f·.· .. I· r:11plo,\ rr.•

~-~;: .. , ;I: I !\l'(","', itncl

;tq;( ·· .-· :t:ll\ll:ttinn. .. . ·.tritin~.

· ·~~- (r··,.:;-·: .. !.,,. quali· •'.;•:".i' :•. t'l<.· .•

., ;,;., .. ,.~: · t!w riril '.··::._~: •• _.,,_ ,,f ~rw­

. ~(··~-:~~•1)~-~::n·.ri Set\'· .·· B.:·::: .. IHJt·kworlh _~: ;r1 ~-~ ~- ' 0 ~P to real'h ~.-·.,. ;:. ··:1 "'' brforc : '< ': \1;.: ch. Hl.'iB · •nntainint ~pplira·

b~ < lrart~ m~rkrcll

fii.\JJ:\1 \\ 'I.Ritn: I mim~~to:"i.


Wrrk·l~nrl (;amr' 1 ~I rn' ·' Leagur 1

-3.00-1·2 --7"ash l's, t'urd. :1·4-Porlge 1'~. Hud5on. !H!-\'anguard \'s. Au~tin. i·8-L'hc1·. 1'5. Rambler.

-4.15--1·2·-·Ladillac vs. Pl!:moutlt. :l-~-Ponli<tc \'s. Packard. fJ-6-LaSallc 1·~. ~!onareh. i -8-Buick 1·s. Hillman.

···8.00-1 2--~lcrcury \'S, Vauxhall. 3-4-llamblcr v~. Austin. 5·6-ROIW n. ;.iash. i-8-Ford rs. Hudson.

Tursday Sl•ht'l (iamea -8.1~ -·8.15-

t 2--l.incoln 1·s. Rambltr. :H-DrSoto 1·s .. Hudson ~-fi--. ~I elena• 1·s. Packarrl. i ·:l- J)orl~r 1·s. Vauxhall.

•· A.30--I ·~---'ionarch l's, Buick. 3·4-Au~tin 1'5, Pontiac. !i·fl--llillman vs. Ro\·er. i-8-Chcv. 1'5. Nash.

Play~r~ are asked to 11olt scheclule care(uiJy as YOU ma~· be br~wllng TWICE In onp day, U In doubt check with Alleys,


Week-End Gamr1 (Occupational League)

Alleys 1 and 2 2.00-Carpenters 1'5, Plumb­


3.311-Bulchrrs 1·s. Lumber· --- ----·-----. --- -----·

Attractive Fixed-Income Securities recent trrod aowarrh "euler" rnon•y ron1litinnB point1 up the aurae. tirtnt•" ol yirJde eurrently obtainable from invi'Slmen t in sound boadt aacl ~lhtr fiud.income 1ecuritiee.

\l'h~ther you hiVe temporarily IUil(liDt

hu1inua fund• {or abort-term lonat• m•nt, or "avinJ:I on wbicb you would like to eam 1D aeceptable rate or int .. r~•t onr an utended period, then ., "ry ravourablt opportunitiet " th• pre~tnt time,

Wuball be 11lad to 111hmit auJ;~tatlODI Ill line with your particular requireo m•nte. Jatt call er write any of ...

rnrn. Alll')'~ 3 ~nd 4

2.00-Tclcgraphcrs r~. ~lrt·h· Anic~.

3.30-Engin~r;. ,.~. Bakrrs. Alleys 5 and 6

2.00-Shipper"' •·~. Salesmrn. 3.30-Truckmen n. Ga·ocel'8.

t!1r scvrnth_to rlt;feat Boston Red a~. J.>an~y O'Connell and Rookie er, these trophies were donated ·score at two all. thrn at 6.15 SATURDAY: S~x 11·8 •• hm Paersall of Boston. \\alhe Ktrkland. each score~ three by Hugh Fardy and Alec Hen :Nathan French uan"cd in Sea· 7.00-HOL\' CROSS h1t lhl' only homer or.r J_oe Nux-. runs. Lefly,lllakc McCorma~k. 19 .Icy. The goalie award donated ·ward's pass for thr ,;innin" ."oal I'R:\C.:TJCE. h:~ll. who. wcnt..sci'CII m_mn~s and; year-of~ .G1~nts' bonus patcher: by Whilllc's )!~at llarket' was 1 as Victory took the dcciJn~ :l ' 00-PEE WEE IIOCKJ~Y. "·a, c_redatcd wtth the l'lclory. went sax mmngs an~ gal'e t~ll the. won by Fmncis Brennan and; It 2. Ray )lartin ill the net 10.00-fiiJI.J)(tES'S SK,\TISG.

All'tn Dark smackrrl a homer, only two Cub runs m the ftfth. , the highest scorer award trophy· for the Briton 1\"ts the lm ·c 1 2.00-GF.:\'ER.U, SKATI:\'1;, double and ~ingle and started ,Phi!adelphia Philli;s e~dged! donated b)' Jim Vinicombe, won: oa the two guali~~ hal'in~" j'0 5 00-Pn: \\'EE ALJ.·STAR two. double. plays to lead t~c St.

1 \:/lshm!(ton Senators •·6 at Clear· by Jack Reardigan. The cham· i handle 16 dril'es while .John PR.\CTICE. Lom~ Cardmals to an 8·5 I'Jclory 11ater. Fla. pionship trophy, donated by: ~lurphy in the net for I he Vic· 6.30-SE:'i'IOR ,\LL·ST.\R

CHURCH SERVICE 1 \\'al·,h's Bakery will be placed I' tory was called upon to makr PRACTICE. CLUBS c· I t Cl 11 F in the College library, each Ill stops. !1.110-GE:"iER,\L SKATISG.

lt)r• n er 1: 13 enge rom year. there is also indil•idual 1 ~IAGSII'IrE:\''1' l·s. SUNDAY: Monday Night'~ Gamr~ · :trophic~ for the championship • . Y.\:'i'Gt:ARD 8.00-ST. P.\T'S IIJGII

Section (A) Bt)\\'lJ.J}O' Lea (rue ,·Darts Lea~ue team. Auten ~.urphy was thr I up SCIIOOL I'R.\CTJ( [. -7.15- 0 t' , C 7 Both goalies han predicted;smea· for the ~lai;nific~nl 9.00-ST. P.\T'S SJ::ii\IOR 1·4-We&ley ''5. Kirk. The Belmont Dart's t.ra~ue low scol·es and playrrs from ftrln~ three ~oab while tr;un· PRACTICE.

-8.30- , ·has issuse a challenge to any • both sitks hal'e said thai I he)' male Terry Stack picked up four 10.00-SESIOR .\l.L-ST.\R 1-2-St. 1\tary'a ,.

8, Sah·ation : Sl'.\Sill!liGS AS or .other Darts Lea1:ue or team in will be the (•hamps. . points on two goals and two PR.\CTICE. Arm~·. ': ~tARCII

131'1!. the City to ~ knock-out serie~. DUTIES Jo'OR St.::\'DAY a~>~>1t' as lhe .ll<l'cniliern• dump- I'!.U0-~'1'. BOX'S Pft.\C:I'IC.:[.

&·6-Geor~e Street 1'5. r.ow•r' A trophy has been offered and Referees - Gerard ~lurphy. 1'. tIC Vall'!Uard 5 IJ l. ~la::ni· ~.~11-FH;t=Jm SK.\TI:\'Ci.

Street. I; all entries must be in the hands R~1·. Bro. Duffy. llcrnt >hmnn;, a lot ur st~·ic 1.30-PEE WEE .\LL·ST.\R -9.45-- I p \\' L 1'1~. I or the Belmont Leagur. bdorc Scorer-Tiny Colford. I banged Ill four goals in the first 1'11.\CTICE.

S ~St. Thoma~· 1·~. Cm:h· 'Htll~· CrOll~.. .~2 36 6 36 ,. Friday, :\larch 28. Goal Ju.dges-Dal'e Powell, h_: I~ ll'ilh each club getting a fl.OO-GESEII.\L SJ\.\TI:\fi. rAne Street. i Victorian~.. , .42 36 6 36 -----· -- - · W. Furlong. , ~Ingle goal in the occond halL MONDAY:

ilmpcrial 00

.. 42 31 II ~I 1 :11~cD~nald'~ .. :19 10 2!1 10 All players arc a;kcd to makc:~~urphy upen~d the srorin for 8.00-Sf. 'I'IIJ·:Ill:::;,\'S

: ~lun. Worker~ 42 29 13 29

\ 0' ee e·~ . . ~9 ~ ~:1 4 a special effort ,to be on time \ c 1 ~la~gie ban~in~ in Da•·c PR.\CTICE.

Ser.tion (Bl -7.15-·

1·2--Gowea· Street Sl, David's.

I City Elec... . .42 2R 14 2R R' h I Th f thi., Sunday a~ the t·eremony ~tnt tk·ew s lpm at 6.10. Terry l.tiU-I'EE WEE II H'Kl:r. \I •

42 27 t:l

27 ag e~ rPP ·ram~ ., will ~tart before II o'clrJck. •1·> ac marc at 2 to _o at the ;.oo-f;U.\RD.S I'R·\/'TI''I' •.

\'~. St. · amm~· 5 · · · · 1

_., 2-.

1, . . . 1 clcl'en m1nutc mork wtlh aa1 UJJ· · " ... i Ro)'al Garage .. 42 27 : lndav1rtual ,· S B , II k , . . 8.30-GE:'i'Ellt\1. SK.\TI!\"G.

~-6-St. l\lary's V5. Kn·k. -8.30-

' Royal TC . . • ,42 27 1 f1 27 l , _________ .;;..;. ______ _.;;_~_Ii i Cahot Tlf.. ..42 26 Ill 26 \ ITrrra ~o1·a ~lot or~ Vauxhall; • 0J1 S OC . ev ;

'\, p t' TC 42 21 19 ~· I Trophv) \ . . . ~

1+-Cochrane tretl ··~. r~· on 1ac · · . . ,, ~·• 1 i. W ld 1 H c·· ) "" 1 1 he Sl. Bon s Seanor hockey

Caribou 'I'C .. 42 23 l!l 23 1 '· ~~ en · · · ·"'' ·squad will workout at the Guards AA .. 39 22 17 22 ll. Fatzgerald IH.C.) · .891 I Stadium on Sunday morning at ley.

-9.45--1·2-St. Thomas' n.

George Amhersl TC .. 39 22 17 22 H 1 C Team •130 112. All members are requested Central TC ,.42 22 20 22 ° Y ro&~ " oo .... o to attend.

Street. 11·8-Cathedral


vs. Sall'ation Base Supply , .42 21 21 21 B Harve!r . • • . 42 18 24 I8 Council TC .. ,.39 17 22 17 West End .... 42 14 28 14 Crc~eents ,, ,,39 13 26 13 Ramblers 00 .. 39 13 26 13 Horwood's .... 39 I3 26 13 Vanguard TC •. 39 12 27 I2

Highest Single Frame

Inter-Club 'Bowling League

Individual (Mammy's Bakery Trophy) F. Cooney (M. Work.) .• 414 T. Power (Pontlae) .• 385


(End of Schedule) -8.00-

3-4-CNT vs. Patricians. ~-&-Guards vs. Legion. 7·8-Curtls vs. Postal.

(Hutchings Trophy) -9.30-

3·4-Holy Cross vs. Feildians. 5-6-Aero n Pepperrell. 7·8-St. Bon's v~. Laurier.

IMPORTANT Teams who havfl NO'l'

passed In their FJo:Es u yet are asked to bring them aiOGJJ to tbe Alley on Ilion· day night and pall 1ame tu to the Canteen.

1Home Game For 1958

Avalon TC .. , ,39 12 27 I2

Team Holy Cross ..



Join The Canadian Women's Army Corps (Militia) REQUIREM!!:NTS

1. Must have reached 18th but not ~th birthday.

2. ftlust be ahle to meet Army Medical When Curtis played the Pep- d d f h · 1 ; perrell Falcons at the St. Pat's Stan ar 1 or t e parl1cu ar trade.

! gymn yesterd&Y afternoon in 3. Must have a minimum grade Vl!l I High School Basketball the education

\ :::f~~r~ha~qufsd :f:d ta~l:l~ '· May be single or married. "home game of the year." It CWAC personnel receive some rate of

. .1162

Held Over Owing 1o limitation

of space several sport items bad to be held over.

, t . l , JUS rJgtJ'[

made by


means made Jli_St r1ght oJiim,

Is a traditional day with pay, Including trades pay, as malt Photo. Courtesy Department National Defence

American Kchool to luwe one members of the Army.

Ro day .1r the year nnmed IR such


' 7AL SECUR. !TIES .ancl to play the same school' Personnel given opportunity to qualif~ Pl'RTUNI'rY FOR GOOJ) co:\!ltADESHIP l , 1 t:xctLWNT THAJNING AND RECREATION

I eUl'h yUI' In some type of sport. for NCO rank and trades grouping.

• CORi'OPt\'l'lON Ll)I[1'ED. l'urtis was picked for the I through \'ariou~ conms. Apply to:

Made in Northamptonshire, England, by craftsmen who are masters of their trade- and stocked by leading stores throughout Newfoundland.

• \ !t 1 opJaon~nts ol the Falcon~ and · 1 i 2 MANNING DEPOT, ,,~iliJt 'I : su last nil(hl the Jtudents at! All CWAC personnel are eligiblf tp BUILDING 5,

M--.,. " 111•: ltl.tll;., ST. IOitN'S, ~t'J.Il, • 'I'd. ~I 14 : curtiM were ~uests of tht Pep· i attend <.:WAC summer camp in Aldershot ....-: J..~~· H.t;r., ~.,·.ll·h o •• ~.. !In••• 1 perrr.ll High School r.t a dance: N.S .. during the early summer. KENNA'S HILL, ST. JOHN'S

"P• f!•1•"' ,.,..,.,una ,.,...... titt-"• at th B c 'li G 'I M ' 7 45 t 9 45 Qo,a.,,t••• St. J•hto'•· l>lft4• 1 e as . " s~ a a a son' : o. : p.m. every

_...., ___ .:_.:.:::::: ____ ,.::••:;:·t!,l J j was picked as "Queen of Home I Monday and Thursday DIAL 7361 A Game." Ia...----------------------------~-'


Tr&dc: tnquints: PARKER & MONROE Led., 361 ·J Water Strut. St. Johnl


. I

I I .I i

I i I

'' ' I .

I i

I I I:


; I I

f i t ' i ! ~ I


J 1 F I

I I I l I

Page 10: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central



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A factory-fresh GOODJ'fiEAR ON COLD

• 8 AT T E R Y for a Dittance, and MORNINGS


up to $8.oo 0


for your old battery when you trade It lnl





7665 • 7431 WATER ST.

Whatev~r the Car

we have a



~lle Suggest You Try











The Daily News Silhouette Contest


1. Th~ Silhouette Contest i~ ~imp!~ and ~a~r to w~rk. II consist:; nf tiO · sillwurtte drawings· ot 111del~· kno1yn _persons nnd _120 pictures All you hav~ to do l.'i ukn!ify the sllhou<'!tes. not IJ\· name hut by pairing !hem with pictures uf thr proi>Ie you tlunk are portra~·erl m Hi!' silhouette. Eacll tH'rson shown in .;iliwu!·lle will be shown by pie!Hre hut not nerrs~nrily on thr ~atnr !hi''· In addition there will be 60 pirllll"l'S of other pcl'sons who will nnt he shown in .<III1011l'!tr drawings. Thus vou will ha1·e 120 pir·turrs from whirh to make y·our till >Plel'lions to go Wllh tlw flu 'ilhouell!'f. Keep the 60 left owr pictures. Thev will be needed for the final Silhouelle Scramble. · 2. Thr •:ontest started \\'edne~dn1· .. Tanunn· Hi

19;!8, Ea~h day ~londay through Saturda,· for 60 days one .<tlhoucttc and two pictutcs will be print· ed. After you have paired a ·~iihouetle with a pirturc, paste or in some wav fasten the matchln2 pair on a single sheri of paprr. All 60 slll'e1.< are to be fa,~lenrd to~rthrr in order and each sheet should bear vour name.

3. The Daily :\rws will awar·: s~on in ra>h pri1.e~ to. the winners. There are no entry fees. ~he are:

1. <2~0

2. $l;i0 3. $100

4. The contest is open to all residents of !'\ew­roundland with the except ion of rmployces of The Daily :'\cws and members of lb~ir families. Not more than one prize will be aw<~rded in an~· one immPdi:~te !ami!,·.

5. The final silhouel!t and pictur~~ will appear on Saturday, March 22. and with this '<'l will appear a master 'core shP!'I on whil•h you mu~-t rnter the numhers of your >ilhonet!c·pirturc com· binations. Do not ~t'nd in )·our entrlrs until all allhouettes and pictureM ha\·e been published,

6. The contestant gc!!ing the grl·atest number of the 60 rel(ulnr silhom•1tcs corr<'ctlv solved is automatic<~ll•l the winner of the first prize. Second highest 8core gets second prize. and 5o on.

'1. A Silhouette Scramble will be published with Silhouette No, 60. This will ronsist of a number of silhouettes which are to be identified fr,·m the 60 pictures left ov~r from the regular contest. This Silhouette Scramble will be used by the judges ONLY in case of ties. If tie.s exist in the regular contest. then those contestants makin.!! lite be~t scm·es in the Silhouette Seramblc will be declared winners. Contestants should submit with th~ir completed entries a 8latement of 50 words or lcs~ on "The Feature I Like Best in The Daily New!<. .. These statements will be conslnercct by the judl[e~ only In case there s:lll arc ues alter the Silhoue!!e Scrambles ha1·e been judged. Winners will then be determined by the · aptness and originality of their comment.~

8. Address entries to Silhouette Contest, Thr Dally News, Box 972. St. John's. All entries must be postmarked not latrr than Saturday, April 5. 1958. Entries must be sent with first class postage fully paid, since The n~il.l' News cannot be respon· slble for entries delayed because of improper ad­dress or insufficient postage or for any other reason not received at The Daily News in due time.

9. By entering the contest, the participant agrees to accept the decision of the jud.!!es as final. ----------------, I I CLIP THIS COUPON TO ORDER I I THE DAILY NEWS I I Circulation Dept., I 1 Daily News, St. John's.

I Please enter my subscription for 11

The Dally New11.

I Name ......................... , ................................ -·-······- I I ~::d ·: -: · ~-=:~~=:· ·=::== I I (Clip ~:.m~l~~rll~~oupon w I I I ---------- .. --------------.


Hide Your Deafness Maico Hearing Gla New York- Men and women of any age can now hide deafness as never before with Maico's re­markably attractive new hearing glasses. These comfortable slim-bow hearing glasses have the same "natural look" as regular glasses.

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After yo


this Silho

hove nol

it is not

In the e


When y


,;,is po~


SOt Prvg


Page 11: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central


~'· ~·

X 432 6974,




,.day !

~ M. TER d. I U.,




.\fler you hove matched all 60 of the Silhouettes which have been

::-L•hi1shcd to the correct pictures, you will have 60 pictures left over. In

·• , Sdhouctte Scramble there are 19 faces. Match these with pictures you

"::1' c not u~ed in matching the 60 silhouettes,

,, , not necessary to this scronlble in order to wtn the contt?~t.

:• •hp event of ties in the 60 silhouettes, however, it will be judgr.d to

~r·rrrl1ine the winner.

·.•;l,on you hove matched the picture~ ljo this scramble, write the correct

~:'1'bt'rS of the pictures in the spaces provided in the table printed On :.''! poge and send it along with your entry


ao ao BDIBD IIID.IJID 1101110 DO BID liD 1!10 ·ao mo RDBJD ao mo BOliO •o•o IDD •o mo 1110 liD liD momo BOliO IDDIID DID BID

.;DID DID moao: mo ao· mo ltiD IDDBID mDBID momo mo mo IDD&D IDDIID momo IIDIBD



On these tables, enter your solution to the

Silhouette Contest. Each silhouette which has been

published is numbered. Each picture also is numbered.

The numbers printed on this table are for the 60 silhouettes,

You are to write clearly in the space provided beside the

tilhouette number the number of the pictures you have

matched with it.

The table of letters A through S ore for your solution

to the Silhouette Scramble if you solved it. Write in the

space beside each letter the number of the pictures you

have selected.

When you have filled out the table, paste or in som"

way attach it to o sheet of paper just a~ you did the silhouette•

and matching pictures and send it e~long with your entry. Be

sure your nome and odd ress are on this sheet of paper,


~500 IN PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED APRIL 19th. ·--·--------

Prugratn nzes On 11te .4ir 1oday •• ••

8.00-Nfld. News. 8.05-Provincial WPather. 8.lo-Brez·ldast Varieties. 8.30-Nfld. News. 8.3.~-Weathcr Foreca~t. 8.40-Breakfast Varielic~. !1.00-Nrw~. 1:!.45-Rr~iunal noundup. 8.30-Ncw York Philharmonic. '

LIS-~Iusic;ll l'rogrammt. 8.0o-CBC News. !

1.311-RBC New~. 8.05-Rr~irmal WeRther. I 1.4:i-Sundr,)' ~lisrr.llany. 11.15-ln Rrply. CBN

Tilt: flOUR AND HALF HOUR P.05-;\Iusic £rom Coast to


-------... ' 2.110 .. -tnmr. All You Round. 11.30-World Hockey Ch~mrinn· fi.:lO-ThP Rnb l.P.wi~ Show. R.30-l'\rwfonndlanri Nrws. R.4~-lle~dliM News and

i 11.30-- Sunrla~· Srhnol of thP. Air ·'lrw~ in ~ 1\linnfP.. 10.01-\\'~rk in Re1•iew. )0.31-World's Concert Hall. 11.01-Ch~pr.J for Shutina. 12.oJ-.John Bulls Band. 12.45-Party ·Line.

li1: "nd the

P.r~o;uka,l. H··:11·t f'n,.


"'" k. . · l.'hurr·h :-~~'''·

l.hH:n. I \J;tinrt.

I \('\~.c.

Tunr• \lrnulr Throlrr..

·-Lio:u ..... ,. Rr1·iew.

:: 30- Folk Snng~ for Ynung ~hi )'I. Folk. 8.411-Nfld. Prol(ramme from

~A:i-i\lcrt Your Wealherm~n. Lonrlun. ~.00-ln Jli., Scr\'ice.

1. 9.00-RPd rro~~ P~n~l.

3.30-t'BC New~. Sta~e. 3.33-l'apital Report. . 1 10.3D-Nolcs ~nil Comment~. 4.00-Retligious Period. 1 10.40-,laycce Forum. 4.3()-'l'oronto Symphony Pop : 11.00-:0.:octurne.

~·on.ccrt. l11.31l-CBC National New~. ~.rJO-l r·Pttol Report. , 11.40-'\\'cckend Rcl'icw and 6.30-Toronto Symphony Or· 1 our Special Speaker,

chestra Pop Concert. 12.00-Ciose Down, 7.30-Religious Period 8.3o-C.N. on the Ree1•ord. 9.00-Littlc Symphonies. 5.30-CBl' Nt•ws. ~.3:1-l':mndiun sr~ne~. ti.tlll-1 'rit it·~lly SpPak In!(. I ·-------·-·--·----

Just for Fun f ACROSS

I Hunter's 3 Young blrdJ .~ 4 Fastened ' 5 Landed ·'

ll'eapon 6 Ebb 4 Mount."~ in 1~ke 7 Fisherman'a RGol! sand-

12 Cnnsltmrd tnnt 13 To\\·ard thr ft,\\'hat 8

•he It creel tide pilcher dot~ t4 c;imhus 91ncursion

1 o \I' ina~ 1h F'rem·h II Hor~ebaek

plural ullr1P ~ame 16 Photoarapher's li Speabr

term . 18 Lol'er of 19 Wfltcr,

CJON S.\1'l'IIIM \', ~larch !!~!mi. Nt:WS IN A MINl''I'E tiN

17 Physlci.•t, lor instance

28 Confinl'rl

40 Get up l;•( .

41 Colors "l';tl · 42 High . ·~

l'orrcasl. 7.00-Nfld. :'\cw~ Rnd Sports. 7.0:1-Local Weather. 7.15-!.'anadian New! ~nrl

Srurts. . 12.45-Provincial Nrws Round· 7.35-Weather Foreca~t. up. 7.45-Ncws Summary. 1.01-T.ongine'~ Symphonettt. 8.00-Nfld. New~. 1.30-Prol'incial :'\ews. 8.15-Shipping Report. 1.45-Report from Parliament 8.2o-Kiddies Corner. ·Hill. 8.35-Cotnplcte Weather Fore- 2.01-Let's Start an Argument.

cast. 2.31-~lusical Showcase. 8.4!1-Morning Ml•rr~· go·rounu.: -1.31-lluur uf Deci.sion. 9.110-(;~nrral Prol'inci~l News. 5.01-Voit•e of Prophf!'Y· ll.llli-·Wrstward tu l\lu~ic. li.:lt-t'hihlrt•n's Stor)' Hour. !1.:11-Undt• Uill Show. 6.Utl-i'lews.

i 111.111-M~t·tin'~ rorner. 6.1:i--t':Jilillg All t'hiJ.tren. : 111.15- C:uhl~u M:ulunna. tl.ol t·- St. 'l'iluma;,' t 'hurl'!r I HJ.:JI-·Uut'ulhl' IJix. S~n·icr. i 11.01-\\'ustN'il Hit Pnrad~. 7A5-\\'hat in the World. 12.Dl-Top Twenty Five Tunes. 9.45-Dosco News. 1.00-Local and National : 10.01-Family Bible Hour.

Headline News. '10.31-National News. 1.01-Top Twenty Fil'e Tunes. 10.45-Golden Sanctuarr. 1.05-Weather Forecast. ·11.01-~!antol'ini and His 1.15-News. Orchcstr~. 1.35-~:dilorial Comment. 11.31-Ted Heath ann his 1.40-Sport~. ~lu5ir. 1.45-Art Baker's Notebook. 12.0t-Hou~cpnrly. 2-.01-Lonclon Goes Calling and 1.01-Si~n Of!.

News. 4.00-l'rovincial News. 4.05-Ranch Party and Ncwi. ll.ot-Reeord Shop and News. 6.00-~cws and Weather Fore·


6.0o-News and Forecase. 6.08-VOC:\1 Bulletin Board. 6.15-Sport~cast. 6.20-Supper Serenade. 6.45-Ncws, 7.1111-Brcak the Bank. 7 .15-Ha nk Snr1w Sr.rrnadc. 7.~0-Big Top 30. 9.45-l'\PW~. 10.00-Rurhan~ Rud1~norr~. 1Q.30-llymn~ rnr EI'Pr) on~. 10:15-Ncws. 1l.l.'i--\\·c;trrn llounrl·L'p.

·I 1.45-l'luh "5!10". 12.00-.:\cws and Cluh "590.' 2.011-C.:Ioseclown.

SUSD,\ Y, ~larch 23rd. 7.30-Sign Or.. 7.35-:'\ews. 7.40-Here's Health. 'i.~5-News.

·8.00-Radio Bible Cia~~. 8.:10-0ral Robrrts. 9 011-l'eopll''s Go,prl Hour. 9.:10·- Hl'l'il':tl !o:t·hOP$.

. ltJ.UO-Nt•IIS. ' I 0.115 -111<1 OIJ Slut')'.

W.JU -!'rank aut! 1-:rut>l. ; 10.4!\.- Hihl<' Talk•. · 11.1111-('hur('lt li~rvi•·e. . l~.l!i-Vbt:J> of Israel. '12.30-Ncws.

• 10.30-Fr.leons Lair. 11.00-Jazr. Modern. 12.00-Hillhilly Matinee. 1.00-Ballyhoo Ba Jlroom. 2.05-Sports Page. 2.15-~larch of E1•ent~. 2.3Q-Parade n( Sport~. 7.00-Sporls Today. 7.30-Salurday night country

.<tyk. 11.\lll-Grand 01~ !)pry. 8.30-0iark ,tuhilee. 8.45-Bobb)' Hammock. 11.00-Entertainmrnt t; .S.A. 11.30-0ne :\'i):hl St;,nd. 10.00-l~inal Edition. 10.30-Richard from tht Bam. 1:!.00-~lusic and XCI\'5 till tw~ 1.00-Si~n off and Nation;;J


Sl':-iD.\Y, March 23rd. 9.00-Sign On ~.,d News. ' 9.05-Sunday ~lornin11 Sr:·r·

n:ule. • IU.UO--l':<l hoi it• llt·r!r. ' I U.3U·-IICUI't'W l11111L' It 00--Th~ l 1l'UIP• 1 ·t:l JluUL

1~.00- lliutr~~ltir:. ill :-iullllll 1.011-Phila.t .. lphia Ul'l'hr>tr:;. t.:IU--S1wrt, Albllennan. :.!.05-.,JI H'tf\ Pt~~:c . 2.15-·,\'cek :r Review

: 12.35-Canadil at Work. 1 2.30-~;u~ica• Showt:a>c 4.30-Paradc of Sperl.•. 6.00-~lusic Sunny Side t.:p 8.00-Hearlbeat Theatre. R.30-~litch ~Iiller.

1.00-Wcckcnd Sport~ Review. 1.15-Sunuay Serenade. 1.30-!\'cws. 1.45-How Chri~tian :Science

Heat!,, 2.00-Rotar~·. 2.30-Mu,ic l'nlimitrrl.

~.00-SP.z \\'hn? P.30-Sunda~· Ni~hl ~lmic

Hall. 10.1111..,..;';,!:;! Edilinr, !0.30-St .• r~ of bn

111.00-.. \!:'-ic .JuH [,1:' Ynu.

' 3.45-!ihowers or Blc5sint. 4.00-Luther<•ll Hour. 4.30-This i.1 m1· Stor1·. !\.00-Eternal Li~hl. · 5.30-Lawrcnce \\'elk Show. 6.00-:\cw,,

• '12.00-.':::.n Off Rn•l Nation<!

3.30-This is the Life. •l.OO-The Twentieth Century • 4.30-Lassie • 5.00-Educatlon Forum, 5.30-Perspective. 6.00-Bnrns ani! Allen. 6.30-F~ther Knows Best.

1 7.00-December Bride. i.30-Star Performance. 8.00-Ed. SuJJh·an Show. !1.00-The World's Stase. 1!.30-Showtirnr.

I 0.00-Closcup. 10.30-E~ploratinn1. 11.00-The Late Show.

VOWR Sl'~D,\ Y, ~larch 23r4.

10.00-Tell us a Story. 10.15-Stor·y time with Nancy

Edwaru~. 10.311-l :rus:1d~rs.

· 1u.1:1 --Org:111 "usi•·· II.IMI -Serrir~ I rom Sl.

Audr .. ,l.'• t'hun·h. t~. t3- Puetl')' of \\'oudwm·rb. I~.:IU-:'\c\1'~ C~I,.011~1'. I. I HI-We~t h~r l•'oreu~t and

l'Jo.;edown. 6.00-~!u~ic of the Masters. 6.30-Hoopital and other Rc·

port'· 7.00-Ucli~iou! Scrrice ~·rom

Wr>lry United Church. 8.15-lns(rum€ntal Mu~ir. R.:lO-Lr.t There he LIJ;hl. 1!.45-~liraclr~ anrl Melndi~~ 11.00-Thc Great Ad,·P.ntur~. !1.1~-)lu~iraJ ~lnmPnf~. ~.30-Siorir~ of Great

r ilrist rna~. !l.45-Hymns to Rememhtr.

10.00-llospital and other Jle. port~.

10.15-Wrather Forecast and r.ursl. Pro~rammc

~t"s and 1\'r~ther. Sports Roundup.

th~ art• l!ret- · •o w •t ·n fun 23 Undo knlttlnl " e. er 24 Seaweed ~I Bov · .,. P il 25-, tekel, •

29 Drink~ made flf fruit juice

31 South American animals

43 Notion ·s : 44 Among ·. ··. 48 Labor ., . ;. 47lroqunian .; '

Indian · ca~t.

' 6.0:1-Bullctin Board. 6.10-NationaJ News. 6.15-Sports.

SATURDAY, March %%nd. 6.28-Sign On. 6.30-Brcakfast Club and

6.15-AI'e ~!aria Hour. 6.45-News.

! 7.00-Life with the Lyons. CJON-CJOX CIMcdown.

of Praise. . Bulletin.

. ts my Storr. Program.

DoyJrs flrrhr1tra. ."nrn \lrrnlr•~l.



)hrl h 2~rd. . . fr:r ~l••hl<·tion, i

-., .•• __ II '<lh~r. S•Jmmarr.

I Box.

•* u . uphar$ln 24 Persian prtnee 28 Middle 28 Flesh food ' 27 Health resort 30 Mlld 32 Expressed 34 Heavenly ones ar. ::;tnat 3R [.p~qt matt~n ~i rndl«n 31 Animals kept

In" fun 4~ ~o b~ II! 41 !'\umber 42 Crown H Unnatural ~, Enlry ~I W~r ~nrl ~2 Hawaiian

wruth~ ~a Rel'i!e lo4 Knight's title 55 Burden S6 Lamprey~ 57 Golf mound

DOWN I Hiah wind 2 9!1oshoneaa



" jf


II' ~0 1f


~ 'If lZ If

~ II


33 Coerce 38 Within

~ ~ 17

n I~ rr

Q r~:;: 10

!'??{ ~l ~l

'>; ~~ w~ 1r rf J5

f 17 • ~~ ·;;:

' ~' ~ .


48 Venture 50 Watch

~· I' l/0


lt:i 117 11


l1 .


" )!




6.25-Provlncial News . 6.30-Robert Farnon. 7.01-Weather Forecast. 7.02-The Right to Happlneai. 7.11i-The Hometowners . 7.30-Prol•iniial Nc1i·~. 8.01-Westcrn ~ncl I'ormlar

Hit Parade anrl News. P.ot-Lct's Sing a Hymn. 9.15-Gospel Hour. 9.45-Dosco Nell'S.

10.00-:-iews Rod Barn Dance. ll.ot-National News. 11.10-Housepart)' and News. 2.01-Sign Off.

SUNDAY, March 23rd, 6.30-Edmundo Roll and his

Orchestra. 7.01-:llclodies and l\lemories.

7.30-News and Weather Fore-cast. · I

7.31-Br~akfast Varieties. 1

7.35-Brcakfast Varieties and·

News. 8.30-Hit of the Day • 8.35-Sportscast. R.40-Breakfast Club. 9.30-Big Six Program.

10.110-News. 1 10.05-.Juke Bor Jamboree

I News. 111.30-Reddy's Varieties.

i 7.30-1 Remember When. 8.00-Showcase in Sound. 9.3Q-Church in the Wildwood. 9.45-News.


10.00-Smiths or Hollywood. 10.30-Bob Hope. 11.00-Sportcast.

and · 11.10-Cluh "590". 1.00-Sign Off.


12.00-News. 12.05-Rambling wlth Records. vous

TV SATURDAY, March 22nd.

5.30-Western. 6.00-Don 1\fcs~er. 6.30-To Be Announced, 7.00-Hal'e Gun WiJJ Trarel.

S.OD-Pesry Como Show. 9.00-Disneyland.


12.30-News. 12.45-FLhcrman's Forecast.

I. 7.30-Holiday Ranch.

-__ ..__..;... ____ 110.00-Red Skelton Show.

10.30-Hit Parade. 1.15-Sportscast. 1.30-News. 1.45-Music Stars of the

Century, 2.00-Rambling with Records. 2.5~News. 3.00-DoiJars on Parade. 4.00-Ncws. 4.05-Westcrnaires. 4.55-1'\ews. 5.00-Supper Serenade.

SATURDAY, ~larch 22nd. 6.00-National Anthem and

Sign On. 6.05-Sundial. World News

and Weather. 8.00-Robert Q. Lewis. 8,30-Fiight in Blue. 8.45-This World of .Music. 9.00-No School Today. 9.5~-:\'cws.

110.00-Jnncr' Sanctum.

• 11.00-News. 11.10-Juliette. 11.30-The Late Show.

SUNDAY, Marth 23rd • 12.00-Counlry Calendar.

. 12.30-Iunior ~fagazine. 1.30-Fighting Words.

1 2.00-Call for Music.

l 2.30-Prl'll~ Conf ere nee. 3.00-Cltlezn'• Forum.

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' I.

I i

'i I' r i

! i I

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I ! I


Page 12: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central

. ' I '•' . ;: : ~

Br Dr. Gualav Bohstedt EmerituR Profeasor of Animal HuebandrT

Unil'erslty of Wlaconsln

Propagating New Shrubs

!EFFICIENT FEEDING ~~anding Work, Br Dr. Gustav Bohstedt Emeritus l'rofe3sor of Animal Husbanar,

. Unil·ersity of Wisconsin I AND LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT Gone To Dogs Good Care For The Dry Cow . OTIAWA <CP)- Federal ex· MhlZl.'al Deficiencies Reduce Stock

OTTAWA -The home gard· ! perts have gone to the dogs in Pays In Future Produdion ener who desires a similar I' bandin~ work. . , The fam1cr's Jive>tock profits are b!!Coming more 1 plant or shrub to one already


.. . Hunting ~o~s accustomed lor i. matter of efficient management and efficient feeding A modem dairy cow has the maternal or sacrlllclal nature 10 f . ~ ~ years to pickmg up blood splat ficicnt in maj ,. and trace min~rals rob the fanner .

hl~hl~ developed that tihe spends herself at all COlli and practicall)l growing, Is 0 len uncertain how ' . · · · profits by cat:"ing mineral deficiency disea!l!:s and • 1 d • a d h d 'od to start a new one from the' 1 Br Dr. Gustav Bohstedt !~red gam.e birds n.ow are dai~· efficient use o[ feeds for growth and productinn.

puta en elf into the milk pail. In t 10 rymg-o an t e ry pert old. Some •pe•le•. are readl'ly •. Emeritus l'rofessor of Animal llusbandrJ Illy carrymg duck. hogs to . the1r iho needs good feed with special attention to salt and mlneml • • • U 1 't f w· · A sound needl to restore henelf, in preparation for future calving and future grown from seed hut seedlin~s ' n vcrsl 1 0 Jsconsm , mast~rs for bandmg - without mL,eml feed· lactation. of superior varieties are rarely w· t R t' F B d s I harmmg them. I : ing program

Too often, • as good as the puent, E. T,, tn er a IOns or roo ows ! The dogs are ~elpmg the band· I begins with however, farm• of mln~rals. ];)r, E. B. Mc~gs of I Ealon of the Kentvillr. N.S. . Pigs are not known for their ability to make extensive use. of I er~ get !? the. flightless. young of 1 the soil its~li, ere feel that the Umtcd States Department of Ex erlmental Farm Canada: forage, whether pasture, hay or silage. But brood sows, even gJ)ts the contmenl s most tmportant ; when t h c the dry cow is Agriculture has dcmonstmted n" p I t r A. "rleultur~ I .and cspecinlly yearling or older sows, come near being DB herbivor· ! ducks - mallards, pintails aml farmer maltM the non·pro· that an adequate supply of phos· epar men ° " · . ous as ruminants and horses. blacks. 1 good use <i ductlve mem· phorus duri~g the dry period IR says the only way !O secure n · Theymr.ynot . . . .,..,._, ... ,, · IN IIATCJIJSG AREAS JI , •table mnnur<', ber of tho herd re~vnrded, w1th a better flow of new plant exactly hge. t~e old 1 have tho large cent by weight, such a bulky mix· ' Under the old system of using lim~. nnd nny and they fail ":~ilk 1lurmg tho. fol.lowmg )acta· one. Is to cllvlde the or1rmal i~ 1 rumen of 11 ture may safely be sel£-fed to traps-nnd iooking in the bush for n!!Ce'<ary com-to provide feed hon. The o~os1)e 11 true. too- such a wa~· that the new plant. cow, or tho brood sows ·without danger of . nests _ usuallv onlv older birds mercia! forti· and minerals phospho~ efic\enJyiduimg thj will ha\'e both ~team an!l root. i large caecum having them too fat at farrow· . were caught and the biologists lizcr to ~~ow Dr. Rohstcdt in the quality drylk perodl tricsu te n owere r.nd thus be nblP. to ~ontlnu~ !. of a horse, but lng time. never were sure they were band· crop; tlut tn~n

d t m1 pr uc on • d d 1 th h A g od provision fo a rati am well supplier! wiih esscr.linl an amolhn At the Ohio Experiment Sta· life m epen cnt )', ey ave a ha .o I t . r ct on ing birds at the place of their . mineml• as well ns with other ~h~~~:~fmaf. Dr. Bohsledt lion, Dr. E. B. Forbes st10,~·ed .The native elderherr~·. mer!. ~~~~~~~a bY! ~ot~ ~~n~~~~:nd ~~~i~;P:f pr~ b!rth. Now. wilh the hlp of .spe. maiNiak Thlels not gor.'l management. tbnt. cowa accumul!lte tl)o vt~l ns an ornamental and also .. for · capacity tein, minerals, and vitamina, ill Cially · selected .dotgs, the b1rrlsc A second step in provirlin~

Dr. E. B. Hart, of the Unl· roldr1um and pffhosp11io

1rus ~,n tdhm Its fruit. Is onn of tho• ens1~~~' for forage or one that includes 4 or 5 per cent ean be banded right on the hatch·. vital minerals for livr;:nrl: f<'rrl·

varsity ol Wisconsin, estimated bo ies most e ect ve Y 01ur ur• shi'ubs to propagate. If ~rown' r 0 ugh n g e. of meat scrai>s or tankage and a ing grounds. ' in~ is in fred crop scire~ ion. that during a heavy laclalion, ins tho ~ry period apd m the Lm•ie:r clean culthntlon. num· 1 More and Dr. Bohstedt similar amount of soybean oil The keen . nosed dogs quickly Legumr3 ordinarily are rid:er in cows lose as much as 25 per cent latter period of lactation. · eL ~us under~r.•und stems ~il'c : more we hear meal or other oil meal, one-half . find nests biologists would mis~. minrml.q than gr:os,es. of the rolcium and phosphorus Good .management Cl!lls for ri~c to ne~/ phnl~ which can\ of the succ('Ss~ul use of silage in per cent plain or tmce mineral· · "A dog and a man can hand • It i~ not oft.en posoihle .to sup· of their skeleton. The~· e1·cn be· care durmg tho. dry period. To b dug up dnd mcv~d to new broorl sow rahons. ized aalt, from 30 to 40 per cent some 50 birds a day sometimes. ply el'ery mmer:ol re~::orrmr.nt come subject to hip nnd Je~ fmc• rc~toro t~e nutrient. r.eserves Jha 1 r. lions If Jar ei numbers~ T~is ability to utilize health· of ground alfalfa bay, and the ip or 8~." Dr. Da\·e irunro, chid: throu;:h good fc~cl nlonc. s.o thr tum because of these mineral lhms Pldlt mtot tho mhatlk. shehmtlust oca desi~ d the" !!are rcnrlilv' protecting forage therefore should rest farm grain. The mixture , ornithologist of the Canadian wild· . program nunt !nc!ude mmcrnl loue.t. ave eccn roug ge, w o 1er are e ' · , be used for farm profit, and a then would have about 15 per • 1.. . 'd . . t - &U\Jplement fcedm~.

During the drying-off and the hay ~~ &ila;:e o~ bot~. If h~r body grown by rooting dormant cut·· practical way of doing so is to us~ cent tom! protein which is a d&o : lit' serVICe, sa I 10 an m emew. . In areas kno1>11 ·tn he deficient dry period the cows, for the flr~t cond1hon rcqu1res 1t. don t h~l· tingR made from the wood of • liberal amounts of alfalfa hay in sirablo level. . The Ieder~! agency. has t~o, in trace minerals. sive free ac· time since calving, are in n posi· tnfc to f~cd a. few pounds .of BUtt· the pre1•lous year. If this "·ooti' winter rations of bred sows, and For n~rsing sows, or for hand· :teams workmg extensively Wilb: cess to a divided mineral box tion to restore their necc~sary able grm!l nnxture. Protem level Is examinerl, rid-l!es or ncr\"' ; to perhaps less extent, nursinS' feeding either bred or nursing 'dogs. . I . ' with trace mineraliced sait on reserve nutri~nts. Nnt merely the of the .mlxturt> woulti, depend on will be found on each strm. sows. sows, the ground alfalfa hay mnv . Bm·me Gallop, 32. a natii'C of one side and honcmml or other :vhen rr..,,,, •.:rap, ~! · \iaible rfl'cn·cs thnt show up as t~o kmd and quahty .of. the Normalh· two buns arc nrc~rnt Ld us save 11 ton or two of be redured to 15 per cent or, with )lontreal, and Alex Dzubin, 2~. of ~uitahle phosphate anrl )!r0tmrl ammal h,.,,,,dutt• 11ood condition of flrsh. but also rough.?._gef fed: WhefJtmltj!d ~n opposite sides of each nodr. t the best and leafiest hay that we really superior hny, even to 10 ~!alai. B.C. operate out of Sa~- limestone on the otlm side. Often ~tajor rrnll:'"''·n the in,isihlp reserves. the miner· amloun ... 0

1 gcmltn 8!'0turo aofmlne· Stems should be cut In pier"< ha\'r, such as second cutting al· per cent of the mixture. The katoon: Harry Webster, 41. ••i it is a good i,:ea to mix a liitlr ~?unmcen '~ 11"' ;·• •- d 't · that t red era supp em n mix on · f If If If • d 'th th t d 'I • L'll t B C d B b H · ' · I b I h 01 or P "' ;•.:orm a .. an \1 amtns oro so art traco mineralized salt and with one or more nodes to each ' a a, oro n a m1xe o,y1 o ~r mea sc~ps an 01 mea. may · 1 ooe , .. , an o arn•.. "alt w1tb t 1e onrmca '. or t c A minerollen.ior.•

In the skt>letons, the liver, and ~no or two parts of dicalcium cutting. Cut tiM~ shoulll be !egum~ and grasses, .Just so 1t then be mcreased by about ~ne of Vapcoul'er, work out of 1\ limestone-honemrnl mtxt 11 re. servin~ thr'e f.w' · other organs of tho bod~·. In phosphate or steamed bonemtlllt collected In late !nil or winter . !s le~~: ~r~l'! nthd S\\het s~:ll· pe~tab'r' ;ach '\~ake the railon monton. merely to krcp it from grttin:: cfTrctil·• and r addition to redoring her re· sh~ld pro,ide the neccssar;t tin<l In bundle~ and buried i~ In!(. mrl'lllnc qtlll.Jpspcdrwo'!llgh aa threme: smS he or ti~uc l~gt sow~. Ia l'nitcd ~tate~. bander~ hal·c dusty and unpal,tt<ohle. difficult to a; rl· .. Hrves during the dry pl'riod, the m!!lernl.! ' d d 1 mer c uc a ra on m1x ure IS re • been workmg with dogs for the row I• meeting lnrcc~ nnd larl(er Th' ·11 f 1 th 1 ed &rod damp ~aw 1:st, san or r:en · Pi~~ths jncl! screen. nnd we hnye tiv~ly simple and econon:rical as last few years but Gololppio· ______ _ nutrient demands of the growing mine:ln n~d~nofothee de cow !Toward sprm~. lhfse cutun~', a .'1tamJ.n·rich Iced that re~d!ly cfllcient. So the neered their us~ in Canada , . . . fetuL will 8 oft in bettor cai.Z. IUid ma~· be set m flats or bo.x<'~ · m1xea mfh any ground gram or nutrJCnts of such 11 rahon are Ql'ICK WORK · out. a pmr of hoots PI rry .•Ix 1 Tl .\ ro m \' JEn

It b vital to make sure she re· • b ~ y od · b h containin!! the same mnler1nls concentmle. concerned, they would assure a .. weeks m the sununer handm~ . __ _ .n· .. the right kind and amount l~ctaU~~r pr uction t roue out and placed in a warm basement I When ndded to a mil('.lm In yi!lOr~us litter of pigs at farrow· s L~st ~u~mer. re~r semon. usuallr mo>l hectic Ill :\10:'\Tfll' II '1 -

• or room At least one node , mnounts of from 30 to 40 per mg t1me. 1 ·as .. 0 oplaGndr . zu. m an ,c< '.July ami Au~.:ust. Trou~ers. tol'll Canada A1: l.iro, ,,.

----------------------- . • , a:; many as 1 w,·s m one t . 1 d 1 . b 1 ; · · .. should be buried. The emer·j 1 ·'th 11 h 1 f tl d h;.' t wms an s 1111 p ranc 1es., It expects In '··'e youth Is trouble's equalizer gence of st.ems and r.oot~ is

1 s~nd, peat oy sawdust, and j ~ACK TOB ~ER \1 ~he ~~nd~r~le~ cr!~v b~~~ed o,·: are replaced often. . f~~:~t jrt a:r : ;,[: 1:

youth can bear most any usual!)' rapid and I'I!!Oron•. Mer gro11n m a nursery row CARI.bTON PLACE, Ont. ICPl 390 11 d f • 'd J 1 ' The dogs ae carcfulh sr!ect~d' UoH. The pi.·Pr • ~,.e.lght riding on the crest and voug plant~ ma\" he set out I for a vcar or two until the)·' -Residents of this Ottawa Valley .dm\a art 53 rt~m5 ~t 1h d. une 0

1• and trained. They u>uall~- hc~in Dougln> Ill r. ,, to~

. . . . . d r . d . d . f I t I . . . t I I !low the snln mi ., ugus ' • ,,, ~I ogs. I tl . f r· . tl I t . . 'I t of heartache ••• using faith of doors when thr anger o :reach the eme s1:1e or trans- 1 own M\.c \? et o a . • c 1 Later when the birds are >lot 1 II'.Irn .1e~ are ?''·r or 11~ n~on '~ Iai~ P• o ~ aao . to alter !ate .•. with adv&nc· se\'crc !rMt is o\'cr. , planting. 1 of 1~ hc~nced ~rcm1s~s for hi' hunicrs. numbers on the leg I old anrt11:ork with an cxpcnencct. go mt~ ,rn''' "'"r . ing a~e our burdens . • . get The high bust crnnbcrr~·. like! the fir.sttun: m 40 :~cars. \ ot.ers I bi:mds will be checked with de·. dog .t';~ fir;'' sea,on. ~Yn the ~ext I unspecified rlat• •n It;~

I to be a heavy load . through 1'ts •lose relatil'e the old·1 FIS!> GEXGJIIS BIRTilrt.,\CE 1 appro\ c~ b~ 1.~97 to hgi7 the sale tai'lcd record~ showinn where the 1 yea! the~ are prctl~ ~ooct. . . I ' ' · · · S · t 'beer m prem1ses II' ere women I • • ~ , _____ _ experience has taught us . , • fashioned snowball bush, I~ MO:SCO\~ IReutersl - OI'Ie 1 °' d l'ttcd and b 1477 to 980 bird was banded and its weight '

Sketches by

BEN BURRO\JGBS how to trod life's rock~· road easll)' propagated b'· burving, archaeologists hal'e found the are n Ill · Y 1' 'r and size at the time I TR \XSFER :lll'SEDf Kll.l.F.D I ' • · · 'I 1 place near the Soviet ~Iongo\ ' lhe sale of beer m a1·erns or ' . · . · · . · . · . . .._ __________ •

1 ... ure Is like a giant bubb e ·the lower branches m sol· . h th M • 1

1 I m n onlv sHuntmg dogs with "good noses. I OTT.\\\',\ •CP•-Tlw l'ana,han .. • , • • ,, •. , made of smiles an~ r\oubts ·I Roots appear read!IY. from an)' I frontier w ~r~ e ongo con-, e · · i s.ort .~ouths and. good dis~osi·

1 l':ar ~lu>eum. Ion~ a part of th<'.

THE \\ EIGJIT OF \EARS 1 and !cars •.. flying tngh, then young stem that IS m contact ~ueror Gcnnhis .. Kha\~vas bor~ 1

lions are u~ed. Bill, short-hmred Canadian puhl1c archi1cs. 11 ill lv· A.\1.\1.\ \. .rr.·~an \f All or us must cnrry burdens , zooming downward ••• burst· II with damp soil for a few weeks 10 1 162• the ~0~~~. nde ,5 agcnc. · CAXBERRA. Australia IR~u- · dcgs a1·e fm·ored because the~·: tran>fcrr,•d to the humna hi<tory m iIi 1 a' : •. "'J'1~~<l

•. • . as we proceed through I ing with the weight of years. in the eaL'l!• growi~g season. Tass reporte Las a~. 'Lersl - Prime Minister :\tcn~ies. c~n. work long hours :md do not·, branch o~ the :\ational )iu>eum of T.hursday li<<•' •n this Jl(e •.• each at one time The !ollowmg sprmg these II Thursday announced U \ appmn\· · p1rk 11p burrs. Canada. It was announced Tl111rs-. k1lled a J<mbr.;an or another ...• has a certain I I rooted stems are detached from TOWNSEND J~EAVES AFRICA . mcnt of A. R. Downer. as fer!· Chasir.g through t~c undPrhrush 1 da:·. Dr. \1'. Knyc Lamb. Do·, a frontie ,·illa£r ~hare o[ ~tr1fe ... some are. the parent plant, set In a nurs· ALGIERS !Reuters\ _ World·' era! minister of' immi~rallou. sue· each da~· for weeks Is tough work I minion archi,·ist. will he sue.· spokesman ~a'C. 1r~ h~dlcapped. quite early • • • I \\'hen you consider the num·: ery row and ~rown one or touring Group Copt. Peter Town- 1 ceeding A.t~ol Townley. who he- for hoth men and .dogs. cecdcda~ chairman of tlw 1\ar 1 plowin!! imi~e .!orca: With the gmf th~t Ill health


. ber o! people who want an· i more years hefore moving to : send. onetime "uitor of .Princess c6mcs m•mster. for supply and; Thr men. follo1~·mg the do~s musrum boardb~· D1·. .hc~u~s: v:hrna thrrr-n<Jn I<rl!; brings ... yes, mufortune fol· other chance, It's no wonder •


: their permanent place. Dormnnt · ::llargmet, embarked with his , defence productiOn. mrh hag.< of hnndm'! gear. wear RouS>~au. rlire~tor o' J!w branch.' opcnrd lowa mankmd . • • touching llllehlgan judge call• marriage cuttings o[ the previous year's i jeep Wednesday night for France 1

1 knaves and might~· kings • • • a lotlery. wood may be rooted In damp ; after roving through Africa.

• I




2 X 3

2 X 5


2 X 6









Blue, Red, , Green ''JUMBO", 36 in., lOS square feet. ''RUBEROID", 18 in., 36 in.,

45 and 55 lbs. TARRED FELT, 36in., 1.5 lbs. SLATE SURFACE, 18 in., Red and Green PlASTIC CEMENT ENGLISH TAR, Ss, 40s ROOF COATING, 1-~ gallon tins





W' 4'x8' PLYWOOD

'!4 in., % in., % ln.,




CHICK STARTENA CHICK GROWENA Improved" with formula 1021


Formula 1028 · is a combination of growth

promoting · ingredients, consisting of Anti·

bictics, Ultamin B-12 and other vitamins. It's

called 1028 because it was developed after 1028




e Store With the Checkerboard Sign

• • •. • ILII .•.•• •--.-:-,

r s· is Pagt

e Gre~

-motion picture almost in its cntil walls of San Que

of Numbt a suspense· pac

award·winncr J in a < with the femmmc I

llGWs exciting Barbara Lang. .

play was wrr Rouse. who also Don ~I. :llankie\•

the explosive f Based on a natio ston· by Jack Fin

the ingenious 3 man is ab!e to csc;.pe o! h1,; co~

01·er the wnlls of · The conl'ict's wife

but subscque object of the

the two wi

act or origi Hollywood Cor

Graziano's f; Up There I



Page 13: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central

I l:l \


NEWS, ST._ J-~~N'S, NFLD •. SATUROAY, MARCH 22, 1958

or Stove Oil and Fuel Oi'l one 7 469 or 3007

f~is Page Is Presented With The Compli~ents Of

Great Eastern Oil & Import Co., Ltd.

·~ I ~::li'l'\~

:. •.::; t ·1: t: ll .• .• \ .. :1:!'l'l'~ .. n -,

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:·· )h;.\r. , ,,_ .:~~ n1'''" . B-1:: -~: .: 1. . ·:..;

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:-~ ;.:' ~· :-: .:"1~;;nr£' in : .. • .: H· •.· ·-·-~-i~!ll." ''' _ '.'· ·:, p!ati·

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~l~ ~i'' ··, !.':~-· ·!i!p in .. "·' ··:·_:·t dub

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.I Stnnr. ! : ' ;. c ,,.j :u:a II)'

·~ I! '> .,. ·< inr the Rd1 r;,,,::c :,,,., !athrr :1~: ri' T'.rrr l.ikrs

IH•rc .r:•·:1.o~~C' •PC • ! ·! m the


t. ~ --------- "Uncle Charlie," has a deep~r

!insight into human nature than Capitol the people who think him crazy. 1 By giving his money away to

To-day 1 bookies, thieves and neuratics he

; proves thr.t people need help, ------ ·---- i e1·en undeserving ones, and that

' the need for self-respect and i "GOD IS MY PARTNER" WITH ,Jove is more important than

I WALTER BRENNAN : monc)'. He puts into practice his

_ :belief that ev,eryone should give WJlter Brennan threc·limc to God from the heart. . ,- NORm


Academy Award·~inner and I In bringing this warm:heart-

11 one of Hollywood's most dis·: e~ story to the screen Ducctor tingulshed character actors, \\ illiam F. Caxton has let the heads the cast or "God Is lily classic message of "Faith, hope, Partner" a warm tender story ch~ity-the greatest of these is

\\'EST • i54 ~ ¥09863 • 53 ,r.g 5

• 10 2 + K i4 •J a; a


.AS ' ¥K54

• Q9862 ... A6~

SOt:TJI • J 106 'AJ7 + AJ 10 ... KQ 102

!\o1 th and South vulnerable F.ast South West North 1 t I N.1'. Pass 2 N.T . I'.J>~ :l N .1'. P~ss Pass Fot.'S

Opt·ning lead-¥ 6

· 'of one 'man's faiih and gener· charity" shine lhr?u~h the , osity, opens tomorrow at the amusing and tend~r mc1dents. . Capitol Theatre. Co·starring in In the supportmg cast of 1 this Regalscope picture. releas· "God Is lily Partner" are s~ch ed by Twentieth Century-Fox, stellar players as Nelson Leagh,

, arc John Hoyt, ~!arion Ross and , Charles Lane, ellen ~orby, Paul . Jesse White. i Cavanagh, NEoncy Kulp, John ,

The story by Charles Francis·: Harmon and Charles Gray. I Royal deals with the eccentrici·j SPECIAL ADDED ties of a great .surgeon who I ATTRACTION

. turns philanthropist in such a "Copper Sky;, peculiar way that his nephews 1 • ,

' force an injunction on his bank , Marauding Apache~. 1\'iping 'account and hire a lawyer to: out entire settlements and fight· • prove him mentally incompe·. ing bloody battles with U.S. . tent. His niece, played by ; Cavalry troops, furnish the ex· !llr.rion Ross. who is a lawyer. citing action in "Copper Sky . .' a I undertakes his defense. Regal Films' adventure story

In the course of the trial it Is · also opens tomorrow at the ! brought out that Brennan. as 1 Capitol Theatre. Jeff Morrow , -------- ' and Coleen Gray are the star1

Written for ~EA Service ·Joe played low and Wes~ had ; and the supporting cast includes Hartl Luck Joe's no·trump no trouble playing the eight. Strother Martin, Paul Brlnegr,r,

,,l·t:rcall was t•xempla.ry and· Now. all East had to do was to John Pickard, Pat O'lloore, 1

whale he only held 16 poants his grab has ace of spades the first Jack Lomas Bill Harne Doroth~· thaw len spot; were full justifi· , time the suit wus led and give Schuyler a~d· thousands of In· cation for his game bid. i his partner three heart tricks dians and cavalrymen.


\\'est led the six of hearts. Joe. to Ret Joe one trick. played small from the dummy: "What a lead,' yelled Joe. ''The story of "Cooper Sk)'" re­nnd blilhclr slapped the ace of "Nothing like a re·entry anti he volves around a prim Boston lw:u·ts on East's king, He next 1 still leads his own suit!'' school tec.cher, who goes West lr-id down the king of clubs. ' "What a p 1 a r", moaned to teach in a small town, an~ a Ea~t took the ace immcdiatclr :North. "Another game out the tough U.S. Cavalryman. :Mass .1m! returned the five o! hearts. ; window!" I Gra)' Is the an~ :'llr.

------ ..... ··---·- I Do you see where Joe went Morrow Is the whisky-drmklng yard~ ol San Quentin. with 1 wrong? He should have let East I soldier and they are thrown to· m:-ny of it~ inmates and cor· · hold the first trick. This would , gether when llllss Gray finds the reel ion u!ficcrs taking part in ' hnve cost Joe one hc!ll't trick !little town completely wiped ont tl~t· scenes, which _were filmed . hut It would hnve cost East and

1. by Apaches. Morr~w hr.:!. es·

wath thl' coopcrntaon of the . West two heart tricks and Joe capcd the rampagang Indaans Sl:l te of California Department · would have made game and , because he was In jail drunk of l'orrcctions and Warden Har· , rubber. i the night o! the attack. How Icy 0. Teets. 1 East had opened the bidding. 1 the two face hardships together

The nw picture was produced He needed both aces for his and the efforts of Mass Gray to by Charles Schnee, producer of i opening bid so that West could change Morrow's character pr()o the memorable "Trial'' and the' h&ve no entry to his hand. Joe vide the drama and romance In hnrd • hitting "Somebody Up 'would .duck the second heart Eric Norden's screenplay. Thcrl' LikPs ~le." Director Rus· IJead also and then the defense ·1 Charles Marquis warren, s~ll R~use. score~ at IIIG.M could hnve done anything they . whose recent film~ include wath has dar~cll,?n of The Fast· . wanted to but .Toe would have : "Trooper Hook," and Rrgal est Gun Ah\'e. :had time to establish both black ! Films' "Unknown Terror" and

i suits. · 1 ''Back from the Dead," directed · the picture. Robert Stabler WM

the producer and the picture Is i . a Tw~ntleth Century-Fox re· j

. Q-The bidding has been: I lease. j West North East South 1 1. H 3+ 4•

I' Double Pass Pas1 ? · You, South, hold: I ,A~32 ¥K9765 tQ JUU •o:


TQ .. DAY I What do you do? ·I

I A-Bid five diamonds. Crowd ! the bidding against the oppo· ' We get a smile out of the nents. i link flashlights advertised for


Added Attraction

TIMES OF SHOWSs -·•·''u-",r.m, IS MY PARTNER"-'J o'clock-U'

"COPPER SKY"-8.25 MATISEE-2 p.m.

.... , ..... A11,P.,RICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENTs -·~r.~-An,,,Ts. · · · 75c, CHILDREN ..•..• 35c,

. SOc. CHILDREN. . . . . 25c,



milady's purse. ;\iost women The bidding continues with :should keep the eontents In the

five hearts by West, six dla· l dark. ! monds by your partner and

1 • • •

:seven 1pades by East. What do: No matter what yon dn · ·you do now?


1 wrong you can always find (Answer ~omorrow) siimeone who knew you would.











\V:' ~OO't) ~~·;;•; \."<:."'\ ~"C. 'C~~\'t\)_

',,.,,TV Mmu:

~. ~t.'S, 'S'S'\ "'i"!'\\'Q C>\~N '\ '\(~ ... ~ ~- 1:.'\'?l~l..l'C.\..\.. \.~R'V, ~~ t"'l?i•.(.'i:.'Q ~ •s'i:.ft>,\:i'\'4 r:!\~~\c • ...





.. .__ ..... ________ ..,;,_t,.,.........., ______ ...:. ___ ....J_ ,.__ __ . ...,."-'-::;,; .. ---~-~-

' ' '

Not- did I find much bothEr ..

Learnin9 XYZ heart ... t


\• I ,I I .

. I

. '

I i , I r'

I i 'I I, I!

. ' . ' '

i I

j l I !

t l

-:1 ~ I ,. I '



Page 14: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central

, I'' .-

' I .

' I

l j ,·>·

.. 4 "' ;.··


FILM SOCIETY It is proposed to establish, under the


of Newfoundland, a FILM SOCIETY to

show TO MEMBERS ONLY outstanding

non-commercial Films from all parts of the

World. The probable membership fee

will be $6.00 per person, for six perform­ances.

Those interested are asked to send their

names, addresses and telephone numbers to the




not later than March 21st


SWEEPSTAKE In Aid of the Lions Club Swimming Pool



in beautiful two·tone finish

SOc. a tickct-3 for $1.00 - $5.00 book of 15

{One prize per person)

ClOTHES make the man H CHAFf makes :he' dothes





CO., 'LTD. Radio, Trlc1·ision \\'ashr.u. llefrigerators Deep Freezers.

· Electric Ran,~:ers. Floor Polishers, Gramophonr~

Public Address S)·stcms, Tape Recorder~


DIAL 3001 to 3005

WATER ST. ;an26.1\'.


IUIR STY:LING and all '-''pes or

PEml,\~1;~1' WA\'I~G

or.~~ rnmt Tm:sDA r · TO SATURDAY

DIAL 5477



S. P. C. A. The Monthly General Meeting of the Society will be held on TUESDAY, 25th March, at 8 p.m., in the Board Room of the Department of Education, Fort Williams.

Members of the public ore cordially invited to attend,

DOREEN MURRAY, Secretary ·-···- ----------. ---

TO -LET The premises formerly occupied by May­

fair Shoe Shop, locate~ at 165 Water St.

Interested parties apply to

P.O. BOX 980, ST. JOHN'S


. I '· 1 (Residence late / Mr. John MrNeiiiJ


r ;,rses, Cows,

Scarifiers, Harrows,

Green Houses, ~oot,

Flowers, etc,

2 Express Wagons

To-day, Saturday March 22nd

at 3 p.m.

3 Hor$e$, Jersey Cow ( 1 ------ month in calf), Jersey Cow


(5 months in calf), 3 Scoro­fiers, Di$C Harrow, Power Hey-mower, set Pin Harrow,

on all Dimensional Chain Harrow, Manure Hearing to ·Spreader, Hoy Rake, Mow-ACOUSTICON ing Machine, Roller, Hoy

Cart, Box Cart, Lot Cor Hor. O'BRIEN CO. . ness, set double Harness, 2

Hearing Aid Slides, quantity of Hoy, £'onsultani5. 1 R Fl

1 ~0 ~cw {;ower St. or~ J assortment oot ow· Come! Brazil Sq. ers, Green Houses and

Dial 5264 Sundry other articles.

CAR PARKING I ~.R,-(;oods In br paid lor and taken rlelirer~· of immrlliatel~· aflc1· Sal~.

We hove a few PRIVATE PARKING SPACES available on our wharf in rear of Canadian Bonk of Commerce.

For terms apply to our Wharf Superintend­ent, MR. REARDIGAN, 2101.

Baine Johnston Co., Ltd.

Joseph Fitzgibbon




The Engin Career



Technical Officers are ''ei!cled , Aeronautical, Armament, Con~tru / . . M b'l E . t. 01 grneenng, o 1 c qu1pmer:t o~d

municotions Branches. Offi~~n ,1 Branches serve at RC/>F li<Hion;· Canada and overseas ..

Graduate~ between :he nge, of 18 in the focu I lies of Engi:~rr 1 ing · c. H " I . .~c:P.nce, onours ,,at 1rmat:c~. Chemistry or Genera! ~ri~,c~ con career irt any of The R.C..Ap1

Branches. Aside from prof~C>.ona! tio~s a~ important requiremr.n: of c~, off1cer :s that he possess qunll,:e1 c!'! ship end management so tlw he :1 •

har1dle men os experily o< he CQ" -~ rrc

Within his own sphere of '"'P~n!:o:!'r technical officer has g•ec,! ''0:-JP. fer C1smg his intelligencr, i:·>~·:>,! 0.;

genuity. ·

Normally, engineering grodo:,·o~ 01,

ed permanent commission~. If rh~ 1 c·,,, accept a short service commi,; on. !f!;· l:tter apply for a pcrmonen1 comrr:!/ Promotion is based on demon:r,or•• end merit. -~




ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. 'PHONE: 7153 or 7154


--------------------------------------------------------AUTO ACCESSORIES ELECTRICAL

~~~~-- ------ APPLIANCES CAN/\Dl:'ll TIRE





A compl~l~ llnf of AUTO ACCESSORIES

alwars in slock DIAL 911141

REID'S CONFECTIONERY C'igarclles. t"ruit. Ice Cream

11r·' Drink~.

We Gin Good Strviet. Roll'an Strelt. Dlat 910!14

For the Fr~shP~t Fruit io c:r.Nt~RAI. DARilWARE RA I:'IIE JOIINSTON Town c:tll Distributors for Sunbeam CO~IPANY, LTD. F.:\-IPIRF. FRUIT STORE Electrical Applianm.

Agrnc.v nepartmtnl IH Patrick Street, Dial 2R~2 Sporting Goods and Sporf~-24~ Water Sl. Dial %102 376 Duckworth St.. Dial 3911 wear for all occa~ons.

l.>istrihnlecl uy FRt\!1/K :\lc N,mARA f.TD. QuePn St. I>ial fil-13, ~4


fOUR Jo'RIGTDAIRE ____ t_L_oc ... a._llo..,n~_: _____ _,;D;;.;I""'AI,_ • .;.sn,_t6;.._, __ MEAT MARKETS C~NTRACTORS DEALER --------------FIRE INjURANCE HEATING JI~f ~HIELDs

Nflu. HARUJ..D SNOW Armature & SO:'\, LTD. cr,;;;Miii \'.''Ilks Industrial El~drlclan•

HF.AP ~ PAIIT:\ERS l!'l,.~nu~s~'B"I"'!!E;~(~',O~.-. "'L'='~T:~!!D~. -- r.:~~:T~:o:"::"---- c~r. ntE!mW.\TER ·and ::\FLD.) LTJ: "'" D. C. BlSIIOP PENNYWF.T.I. ROAD

Wirinl: M~trriab, Wlr~ ftnd Agcnls lor 127 SEW GOWER ST. DJo\1, 3469 C "I u t St t UNDERWRITERS AT n!AJ, 3317 Cr.0111lete Up·lo-date ~" ~~. .HO or~. , ar ers, 1 1 O\'D~ Lamp~. Switches. Lightinr '' ' · c,mpl~t~ Plumbing 11ntl Mral Mark PI


l\OTICE For Apprai~als ot )1(•al E>tate

and Auctions in prh·ate hom~'-

DlAL 9o:n~ JOHN D. O'DR!Sf'OJ.L

:-\o. I Bidclorrl Place


~ :\UfEirS SER\'J(;E .ST.\TIO.'>

T!WSMI. ROo\ 0

H. \\'. J, \~'\1\



KIN! ewspa~


I 23 30 21 26 16 25 27 24 22 17 20


W/J An -01

Ea Import


WA ,,,.,j(,.. Bar::rick QIUr.:7 2~~mlltnn Sl~~~t.' 4357 !! Street

Dial 7191·2 Ce~TRACTORS

Fi\ture~. etc. LOW RATES Healing Ser\'icr w~nEnoL•sB PRmcEA sT. ___ .n .... IA-t,_,~ .... 03-.t -- ER:'\ · 1- c ou~ 0 ... - PIANOS and ORGANS

DIAL snso " • PS L .}, ,-\, For all your PAINTING, ___ ..;,;o;,;..,;..o..-- FISH STORES LI.\HTED ROO~'ING, and CHIMNEY ELECTRICAL SERVICE McCLARY AUTO\!ATIC: A. L. COLLIS

• 1~'.-\SHJ~c; • t;H~;ASI:\G '£JnE REPMRS

IliA!. 3:;18 . ~WELL QUALIF

___ __,1!''· ENOGRAPHi






For all your BU:Iding Requirements caU

80161 - 80118



Complete up-to·da' e Sfl'\'ic~ Mcrrymeellnr. Road




Complete Church Furnish lngs and Religious ArtlcleJ

DIAL 4552 166 WATER ST.


COMPOUNDS ~~~~----~---R. J. C:'OLEM.-\N LTP.

DI.JSTBANE Newfoundland'• Cleanest

word. Obtainable at R. J. COLEMAN LTD.

246 • 248 DUCKWORTH ST. DIAL 2415

S CITY FISH sunp WARM AIR CONDITIONING Piano and Orzan Shn11·room: REPAIR. ...,.~.....,.....,.....,...,.--- .., • 0 W'\TE T ONES ELECTRIC 38 PR};scon ST. ·• ' R s • rorS.-\11, ROAD

DIAL 22%6 DIAl· 41R~ Dial 490ZA 60 P~rA~~;~ ST. Serl'icc, Quality, Variety Factory: Water St., llr. Grace

HEATING ' P.O. Box 31i8 Specialists in Motors, U

At reasonable rate1. PRONE 934308.


Guaranteed agains. Culs. Blowouls, Bruises,

Under Innation. Call ~1.-\RSHAJ,L ~IOTORS

Water St. :Jial 80031 CONTRACTORS

SUr PLIES Generators, steam Irons and _F~R~N=IT~U~R~E~M~O~V~E~R~S- c. A. HUBLEY, LTD. PHOTOGRAPHY

all Househol•l Appliances. ::; PLUMBING and HEATING SHEPPARD'S SER\'ICE HOUSEHOLD !!.OVERS ~~~~~~'!"'""-


SERVICE Packing, Crating. Shipping DIAL 2M8 " "" ·• :e~l~Ta~~ vZ~~::. EIPr!rleal Contractor Agentt for Allied Van Lines HEARING AIDS WPdding Photo~. Portraits BATTERY CHARGJNr.

• '08 "'atftr street, T. c. HIBBS, Mana•n and CommPrcial Photography GREASING Structural and Re-ln.orcinJ ' " • D D 09 Steel lit. John's, Newroundlantl. Res. 6455; ,Office 90001·2 BEL TONE HE.A''UNG CA:\IERA SHOI:- ______ 1_A_L,.2_1 ___ -~-1 T\\1 DIAL 80171 ------t'-ho_n_~ _6_st4_____ LEDREW'S EXP"ESS LTD GLASSES

- ------------ 87 1.0!1/t-:'S RILL ;.NGINES 13ft DUCKWORTD ST. BE' TONE I>JAI "612L r::: J..oeal and lon£ di.tnn•·• moTin~ ..., • 1

DRUG STORES P•rklng, mUng And shlppinJ, I-I£ARING Newloundlaud 1·icws arlistic·

-------------- ------------- Membero or c.w.A. and M.M.T.A GLASSES ally mounted and fr·amtd.

E S Aa•nh lor l!nlled Van Unu. • and • BARBOUR LTD. D. R. L•DRF.W, ~IANAGr.R CALL See our selection. Distributors of: Olll•·• e•l.~. Worrhoa .. ao.m S. W. SHOR1



SERVICE • on. •·uasAl'" o Rl:t'IIJGF.BATOIIS e W:\SHI-:KS • lt.\Stit~



can be obtained at CONNORS Dlll!G STORE

334 WA'fER ST.

ll:ch·in Marine Diesels K~l\'in Ricardo Gas E:ngin~s

Full Line of Spare Parts. m . 474 WA'fER ST. LARA(;\''S

REMEMBRANCE SHOP Gills, Games, 'foys,

Noveltie~. Cout's Cards for all occasions

DIAl, 4265




Covering St. John'! with Fast, Efficient Service. 14 RAMILTON AVE.

OIAL 8985


DIAl, 4Rll



Uea1·y Equipment to Rlret Gr..deu, Cune Tracks.

Cruohed Slone, Rold Grovel deUvem· n.oo per ton.


Phone ~417-~MB Wattr At. Wrst ~t. Job•'•·


Serl'ing St. John'P from '1 locations:



You Choice of what you n••r,. DIAL 6160




. WHOSt BIRTHDAY! Certainly a handmac;e articiP from NONIA if only the Best

will do.



EASY MONTJILY PAYMEl,'TS • Storm Sashes 1nd Doon o Add that utn roomo. o Modernlrr 1our klteheno

Contact W. R. Po\R~ONI LTD.

L11n5 rnnd Rtt1d Dill "ltl!,~


IH0:\1PSON JE\1."EllER'i 303 WATER ST.

l\FLD. CO .. LTD. l'IA~OS .\ND t'Rt..&.\'S . New Location:

~09 • %11 DUCKWORTH Sl': Paper ~nd Paprr Products

WHOLESALE O~LY DAIL 62fl8 · 7636




·APPLIANCES. DIAL 3001 to 3005



·runin~ 111d RPpairint. 0\.,.r Thir r.v "'f'ar.\• t''>()t'ril'rlrr Ullurr~ l'ompe:rnt \t>r,·iC'inJ.:

E. R. ROGERS 13 ~lt·F.arbn• ~t.

•rhnne c~t;7






T.\'.·Radio·Car Radio Repain· ALLIED AGE:'\CIES 705 WATER STREET F RES R IE

24 Hour Service for Repair& !o Motors, Generatou and

Household Appliances. 317 HA.V..d.. TON A \'ENllE

DIAL 80059

\'ou can buy your grocenr> Just as cheap as in St. John r and ha1•e them deli\' IP your rlror ll'lthout charge.

\\'hen selecting a Diamond ·Ring see our pril•ate Diamond <tooth.

CALl. 6865 With Free Tricolour F1:uhUr•

ll1AL 5199 302 WATER ST. OIAL 7410

At Night. Day. Holiday or CALL 5675 Sunday for Fast Service and ALLIED AGESCIES Guaranteed work CAll 7727A. 217 New Gower St. We 1(1\'e D.P .S. Stamps DIAL 4502

Designed For Our Readers' Con venien ~------------------------~----------~------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------~

reply~ ref

BOX 37




Page 15: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central


~E R.C.4.F : RA.TE • AR.


:ET, LD. 154


r1t:f.:.·· 1 ~trtr~ r. r 1 ' 1 r 1 ·,· '

~·~ , \!. II \.\u!:l


NFLD., SATURDAY MAR;,;;C;...;.H ...:2;;.:2,~1;..:.9.:;58:,_ _____________________________________ _





~-, ... ~­...

. ·.

32 44 43 35 40 33 31 41 37

G 59 48 49 54 56 46 51 60 52 57


0 65 61 74 72 63 64 70 66 71 67 68 75 73



\VANTED An Office Boy

Apply to

~reat Eastern Import Co.,

Oil & Ltd.


GUARANTEED SAlARY coe,.ng for man between ages 28

(!for ;n'"' ed pcsiiion. Retirement benefits, l~;.;ro~.' :· and Hospitalization benefits

G,~ L:; rc:rt,culars a~ to ooe. experience, ~n~ .. Pens of residence in St. John's.

R~' ~J!', 1 care Doily News. :~ :~ : ~ ~ . ·. ~;


Please re?ly giving full detail,; and references to

BOX 37 care Daily News ...... , .. _ .. _______ _ BAKER




End Bakery Ltd.


typist; shorthand helpful but not · Duties to commence April 1st.

stating experience to

P.o. BOX E-51 04 ST. JOHN'S 2" 2~ I

. -- - ·---~------


20-35, to work a City Terri· 011 Specialized Produds. Apply in

10 P.O. BOX 696, stating age, and experience.

.... ______ _ In ·rhe News


St. John's Central .

AMBASSADOR BI•:Al'T\' Pt\RI.Ol'R 2~6 W:1ter Street

lllal 30Rn

St. John's North


Elizabeth Avr. Dial 9019!1

NU-VOGUE nt:AUIT p,\nt.Ol'R

Rnwnn st. llinl !11055

St. John's East


67 Queen's Rd. Dial 6403 ----·- ..... -- --MARGUERITE'S

BF.AUTY PARLOUR 4 Prescott St. Dial 6398


II WIWIIIIIWI Ull(d Ill llliWl llilllUJI

Uancing, Dining-Nitety. Steaks Specialty.

~ion. to Sat. 5 p.m.-1 a.m Brookfield Rd. 'fel. 90026

***********' Velvet Horn



9 om. to 11 p.m.



Cavendish Sq. Dial 7385 I~"'!""---~------'




lliat 6929 Rrs. nlli6H

ST. JOliN'S Cf::\''fRJll,


Water 'St. \\'. Dial 301l


- 4•••--· ·- ---------------


lliat 2206 -----

-St. J~hn's North -------------AYLWARD'S

PHAR~IAC'V Cor. ~lonch)' & Empire Ave

'Dial 90070


Cor. Mayor and MerrymeetinJ( Rd,

lliAL ~388 --------:--------

:A Girl to work in ; : Modern Home. 1

I liberal outings. Highest

wages. Must be fond of children. Reference re- 1

; quired. j Di21l 6002 '

for appointment. I--- - . -- - ~----~----

~ H.C.A.A. :

The regular meeting of the above Associa· tion will be held on SUNDAY following 10 i

o'clock Mass. C. JOY,

Vice·Presiclent 1---.. ----·-------

Will Pay $H)O.OO for Loan of the

:Letter "S" in the! ; BINDON'S PHARMACY: Model Sweep. ! cur. Booa,·enture and ! 'Phone 5090

EmJllre Ave. \ DIAl, 5928

---· ----KENNEDY'S

llUtG STORE. 204 Duckworth St.

lllal 2381 ·


Elltabeth A\'e. · Dial 91120 --- ---· --···--


11!1 "llltiary Road Dial 6H6 ---------


Cll Quid! Vldl Road Dial 5991

------- ---- -----------St. John's West

JOHN J. FEEHAN 490 Water St,

J)ial 3531


265 l'ennywell Road ntal 92937


---------J. V. DAWE

85 Jloyles A\'e. Sn fire whcn we wire.

Dial 90901

FLORISTS ---·------

ST. JOliN'S EAST - .. ----- ------------ALLANDALE

NURSERIES, Churchill Park

Dial 91051


ST. JOHN'S CEN2'RAL --·- _____ ,...._ ----------

W. ABBOTT 24 U\'ln~stonr. St.

Ilia! 4na3 ---- ' -- . _,.

·-N()RMAN DOWNEY 45 St•IY Clower St.

Jlial 5727


20 Colver St. Dial 3728


CALVER'S GROCERY 196 Duckworth St.

Dial 2739 -----·----------BELBIN'S GROCERY

85 Quldl \'idl Road Dial 5175

· mar22 24 -------· .... .---



Will Pay $175.00. 1

'Phone 91732A BULGER.'S

CONFECTIONERY, 1f Kin~'! Brlrhle Road

Dial 6926


Dial 7450 and 6062 ------------·--

ST. JOliN'S WEST - -----------H.R.CLARKE

TOJISUIJ Rond Dial 92295

L. HEALEY Cross Roatls and Water St.

Uial 3026 -------------CHARLES O'KEEFE

69 Hamilton Street Dial 4447


~t. John's fast

STAN FOWLER 2<1 Quren's Rd.

P. 0, Box 63 Dial 5531 . -- ··- ----------JOB BROTHERS

& CO. LTD. Water Street

Dial 26581 4123 ---MEEHAN & CO.

1'.A. Blclg. Duckworth St. Dial 7046·7047


REG.T. l\IORGAN Temple BIIIJ:. llnckworlh St

Ilia! R0370·7~56


Tr.mph• Jlltl)(., llnc·kworlh St !lint !10370·715~

St. -John's West

CROSBIE & t:o.l LTD · Woolworth Bldg. Water St.

Dial 5031


Television Antennas In· stalled. Parh sold. Phone 92761 or 90173.


On Tuesday afternoon from 56 King's Road. Color black and brown. Answer· ing to the name of SILL. Finder please TELEPHONE 3400A or contact 56 King's Road.. (Reward).



Dress Informal leo Michaels' Orchestra Tickets $3.00 double

Tickets may be obtained from the following: G. J. Green, 'Phone 9315ll; Cyril Mallard, Terry Foley, W. Dalton, Gerry Malone. mar22.28


Spring Smiles & Whistles Of 1958


Will be presented in BISHOP FEILD COLLEGE AUDITORIUM APRIL 30th, MAY Jst and 3rd .


Masonic Church Servi~e The annual Masonic Church Service will be held in George Street United Church on Wednesday, March 26th, 1958, at 8 p.m. Ma~ons ore request­ed to be at the church at 7.30 p.m. for the pur· pose of donning regalia. Visitors are cordially invited to oHend. Masons wishing transportation may be accommodated if they will Telephone Ma~onic Temple by Tuesday, March 25th.


Secretary Masonic B~nevolenf Fund


($15,000 Jn Cash Prizes)


Remaining to be Claimed Contest: Model Sweep Each Contest worth $200.

Tickets 50c each

Now available at your favourite neighbourhood

Store or 'Phone 5782 or 3590 or 5203 ConiPst No. 1-Claimed by 1\lllS. \\'. P. IIUNT, 85 Bond 81.

: I


1 9 5 5 PONTIAC


Baird Motors Ltd.

Boarders. Apply

58 Colonial St.


i THE CENTRAL BAUD SIIOP. We an DOW operat­ing six chain. You can bt assured of the beat possible service p!t;1 the lea!lt POJo sible waiting. 24 New Gower Street, opp. Adelaide :Mo­tors. If you prefer appoint­ment aervice 'Phone 6387.


. EXPERIENCE ntlllt:r mu requires full time empiO)'· ment. Ten yean experi· ences, excellent reference. Phone 3DB9, and uk for Mr. B11rden. mar:U,12l



Office and Residence 769 WATER STREET

, < opp. L~slle St.l

.. · ~1AID WANTED for domestic

wnrk. in a home wi lh two aclults. Home with every modern conveniences. Only outport persons may need apply. Aged from 25 yean

i 'PIIONE 1395

I ·~~·c!~ Ye~rs in th~ Business' i and up. Middle age person, preferred, reference requir· ed. Anyone interested pl~ase call in person to Itt Cornwall A1•enue. Will await for outport persons to eaU.

Model Planes 1

Mode~ Ships mar2l,tf

Srnd 15 cents postage or colr. nF.AUTYI.ANil, 129 QttPtD'J for the newest cataloJ!ue. Be~utl- Ro~rl SPEC'! AT. -- :UII.nn, ful action and colour picture~ Colrl \\'~ve ~10.00: ~12.00. All orders s!'nl promptly all Cold W~l'e $8.00: \hc·hine JVer Newfoundland. Perm~ $5.00 ~nrl ur- Open

Write Evenings. Dial ~~~~4 .. -- --- ··-· ----· . -M I L. • d : pI AN 0 AND ORGAN acy 5 1m1te TUNING-For prompt ser·

11 RO\\'AN STREET, vice contract L. Gouldi~f, ST. JOHN'S 135 Newtown Road. Dtal

1ian14,2m.eod - 9037~ ___ .. ___ !.eh25.3m.

I ACTUAL JOBS-In fanada, Sparkling l'.S., So. Am .. Europe. To

! Sl5.000. Tra1•el p~id.

I Write Employment Info. rrnter. Room C'-i4. 4i0

I _stuart_~!. B~ston 16. _


1.30 p.m.




i ' I

FOR AtL YotJR SPARKLJSG and Painting needs. Spark· ling a speciality. Dial 6013L, G. Crane. febll.Imth

':EW METHOD RUG CLEAN· r:Rs. Rugs and Carpet made to look like new. Von Schrader process adds ~eare to life of rnl!s. ClPanerl in home 11r ~~ r,ur pl~nt. ·rhonc Plll:l3. !\rw MPthod CIPanrrs, fre~hwater Boar!.

Repairs ...

ltF.I'AIRS TO AU •. \fAKf.~ n£ \\'a,hin;:- ~tarhinr.c. f!Mr roE~hrrs. \'~cuum CIP~nPr~. ric. For prompt aerviet Di;;l fiOl:l·L, G. Crane. ~Ph I 1.1 ml h.


---- . - . - - - ----·-

Wall Washing I ft'AJ.L WASHING - WaDe

cleaned by .Jew machine. Results perfect; aavu paint.-New Method Rue and Wall Cleaneu, Freah­water Road, 'Phone 01088. ag25,lm.

"INVEST IN REST." Sleep comfortably. We specialize In repairing and reconditioa­ing all types Springs and Mattresses. Guaranteed work. Mattresses for back ailments a specially. 'Phone 6449 or 3361, Standard Beddini CompaDJ, Ltd., Flower Hill. feb20,tf •.

ROCK EXCAVATION Rock boulders or cliff removed. Done safely and guaranteed, regardless of tht nearness el building~. At a cost available to I mar22.24 1 all. Abo shallow well drillinJ.

-------==--====== 1 A. CHARTRAND, DUNX\'ILLE, P.B,

'l'ttont Mr. Georgr Boanrll, D1111nrille.

I At St. John's can 8100H:

IMPORTANT. SENSATIONAL oJfer Amet !n·Cross 415·B Pullets avall· able August 1st, 51,.2 montht, ~2.70 e~ch delivered any· whPre Sewfoundland. 111~




Telephone 3229-2151

rlrpnsit, l'olume limit~d. \Yheatlr~··s Poultry Farm. C'hariottelown, 1'. E. !~land. feb! ,8, Hi.22marl.R, 1!1.22

... ·-·-·-·

For Fast Taxi Service

HOTEL TAXI Dial 2424-2410


· Open 6.30 a.m. to 2


.I! 'I

~:· I

H ..

. I


! :

I i • I I'


I: 'I I r!

. ; '' . !

.I .

.I i ~ I t I I , \ ' l t If .. If f'


. I

Page 16: THE DAILY NEWS - · SPRINGS THE DAILY NEWS ~~. ~ . &~ Vol, 6.5. ... Pirngadi said in Jakarta that in central

.. .· I•

J :.:.t

H '•


''· -· . .; ,._

"'··· ~· .. :


GREG O'GRADY Liberal Candidate St. John's East



'PHONE 4002-

4003-4039 and



Voters Of St. John's West





Vote PC Vote PC

..... ----------------------·

Voters Of St. John's East




80399- 80196

Vote PC Vote PC

,.,.- .. , .... ~~--------~ 1 · · .· . i H. J. P()l/ard . ' SAYS-

, :_' a' . Pro~:ressil'r firm~ invest in out · Group Welfare Plans because the~ \.. are eus~· to operate and low in cost

Our Group Plans also attract and keep good empl!lyccs. They will pay fo~ thcmscli'N with increaser\ production. Ask about ~la)or ~lccllcal­our new answer to an old problem.

A round trip and 10 daJS in



OK The Western Ocean

Alan Vi/liers ........ $6.50 \ Cassino-Portrait Of ! A Battle i Fred Maida/any · .. $4.25 \Gilbert, His Life ' and Strife ' 1 Hesketh Pearson·. $5.00 Bedouin Command

lt .-Col. Peter i Young ............ ....... $4.25 :The Saturday ; Review Treasury .... 7·50 ;America's Advocate:: :Robert H. Jackson ; Eugene l. Gerhart $8.50 'The Awakened

Zoe 0/denbourg ... . $5.5C The Banquet Vanishe!'.

Isabel Nash .......... $4.5C' Tens For Jessie Hewitt

Edna Sl1erry ........ $3.25 • Where Is Mary

' ·Bostwick Rae Fol-s y

Young Mr. Keefe $3.25

' Stephen Birming/10m 4.50 Fairoaks

Frank Yerby ..... $4.50



M~cAMERA The world's most popular snapshot camera!

Strcomlined. stylish, eosy to use! With the Kodolite Flosholder you con shoot color or black-ond·white pictures indoors and out, right around the clock. Just load, aim, and press tnt button! Twelve big pictures on a roll. Smooth release, over· size viewfinder, hand strop.

1 .

CAMERA ... $9.25 FLASHOLDER .$5.25




F\'Cl'\' 111 1•· I Soap fed into a. grinding whed i tak.c ;., helps keep the wnccl from clog-· crb 1 and 1,, ~ing. The bar soap fills the ah· her 1

1 ·•mill

The Booksellers : 1 1 ~

I. Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191

1 ~- ~~\~

, ra>il'c's pores ~nd keeps out p~r Thc'c \ron;c, tides of alummum. bronze or memorl' tn . ,. other metals. _ children th:w• "'"" :··!

. Hlll not :--o t i~·- ·: o:r::;,:: ·o~·:

____ : \\\ PROVINCIAl The new luminous eye penctl i her familr 1:. o ,.,;.,;:(

docs womlrrs to the eyrs. rspe· t coat. curl<':·, '·"~"'"~ · ; cially in the e\·ening. I anrl no lip,tl< '· IT._, v I INSt!~~~:F: ~~:~NC\'


I REPAIRS 1 16:.o~·~~!!:~,:r.

. ~ I ~~~~~~:~6 ~~R5K I -----·-. -· _._, --··---Keep One Of These Dates

March 24th, 25th and 11 or less than $42S.oo ! ·pHoNE 7313 For details, write to: The BRITISH TRAVEL \ ASSOCIATION, DEPT. NN/37, 90 ADEL- i AIDE STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONTARIO, ' or consult your local travel office.

* By RAIL and SEA, By A!R $425.00 ·-··· --·------------------ ------ ·----- - ·--.

Electronic Centre Ltd. 9o CAMPBELL AVE.

A:ter hours 'PHONE 6401 A ' __ .. ------ ----- ------


"The Playboy Of

Western World"

VOTE LIBERAL Good Morning, Neighbor

8.30 p.m.



Presented by

0 •• . :

•. 1

. '

. i . ' ..

, ; • II

' .

' ' '. '

.. . •.

• ' 0

.· i .. ·• I. '.t

: . . ·w


4166 80167





I . , , :·, :,:.,_: ,_, __________________________________ _ " I ' •. : ~ . ,

Plc•tc c.on•&drr U\ Ju:u cbat your tncndt and n•tthbon. It wt eon holp you 1n an., wat wttth rour 1n•uranc:t problea», , ... ,au .


IP"'•I••t 8u•ld'''IJ.. Dt•L~""qoth .,._

o .. t t~n nu



Memorial University Dramatic Society


Reserved Sects $1 .00. General Ao:,.<,:on ik Tickets on sale at Bowring~ hn1

Gerry Halley . 2 o'clock to 5 o'clock

! .Kili;riiiiAY-(;Rf.:f.iis6s____ Surveys Ltd. Bookings may be made by calling ·;2048

[ Birthday !!feelings are PX· 90 ALLANDALE "D. between 7.30 and 9.30 . tended by her friends to Bertha , ro . Parson5 nf 14 Winchester Street, . 'PHONE 90876 GET YOUR'S NOW ' who is eel~ brati ng her birthday i "";:;;:::::::;:;::;=::;;;;;:;;:;;=:::~;;.;,;;;;:;.:;;;;.;.;;,;..._.;.;..;.;;..;.;..~-·~-~ .. ..;..· ·;;..-;.;.-. ,;,;.-. _.;..;,...;.;;;;.;.;;;:;;:; with a party at her borne. , r:;,-- - ....... ------· ·-

' ---··-----·- I

RIRTH ---1

HARRINGTON-AI St. Clare's . I )lercy Hospital on FridaJo:. 1

i March 21, to Katherine and , \ :l!ichael Harrington, a son. (tel). i



RUSSELL-Died suddenly at · Riverhead. Harbour Grace, last . evening, Annie Whelan Russell, : lcal'ing to mourn one daughter, .

·Dorothy Dlrs. Reginald , Coombs) and one son John, both · at home, and a large number of relatives and friends. Funeral . at 9.30 a.m. this morning with Requiem Mass.

' , GARLAND-Pa>srd pcarrful· · lv awav lltarch 21st, ~Irs. James ·

Garlan·rl, h~a1•ing to mourn three : sons .Jack at ~!om·ton: Thomas ' at Toronto and Frcrlcrick of ! !he cil)', alsoi two daughters, I Mauri (~Irs. Robert. Fillirr and I Bessie (l\lrs. Cecil Whitten). i Funcrul at 2.30 p.m. on ~londay, ~larch 24th from her late rcsi· dence, 58 Gol£ Avenue. (tel.)



When you change your Family A II ow an c c chPqne.


Spring '58 . . is the date . .. for

Home Improve men

8 Add-a-room. e Remodel your Basement.

e Complete Remodel.









· . Thr ;!O\'CI'll

· th''CI? new P where the i

wee l•s ago Sumatr.

to launch

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