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MAY 27, 2011 1

Expectations Three months ago when I started Jr. YIG, I thought that Jr. Assembly would be a trip to compete with our bills. I thought it would be a lot of fun, and, it is. Not only did I get to express my ideas, views and values to the other kids, but we got to hear about each other’s opinions. Before I actually came to Jr. Assembly I didn’t think we would have had as many activities as we ended up doing. The first night we had a mixer and we really got to know the other kids. The following nights we did a bunch of other fun and interactive activities. In the end, my previous thoughts about coming to Jr. Assembly were greatly underestimated. The trip over all is going even better than I thought it would.

Awesome AwardsDrew Baker - Villa 1 Hey kids! Want to be in

on the awards and recognitions

for Jr. Assembly? Then keep

reading to find out.

If you are in seventh or

eighth grade, you are eligible

for Outstanding Statesmen.

Embody the four core values in

your time at Assembly and you

will be in the running for this

prestigious recognition. One

Outstanding Statesman will be

chosen for each grade.

Think your bill is the

best? Then you have a shot at

winning our Best Bill award.

One bill

by both





grader will be chosen as this

year’s Best Bills. The Best Bills

are chosen by ability to follow

drafting guidelines, conform to

style found in the GreenBook,

and follow the Y core values.

If you have any

questions, consult your

GreenBook, or talk to your High

School Mentor.


There are so many different and diverse bills at JYIG. There are bills that generate revenue by repealing, amending, or creating a law. Then, there are bills that cost money either by taxing Floridians more, or, well, taxing Floridians more. Either way, there are so many great ideas and bills.

I personally love bills that generate revenue or give taxpayers a break. A specific bill that generates revenue is bill 23. This bill states that once a child turns 13, if their parents are divorced, they have a

choice to have that decision changed. If this teen does not meet the required time with a secondary parent, he or she will be charged fifty dollars an hour. Another bill that saves Floridians money is bill number two. It changes our state definition of homeless to our federal definition of homeless. It saves money because Florida was putting money into the federal budget for homeless people but not getting money back; if this bill is passed Florida will get money back.

For the rest of this article, see page two.

The Daily Aardvark

Krista Reinhardt - Villa 4

Check out Carolyn Diamond expectations@

Danielle Dougland - Villa 3

Page 2: The Daily Aardvark


MAY 27, 2011 2

Committees1st Committee

Grimmauld Place

-Villa 1

Godric’s Hollow


Shell Cottage

-Villa 3

Privet Drive

-Villa 2

2nd Committee



Diagon Alley

-Board Room

Debate ProceduresName


Seat Number

I rise to...

ask an NDTQ

speak in favor

speak in opposition

interrogate the author

...and I yield my time to a like-minded speaker.

I also saw many bills that cost Floridians taxpayers. These bills are still terrific ideas, they just cost tax money. One such bill is bill six, which requires juvenile correctional facilities to have an arts program. It would give nine percent of tax money given to the department of education. One more bill that costs money is bill seven, which establishes an oil rig off the coast of Florida. It would charge a six percent tax on Florida citizens who buy cars from dealerships and other salesmen.

Yet another bill topic I saw commonly throughout the billbook was bills on the safety of roads. Bill 22 raised the driving age from

16 to 17. It also requires schools to have Driver’s Ed programs in schools, and for the new drivers to wear red stickers on their car for one year. Bill 21 makes texting while driving illegal, making roads safer.

Finally, I noticed many bills were on similar topics. Combining bills is another option for those who have the same bill. This is a benefit because you can combine and compare research. Different viewpoints make your bill even stronger. You can also compare statistics. I am so surprised at the diversity of bills. Let’s keep up the fantastic work!

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Hogwarts House Quiz

Find Out the Answers in Saturday’s edition of The Daily Aardvark !

Are you... A) witty B) patient C) loyal D) cunning Your house common room is on

fire, you make sure _____ is/are safe. A) your textbooks B) your findings C) your friends D) yourself

Your favorite class is...A)Charms B)Herbology C)Transfiguration D) Potions

Your future profession is...A)Author B)Healer C)Auror D)Potions Master

Your favorite animal is... A)raven B)badger C)lion D)serpent


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