

4 Dracut Road, Hudson, NH 03051 • Tel (603) 882-7793 • Fax (603) 595-1465



Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Let’s shout it out—"The Lord is risen! He is risen, indeed!” Sin and death have lost their grip on us and we are born anew in Christ Jesus! These are days of absolute joy. The power of death thought it gained the upper hand as Jesus cried out on the cross, but the shouts of victory at the moment of the Resurrection have suppressed those cries, and Jesus lives. What was once perceived as a failure has become the greatest overthrow of evil that the world has ever known. The forces of hell itself believed that Jesus was conquered as He cried out, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit,” those same forces were vanquished as the earth quaked, the stone moved, and Jesus burst forth alive from the tomb. We, as Church, can hardly contain ourselves in our celebration of this victory over sin and death itself.

We have walked through these forty days of Lent. We have tried to maintain those disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, and, to a greater or lesser extent, we’ve made it through the forty days. We’ve observed the great fasts, abstinence on Fridays, charitable works and words, acknowledged and been forgiven our sins. We’ve done all of the “right things” to prepare ourselves for this day. But if we have done this only for the day of Easter, we’ve missed the point. All of these Lenten activities are intended to help us know the Lord better through prayer; to de-sire the Lord more in our fasting; to care for the Lord in His little ones through our almsgiving. These aren’t in-tended to be “forty day exercises.” No! They are intended to be lifetime changes in our way of living, of being, of following Christ. While certainly we don’t fast during Easter, there are so many other parts of our Lenten experi-ence that we must follow through on. We must continue to love God and our neighbor. We must continue to acknowledge our sinfulness and come to know the mercy of God. We must continue to fight the spiritual battle to remain ever close to the One who has saved us.

Indeed, this Easter becomes a springboard for us, especially as we prepare our hearts and minds for our parish’s Golden Jubilee this year. All of the good works, programs, activities that have made Saint Kathryn’s what it is as a parish must be intensified as we approach, not just a day or fifty of celebration, but a whole year to mark God’s love and presence in this community. If we are a community who gains our identity in the Resurrection of Christ, in Him who continues to give Himself to us in the Eucharist, in Him who appears to us in “so many dis-tressing disguises,” then our celebrations, our worship, our social life, our out-reach, our evangelization, our ministry to the poor, needy, homebound—to eve-ryone—must be a constant sign and act of thanksgiving for the Christ who lives among us. We are blessed beyond blessed with those who fulfill this mandate—and yet we can always do more.

As I reflect back on this Lenten season, on our Triduum celebrations, and even as I look forward to our celebra-tions this Easter Sunday, the goodness and mercy of God are so very evident. In seeing the hand of God at work among us, we don’t have to look very far to recognize how many people put their hands to serve the larger com-munity—those who decorated the church, not only for Easter but for the repository on Holy Thursday and the tomb for Good Friday and Holy Saturday; those who cleaned and polished the church and chapel from top to bot-tom; those who prepared everything for the sacred liturgies; those who proclaimed the Word of God, who offered the Eucharist, who greeted and welcomed parishioners and visitors alike; those who prepared the church grounds; our choir, schola, and Larry Franchitto and Jerry Casavant; our secretaries and volunteers who prepared the wor-ship aids for our use during the Triduum; to Deacon Ray and the rest of the parish staff who rolled up sleeves and ensured that nothing was left to be done until the last minute; to our Masters of Ceremony and servers who took care of the million and one details of serving during these holy days. Knowing that we have men and women in our community who love Saint Kathryn’s as much as they do, all of our Easter festivities truly give praise and glory to God who raised Jesus from the dead and will continue to give Him the praise and glory as we celebrate our fifty years as a community of faith.

With all of those who have built this community, with all those who continue to build it, and for those who will build it in the future, it is no wonder that we can celebrate this Easter season so marvelously as we acclaim the Ris-en Lord—He who is Lord, yesterday, today, and forever! A Blessed Easter to you all! The Lord is risen indeed! Alle-luia!

Until next week...God bless! Father Joe


Saturday, March 31 Vigil (Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord) 8:00PM—For the People of the Parish

Sunday, April 1 (Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord) 8:00AM—For the People of the Parish 10:30AM—For the People of the Parish

No 6:30 p.m. Mass

Monday, April 2 (Monday within the Octave of Easter) 8:30AM—+Grace Connolly

Tuesday, April 3 (Tuesday within the Octave of Easter) 7:00PM—+Memorial Enrollments

Wednesday, April 4 (Wednesday within the Octave of Easter) 8:30AM—+Mary Gleason, by Ed Gleason

Thursday, April 5 (Thursday within the Octave of Easter) 7:00PM—+John DaSilva, by Theresa Cosier

Friday, April 6 (Friday within the Octave of Easter) 8:30AM—+William Souza and Lucille Hebert, by their daughter, Denny 7:00PM—+Emmanuella Lemmo, by her daughter, Rosa

Saturday, April 7 (Saturday within the Octave of Easter) 8:30AM—+John Zuliani, by Vilma

Vigil (Sunday of Divine Mercy) 4:00PM—+The Palaski Family, by Elaine Palaski

Sunday, April 8 (Sunday of Divine Mercy) 8:30AM—+Bruce Pung, by Jerry and Annette Rondeau and Family 10:30AM—For the People of the Parish 6:30PM—+Louis Zuliani, by Vilma

APRIL 1, 2018

THIS WEEK AT CHURCH Sunday, April 1st Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Easter Ves-

pers, and Novena of Divine Mercy/Church (4:00P)

Monday, April 4th Daughters of Eve/RM 1 (7:00P)

Tuesday, April 3rd Crafters/Craft Room (1:00-8:30P) RCIC/RM 3 (4:00-5:00P) Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby/Hall A and RMs 5

and 6 (5:00-8:00P) Boy Scouts/Hall B and RM 2 (7:00-8:30P)

Wednesday, April 4th Jubilee Communications Task Group Meeting/

Parish Office (1:00-2:00P) Adoration/Chapel (5:30-8:15A and 1:00-7:00P) Evening Prayer and Benediction/Chapel (7:00P) K of C Business Meeting/Hall B (7:00-10:00P)

Friday, April 6th Homeschool Group/Hall, RMs 2, 3, 4, and 6 (9:30-

11:00A) Moms’ Group/RM 1 (9:30-11:00A) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament/Chapel


Saturday, April 7th Blessing Cup Meal, Groups 1 and 2/Parish Hall

(1:00-2:30P) Homeschool Group/Hall and Kitchen (5:00-


Jubilee Week Sunday, April 8th

Religious Education, Group 1/RMs 1-6 (10:00-Noon)

Baptism Catechesis/RM 1 (12:15P) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confes-

sions/Church (3:00P) Easter Vespers and Novena of Divine Mercy/

Church (4:00P) Religious Education, Grades 7-10/RMs 1-3 and

Hall B (4:30-6:00)


The Novena of Divine Mercy will be prayed in the church near the Shrine of Divine Mercy on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday following the 8:30 a.m. Mass; on Tuesday and Thursday, following the 7:00 p.m. Mass; on Easter Sunday and Divine Mercy Sunday during Vespers. All Masses during the Easter Octave are celebrated in the main church.


+Mary and Chester Sojka


+Kenneth Marchilena, by his wife



We’ve been able to share a lot of information about Saint Kathryn’s, our life together, our vision, our litur-gical and social life, our faith formation and outreach programs with many of our new parishioners. We’ve also had the opportunity to hear how our new parish-ioners have come to Saint Kathryn’s and have found a home with us. We’ve been thrilled to hear their ideas about how we can enhance the life of the community and continue to grow. So, new parishioners—if you haven’t had a chance to join us for a meeting, we really need you to hear what we’re all about and to hear your suggestions on how to grow as a parish family. If you have joined Saint Kathryn’s Parish within the last five years, or even if you’re a long-time parishioner, come on down and learn about the many programs and op-portunities that are available. Join us on Monday, April 9th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. for an opportunity to meet Father Joe, some of our staff mem-bers, and a member or two of our parish lay leadership in an informal gathering to chat about our life, the vi-sion for our parish, and your place among us. We can explain our programs, share our history with you, and discover how you can become more of a part of this vibrant, loving community. And we’ll do it within an hour!


Can you help make our calendar raffle a success? Be-ginning on April 7th, we will have people available after

the Masses with calen-dars for the May Calen-dar Raffle for the price of $10.00 each, or 3 for $25.00. Would you consider picking up another 9 (or more!) calendars to sell to friends, relatives, and co-workers? Remem-ber, with $4,300.00 in

prizes awarded for the month, it should be an easy sell. And, each winning ticket goes back into the pot with a chance for another win. Each seller of a winning calen-dar can either claim their 10% commission or donate that commission back to the parish simply by writing “parish” on the “seller” line of the ticket. Simply return the sold calendars and money to either the parish office or to those selling calendars at the back of the church after Mass. This is a great and easy way to sup-port our parish! Thank you for your participation!



Alleluia! Having not heard this word at all during the forty days of Lent, it now seems on this Easter Sun-day—and indeed throughout the

whole Easter Season—that we can’t stop repeating it! Once that Alleluia is intoned at the Great Easter Vigil, it becomes “the” word that is said and sung over and again. Well, Alleluia, sometimes written “Hallelujah,” is a He-brew expression meaning “praise the Lord.” It is found at the conclusion of many of the psalms and is written about in the Book of Tobit, “The gates of Jerusalem shall be built of sapphire, and of emerald, and all of the walls thereof round about of precious stones. All its streets shall be paved with white and clean stones: and Alleluia shall be sung in its streets” (13:22). The expression bursts forth in the Book of Revelation as Saint John tells us, “After these things I heard as if the voice of many people in heaven saying, ‘Alleluia! Salvation, glory, and power to our God for his judg-ments are honest and true...They said a second time: ‘Alleluia! Smoke will rise from her forever and ever.’ The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sat on the throne, say-ing, ‘Amen. Alleluia.” A voice coming from the throne said, ‘Praise our God, all you his servants, and all you who revere him, small and great.’ Then I heard some-thing like the sound of a great multitude or the sound of rushing water or mighty peals of thunder, as they said, ‘Alleluia! The Lord has established his reign, our God, the almighty. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory. For the wedding day of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.” Saint Jerome himself translated the Hebrew word, Alle-luia to the Latin, and it quickly became a part of the Roman liturgy. As an expression of exultation and joy, we glorify God for His goodness. That is why it “disappears” from use during the forty days of Lent. It presents a stark contrast between the somber, peniten-tial nature of Lent and the unbridled joy of Easter.


APRIL 1, 2018



Can you believe that we are almost at the end of our Bible Study, “The Bible and the Virgin Mary”? Led by Matthew Leonard from the Saint Paul Center for Bibli-cal Theology, we are preparing to conclude with two important topics including: April 12 The Assumption April 19 Always a Mother Sessions resume from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and the evening session from 7:45-9:15 p.m. The group discus-sions have been so wonderful and it seems that every-one is walking away with a new insight each week. And by the way, did you hear that Matthew Leonard is the guest speaker for the annual fundraiser-reception for Pine Haven Boys’ Center? He will join the Somascan Fathers on May 3rd at the DoubleTree Hilton in Nashua from 5:30-8:30 p.m. This opportunity is one which will help to deepen your faith and to learn more about the mission of Pine Ha-ven Boys’ Center. The evening includes refreshments, music, and fun raffle prizes. RSVP no later than April 20th to either [email protected] or 603.485.7141. For your added convenience, you can also register at Tickets are not required, but reservations are necessary due to limited space. Don’t miss this wonderful oppor-tunity!


Our parish Tithing Council is accepting applications for fall 2018 scholarships through May 1, 2018. Several scholarships are awarded each year to high school sen-iors who will be attending college or trade school in the fall, have maintained a C or better average in high school, and are active, registered, confirmed parishion-ers of Saint Kathryn's. The scholarship may be used for tuition, books, or supplies. Applications are available in the back of the church or in the parish office.


Lent was an active time for us in the store despite some pretty miserable weather days. And yet we have many visitors who shared with us how helpful our various devotionals and spiritual reading materials were through the season. But don’t let this spiritual momentum end with Lent! Keep reading and sharing the good news of “all things Catholic!”


We continue to pray for the women and men of our parish in formation for the consecrated life, and contin-ually ask our good God to move the hearts of many of our young people to consider a vocation to the priest-hood, diaconate or religious life. Thank you to those who will accept the Vocation Rosary in April: April 1: Jake, Stephanie, Julia, Matthew, and Andrew Izzo April 8: Rosa Bucchio April 15: Jean McGranahan April 22: Jim Moran April 29: Rose and Sebastian DiMare For more information or to arrange to receive the Ro-sary for one week, please contact Deacon Ray at 603.882.7793, ext. 204.



This year, Council 5162 will be offering the following scholarships: The Dave Sullivan Memorial Scholarship is open to Catholic students who will be graduating Alvirne High School this June. Columbianite Scholarships are open to Catholic stu-dents who will graduate this year and are members of Saint Kathryn’s. They could be attending a school out-side of Hudson, such as Notre Dame Academy. The following information must be received no later than Tuesday, May 8, 2018.

• A completed application;

• A copy of applicant’s current grades;

• A copy of his or her SAT scores (if applicable);

• A one page summary of extracurricular and com-munity activities since last year. This can include jobs and volunteer positions;

• A one-page essay as to why you wish to attend col-lege and how your future goals relate to your Cath-olic faith.

Applications are available in the back of the church, in the parish office, on our website, or by emailing Ron Di Stasio at [email protected]. Please return completed applications to either Knights of Columbus, P.O. Box 42, Hudson, NH 03051 or to Ron Di Stasio, 27 ¼ Highpine Ave., Nashua, NH 03063 (phone: 603.595.7837). Please note that any applica-tion received after May 8 will be disqualified.



Have you been with our parish since the days of the old church on Wason Road? Are you comfortable in front of a camera? Would you like to reminisce a bit on Sun-day, April 15th at 2:00 p.m.? Please contact Charlene at 603.882.7793 or [email protected] to sign up for your time in the spotlight! Video interviews may be used in their entirety or in part on the parish website, YouTube, or at various Jubilee functions. In-formation collected in the interviews may also be used in putting together our Jubilee Parish Photo Directory, coming out in 2019. Please contact Charlene to learn more.


The Daughters of Eve will meet on Mon-day April 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Room 1. We will be having a faith discussion on the Divine Mercy. All women of the parish are invited to attend. (Daughters of Eve logo created by Sister Maria Mechtilde Ainley, O.S.B.)



In just four weeks, we will have the joy to welcome Sis-ter Nancy Murray, O.P., who will present a one-woman performance based on the life of Saint Catherine of Si-ena—our parish patroness. This presentation will be offered in the church on Sunday, April 29th at 3:00 p.m. Sister Nancy, a Dominican Sister from Adrian, Michi-gan, brings to us a wonderful performance, revealing to us the greatness of Saint Catherine and the beauty and depth of her relationship with Jesus Christ. There is general admission for this performance, so reg-ister NOW for complimentary tickets at the parish office. Tickets are now available to the wider communi-ty and throughout the diocese. Call Charlene or Jen-nifer at 603.882.7793 to reserve yours today or visit! We only have enough tickets for the number of seats in the church. Once they are gone, they are gone—so don’t delay!


Solemn Vespers and adoration of the Blessed Sacra-ment will take place on Easter Sunday and Divine Mer-cy Sunday at 4:00 p.m. in the church. Cap off your cele-bration of the Lord’s Resurrection with this beautiful time with the Lord!



Royal Family Kids is looking for men and women will-ing to create life-changing moments for children of abuse and neglect. By volunteering to take a vacation that matters to kids in foster care (July 29-August 3, 2018), you can share God's unconditional love with kids who need it most. A few of our parishioners have an-swered the call and say it is an amazing life-changing experience. For more information contact Tina Mur-guia at [email protected], David Wilder at [email protected], or visit


Registration for the 2018-2019 academic year for reli-gious education classes has begun. Children already enrolled in the program will receive the registration forms at religious ed. class. Forms are also available in the back of the church and in the office. Schedules are attached to the registration form. Please, detach the schedule and keep for your records. The full schedule will also be posted on the parish website. Grades 1-6, please choose a Group based on the dates that work best for you, as we cannot guarantee that we will be able to switch groups once class has started. Early registration will take place until June 1 with a $40.00 registration fee/$80.00 per family; between June 1 and August 1, the registration will be $45.00/$90.00 per family; late registration after August 1 will be $50.00/$100.00 per family. Please register early and save!


Next week is Jubilee Week, when we traditionally have some special event or activity scheduled in preparation for the fiftieth anniversary. Well, this month, we will postpone the special activity until the end of the month with Sister Nancy’s presentation of “Catherine of Siena: A Woman for Our Times” which will be followed by our ice cream social. If you haven’t gotten your tickets yet, please see the earlier announcement in today’s bul-letin. We have received a tentative date of October 6, 2018 for Bishop Libasci to celebrate the 4:00 p.m. Mass to kick off our year of celebration. Although this has not yet been confirmed, it appears that it may be the date that works best for Bishop’s calendar. As we hear more, we’ll be sure to share the information with you. We won’t be celebrating another anniversary like this for another 25 years, so make the best of this one! Plan to join us for as many Jubilee events as you can!



Saint Kathryn Parish 4 Dracut Road, Hudson, New Hampshire 03051-5006

Telephone: 603.882.7793 Fax: 603.595.1465

Website: Facebook: Saint Kathryn’s Church

PARISH STAFF Rev. Joseph M. Cooper, Pastor [email protected]

Deacon Raymond V. Marcotte, Permanent Deacon [email protected]

Sister Janice Rooney, SNDdeN, Catechetical Leader [email protected]

Charlene Maniotis, Parish Secretary [email protected]

Jennifer LeClair , Religious Education Secretary [email protected]

Peter Krauss, Bookkeeper [email protected]

Larry Franchitto, Music Director [email protected]

Robert Oliver, Facilities Technician [email protected]

Rick Wickham, Business Manager [email protected]

Rick Balboni, Religious Goods Store Manager [email protected]

PARISH OFFICE Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. and 1:00-4:00 p.m. Closed Friday/Weekends

PARISH RELIGIOUS GOODS STORE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.

Saturday 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.

SCHEDULE OF MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 p.m. Sunday Masses: 8:30 a.m.; 10:30 a.m.; 6:30 p.m.

Daily Mass: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday: 7:00 p.m.

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Tuesday, Thursday: 6:30-6:50 p.m.; Saturday: 9:15-10:00 a.m. and 3:00-3:45 p.m. Also by appointment.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Catechesis takes place with the parents prior to scheduling a date for the baptism. For more information, please contact

Deacon Ray in the parish office.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Engaged couples should contact the parish office at least six months in advance of the proposed date of the wedding. Please

refer to the marriage policy as found on the parish website.

SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK/COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND Arrangements may be made for Communion to the Homebound or for the Sacrament of the Sick by calling the parish office.

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick should be celebrated at the outset of an illness or when there is a change in the

person’s condition. The Sacrament should also be received prior to surgery.

PROTECTION OF CHILDREN POLICIES AND PROCEDURES The diocesan policies are available by calling the parish office or by consulting the diocesan website at

OPEN FOR YOU! The main door of the Church is open daily from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; the Emmaus Chapel, in the office building, is open

7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily.

Welcome! If you are new to our community, we hope you have felt welcome! If you are a visitor - occasional or frequent

- we’re glad you joined us! If you’re considering parish membership introduce yourself to the pastor after Holy Mass to get

the process underway!


ST. KATHRYN PARISH HUDSON, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03-0779 April 1, 2018 – Week 18

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