Page 1: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

• The Constitution IS Appropriate Posted: Thu, 07 Mar 2013 20:19:23 +0000

“There’s no place out there for graft, or greed, or lies, or compromise with human liberties”

These words, spoken by Jefferson Smith(Jimmy Stewart) in the classic film Mr.Smith GoesTo

Washington, explain in a nutshell why the U.S. is the greatest nation on Earth, and its Constitution

the finest document.

The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given,

individual rights. The Constitution was crafted by men who believed in the power of the people; our

government was to be a system of checks and balances, filled by leaders that we chose.

Above all, the main idea has always been to limit government power. When our officials step out of

line or over the line, we must call them out; a filibuster, in concept, is a perfect representation of the

American ethical code.

As I write this article, Sen. Rand Paul is in the midst of a very similar filibuster to the one enacted by

Jimmy Stewart on the Silver Screen.

Sure, the content may be a little different, but the fight and the message are the same. Just like

Mr.Smith did, and many Americans still do, Sen.Rand believes the Constitution to be the law of the

land. He sees it as ensuring that each of us has our rights; he looks at the actions of certain

members of our government as threatening those rights.

Those actions are the drones that are being flown right over our heads. But, more importantly, they

are the words of the Obama administration deeming it possible for those drones to strike a civilian.

Page 2: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

Earlier today, in response to questioning from Sen.Cruz, Attorney General Eric Holder beat around

the bush(in typical leftist fashion), saying “I do not believe… Given all the facts that you have given

me, and this is a hypothetical, I would not think in that situation the use of drone– or lethal force,

would be appropriate…”

Finally, on the fourth attempt, Cruz forced Holder into saying “translate me ‘appropriate’ to ‘no’”

Let’s get real though, folks. We can translate this whole drone affair as a perfect example of how

Obama finds it appropriate to defy and destroy the Constitution.

This filibuster is not about stopping the appointment of the next CIA director.

We are under attack. The drones may not have fired at any of us yet, but our civil liberties are being

threatened everyday as Obama tramples on the Constitution.

If we don’t stop this assault, well…..I’ll let Mr.Smith tell you:” this land you live in is a lot of hooey.

This isn’t your country.”

• We Can Handle The Truth! Posted: Tue, 05 Mar 2013 05:22:11 +0000

So maybe, just maybe, the nail in the coffin of American Journalism has popped out a bit before its

inevitable lowering into the annals of history.

The Obama Administration’s most recent debacle, under the label sequestration, a word even

Webster had trouble defining, is perhaps the most glaring example yet of the “misleading leadership”

that defines our government.

Unfortunately, to those of us who were taught media principles, such as ”good reporting must be

objective reporting,” our own press is nothing more than “The Left-Leaning Brothers Circus.”.

In fact, ”The Biased Show on Earth” features reporters who, to the amazement of audiences

everywhere, fail time and time again to ask a difficult question to our elected officials!

However, the most recent “Obamination”(sequester blame game) is so blatantly obvious that some

newsmen are actually altering their strategy of ignoring real news.

Page 3: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

Quite fittingly, the man who had the balls to question his excellency(Obama) was the very man who

took on Deep Throat Himself.

Bob Woodward, in perhaps the greatest journalistic saga in American history, spilled the dirt that

resulted in the Watergate scandal; now, almost 40 years later, he has pointed out to the American

public something that many of us have known for a long time: Obama’s greatest talent is lying.

Woodward is no turncoat, as the left now vehemently claims; he is an honest journalist appalled at

the actions of our Commander in Chief. The facts don’t lie; Obama does (and does it well).

It was Obama who came up with the “sequester plan.” In 2011, Obama initiated this plan for budget

cuts, and spoke of it being necessary for our economy. However, during the 2012 presidential

campaign, in typical Obama fashion, he contradicted himself, attacking the spending hiatus as

Congress’ idea.

Over the past few weeks, we have all heard Obama’s warnings for doom and gloom, casting all his

blame on the Republicans; yet, many voters are still finding out that “Operation Sequester,” along

with all its horrors, has the copyright of Barack Hussein Obama!

Thankfully, this event has caused a stir on both sides of our biased media. For the first time, we

are seeing journalists from a variety of networks outraged at government deception, not just the

hard core conservatives.

On Sunday’s Meet The Press, host David Gregory grilled Obama’s Economic Advisor, Gene

Sperling. Sperling knew he couldn’t refute the facts, but beat around the bush as much as any leftist

could, analogizing Obama’s actions to a man being held up for cash!

Page 4: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

The president’s misleading claims even got coverage on the left-wing station known as

MSNBC(Many Silly Newscasters Breeding Communism), as co-host Mika Brzezinski dismissed any

accusations of the President’s dishonesty as “silly.”

Never the less, the accusations were there; they were everywhere.

How does the old phrase go? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice…..

Obama and the American media have attempted to fool us too many times to count. It is not easy to

obtain truth when you have a dishonest press representing dishonest elected officials.

Our founders wanted to establish a free press in order to hold our leaders responsible; it’s about

time our press starts “pressing” for the truth.

Technorati Tags: Barack Obama, Bob Woodward, David Gregory, Gene Sperling, handle the

truth,Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC, Obama, the truth, United States, you can handle the truth

• I’m Angry As Hell…. Posted: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 05:51:25 +0000

Wake up Americans! You are not Americans anymore. In fact, I would hardly even call you human

beings. You are what the TV tells you you are; you are the creation of a central, propagandized

media that steers the news in whatever direction is best for the “man behind the curtain.”

Who is that man? Well, that man is the guy with deep pockets. He has had the name of Rockefeller,

Morgan, and Buffet, in addition to countless others. These men are not Americans, either. They are

on a global team of Financial Manipulators that run every government in the world, including yours.

The Constitution is dead, folks. This is a point not even worth arguing. It is funny how a few weeks

ago Obama signed legislation HR-347 into law, and practically no one talked about it. Well, that law

is going to keep you from talking at all; under it, secret service agents are given the go ahead to shut

up any protesters they deem “dangerous,” and charge them with a felony.

Add that to the Patriot Act and all the other ridiculous anti-terror actions of our “government by the

people,” and you have the “government by the few.”

Open your eyes, people. Soon you will see drones flying over your yards spying; soon you will have

chips in your arms monitoring your actions. Go rent the movie Network or Wag The Dog and believe

every word of it, because it is America in 2013.

Page 5: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

Surprised that our dropout rates are so high? Are you shocked to know that despite having the best

universities in the world, we sit at 16th globally for number of people with degrees? What are they

teaching us, anyway? Certainly not history; young people today care more about their technological

gadgets than the rapid extinction of their own personal rights.

The bottom line is that they don’t want us to know. The more we know, the more dangerous we

become. Do your homework. Study the Federal Reserve and find out how they cemented their

control of our country in 1913. Find out how they orchestrated economic swings and worked the

media. Once you discover the facts about our National Banking System, you will see how our

government is powerless in its grasp; the people who control the money, control the people.

The media today is so far from objective that our only real hope is right here online. I don’t care

whether it is FOX or CNN; they tell us only what they want us to know, and that is practically nothing.

They have our eyes and are filling our brains with far more than just information.

It is all the agenda of the select few; they have the money and power and will tell us what to think.

Do you know why political upheaval and unrest will certainly continue and escalate in the near

future? Why the Constitution will die? BECAUSE WE WILL DEMAND IT.

Obama, Romney, and 99 percent of politicians are nothing but puppets. We the people are being

played and taken for fools.

By the way, what’s the “terror alert” at today? What ghost in a cave thousands of miles away is going

to bomb us next? What can we do to stop all these guns? All this debt?

How about this one: how many lies are you going to believe?

One thing that is for certain is that history repeats itself. There was a leader once who proclaimed

how he needed to protect his people. This is what he said: “An evil exists that threatens every man,

woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and

protect our homeland.”

Page 6: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

That man was Adolf Hitler.

Study the past. Do your own research in regard to today’s news. And, most of all, get angry as hell,

and don’t take it anymore!

• The Democratic Motto: “It Makes Sense Not To Make Sense” Posted: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 07:29:10 +0000

“What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and prevent it

from ever happening again, Senator.”

This statement, uttered by Secretary To Hate Hillary Clinton, is perhaps one of the most ridiculous

lines ever heard from an administration that prides itself on being ridiculous.

To all Americans that still have some semblance of a brain, its contradictory words perfectly embody

the reason(s) so many of us distrust politicians. The only things steadily growing in this country are

spending, debts, and the lengths of our leaders’ noses.

Sensible people know that finding out details of the Benghazi incident, just like any other incident in

history, or any event in our daily lives, is not only important, but vital to our very existence.

Most parents instill in their children the ability to learn from their mistakes. As we grow older, we

study and relate to our problems of the past, so as not to repeat them; we come to realize the

behaviors and actions which often lead to troublesome results.

If Hillary truly believes in not analyzing past events in the Middle East, to look for patterns, trouble

spots, and countless other details, then what in the world does she believe? It appears she is

encouraging investigation, as long as it doesn’t make her side look bad.

However, inability to assume responsibility could be a Clinton secret strategy. Perhaps, in the midst

of the Monica Lewinsky saga, Bill said to his wife, “Honey, there’s Monica, there’s Linda, there’s

many others….what difference does it make?”

Page 7: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

Fortunately, we quickly found out that our Secretary of State does deem it important to scrutinize all

major events that occur involving Americans. For, in her very next line, she tells us the importance of

figuring out the facts: ”It is our job to figure out what happened and prevent it from ever happening

again, Senator.”

Hmm… why did she change her mind all of a sudden?

Maybe because these terrorists aren’t finished, and might attack again?

I don’t know how any American can stand such foolery from its own officials. But, then again, this is

the same administration that wants us to believe significant spending has little to do with our national


I sometimes think about “what if” I had used Democratic philosophy in my own life, particularly in

regard to arguments with my parents over squandering money.

“Mom, all this spending has nothing to do with my debts. Contrary to your argument, I think the best

thing to do would be to open up more accounts and increase my spending limits. What difference

does it make?”

Thankfully, I did not try to rationalize my excessive shopping, for it certainly would have made a


My parents would have cut my fingers off one by one.

Page 8: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

Technorati Tags: Benghazi, Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, middle

east,Monica Lewinsky

• New Game: America 2012; Rated Mature for Everyone Posted: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 07:57:44 +0000

By Scott Tomko

Welcome to America, we’ve got fun and games, and everyone is encouraged to play. As news

networks and left wing nuts continue their predictable assault on the 2nd Amendment, the real

problems, the problems of a culture that has morphed into a society of sex, drugs, and violence,

continue to go on unnoticed.

Please proceed to turn on your television; however, don’t get

frustrated, there are only three types of programming available. First off, we have coverage of 26

innocent people being laid to rest, interspersed with clueless reporters repeatedly asking “why, why,

why?” Sadly, these puppets are looking for crime and motives in every place but one: the mirror.

No wonder why so many parts of the world despise us; our news programs are hosting a parade of

“mental wackos,” trying to determine the psychological deficiencies of Adam Lanza. There is no way

we could ever say evil was rooted in this creature, could we? Heck, he only looked right into the

eyes of 20 little children and shot them to pieces.

I am in full agreement with Michael Savage, one of the few remaining voices of reason on our

airwaves, who characterized this killer as a “sub-human coward.”

Page 9: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

Anyway, back to the TV, the box that gives us the decline of our great nation right before our very

eyes. The second type of programming you will see as you skim the channels is fine, upstanding

businesses advertising their product. I was quite amazed to flip from pictures of Sandy Oak

Elementary school directly to the promotion for Assasins Creed, rated M for Mature Audiences. I was

relieved by this rating, for certainly no parent is letting little Johnny shoot down countless people with

that big “M” on the cover.

Finally, as for the rest of your shows, you will find nothing but sex, violence, and overall filth. I

counted 4 different programs about angry housewives, 3 depicting the trials and trbulations of ghost

hunters, 2 about the impending Apocolypse, and, as far as shows centering on violence as their

major theme, far too many to count.

There was a time in this country when entertainment was subject to ethical guidelines and review

boards that were relentless in their censuring. Unfortunately, once Hollywood moguls decided

glorifying violence was a potential money maker, they unleashed a tidal wave that washed away any

such regulations.

But, wait a minute, you might want to cut these guys some slack. Famed director Quentin Tarantino,

one of the bloodiest of the bloody, says “I just think, you know, there’s violence in the world,

tragedies happen, blame the playmakers. It’s a Western. Give me a break.”

The breaks need to end. We are coming to a point in this country where good morality is as hard to

find as good, clean comedy(the kind without 100 profanities inserted).

The fact overriding all of this degradation is that our entertainment industry, and henceforth our

entire society, has long been clouding the difference between good and evil, right and wrong. When

you add in the startling number of absent fathers and busy mothers, mixed in with the ever-growing

obcession with technology, many children just aren’t getting enough doses of healthy values.

The events that took place at Sandy Oak Elementary weigh heavily on all of our minds. Yet, it seems

like such massacres are more and more likely in the new 2012 version of the American game; if

President Obama really wants to take action against these tradegies, he can tell Hollywood that the

game is over. If directors and producers won’t curtail the violence, government will.

Page 10: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

As for us, let’s turn off the TV and spend time with our children. God bless and Merry Christmas.

Technorati Tags: Entertainment, Hollywood, Rated M, rated Mature, Television, violence

• Love Triangle? Petraeus Sleeps with Mistress; Obama Rapes Military Posted: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:28:19 +0000

Surprising nobody, news agencies have been feasting their eyes on the personal troubles of an

important figure, the target this time being General David Petraeus. Sadly, in 2012, infidelity is as

common as a computer virus; yet, as our media swirls over potential security breeches in the

bedroom, the much grander “exposures” of our military continue to go unnoticed.

Theodore Roosevelt. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The much bigger headline, the one that is ignored by our “unbiased” media, is that Obama is

constantly “screwing” our military(and, essentially, every single American). Barack Hussein Obama

is a huge security threat. Would it not blow the average American’s mind to tell them that their

commander in chief is regularly commanding our military to spend less, get smaller, and destroy its


From a historical perspective, beginning with Theodore Roosevelt at the turn of 20th century, and

progressing steadliy into the 21st, the #1 American strategy has been to spread democracy

throughout the globe, and fight against any enemy that wishes to impede its progess. The two major

enemies which keep this strategy from working have been(and continue to be) communism and


In the 1980’s, as Soviet communism escalated, President and Patriot Ronald Reagan maintained

that we would, at all costs, avoid a nuclear war. Yet, Mr. Reagan was a smart man, and rightly knew

that the last thing to do at a time of heightened tension was to inhibit our military powers. Under

Reagan, the U.S. not only built countless MX missiles, but also preceeded to deploy such missiles

all across Europe to defend our allies. In addition, we launched a superb missile defense program to

block potential attacks.

The bottom line has always been You Don’t Mess With The USA. Well, as I write this article in 2012,

some countries are likely doubting this message; Obama has already cut nearly a trillion dollars

from the military budget and shows no signs of stopping his attack.

Page 11: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

Does Mr.Obama really believe that if we get rid of all our weapons, the polite and friendly dictators

around the world will want to follow our example? I imagine Iran is really reconsidering their plans on

building a nuclear arsenal, thinking to themselves, “heck, if America doesn’t want to use them, we

won’t use them either.”

Theodore Roosevelt coined the phrase, “speak softly and carry a big stick.” Unfortunately,

Mr.Obama’s philosophy runs more like this: “speak falsely and get rid of all the sticks.”

-S. Tomko

Technorati Tags: Barack Obama, David Petraeus, Love

Triangle, military, Mistress, Obama, Petraeus,Rape Military, Rapes, Sleeps, Theodore


• Take My Liberty! Give Me Death! Posted: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:08:04 +0000

Due to all the recent confusion, I must formally introduce myself to you folks. My name is America.

To be quite honest, I’m not sure who you are, at least, not anymore.

Media Credit: Wikipedia

Don’t you remember me?!! It was us, together, that fought off tyranny back in the 1700’s; King

George and those filthy redcoats were trampling on our rights, and we believed that no government,

especially one thousands of miles away, had the right to control our lives!

We have always stood together and promoted the American Dream that we fought for, letting the

world know that every man has the opportunity to work for success and happiness in our land. Don’t

you still believe in that? Recently, it seems that more of you want me to provide for your well being;

the welfare checks and food stamps I’m sending out are driving me crazy, not to mention broke.

Let me let you in on what may be a newsflash to some: the success of our great nation throughout

history has never been caused by our government. Our success has sprung from you! from your

fathers and families! From all the hard working men and women whose core values of fairness,

persistence, and self reliance make this country the greatest on God’s green earth! We have been

the best because our government stays out of the way, and allows every person to be ensured of

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Page 12: The Constitution IS Appropriate · 2018-08-05 · The history of humanity is filled with tyrannies, abuse of power, and the denial of God given, individual rights. The Constitution

Come on, don’t you recall when we drew up that thing called the Constitution? It is the most

successful, influential document in the history of governing. However, don’t you know why we made

that document? Heck, it was to create a government that was small, limited, and whose power was

in the hands of every single person in the land.

Now, I am quite confused; it seems that you are giving all the power back to me, your government.

You desire a healthcare system that goes completely against the idea of the free market, and, to be

honest, I cannot afford! I am shocked! Do you really want to level the entire playing field to

government regulations and policies? Since when did the private industry become so evil?.

I just don’t know anymore, folks. I am not a socialist, and I will die before you take away all the

liberties that make this country great. I recall one of my best advocates, Thomas Paine, who was

one of the founders of the American cause. He penned a book entitled Common Sense, where he

makes plain and simple arguments for the basic ideal that every man deserves complete control of

his destiny, an ideal that we all held when we fought the British. Well, folks, to be honest, it seems

that ‘common sense” is becoming more and more uncommon in our land today.


Technorati Tags: American Dream, Common Sense, Death of America, Free market, Give me

death,give me liberty, God, Liberty Taken, Life liberty and the pursuit of

happiness, Obama, Take my Liberty, Thomas Paine, United States Constitution

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