Download - Texting Mittens

  • 8/20/2019 Texting Mittens



    aka Newfoundland “cuffs” 

    This pattern is COPYRIGHT Spannytickle Studio 2015.

    For personal use only. Thank you!

    Combining comfort and convenience, these cheerful cuffs are knit a little longer in the hand than

    the standard fingerless or “texting” mitt. Perfect for cold fall days around town, they keep your

    knuckles warm while leaving just the ends of your fingers free, with space for tucking up inside

    the mitt when chilly. For superior fit, the thumb is shaped with a tapered gusset. The traditional

    diamond pattern lends itself to countless variations and colour choices.

    FIT Average ladies’ hand. Finished length about 9 inches; circumference at thumb crotch about 8

    inches. Change the size by adjusting yarn or needles.

    CARE Briggs & Little Heritage is a homespun-type 2-ply yarn of 100% wool sourced in Canada.

    It produces a firm, durable wind-resistant fabric that is NOT machine-washable. As for any fine

    wool, hand wash by squeezing gently in cold water suds without wringing or rubbing. Rinse

    thoroughly, roll in a towel to absorb excess water, reshape while wet, and dry flat away from

    heat. Do not iron.

    SKILL LEVEL Intermediate, some experience required. This pattern assumes familiarity with

    techniques such as stranded knitting or colourwork, knitting in rounds on DP needles, thumb

    gusset shaping and thumb construction.


    Briggs and Little Heritage 2-ply wool, at least two colours (M-Main/C-Contrast)

    Size 9 dp needles

    GAUGE (approximate) 5 stitches = 1 inch over pattern.

  • 8/20/2019 Texting Mittens



     Pattern notes: On needle 1, the diamond pattern is worked on the back of the hand over 21

     stitches but there are 23 stitches on the needle. Sts 1 and 23 on this needle are outside the

     pattern and should be worked in the same colour every round (that is, either Main or Contrast).

    This will create an attractive solid line of colour along the sides of the hand.

     Needles 2 and 3 contain the stitches for the palm side of the hand and the thumb gusset. These

     stitches are knit in a checkerboard effect, in a two-row repeat. Row 1: KI M, K1 C. Row 2: K1 C,

     K1 M.

    The thumb gusset is worked in this checkerboard effect with this exception: the last gusset stitch

    on the palm side (nearest the centre of the palm) should always be knit in the same colour you

    chose for stitches 1 and 23 on needle 1, and yes, this will disrupt the checkerboard for that stitch

    only. The purpose is to create a line around the thumb gusset to complement the lines along the

     sides of the hand.

    Cast on 34 sts with Main. K1P1 rib for 2.5”, approximately 18 rnds. Increase to 46  sts (4 sts on

    each needle). K 1 rnd plain. Arrange stitches on 3 needles: 23, 9, 14.

    Begin diamond pattern on needle 1 (see Pattern notes above) with M and C. Concurrently, begin

    thumb increases: on needle 2 and alternating K1M, K1C, increasing 1 st in each of the first and

    second stitches on this needle = 4 stitches. These 4 sts establish the thumb gusset. Place marker.

    Continue K1M K1C to end of rnd. As you follow the diamond pattern rnds, work similar thumb

    increases in the first and last thumb gusset stitch on every third rnd on needle 2, adding 2 sts each

    time, (ie, rnd 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19), for a total of 16 sts in thumb gusset at rnd 19.

    At rnd 20, place the 16 thumb gusset sts on waste yarn. Cast on 2 sts on needle 2 to regain total

    of 46. Continue pattern through rnd 27. Break off C. Knit two rounds plain in M. On next rnd,

    decrease to 36 sts. K1P1 rib for 5 rnds. Cast off loosely in rib.

    Thumb: with M, knit 2 rnds incorporating the 16 sts from waste yarn plus 2 sts picked up from

    the base of the thumb. On rnd 2, decrease 2 sts on inner side of thumb for a total of 16 sts. K1P1

    for 5 more rnds. Cast off loosely in rib.

    Repeat for left mitt, reversing shaping for the thumb gusset.

    Copyright Spannytickle Studio 2015.

  • 8/20/2019 Texting Mittens


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