Page 1: Thaicom Cloud Document · Thaicom Cloud Version 1.0 Page | 3 1 Overview 1.1 About This Document This document describes how to use Thaicom cloud System from any platform. 1.2 How

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Thaicom Cloud Document

Version 1

21 May 2013

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Table of Contents

1. Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... 2

2. Overview......................................................................................................................................... 3

2.1 About This Document ............................................................................................................................ 3

2.2 How can access TCCloud ..................................................................................................................... 3

3. Functional specification access from website ............................................................................... 4

3.1 How to log on the system ...................................................................................................................... 4

3.2 Thaicom Cloud ...................................................................................................................................... 5

3.3 Send mail .............................................................................................................................................. 7

3.4 Copy and Cut files ................................................................................................................................. 8

3.5 Paste files .............................................................................................................................................. 9

3.6 More .................................................................................................................................................... 10

3.7 Rename and File info ........................................................................................................................... 11

4. Functional specification access from IOS ................................................................................... 14

4.1 How to log on the system from WebDAV Nav ...................................................................................... 14

4.2 Add new server from WebDAV Nav ..................................................................................................... 14

4.3 Upload file from email to TCCloud ....................................................................................................... 16

4.4 How to log on the system from Keynote ............................................................................................... 18

4.5 Add new server from Keynote ............................................................................................................. 18

4.6 How to log on the system from PDF Expert .......................................................................................... 21

5. Functional specification access from android ............................................................................. 24

5.1 How to log on the system from WebDAV Nav ...................................................................................... 24

5.2 How to log on the system from WebDAV File Manage ......................................................................... 25

6. Functional specification access from window ............................................................................. 27

6.1 How to log on the system from Cyberduck .......................................................................................... 27

6.2 How to log on the system from BitKinex ............................................................................................... 28

6.3 How to log on the system from NetDrive .............................................................................................. 30

Page 3: Thaicom Cloud Document · Thaicom Cloud Version 1.0 Page | 3 1 Overview 1.1 About This Document This document describes how to use Thaicom cloud System from any platform. 1.2 How

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1 Overview

1.1 About This Document

This document describes how to use Thaicom cloud System from any platform.

1.2 How can access TCCloud

1.2.1 Access from website, can access from any platform

1.2.2 Access from application

IOS: WebDAV Nav (Lite/Free), Keynote, PDF Expert

Android: WebDAV Nav, WebDAV File Manager

Window Phone: WebDAV Nav

Window Client: Cyberduck, BitKinex, NetDrive

Mac Client: Cyberduck

Page 4: Thaicom Cloud Document · Thaicom Cloud Version 1.0 Page | 3 1 Overview 1.1 About This Document This document describes how to use Thaicom cloud System from any platform. 1.2 How


2.1 How to log on the system

You can access system via

you are log in window.

You can add web site bookmarks to your iPad>s


Functional specification access from website

on the system

You can access system via User Name & Password:

add web site bookmarks to your iPad>s Home Screen. By following the recommendations of

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Password: same as when

creen. By following the recommendations of

Page 5: Thaicom Cloud Document · Thaicom Cloud Version 1.0 Page | 3 1 Overview 1.1 About This Document This document describes how to use Thaicom cloud System from any platform. 1.2 How

2.2 Thaicom Cloud

This system is separates into 4 parts.

1. This section provides command

Icon Name











Part 2

This system is separates into 4 parts.

is section provides command. The detail as below:

Name Description

Home System go to home page.

Refresh System will refresh page.

Mail Send mail and attach files.

Copy Copy selected file.

Cut Cut selected file.

Paste Paste selected file.

Upload Upload selected file

Delete Delete selected file.

More Collect other command as New Folder, Help.

Logout Logout system.

Part 3

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Collect other command as New Folder, Help.

Part 1

Part 4

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2. This section provides data in tree view format.

a. Display data of drive I.

b. Display data of share drive.

3. This section provides data in grid view format.

a. Check box: Check for select file.

b. Rename: Rename file.

c. File info: Display file@s detail.

d. File name.

e. Size: File>s size.

f. Modified: File>s modified.

4. This section provides selected path and number of files.

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2.3 Send mail

Select files and click icon mail, system will popup send mail page.

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2.4 Copy and Cut file

Select files and click icon copy for copy file to anther path or click icon cut for cut file to anther path and

delete old file in old path.

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2.5 Paste file

Select folder to be paste in tree view and click icon paste.

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2.6 Upload

Click icon upload, system will popup upload page. You can select multi files if browser suppose.

2.7 More

Click icon more, system will popup more page. In more page contain New Folder and Help. Click New

Folder to create folder in current path. Click Help to open thaicom cloud manual document.

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2.8 Rename and File info

Click icon rename in grid view, system will popup rename page. You can change file name and click

save for rename this file.

Click icon file info in grid view, system will popup file info page. This page display filename, Kind, Size,

Create date, Modifier date.

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2.9 Share drive

You can access to folder share drive in your permission. When you click file, system will popup confirm

box for asking you to lock file. If you lock file other user cannot upload duplicate file. When you upload locked

file, system will popup confirm box for asking you to unlock file.

Message box when you not permission in share drive.

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Confirm box when you download files.

Alert box when file locked and other user upload duplicate file.

Confirm box when you upload files are locked.

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3.1 How to log on the system from

You can download WebDAV Nav from app store

3.2 Add new server

3 Functional specification access from IOS

from WebDAV Nav (Lite/Free)

download WebDAV Nav from app store and access app from iPad or iPhone.

Click cross symbol for add new server

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app from iPad or iPhone.

Page 15: Thaicom Cloud Document · Thaicom Cloud Version 1.0 Page | 3 1 Overview 1.1 About This Document This document describes how to use Thaicom cloud System from any platform. 1.2 How

Name: TC

Server URL:

Username: Username same login PC

Password: Password same login PC

After add new server you click new server to access TCCloud

Username: Username same login PC

Password: Password same login PC

After add new server you click new server to access TCCloud

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After add new server you click new server to access TCCloud

Page 16: Thaicom Cloud Document · Thaicom Cloud Version 1.0 Page | 3 1 Overview 1.1 About This Document This document describes how to use Thaicom cloud System from any platform. 1.2 How

3.3 Upload file from email to TCCloud

3.3 Upload file from email to TCCloud

Click file from email and click BOpen InCD

Click BWebDAV NavD

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Page 17: Thaicom Cloud Document · Thaicom Cloud Version 1.0 Page | 3 1 Overview 1.1 About This Document This document describes how to use Thaicom cloud System from any platform. 1.2 How

Select destination folder for upload file from email

If copy successful

Select destination folder for upload file from email

If copy successful system file alert this message

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Page 18: Thaicom Cloud Document · Thaicom Cloud Version 1.0 Page | 3 1 Overview 1.1 About This Document This document describes how to use Thaicom cloud System from any platform. 1.2 How

3.4 How to log on the system from Keynote

3.5 Add new server

from Keynote

Click cross symbol for add new server

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Server URL: Presentation file path

Username: Username same login PC

Password: Password same login PC

Click BCreate PresentationD

Server URL: Presentation file path ( Presentation file path)

Username: Username same login PC

Password: Password same login PC

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Presentation file path)

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After create new server, you can see file presentation

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3.6 How to log on the system from PDF Expert

PDF Expert is application for open, edit file pdf and send mail

Click add button for add new server

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Select BOther WebDAV ServerD

Title: TC Cloud


Login: Username same login PC

Password: Password same login PC

Domain: thaicom

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Select BTC CloudD

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4 Functional specification access from android

4.1 How to log on the system from WebDAV Nav

Click menu and click Add Server

Name: TC Cloud

Server URL:

Username: Username same login PC

Password: Password same login PC

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4.2 How to log on the system from WebDAV File Manage

Click menu and click Add Server

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Server Name: TC Cloud


Username: Username same login PC

Password: Password same login PC

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5 Functional specification access from window

5.1 How to log on the system from Cyberduck

Click Open Connection and select WebDAV (HTTP/SSL)


Username: Username same login PC

Password: Password same login PC

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5.2 How to log on the system from BitKinex

Select new Http/WebDAV

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Server address:

User: Username same login PC

Password: Password same login PC

Select Site Map insert path BtccloudwebdavD

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5.3 How to log on the system from NetDrive

Click BNew SiteD

Site Name: TC Cloud

Site IP or URL:

Server Type: WebDav

Port: 443

Drive: Drive for map

Username: Username same login PC

Password: Password same login PC

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You can see new drive

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