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Sources of Modern HistoryQuellen zur Geschichte und Politik

Texte und Quellen in Auswahl

zusammengestellt und herausgegebenvon Dr. Oliver Napel und Dr. RolfTheis

Ernst Klett VerlagStuttgart . Leipzig

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Introductory remarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7

1. The American Revolution - a Milestone in History? .

1.1 Some Thoughts on the American Revolution. . . . .

M 1 Richard Price,1791 9; M 2 Thomas Carlyle, 1837 10; M 3 Gordon S.Wood 10;M 4 John F.Kennedy's Inaugural Address, 1961 10; M 5 Independence Day 11;M 6 Independence Day Speech by President Bush, 2006 11; M 7 Excerpts from theMagna Carta, 1215 12; M 8 Mayflower Compact 13; M 9 Encyclopaedia Britannica:Bili of Rights 13; M10 Bili of Rights 14



1.2 The Beginning of the Conflict . . .................. 14

1.2.1 Stamp Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

M1 Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress 15; M2 An Act Repealing the Stamp Act;March 18, 1766 15; M 3 Declaratory Act 16

1.3. Escalation of the Conflict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.3.1 Townshend Acts and the Boston Tea Party. . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . 17... ,,~

M1 A Loyalist's Point of View 17

1.4 Independence . ......... 18

M1 The First Continental Congress: The Declaration of Colonial Rights and Grievances,1 October 1774 18; M 2 Patrick Henry: GiveMe Liberty 19; M 3 Declaration of Indepen-dence 20; M 4 Discussion about Political Participation 22; M 5 Land ofthe Unfree 23

1.5 The American Revolution - a Historical Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . 24

M1 The Wars of the American Revolution 24; M2 Modern Views in an AmericanHistory Book 26

2. The Industrial Revolution .27

2.1 The Spirit of Progress ..

M1 The Centennial Mirror 28; M 2 The Dynamics of World Economies 29;M 3 The Unbound Prometheus 30

• . 27

2.2 The Agricultural Revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

M1 The Agricultural Revolution 32


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2.3 Britain: The Workshop of the World. The Revolution in Technologyand Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.3.1 The Textile Industry .. . . 33

M 1 The Growth of a City: Leeds Middle of 18th century - 1900 34; M 2 LeedsWoollen Workers Petition, 1786 35; M 3 Letter from Leeds Cloth Merchants,1791 36; M 4 Comparative Data on Wool and Cotton in 19th century Europe 36;M 5 The Physical Deterioration of the Textile Workers 37; M 6 A Cotton Manufac-turer on Hours of Labour 38; M 7 Machine-Breakers 38

2.3.2 Coal, Iron and Steel .

M1 Women Miners in the English Coal Pits 39; M2 British Production Figures:Coal, lron and Steel 40

. 39

2.3.3 Demographics 41

M1 Population of European Countries 41; M2 Average Age of Death 41

2.4 The Transport Revolution ... 42

M 1 Turnpikes and Canals 42; M 2 The Development of Transport 44;M 3 Britain's Railway Network 44; M 4 The Transport Revolution in Perspec-tive 45; M 5 Travel Times (Hours) from London, 1820 -1910 46; M 6 A LiteraryTrain Ride 47

2.5 The Business Spirit and Social Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

M1 Adam Smith (1776), The Wealth of Nations 48; M2 Andrew Ure: The Philoso-phy of the Manufacturers, 1835 49; M 3 Andrew Carnegie: The Gospel of Wealth,1889 50; M 4 The Workers and the Industrial Revolution - an Assessment 51


Imperialism. . . . . . . . . . . ..

Introduction: Controversial Issues



M 1 African Proverb 54; M 2 An Anthology of West African Verse, David Diop,1957 54; M 3 Ahmed Sekou Toure, West African Nationalist, 1962 54; M 4 HansKohn: The Meaning of Imperialism, Colonialism and Their Variations(1958) 54; M 5 Monroe Doctrine 56

3.2 Legitimation............................. .. 56M 1 Count de Gobineau on the "Inequality of Human Races" 56; M 2 Rudyard Kip-ling: The White Man's Burden 57; M3 Joseph Chamberlain on Imperialism, Birming-ham 1893 58; M4 The White Man's Burden (by William H. Walker) 59

3.3 Profit and Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60


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M1 Sir Henry Parnell's Cost-Benefit Analysis 60; M2 john A. Hobson:Imperialism 61;



Acquisition .

M1 The Flag follows the Trade? One Example of 'Acquisition' 63;

Case Study: India .

. 63

. .. 64


M 1 British Rule in India in a Contemporary American History Textbook 64;

Case Study: USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 67


M1 "Dollar Imperialism"? A Historic Case Study: U.5.A. 67; M2 Holding His EndUp 69; M 3 Valuable Addition to the Repast 70; M 4 Advice from One WhoKnows 70;

Post Colonization . . 71

M1 Defense of Imperialism in the Popular Press 71; M2 Thomas Pakenham:Scramble for Africa 73; M 3 Epilogue 75; M 4 Additional: Food for Thought 76

4. Germany in Perspective . . . . . . . . . . .

4.1. The Outbreak of World War I in Perspective

4.1.1 The Outbreak of War I in Three European Capitals

. ... 77


.. 77


M 1 VI ENNA: The Rushing Feeling of Fraternity 77; M 2 PARIS: That FabulousDay 78; M 3 LONDON: The Steep Slope to Primitive Barbarism 79

German, British and American Perspectives . .. 80

M1 British Prime Minister Asquith's Address to Parliament, 6 August 1914 80;M 2 President Wilson's Declaration of Neutrality, 19 August, 1914 81; M 3 19 january,1917: The Zimmermann Note to the German Minister to Mexico 81; M4 WoodrowWilson's War Message to Congress, April 2,1917 81; M 5 The War and the Intellec-tuals 83; M 6 The Next War 83; M 7 1914: Manifesto of the Ninety-Three GermanIntellectuals to the Civilized World 84

4.1.3 War Aims . ........ 85

M1 Germany's War Aims September, 1914 - Bethmann Hollweg 85; M2 PrimeMinister L10yd George on the British War Aims, 5 january, 1918 86; M 3 PresidentWoodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points, 8 january, 1918 87

4.2 Versailles and After: Weimar Foreign Policy in Perspective. . . . . . 88

M 1 General jan Smuts, Letter to L10yd George, 26 March 1919 89; M 2 The Econo-mic Consequences of the Peace by john Maynard Keynes, 1919 90; M 3 The Crisis of


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1923 in Perspective 91; M 4 Letter from Gustav Stresemann to the Former GermanCrown Prince, September 1925 92; M5 Jessi Lewis: Gustav Stresemann: Advocateof International Understanding or Precursor of the Nazi Assault (1988) 93



Germany at the End of the Weimar Republic.

.M 1 Germa ny in Despa i r 94; M 2 Peace on Earth 94

Nazi Germany and the U.S. looking at Each Other .

. ... 94


M1 The Consul General in Berlin (Messersmith) to the Under Secretary of State(Phillips), November 23, 1933 96; M2 The Appointed Minister to Austria (Messers-mith) to the Under Secretary of State (Phillips) 96; M3 Prescription for Germa-ny 98; M 4 Our Polemics against the USA 99

5. The Cold War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

5.1 From Friends to Cold Warriors - the Ideological Hardening of theFormer Allies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

M1 Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech and Stalin's Reply, March 1946 101; M2 Kennan'sLong Telegram, 1946 103; M 3 Zhdanov on the Founding of Cominform. September1947 104; M 4 Nuclear FearsjNuclear Threats 1954 106; M 5 Inside view of a pri-yate atomic bunker, USA 1950s 106; M 6 Nuclear War and its Consequences 107

5.2 Germany as Focal Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

M1 Ernest Bevin on the Significance of Germany, July 1948 107; M 2 The BerlinWali, 1961-1963 108



The End? ....

M1 The Reagan Challenge, 1982 110

From Foe to Friend? .

.................... 110

. . .. 111

M 1 Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev on Human Rights, 1988 112; M 2 TheSoviet Union in Difficulties, May 1983 113; M 3 Charles S. Maier: The Economic Col-lapse in East Germany 114; M 4 Robert Darnton: The Fall of the Berlin Wali, No-vember 1989 114; M 5 Mitterrand and Thatcher on German Unification, December1989 115

5.5 Who won the Cold War?

M1 George W. Bush's State of the Union, 1992 117

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 120Index 119


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