
Overview-Japan-July03-My.ppt 1

Technical Meeting on Training in and Demonstration of Waste Disposal Technologies

in Underground Research Facilities

Vienna, December 2004

Developments at Underground facilities

The Grimsel Test Site and the ITC

W. Kickmaier

((moremore on on

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GTS Location

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Grimsel Test Site - Layout

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GTS – work in the radiation-controlled zone

EBS - projects

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FEBEX Emplaced Heater(Oct. 96)

GMT Silo Construction(Jan. 01)

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Participants Kick-off Meeting GTS Phase VI - May 2003

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GTS - Future needs

Move from R&D to a programmedriven by planning / implementation of a repository

Raise confidence/acceptance in the key concepts priorto the licensing/construction by full scale engineering projects

Apply state of the art science to confirm key modelsby longer term radionuclide retardation projects; remove conservatism in the modelling approach

Further develop and maintain know-how for key issues like e.g.: handling, emplacement, monitoringretrieval for HLW and SF

Training and knowledge preservation

Grimsel Test Site Phase VI - Concept

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After 20 years of operation, ,,Easy R&D‘ has been done (repeatedly); the challenge is to focus more on the needs of the end users (top-down) rather than the interests of researchers (bottom-up)Identified projects are characterized by:

Technical complexity (multi-disciplinary)

Long timescales

Large physical dimensions

Implementation requires

International teams

Phased programmes with clear interim goals (go/no-go decisions)

(Large budgets)

Grimsel Teste Site Phase VI - Aims

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Support of repository licensing (construction, operation, closure / decommissioning)

Concept demonstration

Model / database validation

Optimization of repository design, operation, monitoring, closure





Confidence building (general public & technical stakeholders)

Maintaining state-of-the-art experience in future generations

Grimsel Test Site Phase VI – Key areas & Projects

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Engineered Barrier Systems (Long-term behaviour)

Gas migration through the EBS

Long term evolution of the EBS

Near field Processes

Long-term Material Tests

Engineering & operational aspects of repository implementation

Further development of emplacement technologies

more under

Grimsel Test Site Phase VI – Key areas & Projects

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Waste – EBS – Host-rock Interaction

Colloid Formation and Migration

Long Term Cement Rock Water interaction

Geological Barrier Processes & Characterisation

Long Term Diffusion

Characterisation of pore space geometry

Training (ITC)

GTS Phase VI – Projects

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FEBEXFEBEX III Monitoring PhaseIII Monitoring Phase

GMTGMT excavationexcavation

InternationalInternational Training CentreTraining Centre ((ITCITC) ) 1414CC--labled resin mapping of matrix porosity (labled resin mapping of matrix porosity (PSGPSG))

Colloid formation and radionuclide migration (Colloid formation and radionuclide migration (CFMCFM))

LongLong--term cement studies (term cement studies (LCSLCS))

LongLong--term diffusion (term diffusion (LTDLTD))

LongLong--term materials testing (LMT)term materials testing (LMT)

Remote HandlingRemote Handling

SiteSite--characterisation methodology demonstrationcharacterisation methodology demonstration

Grouting technologyGrouting technology

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......propagating knowledge to ensureenvironmentally sound waste management

What are we?An Independent Association, nonAn Independent Association, non--profit, partly grantprofit, partly grant--aided aided

Meeting a longMeeting a long--term strategic need for trained experts in term strategic need for trained experts in national waste management programmesnational waste management programmes

Function: to organise and facilitate training Function: to organise and facilitate training on behalf of our on behalf of our members, to meet their needsmembers, to meet their needs

Initially focused on radioactive wastes: eventually, all Initially focused on radioactive wastes: eventually, all hazardous waste destined for underground disposalhazardous waste destined for underground disposal

Domiciled in Domiciled in InnertkirchenInnertkirchen, Switzerland, Switzerland

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50 members 12 Nations

Supporting the ITC

Members by Sector

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Industry & Consulting



Research Organisation

National Scientific Agency

Theorie ....

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Geochemical Modellingof

Natural and ContaminatedGroundwaters

University of Bern15-19 March 2004

…. and Praxis

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Putting UndergroundWork into Practice

5-dayGrimsel, CHMol, Belgium3-7 Nov. 2003

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ITC / Grimsel - Resources /1

‘Infrastructure’a long-term perspective to work in / with an URL with an active programmeGTS tunnel sections (TBM drilled, caverns), boreholes, offices &communication tools on-site

‘Networks’benefit from experience gained in crystalline, fractured sedimentary rocks & claykey contractors and institutesfield work, modelling, engineering, technical on-site assistance

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ITC / Grimsel - Resources /2

‘Data bases’geological/structural, hydrogeological, geochemical, geophysical, RN-migration data basecharacterised experimental sites & related laboratory programmes access to experimental results, laboratory work (NTB-series)

‘Developed Technology’drilling/sampling, on-site analysis, monitoring systems, special (tracer) test equipment

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Outlook Nagra / ITC

ITC / Nagra will further support training courses within the IAEA network Recommendations by the participants / members will help to improve the course structure & contentBeside fundamental courses specialised courses will be organised by the ITC in cooperation with IAEA and Nagra and other member organisations (cf. programme 2005 & 2006)Practical training (in-situ & and class room lessons) will be a focus


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ITC Training course programme

cf. further presentations this meeting and the web site

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