Page 1: The Big Science Showdown · 2012. 9. 12. · 1984 (Freedom) 1986 (Columbus) 1993 (ISS) Conceived 2000 (first astronauts) Operational since 2020 Operational until ★★★★★



Station 406km — 426km

(on 28 August 2012. Has been as low as 331.5km)


As it passes overhead

just before dawn or just after sunset

When to see it

13 554—13 594km

(on 28 August 2012)

Orbit Diameter

AMSCalibrated using proton beamReal data from cosmic rays

Particle Detector

SoyuzBaikonur Cosmodrome

to/from ISSdriven by ISS personnel




Unpowered flight

Transport within

84kWfrom solar arrays


419 455kg(but it depends what's up there)


1976 (Mir-2)1984 (Freedom)1986 (Columbus)

1993 (ISS)


2000(first astronauts)

Operational since


Operational until


~92 minutes

Orbital period

7 674.6m/s(on 28 August 2012)

Orbital speed

Solar array: 73mTruss: 109m

Modules: 51m


ShuttleKennedy Space Center to/from ISS 1998—2011driven by ISS personnel



On-site assembly

CMSCalibrated using cosmic raysReal data from proton beam

Particle Detector

ATLASCalibrated using cosmic raysReal data from proton beam

Particle Detector


ALICECalibrated using cosmic raysReal data from lead ion beam

Particle Detector

Inside beam pipe: 10-10 TorrOutside:

760Torr (1 atm)

PressureTOTEM(in development)

Particle Detector

LHCfSimulating cosmic rays

using proton beam

Particle Detector

LHCbCalibrated using cosmic raysReal data from proton beam

Particle Detector

MoEDAL(in development)

Particle Detector

The graphic shows a real orbital plane of the space station, if I'm not mistaken. The orbit is roughly to scale with the Earth, but the space station isn't. It also isn't in the right orientation for that orbit.

$72.4billionin 2010 dollars

not counting shuttle missions

Estimated Budget

>3 615 000N(using the stated mass

at 426km altitude)



Geneva Airport to/from elsewhere on Earth


When it's not running; ideally the

2008 Open Day. You can see other things now.

When to see it ★★★★★ Awesomeness

CHF6billionnot counting detectors

or computing

Estimated Budget

Only fictional space stations can destroy

a planet with an energy beam.


121"International Space

Station"papers on


Only fictional particle accelerators can

destroy a planet with their energy beams.


>1000"Large Hadron Collider"

papers on


Inside: 760Torr (1 atm)

Outside:10-10 — 5x10-8 Torr


Shuttle 4Geneva Airport to/from

CERN Meyrin sitedriven by ISS personnel


Shuttle 1Around

CERN Meyrin sitedriven by ISS personnel


Shuttle 2Around

CERN Prévessin sitedriven by ISS personnel


Shuttle 6CERN Mayrin to tram and CERN Prévessin

driven by ISS personnel


Shuttle 3Main CERN sites

to LHC and SPS pointsdriven by ISS personnel


ProgressBaikonur Cosmodrome

to/from ISS

Cargo Transport

Automated Transfer VehicleGuiana Space Center

to/from ISS

Cargo Transport

H-II Transfer Vehicle

Tanegashima Space Center to/from ISS

Cargo Transport

• Firefighting• Cleaning landfills• Air purification• Golf clubs(click for more)


175m — 50m below ground

about 450m—380m above sea level


protons at 7TeV 299 792 455m/s

(3m/s slower than the speed of light)

Orbital speed

lead ions at 2.76 TeV per nucleon

299 792 441m/s(17m/s slower than the

speed of light)

Orbital speed

either protons or lead ions at full energy

88.928µs11245 orbits per second

Orbital period

• Cancer therapy• Sterilisation• Radiation processing• Medical imaging(click for more)


37 600 000kg(and that's just the

cold mass)


120MWfrom French and Swiss grid(including the base load for

the whole site)




2008(first beam)2009

(first collisions)

Operational since

2018after which it will be


Operational until


On-site assembly

35 200kg(not counting


Detector Mass 368 730 000N(just the cold stuff,ignoring altitude)



Orbit Diameter

Cold mass diameter: 0.57m

Vacuum vessel diameter: 0.91m

Length: 15m

Dipole Size

Image © 1999 CERN






• Insulating foam from Columbia's external fuel tank° Sticky bolts° Micrometeoroids

Challenges Faced

• Inner triplet failure° Faulty electrical connection• Bread-bombing by bird

Challenges Faced

Given this information, which would win in a fight?Choose a battle arena and explain your reasoning.

Answers in a tweet with hashtag #LHCvsISS

The graphic shows the real position and colour of the Large Hadron Collider. The thickness of the ring is not to scale (see 'Dipole Size')

The Big Science ShowdownClick info boxes for most interesting references. Click the note icons for more explanation, references and links.

ISS vs. LHC version 1.0 by Angela BrettInformation current in September 2012Check for updates

Parts of this document come from Google Earth, NASA, and CERN, used in accordance with their usage guidelines as I understand them. The rest of it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial ShareAlike license. Let me know if you have any corrections or suggestions ([email protected]) I can provide the OmniGraffle document if you want to make changes yourself.

My first

TMIGraphicNot intended as a serious attempt to determine which is better; they are both five-star awesome. Accuracy not guaranteed; read the notes and check my sources. Not suitable as a complete milk food for infants.

Inside: ~24°COutside:



Inside: -271.3°COutside:15°C

Lead collision point: 5.5 trillion °C


Here is a nice graph of altitude from launch to 2009:öhe_(dumb_version).pngSource for lowest altitude:
If you set your location and follow @twisst on Twitter, you can be notified whenever there will be a visible pass in your area.
Using mean Earth radius of 6371km. I guess I should have calculated the diameter at the actual angle the ISS orbits at, but as a maths major I don't trust my arithmetic.
AMS stands for Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer. AMS was designed at CERN, and one of those proton beams came from the Super Proton Synchrotron, which also accelerates protons to inject them into the Large Hadron Collider (see, and also the bottom half of this too-much-infographic.) The AMS control room is also at CERN. For a while the AMS was just across the road from my office. I took a few pictures of it just before it left, with my phone since my camera was broken at the time: astronauts who installed it gave a talk at CERN a year after the installation, which you can watch online:
The International Space Station's Facebook page and also say 15 nations. says 16. I went with the higher number, because people from other countries are probably involved anyway. I know that at CERN, it's usually the countries of the institutions that are counted, when there might be people from many other countries working for those institutions.
There's a great video showing the STS-134 crew floating through the entire station during this talk: haven't found it online separately yet.
This doesn't include the contents of the station or any spacecraft docked to it.
Some sources say it could remain operational until 2025 or 2028 though.
My verdict: most awesome man-made thing in Earth orbit. Don't make me compare it with Mars rovers.I wanted to ask the STS-134 crew which was more awesome when they were at CERN, but I was in one of the few spots without a microphone, and I'm not that good at shouting. I trust that they would have come up with a diplomatic answer.
Compact Muon Solenoid
A Toroidal LHC Apparatus
A Large Ion Collider Experiment
Large Hadron Collider forward
Large Hadron Collider beauty
The Monopole & Exotics Detector at the LHC
Having a real-life space station occupied continuously for nearly 12 years? Priceless!Note that this figure was calculated by a reporter; it is not an 'official' figure.
You might think the station is weightless, but it's not; it's in orbit. There's still gravity up there, just a bit weaker than on the ground (where the station would weigh about 4114457N.) The station's weight keeps it falling toward the Earth all the time. It's just moving along fast enough that the Earth curves away beneath it, so it doesn't get any closer to the ground. Things on the station seem weightless because they're in free fall.Here's a website which gives the formulas to calculate the force of gravity between two objects, and will calculate it for you: used 5.98e24kg for the weight of the Earth, 419455kg for the weight of the station, and 6804km for the distance between them.
So now you know how the size of the LHC compares to part of a runway.
Come visit! You can't go into the LHC tunnel any more, but there are all sorts of guided tours you can do and exhibitions you can see, and you don't even have to pass astronaut training.
My verdict: most awesome man-made thing on Earth.I wanted to ask the STS-134 crew which was more awesome when they were at CERN, but I was in one of the few spots without a microphone, and I'm not that good at shouting. I trust that they would have come up with a diplomatic answer.
Finding out what the universe is made of? Priceless.The figure of 4.6 billion is given at but I chose as the reference since it is newer and probably more carefully checked by more people. This was the booklet given out to volunteers at the open day.
I haven't even seen Star Wars and I still managed to get a reference in.
Of course, this is only a rough idea of how much science has been done with the help of the ISS. It shouldn't be taken as a serious estimate of the benefits thereof.
Of course, this is only a rough idea of how much science has been done with the help of the LHC. It shouldn't be taken as a serious estimate of the benefits thereof.
The CERN shuttles are driven by people from the company 'ISS' ( so they all have ISS written on their uniforms. See
The CERN shuttles are driven by people from the company 'ISS' ( so they all have ISS written on their uniforms. See
The CERN shuttles are driven by people from the company 'ISS' ( so they all have ISS written on their uniforms. See
The CERN shuttles are driven by people from the company 'ISS' ( so they all have ISS written on their uniforms. See
The CERN shuttles are driven by people from the company 'ISS' ( so they all have ISS written on their uniforms. See
You can see more about NASA technology spinoffs at, and search for technology available for licensing at
I estimated the altitude above sea level going by altitudes in Google Earth at roughly the points where the LHC is deepest and shallowest. I need to find better figures for this.
You can see more about CERN technology transfer at
The whole thing is much more than that (calculated from CERN FAQ – LHC the guide: "4700 tonnes of material in each of the eight sectors".) The 1232 35-tonne dipole magnets alone weigh 43120 tonnes, and there are another 8468 smaller magnets, and many other things. But only 30 tonnes of each of those dipoles is cooled (by 120 tonnes of liquid helium and 10 080 tonnes of liquid nitrogen: my friend Rob Lambert (who works on LHCb) says: It's difficult to define the mass of "the LHC", because you'd probably want to weigh the concrete in the tunnel walls […] I think the "cold mass" is the best comparison to make, since that is sort of like the LHC payload. The rest is sort of comparable to the shuttles/boosters used to get the materiel up to the space station, which weighs a lot more than the station itself, of course.
Of which LHC cryogenics uses 27.5 MW and the LHC experiments use 22 MW
The idea had been floating around since 1977 (see this talk by Lyn Evans for a nice history of the LHC: but this was the date of the first conference about it. The idea was officially approved in 1994.
Of course, this depends what you count. This is from the start of civil engineering (see to the completion of the beam pipe around the entire circuit including the detectors. There was a huge repair effort after the cooling leak in 2008, and there's often work going on to upgrade the detectors and prepare things for the Super LHC.
Just a simple matter of multiplying the mass from the Mass box with standard gravity (see The exact gravity where the LHC is wouldn't be exactly that, due to the altitude, the distance below the surface, the mountains, the tides (which the LHC itself is sensitive can detect) and all sorts of other things that I don't know how to calculate.
Source for vacuum vessel diameter: measurements:
As far as I know, I'm using the image in accordance with the conditions of use.
The link for this item goes to the list of countries involved in CERN. As a maths major, I don't trust my counting abilities, so I got the 111 figure from the LHC UK site at
Inner triplet failure: quench: strike: bird escaped unharmed but lost its bread.
You can check the inside temperature of the station in real time at
The inside temperature is the temperature of the cold mass of the magnets, as given at The 'Outside' temperature is of the LHC tunnel. I don't have a reference for that yet; a friend gave me that figure offhand and will be able to check some graphs about it soon and give me a more definite temperature range.5.5 trillion degrees reference:, according to When two beams of lead ions collide, they will generate temperatures more than 100 000 times hotter than the heart of the Sun, concentrated within a minuscule space.

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