
Teenagers` life




Vocabulary• Lad- 1) хлопчик, юнак, хлопець; малий; парубок, 2) молодчина

• suck; ласощі 6) ; неприємність; провал; пастка 7) вплив, зв'язки; "рука"

4) підлещуватися (suck up ) 5) викликати відразу, огиду; остогиднути

• bad hair day - a day on which everything seems to go wrong,

characterized as a day on which one's hair is particularly unmanageable

• peer 1) рівня, рівний without peer — незрівнянний >> peer I [no obj., with adverbial]

look with difficulty or concentration at someone or something >> peer I he peered at the

manuscript >> peer [pi(ə)r] I [intrans.] look keenly or with difficulty at someone or


• zit- прищ

• сool- крутий

• fool – дурень

• max = maximum

.• Who cares – кому є діло…

• `cause = because

• socialize - організовувати колективну роботу (у класі) 4)

спілкуватися, зустрічатися; бувати в товаристві 5)

пристосовувати до потреб суспільства

• mixer - 4) товариська людина (good mixer)

• chubby - кругловидий, повнощокий; повний

• snotty ; 1) шмаркатий 2) противний, мерзенний 3) злий,

дратівливий; нахабний; зарозумілий, чванливий, надутий

• nag- чіплятися (до кого-небудь) ; бурчати (на кого-небудь) ;

пиляти (кого-небудь; nag at ) ; мучити (про біль, каяття)

• magic bullet - чудодійний засіб

• weird - I ; 1) доля, фатум; призначення 2) провіщання;

передвістка II 1) таємничий, надприродний; потойбічний 2)

дивний, незрозумілий; химерний, фантастичний weird shapes —

химерні обриси

Read the poem and say:•Which of the poet`s ideas do you agree with?•Which of the poet`s ideas do you disagree with?•How much the pictures fit the description?Give your reasons.

To a teenagerGrowing up, doesn`t it just suck,

It seems to be full of constant bad luck.

Zits, bad hair days and putting on weight,

So many reasons for your self-hate.

But hey, you`re alive, you`re unique, you`re so cool,

Be true to yourself; forget all your faults,

And you soon be thinking much happier thoughts.

Live life to the max and paint your town red,

Who cares what people think and what they`ve said?

Don’t let them win and let you feel bad,

`Cause people like that are really quite sad.

So, enjoy your teens and have some fun,

Your life has only just begun!

(after Lauren Romford)

If you wish to share so tell:

What problems do you have in

your life as a teenager now?

Problems with your appearance;

Problems with the relations with

your friends;

Misunderstanding from the

adults` side;

Change of mood, etc.


I wish + Past Simple / Past Perfect/ would

•Dissatisfaction with a present situation: I wish + Past Simple

I wish I were you. / Хотів би я бути на твоєму місці.I wish I were with my friends now. / Я хотіла б бути з друзями зараз.

•Regret( жаль) about the past:I wish + Past Perfect

I wish I had done this project in time.

•Dissatisfaction or annoyance with something that we would like to be different, but we cannot change it or control:

I wish +would + Infinitive without “to”

I wish he wouldn’t make fun of me.

Let’s talk using “I wish…” about your problems.Imagine you are talking with a psychologist.•Tell that you wish to change the present situation ;•Tell that you would like to change the past situation;•Tell that you would like to change the situation which you cannot change or control.

@Alla Kolosai

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