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;a< 1orm a ne4 Sae 3y se.araion o1 erriory1rom any Sae or 3y "niing 4o or more Saes or.ars o1 Saes or 3y "niing any erriory o a .ar o1 any Sae/;3< in!rease he area o1 any Sae/

;!< diminish he area o1 any Sae/;d< aler he 3o"ndaries o1 any Sae/;e< aler he name o1 any Sae9$Provided ha no )ill 1or he ."r.ose shall 3einrod"!ed in eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen e2!e. on here!ommendaion o1 he Presiden and "nless, 4here !onained in he )ill aGe!s he area, 3o"ndariesName and errioryo1 he Union:Admission or

esa3lishmen o1 ne4 Saes:Formaion o1 ne4Saes andaleraion o1 areas,3o"ndaries ornames o1 e2isingSaes:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6, 1or !l: ;6<:6

S"3s: 3y s: 6, i3id:, 1or s"37!la"se ;3<:Ari!le 6A 4as ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7B1h Amendmen< A!, #8=9, s:6 ;4:e:1:#77#8=<:9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1h Amendmen< A!, #8, s: 6, 1or he .roviso:6or name o1 any o1 he Saes#, he )ill has 3een re1erred3y he Presiden o he Legisla"re o1 ha Sae 1or

e2.ressing is vie4s hereon 4ihin s"!h .eriod as may3e s.e!iBed in he re1eren!e or 4ihin s"!h 1"rher .eriodas he Presiden may allo4 and he .eriod so s.e!iBed orallo4ed has e2.ired:*6$E2.lanaion I:In his ari!le, in !la"ses ;a< o ;e<,SaeJJ in!l"des a Union erriory, 3" in he .roviso,SaeJJ does no in!l"de a Union erriory:

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E2.lanaion II:The .o4er !on1erred on Parliamen3y !la"se ;a< in!l"des he .o4er o 1orm a ne4 Sae orUnion erriory 3y "niing a .ar o1 any Sae or Unionerriory o any oher Sae or Union erriory:*9: ;#< Any la4 re1erred o in ari!le 6 or ari!le shall

!onain s"!h .rovisions 1or he amendmen o1 he FirsS!hed"le and he Fo"rh S!hed"le as may 3e ne!essaryo give eGe! o he .rovisions o1 he la4 and may also!onain s"!h s"..lemenal, in!idenal and !onse"enial.rovisions ;in!l"ding .rovisions as o re.resenaion inParliamen and in he Legisla"re or Legisla"res o1 heSae or Saes aGe!ed 3y s"!h la4< as Parliamen maydeem ne!essary:;6< No s"!h la4 as a1oresaid shall 3e deemed o 3ean amendmen o1 his Consi"ion 1or he ."r.oses o1 ari!le >K:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:The Union and is erriory:Ars: 79:<La4s made "nderari!les 6 and o.rovide 1or heamendmen o1 heFirs and heFo"rh S!hed"lesand s"..lemenal,in!idenal and!onse"enial

maers:# The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eigheenh Amendmen< A!, #8>>, s: 6:PA&T IICITIENSHIP: A he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, every.erson 4ho has his domi!ile in he erriory o1 India

and;a< 4ho 4as 3orn in he erriory o1 India/ or;3< eiher o1 4hose .arens 4as 3orn in he errioryo1 India/ or;!< 4ho has 3een ordinarily residen in he errioryo1 India 1or no less han Bve years!eding s"!h !ommen!emen,shall 3e a !ii+en o1 India:

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nineeenh day o1 -"ly, #89K:K: No4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le , any .erson4ho or eiher o1 4hose .arens or any o1 4hosegrand.arens 4as 3orn in India as deBned in he'overnmen o1 India A!, #8 ;as originally ena!ed<,

and 4ho is ordinarily residing in any !o"nry o"sideIndia as so deBned shall 3e deemed o 3e a !ii+en o1 India i1 he has 3een regisered as a !ii+en o1 India 3y hedi.lomai! or !ons"lar re.resenaive o1 India in he!o"nry 4here he is 1or he ime 3eing residing on!aion made 3y him here1or o s"!h di.lomai! or!ons"lar re.resenaive, 4heher 3e1ore or a1er he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, in he 1orm andmanner .res!ri3ed 3y he 'overnmen o1 he Dominion o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 India:8: No .erson shall 3e a !ii+en o1 India 3y vir"e o1 

ari!le , or 3e deemed o 3e a !ii+en o1 India 3y vir"eo1 ari!le > or ari!le K, i1 he has vol"narily a!"ired he!ii+enshi. o1 any 1oreign Sae:#: Every .erson 4ho is or is deemed o 3e a !ii+eno1 India "nder any o1 he 1oregoing .rovisions o1 hisPar shall, s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 ha may3e made 3y Parliamen, !onin"e o 3e s"!h !ii+en:##: Nohing in he 1oregoing .rovisions o1 his Parshall derogae 1rom he .o4er o1 Parliamen o maeany .rovision 4ih res.e! o he a!"isiion anderminaion o1 !ii+enshi. and all oher maers relaing

o !ii+enshi.: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Cii+enshi.:Ars: =##:<&ighs o1 !ii+enshi. o1 !erain .ersons o1 Indian originresiding o"sideIndia:&ighs o1 

!ii+enshi. o1 !erain migrans oPaisan:Persons vol"narilya!"iring!ii+enshi. o1 a1oreign Sae no o3e !ii+ens:

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Conin"an!e o1 herighs o1 !ii+enshi.:Parliamen oreg"lae he righ

o1 !ii+enshi. 3yla4:PA&T IIIFUNDA(ENTAL &I'HTS'eneral#6: In his Par, "nless he !one2 oher4ise re"ires,?he Sae in!l"des he 'overnmen and Parliamen o1 India and he 'overnmen and he Legisla"re o1 ea!h o1 he Saes and all lo!al or oher a"horiies 4ihin heerriory o1 India or "nder he !onrol o1 he 'overnmeno1 India:#: ;#< All la4s in 1or!e in he erriory o1 India

immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion,in so 1ar as hey are in!onsisen 4ih he .rovisions o1 hisPar, shall, o he e2en o1 s"!h in!onsisen!y, 3e void:;6< The Sae shall no mae any la4 4hi!h aes a4ayor a3ridges he righs !on1erred 3y his Par and any la4made in !onravenion o1 his !la"se shall, o he e2en o1 he !onravenion, 3e void:;< In his ari!le, "nless he !one2 oher4isere"ires,;a< ?la4@ in!l"des any Ordinan!e, order, 3ye7la4,r"le, reg"laion, noiB!aion, !"som or "sage having

in he erriory o1 India he 1or!e o1 la4/;3< ?la4s in 1or!e@ in!l"des la4s .assed or made 3ya Legisla"re or oher !om.een a"horiy in heerriory o1 India 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion and no .revio"sly re.ealed,no4ihsanding ha any s"!h la4 or any .ar hereo1 may no 3e hen in o.eraion eiher a all or in.ari!"lar areas:#$;9< Nohing in his ari!le shall o anyamendmen o1 his Consi"ion made "nder ari!le >K:*

&igh o E"aliy#9: The Sae shall no deny o any .erson e"aliy3e1ore he la4 or he e"al .roe!ion o1 he la4s 4ihin heerriory o1 India:DeBniion:La4s in!onsisen4ih or inderogaion o1 he

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1"ndamenal righs:>E"aliy 3e1orela4:#

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=#, s: 6:#: ;#< The Sae shall no dis!riminae agains any!ii+en on gro"nds only o1 religion, ra!e, !ase, se2, .la!eo1 3irh or any o1 hem:;6< No !ii+en shall, on gro"nds only o1 religion, ra!e,!ase, se2, .la!e o1 3irh or any o1 hem, 3e s"3e! o anydisa3iliy , lia3iliy , resri!ion or !ondiion 4ih regard o;a< a!!ess o sho.s, ."3li! resa"rans, hoels!es o1 ."3li! enerainmen/ or;3< he "se o1 4ells, ans, 3ahing ghas, roadsand .la!es o1 ."3li! resor mainained 4holly or

.arly o" o1 Sae 1"nds or dedi!aed o he "se o1 he general ."3li!:;< Nohing in his ari!le shall .reven he Sae 1rommaing any s.e!ial .rovision 1or 4omen and !hildren:#$;9< Nohing in his ari!le or in !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le 68shall .reven he Sae 1rom maing any s.e!ial .rovision1or he advan!emen o1 any so!ially and ed"!aionally3a!4ard !lasses o1 !ii+ens or 1or he S!hed"led Casesand he S!hed"led Tri3es:*6

$;< Nohing in his ari!le or in s"37!la"se ;g< o1 !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #8 shall .reven he Sae 1rom maingany s.e!ial .rovision, 3y la4, 1or he advan!emen o1 any so!ially and ed"!aionally 3a!4ard !lasses o1 !ii+ens or 1or he S!hed"led Cases or he S!hed"led Tri3es in so 1ar as s"!h s.e!ial .rovisions relae o heiradmission o ed"!aional insi"ions in!l"ding .rivaeed"!aional insi"ions, 4heher aided or "naided 3yhe Sae, oher han he minoriy ed"!aional insi"ionsre1erred o in !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le :*#>: ;#< There shall 3e e"aliy o1 o..or"niy 1or all

!ii+ens in maers relaing o em.loymen or a..oinmeno any oM!e "nder he Sae:;6< No !ii+en shall, on gro"nds only o1 religion, ra!e,!ase, se2, des!en, .la!e o1 3irh, residen!e or any o1 hem, 3e ineligi3le 1or, or dis!riminaed agains in res.e!o1, any em.loymen or oM!e "nder he Sae:;< Nohing in his ari!le shall .reven Parliamen1rom maing any la4 .res!ri3ing, in regard o a !lass or

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!lasses o1 em.loymen or a..oinmen o an oM!e THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: #7#>:<Prohi3iion o1 dis!riminaion on

gro"nds o1 religion, ra!e,!ase, se2 or .la!eo1 3irh:=E"aliy o1 o..or"niy inmaers o1 ."3li!em.loymen:#Added 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: 6:

6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Niney7hird Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 6 ;4:e:1: 67#76><:#$"nder he 'overnmen o1, or any lo!al or oher a"horiy4ihin, a Sae or Union erriory, any re"iremen as oresiden!e 4ihin ha Sae or Union erriory* .rior os"!h em.loymen or a..oinmen:;9< Nohing in his ari!le shall .reven he Sae 1rommaing any .rovision 1or he reservaion o1 a..oinmensor .oss in 1avo"r o1 any 3a!4ard !lass o1 !ii+ens 4hi!h,in he o.inion o1 he Sae, is no ade"aely re.resened

in he servi!es "nder he Sae:6$;9A< Nohing in his ari!le shall .reven he Sae1rom maing any .rovision 1or reservaion$in maerso1 .romoion, 4ih !onse"enial senioriy, o any !lass*or !lasses o1 .oss in he servi!es "nder he Sae in 1avo"ro1 he S!hed"led Cases and he S!hed"led Tri3es 4hi!h,in he o.inion o1 he Sae, are no ade"aely re.resenedin he servi!es "nder he Sae:*

9$;9)< Nohing in his ari!le shall .reven he Sae1rom !onsidering any "nBlled va!an!ies o1 a year 4hi!hare reserved 1or 3eing Blled ". in ha year in a!!ordan!e4ih any .rovision 1or reservaion made "nder !la"se ;9<or !la"se ;9A< as a se.arae !lass o1 va!an!ies o 3e Blled". in any s"!!eeding year or years and s"!h !lass o1 va!an!ies shall no 3e !onsidered ogeher 4ih he

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va!an!ies o1 he year in 4hi!h hey are 3eing Blled ". 1ordeermining he !eiling o1 B1y .er !en: reservaion onoal n"m3er o1 va!an!ies o1 ha year:*;< Nohing in his ari!le shall aGe! he o.eraion o1 any la4 4hi!h .rovides ha he in!"m3en o1 an oM!e

in !onne!ion 4ih he aGairs o1 any religio"s ordenominaional insi"ion or any mem3er o1 hegoverning 3ody hereo1 shall 3e a .erson .ro1essing a.ari!"lar religion or 3elonging o a .ari!"lardenominaion:#=: ?Uno"!ha3iliy@ is a3olished and is .ra!i!e inany 1orm is 1or3idden: The en1or!emen o1 any disa3iliyarising o" o1 ?Uno"!ha3iliy@ shall 3e an oGen!e."nisha3le in a!!ordan!e 4ih la4:#K: ;#< No ile, no 3eing a miliary or a!ademi!disin!ion, shall 3e !on1erred 3y he Sae:

;6< No !ii+en o1 India shall a!!e. any ile 1rom any1oreign Sae: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: #>#K:<K#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:,1or ?"nderany Sae s.e!iBed in he Firs S!hed"le or any lo!al or oher a"horiy 4ihinis erriory, anyre"iremen as o residen!e 4ihin ha Sae@:

6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny7sevenh Amendmen< A!, #88, s: 6:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7B1h Amendmen< A!, 6#, s: 6, 1or!erain 4ords;4:e:1: #=7>7#88<:9Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7Brs Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 6 ;4:e:1: 87>76<:A3oliion o1 Uno"!ha3iliy:

A3oliion o1 iles:THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: #K7#8:<8;< No .erson 4ho is no a !ii+en o1 India shall,4hile he holds any oM!e o1 .roB or r"s "nder heSae, a!!e. 4iho" he !onsen o1 he Presiden anyile 1rom any 1oreign Sae:;9< No .erson holding any oM!e o1 .roB or r"s

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"nder he Sae shall, 4iho" he !onsen o1 he Presiden,a!!e. any .resen, emol"men, or oM!e o1 any ind1rom or "nder any 1oreign Sae:&igh o Freedom#8: ;#< All !ii+ens shall have he righ

;a< o 1reedom o1!h and e2.ression/;3< o assem3le .ea!ea3ly and 4iho" arms/;!< o 1orm asso!iaions or "nions/;d< o move 1reely hro"gho" he erriory o1 India/;e< o reside and sele in any .ar o1 he errioryo1 India/#$and*  6 ;g< o .ra!ise any .ro1ession, or o !arry on any

o!!".aion, rade or 3"siness:$;6< Nohing in s"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se ;#< shall aGe!he o.eraion o1 any e2ising la4, or .reven he Sae1rom maing any la4, in so 1ar as s"!h la4 im.osesreasona3le resri!ions on he e2er!ise o1 he righ!on1erred 3y he said s"37!la"se in he ineress o19$hesovereigny and inegriy o1 India,* he se!"riy o1 heSae, 1riendly relaions 4ih 1oreign Saes, ."3li! order,

de!en!y or moraliy, or in relaion o !onem. o1 !o"r,de1amaion or in!iemen o an oGen!e:*;< Nohing in s"37!la"se ;3< o1 he said !la"se shallaGe! he o.eraion o1 any e2ising la4 in so 1ar as iim.oses, or .reven he Sae 1rom maing any la4im.osing, in he ineress o19$he sovereigny and inegriyo1 India or* ."3li! order, reasona3le resri!ions on hee2er!ise o1 he righ !on1erred 3y he said s"37!la"se:;9< Nohing in s"37!la"se ;!< o1 he said !la"se shall

aGe! he o.eraion o1 any e2ising la4 in so 1ar as iim.oses, or .reven he Sae 1rom maing any la4im.osing, in he ineress o19$he sovereigny andProe!ion o1 !erain righsregarding 1reedom

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o1!h, e!:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 6 ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6

S"37!la"se ;1< omied 3y s: 6, i3id: ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: , 1or !l: ;6< ;4ihreros.e!iveeGe!<:9Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6:inegriy o1India or* ."3li! order or moraliy, reasona3leresri!ions on he e2er!ise o1 he righ !on1erred 3y hesaid s"37!la"se:;< Nohing in

#$s"37!la"ses ;d< and ;e<* o1 he said!la"se shall aGe! he o.eraion o1 any e2ising la4 in so1ar as i im.oses, or .reven he Sae 1rom maing anyla4 im.osing, reasona3le resri!ions on he e2er!ise o1 any o1 he righs !on1erred 3y he said s"37!la"ses eiherin he ineress o1 he general ."3li! or 1or he .roe!iono1 he ineress o1 any S!hed"led Tri3e:;>< Nohing in s"37!la"se ;g< o1 he said !la"se shallaGe! he o.eraion o1 any e2ising la4 in so 1ar as iim.oses, or .reven he Sae 1rom maing any la4

im.osing, in he ineress o1 he general ."3li!, reasona3leresri!ions on he e2er!ise o1 he righ !on1erred 3y hesaid s"37!la"se, and, in .ari!"lar,6$nohing in he saids"37!la"se shall aGe! he o.eraion o1 any e2ising la4in so 1ar as i relaes o, or .reven he Sae 1rom maingany la4 relaing o,;i< he .ro1essional or e!hni!al "aliB!aionsne!essary 1or .ra!ising any .ro1ession or !arrying onany o!!".aion, rade or 3"siness, or

;ii< he !arrying on 3y he Sae, or 3y a !or.oraiono4ned or !onrolled 3y he Sae, o1 any rade,3"siness, ind"sry or servi!e, 4heher o hee2!l"sion, !om.lee or .arial, o1 !ii+ens oroher4ise*:6: ;#< No .erson shall 3e !onvi!ed o1 any oGen!ee2!e. 1or violaion o1 a la4 in 1or!e a he ime o1 he!ommission o1 he A! !harged as an oGen!e, nor 3e

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s"3e!ed o a .enaly greaer han ha 4hi!h migh have3een inQi!ed "nder he la4 in 1or!e a he ime o1 he!ommission o1 he oGen!e:;6< No .erson shall 3e .rose!"ed and ."nished 1orhe same oGen!e more han on!e:

;< No .erson a!!"sed o1 any oGen!e shall 3e !om.elledo 3e a 4iness agains himsel1:6#: No .erson shall 3e de.rived o1 his li1e or .ersonalli3ery e2!e. a!!ording o .ro!ed"re esa3lished 3y la4: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: #86#:<##S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 6, 1or @s"37!la"ses;d<, ;e< and ;1<@ ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:

6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: , 1or !erain4ords:Proe!ion inres.e! o1 !onvi!ion 1oroGen!es:Proe!ion o1 li1eand .ersonalli3ery:$6#A: The Sae shall .rovide 1ree and !om."lsoryed"!aion o all !hildren o1 he age o1 si2 o 1o"reen years

in s"!h manner as he Sae may, 3y la4, deermine:*66: ;#< No .erson 4ho is arresed shall 3e deained in!"sody 4iho" 3eing in1ormed, as soon as may 3e, o1 hegro"nds 1or s"!h arres nor shall he 3e denied he righ o!ons"l, and o 3e de1ended 3y, a legal .ra!iioner o1 his!hoi!e:;6< Every .erson 4ho is arresed and deained in!"sody shall 3e .rod"!ed 3e1ore he neares magisrae4ihin a .eriod o1 4eny71o"r ho"rs o1 s"!h arrese2!l"ding he ime ne!essary 1or he o"rney 1rom!e o1 arres o he !o"r o1 he magisrae and no s"!h

.erson shall 3e deained in !"sody 3eyond he said

.eriod 4iho" he a"horiy o1 a magisrae:;< Nohing in !la"ses ;#< and ;6< shall;a< o any .erson 4ho 1or he ime 3eing is an enemyalien/ or;3< o any .erson 4ho is arresed or deained "nderany la4 .roviding 1or .revenive deenion:;9< No la4 .roviding 1or .revenive deenion shall

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a"horise he deenion o1 a .erson 1or a longer .eriodhan hree monhs "nless;a< an Advisory )oard !onsising o1 .ersons 4hoare, or have 3een, or are "aliBed o 3e a..oined THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: 6#A766:<##Ins 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7si2h Amendmen< A!, 66, s: 6 ;4hi!h isno ye in 1or!e, daeo 3e noiBed laer on<:Cl: ;9< shall sand s"3si"ed 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rhAmendmen< A!, #8=K, s: ;4hi!h is ye no in 1or!e, dae o 3e noiBed laer on< as?;9< No la4 .roviding 1or .revenive deenion shall a"horise he deeniono1 a.erson 1or a longer .eriod han 4o monhs "nless an Advisory )oard

!onsi"ed ina!ordan!e 4ih he re!ommendaions o1 he Chie1 -"si!e o1 he Co"rhas re.ored 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 he said .eriod o1 4o monhs hahere is in iso.inion s"M!ien !a"se 1or s"!h deenionProvided ha an Advisory )oard shall !onsis o1 a Chairman and no less han4ooher mem3ers, and he Chairman shall 3e a serving -"dge o1 HighCo"r and he oher men3ers shall 3e serving or reired -"dges o1 any High

Co"rProvided 1"rher ha nohing in his !la"se shall a"horise he deenion o1any.erson 3eyond he ma2im"m .eriod .res!ri3ed 3y any la4 made 3yParliamen "nders"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se ;=<:E2.lanaion:In his !la"se, ? High Co"r@ means,;i< in he !ase o1 he deenion o1 a .erson in ."rs"an!e o1 an order o1deenionmade 3y he 'overnmen o1 India or an oM!er or a"horiy s"3ordinae oha 'overnmen,

he High Co"r 1or he Union erriory o1 Delhi/;ii< in he !ase o1 he deenion o1 a .erson in ."rs"an!e o1 an order o1deenionmade 3y he 'overnmen o1 any Sae ;oher han a Union erriory<, heHigh Co"r 1orhe Sae/ and;iii< in he !ase o1 he deenion o1 a .erson in ."rs"an!e o1 an order o1deenion

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made 3y he adminisraor o1 a Union erriory or an oM!er or a"horiys"3ordinae os"!h adminisraor, s"!h High Co"r as may 3e s.e!iBed 3y or "nder any la4made 3yParliamen in his 3ehal1:@

&igh o ed"!aion:Proe!ion againsarres anddeenion in!erain !ases:as, -"dges o1 a High Co"r has re.ored 3e1ore hee2.iraion o1 he said .eriod o1 hree monhs ha hereis in is o.inion s"M!ien !a"se 1or s"!h deenionProvided ha nohing in his s"37!la"se shalla"horise he deenion o1 any .erson 3eyond hema2im"m .eriod .res!ri3ed 3y any la4 made 3yParliamen "nder s"37!la"se ;3< o1 !la"se ;=</ or

;3< s"!h .erson is deained in a!!ordan!e 4ih he.rovisions o1 any la4 made 3y Parliamen "nder s"37!la"ses ;a< and ;3< o1 !la"se ;=<:;< When any .erson is deained in ."rs"an!e o1 anorder made "nder any la4 .roviding 1or .revenivedeenion, he a"horiy maing he order shall, as soonas may 3e, !omm"ni!ae o s"!h .erson he gro"nds on4hi!h he order has 3een made and shall aGord him heearlies o..or"niy o1 maing a re.resenaion againshe order:;>< Nohing in !la"se ;< shall re"ire he a"horiy

maing any s"!h order as is re1erred o in ha !la"se odis!lose 1a!s 4hi!h s"!h a"horiy !onsiders o 3e againshe ."3li! ineres o dis!lose:;=< Parliamen may 3y la4 .res!ri3e;a< he !ir!"msan!es "nder 4hi!h, and he !lassor !lasses o1 !ases in 4hi!h, a .erson may 3e deained1or a .eriod longer han hree monhs "nder any la4.roviding 1or .revenive deenion 4iho" o3aininghe o.inion o1 an Advisory )oard in a!!ordan!e 4ihhe .rovisions o1 s"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se ;9</;3< he ma2im"m .eriod 1or 4hi!h any .erson

may in any !lass or !lasses o1 !ases 3e deained "nderany la4 .roviding 1or .revenive deenion/ and;!< he .ro!ed"re o 3e 1ollo4ed 3y an Advisory)oard in an in"iry "nder $s"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se;9<*: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ar: 66:<#6

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S"37!la"se ;a< shall sand omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rhAmendmen< A!,#8=K, s: ;4hi!h is ye no in 1or!e, dae o 3e noiBed laer on<:S"37!la"se ;3< shall sand releered as s"37!la"se ;a< 3y s: , i3id: ;4hi!his ye no in

1or!e, dae o 3e noiBed laer on<:The 4ords, leer and Bg"re in 3ra!es shall sand s"3si"ed as ?!la"se;9<@ 3ys: , i3id: ;4hi!h is ye no in 1or!e, dae o 3e noiBed laer on<:&igh againsE2.loiaion6: ;#< TraM! in h"man 3eings and 3egar and ohersimilar 1orms o1 1or!ed la3o"r are .rohi3ied and any!onravenion o1 his .rovision shall 3e an oGen!e."nisha3le in a!!ordan!e 4ih la4:;6< Nohing in his ari!le shall .reven he Sae 1romim.osing !om."lsory servi!e 1or ."3li! ."r.oses, and in

im.osing s"!h servi!e he Sae shall no mae anydis!riminaion on gro"nds only o1 religion, ra!e, !ase or!lass or any o1 hem:69: No !hild 3elo4 he age o1 1o"reen years shall 3eem.loyed o 4or in any 1a!ory or mine or engaged inany oher ha+ardo"s em.loymen:&igh o Freedom o1 &eligion6: ;#< S"3e! o ."3li! order, moraliy and healhand o he oher .rovisions o1 his Par, all .ersons aree"ally eniled o 1reedom o1 !ons!ien!e and he righ1reely o .ro1ess, .ra!ise and .ro.agae religion:

;6< Nohing in his ari!le shall aGe! he o.eraiono1 any e2ising la4 or .reven he Sae 1rom maingany la4;a< reg"laing or resri!ing any e!onomi!, Bnan!ial,.olii!al or oher se!"lar a!iviy 4hi!h may 3easso!iaed 4ih religio"s .ra!i!e/;3< .roviding 1or so!ial 4el1are and re1orm or hehro4ing o.en o1 Hind" religio"s insi"ions o1 a."3li! !hara!er o all !lasses and se!ions o1 Hind"s:E2.lanaion I:The 4earing and !arrying o1 ir.ansshall 3e deemed o 3e in!l"ded in he .ro1ession o1 he

Sih religion:E2.lanaion II:In s"37!la"se ;3< o1 !la"se ;6<, here1eren!e o Hind"s shall 3e !onsr"ed as in!l"ding are1eren!e o .ersons .ro1essing he Sih, -aina or)"ddhis religion, and he re1eren!e o Hind" religio"sinsi"ions shall 3e !onsr"ed a!!ordingly:6>: S"3e! o ."3li! order, moraliy and healh, everyreligio"s denominaion or any se!ion hereo1 shall have

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he righ;a< o esa3lish and mainain insi"ions 1orreligio"s and !haria3le ."r.oses/;3< o manage is o4n aGairs in maers o1 religion/Prohi3iion o1 

em.loymen o1 !hildren in1a!ories, e!:Freedom o1 !ons!ien!e and 1ree.ro1ession, .ra!i!eand .ro.agaion o1 religion:Prohi3iion o1 raM! in h"man3eings and 1or!ed

la3o"r:Freedom omanage religio"saGairs: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: 66>:<#;!< o o4n and a!"ire mova3le and and;d< o adminiser s"!h .ro.ery in a!!ordan!e 4ihla4:6=: No .erson shall 3e !om.elled o .ay any a2es,

he .ro!eeds o1 4hi!h are s.e!iB!ally in.aymen o1 e2.enses 1or he .romoion or mainenan!eo1 any .ari!"lar religion or religio"s denominaion:6K: ;#< No religio"s insr"!ion shall 3e .rovided inany ed"!aional insi"ion 4holly mainained o" o1 Sae1"nds:;6< Nohing in !la"se ;#< shall o an ed"!aionalinsi"ion 4hi!h is adminisered 3y he Sae 3" has3een esa3lished "nder any endo4men or r"s 4hi!hre"ires ha religio"s insr"!ion shall 3e im.ared ins"!h insi"ion:

;< No .erson aending any ed"!aional insi"ionre!ognised 3y he Sae or re!eiving aid o" o1 Sae 1"ndsshall 3e re"ired o ae .ar in any religio"s insr"!ionha may 3e im.ared in s"!h insi"ion or o aend anyreligio"s 4orshi. ha may 3e !ond"!ed in s"!hinsi"ion or in any .remises aa!hed hereo "nless s"!h.erson or, i1 s"!h .erson is a minor, his g"ardian hasgiven his !onsen hereo:

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C"l"ral and Ed"!aional &ighs68: ;#< Any se!ion o1 he !ii+ens residing in heerriory o1 India or any .ar hereo1 having a disin!lang"age, s!ri. or !"l"re o1 is o4n shall have he righo !onserve he same:

;6< No !ii+en shall 3e denied admission ino anyed"!aional insi"ion mainained 3y he Sae orre!eiving aid o" o1 Sae 1"nds on gro"nds only o1 religion, ra!e, !ase, lang"age or any o1 hem:: ;#< All minoriies, 4heher 3ased on religion orlang"age, shall have he righ o esa3lish and adminisered"!aional insi"ions o1 heir !hoi!e:#$;#A< In maing any la4 .roviding 1or he!om."lsory a!"isiion o1 any .ro.ery o1 an ed"!aionalinsi"ion esa3lished and adminisered 3y a minoriy,

Freedom as o.aymen o1 a2es1or .romoion o1 any .ari!"larreligion:Freedom as oaendan!e areligio"sinsr"!ion orreligio"s !erain

ed"!aionalinsi"ions:Proe!ion o1 ineress o1 minoriies:&igh o1 minoriieso esa3lish andadminisered"!aionalinsi"ions:#

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 9 ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: 6>:<#9re1erred o in !la"se ;#<, he Sae shall ens"re ha heamo"n B2ed 3y or deermined "nder s"!h la4 1or hea!"isiion o1 s"!h .ro.ery is s"!h as 4o"ld no resri!or a3rogae he righ g"araneed "nder ha !la"se:*

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;6< The Sae shall no, in graning aid o ed"!aionalinsi"ions, dis!riminae agains any ed"!aionalinsi"ion on he gro"nd ha i is "nder he managemeno1 a minoriy, 4heher 3ased on religion or lang"age:#

#: $Com."lsory a!"isiion o1 .ro.ery:* &e.: 3y heConsi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: > ;4:e:1:67>7#8=8<: 6$Saving o1 Cerain La4s*$#A:9$;#< No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in

ari!le #, no la4 .roviding 1or;a< he a!"isiion 3y he Sae o1 any esae or o1 any righs herein or he e2ing"ishmen ormodiB!aion o1 any s"!h righs, or;3< he aing over o1 he managemen o1 3y he Sae 1or a limied .eriod eiher inhe ."3li! ineres or in order o se!"re he .ro.ermanagemen o1 he .ro.ery , or;!< he amalgamaion o1 4o or more !or.oraionseiher in he ."3li! ineres or in order o se!"re managemen o1 any o1 he !or.oraions,

or;d< he e2ing"ishmen or modiB!aion o1 anyrighs o1 managing agens, se!rearies and reas"rers,managing dire!ors, dire!ors or managers o1 !or.oraions, or o1 any voing righs o1 shareholdershereo1, orSaving o1 la4s.roviding 1ora!"isiion o1 esaes, e!:#

 The s"37heading ?&igh o Pro.ery@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rhAmendmen< A!, #8=K, s: ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: 9 ;4ih reros.e!iveeGe!<:

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9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fo"rh Amendmen< A!, #8, s: , 1or !l: ;#<;4ihreros.e!ive eGe!<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: #A:<#;e< he e2ing"ishmen or modiB!aion o1 anyrighs a!!r"ing 3y vir"e o1 any agreemen, lease orli!en!e 1or he ."r.ose o1 sear!hing 1or, or 4inning,any mineral or mineral oil, or he .rema"reerminaion or !an!ellaion o1 any s"!h agreemen,lease or li!en!e,shall 3e deemed o 3e void on he gro"nd ha i isin!onsisen 4ih, or aes a4ay or a3ridges any o1 herighs !on1erred 3y#

$ari!le #9 or ari!le #8*Provided ha 4here s"!h la4 is a la4 made 3y heLegisla"re o1 a Sae, he .rovisions o1 his ari!le shallno hereo "nless s"!h la4, having 3een reserved1or he !onsideraion o1 he Presiden, has re!eived hisassen*6$Provided 1"rher ha 4here any la4 maes any.rovision 1or he a!"isiion 3y he Sae o1 any esaeand 4here any land !om.rised herein is held 3y a .erson"nder his .ersonal !"livaion, i shall no 3e la41"l 1or

he Sae o a!"ire any .orion o1 s"!h land as is 4ihinhe !eiling limi!a3le o him "nder any la4 1or heime 3eing in 1or!e or any 3"ilding or sr"!"re sandinghereon or a.."renan hereo, "nless he la4 relaingo he a!"isiion o1 s"!h land, 3"ilding or sr"!"re,.rovides 1or .aymen o1 !om.ensaion a a rae 4hi!hshall no 3e less han he mare val"e hereo1:*  ;6< In his ari!le,$;a< he e2.ression JJesaeJJ shall, in relaion oany lo!al area, have he same meaning as ha

e2.ression or is lo!al e"ivalen has in he e2isingla4 relaing o land en"res in 1or!e in ha area andshall also in!l"de;i< any agir, inam or m"aB or oher similar granand in he Saes o19$Tamil Nad"* and Rerala,any anmam righ/

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#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: =, 1or?ari!le #9,ari!le #8 or ari!le #@ ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveneenh Amendmen< A!, #8>9, s: 6:S"3s: 3y s: 6, i3id:, 1or s"37!la"se ;a< ;4ih reros.e!ive eGe!<:9S"3s: 3y he (adras Sae ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, #8>K ; o1 #8>K<, s: 9,1or?(adras@: ;4:e::1: #97#7#8>8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ar: #A:<#>;ii< any land held "nder ryo4ari selemen/;iii< any land held or le 1or ."r.oses o1 

agri!"l"re or 1or ."r.oses an!illary hereo,in!l"ding 4ase land, 1ores land, land 1or .as"reor sies o1 3"ildings and oher sr"!"res o!!".ied3y !"livaors o1 land, agri!"l"ral la3o"rers andvillage arisans/*;3< he e2.ression JJrighsJJ, in relaion o an esae,shall in!l"de any righs vesing in a .ro.rieor, s", ", en"re7holder,#$raiya,"nder7raiya* or oher inermediary and any righs or

.rivileges in res.e! o1 land reven"e:*6$#): Wiho" .re"di!e o he generaliy o1 he.rovisions !onained in ari!le #A, none o1 he A!s and&eg"laions s.e!iBed in he Ninh S!hed"le nor any o1 he .rovisions hereo1 shall 3e deemed o 3e void,or ever o have 3e!ome void, on he gro"nd ha s"!h A!,&eg"laion or .rovision is in!onsisen 4ih, or aesa4ay or a3ridges any o1 he righs !on1erred 3y, any.rovisions o1 his Par, and no4ihsanding any "dgmen, de!ree or order o1 any !o"r or Tri3"nal o he

!onrary, ea!h o1 he said A!s and &eg"laions shall,s"3e! o he .o4er o1 any !om.een Legisla"re ore.eal or amend i, !onin"e in 1or!e:* $#C: No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in ari!le#, no la4 giving eGe! o he .oli!y o1 he Sae o4ardsse!"ring

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9$all or any o1 he .rin!i.les laid do4n in ParI%* shall 3e deemed o 3e void on he gro"nd ha i isin!onsisen 4ih, or aes a4ay or a3ridges any o1 herighs !on1erred 3y

$ari!le #9 or ari!le #8*/>and no la4%alidaion o1 !erain A!s and&eg"laions:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fo"rh Amendmen< A!, #8, s: ;4ihreros.e!ive eGe!<:6

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: :Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7B1h Amendmen< A!, #8=#, s: ;4:e:1: 6797#8=6<:9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 9, 1or?he .rin!i.less.e!iBed in !la"se ;3< or !la"se ;!< o1 ari!le 8@ ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<: Se!ion 9has 3een de!laredinvalid 3y he S".reme Co"r in (inerva (ills Ld: and ohers vs: Union o1India and ohers

;#8K< 6: S:C:C: 8#:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: K, 1or?ari!le #9,ari!le #8 or ari!le #@ ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:>In Resavananda )harai vs: The Sae o1 Rerala, ;#8=< S"..: S:C:&: #, heS".reme Co"rheld he .rovisions in iali!s o 3e invalid:Saving o1 la4sgiving eGe! o

!erain dire!ive.rin!i.les: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: #A#C:<#=!onaining a de!laraion ha i is 1or giving eGe! o s"!h.oli!y shall 3e !alled in "esion in any !o"r on he gro"ndha i does no give eGe! o s"!h .oli!yProvided ha 4here s"!h la4 is made 3y he

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Legisla"re o1 a Sae, he .rovisions o1 his ari!le shall hereo "nless s"!h la4, having 3een reserved 1orhe !onsideraion o1 he Presiden, has re!eived his assen: #

#D: $Saving o1 la4s in res.e! o1 ani7naional a!iviies:*&e.: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen< A!, #8==,s: 6 ;4:e:1: #797#8=K<:&igh o Consi"ional &emedies6: ;#< The righ o move he S".reme Co"r .ro!eedings 1or he en1or!emen o1 he righs!on1erred 3y his Par is g"araneed:;6< The S".reme Co"r shall have .o4er o iss"edire!ions or orders or 4ris, in!l"ding 4ris in he na"reo1 ha3eas !or."s, mandam"s, .rohi3iion, "o 4arrano and!eriorari, 4hi!hever may 3e, 1or he

en1or!emen o1 any o1 he righs !on1erred 3y his Par:;< Wiho" .re"di!e o he .o4ers !on1erred on heS".reme Co"r 3y !la"ses ;#< and ;6<, Parliamen may 3yla4 em.o4er any oher !o"r o e2er!ise 4ihin he lo!allimis o1 is "risdi!ion all or any o1 he .o4ers e2er!isa3le3y he S".reme Co"r "nder !la"se ;6<:;9< The righ g"araneed 3y his ari!le shall no 3es"s.ended e2!e. as oher4ise .rovided 1or 3y hisConsi"ion:66A: $Consi"ional validiy o1 Sae la4s no o 3e

!onsidered in .ro!eedings "nder ari!le 6:* &e.: 3y heConsi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen< A!, #8==, s: ;4:e:1:#797#8=K<:&emedies 1oren1or!emen o1 righs !on1erred 3yhis Par:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:6

Ins: 3y s: >, i3id: ;4:e:1: #767#8==<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: #C6A:<#K#$: Parliamen may , 3y la4, deermine o 4ha e2enany o1 he righs !on1erred 3y his Par shall, in!aion o,;a< he mem3ers o1 he Armed For!es/ or

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;3< he mem3ers o1 he For!es !harged 4ih hemainenan!e o1 ."3li! order/ or;!< .ersons em.loyed in any 3"rea" or oherorganisaion esa3lished 3y he Sae 1or ."r.oses o1 inelligen!e or !o"ner inelligen!e/ or

;d< .erson em.loyed in, or in !onne!ion 4ih,he ele!omm"ni!aion sysems se ". 1or he."r.oses o1 any For!e, 3"rea" or organisaionre1erred o in !la"ses ;a< o ;!<,3e resri!ed or a3rogaed so as o ens"re he .ro.erdis!harge o1 heir d"ies and he mainenan!e o1 dis!i.line among hem:*9: No4ihsanding anyhing in he 1oregoing.rovisions o1 his Par, Parliamen may 3y la4 indemni1yany .erson in he servi!e o1 he Union or o1 a Sae orany oher .erson in res.e! o1 any a! done 3y him in

!onne!ion 4ih he mainenan!e or resoraion o1 orderin any area 4ihin he erriory o1 India 4here marialla4 4as in 1or!e or validae any senen!e .assed,."nishmen inQi!ed, 1or1ei"re ordered or oher a! done"nder marial la4 in s"!h area:: No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion,;a< Parliamen shall have, and he Legisla"re o1 a Sae shall no have, .o4er o mae la4s;i< 4ih res.e! o any o1 he maers 4hi!h"nder !la"se ;< o1 ari!le #>, !la"se ;< o1 ari!le6, ari!le and ari!le 9 may 3e .rovided 1or

3y la4 made 3y Parliamen/ and;ii< 1or .res!ri3ing ."nishmen 1or hose a!s4hi!h are de!lared o 3e oGen!es "nder his Par/Po4er o1 Parliamen omodi1y he righs!on1erred 3y hisPar in!aion oFor!es, e!:&esri!ion on

righs !on1erred 3yhis Par 4hilemarial la4 is in1or!e in any area:Legislaion o giveeGe! o he.rovisions o1 hisPar:

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#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1ieh Amendmen< A!, #8K9, s: 6, 1or ar: : THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ars: :<#8and Parliamen shall, as soon as may 3e a1er he

!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, mae la4s1or .res!ri3ing ."nishmen 1or he a!s re1erredo in s"37!la"se ;ii</;3< any la4 in 1or!e immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion in he errioryo1 India 4ih res.e! o any o1 he maers re1erred oin s"37!la"se ;i< o1 !la"se ;a< or .roviding 1or."nishmen 1or any a! re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;ii<o1 ha !la"se shall, s"3e! o he erms hereo1 ando any ada.aions and modiB!aions ha may 3emade herein "nder ari!le =6, !onin"e in 1or!e "nil

alered or re.ealed or amended 3y Parliamen:E2.lanaion:In his ari!le, he e2.ression ?la4 in1or!e@ has he same meaning as in ari!le =6: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par III:F"ndamenal &ighs:Ar: :<6PA&T I%DI&ECTI%E P&INCIPLES OF STATE POLIC0>: In his Par, "nless he !one2 oher4ise re"ires,?he Sae@ has he same meaning as in Par III:=: The .rovisions !onained in his Par shall no 3een1or!ea3le 3y any !o"r, 3" he .rin!i.les herein laid

do4n are neverheless 1"ndamenal in he governan!e o1 he !o"nry and i shall 3e he d"y o1 he Sae o a..lyhese .rin!i.les in maing la4s:K:#$;#<* The Sae shall srive o .romoe he 4el1areo1 he .eo.le 3y se!"ring and .roe!ing as eGe!ively asi may a so!ial order in 4hi!h "si!e, so!ial, e!onomi!and .olii!al, shall in1orm all he insi"ions o1 henaional li1e:6

$;6< The Sae shall, in .ari!"lar, srive o minimisehe ine"aliies in in!ome, and endeavo"r o eliminaeine"aliies in sa"s, 1a!iliies and o..or"niies, noonly amongs individ"als 3" also amongs gro".s o1 .eo.le residing in diGeren areas or engaged in diGerenvo!aions:*8: The Sae shall, in .ari!"lar, dire! is .oli!yo4ards se!"ring

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;a< ha he !ii+ens, men and 4omen e"ally, havehe righ o an ade"ae means o1 livelihood/;3< ha he o4nershi. and !onrol o1 he maerialreso"r!es o1 he !omm"niy are so disri3"ed as 3eso s"3serve he !ommon good/

;!< ha he o.eraion o1 he e!onomi! sysem doesno res"l in he !on!enraion o1 4ealh and meanso1 .rod"!ion o he !ommon derimen/;d< ha here is e"al .ay 1or e"al 4or 1or 3ohmen and 4omen/!aion o1 he.rin!i.les!onained in hisPar:Sae o se!"re a

so!ial order 1orhe .romoion o1 4el1are o1 he.eo.le:Cerain .rin!i.leso1 .oli!y o 3e1ollo4ed 3y heSae:#Ar: K ren"m3ered as !l: ;#< hereo1 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rhAmendmen<

A!, #8=K, s: 8 ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6Ins: 3y s: 8, i3id: ;4:e:1 67>7#8=8<:6#;e< ha he healh and srengh o1 4orers, menand 4omen, and he ender age o1 !hildren are noa3"sed and ha !ii+ens are no 1or!ed 3y e!onomi!ne!essiy o ener avo!aions "ns"ied o heir age orsrengh/#$;1< ha !hildren are given o..or"niies and1a!iliies o develo. in a healhy manner and in

!ondiions o1 1reedom and digniy and ha !hildhoodand yo"h are .roe!ed agains e2.loiaion andagains moral and maerial a3andonmen:*6$8A: The Sae shall se!"re ha he o.eraion o1 helegal sysem .romoes "si!e, on a 3asis o1 e"alo..or"niy, and shall, in .ari!"lar, .rovide 1ree legalaid, 3y s"ia3le legislaion or s!hemes or in any oher

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#$9A: The Sae shall ae se.s, 3y s"ia3le legislaionor in any oher 4ay, o se!"re he .ari!i.aion o1 4orersin he managemen o1 "nderaings, esa3lishmens oroher organisaions engaged in any ind"sry:*

99: The Sae shall endeavo"r o se!"re 1or he !ii+ensa "ni1orm !ivil !ode hro"gho" he erriory o1 India:$9: The Sae shall endeavo"r o .rovide, 4ihin a.eriod o1 en years 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion, 1or 1ree and !om."lsory ed"!aion 1or all!hildren "nil hey !om.lee he age o1 1o"reen years:*9>: The Sae shall .romoe 4ih s.e!ial !are heed"!aional and e!onomi! ineress o1 he 4eaer se!ionso1 he .eo.le, and, in .ari!"lar, o1 he S!hed"led Casesand he S!hed"led Tri3es, and shall .roe! hem 1romso!ial in"si!e and all 1orms o1 e2.loiaion:

9=: The Sae shall regard he raising o1 he level o1 n"riion and he sandard o1 living o1 is .eo.le and heim.rovemen o1 ."3li! healh as among is .rimaryd"ies and, in .ari!"lar, he Sae shall endeavo"r o3ring a3o" .rohi3iion o1 he !ons"m.ion e2!e. 1ormedi!inal ."r.oses o1 ino2i!aing drins and o1 dr"gs4hi!h are in"rio"s o healh:9K: The Sae shall endeavo"r o organise agri!"l"reand animal h"s3andry on modern and s!ieniB! linesand shall, in .ari!"lar, ae se.s 1or .reserving andim.roving he 3reeds, and .rohi3iing he sla"gher, o1 

!o4s and !alves and oher mil!h and dra"gh !ale:Pari!i.aion o1 4orers inmanagemen o1 ind"sries:Uni1orm !ivil !ode1or he !ii+ens:Provision 1or 1reeand !om."lsoryed"!aion 1or!hildren:

#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 8 ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:Ar: 9 shall sand s"3si"ed 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7si2hAmendmen< A!,66, s: ;4hi!h is ye no in 1or!e, dae o 3e noiBed laer on< as?9: Provision 1or early !hildhood !are and ed"!aion o !hildren 3elo4 he

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age o1 si2 years:The Sae shall endeavo"r o .rovide early !hildhood !areand ed"!aion1or all !hildren "nil hey !om.lee he age o1 si2 years:@:Promoion o1 ed"!aional and

e!onomi! ineresso1 S!hed"ledCases, S!hed"led Tri3es and oher4eaer se!ions:D"y o1 he Saeo raise he levelo1 n"riion andhe sandard o1 living and oim.rove ."3li!

healh:Organisaion o1 agri!"l"re andanimal h"s3andry: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I%:Dire!ive Prin!i.les o1 Sae Poli!y:Ars: 99KA:<6Proe!ion andim.rovemen o1 environmen andsa1eg"arding o1 

1oress and 4ildli1e:#$9KA: The Sae shall endeavo"r o .roe! andim.rove he environmen and o sa1eg"ard he 1oressand 4ild li1e o1 he !o"nry:*98: I shall 3e he o3ligaion o1 he Sae o .roe!every mon"men or .la!e or o3e! o1 arisi! or hisori!ineres,6$de!lared 3y or "nder la4 made 3y Parliamen*

o 3e o1 naional im.oran!e, 1rom s.oliaion,disBg"remen, desr"!ion, removal, dis.osal or e2.or,as he !ase may 3e:: The Sae shall ae se.s o se.arae he "di!iary1rom he e2e!"ive in he ."3li! servi!es o1 he Sae:#: The Sae shall endeavo"r o;a< .romoe inernaional .ea!e and se!"riy/;3< mainain "s and hono"ra3le relaions 3e4een

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naions/;!< 1oser res.e! 1or inernaional la4 and reayo3ligaions in he dealings o1 organi+ed .eo.les 4ihone anoher/ and;d< en!o"rage selemen o1 inernaional dis."es

3y ar3iraion:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: # ;4:e:1:7#7#8==<:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6=, 1or?de!lared 3yParliamen 3y la4@:Proe!ion o1 mon"mens!es and o3e!s

o1 naionalim.oran!e:Se.araion o1  "di!iary 1rome2e!"ive: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I%:Dire!ive Prin!i.les o1 Sae Poli!y:Ars: 9KA#:<69Promoion o1 inernaional .ea!e

and se!"riy:#$PA&T I%AFUNDA(ENTAL DUTIES#A: I shall 3e he d"y o1 every !ii+en o1 India;a< o a3ide 3y he Consi"ion and res.e! isideals and insi"ions, he Naional Flag and heNaional Anhem/;3< o !herish and 1ollo4 he no3le ideals 4hi!hins.ired o"r naional sr"ggle 1or 1reedom/;!< o ".hold and .roe! he sovereigny, "niyand inegriy o1 India/

;d< o de1end he !o"nry and render naionalservi!e 4hen !alled ".on o do so/;e< o .romoe harmony and he s.iri o1 !ommon3roherhood amongs all he .eo.le o1 Indiarans!ending religio"s, ling"isi! and regional orse!ional diversiies/ o reno"n!e .ra!i!es derogaoryo he digniy o1 4omen/;1< o val"e and .reserve he ri!h heriage o1 o"r

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!om.osie !"l"re/;g< o .roe! and im.rove he na"ral environmenin!l"ding 1oress, laes, rivers and 4ild li1e, and ohave !om.assion 1or living !rea"res/;h< o develo. he s!ieniB!, h"manism and

he s.iri o1 in"iry and re1orm/;i< o sa1eg"ard ."3li! .ro.ery and o a3"reviolen!e/;< o srive o4ards e2!ellen!e in all s.heres o1 individ"al and !olle!ive a!iviy so ha he naion!onsanly rises o higher levels o1 endeavo"r anda!hievemen/$;< 4ho is a .aren or g"ardian o .rovideo..or"niies 1or ed"!aion o his !hild or, as he!ase may 3e, 4ard 3e4een he age o1 si2 and1o"reen years:*

F"ndamenald"ies:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: ## ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7si2h Amendmen< A!, 66, s: 9 ;4hi!h isye no in1or!e, dae o 3e noiBed laer on<:6PA&T % THE UNIONCHAPTE& I:THE EECUTI%E

 The Presiden and %i!e7Presiden6: There shall 3e a Presiden o1 India:: ;#< The e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union shall 3evesed in he Presiden and shall 3e e2er!ised 3y himeiher dire!ly or hro"gh oM!ers s"3ordinae o him ina!!ordan!e 4ih his Consi"ion:;6< Wiho" .re"di!e o he generaliy o1 he1oregoing .rovision, he s".reme !ommand o1 heDe1en!e For!es o1 he Union shall 3e vesed in hePresiden and he e2er!ise hereo1 shall 3e reg"laed 3yla4:

;< Nohing in his ari!le shall;a< 3e deemed o rans1er o he Presiden any1"n!ions !on1erred 3y any e2ising la4 on he'overnmen o1 any Sae or oher a"horiy/ or;3< .reven Parliamen 1rom !on1erring 3y la41"n!ions on a"horiies oher han he Presiden:9: The Presiden shall 3e ele!ed 3y he mem3ers o1 an ele!oral !ollege !onsising o1

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;a< he ele!ed mem3ers o1 3oh Ho"ses o1 Parliamen/ and;3< he ele!ed mem3ers o1 he LegislaiveAssem3lies o1 he Saes:#

$E2.lanaion:In his ari!le and in ari!le , JJSaeJJin!l"des he Naional Ca.ial Terriory o1 Delhi and heUnion erriory o1 Pondi!herry:* The Presiden o1 India:E2e!"ive .o4ero1 he Union:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenieh Amendmen< A!, #886, s: 6 ;4:e:1: #7>7#88<:No4 P"d"!herry, vide he Pondi!herry ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, 6>, s:

;4:e:1:#7#76><:6>Ele!ion o1 Presiden:: ;#< As 1ar as .ra!i!a3le, here shall 3e "ni1ormiyin he s!ale o1 re.resenaion o1 he diGeren Saes a heele!ion o1 he Presiden:;6< For he ."r.ose o1 se!"ring s"!h "ni1ormiyamong he Saes iner se as 4ell as .ariy 3e4een heSaes as a 4hole and he Union, he n"m3er o1 voes4hi!h ea!h ele!ed mem3er o1 Parliamen and o1 he

Legislaive Assem3ly o1 ea!h Sae is eniled o !as as"!h ele!ion shall 3e deermined in he 1ollo4ingmanner;a< every ele!ed mem3er o1 he LegislaiveAssem3ly o1 a Sae shall have as many voes ashere are m"li.les o1 one ho"sand in he "oieno3ained 3y dividing he .o."laion o1 he Sae 3yhe oal n"m3er o1 he ele!ed mem3ers o1 heAssem3ly/;3< i1, a1er aing he said m"li.les o1 oneho"sand, he remainder is no less han Bve

h"ndred, hen he voe o1 ea!h mem3er re1erred oin s"37!la"se ;a< shall 3e 1"rher in!reased 3y one/;!< ea!h ele!ed mem3er o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen shall have s"!h n"m3er o1 voes as may3e o3ained 3y dividing he oal n"m3er o1 voesassigned o he mem3ers o1 he LegislaiveAssem3lies o1 he Saes "nder s"37!la"ses ;a< and;3< 3y he oal n"m3er o1 he ele!ed mem3ers o1 

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3oh Ho"ses o1 Parliamen, 1ra!ions e2!eeding one7hal1 3eing !o"ned as one and oher 1ra!ions 3eingdisregarded:;< The ele!ion o1 he Presiden shall 3e held ina!!ordan!e 4ih he sysem o1 .ro.orional

re.resenaion 3y means o1 he single rans1era3le voeand he voing a s"!h ele!ion shall 3e 3y se!re 3allo:#$E2.lanaion:In his ari!le, he e2.ressionJJ.o."laionJJ means he .o."laion as as!erained a helas .re!eding !ens"s o1 4hi!h he relevan Bg"res have3een ."3lishedProvided ha he re1eren!e in his E2.lanaion o helas .re!eding !ens"s o1 4hi!h he relevan Bg"res have(anner o1 ele!iono1 Presiden:

#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: #6, 1or heE2.lanaion;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ar: :<6=3een ."3lished shall, "nil he relevan Bg"res 1or heBrs !ens"s aen a1er he year#$66>* have 3een."3lished, 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o he #8=# !ens"s:*

>: ;#< The Presiden shall hold oM!e 1or a erm o1 Bve years 1rom he dae on 4hi!h he eners ".on hisoM!eProvided ha;a< he Presiden may, 3y 4riing "nder his handaddressed o he %i!e7Presiden, resign his oM!e/;3< he Presiden may, 1or violaion o1 heConsi"ion, 3e removed 1rom oM!e 3y im.ea!hmenin he manner .rovided in ari!le >#/;!< he Presiden shall, no4ihsanding hee2.iraion o1 his erm, !onin"e o hold oM!e "nil

his s"!!essor eners ".on his oM!e:;6< Any resignaion addressed o he %i!e7Presiden"nder !la"se ;a< o1 he .roviso o !la"se ;#< shall 1orh4ih3e !omm"ni!aed 3y him o he S.eaer o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:=: A .erson 4ho holds, or 4ho has held, oM!e asPresiden shall, s"3e! o he oher .rovisions o1 hisConsi"ion, 3e eligi3le 1or re7ele!ion o ha oM!e:

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K: ;#< No .erson shall 3e eligi3le 1or ele!ion asPresiden "nless he;a< is a !ii+en o1 India,;3< has !om.leed he age o1 hiry7Bve years, and;!< is "aliBed 1or ele!ion as a mem3er o1 he

Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:;6< A .erson shall no 3e eligi3le 1or ele!ion asPresiden i1 he holds any oM!e o1 .roB "nder he'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 any Sae or"nder any lo!al or oher a"horiy s"3e! o he !onrolo1 any o1 he said 'overnmens: Term o1 oM!e o1 Presiden:5"aliB!aions 1orele!ion asPresiden:

Eligi3iliy 1or re7ele!ion:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy71o"rh Amendmen< A!, 6#, s: 6, 1or?6@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: K:<6KE2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his ari!le, a .ersonshall no 3e deemed o hold any oM!e o1 .roB 3y reasononly ha he is he Presiden or %i!e7Presiden o1 heUnion or he 'overnor

# o1 any Sae or is a (inisereiher 1or he Union or 1or any Sae:8: ;#< The Presiden shall no 3e a mem3er o1 eiherHo"se o1 Parliamen or o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 any Sae, and i1 a mem3er o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamenor o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 any Sae 3e ele!edPresiden, he shall 3e deemed o have va!aed his sea inha Ho"se on he dae on 4hi!h he eners ".on hisoM!e as Presiden:;6< The Presiden shall no hold any oher oM!e o1 

.roB:;< The Presiden shall 3e eniled 4iho" .aymeno1 ren o he "se o1 his oM!ial residen!es and shall 3ealso eniled o s"!h emol"mens, allo4an!es and.rivileges as may 3e deermined 3y Parliamen 3y la4and, "nil .rovision in ha 3ehal1 is so made, s"!hemol"mens, allo4an!es and .rivileges as are s.e!iBedin he Se!ond S!hed"le:

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;9< The emol"mens and allo4an!es o1 he Presidenshall no 3e diminished d"ring his erm o1 oM!e:>: Every Presiden and every .erson a!ing asPresiden or dis!harging he 1"n!ions o1 he Presidenshall, 3e1ore enering ".on his oM!e, mae and s"3s!ri3e

in he .resen!e o1 he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India or, in hisa3sen!e, he senior7mos -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"ravaila3le, an oah or aMrmaion in he 1ollo4ing 1orm,ha is o sayI, A:):, do s4ear in he name o1 'od ha I 4ill 1aih7  solemnly aMrm1"lly e2e!"e he oM!e o1 Presiden ;or dis!hargehe 1"n!ions o1 he Presiden< o1 India and 4ill o he3es o1 my a3iliy .reserve, .roe! and de1end heCondiions o1 PresidenJs oM!e:

Oah or aMrmaion3y he Presiden:# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h or U.ara.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion;SevenhAmendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: K>:<68Consi"ion and he la4 and ha I 4ill devoe mysel1 ohe servi!e and 4ell73eing o1 he .eo.le o1 India@:>#: ;#< When a Presiden is o 3e im.ea!hed 1or

violaion o1 he Consi"ion, he !harge shall 3e .re1erred3y eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen:;6< No s"!h !harge shall 3e .re1erred "nless;a< he .ro.osal o .re1er s"!h !harge is !onainedin a resol"ion 4hi!h has 3een moved a1er a leas1o"reen daysJ noi!e in 4riing signed 3y no lesshan one71o"rh o1 he oal n"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 he Ho"se has 3een given o1 heir inenion o movehe resol"ion, and;3< s"!h resol"ion has 3een .assed 3y a maoriyo1 no less han 4o7hirds o1 he oal mem3ershi.

o1 he Ho"se:;< When a !harge has 3een so .re1erred 3y eiherHo"se o1 Parliamen, he oher Ho"se shall invesigaehe !harge or !a"se he !harge o 3e invesigaed and hePresiden shall have he righ o a..ear and o 3ere.resened a s"!h invesigaion:;9< I1 as a res"l o1 he invesigaion a resol"ion is.assed 3y a maoriy o1 no less han 4o7hirds o1 he

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his o Bll s"!h va!an!y eners ".on his oM!e:;6< When he Presiden is "na3le o dis!harge his1"n!ions o4ing o a3sen!e, illness or any oher !a"se,he %i!e7Presiden shall dis!harge his 1"n!ions "nil hedae on 4hi!h he Presiden res"mes his d"ies:

;< The %i!e7Presiden shall, d"ring, and in res.e!o1, he .eriod 4hile he is so a!ing as, or dis!harging he1"n!ions o1, Presiden, have all he .o4ers andimm"niies o1 he Presiden and 3e eniled o s"!hemol"mens, allo4an!es and .rivileges as may 3edeermined 3y Parliamen 3y la4 and, "nil .rovision inha 3ehal1 is so made, s"!h emol"mens, allo4an!esand .rivileges as are s.e!iBed in he Se!ond S!hed"le:>>: ;#< The %i!e7Presiden shall 3e ele!ed 3y he#$mem3ers o1 an ele!oral !ollege !onsising o1 he

mem3ers o1 3oh Ho"ses o1 Parliamen* in a!!ordan!e The %i!e7Presideno1 India: The %i!e7Presideno 3e e2 oM!ioChairman o1 heCo"n!il o1 Saes: The %i!e7Presideno a! as Presidenor o dis!harge his1"n!ions d"ring

!as"al va!an!ies inhe oM!e, ord"ring he a3sen!e,o1 Presiden:Ele!ion o1 %i!e7Presiden:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Elevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>#, s: 6, 1or?mem3ers o1 3ohHo"ses o1 Parliamen assem3led a a oin meeing@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par %:The Union:Ars: >6>>:<#4ih he sysem o1 .ro.orional re.resenaion 3y meanso1 he single rans1era3le voe and he voing a s"!hele!ion shall 3e 3y se!re 3allo:;6< The %i!e7Presiden shall no 3e a mem3er o1 eiherHo"se o1 Parliamen or o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 any Sae, and i1 a mem3er o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamenor o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 any Sae 3e ele!ed

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%i!e7Presiden, he shall 3e deemed o have va!aed hissea in ha Ho"se on he dae on 4hi!h he eners ".onhis oM!e as %i!e7Presiden:;< No .erson shall 3e eligi3le 1or ele!ion as %i!e7Presiden "nless he

;a< is a !ii+en o1 India/;3< has !om.leed he age o1 hiry7Bve years/ and;!< is "aliBed 1or ele!ion as a mem3er o1 heCo"n!il o1 Saes:;9< A .erson shall no 3e eligi3le 1or ele!ion as %i!e7Presiden i1 he holds any oM!e o1 .roB "nder he'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 any Sae or"nder any lo!al or oher a"horiy s"3e! o he !onrolo1 any o1 he said 'overnmens:E2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his ari!le, a .ersonshall no 3e deemed o hold any oM!e o1 .roB 3y reason

only ha he is he Presiden or %i!e7Presiden o1 heUnion or he 'overnor# o1 any Sae or is a (inisereiher 1or he Union or 1or any Sae:>=: The %i!e7Presiden shall hold oM!e 1or a erm o1 Bve years 1rom he dae on 4hi!h he eners ".on hisoM!eProvided ha;a< a %i!e7Presiden may, 3y 4riing "nder his handaddressed o he Presiden, resign his oM!e/

 Term o1 oM!e o1 %i!e7Presiden:# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h or U.ara.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion;SevenhAmendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: >>>=:<6;3< a %i!e7Presiden may 3e removed 1rom his oM!e3y a resol"ion o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes .assed 3y amaoriy o1 all he hen mem3ers o1 he Co"n!il and

agreed o 3y he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le/ 3" no resol"ion1or he ."r.ose o1 his !la"se shall 3e moved "nlessa leas 1o"reen daysJ noi!e has 3een given o1 heinenion o move he resol"ion/;!< a %i!e7Presiden shall, no4ihsanding hee2.iraion o1 his erm, !onin"e o hold oM!e "nilhis s"!!essor eners ".on his oM!e: >K: ;#< An ele!ion o Bll a va!an!y !a"sed 3y he

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e2.iraion o1 he erm o1 oM!e o1 %i!e7Presiden shall 3e!om.leed 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 he erm:  ;6< An ele!ion o Bll a va!an!y in he oM!e o1 %i!e7Presiden o!!"rring 3y reason o1 his deah, resignaion orremoval, or oher4ise shall 3e held as soon as .ossi3le

a1er he o!!"rren!e o1 he va!an!y, and he .erson ele!edo Bll he va!an!y shall, s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!le >=, 3e eniled o hold oM!e 1or he 1"ll erm o1 Bveyears 1rom he dae on 4hi!h he eners ".on his oM!e: >8: Every %i!e7Presiden shall, 3e1ore enering ".onhis oM!e, mae and s"3s!ri3e 3e1ore he Presiden, orsome .erson a..oined in ha 3ehal1 3y him, an oah oraMrmaion in he 1ollo4ing 1orm, ha is o say?I, A:):, dos4ear in he name o1 'od ha I 4ill 3ear r"e

1aih and allegian!e o he Consi"ion o1 India as 3yla4 esa3lished and ha I 4ill 1aih1"lly dis!harge hed"y ".on 4hi!h I am a3o" o ener:@=: Parliamen may mae s"!h .rovisions as i hinsB 1or he dis!harge o1 he 1"n!ions o1 he Presiden inany !oningen!y no .rovided 1or in his$=#: ;#< All do"3s and dis."es arising o" o1 or in!onne!ion 4ih he ele!ion o1 a Presiden or %i!e7Presiden shall 3e in"ired ino and de!ided 3y heS".reme Co"r 4hose de!ision shall 3e Bnal:

 Time o1 holdingele!ion o Bllva!an!y in heoM!e o1 %i!e7Presiden and heerm o1 oM!e o1 .erson ele!ed oBll !as"al va!an!y:Oah or aMrmaion3y he %i!e7Presiden:

Dis!harge o1 PresidenJs1"n!ions in oher!oningen!ies:(aers relaingo, or !onne!ed4ih, he ele!iono1 a Presiden or

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%i!e7Presiden:#Ar: =# has 3een s"!!essively s"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7ninhAmendmen<A!, #8=, s: 6 ;4:e:1: #7K7#8=< and he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh

Amendmen< A!, #8=K,s: #, o read as a3ove ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: solemnly aMrm THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: >==#:<;6< I1 he ele!ion o1 a .erson as Presiden or %i!e7Presiden is de!lared void 3y he S".reme Co"r, a!sdone 3y him in he e2er!ise and .er1orman!e o1 he.o4ers and d"ies o1 he oM!e o1 Presiden or %i!e7Presiden, as he !ase may 3e, on or 3e1ore he dae o1 he de!ision o1 he S".reme Co"r shall no 3e invalidaed

3y reason o1 ha de!laraion:;< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion,Parliamen may 3y la4 reg"lae any maer relaing o or!onne!ed 4ih he ele!ion o1 a Presiden or %i!e7Presiden:;9< The ele!ion o1 a .erson as Presiden or %i!e7Presiden shall no 3e !alled in "esion on he gro"ndo1 he e2isen!e o1 any va!an!y 1or 4haever reasonamong he mem3ers o1 he ele!oral !ollege ele!ing him:*=6: ;#< The Presiden shall have he .o4er o gran.ardons, re.rieves, res.ies or remissions o1 ."nishmen

or o s"s.end, remi or !omm"e he senen!e o1 any.erson !onvi!ed o1 any oGen!e;a< in all !ases 4here he ."nishmen or senen!eis 3y a Co"r (arial/;3< in all !ases 4here he ."nishmen or senen!eis 1or an oGen!e agains any la4 relaing o a maero 4hi!h he e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union e2ends/;!< in all !ases 4here he senen!e is a senen!e o1 deah:;6< Nohing in s"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se ;#< shall aGe!he .o4er !on1erred 3y la4 on any oM!er o1 he Armed

For!es o1 he Union o s"s.end, remi or !omm"e asenen!e .assed 3y a Co"r (arial:;< Nohing in s"37!la"se ;!< o1 !la"se ;#< shall aGe!he .o4er o s"s.end, remi or !omm"e a senen!e o1 deah e2er!isa3le 3y he 'overnor# o1 a Sae "nderany la4 1or he ime 3eing in 1or!e:

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Po4er o1 Presideno gran .ardons,e!:, and os"s.end, remi or!omm"e senen!es

in !erain !ases:# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h ? omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: =#=6:<9=: ;#< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion,he e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union shall e2end;a< o he maers 4ih res.e! o 4hi!h Parliamenhas .o4er o mae la4s/ and

;3< o he e2er!ise o1 s"!h righs, a"horiy and "risdi!ion as are e2er!isa3le 3y he 'overnmen o1 India 3y vir"e o1 any reay or agreemenProvided ha he e2e!"ive .o4er re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;a< shall no, save as e2.ressly .rovided in hisConsi"ion or in any la4 made 3y Parliamen, e2end inany Sae# o maers 4ih res.e! o 4hi!h heLegisla"re o1 he Sae has also .o4er o mae la4s:;6< Unil oher4ise .rovided 3y Parliamen, a Sae

and any oM!er or a"horiy o1 a Sae may,no4ihsanding anyhing in his ari!le, !onin"e oe2er!ise in maers 4ih res.e! o 4hi!h Parliamen has.o4er o mae la4s 1or ha Sae s"!h e2e!"ive .o4eror 1"n!ions as he Sae or oM!er or a"horiy hereo1 !o"ld e2er!ise immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion:Co"n!il o1 (inisers=9:6$;#< There shall 3e a Co"n!il o1 (inisers 4ih

he Prime (iniser a he head o aid and advise hePresiden 4ho shall, in he e2er!ise o1 his 1"n!ions, a!in a!!ordan!e 4ih s"!h advi!e*$Provided ha he Presiden may re"ire he Co"n!ilo1 (inisers o re!onsider s"!h advi!e, eiher generallyor oher4ise, and he Presiden shall a! in a!!ordan!e4ih he advi!e endered a1er s"!h re!onsideraion:*

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;6< The "esion 4heher any, and i1 so 4ha, advi!e4as endered 3y (inisers o he Presiden shall no 3ein"ired ino in any !o"r:E2en o1 e2e!"ive.o4er o1 he

Union:Co"n!il o1 (inisers o aidand advisePresiden:# The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: #, 1or !l:

;#< ;4:e:1:7#7#8==<:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: ## ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: ==9:<=: ;#< The Prime (iniser shall 3e a..oined 3y hePresiden and he oher (inisers shall 3e a..oined 3yhe Presiden on he advi!e o1 he Prime (iniser:#

$;#A< The oal n"m3er o1 (inisers, in!l"ding hePrime (iniser, in he Co"n!il o1 (inisers shall noe2!eed B1een .er !en: o1 he oal n"m3er o1 mem3erso1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:;#)< A mem3er o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen3elonging o any .olii!al .ary 4ho is dis"aliBed 1or3eing a mem3er o1 ha Ho"se "nder .aragra.h 6 o1 he Tenh S!hed"le shall also 3e dis"aliBed o 3e a..oinedas a (iniser "nder !la"se ;#< 1or d"raion o1 he .eriod!ommen!ing 1rom he dae o1 his dis"aliB!aion ill hedae on 4hi!h he erm o1 his oM!e as s"!h mem3er

4o"ld e2.ire or 4here he !oness any ele!ion o eiherHo"se o1 Parliamen 3e1ore he e2.iry o1 s"!h .eriod, illhe dae on 4hi!h he is de!lared ele!ed, 4hi!hever isearlier:*;6< The (inisers shall hold oM!e d"ring he .leas"reo1 he Presiden:;< The Co"n!il o1 (inisers shall 3e !olle!ivelyres.onsi3le o he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:

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;9< )e1ore a (iniser eners ".on his oM!e, hePresiden shall adminiser o him he oahs o1 oM!e ando1 se!re!y a!!ording o he 1orms se o" 1or he ."r.osein he Third S!hed"le:;< A (iniser 4ho 1or any .eriod o1 si2 !onse!"ive

monhs is no a mem3er o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamenshall a he e2.iraion o1 ha .eriod !ease o 3e a (iniser:;>< The salaries and allo4an!es o1 (inisers shall 3es"!h as Parliamen may 1rom ime o ime 3y la4deermine and, "nil Parliamen so deermines, shall 3eas s.e!iBed in he Se!ond S!hed"le: The Aorney7'eneral 1or India=>: ;#< The Presiden shall a..oin a .erson 4ho is"aliBed o 3e a..oined a -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"ro 3e Aorney7'eneral 1or India:;6< I shall 3e he d"y o1 he Aorney7'eneral o

give advi!e o he 'overnmen o1 India ".on s"!h legalOher .rovisions aso (inisers:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Niney7Brs Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 6:Aorney7'eneral1or India: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: ==>:<>maers, and o .er1orm s"!h oher d"ies o1 a legal!hara!er, as may 1rom ime o ime 3e re1erred or

assigned o him 3y he Presiden, and o dis!harge he1"n!ions !on1erred on him 3y or "nder his Consi"ionor any oher la4 1or he ime 3eing in 1or!e:;< In he .er1orman!e o1 his d"ies he Aorney7'eneral shall have righ o1 a"dien!e in all !o"rs in heerriory o1 India:;9< The Aorney7'eneral shall hold oM!e d"ring he.leas"re o1 he Presiden, and shall re!eive s"!hrem"neraion as he Presiden may deermine:Cond"! o1 'overnmen )"siness==: ;#< All e2e!"ive a!ion o1 he 'overnmen o1 

India shall 3e e2.ressed o 3e aen in he name o1 hePresiden:;6< Orders and oher insr"mens made and e2e!"edin he name o1 he Presiden shall 3e a"heni!aed ins"!h manner as may 3e s.e!iBed in r"les#o 3e made 3yhe Presiden, and he validiy o1 an order or insr"men

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4hi!h is so a"heni!aed shall no 3e !alled in "esionon he gro"nd ha i is no an order or insr"men madeor e2e!"ed 3y he Presiden:;< The Presiden shall mae r"les 1or he more!onvenien ransa!ion o1 he 3"siness o1 he 'overnmen

o1 India, and 1or he allo!aion among (inisers o1 hesaid 3"siness: 6 =K: I shall 3e he d"y o1 he Prime (iniser;a< o !omm"ni!ae o he Presiden all de!isionso1 he Co"n!il o1 (inisers relaing o headminisraion o1 he aGairs o1 he Union 1or legislaion/;3< o 1"rnish s"!h in1ormaion relaing o he

adminisraion o1 he aGairs o1 he Union 1or legislaion as he Presiden may !all1or/ andCond"! o1 3"siness o1 he'overnmen o1 India:D"ies o1 Prime(iniser as res.e!she 1"rnishing o1 in1ormaion o he

Presiden, e!:#See NoiB!aion No: S: O: 668=, daed he rd Novem3er, #8K, 'a+ee o1India,E2raordinary, #8K, P: II, Se!: ;ii<, .: ##, as amended 1rom ime o ime:6Cl: ;9< 4as ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s:#9 ;4:e:1:7#7#8==< and omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!,#8=K, s: #6;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: =>=K:<=;!< i1 he Presiden so re"ires, o s"3mi 1or he!onsideraion o1 he Co"n!il o1 (inisers any maeron 4hi!h a de!ision has 3een aen 3y a (iniser 3"4hi!h has no 3een !onsidered 3y he Co"n!il:CHAPTE& II:PA&LIA(ENT'eneral

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=8: There shall 3e a Parliamen 1or he Union 4hi!hshall !onsis o1 he Presiden and 4o Ho"ses o 3e no4nres.e!ively as he Co"n!il o1 Saes and he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:K: ;#<

#$6 The Co"n!il o1 Saes* shall !onsis o1;a< 4elve mem3ers o 3e nominaed 3y hePresiden in a!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 !la"se;</ and;3< no more han 4o h"ndred and hiry7eighre.resenaives o1 he Saes$and o1 he Union

erriories:*;6< The allo!aion o1 seas in he Co"n!il o1 Saes o3e Blled 3y re.resenaives o1 he Saes$and o1 he Unionerriories* shall 3e in a!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions inha 3ehal1 !onained in he Fo"rh S!hed"le:;< The mem3ers o 3e nominaed 3y he Presiden"nder s"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se ;#< shall !onsis o1 .ersonshaving s.e!ial no4ledge or .ra!i!al e2.erien!e inres.e! o1 s"!h maers as he 1ollo4ing, namely7

Liera"re, s!ien!e, ar and so!ial servi!e:;9< The re.resenaives o1 ea!h Sae9 in he Co"n!ilo1 Saes shall 3e ele!ed 3y he ele!ed mem3ers o1 heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae in a!!ordan!e 4ih hesysem o1 .ro.orional re.resenaion 3y means o1 hesingle rans1era3le voe:;< The re.resenaives o1 he$Union erriories* in

he Co"n!il o1 Saes shall 3e !hosen in s"!h manner asParliamen may 3y la4 .res!ri3e:Consi"ion o1 Parliamen:Com.osiion o1 heCo"n!il o1 Saes:#

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S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7B1h Amendmen< A!, #8=9, s: , 1or ?TheCo"n!il o1 Saes@ ;4:e:1: #77#8=<:6 The 4ords ?s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 .aragra.h 9 o1 he Tenh S!hed"le@

omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Thiry7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: ;4:e:1: 6>797#8=<:Added 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: :9 The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3ys: , i3id:S"3s: 3y s: , i3id:, 1or ?Saes s.e!iBed in Par C o1 he Firs S!hed"le@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par %:The Union:Ars: =KK:<K#$K#: ;#<6$S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!le #*,he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le shall !onsis o1;a< no more han9$Bve h"ndred and hiry

mem3ers* !hosen 3y dire! ele!ion 1rom erriorial!onsi"en!ies in he Saes, and;3< no more han$4eny mem3ers* o re.resenhe Union erriories, !hosen in s"!h manner asParliamen may 3y la4 .rovide: ;6< For he ."r.oses o1 s"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se ;#<,;a< here shall 3e alloed o ea!h Sae a n"m3ero1 seas in he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le in s"!h mannerha he raio 3e4een ha n"m3er and he

.o."laion o1 he Sae is, so 1ar as .ra!i!a3le, hesame 1or all Saes/ and;3< ea!h Sae shall 3e divided ino erriorial!onsi"en!ies in s"!h manner ha he raio 3e4eenhe .o."laion o1 ea!h !onsi"en!y and he n"m3ero1 seas alloed o i is, so 1ar as .ra!i!a3le, hesame hro"gho" he Sae>

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$Provided ha he .rovisions o1 s"37!la"se ;a< o1 his !la"se shall no 3e!a3le 1or he ."r.ose o1 allomen o1 seas in he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le o anySae so long as he .o."laion o1 ha Sae does noe2!eed si2 millions:*

;< In his ari!le, he e2.ression ?.o."laion@ meanshe .o."laion as as!erained a he las .re!eding !ens"so1 4hi!h he relevan Bg"res have 3een ."3lished=$Provided ha he re1eren!e in his !la"se o he!eding !ens"s o1 4hi!h he relevan Bg"res have 3een."3lished shall, "nil he relevan Bg"res 1or he Brs!ens"s aen a1er he yearK$66>* have 3een ."3lished,8

$3e !onsr"ed,Com.osiion o1 heHo"se o1 hePeo.le:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 9, 1or ars: K#and K6:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7B1h Amendmen< A!, #8=9 s: 9, 1or?S"3e! o he.rovisions o1 ari!le #@ ;4:e:1: #77#8=<:

 The 4ords and Bg"re ?and .aragra.h 9 o1 he Tenh S!hed"le@ omied 3yheConsi"ion ;Thiry7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: ;4:e:1: 6>797#8=<:9S"3s: 3y he 'oa, Daman and Di" &eorganisaion A!, #8K= ;#K o1 #8K=<, s:>, 1or?Bve h"ndred and 4eny7Bve mem3ers@ ;4:e:1: 77#8K=<:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7Brs Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: 6, 1or?4eny7Bve

mem3ers@:>Ins: 3y s: 6, i3id:=Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: # ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:K

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a a ime and no e2ending in any !ase 3eyond a .eriodo1 si2 monhs a1er he Pro!lamaion has !eased o o.erae:K9: A .erson shall no 3e "aliBed o 3e !hosen o Blla sea in Parliamen "nless he6

$;a< is a !ii+en o1 India, and maes and s"3s!ri3es3e1ore some .erson a"horised in ha 3ehal1 3y heEle!ion Commission an oah or aMrmaiona!!ording o he 1orm se o" 1or he ."r.ose in he Third S!hed"le/*;3< is, in he !ase o1 a sea in he Co"n!il o1 Saes,no less han hiry years o1 age and, in he !ase o1 a sea in he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le, no less han4eny7Bve years o1 age/ and;!< .ossesses s"!h oher "aliB!aions as may 3e.res!ri3ed in ha 3ehal1 3y or "nder any la4 made

3y Parliamen:$K: ;#< The Presiden shall 1rom ime o imes"mmon ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen o mee a s"!h imeand .la!e as he hins B, 3" si2 monhs shall noinervene 3e4een is las siing in one session and hedae a..oined 1or is Brs siing in he ne2 session:;6< The Presiden may 1rom ime o ime;a< .rorog"e he Ho"ses or eiher Ho"se/;3< dissolve he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:*K>: ;#< The Presiden may address eiher Ho"se o1 

Parliamen or 3oh Ho"ses assem3led ogeher, and 1orha ."r.ose re"ire he aendan!e o1 mem3ers:5"aliB!aion 1ormem3ershi. o1 Parliamen:Sessions o1 Parliamen,.rorogaion anddissol"ion:&igh o1 Presideno address and

send messages oHo"ses: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: KK>:<9#;6< The Presiden may send messages o eiher Ho"seo1 Parliamen, 4heher 4ih res.e! o a )ill hen .endingin Parliamen or oher4ise, and a Ho"se o 4hi!h anymessage is so sen shall 4ih all !onvenien des.a!h

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!onsider any maer re"ired 3y he message o 3e aenino !onsideraion:K=: ;#< A he !ommen!emen o1#$he Brs session

a1er ea!h general ele!ion o he Ho"se o1 he Peo.leand a he !ommen!emen o1 he Brs session o1 ea!hyear* he Presiden shall address 3oh Ho"ses o1 Parliamen assem3led ogeher and in1orm Parliamen o1 he !a"ses o1 is s"mmons:;6< Provision shall 3e made 3y he r"les reg"lainghe .ro!ed"re o1 eiher Ho"se 1or he allomen o1 ime 1ordis!"ssion o1 he maers re1erred o in s"!h address6:KK: Every (iniser and he Aorney7'eneral o1 India

shall have he righ o s.ea in, and oher4ise o in he .ro!eedings o1, eiher Ho"se, any oin siingo1 he Ho"ses, and any !ommiee o1 Parliamen o1 4hi!hhe may 3e named a mem3er, 3" shall no 3y vir"e o1 hisari!le 3e eniled o voe:OM!ers o1 ParliamenK8: ;#< The %i!e7Presiden o1 India shall 3e e2 oM!ioChairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes:;6< The Co"n!il o1 Saes shall, as soon as may 3e,!hoose a mem3er o1 he Co"n!il o 3e De."y Chairmanhereo1 and, so o1en as he oM!e o1 De."y Chairman

3e!omes va!an, he Co"n!il shall !hoose anoher mem3ero 3e De."y Chairman hereo1:8: A mem3er holding oM!e as De."y Chairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes;a< shall va!ae his oM!e i1 he !eases o 3e amem3er o1 he Co"n!il/;3< may a any ime, 3y 4riing "nder his handaddressed o he Chairman, resign his oM!e/ and;!< may 3e removed 1rom his oM!e 3y a resol"iono1 he Co"n!il .assed 3y a maoriy o1 all he henmem3ers o1 he Co"n!il

#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: =, 1or ?everysession@:6 The 4ords ?and 1or he .re!eden!e o1 s"!h dis!"ssion over oher 3"siness o1he Ho"se@omied 3y s: =, i3id:S.e!ial address 3y

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he Presiden:&ighs o1 (inisersand Aorney7'eneral as res.e!sHo"ses:

 The Chairman andDe."y Chairmano1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes:%a!aion andresignaion o1, andremoval 1rom, heoM!e o1 De."yChairman: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: K>8:<

96Provided ha no resol"ion 1or he ."r.ose o1 !la"se;!< shall 3e moved "nless a leas 1o"reen days noi!ehas 3een given o1 he inenion o move he resol"ion:8#: ;#< While he oM!e o1 Chairman is va!an, ord"ring any .eriod 4hen he %i!e7Presiden is a!ing as,or dis!harging he 1"n!ions o1, Presiden, he d"ies o1 he oM!e shall 3e .er1ormed 3y he De."y Chairman,or, i1 he oM!e o1 De."y Chairman is also va!an, 3ys"!h mem3er o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes as he Presidenmay a..oin 1or he ."r.ose:;6< D"ring he a3sen!e o1 he Chairman 1rom any

siing o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes he De."y Chairman, or,i1 he is also a3sen, s"!h .erson as may 3e deermined3y he r"les o1 .ro!ed"re o1 he Co"n!il, or, i1 no s"!h.erson is .resen, s"!h oher .erson as may 3edeermined 3y he Co"n!il, shall a! as Chairman:86: ;#< A any siing o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes, 4hileany resol"ion 1or he removal o1 he %i!e7Presiden 1romhis oM!e is "nder !onsideraion, he Chairman, or 4hileany resol"ion 1or he removal o1 he De."y Chairman1rom his oM!e is "nder !onsideraion, he De."yChairman, shall no, ho"gh he is .resen, .reside, and

he .rovisions o1 !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le 8# shall inrelaion o every s"!h siing as hey in relaion oa siing 1rom 4hi!h he Chairman, or, as he !ase may3e, he De."y Chairman, is a3sen:;6< The Chairman shall have he righ o s.ea in,and oher4ise o ae .ar in he .ro!eedings o1, heCo"n!il o1 Saes 4hile any resol"ion 1or he removal o1 he %i!e7Presiden 1rom his oM!e is "nder !onsideraion

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"nil immediaely 3e1ore he Brs meeing o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le a1er he dissol"ion:8: ;#< While he oM!e o1 S.eaer is va!an, he d"ieso1 he oM!e shall 3e .er1ormed 3y he De."y S.eaer or,i1 he oM!e o1 De."y S.eaer is also va!an, 3y s"!h

mem3er o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le as he Presiden maya..oin 1or he ."r.ose:;6< D"ring he a3sen!e o1 he S.eaer 1rom any siingo1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le he De."y S.eaer or, i1 heis also a3sen, s"!h .erson as may 3e deermined 3y her"les o1 .ro!ed"re o1 he Ho"se, or, i1 no s"!h .erson is.resen, s"!h oher .erson as may 3e deermined 3y heHo"se, shall a! as S.eaer:8>: ;#< A any siing o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le, 4hileany resol"ion 1or he removal o1 he S.eaer 1rom hisoM!e is "nder !onsideraion, he S.eaer, or 4hile any

resol"ion 1or he removal o1 he De."y S.eaer 1rom hisoM!e is "nder !onsideraion, he De."y S.eaer, shallno, ho"gh he is .resen, .reside, and he .rovisions o1 !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le 8 shall in relaion o every%a!aion andresignaion o1, andremoval 1rom, heoM!es o1 S.eaerand De."yS.eaer:Po4er o1 he

De."y S.eaer oroher .erson o.er1orm he d"ieso1 he oM!e o1, oro a! as, S.eaer: The S.eaer or heDe."y S.eaerno o .reside4hile a resol"ion1or his removal1rom oM!e is

"nder!onsideraion: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: 898>:<99s"!h siing as hey in relaion o a siing 1rom4hi!h he S.eaer, or, as he !ase may 3e, he De."yS.eaer, is a3sen:;6< The S.eaer shall have he righ o s.ea in, and

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oher4ise o ae .ar in he .ro!eedings o1, he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le 4hile any resol"ion 1or his removal 1romoM!e is "nder !onsideraion in he Ho"se and shall,no4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le #, 3e eniled ovoe only in he Brs insan!e on s"!h resol"ion or on

any oher maer d"ring s"!h .ro!eedings 3" no in he!ase o1 an e"aliy o1 voes:8=: There shall 3e .aid o he Chairman and heDe."y Chairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes, and o heS.eaer and he De."y S.eaer o1 he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le, s"!h salaries and allo4an!es as may 3eres.e!ively B2ed 3y Parliamen 3y la4 and, "nil.rovision in ha 3ehal1 is so made, s"!h salaries andallo4an!es as are s.e!iBed in he Se!ond S!hed"le:8K: ;#< Ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen shall have a se.araese!rearial saG

Provided ha nohing in his !la"se shall 3e!onsr"ed as .revening he !reaion o1 .oss !ommono 3oh Ho"ses o1 Parliamen:;6< Parliamen may 3y la4 reg"lae he re!r"imen,and he !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 .ersons a..oined, ohe se!rearial saG o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen:;< Unil .rovision is made 3y Parliamen "nder!la"se ;6<, he Presiden may, a1er !ons"laion 4ih heS.eaer o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le or he Chairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes, as he !ase may 3e, mae r"lesreg"laing he re!r"imen, and he !ondiions o1 servi!e

o1 .ersons a..oined, o he se!rearial saG o1 he Ho"seo1 he Peo.le or he Co"n!il o1 Saes, and any r"les somade shall have eGe! s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 anyla4 made "nder he said !la"se:Salaries andallo4an!es o1 heChairman andDe."y Chairmanand he S.eaerand De."yS.eaer:

Se!rearia o1 Parliamen: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: 8>8K:<9Cond"! o1 )"siness88: Every mem3er o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen shall,3e1ore aing his sea, mae and s"3s!ri3e 3e1ore hePresiden, or some .erson a..oined in ha 3ehal1 3y

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him, an oah or aMrmaion a!!ording o he 1orm se o"1or he ."r.ose in he Third S!hed"le:#: ;#< Save as oher4ise .rovided in hisConsi"ion, all "esions a any siing o1 eiher Ho"seor oin siing o1 he Ho"ses shall 3e deermined 3y a

maoriy o1 voes o1 he mem3ers .resen and voing,oher han he S.eaer or .erson a!ing as Chairman orS.eaer: The Chairman or S.eaer, or .erson a!ing as s"!h,shall no voe in he Brs insan!e, 3" shall have ande2er!ise a !asing voe in he !ase o1 an e"aliy o1 voes:;6< Eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen shall have .o4er oa! no4ihsanding any va!an!y in he mem3ershi.hereo1, and any .ro!eedings in Parliamen shall 3e validno4ihsanding ha i is dis!overed s"3se"enly hasome .erson 4ho 4as no eniled so o do sa or voed

or oher4ise oo .ar in he .ro!eedings:;< Unil Parliamen 3y la4 oher4ise .rovides, he"or"m o !onsi"e a meeing o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen shall 3e one7enh o1 he oal n"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 he Ho"se:;9< I1 a any ime d"ring a meeing o1 a Ho"se hereis no "or"m, i shall 3e he d"y o1 he Chairman orS.eaer, or .erson a!ing as s"!h, eiher o ado"rn heHo"se or o s"s.end he meeing "nil here is a "or"m:Dis"aliB!aions o1 (em3ers##: ;#< No .erson shall 3e a mem3er o1 3oh Ho"ses

o1 Parliamen and .rovision shall 3e made 3y Parliamen3y la4 1or he va!aion 3y a .erson 4ho is !hosen amem3er o1 3oh Ho"ses o1 his sea in one Ho"se or heoher:Oah or aMrmaion3y mem3ers:%oing in Ho"ses,.o4er o1 Ho"seso a!no4ihsandingva!an!ies and

"or"m:%a!aion o1 seas: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: 88##:<9>;6< No .erson shall 3e a mem3er 3oh o1 Parliamenand o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae#, and i1 

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a .erson is !hosen a mem3er 3oh o1 Parliamen and o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o16$a Sae*, hen, a hee2.iraion o1 s"!h .eriod as may 3e s.e!iBed in r"les

made 3y he Presiden, ha .ersonJs sea in Parliamenshall 3e!ome va!an, "nless he has .revio"sly resignedhis sea in he Legisla"re o1 he Sae:;< I1 a mem3er o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen;a< 3e!omes s"3e! o any o1 he dis"aliB!aionsmenioned in9$!la"se ;#< or !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le #6*,or

$;3< resigns his sea 3y 4riing "nder his handaddressed o he Chairman or he S.eaer, as he!ase may 3e, and his resignaion is a!!e.ed 3y heChairman or he S.eaer, as he !ase may 3e,*his sea shall here".on 3e!ome va!an>$Provided ha in he !ase o1 any resignaion re1erredo in s"37!la"se ;3<, i1 1rom in1ormaion re!eived oroher4ise and a1er maing s"!h in"iry as he hins B,he Chairman or he S.eaer, as he !ase may 3e, issaisBed ha s"!h resignaion is no vol"nary or gen"ine,

he shall no a!!e. s"!h resignaion:*;9< I1 1or a .eriod o1 si2y days a mem3er o1 eiherHo"se o1 Parliamen is 4iho" .ermission o1 he Ho"sea3sen 1rom all meeings hereo1, he Ho"se may de!larehis sea va!anProvided ha in !om."ing he said .eriod o1 si2ydays no a!!o"n shall 3e aen o1 any .eriod d"ring# The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:

6S"3s: 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:, ?s"!h a Sae@:See he Prohi3iion o1 Sim"laneo"s (em3ershi. &"les, #8, ."3lished 4ihhe (inisryo1 La4 NoiB!aion No: F: 9>7C, daed he 6>h -an"ary, #8, 'a+ee o1India,E2raordinary, .: >=K:

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9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8K, s: 6, 1or?!la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #6@ ;4:e:1: #77#8K<:

S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7hird Amendmen< A!, #8=9, s: 6, 1or s"37!la"se ;3<:>Ins: 3y s: 6, i3id: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ar: ##:<9=4hi!h he Ho"se is .rorog"ed or is ado"rned 1or morehan 1o"r !onse!"ive days:#6: ;#< A .erson shall 3e dis"aliBed 1or 3eing !hosenas, and 1or 3eing, a mem3er o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen

;a< i1 he holds any oM!e o1 .roB "nder he'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 any Sae,oher han an oM!e de!lared 3y Parliamen 3y la4no o dis"ali1y is holder/;3< i1 he is o1 "nso"nd mind and sands sode!lared 3y a !om.een !o"r/;!< i1 he is an "ndis!harged insolven/;d< i1 he is no a !ii+en o1 India, or has vol"narilya!"ired he !ii+enshi. o1 a 1oreign Sae, or is "nderany a!no4ledgmen o1 allegian!e or adheren!e o a1oreign Sae/

;e< i1 he is so dis"aliBed 3y or "nder any la4made 3y Parliamen: #$E2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his !la"se* a.erson shall no 3e deemed o hold an oM!e o1 .roB"nder he 'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 any Sae 3y reason only ha he is a (iniser eiher 1orhe Union or 1or s"!h Sae:6$;6< A .erson shall 3e dis"aliBed 1or 3eing a

mem3er o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen i1 he is sodis"aliBed "nder he Tenh S!hed"le:*$#: ;#< I1 any "esion arises as o 4heher a mem3ero1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen has 3e!ome s"3e! o anyo1 he dis"aliB!aions menioned in !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le#6, he "esion shall 3e re1erred 1or he de!ision o1 hePresiden and his de!ision shall 3e Bnal:

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Dis"aliB!aions1or mem3ershi.:De!ision on"esions as odis"aliB!aions o1 

mem3ers:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8K, s: , 1or ?;6<For he."r.oses o1 his ari!le@ ;4:e:1: #77#8K<6Ins: 3y s: , i3id: ;4:e:1: #77#8K<:Ar: # has 3een s"!!essively s"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ondAmendmen<A!, #8=>, s: 6 ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==< and he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh

Amendmen< A!,#8=K, s: #9 o read as a3ove ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: ###:<9K;6< )e1ore giving any de!ision on any s"!h "esion,he Presiden shall o3ain he o.inion o1 he Ele!ionCommission and shall a! a!!ording o s"!h o.inion:*#9: I1 a .erson sis or voes as a mem3er o1 eiherHo"se o1 Parliamen 3e1ore he has !om.lied 4ih here"iremens o1 ari!le 88, or 4hen he no4s ha he isno "aliBed or ha he is dis"aliBed 1or mem3ershi.

hereo1, or ha he is .rohi3ied 1rom so doing 3y he.rovisions o1 any la4 made 3y Parliamen, he shall 3elia3le in res.e! o1 ea!h day on 4hi!h he so sis or voeso a .enaly o1 Bve h"ndred r".ees o 3e re!overed as ade3 d"e o he Union:Po4ers, Privileges and Imm"niies o1 Parliamenand is (em3ers#: ;#< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ionand o he r"les and sanding orders reg"laing!ed"re o1 Parliamen, here shall 3e 1reedom o1!hin Parliamen:

;6< No mem3er o1 Parliamen shall 3e lia3le o!eedings in any !o"r in res.e! o1 any hing said orany voe given 3y him in Parliamen or any !ommieehereo1, and no .erson shall 3e so lia3le in res.e! o1 he."3li!aion 3y or "nder he a"horiy o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen o1 any re.or,, voes or .ro!eedings:;< In oher res.e!s, he .o4ers, .rivileges andimm"niies o1 ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen, and o1 he

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mem3ers and he !ommiees o1 ea!h Ho"se, shall 3es"!h as may 1rom ime o ime 3e deBned 3y Parliamen3y la4, and, "nil so deBned,#$shall 3e hose o1 ha

Ho"se and o1 is mem3ers and !ommiees immediaely3e1ore he !oming ino 1or!e o1 se!ion # o1 heConsi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K:*;9< The .rovisions o1 !la"ses ;#<, ;6< and ;< in relaion o .ersons 4ho 3y vir"e o1 hisConsi"ion have he righ o s.ea in, and oher4ise oPenaly 1or siingand voing 3e1oremaing oah oraMrmaion "nderari!le 88 or 4hen

no "aliBed or4hen dis"aliBed:Po4ers, .rivileges,e!:, o1 he Ho"seso1 Parliamen ando1 he mem3ersand !ommieeshereo1:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: #, 1or!erain 4ords

;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: ##:<98ae .ar in he .ro!eedings o1, a Ho"se o1 Parliamen orany !ommiee hereo1 as hey in relaion o mem3erso1 Parliamen:#>: (em3ers o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen shall 3eeniled o re!eive s"!h salaries and allo4an!es as may1rom ime o ime 3e deermined 3y Parliamen 3y la4and, "nil .rovision in ha res.e! is so made, allo4an!esa s"!h raes and ".on s"!h !ondiions as 4ere

immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion!a3le in he !ase o1 mem3ers o1 heConsi"en Assem3ly o1 he Dominion o1 India:Legislaive Pro!ed"re#=: ;#< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!les #8 and##= 4ih res.e! o (oney )ills and oher Bnan!ial )ills,a )ill may originae in eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen:;6< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!les #K and #8,

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a )ill shall no 3e deemed o have 3een .assed 3y heHo"ses o1 Parliamen "nless i has 3een agreed o 3y3oh Ho"ses, eiher 4iho" amendmen or 4ih s"!hamendmens only as are agreed o 3y 3oh Ho"ses:;< A )ill .ending in Parliamen shall no 3y

reason o1 he .rorogaion o1 he Ho"ses:;9< A )ill .ending in he Co"n!il o1 Saes 4hi!h hasno 3een .assed 3y he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le shall on a dissol"ion o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:;< A )ill 4hi!h is .ending in he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le,or 4hi!h having 3een .assed 3y he Ho"se o1 he Peo.leis .ending in he Co"n!il o1 Saes, shall, s"3e! o he.rovisions o1 ari!le #K, on a dissol"ion o1 heHo"se o1 he Peo.le:#K: ;#< I1 a1er a )ill has 3een .assed 3y one Ho"seand ransmied o he oher Ho"se

;a< he )ill is ree!ed 3y he oher Ho"se/ or;3< he Ho"ses have Bnally disagreed as o heamendmens o 3e made in he )ill/ orSalaries andallo4an!es o1 mem3ers:Provisions as oinrod"!ion and.assing o1 )ills: -oin siing o1 3ohHo"ses in !erain

!ases: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: ##K:<;!< more han si2 monhs 1rom he dae o1 he re!e.ion o1 he )ill 3y he oher Ho"se 4iho"he )ill 3eing .assed 3y i,he Presiden may, "nless he )ill has ela.sed 3y reasono1 a dissol"ion o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le, noi1y o heHo"ses 3y message i1 hey are siing or 3y ."3li!noiB!aion i1 hey are no siing, his inenion os"mmon hem o mee in a oin siing 1or he ."r.ose

o1 deli3eraing and voing on he )illProvided ha nohing in his !la"se shall o a(oney )ill:;6< In re!oning any s"!h .eriod o1 si2 monhs as isre1erred o in !la"se ;#<, no a!!o"n shall 3e aen o1 any .eriod d"ring 4hi!h he Ho"se re1erred o ins"37!la"se ;!< o1 ha !la"se is .rorog"ed or ado"rned 1ormore han 1o"r !onse!"ive days:

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;< Where he Presiden has "nder !la"se ;#< noiBedhis inenion o1 s"mmoning he Ho"ses o mee in a oin siing, neiher Ho"se shall .ro!eed 1"rher 4ihhe )ill, 3" he Presiden may a any ime a1er he daeo1 his noiB!aion s"mmon he Ho"ses o mee in a oin

siing 1or he ."r.ose s.e!iBed in he noiB!aion and,i1 he does so, he Ho"ses shall mee a!!ordingly:;9< I1 a he oin siing o1 he 4o Ho"ses he )ill,4ih s"!h amendmens, i1 any, as are agreed o in oinsiing, is .assed 3y a maoriy o1 he oal n"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 3oh Ho"ses .resen and voing, i shall 3edeemed 1or he ."r.oses o1 his Consi"ion o have3een .assed 3y 3oh Ho"sesProvided ha a a oin siing;a< i1 he )ill, having 3een .assed 3y one Ho"se,has no 3een .assed 3y he oher Ho"se 4ih

amendmens and re"rned o he Ho"se in 4hi!h ioriginaed, no amendmen shall 3e .ro.osed o he)ill oher han s"!h amendmens ;i1 any< as are madene!essary 3y he delay in he .assage o1 he )ill/ THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ar: #K:<#;3< i1 he )ill has 3een so .assed and re"rned,only s"!h amendmens as a1oresaid shall 3e .ro.osedo he )ill and s"!h oher amendmens as are relevano he maers 4ih res.e! o 4hi!h he Ho"ses haveno agreed/

and he de!ision o1 he .erson .residing as o heamendmens 4hi!h are admissi3le "nder his !la"se shall3e Bnal:;< A oin siing may 3e held "nder his ari!le anda )ill .assed herea, no4ihsanding ha a dissol"iono1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le has inervened sin!e hePresiden noiBed his inenion o s"mmon he Ho"ses omee herein:#8: ;#< A (oney )ill shall no 3e inrod"!ed in heCo"n!il o1 Saes:;6< A1er a (oney )ill has 3een .assed 3y he Ho"se

o1 he Peo.le i shall 3e ransmied o he Co"n!il o1 Saes 1or is re!ommendaions and he Co"n!il o1 Saesshall 4ihin a .eriod o1 1o"reen days 1rom he dae o1 isre!ei. o1 he )ill re"rn he )ill o he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le 4ih is re!ommendaions and he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le may here".on eiher a!!e. or ree! all or any o1 he re!ommendaions o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes:;< I1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le a!!e.s any o1 he

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re!ommendaions o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes, he (oney )illshall 3e deemed o have 3een .assed 3y 3oh Ho"ses4ih he amendmens re!ommended 3y he Co"n!il o1 Saes and a!!e.ed 3y he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:;9< I1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le does no a!!e. any o1 

he re!ommendaions o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes, he (oney)ill shall 3e deemed o have 3een .assed 3y 3oh Ho"sesin he 1orm in 4hi!h i 4as .assed 3y he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le 4iho" any o1 he amendmens re!ommended 3yhe Co"n!il o1 Saes:;< I1 a (oney )ill .assed 3y he Ho"se o1 he Peo.leand ransmied o he Co"n!il o1 Saes 1or isre!ommendaions is no re"rned o he Ho"se o1 he THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #K7#8:<6

S.e!ial .ro!ed"rein res.e! o1 (oney )ills:Peo.le 4ihin he said .eriod o1 1o"reen days, i shall 3edeemed o have 3een .assed 3y 3oh Ho"ses a hee2.iraion o1 he said .eriod in he 1orm in 4hi!h i 4as.assed 3y he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:##: ;#< For he ."r.oses o1 his, a )ill shall3e deemed o 3e a (oney )ill i1 i !onains only.rovisions dealing 4ih all or any o1 he 1ollo4ingmaers, namely;a< he im.osiion, a3oliion, remission, aleraion

or reg"laion o1 any a2/;3< he reg"laion o1 he 3orro4ing o1 money orhe giving o1 any g"aranee 3y he 'overnmen o1 India, or he amendmen o1 he la4 4ih res.e! oany Bnan!ial o3ligaions "nderaen or o 3e"nderaen 3y he 'overnmen o1 India/;!< he !"sody o1 he Consolidaed F"nd or heConingen!y F"nd o1 India, he .aymen o1 moneysino or he 4ihdra4al o1 moneys 1rom any s"!hF"nd/;d< he o1 moneys o" o1 he

Consolidaed F"nd o1 India/;e< he de!laring o1 any e2.endi"re o 3ee2.endi"re !harged on he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India or he in!reasing o1 he amo"n o1 any s"!he2.endi"re/;1< he re!ei. o1 money on a!!o"n o1 heConsolidaed F"nd o1 India or he ."3li! a!!o"n o1 India or he !"sody or iss"e o1 s"!h money or he

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a"di o1 he a!!o"ns o1 he Union or o1 a Sae/ or;g< any maer in!idenal o any o1 he maerss.e!iBed in s"37!la"ses ;a< o ;1<:;6< A )ill shall no 3e deemed o 3e a (oney )ill 3yreason only ha i .rovides 1or he im.osiion o1 Bnes or

oher .e!"niary .enalies, or 1or he demand or .aymeno1 1ees 1or li!en!es or 1ees 1or servi!es rendered, or 3yreason ha i .rovides 1or he im.osiion, a3oliion,remission, aleraion or reg"laion o1 any a2 3y any lo!ala"horiy or 3ody 1or lo!al ."r.oses:DeBniion o1 ?(oney )ills@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #87##:<;< I1 any "esion arises 4heher a )ill is a (oney)ill or no, he de!ision o1 he S.eaer o1 he Ho"se o1 

he Peo.le hereon shall 3e Bnal:;9< There shall 3e endorsed on every (oney )ill 4heni is ransmied o he Co"n!il o1 Saes "nderari!le #8, and 4hen i is .resened o he Presiden 1orassen "nder ari!le ###, he !eriB!ae o1 he S.eaer o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le signed 3y him ha i is a (oney)ill:###: When a )ill has 3een .assed 3y he Ho"ses o1 Parliamen, i shall 3e .resened o he Presiden, andhe Presiden shall de!lare eiher ha he assens o he)ill, or ha he 4ihholds assen here1rom

Provided ha he Presiden may, as soon as .ossi3lea1er he .resenaion o him o1 a )ill 1or assen, re"rn he)ill i1 i is no a (oney )ill o he Ho"ses 4ih a messagere"esing ha hey 4ill re!onsider he )ill or anys.e!iBed .rovisions hereo1 and, in .ari!"lar, 4ill!onsider he desira3iliy o1 inrod"!ing any s"!hamendmens as he may re!ommend in his message, and4hen a )ill is so re"rned, he Ho"ses shall re!onsiderhe )ill a!!ordingly, and i1 he )ill is .assed again 3y heHo"ses 4ih or 4iho" amendmen and .resened o hePresiden 1or assen, he Presiden shall no 4ihhold

assen here1rom:Pro!ed"re in Finan!ial (aers##6: ;#< The Presiden shall in res.e! o1 every Bnan!ialyear !a"se o 3e laid 3e1ore 3oh he Ho"ses o1 Parliamena saemen o1 he esimaed re!ei.s and e2.endi"re o1 he 'overnmen o1 India 1or ha year, in his Par re1erredo as he ?ann"al Bnan!ial saemen@:;6< The esimaes o1 e2.endi"re em3odied in he

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ann"al Bnan!ial saemen shall sho4 se.araely;a< he s"ms re"ired o mee e2.endi"re des!ri3ed3y his Consi"ion as e2.endi"re !harged ".onhe Consolidaed F"nd o1 India/ andAssen o )ills:

Ann"al Bnan!ialsaemen: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: ####6:<9;3< he s"ms re"ired o mee oher e2.endi" o 3e made 1rom he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India,and shall dising"ish e2.endi"re on reven"e a!!o"n1rom oher e2.endi"re:;< The 1ollo4ing e2.endi"re shall 3e e2.endi"re!harged on he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India

;a< he emol"mens and allo4an!es o1 hePresiden and oher e2.endi"re relaing o his oM!e/;3< he salaries and allo4an!es o1 he Chairmanand he De."y Chairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saesand he S.eaer and he De."y S.eaer o1 he Ho"seo1 he Peo.le/;!< de3 !harges 1or 4hi!h he 'overnmen o1 Indiais lia3le in!l"ding ineres, sining 1"nd !harges andredem.ion !harges, and oher e2.endi"re relaingo he raising o1 loans and he servi!e and redem.iono1 de3/

;d< ;i< he salaries, allo4an!es and .ensions.aya3le o or in res.e! o1 -"dges o1 he S".remeCo"r/;ii< he .ensions .aya3le o or in res.e! o1 -"dgeso1 he Federal Co"r/;iii< he .ensions .aya3le o or in res.e! o1 -"dgeso1 any High Co"r 4hi!h e2er!ises "risdi!ion inrelaion o any area in!l"ded in he erriory o1 Indiaor 4hi!h a any ime 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion e2er!ised "risdi!ion in relaion oany area in!l"ded in

#$a 'overnorJs Provin!e o1 heDominion o1 India*/;e< he salary, allo4an!es and .ension .aya3le oor in res.e! o1 he Com.roller and A"dior7'eneralo1 India/#

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>;< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!les ## and ##>,no money shall 3e 4ihdra4n 1rom he ConsolidaedF"nd o1 India e2!e. "nder made 3y la4.assed in a!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 his ari!le:##: ;#< The Presiden shall;a< i1 he amo"n a"horised 3y any la4 made ina!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 ari!le ##9 o 3ee2.ended 1or a .ari!"lar servi!e 1or he !"rrenBnan!ial year is 1o"nd o 3e ins"M!ien 1or he."r.oses o1 ha year or 4hen a need has arisend"ring he !"rren Bnan!ial year 1or s"..lemenary

or addiional e2.endi"re ".on some ne4 servi!eno !onem.laed in he ann"al Bnan!ial saemen1or ha year, or;3< i1 any money has 3een s.en on any servi!ed"ring a Bnan!ial year in e2!ess o1 he amo"ngraned 1or ha servi!e and 1or ha year,!a"se o 3e laid 3e1ore 3oh he Ho"ses o1 Parliamenanoher saemen sho4ing he esimaed amo"n o1 hae2.endi"re or !a"se o 3e .resened o he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le a demand 1or s"!h e2!ess, as he !ase may 3e:;6< The .rovisions o1 ari!les ##6, ## and ##9 shall

have eGe! in relaion o any s"!h saemen ande2.endi"re or demand and also o any la4 o 3e madea"horising he o1 moneys o" o1 heConsolidaed F"nd o1 India o mee s"!h e2.endi"re orhe gran in res.e! o1 s"!h demand as hey have eGe!in relaion o he ann"al Bnan!ial saemen and hee2.endi"re menioned herein or o a demand 1or a granand he la4 o 3e made 1or he a"horisaion o1 o1 moneys o" o1 he Consolidaed F"ndo1 India o mee s"!h e2.endi"re or gran:##>: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in he 1oregoing

.rovisions o1 his, he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le shallhave .o4er;a< o mae any gran in advan!e in res.e! o1 heesimaed e2.endi"re 1or a .ar o1 any Bnan!ialS"..lemenary,addiional ore2!ess grans:%oes on a!!o"n,

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voes o1 !rediand e2!e.ionalgrans: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: ##9##>:<

=year .ending he !om.leion o1 he .ro!ed"re.res!ri3ed in ari!le ## 1or he voing o1 s"!h granand he .assing o1 he la4 in a!!ordan!e 4ih he.rovisions o1 ari!le ##9 in relaion o hae2.endi"re/;3< o mae a gran 1or meeing an "ne2.e!eddemand ".on he reso"r!es o1 India 4hen on a!!o"no1 he magni"de or he indeBnie !hara!er o1 heservi!e he demand !anno 3e saed 4ih he deailsordinarily given in an ann"al Bnan!ial saemen/;!< o mae an e2!e.ional gran 4hi!h 1orms no

.ar o1 he !"rren servi!e o1 any Bnan!ial year/and Parliamen shall have .o4er o a"horise 3y la4 he4ihdra4al o1 moneys 1rom he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India 1or he ."r.oses 1or 4hi!h he said grans aremade:;6< The .rovisions o1 ari!les ## and ##9 shall haveeGe! in relaion o he maing o1 any gran "nder !la"se;#< and o any la4 o 3e made "nder ha !la"se as heyhave eGe! in relaion o he maing o1 a gran 4ihregard o any e2.endi"re menioned in he ann"alBnan!ial saemen and he la4 o 3e made 1or he

a"horisaion o1 o1 moneys o" o1 heConsolidaed F"nd o1 India o mee s"!h e2.endi"re:##=: ;#< A )ill or amendmen maing .rovision 1orany o1 he maers s.e!iBed in s"37!la"ses ;a< o ;1< o1 !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le ## shall no 3e inrod"!ed or movede2!e. on he re!ommendaion o1 he Presiden and a )illmaing s"!h .rovision shall no 3e inrod"!ed in heCo"n!il o1 SaesProvided ha no re!ommendaion shall 3e re"ired"nder his !la"se 1or he moving o1 an amendmen maing.rovision 1or he red"!ion or a3oliion o1 any a2:

;6< A )ill or amendmen shall no 3e deemed o mae.rovision 1or any o1 he maers a1oresaid 3y reason onlyha i .rovides 1or he im.osiion o1 Bnes or oher.e!"niary .enalies, or 1or he demand or .aymen o1 1ees 1or li!en!es or 1ees 1or servi!es rendered, or 3y reasonha i .rovides 1or he im.osiion, a3oliion, remission,S.e!ial .rovisionsas o Bnan!ial )ills:

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 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: ##>7##=:<Kaleraion or reg"laion o1 any a2 3y any lo!al a"horiyor 3ody 1or lo!al ."r.oses:;< A )ill 4hi!h, i1 ena!ed and 3ro"gh ino

o.eraion, 4o"ld involve e2.endi"re 1rom heConsolidaed F"nd o1 India shall no 3e .assed 3y eiherHo"se o1 Parliamen "nless he Presiden has re7!ommended o ha Ho"se he !onsideraion o1 he )ill:Pro!ed"re 'enerally##K: ;#< Ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen may mae r"les 1orreg"laing, s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion,is .ro!ed"re and he !ond"! o1 is 3"siness:;6< Unil r"les are made "nder !la"se ;#<, he r"leso1 .ro!ed"re and sanding orders in 1or!e immediaely3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4ih

res.e! o he Legisla"re o1 he Dominion o1 India shallhave eGe! in relaion o Parliamen s"3e! o s"!hmodiB!aions and ada.aions as may 3e made herein3y he Chairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes or he S.eaero1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le, as he !ase may 3e:;< The Presiden, a1er !ons"laion 4ih heChairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes and he S.eaer o1 heHo"se o1 he Peo.le, may mae r"les as o he .ro!ed"re4ih res.e! o oin siings o1, and !omm"ni!aions3e4een, he 4o Ho"ses:;9< A a oin siing o1 he 4o Ho"ses he S.eaer o1 

he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le, or in his a3sen!e s"!h .ersonas may 3e deermined 3y r"les o1 .ro!ed"re made "nder!la"se ;<, shall .reside:##8: Parliamen may, 1or he ."r.ose o1 he imely!om.leion o1 Bnan!ial 3"siness, reg"lae 3y la4!ed"re o1, and he !ond"! o1 3"siness in, ea!h Ho"seo1 Parliamen in relaion o any Bnan!ial maer or o any)ill 1or he o1 moneys o" o1 heConsolidaed F"nd o1 India, and, i1 and so 1ar as any.rovision o1 any la4 so made is in!onsisen 4ih anyr"le made 3y a Ho"se o1 Parliamen "nder !la"se ;#< o1 

ari!le ##K or 4ih any r"le or sanding order having&"les o1 .ro!ed"re:&eg"laion 3y la4o1 .ro!ed"re inParliamen inrelaion o Bnan!ial3"siness:

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.ro!eedings o1 Parliamen:Po4er o1 Presideno .rom"lgaeOrdinan!es d"ring

re!ess o1 Parliamen: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: ##8#6:<>;6< An Ordinan!e .rom"lgaed "nder his ari!le shallhave he same 1or!e and eGe! as an A! o1 Parliamen,3" every s"!h Ordinan!e;a< shall 3e laid 3e1ore 3oh Ho"ses o1 Parliamenand shall !ease o o.erae a he e2.iraion o1 si24ees 1rom he reassem3ly o1 Parliamen, or, i1 3e1orehe e2.iraion o1 ha .eriod resol"ions disa..roving

i are .assed 3y 3oh Ho"ses, ".on he .assing o1 hese!ond o1 hose resol"ions/ and;3< may 3e 4ihdra4n a any ime 3y he Presiden:E2.lanaion:Where he Ho"ses o1 Parliamen ares"mmoned o reassem3le on diGeren daes, he .eriod o1 si2 4ees shall 3e re!oned 1rom he laer o1 hosedaes 1or he ."r.oses o1 his !la"se:;< I1 and so 1ar as an Ordinan!e "nder his ari!lemaes any .rovision 4hi!h Parliamen 4o"ld no "nderhis Consi"ion 3e !om.een o ena!, i shall 3e void:#

CHAPTE& I% :THE UNION -UDICIA&0#69: ;#< There shall 3e a S".reme Co"r o1 India!onsising o1 a Chie1 -"si!e o1 India and, "nil Parliamen3y la4 .res!ri3es a larger n"m3er, o1 no more hanseven6oher -"dges:;6< Every -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r shall 3ea..oined 3y he Presiden 3y 4arran "nder his handand seal a1er !ons"laion 4ih s"!h o1 he -"dges o1 he

S".reme Co"r and o1 he High Co"rs in he Saes ashe Presiden may deem ne!essary 1or he ."r.ose andshall hold oM!e "nil he aains he age o1 si2y7BveyearsProvided ha in he !ase o1 a..oinmen o1 a -"dgeoher han he Chie1 -"si!e, he Chie1 -"si!e o1 IndiaEsa3lishmen and!onsi"ion o1 

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S".reme Co"r:#Cl: ;9< 4as ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7eighh Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: 6;reros.e!ively< and omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen<A!, #8=K,

s: #> ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6No4 ?4eny7Bve@, vide he S".reme Co"r ;N"m3er o1 -"dges< AmendmenA!,#8K> ;66 o1 #8K><, s: 6: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #67#69:<>#shall al4ays 3e !ons"ledProvided 1"rher ha;a< a -"dge may, 3y 4riing "nder his handaddressed o he Presiden, resign his oM!e/

;3< a -"dge may 3e removed 1rom his oM!e in hemanner .rovided in !la"se ;9<:#$;6A< The age o1 a -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r shall3e deermined 3y s"!h a"horiy and in s"!h manner asParliamen may 3y la4 .rovide:*;< A .erson shall no 3e "aliBed 1or a..oinmen asa -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r "nless he is a !ii+en o1 India and;a< has 3een 1or a leas Bve years a -"dge o1 aHigh Co"r or o1 4o or more s"!h Co"rs in

s"!!ession/ or;3< has 3een 1or a leas en years an advo!ae o1 a High Co"r or o1 4o or more s"!h Co"rs ins"!!ession/ or;!< is, in he o.inion o1 he Presiden, adising"ished "ris:E2.lanaion I:In his !la"se High Co"rJJ means aHigh Co"r 4hi!h e2er!ises, or 4hi!h a any ime 3e1orehe !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion e2er!ised, "risdi!ion in any .ar o1 he erriory o1 India:E2.lanaion II:In !om."ing 1or he ."r.ose o1 his

!la"se he .eriod d"ring 4hi!h a .erson has 3een anadvo!ae, any .eriod d"ring 4hi!h a .erson has held "di!ial oM!e no in1erior o ha o1 a disri! "dge a1erhe 3e!ame an advo!ae shall 3e in!l"ded:;9< A -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r shall no 3e removed1rom his oM!e e2!e. 3y an order o1 he Presiden.assed a1er an address 3y ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamens"..ored 3y a maoriy o1 he oal mem3ershi. o1 

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ha Ho"se and 3y a maoriy o1 no less han 4o7hirds o1 he mem3ers o1 ha Ho"se .resen and#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par %:The Union:Ar: #69:<>6voing has 3een .resened o he Presiden in he samesession 1or s"!h removal on he gro"nd o1 .rovedmis3ehavio"r or in!a.a!iy:;< Parliamen may 3y la4 reg"lae he .ro!ed"re 1orhe .resenaion o1 an address and 1or he invesigaionand .roo1 o1 he mis3ehavio"r or in!a.a!iy o1 a -"dge"nder !la"se ;9<:;>< Every .erson a..oined o 3e a -"dge o1 heS".reme Co"r shall, 3e1ore he eners ".on his oM!e,mae and s"3s!ri3e 3e1ore he Presiden, or some .erson

a..oined in ha 3ehal1 3y him, an oah or aMrmaiona!!ording o he 1orm se o" 1or he ."r.ose in he ThirdS!hed"le:;=< No .erson 4ho has held oM!e as a -"dge o1 heS".reme Co"r shall .lead or a! in any !o"r or 3e1oreany a"horiy 4ihin he erriory o1 India:#6:#$;#< There shall 3e .aid o he -"dges o1 heS".reme Co"r s"!h salaries as may 3e deermined 3yParliamen 3y la4 and, "nil .rovision in ha 3ehal1 is

so made, s"!h salaries as are s.e!iBed in he Se!ondS!hed"le:*;6< Every -"dge shall 3e eniled o s"!h .rivilegesand allo4an!es and o s"!h righs in res.e! o1 leave o1 a3sen!e and .ension as may 1rom ime o ime 3edeermined 3y or "nder la4 made 3y Parliamen and,"nil so deermined, o s"!h .rivileges, allo4an!es andrighs as are s.e!iBed in he Se!ond S!hed"leProvided ha neiher he .rivileges nor heallo4an!es o1 a -"dge nor his righs in res.e! o1 leaveo1 a3sen!e or .ension shall 3e varied o his disadvanage

a1er his a..oinmen:#6>: When he oM!e o1 Chie1 -"si!e o1 India is va!anor 4hen he Chie1 -"si!e is, 3y reason o1 a3sen!e oroher4ise, "na3le o .er1orm he d"ies o1 his oM!e,#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8K>, s: 6, 1or !l:;#< ;4:e:1:#797#8K><:

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Salaries, e!:, o1  -"dges:A..oinmen o1 a!ing Chie1 -"si!e: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par %:The Union:Ars: #69#6>:<>he d"ies o1 he oM!e shall 3e .er1ormed 3y s"!h one o1 he oher -"dges o1 he Co"r as he Presiden may a..oin1or he ."r.ose:#6=: ;#< I1 a any ime here sho"ld no 3e a "or"mo1 he -"dges o1 he S".reme Co"r availa3le o hold or!onin"e any session o1 he Co"r, he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India may, 4ih he .revio"s !onsen o1 he Presidenand a1er !ons"laion 4ih he Chie1 -"si!e o1 he HighCo"r !on!erned, re"es in 4riing he aendan!e ahe siings o1 he Co"r, as an ad ho! -"dge, 1or s"!h

.eriod as may 3e ne!essary, o1 a -"dge o1 a High Co"rd"ly "aliBed 1or a..oinmen as a -"dge o1 he S".remeCo"r o 3e designaed 3y he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India:;6< I shall 3e he d"y o1 he -"dge 4ho has 3een sodesignaed, in .rioriy o oher d"ies o1 his oM!e, oaend he siings o1 he S".reme Co"r a he ime and1or he .eriod 1or 4hi!h his aendan!e is re"ired, and4hile so aending he shall have all he "risdi!ion,.o4ers and .rivileges, and shall dis!harge he d"ies, o1 a -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r:#6K: No4ihsanding anyhing in his, he

Chie1 -"si!e o1 India may a any ime, 4ih he .revio"s!onsen o1 he Presiden, re"es any .erson 4ho hasheld he oM!e o1 a -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r or o1 heFederal Co"r#$or 4ho has held he oM!e o1 a -"dge o1 a High Co"r and is d"ly "aliBed 1or a..oinmen as a -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r* o si and a! as a -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r, and every s"!h .erson so re"esedshall, 4hile so siing and a!ing, 3e eniled o s"!hallo4an!es as he Presiden may 3y order deermine and

have all he "risdi!ion, .o4ers and .rivileges o1, 3"shall no oher4ise 3e deemed o 3e, a -"dge o1 haCo"rProvided ha nohing in his ari!le shall 3e deemedo re"ire any s"!h .erson as a1oresaid o si and a! asa -"dge o1 ha Co"r "nless he !onsens so o do:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: :

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A..oinmen o1 ad ho! -"dges:Aendan!e o1 reired -"dges asiings o1 he

S".reme Co"r: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #6>#6K:<>9#68: The S".reme Co"r shall 3e a !o"r o1 re!ordand shall have all he .o4ers o1 s"!h a !o"r in!l"dinghe .o4er o ."nish 1or !onem. o1 isel1:#: The S".reme Co"r shall si in Delhi or in s"!hoher .la!e or .la!es, as he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India may,4ih he a..roval o1 he Presiden, 1rom ime o ime,a..oin:##: S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion, he

S".reme Co"r shall, o he e2!l"sion o1 any oher !o"r,have original "risdi!ion in any dis."e;a< 3e4een he 'overnmen o1 India and one ormore Saes/ or;3< 3e4een he 'overnmen o1 India and anySae or Saes on one side and one or more oherSaes on he oher/ or;!< 3e4een 4o or more Saes,i1 and in so 1ar as he dis."e involves any "esion;4heher o1 la4 or 1a!< on 4hi!h he e2isen!e or e2eno1 a legal righ de.ends

#$Provided ha he said "risdi!ion shall no e2endo a dis."e arising o" o1 any reay , agreemen, !ovenan,engagemen, sanad or oher similar insr"men 4hi!h,having 3een enered ino or e2e!"ed 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, !onin"es in o.eraiona1er s"!h !ommen!emen, or 4hi!h .rovides ha hesaid "risdi!ion shall no e2end o s"!h a dis."e:*6##A: $E2!l"sive "risdi!ion o1 he S".reme Co"r inregard o "esions as o !onsi"ional validiy o1 Cenral

la4s:* &e.: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen< A!,#8==, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #797#8=K<:#6: ;#< An a..eal shall lie o he S".reme Co"r1rom any "dgmen, de!ree or Bnal order o1 a High Co"rin he erriory o1 India, 4heher in a !ivil, !riminal orS".reme Co"r o3e a !o"r o1 re!ord:

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Sea o1 S".remeCo"r:Original "risdi!ion o1 heS".reme Co"r:

A..ellae "risdi!ion o1 S".reme Co"r ina..eals 1rom HighCo"rs in !erain!ases:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: , 1or he.roviso:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 6 ;4:e:1: #7

67#8==<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #68#6:<>oher .ro!eeding,#$i1 he High Co"r !eriBes "nder ari!le#9A* ha he !ase involves a s"3sanial "esion o1 la4 as o he iner.reaion o1 his Consi"ion:6 ;< Where s"!h a !eriB!ae is given,

any .ary inhe !ase may a..eal o he S".reme Co"r on he gro"ndha any s"!h "esion as a1oresaid has 3een 4ronglyde!ided:E2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his ari!le, hee2.ression ?Bnal order@ in!l"des an order de!iding aniss"e 4hi!h, i1 de!ided in 1avo"r o1 he a..ellan, 4o"ld3e s"M!ien 1or he Bnal dis.osal o1 he !ase:

#:9$;#< An a..eal shall lie o he S".reme Co"r1rom any "dgmen, de!ree or Bnal order in a !!eeding o1 a High Co"r in he erriory o1 India$i1 he High Co"r !eriBes "nder ari!le #9A*

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;a< ha he !ase involves a s"3sanial "esion o1 la4 o1 general im.oran!e/ and;3< ha in he o.inion o1 he High Co"r he said"esion needs o 3e de!ided 3y he S".reme Co"r:*;6< No4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le #6, any .ary

a..ealing o he S".reme Co"r "nder !la"se ;#< may"rge as one o1 he gro"nds in s"!h a..eal ha as"3sanial "esion o1 la4 as o he iner.reaion o1 hisConsi"ion has 3een 4rongly de!ided:;< No4ihsanding anyhing in his ari!le, noa..eal shall, "nless Parliamen 3y la4 oher4ise.rovides, lie o he S".reme Co"r 1rom he "dgmen,de!ree or Bnal order o1 one -"dge o1 a High Co"r:A..ellae "risdi!ion o1 S".reme Co"r in

a..eals 1rom HighCo"rs in regard o!ivil maers:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: #=, 1or ?i1he HighCo"r !eriBes@ ;4:e:1: #7K7#8=8<:6Cl: ;6< omied 3y s: #=, i3id: ;4:e:1: #7K7#8=8<:Cerain 4ords omied 3y s: #=, i3id: ;4:e:1: #7K7#8=8<:

9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thirieh Amendmen< A!, #8=6, s: 6, 1or !l: ;#<;4:e:1:6=767#8=<:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: #K, 1or ?i1he HighCo"r !eriBes@ ;4:e:1: #7K7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #67#:<>>#9: ;#< An a..eal shall lie o he S".reme Co"r

1rom any "dgmen, Bnal order or senen!e in a !!eeding o1 a High Co"r in he erriory o1 India i1 he High Co"r;a< has on a..eal reversed an order o1 a!"ial o1 an a!!"sed .erson and senen!ed him o deah/ or;3< has 4ihdra4n 1or rial 3e1ore isel1 any !ase1rom any !o"r s"3ordinae o is a"horiy and hasin s"!h rial !onvi!ed he a!!"sed .erson and

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senen!ed him o deah/ or;!<#$!eriBes "nder ari!le #9A* ha he !ase is aB one 1or a..eal o he S".reme Co"r

Provided ha an a..eal "nder s"37!la"se ;!< shalllie s"3e! o s"!h .rovisions as may 3e made in ha3ehal1 "nder !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #9 and o s"!h!ondiions as he High Co"r may esa3lish or re"ire:;6< Parliamen may 3y la4 !on1er on he S".remeCo"r any 1"rher .o4ers o enerain and hear a..eals1rom any "dgmen, Bnal order or senen!e in a !!eeding o1 a High Co"r in he erriory o1 Indias"3e! o s"!h !ondiions and limiaions as may 3es.e!iBed in s"!h la4:6

$#9A: Every High Co"r, .assing or maing a "dgmen, de!ree, Bnal order, or senen!e, re1erred o in!la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #6 or !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #, or!la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #9,;a< may, i1 i deems B so o do, on is o4n moion/and;3< shall, i1 an oral!aion is made, 3y or on3ehal1 o1 he .ary aggrieved, immediaely a1er he.assing or maing o1 s"!h "dgmen, de!ree, Bnalorder or senen!e,deermine, as soon as may 3e a1er s"!h .assing or

maing, he "esion 4heher a !eriB!ae o1 he na"reA..ellae "risdi!ion o1 S".reme Co"r inregard o !riminalmaers:CeriB!ae 1ora..eal o heS".reme Co"r:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: #8, 1or

?!eriBes@;4:e:1: #7K7#8=8<:6Ins: 3y s: 6, i3id: ;4:e:1: #7K7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #97#9A:<>=re1erred o in !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #6, or !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le # or, as he !ase may 3e, s"37!la"se ;!< o1 !la"se

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 "dgmens ororders 3y heS".reme Co"r:Enlargemen o1 he "risdi!ion o1 

he S".remeCo"r:Con1ermen onhe S".remeCo"r o1 .o4erso iss"e !erain4ris: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #9A#8:<>K#$#8A:

6$;#< Where !ases involving he same ors"3sanially he same "esions o1 la4 are .ending3e1ore he S".reme Co"r and one or more High Co"rsor 3e1ore 4o or more High Co"rs and he S".remeCo"r is saisBed on is o4n moion or on an!aionmade 3y he Aorney7'eneral o1 India or 3y a .ary oany s"!h !ase ha s"!h "esions are s"3sanial"esions o1 general im.oran!e, he S".reme Co"r may4ihdra4 he !ase or !ases .ending 3e1ore he High Co"ror he High Co"rs and dis.ose o1 all he !ases isel1

Provided ha he S".reme Co"r may a1erdeermining he said "esions o1 la4 re"rn any !ase so4ihdra4n ogeher 4ih a !o.y o1 is "dgmen on s"!h"esions o he High Co"r 1rom 4hi!h he !ase has3een 4ihdra4n, and he High Co"r shall on re!ei.hereo1, .ro!eed o dis.ose o1 he !ase in !on1ormiy4ih s"!h "dgmen:*;6< The S".reme Co"r may, i1 i deems i e2.edienso o do 1or he ends o1 "si!e, rans1er any !ase, a..ealor oher .ro!eedings .ending 3e1ore any High Co"r oany oher High Co"r:*

#9: Parliamen may 3y la4 mae .rovision 1or!on1erring ".on he S".reme Co"r s"!h s"..lemenal.o4ers no in!onsisen 4ih any o1 he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion as may a..ear o 3e ne!essary ordesira3le 1or he ."r.ose o1 ena3ling he Co"r moreeGe!ively o e2er!ise he "risdi!ion !on1erred ".on i 3yor "nder his Consi"ion:#9#: The la4 de!lared 3y he S".reme Co"r shall 3e

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3inding on all !o"rs 4ihin he erriory o1 India:#96: ;#< The S".reme Co"r in he e2er!ise o1 is "risdi!ion may .ass s"!h de!ree or mae s"!h order asis ne!essary 1or doing !om.lee "si!e in any !a"se ormaer .ending 3e1ore i, and any de!ree so .assed or

 Trans1er o1 !erain!ases:An!illary .o4ers o1 S".reme Co"r:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 69 ;4:e:1: #767#8==<:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 6#, 1or !l:;#< ;4:e:1:#7K7#8=8<:

La4 de!lared 3yS".reme Co"r o 3e3inding on all !o"rs:En1or!emen o1 de!rees and orderso1 S".reme Co"rand orders as odis!overy, e!: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #8A#96:<>8order so made shall 3e en1or!ea3le hro"gho" he

erriory o1 India in s"!h manner as may 3e .res!ri3ed3y or "nder any la4 made 3y Parliamen and, "nil.rovision in ha 3ehal1 is so made, in s"!h manner ashe Presiden may 3y order#.res!ri3e:;6< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 made in his3ehal1 3y Parliamen, he S".reme Co"r shall, as res.e!she 4hole o1 he erriory o1 India, have all and every.o4er o mae any order 1or he ."r.ose o1 se!"ring heaendan!e o1 any .erson, he dis!overy or .rod"!ion o1 

any do!"mens, or he invesigaion or ."nishmen o1 any !onem. o1 isel1:#9: ;#< I1 a any ime i a..ears o he Presiden haa "esion o1 la4 or 1a! has arisen, or is liely o arise,4hi!h is o1 s"!h a na"re and o1 s"!h ."3li! im.oran!eha i is e2.edien o o3ain he o.inion o1 he S".remeCo"r ".on i, he may re1er he "esion o ha Co"r 1or!onsideraion and he Co"r may, a1er s"!h hearing as i

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and oher maers .eraining o a..eals in!l"dinghe ime 4ihin 4hi!h a..eals o he Co"r are o 3eenered/;!< r"les as o he .ro!eedings in he Co"r 1or heen1or!emen o1 any o1 he righs !on1erred 3y Par III/

#$;!!< r"les as o he .ro!eedings in he Co"r"nder6$ari!le #8A*/*;d< r"les as o he enerainmen o1 a..eals "nders"37!la"se ;!< o1 !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #9/;e< r"les as o he !ondiions s"3e! o 4hi!h any "dgmen .rono"n!ed or order made 3y he Co"rmay 3e revie4ed and he .ro!ed"re 1or s"!h revie4in!l"ding he ime 4ihin 4hi!h!aions o he

Co"r 1or s"!h revie4 are o 3e enered/;1< r"les as o he !oss o1 and in!idenal o!eedings in he Co"r and as o he 1ees o 3e!harged in res.e! o1 .ro!eedings herein/;g< r"les as o he graning o1 3ail/;h< r"les as o say o1 .ro!eedings/;i< r"les .roviding 1or he s"mmary deerminaiono1 any a..eal 4hi!h a..ears o he Co"r o 3e1rivolo"s or ve2aio"s or 3ro"gh 1or he ."r.ose o1 delay/;< r"les as o he .ro!ed"re 1or in"iries re1erred

o in !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #=:&"les o1 Co"r, e!:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 6> ;4:e:1: #767#8==<:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen< A!, #8==, s: >, 1or?ari!les ##Aand #8A@ ;4:e:1: #797#8=K<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ar: #9:<

=#;6< S"3e! o he#$.rovisions o16 !la"se ;<*, r"lesmade "nder his ari!le may B2 he minim"m n"m3er o1  -"dges 4ho are o si 1or any ."r.ose, and may .rovide1or he .o4ers o1 single -"dges and Division Co"rs:

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;<$6 The minim"m n"m3er* o1 -"dges 4ho are o

si 1or he ."r.ose o1 de!iding any !ase involving as"3sanial "esion o1 la4 as o he iner.reaion o1 hisConsi"ion or 1or he ."r.ose o1 hearing any re1eren!e"nder ari!le #9 shall 3e BveProvided ha, 4here he Co"r hearing an a..eal"nder any o1 he .rovisions o1 his oher hanari!le #6 !onsiss o1 less han Bve -"dges and in he!o"rse o1 he hearing o1 he a..eal he Co"r is saisBedha he a..eal involves a s"3sanial "esion o1 la4 aso he iner.reaion o1 his Consi"ion he deerminaiono1 4hi!h is ne!essary 1or he dis.osal o1 he a..eal, s"!h

Co"r shall re1er he "esion 1or o.inion o a Co"r!onsi"ed as re"ired 3y his !la"se 1or he ."r.ose o1 de!iding any !ase involving s"!h a "esion and shallon re!ei. o1 he o.inion dis.ose o1 he a..eal in!on1ormiy 4ih s"!h o.inion:;9< No "dgmen shall 3e delivered 3y he S".remeCo"r save in o.en Co"r, and no re.or shall 3e made"nder ari!le #9 save in a!!ordan!e 4ih an o.inionalso delivered in o.en Co"r:;< No "dgmen and no s"!h o.inion shall 3edelivered 3y he S".reme Co"r save 4ih he

!on!"rren!e o1 a maoriy o1 he -"dges .resen a hehearing o1 he !ase, 3" nohing in his !la"se shall 3edeemed o .reven a -"dge 4ho does no !on!"r 1romdelivering a dissening "dgmen or o.inion:#9>: ;#< A..oinmens o1 oM!ers and servans o1 heS".reme Co"r shall 3e made 3y he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India or s"!h oher -"dge or oM!er o1 he Co"r as hemay dire!#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 6>, 1or?.rovisions

o1 !la"se ;<@ ;4:e:1: #767#8==<:6Cerain 4ords omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen< A!,#8==, s: >;4:e:1: #797#8=K<:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 6>, 1or?The minim"m

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n"m3er@ ;4:e:1: #767#8==<:OM!ers andservans and hee2.enses o1 heS".reme Co"r:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #97#9>:<=6Provided ha he Presiden may 3y r"le re"ire hain s"!h !ases as may 3e s.e!iBed in he r"le, no .ersonno already aa!hed o he Co"r shall 3e a..oined oany oM!e !onne!ed 4ih he Co"r, save a1er!ons"laion 4ih he Union P"3li! Servi!e Commission:;6< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 made 3yParliamen, he !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 oM!ers andservans o1 he S".reme Co"r shall 3e s"!h as may 3e.res!ri3ed 3y r"les made 3y he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India or

3y some oher -"dge or oM!er o1 he Co"r a"horised3y he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India o mae r"les 1or he."r.oseProvided ha he r"les made "nder his !la"se shall,so 1ar as hey relae o salaries, allo4an!es, leave or.ensions, re"ire he a..roval o1 he Presiden:;< The adminisraive e2.enses o1 he S".reme Co"r,in!l"ding all salaries, allo4an!es and .ensions.aya3le o or in res.e! o1 he oM!ers and servans o1 he Co"r, shall 3e !harged ".on he Consolidaed F"ndo1 India, and any 1ees or oher moneys aen 3y he

Co"r shall 1orm .ar o1 ha F"nd:#9=: In his and in % o1 Par %I,re1eren!es o any s"3sanial "esion o1 la4 as o heiner.reaion o1 his Consi"ion shall 3e !onsr"ed asin!l"ding re1eren!es o any s"3sanial "esion o1 la4as o he iner.reaion o1 he 'overnmen o1 India A!,#8 ;in!l"ding any ena!men amending ors"..lemening ha A!<, or o1 any Order in Co"n!il ororder made here"nder, or o1 he Indian Inde.enden!eA!, #89=, or o1 any order made here"nder:CHAPTE& % :CO(PT&OLLE& AND AUDITO&7'ENE&AL OF

INDIA#9K: ;#< There shall 3e a Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India 4ho shall 3e a..oined 3y he Presiden3y 4arran "nder his hand and seal and shall only 3eremoved 1rom oM!e in lie manner and on he liegro"nds as a -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r:Iner.reaion:Com.roller and

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A"dior7'eneralo1 India: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #9>#9K:<=;6< Every .erson a..oined o 3e he Com.roller and

A"dior7'eneral o1 India shall, 3e1ore he eners ".onhis oM!e, mae and s"3s!ri3e 3e1ore he Presiden, orsome .erson a..oined in ha 3ehal1 3y him, an oah oraMrmaion a!!ording o he 1orm se o" 1or he ."r.osein he Third S!hed"le:;< The salary and oher !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 heCom.roller and A"dior7'eneral shall 3e s"!h as may3e deermined 3y Parliamen 3y la4 and, "nil hey areso deermined, shall 3e as s.e!iBed in he Se!ondS!hed"leProvided ha neiher he salary o1 a Com.roller and

A"dior7'eneral nor his righs in res.e! o1 leave o1 a3sen!e, .ension or age o1 reiremen shall 3e varied ohis disadvanage a1er his a..oinmen:;9< The Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral shall no3e eligi3le 1or 1"rher oM!e eiher "nder he 'overnmeno1 India or "nder he 'overnmen o1 any Sae a1er hehas !eased o hold his oM!e:;< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion ando1 any la4 made 3y Parliamen, he !ondiions o1 servi!eo1 .ersons serving in he Indian A"di and A!!o"nsDe.armen and he adminisraive .o4ers o1 he

Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral shall 3e s"!h as may3e .res!ri3ed 3y r"les made 3y he Presiden a1er!ons"laion 4ih he Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral:;>< The adminisraive e2.enses o1 he oM!e o1 heCom.roller and A"dior7'eneral, in!l"ding all salaries,allo4an!es and .ensions .aya3le o or in res.e! o1 he.ersons serving in ha oM!e, shall 3e !harged ".on heConsolidaed F"nd o1 India:#98: The Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral shall.er1orm s"!h d"ies and e2er!ise s"!h .o4ers in relaiono he a!!o"ns o1 he Union and o1 he Saes and o1 any

oher a"horiy or 3ody as may 3e .res!ri3ed 3y or "nderany la4 made 3y Parliamen and, "nil .rovision in ha3ehal1 is so made, shall .er1orm s"!h d"ies and e2er!ises"!h .o4ers in relaion o he a!!o"ns o1 he Union andD"ies and.o4ers o1 heCom.roller andA"dior7'eneral:

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 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #9K7#98:<=9o1 he Saes as 4ere !on1erred on or e2er!isa3le 3y heA"dior7'eneral o1 India immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion in relaion o he

a!!o"ns o1 he Dominion o1 India and o1 he Provin!esres.e!ively: #$#: The a!!o"ns o1 he Union and o1 he Saesshall 3e e. in s"!h 1orm as he Presiden may,6$on headvi!e o1* he Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India,.res!ri3e:*##: ;#< The re.ors o1 he Com.roller and A"dior7

'eneral o1 India relaing o he a!!o"ns o1 he Unionshall 3e s"3mied o he Presiden, 4ho shall !a"se hemo 3e laid 3e1ore ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen:;6< The re.ors o1 he Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India relaing o he a!!o"ns o1 a Sae shall3e s"3mied o he 'overnor o1 he Sae, 4ho shall!a"se hem o 3e laid 3e1ore he Legisla"re o1 he Sae:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 6=, 1or

ar: #;4:e:1: #797#8==<:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 66, 1or?a1er!ons"laion 4ih@ ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:Form o1 a!!o"ns

o1 he Union ando1 he Saes:A"di re.ors: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:The Union:Ars: #98##:<=PA&T %I THE STATES#

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CHAPTE& I:'ENE&AL#6: In his Par, "nless he !one2 oher4ise re"ires,he e2.ression ?Sae@6

$does no in!l"de he Sae o1  -amm" and Rashmir*:CHAPTE& II:THE EECUTI%E The 'overnor#: There shall 3e a 'overnor 1or ea!h Sae$Provided ha nohing in his ari!le shall .revenhe a..oinmen o1 he same .erson as 'overnor 1or 4oor more Saes:*#9: ;#< The e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Sae shall 3evesed in he 'overnor and shall 3e e2er!ised 3y him

eiher dire!ly or hro"gh oM!ers s"3ordinae o him ina!!ordan!e 4ih his Consi"ion:;6< Nohing in his ari!le shall;a< 3e deemed o rans1er o he 'overnor any1"n!ions !on1erred 3y any e2ising la4 on any ohera"horiy/ or;3< .reven Parliamen or he Legisla"re o1 heSae 1rom !on1erring 3y la4 1"n!ions on anya"horiy s"3ordinae o he 'overnor:#: The 'overnor o1 a Sae shall 3e a..oined 3yhe Presiden 3y 4arran "nder his hand and seal:

#>: ;#< The 'overnor shall hold oM!e d"ring he.leas"re o1 he Presiden:DeBniion:=>'overnors o1 Saes:E2e!"ive .o4ero1 Sae:A..oinmen o1 'overnor: Term o1 oM!e o1 

'overnor:# The 4ords ?IN PA&T A OF THE FI&ST SCHEDULE@ omied 3y he Consi"ion;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:6S"3s: 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:, 1or ?means a Sae s.e!iBed in Par A o1 heFirsS!hed"le@:

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Added 3y s: >, i3id:;6< The 'overnor may, 3y 4riing "nder his handaddressed o he Presiden, resign his oM!e:;< S"3e! o he 1oregoing .rovisions o1 his ari!le,a 'overnor shall hold oM!e 1or a erm o1 Bve years 1rom

he dae on 4hi!h he eners ".on his oM!eProvided ha a 'overnor shall, no4ihsanding hee2.iraion o1 his erm, !onin"e o hold oM!e "nil hiss"!!essor eners ".on his oM!e:#=: No .erson shall 3e eligi3le 1or a..oinmen as'overnor "nless he is a !ii+en o1 India and has!om.leed he age o1 hiry7Bve years:#K: ;#< The 'overnor shall no 3e a mem3er o1 eiherHo"se o1 Parliamen or o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 any Sae s.e!iBed in he Firs S!hed"le, and i1 a mem3ero1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen or o1 a Ho"se o1 he

Legisla"re o1 any s"!h Sae 3e a..oined 'overnor, heshall 3e deemed o have va!aed his sea in ha Ho"seon he dae on 4hi!h he eners ".on his oM!e as'overnor:;6< The 'overnor shall no hold any oher oM!e o1 .roB:;< The 'overnor shall 3e eniled 4iho" .aymeno1 ren o he "se o1 his oM!ial residen!es and shall 3ealso eniled o s"!h emol"mens, allo4an!es and.rivileges as may 3e deermined 3y Parliamen 3y la4and, "nil .rovision in ha 3ehal1 is so made, s"!h

emol"mens, allo4an!es and .rivileges as are s.e!iBedin he Se!ond S!hed"le:#$;A< Where he same .erson is a..oined as'overnor o1 4o or more Saes, he emol"mens andallo4an!es .aya3le o he 'overnor shall 3e allo!aedamong he Saes in s"!h .ro.orion as he Presidenmay 3y order deermine:*;9< The emol"mens and allo4an!es o1 he 'overnorshall no 3e diminished d"ring his erm o1 oM!e:#8: Every 'overnor and every .erson dis!harging

he 1"n!ions o1 he 'overnor shall, 3e1ore enering ".onhis oM!e, mae and s"3s!ri3e in he .resen!e o1 he Chie1  -"si!e o1 he High Co"r e2er!ising "risdi!ion inrelaion o he Sae, or, in his a3sen!e, he seniormos5"aliB!aions 1ora..oinmen as'overnor:Condiions o1 

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'overnorJs oM!e:Oah or aMrmaion3y he 'overnor:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: =:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #>#8:<==-"dge o1 ha Co"r availa3le, an oah or aMrmaion inhe 1ollo4ing 1orm, ha is o say?I, A: ):, dos4ear in he name o1 'od ha I 4ill 1aih1"llye2e!"e he oM!e o1 'overnor ;or dis!harge he 1"n!ionso1 he 'overnor< o1 :::::::::::::;name o1 he Sae< and 4ill ohe 3es o1 my a3iliy .reserve, .roe! and de1end heConsi"ion and he la4 and ha I 4ill devoe mysel1 o

he servi!e and 4ell73eing o1 he .eo.le o1 ::;nameo1 he Sae<:@#>: The Presiden may mae s"!h .rovision as hehins B 1or he dis!harge o1 he 1"n!ions o1 he'overnor o1 a Sae in any !oningen!y no .rovided 1orin his>#: The 'overnor o1 a Sae shall have he .o4er ogran .ardons, re.rieves, res.ies or remissions o1 ."nishmen or o s"s.end, remi or !omm"e he senen!eo1 any .erson !onvi!ed o1 any oGen!e agains any la4relaing o a maer o 4hi!h he e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he

Sae e2ends:#>6: S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion, hee2e!"ive .o4er o1 a Sae shall e2end o he maers4ih res.e! o 4hi!h he Legisla"re o1 he Sae has.o4er o mae la4s  Provided ha in any maer 4ih res.e! o 4hi!hhe Legisla"re o1 a Sae and Parliamen have .o4er omae la4s, he e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Sae shall 3es"3e! o, and limied 3y, he e2e!"ive .o4er e2.ressly!on1erred 3y his Consi"ion or 3y any la4 made 3yParliamen ".on he Union or a"horiies hereo1:

Co"n!il o1 (inisers#>: ;#< There shall 3e a Co"n!il o1 (inisers 4ih heChie1 (iniser a he head o aid and advise he 'overnorin he e2er!ise o1 his 1"n!ions, e2!e. in so 1ar as he is3y or "nder his Consi"ion re"ired o e2er!ise his1"n!ions or any o1 hem in his dis!reion:;6< I1 any "esion arises 4heher any maer is or isno a maer as res.e!s 4hi!h he 'overnor is 3y or

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"nder his Consi"ion re"ired o a! in his dis!reion,he de!ision o1 he 'overnor in his dis!reion shall 3eBnal, and he validiy o1 anyhing done 3y he 'overnorshall no 3e !alled in "esion on he gro"nd ha heo"gh or o"gh no o have a!ed in his dis!reion:

solemnly aMrmDis!harge o1 he1"n!ions o1 he'overnor in !erain!oningen!ies:Po4er o1 'overnoro gran .ardons,e!:, and os"s.end, remi or!omm"e senen!esin !erain !ases:

E2en o1 e2e!"ive.o4er o1 Sae:Co"n!il o1 (inisers o aidand advise'overnor: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #8#>:<=K;< The "esion 4heher any, and i1 so 4ha, advi!e4as endered 3y (inisers o he 'overnor shall no 3ein"ired ino in any !o"r:

#>9: ;#< The Chie1 (iniser shall 3e a..oined 3y he'overnor and he oher (inisers shall 3e a..oined 3yhe 'overnor on he advi!e o1 he Chie1 (iniser, and he(inisers shall hold oM!e d"ring he .leas"re o1 he'overnorProvided ha in he Saes o1#$Chhaisgarh, -harhand*, (adhya Pradesh and Orissa, here shall 3ea (iniser in !harge o1 ri3al 4el1are 4ho may in addiion3e in !harge o1 he 4el1are o1 he S!hed"led Cases and

3a!4ard !lasses or any oher 4or:6$;#A< The oal n"m3er o1 (inisers, in!l"ding heChie1 (iniser, in he Co"n!il o1 (inisers in a Sae shallno e2!eed B1een .er !en: o1 he oal n"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 ha SaeProvided ha he n"m3er o1 (inisers, in!l"ding heChie1 (iniser in a Sae shall no 3e less han 4elve

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 Provided 1"rher ha 4here he oal n"m3er o1 (inisers in!l"ding he Chie1 (iniser in he Co"n!il o1 (inisers in any Sae a he !ommen!emen o1 heConsi"ion ;Niney7Brs Amendmen< A!, 6 e2!eedshe said B1een .er !en: or he n"m3er s.e!iBed in he

Brs .roviso, as he !ase may 3e, hen he oal n"m3er o1 (inisers in ha Sae shall 3e 3ro"gh in !on1ormiy4ih he .rovisions o1 his !la"se 4ihin si2 monhs 1roms"!h dae as he Presiden may 3y ."3li! noiB!aiona..oin:;#)< A mem3er o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 a Saeor eiher Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae havingLegislaive Co"n!il 3elonging o any .olii!al .ary 4hois dis"aliBed 1or 3eing a mem3er o1 ha Ho"se "nder.aragra.h 6 o1 he Tenh S!hed"le shall also 3edis"aliBed o 3e a..oined as a (iniser "nder !la"se

;#< 1or d"raion o1 he .eriod !ommen!ing 1rom he daeo1 his dis"aliB!aion ill he dae on 4hi!h he erm o1 his oM!e as s"!h mem3er 4o"ld e2.ire or 4here he!oness any ele!ion o he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 aSae or eiher Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae havingLegislaive Co"n!il, as he !ase may 3e, 3e1ore he e2.iryo1 s"!h .eriod, ill he dae on 4hi!h he is de!laredele!ed, 4hi!hever is earlier:*Oher .rovisionsas o (inisers:#

S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Niney71o"rh Amendmen< A!, 6>, s: 6, 1or?)ihar@:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Niney7Brs Amendmen< A!, 6, s: :=7#769, vide S:O: 6#;E<, daed =7#769: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #>7#>9:<=8;6< The Co"n!il o1 (inisers shall 3e !olle!ivelyres.onsi3le o he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae:;< )e1ore a (iniser eners ".on his oM!e, he'overnor shall adminiser o him he oahs o1 oM!e and

o1 se!re!y a!!ording o he 1orms se o" 1or he ."r.osein he Third S!hed"le:;9< A (iniser 4ho 1or any .eriod o1 si2 !onse!"ivemonhs is no a mem3er o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Saeshall a he e2.iraion o1 ha .eriod !ease o 3e a (iniser:;< The salaries and allo4an!es o1 (inisers shall 3es"!h as he Legisla"re o1 he Sae may 1rom ime o ime3y la4 deermine and, "nil he Legisla"re o1 he Sae

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so deermines, shall 3e as s.e!iBed in he Se!ondS!hed"le: The Advo!ae7'eneral 1or he Sae#>: ;#< The 'overnor o1 ea!h Sae shall a..oin a.erson 4ho is "aliBed o 3e a..oined a -"dge o1 a

High Co"r o 3e Advo!ae7'eneral 1or he Sae:;6< I shall 3e he d"y o1 he Advo!ae7'eneral ogive advi!e o he 'overnmen o1 he Sae ".on s"!hlegal maers, and o .er1orm s"!h oher d"ies o1 a legal!hara!er, as may 1rom ime o ime 3e re1erred orassigned o him 3y he 'overnor, and o dis!harge he1"n!ions !on1erred on him 3y or "nder his Consi"ionor any oher la4 1or he ime 3eing in 1or!e:;< The Advo!ae7'eneral shall hold oM!e d"ringhe .leas"re o1 he 'overnor, and shall re!eive s"!hrem"neraion as he 'overnor may deermine:

Cond"! o1 'overnmen )"siness#>>: ;#< All e2e!"ive a!ion o1 he 'overnmen o1 aSae shall 3e e2.ressed o 3e aen in he name o1 he'overnor:;6< Orders and oher insr"mens made and e2e!"edin he name o1 he 'overnor shall 3e a"heni!aed ins"!h manner as may 3e s.e!iBed in r"les o 3e made 3yhe 'overnor, and he validiy o1 an order or insr"men4hi!h is so a"heni!aed shall no 3e !alled in "esionon he gro"nd ha i is no an order or insr"men madeor e2e!"ed 3y he 'overnor:

Advo!ae7'eneral1or he Sae:Cond"! o1 3"siness o1 he'overnmen o1 aSae: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #>9#>>:<K;< The 'overnor shall mae r"les 1or he more!onvenien ransa!ion o1 he 3"siness o1 he 'overnmeno1 he Sae, and 1or he allo!aion among (inisers o1 

he said 3"siness in so 1ar as i is no 3"siness 4ihres.e! o 4hi!h he 'overnor is 3y or "nder hisConsi"ion re"ired o a! in his dis!reion:# #>=: I shall 3e he d"y o1 he Chie1 (iniser o1 ea!hSae;a< o !omm"ni!ae o he 'overnor o1 he Sae

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all de!isions o1 he Co"n!il o1 (inisers relaing ohe adminisraion o1 he aGairs o1 he Sae 1or legislaion/;3< o 1"rnish s"!h in1ormaion relaing o headminisraion o1 he aGairs o1 he Sae and

.ro.osals 1or legislaion as he 'overnor may !all1or/ and;!< i1 he 'overnor so re"ires, o s"3mi 1or he!onsideraion o1 he Co"n!il o1 (inisers any maeron 4hi!h a de!ision has 3een aen 3y a (iniser3" 4hi!h has no 3een !onsidered 3y he Co"n!il:CHAPTE& III:THE STATE LE'ISLATU&E'eneral#>K: ;#< For every Sae here shall 3e a Legisla"re4hi!h shall !onsis o1 he 'overnor, and;a< in he Saes o1

6$Andhra Pradesh,* )ihar,9$(adhya Pradesh*, >$(aharashra*,=

$Rarnaaa*,K8$and Uar Pradesh*, 4o Ho"ses/;3< in oher Saes, one Ho"se:D"ies o1 Chie1 (iniser asres.e!s he1"rnishing o1 in1ormaion o

'overnor, e!:Consi"ion o1 Legisla"res inSaes:#Cl: ;9< 4as ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s:6K ;4:e:1:

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7#7#8==< and omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!,#8=K, s: 6;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6Ins: 3y he Andhra Pradesh Legislaive Co"n!il A!, 6 ;# o1 6><, s:

;4:e:1:776=<: The 4ord ?)om3ay@ omied 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaion A!, #8> ;## o1#8><,s: 6 ;4:e:1: #77#8><:9No dae has 3een a..oined "nder s: K;6< o1 he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen<A!, #8>, 1or he inserion o1 he 4ords ?(adhya Pradesh@ in his s"37!la"se:

 The 4ords ?Tamil Nad",@ omied 3y Tamil Nad" Legislaive Co"n!il;A3oliion< A!,#8K> ;9 o1 #8K><, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #7##7#8K><:>Ins: 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaion A!, #8> ;## o1 #8><, s: 6 ;4:e:1: #77#8><:=S"3s: 3y he (ysore Sae ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, #8= ;# o1 #8=<, s: 9,1or?(ysore@ ;4:e:1 #7##7#8=<, 4hi!h 4as insered 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen<

A!, #8>, s: K;#<:K The 4ord ?P"na3,@ omied 3y he P"na3 Legislaive Co"n!il ;A3oliion< A!,#8>8;9> o1 #8>8<, s: 9 ;4:e:1: =7#7#8=<:8S"3s: 3y he Wes )engal Legislaive Co"n!il ;A3oliion< A!, #8>8 ;6 o1#8>8<, s: 9, 1or?Uar Pradesh and Wes )engal? ;4:e:1: #7K7#8>8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #>>#>K:<

K#;6< Where here are 4o Ho"ses o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae, one shall 3e no4n as he Legislaive Co"n!iland he oher as he Legislaive Assem3ly, and 4herehere is only one Ho"se, i shall 3e no4n as heLegislaive Assem3ly:#>8: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le #>K,Parliamen may 3y la4 .rovide 1or he a3oliion o1 heLegislaive Co"n!il o1 a Sae having s"!h a Co"n!il or

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1or he !reaion o1 s"!h a Co"n!il in a Sae having nos"!h Co"n!il, i1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae.asses a resol"ion o ha eGe! 3y a maoriy o1 he oalmem3ershi. o1 he Assem3ly and 3y a maoriy o1 noless han 4o7hirds o1 he mem3ers o1 he Assem3ly

.resen and voing:;6< Any la4 re1erred o in !la"se ;#< shall !onains"!h .rovisions 1or he amendmen o1 his Consi"ionas may 3e ne!essary o give eGe! o he .rovisions o1 he la4 and may also !onain s"!h s"..lemenal,in!idenal and !onse"enial .rovisions as Parliamenmay deem ne!essary:;< No s"!h la4 as a1oresaid shall 3e deemed o 3ean amendmen o1 his Consi"ion 1or he ."r.oses o1 ari!le >K:#

$#=: ;#< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!le , heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 ea!h Sae shall !onsis o1 nomore han Bve h"ndred, and no less han si2y, mem3ers!hosen 3y dire! ele!ion 1rom erriorial !onsi"en!ies inhe Sae:;6< For he ."r.oses o1 !la"se ;#<, ea!h Sae shall 3edivided ino erriorial !onsi"en!ies in s"!h mannerha he raio 3e4een he .o."laion o1 ea!h !onsi"en!yand he n"m3er o1 seas alloed o i shall, so 1ar as.ra!i!a3le, 3e he same hro"gho" he Sae:6

$E2.lanaion:In his !la"se, he e2.ression?.o."laion@ means he .o."laion as as!erained a helas .re!eding !ens"s o1 4hi!h he relevan Bg"res have3een ."3lishedA3oliion or!reaion o1 LegislaiveCo"n!ils inSaes:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 8, 1or ar:

#=:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=> , s: 68, 1orhe E2.lanaion;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:Com.osiion o1 he LegislaiveAssem3lies:

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 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #>K#=:<K6Provided ha he re1eren!e in his E2.lanaion o helas .re!eding !ens"s o1 4hi!h he relevan Bg"res have3een ."3lished shall, "nil he relevan Bg"res 1or he

Brs !ens"s aen a1er he year#$66>* have 3een."3lished, 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o he6$6#*!ens"s:*;< U.on he !om.leion o1 ea!h !ens"s, he oaln"m3er o1 seas in he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 ea!h Saeand he division o1 ea!h Sae ino erriorial!onsi"en!ies shall 3e read"sed 3y s"!h a"horiy and

in s"!h manner as Parliamen may 3y la4 deermine Provided ha s"!h read"smen shall no aGe!re.resenaion in he Legislaive Assem3ly "nil hedissol"ion o1 he hen e2ising Assem3ly* $Provided 1"rher ha s"!h read"smen shall aeeGe! 1rom s"!h dae as he Presiden may, 3y order,s.e!i1y and "nil s"!h read"smen aes eGe!, anyele!ion o he Legislaive Assem3ly may 3e held on he3asis o1 he erriorial !onsi"en!ies e2ising 3e1ore s"!h

read"smenProvided also ha "nil he relevan Bg"res 1or heBrs !ens"s aen a1er he year#$66>* have 3een."3lished, i shall no 3e ne!essary o9$read"s;i< he oal n"m3er o1 seas in he LegislaiveAssem3ly o1 ea!h Sae as read"sed on he 3asis o1 he #8=# !ens"s/ and

;ii< he division o1 s"!h Sae ino erriorial!onsi"en!ies as may 3e read"sed on he 3asis o1 he6$6#* !ens"s,"nder his !la"se:*#=#: ;#< The oal n"m3er o1 mem3ers in heLegislaive Co"n!il o1 a Sae having s"!h a Co"n!il

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;!< as nearly as may 3e, one74el1h shall 3e ele!ed3y ele!oraes !onsising o1 .ersons 4ho have 3een1or a leas hree years engaged in ea!hing in s"!hed"!aional insi"ions 4ihin he Sae, no lo4erin sandard han ha o1 a se!ondary s!hool, as may

3e .res!ri3ed 3y or "nder any la4 made 3yParliamen/;d< as nearly as may 3e, one7hird shall 3e ele!ed3y he mem3ers o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 heSae 1rom amongs .ersons 4ho are no mem3ers o1 he Assem3ly/;e< he remainder shall 3e nominaed 3y he'overnor in a!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 !la"se ;<:;9< The mem3ers o 3e ele!ed "nder s"37!la"ses ;a<,;3< and ;!< o1 !la"se ;< shall 3e !hosen in s"!h erriorial

!onsi"en!ies as may 3e .res!ri3ed 3y or "nder any la4made 3y Parliamen, and he ele!ions "nder he saids"37!la"ses and "nder s"37!la"se ;d< o1 he said !la"seshall 3e held in a!!ordan!e 4ih he sysem o1 .ro.orional re.resenaion 3y means o1 he singlerans1era3le voe:;< The mem3ers o 3e nominaed 3y he 'overnor"nder s"37!la"se ;e< o1 !la"se ;< shall !onsis o1 .ersons THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ar: #=#:<K9having s.e!ial no4ledge or .ra!i!al e2.erien!e in

res.e! o1 s"!h maers as he 1ollo4ing, namelyLiera"re, s!ien!e, ar, !o7o.eraive movemen andso!ial servi!e:#=6: ;#< Every Legislaive Assem3ly o1 every Sae,"nless sooner dissolved, shall !onin"e 1or#$Bve years*1rom he dae a..oined 1or is Brs meeing and no longerand he e2.iraion o1 he said .eriod o1#$Bve years* shall

o.erae as a dissol"ion o1 he Assem3ly Provided ha he said .eriod may, 4hile aPro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y is in o.eraion, 3e e2ended3y Parliamen 3y la4 1or a .eriod no e2!eeding one yeara a ime and no e2ending in any !ase 3eyond a .eriodo1 si2 monhs a1er he Pro!lamaion has !eased o o.erae:;6< The Legislaive Co"n!il o1 a Sae shall no 3es"3e! o dissol"ion, 3" as nearly as .ossi3le one7hird

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o1 he mem3ers hereo1 shall reire as soon as may 3e onhe e2.iraion o1 every se!ond year in a!!ordan!e 4ihhe .rovisions made in ha 3ehal1 3y Parliamen 3y la4:#=: A .erson shall no 3e "aliBed o 3e !hosen oBll a sea in he Legisla"re o1 a Sae "nless he

6$;a< is a !ii+en o1 India, and maes and s"3s!ri3es3e1ore some .erson a"horised in ha 3ehal1 3y heEle!ion Commission an oah or aMrmaiona!!ording o he 1orm se o" 1or he ."r.ose in he Third S!hed"le/*;3< is, in he !ase o1 a sea in he LegislaiveAssem3ly, no less han 4eny7Bve years o1 age and,in he !ase o1 a sea in he Legislaive Co"n!il, noless han hiry years o1 age/ and;!< .ossesses s"!h oher "aliB!aions as may 3e

.res!ri3ed in ha 3ehal1 3y or "nder any la4 made3y Parliamen:D"raion o1 SaeLegisla"res:5"aliB!aion 1ormem3ershi. o1 heSae Legisla"re:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 69, 1or ?si2years@;4:e:1: >787#8=8<: The 4ords ?si2 years@ 4ere s"3s: 1or he original 4ords

?Bve years@ 3y heConsi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 9, 1or !l: ;a<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #=##=:<K#$#=9: ;#< The 'overnor shall 1rom ime o imes"mmon he Ho"se or ea!h Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o mee a s"!h ime and .la!e as he hins B,3" si2 monhs shall no inervene 3e4een is las siing

in one session and he dae a..oined 1or is Brs siingin he ne2 session:;6< The 'overnor may 1rom ime o ime;a< .rorog"e he Ho"se or eiher Ho"se/;3< dissolve he Legislaive Assem3ly:*#=: ;#< The 'overnor may address he LegislaiveAssem3ly or, in he !ase o1 a Sae having a LegislaiveCo"n!il, eiher Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae, or

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3oh Ho"ses assem3led ogeher, and may 1or ha ."r.osere"ire he aendan!e o1 mem3ers:;6< The 'overnor may send messages o he Ho"se orHo"ses o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae, 4heher 4ihres.e! o a )ill hen .ending in he Legisla"re or

oher4ise, and a Ho"se o 4hi!h any message is so senshall 4ih all !onvenien des.a!h !onsider any maerre"ired 3y he message o 3e aen ino !onsideraion:#=>: ;#< A he !ommen!emen o16$he Brs sessiona1er ea!h general ele!ion o he Legislaive Assem3lyand a he !ommen!emen o1 he Brs session o1 ea!hyear*, he 'overnor shall address he LegislaiveAssem3ly or, in he !ase o1 a Sae having a LegislaiveCo"n!il, 3oh Ho"ses assem3led ogeher and in1orm he

Legisla"re o1 he !a"ses o1 is s"mmons:;6< Provision shall 3e made 3y he r"les reg"lainghe .ro!ed"re o1 he Ho"se or eiher Ho"se 1or heallomen o1 ime 1or dis!"ssion o1 he maers re1erredo in s"!h address:#==: Every (iniser and he Advo!ae7'eneral 1or aSae shall have he righ o s.ea in, and oher4ise oae .ar in he .ro!eedings o1, he Legislaive Assem3lyo1 he Sae or, in he !ase o1 a Sae having a Legislaive

Sessions o1 heSae Legisla"re,.rorogaion anddissol"ion:&igh o1 'overnoro address andsend messages ohe Ho"se orHo"ses:S.e!ial address3y he 'overnor:

#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: K, 1or ar: #=9:6S"3s: 3y s: 8, i3id: 1or ?every session@: The 4ords ?and 1or he .re!eden!e o1 s"!h dis!"ssion over oher 3"siness o1he Ho"se@omied 3y s: 8, i3id:

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&ighs o1 (inisersand Advo!ae7'eneral as res.e!she Ho"ses: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #=9#==:<K>Co"n!il, 3oh Ho"ses, and o s.ea in, and oher4ise oae .ar in he .ro!eedings o1, any !ommiee o1 heLegisla"re o1 4hi!h he may 3e named a mem3er, 3"shall no, 3y vir"e o1 his ari!le, 3e eniled o voe:OM!ers o1 he Sae Legisla"re#=K: Every Legislaive Assem3ly o1 a Sae shall, assoon as may 3e, !hoose 4o mem3ers o1 he Assem3lyo 3e res.e!ively S.eaer and De."y S.eaer hereo1 and, so o1en as he oM!e o1 S.eaer or De."y S.eaer3e!omes va!an, he Assem3ly shall !hoose anoher

mem3er o 3e S.eaer or De."y S.eaer, as he !asemay 3e:#=8: A mem3er holding oM!e as S.eaer or De."yS.eaer o1 an Assem3ly;a< shall va!ae his oM!e i1 he !eases o 3e amem3er o1 he Assem3ly/;3< may a any ime 3y 4riing "nder his handaddressed, i1 s"!h mem3er is he S.eaer, o heDe."y S.eaer, and i1 s"!h mem3er is he De."yS.eaer, o he S.eaer, resign his oM!e/ and;!< may 3e removed 1rom his oM!e 3y a resol"ion

o1 he Assem3ly .assed 3y a maoriy o1 all he henmem3ers o1 he Assem3lyProvided ha no resol"ion 1or he ."r.ose o1 !la"se ;!<shall 3e moved "nless a leas 1o"reen daysJ noi!e has3een given o1 he inenion o move he resol"ionProvided 1"rher ha, 4henever he Assem3ly isdissolved, he S.eaer shall no va!ae his oM!e "nilimmediaely 3e1ore he Brs meeing o1 he Assem3ly a1erhe dissol"ion:#K: ;#< While he oM!e o1 S.eaer is va!an, hed"ies o1 he oM!e shall 3e .er1ormed 3y he De."y

S.eaer or, i1 he oM!e o1 De."y S.eaer is also va!an,3y s"!h mem3er o1 he Assem3ly as he 'overnor maya..oin 1or he ."r.ose: The S.eaer andDe."y S.eaero1 he LegislaiveAssem3ly:%a!aion and

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resignaion o1,and removal1rom, he oM!eso1 S.eaer andDe."y S.eaer:

Po4er o1 heDe."y S.eaeror oher .erson o.er1orm hed"ies o1 heoM!e o1, or oa! as, S.eaer: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #==#K:<K=;6< D"ring he a3sen!e o1 he S.eaer 1rom anysiing o1 he Assem3ly he De."y S.eaer or, i1 he is

also a3sen, s"!h .erson as may 3e deermined 3y her"les o1 .ro!ed"re o1 he Assem3ly, or, i1 no s"!h .ersonis .resen, s"!h oher .erson as may 3e deermined 3yhe Assem3ly, shall a! as S.eaer:#K#: ;#< A any siing o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly,4hile any resol"ion 1or he removal o1 he S.eaer 1romhis oM!e is "nder !onsideraion, he S.eaer, or 4hileany resol"ion 1or he removal o1 he De."y S.eaer,1rom his oM!e is "nder !onsideraion, he De."y S.eaer,shall no, ho"gh he is .resen, .reside, and he .rovisionso1 !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le #K shall in relaion o every

s"!h siing as hey in relaion o a siing 1rom4hi!h he S.eaer or, as he !ase may 3e, he De."yS.eaer, is a3sen:;6< The S.eaer shall have he righ o s.ea in, andoher4ise o ae .ar in he .ro!eedings o1, heLegislaive Assem3ly 4hile any resol"ion 1or his removal1rom oM!e is "nder !onsideraion in he Assem3ly andshall, no4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le #K8, 3e eniledo voe only in he Brs insan!e on s"!h resol"ion or onany oher maer d"ring s"!h .ro!eedings 3" no in he!ase o1 an e"aliy o1 voes:

#K6: The Legislaive Co"n!il o1 every Sae havings"!h Co"n!il shall, as soon as may 3e, !hoose 4omem3ers o1 he Co"n!il o 3e res.e!ively Chairman andDe."y Chairman hereo1 and, so o1en as he oM!e o1 Chairman or De."y Chairman 3e!omes va!an, heCo"n!il shall !hoose anoher mem3er o 3e Chairman orDe."y Chairman, as he !ase may 3e:#K: A mem3er holding oM!e as Chairman or De."y

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Chairman o1 a Legislaive Co"n!il;a< shall va!ae his oM!e i1 he !eases o 3e amem3er o1 he Co"n!il/;3< may a any ime 3y 4riing "nder his handaddressed, i1 s"!h mem3er is he Chairman, o he

 The S.eaer orhe De."yS.eaer no o.reside 4hile aresol"ion 1or hisremoval 1romoM!e is "nder!onsideraion: The Chairman andDe."y Chairmano1 he Legislaive

Co"n!il:%a!aion andresignaion o1, andremoval 1rom, heoM!es o1 Chairmanand De."yChairman: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #K#K:<KKDe."y Chairman, and i1 s"!h mem3er is he De."yChairman, o he Chairman, resign his oM!e/ and

;!< may 3e removed 1rom his oM!e 3y a resol"iono1 he Co"n!il .assed 3y a maoriy o1 all he henmem3ers o1 he Co"n!ilProvided ha no resol"ion 1or he ."r.ose o1 !la"se ;!<shall 3e moved "nless a leas 1o"reen daysJ noi!e has3een given o1 he inenion o move he resol"ion:#K9: ;#< While he oM!e o1 Chairman is va!an, hed"ies o1 he oM!e shall 3e .er1ormed 3y he De."yChairman or, i1 he oM!e o1 De."y Chairman is alsova!an, 3y s"!h mem3er o1 he Co"n!il as he 'overnormay a..oin 1or he ."r.ose:

;6< D"ring he a3sen!e o1 he Chairman 1rom anysiing o1 he Co"n!il he De."y Chairman or, i1 he isalso a3sen, s"!h .erson as may 3e deermined 3y her"les o1 .ro!ed"re o1 he Co"n!il, or, i1 no s"!h .ersonis .resen, s"!h oher .erson as may 3e deermined 3yhe Co"n!il, shall a! as Chairman:#K: ;#< A any siing o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il,4hile any resol"ion 1or he removal o1 he Chairman

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1rom his oM!e is "nder !onsideraion, he Chairman, or4hile any resol"ion 1or he removal o1 he De."yChairman 1rom his oM!e is "nder !onsideraion, heDe."y Chairman, shall no, ho"gh he is .resen,.reside, and he .rovisions o1 !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le #K9

shall in relaion o every s"!h siing as hey a..lyin relaion o a siing 1rom 4hi!h he Chairman or, ashe !ase may 3e, he De."y Chairman is a3sen:;6< The Chairman shall have he righ o s.ea in,and oher4ise o ae .ar in he .ro!eedings o1, heLegislaive Co"n!il 4hile any resol"ion 1or his removal1rom oM!e is "nder !onsideraion in he Co"n!il andshall, no4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le #K8, 3e eniledo voe only in he Brs insan!e on s"!h resol"ion or onany oher maer d"ring s"!h .ro!eedings 3" no in he!ase o1 an e"aliy o1 voes:

Po4er o1 heDe."y Chairmanor oher .erson o.er1orm he d"ieso1 he oM!e o1, oro a! as,Chairman: The Chairman orhe De."yChairman no o.reside 4hile a

resol"ion 1or hisremoval 1rom oM!eis "nder!onsideraion: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #K#K:<K8#K>: There shall 3e .aid o he S.eaer and he De."yS.eaer o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly, and o he Chairmanand he De."y Chairman o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il,s"!h salaries and allo4an!es as may 3e res.e!ively B2ed3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae 3y la4 and, "nil .rovision

in ha 3ehal1 is so made, s"!h salaries and allo4an!esas are s.e!iBed in he Se!ond S!hed"le:#K=: ;#< The Ho"se or ea!h Ho"se o1 he Legisla"reo1 a Sae shall have a se.arae se!rearial saGProvided ha nohing in his !la"se shall, in he !aseo1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae having a Legislaive Co"n!il,3e !onsr"ed as .revening he !reaion o1 .oss !ommono 3oh Ho"ses o1 s"!h Legisla"re:

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;6< The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may 3y la4 reg"lae here!r"imen, and he !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 .ersonsa..oined, o he se!rearial saG o1 he Ho"se or Ho"seso1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae:;< Unil .rovision is made 3y he Legisla"re o1 he

Sae "nder !la"se ;6<, he 'overnor may, a1er!ons"laion 4ih he S.eaer o1 he Legislaive Assem3lyor he Chairman o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il, as he !asemay 3e, mae r"les reg"laing he re!r"imen, and he!ondiions o1 servi!e o1 .ersons a..oined, o hese!rearial saG o1 he Assem3ly or he Co"n!il, and anyr"les so made shall have eGe! s"3e! o he .rovisionso1 any la4 made "nder he said !la"se:Cond"! o1 )"siness#KK: Every mem3er o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly or heLegislaive Co"n!il o1 a Sae shall, 3e1ore aing his sea,

mae and s"3s!ri3e 3e1ore he 'overnor, or some .ersona..oined in ha 3ehal1 3y him, an oah or aMrmaiona!!ording o he 1orm se o" 1or he ."r.ose in he ThirdS!hed"le:#K8: ;#< Save as oher4ise .rovided in hisConsi"ion, all "esions a any siing o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae shall 3e deermined 3y amaoriy o1 voes o1 he mem3ers .resen and voing,oher han he S.eaer or Chairman, or .erson a!ing ass"!h:Salaries and

allo4an!es o1 heS.eaer andDe."y S.eaerand he Chairmanand De."yChairman:Se!rearia o1 Sae Legisla"re:Oah or aMrmaion3y mem3ers:%oing in Ho"ses,

.o4er o1 Ho"seso a!no4ihsandingva!an!ies and"or"m: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #K>#K8:<8The S.eaer or Chairman, or .erson a!ing as s"!h,

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shall no voe in he Brs insan!e, 3" shall have ande2er!ise a !asing voe in he !ase o1 an e"aliy o1 voes:;6< A Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae shall have.o4er o a! no4ihsanding any va!an!y in hemem3ershi. hereo1, and any .ro!eedings in he

Legisla"re o1 a Sae shall 3e valid no4ihsanding hai is dis!overed s"3se"enly ha some .erson 4ho 4asno eniled so o do sa or voed or oher4ise oo .arin he .ro!eedings:;< Unil he Legisla"re o1 he Sae 3y la4 oher4ise.rovides, he "or"m o !onsi"e a meeing o1 a Ho"seo1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae shall 3e en mem3ers or one7enh o1 he oal n"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 he Ho"se,4hi!hever is greaer:;9< I1 a any ime d"ring a meeing o1 he LegislaiveAssem3ly or he Legislaive Co"n!il o1 a Sae here is no

"or"m, i shall 3e he d"y o1 he S.eaer or Chairman,or .erson a!ing as s"!h, eiher o ado"rn he Ho"se oro s"s.end he meeing "nil here is a "or"m:Dis"aliB!aions o1 (em3ers#8: ;#< No .erson shall 3e a mem3er o1 3oh Ho"seso1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae and .rovision shall 3e made3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae 3y la4 1or he va!aion 3ya .erson 4ho is !hosen a mem3er o1 3oh Ho"ses o1 hissea in one ho"se or he oher:;6< No .erson shall 3e a mem3er o1 he Legisla"reso1 4o or more Saes s.e!iBed in he Firs S!hed"le and

i1 a .erson is !hosen a mem3er o1 he Legisla"res o1 4o or more s"!h Saes, hen, a he e2.iraion o1 s"!h.eriod as may 3e s.e!iBed in r"les#made 3y hePresiden, ha .ersonJs sea in he Legisla"res o1 alls"!h Saes shall 3e!ome va!an, "nless he has .revio"slyresigned his sea in he Legisla"res o1 all 3" one o1 heSaes:;< I1 a mem3er o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 aSae

#See he Prohi3iion o1 Sim"laneo"s (em3ershi. &"les, #8 ."3lished 4ihhe (inisryo1 La4 NoiB!aion No: F: 9>7C, daed he 6>h -an"ary, #8, 'a+ee o1India,E2raordinary, .: >=K:%a!aion o1 seas: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

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;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #K8#8:<8#;a< 3e!omes s"3e! o any o1 he dis"aliB!aionsmenioned in#$!la"se ;#< or !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le #8#*/

or6$;3< resigns his sea 3y 4riing "nder his handaddressed o he s.eaer or he Chairman, as he!ase may 3e, and his resignaion is a!!e.ed 3y heS.eaer or he Chairman, as he !ase may 3e,*his sea shall here".on 3e!ome va!an$Provided ha in he !ase o1 any resignaion re1erredo in s"37!la"se ;3<, i1 1rom in1ormaion re!eived oroher4ise and a1er maing s"!h in"iry as he hins B,

he S.eaer or he Chairman, as he !ase may 3e, issaisBed ha s"!h resignaion is no vol"nary or gen"ine,he shall no a!!e. s"!h resignaion:*;9< I1 1or a .eriod o1 si2y days a mem3er o1 a Ho"seo1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae is 4iho" .ermission o1 heHo"se a3sen 1rom all meeings hereo1, he Ho"se mayde!lare his sea va!anProvided ha in !om."ing he said .eriod o1 si2ydays no a!!o"n shall 3e aen o1 any .eriod d"ring4hi!h he Ho"se is .rorog"ed or is ado"rned 1or morehan 1o"r !onse!"ive days:

#8#: ;#< A .erson shall 3e dis"aliBed 1or 3eing!hosen as, and 1or 3eing, a mem3er o1 he LegislaiveAssem3ly or Legislaive Co"n!il o1 a Sae;a< i1 he holds any oM!e o1 .roB "nder he'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 any Saes.e!iBed in he Firs S!hed"le, oher han an oM!ede!lared 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae 3y la4 no odis"ali1y is holder/;3< i1 he is o1 "nso"nd mind and sands sode!lared 3y a !om.een !o"r/#

S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8K, s: 9, 1or?!la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #8#@ ;4:e:1: #77#8K<:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7hird Amendmen< A!, #8=9, s: , 1or s"37!la"se ;3<:Ins: 3y s: , i3id:

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Dis"aliB!aions1or mem3ershi.: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #87#8#:<86;!< i1 he is an "ndis!harged insolven/

;d< i1 he is no a !ii+en o1 India, or has vol"narilya!"ired he !ii+enshi. o1 a 1oreign Sae, or is "nderany a!no4ledgmen o1 allegian!e or adheren!e o a1oreign Sae/;e< i1 he is so dis"aliBed 3y or "nder any la4made 3y Parliamen:#$E2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his !la"se*, a.erson shall no 3e deemed o hold an oM!e o1 .roB"nder he 'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 any Sae s.e!iBed in he Firs S!hed"le 3y reason

only ha he is a (iniser eiher 1or he Union or 1or s"!hSae:6$;6< A .erson shall 3e dis"aliBed 1or 3eing a mem3ero1 he Legislaive Assem3ly or Legislaive Co"n!il o1 aSae i1 he is so dis"aliBed "nder he Tenh S!hed"le:*$#86: ;#< I1 any "esion arises as o 4heher amem3er o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae has3e!ome s"3e! o any o1 he dis"aliB!aions menionedin !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #8#, he "esion shall 3e re1erred

1or he de!ision o1 he 'overnor and his de!ision shall3e Bnal: ;6< )e1ore giving any de!ision on any s"!h "esion,he 'overnor shall o3ain he o.inion o1 he Ele!ionCommission and shall a! a!!ording o s"!h o.inion:* #8: I1 a .erson sis or voes as a mem3er o1 heLegislaive Assem3ly or he Legislaive Co"n!il o1 a Sae3e1ore he has !om.lied 4ih he re"iremens o1 ari!le#KK, or 4hen he no4s ha he is no "aliBed or ha heis dis"aliBed 1or mem3ershi. hereo1, or ha he is.rohi3ied 1rom so doing 3y he .rovisions o1 any la4

made 3y Parliamen or he Legisla"re o1 he Sae, he#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8K, s: , 1or ?;6<For he."r.oses o1 his ari!le@ ;4:e:1: #77#8K<:6Ins: 3y s: , i3id: ;4:e:1: #77#8K<:

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Ar: #86 has 3een s"!!essively s"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ondAmendmen<A!, #8=>, s: ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==< and he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rhAmendmen< A!, #8=K,s: 6 o read as a3ove ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:

De!ision on"esions as odis"aliB!aionso1 mem3ers:Penaly 1or siingand voing 3e1oremaing oah oraMrmaion "nderari!le #KK or 4henno "aliBed or4hen dis"aliBed:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #8##8:<8shall 3e lia3le in res.e! o1 ea!h day on 4hi!h he so sisor voes o a .enaly o1 Bve h"ndred r".ees o 3ere!overed as a de3 d"e o he Sae:Po4ers, Privileges and Imm"niies o1 Sae Legisla"res andheir (em3ers#89: ;#< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ionand o he r"les and sanding orders reg"laing!ed"re o1 he Legisla"re, here shall 3e 1reedom o1!h in he Legisla"re o1 every Sae:

 ;6< No mem3er o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae shall 3elia3le o any .ro!eedings in any !o"r in res.e! o1 anyhing said or any voe given 3y him in he Legisla"reor any !ommiee hereo1, and no .erson shall 3e so lia3lein res.e! o1 he ."3li!aion 3y or "nder he a"horiy o1 a Ho"se o1 s"!h a Legisla"re o1 any re.or,, voesor .ro!eedings: ;< In oher res.e!s, he .o4ers, .rivileges andimm"niies o1 a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae, ando1 he mem3ers and he !ommiees o1 a Ho"se o1 s"!hLegisla"re, shall 3e s"!h as may 1rom ime o ime 3e

deBned 3y he Legisla"re 3y la4, and, "nil so deBned,#$shall 3e hose o1 ha Ho"se and o1 is mem3ers and!ommiees immediaely 3e1ore he !oming ino 1or!e o1 se!ion 6> o1 he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen<A!, #8=K*: ;9< The .rovisions o1 !la"ses ;#<, ;6< and ;< in relaion o .ersons 4ho 3y vir"e o1 his

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Consi"ion have he righ o s.ea in, and oher4ise oae .ar in he .ro!eedings o1, a Ho"se o1 he Legisla"reo1 a Sae or any !ommiee hereo1 as hey inrelaion o mem3ers o1 ha Legisla"re: #8: (em3ers o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly and he

Legislaive Co"n!il o1 a Sae shall 3e eniled o re!eives"!h salaries and allo4an!es as may 1rom ime o ime 3edeermined, 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae 3y la4 and,Po4ers, .rivileges,e!:, o1 he Ho"seso1 Legisla"res ando1 he mem3ersand !ommieeshereo1:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 6>, 1or

!erain 4ords;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:Salaries andallo4an!es o1 mem3ers: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #8#8:<89"nil .rovision in ha res.e! is so made, salaries andallo4an!es a s"!h raes and ".on s"!h !ondiions as4ere immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion!a3le in he !ase o1 mem3ers o1 he

Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he !orres.onding Provin!e:Legislaive Pro!ed"re#8>: ;#< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!les #8K and6= 4ih res.e! o (oney )ills and oher Bnan!ial )ills,a )ill may originae in eiher Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae 4hi!h has a Legislaive Co"n!il:;6< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!les #8= and #8K,a )ill shall no 3e deemed o have 3een .assed 3y heHo"ses o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae having a LegislaiveCo"n!il "nless i has 3een agreed o 3y 3oh Ho"ses,eiher 4iho" amendmen or 4ih s"!h amendmens

only as are agreed o 3y 3oh Ho"ses: ;< A )ill .ending in he Legisla"re o1 a Sae shallno 3y reason o1 he .rorogaion o1 he Ho"se orHo"ses hereo1: ;9< A )ill .ending in he Legislaive Co"n!il o1 aSae 4hi!h has no 3een .assed 3y he LegislaiveAssem3ly shall no on a dissol"ion o1 heAssem3ly:

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 ;< A )ill 4hi!h is .ending in he LegislaiveAssem3ly o1 a Sae, or 4hi!h having 3een .assed 3yhe Legislaive Assem3ly is .ending in he LegislaiveCo"n!il, shall on a dissol"ion o1 he Assem3ly: #8=: ;#< I1 a1er a )ill has 3een .assed 3y he

Legislaive Assem3ly o1 a Sae having a LegislaiveCo"n!il and ransmied o he Legislaive Co"n!il;a< he )ill is ree!ed 3y he Co"n!il/ or;3< more han hree monhs 1rom he daeon 4hi!h he )ill is laid 3e1ore he Co"n!il 4iho"he )ill 3eing .assed 3y i/ or;!< he )ill is .assed 3y he Co"n!il 4ihamendmens o 4hi!h he Legislaive Assem3ly doesno agree/Provisions as oinrod"!ion and

.assing o1 )ills:&esri!ion on

.o4ers o1 Legislaive Co"n!ilas o )ills oherhan (oney )ills: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #8#8=:<8he Legislaive Assem3ly may, s"3e! o he r"lesreg"laing is .ro!ed"re, .ass he )ill again in he sameor in any s"3se"en session 4ih or 4iho" s"!h

amendmens, i1 any, as have 3een made, s"ggesed oragreed o 3y he Legislaive Co"n!il and hen ransmihe )ill as so .assed o he Legislaive Co"n!il: ;6< I1 a1er a )ill has 3een so .assed 1or he se!ondime 3y he Legislaive Assem3ly and ransmied o heLegislaive Co"n!il;a< he )ill is ree!ed 3y he Co"n!il/ or;3< more han one monh 1rom he dae on4hi!h he )ill is laid 3e1ore he Co"n!il 4iho" he)ill 3eing .assed 3y i/ or;!< he )ill is .assed 3y he Co"n!il 4ih

amendmens o 4hi!h he Legislaive Assem3ly doesno agree/he )ill shall 3e deemed o have 3een .assed 3y heHo"ses o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae in he 1orm in4hi!h i 4as .assed 3y he Legislaive Assem3ly 1or hese!ond ime 4ih s"!h amendmens, i1 any, as have 3eenmade or s"ggesed 3y he Legislaive Co"n!il and agreedo 3y he Legislaive Assem3ly:

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 ;< Nohing in his ari!le shall o a (oney)ill: #8K: ;#< A (oney )ill shall no 3e inrod"!ed in aLegislaive Co"n!il: ;6< A1er a (oney )ill has 3een .assed 3y he

Legislaive Assem3ly o1 a Sae having a LegislaiveCo"n!il, i shall 3e ransmied o he Legislaive Co"n!il1or is re!ommendaions, and he Legislaive Co"n!il shall4ihin a .eriod o1 1o"reen days 1rom he dae o1 isre!ei. o1 he )ill re"rn he )ill o he LegislaiveAssem3ly 4ih is re!ommendaions, and he LegislaiveAssem3ly may here".on eiher a!!e. or ree! all orany o1 he re!ommendaions o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il: ;< I1 he Legislaive Assem3ly a!!e.s any o1 here!ommendaions o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il, he (oneyS.e!ial .ro!ed"re

in res.e! o1 (oney )ills: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #8=#8K:<8>)ill shall 3e deemed o have 3een .assed 3y 3oh Ho"ses4ih he amendmens re!ommended 3y he LegislaiveCo"n!il and a!!e.ed 3y he Legislaive Assem3ly: ;9< I1 he Legislaive Assem3ly does no a!!e. anyo1 he re!ommendaions o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il, he(oney )ill shall 3e deemed o have 3een .assed 3y 3ohHo"ses in he 1orm in 4hi!h i 4as .assed 3y he

Legislaive Assem3ly 4iho" any o1 he amendmensre!ommended 3y he Legislaive Co"n!il: ;< I1 a (oney )ill .assed 3y he Legislaive Assem3lyand ransmied o he Legislaive Co"n!il 1or isre!ommendaions is no re"rned o he LegislaiveAssem3ly 4ihin he said .eriod o1 1o"reen days, i shall3e deemed o have 3een .assed 3y 3oh Ho"ses a hee2.iraion o1 he said .eriod in he 1orm in 4hi!h i 4as.assed 3y he Legislaive Assem3ly: #88: ;#< For he ."r.oses o1 his, a )ill shall3e deemed o 3e a (oney )ill i1 i !onains only

.rovisions dealing 4ih all or any o1 he 1ollo4ingmaers, namely;a< he im.osiion, a3oliion, remission, aleraionor reg"laion o1 any a2/;3< he reg"laion o1 he 3orro4ing o1 money orhe giving o1 any g"aranee 3y he Sae, or heamendmen o1 he la4 4ih res.e! o any Bnan!ialo3ligaions "nderaen or o 3e "nderaen 3y he

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Sae/;!< he !"sody o1 he Consolidaed F"nd or heConingen!y F"nd o1 he Sae, he .aymen o1 moneys ino or he 4ihdra4al o1 moneys 1rom anys"!h F"nd/

;d< he o1 moneys o" o1 heConsolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae/;e< he de!laring o1 any e2.endi"re o 3ee2.endi"re !harged on he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae, or he in!reasing o1 he amo"n o1 anys"!h e2.endi"re/DeBniion o1 ?(oney )ills@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #8K7#88:<8=;1< he re!ei. o1 money on a!!o"n o1 he

Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae or he ."3li! a!!o"no1 he Sae or he !"sody or iss"e o1 s"!h money/ or;g< any maer in!idenal o any o1 he maerss.e!iBed in s"37!la"ses ;a< o ;1<:;6< A )ill shall no 3e deemed o 3e a (oney )ill 3yreason only ha i .rovides 1or he im.osiion o1 Bnes oroher .e!"niary .enalies, or 1or he demand or .aymeno1 1ees 1or li!en!es or 1ees 1or servi!es rendered, or 3yreason ha i .rovides 1or he im.osiion, a3oliion,remission, aleraion or reg"laion o1 any a2 3y any lo!ala"horiy or 3ody 1or lo!al ."r.oses:

;< I1 any "esion arises 4heher a )ill inrod"!ed inhe Legisla"re o1 a Sae 4hi!h has a Legislaive Co"n!ilis a (oney )ill or no, he de!ision o1 he S.eaer o1 heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 s"!h Sae hereon shall 3e Bnal:;9< There shall 3e endorsed on every (oney )ill 4heni is ransmied o he Legislaive Co"n!il "nder ari!le#8K, and 4hen i is .resened o he 'overnor 1or assen"nder ari!le 6, he !eriB!ae o1 he S.eaer o1 heLegislaive Assem3ly signed 3y him ha i is a (oney)ill:6: When a )ill has 3een .assed 3y he Legislaive

Assem3ly o1 a Sae or, in he !ase o1 a Sae having aLegislaive Co"n!il, has 3een .assed 3y 3oh Ho"ses o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae, i shall 3e .resened o he'overnor and he 'overnor shall de!lare eiher ha heassens o he )ill or ha he 4ihholds assen here1romor ha he reserves he )ill 1or he !onsideraion o1 hePresiden  Provided ha he 'overnor may, as soon as .ossi3le

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a1er he .resenaion o him o1 he )ill 1or assen, re"rn he)ill i1 i is no a (oney )ill ogeher 4ih a messagere"esing ha he Ho"se or Ho"ses 4ill re!onsider he)ill or any s.e!iBed .rovisions hereo1 and, in .ari!"lar,4ill !onsider he desira3iliy o1 inrod"!ing any s"!h

amendmens as he may re!ommend in his message and,Assen o )ills: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: #8876:<8K4hen a )ill is so re"rned, he Ho"se or Ho"ses shallre!onsider he )ill a!!ordingly, and i1 he )ill is .assedagain 3y he Ho"se or Ho"ses 4ih or 4iho"amendmen and .resened o he 'overnor 1or assen,he 'overnor shall no 4ihhold assen here1romProvided 1"rher ha he 'overnor shall no asseno, 3" shall reserve 1or he !onsideraion o1 he Presiden,

any )ill 4hi!h in he o.inion o1 he 'overnor 4o"ld, i1 i 3e!ame la4, so derogae 1rom he .o4ers o1 he HighCo"r as o endanger he .osiion 4hi!h ha Co"r is 3yhis Consi"ion designed o Bll:6#: When a )ill is reserved 3y a 'overnor 1or he!onsideraion o1 he Presiden, he Presiden shall de!lareeiher ha he assens o he )ill or ha he 4ihholdsassen here1romProvided ha, 4here he )ill is no a (oney )ill, hePresiden may dire! he 'overnor o re"rn he )ill o heHo"se or, as he !ase may 3e, he Ho"ses o1 he

Legisla"re o1 he Sae ogeher 4ih s"!h a message asis menioned in he Brs .roviso o ari!le 6 and, 4hena )ill is so re"rned, he Ho"se or Ho"ses shall re!onsideri a!!ordingly 4ihin a .eriod o1 si2 monhs 1rom hedae o1 re!ei. o1 s"!h message and, i1 i is again .assed3y he Ho"se or Ho"ses 4ih or 4iho" amendmen, ishall 3e .resened again o he Presiden 1or his!onsideraion:Pro!ed"re in Finan!ial (aers66: ;#< The 'overnor shall in res.e! o1 everyBnan!ial year !a"se o 3e laid 3e1ore he Ho"se or Ho"ses

o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae a saemen o1 he esimaedre!ei.s and e2.endi"re o1 he Sae 1or ha year, in hisPar re1erred o as he ann"al Bnan!ial saemen:;6< The esimaes o1 e2.endi"re em3odied in heann"al Bnan!ial saemen shall sho4 se.araely;a< he s"ms re"ired o mee e2.endi"redes!ri3ed 3y his Consi"ion as e2.endi"re!harged ".on he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae/

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and)ills reserved 1or!onsideraion:Ann"al Bnan!ialsaemen:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 666:<88;3< he s"ms re"ired o mee oher e2.endi" o 3e made 1rom he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae/and shall dising"ish e2.endi"re on reven"e a!!o"n1rom oher e2.endi"re:;< The 1ollo4ing e2.endi"re shall 3e e2.endi"re!harged on he Consolidaed F"nd o1 ea!h Sae;a< he emol"mens and allo4an!es o1 he'overnor and oher e2.endi"re relaing o his oM!e/

;3< he salaries and allo4an!es o1 he S.eaer andhe De."y S.eaer o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly and,in he !ase o1 a Sae having a Legislaive Co"n!il,also o1 he Chairman and he De."y Chairman o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il/;!< de3 !harges 1or 4hi!h he Sae is lia3lein!l"ding ineres, sining 1"nd !harges andredem.ion !harges, and oher e2.endi"re relaingo he raising o1 loans and he servi!e and redem.iono1 de3/;d< e2.endi"re in res.e! o1 he salaries and

allo4an!es o1 -"dges o1 any High Co"r/;e< any s"ms re"ired o sais1y any "dgmen,de!ree or a4ard o1 any !o"r or ar3iral ri3"nal/;1< any oher e2.endi"re de!lared 3y hisConsi"ion, or 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae 3yla4, o 3e so !harged:6: ;#< So m"!h o1 he esimaes as relaes oe2.endi"re !harged ".on he Consolidaed F"nd o1 aSae shall no 3e s"3mied o he voe o1 he LegislaiveAssem3ly, 3" nohing in his !la"se shall 3e !onsr"edas .revening he dis!"ssion in he Legisla"re o1 any o1 

hose esimaes:;6< So m"!h o1 he said esimaes as relaes o ohere2.endi"re shall 3e s"3mied in he 1orm o1 demands1or grans o he Legislaive Assem3ly, and he LegislaiveAssem3ly shall have .o4er o assen, or o re1"se oassen, o any demand, or o assen o any demand s"3e!o a red"!ion o1 he amo"n s.e!iBed herein:Pro!ed"re in

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Legisla"re 4ihres.e! oesimaes: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6676:<

#;< No demand 1or a gran shall 3e made e2!e. onhe re!ommendaion o1 he 'overnor:69: ;#< As soon as may 3e a1er he grans "nderari!le 6 have 3een made 3y he Assem3ly, here shall3e inrod"!ed a )ill o .rovide 1or he o"o1 he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae o1 all moneysre"ired o mee;a< he grans so made 3y he Assem3ly/ and;3< he e2.endi"re !harged on he ConsolidaedF"nd o1 he Sae 3" no e2!eeding in any !ase heamo"n sho4n in he saemen .revio"sly laid

3e1ore he Ho"se or Ho"ses:;6< No amendmen shall 3e .ro.osed o any s"!h )illin he Ho"se or eiher Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 heSae 4hi!h 4ill have he eGe! o1 varying he amo"n oralering he desinaion o1 any gran so made or o1 varyinghe amo"n o1 any e2.endi"re !harged on heConsolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae, and he de!ision o1 he.erson .residing as o 4heher an amendmen isinadmissi3le "nder his !la"se shall 3e Bnal:;< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!les 6 and 6>,no money shall 3e 4ihdra4n 1rom he Consolidaed

F"nd o1 he Sae e2!e. "nder made 3yla4 .assed in a!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 hisari!le:6: ;#< The 'overnor shall;a< i1 he amo"n a"horised 3y any la4 made ina!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 ari!le 69 o 3ee2.ended 1or a .ari!"lar servi!e 1or he !"rrenBnan!ial year is 1o"nd o 3e ins"M!ien 1or he."r.oses o1 ha year or 4hen a need has arisend"ring he !"rren Bnan!ial year 1or s"..lemenaryor addiional e2.endi"re ".on some ne4 servi!e

no !onem.laed in he ann"al Bnan!ial saemen1or ha year, )ills:S"..lemenary,addiional ore2!ess grans: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 66:<

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eGe! in relaion o he maing o1 any gran "nder !la"se;#< and o any la4 o 3e made "nder ha !la"se as heyhave eGe! in relaion o he maing o1 a gran 4ihregard o any e2.endi"re menioned in he ann"alBnan!ial saemen and he la4 o 3e made 1or he

a"horisaion o1 o1 moneys o" o1 heConsolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae o mee s"!h e2.endi"re:6=: ;#< A )ill or amendmen maing .rovision 1orany o1 he maers s.e!iBed in s"37!la"ses ;a< o ;1< o1 !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #88 shall no 3e inrod"!ed or movede2!e. on he re!ommendaion o1 he 'overnor, and a )illmaing s"!h .rovision shall no 3e inrod"!ed in aLegislaive Co"n!ilProvided ha no re!ommendaion shall 3e re"ired"nder his !la"se 1or he moving o1 an amendmenmaing .rovision 1or he red"!ion or a3oliion o1 any

a2:;6< A )ill or amendmen shall no 3e deemed o mae.rovision 1or any o1 he maers a1oresaid 3y reason onlyha i .rovides 1or he im.osiion o1 Bnes or oher.e!"niary .enalies, or 1or he demand or .aymen o1 1ees1or li!en!es or 1ees 1or servi!es rendered, or 3y reason hai .rovides 1or he im.osiion, a3oliion, remission,aleraion or reg"laion o1 any a2 3y any lo!al a"horiyor 3ody 1or lo!al ."r.oses:;< A )ill 4hi!h, i1 ena!ed and 3ro"gh inoo.eraion, 4o"ld involve e2.endi"re 1rom he

Consolidaed F"nd o1 a Sae shall no 3e .assed 3y aHo"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae "nless he 'overnorhas re!ommended o ha Ho"se he !onsideraion o1 he )ill:Pro!ed"re 'enerally6K: ;#< A Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae maymae r"les 1or reg"laing, s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion, is .ro!ed"re and he !ond"! o1 is3"siness:S.e!ial .rovisionsas o Bnan!ial )ills:

&"les o1 .ro!ed"re: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6>6K:<#;6< Unil r"les are made "nder !la"se ;#<, he r"les o1 .ro!ed"re and sanding orders in 1or!e immediaely3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4ihres.e! o he Legisla"re 1or he !orres.onding Provin!eshall have eGe! in relaion o he Legisla"re o1 he Sae

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s"3e! o s"!h modiB!aions and ada.aions as may 3emade herein 3y he S.eaer o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly,or he Chairman o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il, as he !asemay 3e:;< In a Sae having a Legislaive Co"n!il he

'overnor, a1er !ons"laion 4ih he S.eaer o1 heLegislaive Assem3ly and he Chairman o1 he LegislaiveCo"n!il, may mae r"les as o he .ro!ed"re 4ih res.e!o !omm"ni!aions 3e4een he 4o Ho"ses:68: The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 1or he ."r.oseo1 he imely !om.leion o1 Bnan!ial 3"siness, reg"lae3y la4 he .ro!ed"re o1, and he !ond"! o1 3"siness in,he Ho"se or Ho"ses o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae inrelaion o any Bnan!ial maer or o any )ill 1or o1 moneys o" o1 he Consolidaed F"ndo1 he Sae, and, i1 and so 1ar as any .rovision o1 any

la4 so made is in!onsisen 4ih any r"le made 3y heHo"se or eiher Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae"nder !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le 6K or 4ih any r"le or sandingorder having eGe! in relaion o he Legisla"re o1 heSae "nder !la"se ;6< o1 ha ari!le, s"!h .rovision shall.revail:6#: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in Par %II, 3"s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!le 9K, 3"siness in heLegisla"re o1 a Sae shall 3e ransa!ed in he oM!iallang"age or lang"ages o1 he Sae or in Hindi or inEnglish

Provided ha he S.eaer o1 he Legislaive Assem3lyor Chairman o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il, or .erson a!ingas s"!h, as he !ase may 3e, may .ermi any mem3er4ho !anno ade"aely e2.ress himsel1 in any o1 helang"ages a1oresaid o address he Ho"se in his moher7ong"e:;6< Unless he Legisla"re o1 he Sae 3y la4oher4ise .rovides, his ari!le shall, a1er he e2.iraion&eg"laion 3y la4o1 .ro!ed"re in heLegisla"re o1 he

Sae in relaion oBnan!ial 3"siness:Lang"age o 3e"sed in heLegisla"re: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6K6#:<#9o1 a .eriod o1 B1een years 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 

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his Consi"ion, have eGe! as i1 he 4ords ?or inEnglish@ 4ere omied here1rom#$Provided ha in relaion o he6

$Legisla"res o1 he Saes o1 Hima!hal Pradesh, (ani."r, (eghalayaand Tri."ra* his !la"se shall have eGe! as i1 1or he4ords ?B1een years@ o!!"rring herein, he 4ords?4eny7Bve years@ 4ere s"3si"ed*$Provided 1"rher ha in relaion o he9$Legisla"res o1 he Saes o1$Ar"na!hal Pradesh, 'oa

and (i+oram**, his !la"se shall have eGe! as i1 1or he4ords ?B1een years@ o!!"rring herein, he 4ords?1ory years@ 4ere s"3si"ed:* 6##: No dis!"ssion shall ae .la!e in he Legisla"reo1 a Sae 4ih res.e! o he !ond"! o1 any -"dge o1 heS".reme Co"r or o1 a High Co"r in he dis!harge o1 his d"ies: 6#6: ;#< The validiy o1 any .ro!eedings in heLegisla"re o1 a Sae shall no 3e !alled in "esion onhe gro"nd o1 any alleged irreg"lariy o1 .ro!ed"re:  ;6< No oM!er or mem3er o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae

in 4hom .o4ers are vesed 3y or "nder his Consi"ion1or reg"laing .ro!ed"re or he !ond"! o1 3"siness, or 1ormainaining order, in he Legisla"re shall 3e s"3e! ohe "risdi!ion o1 any !o"r in res.e! o1 he e2er!ise 3yhim o1 hose .o4ers:CHAPTE& I% :LE'ISLATI%E POWE& OF THE 'O%E&NO&6#: ;#< I1 a any ime, e2!e. 4hen he LegislaiveAssem3ly o1 a Sae is in session, or 4here here is aLegislaive Co"n!il in a Sae, e2!e. 4hen 3oh Ho"ses&esri!ion ondis!"ssion in he

Legisla"re:Co"rs no oin"ire!eedings o1 heLegisla"re:#Ins: 3y he Sae o1 Hima!hal Pradesh A!, #8= ; o1 #8=<, s: 9> ;4:e:1: 67#7#8=#<:

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6S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#, 1or?Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 Hima!hal Pradesh@ ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:

Ins: 3y he Sae o1 (i+oram A!, #8K> ;9 o1 #8K><, s: 8 ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:9S"3s: 3y he Sae o1 Ar"na!hal Pradesh A!, #8K> ;>8 o1 #8K><, s: 96, 1or?Legisla"reo1 he Sae o1 (i+oram@ ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:S"3s: 3y he 'oa, Daman and Di" &eorganisaion A!, #8K= ;#K o1 #8K=<, s:>, 1or?Ar"na!hal Pradesh and (i+oram@ ;4:e:1: 77#8K=<:Po4er o1 'overnor o

.rom"lgaeOrdinan!es d"ringre!ess o1 Legisla"re: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6#6#:<#o1 he Legisla"re are in session, he 'overnor is saisBedha !ir!"msan!es e2is 4hi!h render i ne!essary 1orhim o ae immediae a!ion, he may .rom"lgaes"!h Ordinan!es as he !ir!"msan!es a..ear o him ore"ire

Provided ha he 'overnor shall no, 4iho"insr"!ions 1rom he Presiden, .rom"lgae any s"!hOrdinan!e i1;a< a )ill !onaining he same .rovisions 4o"ld"nder his Consi"ion have re"ired he .revio"ssan!ion o1 he Presiden 1or he inrod"!ion hereo1 ino he Legisla"re/ or;3< he 4o"ld have deemed i ne!essary o reservea )ill !onaining he same .rovisions 1or he!onsideraion o1 he Presiden/ or;!< an A! o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae !onaining

he same .rovisions 4o"ld "nder his Consi"ionhave 3een invalid "nless, having 3een reserved 1orhe !onsideraion o1 he Presiden, i had re!eivedhe assen o1 he Presiden:;6< An Ordinan!e .rom"lgaed "nder his ari!le shallhave he same 1or!e and eGe! as an A! o1 he Legisla"reo1 he Sae assened o 3y he 'overnor, 3" every s"!hOrdinan!e

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;a< shall 3e laid 3e1ore he Legislaive Assem3lyo1 he Sae, or 4here here is a Legislaive Co"n!ilin he Sae, 3e1ore 3oh he Ho"ses, and shall !easeo o.erae a he e2.iraion o1 si2 4ees 1rom hereassem3ly o1 he Legisla"re, or i1 3e1ore he

e2.iraion o1 ha .eriod a resol"ion disa..roving iis .assed 3y he Legislaive Assem3ly and agreed o3y he Legislaive Co"n!il, i1 any, ".on he .assingo1 he resol"ion or, as he !ase may 3e, on heresol"ion 3eing agreed o 3y he Co"n!il/ and;3< may 3e 4ihdra4n a any ime 3y he'overnor:E2.lanaion:Where he Ho"ses o1 he Legisla"re THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ar: 6#:<#>o1 a Sae having a Legislaive Co"n!il are s"mmoned o

reassem3le on diGeren daes, he .eriod o1 si2 4eesshall 3e re!oned 1rom he laer o1 hose daes 1or he."r.oses o1 his !la"se:;< I1 and so 1ar as an Ordinan!e "nder his ari!lemaes any .rovision 4hi!h 4o"ld no 3e valid i1 ena!edin an A! o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae assened o 3yhe 'overnor, i shall 3e voidProvided ha, 1or he ."r.oses o1 he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion relaing o he eGe! o1 an A! o1 heLegisla"re o1 a Sae 4hi!h is re."gnan o an A! o1 Parliamen or an e2ising la4 4ih res.e! o a maer

en"meraed in he Con!"rren Lis, an Ordinan!e.rom"lgaed "nder his ari!le in ."rs"an!e o1 insr"!ions 1rom he Presiden shall 3e deemed o 3e anA! o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae 4hi!h has 3eenreserved 1or he !onsideraion o1 he Presiden andassened o 3y him:# CHAPTE& %:THE HI'H COU&TS IN THE STATES6#9:6

There shall 3e a High Co"r 1or ea!h Sae: 6#: Every High Co"r shall 3e a !o"r o1 re!ord andshall have all he .o4ers o1 s"!h a !o"r in!l"ding he.o4er o ."nish 1or !onem. o1 isel1:6#>: Every High Co"r shall !onsis o1 a Chie1 -"si!eand s"!h oher -"dges as he Presiden may 1rom ime o

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ime deem i ne!essary o a..oin:9 High Co"rs 1orSaes:

High Co"rs o 3e!o"rs o1 re!ord:Consi"ion o1 High Co"rs:#Cl: ;9< 4as ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7eighh Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: ;reros.e!ively< and omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen<A!, #8=K,s: 6= ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6 The 3ra!es and Bg"re ?;#<@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh

Amendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:Cls: ;6< and ;< omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:9Proviso omied 3y s: ##, i3id: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6#6#>:<#=6#=: ;#< Every -"dge o1 a High Co"r shall 3e a..oined3y he Presiden 3y 4arran "nder his hand and seala1er !ons"laion 4ih he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India, he

'overnor o1 he Sae, and, in he !ase o1 a..oinmen o1 a -"dge oher han he Chie1 -"si!e, he Chie1 -"si!e o1 he High Co"r, and#$shall hold oM!e, in he !ase o1 anaddiional or a!ing -"dge, as .rovided in ari!le 669,and in any oher !ase, "nil he aains he age o16$si2y74o years**Provided ha

;a< a -"dge may, 3y 4riing "nder his handaddressed o he Presiden, resign his oM!e/;3< a -"dge may 3e removed 1rom his oM!e 3y hePresiden in he manner .rovided in !la"se ;9< o1 ari!le #69 1or he removal o1 a -"dge o1 he S".remeCo"r/;!< he oM!e o1 a -"dge shall 3e va!aed 3y his3eing a..oined 3y he Presiden o 3e a -"dge o1 

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he S".reme Co"r or 3y his 3eing rans1erred 3y hePresiden o any oher High Co"r 4ihin he errioryo1 India:;6< A .erson shall no 3e "aliBed 1or a..oinmen asa -"dge o1 a High Co"r "nless he is a !ii+en o1 India

and;a< has 1or a leas en years held a "di!ial oM!ein he erriory o1 India/ or;3< has 1or a leas en years 3een an advo!ae o1 a High Co"r or o1 4o or more s"!h Co"rs ins"!!ession/99

A..oinmen and!ondiions o1 heoM!e o1 a -"dgeo1 a High Co"r:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: #6, 1or ?shallhold oM!e"nil he aains he age o1 si2y years@:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 9, 1or ?si2y

years@: The 4ords ?in any Sae s.e!iBed in he Firs S!hed"le@ omied 3y heConsi"ion;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:9 The 4ord ?or@ and s"37!la"se ;!< 4ere ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ondAmendmen< A!, #8=>, s: > ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==< and omied 3y heConsi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 6K ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par %I:The Saes:Ar: 6#=:<#KE2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his !la"se#$;a< in !om."ing he .eriod d"ring 4hi!h a.erson has held "di!ial oM!e in he erriory o1 India,here shall 3e in!l"ded any .eriod, a1er he has heldany "di!ial oM!e, d"ring 4hi!h he .erson has 3eenan advo!ae o1 a High Co"r or has held he oM!e

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o1 a mem3er o1 a ri3"nal or any .os, "nder heUnion or a Sae, re"iring s.e!ial no4ledge o1 la4/*6$;aa<* in !om."ing he .eriod d"ring 4hi!h a.erson has 3een an advo!ae o1 a High Co"r, here

shall 3e in!l"ded any .eriod d"ring 4hi!h he .erson$has held "di!ial oM!e or he oM!e o1 a mem3er o1 a ri3"nal or any .os, "nder he Union or a Sae,re"iring s.e!ial no4ledge o1 la4* a1er he 3e!amean advo!ae/;3< in !om."ing he .eriod d"ring 4hi!h a .ersonhas held "di!ial oM!e in he erriory o1 India or3een an advo!ae o1 a High Co"r, here shall 3ein!l"ded any .eriod 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion d"ring 4hi!h he has held "di!ial

oM!e in any area 4hi!h 4as !om.rised 3e1ore heB1eenh day o1 A"g"s, #89=, 4ihin India as deBned3y he 'overnmen o1 India A!, #8, or has 3eenan advo!ae o1 any High Co"r in any s"!h area, ashe !ase may 3e: 9$;< I1 any "esion arises as o he age o1 a -"dgeo1 a High Co"r, he "esion shall 3e de!ided 3y hePresiden a1er !ons"laion 4ih he Chie1 -"si!e o1 Indiaand he de!ision o1 he Presiden shall 3e Bnal:*

6#K: The .rovisions o1 !la"ses ;9< and ;< o1 ari!le#69 shall in relaion o a High Co"r as hey a..lyin relaion o he S".reme Co"r 4ih he s"3si"ion o1 re1eren!es o he High Co"r 1or re1eren!es o he S".remeCo"!aion o1 !erain .rovisionsrelaing o S".remeCo"r o HighCo"rs:#

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 6K ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6Cl: ;a< re7leered as !l: ;aa< 3y s: 6K, i3id: ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: >, 1or?has held "di!ial oM!e@ ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:

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9Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 9 ;4ihreros.e!iveeGe!<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6#=76#K:<#86#8: Every .erson a..oined o 3e a -"dge o1 a HighCo"r# shall, 3e1ore he eners ".on his oM!e, maeand s"3s!ri3e 3e1ore he 'overnor o1 he Sae, or some.erson a..oined in ha 3ehal1 3y him, an oah oraMrmaion a!!ording o he 1orm se o" 1or he ."r.osein he Third S!hed"le:6$66: No .erson 4ho, a1er he !ommen!emen o1 

his Consi"ion, has held oM!e as a .ermanen -"dge o1 a High Co"r shall .lead or a! in any !o"r or 3e1ore anya"horiy in India e2!e. he S".reme Co"r and heoher High Co"rs:E2.lanaion:In his ari!le, he e2.ression ?HighCo"r@ does no in!l"de a High Co"r 1or a Sae s.e!iBedin Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le as i e2ised 3e1orehe !ommen!emeno1 he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!, #8>:*

66#:9$;#< There shall 3e .aid o he -"dges o1 ea!hHigh Co"r s"!h salaries as may 3e deermined 3yParliamen 3y la4 and, "nil .rovision in ha 3ehal1 isso made, s"!h salaries as are s.e!iBed in he Se!ondS!hed"le:*;6< Every -"dge shall 3e eniled o s"!h allo4an!esand o s"!h righs in res.e! o1 leave o1 a3sen!e and.ension as may 1rom ime o ime 3e deermined 3y or"nder la4 made 3y Parliamen and, "nil so deermined,

o s"!h allo4an!es and righs as are s.e!iBed in heSe!ond S!hed"leProvided ha neiher he allo4an!es o1 a -"dge norhis righs in res.e! o1 leave o1 a3sen!e or .ension shall3e varied o his disadvanage a1er his a..oinmen:666: ;#< The Presiden may, a1er !ons"laion 4ihhe Chie1 -"si!e o1 India, rans1er a -"dge 1rom one HighCo"r o any oher High Co"r

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:Oah oraMrmaion 3y -"dges o1 High

Co"rs:&esri!ion on.ra!i!e a1er 3einga .ermanen -"dge: Trans1er o1 a -"dge 1rom oneHigh Co"r oanoher:# The 4ords ?in a Sae? omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen<A!, #8>,

s: 68 and S!h:6S"3s: 3y s: #, i3id:, 1or ar: 66:#s Novem3er, #8>:9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8K>, s: , 1or !l: ;#<;4:e:1:#797#8K><: The 4ords ?4ihin he erriory o1 India? omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh

Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: #9:Salaries, e!:, o1  -"dges: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6#8666:<###$;6< When a -"dge has 3een or is so rans1erred, heshall, d"ring he .eriod he serves, a1er he !ommen!emeno1 he Consi"ion ;Fi1eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, asa -"dge o1 he oher High Co"r, 3e eniled o re!eive inaddiion o his salary s"!h !om.ensaory allo4an!e as

may 3e deermined 3y Parliamen 3y la4 and, "nil sodeermined, s"!h !om.ensaory allo4an!e as hePresiden may 3y order B2:*66: When he oM!e o1 Chie1 -"si!e o1 a High Co"ris va!an or 4hen any s"!h Chie1 -"si!e is, 3y reason o1 a3sen!e or oher4ise, "na3le o .er1orm he d"ies o1 hisoM!e, he d"ies o1 he oM!e shall 3e .er1ormed 3y s"!hone o1 he oher -"dges o1 he Co"r as he Presiden may

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a..oin 1or he ."r.ose:6$669: ;#< I1 3y reason o1 any em.orary in!rease in he3"siness o1 a High Co"r or 3y reason o1 arrears o1 4orherein, i a..ears o he Presiden ha he n"m3er o1 he

 -"dges o1 ha Co"r sho"ld 3e 1or he ime 3eingin!reased, he Presiden may a..oin d"ly "aliBed.ersons o 3e addiional -"dges o1 he Co"r 1or s"!h.eriod no e2!eeding 4o years as he may s.e!i1y: ;6< When any -"dge o1 a High Co"r oher han heChie1 -"si!e is 3y reason o1 a3sen!e or 1or any oherreason "na3le o .er1orm he d"ies o1 his oM!e or isa..oined o a! em.orarily as Chie1 -"si!e, hePresiden may a..oin a d"ly "aliBed .erson o a! asa -"dge o1 ha Co"r "nil he .ermanen -"dge hasres"med his d"ies:

 ;< No .erson a..oined as an addiional or a!ing -"dge o1 a High Co"r shall hold oM!e a1er aaining heage o1$si2y74o years*:*9$669A: No4ihsanding anyhing in his,he Chie1 -"si!e o1 a High Co"r 1or any Sae may aany ime, 4ih he .revio"s !onsen o1 he Presiden,A..oinmen o1 a!ing Chie1 -"si!e:

#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: : Original !l: ;6<4asomied 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: #9:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: #, 1or ar:669:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: >, 1or ?si2yyears@:9

Ins: 3y s: =, i3id:A..oinmen o1 addiional anda!ing -"dges:A..oinmen o1 reired -"dges asiings o1 HighCo"rs:

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 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 666669A:<###re"es any .erson 4ho has held he oM!e o1 a -"dge o1 ha Co"r or o1 any oher High Co"r o si and a! as a -"dge o1 he High Co"r 1or ha Sae, and every s"!h

.erson so re"esed shall, 4hile so siing and a!ing, 3eeniled o s"!h allo4an!es as he Presiden may 3y orderdeermine and have all he "risdi!ion, .o4ers and.rivileges o1, 3" shall no oher4ise 3e deemed o 3e, a -"dge o1 ha High Co"rProvided ha nohing in his ari!le shall 3e deemedo re"ire any s"!h .erson as a1oresaid o si and a! asa -"dge o1 ha High Co"r "nless he !onsens so o do:*66: S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion ando he .rovisions o1 any la4 o1 he Legisla"remade 3y vir"e o1 .o4ers !on1erred on ha Legisla"re

3y his Consi"ion, he "risdi!ion o1, and he la4adminisered in, any e2ising High Co"r, and heres.e!ive .o4ers o1 he -"dges hereo1 in relaion o headminisraion o1 "si!e in he Co"r, in!l"ding any.o4er o mae r"les o1 Co"r and o reg"lae he siingso1 he Co"r and o1 mem3ers hereo1 siing alone or inDivision Co"rs, shall 3e he same as immediaely 3e1orehe !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion#$Provided ha any resri!ion o 4hi!h he e2er!iseo1 original "risdi!ion 3y any o1 he High Co"rs 4ih

res.e! o any maer !on!erning he reven"e or !on!erningany a! ordered or done in he !olle!ion hereo1 4ass"3e! immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion shall no longer o he e2er!ise o1 s"!h "risdi!ion:*6$66>: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le 6every High Co"r shall have .o4er, hro"gho" heerriories in relaion o 4hi!h i e2er!ises "risdi!ion, o

iss"e o any .erson or a"horiy, in!l"ding in!ases, any 'overnmen, 4ihin hose erriories dire!ions, -"risdi!ion o1 e2ising HighCo"rs:Po4er o1 HighCo"rs o iss"e!erain 4ris:

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#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 68, ;4:e:1:67>7#8=8<: Original .roviso 4as omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ondAmendmen<A!, #8=>, s: = ;4:e:1: #767#8==<:

6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: K, 1or ar:66>;4:e:1: #767#8==<: The 4ords, Bg"res and leers ?3" s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!le ##Aand ari!le66>A@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen< A!, #8==, s: =;4:e:1:#797#8=K<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 669A66>:<##6orders or 4ris, in!l"ding#$4ris in he na"re o1 ha3eas!or."s, mandam"s, .rohi3iion, "o 4arrano and !eriorari,or any o1 hem, 1or he en1or!emen o1 any o1 he righs!on1erred 3y Par III and 1or any oher ."r.ose:* ;6< The .o4er !on1erred 3y !la"se ;#< o iss"edire!ions, orders or 4ris o any 'overnmen, a"horiyor .erson may also 3e e2er!ised 3y any High Co"re2er!ising "risdi!ion in relaion o he erriories 4ihin

4hi!h he !a"se o1 a!ion, 4holly or in .ar, arises 1or hee2er!ise o1 s"!h .o4er, no4ihsanding ha he sea o1 s"!h 'overnmen or a"horiy or he residen!e o1 s"!h.erson is no 4ihin hose erriories:6$;< Where any .ary agains 4hom an inerim order,4heher 3y 4ay o1 in"n!ion or say or in any ohermanner, is made on, or in any .ro!eedings relaing o, a.eiion "nder !la"se ;#<, 4iho";a< 1"rnishing o s"!h .ary !o.ies o1 s"!h .eiionand all do!"mens in s"..or o1 he .lea 1or s"!h

inerim order/ and;3< giving s"!h .ary an o..or"niy o1 3eingheard,maes an!aion o he High Co"r 1or he va!aiono1 s"!h order and 1"rnishes a !o.y o1 s"!h!aiono he .ary in 4hose 1avo"r s"!h order has 3een madeor he !o"nsel o1 s"!h .ary, he High Co"r shall dis.oseo1 he!aion 4ihin a .eriod o1 4o 4ees 1rom he

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dae on 4hi!h i is re!eived or 1rom he dae on 4hi!hhe !o.y o1 s"!h!aion is so 1"rnished, 4hi!heveris laer, or 4here he High Co"r is !losed on he lasday o1 ha .eriod, 3e1ore he e2.iry o1 he ne2 daya1er4ards on 4hi!h he High Co"r is o.en/ and i1 he!aion is no so dis.osed o1, he inerim order shall,on he e2.iry o1 ha .eriod, or, as he !ase may 3e, hee2.iry o1 he said ne2 day, sand va!aed:*#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: , 1or he.orion3eginning 4ih he 4ords ?4ris in he na""re o1 ha3eas !or."s, mandam"s,.rohi3iion, "o4arrano and !eriorari, or any o1 hem@ and ending 4ih he 4ords ?s"!hillegaliy hasres"led in s"3sanial 1ail"re o1 "si!e@ ;4:e:1: #7K7#8=8<:

6S"3s: 3y s: , i3id:, 1or !ls: ;<, ;9<, ;< and ;>< ;4:e:1: #7K7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 66>:<###$;9< The .o4er !on1erred on a High Co"r 3y hisari!le shall no 3e in derogaion o1 he .o4er !on1erredon he S".reme Co"r 3y !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le 6:*666>A: $Consi"ional validiy o1 Cenral la4s no o 3e!onsidered in .ro!eedings "nder ari!le 66>:* &e.: 3y he

Consi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen< A!, #8==, s: K ;4:e:1:#797#8=K<:66=:$;#< Every High Co"r shall haves".erinenden!e over all !o"rs and ri3"nals hro"gho"he erriories in relaion o 4hi!h i e2er!ises "risdi!ion:*;6< Wiho" .re"di!e o he generaliy o1 he1oregoing .rovision, he High Co"r may;a< !all 1or re"rns 1rom s"!h !o"rs/;3< mae and iss"e general r"les and .res!ri3e

1orms 1or reg"laing he .ra!i!e and .ro!eedings o1 s"!h !o"rs/ and;!< .res!ri3e 1orms in 4hi!h 3oos, enries anda!!o"ns shall 3e e. 3y he oM!ers o1 any s"!h!o"rs:;< The High Co"r may also sele a3les o1 1ees o3e allo4ed o he sheriG and all !lers and oM!ers o1 s"!h !o"rs and o aorneys, advo!aes and .leaders

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4ih s"!h "dgmen:966KA: $S.e!ial .rovisions as o dis.osal o1 "esionsrelaing o !onsi"ional validiy o1 Sae la4s:* &e.: 3y heConsi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen< A!, #8==, s: # ;4:e:1:

#797#8=K<:668: ;#< A..oinmens o1 oM!ers and servans o1 aHigh Co"r shall 3e made 3y he Chie1 -"si!e o1 heCo"r or s"!h oher -"dge or oM!er o1 he Co"r as hemay dire!Provided ha he 'overnor o1 he Sae may 3yr"le re"ire ha in s"!h !ases as may 3e s.e!iBed in her"le no .erson no already aa!hed o he Co"r shall 3ea..oined o any oM!e !onne!ed 4ih he Co"r save

a1er !ons"laion 4ih he Sae P"3li! Servi!eCommission:;6< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 made 3y heLegisla"re o1 he Sae, he !ondiions o1 servi!e o1  Trans1er o1 !erain!ases o HighCo"r:OM!ers andservans and hee2.enses o1 HighCo"rs:

#Cl: ;< 4as ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s:9 ;4:e:1:#767#8==< and omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!,#8=K, s: #;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!: #8=>, s: 9#, 1or ?ishall4ihdra4 he !ase and may @ ;4:e:1: #767#8==<:

 The 4ords, Bg"res and leers ?s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!le ##A,?omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen< A!, #8==, s: 8 ;4:e:1: #797#8=K<:9Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 96 ;4:e:1: #767#8==<:

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 The 4ords ?in 4hi!h he High Co"r has is .rin! sea@ omied 3y heConsi"ion;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 66=668:<

##oM!ers and servans o1 a High Co"r shall 3e s"!h asmay 3e .res!ri3ed 3y r"les made 3y he Chie1 -"si!e o1 he Co"r or 3y some oher -"dge or oM!er o1 he Co"ra"horised 3y he Chie1 -"si!e o mae r"les 1or he."r.oseProvided ha he r"les made "nder his !la"se shall,so 1ar as hey relae o salaries, allo4an!es, leave or.ensions, re"ire he a..roval o1 he 'overnor o1 heSae#:

;< The adminisraive e2.enses o1 a High Co"r,in!l"ding all salaries, allo4an!es and .ensions .aya3leo or in res.e! o1 he oM!ers and servans o1 he Co"r,shall 3e !harged ".on he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae,and any 1ees or oher moneys aen 3y he Co"r shall1orm .ar o1 ha F"nd:6$6: ;#< Parliamen may 3y la4 e2end he "risdi!ion o1 a High Co"r o, or e2!l"de he "risdi!iono1 a High Co"r 1rom, any Union erriory:;6< Where he High Co"r o1 a Sae e2er!ises

 "risdi!ion in relaion o a Union erriory,;a< nohing in his Consi"ion shall 3e !onsr"edas em.o4ering he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o in!rease,resri! or a3olish ha "risdi!ion/ and;3< he re1eren!e in ari!le 66= o he 'overnorshall, in relaion o any r"les, 1orms or a3les 1ors"3ordinae !o"rs in ha erriory, 3e !onsr"ed asa re1eren!e o he Presiden:6#: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in!eding .rovisions o1 his, Parliamen may 3yla4 esa3lish a !ommon High Co"r 1or 4o or more

Saes or 1or 4o or more Saes and a Union erriory:;6< In relaion o any s"!h High Co"r,;a< he re1eren!e in ari!le 6#= o he 'overnor o1 he Sae shall 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o he'overnors o1 all he Saes in relaion o 4hi!h heHigh Co"r e2er!ises "risdi!ion/E2ension o1  "risdi!ion o1 

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High Co"rs oUnion erriories:Esa3lishmen o1 a !ommon HighCo"r 1or 4o or

more Saes:# The 4ords ?in 4hi!h he High Co"r has is .rin! sea@ omied 3y heConsi"ion;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:6S"3s: 3y s: #>, i3id:, 1or ars: 6, 6# and 66: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6686#:<##>;3< he re1eren!e in ari!le 66= o he 'overnorshall, in relaion o any r"les, 1orms or a3les 1or

s"3ordinae !o"rs, 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e ohe 'overnor o1 he Sae in 4hi!h he s"3ordinae!o"rs are si"ae/ and;!< he re1eren!es in ari!les 6#8 and 668 o heSae shall 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o he Sae in4hi!h he High Co"r has is .rin! seaProvided ha i1 s"!h .rin! sea is in a Unionerriory, he re1eren!es in ari!les 6#8 and 668 o he'overnor, P"3li! Servi!e Commission, Legisla"re andConsolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae shall 3e !onsr"edres.e!ively as re1eren!es o he Presiden, Union P"3li!

Servi!e Commission, Parliamen and Consolidaed F"ndo1 India:*CHAPTE& %I:SU)O&DINATE COU&TS6: ;#< A..oinmens o1 .ersons o 3e, and he .osingand .romoion o1, disri! "dges in any Sae shall 3emade 3y he 'overnor o1 he Sae in !ons"laion 4ihhe High Co"r e2er!ising "risdi!ion in relaion o s"!hSae:;6< A .erson no already in he servi!e o1 he Unionor o1 he Sae shall only 3e eligi3le o 3e a..oined adisri! "dge i1 he has 3een 1or no less han seven years

an advo!ae or a .leader and is re!ommended 3y heHigh Co"r 1or a..oinmen: #$6A: No4ihsanding any "dgmen, de!ree ororder o1 any !o"r,;a< ;i< no a..oinmen o1 any .erson already inhe "di!ial servi!e o1 a Sae or o1 any .erson 4ho

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has 3een 1or no less han seven years an advo!aeor a .leader, o 3e a disri! "dge in ha Sae, and;ii< no .osing, .romoion or rans1er o1 any s"!h.erson as a disri! "dge,made a any ime 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 he

Consi"ion ;T4enieh Amendmen< A!, #8>>,%alidaion o1 a..oinmens o1,and "dgmens,e!:, delivered 3y,!erain disri! "dges:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4enieh Amendmen< A!, #8>>, s: 6:A..oinmen o1 disri! "dges:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6#6A:<##=oher4ise han in a!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 ari!le 6 or ari!le 6 shall 3e deemed o 3e illegal orvoid or ever o have 3e!ome illegal or void 3y reasononly o1 he 1a! ha s"!h a..oinmen, .osing,.romoion or rans1er 4as no made in a!!ordan!e 4ihhe said .rovisions/*;3< no "risdi!ion e2er!ised, no "dgmen, de!ree,senen!e or order .assed or made, and no oher a!or .ro!eeding done or aen, 3e1ore he

!ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion ;T4eniehAmendmen< A!, #8>> 3y, or 3e1ore, any .ersona..oined, .osed, .romoed or rans1erred as adisri! "dge in any Sae oher4ise han ina!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 ari!le 6 orari!le 6 shall 3e deemed o 3e illegal or invalid orever o have 3e!ome illegal or invalid 3y reason onlyo1 he 1a! ha s"!h a..oinmen, .osing, .romoionor rans1er 4as no made in a!!ordan!e 4ih he said.rovisions:*69: A..oinmens o1 .ersons oher han disri!

 "dges o he "di!ial servi!e o1 a Sae shall 3e made 3yhe 'overnor o1 he Sae in a!!ordan!e 4ih r"les made3y him in ha 3ehal1 a1er !ons"laion 4ih he SaeP"3li! Servi!e Commission and 4ih he High Co"re2er!ising "risdi!ion in relaion o s"!h Sae:6: The !onrol over disri! !o"rs and !o"rss"3ordinae hereo in!l"ding he .osing and .romoiono1, and he gran o1 leave o, .ersons 3elonging o he

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 "di!ial servi!e o1 a Sae and holding any .os in1erioro he .os o1 disri! "dge shall 3e vesed in he HighCo"r, 3" nohing in his ari!le shall 3e !onsr"ed asaing a4ay 1rom any s"!h .erson any righ o1 a..eal4hi!h he may have "nder he la4 reg"laing he

!ondiions o1 his servi!e or as a"horising he High Co"ro deal 4ih him oher4ise han in a!!ordan!e 4ih he!ondiions o1 his servi!e .res!ri3ed "nder s"!h la4:6>: In his;a< he e2.ression disri! "dge in!l"des "dgeo1 a !iy !ivil !o"r, addiional disri! "dge, oindisri! "dge, assisan disri! "dge, !hie1 "dge o1 &e!r"imen o1 .ersons oher handisri! "dges ohe "di!ial servi!e:

Conrol overs"3ordinae !o"rs:Iner.reaion: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6A6>:<##Ka small !a"se !o"r, !hie1 .residen!y magisrae,addiional !hie1 .residen!y magisrae, sessions "dge, addiional sessions "dge and assisansessions -"dge/;3< he e2.ression ?"di!ial servi!e@ means aservi!e !onsising e2!l"sively o1 .ersons inended o

Bll he .os o1 disri! "dge and oher !ivil "di!ial.oss in1erior o he .os o1 disri! "dge:6=: The 'overnor may 3y ."3li! noiB!aion dire!ha he 1oregoing .rovisions o1 his and anyr"les made here"nder shall 4ih eGe! 1rom s"!h dae asmay 3e B2ed 3y him in ha 3ehal1 in relaion oany !lass or !lasses o1 magisraes in he Sae as in relaion o .ersons a..oined o he "di!ialservi!e o1 he Sae s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions andmodiB!aions as may 3e s.e!iBed in he noiB!!aion o1 he

.rovisions o1 o !erain!lass or !lasses o1 magisraes: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Saes:Ars: 6>76=:<##8Par %II:$The Saes in Par ) o1 he FirsS!hed"le:* &e.: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen<

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A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:#6PA&T %III #$THE UNION TE&&ITO&IES*

6$68: ;#< Save as oher4ise .rovided 3y Parliamen3y la4, every Union erriory shall 3e adminisered 3y hePresiden a!ing, o s"!h e2en as he hins B, hro"ghan adminisraor o 3e a..oined 3y him 4ih s"!hdesignaion as he may s.e!i1y:;6< No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in Par %I,he Presiden may a..oin he 'overnor o1 a Sae as headminisraor o1 an adoining Union erriory, and 4herea 'overnor is so a..oined, he shall e2er!ise his 1"n!ionsas s"!h adminisraor inde.endenly o1 his Co"n!il o1 

(inisers:$68A: ;#< Parliamen may 3y la4 !reae9$1or heUnion erriory o1$P"d"!herry**;a< a 3ody, 4heher ele!ed or .arly nominaedand .arly ele!ed, o 1"n!ion as a Legisla"re 1or heUnion erriory, or

;3< a Co"n!il o1 (inisers,or 3oh 4ih s"!h !onsi"ion, .o4ers and 1"n!ions, inea!h !ase, as may 3e s.e!iBed in he la4:;6< Any s"!h la4 as is re1erred o in !la"se ;#< shallno 3e deemed o 3e an amendmen o1 his Consi"ion1or he ."r.oses o1 ari!le >K no4ihsanding ha i!onains any .rovision 4hi!h amends or has he eGe! o1 amending his Consi"ion:*>$68AA: ;#< As 1rom he dae o1 !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion ;Si2y7ninh Amendmen< A!, #88#, he

Union erriory o1 Delhi shall 3e !alled he NaionalAdminisraion o1 Union erriories:Creaion o1 lo!alLegisla"res orCo"n!il o1 (inisers or 3oh1or !erain Union

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erriories:S.e!ial .rovisions4ih res.e! oDelhi:#

S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: #=, 1or heheading?THE STATES IN PA&T C OF THE FI&ST SCHEDULE?:6S"3s: 3y s: #=, i3id:, 1or ars: 68 and 69:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fo"reenh Amendmen< A!, #8>6, s: 9:9S"3s: 3y he 'oa, Daman and Di" &eorganisaion A!, #8K= ;#K o1 #8K=<, s:>, 1or ?1orany o1 he Union erriories o1 'oa, Daman and Di" and Pondi!herry@;4:e:1:

77#8K=<:S"3s: 3y he Pondi!herry ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, 6> ;99 o1 6><, s: 9,1or?Pondi!herry? ;4:e:1: #7#76><:>Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2y7ninh Amendmen< A!, #88#, s: 6 ;4:e:1: #767#886<:#6#Ca.ial Terriory o1 Delhi ;herea1er in his Par re1erredo as he Naional Ca.ial Terriory< and he adminisraorhereo1 a..oined "nder ari!le 68 shall 3e designaed

as he Lie"enan 'overnor:;6< ;a< There shall 3e a Legislaive Assem3ly 1or heNaional Ca.ial Terriory and he seas in s"!h Assem3lyshall 3e Blled 3y mem3ers !hosen 3y dire! ele!ion 1romerriorial !onsi"en!ies in he Naional Ca.ial Terriory:;3< The oal n"m3er o1 seas in he LegislaiveAssem3ly, he n"m3er o1 seas reserved 1or S!hed"ledCases, he division o1 he Naional Ca.ial Terriory inoerriorial !onsi"en!ies ;in!l"ding he 3asis 1or s"!hdivision< and all oher maers relaing o he 1"n!ioningo1 he Legislaive Assem3ly shall 3e reg"laed 3y la4

made 3y Parliamen:;!< The .rovisions o1 ari!les 69 o 6= and 68 in relaion o he Naional Ca.ial Terriory, heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 he Naional Ca.ial Terrioryand he mem3ers hereo1 as hey, in relaion o aSae, he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 a Sae and he mem3ershereo1 res.e!ively/ and any re1eren!e in ari!les 6> and68 o ? Legisla"re@ shall 3e deemed o 3e a

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re1eren!e o Parliamen:;< ;a< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion,he Legislaive Assem3ly shall have .o4er o mae la4s1or he 4hole or any .ar o1 he Naional Ca.ial Terriory4ih res.e! o any o1 he maers en"meraed in he

Sae Lis or in he Con!"rren Lis in so 1ar as any s"!hmaer is!a3le o Union erriories e2!e. maers4ih res.e! o Enries #, 6 and #K o1 he Sae Lis andEnries >9, > and >> o1 ha Lis in so 1ar as hey relaeo he said Enries #, 6 and #K:;3< Nohing in s"37!la"se ;a< shall derogae 1rom he.o4ers o1 Parliamen "nder his Consi"ion o maela4s 4ih res.e! o any maer 1or a Union erriory orany .ar hereo1:;!< I1 any .rovision o1 a la4 made 3y he LegislaiveAssem3ly 4ih res.e! o any maer is re."gnan o any

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Union erriories:Ar: 68AA:<#66.rovision o1 a la4 made 3y Parliamen 4ih res.e! oha maer, 4heher .assed 3e1ore or a1er he la4 made3y he Legislaive Assem3ly, or o1 an earlier la4, oherhan a la4 made 3y he Legislaive Assem3ly, hen, ineiher !ase, he la4 made 3y Parliamen, or, as he !asemay 3e, s"!h earlier la4, shall .revail and he la4 made3y he Legislaive Assem3ly shall, o he e2en o1 here."gnan!y, 3e voidProvided ha i1 any s"!h la4 made 3y he Legislaive

Assem3ly has 3een reserved 1or he !onsideraion o1 hePresiden and has re!eived his assen, s"!h la4 shall.revail in he Naional Ca.ial TerrioryProvided 1"rher ha nohing in his s"37!la"se shall.reven Parliamen 1rom ena!ing a any ime any la44ih res.e! o he same maer in!l"ding a la4 addingo, amending, varying or re.ealing he la4 so made 3yhe Legislaive Assem3ly:;9< There shall 3e a Co"n!il o1 (inisers !onsisingo1 no more han en .er !en: o1 he oal n"m3er o1 mem3ers in he Legislaive Assem3ly, 4ih he Chie1 

(iniser a he head o aid and advise he Lie"enan'overnor in he e2er!ise o1 his 1"n!ions in relaion omaers 4ih res.e! o 4hi!h he Legislaive Assem3lyhas .o4er o mae la4s, e2!e. in so 1ar as he is, 3y or"nder any la4, re"ired o a! in his dis!reionProvided ha in he !ase o1 diGeren!e o1 o.inion3e4een he Lie"enan 'overnor and his (inisers onany maer, he Lie"enan 'overnor shall re1er i o he

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Presiden 1or de!ision and a! a!!ording o he de!isiongiven hereon 3y he Presiden and .ending s"!h de!isioni shall 3e !om.een 1or he Lie"enan 'overnor in any!ase 4here he maer, in his o.inion, is so "rgen hai is ne!essary 1or him o ae immediae a!ion, o ae

s"!h a!ion or o give s"!h dire!ion in he maer as hedeems ne!essary:;< The Chie1 (iniser shall 3e a..oined 3y hePresiden and oher (inisers shall 3e a..oined 3yhe Presiden on he advi!e o1 he Chie1 (iniser and he THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Union erriories:Ar: 68AA:<#6(inisers shall hold oM!e d"ring he .leas"re o1 hePresiden:;>< The Co"n!il o1 (inisers shall 3e !olle!ivelyres.onsi3le o he Legislaive Assem3ly:

#$;=< ;a<* Parliamen may, 3y la4, mae .rovisions 1orgiving eGe! o, or s"..lemening he .rovisions !onainedin he 1oregoing !la"ses and 1or all maers in!idenal or!onse"enial hereo:6$;3< Any s"!h la4 as is re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;a<shall no 3e deemed o 3e an amendmen o1 hisConsi"ion 1or he ."r.oses o1 ari!le >Kno4ihsanding ha i !onains any .rovision 4hi!hamends or has he eGe! o1 amending, his Consi"ion:*

;K< The .rovisions o1 ari!le 68) shall, so 1ar as may3e, in relaion o he Naional Ca.ial Terriory, heLie"enan 'overnor and he Legislaive Assem3ly, ashey in relaion o he Union erriory o1 $P"d"!herry*, he adminisraor and is Legisla"re,res.e!ively/ and any re1eren!e in ha ari!le o?!la"se ;#< o1 ari!le 68A@ shall 3e deemed o 3e are1eren!e o his ari!le or ari!le 68A), as he !ase may3e:68A): I1 he Presiden, on re!ei. o1 a re.or 1rom

he Lie"enan 'overnor or oher4ise, is saisBed;a< ha a si"aion has arisen in 4hi!h headminisraion o1 he Naional Ca.ial Terriory!anno 3e !arried on in a!!ordan!e 4ih he.rovisions o1 ari!le 68AA or o1 any la4 made in."rs"an!e o1 ha ari!le/ or;3< ha 1or he adminisraion o1 heNaional Ca.ial Terriory i is ne!essary or e2.edien

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so o do,he Presiden may 3y order s"s.end he o.eraion o1 any.rovision o1 ari!le 68AA or o1 all or any o1 he#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenieh Amendmen< A!, #886, s: , 1or ?;=<@

;4:e:1:6#7#67#88#<:6Ins: 3y s: , i3id: ;4:e:1: 6#7#67#88#<:S"3s: 3y he Pondi!herry ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, 6> ;99 o1 6><, s: 9,1or?Pondi!herry? ;4:e:1: #7#76><:Provision in !aseo1 1ail"re o1 !onsi"ional

ma!hinery: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Union erriories:Ars: 68AA768A):<#69.rovisions o1 any la4 made in ."rs"an!e o1 ha ari!le1or s"!h .eriod and s"3e! o s"!h !ondiions as may 3es.e!iBed in s"!h la4 and mae s"!h in!idenal and!onse"enial .rovisions as may a..ear o him o 3ene!essary or e2.edien 1or adminisering he NaionalCa.ial Terriory in a!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 ari!le 68 and ari!le 68AA:#

$68): ;#< I1 a any ime, e2!e. 4hen he Legisla"reo16$he Union erriory o1$P"d"!herry** is in session, headminisraor hereo1 is saisBed ha !ir!"msan!es e2is4hi!h render i ne!essary 1or him o ae immediaea!ion, he may .rom"lgae s"!h Ordinan!es as he!ir!"msan!es a..ear o him o re"ireProvided ha no s"!h Ordinan!e shall 3e

.rom"lgaed 3y he adminisraor e2!e. a1er o3aininginsr"!ions 1rom he Presiden in ha 3ehal1Provided 1"rher ha 4henever he said Legisla"reis dissolved, or is 1"n!ioning remains s"s.ended ona!!o"n o1 any a!ion aen "nder any s"!h la4 as isre1erred o in !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le 68A, he adminisraorshall no .rom"lgae any Ordinan!e d"ring he .eriodo1 s"!h dissol"ion or s"s.ension:

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 The enry ;1< relaing o (i+oram omied 3y he Sae o1 (i+oram A!, #8K>;9 o1 #8K><, s: 8 ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:= The enry ;g< relaing o Ar"na!hal Pradesh omied 3y he Sae o1

Ar"na!hal PradeshA!, #8K> ;>8 o1 #8K><, s: 96 ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:KIns: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fo"reenh Amendmen< A!, #8>6, s: :8S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8=#, s: 9, 1or?Unionerriory o1 'oa, Daman and Di" or Pondi!herry@ ;4:e:1: #767#8=6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Union erriories:Ars: 68)769:<#6>#

S"3s: 3y he Pondi!herry ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, 6> ;99 o1 6><, s: 9,1or?Pondi!herry? ;4:e:1: #7#76><:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8=#, s: 9 ;4:e:1:#767#8=6<:S"3s: 3y s: 9, i3id:, 1or ?any e2ising la4@;4:e:1: #767#8=6<:9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:,1or ?Sae

s.e!iBed in Par C o1 he Firs S!hed"le@:S"3s: 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:, 1or ?s"!h Sae@:>S"3s: 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:, 1or !ls: ;< and ;9<:o1#$P"d"!herry*, he Presiden shall no mae anyreg"laion 1or he .ea!e, .rogress and good governmeno1 ha Union erriory 4ih eGe! 1rom he dae a..oined1or he Brs meeing o1 he Legisla"re*

6$Provided 1"rher ha 4henever he 3ody1"n!ioning as a Legisla"re 1or he Union erriory o1 #$P"d"!herry* is dissolved, or he 1"n!ioning o1 ha 3odyas s"!h Legisla"re remains s"s.ended on a!!o"n o1 any a!ion aen "nder any s"!h la4 as is re1erred o in!la"se ;#< o1 ari!le 68A, he Presiden may, d"ring he

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.eriod o1 s"!h dissol"ion or s"s.ension, maereg"laions 1or he .ea!e, .rogress and good governmeno1 ha Union erriory:*;6< Any reg"laion so made may re.eal or amendany A! made 3y Parliamen or

$any oher la4* 4hi!h is1or he ime 3eing!a3le o he Union errioryand, 4hen .rom"lgaed 3y he Presiden, shall have hesame 1or!e and eGe! as an A! o1 Parliamen 4hi!ha..lies o ha erriory:*69#: ;#< Parliamen may 3y la4 !onsi"e a HighCo"r 1or a9$Union erriory* or de!lare any !o"r in any

$s"!h erriory* o 3e a High Co"r 1or all or any o1 he."r.oses o1 his Consi"ion:;6< The .rovisions o1 % o1 Par %I shall a..lyin relaion o every High Co"r re1erred o in !la"se ;#< ashey in relaion o a High Co"r re1erred o inari!le 6#9 s"3e! o s"!h modiB!aions or e2!e.ions asParliamen may 3y la4 .rovide:>$;< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ionand o he .rovisions o1 any la4 o1 he Co"rs 1or

Union erriories: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Union erriories:Ars: 69769#:<#6=Legisla"re made 3y vir"e o1 .o4ers !on1erred on haLegisla"re 3y or "nder his Consi"ion, everyHigh Co"r e2er!ising "risdi!ion immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen<A!, #8>, in relaion o any Union erriory shall !onin"eo e2er!ise s"!h "risdi!ion in relaion o ha erriorya1er s"!h !ommen!emen:;9< Nohing in his ari!le derogaes 1rom he .o4er

o1 Parliamen o e2end or e2!l"de he "risdi!ion o1 aHigh Co"r 1or a Sae o, or 1rom, any Union erriory hereo1:*696: $Coorg:* &e.: 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:The Union erriories:Ars: 69#7696:<#6K#

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$PA&T I THE PANCHA0ATS69: In his Par, "nless he !one2 oher4isere"ires,;a< ?disri!@ means a disri! in a Sae/

;3< ?'ram Sa3ha@ means a 3ody !onsising o1 .ersons regisered in he ele!oral rolls relaing o avillage !om.rised 4ihin he area o1 Pan!haya ahe village level/;!< ?inermediae level@ means a level 3e4eenhe village and disri! levels s.e!iBed 3y he'overnor o1 a Sae 3y ."3li! noiB!aion o 3e heinermediae level 1or he ."r.oses o1 his Par/;d< ?Pan!haya@ means an insi"ion ;3y4haever name !alled< o1 sel17governmen!onsi"ed "nder ari!le 69), 1or he r"ral areas/

;e< ?Pan!haya area@ means he erriorial area o1 a Pan!haya/;1< ?.o."laion@ means he .o."laion asas!erained a he las .re!eding !ens"s o1 4hi!h herelevan Bg"res have 3een ."3lished/;g< ?village@ means a village s.e!iBed 3y he'overnor 3y ."3li! noiB!aion o 3e a village 1orhe ."r.oses o1 his Par and in!l"des a gro". o1 villages so s.e!iBed:69A: A 'ram Sa3ha may e2er!ise s"!h .o4ers and.er1orm s"!h 1"n!ions a he village level as he

Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, .rovide:69): ;#< There shall 3e !onsi"ed in every Sae,Pan!hayas a he village, inermediae and disri! levelsin a!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 his Par:#68DeBniions:'ram Sa3ha:Consi"ion o1 Pan!hayas:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny7hird Amendmen< A!, #886, s: 6 ;4:e:1: 697

97#88<:Original Par I 4as omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 andS!h:;6< No4ihsanding anyhing in !la"se ;#<,Pan!hayas a he inermediae level may no 3e!onsi"ed in a Sae having a .o."laion no e2!eeding4eny lahs:69C: ;#< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Par, he

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Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, mae .rovisions 4ihres.e! o he !om.osiion o1 Pan!hayasProvided ha he raio 3e4een he .o."laion o1 he erriorial area o1 a Pan!haya a any level and hen"m3er o1 seas in s"!h Pan!haya o 3e Blled 3y ele!ion

shall, so 1ar as .ra!i!a3le, 3e he same hro"gho" heSae:;6< All he seas in a Pan!haya shall 3e Blled 3y.ersons !hosen 3y dire! ele!ion 1rom erriorial!onsi"en!ies in he Pan!haya area and, 1or his ."r.ose,ea!h Pan!haya area shall 3e divided ino erriorial!onsi"en!ies in s"!h manner ha he raio 3e4een he.o."laion o1 ea!h !onsi"en!y and he n"m3er o1 seasalloed o i shall, so 1ar as .ra!i!a3le, 3e he samehro"gho" he Pan!haya area:;< The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, .rovide 1or

he re.resenaion;a< o1 he Chair.ersons o1 he Pan!hayas a hevillage level, in he Pan!hayas a he inermediaelevel or, in he !ase o1 a Sae no having Pan!hayasa he inermediae level, in he Pan!hayas a hedisri! level/;3< o1 he Chair.ersons o1 he Pan!hayas a heinermediae level, in he Pan!hayas a he disri!level/;!< o1 he mem3ers o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le andhe mem3ers o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae

re.resening !onsi"en!ies 4hi!h !om.rise 4hollyor .arly a Pan!haya area a a level oher han hevillage level, in s"!h Pan!haya/;d< o1 he mem3ers o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes andhe mem3ers o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il o1 heCom.osiion o1 Pan!hayas: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:The Pan!hayas:Ars: 69)769C:<#Sae, 4here hey are regisered as ele!ors 4ihin;i< a Pan!haya area a he inermediae level,

in Pan!haya a he inermediae level/;ii< a Pan!haya area a he disri! level, inPan!haya a he disri! level:;9< The Chair.erson o1 a Pan!haya and ohermem3ers o1 a Pan!haya 4heher or no !hosen 3y dire!ele!ion 1rom erriorial !onsi"en!ies in he Pan!hayaarea shall have he righ o voe in he meeings o1 hePan!hayas:

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;< The Chair.erson o1;a< a .an!haya a he village level shall 3e ele!edin s"!h manner as he Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3yla4, .rovide/ and;3< a Pan!haya a he inermediae level or disri!

level shall 3e ele!ed 3y, and 1rom amongs, heele!ed mem3ers hereo1:69D: ;#< Seas shall 3e reserved 1or;a< he S!hed"led Cases/ and;3< he S!hed"led Tri3es,in every Pan!haya and he n"m3er o1 seas so reservedshall 3ear, as nearly as may 3e, he same .ro.orion ohe oal n"m3er o1 seas o 3e Blled 3y dire! ele!ion inha Pan!haya as he .o."laion o1 he S!hed"led Casesin ha Pan!haya area or o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es in haPan!haya area 3ears o he oal .o."laion o1 ha area

and s"!h seas may 3e alloed 3y roaion o diGeren!onsi"en!ies in a Pan!haya:;6< No less han one7hird o1 he oal n"m3er o1 seas reserved "nder !la"se ;#< shall 3e reserved 1or4omen 3elonging o he S!hed"led Cases or, as he !asemay 3e, he S!hed"led Tri3es:;< No less han one7hird ;in!l"ding he n"m3er o1 seas reserved 1or 4omen 3elonging o he S!hed"ledCases and he S!hed"led Tri3es< o1 he oal n"m3er o1 &eservaion o1 seas:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:The Pan!hayas:Ars: 69C769D:<##seas o 3e Blled 3y dire! ele!ion in every Pan!hayashall 3e reserved 1or 4omen and s"!h seas may 3ealloed 3y roaion o diGeren !onsi"en!ies in aPan!haya:;9< The oM!es o1 he Chair.ersons in he Pan!hayasa he village or any oher level shall 3e reserved 1or heS!hed"led Cases, he S!hed"led Tri3es and 4omen ins"!h manner as he Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4,.rovide

Provided ha he n"m3er o1 oM!es o1 Chair.ersonsreserved 1or he S!hed"led Cases and he S!hed"led Tri3es in he Pan!hayas a ea!h level in any Sae shall3ear, as nearly as may 3e, he same .ro.orion o heoal n"m3er o1 s"!h oM!es in he Pan!hayas a ea!hlevel as he .o."laion o1 he S!hed"led Cases in heSae or o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es in he Sae 3ears o heoal .o."laion o1 he Sae

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Provided 1"rher ha no less han one7hird o1 heoal n"m3er o1 oM!es o1 Chair.ersons in he Pan!hayasa ea!h level shall 3e reserved 1or 4omenProvided also ha he n"m3er o1 oM!es reserved"nder his !la"se shall 3e alloed 3y roaion o diGeren

Pan!hayas a ea!h level:;< The reservaion o1 seas "nder !la"ses ;#< and ;6<and he reservaion o1 oM!es o1 Chair.ersons ;oher hanhe reservaion 1or 4omen< "nder !la"se ;9< shall !easeo have eGe! on he e2.iraion o1 he .eriod s.e!iBed inari!le 9:;>< Nohing in his Par shall .reven he Legisla"reo1 a Sae 1rom maing any .rovision 1or reservaion o1 seas in any Pan!haya or oM!es o1 Chair.ersons in hePan!hayas a any level in 1avo"r o1 3a!4ard !lass o1 !ii+ens:

69E: ;#< Every Pan!haya, "nless sooner dissolved"nder any la4 1or he ime 3eing in 1or!e, shall !onin"e1or Bve years 1rom he dae a..oined 1or is Brs meeingand no longer:D"raion o1 Pan!hayas, e!: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:The Pan!hayas:Ars: 69D769E:<#6 ;6< No amendmen o1 any la4 1or he ime 3eing in1or!e shall have he eGe! o1 !a"sing dissol"ion o1 aPan!haya a any level, 4hi!h is 1"n!ioning immediaely

3e1ore s"!h amendmen, ill he e2.iraion o1 is d"raions.e!iBed in !la"se ;#<: ;< An ele!ion o !onsi"e a Pan!haya shall 3e!om.leed;a< 3e1ore he e2.iry o1 is d"raion s.e!iBed in!la"se ;#</;3< 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 a .eriod o1 si2 monhs1rom he dae o1 is dissol"ion Provided ha 4here he remainder o1 he .eriod 1or4hi!h he dissolved Pan!haya 4o"ld have !onin"ed isless han si2 monhs, i shall no 3e ne!essary o hold any

ele!ion "nder his !la"se 1or !onsi"ing he Pan!haya1or s"!h .eriod: ;9< A Pan!haya !onsi"ed ".on he dissol"ion o1 a Pan!haya 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 is d"raion shall!onin"e only 1or he remainder o1 he .eriod 1or 4hi!hhe dissolved Pan!haya 4o"ld have !onin"ed "nder!la"se ;#< had i no 3een so dissolved: 69F: ;#< A .erson shall 3e dis"aliBed 1or 3eing

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!hosen as, and 1or 3eing, a mem3er o1 a Pan!haya;a< i1 he is so dis"aliBed 3y or "nder any la4 1orhe ime 3eing in 1or!e 1or he ."r.oses o1 ele!ionso he Legisla"re o1 he Sae !on!ernedProvided ha no .erson shall 3e dis"aliBed on

he gro"nd ha he is less han 4eny7Bve years o1 age, i1 he has aained he age o1 4eny7one years/;3< i1 he is so dis"aliBed 3y or "nder any la4made 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae:;6< I1 any "esion arises as o 4heher a mem3er o1 a Pan!haya has 3e!ome s"3e! o any o1 hedis"aliB!aions menioned in !la"se ;#<, he "esionshall 3e re1erred 1or he de!ision o1 s"!h a"horiy and ins"!h manner as he Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4,.rovide: 69': S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion,

he Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, endo4 heDis"aliB!aions1or mem3ershi.:Po4ers, a"horiyand res.onsi3iliieso1 Pan!hayas: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:The Pan!hayas:Ars: 69E69':<#Pan!hayas 4ih s"!h .o4ers and a"horiy as may 3ene!essary o ena3le hem o 1"n!ion as insi"ions o1 sel17governmen and s"!h la4 may !onain .rovisions

1or he devol"ion o1 .o4ers and res.onsi3iliies ".onPan!hayas a he level, s"3e! o s"!h!ondiions as may 3e s.e!iBed herein, 4ih res.e! o;a< he .re.araion o1 .lans 1or e!onomi! and so!ial "si!e/;3< he im.lemenaion o1 s!hemes 1or e!onomi! and so!ial "si!e as may 3e enr"sedo hem in!l"ding hose in relaion o he maerslised in he Elevenh S!hed"le:69H: The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4,;a< a"horise a Pan!haya o levy, !olle! and s"!h a2es, d"ies, olls and 1ees ina!!ordan!e 4ih s"!h .ro!ed"re and s"3e! o s"!hlimis/;3< assign o a Pan!haya s"!h a2es, d"ies, ollsand 1ees levied and !olle!ed 3y he Sae 'overnmen1or s"!h ."r.oses and s"3e! o s"!h !ondiionsand limis/;!< .rovide 1or maing s"!h grans7in7aid o he

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and shall have s"!h .o4ers in he .er1orman!e o1 heir1"n!ions as he Legisla"re o1 he Sae may, 3y la4,!on1er on hem:;9< The 'overnor shall !a"se every re!ommendaionmade 3y he Commission "nder his ari!le ogeher 4ih

an e2.lanaory memorand"m as o he a!ion aenhereon o 3e laid 3e1ore he Legisla"re o1 he Sae:69-: The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, mae.rovisions 4ih res.e! o he mainenan!e o1 a!!o"ns3y he Pan!hayas and he a"diing o1 s"!h a!!o"ns:69R: ;#< The s".erinenden!e, dire!ion and !onrolo1 he .re.araion o1 ele!oral rolls 1or, and he !ond"!o1, all ele!ions o he Pan!hayas shall 3e vesed inA"di o1 a!!o"nso1 Pan!hayas:Ele!ions o he

Pan!hayas: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:The Pan!hayas:Ars: 697I69R:<#a Sae Ele!ion Commission !onsising o1 a Sae Ele!ionCommissioner o 3e a..oined 3y he 'overnor:;6< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 made 3y heLegisla"re o1 a Sae, he !ondiions o1 servi!e and en"reo1 oM!e o1 he Sae Ele!ion Commissioner shall 3e s"!has he 'overnor may 3y r"le deermineProvided ha he Sae Ele!ion Commissioner shallno 3e removed 1rom his oM!e e2!e. in lie manner

and on he lie gro"nds as a -"dge o1 a High Co"r andhe !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 he Sae Ele!ionCommissioner shall no 3e varied o his disadvanagea1er his a..oinmen:;< The 'overnor o1 a Sae shall, 4hen so re"esed3y he Sae Ele!ion Commission, mae availa3le o heSae Ele!ion Commission s"!h saG as may 3e ne!essary1or he dis!harge o1 he 1"n!ions !on1erred on he SaeEle!ion Commission 3y !la"se ;#<:;9< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion, heLegisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, mae .rovision 4ih

res.e! o all maers relaing o, or in !onne!ion 4ih,ele!ions o he Pan!hayas:69L: The .rovisions o1 his Par shall o heUnion erriories and shall, in heir!aion o a Unionerriory, have eGe! as i1 he re1eren!es o he 'overnoro1 a Sae 4ere re1eren!es o he Adminisraor o1 heUnion erriory a..oined "nder ari!le 68 and re1eren!eso he Legisla"re or he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 a Sae

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4ere re1eren!es, in relaion o a Union erriory having aLegislaive Assem3ly, o ha Legislaive Assem3lyProvided ha he Presiden may, 3y ."3li!noiB!aion, dire! ha he .rovisions o1 his Par o any Union erriory or .ar hereo1 s"3e! o

s"!h e2!e.ions and modiB!aions as he may s.e!i1y inhe noiB!aion:69(: ;#< Nohing in his Par shall o heS!hed"led Areas re1erred o in !la"se ;#<, and he ri3alareas re1erred o in !la"se ;6<, o1 ari!le!aion oUnion erriories:Par no o a..lyo !erain areas: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:The Pan!hayas:Ars: 69R69(:<

#>;6< Nohing in his Par shall o;a< he Saes o1 Nagaland, (eghalaya and(i+oram/;3< he hill areas in he Sae o1 (ani."r 1or 4hi!hDisri! Co"n!ils e2is "nder any la4 1or he ime3eing in 1or!e:;< Nohing in his Par;a< relaing o Pan!hayas a he disri! level o he hill areas o1 he Disri! o1 Dareeling inhe Sae o1 Wes )engal 1or 4hi!h Dareeling 'orhaHill Co"n!il e2iss "nder any la4 1or he ime 3eing

in 1or!e/;3< shall 3e !onsr"ed o aGe! he 1"n!ions and.o4ers o1 he Dareeling 'orha Hill Co"n!il!onsi"ed "nder s"!h la4:#$;A< Nohing in ari!le 69D, relaing o reservaiono1 seas 1or he S!hed"led Cases, shall o he Saeo1 Ar"na!hal Pradesh:*;9< No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion,;a< he Legisla"re o1 a Sae re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se ;6< may, 3y la4, e2end his .ar

o ha Sae, e2!e. he areas, i1 any, re1erred o in!la"se ;#<, i1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 ha Sae.asses a resol"ion o ha eGe! 3y a maoriy o1 heoal mem3ershi. o1 ha Ho"se and 3y a maoriy o1 no less han 4o7hirds o1 he mem3ers o1 ha Ho"se.resen and voing/;3< Parliamen may, 3y la4, e2end he .rovisionso1 his Par o he S!hed"led Areas and he ri3al

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areas re1erred o in !la"se ;#< s"3e! o s"!he2!e.ions and modiB!aions as may 3e s.e!iBed ins"!h la4, and no s"!h la4 shall 3e deemed o 3e anamendmen o1 his Consi"ion 1or he ."r.oses o1 ari!le >K:

69N: No4ihsanding anyhing in his Par, any.rovision o1 any la4 relaing o Pan!hayas in 1or!e in aConin"an!e o1 e2ising la4s andPan!hayas:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7hird Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 6: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:The Pan!hayas:Ars: 69(769N:<#=Sae immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 heConsi"ion ;Seveny7hird Amendmen< A!, #886, 4hi!h

is in!onsisen 4ih he .rovisions o1 his Par, shall!onin"e o 3e in 1or!e "nil amended or re.ealed 3y a!om.een Legisla"re or oher !om.een a"horiy or"nil he e2.iraion o1 one year 1rom s"!h !ommen!emen,4hi!hever is earlierProvided ha all he Pan!hayas e2ising immediaely3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen shall !onin"e ill hee2.iraion o1 heir d"raion, "nless sooner dissolved 3ya resol"ion .assed o ha eGe! 3y he LegislaiveAssem3ly o1 ha Sae or, in he !ase o1 a Sae having aLegislaive Co"n!il, 3y ea!h Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 

ha Sae:697O: No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion,;a< he validiy o1 any la4 relaing o hedelimiaion o1 !onsi"en!ies or he allomen o1 seaso s"!h !onsi"en!ies, made or ."r.oring o 3emade "nder ari!le 69R, shall no 3e !alled in"esion in any !o"r/;3< no ele!ion o any Pan!haya shall 3e !alled in"esion e2!e. 3y an ele!ion .eiion .resened os"!h a"horiy and in s"!h manner as is .rovided

1or 3y or "nder any la4 made 3y he Legisla"re o1 a Sae:*)ar o iner1eren!e3y !o"rs inele!oral maers: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:The Pan!hayas:Ars: 69N7697O:<#K#

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$PA&T IA THE (UNICIPALITIES69P: In his Par, "nless he !one2 oher4isere"ires,;a< ?Commiee@ means a Commiee !onsi"ed

"nder ari!le 69S/;3< ?disri!@ means a disri! in a Sae/;!< ?(ero.olian area@ means an area having a.o."laion o1 en lahs or more, !om.rised in oneor more disri!s and !onsising o1 4o or more("ni!i.aliies or Pan!hayas or oher !onig"o"sareas, s.e!iBed 3y he 'overnor 3y ."3li!noiB!aion o 3e a (ero.olian area 1or he ."r.oseso1 his Par/;d< ?("ni! area@ means he erriorial area o1 a ("ni!i.aliy as is noiBed 3y he 'overnor/

;e< ?("ni!i.aliy@ means an insi"ion o1 sel17governmen !onsi"ed "nder ari!le 695/;1< ?Pan!haya@ means a Pan!haya !onsi"ed"nder ari!le 69)/;g< ?.o."laion@ means he .o."laion asas!erained a he las .re!eding !ens"s o1 4hi!h herelevan Bg"res have 3een ."3lished:695: ;#< There shall 3e !onsi"ed in every Sae,;a< a Nagar Pan!haya ;3y 4haever name !alled<1or a ransiional area, ha is o say, an area inransiion 1rom a r"ral area o an "r3an area/

;3< a ("ni! Co"n!il 1or a smaller "r3an area/and;!< a ("ni! Cor.oraion 1or a larger "r3anarea,#8Consi"ion o1 ("ni!i.aliies:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #886, s: 6 ;4:e:1#7>7#88<:DeBniions:in a!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 his Par

Provided ha a ("ni!i.aliy "nder his !la"se mayno 3e !onsi"ed in s"!h "r3an area or .ar hereo1 ashe 'overnor may, having regard o he si+e o1 he areaand he m"ni! servi!es 3eing .rovided or .ro.osedo 3e .rovided 3y an ind"srial esa3lishmen in ha areaand s"!h oher 1a!ors as he may deem B, 3y ."3li!noiB!aion, s.e!i1y o 3e an ind"srial o4nshi.:;6< In his ari!le, ?a ransiional area@, ?a smaller

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"r3an area@ or ?a larger "r3an area@ means s"!h area ashe 'overnor may, having regard o he .o."laion o1 hearea, he densiy o1 he .o."laion herein, he reven"egeneraed 1or lo!al adminisraion, he .er!enage o1 em.loymen in non7agri!"l"ral a!iviies, he e!onomi!

im.oran!e or s"!h oher 1a!ors as he may deem B,s.e!i1y 3y ."3li! noiB!aion 1or he ."r.oses o1 hisPar:69&: ;#< Save as .rovided in !la"se ;6<, all he seasin a ("ni!i.aliy shall 3e Blled 3y .ersons !hosen 3ydire! ele!ion 1rom he erriorial !onsi"en!ies in he("ni! area and 1or his ."r.ose ea!h ("ni! areashall 3e divided ino erriorial !onsi"en!ies o 3e no4nas 4ards:;6< The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, .rovide;a< 1or he re.resenaion in a ("ni!i.aliy o1

;i< .ersons having s.e!ial no4ledge ore2.erien!e in ("ni! adminisraion/;ii< he mem3ers o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.leand he mem3ers o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae re.resening !onsi"en!ies 4hi!h!om.rise 4holly or .arly he ("ni! area/;iii< he mem3ers o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes andhe mem3ers o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il o1 heSae regisered as ele!ors 4ihin he ("ni!i.alarea/;iv< he Chair.ersons o1 he Commiees

!onsi"ed "nder !la"se ;< o1 ari!le 69SCom.osiion o1 ("ni!i.aliies: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par IA:The ("ni!i.aliies:Ars: 695769&:<#9Provided ha he .ersons re1erred o in .aragra.h;i< shall no have he righ o voe in he meeings o1 he ("ni!i.aliy/;3< he manner o1 ele!ion o1 he Chair.erson o1 a ("ni!i.aliy:69S: ;#< There shall 3e !onsi"ed Wards

Commiees, !onsising o1 one or more 4ards, 4ihinhe erriorial area o1 a ("ni!i.aliy having a .o."laiono1 hree lahs or more:;6< The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, mae.rovision 4ih res.e! o;a< he !om.osiion and he erriorial area o1 aWards Commiee/;3< he manner in 4hi!h he seas in a Wards

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Commiee shall 3e Blled:;< A mem3er o1 a ("ni!i.aliy re.resening a 4ard4ihin he erriorial area o1 he Wards Commiee shall3e a mem3er o1 ha Commiee:;9< Where a Wards Commiee !onsiss o1

;a< one 4ard, he mem3er re.resening ha 4ardin he ("ni!i.aliy/ or;3< 4o or more 4ards, one o1 he mem3ersre.resening s"!h 4ards in he ("ni!i.aliy ele!ed3y he mem3ers o1 he Wards Commiee,shall 3e he Chair.erson o1 ha Commiee:;< Nohing in his ari!le shall 3e deemed o .revenhe Legisla"re o1 a Sae 1rom maing any .rovision 1orhe !onsi"ion o1 Commiees in addiion o he WardsCommiees:69T: ;#< Seas shall 3e reserved 1or he S!hed"led

Cases and he S!hed"led Tri3es in every ("ni!i.aliyand he n"m3er o1 seas so reserved shall 3ear, as nearlyas may 3e, he same .ro.orion o he oal n"m3er o1 seas o 3e Blled 3y dire! ele!ion in ha ("ni!i.aliyas he .o."laion o1 he S!hed"led Cases in he("ni! area or o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es in he("ni! area 3ears o he oal .o."laion o1 ha areaand s"!h seas may 3e alloed 3y roaion o diGeren!onsi"en!ies in a ("ni!i.aliy:Consi"ion and!om.osiion o1 

Wards Commiees,e!:&eservaion o1 seas: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par IA:The ("ni!i.aliies:Ars: 69&69T:<#9#;6< No less han one7hird o1 he oal n"m3er o1 seas reserved "nder !la"se ;#< shall 3e reserved 1or4omen 3elonging o he S!hed"led Cases or, as he !asemay 3e, he S!hed"led Tri3es:;< No less han one7hird ;in!l"ding he n"m3er o1 

seas reserved 1or 4omen 3elonging o he S!hed"ledCases and he S!hed"led Tri3es< o1 he oal n"m3er o1 seas o 3e Blled 3y dire! ele!ion in every ("ni!i.aliyshall 3e reserved 1or 4omen and s"!h seas may 3ealloed 3y roaion o diGeren !onsi"en!ies in a("ni!i.aliy:;9< The oM!es o1 Chair.ersons in he ("ni!i.aliiesshall 3e reserved 1or he S!hed"led Cases, he S!hed"led

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 Tri3es and 4omen in s"!h manner as he Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, .rovide:;< The reservaion o1 seas "nder !la"ses ;#< and ;6<and he reservaion o1 oM!es o1 Chair.ersons ;oher hanhe reservaion 1or 4omen< "nder !la"se ;9< shall !ease

o have eGe! on he e2.iraion o1 he .eriod s.e!iBed inari!le 9:;>< Nohing in his Par shall .reven he Legisla"reo1 a Sae 1rom maing any .rovision 1or reservaion o1 seas in any ("ni!i.aliy or oM!es o1 Chair.ersons inhe ("ni!i.aliies in 1avo"r o1 3a!4ard !lass o1 !ii+ens:69U: ;#< Every ("ni!i.aliy, "nless sooner dissolved"nder any la4 1or he ime 3eing in 1or!e, shall !onin"e1or Bve years 1rom he dae a..oined 1or is Brs meeingand no longerProvided ha a ("ni!i.aliy shall 3e given a

reasona3le o..or"niy o1 3eing heard 3e1ore isdissol"ion:;6< No amendmen o1 any la4 1or he ime 3eing in1or!e shall have he eGe! o1 !a"sing dissol"ion o1 a("ni!i.aliy a any level, 4hi!h is 1"n!ioningimmediaely 3e1ore s"!h amendmen, ill he e2.iraiono1 is d"raion s.e!iBed in !la"se ;#<:D"raion o1 ("ni!i.aliies,e!: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par IA:The ("ni!i.aliies:Ars: 69T769U:<#96;< An ele!ion o !onsi"e a ("ni!i.aliy shall 3e!om.leed,;a< 3e1ore he e2.iry o1 is d"raion s.e!iBed in!la"se ;#</;3< 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 a .eriod o1 si2 monhs1rom he dae o1 is dissol"ionProvided ha 4here he remainder o1 he .eriod 1or4hi!h he dissolved ("ni!i.aliy 4o"ld have !onin"edis less han si2 monhs, i shall no 3e ne!essary o holdany ele!ion "nder his !la"se 1or !onsi"ing he

("ni!i.aliy 1or s"!h .eriod:;9< A ("ni!i.aliy !onsi"ed ".on he dissol"iono1 a ("ni!i.aliy 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 is d"raionshall !onin"e only 1or he remainder o1 he .eriod 1or4hi!h he dissolved ("ni!i.aliy 4o"ld have !onin"ed"nder !la"se ;#< had i no 3een so dissolved:69%: ;#< A .erson shall 3e dis"aliBed 1or 3eing!hosen as, and 1or 3eing, a mem3er o1 a ("ni!i.aliy

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;a< i1 he is so dis"aliBed 3y or "nder any la4 1orhe ime 3eing in 1or!e 1or he ."r.oses o1 ele!ionso he Legisla"re o1 he Sae !on!ernedProvided ha no .erson shall 3e dis"aliBed onhe gro"nd ha he is less han 4eny7Bve years o1 

age, i1 he has aained he age o1 4eny7one years/;3< i1 he is so dis"aliBed 3y or "nder any la4made 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae:;6< I1 any "esion arises as o 4heher a mem3er o1 a ("ni!i.aliy has 3e!ome s"3e! o any o1 hedis"aliB!aions menioned in !la"se ;#<, he "esionshall 3e re1erred 1or he de!ision o1 s"!h a"horiy and ins"!h manner as he Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4,.rovide:69W: S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion,he Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, endo4

;a< he ("ni!i.aliies 4ih s"!h .o4ers anda"horiy as may 3e ne!essary o ena3le hem o1"n!ion as insi"ions o1 sel17governmen and s"!hla4 may !onain .rovisions 1or he devol"ion o1 .o4ers and res.onsi3iliies ".on ("ni!i.aliies,s"3e! o s"!h !ondiions as may 3e s.e!iBed herein,Dis"aliB!aions1or mem3ershi.:Po4ers, a"horiyand res.onsi3iliieso1 ("ni!i.aliies,

e!: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par IA:The ("ni!i.aliies:Ars: 69U69W:<#94ih res.e! o;i< he .re.araion o1 .lans 1or e!onomi! and so!ial "si!e/;ii< he .er1orman!e o1 1"n!ions and heim.lemenaion o1 s!hemes as may 3e enr"sed ohem in!l"ding hose in relaion o he maerslised in he T4el1h S!hed"le/;3< he Commiees 4ih s"!h .o4ers and

a"horiy as may 3e ne!essary o ena3le hem o !arryo" he res.onsi3iliies !on1erred ".on hemin!l"ding hose in relaion o he maers lised in he T4el1h S!hed"le:69: The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4,;a< a"horise a ("ni!i.aliy o levy, !olle! s"!h a2es, d"ies, olls and 1ees ina!!ordan!e 4ih s"!h .ro!ed"re and s"3e! o s"!h

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limis/;3< assign o a ("ni!i.aliy s"!h a2es, d"ies,olls and 1ees levied and !olle!ed 3y he Sae'overnmen 1or s"!h ."r.oses and s"3e! o s"!h!ondiions and limis/

;!< .rovide 1or maing s"!h grans7in7aid o he("ni!i.aliies 1rom he Consolidaed F"nd o1 heSae/ and;d< .rovide 1or !onsi"ion o1 s"!h F"nds 1or!rediing all moneys re!eived, res.e!ively, 3y or on3ehal1 o1 he ("ni!i.aliies and also 1or he4ihdra4al o1 s"!h moneys here1rom,as may 3e s.e!iBed in he la4:690: ;#< The Finan!e Commission !onsi"ed "nderari!le 697I shall also revie4 he Bnan!ial .osiion o1 he("ni!i.aliies and mae re!ommendaions o he

'overnor as o;a< he .rin!i.les 4hi!h sho"ld govern;i< he disri3"ion 3e4een he Sae and he("ni!i.aliies o1 he ne .ro!eeds o1 he a2es,Po4er o im.osea2es 3y, and F"ndso1, he("ni!i.aliies:Finan!eCommission: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par IA:The ("ni!i.aliies:Ars: 69W690:<#99d"ies, olls and 1ees levia3le 3y he Sae, 4hi!hmay 3e divided 3e4een hem "nder his Parand he allo!aion 3e4een he ("ni!i.aliies aall levels o1 heir res.e!ive shares o1 s"!!eeds/;ii< he deerminaion o1 he a2es, d"ies, ollsand 1ees 4hi!h may 3e assigned o, 3y, he ("ni!i.aliies/;iii< he grans7in7aid o he ("ni!i.aliies1rom he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae/

;3< he meas"res needed o im.rove he Bnan!ial.osiion o1 he ("ni!i.aliies/;!< any oher maer re1erred o he Finan!eCommission 3y he 'overnor in he ineress o1 so"nd Bnan!e o1 he ("ni!i.aliies:;6< The 'overnor shall !a"se every re!ommendaionmade 3y he Commission "nder his ari!le ogeher 4ihan e2.lanaory memorand"m as o he a!ion aen

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s"!h la4 shall 3e deemed o 3e an amendmen o1 hisConsi"ion 1or he ."r.oses o1 ari!le >K:69D: ;#< There shall 3e !onsi"ed in every Saea he disri! level a Disri! Planning Commiee o!onsolidae he .lans .re.ared 3y he Pan!hayas and

he ("ni!i.aliies in he disri! and o .re.are a .lan 1or he disri! as a 4hole:;6< The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, mae.rovision 4ih res.e! o;a< he !om.osiion o1 he Disri! PlanningCommiees/;3< he manner in 4hi!h he seas in s"!hCommiees shall 3e BlledProvided ha no less han 1o"r7B1hs o1 he oaln"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 s"!h Commiee shall 3eele!ed 3y, and 1rom amongs, he ele!ed mem3ers

o1 he Pan!haya a he disri! level and o1 he("ni!i.aliies in he disri! in .ro.orion o he raioPar no o a..lyo !erain areas:Commiee 1ordisri! .lanning: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par IA:The ("ni!i.aliies:Ars: 69)69D:<#9>3e4een he .o."laion o1 he r"ral areas and o1 he"r3an areas in he disri!/;!< he 1"n!ions relaing o disri! .lanning 4hi!h

may 3e assigned o s"!h Commiees/;d< he manner in 4hi!h he Chair.ersons o1 s"!hCommiees shall 3e !hosen:;< Every Disri! Planning Commiee shall, he dra1 .lan,;a< have regard o;i< maers o1 !ommon ineres 3e4een hePan!hayas and he ("ni!i.aliies in!l"dings.aial .lanning, sharing o1 4aer and oher.hysi!al and na"ral reso"r!es, he o1 in1rasr"!"re and environmenal

!onservaion/;ii< he e2en and y.e o1 availa3le reso"r!es4heher Bnan!ial or oher4ise/;3< !ons"l s"!h insi"ions and organisaions ashe 'overnor may, 3y order, s.e!i1y:;9< The Chair.erson o1 every Disri! PlanningCommiee shall 1or4ard he .lan, asre!ommended 3y s"!h Commiee, o he 'overnmen

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o1 he Sae:69E: ;#< There shall 3e !onsi"ed in every(ero.olian area a (ero.olian Planning Commiee a dra1 .lan 1or he (ero.olianarea as a 4hole:

;6< The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may, 3y la4, mae.rovision 4ih res.e! o;a< he !om.osiion o1 he (ero.olian PlanningCommiees/;3< he manner in 4hi!h he seas in s"!hCommiees shall 3e BlledProvided ha no less han 4o7hirds o1 hemem3ers o1 s"!h Commiee shall 3e ele!ed 3y,and 1rom amongs, he ele!ed mem3ers o1 he("ni!i.aliies and Chair.ersons o1 he Pan!hayas inhe (ero.olian area in .ro.orion o he raio

Commiee 1or(ero.olian.lanning: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par IA:The ("ni!i.aliies:Ars: 69D769E:<#9=3e4een he .o."laion o1 he ("ni!i.aliies and o1 hePan!hayas in ha area/;!< he re.resenaion in s"!h Commiees o1 he'overnmen o1 India and he 'overnmen o1 he Saeand o1 s"!h organisaions and Insi"ions as may 3edeemed ne!essary 1or !arrying o" he 1"n!ions

assigned o s"!h Commiees/;d< he 1"n!ions relaing o .lanning and!oordinaion 1or he (ero.olian area 4hi!h may3e assigned o s"!h Commiees/;e< he manner in 4hi!h he Chair.ersons o1 s"!hCommiees shall 3e !hosen: ;< Every (ero.olian Planning Commiee shall, he dra1 .lan,;a< have regard o;i< he .lans .re.ared 3y he ("ni!i.aliiesand he Pan!hayas in he (ero.olian area/

;ii< maers o1 !ommon ineres 3e4een he("ni!i.aliies and he Pan!hayas, in!l"ding!o7ordinaed s.aial .lanning o1 he area, sharingo1 4aer and oher .hysi!al and na"ral reso"r!es,he inegraed o1 in1rasr"!"re andenvironmenal !onservaion/;iii< he overall o3e!ives and .rioriies se 3yhe 'overnmen o1 India and he 'overnmen o1 

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he Sae/;iv< he e2en and na"re o1 invesmens lielyo 3e made in he (ero.olian area 3y agen!ieso1 he 'overnmen o1 India and o1 he 'overnmeno1 he Sae and oher availa3le reso"r!es 4heher

Bnan!ial or oher4ise/;3< !ons"l s"!h insi"ions and organisaions ashe 'overnor may, 3y order, s.e!i1y: ;9< The Chair.erson o1 every (ero.olian PlanningCommiee shall 1or4ard he .lan, asre!ommended 3y s"!h Commiee, o he 'overnmen o1 he Sae: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par IA:The ("ni!i.aliies:Ar: 69E:<#9K 69F: No4ihsanding anyhing in his Par, any.rovision o1 any la4 relaing o ("ni!i.aliies in 1or!e

in a Sae immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 heConsi"ion ;Seveny71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #886,4hi!h is in!onsisen 4ih he .rovisions o1 his Par,shall !onin"e o 3e in 1or!e "nil amended or re.ealed3y a !om.een Legisla"re or oher !om.een a"horiyor "nil he e2.iraion o1 one year 1rom s"!h!ommen!emen, 4hi!hever is earlierProvided ha all he ("ni!i.aliies e2isingimmediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen shall !onin"eill he e2.iraion o1 heir d"raion, "nless soonerdissolved 3y a resol"ion .assed o ha eGe! 3y he

Legislaive Assem3ly o1 ha Sae or, in he !ase o1 aSae having a Legislaive Co"n!il, 3y ea!h Ho"se o1 heLegisla"re o1 ha Sae:69': No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion,;a< he validiy o1 any la4 relaing o hedelimiaion o1 !onsi"en!ies or he allomen o1 seaso s"!h !onsi"en!ies, made or ."r.oring o 3emade "nder ari!le 69A shall no 3e !alled in"esion in any !o"r/;3< no ele!ion o any ("ni!i.aliy shall 3e !alled

in "esion e2!e. 3y an ele!ion .eiion .resenedo s"!h a"horiy and in s"!h manner as is .rovided1or 3y or "nder any la4 made 3y he Legisla"re o1 a Sae:*Conin"an!e o1 e2ising la4s and("ni!i.aliies:)ar o iner1eren!e

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3y !o"rs inele!oral maers: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par IA:The ("ni!i.aliies:Ars: 69F769':<#98PA&T

 THE SCHEDULED AND T&I)AL A&EAS699: ;#< The .rovisions o1 he Fi1h S!hed"le o he adminisraion and !onrol o1 he S!hed"ledAreas and S!hed"led Tri3es in any Sae# oher han6$he Saes o1 Assam$,9

$(eghalaya, Tri."ra and(i+oram***: ;6< The .rovisions o1 he Si2h S!hed"le shall a..lyo he adminisraion o1 he ri3al areas in6$he Saes o1 Assam$,$(eghalaya, Tri."ra and (i+oram***:

 >$699A: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion, Parliamen may, 3y la4, 1orm 4ihin heSae o1 Assam an a"onomo"s Sae !om.rising ;4heher4holly or in .ar< all or any o1 he ri3al areas s.e!iBedin=$Par I* o1 he a3le a..ended o .aragra.h 6 o1 heSi2h S!hed"le and !reae here1or;a< a 3ody, 4heher ele!ed or .arly nominaed

and .arly ele!ed, o 1"n!ion as a Legisla"re 1orhe a"onomo"s Sae, or;3< a Co"n!il o1 (inisers,or 3oh 4ih s"!h !onsi"ion, .o4ers and 1"n!ions, inea!h !ase, as may 3e s.e!iBed in he la4:#Adminisraion o1 S!hed"led Areas

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and Tri3al Areas:# The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:

6S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#, 1or?he Sae o1 Assam@ ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8K9, s: 6, 1or ?and(eghalaya@;4:e:1: #797#8K<:9S"3s: 3y he Sae o1 (i+oram A!, #8K> ;9 o1 #8K><, s: 8, 1or ?(eghalayaand

 Tri."ra@ ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:S"3s: 3y s: 8, i3id:, 1or ?(eghalaya and Tri."ra and he Union Terriory o1 (i+oram@;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:>Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8>8, s: 6:=S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#, 1or?Par A@ ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:Formaion o1 an

a"onomo"s Sae!om.rising !erainri3al areas inAssam and !reaiono1 lo!al Legisla"reor Co"n!il o1 (inisers or 3ohhere1or: ;6< Any s"!h la4 as is re1erred o in !la"se ;#< may,in .ari!"lar,;a< s.e!i1y he maers en"meraed in he SaeLis or he Con!"rren Lis 4ih res.e! o 4hi!h he

Legisla"re o1 he a"onomo"s Sae shall have .o4ero mae la4s 1or he 4hole or any .ar hereo1,4heher o he e2!l"sion o1 he Legisla"re o1 heSae o1 Assam or oher4ise/;3< deBne he maers 4ih res.e! o 4hi!h hee2e!"ive .o4er o1 he a"onomo"s Sae shalle2end/;!< .rovide ha any a2 levied 3y he Sae o1 

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?Con!"rren Lis@<: ;< S"3e! o !la"ses ;#< and ;6<, he Legisla"re o1 any Sae# has e2!l"sive .o4er o mae la4s 1or s"!h

Sae or any .ar hereo1 4ih res.e! o any o1 he maersen"meraed in Lis II in he Sevenh S!hed"le ;in hisConsi"ion re1erred o as he ?Sae Lis@<:;9< Parliamen has .o4er o mae la4s 4ih res.e!o any maer 1or any .ar o1 he erriory o1 India noin!l"ded6$in a Sae* no4ihsanding ha s"!h maer isa maer en"meraed in he Sae Lis:#6#

 The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:6S"3s: 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:, 1or ? in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@:E2en o1 la4smade 3yParliamen and3y heLegisla"res o1 Saes:

S"3e!7maer o1 la4s made 3yParliamen and 3yhe Legisla"res o1 Saes:69=: No4ihsanding anyhing in his,Parliamen may 3y la4 .rovide 1or he esa3lishmen o1 any addiional !o"rs 1or he 3eer adminisraion o1 la4s made 3y Parliamen or o1 any e2ising la4s 4ihres.e! o a maer en"meraed in he Union Lis:69K: ;#< Parliamen has e2!l"sive .o4er o mae anyla4 4ih res.e! o any maer no en"meraed in he

Con!"rren Lis or Sae Lis:;6< S"!h .o4er shall in!l"de he .o4er o1 maingany la4 im.osing a a2 no menioned in eiher o1 hoseLiss:698: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in he 1oregoing.rovisions o1 his, i1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes hasde!lared 3y resol"ion s"..ored 3y no less han 4o7hirds o1 he mem3ers .resen and voing ha i is

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ne!essary or e2.edien in he naional ineres haParliamen sho"ld mae la4s 4ih res.e! o any maeren"meraed in he Sae Lis s.e!iBed in he resol"ion,i shall 3e la41"l 1or Parliamen o mae la4s 1or he4hole or any .ar o1 he erriory o1 India 4ih res.e!

o ha maer 4hile he resol"ion remains in 1or!e:;6< A resol"ion .assed "nder !la"se ;#< shall remainin 1or!e 1or s"!h .eriod no e2!eeding one year as may3e s.e!iBed hereinProvided ha, i1 and so o1en as a resol"ion a..rovinghe !onin"an!e in 1or!e o1 any s"!h resol"ionis .assed in he manner .rovided in !la"se ;#<, s"!hresol"ion shall !onin"e in 1or!e 1or a 1"rher .eriod o1 one year 1rom he dae on 4hi!h "nder his !la"se i4o"ld oher4ise have !eased o 3e in 1or!e:;< A la4 made 3y Parliamen 4hi!h Parliamen

4o"ld no 3" 1or he .assing o1 a resol"ion "nder !la"se;#< have 3een !om.een o mae shall, o he e2en o1 he in!om.een!y, !ease o have eGe! on he e2.iraiono1 a .eriod o1 si2 monhs a1er he resol"ion has !easedo 3e in 1or!e, e2!e. as res.e!s hings done or omiedo 3e done 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 he said .eriod:Po4er o1 Parliamen o.rovide 1or heesa3lishmen o1 !erain addiional

!o"rs:&esid"ary .o4erso1 legislaion:Po4er o1 Parliamen olegislae 4ihres.e! o amaer in heSae Lis in henaional ineres: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par I:&elaions 3e4een he Union and he Saes:Ars: 69=698:<#6: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in his,Parliamen shall, 4hile a Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y isin o.eraion, have .o4er o mae la4s 1or he 4hole orany .ar o1 he erriory o1 India 4ih res.e! o any o1 hemaers en"meraed in he Sae Lis:;6< A la4 made 3y Parliamen 4hi!h Parliamen

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4o"ld no 3" 1or he iss"e o1 a Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y have 3een !om.een o mae shall, o hee2en o1 he in!om.een!y, !ease o have eGe! on hee2.iraion o1 a .eriod o1 si2 monhs a1er he Pro!lamaionhas !eased o o.erae, e2!e. as res.e!s hings done or

omied o 3e done 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 he said.eriod:6#: Nohing in ari!les 698 and 6 shall resri! he.o4er o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae o mae any la44hi!h "nder his Consi"ion i has .o4er o mae, 3"i1 any .rovision o1 a la4 made 3y he Legisla"re o1 aSae is re."gnan o any .rovision o1 a la4 made 3yParliamen 4hi!h Parliamen has "nder eiher o1 he saidari!les .o4er o mae, he la4 made 3y Parliamen,4heher .assed 3e1ore or a1er he la4 made 3y heLegisla"re o1 he Sae, shall .revail, and he la4 made

3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae shall o he e2en o1 here."gnan!y, 3" so long only as he la4 made 3yParliamen !onin"es o have eGe!, 3e ino.eraive:66: ;#< I1 i a..ears o he Legisla"res o1 4o or moreSaes o 3e desira3le ha any o1 he maers 4ih res.e!o 4hi!h Parliamen has no .o4er o mae la4s 1or heSaes e2!e. as .rovided in ari!les 698 and 6 sho"ld3e reg"laed in s"!h Saes 3y Parliamen 3y la4, and i1 resol"ions o ha eGe! are .assed 3y all he Ho"ses o1 he Legisla"res o1 hose Saes, i shall 3e la41"l 1orParliamen o .ass an A! 1or reg"laing ha maer

a!!ordingly, and any A! so .assed shall o s"!hSaes and o any oher Sae 3y 4hi!h i is ado.eda1er4ards 3y resol"ion .assed in ha 3ehal1 3y heHo"se or, 4here here are 4o Ho"ses, 3y ea!h o1 heHo"ses o1 he Legisla"re o1 ha Sae:Po4er o1 Parliamen olegislae 4ihres.e! o anymaer in he SaeLis i1 a

Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y is ino.eraion:In!onsisen!y3e4een la4smade 3yParliamen "nderari!les 698 and

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Parliamen 1rom ena!ing a any ime any la4 4ih res.e!o he same maer in!l"ding a la4 adding o, amending,varying or re.ealing he la4 so made 3y he Legisla"reo1 he Sae:Legislaion 1or

giving eGe! oinernaionalagreemens:In!onsisen!y3e4een la4smade 3yParliamen andla4s made 3y heLegisla"res o1 Saes:#

 The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:&elaions 3e4een he Union and he Saes:Ars: 6669:<#6: No A! o1 Parliamen or o1 he Legisla"re o1 aSae#, and no .rovision in any s"!h A!, shall 3einvalid 3y reason only ha some re!ommendaion or

.revio"s san!ion re"ired 3y his Consi"ion 4as nogiven, i1 assen o ha A! 4as given;a< 4here he re!ommendaion re"ired 4as hao1 he 'overnor, eiher 3y he 'overnor or 3y hePresiden/;3< 4here he re!ommendaion re"ired 4as hao1 he &a.ram"h, eiher 3y he &a.ram"h or 3yhe Presiden/;!< 4here he re!ommendaion or .revio"ssan!ion re"ired 4as ha o1 he Presiden, 3y hePresiden:

CHAPTE& II:AD(INIST&ATI%E &ELATIONS'eneral6>: The e2e!"ive .o4er o1 every Sae shall 3e soe2er!ised as o ens"re !om.lian!e 4ih he la4s made 3yParliamen and any e2ising la4s 4hi!h in haSae, and he e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union shall e2endo he giving o1 s"!h dire!ions o a Sae as may a..earo he 'overnmen o1 India o 3e ne!essary 1or ha

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."r.ose:6=: ;#< The e2e!"ive .o4er o1 every Sae shall 3e soe2er!ised as no o im.ede or .re"di!e he e2er!ise o1 he e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union, and he e2e!"ive.o4er o1 he Union shall e2end o he giving o1 s"!h

dire!ions o a Sae as may a..ear o he 'overnmen o1 India o 3e ne!essary 1or ha ."r.ose:;6< The e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union shall alsoe2end o he giving o1 dire!ions o a Sae as o he!onsr"!ion and mainenan!e o1 means o1 !omm"ni!aion&e"iremens as ore!ommendaionsand .revio"ssan!ions o 3eregarded as maerso1 .ro!ed"re only:

# The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:O3ligaion o1 Saes and heUnion:Conrol o1 heUnion over Saesin !erain !ases:#> THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par I:&elaions 3e4een he Union and he Saes:Ars: 66=:<de!lared in he dire!ion o 3e o1 naional or miliaryim.oran!eProvided ha nohing in his !la"se shall 3e aenas resri!ing he .o4er o1 Parliamen o de!larehigh4ays or 4aer4ays o 3e naional high4ays ornaional 4aer4ays or he .o4er o1 he Union 4ihres.e! o he high4ays or 4aer4ays so de!lared or he.o4er o1 he Union o !onsr"! and mainain means o1 !omm"ni!aion as .ar o1 is 1"n!ions 4ih res.e! onaval, miliary and air 1or!e 4ors:

;< The e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union shall alsoe2end o he giving o1 dire!ions o a Sae as o hemeas"res o 3e aen 1or he .roe!ion o1 he rail4ays4ihin he Sae:;9< Where in !arrying o" any dire!ion given o aSae "nder !la"se ;6< as o he !onsr"!ion ormainenan!e o1 any means o1 !omm"ni!aion or "nder!la"se ;< as o he meas"res o 3e aen 1or he .roe!ion

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o1 any rail4ay, !oss have 3een in!"rred in e2!ess o1 hose 4hi!h 4o"ld have 3een in!"rred in he dis!hargeo1 he normal d"ies o1 he Sae i1 s"!h dire!ion hadno 3een given, here shall 3e .aid 3y he 'overnmeno1 India o he Sae s"!h s"m as may 3e agreed, or, in

de1a"l o1 agreemen, as may 3e deermined 3y anar3iraor a..oined 3y he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India, inres.e! o1 he e2ra !oss so in!"rred 3y he Sae:#6=A: $Assisan!e o Saes 3y de.loymen o1 armed 1or!esor oher 1or!es o1 he Union:* &e.: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6K: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion, he Presiden may, 4ih he !onsen o1 he'overnmen o1 a Sae, enr"s eiher !ondiionally or"n!ondiionally o ha 'overnmen or o is oM!ers

1"n!ions in relaion o any maer o 4hi!h he e2e!"ive.o4er o1 he Union e2ends:Po4er o1 he Uniono !on1er .o4ers,e!:, on Saes in!erain !ases:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 9 ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:&elaions 3e4een he Union and he Saes:

Ars: 6=6K:<#=;6< A la4 made 3y Parliamen 4hi!h a..lies in anySae may, no4ihsanding ha i relaes o a maer 4ihres.e! o 4hi!h he Legisla"re o1 he Sae has no .o4ero mae la4s, !on1er .o4ers and im.ose d"ies, ora"horise he !on1erring o1 .o4ers and he im.osiion o1 d"ies, ".on he Sae or oM!ers and a"horiies hereo1:;< Where 3y vir"e o1 his ari!le .o4ers and d"ieshave 3een !on1erred or im.osed ".on a Sae or oM!ersor a"horiies hereo1, here shall 3e .aid 3y he'overnmen o1 India o he Sae s"!h s"m as may 3e

agreed, or, in de1a"l o1 agreemen, as may 3e deermined3y an ar3iraor a..oined 3y he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India,in res.e! o1 any e2ra !oss o1 adminisraion in!"rred3y he Sae in !onne!ion 4ih he e2er!ise o1 hose.o4ers and d"ies:#$6KA: No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion, he 'overnor o1 a Sae may, 4ih he

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!onsen o1 he 'overnmen o1 India, enr"s eiher!ondiionally or "n!ondiionally o ha 'overnmen oro is oM!ers 1"n!ions in relaion o any maer o 4hi!hhe e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Sae e2ends:*68: $Armed For!es in Saes in Par ) o1 he Firs

S!hed"le:* &e.: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen<A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:6>: The 'overnmen o1 India may 3y agreemen4ih he 'overnmen o1 any erriory no 3eing .ar o1 he erriory o1 India "nderae any e2e!"ive, legislaiveor "di!ial 1"n!ions vesed in he 'overnmen o1 s"!herriory, 3" every s"!h agreemen shall 3e s"3e! o,and governed 3y, any la4 relaing o he e2er!ise o1 1oreign "risdi!ion 1or he ime 3eing in 1or!e:6>#: ;#< F"ll 1aih and !redi shall 3e given hro"gho"he erriory o1 India o ."3li! a!s, re!ords and "di!ial

.ro!eedings o1 he Union and o1 every Sae:Po4er o1 heSaes o enr"s1"n!ions o heUnion: -"risdi!ion o1 heUnion in relaiono erriorieso"side India:P"3li! a!s, re!ordsand "di!ial

.ro!eedings:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: #K:#K THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:&elaions 3e4een he Union and he Saes:Ars: 6K6>#:<;6< The manner in 4hi!h and he !ondiions "nder4hi!h he a!s, re!ords and .ro!eedings re1erred o in!la"se ;#< shall 3e .roved and he eGe! hereo1 deermined shall 3e as .rovided 3y la4 made 3yParliamen:;< Final "dgmens or orders delivered or .assed 3y

!ivil !o"rs in any .ar o1 he erriory o1 India shall 3e!a.a3le o1 e2e!"ion any4here 4ihin ha erriorya!!ording o la4:Dis."es relaing o Waers6>6: ;#< Parliamen may 3y la4 .rovide 1or head"di!aion o1 any dis."e or !om.lain 4ih res.e! ohe "se, disri3"ion or !onrol o1 he 4aers o1, or in, anyiner7Sae river or river valley:

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;6< No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion,Parliamen may 3y la4 .rovide ha neiher he S".remeCo"r nor any oher !o"r shall e2er!ise "risdi!ion inres.e! o1 any s"!h dis."e or !om.lain as is re1erred oin !la"se ;#<:

Co7ordinaion 3e4een Saes6>: I1 a any ime i a..ears o he Presiden ha he."3li! ineress 4o"ld 3e served 3y he esa3lishmen o1 a Co"n!il !harged 4ih he d"y o1;a< in"iring ino and advising ".on dis."es4hi!h may have arisen 3e4een Saes/;3< invesigaing and dis!"ssing s"3e!s in 4hi!hsome or all o1 he Saes, or he Union and one ormore o1 he Saes, have a !ommon ineres/ or;!< maing re!ommendaions ".on any s"!hs"3e! and, in .ari!"lar, re!ommendaions 1or he

3eer !o7ordinaion o1 .oli!y and a!ion 4ih res.e!o ha s"3e!,i shall 3e la41"l 1or he Presiden 3y order o esa3lishs"!h a Co"n!il, and o deBne he na"re o1 he d"ies o3e .er1ormed 3y i and is organisaion and .ro!ed"re:Ad"di!aion o1 dis."es relaingo 4aers o1 iner7Sae rivers orriver valleys:Provisions 4ih

res.e! o aniner7SaeCo"n!il: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:&elaions 3e4een he Union and he Saes:Ars: 6>#6>:<#8PA&T IIFINANCE, P&OPE&T0 , CONT&ACTS AND SUITSCHAPTE& I:FINANCE'eneral#

$6>9: In his Par, ?Finan!e Commission@ means aFinan!e Commission !onsi"ed "nder ari!le 6K:*6>: No a2 shall 3e levied or !olle!ed e2!e. 3ya"horiy o1 la4:6>>: ;#< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!le 6>= and ohe .rovisions o1 his 4ih res.e! o heassignmen o1 he 4hole or .ar o1 he ne .ro!eeds o1 !erain a2es and d"ies o Saes, all reven"es re!eived

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3y he 'overnmen o1 India, all loans raised 3y ha'overnmen 3y he iss"e o1 reas"ry 3ills, loans or 4aysand means advan!es and all moneys re!eived 3y ha'overnmen in re.aymen o1 loans shall 1orm one!onsolidaed 1"nd o 3e eniled ?he Consolidaed F"nd

o1 India@, and all reven"es re!eived 3y he 'overnmeno1 a Sae, all loans raised 3y ha 'overnmen 3y heiss"e o1 reas"ry 3ills, loans or 4ays and means advan!esand all moneys re!eived 3y ha 'overnmen inre.aymen o1 loans shall 1orm one !onsolidaed 1"nd o3e eniled ?he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae@:;6< All oher ."3li! moneys re!eived 3y or on 3ehal1 o1 he 'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 a Saeshall 3e !redied o he ."3li! a!!o"n o1 India or he."3li! a!!o"n o1 he Sae, as he !ase may 3e:;< No moneys o" o1 he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India

or he Consolidaed F"nd o1 a Sae shall 3e!e. in a!!ordan!e 4ih la4 and 1or he ."r.oses andin he manner .rovided in his Consi"ion:#>Iner.reaion: Ta2es no o 3eim.osed save 3ya"horiy o1 la4:ConsolidaedF"nds and ."3li!a!!o"ns o1 India

and o1 he Saes:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:,1or ar: 6>9:6>=: ;#< Parliamen may 3y la4 esa3lish aConingen!y F"nd in he na"re o1 an im.res o 3eeniled ?he Coningen!y F"nd o1 India@ ino 4hi!hshall 3e .aid 1rom ime o ime s"!h s"ms as may 3edeermined 3y s"!h la4, and he said F"nd shall!ed a he dis.osal o1 he Presiden o ena3le advan!eso 3e made 3y him o" o1 s"!h F"nd 1or he ."r.oses o1 meeing "n1oreseen e2.endi"re .ending a"horisaion

o1 s"!h e2.endi"re 3y Parliamen 3y la4 "nderari!le ## or ari!le ##>:;6< The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may 3y la4 esa3lisha Coningen!y F"nd in he na"re o1 an im.res o 3eeniled ?he Coningen!y F"nd o1 he Sae@ ino 4hi!hshall 3e .aid 1rom ime o ime s"!h s"ms as may 3edeermined 3y s"!h la4, and he said F"nd shall!ed a he dis.osal o1 he 'overnor

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#o1 he Saeo ena3le advan!es o 3e made 3y him o" o1 s"!h F"nd1or he ."r.oses o1 meeing "n1oreseen e2.endi"re.ending a"horisaion o1 s"!h e2.endi"re 3y he

Legisla"re o1 he Sae 3y la4 "nder ari!le 6 orari!le 6>:Disri3"ion o1 &even"es 3e4een heUnion and he Saes6>K: ;#< S"!h sam. d"ies and s"!h d"ies o1 e2!iseon medi!inal and oile .re.araions as are menioned inhe Union Lis shall 3e levied 3y he 'overnmen o1 India 3" shall 3e !olle!ed;a< in he !ase 4here s"!h d"ies are levia3le4ihin any6

$Union erriory*, 3y he 'overnmen o1 India, and;3< in oher !ases, 3y he Saes 4ihin 4hi!h s"!hd"ies are res.e!ively levia3le:Coningen!y F"nd:D"ies levied 3yhe Union 3"!olle!ed 3yhe Saes:#

 The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:6S"3s: 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:, 1or ?Sae s.e!iBed in Par C o1 he FirsS!hed"le@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 6>=76>K:<#>#;6< The .ro!eeds in any Bnan!ial year o1 any s"!hd"y levia3le 4ihin any Sae shall no 1orm .ar o1 he

Consolidaed F"nd o1 India, 3" shall 3e assigned o haSae:$6>KA: ;#< Ta2es on servi!es shall 3e levied 3y he'overnmen o1 India and s"!h a2 shall 3e !olle!ed 3y he 'overnmen o1 India and he Saesin he manner .rovided in !la"se ;6<:;6< The .ro!eeds in any Bnan!ial year o1 any s"!h a2levied in a!!ordan!e 4ih he .rovisions o1 !la"se ;#<

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shall 3e;a< !olle!ed 3y he 'overnmen o1 India and heSaes/;3< 3y he 'overnmen o1 India andhe Saes,

in a!!ordan!e 4ih s"!h .rin!i.les o1 !olle!ion as may 3e 1orm"laed 3y Parliamen 3yla4:*6>8:#$;#< Ta2es on he sale or ."r!hase o1 goods anda2es on he !onsignmen o1 goods shall 3e levied and!olle!ed 3y he 'overnmen o1 India 3" shall 3e assignedand shall 3e deemed o have 3een assigned o he Saeson or a1er he #s day o1, #88> in he manner.rovided in !la"se ;6<:

E2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his !la"se,;a< he e2.ression ?a2es on he sale or ."r!haseo1 goods@ shall mean a2es on sale or ."r!hase o1 goods oher han ne4s.a.ers, 4here s"!h sale or."r!hase aes .la!e in he !o"rse o1 iner7Sae radeor !ommer!e/;3< he e2.ression ?a2es on he !onsignmen o1 goods@ shall mean a2es on he !onsignmen o1 goods;4heher he !onsignmen is o he .erson maing ior o any oher .erson<, 4here s"!h !onsignmenaes .la!e in he !o"rse o1 iner7Sae rade or

!ommer!e:Servi!e a2 levied 3yUnion and !olle!edand 3yhe Union and heSaes: Ta2es levied and!olle!ed 3y heUnion 3" assignedo he Saes:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7eighh Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 6 ;4hi!h is

ye no in1or!e, dae o 3e noiBed laer on<:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighieh Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 6, 1or !ls: ;#<and ;6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 6>K76>8:<

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8/9/2019 The Constitution of India ias 183/406 moneys are or may 3e disri3"a3le o Saes, or4hi!h im.oses any s"!h s"r!harge 1or he ."r.oses o1 he Union as is menioned in he 1oregoing .rovisions o1 his, shall 3e inrod"!ed or moved in eiherHo"se o1 Parliamen e2!e. on he re!ommendaion o1 

he Presiden:;6< In his ari!le, he e2.ression ?a2 or d"y in 4hi!hSaes are ineresed@ means;a< a a2 or d"y he 4hole or .ar o1 he!eeds 4hereo1 are assigned o any Sae/ orS"r!harge on!erain d"ies anda2es 1or ."r.oseso1 he Union:'rans in lie" o1 e2.or d"y on "e

and "e .rod"!s:Priorre!ommendaion o1 Presiden re"iredo )ills aGe!inga2aion in 4hi!hSaes areineresed: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 6=#6=9:<

#>9;3< a a2 or d"y 3y re1eren!e o he ne .ro!eeds4hereo1 s"ms are 1or he ime 3eing .aya3le o" o1 he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India o any Sae:6=: ;#< S"!h s"ms as Parliamen may 3y la4 .rovideshall 3e !harged on he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India inea!h year as grans7in7aid o1 he reven"es o1 s"!h Saesas Parliamen may deermine o 3e in need o1 assisan!e,and diGeren s"ms may 3e B2ed 1or diGeren SaesProvided ha here shall 3e .aid o" o1 heConsolidaed F"nd o1 India as grans7in7aid o1 hereven"es o1 a Sae s"!h !a.ial and re!"rring s"ms as

may 3e ne!essary o ena3le ha Sae o mee he !oss o1 s"!h s!hemes o1 as may 3e "nderaen 3yhe Sae 4ih he a..roval o1 he 'overnmen o1 India1or he ."r.ose o1 .romoing he 4el1are o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es in ha Sae or raising he level o1 adminisraiono1 he S!hed"led Areas herein o ha o1 headminisraion o1 he res o1 he areas o1 ha SaeProvided 1"rher ha here shall 3e .aid o" o1 he

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Consolidaed F"nd o1 India as grans7in7aid o1 hereven"es o1 he Sae o1 Assam s"ms, !a.ial and re!"rring,e"ivalen o;a< he average e2!ess o1 e2.endi"re over hereven"es d"ring he 4o years immediaely .re!eding

he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion in res.e! o1 he adminisraion o1 he ri3al areas s.e!iBed in#$Par I* o1 he a3le a..ended o .aragra.h 6 o1 heSi2h S!hed"le/ and;3< he !oss o1 s"!h s!hemes o1 asmay 3e "nderaen 3y ha Sae 4ih he a..rovalo1 he 'overnmen o1 India 1or he ."r.ose o1 raising'rans 1rom heUnion o !erainSaes:

#S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#, 1or?Par A@ ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 6=976=:<#>he level o1 adminisraion o1 he said areas o ha o1 he adminisraion o1 he res o1 he areas o1 haSae:#

$;#A< On and 1rom he 1ormaion o1 he a"onomo"sSae "nder ari!le 699A,;i< any s"ms .aya3le "nder !la"se ;a< o1 hese!ond .roviso o !la"se ;#< shall, i1 hea"onomo"s Sae !om.rises all he ri3al areasre1erred o herein, 3e .aid o he a"onomo"s Sae,and, i1 he a"onomo"s Sae !om.rises only someo1 hose ri3al areas, 3e a..orioned 3e4een heSae o1 Assam and he a"onomo"s Sae as hePresiden may, 3y order, s.e!i1y/;ii< here shall 3e .aid o" o1 he Consolidaed

F"nd o1 India as grans7in7aid o1 he reven"es o1 he a"onomo"s Sae s"ms, !a.ial and re!"rring,e"ivalen o he !oss o1 s"!h s!hemes o1 as may 3e "nderaen 3y hea"onomo"s Sae 4ih he a..roval o1 he'overnmen o1 India 1or he ."r.ose o1 raisinghe level o1 adminisraion o1 ha Sae o hao1 he adminisraion o1 he res o1 he Sae o1 

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Assam:*;6< Unil .rovision is made 3y Parliamen "nder!la"se ;#<, he .o4ers !on1erred on Parliamen "nderha !la"se shall 3e e2er!isa3le 3y he Presiden 3y orderand any order made 3y he Presiden "nder his !la"se

shall have eGe! s"3e! o any .rovision so made 3yParliamenProvided ha a1er a Finan!e Commission has 3een!onsi"ed no order shall 3e made "nder his !la"se3y he Presiden e2!e. a1er !onsidering here!ommendaions o1 he Finan!e Commission:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8>8, s: : THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ar: 6=:<

#>>6=>: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le 69>, nola4 o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae relaing o a2es 1or he3eneB o1 he Sae or o1 a m"ni!i.aliy, disri! 3oard,lo!al 3oard or oher lo!al a"horiy herein in res.e! o1 .ro1essions, rades, !allings or em.loymens shall 3einvalid on he gro"nd ha i relaes o a a2 on in!ome:;6< The oal amo"n .aya3le in res.e! o1 any one.erson o he Sae or o any one m"ni!i.aliy, disri!3oard, lo!al 3oard or oher lo!al a"horiy in he Sae 3y4ay o1 a2es on .ro1essions, rades, !allings andem.loymens shall no e2!eed

#$4o ho"sand and Bveh"ndred r".ees* .er ann"m:6 ;< The .o4er o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae o maela4s as a1oresaid 4ih res.e! o a2es on .ro1essions,rades, !allings and em.loymens shall no 3e !onsr"edas limiing in any 4ay he .o4er o1 Parliamen o maela4s 4ih res.e! o a2es on in!ome a!!r"ing 1rom orarising o" o1 .ro1essions, rades, !allings and

em.loymens: 6==: Any a2es, d"ies, !esses or 1ees 4hi!h,immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion, 4ere 3eing la41"lly levied 3y he'overnmen o1 any Sae or 3y any m"ni!i.aliy or oherlo!al a"horiy or 3ody 1or he ."r.oses o1 he Sae,m"ni!i.aliy, disri! or oher lo!al area may,no4ihsanding ha hose a2es, d"ies, !esses or 1ees

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are menioned in he Union Lis, !onin"e o 3e leviedand o 3e a..lied o he same ."r.oses "nil .rovisiono he !onrary is made 3y Parliamen 3y la4:6=K: $Agreemen 4ih Saes in Par ) o1 he FirsS!hed"le 4ih regard o !erain Bnan!ial maers:* &e.: 3y he

Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h: Ta2es on.ro1essions, rades,!allings andem.loymens:Savings:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2ieh Amendmen< A!, #8KK, s: 6, 1or ?4oh"ndred andB1y r".ees@:6

Proviso omied 3y s: 6, i3id: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 6=>6=K:<#>=6=8: ;#< In he 1oregoing .rovisions o1 his,?ne .ro!eeds@ means in relaion o any a2 or d"y!eeds hereo1 red"!ed 3y he !os o1 !olle!ion, and 1orhe ."r.oses o1 hose .rovisions he ne .ro!eeds o1 anya2 or d"y, or o1 any .ar o1 any a2 or d"y, in orari3"a3le o any area shall 3e as!erained and !eriBed3y he Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India, 4hose

!eriB!ae shall 3e Bnal:;6< S"3e! as a1oresaid, and o any oher e2.ress.rovision o1 his, a la4 made 3y Parliamen oran order o1 he Presiden may, in any !ase 4here "nderhis Par he .ro!eeds o1 any d"y or a2 are, or may 3e,assigned o any Sae, .rovide 1or he manner in 4hi!hhe .ro!eeds are o 3e !al!"laed, 1or he ime 1rom or a4hi!h and he manner in 4hi!h any .aymens are o 3emade, 1or he maing o1 ad"smens 3e4een oneBnan!ial year and anoher, and 1or any oher in!idenalor an!illary maers:

 6K: ;#< The Presiden shall, 4ihin 4o years 1romhe !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion and herea1er ahe e2.iraion o1 every B1h year or a s"!h earlier imeas he Presiden !onsiders ne!essary, 3y order !onsi"ea Finan!e Commission 4hi!h shall !onsis o1 aChairman and 1o"r oher mem3ers o 3e a..oined 3yhe Presiden: ;6< Parliamen may 3y la4 deermine he

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"aliB!aions 4hi!h shall 3e re"isie 1or a..oinmenas mem3ers o1 he Commission and he manner in 4hi!hhey shall 3e sele!ed: ;< I shall 3e he d"y o1 he Commission o maere!ommendaions o he Presiden as o

;a< he disri3"ion 3e4een he Union and heSaes o1 he ne .ro!eeds o1 a2es 4hi!h are o 3e, ormay 3e, divided 3e4een hem "nder his Cha.erand he allo!aion 3e4een he Saes o1 he res.e!iveshares o1 s"!h .ro!eeds/;3< he .rin!i.les 4hi!h sho"ld govern he grans7in7aid o1 he reven"es o1 he Saes o" o1 heConsolidaed F"nd o1 India/Cal!"laion o1 ?!eeds@, e!:Finan!e

Commission: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 6=876K:<#>K#$;33< he meas"res needed o a"gmen heConsolidaed F"nd o1 a Sae o s"..lemen hereso"r!es o1 he Pan!hayas in he Sae on he 3asiso1 he re!ommendaions made 3y he Finan!eCommission o1 he Sae/*6

$;!< he meas"res needed o a"gmen heConsolidaed F"nd o1 a Sae o s"..lemen hereso"r!es o1 he ("ni!i.aliies in he Sae on he3asis o1 he re!ommendaions made 3y he Finan!eCommission o1 he Sae/*$;d<* any oher maer re1erred o he Commission3y he Presiden in he ineress o1 so"nd Bnan!e: ;9< The Commission shall deermine heir .ro!ed"reand shall have s"!h .o4ers in he .er1orman!e o1 heir1"n!ions as Parliamen may 3y la4 !on1er on hem:

 6K#: The Presiden shall !a"se every re!ommendaionmade 3y he Finan!e Commission "nder he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion ogeher 4ih an e2.lanaorymemorand"m as o he a!ion aen hereon o 3e laid3e1ore ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen:(is!ellaneo"s Finan!ial Provisions 6K6: The Union or a Sae may mae any grans 1orany ."3li! ."r.ose, no4ihsanding ha he ."r.ose is

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no one 4ih res.e! o 4hi!h Parliamen or heLegisla"re o1 he Sae, as he !ase may 3e, may maela4s: 6K: ;#< The !"sody o1 he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India and he Coningen!y F"nd o1 India, he .aymen

o1 moneys ino s"!h F"nds, he 4ihdra4al o1 moneyshere1rom, he !"sody o1 ."3li! moneys oher han hose!redied o s"!h F"nds re!eived 3y or on 3ehal1 o1 he'overnmen o1 India, heir .aymen ino he ."3li!a!!o"n o1 India and he 4ihdra4al o1 moneys 1roms"!h a!!o"n and all oher maers !onne!ed 4ih or&e!ommendaionso1 he Finan!eCommission:E2.endi"rede1raya3le 3y he

Union or a Saeo" o1 is reven"es:C"sody, e!:, o1 ConsolidaedF"nds, Coningen!yF"nds and moneys!redied o he."3li! a!!o"ns:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny7hird Amendmen< A!, #886, s: ;4:e:1:69797#88<:

6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #886, s: ;4:e:1:#7>7#88<:S"37!la"se ;!< re7leered as s"37!la"se ;d< 3y s: , i3id: ;4:e:1: #7>7#88<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 6K6K:<#>8an!illary o maers a1oresaid shall 3e reg"laed 3y la4made 3y Parliamen, and, "nil .rovision in ha 3ehal1 is so made, shall 3e reg"laed 3y r"les made 3y he

Presiden: ;6< The !"sody o1 he Consolidaed F"nd o1 a Saeand he Coningen!y F"nd o1 a Sae, he .aymen o1 moneys ino s"!h F"nds, he 4ihdra4al o1 moneyshere1rom, he !"sody o1 ."3li! moneys oher han hose!redied o s"!h F"nds re!eived 3y or on 3ehal1 o1 he'overnmen o1 he Sae, heir .aymen ino he ."3li!a!!o"n o1 he Sae and he 4ihdra4al o1 moneys 1rom

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s"!h a!!o"n and all oher maers !onne!ed 4ih oran!illary o maers a1oresaid shall 3e reg"laed 3y la4made 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae, and, "nil .rovisionin ha 3ehal1 is so made, shall 3e reg"laed 3y r"lesmade 3y he 'overnor

# o1 he Sae:6K9: All moneys re!eived 3y or de.osied 4ih;a< any oM!er em.loyed in !onne!ion 4ih heaGairs o1 he Union or o1 a Sae in his !a.a!iy ass"!h, oher han reven"es or ."3li! moneys raisedor re!eived 3y he 'overnmen o1 India or he'overnmen o1 he Sae, as he !ase may 3e, or;3< any !o"r 4ihin he erriory o1 India o he!redi o1 any !a"se, maer, a!!o"n or .ersons,shall 3e .aid ino he ."3li! a!!o"n o1 India or he

."3li! a!!o"n o1 Sae, as he !ase may 3e:6K: ;#< The .ro.ery o1 he Union shall, save in so1ar as Parliamen may 3y la4 oher4ise .rovide, 3e e2em.1rom all a2es im.osed 3y a Sae or 3y any a"horiy4ihin a Sae:  ;6< Nohing in !la"se ;#< shall, "nil Parliamen 3yla4 oher4ise .rovides, .reven any a"horiy 4ihin aSae 1rom levying any a2 on any .ro.ery o1 he Uniono 4hi!h s"!h .ro.ery 4as immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion lia3le or reaed aslia3le, so long as ha a2 !onin"es o 3e levied in ha

Sae:C"sody o1 s"iors de.osisand oher moneysre!eived 3y ."3li!servans and!o"rs:E2em.ion o1 .ro.ery o1 heUnion 1rom Saea2aion:

# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h? omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 6K6K:<#= 6K>: ;#< No la4 o1 a Sae shall im.ose, or a"horise

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he im.osiion o1, a a2 on he sale or ."r!hase o1 goods4here s"!h sale or ."r!hase aes .la!e;a< o"side he Sae/ or;3< in he !o"rse o1 he im.or o1 he goods ino,or e2.or o1 he goods o" o1, he erriory o1 India:

# 6$;6< Parliamen may 3y la4 1orm"lae .rin!i.les 1ordeermining 4hen a sale or ."r!hase o1 goods aes .la!ein any o1 he 4ays menioned in !la"se ;#<:$;< Any la4 o1 a Sae shall, in so 1ar as i im.oses,or a"horises he im.osiion o1,;a< a a2 on he sale or ."r!hase o1 goods de!lared3y Parliamen 3y la4 o 3e o1 s.e!ial im.oran!e in

iner7Sae rade or !ommer!e/ or;3< a a2 on he sale or ."r!hase o1 goods, 3einga a2 o1 he na"re re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;3<, s"37!la"se ;!< or s"37!la"se ;d< o1 !la"se ;68A< o1 ari!le >>,3e s"3e! o s"!h resri!ions and !ondiions in regard ohe sysem o1 levy, raes and oher in!idens o1 he a2 asParliamen may 3y la4 s.e!i1y:** 6K=: Save in so 1ar as Parliamen may 3y la4oher4ise .rovide, no la4 o1 a Sae shall im.ose, ora"horise he im.osiion o1, a a2 on he !ons"m.ion or

sale o1 ele!ri!iy ;4heher .rod"!ed 3y a 'overnmen oroher .ersons< 4hi!h is;a< !ons"med 3y he 'overnmen o1 India, or soldo he 'overnmen o1 India 1or !ons"m.ion 3y ha'overnmen/ or;3< !ons"med in he !onsr"!ion, mainenan!eor o.eraion o1 any rail4ay 3y he 'overnmen o1 India or a rail4ay !om.any o.eraing ha rail4ay,or sold o ha 'overnmen or any s"!h rail4ay&esri!ions as oim.osiion o1 a2

on he sale or."r!hase o1 goods:E2em.ion 1roma2es on ele!ri!iy:#E2.lanaion o !l: ;#< omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2h Amendmen< A!,#8>, s: 9:6

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S"3s: 3y s: 9, i3id:, 1or !ls: ;6< and ;<:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8K6, s: , 1or !l: ;<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:

Ars: 6K>76K=:<#=#!om.any 1or !ons"m.ion in he !onsr"!ion,mainenan!e or o.eraion o1 any rail4ay,and any s"!h la4 im.osing, or a"horising heim.osiion o1, a a2 on he sale o1 ele!ri!iy shall se!"reha he .ri!e o1 ele!ri!iy sold o he 'overnmen o1 India 1or !ons"m.ion 3y ha 'overnmen, or o anys"!h rail4ay !om.any as a1oresaid 1or !ons"m.ion inhe !onsr"!ion, mainenan!e or o.eraion o1 any rail4ay,shall 3e less 3y he amo"n o1 he a2 han he .ri!e!harged o oher !ons"mers o1 a s"3sanial "aniy o1 

ele!ri!iy:6KK: ;#< Save in so 1ar as he Presiden may 3y orderoher4ise .rovide, no la4 o1 a Sae in 1or!e immediaely3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion shallim.ose, or a"horise he im.osiion o1, a a2 in res.e! o1 any 4aer or ele!ri!iy sored, generaed, !ons"med,disri3"ed or sold 3y any a"horiy esa3lished 3y anye2ising la4 or any la4 made 3y Parliamen 1or reg"laingor any iner7Sae river or river7valley: E2.lanaion:The e2.ression ?la4 o1 a Sae in 1or!e@in his !la"se shall in!l"de a la4 o1 a Sae .assed or

made 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion andno .revio"sly re.ealed, no4ihsanding ha i or .arso1 i may no 3e hen in o.eraion eiher a all or in.ari!"lar areas:;6< The Legisla"re o1 a Sae may 3y la4 im.ose, ora"horise he im.osiion o1, any s"!h a2 as is menionedin !la"se ;#<, 3" no s"!h la4 shall have any eGe! "nlessi has, a1er having 3een reserved 1or he !onsideraion o1 he Presiden, re!eived his assen/ and i1 any s"!h la4.rovides 1or he B2aion o1 he raes and oher in!idenso1 s"!h a2 3y means o1 r"les or orders o 3e made "nder

he la4 3y any a"horiy, he la4 shall .rovide 1or he.revio"s !onsen o1 he Presiden 3eing o3ained o hemaing o1 any s"!h r"le or order:6K8: ;#< The .ro.ery and in!ome o1 a Sae shall 3ee2em. 1rom Union a2aion:;6< Nohing in !la"se ;#< shall .reven he Union1rom im.osing, or a"horising he im.osiion o1, any a2o s"!h e2en, i1 any, as Parliamen may 3y la4 .rovide

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E2em.ion 1roma2aion 3y Saesin res.e! o1 4aeror ele!ri!iy in!erain !ases:

E2em.ion o1 .ro.ery andin!ome o1 a Sae1rom Uniona2aion: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 6K=6K8:<#=6in res.e! o1 a rade or 3"siness o1 any ind !arried on3y, or on 3ehal1 o1, he 'overnmen o1 a Sae, or anyo.eraions !onne!ed here4ih, or any .ro.ery "sed or

o!!".ied 1or he ."r.oses o1 s"!h rade or 3"siness, orany in!ome a!!r"ing or arising in !onne!ion here4ih:;< Nohing in !la"se ;6< shall o any rade or3"siness, or o any !lass o1 rade or 3"siness, 4hi!hParliamen may 3y la4 de!lare o 3e in!idenal o heordinary 1"n!ions o1 'overnmen:68: Where "nder he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ionhe e2.enses o1 any !o"r or Commission, or he .ension.aya3le o or in res.e! o1 a .erson 4ho has served3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion "nder heCro4n in India or a1er s"!h !ommen!emen in !onne!ion

4ih he aGairs o1 he Union or o1 a Sae, are !harged onhe Consolidaed F"nd o1 India or he Consolidaed F"ndo1 a Sae, hen, i1;a< in he !ase o1 a !harge on he ConsolidaedF"nd o1 India, he !o"r or Commission serves anyo1 he se.arae needs o1 a Sae, or he .erson hasserved 4holly or in .ar in !onne!ion 4ih he aGairso1 a Sae/ or;3< in he !ase o1 a !harge on he ConsolidaedF"nd o1 a Sae, he !o"r or Commission serves anyo1 he se.arae needs o1 he Union or anoher Sae,

or he .erson has served 4holly or in .ar in!onne!ion 4ih he aGairs o1 he Union or anoherSae,here shall 3e !harged on and .aid o" o1 heConsolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae or, as he !ase may 3e, heConsolidaed F"nd o1 India or he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he oher Sae, s"!h !onri3"ion in res.e! o1 hee2.enses or .ension as may 3e agreed, or as may in

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as any limis B2ed "nder ari!le 686 are no e2!eeded,give g"aranees in res.e! o1 loans raised 3y any Sae,and any s"ms re"ired 1or he ."r.ose o1 maing s"!hloans shall 3e !harged on he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India:;< A Sae may no 4iho" he !onsen o1 he

'overnmen o1 India raise any loan i1 here is sillo"sanding any .ar o1 a loan 4hi!h has 3een made ohe Sae 3y he 'overnmen o1 India or 3y is .rede!essor'overnmen, or in res.e! o1 4hi!h a g"aranee has 3eengiven 3y he 'overnmen o1 India or 3y is .rede!essor'overnmen:)orro4ing 3y he'overnmen o1 India:#S"3s: 3y he (adras Sae ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, #8>K ; o1 #8>K<, s: 9,

1or?(adras@ ;4:e:1: #97#7#8>8<:)orro4ing 3ySaes: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 68A68:<#=9;9< A !onsen "nder !la"se ;< may 3e graned s"3e!o s"!h !ondiions, i1 any, as he 'overnmen o1 Indiamay hin B o im.ose:CHAPTE& III:P&OPE&T0, CONT&ACTS, &I'HTS,

LIA)ILITIES, O)LI'ATIONS AND SUITS689: As 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion;a< all .ro.ery and asses 4hi!h immediaely3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen 4ere vesed in His(aesy 1or he ."r.oses o1 he 'overnmen o1 heDominion o1 India and all .ro.ery and asses 4hi!himmediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen 4ere vesedin His (aesy 1or he ."r.oses o1 he 'overnmeno1 ea!h 'overnors Provin!e shall ves res.e!ivelyin he Union and he !orres.onding Sae, and

;3< all righs, lia3iliies and o3ligaions o1 he'overnmen o1 he Dominion o1 India and o1 he'overnmen o1 ea!h 'overnors Provin!e, 4heherarising o" o1 any !onra! or oher4ise, shall 3e herighs, lia3iliies and o3ligaions res.e!ively o1 he'overnmen o1 India and he 'overnmen o1 ea!h!orres.onding Sae,s"3e! o any ad"smen made or o 3e made 3y reason

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o1 he !reaion 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion o1 he Dominion o1 Paisan or o1 heProvin!es o1 Wes )engal, Eas )engal, Wes P"na3 andEas P"na3:68: ;#< As 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 his

Consi"ion;a< all .ro.ery and asses 4hi!h immediaely3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen 4ere vesed in anyIndian Sae !orres.onding o a Sae s.e!iBed inPar ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le shall ves in he Union,i1 he ."r.oses 1or 4hi!h s"!h .ro.ery and asses4ere held immediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen4ill herea1er 3e ."r.oses o1 he Union relaing oany o1 he maers en"meraed in he Union Lis,andS"!!ession o

.ro.ery, asses,righs, lia3iliiesand o3ligaions in!erain !ases:S"!!ession, asses,righs, lia3iliiesand o3ligaions inoher !ases: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:

Ars: 6868:<#=;3< all righs, lia3iliies and o3ligaions o1 he'overnmen o1 any Indian Sae !orres.onding o aSae s.e!iBed in Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le, 4heherarising o" o1 any !onra! or oher4ise, shall 3e herighs, lia3iliies and o3ligaions o1 he 'overnmeno1 India, i1 he ."r.oses 1or 4hi!h s"!h righs 4erea!"ired or lia3iliies or o3ligaions 4ere in!"rred3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen 4ill herea1er 3e."r.oses o1 he 'overnmen o1 India relaing o anyo1 he maers en"meraed in he Union Lis,

s"3e! o any agreemen enered ino in ha 3ehal1 3y he'overnmen o1 India 4ih he 'overnmen o1 haSae:;6< S"3e! as a1oresaid, he 'overnmen o1 ea!h Saes.e!iBed in Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le shall, as 1rom he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, 3e he s"!!essor o1 he 'overnmen o1 he !orres.onding Indian Sae asregards all .ro.ery and asses and all righs, lia3iliies

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3e .ersonally lia3le in res.e! o1 any !onra! or ass"ran!emade or e2e!"ed 1or he ."r.oses o1 his Consi"ion,or 1or he ."r.oses o1 any ena!men relaing o he'overnmen o1 India hereo1ore in 1or!e, nor shall any.erson maing or e2e!"ing any s"!h !onra! or

ass"ran!e on 3ehal1 o1 any o1 hem 3e .ersonally lia3lein res.e! hereo1:: ;#< The 'overnmen o1 India may s"e or 3e s"ed3y he name o1 he Union o1 India and he 'overnmeno1 a Sae may s"e or 3e s"ed 3y he name o1 he Sae andmay, s"3e! o any .rovisions 4hi!h may 3e made 3yA! o1 Parliamen or o1 he Legisla"re o1 s"!h Saeena!ed 3y vir"e o1 .o4ers !on1erred 3y his Consi"ion,s"e or 3e s"ed in relaion o heir res.e!ive aGairs in helie !ases as he Dominion o1 India and he !orres.ondingProvin!es or he !orres.onding Indian Saes migh have

s"ed or 3een s"ed i1 his Consi"ion had no 3eenena!ed:;6< I1 a he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion;a< any legal .ro!eedings are .ending o 4hi!hhe Dominion o1 India is a .ary, he Union o1 Indiashall 3e deemed o 3e s"3si"ed 1or he Dominionin hose .ro!eedings/ and;3< any legal .ro!eedings are .ending o 4hi!h aProvin!e or an Indian Sae is a .ary, he!orres.onding Sae shall 3e deemed o 3e s"3si"ed1or he Provin!e or he Indian Sae in hose

.ro!eedings:$CHAPTE& I% :&I'HT TO P&OPE&T0A: No .erson shall 3e de.rived o1 his .ro.erysave 3y a"horiy o1 la4:*S"is!eedings:Persons no o 3ede.rived o1 .ro.ery save 3ya"horiy o1 la4:

# The 4ords ?or he &a.ram"h? omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen<A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:6 The 4ords ?nor he &a.ram"h? omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 9 ;4:e:1:

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67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Finan!e, Pro.ery, Conra!s and S"is:Ars: 688A:<#=KPA&T III

 T&ADE, CO((E&CE AND INTE&COU&SEWITHIN THE TE&&ITO&0 OF INDIA#: S"3e! o he oher .rovisions o1 his Par, rade,!ommer!e and iner!o"rse hro"gho" he erriory o1 India shall 3e 1ree:6: Parliamen may 3y la4 im.ose s"!h resri!ionson he 1reedom o1 rade, !ommer!e or iner!o"rse3e4een one Sae and anoher or 4ihin any .ar o1 heerriory o1 India as may 3e re"ired in he ."3li! ineres:: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le 6,neiher Parliamen nor he Legisla"re o1 a Sae shall

have .o4er o mae any la4 giving, or a"horising hegiving o1, any .re1eren!e o one Sae over anoher, ormaing, or a"horising he maing o1, any dis!riminaion3e4een one Sae and anoher, 3y vir"e o1 any enryrelaing o rade and !ommer!e in any o1 he Liss in heSevenh S!hed"le:;6< Nohing in !la"se ;#< shall .reven Parliamen1rom maing any la4 giving, or a"horising he givingo1, any .re1eren!e or maing, or a"horising he maingo1, any dis!riminaion i1 i is de!lared 3y s"!h la4 hai is ne!essary o do so 1or he ."r.ose o1 dealing 4ih

a si"aion arising 1rom s!ar!iy o1 goods in any .ar o1 he erriory o1 India:9: No4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le # or ari!le, he Legisla"re o1 a Sae may 3y la4;a< im.ose on goods im.ored 1rom oher Saes#$or he Union erriories* any a2 o 4hi!h similargoods man"1a!"red or .rod"!ed in ha Sae ares"3e!, so, ho4ever, as no o dis!riminae 3e4eengoods so im.ored and goods so man"1a!"red or.rod"!ed/ and

#=8Freedom o1 rade,!ommer!e andiner!o"rse:Po4er o1 Parliamen oim.ose resri!ionson rade, !ommer!e

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and iner!o"rse:&esri!ions on helegislaive .o4erso1 he Union ando1 he Saes 4ih

regard o radeand !ommer!e:&esri!ions onrade, !ommer!eand iner!o"rseamong Saes:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:;3<im.ose s"!h reasona3le resri!ions on he1reedom o1 rade, !ommer!e or iner!o"rse 4ih or4ihin ha Sae as may 3e re"ired in he ."3li!

ineresProvided ha no )ill or amendmen 1or he ."r.oseso1 !la"se ;3< shall 3e inrod"!ed or moved in heLegisla"re o1 a Sae 4iho" he .revio"s san!ion o1 he Presiden:#$: Nohing in ari!les # and shall aGe!he .rovisions o1 any e2ising la4 e2!e. in so 1ar as hePresiden may 3y order oher4ise dire!/ and nohing inari!le # shall aGe! he o.eraion o1 any la4 made3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion ;Fo"rh

Amendmen< A!, #8, in so 1ar as i relaes o, or .revenParliamen or he Legisla"re o1 a Sae 1rom maing anyla4 relaing o, any s"!h maer as is re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;ii< o1 !la"se ;>< o1 ari!le #8:*>: $Po4er o1 !erain Saes in Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"leo im.ose resri!ions on rade and !ommer!e:* &e.: 3y heConsi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:=: Parliamen may 3y la4 a..oin s"!h a"horiyas i !onsiders 1or !arrying o" he ."r.oseso1 ari!les #, 6, and 9, and !on1er on hea"horiy so a..oined s"!h .o4ers and s"!h d"ies as

i hins ne!essary:Saving o1 e2isingla4s and la4s.roviding 1or Saemono.olies:A..oinmen o1 a"horiy 1or!arrying o" he

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."r.oses o1 ari!les# o 9:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fo"rh Amendmen< A!, #8, s: 9, 1or ar: : THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par III:Trade, Commer!e and Iner!o"rse 4ihin he Terriory o1 India:Ars: 9=:<#KPA&T I%SE&%ICES UNDE& THE UNION AND THE STATESCHAPTE& I:SE&%ICESK: In his Par, "nless he !one2 oher4isere"ires, he e2.ression ?Sae@#$does no in!l"de heSae o1 -amm" and Rashmir*:8: S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion,

A!s o1 he Legisla"re may reg"lae here!r"imen, and !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 .ersonsa..oined, o ."3li! servi!es and .oss in !onne!ion4ih he aGairs o1 he Union or o1 any SaeProvided ha i shall 3e !om.een 1or he Presidenor s"!h .erson as he may dire! in he !ase o1 servi!esand .oss in !onne!ion 4ih he aGairs o1 he Union,and 1or he 'overnor6 o1 a Sae or s"!h .erson as hemay dire! in he !ase o1 servi!es and .oss in !onne!ion

4ih he aGairs o1 he Sae, o mae r"les reg"laing here!r"imen, and he !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 .ersonsa..oined, o s"!h servi!es and .oss "nil .rovision inha 3ehal1 is made 3y or "nder an A! o1 he"re "nder his ari!le, and any r"les so madeshall have eGe! s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any s"!hA!:#: ;#< E2!e. as e2.ressly .rovided 3y hisConsi"ion, every .erson 4ho is a mem3er o1 a de1en!eservi!e or o1 a !ivil servi!e o1 he Union or o1 anall7India servi!e or holds any .os !onne!ed 4ih de1en!e

or any !ivil .os "nder he Union holds oM!e d"ring he.leas"re o1 he Presiden, and every .erson 4ho is amem3er o1 a !ivil servi!e o1 a Sae or holds any !ivil.os "nder a Sae holds oM!e d"ring he .leas"re o1 he 'overnor o1 he Sae:;6< No4ihsanding ha a .erson holding a !ivil

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.os "nder he Union or a Sae holds oM!e d"ring he#K#Iner.reaion:&e!r"imen and!ondiions o1 

servi!e o1 .ersonsserving he Unionor a Sae: Ten"re o1 oM!e o1 .ersons serving heUnion or a Sae:# S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:,1or ?meansa Sae s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@:6

 The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id: The 4ords ?or, as he !ase may 3e, he &a.ram"h@ omied 3y s: 68 andS!h:, i3id:.leas"re o1 he Presiden or, as he !ase may 3e, o1 he'overnor# o1 he Sae, any !onra! "nder 4hi!h a.erson, no 3eing a mem3er o1 a de1en!e servi!e or o1 anall7India servi!e or o1 a !ivil servi!e o1 he Union or aSae, is a..oined "nder his Consi"ion o hold s"!ha .os may, i1 he Presiden or he 'overnor

6, as he!ase may 3e, deems i ne!essary in order o se!"re heservi!es o1 a .erson having s.e!ial "aliB!aions, .rovide1or he .aymen o him o1 !om.ensaion, i1 3e1ore hee2.iraion o1 an agreed .eriod ha .os is a3olished orhe is, 1or reasons no !onne!ed 4ih any mis!ond"! onhis .ar, re"ired o va!ae ha .os:##: ;#< No .erson 4ho is a mem3er o1 a !ivil servi!eo1 he Union or an all7India servi!e or a !ivil servi!eo1 a Sae or holds a !ivil .os "nder he Union or a

Sae shall 3e dismissed or removed 3y an a"horiys"3ordinae o ha 3y 4hi!h he 4as a..oined:$;6< No s"!h .erson as a1oresaid shall 3e dismissedor removed or red"!ed in ran e2!e. a1er an in"iry in4hi!h he has 3een in1ormed o1 he !harges agains himand given a reasona3le o..or"niy o1 3eing heard inres.e! o1 hose !harges

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;< I1, in res.e! o1 any s"!h .erson as a1oresaid, a"esion arises 4heher i is reasona3ly .ra!i!a3le o holds"!h in"iry as is re1erred o in !la"se ;6<, he de!isionhereon o1 he a"horiy em.o4ered o dismiss or removes"!h .erson or o red"!e him in ran shall 3e Bnal:*

#6: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in#$ %I o1 Par %I or Par I*, i1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes has de!lared3y resol"ion s"..ored 3y no less han 4o7hirds o1 hemem3ers .resen and voing ha i is ne!essary ore2.edien in he naional ineres so o do, Parliamenmay 3y la4 .rovide 1or he !reaion o1 one or more allIndia servi!es6$;in!l"ding an all7India "di!ial servi!e<*

!ommon o he Union and he Saes, and, s"3e! o heoher .rovisions o1 his, reg"lae he re!r"imen,and he !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 .ersons a..oined, oany s"!h servi!e:;6< The servi!es no4n a he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion as he Indian Adminisraive Servi!e andhe Indian Poli!e Servi!e shall 3e deemed o 3e servi!es!reaed 3y Parliamen "nder his ari!le:6$;< The all7India "di!ial servi!e re1erred o in !la"se;#< shall no in!l"de any .os in1erior o ha o1 a disri!

 "dge as deBned in ari!le 6>:;9< The la4 .roviding 1or he !reaion o1 heall7India "di!ial servi!e a1oresaid may !onain s"!h.rovisions 1or he amendmen o1 %I o1 Par %IAll7India servi!es:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 9, 1or?Par I@;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:6Ins: 3y s: 9, i3id: ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I%:Servi!es "nder he Union and he Saes:Ars: ###6:<#Kas may 3e ne!essary 1or giving eGe! o he .rovisions o1 ha la4 and no s"!h la4 shall 3e deemed o 3e anamendmen o1 his Consi"ion 1or he ."r.oses o1 ari!le >K:*#

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$#6A: ;#< Parliamen may 3y la4;a< vary or revoe, 4heher .ros.e!ively orreros.e!ively, he !ondiions o1 servi!es as res.e!srem"neraion, leave and .ension and he righs asres.e!s dis!i.linary maers o1 .ersons 4ho, having

3een a..oined 3y he Se!reary o1 Sae or Se!rearyo1 Sae in Co"n!il o a !ivil servi!e o1 he Cro4n inIndia 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion,!onin"e on and a1er he !ommen!emen o1 heConsi"ion ;T4eny7eighh Amendmen< A!, #8=6,o serve "nder he 'overnmen o1 India or o1 a Saein any servi!e or .os/;3< vary or revoe, 4heher .ros.e!ively orreros.e!ively, he !ondiions o1 servi!e as res.e!s.ension o1 .ersons 4ho, having 3een a..oined 3yhe Se!reary o1 Sae or Se!reary o1 Sae in Co"n!il

o a !ivil servi!e o1 he Cro4n in India 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, reired oroher4ise !eased o 3e in servi!e a any ime 3e1orehe !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion ;T4eny7eighh Amendmen< A!, #8=6Provided ha in he !ase o1 any s"!h .erson 4ho isholding or has held he oM!e o1 he Chie1 -"si!e or oher -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r or a High Co"r, heCom.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India, he Chairmanor oher mem3er o1 he Union or a Sae P"3li! Servi!eCommission or he Chie1 Ele!ion Commissioner, nohing

in s"37!la"se ;a< or s"37!la"se ;3< shall 3e !onsr"ed asem.o4ering Parliamen o vary or revoe, a1er hisa..oinmen o s"!h .os, he !ondiions o1 his servi!e ohis disadvanage e2!e. in so 1ar as s"!h !ondiions o1 servi!e are!a3le o him 3y reason o1 his 3einga .erson a..oined 3y he Se!reary o1 Sae or Se!rearyo1 Sae in Co"n!il o a !ivil servi!e o1 he Cro4n inIndia:Po4er o1 Parliamen o varyor revoe

!ondiions o1 servi!e o1 oM!erso1 !erain servi!es:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7eighh Amendmen< A!, #8=6, s: 6 ;4:e:1:687K7#8=6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I%:Servi!es "nder he Union and he Saes:

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Ars: #6#6A:<#K9;6< E2!e. o he e2en .rovided 1or 3y Parliamen3y la4 "nder his ari!le, nohing in his ari!le shallaGe! he .o4er o1 any Legisla"re or oher a"horiy"nder any oher .rovision o1 his Consi"ion o reg"lae

he !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 .ersons re1erred o in!la"se ;#<:;< Neiher he S".reme Co"r nor any oher !o"rshall have "risdi!ion in;a< any dis."e arising o" o1 any .rovision o1, orany endorsemen on, any !ovenan, agreemen oroher similar insr"men 4hi!h 4as enered ino ore2e!"ed 3y any .erson re1erred o in !la"se ;#<, orarising o" o1 any leer iss"ed o s"!h .erson, inrelaion o his a..oinmen o any !ivil servi!e o1 he Cro4n in India or his !onin"an!e in servi!e

"nder he 'overnmen o1 he Dominion o1 India ora Provin!e hereo1/;3< any dis."e in res.e! o1 any righ, lia3iliy oro3ligaion "nder ari!le #9 as originally ena!ed:;9< The .rovisions o1 his ari!le shall have eGe!no4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le #9 as originallyena!ed or in any oher .rovision o1 his Consi"ion:*#: Unil oher .rovision is made in his 3ehal1 "nderhis Consi"ion, all he la4s in 1or!e immediaely 3e1orehe !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion and!a3le oany ."3li! servi!e or any .os 4hi!h !onin"es o e2is

a1er he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, as an all7India servi!e or as servi!e or .os "nder he Union or aSae shall !onin"e in 1or!e so 1ar as !onsisen 4ih he.rovisions o1 his Consi"ion:#9: $Provision 1or .roe!ion o1 e2ising oM!ers o1 !erainservi!es:* &e.: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7eighh Amendmen<A!, #8=6, s: ;4:e:1: 687K7#8=6<:CHAPTE& II: PU)LIC SE&%ICE CO((ISSIONS#: ;#< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his ari!le, hereshall 3e a P"3li! Servi!e Commission 1or he Union anda P"3li! Servi!e Commission 1or ea!h Sae:

 Transiional.rovisions:P"3li! Servi!eCommissions 1orhe Union and 1orhe Saes: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I%:Servi!es "nder he Union and he Saes:

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Ars: #6A#:<#K;6< T4o or more Saes may agree ha here shall 3eone P"3li! Servi!e Commission 1or ha gro". o1 Saes,and i1 a resol"ion o ha eGe! is .assed 3y he Ho"seor, 4here here are 4o Ho"ses, 3y ea!h Ho"se o1 he

Legisla"re o1 ea!h o1 hose Saes, Parliamen may 3yla4 .rovide 1or he a..oinmen o1 a -oin Sae P"3li!Servi!e Commission ;re1erred o in his as -oinCommission< o serve he needs o1 hose Saes:;< Any s"!h la4 as a1oresaid may !onain s"!hin!idenal and !onse"enial .rovisions as may 3ene!essary or desira3le 1or giving eGe! o he ."r.oses o1 he la4:;9< The P"3li! Servi!e Commission 1or he Union, i1 re"esed so o do 3y he 'overnor#

o1 a Sae, may,4ih he a..roval o1 he Presiden, agree o serve all orany o1 he needs o1 he Sae:;< &e1eren!es in his Consi"ion o he Union P"3li!Servi!e Commission or a Sae P"3li! Servi!e Commissionshall, "nless he !one2 oher4ise re"ires, 3e !onsr"edas re1eren!es o he Commission serving he needs o1 heUnion or, as he !ase may 3e, he Sae as res.e!s he.ari!"lar maer in "esion:#>: ;#< The Chairman and oher mem3ers o1 a P"3li!Servi!e Commission shall 3e a..oined, in he !ase o1 he

Union Commission or a -oin Commission, 3y hePresiden, and in he !ase o1 a Sae Commission, 3y he'overnor# o1 he SaeProvided ha as nearly as may 3e one7hal1 o1 hemem3ers o1 every P"3li! Servi!e Commission shall 3e.ersons 4ho a he daes o1 heir res.e!ive a..oinmenshave held oM!e 1or a leas en years eiher "nder he'overnmen o1 India or "nder he 'overnmen o1 a Sae,and in !om."ing he said .eriod o1 en years any .eriod

3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion d"ring4hi!h a .erson has held oM!e "nder he Cro4n in Indiaor "nder he 'overnmen o1 an Indian Sae shall 3ein!l"ded:A..oinmen anderm o1 oM!e o1 mem3ers:#

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&emoval ands"s.ension o1 amem3er o1 a P"3li!Servi!e Commission:#

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: ##:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7Brs Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 6, 1or ?si2yyears@: The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I%:Servi!es "nder he Union and he Saes:Ars: #>#=:<

#K=order o1 he Presiden on he gro"nd o1 mis3ehavio"ra1er he S".reme Co"r, on re1eren!e 3eing made o i 3yhe Presiden, has, on in"iry held in a!!ordan!e 4ihhe .ro!ed"re .res!ri3ed in ha 3ehal1 "nder ari!le #9,re.ored ha he Chairman or s"!h oher mem3er, as he!ase may 3e, o"gh on any s"!h gro"nd o 3e removed:;6< The Presiden, in he !ase o1 he Union Commissionor a -oin Commission, and he 'overnor# in he !aseo1 a Sae Commission, may s"s.end 1rom oM!e he

Chairman or any oher mem3er o1 he Commission inres.e! o1 4hom a re1eren!e has 3een made o he S".remeCo"r "nder !la"se ;#< "nil he Presiden has .assedorders on re!ei. o1 he re.or o1 he S".reme Co"r ons"!h re1eren!e:;< No4ihsanding anyhing in !la"se ;#<, hePresiden may 3y order remove 1rom oM!e he Chairmanor any oher mem3er o1 a P"3li! Servi!e Commission i1 he Chairman or s"!h oher mem3er, as he !ase may3e,;a< is ad"dged an insolven/ or

;3< engages d"ring his erm o1 oM!e in any .aidem.loymen o"side he d"ies o1 his oM!e/ or;!< is, in he o.inion o1 he Presiden, "nB o!onin"e in oM!e 3y reason o1 inBrmiy o1 mind or3ody:;9< I1 he Chairman or any oher mem3er o1 a P"3li!Servi!e Commission is or 3e!omes in any 4ay !on!ernedor ineresed in any !onra! or agreemen made 3y or on

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3ehal1 o1 he 'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 a Sae or .ari!i.aes in any 4ay in he .roB hereo1 orin any 3eneB or emol"men arising here1rom oher4isehan as a mem3er and in !ommon 4ih he ohermem3ers o1 an in!or.oraed !om.any, he shall, 1or he

."r.oses o1 !la"se ;#<, 3e deemed o 3e g"ily o1 mis3ehavio"r:# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I%:Servi!es "nder he Union and he Saes:Ar: #=:<#KK#K: In he !ase o1 he Union Commission or a -oinCommission, he Presiden and, in he !ase o1 a Sae

Commission, he 'overnor# o1 he Sae may 3yreg"laions;a< deermine he n"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 heCommission and heir !ondiions o1 servi!e/ and;3< mae .rovision 4ih res.e! o he n"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 he saG o1 he Commission and heir!ondiions o1 servi!e

Provided ha he !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 a mem3ero1 a P"3li! Servi!e Commission shall no 3e varied o hisdisadvanage a1er his a..oinmen:#8: On !easing o hold oM!e;a< he Chairman o1 he Union P"3li! Servi!eCommission shall 3e ineligi3le 1or 1"rherem.loymen eiher "nder he 'overnmen o1 Indiaor "nder he 'overnmen o1 a Sae/;3< he Chairman o1 a Sae P"3li! Servi!eCommission shall 3e eligi3le 1or a..oinmen as heChairman or any oher mem3er o1 he Union P"3li!

Servi!e Commission or as he Chairman o1 any oherSae P"3li! Servi!e Commission, 3" no 1or anyoher em.loymen eiher "nder he 'overnmen o1 India or "nder he 'overnmen o1 a Sae/;!< a mem3er oher han he Chairman o1 heUnion P"3li! Servi!e Commission shall 3e eligi3le1or a..oinmen as he Chairman o1 he Union P"3li!Servi!e Commission, or as he Chairman o1 a Sae

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P"3li! Servi!e Commission, 3" no 1or any oherem.loymen eiher "nder he 'overnmen o1 Indiaor "nder he 'overnmen o1 a Sae/;d< a mem3er oher han he Chairman o1 a SaeP"3li! Servi!e Commission shall 3e eligi3le 1or

a..oinmen as he Chairman or any oher mem3erPo4er o maereg"laions as o!ondiions o1 servi!e o1 mem3ersand saG o1 heCommission:Prohi3iion as ohe holding o1 oM!es 3y mem3erso1 Commission on

!easing o 3e s"!hmem3ers:# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;;Par I%:Servi!es "nder he Union and he Saes:Ars: #K#8:<#K8o1 he Union P"3li! Servi!e Commission or as heChairman o1 ha or any oher Sae P"3li! Servi!e

Commission, 3" no 1or any oher em.loymen eiher"nder he 'overnmen o1 India or "nder he'overnmen o1 a Sae:6: ;#< I shall 3e he d"y o1 he Union and he SaeP"3li! Servi!e Commissions o !ond"! e2aminaions 1ora..oinmens o he servi!es o1 he Union and he servi!eso1 he Sae res.e!ively:;6< I shall also 3e he d"y o1 he Union P"3li! Servi!eCommission, i1 re"esed 3y any 4o or more Saes so odo, o assis hose Saes in 1raming and o.eraing s!hemeso1 oin re!r"imen 1or any servi!es 1or 4hi!h !andidaes

.ossessing s.e!ial "aliB!aions are re"ired:;< The Union P"3li! Servi!e Commission or he SaeP"3li! Servi!e Commission, as he !ase may 3e, shall 3e!ons"led;a< on all maers relaing o mehods o1 re!r"imen o !ivil servi!es and 1or !ivil .oss/;3< on he .rin!i.les o 3e 1ollo4ed in mainga..oinmens o !ivil servi!es and .oss and in

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maing .romoions and rans1ers 1rom one servi!eo anoher and on he s"ia3iliy o1 !andidaes 1ors"!h a..oinmens, .romoions or rans1ers/;!< on all dis!i.linary maers aGe!ing a .ersonserving "nder he 'overnmen o1 India or he

'overnmen o1 a Sae in a !ivil !a.a!iy, in!l"dingmemorials or .eiions relaing o s"!h maers/;d< on any !laim 3y or in res.e! o1 a .erson 4hois serving or has served "nder he 'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 a Sae or "nder heCro4n in India or "nder he 'overnmen o1 an IndianSae, in a !ivil !a.a!iy, ha any !oss in!"rred 3yhim in de1ending legal .ro!eedings insi"ed againshim in res.e! o1 a!s done or ."r.oring o 3e donein he e2e!"ion o1 his d"y sho"ld 3e .aid o" o1 heF"n!ions o1 

P"3li! Servi!eCommissions: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I%:Servi!es "nder he Union and he Saes:Ars: #86:<#8Consolidaed F"nd o1 India, or, as he !ase may 3e,o" o1 he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae/;e< on any !laim 1or he a4ard o1 a .ension inres.e! o1 in"ries s"sained 3y a .erson 4hileserving "nder he 'overnmen o1 India or he'overnmen o1 a Sae or "nder he Cro4n in India

or "nder he 'overnmen o1 an Indian Sae, in a!ivil !a.a!iy, and any "esion as o he amo"n o1 any s"!h a4ard,and i shall 3e he d"y o1 a P"3li! Servi!e Commissiono advise on any maer so re1erred o hem and on anyoher maer 4hi!h he Presiden, or, as he !ase may 3e,he 'overnor# o1 he Sae, may re1er o hem Provided ha he Presiden as res.e!s he all7Indiaservi!es and also as res.e!s oher servi!es and .oss in

!onne!ion 4ih he aGairs o1 he Union, and he'overnor6, as res.e!s oher servi!es and .oss in!onne!ion 4ih he aGairs o1 a Sae, may maereg"laions s.e!i1ying he maers in 4hi!h eihergenerally, or in any .ari!"lar !lass o1 !ase or in any.ari!"lar !ir!"msan!es, i shall no 3e ne!essary 1or a

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P"3li! Servi!e Commission o 3e !ons"led:;9< Nohing in !la"se ;< shall re"ire a P"3li! Servi!eCommission o 3e !ons"led as res.e!s he manner in4hi!h any .rovision re1erred o in !la"se ;9< o1 ari!le #>may 3e made or as res.e!s he manner in 4hi!h eGe!

may 3e given o he .rovisions o1 ari!le :;< All reg"laions made "nder he .roviso o!la"se ;< 3y he Presiden or he 'overnor# o1 a Saeshall 3e laid 1or no less han 1o"reen days 3e1ore ea!hHo"se o1 Parliamen or he Ho"se or ea!h Ho"se o1 heLegisla"re o1 he Sae, as he !ase may 3e, as soon as.ossi3le a1er hey are made, and shall 3e s"3e! o s"!hmodiB!aions, 4heher 3y 4ay o1 re.eal or amendmen,as 3oh Ho"ses o1 Parliamen or he Ho"se or 3oh Ho"ses

# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:6 The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h, as he !ase may 3e@ omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:,i3id: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I%:Servi!es "nder he Union and he Saes:Ar: 6:<#8#o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae may mae d"ring he

session in 4hi!h hey are so laid:6#: An A! made 3y Parliamen or, as he !ase may3e, he Legisla"re o1 a Sae may .rovide 1or he e2er!iseo1 addiional 1"n!ions 3y he Union P"3li! Servi!eCommission or he Sae P"3li! Servi!e Commission asres.e!s he servi!es o1 he Union or he Sae and also asres.e!s he servi!es o1 any lo!al a"horiy or oher 3ody!or.orae !onsi"ed 3y la4 or o1 any ."3li! insi"ion:66: The e2.enses o1 he Union or a Sae P"3li!Servi!e Commission, in!l"ding any salaries, allo4an!esand .ensions .aya3le o or in res.e! o1 he mem3ers or

saG o1 he Commission, shall 3e !harged on heConsolidaed F"nd o1 India or, as he !ase may 3e, heConsolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae:6: ;#< I shall 3e he d"y o1 he Union Commissiono .resen ann"ally o he Presiden a re.or as o he4or done 3y he Commission and on re!ei. o1 s"!hre.or he Presiden shall !a"se a !o.y hereo1 ogeher4ih a memorand"m e2.laining, as res.e!s he !ases, i1 

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any , 4here he advi!e o1 he Commission 4as no a!!e.ed,he reasons 1or s"!h non7a!!!e o 3e laid 3e1oreea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen: ;6< I shall 3e he d"y o1 a Sae Commission o.resen ann"ally o he 'overnor

# o1 he Sae a re.oras o he 4or done 3y he Commission, and i shall 3ehe d"y o1 a -oin Commission o .resen ann"ally o he'overnor# o1 ea!h o1 he Saes he needs o1 4hi!h areserved 3y he -oin Commission a re.or as o he 4ordone 3y he Commission in relaion o ha Sae, and ineiher !ase he 'overnor6

, shall, on re!ei. o1 s"!hre.or, !a"se a !o.y hereo1 ogeher 4ih a memorand"me2.laining, as res.e!s he !ases, i1 any, 4here he advi!eo1 he Commission 4as no a!!e.ed, he reasons 1ors"!h non7a!!!e o 3e laid 3e1ore he Legisla"re o1 he Sae:Po4er o e2end1"n!ions o1 P"3li! Servi!eCommissions:E2.enses o1 

P"3li! Servi!eCommissions:&e.ors o1 P"3li!Servi!eCommissions:# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:6 The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h, as he !ase may 3e@ omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:,

i3id: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I%:Servi!es "nder he Union and he Saes:Ars: 66:<#86#$PA&T I%A T&I)UNALS6A: ;#< Parliamen may, 3y la4, .rovide 1or he

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ad"di!aion or rial 3y adminisraive ri3"nals o1 dis."es and !om.lains 4ih res.e! o re!r"imen and!ondiions o1 servi!e o1 .ersons a..oined o ."3li!servi!es and .oss in !onne!ion 4ih he aGairs o1 heUnion or o1 any Sae or o1 any lo!al or oher a"horiy

4ihin he erriory o1 India or "nder he !onrol o1 he'overnmen o1 India or o1 any !or.oraion o4ned or!onrolled 3y he 'overnmen:;6< A la4 made "nder !la"se ;#< may;a< .rovide 1or he esa3lishmen o1 anadminisraive ri3"nal 1or he Union and a se.araeadminisraive ri3"nal 1or ea!h Sae or 1or 4o ormore Saes/;3< s.e!i1y he "risdi!ion, .o4ers ;in!l"ding he.o4er o ."nish 1or !onem.< and a"horiy 4hi!hmay 3e e2er!ised 3y ea!h o1 he said ri3"nals/

;!< .rovide 1or he .ro!ed"re ;in!l"ding .rovisionsas o limiaion and r"les o1 eviden!e< o 3e 1ollo4ed3y he said ri3"nals/;d< e2!l"de he "risdi!ion o1 all !o"rs, e2!e.he "risdi!ion o1 he S".reme Co"r "nder ari!le#>, 4ih res.e! o he dis."es or !om.lainsre1erred o in !la"se ;#</;e< .rovide 1or he rans1er o ea!h s"!hadminisraive ri3"nal o1 any !ases .ending 3e1oreany !o"r or oher a"horiy immediaely 3e1ore heesa3lishmen o1 s"!h ri3"nal as 4o"ld have 3een

4ihin he "risdi!ion o1 s"!h ri3"nal i1 he !a"seso1 a!ion on 4hi!h s"!h s"is or .ro!eedings are3ased had arisen a1er s"!h esa3lishmen/;1< re.eal or amend any order made 3y hePresiden "nder !la"se ;< o1 ari!le =#D/#8#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 9> ;4:e:1:7#7#8==<:Adminisraiveri3"nals:;g< !onain s"!h s"..lemenal, in!idenal and

!onse"enial .rovisions ;in!l"ding .rovisions as o1ees< as Parliamen may deem ne!essary 1or heeGe!ive 1"n!ioning o1, and 1or he s.eedy dis.osalo1 !ases 3y, and he en1or!emen o1 he orders o1,s"!h ri3"nals:;< The .rovisions o1 his ari!le shall have eGe!no4ihsanding anyhing in any oher .rovision o1 hisConsi"ion or in any oher la4 1or he ime 3eing in

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1or!e:6): ;#< The Legisla"re may, 3y la4,.rovide 1or he ad"di!aion or rial 3y ri3"nals o1 anydis."es, !om.lains, or oGen!es 4ih res.e! o all orany o1 he maers s.e!iBed in !la"se ;6< 4ih res.e! o

4hi!h s"!h Legisla"re has .o4er o mae la4s:;6< The maers re1erred o in !la"se ;#< are he1ollo4ing, namely;a< levy, assessmen, !olle!ion and en1or!emeno1 any a2/;3< 1oreign e2!hange, im.or and e2.or a!ross!"soms 1roniers/;!< ind"srial and la3o"r dis."es/;d< land re1orms 3y 4ay o1 a!"isiion 3y he Saeo1 any esae as deBned in ari!le #A or o1 any righsherein or he e2ing"ishmen or modiB!aion o1 any

s"!h righs or 3y 4ay o1 !eiling on agri!"l"ral landor in any oher 4ay/;e< !eiling on "r3an .ro.ery/;1< ele!ions o eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen or heHo"se or eiher Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 a Sae,3" e2!l"ding he maers re1erred o in ari!le 68and ari!le 68A/;g< .rod"!ion, .ro!"remen, s" anddisri3"ion o1 1ood7s"Gs ;in!l"ding edi3le oilseedsand oils< and s"!h oher goods as he Presiden may,3y ."3li! noiB!aion, de!lare o 3e essenial goods

 Tri3"nals 1oroher maers: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I% A:Tri3"nals:Ars: 6A6):<#891or he ."r.ose o1 his ari!le and !onrol o1 .ri!es o1 s"!h goods/#$;h< ren, is reg"laion and !onrol and enan!y iss"esin!l"ding he righ, ile and ineres o1 landlords andenans/*6

$;i<* oGen!es agains la4s 4ih res.e! o any o1 hemaers s.e!iBed in s"37!la"ses ;a< o$;h<* and 1ees inres.e! o1 any o1 hose maers/6$;<* any maer in!idenal o any o1 he maerss.e!iBed in s"37!la"ses ;a< o

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9$;i<*:;< A la4 made "nder !la"se ;#< may;a< .rovide 1or he esa3lishmen o1 a hierar!hy o1 ri3"nals/

;3< s.e!i1y he "risdi!ion, .o4ers ;in!l"ding he.o4er o ."nish 1or !onem.< and a"horiy 4hi!hmay 3e e2er!ised 3y ea!h o1 he said ri3"nals/;!< .rovide 1or he .ro!ed"re ;in!l"ding .rovisionsas o limiaion and r"les o1 eviden!e< o 3e 1ollo4ed3y he said ri3"nals/;d< e2!l"de he "risdi!ion o1 all !o"rs, e2!e. he "risdi!ion o1 he S".reme Co"r "nder ari!le #>,4ih res.e! o all or any o1 he maers 1alling 4ihinhe "risdi!ion o1 he said ri3"nals/;e< .rovide 1or he rans1er o ea!h s"!h ri3"nal o1 

any !ases .ending 3e1ore any !o"r or any ohera"horiy immediaely 3e1ore he esa3lishmen o1 s"!h ri3"nal as 4o"ld have 3een 4ihin he "risdi!ion o1 s"!h ri3"nal i1 he !a"ses o1 a!ion on4hi!h s"!h s"is or .ro!eedings are 3ased had arisena1er s"!h esa3lishmen/#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny7B1h Amendmen< A!, #88, s: 6 ;4:e:1: #77#889<:6S"37!la"ses ;h< and ;i< re7leered as s"37!la"ses ;i< and ;< 3y s: 6, i3id:

;4:e:1:#77#889<:S"3s: 3y s: 6, i3id:, 1or ?;g<@ ;4:e:1: #77#889<:9S"3s: 3y s: 6, i3id:, 1or ?;h<@ ;4:e:1: #77#889<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I% A:Tri3"nals:Ar: 6):<#8;1< !onain s"!h s"..lemenal, in!idenal and!onse"enial .rovisions ;in!l"ding .rovisions as o1ees< as he Legisla"re may deem

ne!essary 1or he eGe!ive 1"n!ioning o1, and 1or hes.eedy dis.osal o1 !ases 3y, and he en1or!emen o1 he orders o1, s"!h ri3"nals:;9< The .rovisions o1 his ari!le shall have eGe!no4ihsanding anyhing in any oher .rovision o1 hisConsi"ion or in any oher la4 1or he ime 3eing in1or!e:E2.lanaion:In his ari!le, ?

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Legisla"re@, in relaion o any maer, means Parliamenor, as he !ase may 3e, a Sae Legisla"re !om.een omae la4s 4ih res.e! o s"!h maer in a!!ordan!e4ih he .rovisions o1 Par I:* THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par I% A:Tri3"nals:Ar: 6):<#8>PA&T %ELECTIONS69: ;#< The s".erinenden!e, dire!ion and !onrolo1 he .re.araion o1 he ele!oral rolls 1or, and he!ond"! o1, all ele!ions o Parliamen and o heLegisla"re o1 every Sae and o1 ele!ions o he oM!eso1 Presiden and %i!e7Presiden held "nder hisConsi"ion# shall 3e vesed in a Commission

;re1erred o in his Consi"ion as he Ele!ionCommission<:;6< The Ele!ion Commission shall !onsis o1 he Chie1 Ele!ion Commissioner and s"!h n"m3er o1 oherEle!ion Commissioners, i1 any, as he Presiden may1rom ime o ime B2 and he a..oinmen o1 he Chie1 Ele!ion Commissioner and oher Ele!ion Commissionersshall, s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 made in ha3ehal1 3y Parliamen, 3e made 3y he Presiden:;< When any oher Ele!ion Commissioner is soa..oined he Chie1 Ele!ion Commissioner shall a! as

he Chairman o1 he Ele!ion Commission:;9< )e1ore ea!h general ele!ion o he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le and o he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 ea!h Sae,and 3e1ore he Brs general ele!ion and herea1er 3e1oreea!h 3iennial ele!ion o he Legislaive Co"n!il o1 ea!hSae having s"!h Co"n!il, he Presiden may also a..oina1er !ons"laion 4ih he Ele!ion Commission s"!h&egional Commissioners as he may !onsider ne!essaryo assis he Ele!ion Commission in he .er1orman!eo1 he 1"n!ions !on1erred on he Commission 3y!la"se ;#<:

;< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 made 3yParliamen, he !ondiions o1 servi!e and en"re o1 oM!e o1 he Ele!ion Commissioners and he &egionalCommissioners shall 3e s"!h as he Presiden may 3yr"le deermine#8=S".erinenden!e,dire!ion and

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maers ne!essary 1or se!"ring he d"e !onsi"ion o1 s"!h Ho"se or Ho"ses:68:#$No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion

6*;a< he validiy o1 any la4 relaing o hedelimiaion o1 !onsi"en!ies or he allomen o1 seaso s"!h !onsi"en!ies, made or ."r.oring o 3emade "nder ari!le 6= or ari!le 6K, shall no 3e!alled in "esion in any !o"r/;3< no ele!ion o eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen or ohe Ho"se or eiher Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 aSae shall 3e !alled in "esion e2!e. 3y an ele!ion.eiion .resened o s"!h a"horiy and in s"!h

manner as may 3e .rovided 1or 3y or "nder any la4made 3y he Legisla"re:68A: $S.e!ial .rovision as o ele!ions o Parliamen inhe !ase o1 Prime (iniser and S.eaer:* &e.: 3y heConsi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: > ;4:e:1:67>7#8=8<:Po4er o1 Parliamen o mae.rovision 4ihres.e! o ele!ions

o Legisla"res:Po4er o1 Legisla"re o1 aSae o mae.rovision 4ihres.e! o ele!ionso s"!h Legisla"re:)ar o iner1eren!e3y !o"rs inele!oral maers:#

S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: , 1or!erain 4ords:6 The 4ords, Bg"res and leers ?3" s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!le 68A@omied3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:

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Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: 9: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %:Ele!ions:Ars: 6=68A:<#88PA&T %ISPECIAL P&O%ISIONS &ELATIN'

 TO CE&TAIN CLASSES: ;#< Seas shall 3e reserved in he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le 1or ;a< he S!hed"led Cases/#$;3< he S!hed"led Tri3es e2!e. he S!hed"led Tri3es in he a"onomo"s disri!s o1 Assam/ and*;!< he S!hed"led Tri3es in he a"onomo"sdisri!s o1 Assam:;6< The n"m3er o1 seas reserved in any Sae6

$orUnion erriory* 1or he S!hed"led Cases or he S!hed"led Tri3es "nder !la"se ;#< shall 3ear, as nearly as may 3e,he same .ro.orion o he oal n"m3er o1 seas alloedo ha Sae6$or Union erriory* in he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le as he .o."laion o1 he S!hed"led Cases in heSae6$or Union erriory* or o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es in

he Sae6$or Union erriory* or .ar o1 he Sae6$orUnion erriory, as he !ase may 3e, in res.e! o1 4hi!hseas are so reserved, 3ears o he oal .o."laion o1 heSae6$or Union erriory*:

$;< No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in !la"se;6<, he n"m3er o1 seas reserved in he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le 1or he S!hed"led Tri3es in he a"onomo"sdisri!s o1 Assam shall 3ear o he oal n"m3er o1 seasalloed o ha Sae a .ro.orion no less han he.o."laion o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es in he said a"onomo"sdisri!s 3ears o he oal .o."laion o1 he Sae:*9

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$E2.lanaionIn his ari!le and in ari!le 6, hee2.ression ?.o."laion@ means he .o."laion as6&eservaion o1 seas1or S!hed"led

Cases andS!hed"led Tri3es inhe Ho"se o1 hePeo.le:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7Brs Amendmen< A!, #8K9, s: 6, 1or s"37!la"se ;3<;4:e:1: #>7>7#8K><:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7Brs Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: :9Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 9= ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:as!erained a he las .re!eding !ens"s o1 4hi!h herelevan Bg"res have 3een ."3lishedProvided ha he re1eren!e in his E2.lanaion o helas .re!eding !ens"s o1 4hi!h he relevan Bg"res have3een ."3lished shall, "nil he relevan Bg"res 1or heBrs !ens"s aen a1er he year#$66>* have 3een

."3lished, 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o he6$6#*!ens"s:*#: No4ihsanding anyhing in ari!le K#, hePresiden may, i1 he is o1 o.inion ha he Anglo7Indian!omm"niy is no ade"aely re.resened in he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le, nominae no more han 4o mem3ers o1 ha!omm"niy o he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:6: ;#< Seas shall 3e reserved 1or he S!hed"ledCases and he S!hed"led Tri3es,

$e2!e. he S!hed"led Tri3es in he a"onomo"s disri!s o1 Assam*, in heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 every Sae9:;6< Seas shall 3e reserved also 1or he a"onomo"sdisri!s in he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 Assam:

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;< The n"m3er o1 seas reserved 1or he S!hed"ledCases or he S!hed"led Tri3es in he LegislaiveAssem3ly o1 any Sae "nder !la"se ;#< shall 3ear, asnearly as may 3e, he same .ro.orion o he oal n"m3ero1 seas in he Assem3ly as he .o."laion o1 he

S!hed"led Cases in he Sae or o1 he S!hed"led Tri3esin he Sae or .ar o1 he Sae, as he !ase may 3e, inres.e! o1 4hi!h seas are so reserved, 3ears o he oal.o."laion o1 he Sae:$;A< No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in !la"se;<, "nil he aing eGe!, "nder ari!le #=, o1 he re7ad"smen, on he 3asis o1 he Brs !ens"s a1er he year>$66>*, o1 he n"m3er o1 seas in he Legislaive&e.resenaion o1 

he Anglo7IndianComm"niy in heHo"se o1 hePeo.le:&eservaion o1 seas1or S!hed"ledCases andS!hed"led Tri3es inhe LegislaiveAssem3lies o1 heSaes:

#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy71o"rh Amendmen< A!, 6#, s: >, 1or?6@ and?#8=#@ res.e!ively:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7sevenh Amendmen< A!, 6, s: , 1or?#88#@:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7Brs Amendmen< A!, #8K9, s: , 1or !erain4ords;4:e:1: #>7>7#8K><:

9 The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8K=, s: 6 ;4:e:1:6#787#8K=<:>

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S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy71o"rh Amendmen< A!, 6#, s: =, 1or?6@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:S.e!ial Provisions relaing o !erainClasses:Ars: 6:<

6#Assem3lies o1 he Saes o1 Ar"na!hal Pradesh, (eghalaya,(i+oram and Nagaland, he seas 4hi!h shall 3e reserved1or he S!hed"led Tri3es in he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 any s"!h Sae shall 3e,;a< i1 all he seas in he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 s"!h Sae in e2isen!e on he dae o1 !oming ino1or!e o1 he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7sevenh Amendmen<A!, #8K= ;herea1er in his !la"se re1erred o as hee2ising Assem3ly< are held 3y mem3ers o1 heS!hed"led Tri3es, all he seas e2!e. one/;3< in any oher !ase, s"!h n"m3er o1 seas as

3ears o he oal n"m3er o1 seas, a .ro.orion noless han he n"m3er ;as on he said dae< o1 mem3ers3elonging o he S!hed"led Tri3es in he e2isingAssem3ly 3ears o he oal n"m3er o1 seas in hee2ising Assem3ly:*#$;)< No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in !la"se;<, "nil he re7ad"smen, "nder ari!le #=, aes eGe!on he 3asis o1 he Brs !ens"s a1er he year6$66>*, o1 

he n"m3er o1 seas in he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 heSae o1 Tri."ra, he seas 4hi!h shall 3e reserved 1or heS!hed"led Tri3es in he Legislaive Assem3ly shall 3e,s"!h n"m3er o1 seas as 3ears o he oal n"m3er o1 seas, a .ro.orion no less han he n"m3er, as on hedae o1 !oming ino 1or!e o1 he Consi"ion ;Seveny7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #886, o1 mem3ers 3elonging ohe S!hed"led Tri3es in he Legislaive Assem3ly ine2isen!e on he said dae 3ears o he oal n"m3er o1 seas in ha Assem3ly:*;9< The n"m3er o1 seas reserved 1or an a"onomo"s

disri! in he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 Assamshall 3ear o he oal n"m3er o1 seas in ha Assem3lya .ro.orion no less han he .o."laion o1 he disri!3ears o he oal .o."laion o1 he Sae:;< The !onsi"en!ies 1or he seas reserved 1or anya"onomo"s disri! o1 Assam shall no !om.rise anyarea o"side ha disri!

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Legislaive Assem3lies o1 he Saes 3y nominaion,shall !ease o have eGe! on he e2.iraion o1 a .eriod o1 $si2y years* 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion

Provided ha nohing in his ari!le shall aGe! anyre.resenaion in he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le or in heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 a Sae "nil he dissol"ion o1 he hen e2ising Ho"se or Assem3ly, as he !ase may 3e:&e.resenaion o1 he Anglo7Indian!omm"niy in heLegislaiveAssem3lies o1 heSaes:&eservaion o1 

seas and s.e!ialre.resenaion o!ease a1er$si2yyears*:#Cerain 4ords omied 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=#;K# o1 #8=#<, s: =# ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:6

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Nineieh Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 6: The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7hird Amendmen< A!, #8>8, s: 9, 1or?nominaes"!h n"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 he !omm"niy o he Assem3ly as he !

S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny7ninh Amendmen< A!, #888, s: 6, 1or?B1y years@;4:e:1: 67#76<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:S.e!ial Provisions relaing o !erainClasses:Ars: 69:<6: The !laims o1 he mem3ers o1 he S!hed"ledCases and he S!hed"led Tri3es shall 3e aen ino

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!onsideraion, !onsisenly 4ih he mainenan!e o1 eM!ien!y o1 adminisraion, in he maing o1 a..oinmens o servi!es and .oss in !onne!ion 4ihhe aGairs o1 he Union or o1 a Sae#

$Provided ha nohing in his ari!le shall .reven inmaing o1 any .rovision in 1avo"r o1 he mem3ers o1 heS!hed"led Cases and he S!hed"led Tri3es 1or rela2aion in"ali1ying mars in any e2aminaion or lo4ering hesandards o1 eval"aion, 1or reservaion in maers o1 .romoion o any !lass or !lasses o1 servi!es or .oss in!onne!ion 4ih he aGairs o1 he Union or o1 a Sae:*>: ;#< D"ring he Brs 4o years a1er he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, a..oinmens o1 mem3ers o1 he Anglo7Indian !omm"niy o .oss in herail4ay, !"soms, .osal and elegra.h servi!es o1 he

Union shall 3e made on he same 3asis as immediaely3e1ore he B1eenh day o1 A"g"s, #89=: D"ring every s"!!eeding .eriod o1 4o years, hen"m3er o1 .oss reserved 1or he mem3ers o1 he said!omm"niy in he said servi!es shall, as nearly as .ossi3le,3e less 3y en .er !en: han he n"m3ers so reservedd"ring he immediaely .re!eding .eriod o1 4o years Provided ha a he end o1 en years 1rom he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion all s"!h reservaionsshall !ease:;6< Nohing in !la"se ;#< shall 3ar he a..oinmen o1 

mem3ers o1 he Anglo7Indian !omm"niy o .oss oherhan, or in addiion o, hose reserved 1or he !omm"niy"nder ha !la"se i1 s"!h mem3ers are 1o"nd "aliBed1or a..oinmen on meri as !om.ared 4ih he mem3erso1 oher !omm"niies:=: D"ring he Brs hree Bnan!ial years a1er he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, he same grans, i1 any, shall 3e made 3y he Union and 3y ea!h Sae61or he 3eneB o1 he Anglo7Indian !omm"niy in res.e!

o1 ed"!aion as 4ere made in he Bnan!ial year endingon he hiry7Brs day o1 (ar!h, #89K:Claims o1 S!hed"led Casesand S!hed"led Tri3es o servi!esand .oss:S.e!ial .rovision

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1or Anglo7Indian!omm"niy in!erain servi!es:S.e!ial .rovision4ih res.e! o

ed"!aional grans1or he 3eneB o1 Anglo7Indian!omm"niy:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7se!ond Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 6:6 The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:69 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par %I:S.e!ial Provisions relaing o !erainClasses:Ars: =:<D"ring every s"!!eeding .eriod o1 hree years hegrans may 3e less 3y en .er !en: han hose 1or heimmediaely .re!eding .eriod o1 hree years Provided ha a he end o1 en years 1rom he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion s"!h grans, o hee2en o 4hi!h hey are a s.e!ial !on!ession o he Anglo7Indian !omm"niy, shall !easeProvided 1"rher ha no ed"!aional insi"ion shall3e eniled o re!eive any gran "nder his ari!le "nlessa leas 1ory .er !en: o1 he ann"al admissions herein

are made availa3le o mem3ers o1 !omm"niies oherhan he Anglo7Indian !omm"niy: K:6$;#< There shall 3e a Commission 1or heS!hed"led Cases o 3e no4n as he NaionalCommission 1or he S!hed"led Cases: ;6< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 made in his3ehal1 3y Parliamen, he Commission shall !onsis o1 aChair.erson, %i!e7Chair.erson and hree oher (em3ersand he !ondiions o1 servi!e and en"re o1 oM!e o1 he

Chair.erson, %i!e7Chair.erson and oher (em3ers soa..oined shall 3e s"!h as he Presiden may 3y r"ledeermine:*;< The Chair.erson, %i!e7Chair.erson and oher(em3ers o1 he Commission shall 3e a..oined 3y hePresiden 3y 4arran "nder his hand and seal:;9< The Commission shall have he .o4er o reg"laeis o4n .ro!ed"re:

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;< I shall 3e he d"y o1 he Commission;a< o invesigae and monior all maers relaingo he sa1eg"ards .rovided 1or he S!hed"led Cases "nder his Consi"ion or "nder any oher la4

1or he ime 3eing in 1or!e or "nder any order o1 he'overnmen and o eval"ae he 4oring o1 s"!hsa1eg"ards/#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7ninh Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 6, 1or hemarginalheading ;4:e:1: #876769<:6S"3s: 3y s: 6, i3id:, 1or !ls: ;#< and ;6< ;4:e:1: #876769<: The 4ords ?and S!hed"led Tri3es@ omied 3y s: 6, i3id: ;4:e:1: #876769<:

#$NaionalCommission 1orS!hed"led Cases:* THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:S.e!ial Provisions relaing o !erainClasses:Ars: =7K:<6;3< o in"ire ino s.e!iB! !om.lains 4ih res.e!o he de.rivaion o1 righs and sa1eg"ards o1 heS!hed"led Cases#

/;!< o .ari! and advise on he!ess o1 so!io7e!onomi! o1 heS!hed"led Cases# and o eval"ae he .rogress o1 heir "nder he Union and any Sae/;d< o .resen o he Presiden, ann"ally and as"!h oher imes as he Commission may deem B,re.ors ".on he 4oring o1 hose sa1eg"ards/;e< o mae in s"!h re.ors re!ommendaions as o

he meas"res ha sho"ld 3e aen 3y he Unionor any Sae 1or he eGe!ive im.lemenaion o1 hosesa1eg"ards and oher meas"res 1or he .roe!ion,4el1are and so!io7e!onomi! o1 heS!hed"led Cases#/ and;1< o dis!harge s"!h oher 1"n!ions in relaion o

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#:*6$;#<* In his ari!le, re1eren!es o he S!hed"ledCases

# shall 3e !onsr"ed as in!l"ding re1eren!es os"!h oher 3a!4ard !lasses as he Presiden may, onre!ei. o1 he re.or o1 a Commission a..oined "nder!la"se ;#< o1 ari!le 9, 3y order s.e!i1y and also o heAnglo7Indian !omm"niy:$KA: ;#< There shall 3e a Commission 1or heS!hed"led Tri3es o 3e no4n as he NaionalCommission 1or he S!hed"led Tri3es:;6< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 made in his

3ehal1 3y Parliamen, he Commission shall !onsis o1 aChair.erson, %i!e7Chair.erson and hree oher (em3ersand he !ondiions o1 servi!e and en"re o1 oM!e o1 he# The 4ords ?and S!hed"led Tri3es@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7ninhAmendmen< A!, 6, s: 6 ;4:e:1: #876769<:6Cl: ;< ren"m3ered as !l: ;#< 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2y7B1h Amendmen<A!, #88,s: 6 ;4:e:1: #677#886<:

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7ninh Amendmen< A!, 6, s: ;4:e:1: #876769<:NaionalCommission 1orS!hed"led Tri3es: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:S.e!ial Provisions relaing o !erainClasses:Ars: K7KA:<6=Chair.erson, %i!e7Chair.erson and oher (em3ers soa..oined shall 3e s"!h as he Presiden 3y r"ledeermine:

;< The Chair.erson, %i!e7Chair.erson and oher(em3ers o1 he Commission shall 3e a..oined 3y hePresiden 3y 4arran "nder his hand and seal:;9< The Commission shall have he .o4er o reg"laeis o4n .ro!ed"re:;< I shall 3e he d"y o1 he Commission;a< o invesigae and monior all maers relaingo he sa1eg"ards .rovided 1or he S!hed"led Tri3es

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"nder his Consi"ion or "nder any oher la4 1orhe ime 3eing in 1or!e or "nder any order o1 he'overnmen and o eval"ae he 4oring o1 s"!hsa1eg"ards/;3< o in"ire ino s.e!iB! !om.lains 4ih res.e!

o he de.rivaion o1 righs and sa1eg"ards o1 heS!hed"led Tri3es/;!< o .ari! and advise on he!ess o1 so!io7e!onomi! o1 heS!hed"led Tri3es and o eval"ae he .rogress o1 "nder he Union and any Sae/;d< o .resen o he Presiden, ann"ally and as"!h oher imes as he Commission may deem B,re.ors ".on he 4oring o1 hose sa1eg"ards/;e< o mae in s"!h re.ors re!ommendaions aso he meas"res ha sho"ld 3e aen 3y he Union

or any Sae 1or he eGe!ive im.lemenaion o1 hosesa1eg"ards and oher meas"res 1or he .roe!ion,4el1are and so!io7e!onomi! o1 heS!hed"led Tri3es/ and;1< o dis!harge s"!h oher 1"n!ions in relaion ohe .roe!ion, 4el1are and andadvan!emen o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es as he Presidenmay, s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 made 3yParliamen, 3y r"le s.e!i1y:;>< The Presiden shall !a"se all s"!h re.ors o 3elaid 3e1ore ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen along 4ih a

memorand"m e2.laining he a!ion aen or .ro.osed6K THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:S.e!ial Provisions relaing o !erainClasses:Ar: KA:<o 3e aen on he re!ommendaions relaing o heUnionand he reasons 1or he non7a!!!e, i1 any, o1 any o1 s"!h re!ommendaions:;=< Where any s"!h re.or, or any .ar hereo1, relaeso any maer 4ih 4hi!h any Sae 'overnmen is!on!erned, a !o.y o1 s"!h re.or shall 3e 1or4arded ohe 'overnor o1 he Sae 4ho shall !a"se i o 3e laid

3e1ore he Legisla"re o1 he Sae along 4ih amemorand"m e2.laining he a!ion aen or .ro.osed o3e aen on he re!ommendaions relaing o he Saeand he reasons 1or he non7a!!!e, i1 any, o1 any o1 s"!h re!ommendaions:;K< The Commission shall, 4hile invesigaing anymaer re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;a< or in"iring ino any!om.lain re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;3< o1 !la"se ;<, have

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all he .o4ers o1 a !ivil !o"r rying a s"i and in.ari!"lar in res.e! o1 he 1ollo4ing maers, namely ;a< s"mmoning and en1or!ing he aendan!e o1 any .erson 1rom any .ar o1 India and e2amininghim on oah/

;3< re"iring he dis!overy and .rod"!ion o1 anydo!"men/;!< re!eiving eviden!e on aMdavis/;d< re"isiioning any ."3li! re!ord or !o.y hereo1 1rom any !o"r or oM!e/;e< iss"ing !ommissions 1or he e2aminaion o1 4inesses and do!"mens/;1< any oher maer 4hi!h he Presiden may, 3yr"le, deermine:;8< The Union and every Sae 'overnmen shall!ons"l he Commission on all maor .oli!y maers

aGe!ing S!hed"led Tri3es:*8: ;#< The Presiden may a any ime and shall, ahe e2.iraion o1 en years 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 3y order a..oin a Commission o re.or on he adminisraion o1 he S!hed"led Areas andhe 4el1are o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es in he Saes#:Conrol o1 heUnion over headminisraion o1 

S!hed"led Areasand he 4el1are o1 S!hed"led Tri3es:# The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A and Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3yhe Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:S.e!ial Provisions relaing o !erainClasses:Ars: KA78:<68The order may deBne he !om.osiion, .o4ers and

.ro!ed"re o1 he Commission and may !onain s"!hin!idenal or an!illary .rovisions as he Presiden may!onsider ne!essary or desira3le: ;6< The e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union shall e2end ohe giving o1 dire!ions o#$a Sae* as o he dra4ing ".and e2e!"ion o1 s!hemes s.e!iBed in he dire!ion o 3e

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essenial 1or he 4el1are o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es in heSae:9: ;#< The Presiden may 3y order a..oin aCommission !onsising o1 s"!h .ersons as he hins Bo invesigae he !ondiions o1 so!ially and ed"!aionally

3a!4ard !lasses 4ihin he erriory o1 India and hediM!"lies "nder 4hi!h hey la3o"r and o maere!ommendaions as o he se.s ha sho"ld 3e aen 3yhe Union or any Sae o remove s"!h diM!"lies and oim.rove heir !ondiion and as o he grans ha sho"ld3e made 1or he ."r.ose 3y he Union or any Sae andhe !ondiions s"3e! o 4hi!h s"!h grans sho"ld 3emade, and he order a..oining s"!h Commission shalldeBne he .ro!ed"re o 3e 1ollo4ed 3y he Commission:;6< A Commission so a..oined shall invesigae hemaers re1erred o hem and .resen o he Presiden a

re.or seing o" he 1a!s as 1o"nd 3y hem and maings"!h re!ommendaions as hey hin;< The Presiden shall !a"se a !o.y o1 he re.or so.resened ogeher 4ih a memorand"m e2.laining hea!ion aen hereon o 3e laid 3e1ore ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen:9#: ;#< The Presiden6$may 4ih res.e! o any Sae$or Union erriory*, and 4here i is a Sae

9,a1er !ons"laion 4ih he 'overnor hereo1,* 3yA..oinmen o1 aCommission oinvesigae he!ondiions o1 3a!4ard !lasses:S!hed"led Cases:

#S"3s 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:, 1or?any s"!hSae@:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: #, 1or ?may, a1er!ons"laion4ih he 'overnor or &a.ram"h o1 a Sae@:

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Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:9 The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3y

s: 68 and S!h:, i3id: The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:6# THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %I:S.e!ial Provisions relaing o !erainClasses:Ars: 89#:<."3li! noiB!aion#, s.e!i1y he !ases, ra!es or ri3es or.ars o1 or gro".s 4ihin !ases, ra!es or ri3es 4hi!hshall 1or he ."r.oses o1 his Consi"ion 3e deemed o3e S!hed"led Cases in relaion o ha Sae

 6$or Unionerriory, as he !ase may 3e*:;6< Parliamen may 3y la4 in!l"de in or e2!l"de 1romhe lis o1 S!hed"led Cases s.e!iBed in a noiB!aioniss"ed "nder !la"se ;#< any !ase, ra!e or ri3e or .ar o1 or gro". 4ihin any !ase, ra!e or ri3e, 3" save asa1oresaid a noiB!aion iss"ed "nder he said !la"se shallno 3e varied 3y any s"3se"en noiB!aion:96: ;#< The Presiden

$may 4ih res.e! o any Sae6$or Union erriory*, and 4here i is a Sae9, a1er!ons"laion 4ih he 'overnor hereo1,* 3y ."3li!noiB!aion>, s.e!i1y he ri3es or ri3al !omm"niies or

.ars o1 or gro".s 4ihin ri3es or ri3al !omm"niies4hi!h shall 1or he ."r.oses o1 his Consi"ion 3edeemed o 3e S!hed"led Tri3es in relaion o ha Sae6$or Union erriory, as he !ase may 3e*:;6< Parliamen may 3y la4 in!l"de in or e2!l"de 1romhe lis o1 S!hed"led Tri3es s.e!iBed in a noiB!aioniss"ed "nder !la"se ;#< any ri3e or ri3al !omm"niy or

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.ar o1 or gro". 4ihin any ri3e or ri3al !omm"niy, 3"save as a1oresaid a noiB!aion iss"ed "nder he said!la"se shall no 3e varied 3y any s"3se"en noiB!aion:S!hed"led Tri3es:#

See he Consi"ion ;S!hed"led Cases< Order, #8 ;C:O: #8<, heConsi"ion;S!hed"led Cases< ;Union Terriories< Order, #8# ;C:O: 6<, heConsi"ion ;-amm" andRashmir< S!hed"led Cases Order, #8> ;C:O: 6<, he Consi"ion ;Dadraand NagarHaveli< S!hed"led Cases Order, #8>6 ;C:O: >9<, he Consi"ion;Pondi!herry< S!hed"ledCases Order, #8>9 ;C:O: >K<, he Consi"ion ;'oa, Daman and Di"<S!hed"led CasesOrder, #8>K ;C:O: K#< and he Consi"ion ;Siim< S!hed"led Cases Order,

#8=K ;C:O:##<:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: ##, 1or ?may, a1er!ons"laion4ih he 'overnor or &a.ram"h o1 a Sae,@:9 The 4ords and leers ?S.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3y

he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h: The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:>See he Consi"ion ;S!hed"led Tri3es< Order, #8 ;C:O: 66<, heConsi"ion;S!hed"led Tri3es< ;Union Terriories< Order, #8# ;C:O: <, he Consi"ion;Andamanand Ni!o3ar Islands< S!hed"led Tri3es Order, #88 ;C:O: K<, he Consi"ion;Dadra andNagar Haveli< S!hed"led Tri3es Order, #8>6 ;C:O: ><, he Consi"ion

;S!hed"led Tri3es<;Uar Pradesh< Order, #8>= ;C:O: =K<, he Consi"ion ;'oa, Daman andDi"< S!hed"led Tri3es Order, #8>K ;C:O: K6<, he Consi"ion ;Nagaland< S!hed"led Tri3esOrder, #8=;C:O: KK< and he Consi"ion ;Siim< S!hed"led Tri3es Order, #8=K ;C:O:###<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

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;Par %I:S.e!ial Provisions relaing o !erainClasses:Ars: 9#796:<6##PA&T %IIOFFICIAL LAN'UA'ECHAPTE& I:LAN'UA'E OF THE UNION

9: ;#< The oM!ial lang"age o1 he Union shall 3eHindi in Devanagari s!ri.: The 1orm o1 n"merals o 3e "sed 1or he oM!ial."r.oses o1 he Union shall 3e he inernaional 1orm o1 Indian n"merals:;6< No4ihsanding anyhing in !la"se ;#<, 1or a.eriod o1 B1een years 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion, he English lang"age shall !onin"e o 3e"sed 1or all he oM!ial ."r.oses o1 he Union 1or 4hi!hi 4as 3eing "sed immediaely 3e1ore s"!h!ommen!emen

Provided ha he Presiden may, d"ring he said.eriod, 3y order# a"horise he "se o1 he Hindi lang"agein addiion o he English lang"age and o1 he Devanagari1orm o1 n"merals in addiion o he inernaional 1orm o1 Indian n"merals 1or any o1 he oM!ial ."r.oses o1 heUnion:;< No4ihsanding anyhing in his ari!le,Parliamen may 3y la4 .rovide 1or he "se, a1er he said.eriod o1 B1een years, o1

;a< he English lang"age, or;3< he Devanagari 1orm o1 n"merals,1or s"!h ."r.oses as may 3e s.e!iBed in he la4:99: ;#< The Presiden shall, a he e2.iraion o1 Bveyears 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion andherea1er a he e2.iraion o1 en years 1rom s"!h!ommen!emen, 3y order !onsi"e a Commission 4hi!hshall !onsis o1 a Chairman and s"!h oher mem3ersre.resening he diGeren lang"ages s.e!iBed in he EighhS!hed"le as he Presiden may a..oin, and he order6#6

#See C:O: 9#:OM!ial lang"ageo1 he Union:Commission andCommiee o1 Parliamen onoM!ial lang"age:shall deBne he .ro!ed"re o 3e 1ollo4ed 3y he

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relaing olang"age:Lang"age o 3e"sed inre.resenaions 1or

redress o1 grievan!es:Fa!iliies 1orinsr"!ion inmoher7ong"e a.rimary sage:S.e!ial OM!er 1orling"isi!minoriies:Dire!ive o1 he

Hindi lang"age:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6#: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %II:OM!ial Lang"age:Ars: 98#:<6#>serve as a medi"m o1 e2.ression 1or all he elemens o1 he !om.osie !"l"re o1 India and o se!"re isenri!hmen 3y assimilaing 4iho" iner1ering 4ih isgeni"s, he 1orms, syle and e2.ressions "sed inHind"sani and in he oher lang"ages o1 India s.e!iBedin he Eighh S!hed"le, and 3y dra4ing, 4herever

ne!essary or desira3le, 1or is vo!a3"lary, .rimarily onSansri and se!ondarily on oher lang"ages: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %II:OM!ial Lang"age:Ar: #:<6#=PA&T %IIIE(E&'ENC0 P&O%ISIONS6: ;#< I1 he Presiden is saisBed ha a graveemergen!y e2iss 4here3y he se!"riy o1 India or o1 o1 he erriory hereo1 is hreaened, 4heher 3y4ar or e2ernal aggression or#

$armed re3ellion*, he may,3y Pro!lamaion, mae a de!laraion o ha eGe!6$inres.e! o1 he 4hole o1 India or o1 s"!h .ar o1 heerriory hereo1 as may 3e s.e!iBed in he Pro!lamaion*:$E2.lanaion:A Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y

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de!laring ha he se!"riy o1 India or any .ar o1 heerriory hereo1 is hreaened 3y 4ar or 3y e2ernalaggression or 3y armed re3ellion may 3e made 3e1orehe a!"al o!!"rren!e o1 4ar or o1 any s"!h aggression orre3ellion, i1 he Presiden is saisBed ha here is imminen

danger hereo1:*9$;6< A Pro!lamaion iss"ed "nder !la"se ;#< may 3evaried or revoed 3y a s"3se"en Pro!lamaion:;< The Presiden shall no iss"e a Pro!lamaion "nder!la"se ;#< or a Pro!lamaion varying s"!h Pro!lamaion"nless he de!ision o1 he Union Ca3ine ;ha is o say,he Co"n!il !onsising o1 he Prime (iniser and oher(inisers o1 Ca3ine ran a..oined "nder ari!le =<ha s"!h a Pro!lamaion may 3e iss"ed has 3een!omm"ni!aed o him in 4riing:

;9< Every Pro!lamaion iss"ed "nder his ari!le shall3e laid 3e1ore ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen and shall, e2!e.4here i is a Pro!lamaion revoing a .revio"sPro!lamaion, !ease o o.erae a he e2.iraion o1 onemonh "nless 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 ha .eriod i has3een a..roved 3y resol"ions o1 3oh Ho"ses o1 Parliamen6#KPro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y:#

S"3s 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: =, 1or?inernaldis"r3an!e@ ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 9K ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: = ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:9 S"3s: 3y s: =, i3id:, 1or !ls: ;6<, ;6A< and ;< ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:Provided ha

i1 any s"!h Pro!lamaion ;no 3eing aPro!lamaion revoing a .revio"s Pro!lamaion< is iss"eda a ime 4hen he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le has 3een dissolved,or he dissol"ion o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le aes .la!ed"ring he .eriod o1 one monh re1erred o in his !la"se,and i1 a resol"ion a..roving he Pro!lamaion has 3een.assed 3y he Co"n!il o1 Saes, 3" no resol"ion 4ihres.e! o s"!h Pro!lamaion has 3een .assed 3y he

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one7enh o1 he oal n"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le has 3een given, o1 heir inenion o move aresol"ion 1or disa..roving, or, as he !ase may 3e, 1ordisa..roving he !onin"an!e in 1or!e o1, a Pro!lamaioniss"ed "nder !la"se ;#< or a Pro!lamaion varying s"!h

Pro!lamaion,;a< o he S.eaer, i1 he Ho"se is in session/ or;3< o he Presiden, i1 he Ho"se is no in session,a s.e!ial siing o1 he Ho"se shall 3e held 4ihin 1o"reendays 1rom he dae on 4hi!h s"!h noi!e is re!eived 3yhe S.eaer, or, as he !ase may 3e, 3y he Presiden, 1orhe ."r.ose o1 !onsidering s"!h resol"ion:*#$6$;8<* The .o4er !on1erred on he Presiden 3y his

ari!le shall in!l"de he .o4er o iss"e diGerenPro!lamaions on diGeren gro"nds, 3eing 4ar or e2ernalaggression or$armed re3ellion* or imminen danger o1 4ar or e2ernal aggression or$armed re3ellion*, 4heheror no here is a Pro!lamaion already iss"ed 3y hePresiden "nder !la"se ;#< and s"!h Pro!lamaion is ino.eraion:

9 *#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7eighh Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: ;reros.e!ively<:6Cl: ;9< re7n"m3ered as !l: ;8< 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen<A!, #8=K,s: = ;4:e:1 67>7#8=8<:S"3s: 3y s: =, i3id:, 1or ?inernal dis"r3an!e@ ;4:e:1 67>7#8=8<:

9Cl: ;< omied 3y s: =, i3id: ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %III:Emergen!y Provisions:Ar: 6:<66: While a Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y is ino.eraion, hen;a< no4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion,he e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union shall e2end o he

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!onsi"ionalma!hinery inSaes:# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h? omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh

Amendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:6 The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h, as he !ase may 3e@ omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:,i3id: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %III:Emergen!y Provisions:Ars: 9>:<666;6< Any s"!h Pro!lamaion may 3e revoed or varied3y a s"3se"en Pro!lamaion:;< Every Pro!lamaion "nder his ari!le shall 3elaid 3e1ore ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen and shall, e2!e.

4here i is a Pro!lamaion revoing a .revio"sPro!lamaion, !ease o o.erae a he e2.iraion o1 4omonhs "nless 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 ha .eriod i has3een a..roved 3y resol"ions o1 3oh Ho"ses o1 ParliamenProvided ha i1 any s"!h Pro!lamaion ;no 3eing aPro!lamaion revoing a .revio"s Pro!lamaion< is iss"eda a ime 4hen he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le is dissolved orhe dissol"ion o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le aes .la!ed"ring he .eriod o1 4o monhs re1erred o in his !la"se,and i1 a resol"ion a..roving he Pro!lamaion has 3een

.assed 3y he Co"n!il o1 Saes, 3" no resol"ion 4ihres.e! o s"!h Pro!lamaion has 3een .assed 3y heHo"se o1 he Peo.le 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 ha .eriod,he Pro!lamaion shall !ease o o.erae a he e2.iraiono1 hiry days 1rom he dae on 4hi!h he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le Brs sis a1er is re!onsi"ion "nless 3e1ore hee2.iraion o1 he said .eriod o1 hiry days a resol"iona..roving he Pro!lamaion has 3een also .assed 3y heHo"se o1 he Peo.le:;9< A Pro!lamaion so a..roved shall, "nless revoed,!ease o o.erae on he e2.iraion o1 a .eriod o1

#$si2monhs 1rom he dae o1 iss"e o1 he Pro!lamaion*Provided ha i1 and so o1en as a resol"ion a..rovinghe !onin"an!e in 1or!e o1 s"!h a Pro!lamaion is .assed3y 3oh Ho"ses o1 Parliamen, he Pro!lamaion shall, "nlessrevoed, !onin"e in 1or!e 1or a 1"rher .eriod o1 6

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$si2 monhs* 1rom he dae on 4hi!h "nder his !la"se i#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: K, 1or?one year1rom he dae o1 he .assing o1 he se!ond o1 he resol"ions a..roving he

Pro!lamaion"nder !la"se ;<@ ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: The 4ords ?one year@ 4ere s"3s: 1orhe original 4ords?si2 monhs@ 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: ;4:e:1:7#7#8==<:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: K, 1or?one year@;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: The 4ords ?one year@ 4ere s"3s: 1or he original 4ords?si2 monhs@ 3y

he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %III:Emergen!y Provisions:Ar: >:<664o"ld oher4ise have !eased o o.erae, 3" no s"!hPro!lamaion shall in any !ase remain in 1or!e 1or morehan hree yearsProvided 1"rher ha i1 he dissol"ion o1 he Ho"seo1 he Peo.le aes .la!e d"ring any s"!h .eriod o1#$si2

monhs* and a resol"ion a..roving he !onin"an!e in1or!e o1 s"!h Pro!lamaion has 3een .assed 3y he Co"n!ilo1 Saes, 3" no resol"ion 4ih res.e! o he !onin"an!ein 1or!e o1 s"!h Pro!lamaion has 3een .assed 3y heHo"se o1 he Peo.le d"ring he said .eriod, hePro!lamaion shall !ease o o.erae a he e2.iraion o1 hiry days 1rom he dae on 4hi!h he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le Brs sis a1er is re!onsi"ion "nless 3e1ore hee2.iraion o1 he said .eriod o1 hiry days a resol"iona..roving he !onin"an!e in 1or!e o1 he Pro!lamaionhas 3een also .assed 3y he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le

6$Provided also ha in he !ase o1 he Pro!lamaioniss"ed "nder !la"se ;#< on he ##h day o1 (ay, #8K= 4ihres.e! o he Sae o1 P"na3, he re1eren!e in he Brs.roviso o his !la"se o ?hree years@ shall 3e !onsr"edas a re1eren!e o$Bve years*:*

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9$;< No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in !la"se;9<, a resol"ion 4ih res.e! o he !onin"an!e in 1or!eo1 a Pro!lamaion a..roved "nder !la"se ;< 1or any.eriod 3eyond he e2.iraion o1 one year 1rom he dae o1 

iss"e o1 s"!h Pro!lamaion shall no 3e .assed 3y eiherHo"se o1 Parliamen "nless;a< a Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y is in o.eraion,in he 4hole o1 India or, as he !ase may 3e, in he4hole or any .ar o1 he Sae, a he ime o1 he.assing o1 s"!h resol"ion, and#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: K, 1or ?oneyear?;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: The 4ords ?one year@ 4ere s"3s: 1or he original 4ords?si2 monhs@ 3y

he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2y71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #88, s: 6:S"!!essively s"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2y7sevenh Amendmen< A!,#88, s: 6 andhe Consi"ion ;Si2y7eighh Amendmen< A!, #88#, s: 6 o read as a3ove:9S"3s 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: K, 1or !l:;< ;4:e:1:

67>7#8=8<: Cl: ;< 4as ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7eighh Amendmen<A!, #8=, s: >;reros.e!ively<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %III:Emergen!y Provisions:Ar: >:<669;3< he Ele!ion Commission !eriBes ha he!onin"an!e in 1or!e o1 he Pro!lamaion a..roved"nder !la"se ;< d"ring he .eriod s.e!iBed in s"!hresol"ion is ne!essary on a!!o"n o1 diM!"lies inholding general ele!ions o he Legislaive Assem3lyo1 he Sae !on!erned*

#$Provided ha nohing in his !la"se shall ohe Pro!lamaion iss"ed "nder !la"se ;#< on he ##h dayo1 (ay, #8K= 4ih res.e! o he Sae o1 P"na3:*=: ;#< Where 3y a Pro!lamaion iss"ed "nder !la"se ;#<o1 ari!le >, i has 3een de!lared ha he .o4ers o1 heLegisla"re o1 he Sae shall 3e e2er!isa3le 3y or "nderhe a"horiy o1 Parliamen, i shall 3e !om.een

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;a< 1or Parliamen o !on1er on he Presiden he.o4er o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o mae la4s,and o a"horise he Presiden o delegae, s"3e! os"!h !ondiions as he may hin B o im.ose, he.o4er so !on1erred o any oher a"horiy o 3e

s.e!iBed 3y him in ha 3ehal1/;3< 1or Parliamen, or 1or he Presiden or ohera"horiy in 4hom s"!h .o4er o mae la4s isvesed "nder s"37!la"se ;a<, o mae la4s !on1erring.o4ers and im.osing d"ies, or a"horising he!on1erring o1 .o4ers and he im.osiion o1 d"ies, ".on he Union or oM!ers and a"horiieshereo1/;!< 1or he Presiden o a"horise 4hen he Ho"seo1 he Peo.le is no in session e2.endi"re 1rom heConsolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae .ending he san!ion

o1 s"!h e2.endi"re 3y Parliamen:$;6< Any la4 made in e2er!ise o1 he .o4er o1 heLegisla"re o1 he Sae 3y Parliamen or he Presiden oroher a"horiy re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se ;#<E2er!ise o1 legislaive .o4ers"nder Pro!lamaioniss"ed "nder ari!le>:#

Omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2y7hird Amendmen< A!, #8K8, s: 6 ;4:e:1: >7#7#88<:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2y71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #88, s: 6:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: #, 1or !l:;6<;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %III:Emergen!y Provisions:Ars: >7=:<664hi!h Parliamen or he Presiden or s"!h oher a"horiy4o"ld no, 3" 1or he iss"e o1 a Pro!lamaion "nder

ari!le >, have 3een !om.een o mae shall, a1er hePro!lamaion has !eased o o.erae, !onin"e in 1or!e"nil alered or re.ealed or amended 3y a !om.eenLegisla"re or oher a"horiy:*K:#$;#<*6

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$While a Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!yde!laring ha he se!"riy o1 India or any .ar o1 heerriory hereo1 is hreaened 3y 4ar or 3y e2ernalaggression is in o.eraion*, nohing in ari!le #8 shallresri! he .o4er o1 he Sae as deBned in Par III o

mae any la4 or o ae any e2e!"ive a!ion 4hi!h heSae 4o"ld 3" 1or he .rovisions !onained in ha Par3e !om.een o mae or o ae, 3" any la4 so madeshall, o he e2en o1 he in!om.een!y, !ease o haveeGe! as soon as he Pro!lamaion !eases o o.erae, e2! res.e!s hings done or omied o 3e done 3e1ore hela4 so !eases o have eGe!$Provided ha9$4here s"!h Pro!lamaion o1 

Emergen!y* is in o.eraion only in any .ar o1 he errioryo1 India, any s"!h la4 may 3e made, or any s"!h e2e!"ivea!ion may 3e aen, "nder his ari!le in relaion o or inany Sae or Union erriory in 4hi!h or in any .ar o1 4hi!h he Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y is no in o.eraion,i1 and in so 1ar as he se!"riy o1 India or any .ar o1 heerriory hereo1 is hreaened 3y a!iviies in or in relaiono he .ar o1 he erriory o1 India in 4hi!h hePro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y is in o.eraion:*$;6< Nohing in !la"se ;#< shall

;a< o any la4 4hi!h does no !onain a re!ialo he eGe! ha s"!h la4 is in relaion o heS"s.ension o1 .rovisions o1 ari!le #8 d"ringemergen!ies:#Ar: K re7n"m3ered as !l: ;#< hereo1 3y 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rhAmendmen<A!, #8=K, s: 8 ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6

S"3s: 3y s: 8, i3id:, 1or ?While a Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y is in o.eraion@;4:e:1:67>7#8=8<:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: 6 ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:9

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 S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 8, 1or?4here aPro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y@ ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:Ins: 3y s: 8, i3id: ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %III:Emergen!y Provisions:Ars: =7K:<66>S"s.ension o1 heen1or!emen o1 herighs !on1erred 3yPar III d"ringemergen!ies:Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y in o.eraion 4hen i ismade/ or;3< o any e2e!"ive a!ion aen oher4ise han"nder a la4 !onaining s"!h a re!ial:*

8: ;#< Where a Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y is ino.eraion, he Presiden may 3y order de!lare ha herigh o move any !o"r 1or he en1or!emen o1 s"!h o1 #$he righs !on1erred 3y Par III ;e2!e. ari!les 6 and6#<* as may 3e menioned in he order and all .ro!eedings.ending in any !o"r 1or he en1or!emen o1 he righs somenioned shall remain s"s.ended 1or he .eriod d"ring4hi!h he Pro!lamaion is in 1or!e or 1or s"!h shorer.eriod as may 3e s.e!iBed in he order:6

$;#A< While an order made "nder !la"se ;#<menioning any o1#$he righs !on1erred 3y Par III;e2!e. ari!les 6 and 6#<* is in o.eraion, nohing inha Par !on1erring hose righs shall resri! he .o4ero1 he Sae as deBned in he said Par o mae any la4or o ae any e2e!"ive a!ion 4hi!h he Sae 4o"ld3" 1or he .rovisions !onained in ha Par 3e !om.eeno mae or o ae, 3" any la4 so made shall, o hee2en o1 he in!om.een!y, !ease o have eGe! as soon

as he order a1oresaid !eases o o.erae, e2!e. as res.e!shings done or omied o 3e done 3e1ore he la4 so!eases o have eGe!*$Provided ha 4here a Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!yis in o.eraion only in any .ar o1 he erriory o1 India,any s"!h la4 may 3e made, or any s"!h e2e!"ive a!ionmay 3e aen, "nder his ari!le in relaion o or in any

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India or o1 any .ar o1 he erriory hereo1 is hreaened,he may 3y a Pro!lamaion mae a de!laraion o haeGe!:9$;6< A Pro!lamaion iss"ed "nder !la"se ;#<

;a< may 3e revoed or varied 3y a s"3se"enPro!lamaion/Provisions as oBnan!ialemergen!y:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 9 ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8KK, s: : I shall !easeoo.erae on he e2.iry o1 a .eriod o1 4o years 1rom he !ommen!emen o1his A!, i:e:,hirieh day o1 (ar!h, #8KK:9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 9#, 1or !l:;6< ;4:e:1:67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par %III:Emergen!y Provisions:Ars: 8>:<66K;3< shall 3e laid 3e1ore ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen/;!< shall !ease o o.erae a he e2.iraion o1 4omonhs, "nless 3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 ha .eriodi has 3een a..roved 3y resol"ions o1 3oh Ho"seso1 ParliamenProvided ha i1 any s"!h Pro!lamaion is iss"ed aa ime 4hen he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le has 3een dissolvedor he dissol"ion o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le aes .la!ed"ring he .eriod o1 4o monhs re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;!<, and i1 a resol"ion a..roving he Pro!lamaion

has 3een .assed 3y he Co"n!il o1 Saes, 3" noresol"ion 4ih res.e! o s"!h Pro!lamaion has 3een.assed 3y he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le 3e1ore he e2.iraiono1 ha .eriod, he Pro!lamaion shall !ease o o.erae ahe e2.iraion o1 hiry days 1rom he dae on 4hi!h heHo"se o1 he Peo.le Brs sis a1er is re!onsi"ion "nless3e1ore he e2.iraion o1 he said .eriod o1 hiry days aresol"ion a..roving he Pro!lamaion has 3een also

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.assed 3y he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:*;< D"ring he .eriod any s"!h Pro!lamaion as ismenioned in !la"se ;#< is in o.eraion, he e2e!"ivea"horiy o1 he Union shall e2end o he giving o1 dire!ions o any Sae o o3serve s"!h !anons o1 Bnan!ial

.ro.riey as may 3e s.e!iBed in he dire!ions, and o hegiving o1 s"!h oher dire!ions as he Presiden may deemne!essary and ade"ae 1or he ."r.ose:;9< No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion;a< any s"!h dire!ion may in!l"de;i< a .rovision re"iring he red"!ion o1 salaries and allo4an!es o1 all or any !lass o1 .ersons serving in !onne!ion 4ih he aGairs o1 a Sae/;ii< a .rovision re"iring all (oney )ills oroher )ills o 4hi!h he .rovisions o1 ari!le 6= o 3e reserved 1or he !onsideraion o1 hePresiden a1er hey are .assed 3y he Legisla"reo1 he Sae/ THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %III:Emergen!y Provisions:Ar: >:<668;3< i shall 3e !om.een 1or he Presiden d"ringhe .eriod any Pro!lamaion iss"ed "nder his ari!leis in o.eraion o iss"e dire!ions 1or he red"!ion o1 salaries and allo4an!es o1 all or any !lass o1 .ersonsserving in !onne!ion 4ih he aGairs o1 he Unionin!l"ding he -"dges o1 he S".reme Co"r and he

High Co"rs:# #Cl: ;< 4as ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7eighh Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: K;reros.e!ively< and omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen<A!, #8=K,s: 9# ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par %III:Emergen!y Provisions:Ar: >:<6PA&T I

(ISCELLANEOUS>#: ;#< The Presiden, or he 'overnor or&a.ram"h o1 a Sae, shall no 3e ans4era3le o any!o"r 1or he e2er!ise and .er1orman!e o1 he .o4ersand d"ies o1 his oM!e or 1or any a! done or ."r.oringo 3e done 3y him in he e2er!ise and .er1orman!e o1 hose .o4ers and d"iesProvided ha he !ond"! o1 he Presiden may 3e

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3ro"gh "nder revie4 3y any !o"r, ri3"nal or 3odya..oined or designaed 3y eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen1or he invesigaion o1 a !harge "nder ari!le >#Provided 1"rher ha nohing in his !la"se shall 3e!onsr"ed as resri!ing he righ o1 any .erson o 3ring .ro!eedings agains he 'overnmen o1 Indiaor he 'overnmen o1 a Sae:;6< No !riminal .ro!eedings 4hasoever shall 3einsi"ed or !onin"ed agains he Presiden, or he'overnor# o1 a Sae, in any !o"r d"ring his erm o1 oM!e:;< No .ro!ess 1or he arres or im.risonmen o1 hePresiden, or he 'overnor#

o1 a Sae, shall iss"e1rom any !o"r d"ring his erm o1 oM!e:;9< No !ivil .ro!eedings in 4hi!h relie1 is !laimedagains he Presiden, or he 'overnor# o1 a Sae,shall 3e insi"ed d"ring his erm o1 oM!e in any !o"rin res.e! o1 any a! done or ."r.oring o 3e done 3yhim in his .ersonal !a.a!iy, 4heher 3e1ore or a1er heenered ".on his oM!e as Presiden, or as 'overnor#

o1 s"!h Sae, "nil he e2.iraion o1 4o monhs ne2a1er noi!e in 4riing has 3een delivered o he Presidenor he 'overnor6, as he !ase may 3e, or le1 a hisoM!e saing he na"re o1 he .ro!eedings, he !a"se o1 a!ion here1or, he name, des!ri.ion and .la!e o1 6#Proe!ion o1 Presiden and

'overnors and&a.ram"hs:# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:6

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 The 4ords ?or he &a.ram"h@ omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:residen!e o1he .ary 3y 4hom s"!h .ro!eedings are o3e insi"ed and he relie1 4hi!h he !laims:#$>#A: ;#< No .erson shall 3e lia3le o any

.ro!eedings, !ivil or !riminal, in any !o"r in res.e! o1 he ."3li!aion in a o1 a s"3sanially r"ere.or o1 any .ro!eedings o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamenor he Legislaive Assem3ly, or, as he !ase may 3e, eiherHo"se o1 he Legisla"re, o1 a Sae, "nless he ."3li!aionis .roved o have 3een made 4ih mali!eProvided ha nohing in his !la"se shall ohe ."3li!aion o1 any re.or o1 he .ro!eedings o1 ase!re siing o1 eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen or heLegislaive Assem3ly, or, as he !ase may 3e, eiher Ho"seo1 he Legisla"re, o1 a Sae:

;6< Cla"se ;#< shall in relaion o re.ors ormaers 3road!as 3y means o1 4ireless elegra.hy o1 any .rogramme or servi!e .rovided 3y means o1 a 3road!asing saion as i a..lies in relaion o re.orsor maers ."3lished in a his ari!le, ? in!l"des ane4s agen!y re.or !onaining maerial 1or ."3li!aionin a* 6$>#): A mem3er o1 a Ho"se 3elonging o any

.olii!al .ary 4ho is dis"aliBed 1or 3eing a mem3er o1 he Ho"se "nder .aragra.h 6 o1 he Tenh S!hed"le shallalso 3e dis"aliBed o hold any rem"neraive .olii!al.os 1or d"raion o1 he .eriod !ommen!ing 1rom hedae o1 his dis"aliB!aion ill he dae on 4hi!h heerm o1 his oM!e as s"!h mem3er 4o"ld e2.ire or ill hedae on 4hi!h he !oness an ele!ion o a Ho"se and isde!lared ele!ed, 4hi!hever is earlier:E2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his ari!le,;a< he e2.ression ?Ho"se@ has he meaningassigned o i in !la"se ;a< o1 .aragra.h # o1 he

 Tenh S!hed"le/Proe!ion o1 ."3li!aion o1 .ro!eedings o1 Parliamen andSae Legisla"res:Dis"aliB!aion1or a..oinmen

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on rem"neraive.olii!al .os:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 96 ;4:e:1:67>7#8=8<:

6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Niney7Brs Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 9: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:(is!ellaneo"s:Ars: >#>#):<66;3< he e2.ression ?rem"neraive .olii!al .os@means any oM!e;i< "nder he 'overnmen o1 India or he'overnmen o1 a Sae 4here he salary orrem"neraion 1or s"!h oM!e is .aid o" o1 he."3li! reven"e o1 he 'overnmen o1 India orhe 'overnmen o1 he Sae, as he !ase may 3e/

or;ii< "nder a 3ody, 4heher in!or.oraed orno, 4hi!h is 4holly or .arially o4ned 3y he'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 aSae and he salary or rem"neraion 1or s"!hoM!e is .aid 3y s"!h 3ody,e2!e. 4here s"!h salary or rem"neraion .aid is!om.ensaory in na"re:>6: $&ighs and .rivileges o1 &"lers o1 Indian Saes:*&e.: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7si2h Amendmen< A!,#8=#, s: 6:

>: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion 3" s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 ari!le #9,neiher he S".reme Co"r nor any oher !o"r shall have "risdi!ion in any dis."e arising o" o1 any .rovisiono1 a reay, agreemen, !ovenan, engagemen, sanad oroher similar insr"men 4hi!h 4as enered ino ore2e!"ed 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion3y any &"ler o1 an Indian Sae and o 4hi!h he'overnmen o1 he Dominion o1 India or any o1 is.rede!essor 'overnmens 4as a .ary and 4hi!h has orhas 3een !onin"ed in o.eraion a1er s"!h !ommen!emen,

or in any dis."e in res.e! o1 any righ a!!r"ing "nderor any lia3iliy or o3ligaion arising o" o1 any o1 he.rovisions o1 his Consi"ion relaing o any s"!h reay,agreemen, !ovenan, engagemen, sanad or oher similarinsr"men:;6< In his ari!le;a< ?Indian Sae@ means any erriory re!ognised3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 3y His

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(aesy or he 'overnmen o1 he Dominion o1 Indiaas 3eing s"!h a Sae/ and;3< ?&"ler@ in!l"des he Prin!e, Chie1 or oher.erson re!ognised 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen 3yHis (aesy or he 'overnmen o1 he Dominion o1 

India as he &"ler o1 any Indian Sae:)ar o iner1eren!e3y !o"rs indis."es arisingo" o1 !erainreaies,agreemens, e!: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:(is!ellaneo"s:Ars: >#)>:<6#$>A: No4ihsanding anyhing in his

Consi"ion or in any la4 1or he ime 3eing in 1or!e;a< he Prin!e, Chie1 or oher .erson 4ho, a anyime 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion;T4eny7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8=#, 4as re!ognised3y he Presiden as he &"ler o1 an Indian Sae orany .erson 4ho, a any ime 3e1ore s"!h!ommen!emen, 4as re!ognised 3y he Presiden ashe s"!!essor o1 s"!h r"ler shall, on and 1rom s"!h!ommen!emen, !ease o 3e re!ognised as s"!h &"leror he s"!!essor o1 s"!h &"ler/;3< on and 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 he

Consi"ion ;T4eny7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8=#,.rivy ."rse is a3olished and all righs, lia3iliies ando3ligaions in res.e! o1 .rivy ."rse are e2ing"ishedand a!!ordingly he &"ler or, as he !ase may 3e, hes"!!essor o1 s"!h &"ler, re1erred o in !la"se ;a< orany oher .erson shall no 3e .aid any s"m as .rivy."rse:*>9: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion, he Presiden may 3y ."3li! noiB!aiondire! ha as 1rom s"!h dae as may 3e s.e!iBed in henoiB!aion

;a< any la4 made 3y Parliamen or 3y heLegisla"re o1 a Sae shall no o any maor.or or aerodrome or shall hereo s"3e! os"!h e2!e.ions or modiB!aions as may 3e s.e!iBedin he noiB!aion, or;3< any e2ising la4 shall !ease o have eGe! inany maor .or or aerodrome e2!e. as res.e!s hingsdone or omied o 3e done 3e1ore he said dae, or

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shall in is!aion o s"!h .or or aerodromehave eGe! s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions or modiB!aionsas may 3e s.e!iBed in he noiB!aion:;6< In his ari!le;a< ?maor .or@ means a .or de!lared o 3e a

maor .or 3y or "nder any la4 made 3y Parliamenor any e2ising la4 and in!l"des all areas 1or heime 3eing in!l"ded 4ihin he limis o1 s"!h .or/;3< ?aerodrome@ means aerodrome as deBned 1orhe ."r.oses o1 he ena!mens relaing o air4ays,air!ra1 and air navigaion:&e!ogniiongraned o &"lerso1 Indian Saeso !ease and.rivy ."rses o

3e a3olished:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8=#, s: :S.e!ial .rovisionsas o maor .orsand aerodromes: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:(is!ellaneo"s:Ars: >A7>9:<69>: Where any Sae has 1ailed o ! 4ih, or ogive eGe! o, any dire!ions given in he e2er!ise o1 hee2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union "nder any o1 he .rovisions

o1 his Consi"ion, i shall 3e la41"l 1or he Presiden ohold ha a si"aion has arisen in 4hi!h he 'overnmeno1 he Sae !anno 3e !arried on in a!!ordan!e 4ih he.rovisions o1 his Consi"ion:>>: In his Consi"ion, "nless he !one2 oher4isere"ires, he 1ollo4ing e2.ressions have he meaningshere3y res.e!ively assigned o hem, ha is o say;#< ?agri!"l"ral in!ome@ means agri!"l"ralin!ome as deBned 1or he ."r.oses o1 he ena!mensrelaing o Indian in!ome7a2/;6< ?an Anglo7Indian@ means a .erson 4hose

1aher or any o1 4hose oher male .rogeniors in hemale line is or 4as o1 E"ro.ean des!en 3" 4ho isdomi!iled 4ihin he erriory o1 India and is or 4as3orn 4ihin s"!h erriory o1 .arens ha3i"allyresiden herein and no esa3lished here 1orem.orary ."r.oses only/;< ?ari!le@ means an ari!le o1 his Consi"ion/;9< ?3orro4@ in!l"des he raising o1 money 3y he

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gran o1 ann"iies, and ?loan@ shall 3e !onsr"eda!!ordingly/# ;< ?!la"se@ means a !la"se o1 he ari!le in 4hi!h

he e2.ression o!!"rs/;>< ?!or.oraion a2@ means any a2 on in!ome,so 1ar as ha a2 is .aya3le 3y !om.anies and is aa2 in he !ase o1 4hi!h he 1ollo4ing !ondiions are1"lBlled;a< ha i is no !hargea3le in res.e! o1 agri!"l"ral in!ome/;3< ha no ded"!ion in res.e! o1 he a2.aid 3y !om.anies is, 3y any ena!mens 4hi!hmay o he a2, a"horised o 3e made1rom dividends .aya3le 3y he !om.anies o

individ"als/;!< ha no .rovision e2iss 1or aing he a2so .aid ino a!!o"n in !om."ing 1or heEGe! o1 1ail"reo ! 4ih,or o give eGe!o, dire!ionsgiven 3y heUnion:DeBniions: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par I:(is!ellaneo"s:Ars: >7>>:<6#Cl: ;9A< 4as ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s:9;4:e:1: #767#8==< and omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen<A!, #8==, s: ##;4:e:1: #797#8=K<:."r.oses o1 Indian in!ome7a2 he oal in!omeo1 individ"als re!eiving s"!h dividends, or in!om."ing he Indian in!ome7a2 .aya3le 3y, orre1"nda3le o, s"!h individ"als/

;=< ?!orres.onding Provin!e@, ?!orres.ondingIndian Sae@ or ?!orres.onding Sae@ means in!ases o1 do"3 s"!h Provin!e, Indian Sae or Sae asmay 3e deermined 3y he Presiden o 3e he!orres.onding Provin!e, he !orres.onding IndianSae or he !orres.onding Sae, as he !ase may 3e,1or he .ari!"lar ."r.ose in "esion/;K< ?de3@ in!l"des any lia3iliy in res.e! o1 any

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4iho" ineres hereon or any oher addiionhereo, o1 s"3s!ri.ions o a .roviden 1"nd/;#K< ?Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y@ means aPro!lamaion iss"ed "nder !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le 6/;#8< ?."3li! noiB!aion@ means a noiB!aion in

he 'a+ee o1 India, or, as he !ase may 3e, he OM!ial'a+ee o1 a Sae/;6< ?rail4ay@ does no in!l"de;a< a ram4ay 4holly 4ihin a m"ni! area,or;3< any oher line o1 !omm"ni!aion 4hollysi"ae in one Sae and de!lared 3y Parliamen 3yla4 no o 3e a rail4ay/# 6

$;66< ?&"ler@ means he Prin!e, Chie1 or oher.erson 4ho, a any ime 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion ;T4eny7si2h Amendmen< A!,#8=#, 4as re!ognised 3y he Presiden as he &"lero1 an Indian Sae or any .erson 4ho, a any ime3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen, 4as re!ognised 3y hePresiden as he s"!!essor o1 s"!h &"ler/*;6< ?S!hed"le@ means a S!hed"le o hisConsi"ion/;69< ?S!hed"led Cases@ means s"!h !ases, ra!esor ri3es or .ars o1 or gro".s 4ihin s"!h !ases,

#Cl: ;6#< omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68and S!h:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8=#, s: 9, 1or !l:;66<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:(is!ellaneo"s:Ar: >>:<6=ra!es or ri3es as are deemed "nder ari!le 9# o 3eS!hed"led Cases 1or he ."r.oses o1 hisConsi"ion/

;6< ?S!hed"led Tri3es@ means s"!h ri3es orri3al !omm"niies or .ars o1 or gro".s 4ihin s"!hri3es or ri3al !omm"niies as are deemed "nderari!le 96 o 3e S!hed"led Tri3es 1or he ."r.oses o1 his Consi"ion/;6>< ?se!"riies@ in!l"des so!/#

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;6=< ?s"37!la"se@ means a s"37!la"se o1 he !la"sein 4hi!h he e2.ression o!!"rs/;6K< ?a2aion@ in!l"des he im.osiion o1 any a2or im.os, 4heher general or lo!al or s.e!ial, and?a2@ shall 3e !onsr"ed a!!ordingly/

;68< ?a2 on in!ome@ in!l"des a a2 in he na"reo1 an e2!ess .roBs a2/6$;68A< ?a2 on he sale or ."r!hase o1 goods@in!l"des;a< a a2 on he rans1er, oher4ise han in."rs"an!e o1 a !onra!, o1 .ro.ery in any goods1or !ash, de1erred .aymen or oher val"a3le!onsideraion/;3< a a2 on he rans1er o1 .ro.ery in goods;4heher as goods or in some oher 1orm<

involved in he e2e!"ion o1 a 4ors !onra!/;!< a a2 on he delivery o1 goods on hire7."r!hase or any sysem o1 .aymen 3yinsalmens/;d< a a2 on he rans1er o1 he righ o "seany goods 1or any ."r.ose ;4heher or no 1or as.e!iBed .eriod< 1or !ash, de1erred .aymen oroher val"a3le !onsideraion/;e< a a2 on he s" o1 goods 3y any"nin!or.oraed asso!iaion or 3ody o1 .ersonso a mem3er hereo1 1or !ash, de1erred .aymen

or oher val"a3le !onsideraion/#Cl: ;6>A< 4as ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>,s: 9;4:e:1: #767#8==< and omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7hird Amendmen<A!, #8==, s: ##;4:e:1: #797#8=K<:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8K6, s: 9: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:(is!ellaneo"s:Ar: >>:<

6K;1< a a2 on he s", 3y 4ay o1 or as .aro1 any servi!e or in any oher manner4hasoever, o1 goods, 3eing 1ood or any oherari!le 1or h"man !ons"m.ion or any drin;4heher or no ino2i!aing<, 4here s"!h s"..lyor servi!e, is 1or !ash, de1erred .aymen or oherval"a3le !onsideraion,and s"!h rans1er, delivery or s" o1 any goods shall

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3e deemed o 3e a sale o1 hose goods 3y he .ersonmaing he rans1er, delivery or s" and a ."r!haseo1 hose goods 3y he .erson o 4hom s"!h rans1er,delivery or s" is made/*#

$;< ?Union erriory@ means any Unionerriory s.e!iBed in he Firs S!hed"le and in!l"desany oher erriory !om.rised 4ihin he erriory o1 India 3" no s.e!iBed in ha S!hed"le:*>=: ;#< Unless he !one2 oher4ise re"ires, he'eneral Cla"ses A!, #K8=, shall, s"3e! o anyada.aions and modiB!aions ha may 3e made herein"nder ari!le =6, 1or he iner.reaion o1 hisConsi"ion as i a..lies 1or he iner.reaion o1 an A!o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Dominion o1 India:;6< Any re1eren!e in his Consi"ion o A!s or la4s

o1, or made 3y, Parliamen, or o A!s or la4s o1, ormade 3y, he Legisla"re o1 a Sae6, shall 3e !onsr"edas in!l"ding a re1eren!e o an Ordinan!e made 3y hePresiden or, o an Ordinan!e made 3y a 'overnor,as he !ase may 3e:;< For he ."r.oses o1 his Consi"ion ?1oreignSae@ means any Sae oher han India

Provided ha, s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4made 3y Parliamen, he Presiden may 3y order9 de!lareany Sae no o 3e a 1oreign Sae 1or s"!h ."r.oses asmay 3e s.e!iBed in he order:Iner.reaion:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:,1or !l: ;<:6

 The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3ys: 68 and S!h:, i3id: The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h ? omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:9See he Consi"ion ;De!laraion as o Foreign Saes< Order, #8 ;C:O: 6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

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;Par I:(is!ellaneo"s:Ars: >>7>=:<68PA&T A(END(ENT OF THE CONSTITUTION>K:6

$;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion, Parliamen may in e2er!ise o1 is !onsi"en.o4er amend 3y 4ay o1 addiion, variaion or re.eal any.rovision o1 his Consi"ion in a!!ordan!e 4ih!ed"re laid do4n in his ari!le:*$;6<* An amendmen o1 his Consi"ion may 3einiiaed only 3y he inrod"!ion o1 a )ill 1or he ."r.osein eiher Ho"se o1 Parliamen, and 4hen he )ill is .assedin ea!h Ho"se 3y a maoriy o1 he oal mem3ershi. o1 ha Ho"se and 3y a maoriy o1 no less han 4o7hirds

o1 he mem3ers o1 ha Ho"se .resen and voing,9$ishall 3e .resened o he Presiden 4ho shall give hisassen o he )ill and here".on* he Consi"ion shallsand amended in a!!ordan!e 4ih he erms o1 he )illProvided ha i1 s"!h amendmen sees o mae any!hange in;a< ari!le 9, ari!le , ari!le =, ari!le #>6 orari!le 69#, or;3< I% o1 Par %, % o1 Par %I, or I o1 Par I, or;!< any o1 he Liss in he Sevenh S!hed"le, or;d< he re.resenaion o1 Saes in Parliamen, or;e< he .rovisions o1 his ari!le,he amendmen shall also re"ire o 3e raiBed 3y heLegisla"res o1 no less han one7hal1 o1 he Saes 3yresol"ions o ha eGe! .assed 3y hose Legisla"res69#

$Po4er o1 Parliamen oamend heConsi"ion!ed"rehere1or:*#

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S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=#, s: , 1or?Pro!ed"re1or he amendmen o1 he Consi"ion@:6Ins: 3y s: , i3id:

Ar: >K ren"m3ered as !l: ;6< hereo1 3y s: , i3id:9S"3s: 3y s: , i3id:, 1or ?i shall 3e .resened o he Presiden 1or his assenand ".ons"!h assen 3eing given o he )ill,@: The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Pars A and ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3y heConsi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:3e1ore he )illmaing .rovision 1or s"!h amendmen is

.resened o he Presiden 1or assen:#$;< Nohing in ari!le # shall o anyamendmen made "nder his ari!le:*6$;9< No amendmen o1 his Consi"ion ;in!l"dinghe .rovisions o1 Par III< made or ."r.oring o have3een made "nder his ari!le $4heher 3e1ore or a1er he!ommen!emen o1 se!ion o1 he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>* shall 3e !alled in "esionin any !o"r on any gro"nd:

 ;< For he removal o1 do"3s, i is here3y de!laredha here shall 3e no limiaion 4haever on he!onsi"en .o4er o1 Parliamen o amend 3y 4ay o1 addiion, variaion or re.eal he .rovisions o1 hisConsi"ion "nder his ari!le:*#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=#, s: :6Cls: ;9< and ;< 4ere ins: in ari!le >K 3y s: o1 he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ondAmendmen< A!, #8=>: This se!ion has 3een de!lared invalid 3y he

S".reme Co"r in(inerva (ills Ld: and Ohers %s: Union o1 India and Ohers ;#8K< 6 S:C:C:8#: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par :Amendmen o1 he Consi"ion:Ar: >K:<69#PA&T I#$TE(PO&A&0, T&ANSITIONAL

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AND SPECIAL P&O%ISIONS*>8: No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion,Parliamen shall, d"ring a .eriod o1 Bve years 1romhe !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, have .o4ero mae la4s 4ih res.e! o he 1ollo4ing maers as

i1 hey 4ere en"meraed in he Con!"rren Lis,namely;a< rade and !ommer!e 4ihin a Sae in, andhe .rod"!ion, s" and disri3"ion o1, !oonand 4oollen e2iles, ra4 !oon ;in!l"ding ginned!oon and "nginned !oon or<, !oonseed, ;in!l"ding ne4s.rin<, 1ood7s"Gs;in!l"ding edi3le oilseeds and oil<, !ale 1odder;in!l"ding oil7!aes and oher !on!enraes<, !oal;in!l"ding !oe and derivaives o1 !oal<, iron, seeland mi!a/

;3< oGen!es agains la4s 4ih res.e! o any o1 he maers menioned in !la"se ;a<, "risdi!ion and.o4ers o1 all !o"rs e2!e. he S".reme Co"r 4ihres.e! o any o1 hose maers, and 1ees in res.e!o1 any o1 hose maers 3" no in!l"ding 1ees aenin any !o"r/3" any la4 made 3y Parliamen, 4hi!h Parliamen4o"ld no 3" 1or he .rovisions o1 his ari!le have3een !om.een o mae, shall, o he e2en o1 hein!om.een!y, !ease o have eGe! on he e2.iraion o1 he said .eriod, e2!e. as res.e!s hings done or

omied o 3e done 3e1ore he e2.iraion hereo1:696 Tem.orary .o4ero Parliamen omae la4s 4ihres.e! o !erainmaers in he SaeLis as i1 hey 4eremaers in heCon!"rren Lis:#

S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thireenh Amendmen< A!, #8>6, s: 6, 1or?TE(PO&A&0AND T&ANSITIONAL P&O%ISIONS@ ;4:e:1: #7#67#8><:#$=: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion,;a< he .rovisions o1 ari!le 6K shall no inrelaion o he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir/;3< he .o4er o1 Parliamen o mae la4s 1or he

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said Sae shall 3e limied o;i< hose maers in he Union Lis and heCon!"rren Lis 4hi!h, in !ons"laion 4ih he'overnmen o1 he Sae, are de!lared 3y hePresiden o !orres.ond o maers s.e!iBed in

he Insr"men o1 A!!ession governing hea!!ession o1 he Sae o he Dominion o1 India ashe maers 4ih res.e! o 4hi!h he DominionLegisla"re may mae la4s 1or ha Sae/ and;ii< s"!h oher maers in he said Liss as, 4ihhe !on!"rren!e o1 he 'overnmen o1 he Sae,he Presiden may 3y order s.e!i1y:E2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his ari!le, he'overnmen o1 he Sae means he .erson 1or he ime3eing re!ognised 3y he Presiden as he (aharaa o1  -amm" and Rashmir a!ing on he advi!e o1 he Co"n!il

o1 (inisers 1or he ime 3eing in oM!e "nder he(aharaas Pro!lamaion daed he B1h day o1 (ar!h,#89K/;!< he .rovisions o1 ari!le # and o1 his ari!leshall in relaion o ha Sae/;d< s"!h o1 he oher .rovisions o1 his Consi"ionshall in relaion o ha Sae s"3e! o s"!h Tem.orary.rovisions 4ihres.e! o he Saeo1 -amm" and

Rashmir:#In e2er!ise o1 he .o4ers !on1erred 3y his ari!le he Presiden, on here!ommendaiono1 he Consi"en Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir, de!laredha, as 1rom he#=h day o1 Novem3er, #86, he said ar: = shall 3e o.eraive 4ih hemodiB!aion ha1or he E2.lanaion in !l: ;#< hereo1, he 1ollo4ing E2.lanaion is s"3si"ed,

namely?E2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his ari!le, he 'overnmen o1 he Saemeanshe .erson 1or he ime 3eing re!ognised 3y he Presiden on here!ommendaion o1 heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae as he Sadar7I7&iyasa o1 -amm" andRashmir,

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a!ing on he advi!e o1 he Co"n!il o1 (inisers o1 he Sae 1or he ime3eing in oM!e:@:;(inisry o1 La4 Order No: C:O: 99, daed he #h Novem3er, #86<:No4 ?'overnor@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =:<69e2!e.ions and modiB!aions as he Presiden may3y order# s.e!i1yProvided ha no s"!h order 4hi!h relaes o hemaers s.e!iBed in he Insr"men o1 A!!ession o1 he Sae re1erred o in .aragra.h ;i< o1 s"37!la"se ;3<shall 3e iss"ed e2!e. in !ons"laion 4ih he'overnmen o1 he Sae

Provided 1"rher ha no s"!h order 4hi!h relaeso maers oher han hose re1erred o in he!eding .roviso shall 3e iss"ed e2!e. 4ih he!on!"rren!e o1 ha 'overnmen:;6< I1 he !on!"rren!e o1 he 'overnmen o1 he Saere1erred o in .aragra.h ;ii< o1 s"37!la"se ;3< o1 !la"se ;#<or in he se!ond .roviso o s"37!la"se ;d< o1 ha !la"se3e given 3e1ore he Consi"en Assem3ly 1or he ."r.oseo1 1raming he Consi"ion o1 he Sae is !onvened, ishall 3e .la!ed 3e1ore s"!h Assem3ly 1or s"!h de!isionas i may ae hereon:

;< No4ihsanding anyhing in he 1oregoing.rovisions o1 his ari!le, he Presiden may, 3y ."3li!noiB!aion, de!lare ha his ari!le shall !ease o 3eo.eraive or shall 3e o.eraive only 4ih s"!h e2!e.ionsand modiB!aions and 1rom s"!h dae as he may s.e!i1yProvided ha he re!ommendaion o1 he Consi"enAssem3ly o1 he Sae re1erred o in !la"se ;6< shall 3ene!essary 3e1ore he Presiden iss"es s"!h a noiB!aion:6$=#:

;6< No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion,he Presiden may 3y order made 4ih res.e! o$he#See he Consi"ion ;!aion o -amm" and Rashmir< Order, #89 ;C:O:9K< as

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amended 1rom ime o ime, in A..endi2 I:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 66, 1or ar:=#:

Cl: ;#< omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=, s:6, ;4:e:1:#7=7#8=9<:9 The 4ords ?Andhra Pradesh,@ omied 3y s: 6, i3id: ;4:e:1: #7=7#8=9<:S"3s: 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaion A!, #8> ;## o1 #8><, s: K, 1or ?heSae o1 )om3ay@ ;4:e:1: #77#8><: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ial

Provisions:Ars: =7=#:<699S.e!ial .rovision4ih res.e! ohe Saes o19(aharashra and'"ara:Sae o1 (aharashra or '"ara*, .rovide 1or any s.e!ialres.onsi3iliy o1 he 'overnor 1or;a< he esa3lishmen o1 se.arae

3oards 1or %idar3ha, (arah4ada,#$and he res o1 (aharashra or, as he !ase may 3e,* Sa"rashra,R"!h and he res o1 '"ara 4ih he .rovision haa re.or on he 4oring o1 ea!h o1 hese 3oards 4ill3e .la!ed ea!h year 3e1ore he Sae LegislaiveAssem3ly/;3< he e"ia3le allo!aion o1 1"nds 1ordevelo.menal e2.endi"re over he said areas,s"3e! o he re"iremens o1 he Sae as a 4hole/

and;!< an e"ia3le arrangemen .roviding ade"ae1a!iliies 1or e!hni!al ed"!aion and vo!aionalraining, and ade"ae o..or"niies 1or em.loymenin servi!es "nder he !onrol o1 he Sae 'overnmen,in res.e! o1 all he said areas, s"3e! o here"iremens o1 he Sae as a 4hole:*6

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$=#A: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion,;a< no A! o1 Parliamen in res.e! o1;i< religio"s or so!ial .ra!i!es o1 he Nagas,;ii< Naga !"somary la4 and .ro!ed"re,

;iii< adminisraion o1 !ivil and !riminal "si!einvolving de!isions a!!ording o Naga !"somaryla4,;iv< o4nershi. and rans1er o1 land and isreso"r!es,shall o he Sae o1 Nagaland "nless he LegislaiveAssem3ly o1 Nagaland 3y a resol"ion so de!ides/;3< he 'overnor o1 Nagaland shall have s.e!ialres.onsi3iliy 4ih res.e! o la4 and order in heS.e!ial .rovision4ih res.e! o he

Sae o1 Nagaland:#S"3s: 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaion A!, #8> ;## o1 #8><, s: K, 1or ?heres o1 (aharashra,@ ;4:e:1: #77#8><:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thireenh Amendmen< A!, #8>6, s: 6 ;4:e:1: #7#67#8><: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ars: =#7=#A:<

69Sae o1 Nagaland 1or so long as in his o.inion inernaldis"r3an!es o!!"rring in he Naga Hills7T"ensangArea immediaely 3e1ore he 1ormaion o1 ha Sae!onin"e herein or in any .ar hereo1 and in hedis!harge o1 his 1"n!ions in relaion hereo he'overnor shall, a1er !ons"ling he Co"n!il o1 (inisers, e2er!ise his individ"al "dgmen as o hea!ion o 3e aenProvided ha i1 any "esion arises 4heher anymaer is or is no a maer as res.e!s 4hi!h he'overnor is "nder his s"37!la"se re"ired o a! in

he e2er!ise o1 his individ"al "dgmen, he de!isiono1 he 'overnor in his dis!reion shall 3e Bnal, andhe validiy o1 anyhing done 3y he 'overnor shallno 3e !alled in "esion on he gro"nd ha he o"ghor o"gh no o have a!ed in he e2er!ise o1 hisindivid"al "dgmenProvided 1"rher ha i1 he Presiden on re!ei. o1 a re.or 1rom he 'overnor or oher4ise is saisBed

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ha i is no longer ne!essary 1or he 'overnor ohave s.e!ial res.onsi3iliy 4ih res.e! o la4 andorder in he Sae o1 Nagaland, he may 3y orderdire! ha he 'overnor shall !ease o have s"!hres.onsi3iliy 4ih eGe! 1rom s"!h dae as may 3e

s.e!iBed in he order/;!< in maing his re!ommendaion 4ih res.e! oany demand 1or a gran, he 'overnor o1 Nagalandshall ens"re ha any money .rovided 3y he'overnmen o1 India o" o1 he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India 1or any s.e!iB! servi!e or ."r.ose is in!l"dedin he demand 1or a gran relaing o ha servi!e or."r.ose and no in any oher demand/;d< as 1rom s"!h dae as he 'overnor o1 Nagaland may 3y ."3li! noiB!aion in his 3ehal1 s.e!i1y, here shall 3e esa3lished a regional !o"n!il

1or he T"ensang disri! !onsising o1 hiry7Bvemem3ers and he 'overnor shall in his dis!reionmae r"les .roviding 1or;i< he !om.osiion o1 he regional !o"n!il andhe manner in 4hi!h he mem3ers o1 he regional!o"n!il shall 3e !hosen THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =#A:<69>Provided ha he De."y Commissioner o1 he T"ensang disri! shall 3e he Chairman e2 oM!io

o1 he regional !o"n!il and he %i!e7Chairman o1 he regional !o"n!il shall 3e ele!ed 3y hemem3ers hereo1 1rom amongs hemselves/;ii< he "aliB!aions 1or 3eing !hosen as, and1or 3eing, mem3ers o1 he regional !o"n!il/;iii< he erm o1 oM!e o1, and he salaries andallo4an!es, i1 any, o 3e .aid o mem3ers o1, heregional !o"n!il/;iv< he .ro!ed"re and !ond"! o1 3"siness o1 he regional !o"n!il/;v< he a..oinmen o1 oM!ers and saG o1 he

regional !o"n!il and heir !ondiions o1 servi!es/and;vi< any oher maer in res.e! o1 4hi!h i isne!essary o mae r"les 1or he !onsi"ion 1"n!ioning o1 he regional !o"n!il:;6< No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion,1or a .eriod o1 en years 1rom he dae o1 he 1ormaiono1 he Sae o1 Nagaland or 1or s"!h 1"rher .eriod

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as he 'overnor may, on he re!ommendaion o1 heregional !o"n!il, 3y ."3li! noiB!aion s.e!i1y in his3ehal1,;a< he adminisraion o1 he T"ensang disri! shall3e !arried on 3y he 'overnor/

;3< 4here any money is .rovided 3y he'overnmen o1 India o he 'overnmen o1 Nagalando mee he re"iremens o1 he Sae o1 Nagalandas a 4hole, he 'overnor shall in his dis!reionarrange 1or an e"ia3le allo!aion o1 ha money3e4een he T"ensang disri! and he res o1 heSae/ THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =#A:<69=;!< no A! o1 he Legisla"re o1 Nagaland shall o T"ensang disri! "nless he 'overnor, onhe re!ommendaion o1 he regional !o"n!il, 3y ."3li!noiB!aion so dire!s and he 'overnor in givings"!h dire!ion 4ih res.e! o any s"!h A! maydire! ha he A! shall in is!aion o he T"ensang disri! or any .ar hereo1 have eGe!s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions or modiB!aions as he'overnor may s.e!i1y on he re!ommendaion o1 heregional !o"n!ilProvided ha any dire!ion given "nder hiss"37!la"se may 3e given so as o have reros.e!ive

eGe!/;d< he 'overnor may mae reg"laions 1or he.ea!e, .rogress and good 'overnmen o1 he T"ensang disri! and any reg"laions so made mayre.eal or amend 4ih reros.e!ive eGe!, i1 ne!essary,any A! o1 Parliamen or any oher la4 4hi!h is 1orhe ime 3eing!a3le o ha disri!/;e< ;i< one o1 he mem3ers re.resening he T"ensang disri! in he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 Nagaland shall 3e a..oined (iniser 1or T"ensangaGairs 3y he 'overnor on he advi!e o1 he Chie1 

(iniser and he Chie1 (iniser in endering hisadvi!e shall a! on he re!ommendaion o1 hemaoriy o1 he mem3ers as a1oresaid#/;ii< he (iniser 1or T"ensang aGairs shall deal4ih, and have dire! a!!ess o he 'overnor on,all maers relaing o he T"ensang disri! 3" he

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shall ee. he Chie1 (iniser in1ormed a3o" hesame/#Paragra.h 6 o1 he Consi"ion ;&emoval o1 DiM!"lies< Order No: .rovides;4:e:1:

#7#67#8>< ha ari!le =#A o1 he Consi"ion o1 India Shall have eGe! asi1 he 1ollo4ingProviso 4ere added o .aragra.h ;i< o1 s"37!la"se ;e< o1 !la"se ;6< hereo1,namely?Provided ha he 'overnor may, on he advi!e o1 he Chie1 (iniser, a..oinany.erson as (iniser 1or T"ensang aGairs o a! as s"!h "nil s"!h ime as.ersons are!hosen in a!!ordan!e 4ih la4 o Bll he seas allo!aed o he T"ensangdisri! in heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 Nagaland:@:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =#A:<69K;1< no4ihsanding anyhing in he 1oregoing.rovisions o1 his !la"se, he Bnal de!ision on allmaers relaing o he T"ensang disri! shall 3emade 3y he 'overnor in his dis!reion/;g< in ari!les 9 and and !la"se ;9< o1 ari!leK, re1eren!es o he ele!ed mem3ers o1 he LegislaiveAssem3ly o1 a Sae or o ea!h s"!h mem3er shallin!l"de re1eren!es o he mem3ers or mem3er o1 he

Legislaive Assem3ly o1 Nagaland ele!ed 3y heregional !o"n!il esa3lished "nder his ari!le/;h< in ari!le #=;i< !la"se ;#< shall, in relaion o he LegislaiveAssem3ly o1 Nagaland, have eGe! as i1 1or he4ord ?si2y@, he 4ord ?1ory7si2@ had 3eens"3si"ed/;ii< in he said !la"se, he re1eren!e o dire!ele!ion 1rom erriorial !onsi"en!ies in he Saeshall in!l"de ele!ion 3y he mem3ers o1 heregional !o"n!il esa3lished "nder his ari!le/

;iii< in !la"ses ;6< and ;<, re1eren!es oerriorial !onsi"en!ies shall mean re1eren!es oerriorial !onsi"en!ies in he Rohima and(oo!h"ng disri!s:;< I1 any diM!"ly arises in giving eGe! o any o1 he 1oregoing .rovisions o1 his ari!le, he Presiden may3y order do anyhing ;in!l"ding any ada.aion ormodiB!aion o1 any oher ari!le< 4hi!h a..ears o him

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o 3e ne!essary 1or he ."r.ose o1 removing hadiM!"lyProvided ha no s"!h order shall 3e made a1er hee2.iraion o1 hree years 1rom he dae o1 he 1ormaiono1 he Sae o1 Nagaland:

E2.lanaion:In his ari!le, he Rohima,(oo!h"ng and T"ensang disri!s shall have he samemeanings as in he Sae o1 Nagaland A!, #8>6:* THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =#A:<698#$=#): No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion, he Presiden may, 3y order made 4ihres.e! o he Sae o1 Assam, .rovide 1or he !onsi"ionand 1"n!ions o1 a !ommiee o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly

o1 he Sae !onsising o1 mem3ers o1 ha Assem3lyele!ed 1rom he ri3al areas s.e!iBed in6$Par I* o1 hea3le a..ended o .aragra.h 6 o1 he Si2h S!hed"leand s"!h n"m3er o1 oher mem3ers o1 ha Assem3ly asmay 3e s.e!iBed in he order and 1or he modiB!aionso 3e made in he r"les o1 .ro!ed"re o1 ha Assem3ly1or he !onsi"ion and 1"n!ioning o1 s"!h!ommiee:*

$=#C: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion, he Presiden may, 3y order made 4ihres.e! o he Sae o1 (ani."r, .rovide 1or he!onsi"ion and 1"n!ions o1 a !ommiee o1 heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae !onsising o1 mem3erso1 ha Assem3ly ele!ed 1rom he Hill Areas o1 ha Sae,1or he modiB!aions o 3e made in he r"les o1 3"sinesso1 he 'overnmen and in he r"les o1 .ro!ed"re o1 heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae and 1or any s.e!ialres.onsi3iliy o1 he 'overnor in order o se!"re 1"n!ioning o1 s"!h !ommiee:

;6< The 'overnor shall ann"ally, or 4henever sore"ired 3y he Presiden, mae a re.or o he Presidenregarding he adminisraion o1 he Hill Areas in heSae o1 (ani."r and he e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Unionshall e2end o he giving o1 dire!ions o he Sae as ohe adminisraion o1 he said areas:E2.lanaion:In his ari!le, he e2.ression ?HillAreas@ means s"!h areas as he Presiden may, 3y order,

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de!lare o 3e Hill areas:*S.e!ial .rovision4ih res.e! ohe Sae o1 Assam:

S.e!ial .rovision4ih res.e! ohe Sae o1 (ani."r:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8>8, s: 9:6S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#, 1or?Par A@ ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8=#, s: ;4:e:1:#767#8=6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ars: =#)7=#C:<6S.e!ial .rovisions4ih res.e! o heSae o1 AndhraPradesh:#$=#D: ;#< The Presiden may 3y order made 4ih

res.e! o he Sae o1 Andhra Pradesh .rovide, havingregard o he re"iremens o1 he Sae as a 4hole, 1ore"ia3le o..or"niies and 1a!iliies 1or he .eo.le3elonging o diGeren .ars o1 he Sae, in he maero1 ."3li! em.loymen and in he maer o1 ed"!aion, anddiGeren .rovisions may 3e made 1or vario"s .ars o1 heSae:;6< An order made "nder !la"se ;#< may, in.ari!"lar,;a< re"ire he Sae 'overnmen o organise any!lass or !lasses o1 .oss in a !ivil servi!e o1, or any

!lass or !lasses o1 !ivil .oss "nder, he Sae inodiGeren lo!al !adres 1or diGeren .ars o1 he Saeand allo in a!!ordan!e 4ih s"!h .rin!i.les!ed"re as may 3e s.e!iBed in he order he.ersons holding s"!h .oss o he lo!al !adres soorganised/;3< s.e!i1y any .ar or .ars o1 he Sae 4hi!hshall 3e regarded as he lo!al area

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;i< 1or dire! re!r"imen o .oss in any lo!al!adre ;4heher organised in ."rs"an!e o1 an order"nder his ari!le or !onsi"ed oher4ise< "nderhe Sae 'overnmen/;ii< 1or dire! re!r"imen o .oss in any !adre

"nder any lo!al a"horiy 4ihin he Sae/ and;iii< 1or he ."r.oses o1 admission o anyUniversiy 4ihin he Sae or o any ohered"!aional insi"ion 4hi!h is s"3e! o he!onrol o1 he Sae 'overnmen/;!< s.e!i1y he e2en o 4hi!h, he manner in 4hi!hand he !ondiions s"3e! o 4hi!h, .re1eren!e orreservaion shall 3e given or made;i< in he maer o1 dire! re!r"imen o .oss inany s"!h !adre re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;3< as may3e s.e!iBed in his 3ehal1 in he order/

# Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: ;4:e:1: #7=7#8=9<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =#D:<6#;ii< in he maer o1 admission o any s"!hUniversiy or oher ed"!aional insi"ion re1erredo in s"37!la"se ;3< as may 3e s.e!iBed in his3ehal1 in he order,o or in 1avo"r o1 !andidaes 4ho have resided or s"died

1or any .eriod s.e!iBed in he order in he lo!al area inres.e! o1 s"!h !adre, Universiy or oher ed"!aionalinsi"ion, as he !ase may 3e:;< The Presiden may, 3y order, .rovide 1or he!onsi"ion o1 an Adminisraive Tri3"nal 1or he Sae o1 Andhra Pradesh o e2er!ise s"!h "risdi!ion, .o4ersand a"horiy $in!l"ding any "risdi!ion, .o4er anda"horiy 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emeno1 he Consi"ion ;Thiry7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=,4as e2er!isa3le 3y any !o"r ;oher han he S".remeCo"r< or 3y any ri3"nal or oher a"horiy* as may 3e

s.e!iBed in he order 4ih res.e! o he 1ollo4ing maers,namely;a< a..oinmen, allomen or .romoion o s"!h!lass or !lasses o1 .oss in any !ivil servi!e o1 heSae, or o s"!h !lass or !lasses o1 !ivil .oss "nderhe Sae, or o s"!h !lass or !lasses o1 .oss "nderhe !onrol o1 any lo!al a"horiy 4ihin he Sae, asmay 3e s.e!iBed in he order/

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;3< senioriy o1 .ersons a..oined, alloed or.romoed o s"!h !lass or !lasses o1 .oss in any!ivil servi!e o1 he Sae, or o s"!h !lass or !lasseso1 !ivil .oss "nder he Sae, or o s"!h !lass or!lasses o1 .oss "nder he !onrol o1 any lo!al

a"horiy 4ihin he Sae, as may 3e s.e!iBed in heorder/;!< s"!h oher !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 .ersonsa..oined, alloed or .romoed o s"!h !lass or!lasses o1 .oss in any !ivil servi!e o1 he Sae or os"!h !lass or !lasses o1 !ivil .oss "nder he Sae oro s"!h !lass or !lasses o1 .oss "nder he !onrol o1 any lo!al a"horiy 4ihin he Sae, as may 3es.e!iBed in he order: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ial

Provisions:Ar: =#D:<66;9< An order made "nder !la"se ;< may;a< a"horise he Adminisraive Tri3"nal ore!eive re.resenaions 1or he redress o1 grievan!esrelaing o any maer 4ihin is "risdi!ion as hePresiden may s.e!i1y in he order and o mae s"!horders hereon as he Adminisraive Tri3"nal deemsB/;3< !onain s"!h .rovisions 4ih res.e! o he.o4ers and a"horiies and .ro!ed"re o1 heAdminisraive Tri3"nal ;in!l"ding .rovisions 4ih

res.e! o he .o4ers o1 he Adminisraive Tri3"nalo ."nish 1or !onem. o1 isel1< as he Presidenmay deem ne!essary/;!< .rovide 1or he rans1er o he Adminisraive Tri3"nal o1 s"!h !lasses o1 .ro!eedings,!eedings relaing o maers 4ihin is "risdi!ionand .ending 3e1ore any !o"r ;oher han heS".reme Co"r< or ri3"nal or oher a"horiyimmediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 s"!h order,as may 3e s.e!iBed in he order/;d< !onain s"!h s"..lemenal, in!idenal and

!onse"enial .rovisions ;in!l"ding .rovisions as o1ees and as o limiaion, eviden!e or 1or!aion o1 any la4 1or he ime 3eing in 1or!es"3e! o any e2!e.ions or modiB!aions< as hePresiden may deem ne!essary:#;< The Order o1 he Adminisraive Tri3"nal Bnallydis.osing o1 any !ase shall 3e!ome eGe!ive ".on is

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!onBrmaion 3y he Sae 'overnmen or on he e2.iry o1 hree monhs 1rom he dae on 4hi!h he order is made,4hi!hever is earlierProvided ha he Sae 'overnmen may, 3y s.e!ialorder made in 4riing and 1or reasons o 3e s.e!iBed

#In P: Sam3am"rhy and ohers vs: Sae o1 Andhara Pradesh and anoher;#8K=< # SCC,.: >6, he S".reme Co"r de!lared !l: ;< o1 ar: =#D along 4ih he .rovisoo 3e"n!onsi"ional and void: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =#D:<6herein, modi1y or ann"l any order o1 he Adminisraive Tri3"nal 3e1ore i 3e!omes eGe!ive and in s"!h a !ase,

he order o1 he Adminisraive Tri3"nal shall have eGe!only in s"!h modiBed 1orm or 3e o1 no eGe!, as he !asemay 3e:;>< Every s.e!ial order made 3y he Sae 'overnmen"nder he .roviso o !la"se ;< shall 3e laid, as soon asmay 3e a1er i is made, 3e1ore 3oh Ho"ses o1 he SaeLegisla"re:;=< The High Co"r 1or he Sae shall no have any.o4ers o1 s".erinenden!e over he Adminisraive Tri3"nal and no !o"r ;oher han he S".reme Co"r< orri3"nal shall e2er!ise any "risdi!ion, .o4er or a"horiy

in res.e! o1 any maer s"3e! o he "risdi!ion, .o4eror a"horiy o1, or in relaion o, he Adminisraive Tri3"nal:;K< I1 he Presiden is saisBed ha he !onin"ede2isen!e o1 he Adminisraive Tri3"nal is no ne!essary,he Presiden may 3y order a3olish he Adminisraive Tri3"nal and mae s"!h .rovisions in s"!h order as hemay deem B 1or he rans1er and dis.osal o1 !ases.ending 3e1ore he Tri3"nal immediaely 3e1ore s"!ha3oliion:;8< No4ihsanding any "dgmen, de!ree or order

o1 any !o"r, ri3"nal or oher a"horiy,;a< no a..oinmen, .osing, .romoion or rans1ero1 any .erson;i< made 3e1ore he #s day o1 Novem3er, #8>,o any .os "nder he 'overnmen o1, or any lo!ala"horiy 4ihin, he Sae o1 Hydera3ad as ie2ised 3e1ore ha dae/ or;ii< made 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 he

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Consi"ion ;Thiry7se!ond Amendmen< A!,#8=, o any .os "nder he 'overnmen o1, orany lo!al or oher a"horiy 4ihin, he Sae o1 Andhra Pradesh/ and THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =#D:<69;3< no a!ion aen or hing done 3y or 3e1ore any.erson re1erred o in s"37!la"se ;a<,shall 3e deemed o 3e illegal or void or ever o have3e!ome illegal or void merely on he gro"nd ha hea..oinmen, .osing, .romoion or rans1er o1 s"!h.erson 4as no made in a!!ordan!e 4ih any la4, henin 1or!e, .roviding 1or any re"iremen as o residen!e4ihin he Sae o1 Hydera3ad or, as he !ase may 3e,4ihin any .ar o1 he Sae o1 Andhra Pradesh, in res.e!

o1 s"!h a..oinmen, .osing, .romoion or rans1er: ;#< The .rovisions o1 his ari!le and o1 any ordermade 3y he Presiden here"nder shall have eGe!no4ihsanding anyhing in any oher .rovision o1 hisConsi"ion or in any oher la4 1or he ime 3eing in1or!e:=#E: Parliamen may 3y la4 .rovide 1or heesa3lishmen o1 a Universiy in he Sae o1 AndhraPradesh:*#$=#F: No4ihsanding anyhing in his

Consi"ion,;a< he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 Siimshall !onsis o1 no less han hiry mem3ers/;3< as 1rom he dae o1 !ommen!emen o1 heConsi"ion ;Thiry7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8=;herea1er in his ari!le re1erred o as he a..oinedday<;i< he Assem3ly 1or Siim 1ormed as a res"lo1 he ele!ions held in Siim in, #8=9 4ihhiry74o mem3ers ele!ed in he said ele!ions;hereina1er re1erred o as he siing mem3ers<

shall 3e deemed o 3e he Legislaive Assem3lyo1 he Sae o1 Siim d"ly !onsi"ed "nder hisConsi"ion/Esa3lishmen o1 Cenral Universiyin Andhra Pradesh:S.e!ial .rovisions4ih res.e! o he

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Sae o1 Siim:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: ;4:e:1: 6>797#8=<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ars: =#D=#F:<6;ii< he siing mem3ers shall 3e deemed o 3ehe mem3ers o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 heSae o1 Siim d"ly ele!ed "nder hisConsi"ion/ and;iii< he said Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Saeo1 Siim shall e2er!ise he .o4ers and .er1ormhe 1"n!ions o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 a Sae"nder his Consi"ion/;!< in he !ase o1 he Assem3ly deemed o 3e he

Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 Siim "nder!la"se ;3<, he re1eren!es o he .eriod o1#$Bve years*,in !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le #=6 shall 3e !onsr"ed asre1eren!es o a .eriod o16$1o"r years* and he said.eriod o16$1o"r years* shall 3e deemed o !ommen!e

1rom he a..oined day/;d< "nil oher .rovisions are made 3y Parliamen3y la4, here shall 3e alloed o he Sae o1 Siimone sea in he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le and he Sae o1 Siim shall 1orm one .arliamenary !onsi"en!yo 3e !alled he .arliamenary !onsi"en!y 1orSiim/;e< he re.resenaive o1 he Sae o1 Siim in heHo"se o1 he Peo.le in e2isen!e on he a..oinedday shall 3e ele!ed 3y he mem3ers o1 he LegislaiveAssem3ly o1 he Sae o1 Siim/

;1< Parliamen may, 1or he ."r.ose o1 .roe!inghe righs and ineress o1 he diGeren se!ions o1 he .o."laion o1 Siim mae .rovision 1or hen"m3er o1 seas in he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 heSae o1 Siim 4hi!h may 3e Blled 3y !andidaes3elonging o s"!h se!ions and 1or he delimiaiono1 he assem3ly !onsi"en!ies 1rom 4hi!h !andidaes#

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S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 9, 1or ?si2years@;4:e:1: >787#8=8<: The 4ords ?si2 years@ 4ere s"3s: 1or he original 4ords?Bve years@ 3y heConsi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: > ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:

6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K, s: 9, 1or ?Bveyears@;4:e:1: >787#8=8<: The 4ords ?Bve years@ 4ere s"3s: 1or he original 4ords?1o"r years@ 3yhe Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: > ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =#F:<6>3elonging o s"!h se!ions alone may sand 1or

ele!ion o he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 Siim/;g< he 'overnor o1 Siim shall have s.e!ialres.onsi3iliy 1or .ea!e and 1or an e"ia3learrangemen 1or ens"ring he so!ial and e!onomi!advan!emen o1 diGeren se!ions o1 he .o."laiono1 Siim and in he dis!harge o1 his s.e!ialres.onsi3iliy "nder his !la"se, he 'overnor o1 Siim shall, s"3e! o s"!h dire!ions as hePresiden may, 1rom ime o ime, deem B o iss"e,a! in his dis!reion/

;h< all .ro.ery and asses ;4heher 4ihin oro"side he erriories !om.rised in he Sae o1 Siim< 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he a..oined day4ere vesed in he 'overnmen o1 Siim or in anyoher a"horiy or in any .erson 1or he ."r.oses o1 he 'overnmen o1 Siim shall, as 1rom he a..oinedday, ves in he 'overnmen o1 he Sae o1 Siim/;i< he High Co"r 1"n!ioning as s"!himmediaely 3e1ore he a..oined day in heerriories !om.rised in he Sae o1 Siim shall, onand 1rom he a..oined day, 3e deemed o 3e he

High Co"r 1or he Sae o1 Siim/;< all !o"rs o1 !ivil, !riminal and reven"e "risdi!ion, all a"horiies and all oM!ers, "di!ial,e2e!"ive and miniserial, hro"gho" he errioryo1 he Sae o1 Siim shall !onin"e on and 1rom hea..oined day o e2er!ise heir res.e!ive 1"n!ionss"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion/;< all la4s in 1or!e immediaely 3e1ore he

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a..oined day in he erriories !om.rised in heSae o1 Siim or any .ar hereo1 shall !onin"eo 3e in 1or!e herein "nil amended or re.ealed 3ya !om.een Legisla"re or oher !om.eena"horiy/

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =#F:<6=;l< 1or he ."r.ose o1 1a!iliaing he!aiono1 any s"!h la4 as is re1erred o in !la"se ;< inrelaion o he adminisraion o1 he Sae o1 Siimand 1or he ."r.ose o1 3ringing he .rovisions o1 any s"!h la4 ino a!!ord 4ih he .rovisions o1 hisConsi"ion, he Presiden may, 4ihin 4o years1rom he a..oined day, 3y order, mae s"!hada.aions and modiB!aions o1 he la4, 4heher

3y 4ay o1 re.eal or amendmen, as may 3e ne!essaryor e2.edien, and here".on, every s"!h la4 shallhave eGe! s"3e! o he ada.aions andmodiB!aions so made, and any s"!h ada.aion ormodiB!aion shall no 3e "esioned in any !o"r o1 la4/;m< neiher he S".reme Co"r nor any oher !o"rshall have "risdi!ion in res.e! o1 any dis."e oroher maer arising o" o1 any reay, agreemen,engagemen or oher similar insr"men relaing oSiim 4hi!h 4as enered ino or e2e!"ed 3e1ore

he a..oined day and o 4hi!h he 'overnmen o1 India or any o1 is .rede!essor 'overnmens 4as a.ary, 3" nohing in his !la"se shall 3e !onsr"edo derogae 1rom he .rovisions o1 ari!le #9/;n< he Presiden may , 3y ."3li! noiB!aion, e2end4ih s"!h resri!ions or modiB!aions as hehins B o he Sae o1 Siim any ena!men 4hi!his in 1or!e in a Sae in India a he dae o1 henoiB!aion/;o< i1 any diM!"ly arises in giving eGe! o any o1 he 1oregoing .rovisions o1 his ari!le, he Presiden

may, 3y order#, do anyhing ;in!l"ding anyada.aion or modiB!aion o1 any oher ari!le< 4hi!ha..ears o him o 3e ne!essary 1or he ."r.ose o1 removing ha diM!"lyProvided ha no s"!h order shall 3e made a1erhe e2.iry o1 4o years 1rom he a..oined day/

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#See he Consi"ion ;&emoval o1 DiM!"lies< Order No: I ;C:O: 88<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =#F:<

6K;.< all hings done and all a!ions aen in or inrelaion o he Sae o1 Siim or he erriories!om.rised herein d"ring he .eriod !ommen!ingon he a..oined day and ending immediaely 3e1orehe dae on 4hi!h he Consi"ion ;Thiry7si2hAmendmen< A!, #8=, re!eives he assen o1 hePresiden shall, in so 1ar as hey are in !on1ormiy4ih he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion as amended3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7si2h Amendmen< A!,#8=, 3e deemed 1or all ."r.oses o have 3een validlydone or aen "nder his Consi"ion as so

amended:*#$=#': No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion,;a< no A! o1 Parliamen in res.e! o1;i< religio"s or so!ial .ra!i!es o1 he (i+os,;ii< (i+o !"somary la4 and .ro!ed"re,;iii< adminisraion o1 !ivil and !riminal "si!einvolving de!isions a!!ording o (i+o !"somaryla4,;iv< o4nershi. and rans1er o1 land,

shall o he Sae o1 (i+oram "nless heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 (i+oram 3y aresol"ion so de!idesProvided ha nohing in his !la"se shall a..lyo any Cenral A! in 1or!e in he Union erriory o1 (i+oram immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7hird Amendmen< A!, #8K>/;3< he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 (i+oram shall !onsis o1 no less han 1orymem3ers:*6

$=#H: No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion,;a< he 'overnor o1 Ar"na!hal Pradesh shall haves.e!ial res.onsi3iliy 4ih res.e! o la4 and orderS.e!ial .rovision4ih res.e! o heSae o1 (i+oram:S.e!ial .rovision

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4ih res.e! o heSae o1 Ar"na!halPradesh:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7hird Amendmen< A!, #8K>, s: 6 ;4:e:1: 6767

#8K=<:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7B1h Amendmen< A!, #8K>, s: 6 ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ars: =#F=#H:<68in he Sae o1 Ar"na!hal Pradesh and in he dis!hargeo1 his 1"n!ions in relaion hereo, he 'overnor shall,a1er !ons"ling he Co"n!il o1 (inisers, e2er!ise hisindivid"al "dgmen as o he a!ion o 3e aen

Provided ha i1 any "esion arises 4heher anymaer is or is no a maer as res.e!s 4hi!h he'overnor is "nder his !la"se re"ired o a! in hee2er!ise o1 his individ"al "dgmen, he de!ision o1 he 'overnor in his dis!reion shall 3e Bnal, and hevalidiy o1 anyhing done 3y he 'overnor shall no3e !alled in "esion on he gro"nd ha he o"gh oro"gh no o have a!ed in he e2er!ise o1 hisindivid"al "dgmenProvided 1"rher ha i1 he Presiden on re!ei.o1 a re.or 1rom he 'overnor or oher4ise is saisBed

ha i is no longer ne!essary 1or he 'overnor ohave s.e!ial res.onsi3iliy 4ih res.e! o la4 andorder in he Sae o1 Ar"na!hal Pradesh, he may 3yorder dire! ha he 'overnor shall !ease o haves"!h res.onsi3iliy 4ih eGe! 1rom s"!h dae as may3e s.e!iBed in he order/;3< he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 Ar"na!hal Pradesh shall !onsis o1 no less hanhiry mem3ers:*#$=#7I: No4ihsanding anyhing in his

Consi"ion, he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 'oashall !onsis o1 no less han hiry mem3ers:*=6: ;#< No4ihsanding he re.eal 3y hisConsi"ion o1 he ena!mens re1erred o in ari!le 83" s"3e! o he oher .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion, allhe la4 in 1or!e in he erriory o1 India immediaely3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion shall!onin"e in 1or!e herein "nil alered or re.ealed or

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amended 3y a !om.een Legisla"re or oher !om.eena"horiy:;6< For he ."r.ose o1 3rining he .rovisions o1 anyla4 in 1or!e in he erriory o1 India ino a!!ord 4ih heS.e!ial .rovision

4ih res.e! o heSae o1 'oa:Conin"an!e in1or!e o1 e2isingla4s and heirada.aion:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8K=, s: 6 ;4:e:1: 77#8K=<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ial

Provisions:Ars: =#H=6:<6>.rovisions o1 his Consi"ion, he Presiden may 3yorder# mae s"!h ada.aions and modiB!aions o1 s"!hla4, 4heher 3y 4ay o1 re.eal or amendmen, as may 3ene!essary or e2.edien, and .rovide ha he la4 shall, as1rom s"!h dae as may 3e s.e!iBed in he order, haveeGe! s"3e! o he ada.aions and modiB!aions somade, and any s"!h ada.aion or modiB!aion shall no3e "esioned in any !o"r o1 la4:

;< Nohing in !la"se ;6< shall 3e deemed;a< o em.o4er he Presiden o mae anyada.aion or modiB!aion o1 any la4 a1er hee2.iraion o16$hree years* 1rom he !ommen!emeno1 his Consi"ion/ or;3< o .reven any !om.een Legisla"re or oher!om.een a"horiy 1rom re.ealing or amending anyla4 ada.ed or modiBed 3y he Presiden "nder hesaid !la"se:

E2.lanaion I:The e2.ression ?la4 in 1or!e@ in hisari!le shall in!l"de a la4 .assed or made 3y a Legisla"reor oher !om.een a"horiy in he erriory o1 India 3e1orehe !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion and no .revio"slyre.ealed, no4ihsanding ha i or .ars o1 i may no 3ehen in o.eraion eiher a all or in .ari!"lar areas:E2.lanaion II:Any la4 .assed or made 3y aLegisla"re or oher !om.een a"horiy in he erriory

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o1 India 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion had e2ra7erriorial eGe! as 4ell aseGe! in he erriory o1 India shall, s"3e! o any s"!hada.aions and modiB!aions as a1oresaid, !oni"e ohave s"!h e2ra7erriorial eGe!:

#See he Ada.aion o1 La4s Order, #8, daed he 6>h -an"ary, #8,'a+ee o1 India, E2raordinary, .: 998, as amended 3y NoiB!aion No: S:&:O: ##,daed he h -"ne,#8, 'a+ee o1 India, E2raordinary, Par II, Se!ion , .: #, NoiB!aion No:S:&:O: K=,daed he 9h Novem3er, #8, 'a+ee o1 India, E2raordinary, Par II,Se!ion , .: 8,NoiB!aion No: S:&:O: K, daed he 9h, #8#, 'a+ee o1 India,E2raordinary, Par

II, Se!ion , .: 6K=, NoiB!aion No: S:&:O: ##9), daed 6nd -"ly, #86,'a+ee o1 India,E2raordinary, Par II, Se!ion , .: >#>I/ and he Ada.aion o1 he Travan!ore7Co!hinLand A!"isiion La4s Order, #86, daed he 6h Novem3er, #86, 'a+eeo1 India,E2raordinary, Par II, Se!ion , .: 86:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: #6, 1or ?4oyears@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =6:<6>#E2.lanaion III:Nohing in his ari!le shall 3e!onsr"ed as !onin"ing any em.orary la4 in 1or!e3eyond he dae B2ed 1or is e2.iraion or he dae on4hi!h i 4o"ld have e2.ired i1 his Consi"ion had no!ome ino 1or!e:E2.lanaion I%:An Ordinan!e .rom"lgaed 3y he'overnor o1 a Provin!e "nder se!ion KK o1 he'overnmen o1 India A!, #8, and in 1or!e immediaely3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion shall, "nless

4ihdra4n 3y he 'overnor o1 he !orres.onding Saeearlier, !ease o o.erae a he e2.iraion o1 si2 4ees1rom he Brs meeing a1er s"!h !ommen!emen o1 heLegislaive Assem3ly o1 ha Sae 1"n!ioning "nder!la"se ;#< o1 ari!le K6, and nohing in his ari!le shall3e !onsr"ed as !onin"ing any s"!h Ordinan!e in 1or!e3eyond he said .eriod:#

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$=6A: ;#< For he ."r.oses o1 3ringing he .rovisionso1 any la4 in 1or!e in India or in any .ar hereo1,immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 heConsi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, ino a!!ord4ih he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion as amended 3y

ha A!, he Presiden may 3y order6 made 3e1ore heBrs day o1 Novem3er, #8=, mae s"!h ada.aions andmodiB!aions o1 he la4, 4heher 3y 4ay o1 re.eal oramendmen, as may 3e ne!essary or e2.edien, and.rovide ha he la4 shall, as 1rom s"!h dae as may 3es.e!iBed in he order, have eGe! s"3e! o heada.aions and modiB!aions so made, and any s"!hada.aion or modiB!aion shall no 3e "esioned inany !o"r o1 la4:

;6< Nohing in !la"se ;#< shall 3e deemed o .revena !om.een Legisla"re or oher !om.een a"horiy1rom re.ealing or amending any la4 ada.ed or modiBed3y he Presiden "nder he said !la"se:*=: Unil .rovision is made 3y Parliamen "nder!la"se ;=< o1 ari!le 66, or "nil he e2.iraion o1 one year1rom he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, 4hi!heveris earlier, he said ari!le shall have eGe! as i1 1or anyre1eren!e o Parliamen in !la"ses ;9< and ;=< hereo1 herePo4er o1 hePresiden o

ada. la4s:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6:6See he Ada.aion o1 La4s Orders o1 #8> and #8=:Po4er o1 Presideno mae order inres.e! o1 .ersons"nder .revenivedeenion in !erain!ases:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ars: =6=:<6>64ere s"3si"ed a re1eren!e o he Presiden and 1or anyre1eren!e o any la4 made 3y Parliamen in hose !la"seshere 4ere s"3si"ed a re1eren!e o an order made 3yhe Presiden:=9: ;#< The -"dges o1 he Federal Co"r holding oM!e

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immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion shall, "nless hey have ele!ed oher4ise,3e!ome on s"!h !ommen!emen he -"dges o1 heS".reme Co"r and shall here".on 3e eniled o s"!hsalaries and allo4an!es and o s"!h righs in res.e!

o1 leave o1 a3sen!e and .ension as are .rovided 1or"nder ari!le #6 in res.e! o1 he -"dges o1 he S".remeCo"r:;6< All s"is, a..eals and .ro!eedings, !ivil or!riminal, .ending in he Federal Co"r a he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion shall sand removedo he S".reme Co"r, and he S".reme Co"r shall have "risdi!ion o hear and deermine he same, and he "dgmens and orders o1 he Federal Co"r delivered ormade 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion shallhave he same 1or!e and eGe! as i1 hey had 3een

delivered or made 3y he S".reme Co"r:;< Nohing in his Consi"ion shall o.erae oinvalidae he e2er!ise o1 "risdi!ion 3y His (aesy inCo"n!il o dis.ose o1 a..eals and .eiions 1rom, or inres.e! o1, any "dgmen, de!ree or order o1 any !o"r4ihin he erriory o1 India in so 1ar as he e2er!ise o1 s"!h "risdi!ion is a"horised 3y la4, and any order o1 His (aesy in Co"n!il made on any s"!h a..eal or.eiion a1er he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ionshall 1or all ."r.oses have eGe! as i1 i 4ere an orderor de!ree made 3y he S".reme Co"r in he e2er!ise o1 

he "risdi!ion !on1erred on s"!h Co"r 3y hisConsi"ion:;9< On and 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion he "risdi!ion o1 he a"horiy 1"n!ioningas he Privy Co"n!il in a Sae s.e!iBed in Par ) o1 heProvisions as o -"dges o1 heFederal Co"r!eedings.ending in heFederal Co"r or

3e1ore His (aesyin Co"n!il: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =7=9:<6>Firs S!hed"le o enerain and dis.ose o1 a..eals and.eiions 1rom or in res.e! o1 any "dgmen, de!ree ororder o1 any !o"r 4ihin ha Sae shall !ease, and all

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a..eals and oher .ro!eedings .ending 3e1ore he saida"horiy a s"!h !ommen!emen shall 3e rans1erred o,and dis.osed o1 3y, he S".reme Co"r:;< F"rher .rovision may 3e made 3y Parliamen 3yla4 o give eGe! o he .rovisions o1 his ari!le:

=: All !o"rs o1 !ivil, !riminal and reven"e "risdi!ion, all a"horiies and all oM!ers, "di!ial,e2e!"ive and miniserial, hro"gho" he erriory o1 India, shall !onin"e o e2er!ise heir res.e!ive 1"n!ionss"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion:=>: ;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le 6#=, he -"dges o1 a High Co"r in any Provin!eholding oM!e immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion shall, "nless hey have ele!ed oher4ise,3e!ome on s"!h !ommen!emen he -"dges o1 he HighCo"r in he !orres.onding Sae, and shall here".on 3e

eniled o s"!h salaries and allo4an!es and o s"!hrighs in res.e! o1 leave o1 a3sen!e and .ension as are.rovided 1or "nder ari!le 66# in res.e! o1 he -"dges o1 s"!h High Co"r:#$Any s"!h -"dge shall, no4ihsandingha he is no a !ii+en o1 India, 3e eligi3le 1or a..oinmenas Chie1 -"si!e o1 s"!h High Co"r, or as Chie1 -"si!e oroher -"dge o1 any oher High Co"r:*;6< The -"dges o1 a High Co"r in any Indian Sae!orres.onding o any Sae s.e!iBed in Par ) o1 he Firs

S!hed"le holding oM!e immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion shall, "nless heyhave ele!ed oher4ise, 3e!ome on s"!h !ommen!emenhe -"dges o1 he High Co"r in he Sae so s.e!iBedand shall, no4ihsanding anyhing in !la"ses ;#< and;6< o1 ari!le 6#= 3" s"3e! o he .roviso o !la"se ;#<o1 ha ari!le, !onin"e o hold oM!e "nil he e2.iraiono1 s"!h .eriod as he Presiden may 3y order deermine:Co"rs, a"horiiesand oM!ers o!onin"e o

1"n!ion s"3e! ohe .rovisions o1 he Consi"ion:Provisions as o -"dges o1 HighCo"rs:#Added 3y he 3y he Consi"ion ;Firs Amendmen< A!, #8#, s: #:

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 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ars: =9=>:<6>9;< In his ari!le, he e2.ression ?-"dge@ does noin!l"de an a!ing -"dge or an addiional -"dge:

==: The A"dior7'eneral o1 India holding oM!eimmediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion shall, "nless he has ele!ed oher4ise,3e!ome on s"!h !ommen!emen he Com.roller andA"dior7'eneral o1 India and shall here".on 3e eniledo s"!h salaries and o s"!h righs in res.e! o1 leave o1 a3sen!e and .ension as are .rovided 1or "nder!la"se ;< o1 ari!le #9K in res.e! o1 he Com.roller andA"dior7'eneral o1 India and 3e eniled o !onin"e ohold oM!e "nil he e2.iraion o1 his erm o1 oM!e asdeermined "nder he .rovisions 4hi!h 4ere!a3le

o him immediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen:=K: ;#< The mem3ers o1 he P"3li! Servi!eCommission 1or he Dominion o1 India holding oM!eimmediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion shall, "nless hey have ele!ed oher4ise,3e!ome on s"!h !ommen!emen he mem3ers o1 heP"3li! Servi!e Commission 1or he Union and shall,no4ihsanding anyhing in !la"ses ;#< and ;6< o1 ari!le #> 3" s"3e! o he .roviso o !la"se ;6< o1 haari!le, !onin"e o hold oM!e "nil he e2.iraion o1 heir erm o1 oM!e as deermined "nder he r"les 4hi!h

4ere!a3le immediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emeno s"!h mem3ers:;6< The mem3ers o1 a P"3li! Servi!e Commission o1 aProvin!e or o1 a P"3li! Servi!e Commission serving heneeds o1 a gro". o1 Provin!es holding oM!e immediaely3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion shall, "nlesshey have ele!ed oher4ise, 3e!ome on s"!h!ommen!emen he mem3ers o1 he P"3li! Servi!eCommission 1or he !orres.onding Sae or he mem3erso1 he -oin Sae P"3li! Servi!e Commission serving heneeds o1 he !orres.onding Saes, as he !ase may 3e,

and shall, no4ihsanding anyhing in !la"ses ;#< and;6< o1 ari!le #> 3" s"3e! o he .roviso o !la"se ;6<o1 ha ari!le, !onin"e o hold oM!e "nil he e2.iraiono1 heir erm o1 oM!e as deermined "nder he r"les 4hi!h4ere!a3le immediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emeno s"!h mem3ers:Provisions as oCom.roller and

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A"dior7'eneralo1 India:Provisions as oP"3li! Servi!eCommissions:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =>=K:<6>#$=KA: No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in ari!le#=6, he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae o1 AndhraPradesh as !onsi"ed "nder he .rovisions o1 se!ions6K and 68 o1 he Saes &eorganisaion A!, #8>, shall,"nless sooner dissolved, !onin"e 1or a .eriod o1 Bveyears 1rom he dae re1erred o in he said se!ion 68 andno longer and he e2.iraion o1 he said .eriod shall

o.erae as a dissol"ion o1 ha Legislaive Assem3ly:*=8:8#: &e.: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen<A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:86: ;#< The Presiden may , 1or he ."r.ose o1 removingany diM!"lies, .ari!"larly in relaion o he ransiion1rom he .rovisions o1 he 'overnmen o1 India A!, #8,o he .rovisions o1 his Consi"ion, 3y order dire! hahis Consi"ion shall, d"ring s"!h .eriod as may 3es.e!iBed in he order, have eGe! s"3e! o s"!hada.aions, 4heher 3y 4ay o1 modiB!aion, addiion oromission, as he may deem o 3e ne!essary or e2.edien

Provided ha no s"!h order shall 3e made a1er heBrs meeing o1 Parliamen d"ly !onsi"ed "nder Cha.erII o1 Par %:;6< Every order made "nder !la"se ;#< shall 3e laid3e1ore Parliamen:;< The .o4ers !on1erred on he Presiden 3y hisari!le, 3y ari!le 69, 3y !la"se ;< o1 ari!le >= and 3yari!le 8# shall, 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion, 3e e2er!isa3le 3y he 'overnor7'eneral o1 he Dominion o1 India:S.e!ial .rovision

as o d"raion o1 Andhra PradeshLegislaiveAssem3ly:Po4er o1 hePresiden oremove diM!"lies:#

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Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 69: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par I:Tem.orary, Transiional and S.e!ialProvisions:Ar: =KA86:<6>>PA&T II

SHO&T TITLE, CO((ENCE(ENT#$, AUTHO&I7 TATI%E TET IN HINDI* AND &EPEALS8: This Consi"ion may 3e !alled he Consi"iono1 India:89: This ari!le and ari!les , >, =, K, 8, >, 69, >>,>=, =8, K, KK, 8#, 86 and 8 shall !ome ino 1or!ea on!e, and he remaining .rovisions o1 his Consi"ionshall !ome ino 1or!e on he 4eny7si2h day o1 -an"ary,#8, 4hi!h day is re1erred o in his Consi"ion as he

!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion:6$89A: ;#< The Presiden shall !a"se o 3e ."3lished"nder his a"horiy,;a< he ranslaion o1 his Consi"ion in he Hindilang"age, signed 3y he mem3ers o1 he Consi"enAssem3ly, 4ih s"!h modiB!aions as may 3ene!essary o 3ring i in !on1ormiy 4ih he lang"age,syle and erminology ado.ed in he a"horiaivee2s o1 Cenral A!s in he Hindi lang"age, andin!or.oraing herein all he amendmens o1 his

Consi"ion made 3e1ore s"!h ."3li!aion/ and;3< he ranslaion in he Hindi lang"age o1 everyamendmen o1 his Consi"ion made in he Englishlang"age:;6< The ranslaion o1 his Consi"ion and o1 everyamendmen hereo1 ."3lished "nder !la"se ;#< shall 3e!onsr"ed o have he same meaning as he originalhereo1 and i1 any diM!"ly arises in so !onsr"ing o1 s"!h ranslaion, he Presiden shall !a"se hesame o 3e revised s"ia3ly:;< The ranslaion o1 his Consi"ion and o1 every

amendmen hereo1 ."3lished "nder his ari!le shall 3e6>=Shor ile:Commen!emen:A"horiaive e2in he Hindilang"age:#

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Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7eighh Amendmen< A!, #8K=, s: 6:6Ins: 3y s: , i3id:deemed o 3e, 1or all ."r.oses, he a"horiaive e2hereo1 in he Hindi lang"age:*8: The Indian Inde.enden!e A!, #89=, and he

'overnmen o1 India A!, #8, ogeher 4ih allena!mens amending or s"..lemening he laer A!,3" no in!l"ding he A3oliion o1 Privy Co"n!il -"risdi!ion A!, #898, are here3y re.ealed:&e.eals: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Par II:Shor Tile, Commen!emen, A"horiaive Te2 in Hindi and &e.eals:Ars: 89A78:<6>K#$FI&ST SCHEDULE$Ari!les # and 9*

I: THE STATESName Terriories#: Andhra Pradesh6$The erriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he Andhra Sae A!, #8, s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he Saes &eorganisaionA!, #8>, he Firs S!hed"le o he AndhraPradesh and (adras ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries<A!, #88, and he S!hed"le o he AndhraPradesh and (ysore ;Trans1er o1 Terriory< A!,

#8>K, 3" e2!l"ding he erriories s.e!iBed inhe Se!ond S!hed"le o he Andhra Pradesh and(adras ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!, #88:*6: Assam The erriories 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4ere!om.rised in he Provin!e o1 Assam, he RhasiSaes and he Assam Tri3al Areas, 3" e2!l"dinghe erriories s.e!iBed in he S!hed"le o heAssam ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!, #8#$and

he erriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he Sae o1 Nagaland A!, #8>6* 9$andhe erriories s.e!iBed in se!ions , > and = o1 he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!,#8=#*:: )ihar

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$The erriories 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4ere eiher!om.rised in he Provin!e o1 )ihar or 4ere 3eingadminisered as i1 hey 1ormed .ar o1 ha

Provin!e and he erriories s.e!iBed in !la"se#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh AmendmenV A!, #8>, s: 6, 1or he FirsS!h:6S"3s: 3y he Andhra Pradesh and (ysore ;Trans1er o1 Terriory< A!, #8>K ;>o1 #8>K<s: 9, 1or he 1ormer enry ;4:e:1: #7#7#8>K<:Added 3y he Sae o1 Nagaland A!, #8>6 ;6= o1 #8>6<, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #7#67#8><:

9Added 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:8 ;4:e:1:6#7#7#8=6<:S"3s: 3y he )ihar and Uar Pradesh ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!, #8>K ;69o1 #8>K<,s: 9, 1or he 1ormer enry ;4:e:1: #7>7#8=<:6>8;a< o1 s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he )iharand Uar Pradesh ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!,#8>K, 3" e2!l"ding he erriories s.e!iBed in

s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he )ihar and Wes)engal ;Trans1er o1 Terriories< A!, #8>, and heerriories s.e!iBed in !la"se ;3< o1 s"37se!ion;#< o1 se!ion o1 he Brs menioned A!#$andhe erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion o1 he )ihar&eorganisaion A!, 6*:*6$9: '"ara The erriories re1erred o in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he )om3ay &eorganisaion A!,

#8>:*: Rerala The erriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he Saes &eorganisaion A!, #8>:>: (adhya Pradesh The erriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion 8 o1 he Saes &eorganisaion A!, #8>$and he Firs S!hed"le o he &aashan and(adhya Pradesh ;Trans1er o1 Terriories< A!,

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#889$3" e2!l"ding he erriories s.e!iBed inse!ion o1 he (adhya Pradesh &eorganisaionA!, 6*:*

$=: Tamil Nad"* The erriories 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4ere eiher!om.rised in he Provin!e o1 (adras or 4ere 3eingadminisered as i1 hey 1ormed .ar o1 ha Provin!eand he erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion 9 o1 he Saes&eorganisaion A!, #8>,>$and he Se!ondS!hed"le o he Andhra Pradesh and (adras;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!, #88,* 3" e2!l"ding

he erriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion and s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion 9 o1 he Andhra SaeA!, #8 and=$he erriories s.e!iBed in!la"se ;3< o1 s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion , se!ion >Name Terriories#Ins: 3y he )ihar &eorganisaion A!, 6 ; o1 6<, s: ;4:e:1: #7##76<:6

S"3s: 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaion A!, #8> ;## o1 #8><, s: 9, 1or enry 9;4:e:1:#77#8><:Ins: 3y he &aashan and (adhya Pradesh ;Trans1er o1 Terriories< A!, #88;9= o1 #88<, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #7#7#88<:9Ins: 3y he (adhya Pardesh &eorganisaion A!, 6 ;6K o1 6<, s: ;4:e:1:#7##76<:

S"3s: 3y he (adras Sae ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, #8>K ; o1 #8>K<, s: ,1or ?=:(adras@ ;4:e:1: #97#7#8>8<:>Ins: 3y he Andhra Pradesh and (adras ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!, #88;> o1 #88<, s: > ;4:e:1: #797#8><:=

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S"3s: 3y s: >, i3id:, 1or !erain 4ords ;4:e:1: #797#8><: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Firs S!hed"le<6=and !la"se ;d< o1 s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion = o1 heSaes &eorganisaion A!, #8> and he erriories

s.e!iBed in he Firs S!hed"le o he AndhraPradesh and (adras ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!,#88*:#$K: (aharashra The erriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion K o1 he Saes &eorganisaion A!, #8>,3" e2!l"ding he erriories re1erred o in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he )om3ay&eorganisaion A!, #8>:*6$

$8:* Rarnaaa* The erriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion = o1 he Saes &eorganisaion A!, #8>9$3" e2!l"ding he erriory s.e!iBed in heS!hed"le o he Andhra Pradesh and (ysore;Trans1er o1 Terriory< A!, #8>K*:$#:* Orissa The erriories 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4ere eiher!om.rised in he Provin!e o1 Orissa or 4ere 3eing

adminisered as i1 hey 1ormed .ar o1 haProvin!e:$##:* P"na3 The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion ## o1 he Saes&eorganisaion A!, #8>$and he errioriesre1erred o in Par II o1 he Firs S!hed"le o heA!"ired Terriories ;(erger< A!, #8>*>$3"

e2!l"ding he erriories re1erred o in Par II o1 he Firs S!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;NinhAmendmen< A!, #8>*=$and he errioriess.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion , se!ion 9and s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he P"na3&eorganisaion A!, #8>>*:

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Name Terriories#Ins: 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaion A!, #8> ;## o1 #8><, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #77#8><:6

S"3s: 3y he (ysore Sae ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, #8= ;# o1 #8=<, s: ,1or ?8:(ysore@ ;4:e:1: #7##7#8=<:Enries K o #9 ren"m3ered as enries 8 o # 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaionA!, #8>;## o1 #8><, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #77#8><:9Ins: 3y he Andhra Pradesh and (ysore ;Trans1er o1 Terriory< A!, #8>K ;> o1 #8>K<,s: 9 ;4:e:1: #7#7#8>K<:

Ins: 3y he A!"ired Terriories ;(erger< A!, I8> ;>9 o1 #8><, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #=7#7#8>#<:>Added 3y he Consi"ion ;Ninh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: ;4:e:1: #=7#7#8>#<:=Ins: 3y he P"na3 &eorganisaion A!, #8>> ;# o1 #8>><, s: = ;4:e:1: #7##7#8>><: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Firs S!hed"le<

6=#Name Terriories#$#6:* &aashan The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion # o1 he Saes&eorganisaion A!, #8>6$3" e2!l"ding heerriories s.e!iBed in he Firs S!hed"le o he&aashan and (adhya Pradesh ;Trans1er o1  T erriories< A!, #88*:#$#:* Uar Pradesh

$The erriories 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4ere eiher!om.rised in he Provin!e no4n as he UniedProvin!es or 4ere 3eing adminisered as i1 hey1ormed .ar o1 ha Provin!e, he errioriess.e!iBed in !la"se ;3< o1 s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he )ihar and Uar Pradesh ;Aleraion o1 

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)o"ndaries< A!, #8>K, and he errioriess.e!iBed in !la"se ;3< o1 s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion9 o1 he Haryana and Uar Pradesh ;Aleraiono1 )o"ndaries< A!, #8=8, 3" e2!l"ding heerriories s.e!iBed in !la"se ;a< o1 s"37se!ion

;#< o1 se!ion o1 he )ihar and Uar Pradesh;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!, #8>K,9$and heerriories s.e!iBed in se!ion o1 he UarPradesh &eorganisaion A!, 6* and heerriories s.e!iBed in !la"se ;a< o1 s"37se!ion ;#<o1 se!ion 9 o1 he Haryana and Uar Pradesh;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!, #8=8:*#$#9:* Wes )engal The erriories 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he

!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4ere eiher!om.rised in he Provin!e o1 Wes )engal or 4ere3eing adminisered as i1 hey 1ormed .ar o1 haProvin!e and he erriory o1 Chandernagore asdeBned in !la"se ;!< o1 se!ion 6 o1 heChandernagore ;(erger< A!, #89 and also heerriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he )ihar and Wes )engal ;Trans1er o1  Terriories< A!, #8>:#Enries K o #9 ren"m3ered as enries 8 o # 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaion

A!, #8>;## o1 #8>< s: 9 ;4:e:1: #77#8><:6Ins: 3y he &aashan and (adhya Pradesh ;Trans1er o1 Terriories< A!, #88;9= o1 #88<, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #7#7#88<:S"3s: 3y he Haryana and Uar Pradesh ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!, #8=8;# o1 #8=8<, s: , 1or he enry agains ?#: Uar Pradesh@ ;4:e:1: #787#8K<:9

Ins: 3y he Uar Pradesh &eorganisaion A!, 6 ;68 o1 6<, s: ;4:e:1: 87##76<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Firs S!hed"le<6=6#$#:* -amm" and The erriory 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore heRashmir !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4as!om.rised in he Indian Sae o1 -amm" and

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Rashmir:6$#>: Nagaland The erriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he Sae o1 Nagaland A!, #8>6:*

$#=: Haryana9$The erriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he P"na3 &eorganisaion A!, #8>>and he erriories s.e!iBed in !la"se ;a< o1 s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion 9 o1 he Haryana and UarPradesh ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!, #8=8, 3"e2!l"ding he erriories s.e!iBed in !la"se ;v< o1 s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion 9 o1 ha A!:**$#K: Hima!hal Pradesh The erriories 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he

!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4ere 3eingadminisered as i1 hey 4ere Chie1 Commissioners Provin!es "nder he names o1 Hima!hal Pradesh and )ilas."r and heerriories s.e!iBed in s"37se!ion ;#< o1 se!ion o1 he P"na3 &eorganisaion A!, #8>>:*>$#8: (ani."r The erriory 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4as 3eingadminisered as i1 i 4ere a Chie1 CommissionersProvin!e "nder he name o1 (ani."r:

6: Tri."ra The erriory 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4as 3eingadminisered as i1 i 4ere a Chie1 CommissionersProvin!e "nder he name o1 Tri."ra:6#: (eghalaya The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion o1 he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=#:*Name Terriories#Enries K o #9 ren"m3ered as enries 8 o # 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaionA!, #8>;## o1 #8><, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #77#8><:

6Ins: 3y he Sae o1 Nagaland A!, #8>6 ;6= o1 #8>6<, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #7#67#8><:Ins: 3y he P"na3 &eorganisaion A!, #8>> ;# o1 #8>><, s: = ;4:e:1: l7##7#8>><:9S"3s: 3y he Haryana and Uar Pradesh ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!, #8=8;# o1 

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#8=8<: s: , 1or he enry agains ?#=: Haryana@ ;4:e:1: #787#8K<:Ins: 3y he Sae o1 Hima!hal Pradesh A!, #8= ; o1 #8=<, s: 9 ;4:e:1: 67#7#8=#<:>

#ns: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s: 8;4:e:1:6#7#7#8=6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Firs S!hed"le<6=Name Terriories#$66: Siim The erriories 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion ;Thiry7si2hAmendmen< A!, #8=, 4ere !om.rised in Siim:*6

$6: (i+oram The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion > o1 he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=#:*$69: Ar"na!hal Pradesh The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion = o1 he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=#:*9$6: 'oa The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion o1 he 'oa,Daman and Di" &eorganisaion A!, #8K=:*$6>: Chhaisgarh The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion o1 he(adhya Pradesh &eorganisaion A!, 6:*

>$6=:=$Uarahand* The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion o1 he UarPradesh &eorganisaion A!, 6:*K$6K: -harhand The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion o1 he )ihar&eorganisaion A!, 6:*II: THE UNION TE&&ITO&IESName E2en#: Delhi The erriory 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore he

!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4as!om.rised in he Chie1 Commissioners Provin!eo1 Delhi:8 # ##

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$6:* The Andaman The erriory 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore heand Ni!o3ar !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 4asIslands !om.rised in he Chie1 Commissioners Provin!eo1 he Andaman and Ni!o3ar Islands:#

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: 6 ;4:e:1: 6>797#8=<:6Ins: 3y he Sae o1 (i+oram A!, #8K> ;9 o1 #8K><, s: 9 ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:Ins: 3y he Sae o1 Ar"na!hal Pardesh A!, #8K> ;>8 o1 #8K><, s: 9 ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:9Ins: 3y he 'oa, Daman and Di" &eorganisaion A!, #8K= ;#K o1 #8K=<, s: ;4:e:1:77#8K=<:

Ins: 3y he (adhya Pardesh &eorganisaion A!, 6 ;6K o1 6<, s: ;4:e:1:l7##76<:>Ins: 3y he Uar Pardesh &eorganisaion A!, 6 ;68 o1 6< s: ;4:e:1:87##76<:=S"3s: 3y he Uaran!hal ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, 6> ;6 o1 6><, s: 9,1or he 4ord?Uaran!hal@ ;4:e:1: #7#76=<:K

Ins: 3y he )ihar &eorganisaion A!, 6 ; o1 6<, s: ;4:e:1: l7##76<:8Enry 6 relaing o ?Hima!hal Pradesh@ omied 3y he Sae o1 Hima!halPradesh A!,#8= ; o1 #8=<, s: 9 ;4:e:1: 67#7#8=#<:#Enries relaing o (ani."r and Tri."ra omied 3y he Norh7Easern Areas;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s: 8 ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:##Enries 9 o 8 ren"m3ered as enries 6 o = 3y s: 8, i3id: ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Firs S!hed"le<6=9Name Terriories#$:*6$Lashad4ee.* The erriory s.e!iBed in se!ion > o1 he Saes&eorganisaion A!, #8>:

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$#$9:* Dadra and The erriory 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore heNagar Haveli elevenh day o1 A"g"s, #8># 4as !om.rised in

Free Dadra and Nagar Haveli:*9$#$:* Daman and Di" The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion 9 o1 he 'oa,Daman and Di" &eorganisaion A!, #8K=:*$#$>:*>

$P"d"!herry* The erriories 4hi!h immediaely 3e1ore hesi2eenh day o1 A"g"s, #8>6, 4ere !om.risedin he Fren!h Esa3lishmens in India no4n asPondi!herry, Rarial, (ahe and 0anam:*=$#$=:* Chandigarh The erriories s.e!iBed in se!ion 9 o1 he P"na3&eorganisaion A!, #8>>:*K

8 #Enries 9 o 8 ren"m3ered as enries 6 o = 3y he Norh7Easern Areas;&eorganisaion<A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s: 8 ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:6S"3s: 3y he La!!adive, (ini!oy and Amindivi Islands ;Aleraion o1 Name<A!, #8=;9 o1 #8=<, s: , 1or ?The La!!adive, (ini!oy and Amindivi Islands@ ;4:e:1: #7##7#8=<:

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Tenh Amendmen< A!, #8>#, s: 6:9S"3s: 3y he 'oa, Daman and Di" &eorganisaion A!, #8K= ;#K o1 #8K=<, s:, 1or enry ;4:e:1: 77#8K=<:

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Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fo"reenh Amendmen< A!, #8>6, ss: and =;4:e:1:#>7K7#8>6<:>S"3s: 3y he Pondi!herry ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, 6> ;99 o1 6><, s: ,

1or he 4ord?Pondi!herry? ;4:e:1: #7#76><:=lns: 3y he P"na3 &eorganisaion A!, #8>> ;# o1 #8>><, s: = ;4:e1: #7##7#8>><:KEnry K relaing o (i+oram omied 3y he Sae o1 (i+oram A!, #8K> ;9 o1#8K><,s: 9 and enry 8 relaing o Ar"na!hal Pradesh ren"m3ered as enry K ;4:e:1:6767#8K=<:8

Enry K relaing o Ar"na!hal Pradesh omied 3y he Sae o1 Ar"na!halPradesh A!,#8K> ;>8 o1 #8K><, s: 9 ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Firs S!hed"le<6=SECOND SCHEDULE$Ari!les 8;<, >;<, =;><, 8=, #6, #9K;<, #K;<, #>9 ;<, #K> and 66#*PA&T AP&O%ISIONS AS TO THE P&ESIDENT AND THE 'O%E&NO&S OF STATES#

#: There shall 3e .aid o he Presiden and o he 'overnors o1 heSaes# he 1ollo4ing emol"mens .er mensem, ha is o say The Presiden :: #, r".ees: The 'overnor o1 a Sae :: , r".ees:6: There shall also 3e .aid o he Presiden and o he 'overnors o1 heSaes6 s"!h allo4an!es as 4ere .aya3le res.e!ively o he 'overnor7'eneral o1 he Dominion o1 India and o he 'overnors o1 he !orres.onding

Provin!es immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion:: The Presiden and he 'overnors o1$he Saes* hro"gho" heirres.e!ive erms o1 oM!e shall 3e eniled o he same .rivileges o 4hi!hhe'overnor7'eneral and he 'overnors o1 he !orres.onding Provin!es 4ereres.e!ively eniled immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his

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Consi"ion:9: While he %i!e7Presiden or any oher .erson is dis!harging he 1"n!ionso1, or is a!ing as, Presiden, or any .erson is dis!harging he 1"n!ions o1 he'overnor, he shall 3e eniled o he same emol"mens, allo4an!es and.rivileges as he Presiden or he 'overnor 4hose 1"n!ions he dis!harges or

1or 4hom he a!s, as he !ase may 3e:9 # The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A o1 he Firs S!hed"le@ omied 3yheConsi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:No4 , r".ees, vide he Presidens Emol"mens and Pension;Amendmen< A!,#88K ;6 o1 #88K<, s: 6 ;4:e:1: #7#7#88><:

No4 >, r".ees, vide he 'overnors ;Emol"mens, Allo4an!es andPrivileges<Amendmen A!, #88K ;6= o1 #88K<, s: 6 ;4:e:1: #7#7#88><:6 The 4ords ?so s.e!iBed@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen<A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:S"3s: 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:, 1or ?s"!h Saes@:9


6$A STATE*=: There shall 3e .aid o he S.eaer o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le and heChairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes s"!h salaries and allo4an!es as 4ere.aya3le o he S.eaer o1 he Consi"en Assem3ly o1 he Dominion o1 Indiaimmediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, and here shall3e .aid o he De."y S.eaer o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le and o he De."yChairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes s"!h salaries and allo4an!es as 4ere

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.aya3le o he De."y S.eaer o1 he Consi"en Assem3ly o1 he Dominiono1 India immediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen:K: There shall 3e .aid o he S.eaer and he De."y S.eaer o1 heLegislaive Assem3ly

and o he Chairman and he De."y Chairman o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il o19$a Sae* s"!h salaries and allo4an!es as 4ere.aya3le res.e!ively o he S.eaer and he De."y S.eaer o1 heLegislaiveAssem3ly and he Presiden and he De."y Presiden o1 he LegislaiveCo"n!il o1 he !orres.onding Provin!e immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emeno1 his Consi"ion and, 4here he !orres.onding Provin!e had no LegislaiveCo"n!il immediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen, here shall 3e .aid o he

Chairman and he De."y Chairman o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il o1 he Saes"!h salaries and allo4an!es as he 'overnor o1 he Sae may deermine:PA&T DP&O%ISIONS AS TO THE -UD'ES OF THE SUP&E(E COU&T AND OF THEHI'H COU&TS8: ;#< There shall 3e .aid o he -"dges o1 he S".reme Co"r, in res.e!o1 ime s.en on a!"al servi!e, salary a he 1ollo4ing raes .er mensem,hais o say

 The Chie1 -"si!e ::>$#, r".ees:*Any oher -"dge ::=$8, r".ees*# The 4ords and leer ?OF A STATE IN PA&T A OF THE FI&ST SCHEDULE@omied 3y he Consi"ion;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:6

S"3s: 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:, 1or ?AN0 SUCH STATE@: The 4ords and leer ?o1 a Sae s.e!iBed in Par A o1 he Firs S!hed"le@omied 3y s:68 and S!h:, i3id:9S"3s: 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:, 1or ?s"!h Sae@:

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 The 4ords and leer ?IN STATES IN PA&T A OF THE FI&ST SCHEDULE@ omied3y s: 6, i3id:>S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8K>, s: 9, 1or ?,r".ees@

;4:e:1: #797#8K><:=S"3s: 3y s: 9, i3id:, 1or ?9, r".ees@ ;4:e:1: #797#8K><:No4 , r".ees, vide he High Co"r and S".reme Co"r -"dges;Condiions o1 Servi!e< Amendmen A!, #88K ;K# o1 #88K<, s: = ;4:e:1: #7#7#88><:No4 , r".ees, vide s: =, i3id: ;4:e:1: #7#7#88><: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Se!ond S!hed"le<

6==Provided ha i1 a -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r a he ime o1 hisa..oinmen is in re!ei. o1 a .ension ;oher han a disa3iliy or 4o"nd.ension< in res.e! o1 any .revio"s servi!e "nder he 'overnmen o1 Indiaor any o1 is .rede!essor 'overnmens or "nder he 'overnmen o1 a Saeor any o1 is .rede!essor 'overnmens, his salary in res.e! o1 servi!e in heS".reme Co"r#$shall 3e red"!ed;a< 3y he amo"n o1 ha .ension, and;3< i1 he has, 3e1ore s"!h a..oinmen, re!eived in lie" o1 a .oriono1 he .ension d"e o him in res.e! o1 s"!h .revio"s servi!e he !omm"ed

val"e hereo1, 3y he amo"n o1 ha .orion o1 he .ension, and;!< i1 he has, 3e1ore s"!h a..oinmen, re!eived a reiremen gra"iyin res.e! o1 s"!h .revio"s servi!e, 3y he .ension e"ivalen o1 hagra"iy*:;6< Every -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r shall 3e eniled 4iho" .aymeno1 ren o he "se o1 an oM!ial residen!e:;< Nohing in s"37.aragra.h ;6< o1 his .aragra.h shall o a -"dge4ho, immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion,;a< 4as holding oM!e as he Chie1 -"si!e o1 he Federal Co"r andhas 3e!ome on s"!h !ommen!emen he Chie1 -"si!e o1 he S".remeCo"r "nder !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le =9, or

;3< 4as holding oM!e as any oher -"dge o1 he Federal Co"r and hason s"!h !ommen!emen 3e!ome a -"dge ;oher han he Chie1 -"si!e< o1 he S".reme Co"r "nder he said !la"se,d"ring he .eriod he holds oM!e as s"!h Chie1 -"si!e or oher -"dge, andevery -"dge 4ho so 3e!omes he Chie1 -"si!e or oher -"dge o1 he S".remeCo"r shall, in res.e! o1 ime s.en on a!"al servi!e as s"!h Chie1 -"si!eor oher -"dge, as he !ase may 3e, 3e eniled o re!eive in addiion o hesalary s.e!iBed in s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h as s.e!ial .ay an

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amo"n e"ivalen o he diGeren!e 3e4een he salary so s.e!iBed and hesalary 4hi!h he 4as dra4ing immediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen:;9< Every -"dge o1 he S".reme Co"r shall re!eive s"!h reasona3leallo4an!es o reim3"rse him 1or e2.enses in!"rred in ravelling on d"y4ihin he erriory o1 India and shall 3e aGorded s"!h reasona3le 1a!iliies

#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6, 1or ?shall3e red"!ed3y he amo"n o1 ha .ension@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Se!ond S!hed"le<6=Kin !onne!ion 4ih ravelling as he Presiden may 1rom ime o ime.res!ri3e:;< The righs in res.e! o1 leave o1 a3sen!e ;in!l"ding leave allo4an!es<and .ension o1 he -"dges o1 he S".reme Co"r shall 3e governed 3y he.rovisions 4hi!h, immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his

Consi"ion,4ere!a3le o he -"dges o1 he Federal Co"r:#:#$;#< There shall 3e .aid o he -"dges o1 High Co"rs, in res.e! o1 ime s.en on a!"al servi!e, salary a he 1ollo4ing raes .er mensem, hais o say, The Chie1 -"si!e ::6$8, r".ees*Any oher -"dge ::

$K, r".ees*Provided ha i1 a -"dge o1 a High Co"r a he ime o1 his a..oinmenis in re!ei. o1 a .ension ;oher han a disa3iliy or 4o"nd .ension< in res.e!o1 any .revio"s servi!e "nder he 'overnmen o1 India or any o1 is.rede!essor'overnmens or "nder he 'overnmen o1 a Sae or any o1 is .rede!essor'overnmens, his salary in res.e! o1 servi!e in he High Co"r shall 3ered"!ed;a< 3y he amo"n o1 ha .ension, and;3< i1 he has, 3e1ore s"!h a..oinmen, re!eived in lie" o1 a .orion

o1 he .ension d"e o him in res.e! o1 s"!h .revio"s servi!e he !omm"edval"e hereo1, 3y he amo"n o1 ha .orion o1 he .ension, and;!< i1 he has, 3e1ore s"!h a..oinmen, re!eived a reiremen gra"iyin res.e! o1 s"!h .revio"s servi!e, 3y he .ension e"ivalen o1 hagra"iy:*;6< Every .erson 4ho immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 hisConsi"ion;a< 4as holding oM!e as he Chie1 -"si!e o1 a High Co"r in any

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Provin!e and has on s"!h !ommen!emen 3e!ome he Chie1 -"si!e o1 heHigh Co"r in he !orres.onding Sae "nder !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le =>,or#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6, 1or s"37

.aragra.h;#<:6S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8K>, s: 9, 1or ?9r".ees@;4:e:1: #797#8K><:S"3s: 3y s: 9, i3id, 1or ?, r".ees@ ;4:e:1: #797#8K><:No4 ?, r".ees@ vide he High Co"r and S".reme Co"r -"dges;Condiions o1 

Servi!e< Amendmen A!, #88K ;#K o1 #88K<, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #7#7#88><:No4 ?6>, r".ees@ vide s: 9, i3id: ;4:e:1: #7#7#88><: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Se!ond S!hed"le<6=8;3< 4as holding oM!e as any oher -"dge o1 a High Co"r in anyProvin!e and has on s"!h !ommen!emen 3e!ome a -"dge ;oher han heChie1 -"si!e< o1 he High Co"r in he !orres.onding Sae "nder he said!la"se,shall, i1 he 4as immediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen dra4ing a salary aa rae higher han ha s.e!iBed in s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h, 3e

eniled o re!eive in res.e! o1 ime s.en on a!"al servi!e as s"!h Chie1  -"si!e or oher -"dge, as he !ase may 3e, in addiion o he salary s.e!iBedin he said s"37.aragra.h as s.e!ial .ay an amo"n e"ivalen o hediGeren!e3e4een he salary so s.e!iBed and he salary 4hi!h he 4as dra4ingimmediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen:#$;< Any .erson 4ho, immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 heConsi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, 4as holding oM!e as he Chie1  -"si!e o1 he High Co"r o1 a Sae s.e!iBed in Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"leand has on s"!h !ommen!emen 3e!ome he Chie1 -"si!e o1 he High Co"r

o1 a Sae s.e!iBed in he said S!hed"le as amended 3y he said A!, shall,i1 he 4as immediaely 3e1ore s"!h !ommen!emen dra4ing any amo"n asallo4an!e in addiion o his salary, 3e eniled o re!eive in res.e! o1 imes.en on a!"al servi!e as s"!h Chie1 -"si!e, he same amo"n as allo4an!ein addiion o he salary s.e!iBed in s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h:*##: In his Par, "nless he !one2 oher4ise re"ires,;a< he e2.ression ?Chie1 -"si!e@ in!l"des an a!ing Chie1 -"si!e,and a ?-"dge@ in!l"des an ad ho! -"dge/

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;3< ?a!"al servi!e@ in!l"des;i< ime s.en 3y a -"dge on d"y as a -"dge or in he .er1orman!eo1 s"!h oher 1"n!ions as he may a he re"es o1 he Presiden"nderae o dis!harge/;ii< va!aions, e2!l"ding any ime d"ring 4hi!h he -"dge is a3sen

on leave/ and;iii< oining ime on rans1er 1rom a High Co"r o he S".remeCo"r or 1rom one High Co"r o anoher:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6, 1or s"37.aragra.hs;< and ;9<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Se!ond S!hed"le<6KPA&T EP&O%ISIONS AS TO THE CO(PT&OLLE& AND AUDITO&7'ENE&AL OF INDIA

#6: ;#< There shall 3e .aid o he Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India a salary a he rae o11o"r ho"sand r".ees .er mensem:;6< The .erson 4ho 4as holding oM!e immediaely 3e1ore he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion as A"dior7'eneral o1 India and has3e!ome on s"!h !ommen!emen he Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India "nder ar!le == shall in addiion o he salary s.e!iBed in s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h 3e eniled o re!eive as s.e!ial .ay anamo"n e"ivalen o he diGeren!e 3e4een he salary so s.e!iBed and hesalary 4hi!h he 4as dra4ing as A"dior7'eneral o1 India immediaely 3e1ore

s"!h !ommen!emen:;< The righs in res.e! o1 leave o1 a3sen!e and .ension and he oher!ondiions o1 servi!e o1 he Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India shall3e governed or shall !onin"e o 3e governed, as he !ase may 3e, 3y he.rovisions 4hi!h 4ere!a3le o he A"dior7'eneral o1 India immediaely3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion and all re1eren!es in hose.rovisions o he 'overnor7'eneral shall 3e !onsr"ed as re1eren!es o hePresiden: The Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India shall 3e .aid a salary e"al ohe salary

o1 he -"dges o1 he S".reme Co"r vide s: o1 he Com.roller and A"dior7'enerals;D"ies, Po4ers and Condiions o1 Servi!e< A!, #8=# ;> o1 #8=#<: The salaryo1 -"dges o1 he S".reme Co"r has 3een raised o &s: , .er mensem 3y he HighCo"r and S".remeCo"r -"dges ;Condiions o1 Servi!e< Amendmen A!, #88K ;#K o1 #88K<, s: =;4:e:1:

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#7#7#88><: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Se!ond S!hed"le<6K#THI&D SCHEDULE$Ari!les =;9<, 88, #69;><, #9K;6<, #>9;<, #KK and 6#8*

Forms o1 Oahs or AMrmaionsIForm o1 oah o1 oM!e 1or a (iniser 1or he Union?I, A: ):, dos4ear in he name o1 'od ha I 4ill 3ear r"e 1aih andallegian!e o he Consi"ion o1 India as 3y la4 esa3lished,#$ha I 4ill".hold he sovereigny and inegriy o1 India,* ha I 4ill 1aih1"lly and!ons!ienio"sly dis!harge my d"ies as a (iniser 1or he Union and ha I

4ill do righ o all manner o1 .eo.le in a!!ordan!e 4ih he Consi"ion andhe la4, 4iho" 1ear or 1avo"r, aGe!ion or ill74ill:@IIForm o1 oah o1 se!re!y 1or a (iniser 1or he Union?I, A:):, dos4ear in he name o1 'od ha I 4ill no dire!ly or indire!ly!omm"ni!ae or reveal o any .erson or .ersons any maer 4hi!h shall 3e3ro"gh "nder my !onsideraion or shall 3e!ome no4n o me as a (iniser1or he Union e2!e. as may 3e re"ired 1or he d"e dis!harge o1 my d"iesas s"!h (iniser:@

6$IIIAForm o1 oah or aMrmaion o 3e made 3y a !andidae 1or ele!ion oParliamen ?I, A:):, having 3een nominaed as a !andidae o Bll a sea in heCo"n!il o1 Saes ;or he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le< dos4ear in he name o1 'odha I 4ill 3ear r"e 1aih and allegian!e o he Consi"ion o1 India as 3yla4 esa3lished and ha I 4ill ".hold he sovereigny and inegriy o1 India:@6K6

solemnly aMrmsolemnly aMrmsolemnly aMrmSee also ars: K9;a< and #= ;a<:#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: :6

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S"3s 3y s: , i3id:, 1or Form III:)Form o1 oah or aMrmaion o 3e made 3y a mem3er o1 Parliamen?I, A:):, having 3een ele!ed ;or nominaed< a mem3er o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes ;or he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le< dos4ear in he name o1 'od

  ha I 4ill3ear r"e 1aih and allegian!e o he Consi"ion o1 India as 3y la4esa3lished,ha I 4ill ".hold he sovereigny and inegriy o1 India and ha I 4ill1aih1"lly dis!harge he d"y ".on 4hi!h I am a3o" o ener:@*I%Form o1 oah or aMrmaion o 3e made 3y he -"dges o1 he S".remeCo"r and he Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India?I, A:):, having 3een a..oined Chie1 -"si!e ;or a -"dge< o1 he S".remeCo"r o1 India ;or Com.roller and A"dior7'eneral o1 India< dos4ear in he name o1 'od

 ha I 4ill 3ear r"e 1aih and allegian!e o heConsi"ion o1 India as 3y la4 esa3lished,#$ha I 4ill ".hold he sovereignyand inegriy o1 India,* ha I 4ill d"ly and 1aih1"lly and o he 3es o1 mya3iliy, no4ledge and "dgmen .er1orm he d"ies o1 my oM!e 4iho"1ear or 1avo"r, aGe!ion or ill74ill and ha I 4ill ".hold he Consi"ion andhe la4s:@%Form o1 oah o1 oM!e 1or a (iniser 1or a Sae?I, A:):, do

s4ear in he name o1 'od  ha I 4ill 3ear r"e 1aih andallegian!e o he Consi"ion o1 India as 3y la4 esa3lished,#$ha I 4ill".hold he sovereigny and inegriy o1 India,* ha I 4ill 1aih1"lly and!ons!ienio"sly dis!harge my d"ies as a (iniser 1or he Sae o1 ::::::::::andha I 4ill do righ o all manner o1 .eo.le in a!!ordan!e 4ih he Consi"ionand he la4 4iho" 1ear or 1avo"r, aGe!ion or ill74ill:@%IForm o1 oah o1 se!re!y 1or a (iniser 1or a Sae

  ?I, A:):, dos4ear in he name o1 'od

ha I 4ill no dire!ly or indire!ly!omm"ni!ae or reveal o any .erson or .ersons any maer 4hi!h shall 3esolemnly aMrmsolemnly aMrmsolemnly aMrmsolemnly aMrm

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#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: : THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Third S!hed"le<6K3ro"gh "nder my !onsideraion or shall 3e!ome no4n o me as a

(iniser 1orhe Sae o1 ::::::::::::::::::::e2!e. as may 3e re"ired 1or he d"e dis!harge o1myd"ies as s"!h (iniser:@#$%IIAForm o1 oah or aMrmaion o 3e made 3y a !andidae 1or ele!ion o heLegisla"re o1 a Sae  ?I, A:):, having 3een nominaed as a !andidae o Bll a sea in heLegislaive Assem3ly ;or Legislaive Co"n!il<, do

s4ear in he name o1 'odha I 4ill 3ear r"e 1aih and allegian!e o he Consi"ion o1 India as3y la4esa3lished and ha I 4ill ".hold he sovereigny and inegriy o1 India:@)Form o1 oah or aMrmaion o 3e made 3y a mem3er o1 he Legisla"re o1 aSae ?I, A:):, having 3een ele!ed ;or nominaed< a mem3er o1 he LegislaiveAssem3ly ;or Legislaive Co"n!il<, dos4ear in he name o1 'od ha I 4ill

3ear r"e 1aih and allegian!e o he Consi"ion o1 India as 3y la4esa3lished,ha I 4ill ".hold he sovereigny and inegriy o1 India and ha I 4ill1aih1"lly dis!harge he d"y ".on 4hi!h I am a3o" o ener:@*%IIIForm o1 oah or aMrmaion o 3e made 3y he -"dges o1 a High Co"r  ?I, A:):, having 3een a..oined Chie1 -"si!e ;or a -"dge< o1 he HighCo"r a ;or o1< ::::::::::dos4ear in he name o1  'od

  ha I 4ill 3ear r"e 1aihand allegian!e o he Consi"ion o1 India as 3y la4 esa3lished,6$ha I 4ill".hold he sovereigny and inegriy o1 India,* ha I 4ill d"ly and 1aih1"llyand o he 3es o1 my a3iliy , no4ledge and "dgmen .er1orm he d"ies o1 myoM!e 4iho" 1ear or 1avo"r, aGe!ion or ill74ill and ha I 4ill ".hold he

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Consi"ion and he la4s:@solemnly aMrm#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2eenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: , 1or Form%II:

6Ins: 3y s: , i3id:solemnly aMrmsolemnly aMrm THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Third S!hed"le<6K9#$FOU&TH SCHEDULE$Ari!les 9;#< and K;6<*Allo!aion o1 seas in he Co"n!il o1 Saes To ea!h Sae or Union erriory s.e!iBed in he Brs !ol"mn o1 he

1ollo4ing a3le, here shall 3e alloed he n"m3er o1 seas s.e!iBed in hese!ond !ol"mn hereo1 o..osie o ha Sae or ha Union erriory, as he!ase may 3e TA)LE#: Andhra Pradesh ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #K6: Assam :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =: )ihar :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::6$#>*$9 -harhand ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: >*

9$$:* 'oa :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*>$$>:* '"ara ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##*=$

$=:* Haryana :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *$K:* Rerala ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8$8:* (adhya Pradesh ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::K$##*8

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$$#:* Chhaisgarh :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *#$

$##:* Tamil Nad"* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::##$#K*#6$$#6:* (aharashra ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #8*#$

$#:* Rarnaaa* ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #6$#9:* Orissa ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$#:* P"na3 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::#9$=*6K#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: , 1or heFo"rh S!h:

6S"3s: 3y he )ihar &eorganisaion A!, 6 ; o1 6<, s: =, 1or ?66@;4:e:1: #7##76<:Ins: 3y s: =, i3id: ;4:e:1: #7##76<:9Ins: 3y he 'oa, Daman and Di" &eorganisaion A!, #8K= ;#K o1 #8K=<, s: >;4:e:1:77#8K=<:Enries 9 o 68 ren"m3ered as enries o 3y he )ihar &eorganisaion

A!, 6; o1 6<, s: = ;4:e:1: #7##76<:>S"3s: 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaion A!, #8> ;## o1 #8><, s: >, 1or enry 9;ren"m3eredas >< ;4:e:1: #77#8><:=

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Ins: 3y he P"na3 &eorganisaion A!, #8>> ;# o1 #8>><, s: 8 ;4:e:1: #7##7#8>><:KS"3s: 3y he (adhya Pradesh &eorganisaion A!, 6 ;6K o1 6<, s: =, 1or?#>@

;4:e:1: #7##76<:8Ins: 3y s: =, i3id: ;4:e:1: #7##76<:#S"3s: 3y he (adras Sae ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, #8>K ; o1 #8>K<, s: ,1or ?K:(adras@ ;ren"m3ered as ##< ;4:e:1: #97#7#8>8<:##S"3s: 3y he Andhra Pradesh and (adras ;Aleraion o1 )o"ndaries< A!,#88;> o1 #88<, s: K, 1or ?#=@ ;4:e:1: #797#8><:

#6Ins: 3y he )om3ay &eorganisaion A!, #8> ;## o1 #8><, s: > ;4:e:1: #77#8><:#S"3s: 3y he (ysore Sae ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, #8= ;# o1 #8=<, s: ,1or ?#:(ysore@ ;ren"m3ered as #< ;4:e:1: #7##7#8=<:#9S"3s: 3y he P"na3 &eorganisaion A!, #8>> ;# o1 #8>><, s: 8, 1or ?##@;4:e:1: #7##7#8>><:#$#>:* &aashan :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #

#$#=:* Uar Pradesh ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::6$#*$#$#K:*9$Uarahand* ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *#

$#8:* Wes )engal :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #>#$6:* -amm" and Rashmir ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 9$#$6#:* Nagaland :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*>

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$#$66:* Hima!hal Pradesh ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: *#$6:* (ani."r :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #

#$69:* Tri."ra ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ##$6:* (eghalaya :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #=$#$6>:* Siim :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*K$#

$6=:* (i+oram :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*8$#$6K:* Ar"na!hal Pradesh ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #*#$68:* Delhi ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #$:*#$P"d"!herry* :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #

  Toal ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::##$6**#Enries 9 o 68 ren"m3ered as enries o 3y he )ihar &eorganisaionA!, 6; o1 6<, s: = ;4:e:1: #7##76<:6S"3s: 3y he Uar Pradesh &eorganisaion A!, 6 ;68 o1 6<, s: =, 1or?9@ ;4:e:1:87##76<:

Ins: 3y s: =, i3id: ;4:e:1: 87##76<:9S"3s: 3y he Uaran!hal ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, 6> ;6 o1 6><, s: 1orhe 4ord?Uaran!hal@ ;4:e:1: #7#76=<:Ins: 3y he Sae o1 Nagaland A!, #8>6 ;6= o1 #8>6<, s: > ;4:e:1: #7#67#8><:

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>Ins: 3y he Sae o1 Hima!hal Pradesh A!, #8= ; o1 #8=<, s: ;4:e:1: 67#7#8=#<:=Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: 9 ;4:e:1: 6>797

#8=<:KIns: 3y he Sae o1 (i+oram A!, #8K> ;9 o1 #8K><, s: ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:8Ins: 3y he Sae o1 Ar"na!hal Pradesh A!, #8K> ;>8 o1 #8K><, s: ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:#S"3s: 3y he Pondi!herry ;Aleraion o1 Name< A!, 6> ;99 o1 6><, s: >,1or he4ord ?Pondi!herry? ;4:e:1: #7#76><:##

S"3s: 3y he 'oa, Daman and Di" &eorganisaion A!, #8K= ;#K o1 #8K=<, s:>, 1or?66@ ;4:e:1: 77#8K=<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Fo"rh S!hed"le<6K>FIFTH SCHEDULE$Ari!le 699;#<*Provisions as o he Adminisraion and Conrol o1 S!hed"led Areasand S!hed"led Tri3esPA&T A'ENE&AL

#: Iner.reaion:In his S!hed"le, "nless he !one2 oher4ise re"ires,he e2.ression ?Sae@ # does no in!l"de he6$Saes o1 Assam$,9$ (eghalaya, Tri."ra and (i+oram:***6: E2e!"ive .o4er o1 a Sae in S!hed"led Areas:S"3e! o he

.rovisions o1 his S!hed"le, he e2e!"ive .o4er o1 a Sae e2ends o heS!hed"led Areas herein:: &e.or 3y he 'overnor o he Presiden regarding headminisraion o1 S!hed"led Areas:The 'overnor o1 ea!h Sae having

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S!hed"led Areas herein shall ann"ally, or 4henever so re"ired 3y hePresiden, mae a re.or o he Presiden regarding he adminisraion o1 heS!hed"led Areas in ha Sae and he e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Union shalle2end o he giving o1 dire!ions o he Sae as o he adminisraion o1 hesaid areas:

PA&T )AD(INIST&ATION AND CONT&OL OF SCHEDULED A&EAS AND SCHEDULED T&I)ES9: Tri3es Advisory Co"n!il:;#< There shall 3e esa3lished in ea!h Saehaving S!hed"led Areas herein and, i1 he Presiden so dire!s, also in anySae having S!hed"led Tri3es 3" no S!hed"led Areas herein, a Tri3esAdvisory Co"n!il !onsising o1 no more han 4eny mem3ers o1 4hom, asnearly as may 3e, hree71o"rhs shall 3e he re.resenaives o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es in he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae6K=#

 The 4ords and leers ?means a Sae s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he FirsS!hed"le3"@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 andS!h:6S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#, 1or?Sae o1 Assam@ ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8K9, s: , 1or ?and(eghalaya@

;4:e:1: #797#8K<:9S"3s: 3y he Sae o1 (i+oram A!, #8K> ;9 o1 #8K><, s: 8, 1or ?(eghalayaand Tri."ra@ ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<: The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:Provided ha i1 he n"m3er o1 re.resenaives o1 heS!hed"led Tri3es inhe Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Sae is less han he n"m3er o1 seas in he

 Tri3es Advisory Co"n!il o 3e Blled 3y s"!h re.resenaives, he remainingseas shall 3e Blled 3y oher mem3ers o1 hose ri3es:;6< I shall 3e he d"y o1 he Tri3es Advisory Co"n!il o advise on s"!hmaers .eraining o he 4el1are and advan!emen o1 he S!hed"led Tri3esin he Sae as may 3e re1erred o hem 3y he 'overnor# :;< The 'overnor

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6 may mae r"les .res!ri3ing or reg"laing, as he!ase may 3e,;a< he n"m3er o1 mem3ers o1 he Co"n!il, he mode o1 heira..oinmen and he a..oinmen o1 he Chairman o1 he Co"n!il and

o1 he oM!ers and servans hereo1/;3< he !ond"! o1 is meeings and is .ro!ed"re in general/ and;!< all oher in!idenal maers:: La4!a3le o S!hed"led Areas:;#< No4ihsanding anyhingin his Consi"ion, he 'overnor# may 3y ."3li! noiB!aion dire! haany .ari!"lar A! o1 Parliamen or o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae shall o a S!hed"led Area or any .ar hereo1 in he Sae or shall oa S!hed"led Area or any .ar hereo1 in he Sae s"3e! o s"!he2!e.ions

and modiB!aions as he may s.e!i1y in he noiB!aion and any dire!iongiven "nder his s"37.aragra.h may 3e given so as o have reros.e!iveeGe!:;6< The 'overnor# may mae reg"laions 1or he .ea!e and goodgovernmen o1 any area in a Sae 4hi!h is 1or he ime 3eing a S!hed"ledArea:In .ari!"lar and 4iho" .re"di!e o he generaliy o1 he 1oregoing.o4er, s"!h reg"laions may;a< .rohi3i or resri! he rans1er o1 land 3y or among mem3ers o1 

he S!hed"led Tri3es in s"!h area/;3< reg"lae he allomen o1 land o mem3ers o1 he S!hed"led Tri3esin s"!h area/;!< reg"lae he !arrying on o1 3"siness as money7lender 3y .ersons4ho lend money o mem3ers o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es in s"!h area:# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h, as he !ase may 3e@ omied 3y he Consi"ion;SevenhAmendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:6 The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Fi1h S!hed"le<6KK;< In maing any s"!h reg"laion as is re1erred o in s"37.aragra.h ;6<o1 his .aragra.h, he 'overnor# may re.eal or amend any A! o1 Parliamen or o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae or any e2ising la4 4hi!h is 1orhe ime 3eing!a3le o he area in "esion:

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;9< All reg"laions made "nder his .aragra.h shall 3e s"3mied 1orh4iho he Presiden and, "nil assened o 3y him, shall have no eGe!:;< No reg"laion shall 3e made "nder his .aragra.h "nless he 'overnor6 maing he reg"laion has, in he !ase 4here here is a Tri3es Advisory

Co"n!il 1or he Sae, !ons"led s"!h Co"n!il:PA&T CSCHEDULED A&EAS>: S!hed"led Areas:;#< In his Consi"ion, he e2.ression ?S!hed"ledAreas@ means s"!h areas as he Presiden may 3y order de!lare o 3e S!hed"ledAreas:;6< The Presiden may a any ime 3y order9

;a< dire! ha he 4hole or any s.e!iBed .ar o1 a S!hed"led Areashall !ease o 3e a S!hed"led Area or a .ar o1 s"!h an area/$;aa< in!rease he area o1 any S!hed"led Area in a Sae a1er!ons"laion 4ih he 'overnor o1 ha Sae/*;3< aler, 3" only 3y 4ay o1 re!iB!aion o1 3o"ndaries, any S!hed"ledArea/;!< on any aleraion o1 he 3o"ndaries o1 a Sae or on he admissionino he Union or he esa3lishmen o1 a ne4 Sae, de!lare any errioryno .revio"sly in!l"ded in any Sae o 3e, or o 1orm .ar o1, a S!hed"ledArea/

# The 4ords ?or &a.ram"h@ omied 3y he Consi"ion ;SevenhAmendmen< A!,#8>, s: 68 and S!h:6 The 4ords ?or he &a.ram"h@ omied 3y s: 68 and S!h:, i3id:See he S!hed"led Areas ;Par A Saes< Order, #8 ;C:O: 8<, he S!hed"ledAreas ;Par) Saes< Order, #8 ;C:O: 6><, he S!hed"led Areas ;Hima!hal Pradesh<Order, #8= ;C:O:

#6< and he S!hed"led Areas ;Saes o1 )ihar, '"ara, (adhya Pradesh andOrissa< Order,#8== ;C:O: #8<:9See he (adras S!hed"led Areas ;Cessor< Order, #8 ;C:O: < and heAndhraS!hed"led Areas ;Cessor< Order, #8 ;C:O: <:

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Ins: 3y he Fi1h S!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;## o1#8=><, s: 6: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Fi1h S!hed"le<6K8#

$;d< res!ind, in relaion o any Sae or Saes, any order or ordersmade "nder his .aragra.h, and in !ons"laion 4ih he 'overnor o1 heSae !on!erned, mae 1resh orders redeBning he areas 4hi!h are o 3eS!hed"led Areas/*and any s"!h order may !onain s"!h in!idenal and !onse"enial.rovisionsas a..ear o he Presiden o 3e ne!essary and, 3" save as a1oresaid,he order made "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h shall no 3e varied3y any s"3se"en order:PA&T DA(END(ENT OF THE SCHEDULE

=: Amendmen o1 he S!hed"le:;#< Parliamen may 1rom ime o ime3y la4 amend 3y 4ay o1 addiion, variaion or re.eal any o1 he .rovisionso1 his S!hed"le and, 4hen he S!hed"le is so amended, any re1eren!e ohisS!hed"le in his Consi"ion shall 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o s"!hS!hed"leas so amended:;6< No s"!h la4 as is menioned in s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.hshall 3e deemed o 3e an amendmen o1 his Consi"ion 1or he ."r.oses o1 ari!le >K:#

Ins: 3y he Fi1h S!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;## o1#8=><, s: 6: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Fi1h S!hed"le<68SITH SCHEDULE$Ari!les 699;6< and 6=;#<*Provisions as o he Adminisraion o1 Tri3al Areas in#$he Saes o1 Assam, (eghalaya, Tri."ra and (i+oram*6

#: A"onomo"s disri!s and a"onomo"s regions:;#< S"3e! o he.rovisions o1 his .aragra.h, he ri3al areas in ea!h iem o1$9$Pars I, II andIIA* and in Par III* o1 he a3le a..ended o .aragra.h 6 o1 his S!hed"leshall 3e an a"onomo"s disri!:

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;6< I1 here are diGeren S!hed"led Tri3es in an a"onomo"s disri!, he'overnor may, 3y ."3li! noiB!aion, divide he area or areas inha3ied 3yhem ino a"onomo"s regions:;< The 'overnor may, 3y ."3li! noiB!aion,;a< in!l"de any area in

$any o1 he Pars* o1 he said a3le,;3< e2!l"de any area 1rom$any o1 he Pars* o1 he said a3le,;!< !reae a ne4 a"onomo"s disri!,;d< in!rease he area o1 any a"onomo"s disri!,;e< diminish he area o1 any a"onomo"s disri!,;1< "nie 4o or more a"onomo"s disri!s or .ars hereo1 so as o1orm one a"onomo"s disri!,

$;G< aler he name o1 any a"onomo"s disri!,*;g< deBne he 3o"ndaries o1 any a"onomo"s disri!Provided ha no order shall 3e made 3y he 'overnor "nder !la"ses ;!<,;d<, ;e< and ;1< o1 his s"37.aragra.h e2!e. a1er !onsideraion o1 he re.oro1 a Commission a..oined "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h #9 o1 hisS!hed"le>$Provided 1"rher ha any order made 3y he 'overnor "nder his s"37.aragra.h may !onain s"!h in!idenal and !onse"enial .rovisions;in!l"ding any amendmen o1 .aragra.h 6 and o1 any iem in any o1 he68#

#S"3s: 3y he Sae o1 (i+oram A!, #8K> ;9 o1 #8K><, s: 8, 1or !erain 4ords;4:e:1:6767#8K=<:6 Paragra.h # has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2hS!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, 6 ;99 o1 6<, s: 6, so aso inser he1ollo4ing .roviso a1er s"37.aragra.h ;6<, namely?Provided ha nohing in his s"37.aragra.h shall o he )odoland

 TerriorialAreas Disri!:@S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#;i< andEighh S!h:, 1or ?Par A@ ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:9

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S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8K9, s: 9, 1or ?ParsI and II@;4:e:1: #797#8K<:Ins: 3y he Assam &eorganisaion ;(eghalaya< A!, #8>8 ; o1 #8>8<, s: =9

and Fo"rhS!h: ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<:>Ins: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#;i< andEighh S!h: ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:Pars o1 he said Ta3le< as a..ear o he'overnor o 3e ne!essary 1or givingeGe! o he .rovisions o1 he order:*#6: Consi"ion o1 Disri! Co"n!ils and &egional Co"n!ils:6

$;#< Thereshall 3e a Disri! Co"n!il 1or ea!h a"onomo"s disri! !onsising o1 nomore han hiry mem3ers, o1 4hom no more han 1o"r .ersons shall 3enominaed 3y he 'overnor and he res shall 3e ele!ed on he 3asis o1ad"ls"Grage:*;6< There shall 3e a se.arae &egional Co"n!il 1or ea!h area !onsi"edan a"onomo"s region "nder s"37.aragra.h ;6< o1 .aragra.h # o1 hisS!hed"le:;< Ea!h Disri! Co"n!il and ea!h &egional Co"n!il shall 3e a 3ody!or.orae 3y he name res.e!ively o1 ?he Disri! Co"n!il o1 ;name o1

disri!<@and ?he &egional Co"n!il o1 ;name o1 region<@, shall have .er.e"als"!!essionand a !ommon seal and shall 3y he said name s"e and 3e s"ed:;9< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 his S!hed"le, he adminisraion o1 ana"onomo"s disri! shall, in so 1ar as i is no vesed "nder his S!hed"le inany &egional Co"n!il 4ihin s"!h disri!, 3e vesed in he Disri! Co"n!il1or s"!h disri! and he adminisraion o1 an a"onomo"s region shall 3evesed in he &egional Co"n!il 1or s"!h region:;< In an a"onomo"s disri! 4ih &egional Co"n!ils, he Disri! Co"n!ilshall have only s"!h .o4ers 4ih res.e! o he areas "nder he a"horiy o1 

he &egional Co"n!il as may 3e delegaed o i 3y he &egional Co"n!il inaddiion o he .o4ers !on1erred on i 3y his S!hed"le 4ih res.e! o s"!hareas:#Paragra.h 6 has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2hS!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, 6 ;99 o1 6<, s: 6, so aso inser he

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1ollo4ing .roviso a1er s"37.aragra.h ;#<, namely?Provided ha he )odoland Terriorial Co"n!il shall !onsis o1 no more han1ory7si2mem3ers o1 4hom 1ory shall 3e ele!ed on he 3asis o1 ad"l s"Grage, o14hom hiry shall

3e reserved 1or he S!hed"led Tri3es, Bve 1or non7ri3al !omm"niies, Bveo.en 1or all!omm"niies and he remaining si2 shall 3e nominaed 3y he 'overnorhaving same righsand .rivileges as oher mem3ers, in!l"ding voing righs, 1rom amongs he"n7re.resened!omm"niies o1 he )odoland Terriorial Areas Disri!, o1 4hi!h a leas 4oshall 3e 4omen:@Paragra.h 6 has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2hS!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, #88 ;96 o1 #88<, s: 6, so as

o inser he1ollo4ing .roviso a1er s"37.aragra.h ;<, namely?Provided ha he Disri! Co"n!il !onsi"ed 1or he Norh Ca!har HillsDisri! shall3e !alled as he Norh Ca!har Hills A"onomo"s Co"n!il and he Disri!Co"n!il !onsi"ed1or he Rar3i Anglong Disri! shall 3e !alled as he Rar3i AnglongA"onomo"s Co"n!il:@Paragra.h 6 has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2hS!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, 6 ;99 o1 6<, s: 6, so as

o inser he1ollo4oing .roviso a1er he .roviso in s"37.aragra.h ;<, namely?Provided 1"rher ha he Disri! Co"n!il !onsi"ed 1or he )odoland TerriorialAreas Disri! shall 3e !alled he )odoland Terriorial Co"n!il:@6S"3s: 3y he Assam &eorganisaion ;(eghalaya< A!, #8>8 ; o1 #8>8<, s: =9andFo"rh S!h:, 1or s"37.aragra.h ;#< ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<

686;>< The 'overnor shall mae r"les 1or he Brs !onsi"ion o1 Disri!Co"n!ils and &egional Co"n!ils in !ons"laion 4ih he e2ising ri3alCo"n!ils or oher re.resenaive ri3al organisaions 4ihin he a"onomo"sdisri!s or regions !on!erned, and s"!h r"les shall .rovide 1or;a< he !om.osiion o1 he Disri! Co"n!ils and &egional Co"n!ilsand he allo!aion o1 seas herein/;3< he delimiaion o1 erriorial !onsi"en!ies 1or he ."r.ose o1 ele!ions o hose Co"n!ils/

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;!< he "aliB!aions 1or voing a s"!h ele!ions and he .re.araiono1 ele!oral rolls here1or/;d< he "aliB!aions 1or 3eing ele!ed a s"!h ele!ions as mem3erso1 s"!h Co"n!ils/;e< he erm o1 oM!e o1 mem3ers o1

#$&egional Co"n!ils*/;1< any oher maer relaing o or !onne!ed 4ih ele!ions ornominaions o s"!h Co"n!ils/;g< he .ro!ed"re and he !ond"! o1 3"siness6$;in!l"ding he .o4ero a! no4ihsanding any va!an!y<* in he Disri! and &egional Co"n!ils/;h< he a..oinmen o1 oM!ers and saG o1 he Disri! and &egionalCo"n!ils:6

$;>A< The ele!ed mem3ers o1 he Disri! Co"n!il shall hold oM!e 1or aerm o1 Bve years 1rom he dae a..oined 1or he Brs meeing o1 heCo"n!ila1er he general ele!ions o he Co"n!il, "nless he Disri! Co"n!il issoonerdissolved "nder .aragra.h #> and a nominaed mem3er shall hold oM!e ahe .leas"re o1 he 'overnorProvided ha he said .eriod o1 Bve years may, 4hile a Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y is in o.eraion or i1 !ir!"msan!es e2is 4hi!h, in he o.inion o1 he 'overnor, render he holding o1 ele!ions im.ra!i!a3le, 3e e2ended 3yhe 'overnor 1or a .eriod no e2!eeding one year a a ime and in any !ase

4here a Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y is in o.eraion no e2ending 3eyond a.eriod o1 si2 monhs a1er he Pro!lamaion has !eased o o.eraeProvided 1"rher ha a mem3er ele!ed o Bll a !as"al va!an!y shall holdoM!e only 1or he remainder o1 he erm o1 oM!e o1 he mem3er 4hom!es:*;=< The Disri! or he &egional Co"n!il may a1er is Brs !onsi"ionmae r"les6$4ih he a..roval o1 he 'overnor* 4ih regard o he maers#S"3s: 3y he Assam &eorganisaion ;(eghalaya< A!, #8>8 ; o1 #8>8<, s: =9

andFo"rh S!h:, 1or ?s"!h Co"n!ils@ ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<:6Ins: 3y s: =9 and Fo"rh S!h:, i3id ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<68s.e!iBed in s"37.aragra.h ;>< o1 his .aragra.h and may also mae r"les#

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$4ih lie a..roval* reg"laing;a< he 1ormaion o1 s"3ordinae lo!al Co"n!ils or )oards and!ed"re and he !ond"! o1 heir 3"siness/ and;3< generally all maers relaing o he ransa!ion o1 3"siness.eraining o he adminisraion o1 he disri! or region, as he !ase may

3eProvided ha "nil r"les are made 3y he Disri! or he &egional Co"n!il"nder his s"37.aragra.h he r"les made 3y he 'overnor "nder s"37.aragra.h;>< o1 his .aragra.h shall have eGe! in res.e! o1 ele!ions o, he oM!ersandsaG o1, and he .ro!ed"re and he !ond"! o1 3"siness in, ea!h s"!hCo"n!il:6

: Po4ers o1 he Disri! Co"n!ils and &egional Co"n!ils o maela4s:;#< The &egional Co"n!il 1or an a"onomo"s region in res.e! o1 all#Ins: 3y he Assam &eorganisaion ;(eghalaya< A!, #8>8 ; o1 #8>8<, s: =9and Fo"rh S!h: ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<:6Se!ond .roviso omied 3y s: =9 and Fo"rh S!h:, i3id: ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<:Paragra.h has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2h S!hed"le o he Consi"ion;Amendmen< A!, 6 ;99 o1 6<, s: 6, so as o s"3si"e s"37.aragra.h

;< as "nder, ?;< Save as oher4ise .rovided in s"37.aragra.h ;6< o1 .aragra.h A or s"37.aragra.h ;6<o1 .aragra.h ), all la4s made "nder his .aragra.h or s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1.aragra.h A ors"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h ) shall 3e s"3mied 1orh4ih o he'overnor and, "nilassened o 3y him, shall have no eGe!:@/A1er .aragra.h , he 1ollo4ing .aragra.h has 3een insered in!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3y heSi2h S!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, #88 ;96 o1 #88<, s: 6,

namely   ?A: Addiional .o4ers o1 he Norh Ca!har Hills A"onomo"s Co"n!il andhe Rar3i Anglong A"onomo"sCo"n!il o mae la4s:;#< Wiho" .re"di!e o he .rovisions o1 .aragra.h, he Norh Ca!har Hills A"onomo"sCo"n!il and he Rar3i Anglong A"onomo"s Co"n!il 4ihin heir res.e!ivedisri!s, shall have .o4er o mae la4s4ih res.e! o

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;a< ind"sries, s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 enries = and 6 o1 Lis I o1 heSevenh S!hed"le/;3< !omm"ni!aions, ha is o say, roads, 3ridges, 1erries and oher means o1 !omm"ni!aionno s.e!iBed in Lis I o1 he Sevenh S!hed"le/ m"ni! ram4ays,

ro.e4ays, inland 4aer4aysand raM! hereon s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 Lis I and Lis III o1 heSevenh S!hed"le 4ihregard o s"!h 4aer4ays/ vehi!les oher han me!hani!ally .ro.elledvehi!les/;!< .reservaion, .roe!ion and im.rovemen o1 so! and .revenion o1animaldiseases/ veerinary raining and .ra!i!e/ !ale .o"nds/ ;d< .rimary and se!ondary ed"!aion/;e< agri!"l"re, in!l"ding agri!"l"ral ed"!aion and resear!h, .roe!ionagains

.ess and .revenion o1 .lan diseases/;1< Bsheries/;g< 4aer, ha is o say, 4aer s"..lies, irrigaion and !anals, drainage andem3anmens,4aer sorage and 4aer .o4er s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 enry > o1 Lis Io1 he SevenhS!hed"le/;h< so!ial se!"riy and so!ial ins"ran!e/ em.loymen and "nem.loymen/;i< Qood !onrol s!hemes 1or .roe!ion o1 villages, .addy Belds, mares,o4ns, e!: ;no o1 e!hni!al na"re</

;< heare and dramai! .er1orman!es, !inemas s"3e! o he .rovisions o1enry > o1 Lis Io1 he Sevenh S!hed"le/ s.ors, enerainmens and am"semens/;< ."3li! healh and saniaion, hos.ials and dis.ensaries/;l< minor irrigaion/;m< rade and !ommer!e in, and he .rod"!ion, s" and disri3"ion o1,1ood s"Gs, !ale1odder, ra4 !oon and ra4 "e/;n< li3raries, m"se"ms and oher similar insi"ions !onrolled or Bnan!ed 3yhe Sae/an!ien and hisori!al mon"mens and re!ords oher han hose de!lared 3y

or "nder any la4made 3y Parliamen o 3e o1 naional im.oran!e/ and THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<689;o< alienaion o1 land:;6< All la4s made 3y he Norh Ca!har Hills A"onomo"s Co"n!il and heRar3i Anglong A"onomo"s

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Co"n!il "nder .aragra.h or "nder his .aragra.h shall, in so 1ar as heyrelae o maers s.e!iBed in Lis III o1 he Sevenh S!hed"le, 3e s"3mied 1orh4ih o he 'overnor 4ho shallreserve he same 1or he !onsideraion o1 he Presiden:

;< When a la4 is reserved 1or he !onsideraion o1 he Presiden, hePresiden shall de!lare eiher ha heassens o he said la4 or ha he 4ihholds assen here1romProvided ha he Presiden may dire! he 'overnor o re"rn he la4 o heNorh Ca!har Hills A"onomo"sCo"n!il or he Rar3i Anglong A"onomo"s Co"n!il, as he !ase may 3e,ogeher 4ih a message re"esing hahe said Co"n!il 4ill re!onsider he la4 or any s.e!iBed .rovisions hereo1and, in .ari!"lar, 4ill, !onsider hedesira3iliy o1 inrod"!ing any s"!h amendmens as he may re!ommend inhis message and, 4hen he la4 is so

re"rned, he said Co"n!il shall !onsider he la4 a!!ordingly 4ihin a .eriodo1 si2 monhs 1rom he dae o1 re!ei.o1 s"!h message and, i1 he la4 is again .assed 3y he said Co"n!il 4ih or4iho" amendmen i shall 3e .resenedagain o he Presiden 1or his !onsideraion:@:A1er .aragra.h A, he 1ollo4ing .aragra.h has 3een insered in!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2h S!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, 6, ;99 o1 6<,s: 6, namely?): Addiional .o4ers o1 he )odoland Terriorial Co"n!il o mae la4s:;#<Wiho" .re"di!e o he

.rovisions o1 .aragra.h , he )odoland Terriorial Co"n!il 4ihin is areasshall have .o4er o mae la4s 4ihres.e! o;i< agri!"l"re, in!l"ding agri!"l"ral ed"!aion and resear!h,.roe!ion agains .ess and .reveniono1 .lan diseases/ ;ii< animal h"s3andry and veerinary , ha is o say,.reservaion, .roe!ion and im.rovemeno1 so! and .revenion o1 animal diseases, veerinary raining and .ra!i!e,!ale .o"nds/ ;iii< !o7o.eraion/;iv< !"l"ral aGairs/ ;v< ed"!aion, ha is o say, .rimary ed"!aion, higherse!ondary in!l"ding vo!aional raining,ad"l ed"!aion, !ollege ed"!aion ;general</ ;vi< Bsheries/ ;vii< Qood !onrol

1or .roe!ion o1 village, .addy Belds,mares and o4ns ;no o1 e!hni!al na"re</ ;viii< Food and !ivil s" ;i2<1oress ;oher han reserved 1oress</;2< handloom and e2ile/ ;2i< healh and 1amily 4el1are/ ;2ii< ino2i!aingli"ors, o.i"m and derivaives, s"3e!o he .rovisions o1 enry K9 o1 Lis I o1 he Sevenh S!hed"le/ ;2iii< irrigaion/;2iv< la3o"r and em.loymen/

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;2v< land and reven"e/ ;2vi< li3rary servi!es ;Bnan!ed and !onrolled 3y heSae 'overnmen</ ;2vii< loeries;s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 enry 9 o1 Lis I o1 he Sevenh S!hed"le<,heares, dramai! .er1orman!es and !inemas;s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 enry > o1 Lis I o1 he Sevenh S!hed"le</ ;2viii<

mares and 1airs/ ;2i2< m"ni!!or.oraion, im.rovemen r"s, disri! 3oards and oher lo!al a"horiies/;22< m"se"m and ar!haeologyinsi"ions !onrolled or Bnan!ed 3y he Sae, an!ien and hisori!almon"mens and re!ords oher han hosede!lared 3y or "nder any la4 made 3y Parliamen o 3e o1 naionalim.oran!e/ ;22i< .an!haya and r" ;22ii< .lanning and ;22iii< .rining andsaionery/ ;22iv< ."3i! healh engineering/;22v< ."3li! 4ors de.armen/ ;22vi< ."3li!iy and ."3li! relaions/ ;22vii<regisraion o1 3irhs and deahs/

;22viii< relie1 and reha3iliaion/ ;22i2< seri!"l"re/ ;222< small, !oage andr"ral ind"sry s"3e! o he .rovisionso1 enries = and 6 o1 Lis I o1 he Sevenh S!hed"le/ ;222i< So!ial Wel1are/;222ii< soil !onservaion/ ;222iii< s.orsand yo"h 4el1are/ ;222iv< saisi!s/ ;222v< o"rism/ ;222vi< rans.or ;roads,3ridges, 1erries and oher means o1 !omm"ni!aions no s.e!iBed in Lis I o1 he Sevenh S!hed"le, m"ni!i.alram4ays, ro.e4ays, inland 4aer4aysand raM! hereon s"3e! o he .rovision o1 Lis I and Lis III o1 he SevenhS!hed"le 4ih regard o s"!h 4aer4ays,vehi!les oher han me!hani!ally .ro.elled vehi!les</ ;222vii< ri3al resear!h

insi"e !onrolled and Bnan!ed 3yhe Sae 'overnmen/ ;222viii< "r3an develo.meno4n and !o"nry.lanning/ ;222i2< 4eighs and meas"ress"3e! o he .rovisions o1 enry o1 Lis I o1 he Sevenh S!hed"le/ and;2l< Wel1are o1 .lain ri3es and 3a!4ard!lassesProvided ha nohing in s"!h la4s shall;a< e2ing"ish or modi1y he e2ising righs and .rivileges o1 any !ii+en inres.e! o1 his land a he daeo1 !ommen!emen o1 his A!/ and;3< disallo4 any !ii+en 1rom a!"iring land eiher 3y 4ay o1 inherian!e,

allomen, selemen or 3yany oher 4ay o1 rans1er i1 s"!h !ii+en is oher4ise eligi3le 1or s"!ha!"isiion o1 land 4ihin he )odoland Terriorial Areas Disri!:;6< All la4s made "nder .aragra.h or "nder his .aragra.h shall in so 1aras hey relae o maers s.e!iBedin Lis III o1 he Sevenh S!hed"le, 3e s"3mied 1orh4ih o he 'overnor4ho shall reserve he same 1or he

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!onsideraion o1 he Presiden:;< When a la4 is reserved 1or he !onsideraion o1 he Presiden, hePresiden shall de!lare eiher ha heassens o he said la4 or ha he 4ihholds assen here1romProvided ha he Presiden may dire! he 'overnor o re"rn he la4 o he

)odoland Terriorial Co"n!il,ogeher 4ih he message re"esing ha he said Co"n!il 4ill re!onsiderhe la4 or any s.e!iBed .rovisionshereo1 and, in .ari!"lar, 4ill !onsider he desira3iliy o1 inrod"!ing anys"!h amendmens as he may re!ommendin his message and, 4hen he la4 is so re"rned, he said Co"n!il shall!onsider he la4 a!!ordingly 4ihin a .eriodo1 si2 monh 1rom he dae o1 re!ei. o1 s"!h message and, i1 he la4 is again.assd 3y he said Co"n!il 4ih or4iho" amendmens i shall 3e .resened again o he Presiden 1or his!onsideraion:@:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<68areas 4ihin s"!h region and he Disri! Co"n!il 1or an a"onomo"sdisri!in res.e! o1 all areas 4ihin he disri! e2!e. hose 4hi!h are "nder hea"horiy o1 &egional Co"n!ils, i1 any, 4ihin he disri! shall have .o4er omae la4s 4ih res.e! o;a< he allomen, o!!".aion or "se, or he seing, o1 land, oherhan any land 4hi!h is a reserved 1ores 1or he ."r.oses o1 agri!"l"reor gra+ing or 1or residenial or oher non7agri!"l"ral ."r.oses or 1orany oher ."r.ose liely o .romoe he ineress o1 he inha3ians o1 any

village or o4nProvided ha nohing in s"!h la4s shall .reven he !om."lsorya!"isiion o1 any land, 4heher o!!".ied or "no!!".ied, 1or ."3li!."r.oses#$3y he 'overnmen o1 he Sae !on!erned* in a!!ordan!e 4ihhe la4 1or he ime 3eing in 1or!e a"horising s"!h a!"isiion/;3< he managemen o1 any 1ores no 3eing a reserved 1ores/;!< he "se o1 any !anal or 4aer7!o"rse 1or he ."r.ose o1 agri!"l"re/;d< he reg"laion o1 he .ra!i!e o1 h"m or oher 1orms o1 shi1ing!"livaion/

;e< he esa3lishmen o1 village or o4n !ommiees or !o"n!ils andheir .o4ers/;1< any oher maer relaing o village or o4n adminisraion,in!l"ding village or o4n .oli!e and ."3li! healh and saniaion/;g< he a..oinmen or s"!!ession o1 Chie1s or Headmen/;h< he inherian!e o1 .ro.ery/6$;i< marriage and divor!e/*

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;< so!ial !"soms:;6< In his .aragra.h, a ?reserved 1ores@ means any area 4hi!h is areserved 1ores "nder he Assam Fores &eg"laion, #K8#, or "nder any oherla4 1or he ime 3eing in 1or!e in he area in "esion:;< All la4s made "nder his .aragra.h shall 3e s"3mied 1orh4ih o

he 'overnor and, "nil assened o 3y him, shall have no eGe!:9: Adminisraion o1 "si!e in a"onomo"s disri!s and a"onomo"sregions:;#< The &egional Co"n!il 1or an a"onomo"s region in res.e! o1 #S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#;i< andEighh S!h:, 1or !eain 4ords ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:6S"3s: 3y he Assam &eorganisaion ;(eghalaya< A!, #8>8 ; o1 #8>8<, s: =9and

Fo"rh S!h:, 1or !l: ;i< ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<:Paragra.h 9 has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2hS!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, 6 ;99 o1 6<, s: 6, so aso inser he1ollo4ing s"37.aragra.h a1er s"37.aragra.h ;<, namely?;>< Nohing in his .aragra.h shall o he )odoland Terriorial Co"n!il!onsi"ed"nder he .roviso o s"37.aragra.h ;< o1 .aragra.h 6 o1 his S!hed"le:@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Si2h S!hed"le<68>areas 4ihin s"!h region and he Disri! Co"n!il 1or an a"onomo"sdisri!in res.e! o1 areas 4ihin he disri! oher han hose 4hi!h are "nder hea"horiy o1 he &egional Co"n!ils, i1 any, 4ihin he disri! may !onsi"evillage !o"n!ils or !o"rs 1or he rial o1 s"is and !ases 3e4een he .ariesall o1 4hom 3elong o S!hed"led Tri3es 4ihin s"!h areas, oher han s"isand !ases o 4hi!h he .rovisions o1 s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h o1hisS!hed"le, o he e2!l"sion o1 any !o"r in he Sae, and may a..oins"ia3le .ersons o 3e mem3ers o1 s"!h village !o"n!ils or .residing oM!ers

o1 s"!h !o"rs, and may also a..oin s"!h oM!ers as may 3e ne!essary 1orhe adminisraion o1 he la4s made "nder .aragra.h o1 his S!hed"le:;6< No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion, he &egional Co"n!il1or an a"onomo"s region or any !o"r !onsi"ed in ha 3ehal1 3y he&egional Co"n!il or, i1 in res.e! o1 any area 4ihin an a"onomo"s disri!here is no &egional Co"n!il, he Disri! Co"n!il 1or s"!h disri!, or any!o"r !onsi"ed in ha 3ehal1 3y he Disri! Co"n!il, shall e2er!ise he.o4ers o1 a !o"r o1 a..eal in res.e! o1 all s"is and !ases ria3le 3y a

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village !o"n!il or !o"r !onsi"ed "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h4ihin s"!h region or area, as he !ase may 3e, oher han hose o 4hi!h he.rovisions o1 s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h o1 his S!hed"le, andno oher !o"r e2!e. he High Co"r and he S".reme Co"r shall have "risdi!ion over s"!h s"is or !ases:

;< The High Co"r# shall have and e2er!ise s"!h "risdi!ion over hes"is and !ases o 4hi!h he .rovisions o1 s"37.aragra.h ;6< o1 as he 'overnor may 1rom ime o ime 3y order s.e!i1y:;9< A &egional Co"n!il or Disri! Co"n!il, as he !ase may 3e, may 4ihhe .revio"s a..roval o1 he 'overnor mae r"les reg"laing;a< he !onsi"ion o1 village !o"n!ils and !o"rs and he .o4ers o3e e2er!ised 3y hem "nder his .aragra.h/;3< he .ro!ed"re o 3e 1ollo4ed 3y village !o"n!ils or !o"rs in he

rial o1 s"is and !ases "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h/;!< he .ro!ed"re o 3e 1ollo4ed 3y he &egional or Disri! Co"n!ilor any !o"r !onsi"ed 3y s"!h Co"n!il in a..eals and oher .ro!eedings"nder s"37.aragra.h ;6< o1 his .aragra.h/# The 4ords ?o1 Assam@ omied 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion<A!, #8=#;K# o1 #8=#<, s: =#;i< and Eighh S!h: ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<68=;d< he en1or!emen o1 de!isions and orders o1 s"!h !o"n!ils and

!o"rs/;e< all oher an!illary maers 1or he !arrying o" o1 he .rovisions o1 s"37.aragra.hs ;#< and ;6< o1 his .aragra.h:#$;< On and 1rom s"!h dae as he Presiden may,6$a1er !ons"ling he'overnmen o1 he Sae !on!erned*, 3y noiB!aion a..oin in his 3ehal1,his.aragra.h shall have eGe! in relaion o s"!h a"onomo"s disri! or regionas may 3e s.e!iBed in he noiB!aion, as i1

;i< in s"37.aragra.h ;#<, 1or he 4ords ?3e4een he .aries all o1 4hom 3elong o S!hed"led Tri3es 4ihin s"!h areas, oher han s"isand !ases o 4hi!h he .rovisions o1 s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h o1 his S!hed"le,@, he 4ords ?no 3eing s"is and !ases o1 hena"re re1erred o in s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h ;< o1 his S!hed"le,4hi!h he 'overnor may s.e!i1y in his 3ehal1@, had 3een s"3si"ed/;ii< s"37.aragra.hs ;6< and ;< had 3een omied/;iii< in s"37.aragra.h ;9<

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;a< 1or he 4ords ?A &egional Co"n!il or Disri! Co"n!il, ashe !ase may 3e, may 4ih he .revio"s a..roval o1 he 'overnormae r"les reg"laing@, he 4ords ?he 'overnor may mae r"lesreg"laing@ had 3een s"3si"ed/ and;3< 1or !la"se ;a<, he 1ollo4ing !la"se had 3een s"3si"ed,

namely?;a< he !onsi"ion o1 village !o"n!ils and !o"rs, he.o4ers o 3e e2er!ised 3y hem "nder his .aragra.h andhe !o"rs o 4hi!h a..eals 1rom he de!isions o1 village!o"n!ils and !o"rs shall lie/@/;!< 1or !la"se ;!<, he 1ollo4ing !la"se had 3een s"3si"ed,namely?;!< he rans1er o1 a..eals and oher .ro!eedings.ending 3e1ore he &egional or Disri! Co"n!il or any !o"r!onsi"ed 3y s"!h Co"n!il immediaely 3e1ore he daea..oined 3y he Presiden "nder s"37.aragra.h ;</@/ and

;d< in !la"se ;e<, 1or he 4ords, 3ra!es and Bg"res ?s"37.aragra.hs ;#< and ;6<@, he 4ord, 3ra!es and Bg"re ?s"37.aragra.h ;#<@ had 3een s"3si"ed:*#Ins: 3y he Assam &eorganisaion ;(eghalaya< A!, #8>8 ; o1 #8>8<, s: =9and Fo"rhS!h: ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<:6S"3s: 3y he Norh7 Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#;i< andEighh S!h:, 1or !erain 4ords ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<68K: Con1ermen o1 .o4ers "nder he Code o1 Civil Pro!ed"re, #8K, andhe Code o1 Criminal Pro!ed"re, #K8K#, on he &egional and Disri! Co"n!ilsand on !erain !o"rs and oM!ers 1or he rial o1 !erain s"is, !ases andoGen!es:;#< The 'overnor may, 1or he rial o1 s"is or !ases arising o" o1 any la4 in 1or!e in any a"onomo"s disri! or region 3eing a la4 s.e!iBedin ha 3ehal1 3y he 'overnor, or 1or he rial o1 oGen!es ."nisha3le 4ihdeah, rans.oraion 1or li1e, or im.risonmen 1or a erm o1 no less han Bve

years "nder he Indian Penal Code or "nder any oher la4 1or he ime!a3le o s"!h disri! or region, !on1er on he Disri! Co"n!il or he&egional Co"n!il having a"horiy over s"!h disri! or region or on !o"rs!onsi"ed 3y s"!h Disri! Co"n!il or on any oM!er a..oined in ha 3ehal1 3y he 'overnor, s"!h .o4ers "nder he Code o1 Civil Pro!ed"re, #8K, or, ashe !ase may 3e, he Code o1 Criminal Pro!ed"re, #K8K#, as he deems

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8/9/2019 The Constitution of India ias 338/406, and here".on he said Co"n!il, !o"r or oM!er shall ry hes"is, !ases or oGen!es in e2er!ise o1 he .o4ers so !on1erred:;6< The 'overnor may 4ihdra4 or modi1y any o1 he .o4ers !on1erredon a Disri! Co"n!il, &egional Co"n!il, !o"r or oM!er "nder s"37.aragra.h;#< o1 his .aragra.h:

;< Save as e2.ressly .rovided in his .aragra.h, he Code o1 CivilPro!ed"re, #8K, and he Code o1 Criminal Pro!ed"re, #K8K#, shall no a..lyo he rial o1 any s"is, !ases or oGen!es in an a"onomo"s disri! or in anya"onomo"s region o 4hi!h he .rovisions o1 his .aragra.h$;9< On and 1rom he dae a..oined 3y he Presiden "nder s"37.aragra.h ;< o1 .aragra.h 9 in relaion o any a"onomo"s disri! ora"onomo"s region, nohing !onained in his .aragra.h shall, in!aion o ha disri! or region, 3e deemed o a"horise he 'overnor o

!on1er on he Disri! Co"n!il or &egional Co"n!il or on !o"rs !onsi"ed3y he Disri! Co"n!il any o1 he .o4ers re1erred o in s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h:*$>: Po4ers o1 he Disri! Co"n!il o esa3lish .rimary s!hools, e!:;#< The Disri! Co"n!il 1or an a"onomo"s disri! may esa3lish, !onsr"!,or manage .rimary s!hools, dis.ensaries, mares,9$!ale .o"nds*, 1erries,Bsheries, roads, road rans.or and 4aer4ays in he disri! and may, 4ih#

See no4 he Code o1 Criminal Pro!ed"re, #8= ;A! 6 o1 #8=9<:6Ins: 3y he Assam &eorganisaion ;(eghalaya< A!, #8>8 ; o1 #8>8<, s: =9and Fo"rhS!h: ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<:S"3s: 3y s: =9 and Fo"rh S!h:, i3id:, 1or .aragra.h > ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<:9S"3s: 3y he &e.ealing and Amending A!, #8=9 ;> o1 #8=9<, s: 9, 1or ?!ale.onds@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Si2h S!hed"le<688he .revio"s a..roval o1 he 'overnor, mae reg"laions 1or hereg"laionand !onrol hereo1 and, in .ari!"lar, may .res!ri3e he lang"age and hemanner in 4hi!h .rimary ed"!aion shall 3e im.ared in he .rimary s!hoolsin he disri!:;6< The 'overnor may, 4ih he !onsen o1 any Disri! Co"n!il, enr"seiher !ondiionally or "n!ondiionally o ha Co"n!il or o is oM!ers

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Sae in assessing lands 1or he ."r.ose o1 land reven"e in he Saegenerally*:;6< The &egional Co"n!il 1or an a"onomo"s region in res.e! o1 areas4ihin s"!h region and he Disri! Co"n!il 1or an a"onomo"s disri! inres.e! o1 all areas in he disri! e2!e. hose 4hi!h are "nder he a"horiy

o1 &egional Co"n!ils, i1 any, 4ihin he disri!, shall have .o4er o levy and!olle! a2es on lands and 3"ildings, and olls on .ersons residen 4ihins"!h areas:;< The Disri! Co"n!il 1or an a"onomo"s disri! shall have he .o4ero levy and !olle! all or any o1 he 1ollo4ing a2es 4ihin s"!h disri!, hais o say;a< a2es on .ro1essions, rades, !allings and em.loymens/;3< a2es on animals, vehi!les and 3oas/;!< a2es on he enry o1 goods ino a mare 1or sale herein, and ollson .assengers and goods !arried in 1erries/ and;d< a2es 1or he mainenan!e o1 s!hools, dis.ensaries or roads:

;9< A &egional Co"n!il or Disri! Co"n!il, as he !ase may 3e, may maereg"laions o .rovide 1or he levy and !olle!ion o1 any o1 he a2es s.e!iBedin s"37.aragra.hs ;6< and ;< o1 his .aragra.h6$and every s"!h reg"laionshall 3e s"3mied 1orh4ih o he 'overnor and, "nil assened o 3y him,shall have no eGe!*:8: Li!en!es or leases 1or he ."r.ose o1 .ros.e!ing 1or, or e2ra!iono1, minerals:;#< S"!h share o1 he royalies a!!r"ing ea!h year 1romli!en!es

or leases 1or he ."r.ose o1 .ros.e!ing 1or, or he e2ra!ion o1,minerals graned 3y9$he 'overnmen o1 he Sae* in res.e! o1 any area4ihin an a"onomo"s disri! as may 3e agreed ".on 3e4een 9$he#S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#;i< andEighh S!h:, 1or !erain 4ords ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:

6Ins: 3y he Assam &eorganisaion ;(eghalaya< A!, #8>8 ; o1 #8>8<, s: =9and Fo"rhS!h: ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<:Paragra.h 8 has 3een amended in is!aion o he Saes o1 Tri."ra and(i+oram

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3y he Si2h S!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, #8KK ;>= o1#8KK<, s: 6, so as oinser he 1ollo4ing s"37.aragra.h a1er s"37.aragra.h ;6<, namely?;< The 'overnor may, 3y order, dire! ha he share o1 royalies o 3emade over o a

Disri! Co"n!il "nder his .aragra.h shall 3e made over o ha Co"n!il4ihin a .eriod o1 one year 1rom he dae o1 any agreemen "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< or, as he!ase may 3e, o1 any deerminaion "nder s"37.aragra.h ;6<:@:9S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=# ;i< andEighh S!h:, 1or ?he 'overnmen o1 Assam@ ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<

#'overnmen o1 he Sae* and he Disri! Co"n!il o1 s"!h disri! shall 3emade over o ha Disri! Co"n!il:;6< I1 any dis."e arises as o he share o1 s"!h royalies o 3e made overo a Disri! Co"n!il, i shall 3e re1erred o he 'overnor 1or deerminaionandhe amo"n deermined 3y he 'overnor in his dis!reion shall 3e deemed o3e he amo"n .aya3le "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h o heDisri! Co"n!il and he de!ision o1 he 'overnor shall 3e Bnal:##: Po4er o1 Disri! Co"n!il o mae reg"laions 1or he !onrol o1 money7lending and rading 3y non7ri3als:;#< The Disri! Co"n!il o1 an

a"onomo"s disri! may mae reg"laions 1or he reg"laion and !onrol o1 money7lending or rading 4ihin he disri! 3y .ersons oher han S!hed"led Tri3es residen in he disri!:;6< In .ari!"lar and 4iho" .re"di!e o he generaliy o1 he 1oregoing.o4er, s"!h reg"laions may;a< .res!ri3e ha no one e2!e. he holder o1 a li!en!e iss"ed in ha3ehal1 shall !arry on he 3"siness o1 money7lending/;3< .res!ri3e he ma2im"m rae o1 ineres 4hi!h may 3e !harged or3e re!overed 3y a money7lender/;!< .rovide 1or he mainenan!e o1 a!!o"ns 3y money7lenders and 1orhe ins.e!ion o1 s"!h a!!o"ns 3y oM!ers a..oined in ha 3ehal1 3y

he Disri! Co"n!il/;d< .res!ri3e ha no .erson 4ho is no a mem3er o1 he S!hed"led Tri3es residen in he disri! shall !arry on 4holesale or reail 3"sinessin any !ommodiy e2!e. "nder a li!en!e iss"ed in ha 3ehal1 3y heDisri! Co"n!ilProvided ha no reg"laions may 3e made "nder his .aragra.h "nlesshey are .assed 3y a maoriy o1 no less han hree71o"rhs o1 he oalmem3ershi. o1 he Disri! Co"n!il

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#Paragra.h # has 3een amended in is!aion o he Saes o1 Tri."raand (i+oram3y he Si2h S!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, #8KK ;>= o1#8KK<, s: 6, as

"nder;a< in he heading, he 4ords ?3y non7ri3als@ shall 3e omied/;3< in s"37.aragra.h ;#<, he 4ords ?oher han S!hed"led Tri3es@ shall 3eomied/;!< in s"37.aragra.h ;6<, 1or !la"se ;d<, he 1ollo4ing !la"se shall 3es"3si"ed,namely?;d< .res!ri3e ha no .erson residen in he disri! shall !arry on any rade,4heher 4holesale or reail, e2!e. "nder a li!en!e iss"ed in ha 3ehal1 3yhe Disri!Co"n!il@:

#Paragra.h # has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2hS!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, 6 ;99 o1 6<, s: 6, so aso inser he1ollo4ing s"37.aragra.h a1er s"37.aragra.h ;<, namely ?;9< Nohing in his .aragra.h shall o he )odoland Terriorial Co"n!il!onsi"ed"nder he .roviso o s"37.aragra.h ;< o1 .aragra.h 6 o1 his S!hed"le:@ : THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<

6Provided 1"rher ha i shall no 3e !om.een "nder any s"!hreg"laionso re1"se he gran o1 a li!en!e o a money7lender or a rader 4ho has 3een!arrying on 3"siness 4ihin he disri! sin!e 3e1ore he ime o1 he maingo1 s"!h reg"laions:;< All reg"laions made "nder his .aragra.h shall 3e s"3mied 1orh4iho he 'overnor and, "nil assened o 3y him, shall have no eGe!:##: P"3li!aion o1 la4s, r"les and reg"laions made "nder heS!hed"le:All la4s, r"les and reg"laions made "nder his S!hed"le 3y aDisri! Co"n!il or a &egional Co"n!il shall 3e ."3lished 1orh4ih in heOM!ial 'a+ee o1 he Sae and shall on s"!h ."3li!aion have he 1or!e o1 

la4:##6:6$!aion o1 A!s o1 Parliamen and o1 he Legisla"re o1 heSae o1 Assam o a"onomo"s disri!s and a"onomo"s regions in heSae o1 Assam*:;#< No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion;a< no A! o1 he

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$Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 Assam* in res.e! o1 anyo1 he maers s.e!iBed in .aragra.h o1 his S!hed"le as maers 4ihres.e! o 4hi!h a Disri! Co"n!il or a &egional Co"n!il may maela4s, and no A! o1 he

$Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 Assam* .rohi3iingor resri!ing he !ons"m.ion o1 any non7disilled al!oholi! li"or o any a"onomo"s disri! or a"onomo"s region9$in ha Sae*"nless in eiher !ase he Disri! Co"n!il 1or s"!h disri! or having "risdi!ion over s"!h region 3y ."3li! noiB!aion so dire!s, and heDisri! Co"n!il in giving s"!h dire!ion 4ih res.e! o any A! maydire! ha he A! shall in is!aion o s"!h disri! or region or hereo1 have eGe! s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions or modiB!aions as i

hins B/;3< he 'overnor may, 3y ."3li! noiB!aion, dire! ha any A! o1 Parliamen or o1 he$Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 Assam* o 4hi!h he.rovisions o1 !la"se ;a< o1 his s"37.aragra.h do no shall o an a"onomo"s disri! or an a"onomo"s region9$in ha Sae*,or shall o s"!h disri! or region or any .ar hereo1 s"3e! o#

Paragra.h #6 has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2hS!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, 6 ;99 o1 6<, s: 6, as"nder,in .aragra.h #6, in s"37.aragra.h ;#<, in !la"se ;a<, 1or he 4ords, Bg"resand leer?maers s.e!iBed in .aragra.h or .aragra.h A o1 his S!hed"le, he4ords, Bg"resand leers ?maers s.e!iBed in .aragra.h or .aragrah A or ) o1 hisS!hed"le@ shall 3es"3si"ed:

6S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#;i< andEighh S!h:, 1or he heading ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:S"3s: 3y s: =#;i< and Eighh S!h:, i3id:, 1or ?Legisla"re o1 he Sae@ ;4:e:1:6#7#7#8=6<:9

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Ins: 3y s: =#;i< and Eighh S!h:, i3id: ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<s"!h e2!e.ions or modiB!aions as he may s.e!i1y in he noiB!aion:;6< Any dire!ion given "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h may

3e given so as o have reros.e!ive eGe!:#$#6A:!aion o1 A!s o1 Parliamen and o1 he Legisla"re o1 heSae o1 (eghalaya o a"onomo"s disri!s and a"onomo"s regions in heSae o1 (eghalaya:No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion,;a< i1 any .rovision o1 a la4 made 3y a Disri! or &egional Co"n!ilin he Sae o1 (eghalaya 4ih res.e! o any maer s.e!iBed in s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h o1 his S!hed"le or i1 any .rovision o1 anyreg"laion made 3y a Disri! Co"n!il or a &egional Co"n!il in ha Sae"nder .aragra.h K or .aragra.h # o1 his S!hed"le, is re."gnan o any.rovision o1 a la4 made 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 (eghalaya

4ih res.e! o ha maer, hen, he la4 or reg"laion made 3y heDisri! Co"n!il or, as he !ase may 3e, he &egional Co"n!il 4hehermade 3e1ore or a1er he la4 made 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 (eghalaya, shall, o he e2en o1 re."gnan!y, 3e void and he la4 made3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 (eghalaya shall .revail/;3< he Presiden may, 4ih res.e! o any A! o1 Parliamen, 3ynoiB!aion, dire! ha i shall no o an a"onomo"s disri! or ana"onomo"s region in he Sae o1 (eghalaya, or shall o s"!hdisri! or region or any .ar hereo1 s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions ormodiB!aions as he may s.e!i1y in he noiB!aion and any s"!h dire!ionmay 3e given so as o have reros.e!ive eGe!:

6$#6AA:!aion o1 A!s o1 Parliamen and o1 he Legisla"re o1 heSae o1 Tri."ra o he a"onomo"s disri! and a"onomo"s regions in heSae o1 Tri."ra:No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion,;a< no A! o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 Tri."ra in res.e! o1 anyo1 he maers s.e!iBed in .aragra.h o1 his S!hed"le as maers 4ihres.e! o 4hi!h a Disri! Co"n!il or a &egional Co"n!il may maela4s, and no A! o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 Tri."ra .rohi3iingor resri!ing he !ons"m.ion o1 any non7disilled al!oholi! li"or o he a"onomo"s disri! or a"onomo"s region in haSae "nless, in eiher !ase, he Disri! Co"n!il 1or ha disri! or

#S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=#;i< andEighh S!h:, 1or .aragra.h #6A ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:6S"3s: 3y he Si2h S!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, #8KK ;>=o1 #8KK<,

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s: 6, 1or .aragra.hs #6AA and #6): Paragra.h #6AA 4as ins: 3y heConsi"ion ;Fory7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8K9, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #797#8K<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<

9having "risdi!ion over s"!h region 3y ."3li! noiB!aion so dire!s, andhe Disri! Co"n!il in giving s"!h dire!ion 4ih res.e! o any A! maydire! ha he A! shall, in is!aion o ha disri! or s"!h regionor any .ar hereo1, have eGe! s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions or modiB!aionsas i hins B/;3< he 'overnor may, 3y ."3li! noiB!aion, dire! ha any A! o1 heLegisla"re o1 he Sae o1 Tri."ra o 4hi!h he .rovisions o1 !la"se ;a<o1 his s"37.aragra.h do no, shall no o he a"onomo"sdisri! or an a"onomo"s region in ha Sae, or shall o hadisri! or s"!h region, or any .ar hereo1, s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions ormodiB!aions, as he may s.e!i1y in he noiB!aion/

;!< he Presiden may, 4ih res.e! o any A! o1 Parliamen, 3ynoiB!aion, dire! ha i shall no o he a"onomo"s disri! oran a"onomo"s region in he Sae o1 Tri."ra, or shall o s"!hdisri! or region or any .ar hereo1, s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions ormodiB!aions as he may s.e!i1y in he noiB!aion and any s"!h dire!ionmay 3e given so as o have reros.e!ive eGe!:#6):!aion o1 A!s o1 Parliamen and o1 he Legisla"re o1 heSae o1 (i+oram o a"onomo"s disri!s and a"onomo"s regions in heSae o1 (i+oram:No4ihsanding anyhing in his Consi"ion,;a< no A! o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 (i+oram in res.e! o1 anyo1 he maers s.e!iBed in .aragra.h o1 his S!hed"le as maers 4ih

res.e! o 4hi!h a Disri! Co"n!il or a &egional Co"n!il may maela4s, and no A! o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 (i+oram .rohi3iingor resri!ing he !ons"m.ion o1 any non7disilled al!oholi! li"or o any a"onomo"s disri! or a"onomo"s region in ha Sae"nless, in eiher !ase, he Disri! Co"n!il 1or s"!h disri! or having "risdi!ion over s"!h region, 3y ."3li! noiB!aion, so dire!s, and heDisri! Co"n!il, in giving s"!h dire!ion 4ih res.e! o any A!, maydire! ha he A! shall, in is!aion o s"!h disri! or region orany .ar hereo1, have eGe! s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions or modiB!aionsas i hins B/;3< he 'overnor may, 3y ."3li! noiB!aion, dire! ha any A! o1 he

Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 (i+oram o 4hi!h he .rovisions o1 !la"se ;a<o1 his s"37.aragra.h do no, shall no o an a"onomo"sdisri! or an a"onomo"s region in ha Sae, or shall o s"!hdisri! or region, or any .ar hereo1, s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions ormodiB!aions, as he may s.e!i1y in he noiB!aion/ THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<;!< he Presiden may, 4ih res.e! o any A! o1 Parliamen, 3y

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noiB!aion, dire! ha i shall no o an a"onomo"s disri! or ana"onomo"s region in he Sae o1 (i+oram, or shall o s"!hdisri! or region or any .ar hereo1, s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions ormodiB!aions as he may s.e!i1y in he noiB!aion and any s"!h dire!ionmay 3e given so as o have reros.e!ive eGe!:**

#: Esimaed re!ei.s and e2.endi"re .eraining o a"onomo"sdisri!s o 3e sho4n se.araely in he ann"al Bnan!ial saemen:Theesimaed re!ei.s and e2.endi"re .eraining o an a"onomo"s disri!4hi!h are o 3e !redied o, or is o 3e made 1rom, he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae# shall 3e Brs .la!ed 3e1ore he Disri! Co"n!il 1or dis!"ssionand hen a1er s"!h dis!"ssion 3e sho4n se.araely in he ann"al Bnan!ialsaemen o1 he Sae o 3e laid 3e1ore he Legisla"re o1 he Sae "nderari!le 66:6

#9: A..oinmen o1 Commission o in"ire ino and re.or on headminisraion o1 a"onomo"s disri!s and a"onomo"s regions:;#< The'overnor may a any ime a..oin a Commission o e2amine and re.or onany maer s.e!iBed 3y him relaing o he adminisraion o1 he a"onomo"sdisri!s and a"onomo"s regions in he Sae, in!l"ding maers s.e!iBed in!la"ses ;!<, ;d<, ;e< and ;1< o1 s"37.aragra.h ;< o1 .aragra.h # o1 hisS!hed"le,or may a..oin a Commission o in"ire ino and re.or 1rom ime o imeon he adminisraion o1 a"onomo"s disri!s and a"onomo"s regions inhe Sae generally and in .ari!"lar on;a< he .rovision o1 ed"!aional and medi!al 1a!iliies and

!omm"ni!aions in s"!h disri!s and regions/;3< he need 1or any ne4 or s.e!ial legislaion in res.e! o1 s"!hdisri!s and regions/ and;!< he adminisraion o1 he la4s, r"les and reg"laions made 3y heDisri! and &egional Co"n!ils/and deBne he .ro!ed"re o 3e 1ollo4ed 3y s"!h Commission:;6< The re.or o1 every s"!h Commission 4ih he re!ommendaions o1 he 'overnor 4ih res.e! hereo shall 3e laid 3e1ore he Legisla"re o1 heSae 3y he (iniser !on!erned ogeher 4ih an e2.lanaory memorand"mregarding he a!ion .ro.osed o 3e aen hereon 3y

$he 'overnmen o1 he Sae*:# The 4ords ?o1 Assam@ omied 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion<A!, #8=#;K# o1 #8=#<, s: =# ;i< and Eighh S!h: ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:6

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Paragra.h #9 has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2hS!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, #88 ;96 o1 #88<, s: 6, as"nder  Xin .aragra.h #9, in s"37.aragra.h ;6<, he 4ords ?4ih he

re!ommendaions o1 he'overnor 4ih res.e! hereo@ shall 3e omied::S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=# ;i< andEighh S!h:, 1or ?he 'overnmen o1 Assam@ ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<>;< In allo!aing he 3"siness o1 he 'overnmen o1 he Sae among his(inisers he 'overnor may .la!e one o1 his (inisers s.e!ially in !harge o1 he 4el1are o1 he a"onomo"s disri!s and a"onomo"s regions in he

Sae:##: Ann"lmen or s"s.ension o1 a!s and resol"ions o1 Disri! and&egional Co"n!ils:;#< I1 a any ime he 'overnor is saisBed ha an a!or resol"ion o1 a Disri! or a &egional Co"n!il is liely o endanger hesa1ey o1 India6$or is liely o 3e .re"di!ial o ."3li! order*, he may ann"lor s"s.end s"!h a! or resol"ion and ae s"!h se.s as he may !onsiderne!essary ;in!l"ding he s"s.ension o1 he Co"n!il and he ass"m.ion ohimsel1 o1 all or any o1 he .o4ers vesed in or e2er!isa3le 3y he Co"n!il<

o .reven he !ommission or !onin"an!e o1 s"!h a!, or he giving o1 eGe!o s"!h resol"ion:;6< Any order made 3y he 'overnor "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his.aragra.h ogeher 4ih he reasons here1or shall 3e laid 3e1ore heLegisla"reo1 he Sae as soon as .ossi3le and he order shall, "nless revoed 3y heLegisla"re o1 he Sae, !onin"e in 1or!e 1or a .eriod o1 4elve monhs 1romhe dae on 4hi!h i 4as so madeProvided ha i1 and so o1en as a resol"ion a..roving he !onin"an!ein 1or!e o1 s"!h order is .assed 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae, he ordershall

"nless !an!elled 3y he 'overnor !onin"e in 1or!e 1or a 1"rher .eriod o1 4elve monhs 1rom he dae on 4hi!h "nder his .aragra.h i 4o"ldoher4isehave !eased o o.erae:#>: Dissol"ion o1 a Disri! or a &egional Co"n!il:9$;#<* The 'overnor

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may on he re!ommendaion o1 a Commission a..oined "nder#Paragra.h # has 3een amended in is!aion o he Saes o1 Tri."raand (i+oram3y he Si2h S!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, #8KK ;>= o1

#8KK<, s: 6, as"nder,;a< in he o.ening .aragra.h, 1or he 4ords ?3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae@,he4ords ?3y him@ shall 3e s"3si"ed/;3< he .roviso shall 3e omied:6 Ins: 3y he Assam &eorganisaion ;(eghalaya< A!, #8>8 ; o1 #8>8<, s: =9and Fo"rhS!h: ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<:

 Paragra.h #> has 3een amended in is!aion o he Saes o1 Tri."raand (i+oram3y he Si2h Se!hed"le o he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, #8KK ;>= o1#8KK<, s: 6, as"nder,X;a< in s"37.aragra.h ;#<, he 4ords ?s"3e! o he .revio"s a..roval o1 heLegisla"re o1 he Sae@ o!!"rring in !la"se ;3<, and he se!ond .roviso shall3e omied/;3< 1or s"37.aragra.h ;<, he 1ollo4ing s"37.aragra.h shall 3e s"3si"ed,namely?;< Every order made "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< or s"37.aragra.h ;6< o1 his

.aragra.h, along 4ih he reasons here1or shall 3e laid 3e1ore heLegisla"re o1 heSae:@ :9Paragra.h #> ren"m3ered as s"37.aragra.h ;#< hereo1 3y he Assam&eorganisaion;(eghalaya< A!, #8>8 ; o1 #8>8<, s: =9 and Fo"rh S!h: ;4:e:1: 6797#8=<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<=.aragra.h #9 o1 his S!hed"le 3y ."3li! noiB!aion order he dissol"iono1 

a Disri! or a &egional Co"n!il, and;a< dire! ha a 1resh general ele!ion shall 3e held immediaely 1orhe re!onsi"ion o1 he Co"n!il, or;3< s"3e! o he .revio"s a..roval o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Saeass"me he adminisraion o1 he area "nder he a"horiy o1 s"!h Co"n!ilhimsel1 or .la!e he adminisraion o1 s"!h area "nder he Commissiona..oined "nder he said .aragra.h or any oher 3ody !onsidered s"ia3le3y him 1or a .eriod no e2!eeding 4elve monhs

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$in he Sae o1 Assam or (eghalaya$or Tri."ra*9$or (i+oram*, as

he !ase may 3e,* shall no 1orm .ar o1 any !onsi"en!y o Bll a sea orseasin he Assem3ly reserved 1or any s"!h disri! 3" shall 1orm .ar o1 a!onsi"en!y o Bll a sea or seas in he Assem3ly no so reserved o 3es.e!iBed in he order:> =#8: Transiional .rovisions:;#< As soon as .ossi3le a1er he!ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion he 'overnor shall ae se.s 1or he!onsi"ion o1 a Disri! Co"n!il 1or ea!h a"onomo"s disri! in he Sae

"nder his S!hed"le and, "nil a Disri! Co"n!il is so !onsi"ed 1or ana"onomo"s disri!, he adminisraion o1 s"!h disri! shall 3e vesed in he'overnor and he 1ollo4ing .rovisions shall o he adminisraion o1 he areas 4ihin s"!h disri! insead o1 he 1oregoing .rovisions o1 hisS!hed"le, namely;a< no A! o1 Parliamen or o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae shall oany s"!h area "nless he 'overnor 3y ."3li! noiB!aion so dire!s/ and he'overnor in giving s"!h a dire!ion 4ih res.e! o any A! may dire! hahe A! shall, in is!aion o he area or o any s.e!iBed .ar hereo1,have eGe! s"3e! o s"!h e2!e.ions or modiB!aions as he hins B/;3< he 'overnor may mae reg"laions 1or he .ea!e and good

governmen o1 any s"!h area and any reg"laions so made may re.ealor amend any A! o1 Parliamen or o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae or anye2ising la4 4hi!h is 1or he ime 3eing!a3le o s"!h area:#Paragra.h #= has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2h S!hed"leo he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, 6 ;99 o1 6<, s: 6, so as o inserhe 1ollo4ing .roviso,namely?Provided ha nohing in his .aragra.h shall o he )odoland Terriorial Areas Disri!:@:

6 S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=# ;i< and EighhS!h:, 1or ?he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Assam@ ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8K9, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #797#8K<:9

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Ins: 3y he Sae o1 (i+oram A!, #8K> ;9 o1 #8K><, s: 8 ;4:e:1: 6767#8K=<:Ins: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=# ;i< and Eighh S!h:;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:

>Paragra.h #K omied 3y s: =#;i< and Eighh S!h:, i3id: ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:=Paragra.h #8 has 3een amended in is!aion o he Sae o1 Assam 3yhe Si2h S!hed"leo he Consi"ion ;Amendmen< A!, 6 ;99 o1 6< s: 6, so as o inserhe 1ollo4ing s"37.aragra.ha1er s"37.aragra.h ;<, namely ?;9< As soon as .ossi3le a1er he !ommen!emen o1 his A!, and InerimE2e!"ive Co"n!il 1or)odoland Terriorial Areas Disri! in Assam shall 3e 1ormed 3y he 'overnor

1rom amongs leaderso1 he )odo movemen, in!l"ding he signaories o he (emorand"m o1Selemen, and shall .rovideade"ae re.resenaion o he non7ri3al !omm"niies in ha areaProvided ha Inerim Co"n!il shall 3e 1or a .eriod o1 si2 monhs d"ring 4hi!hendeavo"r o holdhe ele!ion o he Co"n!il shall 3e made:E2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses o1 his s"37.aragra.h, he e2.ression?(emorand"m o1 Selemen@means he (emorand"m signed on he #h day o1 Fe3r"ary, 6 3e4een'overnmen o1 India,

'overnmen o1 Assam and )odo Li3eraion Tigers:@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<8;6< Any dire!ion given 3y he 'overnor "nder !la"se ;a< o1 s"37.aragra.h;#< o1 his .aragra.h may 3e given so as o have reros.e!ive eGe!:;< All reg"laions made "nder !la"se ;3< o1 s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his.aragra.h shall 3e s"3mied 1orh4ih o he Presiden and, "nil assenedo 3y him, shall have no eGe!:#$6: Tri3al areas:;#< The areas s.e!iBed in Pars I, II

6$, IIA* and III o1 he a3le 3elo4 shall res.e!ively 3e he ri3al areas 4ihin he Sae o1Assam,he Sae o1 (eghalaya6$, he Sae o1 Tri."ra* and he

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$Sae* o1 (i+oram:;6<9$Any re1eren!e in Par I, Par II or Par III o1 he a3le 3elo4* o anydisri! shall 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o he erriories !om.rised 4ihin

he a"onomo"s disri! o1 ha name e2ising immediaely 3e1ore he daya..oined "nder !la"se ;3< o1 se!ion 6 o1 he Norh7Easern Areas;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=#Provided ha 1or he ."r.oses o1 !la"ses ;e< and ;1< o1 s"37.aragra.h ;#<o1 .aragra.h , .aragra.h 9, .aragra.h , .aragra.h >, s"37.aragra.h ;6<,!la"ses ;a<, ;3< and ;d< o1 s"37.aragra.h ;< and s"37.aragra.h ;9< o1.aragra.hK and !la"se ;d< o1 s"37.aragra.h ;6< o1 .aragra.h # o1 his S!hed"le, o1 he area !om.rised 4ihin he m"ni!i.aliy o1 Shillong shall 3edeemedo 3e 4ihin he

$Rhasi Hills Disri!*:6$;< The re1eren!e in Par IIA in he a3le 3elo4 o he ?Tri."ra Tri3alAreas Disri!@ shall 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o he erriory !om.risinghe ri3al areas s.e!iBed in he Firs S!hed"le o he Tri."ra Tri3al AreasA"onomo"s Disri! Co"n!il A!, #8=8:* TA)LEPA&T I#: The Norh Ca!har Hills Disri!:6:

>$The Rar3i Anglong Disri!:*:=$The )odoland Terriorial Areas Disri!:*PA&T II$#: Rhasi Hills Disri!:6: -ainia Hills Disri!:*: The 'aro Hills Disri!:#

S"3s: 3y he Norh7Easern Areas ;&eorganisaion< A!, #8=# ;K# o1 #8=#<, s:=# ;i< and EighhS!h:, 1or .aragra.hs 6 and 6A ;4:e:1: 6#7#7#8=6<:6 Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8K9, s: 9 ;4:e:1: #797#8K<:

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S"3s: 3y he Sae o1 (i+oram A!, #8K> ;9 o1 #8K><, s: 8, 1or ?Unionerriory@ ;4:e:1:6767#8K=<:9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8K9, s: 9, 1or ?Any

re1eren!e in he Ta3le 3elo4@ ;4:e:1: #797#8K<:S"3s: 3y he 'overnmen o1 (eghalaya NoiB!aion No: DCA #=6## daedhe #9h -"ne,#8=, 'a+ee o1 (eghalaya, P: %A, daed 67>7#8=, .: 6:>S"3s: 3y he 'overnmen o1 Assam NoiB!aion No: TAD&##=99=, daed#97#7#8=> 1or?The (iir Hills Disri!@:=

Ins: 3y he Sae o1 Assam 3y he Si2h S!hed"le o he Consi"ion;Amendmen< A!, 6 ;99o1 6<, s: 6: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<##$PA&T IIA Tri."ra Tri3al Areas Disri!:*PA&T III6

$#: The Chama Disri!:9$6: The (ara Disri!:: The Lai Disri!:**$6A: Dissol"ion o1 he (i+o Disri! Co"n!il:;#< No4ihsandinganyhing in his S!hed"le, he Disri! Co"n!il o1 he (i+o Disri! e2isingimmediaely 3e1ore he .res!ri3ed dae ;hereina1er re1erred o as he (i+oDisri! Co"n!il< shall sand dissolved and !ease o e2is:;6< The Adminisraor o1 he Union erriory o1 (i+oram may, 3y one or

more orders, .rovide 1or all or any o1 he 1ollo4ing maers, namely;a< he rans1er, in 4hole or in .ar, o1 he asses, righs and lia3iliieso1 he (i+o Disri! Co"n!il ;in!l"ding he righs and lia3iliies "nderany !onra! made 3y i< o he Union or o any oher a"horiy/;3< he s"3si"ion o1 he Union or any oher a"horiy 1or he (i+oDisri! Co"n!il, or he addiion o1 he Union or any oher a"horiy, asa .ary o any legal .ro!eedings o 4hi!h he (i+o Disri! Co"n!il is a.ary/

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.aragra.hs ;#< and ;=< o1 .aragra.h 6, s"37.aragra.h ;< o1 .aragra.h ,s"37.aragra.h ;9< o1 .aragra.h 9, .aragra.h , s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h >, s"37.aragra.h;6< o1 .aragra.h =, s"37.aragra.h ;< o1 .aragra.h 8, s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h #9, s"37

.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h #and s"37.aragra.hs ;#< and ;6< o1 .aragra.h #> o1 his S!hed"le, shall, a1er!ons"ling he Co"n!il o1 (inisers, and i1 he hins i ne!essary, he Disri! Co"n!il or he &egionalCo"n!il !on!erned, aes"!h a!ion as he !onsiders ne!essary in his dis!reion:@ : THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<#6;6< Every mem3er 4heher ele!ed or nominaed o1 an e2ising &egionalCo"n!il shall 3e deemed o have 3een ele!ed or, as he !ase may 3e,nominaed

o he !orres.onding ne4 Disri! Co"n!il and shall hold oM!e "nil a Disri!Co"n!il is d"ly !onsi"ed 1or he !orres.onding ne4 disri! "nder hisS!hed"le:;< Unil r"les are made "nder s"37.aragra.h ;=< o1 .aragra.h 6 ands"37.aragra.h ;9< o1 .aragra.h 9 o1 his S!hed"le 3y he !orres.onding ne4Disri! Co"n!il, he r"les made "nder he said .rovisions 3y he e2ising&egional Co"n!il and in 1or!e immediaely 3e1ore he .res!ri3ed dae shallhave eGe! in relaion o he !orres.onding ne4 Disri! Co"n!il s"3e! os"!h ada.aions and modiB!aions as may 3e made herein 3y heAdminisraor o1 he Union erriory o1 (i+oram:;9< The Adminisraor o1 he Union erriory o1 (i+oram may, 3y one or

more orders, .rovide 1or all or any o1 he 1ollo4ing maers, namely;a< he rans1er in 4hole or in .ar o1 he asses, righs and lia3iliieso1 he e2ising &egional Co"n!il ;in!l"ding he righs and lia3iliies"nder any !onra! made 3y i< o he !orres.onding ne4 Disri! Co"n!il/;3< he s"3si"ion o1 he !orres.onding ne4 Disri! Co"n!il 1or hee2ising &egional Co"n!il as a .ary o he legal .ro!eedings o 4hi!hhe e2ising &egional Co"n!il is a .ary/;!< he rans1er or re7em.loymen o1 any em.loyees o1 he e2ising&egional Co"n!il o or 3y he !orres.onding ne4 Disri! Co"n!il, heerms and !ondiions o1 servi!e!a3le o s"!h em.loyees a1er s"!hrans1er or re7em.loymen/

;d< he !onin"an!e o1 any la4s made 3y he e2ising &egional Co"n!iland in 1or!e immediaely 3e1ore he .res!ri3ed dae, s"3e! o s"!hada.aions and modiB!aions, 4heher 3y 4ay o1 re.eal or amendmen,as he Adminisraor may mae in his 3ehal1 "nil s"!h la4s are alered,re.ealed or amended 3y a !om.een Legisla"re or oher !om.eena"horiy/;e< s"!h in!idenal, !onse"enial and s"..lemenary maers as heAdminisraor !onsiders ne!essary:

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6C: Iner.reaion:S"3e! o any .rovision made in his 3ehal1, he.rovisions o1 his S!hed"le shall, in heir!aion o he Union errioryo1 (i+oram, have eGe!;#< as i1 re1eren!es o he 'overnor and 'overnmen o1 he Sae 4erere1eren!es o he Adminisraor o1 he Union erriory a..oined "nder

ari!le 68, re1eren!es o Sae ;e2!e. in he e2.ression ?'overnmen o1  THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<#he Sae@< 4ere re1eren!es o he Union erriory o1 (i+oram andre1eren!eso he Sae Legisla"re 4ere re1eren!es o he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 heUnion erriory o1 (i+oram/;6< as i1;a< in s"37.aragra.h ;< o1 .aragra.h 9, he .rovision 1or !ons"laion4ih he 'overnmen o1 he Sae !on!erned had 3een omied/;3< in s"37.aragra.h ;6< o1 .aragra.h >, 1or he 4ords ?o 4hi!h he

e2e!"ive .o4er o1 he Sae e2ends@, he 4ords ?4ih res.e! o 4hi!hhe Legislaive Assem3ly o1 he Union erriory o1 (i+oram has .o4er omae la4s@ had 3een s"3si"ed/;!< in .aragra.h #, he 4ords and Bg"res ?"nder ari!le 66@ had3een omied:**6#: Amendmen o1 he S!hed"le:;#< Parliamen may 1rom ime o ime3y la4 amend 3y 4ay o1 addiion, variaion or re.eal any o1 he .rovisionso1 his S!hed"le and, 4hen he S!hed"le is so amended, any re1eren!e ohisS!hed"le in his Consi"ion shall 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o s"!hS!hed"le

as so amended:;6< No s"!h la4 as is menioned in s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.hshall 3e deemed o 3e an amendmen o1 his Consi"ion 1or he ."r.oseso1 ari!le >K: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Si2h S!hed"le<#9SE%ENTH SCHEDULE;Ari!le 69><Lis IUnion Lis#: De1en!e o1 India and every .ar hereo1 in!l"ding .re.araion 1orde1en!e and all s"!h a!s as may 3e !ond"!ive in imes o1 4ar o is

.rose!"ionand a1er is erminaion o eGe!ive demo3ilisaion:6: Naval, miliary and air 1or!es/ any oher armed 1or!es o1 he Union:#$6A: De.loymen o1 any armed 1or!e o1 he Union or any oher 1or!es"3e! o he !onrol o1 he Union or any !oningen or "ni hereo1 in anySae in aid o1 he !ivil .o4er/ .o4ers, "risdi!ion, .rivileges and lia3iliieso1 he mem3ers o1 s"!h 1or!es 4hile on s"!h de.loymen:*

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: Delimiaion o1 !anonmen areas, lo!al sel17governmen in s"!h areas,he !onsi"ion and .o4ers 4ihin s"!h areas o1 !anonmen a"horiies andhe reg"laion o1 ho"se a!!ommodaion ;in!l"ding he !onrol o1 rens< ins"!h areas:9: Naval, miliary and air 1or!e 4ors:

: Arms, Brearms, amm"niion and e2.losives:>: Aomi! energy and mineral reso"r!es ne!essary 1or is .rod"!ion:=: Ind"sries de!lared 3y Parliamen 3y la4 o 3e ne!essary 1or he."r.ose o1 de1en!e or 1or he .rose!"ion o1 4ar:K: Cenral )"rea" o1 Inelligen!e and Invesigaion:8: Prevenive deenion 1or reasons !onne!ed 4ih De1en!e, ForeignAGairs, or he se!"riy o1 India/ .ersons s"3e!ed o s"!h deenion:#: Foreign aGairs/ all maers 4hi!h 3ring he Union ino relaion 4ihany 1oreign !o"nry:##: Di.lomai!, !ons"lar and rade re.resenaion:#6: Unied Naions Organisaion:

#: Pari!i.aion in inernaional !on1eren!es, asso!iaions and oher3odies and im.lemening o1 de!isions made herea:#9: Enering ino reaies and agreemens 4ih 1oreign !o"nries andim.lemening o1 reaies, agreemens and !onvenions 4ih 1oreign!o"nries:##Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: = ;4:e:1:7#7#8==<:#: War and .ea!e:#>: Foreign "risdi!ion:#=: Cii+enshi., na"ralisaion and aliens:

#K: E2radiion:#8: Admission ino, and emigraion and e2."lsion 1rom, India/ .ass.orsand visas:6: Pilgrimages o .la!es o"side India:6#: Pira!ies and !rimes !ommied on he high seas or in he air/ oGen!esagains he la4 o1 naions !ommied on land or he high seas or in he air:66: &ail4ays:6: High4ays de!lared 3y or "nder la4 made 3y Parliamen o 3e naionalhigh4ays:69: and navigaion on inland 4aer4ays, de!lared 3y Parliamen3y la4 o 3e naional 4aer4ays, as regards me!hani!ally .ro.elled vessels/

he r"le o1 he road on s"!h 4aer4ays:6: (ariime and navigaion, in!l"ding and navigaionon idal 4aers/ .rovision o1 ed"!aion and raining 1or he mer!anile marineand reg"laion o1 s"!h ed"!aion and raining .rovided 3y Saes and oheragen!ies:6>: Lighho"ses, in!l"ding lighshi.s, 3ea!ons and oher .rovision 1orhe sa1ey o1 and air!ra1:6=: Pors de!lared 3y or "nder la4 made 3y Parliamen or e2ising la4

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o 3e maor .ors, in!l"ding heir delimiaion, and he !onsi"ion and.o4ers o1 .or a"horiies herein:6K: Por "aranine, in!l"ding hos.ials !onne!ed here4ih/ seamensand marine hos.ials:68: Air4ays/ air!ra1 and air navigaion/ .rovision o1 aerodromes/

reg"laion and organisaion o1 air raM! and o1 aerodromes/ .rovision 1oraerona"i!al ed"!aion and raining and reg"laion o1 s"!h ed"!aion andraining .rovided 3y Saes and oher agen!ies:: Carriage o1 .assengers and goods 3y rail4ay, sea or air, or 3y naional4aer4ays in me!hani!ally .ro.elled vessels:#: Poss and elegra.hs/ ele.hones, 4ireless, 3road!asing and oherlie 1orms o1 !omm"ni!aion: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<#>6: Pro.ery o1 he Union and he reven"e here1rom, 3" as si"aed in a Sae

# s"3e! o legislaion 3y he Sae, save in so1ar as Parliamen 3y la4 oher4ise .rovides:6 9: Co"rs o1 4ards 1or he esaes o1 &"lers o1 Indian Saes:: P"3li! de3 o1 he Union:>: C"rren!y, !oinage and legal ender/ 1oreign e2!hange:=: Foreign loans:K: &eserve )an o1 India:8: Pos OM!e Savings )an:

9: Loeries organised 3y he 'overnmen o1 India or he 'overnmen o1 a Sae:9#: Trade and !ommer!e 4ih 1oreign !o"nries/ im.or and e2.or a!ross!"soms 1roniers/ deBniion o1 !"soms 1roniers:96: Iner7Sae rade and !ommer!e:9: In!or.oraion, reg"laion and 4inding ". o1 rading !or.oraions,in!l"ding 3aning, ins"ran!e and Bnan!ial !or.oraions, 3" no in!l"ding!o7o.eraive so!ieies:99: In!or.oraion, reg"laion and 4inding ". o1 !or.oraions, 4heherrading or no, 4ih o3e!s no !onBned o one Sae, 3" no in!l"ding"niversiies:

9: )aning:9>: )ills o1 e2!hange, !he"es, .romissory noes and oher lie insr"mens:9=: Ins"ran!e:9K: So! e2!hanges and 1""res mares:98: Paens, invenions and designs/ !o.yrigh/ rade7mars andmer!handise mars:: Esa3lishmen o1 sandards o1 4eigh and meas"re:#

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 The 4ords and leers ?s.e!iBed in Par A or Par ) o1 he Firs S!hed"le 3"@omied3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 68 and S!h:6Enry omied 3y s: 6>, i3id:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<#=#: Esa3lishmen o1 sandards o1 "aliy 1or goods o 3e e2.ored o" o1 India or rans.ored 1rom one Sae o anoher:6: Ind"sries, he !onrol o1 4hi!h 3y he Union is de!lared 3y Parliamen3y la4 o 3e e2.edien in he ."3li! ineres:: &eg"laion and o1 oilBelds and mineral oil reso"r!es/.erole"m and .erole"m .rod"!s/ oher li"ids and s"3san!es de!lared 3yParliamen 3y la4 o 3e dangero"sly inQamma3le:9: &eg"laion o1 mines and mineral o he e2en o 4hi!hs"!h reg"laion and "nder he !onrol o1 he Union is de!lared

3y Parliamen 3y la4 o 3e e2.edien in he ."3li! ineres:: &eg"laion o1 la3o"r and sa1ey in mines and oilBelds:>: &eg"laion and o1 iner7Sae rivers and river valleys ohe e2en o 4hi!h s"!h reg"laion and "nder he !onrol o1 he Union is de!lared 3y Parliamen 3y la4 o 3e e2.edien in he ."3li!ineres:=: Fishing and Bsheries 3eyond erriorial 4aers:K: (an"1a!"re, s" and disri3"ion o1 sal 3y Union agen!ies/reg"laion and !onrol o1 man"1a!"re, s" and disri3"ion o1 sal 3yoher agen!ies:8: C"livaion, man"1a!"re, and sale 1or e2.or, o1 o.i"m:

>: San!ioning o1 !inemaogra.h Blms 1or e2hi3iion:>#: Ind"srial dis."es !on!erning Union em.loyees:>6: The insi"ions no4n a he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion ashe Naional Li3rary, he Indian ("se"m, he Im.erial War ("se"m, he%i!oria (emorial and he Indian War (emorial, and any oher lie insi"ionBnan!ed 3y he 'overnmen o1 India 4holly or in .ar and de!lared 3yParliamen 3y la4 o 3e an insi"ion o1 naional im.oran!e:>: The insi"ions no4n a he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion ashe )enares Hind" Universiy, he Aligarh ("slim Universiy and he#$Delhi

Universiy/ he Universiy esa3lished in ."rs"an!e o1 ari!le =#E/* anyoherinsi"ion de!lared 3y Parliamen 3y la4 o 3e an insi"ion o1 naionalim.oran!e:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=, s: 9, 1or?DelhiUniversiy and@ ;4:e:1: #7=7#8=9<:

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 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<#K>9: Insi"ions 1or s!ieniB! or e!hni!al ed"!aion Bnan!ed 3y he'overnmen o1 India 4holly or in .ar and de!lared 3y Parliamen 3y la4 o3e insi"ions o1 naional im.oran!e:

>: Union agen!ies and insi"ions 1or;a< .ro1essional, vo!aional or e!hni!al raining, in!l"ding heraining o1 .oli!e oM!ers/ or;3< he .romoion o1 s.e!ial s"dies or resear!h/ or;!< s!ieniB! or e!hni!al assisan!e in he invesigaion or dee!iono1 !rime:>>: Co7ordinaion and deerminaion o1 sandards in insi"ions 1or highered"!aion or resear!h and s!ieniB! and e!hni!al insi"ions:>=: An!ien and hisori!al mon"mens and re!ords, and ar!haeologi!alsies and remains,#

$de!lared 3y or "nder la4 made 3y Parliamen* o 3e o1 naional im.oran!e:>K: The S"rvey o1 India, he 'eologi!al, )oani!al, oologi!al andAnhro.ologi!al S"rveys o1 India/ (eeorologi!al organisaions:>8: Cens"s:=: Union P"3li! Servi!e/ All7India Servi!es/ Union P"3li! Servi!eCommission:=#: Union .ensions, ha is o say, .ensions .aya3le 3y he 'overnmeno1 India or o" o1 he Consolidaed F"nd o1 India:=6: Ele!ions o Parliamen, o he Legisla"res o1 Saes and o he oM!eso1 Presiden and %i!e7Presiden/ he Ele!ion Commission:

=: Salaries and allo4an!es o1 mem3ers o1 Parliamen, he Chairman andDe."y Chairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saes and he S.eaer and De."yS.eaer o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le:=9: Po4ers, .rivileges and imm"niies o1 ea!h Ho"se o1 Parliamen ando1 he mem3ers and he Commiees o1 ea!h Ho"se/ en1or!emen o1aendan!eo1 .ersons 1or giving eviden!e or .rod"!ing do!"mens 3e1ore !ommiees o1 Parliamen or !ommissions a..oined 3y Parliamen:=: Emol"mens, allo4an!es, .rivileges, and righs in res.e! o1 leave o1 a3sen!e, o1 he Presiden and 'overnors/ salaries and allo4an!es o1 he#

S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6=, 1or?de!lared 3yParliamen 3y la4@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<#8(inisers 1or he Union/ he salaries, allo4an!es, and righs in res.e! o1leaveo1 a3sen!e and oher !ondiions o1 servi!e o1 he Com.roller and A"dior7

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a2es on rail4ay 1ares and 1reighs:8: Ta2es oher han sam. d"ies on ransa!ions in so! e2!hangesand 1""res mares:8#: &aes o1 sam. d"y in res.e! o1 3ills o1 e2!hange, !he"es,.romissory noes, 3ills o1 lading, leers o1 !redi, .oli!ies o1 ins"ran!e,

rans1ero1 shares, de3en"res, .ro2ies and re!ei.s:86: Ta2es on he sale or ."r!hase o1 ne4s.a.ers and on adverisemens."3lished herein:#$86A: Ta2es on he sale or ."r!hase o1 goods oher han ne4s.a.ers,4here s"!h sale or ."r!hase aes .la!e in he !o"rse o1 iner7Sae rade or!ommer!e:*6$86): Ta2es on he !onsignmens o1 goods ;4heher he !onsignmen iso he .erson maing i or o any oher .erson<, 4here s"!h !onsignmen!e in he !o"rse o1 iner7Sae rade or !ommer!e:*$86C: Ta2es on servi!es:*8: OGen!es agains la4s 4ih res.e! o any o1 he maers in his Lis:89: In"iries, s"rveys and saisi!s 1or he ."r.ose o1 any o1 he maersin his Lis:8: -"risdi!ion and .o4ers o1 all !o"rs, e2!e. he S".reme Co"r, 4ihres.e! o any o1 he maers in his Lis/ admiraly "risdi!ion:8>: Fees in res.e! o1 any o1 he maers in his Lis, 3" no in!l"ding 1eesaen in any !o"r:8=: Any oher maer no en"meraed in Lis II or Lis III in!l"ding any

a2 no menioned in eiher o1 hose Liss:Lis IISae Lis#: P"3li! order ;3" no in!l"ding$he "se o1 any naval, miliary or air1or!e or any oher armed 1or!e o1 he Union or o1 any oher 1or!e s"3e! o#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2h Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6:6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7si2h Amendmen< A!, #8K6, s: :

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Eighy7eighh Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 9 ;4hi!h isye no in1or!e, dae o 3e noiBed laer on<:S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: =, 1or!erain4ords ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

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;Sevenh S!hed"le<6#he !onrol o1 he Union or o1 any !oningen or "ni hereo1* in aid o1 he!ivil.o4er<:#

$6: Poli!e ;in!l"ding rail4ay and village .oli!e< s"3e! o he .rovisionso1 enry 6A o1 Lis I:*:6OM!ers and servans o1 he High Co"r/ .ro!ed"re in ren andreven"e !o"rs/ 1ees aen in all !o"rs e2!e. he S".reme Co"r:9: Prisons, re1ormaories, )orsal insi"ions and oher insi"ions o1 alie na"re, and .ersons deained herein/ arrangemens 4ih oher Saes1orhe "se o1 .risons and oher insi"ions:: Lo!al governmen, ha is o say, he !onsi"ion and .o4ers o1 

m"ni! !or.oraions, im.rovemen r"ss, disri!s 3oards, miningselemen a"horiies and oher lo!al a"horiies 1or he ."r.ose o1 lo!alsel17governmen or village adminisraion:>: P"3li! healh and saniaion/ hos.ials and dis.ensaries:=: Pilgrimages, oher han .ilgrimages o .la!es o"side India:K: Ino2i!aing li"ors, ha is o say, he .rod"!ion, man"1a!"re,.ossession, rans.or, ."r!hase and sale o1 ino2i!aing li"ors:8: &elie1 o1 he disa3led and "nem.loya3le:#: )"rials and 3"rial gro"nds/ !remaions and !remaion gro"nds:

#6: Li3raries, m"se"ms and oher similar insi"ions !onrolled orBnan!ed 3y he Sae/ an!ien and hisori!al mon"mens and re!ords oherhan hose9$de!lared 3y or "nder la4 made 3y Parliamen* o 3e o1 naionalim.oran!e:#: Comm"ni!aions, ha is o say, roads, 3ridges, 1erries, and ohermeans o1 !omm"ni!aion no s.e!iBed in Lis I/ m"ni! ram4ays/ro.e4ays/inland 4aer4ays and raM! hereon s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 Lis I and

Lis III 4ih regard o s"!h 4aer4ays/ vehi!les oher han me!hani! vehi!les:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: =, 1orenry 6;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:6Cerain 4ords omied 3y s: =, i3id: ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:

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Enry ## omied 3y s: =, i3id: ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:9S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6=, 1or?de!lared 3y

Parliamen 3y la4@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<66#9: Agri!"l"re, in!l"ding agri!"l"ral ed"!aion and resear!h, .roe!ionagains .ess and .revenion o1 .lan diseases:#: Preservaion, .roe!ion and im.rovemen o1 so! and .revenion o1 animal diseases/ veerinary raining and .ra!i!e:#>: Po"nds and he .revenion o1 !ale res.ass:#=: Waer, ha is o say, 4aer s"..lies, irrigaion and !anals, drainageand em3anmens, 4aer sorage and 4aer .o4er s"3e! o he .rovisionso1 enry > o1 Lis I:

#K: Land, ha is o say, righs in or over land, land en"res in!l"ding herelaion o1 landlord and enan, and he !olle!ion o1 rens/ rans1er andalienaion o1 agri!"l"ral land/ land im.rovemen and agri!"l"ral loans/!oloni+aion:# 6#: Fisheries:66: Co"rs o1 4ards s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 enry 9 o1 Lis I/en!"m3ered and aa!hed esaes:6: &eg"laion o1 mines and mineral s"3e! o he .rovisionso1 Lis I 4ih res.e! o reg"laion and "nder he !onrol o1 he

Union:69: Ind"sries s"3e! o he .rovisions o16$enries = and 6* o1 Lis I:6: 'as and gas74ors:6>: Trade and !ommer!e 4ihin he Sae s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 enry o1 Lis III:6=: Prod"!ion, s" and disri3"ion o1 goods s"3e! o he .rovisionso1 enry o1 Lis III:6K: (ares and 1airs:#

: (oney7lending and money7lenders/ relie1 o1 agri!"l"ral inde3edness:#: Inns and inn7ee.ers:#Enries #8, 6 and 68 omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7se!ond Amendmen<A!,#8=>, s: = ;4:e:1: 7#7#8==<:6

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S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6K, 1or ?enry6@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<66: In!or.oraion, reg"laion and 4inding ". o1 !or.oraions, oher han

hose s.e!iBed in Lis I, and "niversiies/ "nin!or.oraed rading, lierary,s!ieniB!, religio"s and oher so!ieies and asso!iaions/ !o7o.eraiveso!ieies:: Theares and dramai! .er1orman!es/ !inemas s"3e! o he .rovisionso1 enry > o1 Lis I/ s.ors, enerainmens and am"semens:9: )eing and gam3ling:: Wors, lands and 3"ildings vesed in or in he .ossession o1 he Sae:# =: Ele!ions o he Legisla"re o1 he Sae s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 any la4 made 3y Parliamen:

K: Salaries and allo4an!es o1 mem3ers o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae, o1 he S.eaer and De."y S.eaer o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly and, i1 here isa Legislaive Co"n!il, o1 he Chairman and De."y Chairman hereo1:8: Po4ers, .rivileges and imm"niies o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly ando1 he mem3ers and he !ommiees hereo1, and, i1 here is a LegislaiveCo"n!il, o1 ha Co"n!il and o1 he mem3ers and he !ommiees hereo1/en1or!emen o1 aendan!e o1 .ersons 1or giving eviden!e or .rod"!ingdo!"mens 3e1ore !ommiees o1 he Legisla"re o1 he Sae:9: Salaries and allo4an!es o1 (inisers 1or he Sae:9#: Sae ."3li! servi!es/ Sae P"3li! Servi!e Commission:96: Sae .ensions, ha is o say, .ensions .aya3le 3y he Sae or o" o1 

he Consolidaed F"nd o1 he Sae:9: P"3li! de3 o1 he Sae:99: Treas"re rove:9: Land reven"e, in!l"ding he assessmen and !olle!ion o1 reven"e,he mainenan!e o1 land re!ords, s"rvey 1or reven"e ."r.oses and re!ords o1 righs, and alienaion o1 reven"es:9>: Ta2es on agri!"l"ral in!ome:9=: D"ies in res.e! o1 s"!!ession o agri!"l"ral land:9K: Esae d"y in res.e! o1 agri!"l"ral land:#Enry > omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6>:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<6998: Ta2es on lands and 3"ildings:: Ta2es on mineral righs s"3e! o any limiaions im.osed 3yParliamen 3y la4 relaing o mineral D"ies o1 e2!ise on he 1ollo4ing goods man"1a!"red or .rod"!ed inhe Sae and !o"nervailing d"ies a he same or lo4er raes on similargoods man"1a!"red or .rod"!ed else4here in India

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;a< al!oholi! li"ors 1or h"man !ons"m.ion/;3< o.i"m, Indian hem. and oher nar!oi! dr"gs and nar!oi!s/3" no in!l"ding medi!inal and oile .re.araions !onaining al!ohol or anys"3san!e in!l"ded in s"37.aragra.h ;3< o1 his enry:6: Ta2es on he enry o1 goods ino a lo!al area 1or !ons"m.ion, "se or

sale herein:: Ta2es on he !ons"m.ion or sale o1 ele!ri!iy:#$9: Ta2es on he sale or ."r!hase o1 goods oher han ne4s.a.ers,s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 enry 86A o1 Lis I:*: Ta2es on adverisemens oher han adverisemens ."3lished in hene4s.a.ers6$and adverisemens 3road!as 3y radio or elevision*:>: Ta2es on goods and .assengers !arried 3y road or on inland4aer4ays:

=: Ta2es on vehi!les, 4heher me!hani!ally .ro.elled or no, s"ia3le 1or"se on roads, in!l"ding ram!ars s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 enry o1 Lis III:K: Ta2es on animals and 3oas:8: Tolls:>: Ta2es on .ro1essions, rades, !allings and em.loymens:>#: Ca.iaion a2es:>6: Ta2es on l"2"ries, in!l"ding a2es on enerainmens, am"semens,3eing and gam3ling:>: &aes o1 sam. d"y in res.e! o1 do!"mens oher han hose s.e!iBedin he .rovisions o1 Lis I 4ih regard o raes o1 sam. d"y:

# S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2h Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6, 1or enry 9:6 Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;ForyYse!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: = ;4:e:1:7#7#8==<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<6>9: OGen!es agains la4s 4ih res.e! o any o1 he maers in his Lis:>: -"risdi!ion and .o4ers o1 all !o"rs, e2!e. he S".reme Co"r, 4ihres.e! o any o1 he maers in his Lis:>>: Fees in res.e! o1 any o1 he maers in his Lis, 3" no in!l"ding 1ees

aen in any !o"r:Lis IIICon!"rren Lis #: Criminal la4, in!l"ding all maers in!l"ded in he Indian Penal Codea he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion 3" e2!l"ding oGen!es againsla4s 4ih res.e! o any o1 he maers s.e!iBed in Lis I or Lis II ande2!l"ding he "se o1 naval, miliary or air 1or!es or any oher armed 1or!eso1 he Union in aid o1 he !ivil .o4er: 6: Criminal .ro!ed"re, in!l"ding all maers in!l"ded in he Code o1 

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Criminal Pro!ed"re a he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion: : Prevenive deenion 1or reasons !onne!ed 4ih he se!"riy o1 aSae, he mainenan!e o1 ."3li! order, or he mainenan!e o1 s"..lies andservi!es essenial o he !omm"niy/ .ersons s"3e!ed o s"!h deenion: 9: &emoval 1rom one Sae o anoher Sae o1 .risoners, a!!"sed .ersons

and .ersons s"3e!ed o .revenive deenion 1or reasons s.e!iBed in enry o1 his Lis: : (arriage and divor!e/ in1ans and minors/ ado.ion/ 4ills, inesa!yand s"!!ession/ oin 1amily and .ariion/ all maers in res.e! o1 4hi!h.aries in "di!ial .ro!eedings 4ere immediaely 3e1ore he !ommen!emeno1 his Consi"ion s"3e! o heir .ersonal la4: >: Trans1er o1 .ro.ery oher han agri!"l"ral land/ regisraion o1 deedsand do!"mens: =: Conra!s, in!l"ding .arnershi., agen!y, !onra!s o1 !arriage, andoher s.e!ial 1orms o1 !onra!s, 3" no in!l"ding !onra!s relaing oagri!"l"ral land:

 K: A!iona3le 4rongs:8: )anr".!y and insolven!y:#: Tr"s and Tr"sees:##: Adminisraors7general and oM!ial r"sees: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<6>#$##A: Adminisraion o1 -"si!e/ !onsi"ion and organisaion o1 all!o"rs, e2!e. he S".reme Co"r and he High Co"rs:*#6: Eviden!e and oahs/ re!ogniion o1 la4s, ."3li! a!s and re!ords, and "di!ial .ro!eedings:

#: Civil .ro!ed"re, in!l"ding all maers in!l"ded in he Code o1 CivilPro!ed"re a he !ommen!emen o1 his Consi"ion, limiaion andar3iraion:#9: Conem. o1 !o"r, 3" no in!l"ding !onem. o1 he S".reme Co"r:#: %agran!y/ nomadi! and migraory ri3es:#>: L"na!y and menal deB!ien!y, in!l"ding .la!es 1or he re!e.ion orreamen o1 l"nai!s and menal deB!iens:#=: Prevenion o1 !r"ely o animals: #$#=A: Foress:

#=): Proe!ion o1 4ild animals and 3irds:*#K: Ad"leraion o1 1oods"Gs and oher goods: #8: Dr"gs and .oisons, s"3e! o he .rovisions o1 enry 8 o1 Lis I 4ihres.e! o o.i"m:6: E!onomi! and so!ial .lanning:#$6A: Po."laion !onrol and 1amily .lanning:*6#: Commer!ial and ind"srial mono.olies, !om3ines and r"ss:

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: (e!hani!ally .ro.elled vehi!les in!l"ding he .rin!i.les on 4hi!ha2es on s"!h vehi!les are o 3e levied:>: Fa!ories:=: )oilers:K: Ele!ri!iy:

#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Third Amendmen< A!, #89, s: 6, 1or enry :6Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;ForyYse!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: = ;4:e:1:7#7#8==<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<6K8: Ne4s.a.ers, 3oos and .rining .resses:9: Ar!haeologi!al sies and remains oher han hose#$de!lared 3y or

"nder la4 made 3y Parliamen* o 3e o1 naional im.oran!e:9#: C"sody, managemen and dis.osal o1 .ro.ery ;in!l"ding agri!"l"ralland< de!lared 3y la4 o 3e eva!"ee .ro.ery:6$96: A!"isiion and re"isiioning o1 .ro.ery:*9: &e!overy in a Sae o1 !laims in res.e! o1 a2es and oher ."3li!demands, in!l"ding arrears o1 land7reven"e and s"ms re!overa3le as s"!harrears, arising o"side ha Sae:99: Sam. d"ies oher han d"ies or 1ees !olle!ed 3y means o1 "di!ialsam.s, 3" no in!l"ding raes o1 sam. d"y:9: In"iries and saisi!s 1or he ."r.oses o1 any o1 he maers s.e!iBed

in Lis II or Lis III:9>: -"risdi!ion and .o4ers o1 all !o"rs, e2!e. he S".reme Co"r, 4ihres.e! o any o1 he maers in his Lis:9=: Fees in res.e! o1 any o1 he maers in his Lis, 3" no in!l"ding 1eesaen in any !o"r:#S"3s: 3y he Consi"ion ;Sevenh Amendmen< A!, #8>, s: 6=, 1or?de!lared 3yParliamen 3y la4@:6S"3s: 3y s: 6>, i3id:, 1or enry 96:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Sevenh S!hed"le<68EI'HTH SCHEDULE$Ari!les 99 ;#< and #*Lang"ages#: Assamese:6: )engali:

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#$: )odo:9: Dogri:*6$:* '"arai:

$>:* Hindi:$=:* Rannada:$K:* Rashmiri:9$$8:* Ronani:*#

$#: (aihili:*$##:* (alayalam:9$>$#6:* (ani."ri:*>$#:* (arahi:9$

>$#9:* Ne.ali:*>$#:* Oriya:>$#>:* P"na3i:>$#=:* Sansri:#$#K: Sanhali:*=

$K$#8:* Sindhi:*8$6:* Tamil:8$6#:* Tel"g":8

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$66:* Urd":#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Niney7se!ond Amendmen< A!, 6, s: 6:6Enry ren"m3ered as enry 3y s: 6, i3id:

Enries 9 o = ren"m3ered as enries > o 8 3y s: 6, i3id:9Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny7Brs Amendmen< A!, #886, s: 6:Enry K ren"m3ered as enry ## 3y he Consi"ion ;Niney7se!ondAmendmen< A!,6, s: 6:>Enries 8 o #9 ren"m3ered as enries #6 o #= 3y s: 6, i3id:=

Added 3y he Consi"ion ;T4eny7Brs Amendmen< A!, #8>=, s: 6:KEnry # ren"m3ered as enry #8 3y he Consi"ion ;Niney7se!ondAmendmen< A!,6, s: 6:8Enries #> o #K ren"m3ered as enries 6 o 66 3y s: 6, i3id:#$NINTH SCHEDULE;Ari!le #)<#: The )ihar Land &e1orms A!, #8 ;)ihar A! o1 #8<:

6: The )om3ay Tenan!y and Agri!"l"ral Lands A!, #89K ;)om3ay A!L%II o1 #89K<:: The )om3ay (alei Ten"re A3oliion A!, #898 ;)om3ay A! LI o1 #898<:9: The )om3ay Tal"dari Ten"re A3oliion A!, #898 ;)om3ay A! LIIo1 #898<:: The Pan!h (ahals (eh4assi Ten"re A3oliion A!, #898 ;)om3ay A!LIII o1 #898<:>: The )om3ay Rhoi A3oliion A!, #8 ;)om3ay A! %I o1 #8<:=: The )om3ay Paragana and R"larni Waan A3oliion A!, #8;)om3ay A! L o1 #8<:

K: The (adhya Pradesh A3oliion o1 Pro.rieary &ighs ;Esaes, (ahals,Alienaed Lands< A!, #8 ;(adhya Pradesh A! I o1 #8#<:8: The (adras Esaes ;A3oliion and Conversion ino &yo4ari< A!,#89K ;(adras A! %I o1 #89K<:#: The (adras Esaes ;A3oliion and Conversion ino &yo4ari<Amendmen A!, #8 ;(adras A! I o1 #8<:##: The Uar Pradesh amindari A3oliion and Land &e1orms A!, #8;Uar Pradesh A! I o1 #8#<:

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#: The (ysore Land &e1orms A!, #8># ;(ysore A! o1 #8>6<:6: The Orissa Land &e1orms A!, #8> ;Orissa A! %I o1 #8><:: The Orissa (erged Terriories ;%illage OM!es A3oliion< A!, #8>;Orissa A! o1 #8><:9: The P"na3 Se!"riy o1 Land Ten"res A!, #8 ;P"na3 A! o1 #8<:

: The &aashan Tenan!y A!, #8 ;&aashan A! III o1 #8<:>: The &aashan amindari and )is4edari A3oliion A!, #88;&aashan A! %III o1 #88<:=: The R"ma"n and Uarahand amindari A3oliion and Land &e1ormsA!, #8> ;Uar Pradesh A! %II o1 #8><:K: The Uar Pradesh Im.osiion o1 Ceiling on Land Holdings A!, #8>;Uar Pradesh A! I o1 #8>#<:8: The Wes )engal Esaes A!"isiion A!, #8 ;Wes )engal A! I o1 #89<:>: The Wes )engal Land &e1orms A!, #8 ;Wes )engal A! o1 #8><:>#: The Delhi Land &e1orms A!, #89 ;Delhi A! %III o1 #89<:

>6: The Delhi Land Holdings ;Ceiling< A!, #8> ;Cenral A! 69 o1 #8><:>: The (ani."r Land &even"e and Land &e1orms A!, #8> ;Cenral A! o1 #8><:>9: The Tri."ra Land &even"e and Land &e1orms A!, #8> ;Cenral A!9 o1 #8><: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Ninh S!hed"le<9#$>: The Rerala Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8>8 ;Rerala A! o1 #8>8<:>>: The Rerala Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8=# ;Rerala A! 6 o1 

#8=#<:*6$>=: The Andhra Pradesh Land &e1orms ;Ceiling on Agri!"l"ralHoldings< A!, #8= ;Andhra Pradesh A! # o1 #8=<:>K: The )ihar Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling Area and A!"isiiono1 S"r.l"s Land< ;Amendmen< A!, #8=6 ;)ihar A! # o1 #8=<:>8: The )ihar Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling Area and A!"isiiono1 S"r.l"s Land< ;Amendmen< A!, #8= ;)ihar A! I o1 #8=<:=: The )ihar Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8=6 ;)ihar A! % o1 #8=6<:=#: The '"ara Agri!"l"ral Lands Ceiling ;Amendmen< A!, #8=6

;'"ara A! 6 o1 #8=9<:=6: The Haryana Ceiling on Land Holdings A!, #8=6 ;Haryana A! 6>o1 #8=6<:=: The Hima!hal Pradesh Ceiling on Land Holdings A!, #8=6 ;Hima!halPradesh A! #8 o1 #8=<:=9: The Rerala Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8=6 ;Rerala A! #= o1 #8=6<:=: The (adhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agri!"l"ral Holdings ;Amendmen<

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o1 #8=6<:8: The 'eneral Ins"ran!e )"siness ;Naionalisaion< A!, #8=6 ;CenralA! = o1 #8=6<:8>: The Indian Cor.oraion ;A!"isiion o1 Underaing< A!,#8=6 ;Cenral A! K o1 #8=6<:

#Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Thiry7ninh Amendmen< A!, #8=>, s: :6Enries K= and 86 omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!,#8=K,s: 99 ;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Ninh S!hed"le<>8=: The Si! Te2ile Underaings ;Taing Over o1 (anagemen< A!,#8=6 ;Cenral A! =6 o1 #8=6<:8K: The Coal (ines ;Taing Over o1 (anagemen< A!, #8= ;Cenral A!

# o1 #8=<:88: The Coal (ines ;Naionalisaion< A!, #8= ;Cenral A! 6> o1 #8=<:#: The Foreign E2!hange &eg"laion A!, #8= ;Cenral A! 9> o1 #8=<:##: The Al!o! Ashdo4n Com.any Limied ;A!"isiion o1 Underaings< A!, #8= ;Cenral A! > o1 #8=<:#6: The Coal (ines ;Conservaion and< A!, #8=9 ;CenralA! 6K o1 #8=9<:#: The Addiional Emol"mens ;Com."lsory De.osi< A!, #8=9 ;CenralA! = o1 #8=9<: #9: The Conservaion o1 Foreign E2!hange and Prevenion o1 Sm"gglingA!iviies A!, #8=9 ;Cenral A! 6 o1 #8=9<:

#: The Si! Te2ile Underaings ;Naionalisaion< A!, #8=9 ;CenralA! = o1 #8=9<:#>: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Ceiling on Holdings<;Amendmen< A!, #8>9 ;(aharashra A! %I o1 #8><:#=: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Ceiling on Holdings<;Amendmen< A!, #8> ;(aharashra A! II o1 #8><:#K: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Ceiling on Holdings<;Amendmen< A!, #8>K ;(aharashra A! %I o1 #8>K<:#8: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Ceiling on Holdings< ;Se!ondAmendmen< A!, #8>K ;(aharashra A! III o1 #8>K<:##: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Ceiling on Holdings<

;Amendmen< A!, #8>8 ;(aharashra A! %II o1 #8>8<:###: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Ceiling on Holdings< ;Se!ondAmendmen< A!, #8>8 ;(aharashra A! %III o1 #8>8<:##6: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Ceiling on Holdings<;Amendmen< A!, #8= ;(aharashra A! %II o1 #8=<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Ninh S!hed"le<=##: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Ceiling on Holdings<

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;Amendmen< A!, #8=6 ;(aharashra A! III o1 #8=6<:##9: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Ceiling on Holdings<;Amendmen< A!, #8= ;(aharashra A! L o1 #8=<:##: The Orissa Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8> ;Orissa A! # o1 #8><:

##>: The Orissa Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8>> ;Orissa A! K o1 #8>=<:##=: The Orissa Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8>= ;Orissa A! # o1 #8>=<:##K: The Orissa Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8>8 ;Orissa A! # o1 #8>8<:##8: The Orissa Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8= ;Orissa A! #K o1 #8=<:#6: The Uar Pradesh Im.osiion o1 Ceiling on Land Holdings;Amendmen< A!, #8=6 ;Uar Pradesh A! #K o1 #8=<:#6#: The Uar Pradesh Im.osiion o1 Ceiling on Land Holdings

;Amendmen< A!, #8=9 ;Uar Pradesh A! 6 o1 #8=<:#66: The Tri."ra Land &even"e and Land &e1orms ;Third Amendmen<A!, #8= ;Tri."ra A! o1 #8=<:#6:The Dadra and Nagar Haveli Land &e1orms &eg"laion, #8=# ; o1 #8=#<:#69: The Dadra and Nagar Haveli Land &e1orms ;Amendmen<&eg"laion, #8= ; o1 #8=<:*#$#6: Se!ion >>A and I%A o1 he (oor %ehi!les A!, #886;Cenral A! 9 o1 #88<:

#6>: The Essenial Commodiies A!, #8 ;Cenral A! # o1 #8<:#6=: The Sm"gglers and Foreign E2!hange (ani."laors ;For1ei"re o1 Pro.ery< A!, #8=> ;Cenral A! # o1 #8=><:#6K: The )onded La3o"r Sysem ;A3oliion< A!, #8=> ;Cenral A! #8 o1 #8=><:#Enries #6 o #KK ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Forieh Amendmen< A!, #8=>,s: :6See no4 he relevan .rovisions o1 he (oor %ehi!les A!, #8KK ;8 o1 #8KK<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Ninh S!hed"le<K#68: The Conservaion o1 Foreign E2!hange and Prevenion o1 Sm"gglingA!iviies ;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;Cenral A! 6 o1 #8=><:# ##: The Levy S"gar Pri!e E"alisaion F"nd A!, #8=> ;Cenral A! #o1 #8=><:#6: The Ur3an Land ;Ceiling and &eg"laion< A!, #8=> ;Cenral A!

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o1 #8=><:#: The De.armenalisaion o1 Union A!!o"ns ;Trans1er o1 Personnel<A!, #8=> ;Cenral A! 8 o1 #8=><:#9: The Assam Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land Holdings A!, #8> ;AssamA! I o1 #8=<:

#: The )om3ay Tenan!y and Agri!"l"ral Lands ;%idar3ha &egion<A!, #8K ;)om3ay A! CI o1 #8K<:#>: The '"ara Privae Foress ;A!"isiion< A!, #8=6 ;'"ara A! #9o1 #8=<:#=: The Haryana Ceiling on Land Holdings ;Amendmen< A!, #8=>;Haryana A! #= o1 #8=><:#K: The Hima!hal Pradesh Tenan!y and Land &e1orms A!, #8=6;Hima!hal Pradesh A! K o1 #8=9<:#8: The Hima!hal Pradesh %illage Common Lands % esing and Uili+aionA!, #8=9 ;Hima!hal Pradesh A! #K o1 #8=9<:#9: The Rarnaaa Land &e1orms ;Se!ond Amendmen and

(is!ellaneo"s Provisions< A!, #8=9 ;Rarnaaa A! # o1 #8=9<:#9#: The Rarnaaa Land &e1orms ;Se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>;Rarnaaa A! 6= o1 #8=><:#96: The Rerala Prevenion o1 Evi!ion A!, #8>> ;Rerala A! #6 o1 #8>><:#9: The Thir".."varam Paymen ;A3oliion< A!, #8>8 ;Rerala A! #8o1 #8>8<:#99: The Sree.adam Lands En1ran!hisemen A!, #8>8 ;Rerala A! 6 o1 #8>8<:#Enry # omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=K,s: 99

;4:e:1: 67>7#8=8<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Ninh S!hed"le<8#9: The Sree Pandaravaa Lands ;%esing and En1ran!hisemen< A!,#8=# ;Rerala A! 6 o1 #8=#<:#9>: The Rerala Privae Foress ;% esing and Assignmen< A!, #8=# ;ReralaA! 6> o1 #8=#<:#9=: The Rerala Agri!"l"ral Worers A!, #8=9 ;Rerala A! #K o1 #8=9<:#9K: The Rerala Cashe4 Fa!ories ;A!"isiion< A!, #8=9 ;Rerala A! 68o1 #8=9<:#98: The Rerala Chiies A!, #8= ;Rerala A! 6 o1 #8=<:

#: The Rerala S!hed"led Tri3es ;&esri!ion on Trans1er o1 Lands and&esoraion o1 Alienaed Lands< A!, #8= ;Rerala A! # o1 #8=<:##: The Rerala Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;Rerala A! # o1 #8=><:#6: The Ranam Tenan!y A3oliion A!, #8=> ;Rerala A! #> o1 #8=><:#: The (adhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agri!"l"ral Holdings ;Amendmen<A!, #8=9 ;(adhya Pradesh A! 6 o1 #8=9<:#9: The (adhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agri!"l"ral Holdings ;Amendmen<

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A!, #8= ;(adhya Pradesh A! 6 o1 #8=><:#: The Wes Rhandesh (eh4assi Esaes ;Pro.rieary &ighs A3oliion,e!:< &eg"laion, #8># ;(aharashra &eg"laion # o1 #8>6<:#>: The (aharashra &esoraion o1 Lands o S!hed"led Tri3es A!,#8=9 ;(aharashra A! I% o1 #8=<:

#=: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Lo4ering o1 Ceiling onHoldings< and ;Amendmen< A!, #8=6 ;(aharashra A! I o1 #8=<:#K: The (aharashra Privae Fores ;A!"isiion< A!, #8= ;(aharashraA! I o1 #8=<:#8: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Lo4ering o1 Ceiling onHoldings< and ;Amendmen< Amendmen A!, #8= ;(aharashra A! L%IIo1 #8=<:#>: The (aharashra Agri!"l"ral Lands ;Ceiling on Holdings<;Amendmen< A!, #8= ;(aharashra A! II o1 #8=><:#>#: The Orissa Esaes A3oliion A!, #8# ;Orissa A! I o1 #86<:#>6: The &aashan Colonisaion A!, #89 ;&aashan A! %II o1 #89<:

 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Ninh S!hed"le<9#>: The &aashan Land &e1orms and A!"isiion o1 Lando4ners EsaesA!, #8> ;&aashan A! ## o1 #8>9<:#>9: The &aashan Im.osiion o1 Ceiling on Agri!"l"ral Holdings;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;&aashan A! K o1 #8=><:#>: The &aashan Tenan!y ;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;&aashan A! #6o1 #8=><:#>>: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;&ed"!ion o1 Ceiling on Land< A!,#8= ;Tamil Nad" A! #= o1 #8=<:#>=: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land<

Amendmen A!, #8=# ;Tamil Nad" A! 9# o1 #8=#<:#>K: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land<Amendmen A!, #8=6 ;Tamil Nad" A! # o1 #8=6<:#>8: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< Se!ondAmendmen A!, #8=6 ;Tamil Nad" A! 6 o1 #8=6<:#=: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< ThirdAmendmen A!, #8=6 ;Tamil Nad" A! = o1 #8=6<:#=#: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< Fo"rhAmendmen A!, #8=6 ;Tamil Nad" A! 8 o1 #8=6<:#=6: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< Si2hAmendmen A!, #8=6 ;Tamil Nad" A! = o1 #8=9<:

#=: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< Fi1hAmendmen A!, #8=6 ;Tamil Nad" A! # o1 #8=9<:#=9: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land<Amendmen A!, #8=9 ;Tamil Nad" A! # o1 #8=9<:#=: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< ThirdAmendmen A!, #8=9 ;Tamil Nad" A! o1 #8=9<:#=>: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< Se!ondAmendmen A!, #8=9 ;Tamil Nad" A! 6 o1 #8=9<:

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#==: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land<Amendmen A!, #8= ;Tamil Nad" A! ## o1 #8=<:#=K: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< Se!ondAmendmen A!, #8= ;Tamil Nad" A! 6# o1 #8=<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Ninh S!hed"le<9##=8: Amendmens made o he Uar Pradesh amindari A3oliion andLand &e1orms A!, #8 ;Uar Pradesh A! I o1 #8#< 3y he Uar PradeshLand La4s ;Amendmen< A!, #8=# ;Uar Pradesh A! 6# o1 #8=#< and heUar Pradesh Land La4s ;Amendmen< A!, #8=9 ;Uar Pradesh A! 9 o1 #8=9<:#K: The Uar Pradesh Im.osiion o1 Ceiling on Land Holdings;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;Uar Pradesh A! 6 o1 #8=><:#K#: The Wes )engal Land &e1orms ;Se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=6;Wes )engal A! %III o1 #8=6<:#K6: The Wes )engal &esoraion o1 Alienaed Land A!, #8= ;Wes

)engal A! III o1 #8=<:#K: The Wes )engal Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8=9 ;Wes )engalA! III o1 #8=9<:#K9: The Wes )engal Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8= ;Wes )engalA! III o1 #8=<:#K: The Wes )engal Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;Wes )engalA! II o1 #8=><:#K>: The Delhi Land Holdings ;Ceiling< Amendmen A!, #8=> ;CenralA! # o1 #8=><:#K=: The 'oa, Daman and Di" ("ndars ;Proe!ion 1rom Evi!ion< A!,#8= ;'oa, Daman and Di" A! # o1 #8=><:

#KK: The Pondi!herry Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< A!,#8= ;Pondi!herry A! 8 o1 #8=9<:*#$#K8: The Assam ;Tem.orarily Seled Areas< Tenan!y A!, #8=# ;AssamA! III o1 #8=#<:#8: The Assam ;Tem.orarily Seled Areas< Tenan!y ;Amendmen< A!,#8=9 ;Assam A! %III o1 #8=9<:#8#: The )ihar Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling Area and A!"isiiono1 S"r.l"s Land< ;Amendmen< Amending A!, #8=9 ;)ihar A! # o1 #8=<:#86: The )ihar Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling Area and A!"isiiono1 S"r.l"s Land< ;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;)ihar A! 66 o1 #8=><:

#8: The )ihar Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling Area and A!"isiiono1 S"r.l"s Land< ;Amendmen< A!, #8=K ;)ihar A! %II o1 #8=K<:#Enries #K8 o 66 ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Fory7sevenh Amendmen< A!,#8K9, s: 6;4:e:1: 6>7K7#8K9<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Ninh S!hed"le<

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96#89: The Land A!"isiion ;)ihar Amendmen< A!, #8=8 ;)ihar A! 6 o1 #8K<:#8: The Haryana Ceiling on Land Holdings ;Amendmen< A!, #8==;Haryana A! #9 o1 #8==<:#8>: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land<

Amendmen A!, #8=K ;Tamil Nad" A! 6 o1 #8=K<:#8=: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land<Amendmen A!, #8=8 ;Tamil Nad" A! ## o1 #8=8<:#8K: The Uar Pradesh amindari A3oliion La4s ;Amendmen< A!,#8=K ;Uar Pradesh A! # o1 #8=K<:#88: The Wes )engal &esoraion o1 Alienaed Land ;Amendmen< A!,#8=K ;Wes )engal A! I% o1 #8=K<:6: The Wes )engal &esoraion o1 Alienaed Land ;Amendmen< A!,#8K ;Wes )engal A! L%I o1 #8K<:6#: The 'oa, Daman and Di" Agri!"l"ral Tenan!y A!, #8>9 ;'oa,Daman and Di" A! = o1 #8>9<:

66: The 'oa, Daman and Di" Agri!"l"ral Tenan!y ;Fi1h Amendmen<A!, #8=> ;'oa, Daman and Di" A! #= o1 #8=><:*#$6: The Andhra Pradesh S!hed"led Areas Land Trans1er &eg"laion,#88 ;Andhra Pradesh &eg"laion # o1 #88<:69: The Andhra Pradesh S!hed"led Areas La4s ;E2ension andAmendmen< &eg"laion, #8> ;Andhra Pradesh &eg"laion 6 o1 #8><:6: The Andhra Pradesh S!hed"led Areas Land Trans1er ;Amendmen<&eg"laion, #8= ;Andhra Pradesh &eg"laion # o1 #8=<:6>: The Andhra Pradesh S!hed"led Areas Land Trans1er ;Amendmen<&eg"laion, #8=# ;Andhra Pradesh &eg"laion # o1 #8=#<:

6=: The Andhra Pradesh S!hed"led Areas Land Trans1er ;Amendmen<&eg"laion, #8=K ;Andhra Pradesh &eg"laion # o1 #8=K<:6K: The )ihar Tenan!y A!, #KK ;)ihar A! K o1 #KK<:68: The Choa Nag."r Tenan!y A!, #8K ;)engal A! > o1 #8K< ;!ions 9>, 9=, 9K, 9KA and 98/ se!ions =#, =#A and =#)/and %IIIse!ions 69, 69# and 696<:#Enries 6 o 6= ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Si2y7si2h Amendmen< A!,#88, s: 6: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Ninh S!hed"le<

96#: The Sanhal Parganas Tenan!y ;S"..lemenary Provisions< A!,#898 ;)ihar A! #9 o1 #898< e2!e. se!ion :6##: The )ihar S!hed"led Areas &eg"laion, #8>8 ;)ihar &eg"laion # o1 #8>8<:6#6: The )ihar Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling Area and A!"isiiono1 S"r.l"s Land< ;Amendmen< A!, #8K6 ;)ihar A! o1 #8K6<:6#: The '"ara Devashan Inams A3oliion A!, #8>8 ;'"ara A! #>o1 #8>8<:

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6#9: The '"ara Tenan!y La4s ;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;'"ara A! =o1 #8=><:6#: The '"ara Agri!"l"ral Lands Ceiling ;Amendmen< A!, #8=>;Presidens A! 9 o1 #8=><:6#>: The '"ara Devashan Inams A3oliion ;Amendmen< A!, #8==

;'"ara A! 6= o1 #8==<:6#=: The '"ara Tenan!y La4s ;Amendmen< A!, #8== ;'"ara A! o1 #8==<:6#K: The )om3ay Land &even"e ;'"ara Se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8K;'"ara A! = o1 #8K<:6#8: The )om3ay Land &even"e Code and Land Ten"re A3oliion La4s;'"ara Amendmen< A!, #8K6 ;'"ara A! K o1 #8K6<:66: The Hima!hal Pradesh Trans1er o1 Land ;&eg"laion< A!, #8>K;Hima!hal Pradesh A! # o1 #8>8<:66#: The Him!hal Pradesh Trans1er o1 Land ;&eg"laion< ;Amendmen<A!, #8K> ;Hima!hal Pradesh A! #> o1 #8K><:

666: The Rarnaaa S!hed"led Cases and S!hed"led Tri3es ;Prohi3iiono1 Trans1er o1 Cerain Lands< A!, #8=K ;Rarnaaa A! 6 o1 #8=8<:66: The Rerala Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8=K ;Rerala A! # o1 #8=K<:669: The Rerala Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8K# ;Rerala A! #8 o1 #8K#<:66: The (adhya Pradesh Land &even"e Code ;Third Amendmen< A!,#8=> ;(adhya Pradesh A! ># o1 #8=><:66>: The (adhya Pradesh Land &even"e Code ;Amendmen< A!, #8K;(adhya Pradesh A! # o1 #8K<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Ninh S!hed"le<9966=: The (adhya Pradesh Arishi -o U!h!haam Seema Adhiniyam,#8K# ;(adhya Pradesh A! ## o1 #8K#<:66K: The (adhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agri!"l"ral Holdings ;Se!ondAmendmen< A!, #8=> ;(adhya Pradesh A! # o1 #8K9<:668: The (adhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agri!"l"ral Holdings ;Amendmen<A!, #8K9 ;(adhya Pradesh A! #9 o1 #8K9<:6: The (adhya Pradesh Ceiling on Agri!"l"ral Holdings ;Amendmen<A!, #8K8 ;(adhya Pradesh A! K o1 #8K8<:6#: The (aharashra Land &even"e Code, #8>> ;(aharashra A! 9# o1 #8>><, se!ions >, >A and >):

66: The (aharashra Land &even"e Code and he (aharashra&esoraion o1 Lands o S!hed"led Tri3es ;Se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=>;(aharashra A! o1 #8==<:6: The (aharashra A3oliion o1 S"3sising Pro.rieary &ighs o (inesand (inerals in !erain Lands A!, #8K ;(aharashra A! #> o1 #8K<:69: The Orissa S!hed"led Areas Trans1er o1 Immova3le Pro.ery ;3yS!hed"led Tri3es< &eg"laion, #8> ;Orissa &eg"laion 6 o1 #8><:6: The Orissa Land &e1orms ;Se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8= ;Orissa

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A! 68 o1 #8=><:6>: The Orissa Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;Orissa A! o1 #8=><:6=: The Orissa Land &e1orms ;Se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8=> ;OrissaA! 99 o1 #8=><:

6K: The &aashan Colonisaion ;Amendmen< A!, #8K9 ;&aashan A!#6 o1 #8K9<:68: The &aashan Tenan!y ;Amendmen< A!, #8K9 ;&aashan A! #o1 #8K9<:69: The &aashan Tenan!y ;Amendmen< A!, #8K= ;&aashan A! 6#o1 #8K=<:69#: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< Se!ondAmendmen A!, #8=8 ;Tamil Nad" A! K o1 #8K<:696: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land<Amendmen A!, #8K ;Tamil Nad" A! 6# o1 #8K<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;Ninh S!hed"le<969: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land<Amendmen A!, #8K# ;Tamil Nad" A! 8 o1 #8K#<:699: The Tamil Nad" Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling on Land< Se!ondAmendmen A!, #8K ;Tamil Nad" A! 6 o1 #8K9<:69: The Uar Pradesh Land La4s ;Amendmen< A!, #8K6 ;Uar PradeshA! 6 o1 #8K6<:69>: The Wes )engal Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8> ;Wes )engalA! #K o1 #8><:69=: The Wes )engal Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8>> ;Wes )engalA! ## o1 #8>><:

69K: The Wes )engal Land &e1orms ;Se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8>8;Wes )engal A! 6 o1 #8>8<:698: The Wes )engal Esae A!"isiion ;Amendmen< A!, #8== ;Wes)engal A! > o1 #8==<:6: The Wes )engal Land Holding &even"e A!, #8=8 ;Wes )engal A!99 o1 #8=8<:6#: The Wes )engal Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8K ;Wes )engalA! 9# o1 #8K<:66: The Wes )engal Land Holding &even"e ;Amendmen< A!, #8K#;Wes )engal A! o1 #8K#<:6: The Cal!"a Thia Tenan!y ;A!"isiion and &eg"laion< A!,

#8K# ;Wes )engal A! = o1 #8K#<:69: The Wes )engal Land Holding &even"e ;Amendmen< A!, #8K6;Wes )engal A! 6 o1 #8K6<:6: The Cal!"a Thia Tenan!y ;A!"isiion and &eg"laion<;Amendmen< A!, #8K9 ;Wes )engal A! 9# o1 #8K9<:6>: The (ahe Land &e1orms A!, #8>K ;Pondi!herry A! # o1 #8>K<:6=: The (ahe Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8K ;Pondi!herryA! # o1 #8K#<:*

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 THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Ninh S!hed"le<9>#$6=A: The Tamil Nad" )a!4ard Classes, S!hed"led Cases andS!hed"led Tri3es ;&eservaion o1 Seas in Ed"!aional Insi"ions and o1 

a..oinmens or .oss in he Servi!es "nder he Sae< A!, #88 ;Tamil Nad"A! 9 o1 #889<:*6$6K: The )ihar Privileged Persons Homesead Tenan!y A!, #89= ;)iharA! 9 o1 #89K<:68: The )ihar Consolidaion o1 Holdings and Prevenion o1 FragmenaionA!, #8> ;)ihar A! 66 o1 #8><:6>: The )ihar Consolidaion o1 Holdings and Prevenion o1 Fragmenaion;Amendmen< A!, #8= ;)ihar A! = o1 #8=<:6>#: The )ihar Privileged Persons Homesead Tenan!y ;Amendmen< A!,#8= ;)ihar A! 8 o1 #8=<:

6>6: The )ihar Consolidaion o1 Holdings and Prevenion o1 Fragmenaion;Amendmen< A!, #8= ;)ihar A! 6= o1 #8=<:6>: The )ihar Consolidaion o1 Holdings and Prevenion o1 Fragmenaion;Amendmen< A!, #8K# ;)ihar A! o1 #8K6<:6>9: The )ihar Land &e1orms ;Fi2aion o1 Ceiling Area and A!"isiiono1 S"r.l"s Land< ;Amendmen< A!, #8K= ;)ihar A! 6# o1 #8K=<:6>: The )ihar Privileged Persons Homesead Tenan!y ;Amendmen< A!,#8K8 ;)ihar A! ## o1 #8K8<:6>>: The )ihar Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8K8 ;)ihar A! ## o1 #88<:6>=: The Rarnaaa S!hed"led Cases and S!hed"led Tri3es ;Prohi3iion

o1 Trans1er o1 Cerain Lands< ;Amendmen< A!, #8K9 ;Rarnaaa A! o1 #8K9<:6>K: The Rerala Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8K8 ;Rerala A! #> o1 #8K8<:6>8: The Rerala Land &e1orms ;Se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8K8 ;ReralaA! 6 o1 #88<:6=: The Orissa Land &e1orms ;Amendmen< A!, #8K8 ;Orissa A! 8 o1 #88<:6=#: The &aashan Tenan!y ;Amendmen< A!, #8=8 ;&aashan A! #>o1 #8=8<:#

Ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny7si2h Amendmen< A!, #889, s: 6:6Enries 6K o 6K9 ins: 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny7eighh Amendmen< A!,#88, s: 6: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Ninh S!hed"le<9=6=6: The &aashan Colonisaion ;Amendmen< A!, #8K= ;&aashan A!6 o1 #8K=<:

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a!!ordan!e 4ih he said .rovisions/;!< ?original .olii!al .ary@, in relaion o a mem3er o1 a Ho"se,means he .olii!al .ary o 4hi!h he 3elongs 1or he ."r.oses o1 s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h 6/;d< ?.aragra.h@ means a .aragra.h o1 his S!hed"le:

6: Dis"aliB!aion on gro"nd o1 de1e!ion:;#< S"3e! o he .rovisionso1$.aragra.hs 9 and *, a mem3er o1 a Ho"se 3elonging o any .olii!al.ary shall 3e dis"aliBed 1or 3eing a mem3er o1 he Ho"se;a< i1 he has vol"narily given ". his mem3ershi. o1 s"!h .olii!al.ary/ or;3< i1 he voes or a3sains 1rom voing in s"!h Ho"se !onrary o anydire!ion iss"ed 3y he .olii!al .ary o 4hi!h he 3elongs or 3y any.erson or a"horiy a"horised 3y i in his 3ehal1, 4iho" o3aining, ineiher !ase, he .rior .ermission o1 s"!h .olii!al .ary, .erson

or a"horiy and s"!h voing or a3senion has no 3een !ondoned 3ys"!h .olii!al .ary, .erson or a"horiy 4ihin B1een days 1rom hedae o1 s"!h voing or a3senion:#Added 3y he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8K, s: > ;4:e:1:#77#8K<:6Cerain 4ords omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Niney7Brs Amendmen< A!,6, s: :S"3: 3y s: , i3id, 1or ?.aragra.hs , 9 and @:E2.lanaion:For he ."r.oses

o1 his s"37.aragra.h,;a< an ele!ed mem3er o1 a Ho"se shall 3e deemed o 3elong o he.olii!al .ary, i1 any, 3y 4hi!h he 4as se ". as a !andidae 1or ele!ionas s"!h mem3er/;3< a nominaed mem3er o1 a Ho"se shall,;i< 4here he is a mem3er o1 any .olii!al .ary on he dae o1 hisnominaion as s"!h mem3er, 3e deemed o 3elong o s"!h .olii!al.ary/;ii< in any oher !ase, 3e deemed o 3elong o he .olii!al .ary o1 4hi!h he 3e!omes, or, as he !ase may 3e, Brs 3e!omes, a mem3er3e1ore he e2.iry o1 si2 monhs 1rom he dae on 4hi!h he aes his

sea a1er !om.lying 4ih he re"iremens o1 ari!le 88 or, as he!ase may 3e, ari!le #KK:;6< An ele!ed mem3er o1 a Ho"se 4ho has 3een ele!ed as s"!h oher4isehan as a !andidae se ". 3y any .olii!al .ary shall 3e dis"aliBed 1or3eing a mem3er o1 he Ho"se i1 he oins any .olii!al .ary a1er s"!hele!ion:;< A nominaed mem3er o1 a Ho"se shall 3e dis"aliBed 1or 3eing amem3er o1 he Ho"se i1 he oins any .olii!al .ary a1er he e2.iry o1 si2

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monhs 1rom he dae on 4hi!h he aes his sea a1er !om.lying 4ih here"iremens o1 ari!le 88 or, as he !ase may 3e, ari!le #KK:;9< No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in he 1oregoing .rovisions o1 his .aragra.h, a .erson 4ho, on he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion;Fi1y7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8K, is a mem3er o1 a Ho"se ;4heher

ele!edor nominaed as s"!h< shall,;i< 4here he 4as a mem3er o1 .olii!al .ary immediaely 3e1ores"!h !ommen!emen, 3e deemed, 1or he ."r.oses o1 s"37.aragra.h;#< o1 his .aragra.h, o have 3een ele!ed as a mem3er o1 s"!h Ho"seas a !andidae se ". 3y s"!h .olii!al .ary/;ii< in any oher !ase, 3e deemed o 3e an ele!ed mem3er o1 heHo"se 4ho has 3een ele!ed as s"!h oher4ise han as a !andidaese ". 3y any .olii!al .ary 1or he ."r.oses o1 s"37.aragra.h ;6< o1 his .aragra.h or, as he !ase may 3e, 3e deemed o 3e a nominaedmem3er o1 he Ho"se 1or he ."r.oses o1 s"37.aragra.h ;< o1 his

.aragra.h:# #Paragra.h omied 3y he Consi"ion ;Nieny7Brs Amendmen< A!, 6,s: : THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Tenh S!hed"le<9: Dis"aliB!aion on gro"nd o1 de1e!ion no o in !ase o1 merger:;#< A mem3er o1 a Ho"se shall no 3e dis"aliBed "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h 6 4here his original .olii!al .ary merges 4ih

anoher .olii!al .ary and he !laims ha he and any oher mem3ers o1 hisoriginal .olii!al .ary;a< have 3e!ome mem3ers o1 s"!h oher .olii!al .ary or, as he !asemay 3e, o1 a ne4 .olii!al .ary 1ormed 3y s"!h merger/ or;3< have no a!!e.ed he merger and o.ed o 1"n!ion as a se.araegro".,and 1rom he ime o1 s"!h merger, s"!h oher .olii!al .ary or ne4 .olii!al.ary or gro"., as he !ase may 3e, shall 3e deemed o 3e he .olii!al .aryo 4hi!h he 3elongs 1or he ."r.oses o1 s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h 6ando 3e his original .olii!al .ary 1or he ."r.oses o1 his s"37.aragra.h:

;6< For he ."r.oses o1 s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h, he mergero1 he original .olii!al .ary o1 a mem3er o1 a Ho"se shall 3e deemed ohaveaen .la!e i1, and only i1, no less han 4o7hirds o1 he mem3ers o1 helegisla"re .ary !on!erned have agreed o s"!h merger:: E2em.ion:No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in his S!hed"le, a.erson 4ho has 3een ele!ed o he oM!e o1 he S.eaer or he De."yS.eaer

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o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le or he De."y Chairman o1 he Co"n!il o1 Saesor he Chairman or he De."y Chairman o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il o1 a Saeor he S.eaer or he De."y S.eaer o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 a Sae,shall no 3e dis"aliBed "nder his S!hed"le,;a< i1 he, 3y reason o1 his ele!ion o s"!h oM!e, vol"narily gives ".

he mem3ershi. o1 he .olii!al .ary o 4hi!h he 3elonged immediaely3e1ore s"!h ele!ion and does no, so long as he !onin"es o hold s"!hoM!e herea1er, reoin ha .olii!al .ary or 3e!ome a mem3er o1 anoher.olii!al .ary/ or;3< i1 he, having given ". 3y reason o1 his ele!ion o s"!h oM!e hismem3ershi. o1 he .olii!al .ary o 4hi!h he 3elonged immediaely3e1ore s"!h ele!ion, reoins s"!h .olii!al .ary a1er he !eases o holds"!h oM!e:>: De!ision on "esions as o dis"aliB!aion on gro"nd o1 de1e!ion:;#< I1 any "esion arises as o 4heher a mem3er o1 a Ho"se has 3e!omes"3e! o dis"aliB!aion "nder his S!hed"le, he "esion shall 3e re1erred

1or he de!ision o1 he Chairman or, as he !ase may 3e, he S.eaer o1 s"!hHo"se and his de!ision shall 3e BnalProvided ha 4here he "esion 4hi!h has arisen is as o 4heher heChairman or he S.eaer o1 a Ho"se has 3e!ome s"3e! o s"!h THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Tenh S!hed"le<#dis"aliB!aion, he "esion shall 3e re1erred 1or he de!ision o1 s"!hmem3ero1 he Ho"se as he Ho"se may ele! in his 3ehal1 and his de!ision shall 3eBnal:;6< All .ro!eedings "nder s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h in relaion

o any "esion as o dis"aliB!aion o1 a mem3er o1 a Ho"se "nder hisS!hed"le shall 3e deemed o 3e .ro!eedings in Parliamen 4ihin hemeaningo1 ari!le #66 or, as he !ase may 3e, .ro!eedings in he Legisla"re o1 aSae4ihin he meaning o1 ari!le 6#6:=: )ar o1 "risdi!ion o1 !o"rs:No4ihsanding anyhing in hisConsi"ion, no !o"r shall have any "risdi!ion in res.e! o1 any maer!onne!ed 4ih he dis"aliB!aion o1 a mem3er o1 a Ho"se "nder hisS!hed"le: K: &"les:;#< S"3e! o he .rovisions o1 s"37.aragra.h ;6< o1 his

.aragra.h, he Chairman or he S.eaer o1 a Ho"se may mae r"les 1orgivingeGe! o he .rovisions o1 his S!hed"le, and in .ari!"lar, and 4iho".re"di!e o he generaliy o1 he 1oregoing, s"!h r"les may .rovide 1or;a< he mainenan!e o1 regisers or oher re!ords as o he .olii!al.aries, i1 any, o 4hi!h diGeren mem3ers o1 he Ho"se 3elong/;3< he re.or 4hi!h he leader o1 a legisla"re .ary in relaion o amem3er o1 a Ho"se shall 1"rnish 4ih regard o any !ondonaion o1 he

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na"re re1erred o in !la"se ;3< o1 s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h 6 inres.e! o1 s"!h mem3er, he ime 4ihin 4hi!h and he a"horiy o 4homs"!h re.or shall 3e 1"rnished/;!< he re.ors 4hi!h a .olii!al .ary shall 1"rnish 4ih regard oadmission o s"!h .olii!al .ary o1 any mem3ers o1 he Ho"se and he

oM!er o1 he Ho"se o 4hom s"!h re.ors shall 3e 1"rnished/ and;d< he .ro!ed"re 1or de!iding any "esion re1erred o in s"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 .aragra.h > in!l"ding he .ro!ed"re 1or any in"iry4hi!h may 3e made 1or he ."r.ose o1 de!iding s"!h "esion:;6< The r"les made 3y he Chairman or he S.eaer o1 a Ho"se "nders"37.aragra.h ;#< o1 his .aragra.h shall 3e laid as soon as may 3e a1erheyare made 3e1ore he Ho"se 1or a oal .eriod o1 hiry days 4hi!h may 3e!om.rised in one session or in 4o or more s"!!essive sessions and shallaeeGe! ".on he e2.iry o1 he said .eriod o1 hiry days "nless hey are sooner

Paragra.h = de!lared invalid 1or 4an o1 raiB!aion in a!!ordan!e 4ih he.roviso o!la"se ;6< o1 ari!le >K as .er maoriy o.inion in Rihoo Hollohon %s:a!hilh" and ohers;#886< # S:C:C: 8: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Tenh S!hed"le<6a..roved 4ih or 4iho" modiB!aions or disa..roved 3y he Ho"se and4here hey are so a..roved, hey shall ae eGe! on s"!h a..roval in he1orm in 4hi!h hey 4ere laid or in s"!h modiBed 1orm, as he !ase may 3e,and 4here hey are so disa..roved, hey shall 3e o1 no eGe!:

;< The Chairman or he S.eaer o1 a Ho"se may, 4iho" .re"di!e ohe .rovisions o1 ari!le # or, as he !ase may 3e, ari!le #89, and o anyoher .o4er 4hi!h he may have "nder his Consi"ion dire! ha any4il1"l !onravenion 3y any .erson o1 he r"les made "nder his.aragra.h may 3e deal 4ih in he same manner as a 3rea!h o1 .rivilege o1 he Ho"se:* THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Tenh S!hed"le<9 #

$ELE%ENTH SCHEDULE;Ari!le 69'<#: Agri!"l"re, in!l"ding agri!"l"ral e2ension:6: Land im.rovemen, im.lemenaion o1 land re1orms, land!onsolidaion and soil !onservaion:: (inor irrigaion, 4aer managemen and 4aershed Animal h"s3andry, dairying and .o"lry:: Fisheries:

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>: So!ial 1oresry and 1arm 1oresry:=: (inor 1ores .rod"!e:K: Small s!ale ind"sries, in!l"ding 1ood .ro!essing ind"sries:8: Rhadi, village and !oage ind"sries:#: &"ral ho"sing:

##: Drining 4aer:#6: F"el and 1odder:#: &oads, !"lvers, 3ridges, 1erries, 4aer4ays and oher means o1 !omm"ni!aion:#9: &"ral ele!riB!aion, in!l"ding disri3"ion o1 ele!ri!iy:#: Non7!onvenional energy so"r!es:#>: Povery alleviaion .rogramme:#=: Ed"!aion, in!l"ding .rimary and se!ondary s!hools:#K: Te!hni!al raining and vo!aional ed"!aion:#8: Ad"l and non71ormal ed"!aion:6: Li3raries:

6#: C"l"ral a!iviies:#Added 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny7hird Amendmen< A!, #886, s: 9 ;4:e:1:69797#88<:66: (ares and 1airs:6: Healh and saniaion, in!l"ding hos.ials, .rimary healh !enresand dis.ensaries:69: Family 4el1are:6: Women and !hild>: So!ial 4el1are, in!l"ding 4el1are o1 he handi!a..ed and menallyrearded:6=: Wel1are o1 he 4eaer se!ions, and in .ari!"lar, o1 he S!hed"led

Cases and he S!hed"led Tri3es:6K: P"3li! disri3"ion sysem:68: (ainenan!e o1 !omm"niy asses:* THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;Elevenh S!hed"le<> #$TWELFTH SCHEDULE;Ari!le 69W<#: Ur3an .lanning in!l"ding o4n .lanning:

6: &eg"laion o1 land7"se and !onsr"!ion o1 3"ildings:: Planning 1or e!onomi! and so!ial &oads and 3ridges:: Waer s" 1or domesi!, ind"srial and !ommer!ial ."r.oses:>: P"3li! healh, saniaion !onservan!y and solid 4ase managemen:=: Fire servi!es:K: Ur3an 1oresry, .roe!ion o1 he environmen and .romoion o1 e!ologi!al as.e!s:

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8: Sa1eg"arding he ineress o1 4eaer se!ions o1 so!iey, in!l"dinghe handi!a..ed and menally rearded:#: Sl"m im.rovemen and ".gradaion:##: Ur3an .overy alleviaion:#6: Provision o1 "r3an ameniies and 1a!iliies s"!h as .ars, gardens,

.laygro"nds:#: Promoion o1 !"l"ral, ed"!aional and aeshei! as.e!s:#9: )"rials and 3"rial gro"nds/ !remaions, !remaion gro"nds/ andele!ri! !remaori"ms:#: Cale .o"nds/ .revenion o1 !r"ely o animals:#>: %ial saisi!s in!l"ding regisraion o1 3irhs and deahs:#=: P"3li! ameniies in!l"ding sree lighing, .aring los, 3"s so.sand ."3li! !onvenien!es:#K: &eg"laion o1 sla"gher ho"ses and anneries:*#Added 3y he Consi"ion ;Seveny71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #886, s: 9 ;4:e:1:

#7>7#88<:APPENDI I # THE CONSTITUTION ;APPLICATION TO -A((UAND RASH(I&< O&DE&, #89C:O: 9KIn e2er!ise o1 he .o4ers !on1erred 3y !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le = o1 heConsi"ion, he Presiden, 4ih he !on!"rren!e o1 he 'overnmen o1 heSae o1 -amm" and Rashmir, is .leased o mae he 1ollo4ing Order#: ;#< This Order may 3e !alled he Consi"ion ;!aion o -amm"and Rashmir< Order, #89:

;6< I shall !ome ino 1or!e on he 1o"reenh day o1 (ay, #89, and shallhere".on s".ersede he Consi"ion ;!aion o -amm" and Rashmir<Order, #8:6:6$The .rovisions o1 he Consi"ion as in 1or!e on he 6h day o1 -"ne,#8>9 and as amended 3y he Consi"ion ;Nineeenh Amendmen< A!,#8>>, he Consi"ion ;T4eny7Brs Amendmen< A!, #8>=, se!ion o1 heConsi"ion ;T4eny7hird Amendmen< A!, #8>8, he Consi"ion ;T4eny71o"rh Amendmen< A!, #8=#, se!ion 6 o1 he Consi"ion ;T4eny7B1hAmendmen< A!, #8=#, he Consi"ion ;T4eny7si2h Amendmen< A!,

#8=#,he Consi"ion ;Thirieh Amendmen< A!, #8=6, se!ion 6 o1 heConsi"ion;Thiry7Brs Amendmen< A!, #8=, se!ion 6 o1 he Consi"ion ;Thiry7hirdAmendmen< A!, #8=9, se!ions 6, , > and = o1 he Consi"ion ;Thiry7eighh Amendmen< A!, #8=, he Consi"ion ;Thiry7ninh Amendmen<A!, #8=, he Consi"ion ;Forieh Amendmen< A!, #8=>, se!ions 6, and

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> o1 he Consi"ion ;Fi1y7se!ond Amendmen< A!, #8K and heConsi"ion;Si2y7Brs Amendmen< A!, #8KK 4hi!h, in addiion o ari!le # and ari!le=, shall in relaion o he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir and hee2!e.ions and modiB!aions s"3e! o 4hi!h hey shall so shall 3e as

1ollo4s*;#< THE P&EA()LE:;6< PA&T I: To ari!le , here shall 3e added he 1ollo4ing 1"rher .roviso, namely?Provided 1"rher ha no )ill .roviding 1or in!reasing or diminishinghe area o1 he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir or alering he name or=#P"3lished 4ih he (inisry o1 La4 NoiB!aion No: S:&:O: #>#, daed he#9h (ay,#89, 'a+ee o1 India, E2raordinary, Par II, se!ion , .age K6#:

6 The o.ening 4ords have 3een s"!!essively amended 3y C:O: >, C:O: =9,C:O:=>,C:O:=8, C:O: K8, C:O:8#, C:O:89, C:O:8K, C:O:#, C:O:#9, C:O:#, C:O:#K,C:O:#>and C:O: #9# o read as a3ove:3o"ndary o1 ha Sae shall 3e inrod"!ed inParliamen 4iho" he!onsen o1 he Legisla"re o1 ha Sae:@:;< PA&T II:;a< This Par shall 3e deemed o have 3een!a3le in relaion ohe Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir as 1rom he 6>h day o1 -an"ary, #8:

;3< To ari!le =, here shall 3e added he 1ollo4ing 1"rher .roviso,namely?Provided 1"rher ha nohing in his ari!le shall o a.ermanen residen o1 he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir, 4ho, a1erhaving so migraed o he erriory no4 in!l"ded in Paisan, re"rnso he erriory o1 ha Sae "nder a .ermi 1or reselemen in haSae or .ermanen re"rn iss"ed 3y or "nder he a"horiy o1 anyla4 made 3y he Legisla"re o1 ha Sae, and every s"!h .ersonshall 3e deemed o 3e a !ii+en o1 India:@: ;9< PA&T III:;a< In ari!le #, re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion

shall 3e !onsr"ed as re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 his Order:# ;!< In !la"se ;< o1 ari!le #>, he re1eren!e o he Sae shall 3e!onsr"ed as no in!l"ding a re1eren!e o he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir:;d< In ari!le #8, 1or a .eriod o16$

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$4eny7Bve* years* 1rom he!ommen!emen o1 his Order;i< in !la"ses ;< and ;9<, a1er he 4ords ?in he ineress o1@, he4ords ?he se!"riy o1 he Sae or@ shall 3e insered/

;ii< in !la"se ;<, 1or he 4ords ?or 1or he .roe!ion o1 he ineresso1 any S!hed"led Tri3es@, he 4ords ?or in he ineress o1 hese!"riy o1 he Sae@ shall 3e s"3si"ed/ and;iii< he 1ollo4ing ne4 !la"se shall 3e added, namelyX;=< The 4ords ?reasona3le resri!ions@ o!!"rring in !la"ses;6<, ;<, ;9< and ;< shall 3e !onsr"ed as meaning s"!h resri!ionsas he Legisla"re deems reasona3le::#Cl: ;3< omied 3y C:O: #69:6S"3s: 3y C:O: >8, 1or ?en years@:

S"3s: 3y C:O: 8=, 1or ?4eny@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;A..endi2 I<K;e< In !la"ses ;9< and ;=< o1 ari!le 66, 1or he 4ord ?Parliamen@, he4ords ?he Legisla"re o1 he Sae@ shall 3e s"3si"ed:;1< In ari!le #, !la"ses ;<, ;9< and ;>< shall 3e omied/ and 1or !la"se;<, here shall 3e s"3si"ed he 1ollo4ing !la"se, namely?;< Nohing in !la"se ;6< shall aGe!;a< he .rovisions o1 any e2ising la4/ or;3< he .rovisions o1 any la4 4hi!h he Sae may herea1er mae

;i< 1or he ."r.ose o1 im.osing or levying any a2 or .enaly/or;ii< 1or he .romoion o1 ."3li! healh or he .revenion o1 danger o li1e or .ro.ery/ or;iii< 4ih res.e! o .ro.ery de!lared 3y la4 o 3e eva!";g< In ari!le #A, he .roviso o !la"se ;#< shall 3e omied/ and 1or s"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se ;6<, he 1ollo4ing s"37!la"se shall 3e s"3si"ed,namelyX;a< ?esae@ shall mean land 4hi!h is o!!".ied or has 3een le 1oragri!"l"ral ."r.oses or 1or ."r.oses s"3servien o agri!"l"re, or 1or

.as"re, and in!l"des;i< sies o1 3"ildings and oher sr"!"res on s"!h land/;ii< rees sanding on s"!h land/;iii< 1ores land and 4ooded 4ase/;iv< area !overed 3y or Belds Qoaing over 4aer/;v< sies o1 andars and gharas/;vi< any agir, inam, m"aB or m"arrari or oher similar gran, 3"does no in!l"de

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;i< he sie o1 any 3"ilding in any o4n, or o4n area or villagea3adi or any land a.."renan o any s"!h 3"ilding or sie/;ii< any land 4hi!h is o!!".ied as he sie o1 a o4n or village/or THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

;A..endi2 I<8;iii< any land reserved 1or 3"ilding ."r.oses in am"ni!i.aliy or noiBed area or !anonmen or o4n area or anyarea 1or 4hi!h a o4n .lanning s!heme is san!ioned::#$;h< In ari!le 6, !la"se ;< shall 3e omied:*;i< In ari!le ;i< re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion shall 3e!onsr"ed as re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 his Order/;ii< in !la"se ;a< ;i<, he 4ords, 3ra!es and Bg"res ?!la"se ;< o1 ari!le #>, !la"se ;< o1 ari!le 6@ shall 3e omied/ and

;iii< a1er !la"se ;3<, he 1ollo4ing !la"se shall 3e added, namely?;!< no la4 4ih res.e! o .revenive deenion made 3y heLegisla"re o1 he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir, 4heher 3e1ore ora1er he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion ;!aion o -amm"and Rashmir< Order, #89, shall 3e void on he gro"nd ha i isin!onsisen 4ih any o1 he .rovisions o1 his .ar, 3" any s"!hla4 shall, o he e2en o1 s"!h in!onsisen!y, !ease o have eGe! onhe e2.iraion o16$

$4eny7Bve* years* 1rom he !ommen!emen o1 he said Order, e2!e. as res.e!s hings done or omied o 3e done3e1ore he e2.iraion hereo1:@:;< A1er ari!le , he 1ollo4ing ne4 ari!le shall 3e added, namely?A: Saving o1 la4s 4ih res.e! o .ermanen residens and heir righs:No4ihsanding anyhing !onained in his Consi"ion, no e2isingla4 in 1or!e in he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir, and no la4 herea1erena!ed 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae,;a< deBning he !lasses o1 .ersons 4ho are, or shall 3e, .ermanenresidens o1 he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir/ or;3< !on1erring on s"!h .ermanen residens any s.e!ial righs

and .rivileges or im.osing ".on oher .ersons any resri!ionsas res.e!s;i< em.loymen "nder he Sae 'overnmen/#S"3s: 3y C:O: K8, 1or !l: ;h<:6S"3s: 3y C:O: >8, 1or ?en years@:

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S"3s: 3y C:O: 8=, 1or ?4eny@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;A..endi2 I<>;ii< a!"isiion o1 immova3le .ro.ery in he Sae/;iii< selemen in he Sae/ or

;iv< righ o s!holarshi.s and s"!h oher 1orms o1 aid as he Sae'overnmen may .rovide,shall 3e void on he gro"nd ha i is in!onsisen 4ih or aes a4ay ora3ridges any righs !on1erred on he oher !ii+ens o1 India 3y any.rovision o1 his Par:@:;< PA&T %:#$;a< For he ."r.oses o1 ari!le , he .o."laion o1 he Sae o1 -amm"and Rashmir shall 3e deemed o 3e si2y7hree lahs:;3< In ari!le K#, 1or !la"ses ;6< and ;<, he 1ollo4ing !la"ses shall 3es"3si"ed, namely

?;6< For he ."r.oses o1 s"37!la"se ;a< o1 !la"se ;#<,;a< here shall 3e alloed o he Sae si2 seas in he Ho"se o1 hePeo.le/;3< he Sae shall 3e divided ino single mem3er erriorial!onsi"en!ies 3y he Delimiaion Commission !onsi"ed "nderhe Delimiaion A!, #8=6, in a!!ordan!e 4ih s"!h .ro!ed"re ashe Commission may deem B/;!< he !onsi"en!ies shall, as 1ar as .ra!i!a3le, 3egeogra.hi!ally !om.a! areas, and in delimiing hem regard shall3e had o .hysi!al 1ea"res, e2ising 3o"ndaries o1 adminisraive"nis, 1a!iliies o1 !omm"ni!aion and ."3li! !onvenien!e/ and

;d< he !onsi"en!ies ino 4hi!h he Sae is divided shall no!om.rise he area "nder he o!!".aion o1 Paisan:;< Nohing in !la"se ;6< shall aGe! he re.resenaion o1 he Sae inhe Ho"se o1 he Peo.le "nil he dissol"ion o1 he Ho"se e2ising onhe dae o1 ."3li!aion in he 'a+ee o1 India o1 he Bnal order or orderso1 he Delimiaion Commission relaing o he delimiaion o1 .arliamenary !onsi"en!ies "nder he Delimiaion A!, #8=6:#S"3s: 3y C:O: 8K, 1or !ls: ;a< and ;3<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;A..endi2 I<

>#;9< ;a< The Delimiaion Commission shall asso!iae 4ih isel1 1orhe ."r.ose o1 assising i in is d"ies in res.e! o1 he Sae, Bve .ersons4ho shall 3e mem3ers o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le re.resening he Sae:;3< The .ersons o 3e so asso!iaed 1rom he Sae shall 3e nominaed3y he S.eaer o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le having d"e regard o he!om.osiion o1 he Ho"se:;!< The Brs nominaions o 3e made "nder s"37!la"se ;3< shall 3emade 3y he S.eaer o1 he Ho"se o1 he Peo.le 4ihin 4o monhs 1rom

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shall 3e !onsr"ed as re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion;!aion o -amm" and Rashmir< Amendmen Order, #8>:$;!< In ari!le 666, a1er !la"se ;#<, he 1ollo4ing ne4 !la"se shall 3einsered, namely

?;#A< Every s"!h rans1er 1rom he High Co"r o1 -amm" and Rashmiror o ha High Co"r shall 3e made a1er !ons"laion 4ih he 'overnor:@:**;>< PA&T I:9$;a< In ari!le 69>, 1or he 4ords, 3ra!es and Bg"res ?!la"ses ;6< and ;<@o!!"rring in !la"se ;#<, he 4ord, 3ra!es and Bg"re ?!la"se ;6<@ shall 3es"3si"ed, and he 4ords, 3ra!es and Bg"re ?No4ihsanding anyhing in!la"se ;<,@ o!!"rring in !la"se ;6< and he 4hole o1 !la"ses ;< and ;9< shall3eomied:*

$>$;3< For ari!le 69K, he 1ollo4ing ari!le shall 3e s"3si"ed, namely?69K: &esid"ary .o4ers o1 legislaion:Parliamen has e2!l"sive.o4er o mae any la4 4ih res.e! o=$;a< .revenion o1 a!iviies involving erroris a!s dire!edo4ards overa4ing he 'overnmen as 3y la4 esa3lished or sriingerror in he .eo.le or any se!ion o1 he .eo.le or alienaing anyse!ion o1 he .eo.le or adversely aGe!ing he harmony amongsdiGeren se!ions o1 he .eo.le/*

K$;aa<*8$.revenion o1 oher a!iviies* dire!ed o4ardsdis!laiming, "esioning or disr".ing he sovereigny and erriorial#Ins: 3y C:O: > ;4:e:1: 6>7#7#8><:6S"3s: 3y C:O: K8, 1or !l: ;a<:S"3s: 3y C:O: =9, 1or !l: ;!< ;4:e:1: 697##7#8><:

9S"3s: 3y C:O: >>, 1or !l: ;a<:Cls: ;3< and ;33< s"3s: 3y C:O: K, 1or original !l: ;3<:>S"3s: 3y C:O: 8, 1or !l: ;3<:=Ins: 3y C:O: #66:

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6S"3s: 3y C:O: #68, 1or !l: ;33<:Cl: ;d< omied, i3id:9

Cl: ;1< omied 3y C:O: >>:Cls: ;g< and ;h< releered as !ls: ;1< and ;g<, i3id: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;A..endi2 I<>9?;6< The Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir shall so e2e!ise is e2e!"ive.o4er as o 1a!iliae he dis!harge 3y he Union o1 is d"ies andres.onsi3iliies "nder he Consi"ion in relaion o ha Sae/ and in.ari!"lar, he said Sae shall, i1 so re"ired 3y he Union, a!"ire orre"isiion .ro.ery on 3ehal1 and a he e2.ense o1 he Union, or i1 3elongs o he Sae, rans1er i o he Union on s"!h erms as

may 3e agreed, or in de1a"l o1 agreemen, as may 3e deermined 3y anar3iraor a..oined 3y he Chie1 -"si!e o1 India:@:# 6$;h<* In !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le 6>#, he 4ords ?made 3y Parliamen@ shall3e omied:;=< PA&T II: 9

$;a<* Cla"se ;6< o1 ari!le 6>=, ari!le 6=, !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le 6K$andari!le 68* shall 3e omied:9$;3<* In ari!les 6>>, 6K6, 6K9, 68K, 688 and , re1eren!es o he Sae orSaes shall 3e !onsr"ed as no in!l"ding re1eren!es o he Sae o1 -amm"and Rashmir:9$;!<* In ari!les 6== and 68, re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 heConsi"ion shall 3e !onsr"ed as re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 his

order:;K< PA&T III:> In !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le , he 4ords ?3y vir"e o1 any enry relaingo rade and !ommer!e in any o1 he Liss in he Sevenh S!hed"le@ shall 3eomied:>

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;8< PA&T I%:=$In ari!le #6, a1er he 4ords ?he Saes@, he 3ra!es and 4ords?;in!l"ding he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir<@ shall 3e insered:*#

Cl: ;i< omied 3y C:O: >:6Cl: ;< releered as !l: ;i< 3y C:O: > and again releered as !l: ;h< 3y C:O: >>:Cls: ;a< and ;3< insered 3y C:O: have 3een omied 3y C:O: >:9Cls: ;a<, ;3< and ;!< $releered as !ls: ;!<, ;d< and ;e< res.e!ively 3y C:O: *have again3een releered as !ls: ;a<, ;3< and ;!< res.e!ively 3y C:O: >:S"3s: 3y C:O: 89, 1or ?ari!les 68 and 68#@:

>)ra!es and leer X;a< and !l: ;3< omied 3y C:O: >:=S"3s:, i3id:, 1or he .revio"s modiB!aion: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;A..endi2 I<>#$;#< PA&T %:;a< In !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le 69, he re1eren!e o he Consi"ion shall, inrelaion o ele!ions o eiher Ho"se o1 he Legisla"re o1 -amm" andRashmir,

3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o he Consi"ion o1 -amm" and Rashmir:6$;3< In ari!les 6, 6>, 6= and 68, he re1eren!e o a Sae shall 3e!onsr"ed as no in!l"ding a re1eren!e o he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir:;!< Ari!le 6K shall 3e omied:;d< In ari!le 68, he 4ords and Bg"res ?or ari!le 6K@ shall 3e omied:**$;e< In ari!le 68A, !la"ses ;9< and ;< shall 3e omied:;##< PA&T %I:9

$;a<* Ari!les #, 6, ,>$> and =* shall 3e omied:$;3<* In ari!les 9 and , re1eren!es o he Sae or he Saes shall 3e!onsr"ed as no in!l"ding re1eren!es o he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir:=

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$;!< In !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le 8, he 4ords ?he adminisraion o1 heS!hed"led Areas and@ shall 3e omied:*;#6< PA&T %II: The .rovisions o1 he Par shall only in so 1ar as hey relae o;i< he oM!ial lang"age o1 he Union/

;ii< he oM!ial lang"age 1or !omm"ni!aion 3e4een one Saeand anoher, or 3e4een a Sae and he Union/ and;iii< he lang"age o1 he .ro!eedings in he S".reme Co"r:#S"3s: 3y C:O: >, 1or s"37.aragra.h ;#< ;4:e:1: 6>7#7#8><:6S"3s: 3y C:O: = 1or !ls: ;3< and ;!<:Ins: 3y C:O: #:9Cl: ;a< omied 3y C:O: #69:

CIs: ;3< and ;!< releered as !ls: ;a< and ;3<, i3id:>S"3s:, i3id:, 1or ?>, =, 8 and 96@:=Ins:, i3id: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;A..endi2 I<>>;#< PA&T %III:;a< To ari!le 6, he 1ollo4ing ne4 !la"se shall 3e added, namely?

#$;><* No Pro!lamaion o1 Emergen!y made on gro"nds only o1 inernal dis"r3an!e or imminen danger hereo1 shall have eGe! inrelaion o he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir ;e2!e. as res.e!s ari!le9<6$"nless;a< i is made a he re"es or 4ih he !on!"rren!e o1 he'overnmen o1 ha Sae, or;3< 4here i has no 3een so made, i is a..lied s"3se"enly3y he Presiden o ha Sae a he re"es or 4ih he !on!"rren!e

o1 he 'overnmen o1 ha Sae:*@:$;3< In !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le >, re1eren!es o .rovisions or .rovisiono1 his Consi"ion shall, in relaion o he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir,3e !onsr"ed as in!l"ding re1eren!es o .rovisions or .rovision o1 heConsi"ion o1 -amm" and Rashmir:9$;33< In !la"se ;9< o1 he ari!le >, a1er he se!ond .roviso, he

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1ollo4ing .roviso shall 3e insered, namelyXProvided also ha in he !ase o1 he Pro!lamaion iss"ed "nder!la"se ;#< on he #Kh day o1 -"ly, #88 4ih res.e! o he Sae o1  -amm" and Rashmir, he re1eren!e in he Brs .roviso o his !la"seo ?hree years@ shall 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o

$?seven years@* :*;!< Ari!le > shall 3e omied:*;#9< PA&T I:> =$;a<*K$Ari!le >* shall 3e omied:8

#S"3s: 3y C:O: #9, 1or ?;9<@:6S"3s: 3y C:O: #, 1or !erain 4ords:S"3s: 3y C:O: =#, 1or !l: ;3<:9Added 3y C:O: ##:S"3s: 3y C:O: #>6 1or ?si2 years@:

>Cl: ;a< omied 3y C:O: =9:=Cls: ;3< and ;!< releered as !ls: ;a< and ;3<, i3id:KS"3s: 3y C:O: 89, 1or ?Ari!les >6 and >@:8Original !l: ;!< omied 3y C:O: >: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;A..endi2 I<>=#

$;3<* To ari!le >=, here shall 3e added he 1ollo4ing !la"se,namely?;9< For he ."r.oses o1 his Consi"ion as i a..lies in relaion ohe Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir;a< re1eren!es o his Consi"ion or o he .rovisions hereo1 shall3e !onsr"ed as re1eren!es o he Consi"ion or he .rovisions hereo1 as a..lied in relaion o he said Sae/6

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$;aa< re1eren!es o he .erson 1or he ime 3eing re!ognised 3y hePresiden on he re!ommendaion o1 he Legislaive Assem3ly o1 heSae as he Sadar7i7&iyasa o1 -amm" and Rashmir, a!ing on headvi!e o1 he Co"n!il o1 (inisers o1 he Sae 1or he ime 3eing inoM!e, shall 3e !onsr"ed as re1eren!es o he 'overnor o1 -amm" and

Rashmir/;3< re1eren!es o he 'overnmen o1 he said Sae shall 3e !onsr"edas in!l"ding re1eren!es o he 'overnor o1 -amm" and Rashmir a!ingon he advi!e o1 his Co"n!il o1 (inisersProvided ha in res.e! o1 any .eriod .rior o he #h day o1, #8>, s"!h re1eren!es shall 3e !onsr"ed as in!l"ding re1eren!eso he Sadar7i7&iyasa a!ing on he advi!e o1 his Co"n!il o1 (inisers/*;!< re1eren!es o a High Co"r shall in!l"de re1eren!es o he HighCo"r o1 -amm" and Rashmir/

9$;d<* re1eren!es o he .ermanen residens o1 he said Sae shall3e !onsr"ed as meaning .ersons 4ho, 3e1ore he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion ;!aion o -amm" and Rashmir< Order, #894ere re!ognised as Sae s"3e!s "nder he la4s in 1or!e in he Saeor 4ho are re!ognised 3y any la4 made 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Saeas .ermanen residens o1 he Sae/ and$;e< re1eren!es o a 'overnor shall in!l"de re1eren!es o he'overnor o1 -amm" and Rashmir#

Cls: ;3< and ;!< releered as !ls: ;a< and ;3< 3y C:O: =9:6S"3s: i3id:, 1or !l: ;3<:Cl: ;d< omied 3y C:O: >:9Cl: ;e< releered as !l: ;d<, i3id:S"3s: 3y C:O: =9, 1or !l: ;e<: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA;A..endi2 I<

>KProvided ha in res.e! o1 any .eriod .rior o he #h day o1, #8>, s"!h re1eren!es shall 3e !onsr"ed as re1eren!es o he .ersonre!ognised 3y he Presiden as he Sadar7i7&iyasa o1 -amm"and Rashmir and as in!l"ding re1eren!es o any .erson re!ognised 3yhe Presiden as 3eing !om.een o e2er!ise he .o4ers o1 he Sadar7i7&iyasa:*@:;#< PA&T :#

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$;a<*6$To !la"se ;6< o1 ari!le >K*, he 1ollo4ing .roviso shall 3eadded, namely?Provided 1"rher ha no s"!h amendmen shall have eGe! in

relaion o he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir "nless a..lied 3y ordero1 he Presiden "nder !la"se ;#< o1 ari!le =:@:$;3< A1er !la"se ;< o1 ari!le >K, he 1ollo4ing !la"se shall 3eadded, namely?;9< No la4 made 3y he Legisla"re o1 he Sae o1 -amm" andRashmir seeing o mae any !hange in or in he eGe! o1 any.rovision o1 he Consi"ion o1 -amm" and Rashmir relaing o;a< a..oinmen, .o4ers, 1"n!ions, d"ies, emol"mens,allo4an!es, .rivileges or imm"niies o1 he 'overnor/ or;3< s".erinenden!e, dire!ion and !onrol o1 ele!ions 3y he

Ele!ion Commission o1 India, eligi3iliy 1or in!l"sion in heele!oral rolls 4iho" dis!riminaion, ad"l s"Grage and!om.osiion o1 he Legislaive Co"n!il, 3eing maers s.e!iBedin se!ions #K, #8, #9 and o1 he Consi"ion o1 -amm" andRashmir,shall have any eGe! "nless s"!h la4 has, a1er having 3een reserved 1orhe !onsideraion o1 he Presiden, re!eived his assen:@:*;#>< PA&T I:;a< Ari!les >8, =#,9$=#A*,

$=6A*, =, !la"ses ;#<, ;6<, ;<and ;< o1 ari!le =9 and>$ari!les => o =KA and 86* shall3e omied:#N"m3ered as !l: ;a< 3y C:O: ##:6S"3s: 3y C:O: 8#, 1or ?To ari!le >K@:

Ins: 3y C:O: ##:9Ins: 3y C:O: =9:Ins: 3y C:O: >:>S"3s: i3id:, 1or ?ari!les => o 86@: THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

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;A..endi2 I<>8;3< In ari!le =6;i< !la"ses ;6< and ;< shall 3e omied/  ;ii< re1eren!es o he la4s in 1or!e in he erriory o1 India shallin!l"de re1eren!es o hidayas, ailans, ishihars, !ir!"lars, ro3ars,

irshads, yadashs, Sae Co"n!il &esol"ions, &esol"ions o1 heConsi"en Assem3ly, and oher insr"mens having he 1or!e o1 la4 in he erriory o1 he Sae o1 -amm" and Rashmir/ and;iii< re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion shall 3e!onsr"ed as re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 his Order:;!< In !la"se ;9< o1 ari!le =9, he re1eren!e o he a"horiy 1"n!ioningas he Privy Co"n!il o1 a Sae shall 3e !onsr"ed as a re1eren!e o heAdvisory )oard !onsi"ed "nder he -amm" and Rashmir Consi"ionA!, #88> and re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 he Consi"ion shall3e !onsr"ed as re1eren!es o he !ommen!emen o1 his Order:;#=< PA&T II:

Ari!les 89 and 8 shall 3e omied:;#K< FI&ST SCHEDULE:;#8< SECOND SCHEDULE:# ;6< THI&D SCHEDULE: Forms %, %I, %II and %III shall 3e omied:;6#< FOU&TH SCHEDULE:6$;66< SE%ENTH SCHEDULE:;a< In he Union Lis

;i< 1or enry , he enry ?: Adminisraion o1 !anonmens:@ shall3e s"3si"ed/$;ii< enries K, 89$and 9*, enry =8, and he 4ords ?Iner7Saemigraion@ in enry K# shall 3e omied/*#

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