Page 1: THE 1-YTEST NEVVS. .>« >»..Sf,Wb,,M.%ntM. …...ftafinrtff etonceu. to ADT_at.n_n_it8. mgmm^miomly tocall tha auautk.o of baataeaa maa m£. ^ffl-rt Ibaetieohuk* ofTaa Tmaraa,fabUebed

ftafinrtff ADT_at.n_n_it8.

mgm m^mi omly to call tha auautk. o of baataeaa maa

m £. ^ffl- rt Iba etieohuk* of Taa Tm araa, fabUebed bB-

mm to teerteee tbeau Qtat Tbb Tribtwb ta tba very beat

m^titme tt whirh to adre-taa. A_hrert-*euie-_t* taeeried ln all

,f moodttiomot Taa Taiaraa, artU reaob over two hnadred^ al^ly-eta tboaeaael aobeiiibeta, aad probabiy a niiUion aad

a_,i# «f rrilira. »1 an alpeiiea »o tbe advertteer rt »nly 81 Ttl

¦er Haa. laaidr.r-r- agrtenliaral Impletnaot Mannfaetarara

Haratr/CBaa, Cattle aid Horaa DeaMra and a, other* bavtng any-Ibfeig ta aail wil. Aad tt i* ib»4r tat«re*t to advartlae ta Taabaaaaaraa aa aBraitriaiBa ¦* tbb bbw-tobb bau? Tai»nra.

QnUaary Advarti-auiente, claeelbed under aoproprtate beada,l»>iaU per tba* eaeb Wwartion ar Two Douir* par Hoa permmmm

txett _n_cB aoan* 4._.B_t-B k uaa.

8cai-VN'aiBLT Taiaoai.Obbibabt A_.vaur.etaa.Twa.tT.rna Cbtti a Ilae, aaeb

taaertiea.Im.{AdverttaeBicit j- P.m Cun a Une, eacb lniertloa

Tai t.'a_t_.Li TaiBirn.Oa_.__.aat ab»bbti*i__.*1 18 a line. _B»**b_BB. kt

a_-ert_e*i*atl_>-n,d lt, ib* VV eac. 1 TaiBr-.^^«_L»* tbe New. Coluaui prebaed by werd |Ad»e_-_ae-

¦eat].81 M> a Ut* eaob l_.«ertir>o

OiaorvATuiB o» Taa TauB.aa. krmt _», 1888.

Cptre *»*$¦aarTotb.t__._.7 [.eoraeaa.'"""'",|3Krnia. *y.**Xenn.aaoe.*}DeleaaeT* .861Diatnctof Colutnbla.101VVeahinfta-B Tenitory.158I'tedh Territory.ia*.iem Bronm.H*la»aa. «.I_n.ilai_aa.81aoctb Carolina.«8l labauia. H-a-orgia.a.44-ouib Gaioliaa.86__a*ia*ippl.**lor.d». T.rkeaaaa. IMaw Meiioo. Iherokae NaUoa. 8

Dak<*_. Territory. .KorMaa.»1


Uttaaia.U."»labaai.uaa*Wa laabi.i*'?IOWB.. J.**U____a_-__b_____M__U.I W.TW___» «_^_-B* B_a.tmmmr*tmmt a

Miofaiaaa..,"p*Coaaaeraoat. ».«?rjmimlm..... '¦<M__B___la. "¦**fUwHeanpeJitre. }»'VewJecaey.«.»Mtb-Mat-.»wvja_aaa. ...a-1-*____- lalaad..« 21-'r-H^-. l,S_»Mtaaotifi. '.<*.Oiaaaa. VaUerjtem*. *» CiaeoLeTton.

.__N.>«_>»..Sf,Wb,,M.%ntM.¦aai: tVeebly.88 kVX

T,_> ,..,......«........................WC.,7!__Addreaa II <ba.b Obbblbt a Co., Tritn-oa Bulidiag*. New-



Haaaoa oloaiDg-pnrea greally redueed. Will ik-U iriy eitenalre,meeertui, ut of t*a') w « laalnonabu. Cl. .-Bis*. re -Ax inadav ln

o^r»VarieCy, adtaU l.. Ol, and et l-aee p.ioeathaii any other___a.i-i_.-.,.. .a i hi-diau'a __.perlui.nt not .axielled.w_«_.ii_____. u». *.

^ f 4| ..__._._ Nl>fc v, .J.J 73 Bowery.The laigeatt atorc U. tiie eity.

Japan..Prmee UiKJzeii-iio-Kauii ia u p iuce- in-8*ed lt ia r.aoo e.i tbat he ha» __a_l- .¦. ik i»l requeet tba*Le ahall be ptovid-d v> Ub one of ol'* 8 ,.,.m-t U a ia K^"-.lorue. td lieadaa;, e_,0 1-ullo.i ai ah, old b- p_lro',__«d by ev-

..r.bodT Hla ligbt atraw t.xwlauix llAieerr juat uu* a.l tbe

rage. 1ot llabti.. ?. beaaty of deatfii, audgeut.ale_e|a___a,tbaaSbata aie beioto UeBC_Tbe Iktiri *T~of the latfl D. L. Tltiiii.i., Busi-

neeaMaoager *Dd PartueriutLe 1. ta hrm ol Li ary k Co. (di»-acivtd *'ebxuur> i, lacn-), Laa Ue^u tiaaaferred to

No. ¦'**." BMI'AB*tAT.. bere Ial* friend* ai d thoae of bi* *_>u* can be iiiited »iib atyleiof H*ib, t ara, boiTiiAi* Siibaw _umi_>*, fcn adapt d to allM-aeooe'tad e-liu-atie Tbe pre.aiit a*aoriini-iii ol auiniuerI,, .5* i* oompJeie end i.litutia* all tbe ooveltie* of tbe M-aeua.

T-*m>., Dein-r-_

_.l.M*l-__t 8HOCi AND'ATKtiee, No. l!l Ful-oi. i.L and No Mi. Uroedway. offvr* a

aaperiol aaeoitoieot ot line 8mob», of the lateal atyle*. aad hgntt$ a gaaaaojer,

I ,'i»oub trnuhled »i'h lei.der feet abo'nJ _ive hini a call. Afcral tate aaaorUi.tit oi _>uia' dtf-<aa of Ij.* owu uiajnilacture.

l.Aiiv Kf.adhis e.i 1 hk'J Kim xi.(iuit.-rr.»,tH1 Uiln, 8,ipBaid'l i.Bfc, <i,d »ltt, boye'. Mineee .aiidChil-tlieu'eB eUai^lbaoea aii »lyU-*aud f»ricea, st Millbb li Co.'a,Na. 88. Ca_u.l et._

KHMUVAL.Bail, Blaib tt Co.,

Ia rae-eti-g tbeir old pitunaea, coriier of Broadway and Murray-at, wiil claae for a few daye. preparatory to opeun.g their d«jt

8to_a. lonier of broadway aud Pnuce-.t. of wliii-b due aaaaawiil t>e givaa. _.ew-\ork, June 14.1860.

Opax Destai.lina.A deligl.tttl

TIlllTll- allK,Made only by J. '1. Sh.vv I'lilltdelphia. t\ bol.Baie l.y H. Hiviuaii, New-York.

Thi; Laxokxt 6aikin New-York.The cel> braUni iaule by IIikkm, for Meair*. Bail,

Pl.-_._ilo, aiad wiiirli 1 i.a\e taken in part payment lor Lli.ia. I IIILLBD ai.ll \\ Kot'hHl Ik,-!. HtlBn. Thla _a_lr is lorm B et a very low pri.e, aud oiay tie aetu at IdLLUfl S._ra BudHowaa8tAB_aaii_.-l_AiB8i.HB

Khamk K. Hi.wk,No. 8C« Broadway, N. V.

B&0»K'* COMlAi. >MUii;T__ FUtE/.KK...8 tmmt.»8 a_ j e _._.__.88 8

aSu.,1 . »io|.-l«uait. 4 8^C. ao VV. Hkowb. Mapuf-ut-ifa*, txo ttl Pearl-at., N. V.

tiftOVfi*. *%. l_otK__H B ttt-.<-,_-LUSSJfAB L. 8BWlB_a.MACB_.l_M.

Thb iia.i ib Cib.Ra. 4_8 Broadway, New-Terfc.

N',_ 188 Kui'-un et., Brooklya.

Wiaaaujt 4 V\i__»..f» _. 6t»_h-^.___ACHi_«__s.. Wa preler- tbe-ao loi tau-li. new."..'fribuut." Tbag ete tbe faTcrlt** lor faiuiitoa.".ITtiuw

i.dita, No 108 Br._dw*y, New-lorb.

Wiui»l & GlBIltl'b -SKWINei-ilACUtlNK." I. » puaU_ *o__u__a_lloiB.".( bo.Uau ll.ju.-r,pt" lf Biee____le_itlv adepteO to fuiull* <ttr " [YUli kxe JOBIPriea 8*8 *a_«_u'>o__ ho aa. nroadway. opp St Nicholae'

OcoaueB. bLOA-r A cn. a Cki_i_bhati_u Lli.ip-(10 .*-.-.-_. TUOH A*-- SJUl I'.I.B .-aaa 1 IMellnH l_B

li tt C0U..B*. No. 4*0 Broadway

FaAUULBS going U> the cmuitry, who wiali toaare niirth.Ba Moae, aud Utmi Ibruld uuj on, of the

" CATA KAtT W Aaa I Mi-MAl H IB B*. "

Eablbltioii ano _rt*ar'e»*. N» 4-. ria- epwat._l'HC»H>SIO.\AI..

JoeBCA t. Bbipoe, m t', oBatai_i pgofaBd .nal aanioaa atbU n-tdeoce lu th. Oiaeteibe g.>.»d c J .nat.tute k. ui_diiu!e..>o.X aukDKT, ^^w-1olk^ui.ri.i .and uiaeaae* ol IVoiuen,ol »».r> dea.'ri|_:loii, l _**u_u|_lloB, tuiCbtouic Dirn.-nltie* ure

Piad. a et_cuity. .Ud a,t ~ ll.i.l.y end elUCoaafllUj treelrd.ttt I, v.iiueeubi-r.lig.rou. tbrat co.uplujnt*. oi w iion.aj, requireBeiUlul tr. atmeiii ai.u c* a la .Hba «. im.r ol coaUne*. be teiaia.d ui tbe lu.utute, at r,-_j,..i,ai.le charg.-«. ineh_» lo k leail. _at»*__ja:

" ma lir.eie_._.rg Iuatit ae i* a

larga. f-Ui-*;or>' edin. e. u_i, lurnwind, airy. coiu.uodl«.u». eou ly B0_p e. in etri. le.pnt. f..r tlie accaii'ino-

dation ol tho a . I.eiii.. Iroin U.e aaoac ur Uom hroum di-eaae*,or for thoae da*.,Ing g.iatra.e .i tk il at lini- o' c.uhueuit-nt.aud wbo may wUb to e.eil tu- uiaarlv, * ot iu quiet aud aetludodqua taia 'il.a.netiti.:. ia u.d rtbeouarg, oi i.r .!. f. iiu.oue, I'byaiiieu.agri.tU-.u.aiioi tu-r ,:,gb knowledgeaud aiikt piBi-t.a e.»jie le ee

" ai.ii'.iare regardiui; ta-ruie,Ar b d bj eddrtB.ii^iiiiu, alNj. J Uu..i.-»r, iNeir lurk.

.sakaiikia i_mpiri;« V\ illa-.M IK.kli K I,. I nMlklia WaTBB

Tbe _. mpue >* Bter Kwauowiedg d uy eneuiue*. puyeloiaoind ouauliaW*, to Uj *.->«_,<r t-.a .m«ieee av .tor ltoont_l_

b' t.,w e,. W. U aaTvB k ma..*I*ew ' "' .Uieto.a Spnng*. tt. Y.

WhdbKY..s T.'sn-i > Kknticky Salt Rivkb.OVBBOB aold by aJ Dru_»..t.. UbmbmabACo^

Noa. ml da*l »,i, aod" * Kro^dway. N. T.

BATCHBUrtt'b rU.h Utfc, Wte aud T^aFaowtr Na. I* bo.d-.i r,f*<* fOnuo* t-r ladt-e Tbe OyeappUB le 'be al. ligh i. ~»________________" bAJUt-rVl _iiC.ePM___a.oc_. i* tbe oeet _u*d oueopeat.*.¦._. tor Dro»lua. HaauOl,^ Cle.u.l.ia Curliuf .''r^*'mjm "e-metit'rt^ai- L -di_- c* .' *>"¦< by iMigglaaa

t_rAt_ulNe- H PKI.PAKI-D Ui.UB." Brerybody aboaid ba.e a bolVe .- iTnoana«i.-i%lai*_ by H. C 8e*Lu.>B k Co.. No. « Cadar-atpo»e-at)u'« add»eaa, boa ra<> 8 'OU._


H T. BaBKriT 8 _.eiue«iitiain» hOKT 6oaP..Oueaoa Bi'Jil. Umalnnx be* BoA -«c_..p. by aloij-ly adding hat water

l?Z .tr. e fTberal dl-a-ount . iW ¦_ No 78 '^ -ahi^gtoD*.Thi _jTE_t._oa4.oPii Emvokium.

%. Atrtuoxx, No 401 BroadwayCatalejraaa aaal ea ie..ipt af Statap Prer^grapbk materlala^V^g^^a^ **" Q^-.» 0**»* T-*M-


lUm.lta Diac-ai-c-i", Lliai'gc "1 t'olor, tluir Y,u-. tr^au-diarwury b> 0_iA>B;BAie l-toyeare'i-apen-4 |«ec,tg*.), AM.U pieor, ur*tj>^mdxrny._|_|Hn.PHO'H Ki.asti. Ly.o ami Hand.

Tbr*" »nii»**d *_l>-ti'me. for loat fciuba aajra uoea beenaaled ft,, -T yeara. aud l-ea,- ba-eu *ulp *»ed Made oulyby V. utbattrmu, lniautot ai J la_*u__e. _»«.. iU Broadway.

¦ Mra. Win .U-UW,Bxaaf>eVtriBO-*iNu_*» *-'d KeiueU Pt,.iii-_i, baa a SooTBIBBfcari^-B Caitr-BBB iBaraia... whfcb g.««»ly fa<tliiale» tbaZemce** rt Ta^bL* by ^itei.ii.g tbe g iia. and reua^lug *U tu-K__r^7iia..,-*ettl aDay eil put jo.dl. eiualo the leoaa 8. B_oabeiall »lllpati,«u ya tearlaea te-

tZTuA keZZk to yvul to^aina. trnttxetl* ,rtm tk Al uaora.

Hutt-tTrt botxU oiaeetd e.ari ,.ar to Ua Uailad Ua-eldMed »«U-l.i-dr.-_u d.

¦aaa jeaeifce aalra* cba Iaa *t» Ue «f iinnrtt k tnnxutt,B.-TbU ou the roilBlde^W^ .1

»oU by Dru«i-'a tbr.'..fli.-« ba ¦»___¦_"" Dr."MA_UaH f,,,tl.,ue. to 8ppl> tyfrW^tM*beP*e .

.ttfxm riitfk* rt Tlt-rfyiu f>t itu.-t¦-.*far- *«h "><¦ ¦*. * fllHl ta prl-rte rooin. uithmg

oooeceoojvt-trjo<yoee*>9<>tr0<>otoeoot)^^t i

B in lob'b

'oe<>oc)oaeyc><>e^o<>e>e>o(^<vo-<M>ooo<>w ooooooooooooo

Bailoc'i Patb.itI-H-lln-B., FbBNC'H Yl'KB BttlKTI,

Patr i.b <d Nov.mber 1. lKi-A Naw Stwb i.k SiiiiiT, WeKKAiaiBn t. Fir.

8rr.tby.»p-*atoany part o' tle t.ilt.d State. upon UieLeTtZ mtt ...ail rt ll.e i'l! « taa nee.u,. ., a hkh w.ll In-ure *

fc.rf.e-l rt tor flb, a-l., ,od ga&pardsaea, Noordor forwardeJfor k«a»bar bail a doten ahirta.lle n.« .ure.aea*lollo«e: Nerk-Th. diatuire mmmi it

Yoke. Ibe tne »nn ? fiom the pniu'aiif eacbeboul 'er Hlew,

The length fiom tbe eanler ut tbe beik t" th. WTlat. will. tlieann b. nt. I roeet.DttaMB arounu tl.e bridy, nnderthiannpiteW ei»l- 1 itaiii e eround. al o length ol tba ebirtBy keLd_tig 'Le ebove i__-a_urel, *e can guarantoe a pe-rtO-t bt

af onr new atile of th* Imi-hovbD Fnie. h V._.« Sh.kt.Alao-luipoiten aud Dealer* ln Mbn'» Ki-rm.-hiio 00888.

t_ » K-HTIIII,No. 409 Broadway, New York.

Wholerale ordet* *o!l, Ut d.^_

Elegant C'ointhy Rf.mdi_.-C_-of A. M. Treud-well at Maa.aon. Morria Co.. New Jereet, will be »old at antt

lion, imm W. tlttO, c 7 H. H. Lbbdh k lo. Se* adverilaementat lenglb m thia dey'* P»l*r____

M_F_U___U»T Japonica".Dipiiy'hNf.w Pp.r-n-BB.At il'BCUry ded^lt, diettllad fro__ Japeneee floaera, diatii>u..b*d b> tl,alr muat oeUgi tf I tragrau.o By _-ie». Dirci,(, No .IH Biuadwey. bolde*erywhere._Lvon'b Maonftic

i.a«,t r¦.*.«The old and only artirlo to eiternilnata Bed Boga, Roarbea.

4nU. Qariaa laaipai, ba., witi-ut rn.a.'uI...V» Vai.sktii Piui

txteroilnate fUie Ml,e ai.d al) Venuin Bnlidlnaa Sliipabc cl.-ared by contract Ua*bbi A Pabk. No 18 Peta i.«».

uad'-ao *8» fcraadwajr. aad ao'.dbyall Draggut* and OrecaraBeware rttadletioua___________

l.adit-8 bffii-ic-d witb Piu.plt-a or Blotehea ou tbefare i-eck or.m*. will find tbai by Bl ing HoixovrAVi Pi_l_81'dOtliTi.BBT tbe erptiniie will be ep-d'ly cured withouttbe peri.itiotia efette reauitlug Cn-iu Co.uiettca.

(XiRiHlMH's lLi.i'si.E Wkw are novt'ltitri.Paitiira uii*- -ii.-ble. not iniiiigupbehind. A*y*te_uof_iie*en_e-ineuta, m t y mt1'? it gat _»> broadtva... ueai A T.t. tewart li Co.'a

Hu.l's Hair Dyb, bit 1.ent_h.Black ur Bruvmbaai ln aai Denot, No I Ban by al Sold bt all Drugfiau auj

Patep- M»di iu' St-ne. lnl__l'ahle Hair t: tdng at 1 HaHay at.

'lo iita: 1 l i.Lit'..iNunit-r-.u- poaten are- put upar, und th. ritj of F.m;bs- IVn.iK-for eale. 'ihe publi. are DO tbat Kuie>*' D.p.ti* t*o. lv_ Uro_dava», coinerol Maiden-


J. P. Po.-lie our \_ent lir KaLI Hill. Im the tttt of THBTm. E. Our Daily, Srini-Weekly. Bud Weealy Kdiliu-* *»

ln- obtaiued from him.

TO 00tt______H_8__MJ*-rt__VVeoannot onderteke t.. ret.m rete-led CoiiuonniralloBi.HC uotioeca,, 0. UKeu.,1 a....i.yiu...,B i..auu.u.a.i.Cl..a*. ""»»-

eeer la lute.ded f-r taa_aa|aa, n>.l ne e ¦t»ieiiCl'aet'd bx tbecame and addlea. ol Ui* BtlUg art ne_a»___i_y 'or pnblin*Ben, bnt ea * a',_rer,ty tee bt «uod fiith.

Bailneaa leiwra im I'hb f* er.i .tu.-rdin all aaaaa ba ee-dreaeed t" Hhka, * '.-__'-- k Cfl

The Detnoi-rhtic Nnt.e-nul Ce.uvei tion at Balti¬more did jehtt-rdb) WmW it bad duuo the» Any he-

furi-_Lcitbiirg. Tlie Cominittc-p on Civde-ntiilHwus uot ready te. it a.ljourued tn lt) tbia

nicuDinie. Tbt* " _S«.rt"* le'uder* from our _*tate atillrhhei on the b'i"k of a de risii n, and the C-.tiven-tioii *M**m thcir B'gi al. If tbey conclude* to ge.Je.r DeitiRle.. in eorne. t, they wiil vote to rej.-c-t th--.eceders at Cbarles'on wbo now claim t>_ retaketbe K_t» \Yt\ tbere i-piirued; if thc-y go tba. other

t-by, they maj fceep t. nnn witb the South, at the

eaaaaae of bieuking W.tfc tbe Nni'th-We-at. But u

new \t\iht I.roke on tkeaa paatariay, »h,-u tbey di»-

i-overed tbat, if tbe> killed Dotigla., his taru, ntfiiende were ie6olved and bMe t<> kill .Seymour iu

turn, aa that thc-y wemlel Iaf8 tlie- reivete-,1 liu:b of

their treacbery. Thiie put a diferent aspic-t oa theuialter: and it wae undi-r_tood that th.y wouldnc-w jjci stro'gbt i«r Dounlas, vote ont the aece-J^rauiid v.ite in the i ew Douglua dilegatiooa freim tbe

Cottou Stota-«; W'be-rciipon ('ottmi would holt an-Juisike a tic-ket ol ita own, ai.d D-mglaa be ni>mi-

nhted hy wbat waa left _l tbc- ConveutiDi'. Wr

judjie this the uu tt probhble di-nt»uenicbt, tb -iighour latt'Bt advicea Iaat nigLt eael _u__ie doubt up..uit. lt M etiia haidly poasible that aouie docisire

actiou khould uot _M ha_ t<i cl _y.

No tdiiff, no loan. So saul Tbaddeus ItafWM ilthe Houae of Kepte-Be-itatiee* yerate-rclay. T_8 8

«ood dot-triue, but we fear tlie Hou-*e ha.u't tlu-

pluck to s'aud up U» it.

Tl.e Ilou-8 Ot I-epreaentiitivea ye.terdny BM>

curied iu tbe Smatr'n ameiidiiient ab >1 shiug theAit Cnniui.aio t. Ti.e r.-al KBI80I of this mea»ure

we auppoatj to be tha". tbe (.omnii.-i'-uerre wvre allNoHLeri. men. Now we 'hall R8_ bac-k t«> the h n-

ejnii eiiija wten ii-tiorance aiid bad taata rrijj ,ed

bupreuif, uud whc-u igaaraiit prefeudt-t_ likeMr.Clu'k Mills |_'»t til'j thiuiaai d mOmtnttMB Ctiui;r.-aKlor a atatue not fit tu bt- aet u.

Io tbe Senate, yeeterday, the ..te po*tponingtbc Tariff lill HH Decetuber, waa reooi.aidered,but tio artiot. waa bud ou tb^ bill. It ia imt to be

auppi .fii\'ini- the S, iinte has fiuiai-iited to

t-ko it up BKUiti. that it will ln-paaaed. Ver)likelj, tbey will etnhe out all but the provieie.u tor

a liiai, i-.i.d then pan* tba', Uafiag Um wbole ejuea-tic.n af new niciina of rt-venue uutouctied. SoteneOretit a infh-ine aa thtt Taritl will not be en-

acled by tbe s.auate aa bt preaeut cunstituted.

Vtv truat tbe e-,>untrj will carefu ly coiieider tben-maih.. «f Mr. Shcrnmn nf Ohio, iu tfie H-iU'e ttKeire.entaiic.tB je--i» reluy, ou tlie atneiidmeutawl-icb llenmciatio, Seuaturaa__l Keprebeiitative*bave inee.rporbted iu tbe t'ivil Appropriation bill.

Tle) h-*»e adeleel at le«n. ttw-i iiiill.otia of dullara t .

tbe \tiarly c-xpc-Dd'tur^ nf thc U'lverciaient; andtet they n-tuKe to p'o.ide auj neav reveuue.

Beiuudlc-HH e't___n»ta_»0_ -"<* tnuiiibg in debt formtbeir pe.l.e) ; but I rtunulc-ly w» are 88 tha aaa ol

a new ttmmm, adniii.'rrter»*d bv new men.

m, .¦¦¦'

Tbe atc-amt-bip United Kingdom, wbich pa«edl'atbci-ruiatyeaterdnj. afiafl Kurope-an dutes.»

thc- -H| iiiet, bi-mg Iwo daya laU-r tban our pre.ii.iihaclMit--. A e.ipitulution bad bt-.-u cont-lude-dtietwt.ndaribaleliaiicil-anza, but the eoaditiuaawi-r.' .nd l.i.own. Tb. Kiiik oi Naple« bud inv.-k.-dtle- ipteive i.iieui of tbe five great 1'e.wet to fiuar

anU-e tbe integrity of his domiuioua. Tb.-y bad re

plied, however, thiit thc-y did not int.-nd to inter

m* in the ronflict, BmMjft, if potc-ble, to atop the

i-fliiHie ii of bleioel, wilh.iut eiditiK with either party.Tl" l.-.indun Tim** cciie-lu'le-a a full leVii'W e.l'C.a..-

baldiV proccedinga, by anying that tbe pr.-'iitiiic,nth..wi!l tui the- B-.tirbon rule in Sic-ily. The

Qreai Eaatara ariil aatl aa or haftaa tha _J3d_aai,a. it kiaaiiad tbat tl.e reaad ahaO be w New-Yvrk

in time for tha Fo-urth of July. Tbe announce-

mcct thnt tho Chincw hatl rrjccUrf tbe Krig'-iihani.Freuch demandi, ii confirraed.

Wi" tniet there ie dec oo> enoiigh left atnnng t\w

HtHti'rnaludffamrrai.f EdwaIU' lUTEsthroughout,tba late canra.i for tbe Chieago comioitmn to

tvi.ha at 1. aat tt b'ueh »9 tb.) peruee h« latter

urgingtbe aupport of Lir.c.'n and Iltm-in. Throuuhno Mgcncy, ftt no anggcetu.n of hie i.wn Mr. Wtti .

nR_ie wai preeci-ted Ibt thnt nominati >n. It wai

aamatmEmi in thc contictioti that th(> Republicitnrnuec nei'ded etti-rgthi-niii< in thc St ttci on bothsidea of the .^lave linm. a-d that hin nominationwould insnre thc required ncccie'ona. It wan

preient.d in thc hope th»t the. fnlie arcu« of

Mtrtionbli'm levclcd nt tlu* Republican party andthe bngaboo terrori of Dmunioo mi_ht at one

atrokc bt* It WEt preeented with no

tlought of rewnrdingor «er>-i>.g or l.niorini; Mr.Ilatea. but with a view to lha upbutlding nnd euc-

(.(..*** ot' Ibe Ri publuati paaae nlonc. Vct what a

general howlof dooupciation, of batred, ofdeflitnee,wae raieed by thoae who regarded the Repiiblicanpnr»y but ai a nicana of grntii) ing certain per-mnalat-pira'ion! Mr. Ra'ea wa« MMftfi by them tu

to Republican; nnd, wh.*n hi-. cxplieit letter Hw.-ptaway all pretext f r th<it aeiumpti.-n, it wai atillin.irted that he had not been long enough a

Republican.theugh he had been au avowed one at

It-u.t twice ai |Mf as Col. Fremo -t had whenni miiated at Pbiladelphia four ycura agn. Butwl at bad a party of ye&terdaj to do with eompii'--ing comparng thc diitei nt which it* eev.'r.ilmer-ibei-" joined it I A g"od gcneral ttm r nelnwhen Li* -ubahVnu erlinted rer-pertively, but inwl nt po.iti.-n eacb can eerre bim beet.

Sir. I.ateo'i atteetation of the righteo mocii andnationalitj of tbe Repubbcan cauce, and of theab lity and woith of the Republican ca'ididat* forPreridtiit, wiil hare great wctttht with tboeo vtho,with him, eupported ae VVhig* the election of Mr.Fiilinoie in 1*-.">.>. It wi'l be read and heeled in

.jnritteii wbere the word of R.-publicam of Iftifttv- uld not be >o (leepl) n_ nrded. It addi rnate-ri;i'li to tbe port**n'B. bx-mii't. on every lide, ol dii-aett-r nnd downfall to thf ineapablei and lee^heanow pulling atthe F>*dcrul Treaeur. nn if nui.-n-ioim

tbat this pull ia their 1-r-t.


Ibe IfoiiM' o' Hepre.M'i.t;itive8 hae tinally gtE-net.ied to take a half-lotf rat her than no bread with

regaidto Free H«mc..end--. It wuh hought beitt.. .ubmit to flnp nnt wrong rather than aubjectthepiuiieersofMi. liebiitaandKansaritothecalajiityol being divt cted ol the homee ¦ hich ure their all,jet which they are utterly unnble to buy ot the

(ioveriiinentiii tbe priwci t dearth of inone*. cnupledwith low pricea for their producti in tho.-te A* ue iiniltTnfi.iul it, ne tleri on odd

mbmEmtmi strtions only n'.w in |MlMa_M of PublicLandi are to ictitin their pr.-a-inption right to pur-rha-c the ijuiiitcr-section wbieti they huve raapaat-iv.-lv i-ntered at C.t._ oentapef acie, and arer.otto behauaacd bf yub'.u- hhI.k u> the Ugkaal i.i.M>*r i<ir

a period of two yeare froin the itfad-f of tliin act.liiiidK i.l fiiinilice urny hercafter oerupy and

pieempt any (|uar'cr ecchon open to private entry,ni d may p.irel.a.e the»am- nt any tune within two

teai* for thc « _^ c(n'*< per aere afortiaiil. TheB (i;;.te refti-id to nll< W -btgle men ta» occupy and

prieinpt on the nauie tciuir, uud rtluaeJ to ullowaettlen on even-i.uinnercd wctioni to preempt aud

luy their amapmnfrttkEmJgk at the reduced ratee,and tl-e Hmm -ii..- wuy on this, as on the otherpaaiutu, to aa\e whal they eonld.We do na.t ..t.jea-t to taUag thii Rl an iunta.1-

im -nt. .-i-jeiially m it iini-*t prove a heavy bl.w t<>the pre.ent _BOOO|Mi1.ata of lnr_;c IukIh-h of uinui

I'I.-m d lai.tir, and to the great __..-1;IaI.-. iu landwariiu tn. We beliew, it will nducfl the WtPtt Imii h lande and kik-Ii wiirranti very mnt_r> .llyliut, fccnileHien of ull paitice' utderetnnd th:tt thiIiill Inat ie acrcj.t d v'1') kt .".hat it ie. and of the I'rrc il.aincrtead prineiple wil'nt.t rt'st till their wh.ile ..l.jeet ia uMained. It ianot tm- pnltry ten rh Hhi_s |..*r aere hi'lierto eiaet-td (kf pioi.eerh b) Ihe (ii.ien.ini-nt ie epc'-iall*.ol'j.cti inible: it i- the tion held out to

fb-t-ataO m aiidnioti'-pa li/ete of I'uhlic Lati(Uthntii to be abolithed. Ilad Coogreei froin the fintaliow. u I'ti-n pintiter ta. OM (|iiarte.'-Kt-ctir.iii,l tl,e Tiililie l.nndn tind no more, nuthorized him t<>

pn i:ini 1. a ceiipy. tl (I iai piove it f..r ten y.-aremii tbea rn-uiicd him t . give ,sl .->.'. per acre

fur it, with interert M the r.ite ol tt u

p( r cent. thrreatler uutil paid, the policyUiiaht huie I'.en ( rigoroua, but uot

Idigliting. Hut aliow ing anybod) to biij up five,tei, twenty, fit'ty ttiousiud a^rci of PaMk Lainl-for ten Vork eh lling" per acn.or, with LandWairfltatr. i.t | tmt of,t^ve to e-ght ihilling-i.andh(-'d theaa lande piata and aaaUn i-tUaattlNwatmd iiiiprou nn nt ar> ui.d tbem ehitll btjrt rai.a.-.ltri. ir \aluc to tive, len, twenty, thirty dollare p-racie.thie ie tle crying eilol'our pa-t tym\tm\ii il lor t ne thc bill jnft enaeteil arl.-nla but n

pattiol r.-medy. " P.tb ic Iiande fcr th.- I.n (lleai "

.inat for th"* nionopolirti and f irentnll'-re of wholeeouiati.e.thia ie th* csra-tice of Um Kepublieandemand; ai.d it will have to be conc-iled. Thel.lacei now fil ed by Mrsira. Thim-on of N. /.,EHgtev of I _ , BrifM of Ind., Rice of M'nn..(.wm of Cal., and Late of Oregon, are eoon tn

know them uo more torei'T, und will be lilled bymen v\bo real/e and (Jeplore the ctiIi wl.ith not

oiily the New Stat.-H nnd .'eriitoiiiR mt rhe wholf

couiitry tauUer-' irom Land Mouopoly. Lat nn o-ie

.It-utt that thi neit kmjttM will eee theai falyai d lina'Iy overeome.

i tprniKii AiBinsw.

In the Inti Icbatc in tl.e upon Mr. Wil-mm'i pr..po«iti..u to buy & number of !i^dt-dr<tltitenmere tol.e empl fti on th." eoast oi Aflrtea in

ii| |iii*M-,iiig the elew-tradc, the coiiilin-t riiiil tlieiiii'ii.e of Gieat Hiitain iu rahti«D %0 tbat mi'<-

jert were M*ry frecly impugned lt wa- tveu iu-hiiiii led that IiiiUin winkcd at the elav.vIrmit and eecrelly eucoufagul it, mttmmmm*gteupplyniK ber tropical cloiiiee with liborerx. Itia amamtmmmmEj true that Ita Mricana rapturedl-\ ih.- Hritin-h crtiiecr*. are nen' rothe BfttU eo!-.-

liies, bul tl:.* iiuiiiber in mneh too ..mail t,» inak-»

any itiat.iial additioii to the euppl) of laba.r. Be-eidt-s, tlu I'lie-tioii recuri., What ter di-p-witinnc. uld be made of thtee uufurtunate p* reoi a i*

Tl,i- itaMiiiiatia.n that tl.ey bie uiadn elavee ofia utterly groundli-ea. Thc negroce in theIlriiirh colonier are fi.e, an-l the eaptured Africanibere in thi* freedom. It ie trua that tbey are putund.r ind.-iituree.the adulti for thre* yeare, an-lll.e i liildien for longer periode.but Ihe etup.oycriare aubj- cted to very etri-geut rcgulatioim. TheMM unt of labor tbe) eaa rn-u re iietricth luniU-d,nnd th.-> ure obliged to p»> to thoie iiuleutiireilluboretb the rume w.tgee w Uith tl.ey pt> for ti.,-

tumouiuouiit oi worktv Uioea vs1_j uru uaiudcu-

tured. There ia no part of the world in which thnrelaiiona of einphyer and employed have beenroude tbe aubje.1 ti aurh roicote legi. Iation aa inIhl B.itiab Wrrt Indiea, and in no part of thew.uld ia the Itcborer better pre.teeted in hi. rigl.ta,wbc.ber b) Inw, or from the d.-ieire to aec-un. undretain bia aervi.ea. On ab plantationa on whichinden-uicd lubort-ra aro employed, thoy muat. betuiuiebed with bouaes in addiuoo to their wigei,aid the owner ia n-ejuired to hrep up a pUntationko-pital, at hia own expenae, aud under tho auper-liaion of gc.veri,ment officer., in whieh, wben aiok,ibe indentured laboiera areei.Iitled to g'nt.iiioiiHtreatnient. There nre, no doubr, aeriooae bje-ttiona, in add.tion to the heavy coat,to lending bBck the liborated alaveato Aii iea. The deinand for labor, nnd the numberof per_ot__ nble to pay wngc., in the colony of Li-ln iiu an- limitc-d. Tlie Biitish Go .ernment would,i.,. de,iibt, be ready to- make nn urraugc-ment for

tian.lerring to her .Ve.t India Qtmrnmn all the

ripliiic-d Afric-aiiK wbo ma) full inteu.ur IiiiiicIh, andtbe ii _.obitant», out ottmm* to incr.-a.e tin- niitn-

bt-r ol their luborc-ra, we.uld even be ready to payall the fspenwa of the tranafc-r. 1'iidcr thia tjt*tc m, tbe liberated Africana would be accure of beingl.-c ke-d after till they hud ncepiin-d the rudiment.ol e, and would be certain of wagea Biifti-e-i. nt to iimiiituiu theui, to aay nothing of tbey would enjoy, in common with the bodrot the- laboren*, uf accumulating property andri-ing to a clegre e of nocial coiD-dcratioii.

1',, Se.uthern 8enator. are aati.ficdtbat Great Brit-aiu wink. tl the alave-tnide, contiiiiiance, as a menii. of aupplyingln-r oisii <-...,nie. with labor, nominally free, but

ii-ully senile, there tl a ve-ry easy way of counter-

wcikii.'i! her in that matter. Tbe alave-trade, atpn m.t, i_ alino.t ___ll__ih_l-| our trade. e\.rrii-ilon in veccHel- fitted out in our ports, chiefly bere iuN. w-Vork. and c-onel'ic-tc-d our flag. It i«,il.i nl, ir, in our power; nnd imt only thnt, itaa8pi_T.88.on in a buaineaa which devcilveaapecially onua. lt if qu_teab_urd to complain of Great Britainfor nd prcu-iitiig tin- embarkatioii of .lau'8 inAine-iic-an .hip_. Nhe haa no lifU to do that. AnAu., runn .e, now nline_.t nlniie emp!n)e-diu tbia bnainc ka, may take- in a <.lave carco underIln- vi-ry 8888 tt n Briti.h c.', and all mIh- <-;m

dn io tn hunt np aome American ship e.f war, whichaloB8 h8l any authority to interfere. Se. in the con..

ol tlie- landing of slave-.. on the- coaat ol (,'ubu. Nolli it ir h crui.'i r haa any right to ¦___¦ an American\t Kiel _o tmployed. SurcH tbe Senate ounnot ba.efort-otteii tbe coraplainta made by Mr. (.av8 on thiI.eore, and theeonae'ejuent withdrawnl ofthe Britiaheruipeis ln m the coa. ts of Cubu.Ac tle trnde _tands at pre.ent, Great Britain i-

wl.nll) utiali e to Iii ing it to a clo.c. Sh-- haa putI at,,p ti, it e-n the part of Britieh vessels. Underimt (8 With Spaui, rtu-'Ugal, aad other .Sfate-_,rLe hae e iruipt 1 ed rhipa of tbu.e nutiona to g've itaa* Lu.e alwajr, nte .dily rff.ieed to « nci-deut y Bataal n_i,t ot aa-arrb, and with .hip* bearing.ur <_*« ahe ba I no right to interfere. We hateii-foatt-d npon oor own cxt-lti. ivo right to euf.trcei-ur cwnla»a. Let ua do ho. Let mprovide nnavalf.rcc- of tf>e de. c-riptum tecile-d on tho ttrttt ot

AMii-a. l.e t us txeiciaea due aupervUi-in over the.itt i g nnt of veaaela de tined fur, andGteat Britain wc.u'd have no

in tht r opportunity of Mffdying her colonies withtle h.bor ol captured Afiic_na.

i III Itt II A\D hTATE.By the la<» 8 of our State. any ck-rgyman in ri-^'n-

b.r fitandiig, u well a_ any ci-il uiugis.rate, iaaiitl e-ri/ed to perfoim tbe- inarriay" ct-retuoiiy, Mthat auch ceremony nhall be regarded uie valid by the 8tate-. Tl.eee law. furtli.r M_)jalra« ve r\ pir.oi. wbo cball marr> a cmiple to i;ive no-

he-i- e,t xueh marriage to the fttmit re.-ordintri flic.-. oi ib.- i-exiiitj, to the end that a legal record

I -i.-h iniiiritiKe ahall ai.d be prt-.rried, iiaiidult nt pretenrei> of marriage, lalictficatinnsi.lihedate ol celcbiatioii, Ae., may be cxpoai-dui d drtcatt .1.

'II. r* law 8. cniB to ua emitieatly proper, uaeftil,ne ce i- ry. The iin-rc mi-eluting of a marriage ma>tr;inMer M e.tate of a uiilliou dollars Irom the

rightlul c *nerH to purtieH ci-Kiiizaiit of and itmti- tl.e fiaiid. Ai.d, while it i_ d.nibtle_8 true

lhal ihc-re an- ctaete in which p.rtieH may havet-i'KC-nt rcii.On. fe»r tmUUtg to (int.'-dnte their mar-

rtf|*a. wLllethe pbhl'C- nn.iit m*tt no i-pecial r.-a-

*on to defeat tlic-ir eflort» to tbia eud, lt i. cb-arthut tbe public record* of ought to betrue, complete, uiiii.ie_tioiial.le. Let therebe- to onneceateary bl-zoung tt the fact tbatM^. atid Mra. So-and-So were murric-d a ttWiii.,i.tb«liiter tban tbej ahould have been; but lettl ii.itnal date of their marriage be rec-orded iutin- public archiiea, no tbat, hi caae that diteabottld ever become iinportu t to the ar.cert.iiu-n.ent atid \indicatbn of Ifgal righta, it may beiniide mat ite * t beyond cjueHlion.

Aie-Urirhi-p lluglic*, in birc recent mani't.-to,_p| iar.-: imt to havc well e-on. idered this matter.He d. ea not aeem to bave appre.-iate-d tlie reanon.

ior, and tbe cltar neceeaitr l,t, aome lepal ree-urd ot"etie h marriace. lt he will but review the suhjee-tcu.inly. be will reali/e- thnt the nect-..ary effect ufhi- c.uitiiii.acj \\i!l tt to rei|iiire here, as inCatho-Us France, tar© _aarriagai iuataadof onc.¦ ci..lirii nage brfore tn-uic State fnne-tioiian mi a.lditiuuto the reli«i.-us m*\m*ft bi-lore or b> u hi* itivirlreo dmible expenge, trouble, paradeseihibiiiou, and botla-ration ueueral y. We tru»tt at the Archbi. hc-p will recemaidtT tbe aubject,ai d c eiili-rm to the Inwa: for be may re_t mm*t*ithat the law8 w.ll tot ha confo-med to bi< whiin.Ne on Lit> part might be excused; butdi liaiu-e will Hiin-ly l.e; e.\.-rlioriu-. The Statt- ofNtv.-Vn k haa no dnire to ttMTtti with nor

op] leaa bim; but be m i .1 i."t aai up for un o.t.u-utn ua luw-breakt-r and eapet-t imp.iuity iu thataltitude. \\i fe-i-1 nire thut he hliK mi.takc-u thej brpoaa and ae-eipt- ol tt-e law, and will recede frombia m >ht unte-iial,!e- pn-iiion.

I.1H I ll l II.I ttl I »t HOVKHE-VT.

According to tl.t- Ni-w-()rli-an. papern, an emi-gratie-n ot ttMrnmi fiQibttatara i-< goiqg ou fromthut city to tbe Baj I_lui.d.. lt i« e-ie n ulb*gedthat AValkt-r biniec-lf ib B8JMSI lha nitiuber <>f llie-M"Idtitituren. 'I he imim-diute impulae to th.. emia

grui>n ia the di8coi;tent of the inhabitantaj\ithIbe late tre-aty hmiafcfTiaf tim i- i.bindie fru.n(iit-at Britain to Ile nd. ra., and their ibpoattioalo make u furcible laalatattca tu uny e-x,-n-i_e e. fiiutLeinly over theui ou tti. part of thut Republie-.It ih not to be auppo.'ed, however, that it ia meregyn patby witb tbe Bay 1-landeri- by wbicb theaend.i-nturera are nupi-lled. Any aaaiatanee wbiebIteyiiiH) rerder in eatabliahing the iinl,!eiii.-of the Bat lehmdawill doabtleaa bt. for an idej.-e-teil Ibeir nwn. Tlieae i*!and_ might itideed form an.i, t ei-ii.ti.;i.|,t point wlii-nr,- tlu- tillibu-trri,|| . i,

|8l|8jaa l_|pll4CHMlB___>»a_B|fMt Wm\M u*}P*mmr*i\

Arma nnd men might be collected there withontnt j violation of tha neutrnlity lawa, and the near-

isc-aa of the idnndi to the mniu land would alTordevery facility for eudden attack. A war l/etweenthe Bey Irlnnde and Hondura* migbt indecd funii-ha colorabl-* ground for invading the latt**r territory,nnd for nttemptiiig to renew there the ayxtem of

>.i i(.ic-l and occupntion whicb failed in Nienrngua.The aaaEk n of the Buy Inlande to Hondtirae wai

the work ol our Government. We inii-rted npoTiit na n_oeir-ary to carry out the provixions of the!uer treaty, nnd thc Briti'liOovenimentreltictniatly yieldcj to our demandi. It would bcon iinlucky circuniHtance if the rcnult of that ceirtion.hould be tbe convcreion of thoec ixlnnd* into a

depot for fillibunterri. Yet nothing npjt-earH morelikely. It wan probably, among other thin/ze, withk vitw to prerent mth an occurrence, that theBritiah crown fonnnlly aseuined thnt authoritywhicb, at our demnnd, ehe bae coniwrited to aban-don. For H«»iidura« to vindicote ber right to gov-enmeiit, eonceded by the late treatyf againet theMtttimbU of the inhabitaiitr", backed by micli aidaa tbey might receive from New-Orleaiin, would bea prctfy diffirult opcratioti; gnt iott tbere nppearto be anything in the treaty wbich requirei on the

part of Creat lirit-in nn aetual liainftf ofthei. Iiiiide into the foaaaaaic- of Hondurae, or any¬thing teicnd the withdrnwai ot that eierciee of

authority whi.h «he hai hithcrto maintained. ItWx uld be rathei- an odd ill uetra tion of diploiiiatnwit-dnni ihould one reeult of the withdiuwal ofBriti'h authority be the entabliehment of a filli-l.i, ter depot ou the eoael of Central America.


MAGNET1C TKLKGRAPH.From Wunhintfton.

Speotil niarpitch to The N. Y. Trlbnne.

WAmmmErom, WttEmmmgt <J'ine2i >, 1860.Tll AITIlorRIATKlN HLLS.

Tle L.-gielatiie bill hae gone to a aecond con¬

ference, tbe firat Come tteea having di.agr.-eduiuiiai) upon thc umi nduieut ot the _euate propoi-inj_ a of _|Sl,000.000. The Senate Committeew ill not r« cede ui tii eomepiovi ion ie made to cover

thc outntandii g Treaeiiry notee.Tbe Civil bill paaaai ae reported from the Con-

'eieite, coltiing abi-ut .¦j>4,U(H»,li(ll), and i.iclude-thc A._ ltduct for ihie city, thc Capitol, Treaaury,and 1 oet dftice Kiteririone, and provieion for thefijlure ei.ltiigeinei.t ot the Cnpitol grotinda. TheCl«arle«t(-n aiid New Orleane Cuetorn-llouiEt were

Iiu itcd to appp.piiatioi i uececiary toprotect theuiaiainat ditapieatloo. Th's bill waa loat at one

tin c l-y bve u.njority, but was reeoiiisideied subae-quen'lv aid carne.l.Mr. llranch charjied the Republican bid.* with

lontlii g di wi, thc lnll with ofleQNfe aiueudnieuU,and tl.eii vonng io defeat it.Mr. ." promptly rcpelled and dieproved

Utm accuiatiou. He eh'.wcd bt tin" otlieial tigureethat Mr. aeked about .*:t,1'r-H,iMKi (or theitcms of whieh it wae comp.seil; that the Way*atid Means reduced the estiinate about $150,000,tnd the bill Iii.all) left Ibe Hoiiec with anttggregateaf but |3,CC0,0U0. The Senate raised it to...".,. 10,( 10, and Ike Hoaaa Co_fewee reduced itlo .. J,l 11',< 0, beiu:,' all the co_cee*<ion that couldle extorted.Mr. liru ch got moic lhan he bargained for, and

i-iibiided.A I.OAN BIM. RF.JKt TF.I).

The Hnuee ref'uied to luspend the rulea to aliowWii tei Drvis to intri'duce a Loan bill to pay thcTn-amry notee. Stiitie uieai-ure of thia eort muatbe ( -irud.or tiiefi.iTernmeLt errdit he dishonored.It ie not propo.ed to grat t un additia.ual dollar, but

oi.l) laa tCfetm the ie.iiltd aud a.-iruiup indelitcd-iii-t-e. Mr. C.'t-b m-kr a reif.ue of Treaaury note..

out tbe Haaaa will m.t conecot.THK TARItF bill..

The po. tpoiK nx nt of the tariff till next De^in-ber wae reci.i.idend by the Senate after a b.ngmd aniuiated discuaeion. Mr. WBtm toin'licd thereal point iu hi vi_g tbat the whole inovement waa

a fhftm, ai.d deeigiied for political efl'ect, wbichMr, To'-inlM eubnetii.eiitl) coiihrmed b> proclauu-mgH an electioi teiiug atlair. Ihe bill wue tbentn.eii i,|. iit.d IL- read ing coinmeoced, but it waiI.i if.I asiiie la r the PneM iflii e I»( lieiency bill andi.l ln r matlere.

Mr. Laaa l tiered the Tariff of lH-ll! ae an amend-ii. nt, who h will be voted down decidedly if thePl n.-itc ever rencheB n eerioun divieion.Mr. 11 if;Ier bas u mongrel «rh»-iiie prepared to be

] H .. ita (I ¦¦ a Kiibrtitute with the eehedule.s oftheTn nll ol 1-tli, the ratei .f ||,at aet.and ofthe

j rt Ft i.t la* averaged on certain cla.senof mcrchnn-(iia-e, with K|eeitic dutifH on iioii, KfaatV, eugar, andotl tr 1. a.iii g nitii le.-.

All MM h | M-.ccta are ealciil.iteal to iktrnet theliia i.dn ol Piatftth n, nnd to prevent a eolid voteonMr. MoniU'r bill, which in the true tet.

IHi; ITATI Of THK TRltSIUV.Alter a careii-1 cxtimiuati'-n <>f the -.tate of the

Tr. amry, ai.d ita pn.bable foaotureea, il ih eon-

fidt ntH i xjeetid (hat Mr. Cobb will be eo:nj.elledlouik kt mia!.*. to eafac a deticiency uf §10,-li 1,(( 0 at the oprniug ofthe next eeeeion. The rv.

vititii cfUa aut.tii.l ratiioataa bj hiin*-clf, ihowi he.. .. t realize tl.e true eonditiou of the


DtatfeAa Baaaett of thin city has beeu cla-i-ted<!(ik tt tbe ('. ii ii ific al rVtfi ud .Meaua, toHHctcd .Mr. Cochritiie. The appoiiitiitcnt ie ex-


laePeat < Iffee IVpartmet t hai r-tupped theCali-fi.rt ia u.ail t.-iMci* via Tm auiH, bei-mise Congreeehar n pia to uppp piiat oi for itt- coiitiuuauce, audMr. H(lt ia uuw.lli'-g taMMMM tbe r.-epou-it. iht/ol unother teuipoiaty arraug-meiit. without ttmtpaaithe ixpft-.--i-.i-. Mr. Vanderbilt'a contractwill ixpie on Ibe lh th in»t , bu*", ai no other¦ will eturt before that date, the lant mailui.d. r it hae been earii.-d. Mr. Vaiideibilt now

pr. e to cni.) lha* mail for the po-tagea, withtl.t .'.\pref8 charge of 2o cuts per p<-und ou r whicb ia a favorable a.fler fortbe (jioverr.m»-nf. Ifthe Senate had acted upouthc bill eetubliiahirg an merland mail, wtich theUelirC etnt Ihere in41tirch laet, no einbarraenmetitwould huve oeeuiei. fSufpicion ia eutertaiuedthat lome iutereited object may hav. caueed thiedilay, eo ai tn roinpel an arrangement, or aome

n\ei iai legulatia.n iu tbe expiritix houri of the iee-

rion. Such rharp praetit e haH been ktii.wn before.THK HK HMnSIt- n.NVI'.NTION.

Tum.inow wae the day aieigtied for thc re;m-Hembliii; of the Kichunmd Coi.veution, but it wilbe |. ftix.neil till after the u.tjourt.meut or diarup-tit>n at itiiltiu.,.ie.

h.i i'u,4Miii'iii MWM-BM v.

Thc oEatm leat the Poat-Ofllce Defieiemy bill

tti 8 third ci,iife-rii.i-e to daj. Jt ce.nt»in* tb-, rem.

j toration f aenicv which tha PoatoaaUr-Gaatwyatopped Iaat jear, and npe-n whirh tbe t#n T1o<_a_8

piiave thaa far r»dleal'y di-ajfreed.OOVFRXMRNT PtlHTIHO. ',

Jefferaon l)a\ia gove i.otic-e >.f a tm**tt*m**t*ftaet tt.-day, to authoiize tbc Secretary of the la.terior and Siipeiinte-ncbnt of Printiiu;, !o p.irehsa»materiala fi.r tlw G<n-rament Pnnthifr Offiee, ao latofix tbe reaponieibibty, inafead of having itdividadwith a Je int Committee on I'rinting.

TPF. I1.I.XFJ.M OF MR. .HCHWART8.Both Houw-h ncljourned early iti conaeqnence of

Mr. Schwartz'a dying condition being privately r»»

ported.To tbe Aa»o-iaied Prea*

WaamaoToa, Wedi.endajr. June '20, IW.Tin- I'oM-Offii'i- I.ep.rtmint haa giveu offlcial nour*

Ibat ulttr lc-ila* tle Cal_Mn____ iiinile will cejuc >o 1*c-. rii»d by ihe w_y ofthe latlratia <>f _._«*_-_- ln thaiilri ni-i-t |_pgfia_*i-oa ly Conjcea-e la _b___b8B___ thinn ail n.nte Ihe Di partirrfci t doea r.ot feel autiiorixe-d taBiiikc lunponiry piovirion t<> e-oiiiuue it.A k-ttt r la jV A. O. Ptcaynne frout Kej W_*t

flBya ili«t ir.etrueti. t-a have hcan ittfee U> rrtttttnt tAt*t*>o iak« bH future Alricn vaptma to Uoetou ot Po.18-Bwuth.

Kepreaentntivc. Wibakm'a n__r,e- ia me.i'i ,n<d in rtm.

necirm wiih the. tull Sardiniun mirBiou nuder Mr. Bar-ktmrnft I ill.Mr. Suurtz ia auppoaeel to be in a dympr coudilioa.


RF.NATE_WniancTOBi June'«0. IW*.A t'iimnii'feie,t Cmteri nn wan ordered on t_e tnuny

Appicpriut on billa.The.-1 ill lor tbe relief of Mi-wa. Hev kaday Ir Iaw-

^tt. con'rac-t.-ra nn the l__ke» Mail Utrmtm, iiKb-m-l.ityiriK 'beu, tt the extej.t tt HM»* kt twkmk* tttt,. a rviie nnd rvatrari l>y iho iJepactm- m, _r_* tcaJmanp, diaeuaet-d, and j».. nd.Mr. BIG1.LK (lieui . PnA mov.-d ll at 'be- .S-uate

jrnree-el te, .->r.idi r tbe motloBlo rcsouaider tha vo_a

ri pponing I-*- TariffM I.Mr. I'l.KK ilVtu., Vm,) hr<p«d tw.. anl trnsrod the

gtrn ti- Woald .oiitiin.e- i,u tle.- A) i.r-i;,iiu i' n 'ull.Mr. BIGI.KK pnf.rsed toa. l_» tkt A*r*h*J* now.

TbaqaeaUfO«*. 'inw* waa w thin th. paaraf of tne

Stnate, and »be 1.1*8] it.--lu'ion fixwg tbe a-ijotxnt-II). i t eti.llel b. r* jw-iita-l.Mr. WHJ&O-t daVp., Ma-e.) waa optH-Hcd to t*w_ n-

cenr deraiion m bee tl-emBB..'ii w-ueextt-nd-d. l.'u-krrfreK-nt ciicnuatait. te. l.e. waa ui.poe.-d to ei'iin|( b-t-»un.u.n k b. foi* Iba owuiltl.Mi.TK.N EtVK (K'i-|-., S. J .. in tl.e u.itne aod be-

laltof the tmoW-abttmry,4mmmm4 a Otri-T,;;i,i .iitnricli. riei'tiaiiii-niioii ul ibe v,- oatAptPtMtJtlu bill. lle wa.i-i-d <o reiimin lie r* until lha ...-.-' i'«-

ii.rt: :.t hiiiI l-a-i .ti-iul hill baliii- t;..e.|!freea n.d (Mtea-d.Ml-- 'IM'MI.I'i.l H<e,'.. II! I IHI.I *ae aet* .M.llt Illll-

ii'lv ruMiiig iii dt-b', wU» ut r.n-intf ^ny ext-a m- aaa

lupajMt lle wa* opj^aed t. ciiaigirg tl.tadebt on

1 °ilr."ll A LK iBi-p..N. H.) **¦.¦ he a»~ei-d with tlielUinoia S.i.ut.. lyn lha tae ta, bai M-. Tr ni'-uU e|id neit

|.ii,ti-eai.v i.iiii'y. U< " '" ll"' k*% OWU waa

lociianga th.- 1>« n ... iaii< Adaina8mlioa, tmtj p-«t ia.ji. nn aroaoari nl and I m.i-r-t. Otm fUU no l»nKiHili-ix ravBgh-M im, .M-iinii A<!,_Bdin aower. iliivwotud apend II tbeycouklaai natt,i., adeliiic.n, Lorfnw all Him toald ba FaaaaJ. Ha w-_«

io favor of u iadiriaaa ia,ift'.Mr. UH.LAMI-l- lli'.p N t.i ta\--r-d reoonaideritu

the >oie, and e,||,o-'-d glvlntt l'e'imylvaii.. Me lP_fi. aa cqiuil to tende rn g ber u .-.:«) WLni ac*e

B-kul h r Ircaid.Mr. HIM Kic" i!>«rn. V, at>» B8 Bia8iaH_f for re-

e< _i.i_c.ring the Xott, and pi,,ced,il to d< m)nr-tratetl nt ihepterent t.| pmnriatmoa. Ir-ady aaaed ohlj ex-

.. i d' d tl e . iun a»ea ol ihe g_mata»j <-l lha frea-iryI v :. n.t-ie t'ifl,:, -ai.'-i wl ,n»ll t!"' txemortoet ihe- C mi-

Diittt* oi. C'oi.lerenr.. Imd leen mtktmtm, lha aaw of tbe

appropriatioa would paubaUf ba h-ia- lhaa the e-aii-iiiit.e. .so de [,..__i>: i.-v.iue bttvf afaalia>iaaexi etif, e-1 il'l- (SoviTt.'>. BAV.M I) (l)-n -., Dal.) thooght that a raviaioa

of tl.e Tb>' II wi uid aoeii. I»- m-<.aei't, ht* d,',iree>M_^dthe raaiati ai thut qesaaaia aa n-e ew ,; m aaaaciaMn n f*ar. iul. nl,...,- |_*all> i ihedeafi ieatil 'ht- ...aniry.lha thaa ml.-tt<d fi.r tht.- adjuatinmit ...a unwi...l.e.ler le.: tbe bill t»' p,i. tpol.i ti umil . i-x' «,-.-. ,ii,-wten it ee'iild e rr.ntidered wi't out refenBua to pertvi.eii.». Ut fhve,red ne,m^ ^rii"ii*-t tlie Me.rnll b tl,preli fil g Ul Wti B il.at_ll »e 11 rv C__U U> Uii B-l val 1^.11

dutv ve' hewotbl liev-r eote h-y».,d the rev.ima

peiiit.' The apa-citit wae Iwtter 1 >r ihe (i ive-rn u.-nt,t! i- tnin-1 tl 8. , Hlill llie Ulnlillfii t i.fl.

U'.TO] K He ni Ho waa aptMWed lo 1,11 Tm Cffor | iiiinii, n. Inn adv.Hiii.d u th**tft ti t m of IW,at d we... el lhe..-l.,-t. \>- e l--r ii .,-i-.-ii. iVMlim .

Mi. SiMMtiNS (l.-|-. K. I. eumpanad ih« eeti-

inateB'f ne- S.c.ectity ,.' tde Tnnanv iti the n.pi-) naii. n. ma .e. ecBtciidli tt thai t .iy wouid excee-i lhatrti.i uii a.

Mr. (.'AMI Iit>N (Rei.. l't.) udrneotedtbmaaaaaaH-f a a." i-eiil. i.ii.-n. ,ti d I'tl.r. <l n r.-.'ln :e, t" extendhe- acaaiin till ./ulr 2.Mt. LK-1.1-.1_ II.nd tr-au ad'l t'l.i.'.l ara tbit

tl« jii-.i..i_- t 'ln Hon ratcad WH yr*\t nf.if wo.dd d-_-t ii-iim- the .-¦ v. ih- |>u',li, lanele.

.Vi. JOUXSOK I).;,.. T. nt, ) laiiel thia.

.V, PAVIS iDeu.. .Mi>e. aai.l h- li nl hlwaya be-.nrendi l«.r m r»-|eiil uf ll e tuiitt i,f 1^57, wln-n bi i_a<\.e.taiu'd ti al it .., d l.y haad eo.-. ,.pt,.,u. llewbb f<T 'l-e e<.i.n ituiioi »1, Dru >>crati. ..i Tuf 1816.Mr. Ill'NTFI. Inii i. <ir I i,n u«aro .ha'.ln; t.nrT

t.f l>o7 WH^a | iiH.el l.v lia ,1 ,n,d iotr ip'i<.n. Ue h dn. vtr iem i y . vfdi-u.e ln tutiely 'nm Hut au.h waaii.i ea..-. 1 Iw.t bill paaaed wkLatbtj l_rg>- >">'e m

bi th Iltnnt-. lli- o .li,,-. ihrtt ii wa.i wiaeto j, b-|e)ii> the (ariil until tbe- _e. e n. ot the retr-enne wiih n.-w lullv .qiini t<> t II |ipropfiaiMH__B

Mi. TOOMB8 fl).-..... Ga.) <!.d oet twK-iaaaj cv.r-

r.i| a ia ta wbB tired to j_> t 'ln-1 .mt t llmV thnmfo*, lleInd he-uri it al'e^eel timl |7U.U0t) whb m,,. ui l.v to fli-t ll.e diny <,!t ut wmrl iu th.- Hoaa'.liedte'not know i. io e nu.. H<.v,.dfa- h-tuiTof l_*_ir. nnd ka lit-v.d .r t-> i-e tb<- iMet .«d ,|>i ^1 iu f , lt viu. np, roii-d by ull free-tradvra 88 I'-ie^aorld.

Mr. WtLMm li.-h«d u» idaa tb-tt anr intbe-tiiie ol u oiit-y uiiti: u.d tli« |ut.-aage of lha T.iritl' ot'IflSva I hat u.i'i t) w ne n.i-. d ie>r iLat purpoae u i o iadii.ibt.; hnl ln ltitvvii vuieinil .-eil.i.liu u,e nlx >«.lartaaaaaaibeea ut h Miy Htt-i te who li -*-ai in Waa >-

iltfiili bnl M.ld ibevul.b ul >.-n:i_ui. nnd rti.-iiil> B,vioVMli iumi ati me uf il, uuei Biui^le-u.iuiled uimu,aha witiuel a etmiiga Ui lh« rariJ, tbtiiwb. they nua-.iainf\ f e-e 1 b'y !-._;.),ia I w»a raiaeo under tlu-rii-f'u.'nre hy r- |iNa__riiig to th.- j>eupl- ha' t'tey h i *

in8iti* 1,1 e with ia, »l*u tl,.-y h_el i.uue. S-i tmmtti, jiiirtii u en b. t. >e inn. Imd flu ir tutinea -u,vl. dwiii ei,nn|i BieaBHt-B, whiia-t't-y w-re emira-y an-luiniuiie..' tl u i-i.i. 'Ilu-ii- lobi.y a^euu Lad apaiaiadil H;n ilar ihwh il i- aaaaaaa.lie\uit-v\ .(btuiak.ii. aodthaaaaaaa reconeider

lle | -W| a.tia Illt-Ut ol 'i.e b ll IO tl.O IieXt -aaHeiaHl UKI-.O.IIO, ) fc lolluWe

\1 AS-^.a..,. A'tlan... I.Ijifi. Rrifl.t, Can.eMn. Chaii.Vr,C .ii k C oi' C lill i.a.u l..vii 1). v,i lle, l..*.ula_., tiia,lill. lo.trr. I'.!.. llul, lin 0jy Kiuj, l__.Be,I _th 11, Ni. liolaou, la ii, loH.i;. S.*.aid, Si iiiuuua, teu£.e__.lh-np.on. 'inn Imi!. W d". Vv Liu-uu, eudW'liaou-jJN, .S-N'ea.ia. lajerd htmu, l.i.»i..ti>e i.t. Fn/p irU-l.

C.i.eii l,_ iu. ll.u 11.i.i d, 11, .i,ji ill 11-nt i. l»ef. u. j iinaoiet'l. ia '.. r> li ,-,.. I.i, .-. ... I,. W .4 all, «. al ,ili* -li.

'Ib. I ill bt-.. i| ta-lui-e t..i- Sl'iie, ttt. I.AXK ,1).. n.,Ongoui uflen-d a eula'i'iiie J. r the bill, when b/hweie Iniel Bei.Ie UifoiB B_lj 'u (_ili___a_l the auieuihu -i_Ututl.i I'ual-C flii. I>i tulilii) lill.Aii n.ii.itiei- ut Ci ¦lamata waa ardaaai aa iLe bil',tbi 8, luiie ei'Mii.,cf, ^ Io uiiiny iii i..e .koifi.d neiila.Mr. IAIIIAM D.i... C..1 j imm tl io tuki. up ihe

(iv.rlti.ei Mail cill. lim 14, tetrnVi noi un eid te.Mr. lOOllBb, tiiuii 'he t:o.,lt r, t.r.. t.'ui.ii iti.,-,

m lt a rrj'-rt ou the Ci- :l ApprO) :l.-: :i hih, atatlaatl n. atl t-xrt n i id Imd bean nm. d ttt aa tlie mtttxdhii t u.e ul I inii lli u.». i\ai jl ou l.e niieol me Nciuataa| jioj.iiaiiijg J-l'U.UJO f.,r tl.e X- wcirk-ana Cuatoui-l.l >!'.

'II <¦ >i-i nte re d> d f.«,in tba' amendment.'I i ecoaaidaaaliiai ol lha Tttrtt i-ui +ne aaaaaad) hot,witlcni d.Ii.ii.. aetiuti, i!»- ."-..ual.-, >i. \o'i,,-,' Ui ai-

jeuin. 1, Ul d ,!-, l! wi.i.uut K qu-illlui.AdjouiLtd till 11 o i lut k t..-n.ui'.uw.

BOURE OF BKPKF.8KX ATlVKsMr. DAVl.S |S. Am., ,Wd.| !i...u tn» C.mji iiitUee of

V i.\. iu il Mi nn-. .ekid 1, uit tu lejiort u lull ui'h tm.iziu>_ tl.e fiieidnt i.t auy i.nif withia twelve'i*,t,i l, rr, v. , ui. li r ii.dl uf Uovtii.iut li>, a nu ii u H.txaradlliM hdllioOr, ar bo luu.-tt a*.in h a ptwio*, ihe . Aiiei i ifB of tlie ee. vieu M8V r -

epuie, iiileuied in »he ndfuiplhm .>f tre.aur) n<iie«I, w e uleli-teliV-. he »tM k tihall laatM b«_ tii _; anll'teiea'ut », jt-re. i.tuL, :>i d tl.e '. an ahall ne iciia-buiatd wiil io aj-r-d net bt-yor.d tiv. uty n.>r fciwtinn tau yeara. Ihe Se n t .ry of lha Tre aurv «_t_illlt Hiiti.* nzed. witb tbe iu.i_a.Dt of U.e Tiveid. tn, toetiu.e retlifiaUaa Ol atovk '.< be prepared v u,. Ua^i'-ter ie>r the ..ttiotut ko rrowed, wbicb rrnilhalaa aiBfletrau.feirtd ou tbe booki of tfte Traianrv. n-.lernt-b rrj<ul_itk,ne aa ma> Ihi eatMiI.eiied. N,. een.ti, itaa tu br lt r I. __. than $1 000. ('.inpoua aaay b"atu_ch_.|to rer itiiateMi,d a-n^iied nnd trauaferred, hy hndtl very uf be ttM*, iiia'^ad of t<rt\nt trana'env-l ua(Le uke f ll,n TrehNiiy. Se.ili d J'MpeiealN liy it t-vtrtftn rnt, ar.- to be inviied, and tha a.oat UforaKlaotltrei ynap'i.ailue Mddeia ara to be itex«p'«cL N,>.ti ik i- lu ba iBai.ed for l.eatl un j>Mr valvie, MM val\v.-»»ibe ? *. t *. ut the li-ilad .i_t_.a ta pl- 4gn\ ft»r lUe rv-aielip-l:, ti Ol t'lllirii nl atnl iu..-icBt.Mr. NVAbBL'UMi :U.pM I_.j _u-,\t?4 lo __*»>«-__.

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