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Table of Contents

Tesco and premier............................................................................................................................2

1.1 Model of HRM.......................................................................................................................2

1.2 HR and personnel management...........................................................................................4

1.3 Implications for line managers and employees of developing strategic HRM......................4

2.1 Application for flexibility model:..........................................................................................5

2.2 Types of Flexibility at workplace:.........................................................................................5

2.3 Use of flexible working practices from both the employer and the employee perspective...6

3.1 With appropriate examples of discrimination cases, explain the various forms of workplace


3.2 Practical implications of equal opportunities.........................................................................9

3.3 Approaches to manage equal opportunities and managing diversity...................................12

4.1 Identification and comparison of performance management methods................................12

4.2 Approaches to manage employee welfare...........................................................................16

4.3 Discussion on the implications of health and safety legislation on human resource practices


4.4 Impact of other topical issues on HRM...............................................................................18


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Tesco and premier1.1 Model of HRM

HRM of Tesco is well bounded and synchronized with the employees. Accepting the model of

HRM is seems to be soft and hard version. The soft model is related to the human relation

whereas the hard model is related to employees are considered as the human resources. The soft

model implicates that the employees would respond better when the organization determine their

individual needs and addresses. The hard model should focus on promoting human resource

strategy, planning with the business strategy, flexibility, outsourcing, performance management

and work downsizing. Tesco uses and confined to both types of model. HRM in the David

Guest's model is directly related with the outcomes of valued business and according to this

model it is perceived that traditional personnel management is entirely dissimilar from Human

resource management (Murphy,2013). There are some policies to be followed in the human

resource management in organizing the models. They are as follows,

Policy formulation

Organizational job design

Management of change

Recruitment and selection

Appraisal with the training and development

Rewards system

Communication system

Manpower flows.

By formulating these policies, the outcomes of HR are as follows,

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Strategic planning and implementation




The structure outcomes are

• Good at finding/solving problems

• High job capacity

• Shallow absence and turnover

• Low complaints

• High price benefit.

The corporation is additionally capable of increasing the client needs of the products with its

varied product offerings and deliberated adults, teens and kids because they are the main target

audience of the corporate. They have to make large differentiation within the problems

associated with the clients, colleagues and communities. The recruitment method in Tesco

includes each internal and external accomplishment during which internal recruitment is runned

among the corporate workers and external recruitment involves attracting, screening, choosing

and on boarding gifted and qualified personnel’s (Carvalho and Cabral Cardoso, 2008). They

used Guest models within HR practices to hire the best successful worker to the corporate.

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1.2 HR and personnel managementHRM and Personnel management and Industrial relation define different meanings in general.

HR is the managerial practice which has different perspectives of PM and IR. The main

objective of PM and IR is enable to serve the objectives of the employer towards the approach

which used to get the commitment of the employees (Wright, 2000).

Story designed a theoretical model based on how the organization should emerge from IR and

PM practices to the HRM practices are called a model of shift to HRM. In respect to the

personnel management of Tesco Company, the employees get trained by the managers to attain

the organizational objectives. Premier is the small food company that derives a greater amount of

profit in the short span of time (Lee, 2007). The strategic planning is found to be significant one.

They have followed significant belief and assumptions in the industrial relation. IR needs the

careful information of contract when HRM tends to encourage employees to go beyond contract.

According to the strategic aspects, the PM and IR required some time to make decisions when

the HRM uses customer oriented approach for fast decision making technique. This strategic

aspects has been applied in Tesco. The line management is defined as the management role with

line managers in PM and IR is transactional while it is transformational in HRM.

1.3 Implications for line managers and employees of developing strategic HRM

Main managers have some challenges with the opposite line managers and staff. They play a

vital role in coming up with strategies for HRM. Their main task is executing HR practices at

the workplace. If these methods are not developed, then undoubtedly beyond question the

business units ought to reach the goal to retentive the objectives, In each the corporates, the line

managers have absolutely faced some challenges like:

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Dynamical technology evolution

Force to try and do additional stuff with fewer resources to cut back production

Reducing the staff to cut labor price (Stulz,2006)

Greater work force diversity as customers’ expectations area unit obviously too high

Maximizing the gap between offered skills and needed skills for employment (Gupta).

The line managers wish the staff who have multi skills, updated skills and committed

towards the competency for the desired role and beyond. The line managers ought to

make quick choices regarding the abilities and the program influenced by the HR

decision. Be that as it may, in a homogenous gathering, therefore it has a tendency to be

fewer clashes and administration does not need to conform to their style.

2.1 Application for flexibility model: Flexibility defines the adjustment of deploying the skill of the employees to the match the skills

needed by changing the workload and production methods. The workplace flexibility should be

good for employers and employees. HRM could design the job where the employees may work

with flexibility by determining the issues like the amount of the hours like job sharing and

retirement (Buk-Grabowska, and Pagoda, 2013).

2.2 Types of Flexibility at workplace:

The employees require flexibility at the workplace. They could work more and effective in the

productive way than others. The necessity of flexibility at work place is,

employees could take care of their family and spend more time with children

Older works should remain longer even the number of hours are reduced.

makes positive differentiation in the stress and retention among the lower wage employee

maximize the job satisfaction

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minimize the stress

attract talent people in the organization

Minimize the consumption of computing time and fuel costs by the employees (Smith,


Flexibility is divided into three categories namely flextime, flex leave and flex career. Flextime

permits the employees to choose their starting and ending within the range of hours. Flex leave

permits time off during the workday to determine the personal and family issues. Flex career

permits entry, re entry and exit. The flexibility can be implemented in number of ways,

Creating a business case for some companies and experiences with the flexibility.

Review the past programs and policies of the companies and determine the needs of


Help supervisors and managers to educate new ways of organizing the problems.

2.3 Use of flexible working practices from both the employer and the employee perspective 

Flexibility is the tool which can benefit the employees and employers. The flexible work could

attain success to the company as well employees. This can be applied when the employees and

managers are in the development of flexibility.


If the employers and employees may get flexibility at the organization, they can take a better

decision, increase revenue and saves time for the business. At workplace, this flexibility help the

employees by rendering flexibility like limited employment and working from home to ensure

that the employees are at the optimum working level.

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Only lower wageworkers will be influenced by their advancement of the flexibility. If the

employees are not responsible or monitored regularly

3.1 With appropriate examples of discrimination cases, explain the various forms of workplace discriminations

Discrimination is an aspect of differentiating between various members of a particular group.

It’s done for personal motives and to ensure that a particular group or caste or gender should not

prevail or should not progress. It had been reviewed that although various legislations are being

formulated in this regard to tackle this issue effectively discrimination in workplace is still a

significant matter and need due control, tolerance and excellence. It had been observed that

discrimination discourages the motivational aspect prevalent in employees and therefore its

organization and management responsibility to well tackle this issue and to adopt anti

discriminatory policy which will provide organization a sustainable future to work on. There are

various legislation which are formulated into his regard like equal pay act, sex discrimination act,

and race relation amendment act which guides the organization towards a nondiscriminatory

attitude. the recent news are not convincing and some big corporations like TESCO and small

corporations like premier foods faced a lot of issues in satisfying employees needs and demands.

The discriminatory attitude which is observed had leaded them to court and they were forced to

pay nominal amount of fees.

Recent discrimination acts of TESCO:

In November 2013 TESCO corporation was forced to pay £ 3000 as charges for race

discrimination claim to a boy who was taxied race and he claimed that TESCO

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employees searched him for no reason which created an ashamed feeling for him. This

attitude is not observed in white peoples and his white friends are not facing similar

discriminatory issues he therefore launched a race discrimination claim and TESCO

corporation as forced to pay the charges.

In 2012 TESCO Muslim workers lodged a complaint that their employer unnecessarily

restrict their access to the prayer room and keep it locked. Beside various assurances by

the management when the issue stands unresolved employees take a drastic step and filed

a case for discriminatory actions taken by Tesco Corporation on the basis of religion. The

court upheld their claim and the issue was finally resolved with insurance from

management that it will not reoccur.

In 2009 in Premier foods corporation was filed a petition by its employees on the ground

that company is paying unequal salaries and the male genders are receiving better

opportunities to work and much more quota in jobs while female workers are lagging


Thus the organizations need to comply with the set legislations which are formulated in this

regard. Ether are various legislations which are formulated for the core reason for providing

guidance and help to the employees and associated members to gain a better opportunity to work

on and to ensure that their satisfaction level is attained and enhanced(Dradin,2008)

Reasonableness: Diversity makes addresses about decency since segregation and fairness in the

work environment is dependably a variable. Due to this, systems must be set up to guarantee that

inquiries of decency don't emerge and to guarantee that everybody in the association is dealt with

similarly (Roggers, 2007).

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Administration Complexity: It regularly appears to be simpler to deal with a gathering of

individuals who all have the same or comparative mentality, yet these individuals don't generally

get along. Be that as it may, in a homogenous gathering, there has a tendency to be fewer clashes

and administration does not need to conform to their style. They don't have to approach or listen

to individuals distinctively and they don't have to discover new ways to deal with errands, as

they are constantly finished effectively utilizing one strategy, in the event that it is not broken

why alter it?.

Contrasts versus Similarities: It is more straightforward to surmise that working with individuals

that have comparable foundations is less demanding. We don't need to stress over various styles

or seeing new points of view. We likewise don't need to change in accordance with various states

of mind. Devotion and Identity: As individuals from a homogenous gathering, we trust we know

our identity. We don't want to always rethink ourselves and we don't have to think about whether

we can believe those new individuals with new values, on the off chance that they will back us

up or in the event that they will be faithful to the association (Shriller, 2013).

3.2 Practical implications of equal opportunities

There are various legislations which plays a prominent role in the employee’s motivational level

and satisfaction level regarding the discriminatory attitude prevalent in organizations.

Organizations are unable to utilize these legislations for their benefit and therefore as a result

nominal amount of fees is paid beside this good will associated also declines which create a

negative impression for organization subsequently (Smith, 2013).

The legislations prevailing ensure that equal opportunities are provided to every one despite of

the race, culture, gender and think issues. As it had been observed that some big corporations

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like TESCO and small corporations like premier foods are unable to maintain the momentum as

they are facing significant managerial issues which are unable to tackle the discriminatory

attitude efficiently. The precaution limitations and examples as we had noted and observed that

in TESCO Corporation various cases are highlighted and as well as for premier foods the

situation is same even up to date. The research indicates that the most prevailing issues are the

race discriminatory issues and as well as the employee sexuality issues, while the gender

discriminatory issues are also increasing day by day.

The Equal pay act urges the organizations to pay their employees in a set specified manner and

all facilities and remuneration should be equally paid. There should be no discrimination

observed and all employees who are working at same level of hierarchy in an organization will

be paid a similar remuneration and will be granted equal facilities. Therefore it’s important that

organizations well mange this issue as we had observed that Premier food was unable to comply

with it which created a bad name and negative impression or organization beside this nominal

fees for legal law suits is also paid. Therefore it’s a completely loss situation organization ad by

complying with set legislations it can effectively move ahead on a win-win situation (Jagoda,

2015). The class discrimination and gender discrimination act also creates a lot of issues for

organization. The legislation like race relation act 1976 and sex discriminating act 1975 holds

out that everyone working and associated with organization have a same place and an equal

standing no one can precede or precede other. Therefore it’s important that equal opportunities

are provided and nondiscriminatory attitude should be observed.

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The TESCO Corporation has faced a lot of issues as the employees and customers are decimated

due to sect, class and creed and religious background. Thus nominal legal fine had been paid

and the goodwill associated with corporation also took a downturn. Thus corporation need to

well mange this issue so that in future there are much better and healthy prospects available to

prosper and organization will successively move ahead (Miller, 2008). In entirety, business,

work, and related assessment laws frequently set hours or income edges that reject some low

maintenance, available to come back to work, and transitory laborers from scope. Such edges are

generally legitimized in light of the fact that the barred specialists exhibit lacking connection to

the workforce or that without such avoidances the law would force undue expenses on

organizations. Be that as it may, the across the board and developing utilization of laborers in

adaptable staffing game plans brings up issues about whether current limits are set too high and

whether insurance of these specialists is sufficient (Davis, 2009).

Additionally, scope of specialists in adaptable staffing game plans is basically hazy in numerous

territories of the law. Worry that a few managers utilize self-employed entities or staffing firms

to go around work measures has incited Congress, the IRS, and a couple states to illuminate laws

and control such mishandle. However numerous issues identified with who is a representative

and who the business is which get to the center of which specialists are secured by these laws

and which bosses are at risk for their scope are being chosen by the courts and stayed


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3.3 Approaches to manage equal opportunities and managing diversity

The corporation under view is TESCO and Premier Corporation. Every corporation is backed up

by financial resources and as well as human resources which facilities working capabilities in

long run and provide it better opportunities to move ahead. Therefore it’s significant that

organizations well manage this issue and work towards a sustainable future. As we had observed

that TESCO corporations one of the most notable corporations prevailing in UK have a strict

managerial approach there is no flexibility and the decision making power is only with top

executives. As we had observed that race and religion discrimination had been practiced by the

management. This means that an autocratic adder hipster is ensured and the employees are

strictly urged to follow the instructions whatever the situation is. The boy was searched because

the company policy was not adequate in this regard and the prier room was locked allodium to

this fact that the employees are unaware of their responsibilities which they can utilize for

organizations betterment. Whereas in Premier food spite of the fact that it’s a small corporation it

have fair treatment for religion as no discrimination is observe don religion basis and

management is lenient in this regard buts ex discrimination is prevailing. Thus both the

reorganizations need to ensure that the formulated plans and regulations regarding the

discrimination process are observed and followed effectively (Jagoda, 2015).

4.1 Identification and comparison of performance management methods 

Any cooperation’s performance management entails the processes that are put in place by an

organization so as to help it achieve success. Performance management therefore includes not

only the attained success of the organization in question but also its drawbacks. Such strategic

plans and steps that are taken by an organization are very critical in determining factors such as

the budget allocation, change of the business strategy and possible cost reduction in an

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organization. All these factors in question determine to large extent the successes and failures of

any given organization (Corrisini, 2010).

Tesco Corporation is an international business organization that has invested heavily on the oil

industry. The Corporation has interest in top drives; these are basically oil drills that are used by

third parties in oil drilling. The corporation is also associated with the manufacture and

maintenance of high quality equipment that are used in oil drilling (Merson, 2011). In order to

maintain high rating in the oil industry, this business entity has put in place some helpful

strategic plan. One such plan is the fact that it has ensured that its employees operate in an

ethical environment. The corporation has come up with set ethical guidelines that promote

outstanding qualities in the work of place. These positive qualities that include honesty and

compliance with all applicable laws put in place that in one way or another affect the business


In such an environment, employees understand their duties and responsibilities and their

supervisors also make it their duty and responsibility to ensure that these employees work in a

peaceful environment. Trust is cultivated in the organization due to the fact that employees are

entrusted with the corporation’s property such as vehicles and are required be in a position to

account for all of them at all times (Ferrel, 2012). Employees are also required to adhere to

confidentiality and ensure that they advance the set objectives of the corporation. All these

factors have influenced to a large chunk the ability of the company to perform and become a

force to reckon with in the oil industry. Premier Food on the other hand is an international food

manufacturing business entity that operates in a highly competitive market.

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To ensure that its brands remains relevant in such a saturated environment, this business entity

has on its side come up with a risk management strategy to mitigate any risks that it takes. On the

other hand it audits its funds regularly to ensure that its status is up to date. This ensures that

decisions made pertaining the business are informed and the best (Jagoda, 2015).

Premier Food also takes into account safety measures such as the availability of testing facilities

that evaluates their products before being released to the market. This ensured that their products

are in good quality and also healthy for consumption. Of importance is also the fact that the

organization identifies the best partners that helps it maximize profits in the industry. Thus, it is

very critical for any business entity to come up with the best strategy and ways of implementing

it for it to be competitive enough in the current global business setting (Jagoda, 2015).

Organizations ensure that their performance is adequate and they will utilize their available

potential and resources for the betterment of organization so that organizations can ultimately

move ahead towards prosperity. Every organization have different approaches to well manage

their sources and their performance some believe in centralized approach while some have

confidence on decentralized approach. In TESCO corporation context it had been observed that

it believe and works on center lazed managements system where all the departments an

organization are interconnected with each other and prosperity of one will ultimately result in the

prosperity of other finally adding to the prosperity of who organization. Toe sure that the

organization is well managed and all its departments are working as pretested schedules and

guidelines a strategic plan is reviled by TESCO or portion which sir regarded as its steering

wheel which is segmented effectively in four quarters. Each quadrant is allocated a particular

organizational sector which is needed to be adequately managed for organizational performance.

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Of these all for segments the first quadrant is customers, the second is allocated for operations

and third for peoples while fourth quadrant for finance. Thus together all these factors need to

work effectively for organizations success mad as it’s regarded as steering wheel it drives

organization towards prosperity and sustainability (Wright, 2000). Performance checking may be

a procedure by which all the chiefs and staff collaborate to rearrange, screen and audit a

employer's service goals and fulfill universal commitment to the organization. Over solely a

yearly execution survey, execution management is without a doubt the most determined

procedure of setting destinations, judging progress and giving on-going honing and data to make

sure that representatives square measure meeting their targets and profession goals. The muse of

a compelling execution administration framework needs time and assets and consequently, the

support of the fill, the official chief and alternative senior directors. The purpose is to once

increase another execution administration prepare, Administration support to follow informed

the results of the execution administration method is likewise necessary to ensure that nice

execution is perceived, lacking execution brings concerning the very important support and to

boot making ready to reinforce execution and dependably poor execution brings a couple of

amendment of duties or finish, as fitting.

Premier Food Corporation is well managing its performance through adequately utilizing the

possessed resources. The corporation has a hundred years’ experience which it’s well utilizing

for gaining a prospective place in industry. Therefore as it had been observed that customer

satisfaction is the core objective of the premier food for which all the 1300 employees are

working unsteadily. The organizations are able to gain a positive moment by respecting

customers demand and needs.

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The customer satisfaction is prorated which is providing a strategic advantage to organization

and is enabling it to succeed in long terms and gain a much better prospective position in

industry. Both organizations are working together for customer satisfaction is well utilizing their

associated resources effectively. Therefore the organizations should ensure that the

discriminatory issues which are repainting are mitigated considerably so that there is no

hindrance in the prospective attitude of organization.

4.2 Approaches to manage employee welfare

Premier Corporation is well aware of its responsibilities to its employees and is therefore taking

best possible steps to retain tem and to keep them motivated for the accomplishment of corporate

goals. The organization has set policies for employee motivation and performance management

to ensure that they work as per the set guidelines and aforementioned plan of organization. The

corporation provides various training opportunities to employees to ensure that worker welfare

involves each one of these exercises of boss that square measure coordinated towards furnishing

the representatives with specific offices and administrations however wages or pay rates.

Associations provide welfare offices to their employees to stay their inspiration levels high. The

representative welfare plans will be characterized into 2 classifications the statutory and non-

statutory welfare plans. The statutory plans square measure those plans that square measure

necessary to grant by associate degree association as consistence to the laws administering

representative well-being and security. The different ways to influence work welfare mirror the

mentalities and convictions of the agencies which square measure occupied with welfare

exercises. Welfare offices may be given on spiritual, unselfish or some totally different grounds

(Lee, 2007).

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Besides, the distinctive ways in which to influence work welfare mirror the advancement of the

concept of welfare. In former days, the assembly of the land required to propel the man of affairs

of a contemporary foundation to grant such basic civilities as containers, rest rooms, drinkable,

nice operating conditions, and for his or her representatives.

4.3 Discussion on the implications of health and safety legislation on human resource practices

The health and safety at workplace plays a significant role at TESCO Corporation and premier

corporation health and safety of workplace is strictly ensured and the organization abided by

ISO31000:2009 risk mitigating policies in this regard. The organizations well utilize their

resources and adequately train their staff to ensure risks are not prevalent. Whether you measure

it, you're presenting another execution administration framework or on the off likelihood that

you just are adjusting a current procedure, it's vital that you just convey the explanation and

therefore it suggests that within the execution administration procedure to representatives before

it's actualized. Likewise recall measure your new execution administration framework once the

first year and creating changes as essential Such impulse was fundamental in light of the fact that

the business put stock in misusing work and treating it in an out of line way. In any case,

circumstances are different, and the idea of welfare, as well, has experienced changes. Numerous

dynamic administrations today give welfare offices, deliberately and with enlightened readiness

and energy. Thus welfare of employees will play a stagnant role in bringing desired positive

changes in employees and will ensure that they utilize their resources and skills in the best

interest of an organization.

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4.4 Impact of other topical issues on HRM 

The organizations need to ensure that confidence of customer is enhanced by their acts and

every such step which will negatively affect it should be discouraged. The recent phenomena

indicate that inflation is moving on towards peak therefore the business should be adequate and

the organization should have strong financial backing to support it. To ensure that inflation

upsurge does not affect the business negatively it’s important that the project works as per the set

plans and is completed within the stipulated timeframe and budget lines. There should be no

unnecessary delays which can create issues for organization and ultimately organization

development will be hindered. Therefore the managerial tactful decisions will play a significant

role in this regard and will bring in monumental changes in organization to foster growth and

development. The organizations are entrusted with a lot of roles and responsibilities which they

must upheld and should effectively work as per the set requirements and guidelines provided by

the organization.


It’s important that organizations move ahead towards a strong platform for the organizations to

move ahead by well utilizing the resources and the vested skill potential of its employees. To

workplace should be healthy and safe and no discrimination should be encouraged. It’s important

that organizations are well aware of their corporate and social responsibilities and work

enthusiastically for that purpose. To ensure that risk prevalent in workplace is mitigated

considerably it’s important that set legislations available in this regard are properly followed to

bring in a positive impact. Beside this client satisfaction should be ensured and every employee

should be well aware of their responsibilities and well cater their roles to provide enhanced

opportunities to work ahead.

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