Page 1: TERM 1 WEEK 6 Friday, 8 March 2019 · 2019-11-10 · Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email:

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

TERM 1 WEEK 6 Friday, 8 March 2019

Tuesday 12 March Paul Kelly Cup (selected students)

Sydney West Swimming Carnival

Northmead High School Open Day

Thursday 14 March Selective High Placement Test

Friday 15 March National Day of Action Bullying No Way

P&C Event - Lollipops

Monday 18 March 3-Way-Interviews commence

Wednesday 20 March School Council Meeting

P&C Meeting

Thursday 21 March Harmony Day

Wednesday 27 March Stage 3 depart for Canberra

Friday 29 March Stage 3 return from Canberra

Tuesday 2 April Life Education commences

Wednesday 3 April Healthy Harold Breakfast by P&C

Friday 5 April Life Education concludes

Tuesday 9 April End of Term Band Performance

Thursday 11 April Easter Hat Parade

Friday 12 April Last Day of Term 1

Monday 29 April Staff Development Day

Tuesday 30 April Students return for Term 2

School Fees

A note outlining the school fees and

payment has been sent home with all

students. Your prompt payment of

school fees would be appreciated.

We are encouraging parents where

possible to use the Online Payment


Payment is due by Friday, 22 March 2019. Please contact the office if you require a copy of the note or

you can find the note on the website under Newsletters and Notes, then child’s current year.


An important part of student’s homework is the online maths program – Mathletics. This online platform

allows students to experience mathematics questions in problems and a written online format. This style

of presenting mathematics is found in school assessment products including class assessments,

NAPLAN and ICAS tests. While this is a different format from the traditional pen and paper style of work,

online learning is the way of this generation. Please encourage your child to complete their homework.

POP is a secure payment system hosted by Westpac

Go to: Burnside PS App or

- When you access the $ Make a payment you must enter:

the students given name and surname


date of birth

Payer Details

Page 2: TERM 1 WEEK 6 Friday, 8 March 2019 · 2019-11-10 · Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email:

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’


An information guide and expression of interest form has been sent home with your child this week. Your

child’s designated local high school, based on your address, is written on the form. If your address has

changed, please contact the school immediately. Forms are to be returned to school as soon as


Please note the Selective High School placement process is conducted separately to this ‘expression of

interest’ form. If you have applied for placement at a Selective High School, the ‘expression of interest’

form still needs to be filled out with your alternative preferences to selective schools (eg local high


If your child will be attending a non-state school, please state this on your form and return it to the office.


Last week our Leaders attended a Leadership Day hosted by our Cumberland Community of Schools.

Students participated in activities fostering problem-solving and effective communication. These events

are a valuable opportunity for our leaders to meet and collaborate with school-leaders in the local


Students were particularly excited by our guest speaker, Eddie Woo, who spoke to students about their

new roles, as well as the importance of persistence and hard work in leadership. We would like to thank

the hosting school - Oatlands PS for this great event and to Mr Woo for his inspirational presentation.

We will participate in further Leadership Days, hosted by different schools in our community, each term

this year.

Page 3: TERM 1 WEEK 6 Friday, 8 March 2019 · 2019-11-10 · Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email:

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’


Well done to all students that represented Burnside at the Zone Swimming Carnival. Congratulations to

all the students that have made it through to the Regionals. We wish them all the very best as they

represent our school.

Michela I Relay 50m Freestyle 50m Backstroke

Lachlan I Relay 50m Freestyle

Lachlan A Relay Jnr Backstroke

Oliver H Relay

Jaiden G Relay

Adley S Relay

Morrison P Relay

Zachary R Relay

Aiden Y Relay

Zara P Relay

Lara C Relay

Alyssa S Relay

Page 4: TERM 1 WEEK 6 Friday, 8 March 2019 · 2019-11-10 · Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email:

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

ICAS Assessments – University of NSW – ONLINE PLATFORM

The ICAS Assessments are going online. These assessments will now take place in September via an

online platform. The note for this will be sent home closer to the date.


Harmony Day is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home - from the traditional

owners of this land to those who have come from many countries around the world. Students will be

participating in Harmony Day activities and lessons during week 8 to learn and celebrate the meaning of

cultural diversity. Students will also have the opportunity to create a poster that represents the 2019

Harmony Day theme ‘IT’S UP TO US’. Stage 2 and 3 will also work with our Aboriginal Education

Advisors to gain a deeper understanding of Welcome to Country. Students will engage with writing an

acknowledgement of country based on their learning.

On Thursday, 21 March 2019 students will participate in the Harmony Day Celebrations.

K- 6 will proudly parade in the traditional dress of their national country or wear the colour orange at a

whole school assembly at 9.15am. We welcome families and caregivers to join us in celebrating

Harmony Day at the parade.


The school is updating student emergency details. Parents are required to check, update and sign or

initial your child’s Student Emergency Contact Detail Report. Some parents have completed this during

the Parent/Teacher information session. Please make the time to check over all the details and return

the notes to the school office as soon as possible.

PSSA – Week 3 Friday, 8 March

Senior Softball Burnside A v Carlingford A Won 5-0 Senior Softball Burnside B v Dundas Lost 0-7 T-ball A Burnside A v Dundas Lost 4-12 T-ball B Burnside B v Dundas Lost 11-15 Snr A Newcombe Ball Burnside A v Parramatta East Won 2 - 1 Snr B Newcombe Ball Burnside A v Carlingford Lost 3-2 Junior A Newcombe Ball Burnside B v Parramatta East Won 2 – 0 Junior B Newcombe Ball Burnside B v Carlingford Won 2 – 1 Junior Cricket Burnside v Parramatta East Won 39 - 22 Senior Cricket Burnside v Parramatta East Lost 1/36 – 9/28

Page 5: TERM 1 WEEK 6 Friday, 8 March 2019 · 2019-11-10 · Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email:

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’


This year Choir will be open for any student from years 4-6 to participate. The celebrating the Arts

committee have asked that choir is limited to years 4-6 due to the late finishing time of the evening and

the concentration and self-control required. In 2020 we will have a year 4 choir as this year’s year 4 have

already had the opportunity to participate as a group. Miss Kendall-Kelly will be taking the choir this year.


Page 6: TERM 1 WEEK 6 Friday, 8 March 2019 · 2019-11-10 · Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email:

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’


Lunchtime at Burnside consists of 3 parts.

1. Eating Time – 1.10 pm -1.20pm daily

2. Ist Half lunch – 1.20 -1.40pm (Top half/ oval and library open)

3. 2nd Half lunch – 1.40 – 2pm (Equipment/ oval and library open)

Our air-conditioned library is open Monday – Thursday for students to read, play board games with

friends or play a game on the computer.

Students have a variety of options for play at Burnside.

During lunchtimes students have the opportunity to;

Borrow balls, hoops or skipping ropes from the sports shed to play with on

the oval and on the basketball court.

Soccer Goals are set up for our senior students. We encourage students to play with their own

stage groups for soccer so the size, skill sets and understanding and interpretations of the rules

is similar. We are looking to purchase smaller goals for our younger students.

Toys outside the hall – K-2 / Sandpit play


Play Equipment


While we do not encourage students bringing toys from home, they are able to bring inexpensive toys

from home if the students are socially mature enough to play and share with friends. Swapping/ trading

of toys at the end of playtime is not allowed.

Lunchtime Library Computer Rules

•You may only use the computer for half of lunch.

•Priority will be given to students who are completing homework.

•Games that can be played will be listed below. If you would like a game added to the list you must

speak to one of the teachers. Games will only be added to the list if they have been checked and are

appropriate to play at school.

Games List

Prodigy Maths

Mathletics / Reading Eggs

Scratch (programming only)

Cool maths for kids / Studyladder (do not complete classroom activities)

Voyager Game / ABC games


Our 3-way interviews will be held in week 8 commencing Monday 18/3. This is an important time for

students, parents and staff to sit together to speak about their learning for this year. To make this

process as streamlined as possible please complete and return the parent questionnaire as soon as

possible so teachers are aware of your thoughts as they negotiate the learning goals with students. We

encourage all parents/caregivers to attend this important meeting with their child.

School Interviews -

Event Code: ecezr

Gae Bromwich


Page 7: TERM 1 WEEK 6 Friday, 8 March 2019 · 2019-11-10 · Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email:

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’


Lollypops – Friday, 15 March from 5:00pm – 7:00pm ($10.00 per school age child)

Please see the information and permission note below.

Uniform Shop – Open every Friday morning from 8:45am – 9:15am or you may place an order at the

school office.

Next P&C Meeting – Wednesday, 20 March 2019 – 7:30pm in the staffroom

Page 8: TERM 1 WEEK 6 Friday, 8 March 2019 · 2019-11-10 · Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email:

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

Page 9: TERM 1 WEEK 6 Friday, 8 March 2019 · 2019-11-10 · Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email:

Burnside Public School 1 Masons Drive, North Parramatta NSW 2151 Phone: 9630 1422 Fax: 9890 1876 Email: [email protected] Website: ‘Omnia Pro Bono – For the Good of All’

Pacer Rebate for Stage 3 Canberra Camp Students from our school will soon be undertaking (or have recently undertaken), an education tour of the national capital. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the

national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of

the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $20 per student under the Parliament

and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon

completion of the excursion.

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