Page 1: Test & Evaluation/Science &Technology Net-Centric Systems Test (NST) Focus Area Overview NAVAIR Pt. Mugu Executing Agent Gil Torres

Test & Evaluation/Science &TechnologyTest & Evaluation/Science &TechnologyNet-Centric Systems Test (NST)Net-Centric Systems Test (NST)

Focus AreaFocus AreaOverviewOverview


Executing Agent

Gil Torres

Page 2: Test & Evaluation/Science &Technology Net-Centric Systems Test (NST) Focus Area Overview NAVAIR Pt. Mugu Executing Agent Gil Torres


T&E/S&T Program OverviewT&E/S&T Program Overview

• The T&E/S&T program:– Exploits new technologies and processes to meet important T&E

requirements– Expedites the transition of new technologies from the laboratory

environment to the T&E community.– Leverages commercial equipment, modeling and simulation, and

networking innovations to support T&E

• Examines emerging requirements derived from joint service initiatives

• Identifies needed technology areas and develops a long-range roadmap for technology insertion

• Leverages research efforts from the highly developed technology base in the DoD labs, test centers, other government agencies, industry, and academia

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TRMC OrganizationTRMC OrganizationOSD Test Resource Management CenterOSD Test Resource Management Center


Deputy DirectorJoint Investment, Policy, & Planning

Deputy DirectorStrategic Planning

Deputy DirectorBudget & Resources

Policy CTEIP Program JMETCS&T Program

InterTECNet-Centric Systems TestFocus Area

Netcentric TestComponents

Net-Centric Technology Feed

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Net-Centric Systems Test (NST) Net-Centric Systems Test (NST) Focus Area OverviewFocus Area Overview

Netcentric Test Environment

Recreate Net-Centric Test Battlespace

Manage Net-Centric Test




Technology Gaps


Measure & Analyze Net-Centric Test


Manage:Dynamically manage & monitor Test Env.Automated test planning & reportingAccess & interface with the Netcentric Env.

BuildCharacterize & replicate JNOEmulate Networks & ServicesConstruct NST InfrastructureSim/Stim Battlespace Components

MeasureMeasure & Verify NR-KPP compliance

Assess Joint Mission EffectivenessAutomate analysis and visualization

Technology Gaps

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NST T&E Needs Technology Gaps

Accelerate the delivery of Mission Ready Net-Centric capabilities to the warfighter

Broad Agency Announcement

NST ReferenceArchitecture

SME COITechnology LabJoint Architectures Netcentrtic Standards Net-Centric Policy

Today’s Netcentric Environment

Tomorrows Plug & Test Net-Centric Environment

– Stove-Piped Information• – Centralized Control• – Unique Software Solutions• – Data Not Shared• – Inefficiency•

– Net-Centricity• – Decentralized Control• – Enterprise Services• – Shared Data• – Autonomous Agent• – Enterprise Architecture• – Web 2.0


NST PortfolioNST T&E Advanced Technologies/Capabilities

Build Manage Measure



NST VisionNST Vision


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NST T&E NeedsNST T&E Needs(1 of 2)(1 of 2)

• Recreate the Net-Centric Test Battlespace– Emulate tactical edges– Test mission threads with limited participants – Integration/Responsiveness of Virtual Component with Live

Component– Integration of Cyber/Information Operations with Kinetic Simulations– Representation of the Network Infrastructure and Network

Environment– Representation of Cyber threat to NSUT– Simulate/Stimulate Irregular Warfare for urban environment– Verification & Validation (V&V) of the Synthetic Battle Environment


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NST T&E NeedsNST T&E Needs(2 of 2)(2 of 2)

• Measure & Analyze Net-Centric Test Environment – Monitor/Analyze Critical Chaining Issues– Improving Near Real Time Analysis– Improve Instrumentation & Analyzing Cyber/IO

• Manage Net-Centric Test Battlespace– Quality of Service to Critical Nodes– Synchronize Synthetic Environments– Manage Test Environment for Net Based Systems– Manage Tactically Dynamically Configured Networks

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NST ChallengesNST Challenges“Technologies to. . . .”“Technologies to. . . .”

Recreate Net-Centric Test Battlespace•Flexible, Scalable LVC Environment For JMe Testing

•GIG & SOA Sim / Stim Capabilities

•Integrate & Validate Net-Centric Simulations & SoS

•Emulate Red Cyber Warfare Capabilities

•Automate C2 Decision Process

Measure & Analyze Net-Centric Test Environment•Analyze Joint Mission Threads Near Real-Time

•Evaluate Net-Centric Data & Services

•Automated NR-KPP Analysis

•Measure Joint Mission Effectiveness (JMe)

•Analyze & Visualize Information Assurance & Operations

Manage Net-Centric Test Battlespace•Dynamically Manage Test Infrastructure•Automated Planning and Scenario Development•Cross Domain Solution Over Distributed Test Infrastructure

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NST Roadmap – Recreate the Net-Centric Test NST Roadmap – Recreate the Net-Centric Test BattlespaceBattlespace

Recreate the Net-Centric Test Battlespace

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T&E Capability

T&E/S&T Investments

•Integrate Internet into Family of Tested Nets

NE2S – Network Effects Emulator SystemTRCE – TENA in a Resource Constrained Environment

Integrate & Validate NetcentricSimulations & SoS

Automate C2 DecisionProcess

GIG & SOA Sim /Stim Capabilities



Emulate Red CyberWarfare Capabilities

•Emulate Tactical Edges

Flexible, Scalable LVCEnvironment For JMe Testing

•Test Mission Thread w/Limited Participants

•Integration/Responsiveness of VC with Theatre/Live Component

•Integrate IO with Kinetic Sim’s

•Representation of Network Infrastructure and Env.

•Representation of Cyber Threat to NSUT

•Sim/Stim Irregular Warfare

•Technologies to V&V NST Env.

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NST Roadmap – Measure and Analyze the Net-Centric NST Roadmap – Measure and Analyze the Net-Centric Test EnvironmentTest Environment

Measure and Analyze the Net-Centric Test Env.

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T&E Capability

T&E/S&T Investments

Measure Joint MissionEffectiveness (JMe)

Analyze Joint MissionThreads Near Real-Time

Analyze & Visualize InformationAssurance & Operations

Evaluate NetcentricData & Services

•Monitor/Analyze Critical Chaining Issues




NECM – NST Evaluation Capability ModuleNEIV – Net-Centric Environment Instrumentation & VisualizationNSAT – NR-KPP Solution Architecture Toolset

AutomatedNR-KPP Analysis

•Improving Near Real Time Analysis

•Analyze impact of Cyber and IO

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T&E Capability

NST Roadmap – Manage the Net-Centric Test NST Roadmap – Manage the Net-Centric Test BattlespaceBattlespace

Manage the Net-Centric Test Battlespace

MENSA – Middleware Enhancements for Net-Centric Simulation ArchitectureANSC – Analyzer for NST ConfederationsMLSCLS – Multi-Level Security Cross Layer SchemePAM – Policy Based Adaptive Network ManagementRRM – Rapid Reconfiguration Module

Automated Planning and Scenario Development

Cross Domain Solution OverDistributed Test Infrastructure

Dynamically Manage TestInfrastructure

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T&E/S&T Investments






•Synch Synthetic Environments

•Manage Test Env. For Net-based systems

•Manage Tactically Dynamic Configured Networks

•QoS to Critical Nodes

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T&E/S&T Project Critical FactorsT&E/S&T Project Critical Factors

• T&E Need (Gaps)• Address a known T&E technological gap. • Understanding of the current T&E capabilities and techniques• Understand capabilities and techniques for the future of T&E

• S&T Challenge• What needs to be done to effectively address the T&E Need• Efficiencies and test capacity improvements as a result of the

technology developed or matured• Results of project will significantly advance technology and

thereby significantly enhance current test capabilities

• High Risk-High Payoff• The project improves testing rigor and capabilities relevant to

Net-Centric technology improvements• Reduces the cost of government operations• Provides an improved capability to test operators

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T&E/S&T Project Critical FactorsT&E/S&T Project Critical Factors

• Wide Application• The technology can be applied at multiple sites, on multiple

systems, in multiple organizations simultaneously• The technology effectively supports a distributed LVC Net-Centric

test event

• Transition Strategy• Identify potential partners, future consumers of the technology

(government lab, agency, test activity, industry, etc). • Identify the intended use of the technology, and a plan to obtain

buy-in to the technology from potential transition partners• Demonstrate a concise and sensible plan that will create a higher

probability of a successful transition to the identified transition partners

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Project Execution Plan (PEP)Project Execution Plan (PEP)

• PEP required contents:– Purpose and Work Scope– T&E Needs– S&T Challenges– Technology Readiness Levels– Budget– Project Schedule– Project Specifications– Phase Exit Criteria– Project Transition– List of Deliverables

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Project SpecificationsProject Specifications



Performance Level

Current Target Ultimate Goal Achieved

End-to-end Jitter Performance Improvement

Up to 200%(7 hops, 70% load, Across Continental U.S.)

Less than 20%

(High priority video traffic)

Less than 5%

End-to-end packet Drop Performance Improvement

Up to 100%(7 hops, 70% load, Across Continental U.S.)

Less than 5%

(High priority video traffic)

Less than 1%

End-to-end Delay Performance Improvement

200 – 500 msec(7 hops, 70% load, Across Continental U.S.)

<100 msec

(High priority traffic)

~ 50 msec

Network Fault Recovery Time


30 Sec 15 Sec

Test Exercises Disruption Caused by Network Problems


30 Sec 1 Sec

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Netcentric Systems Test Technology Investments & Transitions (1 of 7)

Project Title T&E Gap/Description Current Status/TransitionDynamic Utility for

Collaborative Architecture-Centric T&E


Georgia Tech Research Institute

Inability for real-time visualization and analysis of C2 processes, integrated architectures and dynamic, adaptive test architectures

Enable representation of test artifacts test architectures using XML; use of data mining to capture C2 interactions and visualize mission threads as they are being executed

Complete – Developed and demonstrated advanced data mining and visualization techniques to work in near-real time with agile C2 in heterogeneous networks

Prototype evaluation completed in September 09

Transitioned to NSAT project


Network Ready Architecture Evaluator



Inability to perform T&E of Net-Enabled Weapon Systems operating in a Service Oriented Architecture environment

Provide a persistent and extensible infrastructure with the means of testing against the Net Ready KPP

Complete – Delivered prototype toolset to extract critical data from systems architecture

Toolset for assessing service-oriented architectures provided by weapon systems for establishing Net Ready KPP compliance


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Netcentric Systems Test Technology Investments & Transitions (2 of 7)

Project Title T&E Gap/Description Current Status/TransitionFlexible Analysis Services (FAS)

JITC/Northrop Grumman

Inability for flexible analysis service that adapts to changes in tactical, C2 and emerging net-centric protocols and systems that dynamically optimize info exchange

Research services for collection, parsing, transforming, analyzing, and visualizing information from diverse protocols

Complete – Visualization and Reporting (FY09) : Conduct research, expand Phase 2 prototypes, and develop visualization and reporting prototypesPrototype flexible, user-definable message parsing, data transformation, and analysis services


Analyzer for Netcentric Systems Test

Confederations (ANSC)


Inability to automate complex pre-event test planning with removal of human errors in developing a LVC based test environment

Develop and demonstrate prototype analyzer software that will streamline pre-event specification and integration of systems or components into a test confederation.

Phase 3 – Iterate Phase 2 tasks with the InterTEC Spiral 3 test event; Install Analyzer and KBs in TIE Lab. SMEs to add resource descriptions to selected KBs

Prototype demo for InterTEC and DISA FDCE.


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Netcentric Systems Test Technology Investments & Transitions (3 of 7)

Project Title T&E Gap/Description Current Status/Transition

Network Effects Emulation System (NE2S)

JFCOM, Suffolk, VA

Inability to simulate and analyze Network effects within joint context to create, instrument, and analyze the impact of effects on shared situational awareness in a Netcentric environment

Develop technologies to provide an enterprise tool capable of simulating a wide range of network and host based effects that can be centrally managed and controlled.

Phase 2 – Research types of effects and methods to be emulated; research capability to control emulated effects such as memory exhaustion and high CPU load

Prototype demo of Federated Joint Live-Virtual-Constructive Effects Capability


Master Station








Web Server (Apache)

[User Interface]

Application Server (JBoss)

[Business Logic]

Database Server (MySQL)






Host Based Effects


In Line Effects



Effects Appliace/Dedicated Hardware

(e.g. SPIRNET)


Exchange Server


Chat Server



Web-based access to

Control StationHT




CPU Effects

Mem Effects

Net Effects

Net Effects

Net Effects

3 Supported Architectures:- Software installed on end systems under test- Hardware in the loop behind physical network- Hardware in the loop spliced into physical network

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Netcentric Systems Test Technology Investments & Transitions (4 of 7)

Project Title T&E Gap/Description Current Status/TransitionMiddleware

Enhancements for Netcentric Simulation Architecture (MENSA)


Inability to dynamically optimize information delivery; minimize network congestive failure; and overcome unreliable network environments

Improving network efficiency; improving reliability via the use of redundancy; improving utilization through dynamic coding

Phase 1 – Development environment covering TENA platforms; development of Compression enhancements and QoS Hooks

Demo during InterTEC Spiral 3 and improve Network Quality of Service for iNET.


NST Evaluation Capability Module



Inability for automated tool to provide an architecture-driven JMe capability across LVC distributed environment, works with the U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) JACAE tool suite and operational methodology.

Automating joint mission thread and net-enabled UJT analysis and event planning

PHASE 1 – JACAE tool and schema technical exchange with NECM team October 2009.

NECM Software Client and Data Host


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Netcentric Systems Test Technology Investments & Transitions (5 of 7)

Project Title T&E Gap/Description Current Status/Transition

Multi-Level Security Cross Layer Scheme


John Hopkins/Applied Physics Laboratory

Inability to support efficient and flexible Cross Domain/Multilevel Security (MLS) in distributed test Infrastructures

Provide guaranteed access to the wireless medium while using a single channel without fixed infrastructure and with physical layer solutions to provide a cross layer security solution

Phase 2 – Research, feasibility, characterization and selection of alternatives of flexible & efficient architectures

Fills a long range iNET requirement for test scenarios that need MLS, ad hoc & mobile protocols


TENA in a Resource Constrained Environment



Inability to support efficient and flexible Cross Domain/Multilevel Security (MLS) in distributed test Infrastructures

Provide guaranteed access to the wireless medium while using a single channel without fixed infrastructure and with physical layer solutions to provide a cross layer security solution

Phase 2 – Analyze technologies for effective network utilization; develop key technology software (SW) component proof-of-concepts

Prototype technologies evaluated in “Alpha” release of middleware


TENA Middleware API




TENA ObjectsCallback


Distributed Interest-BasedMessage Exchange (DIME)

QoS SupportObject Framework

The ACE ORB (TAO) Pluggable Protocols

Adaptive Communication Envirnoment



Subscriber specif ied interest such as “Send me all ground vehicles moving less than 10 mph AND within 10 miles of my current location”

Rules Engine handles the logic of when, where, and how to package and deliver data in a timely fashion

Quality of Service logic and algorithms for dealing with variable quality or degraded networks

IP based protocols that support wireless and variable quality networks

Object queuing system to provide ef fective data continuity on either side of a variable quality or degraded network link

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Netcentric Systems Test Technology Investments & Transitions (6 of 7)

Project Title T&E Gap/Description Current Status/Transition

NR-KPP Solutions Architecture Toolkit


GBL Systems Corp.

Inability to automate testing of the Net Ready-Key Performance Parameters (NR-KPP) solutions architecture element.

Provide automated compliance and conformance testing; plan mission threads for Netcentric System Test; and visualize & analyze mission thread execution through architecture views and tactical message exchanges

Phase 1 – Define NSAT vocabulary/ontology and associated project capabilities and interfaces; Create SOA service for solutions architecture; Create standardized NST inference services

Provides supporting DoDAF solutions architecture assessments; support joint interoperability certifications within the emerging net-centric warfare (NCW) environment


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Netcentric Systems Test Technology Investments & Transitions (7 of 7)

Project Title T&E Gap/Description Current Status/Transition

Policy-based Adaptive Network & Security

Management Technology for NST (PAM)


Inability to automate network infrastructure configuration and recovery based on dynamic policies and cross domain data sharing

Provide “Mission_Plan-to-Network_Operations” automation and enables policy-based dynamic information sharing with Intellectual Protocol protection

Phase 2 – R&D on reasoning front-end software with Policy-Based Network Management software & emulated network environment; demo planned to improve InterTEC event execution.

Prototype demo of Policy-Based Adaptive Network and Security Management software system


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T-E Web Monthly ReportsT-E Web Monthly Reports

• Monthly reporting timeliness is critical– Timeliness of report submission is important to effectively

communicate project status– Submission to Deputy EA required by the 5th of the month for prior


• Content:– Executive Summary of the project– Funding O&E – Activities for the month just completed– Significant accomplishments– Planned efforts for the next month– Problems/Issues– Brief explanation on use of funds

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FAM Monthly ReportsFAM Monthly Reports

• Focus Area Monthly (FAM) reports– EA required to submit to PMO on the last Friday of each month– Highlight significant (positive and negative) events or issues in

projects– Not a substitute for more timely notification to PMO of highly

significant issues or events– Issues requiring immediate action– Events that could result in “bad press”

• FAM reports are now auto-generated from T-E Web, so significant accomplishments and issues are very important to report each month

Keep the Focus Area Monthly Reports simple—no lengthy description of normal, scheduled activities—just good news and problems

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Back-Up Slides

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Weekly Activity ReportsWeekly Activity Reports

• Due to EA every Wednesday by noon Pacific Time

• Sample Content:– Netcentric Systems Test (NST) NST Evaluation Capability Module (NECM): The

NECM project is developing an automated object-relationship graph algorithm . . . .

– This technology will automate the arrangement of operational activities, control logic, sequence flows, and . . .

– This algorithm enables improved user interaction to create a. . .

– During the week of 11 January 2010, the NECM team implemented an initial Joint Personnel Recovery (JPR) joint mission thread (JMT). . .

– The future efforts will include. . .

• Status/Assessment: Green – Early engagement of transition partners to define appropriate use case to verify useful test technologies, and project is operating on schedule and on budget.

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T&E/S&T Program T&E/S&T Program Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities

• T&E/S&T Program Manager– Provides guidance to focus areas to ensure disciplined project selection and

funding process– Provides program funds for administering and executing T&E/S&T Program– Reviews technical execution of focus areas and projects to ensure T&E/S&T

Program objectives are being met– Reviews financial execution of focus areas and projects to ensure best value and

fiscal responsibility– Provides TESTWeb and the T&E/S&T Acquisition Community Connection (ACC)

Special Interest Area to support exchange of financial, technical, and programmatic information throughout the T&E/S&T Program

• T&E/S&T Program Office Staff– Supports the T&E/S&T Program Manager

– Reviews focus areas and projects to ensure technical objectives are being met – Reviews focus areas and projects to ensure financial objectives are being met– Provides recommendations to the T&E/S&T Program Manager on Program

related matters– Interfaces with EAs, Deputies, WG members and PIs on behalf of T&E/S&T

Program Manager as required

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T&E/S&T Program T&E/S&T Program Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities

• Focus Area Executing Agents– Primary point of contact for T&E/S&T Program Office within focus area– Maintain awareness of DoD T&E needs within focus area and

technology developments related to focus area– Actively seek out high payoff T&E/S&T projects that address critical

DoD T&E needs and mitigate identified T&E risks– Issue Requests for Information (RFIs) and Broad Agency

Announcements (BAAs) through contractual channels– Responsible for technical and financial execution of projects approved

by T&E/S&T Program Manager– Chair for focus area working group (WG) and responsible for

maintaining Tri-Service WG T&E and S&T representation– Coordinate replacements with T&E/S&T Program Manager

– Responsible for maintaining current project and focus area information in TESTWeb and T&E/S&T ACC Special Interest Area

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• Focus Area Working Group Members– Act as government leads on projects – where there is no intrinsic

government lead– Provide coordination of T&E/S&T projects with Service related efforts– Identify and prioritize T&E needs – Support the EA on source selection efforts– Review ongoing focus area projects– Identify transition opportunities for projects

• Project Principal Investigators– Execute projects approved by T&E/S&T Program Manager– Conduct research efforts– Provide technical progress reports to EA – Identify and actively pursue transition opportunities for T&E/S&T

projects– Responsible for maintaining accurate financial information in


T&E/S&T Program T&E/S&T Program Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities

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T&E/S&T Program T&E/S&T Program Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities

• Government Lead– Attend major focus area reviews (when able)– Provide guidance to the project to ensure a disciplined

engineering approach– Review technical execution of project to ensure NST Program

objectives are being met; gaps are being satisfied– Provides quick review of monthly reports to ensure accuracy– Interfaces with EAs, Deputies, WG members and Principle

Investigators as required– Maintain awareness of identified T&E needs within the NST focus

area and technology developments related to focus area– Support the EA on source selection efforts– Support EA in Identifying transition opportunities for project

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• Professional publications are encouraged by the TRMC and PMO– Provides opportunities for transition of technology

– Raises awareness of T&E/S&T Program to new communities

• Public Release of Technical Information – EAs adhere to local procedures for release of technical information in EA’s focus


– Copies of all technical information to be released are to be sent to the T&E/S&T Principal Scientist prior to release

– Use the ACC Special Interest Area

– Include acknowledgement of the T&E/S&T Program in all publications

– Example: “The authors would like to thank the Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) Test and Evaluation/Science and Technology (T&E/S&T) Program for their support.  This work is funded (or is partially funded) by the T&E/S&T Program through the (Put your organization’s name here) contract number xxxxxx.”

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Release of Programmatic InformationRelease of Programmatic Information

• The PMO must review and approve release of programmatic information prior to transmission outside the program

– Applies to detailed project status, funding levels and execution, schedule, problem areas, and potential management issues

– Also applies to Solicitations (BAAs, PRDAs, RFIs)– Not intended to restrict information exchange between EAs or

core focus area working groups • This applies to written and verbal release of information

– For publications, PMO requires a minimum of 10 days before EA’s next suspense on the publication

– For verbal or email Request for Information, call or email PMO for approval before information is released

– Option is to refer requestor to PMO for the programmatic information

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Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)

Technology Readiness Level Description

1. Basic principles observed and reported

Lowest level of technology readiness. Scientific research begins to be translated into applied research and development. Example might include paper studies of a technology's basic properties.

2. Technology concept and/or application formulated

Invention begins. Once basic principles are observed, practical applications can be invented. The application is speculative and there is no proof or detailed analysis to support the assumption. Examples are still limited to paper studies.

3. Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof of concept

Active research and development is initiated. This includes analytical studies and laboratory studies to physically validate analytical predictions of separate elements of the technology. Examples include components that are not yet integrated or representative.

4. Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment

Basic technological components are integrated to establish that the pieces will work together. This is relatively "low fidelity" compared to the eventual system. Examples include integration of 'ad hoc' hardware in a laboratory.

5. Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment

Fidelity of breadboard technology increases significantly. The basic technological components are integrated with reasonably realistic supporting elements so that the technology can be tested in a simulated environment. Examples include 'high fidelity' laboratory integration of components.

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TRL (Cont)TRL (Cont)

6. System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment

Representative model or prototype system, which is well beyond the breadboard tested for TRL 5, is tested in a relevant environment. Represents a major step up in a technology's demonstrated readiness. Examples include testing a prototype in a high fidelity laboratory environment or in simulated operational environment.

7. System prototype demonstration in an operational environment

Prototype near or at planned operational system. Represents a major step up from TRL 6, requiring the demonstration of an actual system prototype in an operational environment, such as in an aircraft, vehicle or space. Examples include testing the prototype in a test bed aircraft.

8. Actual system completed and 'flight qualified' through test and demonstration

Technology has been proven to work in its final form and under expected conditions. In almost all cases, this TRL represents the end of true system development. Examples include developmental test and evaluation of the system in its intended weapon system to determine if it meets design specifications.

9. Actual system 'flight proven' through successful mission operations

Actual application of the technology in its final form and under mission conditions, such as those encountered in operational test and evaluation. In almost all cases, this is the end of the last "bug fixing" aspects of true system development. Examples include using the system under operational mission conditions.

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• Breadboard: A breadboard is an experimental model composed of representative system components used to prove the functional feasibility (in the lab) of a device, circuit, system, or principle without regard to the final configuration or packaging of the parts. Breadboard performance may not be representative of the final desired system performance, but provides an indication that desired performance can be achieved.

• Brassboard: A brassboard is a refined experimental model that provides system level performance in a relevant environment. The brassboard should be designed to meet (at a minimum) the threshold performance measures for the final system.

• Prototype: A prototype is a demonstration system that has been built to perform in an operational environment. A prototype device meets or exceeds all performance measures including size, weight, and environmental requirements. This device is suitable for complete evaluation of electrical and mechanical sub-system form, fit, and function design and characterization of the full system performance.

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Accounting DefinitionsAccounting Definitions

• Obligations– The amount of an order placed, contract awarded, service

rendered, or other transaction that legally reserves a specified amount of an appropriation or fund for expenditure

• Accruals – The costs incurred during a given period representing liabilities

incurred for goods and services received, other assets acquired and performance accepted, prior to payment being made

• Disbursements– The charges against available funds representing actual

payment and evidenced by vouchers, claims, or other documents approved by competent authority

• Expenditures – The total of disbursements plus accruals

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