Page 1: The Burden of the Fast. -… · Chant : Je suis heureuse, je chante Ephesiens 20:5 Rendez continuellement


The Burden


Page 2: The Burden of the Fast. -… · Chant : Je suis heureuse, je chante Ephesiens 20:5 Rendez continuellement

Sister Emilia Tendo/Sister Henriette MBARGA Nous allons commencer the Lord for another night together. Pay with your brother and just bless him, with respect with this night of prayer, with respect to

the fast, with respect to the prayer crusade, let it come from your heart. Let us pray that this time of fasting will be time of ministering to God, that we will be living

sacrifices Let's beg God that this fast will be a season of ministering to God.

Psalm 133 and say "amen" after each verse Psalm 134 and say "amen" after each verse Song based on Psalm 132 : Heureux celui dont les péchés sont à jamais effacés Thank God for this second night of prayer Thank the Lord for the blessings of this second night of prayer Let us ask the Lord that the Holy Spirit will help us pray this night Pray that the Holy spirit will guide us this night Pray that the Holy Spirit will teach us this night Pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal the mind of Christ to us this night Pray that we cover everything that we must cover this night Pray that the Holy Spirit will help us to be one as we pray Let's ask the Lord that our faith will grow because of this prayer night That we will minister to the Lord this night Let's ask the Lord to convict us of anything that is not in accordance with Him Let's pray that He will be here to strengthen us and to comfort us Let's ask that the Holy Spirit will be the Lord of this night Let's ask that He will inspire every prayer Let's pray that even the groans of the Holy Spirit, that He will groan through us Let's ask the Lord to bless us with the faith to pray for leaders of hundreds of thousands

2 Chronicles 7:4-5 Then the king and all the people offered sacrifices before the Lord. 5 And King Solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty-two thousand head of cattle and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep and goats. So the king and all the people dedicated the temple of God. NIV Ezekiel 36:37-38 "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Once again I will yield to the plea of the house of Israel and do this for them: I will make their people as numerous as sheep, 38 as numerous as the flocks for offerings at Jerusalem during her appointed feasts. So will the ruined cities be filled with flocks of people. Then they will know that I am the Lord." NIV

Let's pray that we will believe the Lord as we pray for leaders of hundreds of thousands, then we shall know that it is of God.

Many of God promises are not accomplished because of lack of cooperation by you and me and the people of God. We must cooperate with God when He has made his will know. That

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is why we pray and that is how those who pray work. They work in prayer and then they work. Pray that we will cry out to God and then He will give us these 12 first leaders of hundreds of

thousands. Let's ask the Lord that during this prayer crusade and fasting, our hearts will grow large so

that we will contain what God is giving to us Let us pray that in our ministry, the Lord will raise a large number of those who work hard,

who are aggressive, ferocious. Pray that you will be an aggressive person - that is the normal life of a believer We proclaim that this period of prayer and fasting crusade will be a time of aggression

We proclaim that God will for CMFI now is churches of great, great great and great great numbers. - that is what heaven want and we must move to mobilise in the direction of what God wants Let's pray : God accept our fast and prayer and move all who re in our ministry to offer

to you these churches of great, very great and very very great numbers. Song :Lèves-toi vaillante armée, pour les combats du Seigneur Let's pray that we will see God's commitment when he gives us a prophetic word and

our responsibility. Let's pray for human responsibility in the accomplishment of God's purposes

Ezek 36:36-38 Then the nations around you that remain will know that I the Lord have rebuilt what was destroyed and have replanted what was desolate. I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it.' 37 "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Once again I will yield to the plea of the house of Israel and do this for them: I will make their people as numerous as sheep, 38 as numerous as the flocks for offerings at Jerusalem during her appointed feasts. So will the ruined cities be filled with flocks of people. Then they will know that I am the Lord." NIV In verse 36, the Lord says: he will do it. In verse 37, He says: he will wait for us to pray. What the Lord has promised you, when you pray for it, He will do it. If we don't want what God has promised, if you don't express that you want what God has said, He will not give it to you. "I will do it, I will wait for you to pray". God just want to know whether you want what He has said for you Let's clap for the Lord Song : Sans attendre, je veux tendre Psalm 99: 1-3 Proclaim:

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The Lord reigns, let the nations of Africa tremble The Lord reigns, let the nations of Asia tremble The Lord reigns, let the nations of Oceania tremble The Lord reigns, let the nations of Europe tremble The Lord reigns, let the nations of North America tremble The Lord reigns, let the nations of South America tremble

Psalm 24: 1 The earth is the Lord and everything in it, Africa and all who live in it The earth is the Lord and everything in it, Oceania and all who live in it The earth is the Lord and everything in it, Asia and all who live in it The earth is the Lord and everything in it, Europe and all who live in it The earth is the Lord and everything in it, North America and all who live in it The earth is the Lord and everything in it, South America and all who live in it

Song : Par tous les saints glorifiés.

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Sister Esther Kouonang/Frère Ngwa Paul Ngwa Chant : Je suis heureuse, je chante Ephesiens 20:5 Rendez continuellement grâces pour toutes choses à Dieu le Père, au nom de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, Il n' y a rien pour lequel on ne devrait pas rendre grâce à Dieu Chacun de nous va remercier le Seigneur parce que le Seigneur l'a protégé et amené ici

pour qu'il soit présent à la prière cette nuit Remercie le Seigneur parce que dans sa grâce, son bonté, sa fidélité, il a permis que tu

sois de ceux qui prendront part à la croisade de prière pour cette année. Dis merci au Seigneur pour notre présence ici cette nuit

Luke 17: 11-19 11 Jésus, se rendant à Jérusalem, passait entre la Samarie et la Galilée. 12 Comme il entrait dans un village, dix lépreux vinrent à sa rencontre. Se tenant à distance, 13 ils élevèrent la voix, et dirent: Jésus, maître, aie pitié de nous! 14 Dès qu'il les eut vus, il leur dit: Allez-vous montrer aux sacrificateurs. Et, pendant qu'ils y allaient, il arriva qu'ils furent guéris. 15 L'un d'eux, se voyant guéri, revint sur ses pas, glorifiant Dieu à haute voix. 16 Il tomba sur sa face aux pieds de Jésus, et lui rendit grâces. C'était un Samaritain. 17 Jésus, prenant la parole, dit: Les dix n'ont-ils pas été guéris? Et les neuf autres, où sont-ils? 18 Ne s'est-il trouvé que cet étranger pour revenir et donner gloire à Dieu? 19 Puis il lui dit: Lève-tôt, va; ta foi t'a sauvé. Quand Dieu nous fait quelque chose de bon, nous devons le remercier le lui rendre gloire. Dis merci au Seigneur pour sa protection sur ta vie depuis le mois de Janvier, mois après mois Remercie le Seigneur d'avoir gardé le frère Théodore en vie de Janvier à maintenant Disons merci au Seigneur pour avoir veillé sur les saints dans notre ministère depuis janvier

jusqu'à maintenant Rendons grâces au Seigneur pour la protection des saints qui sont venus prier aux journées de

prière chaque jour de lundi à samedi Rendons grâces au Seigneur pour la protection des saints qui sont venus prier aux nuits de prière

à la base tous les jours. Remercions le Seigneur pour avoir protégé toute ces personnes pendant qu'elles sont entrain de

prier. Bénissons le Seigneur d'avoir protégé nos ouvriers pendant qu'ils travaillent Remercions le Seigneur pour sa protection sur la "Hope Medical Clinic" Bénissons le Seigneur parce qu'Il veille sur tous ceux qui font la cuisine pendant les camps, les

UMPJ, pendant tous les ministères qui se tiennent ici à la base. Remercions le Seigneur d'avoir protégés tous ceux de nos bien-aimés qui sont venus à la base

par avion

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Remercions le Seigneur d'avoir protégés tous ceux de nos bien-aimés qui sont venus à la base par route

Remercions le Seigneur d'avoir protégés tous ceux de nos bien-aimés qui sont venus à la base par train

Remercions le Seigneur d'avoir protégés tous ceux de nos bien-aimés qui sont venus à la base par bateau

Remercions le Seigneur d'avoir protégés les frères de 42 nations à la base, les gardant ici jour après jour et les ramenant sains et sauf dans leurs localités respectives.

Proclamons : "La miséricorde du Seigneur pour nous dire à toujours". Chant : Venez chantons à l'Eternel

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Brother Theodore Andoseh/Brother Jean Ngankwe Halleluia ! Pray that your spirit will control your body.

It is a discipline we are to learn, to allow our spirit controls our body. In the garden of Gethsemane, the lord Jesus told the disciples: "pray so that you will not fall into temptation", there is a time to pray, that is before temptation come because when temptation come, that will not be the time to pray. If you did not pray before the temptations comes, you will fall into temptation. Jesus was making the command counting on their spirit, not on their tired bodies. He wanted them to use their spirit, not to use their bodies. Jesus expected tired people to pray. So when you are tired, don't say that God understands. Yes, He understand that you should pray. It is your spirit that Jesus is counting on. He knew they were tired but He knew that their spirit was in a better state and He was counting on their spirit, because they needed to pray. In Romans 1, the apostle Paul says "God, whom I serve with my spirit", we serve God with our spirit. We pray with our spirit. Many people are failing in their serve to God because they believe that God understand the state of their spirit, because they think that God cannot be honest and fair when he knows the condition of their bodies and be demanding from them. Pray that more and more, the believer will be determined to do God's will so that they will tap

from the enormous resources of their spirit. People will not tap from the resources of their spirit if they can abandon God's will, they will expect man and God to understand. It is a lack of commitment in doing God's will. - la puissance des choses du monde pour distraire, l'impuissance de gérer les émotions. Il y a très peu de gens que dès que les douleurs, la tristesse, les émotions, les affectent, pour se remettre, ils auront besoin d'un an. Only some people need the discipline. Proverbs 14:30 30 A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. NIV Your inner condition will affect your body. The state of your heart will affect your body. Proverbs 15:13 13 A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. NIV A happy heart will affect you. Proverbs 12:25 25 An anxious heart weighs a man down,

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but a kind word cheers him up. NIV Worry is a disease. Proverbs 17:22 22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. NIV So the state of your spirit. Proverbs 18:14 14 A man's spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear? NIV So, when you see people, abandoning themselves to sickness, to tiredness, to old age, they are not lying, their body may truly be in pain, but the bigger problem is that they have starve their spirit from nourishing in the presence of God and form the Word of God so that their spirit can no longer carry them and then, they spent all the time trying to explain the other human beings, you are deceiving who? It is unwillingness to do God's will. In preparation to serve God, John the Baptist build his spirit. (Luke 1: 60 -) it is with your spirit that your serve God. That was the training John the Baptist had and that is what many of us lack, and we spent all the time looking for sympathy form one another. John grew strong in spirit. What brought that strength? Simplicity of life style, silence, solitude, quiet, purity, holiness, the presence of God. While John was building a strong spirit, many of us we developed lam spirits with pleasures, worldly pleasure, indulgency, smoking drinking, womanising, masturbation, reckless things, your body did not have venereal diseases but your body became fickle, you have lost the power to say NO to yourself, you can't even say NO to yourself, from years of indulgence, lasciviousness and carelessness. If we are going to serve the Lord, we will need to develop strong spirits, as John did. Greedy hearts, love of lands, houses, jealousies, they make the spirit weak. Simplicity makes the heart strong and a strong spirit resist temptation, it does not come in. A strong spirit like John doe snot fear the face of man. A cowardly spirit, a craven spirit. What did you do to your spirit? Our spiritual condition is far more important that all the financial and physical conditions that will ever happen to us. Your body may be sick and it is true, medically the things are there, you may be going through a depress time and if you explain, people will understand but something more important is the state of your spirit and all the years of cheating, of not dwelling in God's presence, it will catch up with you. Ceux qui finissent leurs projets avec douleurs changent, ils reconstituent leur personnalité, ils comblent les trous qu'il y a dans leur personnalité. Quand un homme ne peut pas se dire NON, il n'a pas de sécurité.

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Put your hand on your head and proclaim: I impose on myself, the power to say NO, I impose on myself, the power to command myself to move ahead I impose on myself, the power to stir myself to follow the Lord Amen. If God is happy with your fast, let it show in your being strong. The joy of the Lord is your strength. God depends on faithful character God depends on trustworthy characters Spiritual appointment and leadership have a certain pathway that they must follow. You deny that pathway and you have resigned. The most rapid way, the easiest way to develop heart enlargement for rapid growth in leadership is through pressure programs, that is what the Lord was saying to us in the prophecy. Those who want large churches, they must be violent to themselves. They must put pressure on themselves. Nobody can save you. There are people that I have made peace with the fact that no amount of shouting at them shall make them change. They are in love with their own pace of life. I don't waste my energy anymore; they shall do what they want to do and I shall take what they give, but I will not ask. They are just like that. It is a very very sad thing to exhaust the deposit of trust in the heart of another. You spent your bank account of confidence in the heart of another, in your leader's heart. A man hopes that you will do this, you come back explaining why you could not do this, he is convinced and give you another opportunity, you come back until your signature is "excuses". And whatever bank of deposit and confidence and trust was on you is exhausted, emptied. It is not that he decided not to trust you, you have educated him to accept you as you are. You educated him so that if he keeps expect things form you, he is a fool. The wise thing is, he should take what you want to give. Il y a des gens de qui on prend ce qu'ils donnent, on ne demande rien, ils sont comme cela et ils aiment cela. Ils ne veulent pas que tu exprimes une déception. C’est une folie dans le leadership de continuer à avoir des attentes sur des gens qui ont cultivé la signature de te décevoir, tout en s'attendant à ce que toi tu comprennes. Si tu oses ne pas comprendre, ce sont eux qui vont se fâcher contre toi. Anger is those for whom you are important. It is those who still want to please you, then you use that little commitment to please you for their growth, so you use anger as an instrument of edification for those for whom you matter. Anger is a very precious emotion, it should be reserve against the devil and it should be used for those who love you, so that you can bring moral motivations into their lives. If I know that my daughter fears my anger, I know that it will be enough to say: "I don't want this". So, I can select the things which she may not have the discipline on her own to abandon, I now bring the additional motivation to tell her "don't do this". Quand tu peux te fâcher de quelqu'un et il boude, après il ne change pas, il te méprise. La vraie colère est plus précieuse que l'argent. Il y a des gens qui ont beaucoup de colère à gaspiller, c'est parce qu'ils n'ont pas de but. Pray that all the brother who stood up will persevere till the end so that the brothers will begin

to enter the arena of champions, so that the brother will begin to lead again like men. While we encourage people to fast, let's pray that nobody will come under the desire to conform,

as if, if he does into fast, he will not be accepted. Whether we fast or not, it will not make us spiritual

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Spirituality is how much of Jesus have been produced in your life. Fasting can be detrimental to that, it can give you a lot of things to boast about. Please fast with joy. Amen. Ten people pray that the Lord will want many people to fast, but our desire is that we want a

lot of people to cry out to God for something, not to establish records of fasting Pray that the Lord will deliver us from wrong fasting.

We have a burden for this fast. Let me tell you the background, in March when I went on retreat, the Lord showed me, that even if we are rejoicing a lot, that for the last seven years, we have only been struggling to maintain and regain grounds that we lost. She showed me that after Brother Zach went to be with the Lord, that we lost a lot of grounds. Take for example in the domain of prayer, there was A room to pray for China in Yaoundé, it does not exist again A room to pray for India in Yaoundé, it does not exist again A room to pray for the church in Yaoundé, it does not exist again A room to pray for the Fomum family, that room does not exist again A room to pray for the protection of the ministry, that room does not exist again A room to pray for funds, that room does not exist again A room to pray for North America, that room does not exist again A room to pray for spiritual power, that room does not exist again A room to pray for children ministry, that room does not exist again A room to pray for Africa, that room does not exist again A room to pray for Cameroon, that room does not exist again A room for the conquest of Europe, that room does not exist again These are some of the things that happened just because brother Zach went. Lost grounds. Because the co-workers that were carrying those rooms, we don't know where they are, they are lost in the grass. Many of them don't believe again what they used to do, they have even cancel their own prayers by rejecting it. Those are lost grounds. So when we started a house of prayer for all nations in Edéa and give them the burden to pray for Cameroon, it is only recovering lost grounds. The Lord showed me that for six years, most of the things that we are happy about, are just things that are recovering lost grounds. We had a Director of Tracts ministry, evangelistic tracts, that department has almost quench. We had a director for revival tracts, it is almost forgotten. There are many departments of the ministry that have not recovered, because the leaders that were carrying those department are eithers confused or lost. Even the Radio Voice of the cross has not spirit because Brother Joe is caught by the church and bother Jean is not available. It is younger co-worker who are struggling to fill the gap without a sense of direction, so the Radio is lost. It is one of the grounds we must fight to recover, because the two main leaders have given up the radio for other distinct ministries, without building co-workers to whom to delegate.

Douala, it was like the cutting of the small part of the garment of Saul CMFI Yaoundé split

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CMFI Bafoussam split CMFI Bamenda split CMFI Foumban split CMFI Buea split CMFI Garoua split CMFI Ebolowa split CMFI Sangmelima split CMFI Maroua split CMFI Mokolo split CMFI Kumba split CMFI Ngaoundéré split CMFI Melon split CMFI Bandjoun split CMFI Bogo split CMFI Bagangté split CMFI Bangem split CMFI Ndop split CMFI Savon Gari split CMFI Mfou split CMFI Mundemba split

So, when it comes to planting of churches, even all that we have done for the last seven years is even just to recover lost grounds. There are provincial leaders that have been lost. We have spent a lot of grounds just labouring to recover lost grounds. It means that we have not moved ahead very much, because we are just labouring to recover lost grounds, to be re-establish after the shock of losing so precious brothers. After losing so many co-workers, after losing so many leaders. This fast is a cry to God, for the anointing to consolidate what we have, so that we don't continue to lose grounds. We have not yet recovered all the grounds in prayer, we have not yet recovered all the grounds in ministry departments. There is a burden on my heart for the anointing to consolidate what God has done in the last seven years. The second burden on my heart is for the addition energy and anointing to stop keeping only what we have and be growing to start again and moving ahead. We need funds to maintain the workers we have. Every month. If we want to send new missionaries, ten we need the double of what we have now as monthly income, whether we are paying allowances at the beginning of the month, that is just keeping what we have, it is not growing, it is not moving ahead, it is not moving into new territories, we are not yet doing that. In many ways, we lost a lot of buildings in Yaoundé, the World University of Prayer already had 15 rooms complex, the School of Knowing and Serving God had structures, Christian Publishing House had structures, the administrative block of the ministry was there, we don't have any of them now. The World University of Prayer has no room. The School of Knowing and Serving God in Koume does not have one room. If we are going to build very simple structures to meet the present need, then we have to stop rejoicing in the fact that we receive 50 sums, will 50 sums give us a building budget? We are in 78 countries, if we sent out just new 22 missionaries, it means an additional budget of 70 million, it means there should be an additional budget of 5 million every month and there will be no money to pay the bills. We are not breaking ahead, we are not moving ahead into new horizons, new initiative, new ministry, new territories, we are not moving ahead, we need to consolidate

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what has already been done. But a miracle needs to happen for our ministry to start growing again. That is the burden of this fast. And one of my burden is that just maintaining the ministry at the level at which Brother Zach left it is already more than us, the financial weight, the spiritual weight, many of the co-workers are crumbling. They don't have anything to give again. It is like the president who has stayed too long, they have nothing to give again. Many of the heads of departments, our leaders are like these old presidents. They can only keep what they already have. And when we keep talking about Santa Cruz, we are disturbing many people who don't have extra things to give. They want their children to go to school, they want to finally finish the house the started, those are not the people when you are telling them that they should multiply five time, they don't know what you are talking about, his burden is that: next Sunday, all the brethren should be in the church, that the offerings should be much, that the school project of the church will advance. Maintenance, not dreamers anymore. It is landlords, not aggressors to move ahead. On crie à Dieu pour la grâce et l'onction d'asseoir ce que nous avons mais en plus, on crie pour recevoir du ciel un nouvel élan pour avancer. Même dans les fonds, on se bat juste pour maintenir ce qui est là. Même maintenir ce qui est là, le budget est plus lourd parce que les vieux missionnaires sont lourds à maintenir. On a besoin de la consolidation de ce que Dieu nous a déjà donné. Si on n'envoie pas les 100 prochains missionnaires, s'il faut qu'on cesse de dire que on veut conquérir le monde, et on n'est pas en train de le faire parce que juste le travail de maintenir ce qui était là nous dépasse déjà. On a besoin de doubler tout ce qui est là, on a besoin de 120 sommes par mois : 60 pour couvrir les besoins actuels, 40 pour gérer les avancés et 20 pour les constructions. Nous sommes au tiers de ce que on doit avoir là où on se trouve. Les personnalités de plusieurs sont en train d'être endommagés, la liberté d'être vrai est perdue. On veut consolider ce qui est déjà acquis et on veut une nouvelle impulsion pour avancer parce que nous sommes en train de stagner. C’est pour cela qu’au niveau personnel pour avoir un peu de croissance, j'ai décidé d'envoyer certains missionnaires et ouvriers pour que Dieu me donne une allocation personnelle pour eux ; le dirigeant est un facteur de croissance, il ne peut pas dire à Dieu qu'il avait beaucoup de fardeaux. Most people in Head Quarters and most among the present workers are in a mentality of maintenance, they are not expecting anything further in this ministry, nothing new, nothing about the great promises of God, everybody is struggling to see how he can get the maximum out of what is available now. THE BURDEN OF THE FAST CONSOLIDATING THE PAST SEVEN YEARS

a. Faith in God b. Faithfulness to God


a. Explosions b. Expansions c. Extensions

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We will be praying around that burden. There are heavy things on my spirit. At a personal level, consolidating the last seven years of leadership for me during this fast : I want to lift up to God 10.000 prayer topics - leadership praying. Leadership praying

is asking God mighty things. They are major prayer topics that affect the work, I must give God 10.000 such prayer topics. I have been busy in ministry, one of the things that have been deficient have been 'leadership praying'. That is what I want to be doing during this fast

I want to write out clearly the rules of my life and leadership. For any distinct ministry, a man must answer an unspoken question from God: Why should I trust you? Why should I use you? If any distinct ministry has not answer that question before God, it will fail. There are things that God does generally, but there are some things that God does because of clear issues. So, I need to define my leadership before God. For me it will be THE WAY OF FAITHFULNESS. It must be clear: what God should expect of me. And if you are going to enter into a distinct ministry before God, sooner or later, you will answer that question before God. Anybody who does not face that question will find that many things have abandoned him. You may end up with a very clear call but you have rejected the life of that call. When Samson was born, the father asked the angel: what will be the rule for this boy's life and work? To every work, there is a rule. That is part of faithfulness. Part of being faithful to God means that you know clearly what the call of God on your life depends on in your life and that you protect that things. For Samson, it was just his hair of consecration. When they went, god went. For David, it was the man who will do God's will at any cost. For King Saul, it was the man who will be under authority. So, don't thing that it is one common religious thing. Japheth understood it, he wanted God to use him, so he had to tell God why. He wanted God to go along with him, so he settled an unconditional submission of everything that was precious to him. In our ministry, I have watched people become very careless with that which brought God to them and they are now empty barrels with memories of how special they were, but it is gone. They were not faithful. Hezekiah told the Israelites: gather together all Israel, I want to treat a covenant with the Lord. At the beginning of his leadership, Hezekiah publicly established a rule of life, a reason why God should be committed to him. And the Bible says, after all these things that Hezekiah had done faithfully, Senkarit came against him, it was now God's turn to manifest his faithfulness towards Hezekiah and the angel of the Lord killed 185000 people in one night. To be the kind of person that the angel of the Lord will kill 185000 people for you. At the beginning of his leadership, he told Israel: gather, I intend to establish a covenant with the Lord. He wanted to give God a reason to be committed to them. David explained to Solomon the rule of leadership. He told Solomon: If you seek the Lord, you will find him, If you forsake Him, He will forsake you. He told him: I am not only giving you the kingdom but how to remain a king: know the God of your fathers, obey him according to the law of Moses and your kingdom will last forever, forsake Him and he will throw you away. What is it that these people understood for which we are joking, that is why many people don't have a distinct ministry. The power of God does not have a helicopter path on which to land in their lives; God has left.

As part of consolidating my leadership for the last seven years, I need to clarify for myself. I need to answer the question: why would God trust me? Why should God use

Page 14: The Burden of the Fast. -… · Chant : Je suis heureuse, je chante Ephesiens 20:5 Rendez continuellement

me? Why should God make all that the promised to Zach Fomum pass through me? Why? I want to say I man not going to ask God, I know. It is a question for me to obey, not a question for me ask. I want to put it down so that as God give me lovers and helpers, they may know where to help me. To have helpers and waste their lives is vanity. I don't intend to do such things. To assign to your helpers what is not clearly a part of your spiritual future, then the person's prayers will not be construction your spiritual future, then you have nothing. That is what I will be doing personally during this fast

The leadership prayer The way of faithfulness as a leader - that is what the personal implication of consolidating seven years will mean for me. I am sharing this because each one of you, carrying a forty day fast will have to define clearly: what must happen to you and what you are going to do. Praise the Lord! So, the fasting is a serious thing. It is not exaggerating something. At a personal level, I have laboured to pour in all that I know and God told me, it has only just been struggling to maintain the past. So, I don't have what it will take to bring in the impetuous for advance. I don't have what it takes to ignite the intertie of the older believers and who are holding captive our ministry and vision through unbelief. I don't have what it will take to deliver our ministry from the captivity of their unbelief. That is why I am crying out to God. I have shared all that I know with the leaders and brethren and I have watched them. For many of them, my voice is not the shepherd voice in their heart. Brother Zach has gone, the only shepherd they had is brother Zach and they don't know the indwelling Christ enough to continue, in a sense they have died in a living body. They are trying, the efforts of corpse. It will take the hand of God, for me, for them, for the ministry. Alleluia. But that is what fasting is for. If you know how to do it and you are fasting instead of doing it, then you are putting the Lord God to the test, you are sinning, in that case, your fast is a sin. But is you are helpless, fasting is a heart cry to God for those who are helpless. Amen.

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