
The best communication tools

to engage with your customers

By Survmetrics

An effective communication between your company and your customers that allows you to engage with them is the key for success.

Today, technology gives companies the opportunity to create a close link with their customers through communication by different channels. Why is this relevant? Well, an effective communication between your company and your customers allows you to engage with them, and this builds your brand and is an important step in the sales process.

In short, the more positive contact and communication you have with your customers, the more successful your sales and your business will be.

If a company doesn’t talk and interact with customers, it is not engaging its customers and It probably won't sell much, no matter the industry or size.

Nowadays, just because there are too many communication tools that lack options, this is not a valid excuse to not interact with your target audience. There are different web tools and each one can adapt to different businesses and needs.

We understand the importance of communication to engage and understand your customers, so we selected some tools that are easy and intuitive to use in your daily work. If you work in customer service, marketing or some similar area in which you have to talk, connect, understand or interact with your customers, you should probably consider implementing these tools to improve and optimize the external communication.

Social media has become an important communication channel in the life of people. People waste a lot of time in social networking like Facebook, so you should take advantage of this to make Facebook an effective channel of communication and marketing.

Through Facebook, you can show your product, share attractive and visual content for your users, make advertising, publish promotions and the most important: you can communicate with customers.


How can you talk with your customers by Facebook? Probably, through your company’s Facebook page, your customers will share experiences with your product. You should listen and interact with your customers about their experiences.

People like be heard, so when you post something, don't forget to ask questions to start conversations with them, but make sure your questions are really attractive to instigate a good conversation with your users.

Also, it is common for people to use Facebook to answer questions they may have about your product or service, You must always answer every question, either to provide solutions to their problems or to thank someone for a compliment.

Twitter is another useful social network for businesses. This is a quick and efficient channel to communicate with your customers. Here you can share short opinions, messages, links to interesting content and graphs or images about your product.


The best way to optimize the use of Twitter to engage your customers is through continuous dialogue. Invite to all your customers to connect with you on Twitter. Share your own content or content of other companies related to your product. The most important thing is that you show presence and proximity to customers.

You should pay attention to this channel because here people share their experiences, questions and problems about brands they consume. Take time to read all the comments of your customers about questions or problems with your product, then you must answer quickly and follow up on any problems.

Also, we recommend constantly searching a keyword or hashtag to monitor what people are saying about you. This will allow you to know the real perception of your customers and approach them.

Maybe this is the most intimate way to establish communication with your customers because the e-mail is still a very personal mode of contact focused on a specific person. Through this channel, you can earn people’s trust and communicate confidentially about a determined issue.


The key to use email in an intelligent way and to get better results is to provide value in the content or body of emails. People do receive many emails every day, and some of them will probably end up in the trash because they don't catch the attention of users in the first instant.

So, try to write attractive emails. Avoid writing long emails where the content is either ambiguous or invalid. Focus on the subject of the email, choose an interesting headline that grabs attention, and use clear and easy-to-understand language. Customize emails so that customers feel a more personal relationship.

If you want to continue a conversation with a customer regarding a specific issue, we recommend that you close your post with a question, which invites your customer to respond with a subsequent email.

Another way to use email to communicate and engage your customers is via newsletters. You can send weekly, monthly or quarterly newsletters with updates, news and promotions about your product.

Today, the internet is an accessible source to get information about a specific topic or product for users. People usually turn to the internet when they want to compare brands, to know features and benefits of products, to learn about new releases or promotions, or just want to learn about a specific topic.


For this reason, it is a good strategy to give to your customers a place to find information according to common interests with your product. A blog allows you to share news, tips, updates and interesting information with your target audience. It is an excellent opportunity to connect with your target audience, to position your brand and to provide added value to your customers.

In addition to driving traffic to your website, through the blog you can encourage people to talk about your brand and also they feel connected to the company and with people who are behind it. You can answer questions your customers have, listen to their comments, and sometimes they can give you feedback too.

Often one reason why people don't complete their purchase is because there is not someone from the company available to answer their questions in real time.

This happens mainly in e-commerce companies, however all companies should revolutionize the way they communicate with their customers so that they feel that someone is always there to listen.


Using Live chat on your website is an excellent alternative to building a good channel of communication between your company and your customer.

By having a conversation in real time, it allows you to create a better user experience because you can benefit your customer directly. When customers use the Live Chat, they can expose their problems and they can get responses easily and quickly. This allows them to build a connection with your brand and to feel recognition for the attention that the company provides.

You can take advantage of this tool if you ensure your team is trained and will respond with a good attitude. Also, your Live Chat shouldn't be too robotic, lt should be more human and provide assistance in a warm manner.

Surveys are an easy and reliable way to get information directly from your customers. This is an effective way to communicate with people and get feedback about your company. With surveys you can ask specific questions about information that you would like to know.

How can you take advantage of surveys? Remember the 3 C’s: be curious, creative and careful.


A curious person always wants to know more and more, and always is looking for something new to learn. Being curious in business allows you to know and understand your customers. In the end, a successful sale is relational to knowing your customers and their needs.

Creativity is essential when you are thinking about making a survey. Today, people receive surveys from different channels and these surveys use the same old tired questions that everyone asks, are very boring, and don't provide something different.

So, to stimulate your audience, create a survey that catches the attention of your customers, captures your brand, and get the information that you need.

Also, you should be careful with questions that you create. Don’t waste your time or the time of your customers with unnecessary questions. Focus only on the information that you need, so your survey will be short and easy for your audience. Take care with your words and the way you talk with your customers.

There are multiple web platforms for surveys in the market, however, we recommend you use a flexible, attractive and easy to use tool.

Survmetrics offers this and more, and you can create amazing customized surveys and analyze the results with powerful analytics.

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Don’t miss the opportunity to get closer to your customers, they will always have something to say or to ask and you must listen them. If you are aware that quality, speed and opportunity of customer service are crucial elements to engage, connect and understand your customer, you are going to create a long-term relationship with happy customers.

You can learn more about connecting with your customers for creating long term relationships using 6 simple rules. Read Six golden rules for connecting with your customers successfully.

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