Page 1: The Absedy Alphabet ISBI Challenge-University A

The Absedy Alphabet ISBI


University A: Dig It

Page 2: The Absedy Alphabet ISBI Challenge-University A

Welcome back to the Absedy Alphabet ISBI Challenge!

Aislin: “Is this where I’m going to be living?”

Yeah. Well, as you can see, It is time for the very first University of the challenge. And…

Aislin: “Do I have to keep wearing this?”

Aislin, I know you’re new to this, but this is where I introduce the chapter and talk about last time and..

Aislin: “To who? No one else can hear you.”

You know what, forget it. Do you have a problem with where you are living?

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Aislin: “Well, no. I was just expecting a wall. I’ve heard Mom’s stories.”

Oh, well, this is university. You don’t have to deal with being on a giant lot. This is a bin house, but later you, or your decedents, will be living in a nice mansion for university.

I’ve also decided that you will be going to Uni alone. I might change my mind later for future generations, but I’ve just been really looking forward to just focusing on one sim and no one else's needs.

Aislin: “You are long very long winded. Can we get me new clothes now?”


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Uh… on second thought, you might need to wait on that a bit. I kinda spent most of your scholarship money to afford this place and you need a few essentials. Like a fridge. And a bed.

Aislin: “Great.”

Well, you can always dig to get some spare cash for an outfit.

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Aislin: “Totally taking you up on that offer.”

Good, cause you only have enough for a fridge.

Aislin: “Wonderful.”

You know, you are much more optimistic about digging than your mother was.

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Mr. Humble: “I’m fed up with leaving computers on everyone’s doorstep. Not only is it a pain, but I’m running out of money! And most people just sell the computer anyway.”

Speaking of which, Aislin grab that computer and hawk it. The simoleons are calling.

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Oh, look at that, it’s June! Er, I mean, um…*hovers over sim to read name* Beatrice Bradshaw. With a name like that I need to marry her in to my ‘B’ heir.

June is a placeholder sim in Keika’s ‘The White Legacy’ which is complete.

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Aislin: “This, right?” *snicker*

Ha. That is so not you. And I know you’re joking. Aelwin maybe, you? No.

Aislin: “You’re no fun. You were supposed to freak out.”

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Aw, come on. He’s not that bad looking. What are your turn-ons anyway?

*checks* Cologne and cleaning. Not bad I guess. Wait, is your turn off really being unemployed? You’re in college!

Aislin: “What? I don’t like dead end guys.”

Uh-huh. Well, you aren’t going to find a college age guy with a job. It doesn’t happen in sims 2.

Aislin: “That’s okay, I like older men.”


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Aislin: “Woah. That guy is streaking.”

Welcome to sims university.

Aislin: “That is so gross.”

Then why are you looking.

Aislin: “That is so mature.”

I know.

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Aislin: “Why is there a llama in my house, staring at me?”

Because, one, you have food. Two, he’s the llama mascot. And three, you have food.

Aislin: “You’re very helpful.”

Your welcome.

Aislin: “I was being sarcastic.”

I know.

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Well, you and your professor are awfully chummy.

Aislin: “He’s helping me study, now shoo. I don’t want him thinking I’m crazy.”

Yeah. He’s helping you study. I don’t buy it.

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Aislin: “Ew. I can’t believe you would even think that I liked him as more than my professor.”

Yeah, I guess. You now, your interests in guys is going to be very difficult on me. More so than your mothers.

Aislin: “Your welcome.”

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Aislin: “For some reason, talking to you about that made me want to major in economics.”

Are you insane? I’m taking an economics class right now, so I know you are insane.

Aislin: “Hey, don’t be mean. Everyone can like what they like.”

… your right. Sheesh. Now I’m being chided by my sims. What’s next?

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You tell that cow mascot!The cow burped at her, and so she belched right back. Haha!

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Wait, what?


How did I end up underneath the ground?

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Oh good. She is finding people attractive. I was worried there would be no one. That would have been fun. Not.

The picture would be closer, but for some reason my cameraman mode doesn’t like that corner I guess. The picture on the last slide is what keeps happening when I get closer. Oh well.

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Aislin: “I just can’t seem to get the toaster pastries right.”

Oh right, those are what you burned a few chapters ago. Well, good luck next time.

Aislin: *sigh*

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So, how does it feel to have your first semester of college under your belt?

Aislin: “Like I need to go to bed. Who has final exams in the middle of the night? Really?”

I feel you. Go get some well earned rest.

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Aislin: “Hi professor Alex.”

His first name starts with an A? I almost want to marry him in just because it matches.

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Aislin: “I’m not being very interesting, am I?”

Well, you’re a college student living alone. It’s kind of hard to be interesting. On the plus side, your making better food than your mother ever did.

Aislin: “Thanks I guess.”

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Points Summary PointsBeginning Point Total: 6

Current Point Total 6

Well, that’s it. Uni is just getting started and this is the last of the super short updates. See you next time for, hopefully, the rest of Uni. Happy simming!

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