
The Bible:Inspiration, Inerrancy,

Sacred Traditionand


I. Divine Inspirationv

A. from Latin inspirare- “to breathe


B. Refers to divine assistance the Holy Spirit gave human

authors of Biblical books,

Glossary of Theological Terms, Rev. John T. Ford, CSC, STDSt. Mary’s Press, Winona, MN 2006

enabling them to write in human words the salvific message G-d wanted to communicate.

1. Bible is not just another piece of literature, but is G-d’s DIVINE REVELATIONv.

2. G-d is the source of ALL inspiration!

C. G-d is the author of Scripture.(CCC 105)

D. G-d inspired the human authors of the sacred books…..”[they] made full use of their own faculties.”

(CCC 106)

Do you know who this is?

II. Biblical Inerrancyv

A. All that is taught and proclaimed in the Sacred Scriptures is inerrant in matters of:

1. faith2. Revelation3. salvation

TM The Bible: The Living Word of G-d p30

B. “….faithfully and firmly, without error, teach that truth, for sake of our salvation, G-d wished…..” (CCC 107)


III. Biblical InterpretationA. The task of interpreting the Word of G-d authentically……. ….is entrusted solely to the Magisteriumv……

that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him.

(CCC 100)

B. Magisteriumv

1. (from Latin to teach) official teaching voice of the Church; 2. Pope and Bishops in communion

C. Sacred Traditionv

1.Catholicsbelieve G-dreveals himselfthroughBOTH Scripture AND Tradition.

a. SCRIPTURE + TRADITION = the Deposit of Faithv

2. Sacred Tradition teaches the fullness ofDivine Revelation andbegan with

preaching of the Gospel by

the Apostles.

TM The Bible: The Living Word of G-d p30

3. Sacred Tradition is interpreted by the Magisterium

under theguidance of the Holy Spirit.

What is this called?


4. All that is part of Sacred Tradition

was revealed through thePaschal Mysteryv of Jesus.

5. What the Church teaches never contradicts the truth of Jesus Christ.

TM The Bible: The Living Word of G-d p31

Christ Teaching Apostles about the Last Things, Alexander Master, 1430

IV. Two Ways to Interpret


A. Fundamentalism: 1. Belief that every part of

the Bible must be absolutely true in every way: historically, geographically, scientifically,

etc.(Catholic Faith Handbook p28)

2. Fundamentalism is a form

of extreme literalism, taking the words on the page literally, that is the word for word value.

Literal or not?



a cow!

Literal or not?If I don’t pass this class, my parents will kill me.

Literal or not?It rained cats and dogs.

Literal or not?I’m soooo hungry, I could eat a horse.

Literal or not?•Ducks Devour Sharks•Buccaneers Flatten Patriots•Lakers Terrorize Mavericks•Dons Trample Saints

B. Catholics are not Biblical fundamentalists or literalists.

C. Catholics read the Bible as contextualists.

D. Comparing fundamentalism with contextualismLiteralists or Fundamentalists

Look at the TEXT ONLY

Interpret the Bible WORD for WORD at face value


Look at the text AND the CONTEXT

Context = time it was written, cultural and historical background, type of writing, etc.

Use many tools to help interpret the text.

So what Bible interpretation method do Catholics use? Are





E. Catholic contextualists study the Bible by using exegesis.

V. Exegesis

A. Greek- “explain” or “interpret”B. The critical or scholarly explanation of a Bible passage

C. the process a scholar (exegetev) uses to explain what the passage meant in its original context ( its time and

place of composition).

What did John 3:16 mean WHEN it was WRITTEN?

VI. Contextual Method also called Historical-Critical Method

A. Historical-Critical Method Elements

1. Time/culture of author2. Ancient literary genres3. Modes of feeling, speaking and narrating current at that time

CCC 110

What info do these provide?

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B. Catholics read the Bible to learn about God and find religious/spiritual truth.

C. Catholics do not read the Bible for scientific or historical truth.

D. The Church teaches that faith, science and history can coexist and help inform one another.

Not at odds with each other

TM The Bible p32

VII. Central to Roman Catholic interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures

is the concept of

“the fuller sense.”

A. “Fuller sense” means that events/narratives in the OT

foreshadow events of the NT.

B. The meanings of the former events (OT) are fully revealed/understood only in the life of Jesus Christ and the Church.

Example #1 of “fuller sense”

“fuller sense” Example #2

VIII. Concluding Thoughts

A. No matter which texts being considered, all books in Bible refer to G-d as the starting point and center of human history.

B. There is no reading of the Bible without

Introduction to the BibleNew Collegeville

Bible CommentaryP34-35


C. G-d’s divine word has been revealed in human words

and is an artifact of human culture containing

signs needing interpreting.

Introduction to the BibleNew Collegeville

Bible CommentaryP34-35

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