Page 1: The Complete Cyber Security Guide - Datto Inc.Run a DR Test. How quickly do you think can you recover? If you are prepared before disaster strikes, you will know exactly what to do


The Complete Cyber Security GuideEverything you need to know to keep your company running

Page 2: The Complete Cyber Security Guide - Datto Inc.Run a DR Test. How quickly do you think can you recover? If you are prepared before disaster strikes, you will know exactly what to do

It’s not a case of if you get hit but when...

These words have been spoken by security expert after security expert! So what can

you do to protect yourself as best as you can and ensure that when your time comes

you’re not left out in the cold?

We have come up with the 10 top tips from 4 Security experts including Jamie Barlett

(Journalist and tech blogger for The Telegraph & Dark Net Expert), Cal Leeming (the

UK’s youngest Hacker turned Security Consultant), Nigel Hearne (IT security Expert)

and Adam Nash to help you guide your clients through the storm of any cyber attack

that comes their way!

So what are we covering? Well there really is only one place to start!

Education, Education, Education!

Page 3: The Complete Cyber Security Guide - Datto Inc.Run a DR Test. How quickly do you think can you recover? If you are prepared before disaster strikes, you will know exactly what to do

The Obvious One: Education

Education. One of the best forms of preventing a cyber attack. With better training, victims

are less likley to leave doors open and fall for the simple attacks.

What do we mean by simple attacks?

Well, these are the low level attacks such as phishing emails, plugging in unknown USB

drives and opening emails from unknown sources. Even just educating clients, staff and

yourself about these issues can make a huge impact to your company’s cyber security

strength. In fact in Datto’s 2017 Ransomware Survey it showed that MSPs & IT Service

providers believe that the “lack of cyber security training” was the #1 cause of Ransomware

infection in their clients.

So what can you do about this?

Well firstly you’re reading this so it’s a great first step! However, in the great words of

Yoda “Much to learn, you still have”. Datto have set up a number of eBooks, webinars and

presentations for you to learn from. Also, don’t forget that networking with other IT Services

Provider and MSPs is vital in keeping your finger on the pulse when it comes to the latest

threats and risks your business may face.

Top Tip

Host a cyber security event for your clients and get some independent experts to come

and present. The more people who are educated around cyber security, the better! You

will save time, money and stress in the long run, so invest!

Page 4: The Complete Cyber Security Guide - Datto Inc.Run a DR Test. How quickly do you think can you recover? If you are prepared before disaster strikes, you will know exactly what to do

Users Are the weakest link

Have you ever thought about how much damage one person can do to a company at the

touch of a button? It’s time to start thinking. Aside from uneducated employees, human error

is rapidly becoming a huge problem for businesses. In some cases malicious deletion from

an existing or ex member of staff can cause a company to go into meltdown.

User Error

Everyone makes mistakes, it’s part of what makes us human. As an MSP i’m sure that you

hear “I’ve just deleted a file can you help?” or in more serious cases you might hear “I opened

an email attachment and my computers gone funny and is now asking me to pay, what

should I do?” Now at this point you are beyond doing a simple file restore and now need to do

a full system restore. So it’s backup to the rescue! Always ensure that you have a Disaster

Recovery plan in place and outline to your customer how long it’s going to take them to


Malicious Deletions

In some cases it’s not just an accident. We have all heard the stories about an old employee

hacking into the system even after leaving the company. This is why you need to ensure

that if and when somebody leaves, you remove their access immediately, as this will help to

eliminate any threats to the business.

! Top Tip

Human error will never stop completely. However with education, regular password

changes, and most importantly only giving access to those who need it, you will limit

the damage it can cause. When all else fails, ensure that you have regular backups that

you can recover from quickly.

Page 5: The Complete Cyber Security Guide - Datto Inc.Run a DR Test. How quickly do you think can you recover? If you are prepared before disaster strikes, you will know exactly what to do

Computers: Art, Friend or the Enemy within?

Computers. They pretty much rule the world. However, have you ever stopped to think about

whether they enhance your business data or if they can act as a threat. Cal Leeming claims

that knowing how to use a computer is an artform in itself. But which one applies to you?

Jamie Barlett states that ‘You need to treat your computer like it’s dangerous’, but with the

benefits that come with modern technologies, as Cal Leeming argues ‘ Are computers more

of an art form?’.

The good thing is there is no right or wrong answer! As with any great power we need to

ensure that we respect it and utilise each computer system to enhance our business. One

thing is for certain, we need to remember that things do go wrong, computers will break

and businesses will fail off the back of being too computer reliant. Although we can have

everything at the touch of a button, we can also lose it just as quickly!



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Top Tip

When you least expect it, you computer will fail, leaving you powerless! You need to

ensure you have a Disaster Recovery plan. If you’re unsure where to start, why not

check out our Disaster Recovery template over on

Learn your plan inside and out and have it to hand, ready for any crisis situation.

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“But wont my Anti Virus protect me”

In short, No. Although Anti Virus protection is your frontline of defense, it’s not going to

protect you from the big cyber threats that face SMBs. In fact 94% of Ransomware victims

had AV installed on their machine!

Should I delete my Anti virus then?

No. Confused yet? Well we never claimed cyber security was easy! However, there is a

good reason for you to keep your Anti Virus installed. Although it can’t stop everything from

getting through, the majority of your computer system will still be protected from viruses

and worms which pose minimal threat to your business, but should still be taken seriously.

Whats the solution?

In order to have a strong business infrastructure you need to make sure you have all of your

security processes in place, as well as a Business Continuity solution. Your first defence

against a threat will be your Anti Virus, your network protection and so on. When a piece of

malware gets through, and it will, your next defence will be your backup solution. Having all

three in place significantly reduces the risk of an attack. You can save your business a lot of

time and money, by simply backing up your data!

Top Tip

Security systems will not protect you from everything, neither can a standard backup.

You need to look at ensuring your clients have a Business Continuity solution in place,

so they know exactly what to do when disaster strikes!

Page 7: The Complete Cyber Security Guide - Datto Inc.Run a DR Test. How quickly do you think can you recover? If you are prepared before disaster strikes, you will know exactly what to do

“oh, but my SaaS data is safe right?”

SaaS. The modern world’s answer to desktop applications. So most people believe that their

data is safe in the Cloud, however that’s not always the case! In fact Ransomware is making

its way into all the big systems including Dropbox, O365, GSuite, box and Salesforce. Are you

protecting your SaaS?

Why should I protect my SaaS?

Unless you have a Business Continuity solution in place, your data will never be fully

recovered. With threats affecting businesses from every angle, you need to ensure that your

data is safe. There will always be sensitive data flying around your company that will need to

be regulated and protected.

How do I protect that SaaS?

Your first point of action should be to go through each application you use and look into

which ones need to be backed up. You might have already heard of Datto SaaS protection

which does back up the major applications you are running and should give you peace of

mind. You can find out more about Datto’s SaaS protection here,

Top Tip

Get your SaaS protected before it’s too late!

Get ahead of the game and save your business time, money and it’s reputation.

Page 8: The Complete Cyber Security Guide - Datto Inc.Run a DR Test. How quickly do you think can you recover? If you are prepared before disaster strikes, you will know exactly what to do

The 3 P’s Of Protections


Passwords are not enough. Two factor Authentication offers an extra layer of security

protection, and is a tool we use for our Partner Portal. It is evident that hackers can find and

will use your personal information to their advantage, so don’t make it easy for them to find.

Use a strong password and for critical systems use two factor Authentication.


As you know, patching is a software update typically used to increase your system’s security.

For some, patching is viewed as more of an inconvenience than a solution. In some cases

patching could cause downtime due to software being incompatible or due to version

conflict. However, with Datto’s devices, Partners have the ability to spin up servers in a

secure, sandbox environment. Being able to test the patches within a safe, complete copy

of the customer’s server means that you would get exactly the same outcome; without

affecting or potentially breaking the production environment.


Taking precaution is vital when it comes to protecting your business, ‘the most important

thing is to be ready and to have a backup plan in place’ This is why education around cyber

security is one of the most powerful tools. If you have a workforce full of employees, who are

all trained to manage Ransomware attacks you will instantly save time, money and reduce


Page 9: The Complete Cyber Security Guide - Datto Inc.Run a DR Test. How quickly do you think can you recover? If you are prepared before disaster strikes, you will know exactly what to do

Its not the attack that destroys, its the downtime!

How long can your business survive during downtime? A problem you might not have been

faced with yet. However, as both Cal Leeming and Jamie Bartlett both stress, ‘It’s not if you

get hit, but when!’

Downtime is the biggest cause of lost revenue and in some cases even results in business

closure. In our recent Ransomware report, we discovered that over 75% of Ransomware

victims claimed that their downtime threatened their business with closure. At one point

would you become part of that 75%?

Top Tip

Run a DR Test. How quickly do you think can you recover?

If you are prepared before disaster strikes, you will know exactly what to do to recover

your business quickly and efficiently. If you’re not sure where to start, why not give

Datto a call and we can get you started!

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Be Proactive!


Everybody from the CEO to the IT department needs to be aware of the threats they face and

how to manage them when they hit your business.

Get a Disaster Recovery plan in place

This is the most important item you need to do. Once you have this setup you will increase

the protection around your business’s infrastructure dramatically and reduce your downtime


Nothing is safe.

Hackers will hack and human error will occur. If your data is not protected and backed up

then you need to be prepared to lose it. Don’t be part of the 75% of businesses affected by


Always be prepared

Are all your applications backed up? Have you updated, patched your software and changed

your passwords recently? These basic tasks only take a few moments of your time but could

save you in the face of a threat.

Top Tip

Implement the above, run an event and educate your staff and clients.

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Backup! The only real defence!

Throughout this eBook we have been talking about the threats which will impact your

business and have compiled some of our top tips to help you when disaster strikes!

As you may have already guessed, there is only one solution which will guarantee Total Data

Protection....Backup and Disater Recovery. To be more precise, Business Continuity. Not only

will this ensure that you are able to recover your data, but it will also enable your business to

keep running even in the grips of a disaster.

If you’re still unsure about where to start, why not checkout the links below. Alternatively

you can get in touch with us directly! See the contact details on the back!

Want to know more? Business Contunity: DR Plan:

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Page 13: The Complete Cyber Security Guide - Datto Inc.Run a DR Test. How quickly do you think can you recover? If you are prepared before disaster strikes, you will know exactly what to do

What is CyberLive?Cyber Live was our biggest live stream series yet. Four experts, three days and one

unmissable topic, Cyber Security.

It really was the flagship Cyber Series event of 2017 here is a summary of what Jamie, Cal,

Nigel & Adam covered.

Part 1: Jamie Bartlett

On the 30th August Jamie brough the Dark Net out from the shadows and presented an

unmissable livestream on the threats, benefits, effects and consequences of the Dark Net

& Cybercrime.

Part 2: Nigel Hearne & Adam Nash

Nigel has vast experience and knowledge of helping businesses of all sizes take on and

survive cyber attacks. Throughout the event Nigel provided an in depth analysis of current

trends in cyber-crime and gave his top tips on how to ensure your business survives.

Part 3: Cal Leeming

For over a decade, Cal Leeming has been a Cyber Security Advisor and widely considered

one of the foremost experts on staying secure in a connected world. From his early days as

the UK’s youngest hacker to his leadership role today, Cal has brought a unique perspective

to cyber risk management. During the event Cal explained how he got into hacking, what

his motivations were and how he has moved on from a life of cybercrime.

It’s not a case of if you get hit but when...Cal Leeming

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Get SocialWant to know more about our Cyber Security experts? Check them out on Social Media!

Jamie BartletJamie Bartlett, Author of the famed work The Dark Net,

journalist and an engaging speaker

Twitter: @JamieJBartlett

Nigel HearneAn accomplished Information Security, Risk and Compliance

Professional with more than a decades’ experience advising

clients on best practice, risk mitigation, cost reduction and

best value from their information, technology and security


Linkedin: /nigelhearne

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Cal LeemingCEO of Lyons Leeming. For over a decade, Cal has been a Cyber

Security Advisor and widely considered one of the foremost

experts on staying secure in a connected world.

He’s also the UK’s youngest ever convicted hacker!

Twitter: @sleepycal

Adam NashExperienced Sales Manager with a proven track record in

delivering consistent sales growth. Enthusiastic and highly

motivated with experience in developing new markets and

introducing new technologies.

Linkedin: /adam-nash-sales

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About Datto Datto provides business continuity solutions to secure the essential business data for thousands of companies around the world. Our integrated suite of services include our market leading data backup and disaster recovery (BDR) offerings, our advanced Cloud-to-Cloud (C2C) backup services for leading SaaS applications, and our innovative network continuity solutions.

All delivered as managed services primarily through Managed Service Providers (MSPs) for the data protection needs of small and midsized businesses or distributed locations of large enterprises.

Want to know more? Visit

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