Page 1: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from

Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish

Fall 2015

Page 2: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Susaeta Publishing, Inc. 9788430530526 Pub Date: 1/1/09 $15.95/$17.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

48 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Family & Relationships / Life Stages Series: Mis Recuerdos

10 in W | 11.5 in H | 0.7 in T | 1 lb Wt

Nuestro bebé (2nd Edition) Carmen Sáez, Ana Serna Vara

This durable journal provides parents with a place to record all of their baby’s “firsts,” from the first kick during pregnancy to the first smile and first tooth.


Este diario duradero provee a los padres con un lugar para anotar todos los "primeros" de su bebé, desde la primera patada durante el embarazo hasta la primera sonrisa y el primer diente.

Susaeta Publishing, Inc. publishes Spanish-language books and is based in Madrid, Spain. Contributor Bio

Ediciones Robinbook 9788499171227 Pub Date: 1/1/13 $31.00/$35.00 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

64 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Family & Relationships / Life Stages

8.3 in W | 9.8 in H | 1.4 lb Wt

El álbum del bebé Martí Pallàs

For parents wishing to document the first year of their child’s life, this baby album provides plenty of space to attach photographs and mementos, as well as additional blank areas for writing out their own thoughts and emotions as their child grows. With full-color illustrations throughout, this book dedicates each page to a different special moment, making it simple and fun for parents to record memories they will cherish forever.


Para padres que desean documentar el primer año de la vida de su hijo, este álbum de bebé provee espacio para pegar fotografías y mementos, al igual que áreas adicionales en blanco para escribir sus propios pensamientos y emociones mientras su hijo crece. Con ilustraciones a todo color a lo largo del álbum, este libro dedica cada página a un momento especial diferente, de manera que a los padres les resulta fácil y divertido grabar recuerdos que apreciarán para siempre.

Martí Pallàs is an editor, a journalist, and a language professor. Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 1

Page 3: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788499171210 Pub Date: 6/1/12 $19.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

240 Pages Carton Qty: 52 Family & Relationships / Life Stages

5.3 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

Desarrolla la inteligencia de tu bebé Elizabeth Doodson

This early parenting manual is written to help supplement—rather than supersede—the natural development of children from birth to age three. The author presents the advice, theories, and findings of early childhood development experts in order to address topics such as prenatal stimulation, the baby’s sensory world, teaching a child a foreign language, the role that pets and toys can play in a baby’s development, and more. With an abundance of useful information, this book ensures that infants and toddlers will get off to the best start possible, both physically and intellectually.


Este manual de crianza temprana de hijos está pensado para complementar—en vez de suplantar—el desarrollo natural de los niños desde el nacimiento hasta los tres años. La autora presenta los consejos, las teorías y las conclusiones de expertos en el desarrollo de niños para poder abordar temas tales como la estimulación prenatal, enseñarle un idioma extranjero al niño, el papel que pueden jugar las mascotas y los juguetes en el desarrollo del bebé y más. Con una abundancia de información útil, este libro asegura que los bebés y los pequeños tengan el mejor comienzo posible, tanto física como intelectualm...

Elizabeth Doodson is a psychologist and a preschool consultant and has been a regular contributor to specialty magazines. She is the author of Mi bebé no duerme.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Robinbook 9788499170947 Pub Date: 6/1/12 $20.00/$22.00 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

336 Pages Carton Qty: 16 Family & Relationships / Life Stages

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 1.1 lb Wt

1001 ideas para cuidar al bebé Susan Benjamin

Based on the commentary and findings of experts in the field, this infant-care manual provides information for new moms and dads as they prepare for the adventure of parenthood. Susan Benjamin provides key insights and


practical solutions that address questions such as Am I a bad mother if I don’t breast-feed? When will my baby sleep through the night? and How long will my baby be colicky? This excellent guide takes some of the anxiety out of caring for a new baby. Apoyándose en los comentarios y conclusiones de expertos en la materia, este manual para el cuidado de los bebés provee información para padres nuevos mientras se preparan para la aventura de la paternidad. Susan Benjamin provee consejos claves y soluciones prácticas que contestan preguntas como ¿Soy una mala madre por no dar de mamar a mi bebé? ¿Cuándo dormirá toda la noche de un tirón? y ¿Por cuánto tiempo le van a molestar los cólicos? Esta excelente guía alivia un poco de la ansiedad de cuidar a un recién nacido.

Susan Benjamin is a psychologist and the author of Juega con tus hijos. Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 2

Page 4: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788499170749 Pub Date: 10/1/11 $18.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

208 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Family & Relationships / Parenting

5.3 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.5 lb Wt

Cómo estimular al bebé Potencia el crecimiento de tu hijo Juan José Plasencia, María Eugenia Manrique

This essential handbook provides guidelines to enhance mental and physical development in children up to age three. Topics covered include the senses as a source of stimulation, emotional development, and the importance of imagination and creativity. This book posits that offering children appropriate stimuli for each stage of growth will help them achieve their potential. Este manual esencial proporciona las directrices para mejorar el desarrollo mental y físico en niños hasta la edad de tres años. Los temas tratados incluyen los sentidos como fuente de estimulación, el desarrollo emocional y la importancia de la imaginación y la creatividad. Este libro plantea que ofreciéndoles a los niños estímulos apropiados para cada etapa de crecimiento los ayudará a realizar su potencial.


Contributor BioJuan José Plasencia is a therapist, a specialist in the school of alternative therapies, and the author of Live Your Emotions, Shiatsu for Babies and Children, and Traditional Thai Massage. María Eugenia Manrique practices aromatherapy and teaches fine arts.

Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346539 Pub Date: 12/1/15 $13.99/$16.99 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

144 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Education / Parent Participation

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H

Bebés creativos (2nd Edition) Estimulación temprana para niños de 0 a 24 meses Galia Sefchovich, Mary Paz Pérez

The belief that all children are born with creative aptitudes is the basic premise of this book that instructs parents and teachers how to most effectively stimulate the development of babies' innate talents. Parents are instructed to encourage creative abilities of their children—strengthening their self-esteem, self-reliance, and imagination—and also their children's capacities for tolerance and sharing.


Galia Sefchovich has worked for more than 25 years in infant development and has created and refined a methodology for working with Latino children. Mary Paz Pérez has degrees in both creative development and educational technology.

Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 3

Page 5: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788499170329 Pub Date: 7/9/10 $18.00/$19.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

256 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Family & Relationships / Parenting

5.3 in W | 8.5 in H | 1 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

Los primeros cuidados del bebé Consejos y soluciones prácticas Marianne Lewis

Created especially for first-time parents, this comprehensive guide is full of useful information and advice and covers topics including healthy eating, how to deal with constant crying, and how to take care of a sick baby. The different stages of a baby’s early life are charted, from when they begin crawling to when they take their first steps, so that new parents can monitor their baby’s progress. By pinpointing the most common parental worries and offering practical solutions and preventative measures, this child-care handbook helps make the first few months of a baby’s life happy and safe, for both the baby and the parents.


Creada especialmente para los padres primerizos, esta guía comprensiva está llena de información y consejos útiles y abarca temas incluyendo la alimentación sana, cómo manejar el llanto constante y cómo cuidar a un bebé enfermo. Se caracterizan las etapas diferentes de la vida temprana del bebé, desde el gateo hasta los primeros pasos, para que los padres nuevos pueden observar el progreso de su bebé. A través de identificar las cosas que más les preocupan a los padres y aportar soluciones prácticas y medidas preventivas, este manual de cuidado de los niños ...

Marianne Lewis is a psychologist specializing in preparation for pregnancy and postpartum depression and the author of several books, including Ideas y trucos para la futura mamá and Vas a ser mamá.

Contributor Bio

Susaeta Ediciones, S.A. 9788499282930 Pub Date: 12/1/14 $21.95/$25.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

200 Pages Carton Qty: 12 Family & Relationships Series: Embarazo y primeros años

8.8 in W | 9.8 in H | 2.3 lb Wt

La alimentación del bebé de 0 a 24 meses

Both new and experienced parents may come across common questions when deciding what foods are most beneficial for their growing babies. This book addresses these questions and is full of advice and ideas about what proper nutrition and diet look like for children up to two years of age. A clear, useful guide is also included to calm parents concerned about the growth and progress of their children. Full of tips and tricks, this book provides confidence to the most worrisome of parents.


Susaeta Publishing, Inc. publishes Spanish-language books and is based in Madrid, Spain. Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 4

Page 6: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788499170930 Pub Date: 1/1/12 $19.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

232 Pages Carton Qty: 52 Family & Relationships / Life Stages

5.3 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

Mi bebé no duerme Los mejores métodos e ideas para inducirlo al sueño Elizabeth Doodson

Created especially for parents struggling to get their babies to sleep, this comprehensive reference answers Summary

questions such as Should I rock the baby to get him to sleep? If the baby wakes up, should I leave him in his crib to cry? and Are nightmares and night terrors the same thing? Compiled from the advice of therapists, pediatricians, psychologists, and specialists in infant sleep, this handy resource offers practical methods to assist parents in learning the principal problems associated with getting a baby to sleep. Creada especialmente para los padres que luchan por conseguir que sus bebés duerman, esta referencia exhaustiva responde a preguntas como ¿Se debe mecer al bebé para inducir el sueño? ¿Hay que dejarlo llorar en la cuna si se despierta? y ¿Son lo mismo las pesadillas y los terrores nocturnos? Recopilando los consejos de terapeutas, pediatras, psicólogos y especialistas en sueño de los niños, este recurso útil ofrece métodos prácticos para ayudar a los padres en el aprendizaje de los principales problemas asociados con conseguir que un bebé duerma.

Elizabeth Doodson is a psychologist and a preschool consultant and has been a regular contributor to specialty magazines.

Contributor Bio

Bull Publishing Company 9781936693856 Pub Date: 2/1/16 $12.95/$15.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

240 Pages Carton Qty: 34 Health & Fitness / Pregnancy & Childbirth

6 in W | 9 in H

Mi bebé y yo (5th Edition) Una guía esencial para el embarazo y el cuidado de tu recién nacido Deborah D. Stewart, Jenny B. Harvey

Offering solid guidance for mothers and mothers-to-be whose reading skills are limited and who may have limited access to adequate health care, this guide focuses on basics like prenatal care, lifestyle choices, nutritional advice, and baby's first few months. This fifth edition includes updated and expanded information on mental health issues, including postpartum depression and anxiety, for both moms and partners; hot topics such as immunizations, breastfeeding, and coping with inconsolable crying; best-practice guidelines for car seats, safe sleep, babywearing, and fall prevention; the value of having effective support during labor, birth, and the postpartum period; and insurance coverage, including the Affordable Care Act, and medical assistance for low-income pregnant women. Checklists, a glossary, and an expanded list of reliable internet resources round out this invaluable book.


Deborah D. Stewart has written low-reading-level materials focused on the health issues of mothers and Contributor Bio

children from pregnancy through the early years of childhood. She is the author of Best Start: Your Baby’s First Year. She lives in Portland, Oregon Jenny B. Harvey has a background in human development, family support, psychology, parent education, and crisis intervention, she has worked and volunteered in a variety of health agencies and community programs serving diverse populations of families with young children. She lives in Seattle.

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 5

Page 7: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788499171258 Pub Date: 6/1/13 $20.95/$23.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Spiral Bound

128 Pages Carton Qty: 34 Family & Relationships / Parenting

7.5 in W | 7 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

Diario del embarazo

A place to write about the unforgettable memories that pregnancy can inspire, this diary is the perfect place to record all of the thoughts and emotions that can characterize that special, nine-month period. From apprehension to happiness, expectant mothers can keep track of the emotional highs and lows of their pregnancy. Notes in the margins indicate the phases of pregnancy and what can be expected during each month. This is a great way to memorialize such a life-changing event.


Un lugar para escribir sobre los recuerdos inolvidables que puede suscitar el embarazo, este diario es el lugar perfecto para anotar todos los pensamientos y las emociones que caracterizan ese periodo de nueve meses especial. Desde el miedo hasta la alegría, la mujer embarazada puede trazar los altibajos emocionales de su embarazo. Notas en los márgenes indican las fases del embarazo y qué se puede esperar durante cada mes. Ésta es un manera magnifica de conmemorar un evento que cambia tanto la vida.

Ediciones Robinbook is a publisher of Spanish-language books based in Barcelona, Spain. Contributor Bio

blue manatee press 9781936669400 Pub Date: 9/1/15 $7.99/$9.99 Can. Discount Code: LON Board Book

14 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Ages 3 And Under, Grades P And Under Juvenile Fiction / Family Series: Love Baby Healthy

5.5 in W | 5.5 in H | 0.3 lb Wt

Lee bebé, diariamente Dr. John Hutton, Leah Busch

Written by a pediatrician, this soft, rhyming story from a baby’s point of view with dreamy watercolor illustrations celebrates the beloved, healthy ritual of parent-child reading. It also reinforces recent American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations to begin daily reading with children at birth, to promote bonding, language, attention, and other aspects of development. Lee Bebe, Diariamente promotes shared reading and togetherness and is perfect in every parent’s early library to inspire the next generation of readers.


Dr. John Hutton is a pediatrician, an author, and the owner of the award-winning blue manatee children’s Contributor Bio

bookstore in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the author of Calm Baby, Gently; Sherm the Germ; Sleep Baby, Safe and Snug; Sleepy Bee; Tito’s Inferno; Your Red Shoes; and the award-winning Baby Unplugged series and the founder of the blog Baby Unplugged, whose mission is to help keep children screen-free until age three and promote healthy, developmentally stimulating alternatives. Leah Busch is an artist and cocreator of the award-winning Toast to Baby series. She is also the illustrator of Calm Baby, Gently; the bestselling Sleep Baby, Safe and Snug; and Your Red Shoes. They both live in Cincinnati, Ohio.

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 6

Page 8: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


blue manatee press 9781936669394 Pub Date: 9/1/15 $7.99/$9.99 Can. Discount Code: LON Board Book

14 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Ages 3 And Under, Grades P And Under Juvenile Fiction / Family Series: Love Baby Healthy

5.5 in W | 5.5 in H | 0.3 lb Wt

Calma bebé suavemente Dr. John Hutton, Leah Busch

This simple sharing book unites child and parent by conveying important safe parenting and health practices in a gentle, rhythmic way. Written by a pediatrician and child literacy expert, the soft, rhyming story aims to helps parents during the fussy, colicky stages. A perfect gift for new families, this book also reinforces the value of shared reading.


Dr. John Hutton is a pediatrician, an author, and the owner of the award-winning blue manatee children’s bookstore in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is the author of Sleep Baby, Safe and Snug and the award-winning Baby Unplugged series and the founder of the blog Baby Unplugged, whose mission is to help keep children screen-free until age three and promote healthy, developmentally stimulating alternatives. Leah Busch is an artist and cocreator of the award-winning Toast to Baby series. She is the creative director, instructor, and gallery director at Brazee Street Studios. They both live in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Contributor Bio

Susaeta Ediciones, S.A. 9788499282893 Pub Date: 12/1/14 $21.95/$25.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

200 Pages Carton Qty: 12 Series: Embarazo y primeros años

8.8 in W | 9.8 in H | 2.3 lb Wt

365 juegos para potenciar la inteligencia de tu hijo

Don’t hurt your head! While little ones run around and get into trouble easily, this book is meant as a way to keep them engaged—and safe—while playing. Appropriate for children under the age of three, this guide features a unique activity for every day of the year to entertain and teach your child. The games are divided according to skills as they are developed and age as your child grows. They can be done both indoors and outside in the fresh air.


Susaeta Publishing, Inc. publishes Spanish-language books and is based in Madrid, Spain. Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 7

Page 9: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Susaeta Ediciones, S.A. 9788499282909 Pub Date: 12/1/14 $21.95/$25.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

200 Pages Carton Qty: 12 Series: Embarazo y primeros años

8.8 in W | 9.8 in H | 2.3 lb Wt

365 actividades para desarrollar la inteligencia de tu bebé

Through play, babies express what they feel, think, want, and need. They exercise the physical, mental, and emotional skills that are considered to be fundamental to their personal development. This book contains 365 stimulation activities for babies to practice these essential skills while they play. Appropriate for children up to three years old, the activities are both engaging and educational.


Susaeta Publishing, Inc. publishes Spanish-language books and is based in Madrid, Spain. Contributor Bio

Blume 9788498015560 Pub Date: 2/1/13 $35.95/$39.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

168 Pages Carton Qty: 6

8.8 in W | 10 in H | 2.5 lb Wt

Niños Cómo piensan, aprenden y crecen de los 2 a los 5 años Desmond Morris

From impish two-year-olds to inquisitive preschoolers, this engaging and informative guide to early childhood development describes the extraordinary milestones and progresses of the most important formative years of a child. Childhood gestures and body language are interpreted to help parents understand the personality, thoughts, and emotions of the youngest children. Each chapter includes photographs that capture the activities and typical reactions of children when confronted with everyday experiences. Foldout sections are included that list the physical and mental characteristics of children from the ages of two through five. Parents and educators alike will consider this an essential resource.


Desde los niños traviesos de dos años hasta los inquisitivos preescolares, esta guía atractiva e informativa del desarrollo infantil temprano describe los extraordinarios hitos y progresos que tienen lugar durante los años más importantes para la formación del niño. Se interpretan los gestos y el lenguaje corporal infantil para ayudar a padres a comprender la personalidad, los pensamientos y los sentimientos de los niños más pequeños. Cada capítulo está ilustrado con fotografías que capta...

Contributor BioDesmond Morris is an internationally renowned zoologist, a writer, and a broadcaster. He is the author of The Naked Ape, Owl, and Peoplewatching.

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 8

Page 10: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9786077723936 Pub Date: 2/1/16 $13.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

176 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Family & Relationships / Parenting

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

¡Auxilio! ¡Mi hijo no trae manual! Prácticas de crianza positiva, prevención de adicciones y bullying Francisco Javier Pedroza, Brenda Mendoza González,...

Behavior problems in childhood—tantrums, disobedience, aggression, no limits, confrontations—have always existed, and all families will face them at one point or another. Some parents are able to effectively discipline their children, feeling responsible and successful and enjoying their relationships with their children. But others feel frustrated and angry because they don't know how to control their children, and in general things become more problematic. Today families face problems such as bullying and underage alcohol and drug use, and parents don't know what to do or how to prevent it. Three expert researchers in prevention and risk behavior offer strategies for strengthening family relationships in this book. Based on daily activities, the suggestions here encourage parents to establish routines and limits, dedicate quality time to their children, and develop trust and good communication between parents and children. This book includes tools to identify behavior issues and step-by-step guides for preventing and controlling negative actions.


Francisco Javier Pedroza is a behavioral psychologist and a professor and researcher at Autonomous University of Aguascalientes in Mexico, where he heads the interinstitutional psychology doctorate program. Brenda Mendoza González is a researcher of school violence and bullying. She is the author of Asambleas escolares and Manual de autocontrol del enojo. She and Kalina Isela Martínez are professors of experimental behavior

Contributor Bio

analysis at National Autonomous University of Mexico. Martínez is the author of Manual PIBA: Programa de intervención breve para adolescentes que inician el consumo de alcohol y otras drogas.

Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688604250 Pub Date: 1/1/07 $13.95/$18.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

164 Pages Carton Qty: 32

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.4 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Cómo poner límites a tus niños sin dañarlos Respuestas a los problemas de disciplina más frecuentes practicando una educación positiva María Angélica Verduzco Álvarez Icaza, Esther Muro...

Practical and simple, this book is written for parents, teachers, and educators who are conscious of the importance of setting limits on children for the sake of their physical and emotional well-being. With illustrations and exercises, it describes techniques for setting boundaries in a warm and effective way. Práctico y sencillo, este libro está escrito tanto para padres como para maestros y educadores conscientes de la importancia de fijar límites en los niños. Con ilustraciones y ejercicios, describe la mejor manera de poner límites de manera cálida y efectiva.


María Angélica Verduzco Álvarez Icaza is a psychologist and the author of Autoestima para todos, as well as numerous articles about self-esteem and stress management in her native Spanish. Esther Murow Troice is a professor of clinical psychology specializing in music-centered psychotherapy.

Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 9

Page 11: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788496708457 Pub Date: 7/1/11 $9.95/$10.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

128 Pages Carton Qty: 50 Family & Relationships / Parenting Series: Libro amigo

4.3 in W | 5.3 in H | 0.6 in T | 0.3 lb Wt

Happy mami (una mamá feliz) Un libro para las que acaban de ser mamás o están a punto de serlo Berta Navascués

Charming and uplifting, this pint-sized celebration of pregnancy, birth, and motherhood demonstrates that each new day with a baby is a reason to rejoice. The illustrations are both adorable and clever, depicting the broad range of feelings that accompanies maternal experiences. This tribute to the happiness and laughter that characterize the journey to motherhood serves as motivation to cherish every moment as a new mother.


Encantadora y alentadora, esta celebración pequeña del embarazo, el nacimiento y la maternidad demuestra que cada nuevo día con un bebé es una razón para alegrarse. Las ilustraciones son a la vez adorables e ingeniosas y representan la gama amplia de sentimientos que acompañan las experiencias maternales. Este tributo a la alegría y las risas que caracterizan el viaje de la maternidad sirve como motivación para apreciar cada momento como una nueva madre.

Berta Navascués is an illustrator. Contributor Bio

Editorial Oceano de Mexico 9786074007633 Pub Date: 3/1/13 $17.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

232 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Family & Relationships / Parenting

6 in W | 9 in H | 0.7 lb Wt

Lado a lado El programa revolucionario madre-hija para una comunicación libre de conflictos Charles Sophy, Brown Kogen

This book features a method to improve upon the relationship with your daughter in an environment of mutual respect and trust. Dr. Charles Sophy, a psychiatrist specializing in family therapy, created the chair strategy, a workable method whose characteristics and applications are explained in these pages and will allow you to obtain excellent results. Dr. Sophy’s technique can help mothers who are experiencing difficult moments with their daughters, whether the daughters are adolescents or adults. It involves a direct and simple strategy. The author demonstrates his strategy with actual experiences and deals with problems such as dating, parties, eating habits, ways to dress, and the use of drugs, among many others.


Charles Sophy is a psychiatrist who specializes in children, adolescent, and family treatment. Besides his private practice, he is the medical director of the Department of Children and Family Services for Los Angeles. In 2002 he received the prize for Exemplary Psychiatrist, awarded by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and the Zimmer Childrens Foundation Award. He has appeared on numerous television programs, among them Today, Good Morning America, and the Larry King show.

Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 10

Page 12: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688603550 Pub Date: 9/28/05 $23.95/$32.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

352 Pages Carton Qty: 34 Family & Relationships / Parenting

9 in W | 9 in H | 0.7 in T | 1.6 lb Wt

El arte femenino de amamantar Catalina Pelayo

Newly revised and updated, this 35th-anniversary edition of the big book on breast-feeding is a comprehensive resource guide, providing all of the information new mothers need about how—and why—to breastfeed their babies. Step-by-step guides for the early months, common concerns, problems, and weaning are included. Additional sections on general nutrition, sleep issues, going back to work, discipline, and fathering are also useful for the breast-feeding mother. De reciente edición y actualizada, esta obra clásica contiene las investigaciones más recientes sobre los beneficios de salud que brinda la lactancia, además de resultar un invaluable apoyo, aliento, y guía para los nuevos padres. Madres recientes encuentran información sobre cómo prepararse durante el embarazo para amamantar, cómo mantener una producción abundante de leche, cómo amamantar a un bebé con necesidades especiales, y consejos útiles para la madre que trabaja fuera de casa. Respaldada por profesionales de la salud, esta obra resulta un excelente manual para los padres que desean comprender y satisfacer las necesidades de su bebé.


La Leche League International (La Liga de La Leche Internacional) was formed 40 years ago in Chicago by seven women dedicated to the encouragement of breast-feeding through community education of its benefits. It is now an international organization that of more than 3,000 groups in 60 countries.

Contributor Bio

Edimat Libros 9788497643054 Pub Date: 12/28/05 $8.95/$12.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

192 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Family & Relationships / Parenting Series: Guía de padres series

5.8 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.9 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

Papá y mamá Modelos para nuestros hijos José Francisco González Ramírez

Parents often feel at a loss when they experience problems and conflicts with their children. This series guides parents to better communication and helps them deal with the challenges of parenthood. Whether the problem is big or small, parents can find the solutions and advice they need to make parenting more manageable while maintaining a loving relationship with their children.


José Francisco González Ramírez is a psychologist who specializes in family care and parenting. Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 11

Page 13: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Edimat Libros 9788497643184 Pub Date: 4/1/05 $8.95/$12.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

192 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Family & Relationships / Parenting Series: Guía de padres series

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.8 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

La competitividad en los niños Enséñele a comprender sus límites y posibilidades Mariano González Ramírez

Parents often feel at a loss when they experience problems and conflicts with their children. This series guide parents to better communication and help them deal with the challenges of parenthood. Whether the problem is big or small, parents can refer to the series for the solutions and advice they need to make parenting more manageable all the while maintaining a loving relationship with their children. Los padres con frecuencia no saben que hacer cuando experimentan problemas y conflictos con sus hijos. Esta serie guiará a los padres y les mostrará formas correctas de comunicarse y tratar con los desafíos de la paternidad. Ya sea que el problema sea grande o pequeño, los padres podrán consultar las series por soluciones y consejos que necesiten para hacer la paternidad un poco más manejable mientras mantienen una relación afectiva con sus hijos.


Mariano González Ramírez is a psychologist specializing in family care and parenting. Contributor Bio

Ediciones Corona Borealis 9788492635368 Pub Date: 11/1/11 $21.95/$26.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

200 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Family & Relationships / Parenting

6 in W | 9 in H

Los padres que lloran en la almohada Helen Flix

How many parents have drowned in their pillows, feeling powerless in regards to their children? This book provides tools to redirect the relationship between parents and children, to know and guide them to meet their own expectations they hold themselves. Children are born naked and needy, completely dependent on the maternal and paternal functions. Family is an important institution as the heart, and the type (single parent, homosexual, or heterosexual), plays a role in the construction of the child’s core personality and social skills. We must not forget, however, that children are not only extensions of ourselves, but their own persons. The reflections and resources you will find in this book will urge you to look inside yourself to find energy and motivation to try again. It is never too late to fix the relationship and love you share with your children; they will want the same.

¿Cuántos padres han ahogado en la almohada la sensación de impotencia ante sus hijos? Este libro aporta herramientas para reconducir las relaciones entre padres e hijos, para conocerlos y guiarlos no hacia vuestras expectativas sino hacia ellos mismos. Los niños nacen desnudos y necesitados, completament...


Helen Flix nació en Barcelona en marzo de 1959. Por cuestiones del destino tuvo la suerte de convivir con distintas tribus americanas, Hopi, Siuox, Incas, Shipibos Conibos, y de colaborar con distintas ONG en India, así como experimentar retiros espirituales en el monasterio Budista Tibetano de Gaden Shartse. Todo ello la hace sentirse ciudadana del mundo y una defensora de los derechos humanos y de la erradicación de las diferencias económicas entre el Primer Mundo y los otros. Cursa estudios superiores entre España y Estados Unidos de Música, Medicina y Psicología y de Medicina Tibetana en Nepal, India y Tíbet, habiendo conseguido el grado de «Duramba». Es directora desde hace dieciséis años de la asociación Sun Dance y sigue haciendo de puente entre Occidente y Oriente, viajando con gru...

Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 12

Page 14: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788499172941 Pub Date: 12/1/13 $18.00/$20.00 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

208 Pages Carton Qty: 56 Family & Relationships / Parenting

5.3 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.5 lb Wt

Niños con valores Ideas y ejercicios para infundir valores humanos y potenciar la autoestima en los niños Peggy J. Jenkins

A series of simple and didactic activities that parents and educators can carry out with their young ones in as little as 10 minutes a day is featured in this indispensable parenting book. The exercises are designed for children to develop their values, such as courage, generosity, humility, and sincerity. Parents, for their part, learn how to teach positive thinking, broach the issue of death appropriately, and foster constructive values in their children.


Una serie de actividades sencillas y didácticas que los padres y educadores pueden transmitir a los más pequeños en tan sólo 10 minutos al día es presentada en este indispensable libro de crianza de niños. Los ejercicios están diseñados para que los niños desarrollen sus valores humanos como la valentía, la generosidad, la humildad y la sinceridad. Por su parte, los padres aprenden cómo enseñar el pensamiento positivo, exponer adecuadamente el tema de la muerte y potenciar valores constructivos en sus hijos.

Peggy J. Jenkins is the founder of Joyful Child, Inc., a company that publishes the magazine Joyful Child Journal and offers parenting classes, facilitator training, and a mail-order service. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

Contributor Bio

Editorial Kairos 9788499882420 Pub Date: 5/1/14 $29.95/$32.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

156 Pages Includes audio CD Carton Qty: 68 Family & Relationships / Parenting

5 in W | 8 in H | 0.4 lb Wt

Tranquilos y atentos como una rana La meditación para los niños . . . con sus padres Eline Snel, Christophe André

Meditation is a simple and effective tool that can easily be adapted to the needs of children and that can yield immediate benefits. This appealing guide includes stories and offers brief and simple exercises that children can do on a daily basis. The exercises and activities are geared to children between the ages of 5 and 12 as well as their parents, who can accompany them in the practices. Certified mindfulness trainer Eline Snel has based her program on the mindfulness method developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, and the activities she proposes can result in children who sleep better, show better concentration, are more calm and alert, and are more confident and secure over all. The book includes an accompanying CD with 11 guided meditations.


Eline Snel is a therapist and a certified mindfulness-based stress reduction trainer. She is the founder of the Academy for Mindful Teaching in the Netherlands. She has developed a meditation program for children that has been used in numerous primary schools in the Netherlands. Christophe André is a psychiatrist and a

Contributor Bio

psychotherapist who teaches courses on meditation at Sainte-Anne Hospital in Paris. He is the author of Los estados de ánimo, Meditar día a día, Prácticas de autoestima, and Psicología del miedo.

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 13

Page 15: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Kairos 9788499883724 Pub Date: 4/1/15 $21.95/$25.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

180 Pages Carton Qty: 68 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Family & Relationships / Activities

5 in W | 8 in H | 0.5 lb Wt

Yoga para niños Ramiro Calle

Yoga has proven to be one of the most effective spiritual and physical workouts. It eliminates tension, physical aggression, and stress and facilitates concentration and self-control. In a time when children are constantly bombarded with “noise” and distractions, they develop concentration problems, sleep dysfunctions, and hyperactivity. Yoga fights against this and is a great tool for relaxation, fitness, and developing mindfulness. This illustrated book was conceived and designed—at the request of many parents—by Ramiro Calle, the greatest authority on yoga in Spain. It is a simple and practical tutorial on how to practice yoga for kids.


Ramiro Calle is a pioneer of yoga in Spain and has led the yoga center Shadak since 1971. He is a former yoga

Contributor Bio

teacher at the Autonomous University of Madrid and is the author of Autobiografía espiritual, La sabidura de los grandes yoguis, and La senda de la atención plena.

Editorial Pax Mexico 9786077803102 Pub Date: 2/1/16 $14.95/$17.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

136 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Family & Relationships / Parenting

6.8 in W | 9 in H

Familias con disciplina positiva Formación integral de hábitos saludables Eduardo Aguilar Kubli

This guide presents the methodology for identifying, creating, and sustaining healthy habits at home in order to foster your family’s well-being. Positive discipline is the ideal way to address the necessity of change and development in the home. The book suggests leaving authoritarian education in the past and releasing the potential of our children—and each one of us. Through useful positive methods and teaching guides, our children will develop habits that benefit their health, happiness, and overall performance.


Eduardo Aguilar Kubli is a psychologist and a former consultant for many independent businesses, institutes,

Contributor Bio

and universities. He is the author of Amar con hechos, Asertividad, Cómo ser tú mismo sin culpas, Cómo no amargarse la vida, Cómo elegir bien a tu pareja, El cuento que tú te cuentas, and Habilidades para la vida.

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 14

Page 16: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346355 Pub Date: 2/1/16 $17.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

136 Pages Carton Qty: 44 Family & Relationships / Parenting

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

Sácate un 10 educando a tus hijos Eduardo Aguilar Kubli

The legacy we leave our children consists of a happy childhood, kind words that fill their hearts, arms extended to help in times of need, an understanding they won’t find elsewhere, values that strengthen them, a development of their talents, unconditional love, a growth shared with spirit, a sense of responsibility, and the instillment of confidence, faith, and hope. This book is more than a rigid outline of how or what to be; it is a guide of teaching strategies for life. It details the most important psychological variables that we need to pay attention to. The love that we have for our children must not be trampled over by poor methods or ignorance. On the contrary, by following the recommendations presented here, you’ll discover that dedicating your feelings to the highest level yields fruitful, visible results.


Eduardo Aguilar Kubli is a psychologist and a former consultant for many independent businesses, institutes,

Contributor Bio

and universities. He is the author of Amar con hechos, Asertividad, Cómo ser tú mismo sin culpas, Cómo no amargarse la vida, Cómo elegir bien a tu pareja, El cuento que tú te cuentas, and Habilidades para la vida.

Combel Editorial 9788421843741 Pub Date: 2/3/12 $14.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

125 Pages Includes DVD Carton Qty: 50 Family & Relationships / Parenting Series: Padres Activos

6 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.5 lb Wt

Cómo conseguir que tu hijo valore la sinceridad Pedro Marcet

The guides in this useful series contain tips and tools that, when applied with consistency and patience, help parents teach their children the fundamental values of a good education.


Las guías en esta serie útil contienen consejos y herramientas que, cuando aplicados con consistencia y paciencia, les ayudan a los padres a enseñarles a sus hijos los valores fundamentales de una buena educación. This child-rearing handbook helps parents teach their children to value sincerity in the face of envy, lies, gossip, and slander. A DVD with two short stories that exemplify sincerity at work is included. Este manual para los padres les ayuda a enseñarles a sus hijos el valor de la sinceridad frente a la envidia, la mentira, la murmuración y la calumnia. Se incluye un DVD con dos cuentos cortos que ejemplifican la sinceridad en funcionamiento.

Pedro Marcet is a child psychologist and a member of the Fundación Marcet, a soccer academy geared toward children.

Contributor Bio

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Page 17: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Combel Editorial 9788421843093 Pub Date: 2/3/12 $14.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

224 Pages Includes DVD Carton Qty: 40 Family & Relationships / Parenting Series: Padres Activos

6 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.7 lb Wt

Cómo conseguir que tu hijo valore el orden Pedro Marcet

The guides in this useful series contain tips and tools that, when applied with consistency and patience, help parents teach their children the fundamental values of a good education.


Las guías en esta serie útil contienen consejos y herramientas que, cuando aplicados con consistencia y paciencia, les ayudan a los padres a enseñarles a sus hijos los valores fundamentals de una buena educación. With practical advice and a DVD with two stories that illustrate the lesson being taught, this manual helps parents instill an appreciation for organization and order in their children—a value that can help turn children into more self-assured, balanced individuals. Con consejos prácticos y un DVD con dos cuentos que ilustran la lección que se está enseñando, este manual les ayuda a los padres inculcar a sus hijos un aprecio por la organización y el orden—un valor que puede servir para convertirlos en individuos más seguros de si mismos y más equilibrados.

Pedro Marcet is a child psychologist and a member of the Fundación Marcet, a soccer academy geared toward children.

Contributor Bio

Combel Editorial 9788421836521 Pub Date: 4/13/10 $14.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

144 Pages Includes DVD Carton Qty: 58 Family & Relationships / Parenting Series: Padres Activos

6 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.4 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Cómo conseguir que tu hijo valore el esfuerzo Pedro Marcet

The guides in this useful series contain tips and tools that, when applied with consistency and patience, help parents teach their children the fundamental values of a good education. Arguing that developing strength of character in children is only possible when they understand the importance of effort, this indispensable reference for parents provides numerous strategies for, and real-life examples of, how to inculcate them with an appreciation for this essential virtue. A DVD with two stories that illustrate the significance of effort is included.


Las guías en esta serie útil contienen consejos y herramientas que, cuando aplicados con consistencia y paciencia, les ayudan a los padres a enseñarles a sus hijos los valores fundamentales de una buena educación. Sosteniendo que desarrollar fuerza de carácter en los niños es posible solamente cuando hayan entendido la importancia del esfuerzo, esta referencia indispensable para padres provee numerosas estrategias y ejemplos verdaderos de cómo infundirles con una apreciación por esta virtud esencial. Un DVD con dos historias que ilustran la significancia del esfuerzo está incluido.

Pedro Marcet is a child psychologist and a member of the Fundación Marcet, a soccer academy geared toward children.

Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 16

Page 18: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Combel Editorial 9788421833247 Pub Date: 4/13/10 $14.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

112 Pages Includes DVD Carton Qty: 60 Family & Relationships / Parenting Series: Padres Activos

6 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.3 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

Cómo conseguir que tu hijo quiera obedecer Pedro Marcet

The guides in this useful series contain tips and tools that, when applied with consistency and patience, help parents teach their children the fundamental values of a good education. An authoritative manual for parents, this handbook provides a series of graduated strategies that demonstrate how to promote obedience in children—not through yelling or threats, but by fostering within them a sense of cooperation. A DVD with two stories that provide a positive example for children of the value of obedience is included.


Las guías en esta serie útil contienen consejos y herramientas que, cuando aplicados con consistencia y paciencia, les ayudan a los padres a enseñarles a sus hijos los valores fundamentales de una buena educación. Un manual autoritario para los padres, esta referencia provee una serie de estrategias graduadas que demuestran cómo promover la obediencia en los niños—no a través de los gritos o las amenazas, pero por fomentar en ellos un sentido de la cooperación. Se incluye un DVD con dos cuentos que les proveen a los niños un ejemplo positivo del valor de la obediencia.

Pedro Marcet is a child psychologist and a member of the Fundación Marcet, a soccer academy geared toward children.

Contributor Bio

Grandy Publications 9780972923736 Pub Date: 11/1/05 $15.95/$23.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

64 Pages FOUR-COLOR INTERIOR Carton Qty: 40 Ages 5 And Up, Grades K And Up Family & Relationships / Parenting Series: You've Got Manners series

10 in W | 8 in H | 0.5 in T | 1 lb Wt

¡Ya tienes buenos modales! Consejitos de A a Z para niños de todas edades Louise Elerding, Caradawn Holter

This guide to proper behavior at the dinner table provides an introduction to etiquette for kids and a refresher in manners for adults. Guides Carmen Cortesia and Edi Etiqueta introduce kids to the correct way of handling situations such as choosing utensils at the table, passing the salt and pepper, chewing ice, and disposing of olive pits. In addition to situation-specific guidance, this book provides the means for determining appropriate behavior in any situation by asking children to be considerate of those around them.


Esta guía de modales en la mesa presenta una introducción a la etiqueta para ninos y un recordatorio para adultos. Los guías Carmen Cortesía y Edi Etiqueta enseñan a los ninos a manejar situaciones como maneras correctas de escoger los cubiertos en la mesa, a pasar la sal y la pimienta, masticar el hielo y desechar las semillas de las aceitunas. Además de guía para situaciones especificas, este libro provee formas para determinar comportamientos apropiados en determinadas situaciones a través de pedir que los niños consideren a los que les rodean.

Louise Elerding is the owner of Professional Image Partners in Burbank, California, where she consults individuals and companies regarding personal appearance issues. She served as the international president of the Association of Image Consultants in 1996 and 1997 and was inducted into the International Who's Who of Professional Business Women's Hall of Fame. She has appeared in publications such as the Baltimore Sun, the Chicago Tribune, Glamour, and L.A. Business Journal. She lives in Glendale, California.

Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 17

Page 19: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788479279936 Pub Date: 4/1/10 $18.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

208 Pages Carton Qty: 56 Family & Relationships / Parenting

5.3 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.6 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Cómo potenciar la vida interior del niño Ideas y ejercicos para desarollar valores espirituales en los niños y estimular su autoestima Peggy J. Jenkins

Designed as an educational resource for parents and educators to help children learn empathy, forgiveness, growth, inner peace, and trust, the simple and thought-provoking lessons in this guide can be taught in less than 10 minutes. Practical and diverse, the lessons use commonly available materials and complement a wide variety of religious perspectives.


Diseñado como un recurso educativo para padres y educadores para ayudar a los niños a aprender empatía, crecimiento, paz interior y confianza, las actividades sencillas y didácticas en esta guía pueden ser enseñadas en sólo 10 minutos. Prácticas y diversas, las lecciones usan materiales comúnmente disponibles y complementan una variedad de perspectivas religiosas.

Peggy J. Jenkins is the founder of Joyful Child, Inc., which publishes the magazine the Joyful Child Journal, and offers parenting classes, facilitator training, and a mail-order service. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

Contributor Bio

Parentmagic, Inc. 9781889140025 Pub Date: 7/1/02 $9.95/$14.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

104 Pages Carton Qty: 50 Family & Relationships / Parenting

6 in W | 9 in H | 0.3 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

1-2-3 Magia Diciplina efectiva para niños de 2 a 12 Thomas W. Phelan, PhD

Addressing the task of child discipline with humor and practicality, this time-tested program provides easy-to-follow steps for disciplining children ages two through 12 without yelling, arguing, or spanking. Parents learn to deal with the six kinds of testing and manipulation, and they discover the 10 steps for building self-esteem in children. This award-winning guide also teaches parents how to handle the disrespectful outbursts of children with reason, patience, and compassion. Tratando la disciplina con humor y práctico, este programa bien probada presenta pasos sencillos para disciplinar a los niños de dos a 12 años sin discutir, gritar, y azotar. Los padres aprenden como confrontar los seis tipos de manipulación y pruebas y descubren los 10 pasos para estimular la autoestima de sus hijos. Este libro premiado guía a los padres como responder al comportamiento malo con razón, paciencia, y compasión.


Contributor BioThomas W. Phelan, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and the author of “I Never Get Anything”, All About Attention Deficit Disorder, Surviving Your Adolescents, Self-Esteem Revolutions in Children, and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder. He lives in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 18

Page 20: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9788077723862 Pub Date: 9/1/11 $18.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

160 Pages Carton Qty: 80 Family & Relationships / Life Stages

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.4 lb Wt

Adolescentes Transformando tu relación con ellos en 12 pasos Blanca Mercado

Outlining how parents and teachers can achieve positive communication with teenagers, this enlightening handbook describes a 12-step assistance program for working with difficult adolescents. With simple exercises to


assist in communicating with, raising, and educating teenagers, this guide poses questions such as Do I provide opportunities for my children or students to succeed? Am I doing what is necessary for them to succeed in school and their daily lives? and Do I really listen and accept young people? This practical book will teach parents and educators to communicate positively with teenagers and ultimately help build their self-esteem. Resumiendo cómo los padres y los maestros pueden lograr una comunicación positiva con los adolescentes, este manual instructivo describe un programa de asistencia de 12 pasos para trabajar con adolescentes difíciles. Con ejercicios sencillos para ayudar en la comunicación, la crianza y la educación de los adolescentes, esta guía plantea preguntas como ¿Doy oportunidades a mis hijos o a mis alumnos para triunfar? ¿Hago lo necesario para que tengan éxito en su escuela y en su vida personal? y ¿Realmente escucho y acepto a los jóvenes? Este lib...

Blanca Mercado is the director of the Center for Human Development and Quality of Life and works as a teacher and facilitator. She has a radio program and is a therapist on the television program Punto In in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Contributor Bio

Chicago Review Press 9781613733929 Pub Date: 9/1/15 $12.95/$15.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

160 Pages Carton Qty: 88 Transportation / Automotive

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.4 lb Wt

No tan rápido Cómo orientar a sus adolescentes acerca de los peligros de conducir Tim Hollister, Sandy Spavone

Most driving literature for parents focuses on how to teach a teen to drive, without explaining why teen driving


is so dangerous in the first place or giving parents a plan to preempt the hazards teens face. By contrast, No tan rápido empowers and guides parents to understand the causes and situations that most often lead to teen crashes and to take specific, proactive steps—before and each time a teen driver gets behind the wheel—to counteract them. This authoritative guide tackles hot button issues such as texting and distracted driving, parenting attitudes (conscious and unconscious), and teen impairment and fatigue—and includes a combination of topics not found in other teen driving guides, such as:

l How brain development affects driving l Why driver’s ed does not produce safe drivers l How and why to prepare a “flight plan” for each drive before handing over the keys l How and when to say no

Proceeds from the sale of this book support the Reid Samuel Hollister Memorial Fund, which subsidizes infant

and toddler education in greater Hartford, Connecticut, and worthy traffic safety causes.

Tim Hollister became a national authority and spokesperson for safer teen driving after losing his 17-year-old son Reid in a car crash in 2006. He served on a Connecticut state task force that overhauled his state’s teen driving laws; is the creator of From Reid’s Dad, a national blog for parents of teen drivers; and regularly makes appearances on television and radio. He was awarded the 2012 AAA Southern New England Traffic Safety Hero of the Year Award as well as the U.S. Department of Transportation National Public Service Award, the nation’s highest civilian award for traffic safety. Sandy Spavone is the executive director for National Organizations for Youth Safety, a coalition of national organizations that promote youth empowerment and leadership and work to build partnerships that ...

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IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 19

Page 21: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346140 Pub Date: 2/1/16 $16.95/$19.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

248 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Family & Relationships / Education Series: Disciplina con amor

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H

Disciplina con amor (2nd Edition) Cómo poner límites sin ahogarse en la culpa Rosa Barocio

How can parents and educators teach children to be healthy and self-confident yet also respectful and responsible? Is it possible to set limits and be firm while still showing love? With practical advice, sensibility, and humor, this guide presents a clear explanation of the difficult task of educating with consciousness—encouraging children in their process of maturing; offering support, acceptance, and unconditional love; and setting strong boundaries and firm rules.


Rosa Barocio is certified in Montessori education and Waldorf education and has more than 30 years of experience working with children, training teachers, directing schools, and advising parents. She holds

Contributor Bio

conferences and workshops in Mexico, the United States, and Europe. She is the author of Conoce tu temperamento y mejora tus relaciones, Explora tus emociones para avanzar en la vida, and the Disciplina con amor series, which includes Disciplina con amor en el aula, Disciplina con amor para adolescentes, and Disciplina con amor tu temperamento.

Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346157 Pub Date: 2/1/16 $16.95/$19.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

224 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Family & Relationships / Life Stages Series: Disciplina con amor

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H

Disciplina con amor para adolescentes (2nd Edition) Guía para llevarte bien con tu adolescente Rosa Barocio

With a great sense of humor, this parenting guide explains why treating teenagers like children only causes anger and rebellion. Instead, advice is given on becoming close to teenagers in a new way—by being open but without prejudices, interested but respectful, and present but not controlling. With these helpful suggestions, parents are on their way to acquiring new abilities that will convert them into reliable guides for their teenagers.


Rosa Barocio is certified in Montessori education and Waldorf education and has more than 30 years of experience working with children, training teachers, directing schools, and advising parents. She holds

Contributor Bio

conferences and workshops in Mexico, the United States, and Europe. She is the author of Conoce tu temperamento y mejora tus relaciones, Explora tus emociones para avanzar en la vida, and the Disciplina con amor series, which includes Disciplina con amor en el aula, Disciplina con amor para adolescentes, and Disciplina con amor tu temperamento.

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Page 22: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346614 Pub Date: 2/1/16 $13.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

136 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Family & Relationships / Parenting Series: Disciplina con amor

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.4 lb Wt

Disciplina con amor para abuelos Una segunda oportunidad para amar Rosa Barocio

In a time of great changes in the family dynamic, this book is dedicated to grandparents, whose tendency is to spoil—a word that can have different connotations. When used as an expression of love and unconditional acceptance, it nourishes and strengthens a grandchild’s emotional well-being. Spending time with grandparents becomes a treat rather than a chore. But when the spoiling begins to get out of hand, a lack of self-control, no limits when it comes to disrespect, or acting against the wishes of the parents—this type of spoiling is harmful. Grandparents who spoil in this manner contribute to the development of demanding, fussy, rude grandchildren. In a society in which mothers more and more commonly work and grandparents play an increasingly important role in child care, being a grandparent offers a second chance to love in a mature, generous, yet responsible manner.


Rosa Barocio is certified in Montessori education and Waldorf education and has more than 30 years of experience working with children, training teachers, directing schools, and advising parents. She holds

Contributor Bio

conferences and workshops in Mexico, the United States, and Europe. She is the author of Conoce tu temperamento y mejora tus relaciones, Explora tus emociones para avanzar en la vida, and the Disciplina con amor series, which includes Disciplina con amor en el aula, Disciplina con amor para adolescentes, and Disciplina con amor tu temperamento.

Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688606834 Pub Date: 4/1/07 $13.00/$17.00 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

120 Pages Carton Qty: 90 Family & Relationships / Parenting

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.2 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Recetario vegetariano para nutrir bien a niños melindrosos Cómo balancear los nutrientes para tener hijos sanos María Elena Díaz, María Elena Figueroa

After outlining the nutritional needs of children according to age, from the first year into adolescence, the authors show the importance of different foods while dispelling common doubts about sugar, sweets, diets, and snacks. They explain how to design a healthy and tasty menu that is also easy to prepare, offering a variety of possibilities and taking into account personal taste as well as the child’s own psychology.


Después de presentar las necesidades nutricionales según la edad—del primer año de vida en adelante—las autoras muestran la importancia de cada alimento y despejan las dudas comunes sobre el azúcar, la comida chatarra, las dietas y las entre comidas. Tambien muestra cómo diseñar un menú sano y nutritivo, fácil de preparar y bien balanceado para que los niños coman adecuadamente, ofreciendo en cada caso varias posibilidades y tomando en cuenta la psicología del niño y la sensibilidad personal.

María Elena Díaz is a yoga master and a specialist of Zen Buddhism. She lives in New York. María Elena Figueroa is a sociologist.

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IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 21

Page 23: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788499171357 Pub Date: 1/1/13 $21.00/$24.00 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

256 Pages Carton Qty: 44 Family & Relationships / Parenting

5.3 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

¿Por qué mi hijo no come? El bebé de 0 a 3 años Susan Benjamin

Featuring delicious recipes, fun activities and games, and practical ideas, this book will help parents instill healthy eating habits in their children from a very early age. Focusing on the first years of a child’s life, this guide will prove useful to parents who find themselves at a loss when faced with picky eaters or children who would rather eat in front of the television than at the table with the rest of the family. Using relatable examples and providing practical solutions, the book also delves into issues that might arise later on in a child’s life, such as eating disorders or childhood obesity.


Con recetas deliciosas, actividades y juegos divertidos e ideas prácticas, este libro ayudará a padres a inculcar hábitos alimenticios saludables en sus hijos desde una muy temprana edad. Enfocándose en los primeros años de la vida de un niño, esta guía les será útil a los padres que se sienten perdidos frente a niños quisquillosos con la comida o a hijos que prefieren comer frente al televisor en vez de en la mesa con el resto de la familia. Usando ejemplos relacionables y proveyendo soluciones prácticas, el libro también indaga en asuntos que pueden surgir más adelante en la vid...

Susan Benjamin is a psychologist and the author of 1001 ideas para cuidar al bebé and Juega con tus hijos.

Contributor Bio

Lectio Ediciones 9788416012237 Pub Date: 12/1/15 $15.95/$18.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

144 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Health & Fitness / Allergies Series: Cuadrilátero de libros

5.8 in W | 9 in H

¡Mamá, me pica! Manual de supervivencia para padres novatos en alergias e intolerancias alimentarias Núria Canturri

Pau is 15 years old and allergic to a number of foods, including eggs, legumes, shellfish, and Andean potato latent virus (APLV). The discovery of his many allergies radically changed the lives of his entire family, who have not been able to let down their guard for a moment. Núria Canturri, Pau’s mother, shares her experiences, discoveries, recipes, and practical solutions in this book. Topics include how to proceed when you detect a food allergy, the differences between allergies and intolerance, how to cook for those with food allergies, how to read and interpret food labels, what instructions to give school cafeterias, how to eat outside of the house, and how to handle field trips and outings.


Contributor BioNúria Canturri is a musician and an associate producer for Animal Films. In 2010 she created the blog Jo també sóc allèrgic, which chronicles her family’s experiences and struggles with the many allergies of her son, Pau.

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Page 24: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346263 Pub Date: 9/1/15 $17.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

168 Pages Carton Qty: 46 Family & Relationships / Parenting

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

¡Sana a tus hijos emocionalmente! Con el poder de la palabra Eduardo Aguilar Kubli

What parents tell their children leaves an impression, for better or for worse, that remains for the rest of their lives, potentially wreaking emotional havoc that could have been avoided with a greater awareness of the weight of words. With more than 30 years of working with parents and educators, Eduardo Aguilar Kubli researched to what extent we hear from our parents words that feed our spirit and help us grow. This book introduces the basis and elements of words to transform them into vitamins for a comprehensive health for our children, our students, and other loved ones, including adults, who also need verbal nourishment. Words, in order to hold power, must be honest, sincere, and consistent. Take advantage of the gold mine within your reach; use on a regular basis the more than 400 phrases proposed here by Aguilar Kubli.


Eduardo Aguilar Kubli is a psychologist and a former consultant for many independent businesses, institutes,

Contributor Bio

and universities. He is the author of Amar con hechos, Asertividad, Cómo ser tú mismo sin culpas, Cómo no amargarse la vida, Cómo elegir bien a tu pareja, El cuento que tú te cuentas, and Habilidades para la vida.

Parenting Press 9781884734519 Pub Date: 1/1/99 $10.95/$11.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

48 Pages Carton Qty: 130 Family & Relationships

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.2 lb Wt

Amor & límites Una guía para ser padres creativos Elizabeth Crary, Marina Patiño de McVittie

Functioning as a kind of quick-reference guide to parenting, this concise book discusses child development, describes basic temperament traits, and offers many practical child-guidance tools as it introduces a problem-solving process known as STAR Parenting. Parents will be able to use the information to more effectively deal with children’s feelings and reduce power struggles.


Actuando como un tipo de guía rápida de referencia para la crianza de hijos, este corto libro discute el desarrollo infantil, describe rasgos básicos de temperamento y ofrece muchas herramientas prácticas para guiar a los niños mientras presenta un proceso para resolver problemas llamado STAR Parenting. Los padres podrán usar esta información para lidiar más efectivamente con los sentimientos de los niños y reducir luchas por el poder.

Elizabeth Crary is the award-winning author of more than 40 children’s and child-guidance publications. She has taught parenting education, with an emphasis on problem-solving and skill-building methods, and established Parenting Press in 1979. She lives in Seattle. Marina Patino de McVittie has more than 20 years of teaching experience, including as an extension lecturer at the University of Washington, translator at Seattle Language Academy, and visiting assistant professor at Reed College. She is on the faculty at the Northwest School in the modern languages department.

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IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 23

Page 25: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Edimat Libros 9788497643108 Pub Date: 12/28/05 $8.95/$12.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

192 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Family & Relationships / Education Series: Guía de padres series

5.8 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.8 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

La agresividad en los niños Violencia infantil Mariano González Ramírez

Parents often feel at a loss when they experience problems and conflicts with their children. This series guides parents to better communication and helps them deal with the challenges of parenthood. Whether the problem is big or small, parents can find the solutions and advice they need to make parenting more manageable while maintaining a loving relationship with their children.


Mariano González Ramírez is a psychologist who specializes in family care and parenting.

Contributor Bio

Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346652 Pub Date: 12/1/15 $19.99/$23.99 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

256 Pages Carton Qty: 28 Family & Relationships / Children With Special Needs Series: ¿Qué hago con un niño con discapacidad?

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.8 lb Wt

¿Qué hago con un niño con discapacidad? Atiéndelo Cuál es su condición y cómo tratarla Cecilia Rosales Vega

After years of research, psychologist Cecilia Rosales Vega’s book is a culmination of detailed information about different types of disabilities and impairments—auditory, visual, motor, and mental—for parents to understand and learn how to deal with them. Down syndrome, Asperger’s, West syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autism are also discussed. For each condition, the book provides descriptions, causes, treatments, therapies, and ways to provide support. It also offers recommendations for how to help children adapt at home and at school and for appropriate toys and teaching resources. This guide is an extremely useful tool for parents to gain understanding of their child’s condition.


Cecilia Rosales Vega is a psychologist and the coordinator of the Psychological Services Center at the University of the Americas in Mexico City. She has professional experience working with people with disabilities, as well as personal experience with her daughter who has Down syndrome.

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Page 26: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346102 Pub Date: 12/1/15 $19.99/$23.99 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

204 Pages Carton Qty: 34 Family & Relationships / Children With Special Needs Series: ¿Qué hago con un niño con discapacidad?

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.8 lb Wt

¿Qué hago con un niño con discapacidad? Conócelo Cómo es y cómo cuidarlo Cecilia Rosales Vega

Inspired by her personal experiences as mother to Elisa, a special needs child, psychologist Cecilia Rosales Vega presents in this book some of the results of her exhaustive research over the course of many years. Beginning with descriptions of different types of disabilities and impairments and their causes, the guide continues with information on how to take care of a child with a disability from parental, medical, and therapeutic perspectives. The sooner you begin to take action, the greater benefits your child will receive during his or her development. Rosales Vega combines firsthand cases she has experienced with situations she has seen during her professional career to provide a well-rounded, helpful account.


Cecilia Rosales Vega is a psychologist and the coordinator of the Psychological Services Center at the University of the Americas in Mexico City. She has professional experience working with people with disabilities, as well as personal experience with her daughter who has Down syndrome.

Contributor Bio

Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346645 Pub Date: 12/1/15 $13.99/$16.99 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

140 Pages Carton Qty: 44 Family & Relationships / Children With Special Needs Series: ¿Qué hago con un niño con discapacidad?

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

¿Qué hago con un niño con discapacidad? Aliéntalo Cómo apoyarlo en su desarrollo Cecilia Rosales Vega

Emerging from years of research, this book offers information about what children with disabilities can do when they grow up. Many cases of real people who have stood out in various important fields—people such as Homer, Beethoven, Toulousse-Lautrec, Jorge Luis Borges, Gaby Brimmer, Juan García Ponce, Frida Kahlo, and Stephen Hawking—overcoming a disability or impairment, whether congenital or acquired, are presented and analyzed here. This book deals with the connection of disabilities and artistic tendencies, including music and painting, and one section details instances of young children who introduce immense life lessons to their communities and society as a whole. Also included are an appendix and a dictionary of frequently used terms.


Cecilia Rosales Vega is a psychologist and the coordinator of the Psychological Services Center at the University of the Americas in Mexico City. She has professional experience working with people with disabilities, as well as personal experience with her daughter who has Down syndrome.

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Page 27: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9786077723929 Pub Date: 2/1/16 $12.95/$15.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

162 Pages Carton Qty: 88 Family & Relationships / Attention Deficit Disorder

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.4 lb Wt

¿Tu adolescente tiene trastorno de atención? ¡Felicidades! Descubre el regalo que el TDA trae consigo Blanca Mercado

This guide offers all kinds of strategies for dealing with the most common academic issues experienced by distracted, fidgety, or impulsive students with ADD or ADHD. Students with attention-deficit disorders can have trouble focusing or sitting still for periods long enough to absorb a lesson. This book gives parents and teachers a slew of solutions that embrace teenagers’ personalities and traits.


Blanca Mercado is a therapist, a writer, a radio show host, and the creator of the Contraterapia system in

Contributor Bio

Mexico. She is the author of Adolescentes: Transformando tu relación con ellos en 12 pasos and Doce pasos para ser feliz: Dejando de ser víctima de las circunstancias para despertar a tu poder personal.

Ediciones Rodeno 9788493836467 Pub Date: 3/1/16 $13.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

128 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Family & Relationships / Activities

5.8 in W | 8 in H

El libro de los palos Un montón de cosas que construir y hacer con palos Jo Schofield, Fiona Danks

The stick is a universal toy. Totally natural, all-purpose, and free, it offers limitless opportunities for outdoor play and adventure. It provides a starting point for an active imagination and the raw materials for transformation into almost anything! In this book, Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks offer masses of suggestions for things to do with a stick, in the way of adventures and bushcraft, creative imagination and play, games, woodcraft and conservation, music, and more.


Jo Schofield is a commercial magazine photographer. Fiona Danks is an environmental educator with experience leading field trips and running countryside playgroups. They previously collaborated on Go Wild!, Make It Wild!,

Contributor Bio

Nature’s Playground, and Run Wild!

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 26

Page 28: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Rodeno 9788493836498 Pub Date: 3/1/16 $13.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

128 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Family & Relationships / Activities

5.8 in W | 8 in H

El libro de la ciudad silvestre Un montón de cosas que hacer en la ciudad y en el pueblo Jo Schofield, Fiona Danks

Do you live in a city? Then this is the book for you! It’s all about having fun outdoors in the wild spaces near where you live—hunting for wildlife clues, watching wild creatures, making wild art, playing wild games, and having exciting adventures. A surprising world of plants and animals is always waiting to be discovered around the corner, right now, in every city. Just keep your eyes open and know where to look.


Jo Schofield is a commercial magazine photographer. Fiona Danks is an environmental educator with experience leading field trips and running countryside playgroups. They previously collaborated on Go Wild!, Make It Wild!,

Contributor Bio

Nature’s Playground, and Run Wild!

Ediciones Rodeno 9788493836450 Pub Date: 1/1/16 $13.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

128 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Family & Relationships / Activities

5.8 in W | 8 in H

El libro del mal tiempo Un montón de cosas que hacer al aire libre con lluvia, viento y nieve Fiona Danks, Jo Schofield

Imagine jumping in the biggest puddle you can find, or running barefoot and feeling squishy mud ooze up between your toes. Run up the nearest hill to feel the wind try to carry you away! When it’s wet, windy, or cold, there’s no need to stay cooped up indoors; it’s a great opportunity to have some fun outside. Go on an animal hunt to discover which creatures come out when it's wet. Fly a kite in the wind and catch falling leaves. Take your camera into a white world and see how many different icy patterns and shapes you can find. There are loads of exciting and creative things you can do in the natural world when the weather’s wild. Don’t wait for the sun to come out; take this book with you and go outdoors for a wild weather adventure!


Fiona Danks is an environmental educator with experience leading field trips and running countryside

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playgroups. Jo Schofield is a commercial magazine photographer. They previously collaborated on Go Wild!, Make It Wild!, Nature’s Playground, and Run Wild!

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Page 29: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788499171289 Pub Date: 7/17/12 $5.95/$6.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

48 Pages Carton Qty: 25 Games / Logic & Brain Teasers Series: Cuadernos de la vida práctica

6 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.2 lb Wt

Juegos y pasatiempos mientras esperas el autobús Para aquellos que les gusta aprovechar el tiempo... David Grant

Full of fun games and activities, this portable book is perfect for readers on the go who find themselves with some extra time on their hands while waiting for the bus, riding the train, or waiting at the doctor's office. Brain teasers, hidden pictures, logic puzzles, and spot-the-difference are just some of the activities that will both entertain and challenge readers for as long or as short a period of time as they have at their disposal. Time will no longer be wasted as readers give their brains a workout in their spare moments.


Lleno de juegos y actividades divertidas, este libro portátil es perfecto para el lector que se encuentra desocupado mientras espera el autobús, viaja en tren o espera en un consultorio médico. Rompecabezas, descubrir qué se esconde en un dibujo, acertijos de lógica y encontrar las diferencias entre dos imágenes son algunas de las actividades que entretendrán y retarán al lector por cuanto tiempo tenga a su disposición. Se acabó el tiempo perdido con este libro que ayuda al lector a ejercer su mente en sus momentos libres.

David Grant is an expert on sudoku and other games. He frequently collaborates with newspapers and magazines.

Contributor Bio

Parenting Press 9781884734397 Pub Date: 1/1/98 $7.95/$8.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

32 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Ages 3 to 8, Grades P to 3 Juvenile Nonfiction / Social Issues

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.1 lb Wt

Algo pasó y me da miedo decirlo Un libro para jóvenes víctimas del abuso Patricia Kehoe, Carol Deach, Marisabel Morales-Och...

With the aid of a friendly lion, this book encourages young victims of sexual abuse to describe what they experienced and helps them recover self-esteem. Though not intended to replace intensive psychotherapy, the book does let children know that they are not to blame for the abuse they suffered and includes nonjudgmental language about why some adults abuse.


Con la ayuda de un amable león, este libro anima a las jóvenes víctimas del abuso sexual a describir lo que experimentaron y les ayuda a recobrar la autoestima. Aunque no está diseñado para sustituir la psicoterapia intensiva, el libro les deja saber a los niños que no son responsables d el abuso que sufrieron e incluye un lenguaje sin juicios sobre porqué algunos adultos abusan a los niños.

Patricia Kehoe, PhD, was a clinical psychologist. Carol Deach is the illustrator of It’s My Body, Loving Touches, My Grandma Died, and Something Happened and I’m Scared to Tell.

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IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 28

Page 30: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Parenting Press 9781884734403 Pub Date: 1/1/98 $7.95/$8.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

40 Pages Carton Qty: 160 Ages 3 to 8, Grades P to 3 Juvenile Nonfiction / Family

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.1 lb Wt

Algo anda mal en mi casa Un libro acerca de las peleas de los padres Diane Davis, Marina Megale, Cynthia Jones

Based on a true story, this brief book presents a child who seeks, and finally obtains, help in a domestic violence


situation. Written in such a way that it can be used with toddlers as well as school-aged children, Something Is Wrong at My House provides brief text with illustrations on one page of each two-page spread, and more detailed information on the facing page. This is an ideal resource for school nurses, counselors, social workers and teachers, and by therapists and the staff in shelters. Basado en una historia real, este breve libro presenta a un niño que busca, y finalmente consigue, ayuda en una situación de violencia doméstica. Escrito de tal manera que se puede usar tanto con niños pequeños así como con niños de edad escolar, Algo anda mal en mi casa provee un texto breve con ilustraciones en una página de cada doble página, e información más detallada en la página de enfrente. Éste es un recurso ideal para enfermeras escolares, consejeros, trabajadores sociales y maestros, y para terapeutas y el personal en albergues.

Diane Davis is a trainer/consultant for such agencies as Child Care Resources & Referral of King County, the state Department of Social and Health Services, Puget Sound Educational Service District, and the Washington State Association of Head Start/ECEAP, and she has written sexual abuse prevention curricula. Marina Megale is the illustrator of I Can’t Wait; I Want It; I Want to Play; I’m Lost; Kids to the Rescue!; Mommy, Don’t Go; and My Name Is Not Dummy. They both live in Seattle.

Contributor Bio

Lectio Ediciones 9788416012107 Pub Date: 5/1/15 $16.95/$19.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

160 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Health & Fitness / Sleep & Sleep Disorders Series: Cien x 100

6 in W | 9.3 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

¡Paso de dormir! 100 consejos para que los adolescentes duerman bien Javier Albares, Francisco Segarra

Sleep disruption in adolescents is as prevalent as it is little recognized by the majority of society. The lack of awareness leads to personal, health, family, and academic problems. This book explains in a simple manner the most frequent sleep disorders experienced by young people, as well as the best ways to combat them. It differentiates between situations when teenagers can correct their own actions and when they should consult a specialist.


Javier Albares is a doctor and surgeon specializing in clinical neurophysiology and an expert in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Francisco Segarra is a clinical psychologist and psychiatrist. They both work at the Estivill Sleep Clinic in Spain.

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IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 29

Page 31: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Lectio Ediciones 9788416012220 Pub Date: 12/1/15 $16.95/$19.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

192 Pages Carton Qty: 35 Health & Fitness / Alternative Therapies Series: Cuadrilátero de libros

5.8 in W | 9 in H

Remedios naturales para una infancia saludable Todas las terapias para cuidar la salud de tus hijos Lourdes Prat

Natural remedies have been used to cure illnesses and ailments since the beginning of time. The reason they are still in use today is because they are effective, are beneficial, and have fewer undesired side effects than pharmaceutical medications. However, author Lourdes Prats recommends not abandoning medicine altogether, but rather using natural remedies alongside treatment prescribed by pediatricians or family doctors, whose instructions should always be followed. In this complete, detailed, practical guide, Prats presents different natural therapies—homeopathy, flower elixirs, color therapy, music therapy, chiropractic—and indicates illnesses for which they are most effective. A section of the book describes the most common health issues that afflict children and the different natural remedies and products that can help treat them.


Lourdes Prat is a journalist, a writer, and a community manager. She directs and hosts radio and television programs about health and well-being. She is the coauthor of El aceite de argán, El gran libro del aloe vera, and El gran libro del té.

Contributor Bio

Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346492 Pub Date: 2/1/16 $18.95/$22.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

256 Pages Carton Qty: 30 Education / Violence & Harassment

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.9 lb Wt

Bullying Los múltiples rostros del acoso escolar Brenda Mendoza

Providing a great learning experience for teachers and school administrators as well as government institution staff, this book contains beneficial information about setting up an effective intervention program: el Programa Integral para Mejorar la Convivencia Escolar (PRIMCE), a comprehensive program for improving school life. This new edition of Bullying offers even more easy-to-implement tools for the classroom and during the school day that not only help lighten the work load, but also allow you to strengthen your leadership and further promote children’s rights day to day. The PRIMCE has been put into effect in schools all around Mexico, taking into account the need to begin intervening as early as preschool. Many teachers agree that bullying isn’t just a “phase” or a “game”; it is a wake-up call for all adults who shape society, a daily reminder that we as a community need to be doing something about it, today more than ever. School should be a safe place for all children, and we need to maintain close communication full of respect and trust.


Brenda Mendoza is a professor of experimental behavior analysis at National Autonomous University of Mexico

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and a researcher of school violence and bullying. She is the author of Asambleas escolares and Manual de autocontrol del enojo.

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Page 32: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497007955 Pub Date: 6/1/15 $14.95/$17.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

120 Pages Carton Qty: 55 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials Series: Historias con huella

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

Historias con huella 2 Relatos para la comprensión lectora y la expresión escrita Noelia López Iniesta, José Baides Cobos

Directed at students between the ages of 12 and 15, the short stories in this book have been written in accordance with the basic competencies of Spain's education system, the Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE), and are as useful in regular classrooms as in support groups or therapeutic learning environments for teaching reading comprehension and writing skills. This collection develops personal initiative in a skillful manner, fosters necessary linguistic skills, encourages active participation and creativity, utilizes new technologies and data processing, and boosts students' relationships with the natural world through topics such as health, social relations, teamwork, tolerance, and respect toward others and their differences. Each short story is supplemented by a vocabulary list, reading comprehension questions, and writing prompts.


Noelia López Iniesta is an author and an educator specializing in counseling and early childhood education. José Baides Cobos is an author, an educator, and an engineer. They are the authors of the first volume of

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Historias con huella and Padres que educan, niños felices: Orientaciones y ejemplos para que educar sea un poco más fácil.

Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688604496 Pub Date: 11/1/05 $11.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

180 Pages Carton Qty: 100 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.4 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Cómo motivar a los niños a leer Lecto-juegos y algo más Martha Sastrías

With this useful manual, parents, teachers, professionals, and volunteers are given an armory of possibilities and ideas for inspiring children to read. Es indudable que hay en el mundo una crisis en materia de lectura—muchos niños asocian la televisión con algo divertido, la lectura con algo escolar. Este útil manual es indispensable para toda persona que desee aumentar el número de lectores entre nuestros niños. Padres, maestros, educadoras, profesionales, promotores voluntarios, encontrarán en él un cúmulo de horizontes y posibilidades y aprovecharán gustosos las conclusiones a que se llegó después de un enorme esfuerzo.


Martha Sastrías is the founder of the International Program for Approaching Children's Literature (PIALI) and is

Contributor Bio

the author of Caminos a la lectura, Lecto-juego-acertijos, Palabras para jugar, and El uso del folklore para motivar a los niños a leer.

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Page 33: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688605325 Pub Date: 9/1/05 $18.00/$23.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

238 Pages Includes CD Carton Qty: 80 Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

5.3 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.6 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

El uso del folklore para motivar a los niños a leer y escribir Martha Sastrías

An invitation to rediscover the wealth of Latin American children's folktales, this book invites its readers to read, play, sing, have fun, think, and interpret stories. The collected folklore is used to make children enjoy reading, stimulate interest in writing, and inspire creativity. Una invitación a rescatar y a redescubrir el rico folklore infantil latinoamericano, este libro le invita al lector a leer, jugar, cantar, divertirse, pensar, y adivinar. Los cuentos ofrecen una forma más para acercar a los niños a la lectura, para estimular su expresión por escrito, y para incentivar su creatividad.


Martha Sastrías is the founder of the International Program for Approaching Children's Literature (PIALI) and the author of Caminos a la lectura, Cómo motivar a los niños a leer, Palabras para jugar, and Lecto-juego-acertijos.

Contributor Bio

TERC 9781929877157 Pub Date: 12/1/14 $12.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

88 Pages Carton Qty: 58 Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Education / Teaching Methods & Materials Series: Mixing in Math

8.3 in W | 11.8 in H

Rompecabezas, escondites y batallas de comida Marlene Kliman, Valerie Martin, Nuria Jaumot-Pascu...

Developed by the Mixing in Math group at TERC, an education nonprofit, and based on research funded in part by the National Science Foundation, this book is packed with all kinds of math games for young minds. These projects and games, which use everyday materials such as paper towel tubes and cardboard boxes, can be used as icebreakers, party games, and group activities for indoors and out as well as special events throughout the calendar year. Whether in the car, on the bus, in a waiting room, or at the dinner table, the varied games and activates in this book serve as the perfect introduction to math for young children.


Marlene Kliman is the senior scientist and director of the Mixing in Math group at TERC (formerly Technical Education Research Centers) and is the author of Building Number Sense: The Number System, and a coauthor

Contributor Bio

of How Many in All?, Number Games & Story Problems: Addition & Subtraction, and Ten Everyday Math Activities for Parents and Kids. She lives in Newton, Massachusetts. Valerie Martin is a senior web and graphic designer at TERC who specializes in conveying math and science concepts in a clear and visually appealing manner. She designs web- and print-based curricula, games, and educational resources for a wide range of audiences. She lives in Lincoln, Massachusetts. Nuria Jaumot-Pascual is a senior research associate at TERC. She has 20 years experience as a Spanish-English bilingu...

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Page 34: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497007269 Pub Date: 5/1/13 $27.95/$30.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

440 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 1.6 lb Wt

Adolescentes Guía de educación para la salud Rosa María Ruiz Saro

Full of useful knowledge, this guide is a program that has been structured, planned, and evaluated to contain all the elements that a health education course should have. It is composed of various sections that cover topics such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, first aid, nutritional education, risk factors for adolescents, self-esteem and assertiveness, sexual education, and tolerance and solidarity. Teachers and counselors alike will find this book to be an invaluable tool while working with teenagers.


Llena de conocimiento útil, esta guía es un programa estructurado, planificado y evaluado para incluir todos los elementos que debe tener la asignatura de educación para la salud. Está compuesta por varias secciones que abordan temas tales como anorexia nerviosa y bulimia nerviosa, primeros auxilios, educación nutricional, factores de riesgo para los adolescentes, autoestima y asertividad, educación sexual y tolerancia y solidaridad. Tanto maestros como consejeros considerarán este libro una herramienta invaluable mientras trabajan con adolescentes.

Rosa María Ruiz Saro is an author and a nurse. She teaches high school health education and frequently participates in conferences and publishes articles related to the subject.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497004336 Pub Date: 1/1/08 $11.95/$12.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

180 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials Series: Dinámicas, técnicas y recursos en Educac

5.9 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.4 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

Técnicas de presentación y creación de ambientes Isabel Aroca Cebrián

Relaxing, fun, and creative ice breakers are presented in this guide to getting to know people in a group and facilitating communication. Se presentan actividades relajantes, divertidas y creativas de romper el hielo en esta guía de conocer la gente en grupo y facilitar comunicación.


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Page 35: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003889 Pub Date: 1/1/07 $20.95/$23.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

280 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials Series: Dinámicas, técnicas y recursos en Educac

5.9 in W | 8.5 in H | 1 lb Wt

Educar para la ciudadanía Los valores del ocio y el tiempo libre María Jesús Buitrago Rubira, Carmen Pereira Domíng...

Combining education with play, this book provides activities that both teach a lesson and are fun.


Combinando la educación con la diversión, este libro provee actividades que enseñan y divierten.

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003292 Pub Date: 1/1/06 $10.95/$11.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

96 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials Series: Dinámicas, técnicas y recursos en Educac

5.9 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.3 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

Magia fácil para todos Ricardo Martín de Monet

Containing 25 magic tricks, this illustrated collection explains how to prepare and implement each one. Perfect for teachers, tutors, counselors, and young students, these tricks promote observation and creativity.


Conteniendo 25 trucos de magia, esta colección ilustrada explica cómo preparar e implementar cada uno. Perfecto para maestros, tutores, consejeros y estudiantes jóvenes, estos trucos promueven la observación y la creatividad.

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Page 36: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497002769 Pub Date: 1/1/05 $12.95/$13.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

216 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials Series: Dinámicas, técnicas y recursos en Educac

5.9 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.5 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

Educar en valores con los cinco sentidos Dibujos, poemas, frases y actividades Alfonso Francia, Otilia Oviedo

Presenting various drawings, activities, and poems, this resource for teachers helps teach students how to appeal to their creativity and emotions. Presentando varios dibujos, actividades y poemas, este recurso para maestros los ayuda a enseñar a los estudiantes cómo atraer a su creatividad y emociones.


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497002745 Pub Date: 1/1/05 $11.95/$12.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

168 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials Series: Dinámicas, técnicas y recursos en Educac

5.9 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.4 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

Educar valores en grupo Juan Manuel Alarcón Fernández

Offering a set of techniques and resources, this book shows teachers how to encourage personal growth in middle school and high school students. Ofreciendo un grupo de técnicas y recursos, este libro muestra a los maestros cómo animar el adelantamiento personal en los estudiantes de las escuelas primarias y secundarias.


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Page 37: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003285 Pub Date: 1/1/06 $11.95/$12.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

164 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

5.9 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

500 actividades con grupos Dinámicas, técnicas y recursos Otilia Oviedo

Intended for educators, this manual provides original group activities that can be reproduced in a number of settings and with students at various educational levels. Intentado para los educadores, este manual provee las actividades con grupos originales que pueden ser reproducidas en varios lugares con estudiantes de niveles educacionales varios.


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003438 Pub Date: 1/1/06 $17.95/$18.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

172 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Classroom Management Series: Dinámicas, técnicas y recursos en Educac

5.9 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.7 lb Wt

Estrategias educativas en el aula Matilde Bravo Benítez

Based on reflections made by experienced teachers, this book provides various educational strategies that have been successfully used in the classroom. Basado en reflexiones de maestros experimentados, este libro provee varias estrategias educativas que han sido usadas con éxito en el aula.


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Page 38: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497002752 Pub Date: 1/1/05 $11.95/$12.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

176 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials Series: Dinámicas, técnicas y recursos en Educac

5.9 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.5 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

Motivar en el aula El arte de hacer que hagan Juan Gabriel Bellido Bautista

Perfect for any teacher or tutor, this book teaches educators how to mentally prepare themselves for being in front of a classroom and offers tricks to motivate their students to do well. Perfecto para cualquier maestro o estudiante, este libro enseña a los educadores cómo preparar mentalmente para estar en el aula y ofrece trucos para motivar a los estudiantes que lo hagan bien.


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497007917 Pub Date: 3/1/16 $13.95/$16.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

136 Pages Carton Qty: 72 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H

Ideas creActivas para educar Enrique Sánchez Rivas

To teach, we have to know more about the subject but also more about teaching. This book provides the most relevant theories about the science of teaching, through anecdotes, examples, and reflections on daily work in the classroom. Each tale of experience leads to practical knowledge, alongside its own theoretical abstraction from traditional teaching manuals, and proposes different strategies to use at home or in class—creative, active ideas, produced and verified in real situations and meant to be implemented rather than just read. The book is complemented by the online blog Ideas CreActivas. Teaching with creativity is teaching for change. Creativity helps people grow into original, flexible, initiating, confident risk-takers ready to tackle obstacles and problems that present themselves in their daily lives at school and elsewhere. The tools for innovation described in this book help develop the educational process and make better use of individual and group resources.


Enrique Sánchez Rivas is a writer and an associate professor of ongoing education and sociocultural promotion at the University of Malaga in Spain. He is the author of Hoy jugamos en clase and Unidades didácticas and

Contributor Bio

coauthor of Buenas prácticas con TIC en la investigación y la docencia, El club de la W, and Cómo superar las pruebas físicas de las oposiciones.

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Page 39: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497007764 Pub Date: 5/1/14 $15.95/$17.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

158 Pages Carton Qty: 70 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.5 lb Wt

Programa para el desarrollo de relaciones sociales competentes en educación primaria María Victoria Trianes Torres

Drawing on the contributions of many teachers, professors, and educators, the program set forth in this study is designed to improve the interpersonal environment in a specifically scholastic setting. The book begins with a definition of the program and its conceptual underpinnings, as well as its structure, parts, and an evaluation of its past effectiveness. It also discusses the design of teacher training—as it is teachers who will be at the vanguard of this push for change—and the development of the program, which is composed of three sections, each with three sets of activities. Finally, tools are provided that will help administrators evaluate the changes that will take place among students and teaching staff.


María Victoria Trianes Torres is a professor of educational psychology at the University of Malaga in Spain. She is the director of research teams that examine the improvement of social relations and the mitigation of interpersonal stress in the public sphere, as well as the multidimensional causality of school violence.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006613 Pub Date: 6/1/12 $20.95/$23.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

133 Pages Carton Qty: 45 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

6 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.4 lb Wt

Nuevas estrategias para la enseñanza de la ortografía (2nd Edition) Daniel Gabarró Berbegal, Conxita Puigarnau García

Using the framework of neurolinguistic programming, this manual explains how people learn and then describes how to teach others or oneself to effectively execute mental processes in order to master spelling. The guide contains various tools and techniques for teaching groups and individuals how to eliminate 50–80 percent of spelling errors. This revised edition includes updated content and a new layout.


Basándose en la programación neurolingüística, este manual explica cómo aprende la gente y luego describe cómo enseñarles a otros o a uno mismo a ejecutar eficazmente procesos mentales para dominar la ortografía. La guía contiene varias herramientas y técnicas para enseñarles a grupos y a individuos cómo eliminar 50–80 por ciento de sus faltas de ortografía. Esta edición revisada incluye contenido actualizado y un diseño nuevo.

Daniel Gabarró Berbegal is a professor, a researcher, a psychologist, and an expert in neurolinguistic programming. He is the author of the Buena ortografía sin esfuerzo series of notebooks. He and Conxita Puigarnau García are the coauthors of Buena ortografía sin esfuerzo con PNL.

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Page 40: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006255 Pub Date: 12/1/11 $17.95/$19.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

210 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.8 lb Wt

La inteligencia creativa Esteban Sánchez Manzano

Suitable for parents, students, and teachers, this guide explains the basics of the creative process and offers


methods and strategies for developing creativity. Exploring many questions—such as How do we react to different situations? How do we perceive the world? and What activities are best suited to our capabilities?—this book teaches how to implement and promote creative intelligence. It argues that the key to creative intelligence and talent is to understand how children develop creatively and asserts that an educational curriculum that denies these qualitative aspects of intelligence prevents the development of creative thinking.

Apropiado para los padres, estudiantes y profesores, esta guía explica los aspectos básicos del proceso creativo y ofrece métodos y estrategias para el desarrollo de la creatividad. Explorando muchas preguntas—como ¿Cómo reaccionamos ante diferentes situaciones? ¿Cómo percibimos el mundo? y ¿Cuál actividades se adaptan mejor a nuestras capacidades?—este libro enseña cómo implementar y promover la inteligencia creativa. Argumenta que la clave de la inteligencia creativa y el talento es entender cómo los niños se desarrollan de manera creativa y afirma...

Esteban Sánchez Manzano holds a doctorate in psychology and is a professor at the University of Madrid. He is a lecturer and the author of several publications on the development of talent.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497005289 Pub Date: 1/1/09 $15.95/$17.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

154 Pages Carton Qty: 8 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.4 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

Conflictividad escolar y la nueva profesión docente 10 estrategias para mejorar la convivencia en los centros educativos José Melero Martín

Arguing that it is possible to markedly improve the way students and teachers interact among themselves and with each other, this analysis is based on real-life experiences in high schools and details teacher training methods that result in success even when situations are difficult.


Argumentando que es posible mejorar notablemente la manera en que los estudiantes y los maestros interrelacionarse con ellos mismos y mutualmente, este analisis se basa en las experiencias de la vida real en las escuelas secundarias y detalla los métodos de formación docente que resultan en el éxito aún cuando las situaciones son difíciles.

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Page 41: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003605 Pub Date: 1/1/06 $23.95/$26.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

320 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.7 in T | 1 lb Wt

Podemos hacer oir su voz Claves para promover la conducta autodeterminada Feli Peralta, María Carmen González Torres, Concha...

An explanation of the self-determination movement, this book geared towards young students provides details about the meaning of the self and its relation to personal change as well as the movement’s theoretical and historical development. Strategies for reaching goals are also included. Una explicación del movimiento de autodeterminación, este libro para estudiantes jóvenes provee detalles sobre el significado del yo y su relación con cambio personal además del desarrollo teorético e histórico del movimiento. También se incluye estrategias para alcanzar metas.


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688600238 Pub Date: 11/28/05 $16.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

192 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

6.5 in W | 9 in H | 0.5 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Cómo enseñar valores a los niños Pam Schiller, Tamera Bryant, Julia Caso

Creative and engaging activities that will teach human values to children are set forth in this guide for teachers and parents. Compassion and empathy, determination and compromise, equality and justice, honesty and integrity, and independence and self-confidence are several of the traits presented. Adults will find activity ideas, debate topics, and educational games that will foster the strength of character that children need for healthy and successful futures. Novedosas y dinámicas maneras de enseñar valores humanos a los niños son sugeridas en este libro práctico. Compasión y empatía, determinación y compromiso, igualdad y justicia, honestidad e integridad, independencia y confianza son algunos de los valores discutidos. Padres de familia y maestros encontrarán numerosas ideas sobre actividades, temas de debate y ejercicios útiles para ayudar a los niños a adoptar actitudes que les darán la fortaleza de carácter necesaria para construir una vida sana y exitosa.


Pam Schiller is the senior national early childhood consultant for McGraw-Hill Learning Materials. She is a writer

Contributor Bio

for journals such as Child Care Information Exchange and Texas Child Care Quarterly, the author of Creating Readers and Start Smart!, and coauthor of The Bilingual Book of Rhymes, Songs, Stories, and Fingerplays. Tamera Bryant is the author of This Land is Your Land and We Are Friends

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Page 42: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Search Institute Press 9781574821925 Pub Date: 2/1/06 $14.95/$18.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

8 Pages Carton Qty: 25 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

8.5 in W | 11 in H | 0.5 in T | 1.2 lb Wt

El enfoque en los elementos fundamentales (Pack of 20) 40 elementos para un desarrollo sano

An overview of the asset-building approach (sold in packs of 20), complete with a list of the 40 Developmental Assets, asset-building activities, stories of assets in action, and asset-building ideas for youth and adults, is presented in a functional format for using with groups. A Search Institute bestseller, this revised edition is updated with new data in 2006.


Search Institute Press is a leading publishing company located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006583 Pub Date: 4/1/13 $19.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

160 Pages Carton Qty: 50 Education / Teaching Methods & Materials

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H

Infancia, mercado y educación artística Ricardo Marín Viadel

Demonstrating how the market can cause not only economic and financial problems, but also cultural and educational ones, this book exposes the need to integrate visual language into education in order to better teach students. The first of the two sections of this book discusses advertising, consumption, controversies over gender, and identity throughout childhood and adolescence, while the second section covers some of the main visual realms, including advertising, film, and museums. The supplementary images inside the book are digital and, like the text, cover a wide range of formats, from strictly documentary to works of art.


Mostrando cómo el mercado puede causar problemas no sólo económicos y financieros, sino también culturales y educativos, este libro expone la necesidad de integrar el lenguaje visual dentro de la educación para mejor enseñar a los estudiantes. La primera de las dos secciones de este libro discute la publicidad, el consumo, las controversias sobre género y la identidad en la infancia y la adolescencia, mientras que la segunda sección abarca algunos de los principales territorios visuales, incluyendo la publicidad, el cine y los museos. Las imágenes complemen...

Ricardo Marín Viadel is an author and a professor of art education at the University of Granada.

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IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 41

Page 43: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688607398 Pub Date: 11/1/05 $14.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

246 Pages Carton Qty: 54 Ages 9 to 12, Grades 4 to 7 Drama / Anthologies

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.5 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

Teatro para niños Miguel A. Tenorio, Martha Alexander, Duardo Atl, P...

Works in this anthology have been selected with drama teachers and their students in mind. A variety of ways to put on a play are presented, all within reach of a student group— each scene will make a seamless transition from classroom to stage. Numerous subgenres of theater are encompassed within the collection, from an exercise in choral poetry to a puppet show. Las obras de esta antología están dirigidas a maestros y alumnos que quieran enseñar y aprender jugando. El propósito del libro es poner al alcance de ellos una amplia variedad de modos de hacer teatro y, si bien las obras pueden ser representadas por adultos y dirigidas a los niños, están hechas para que los niños puedan llevarlas a escena en el salón de clase. Las obras abarcan distintos subgéneros teatrales: desde un ejercicio de poesía coral hasta el popular trabajo con títeres que tanto hace disfrutar a los pequeños.


Miguel A. Tenorio is the author of several books in his native Spanish.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006415 Pub Date: 9/1/11 $19.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

262 Pages Carton Qty: 28 Education / Special Education

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 1 lb Wt

Dislexia y sordera Líneas actuales en el estudio de la lengua escrita y sus dificultades Marisol Castilllo, Ana Belén Dominguez

Geared toward parents and professionals that are interested in dyslexia and teaching reading and writing to deaf children, this comprehensive book discusses a methodological approach to the learning difficulties of written language. This in-depth exploration provides new ways to teach reading and writing through cognitive and metacognitive writing and explores solutions and differentiating myths of developmental dyslexia.

Dirigido a padres y profesionales que están interesados en la dislexiay enseñar la lectura y la escritura a niños sordos, este libro completo describe un enfoque metodológico de las dificultades de aprendizaje de la lengua escrita. Esta exploración en profundidad ofrece nuevos medios de enseñar a leer y escribir a través de la escritura cognitiva y metacognitiva y explora las soluciones y los mitos diferenciadores de la dislexia evolutiva.


Marisol Castillo is a university lecturer in the department of psychology and education at the Universidad de Murcia. Ana Belén Domínguez is a university lecturer in the department of curriculum and school organization at the University of Salamanca.

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Page 44: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688606926 Pub Date: 2/1/14 $18.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

222 Pages Carton Qty: 34 Education / Special Education

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.8 lb Wt

Juegos para niños con necesidades educativas especiales Mónica Montes Ayala, María Auxilio Castro García

Addressing preschool and elementary school teachers, and reclaiming the theory of multiple intelligences, two teachers show how to develop the bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, and personal intelligences of their students with special needs. Each teacher, according to whichever intelligence he seeks to develop in his students at a given time, can select the appropriate game based on the information the authors provide for each one: its purpose, the materials needed to carry it out, and evaluation criteria. This extremely useful resource is based on the experiences of teachers who are specialized in the field of special needs education, is easy to read and put into practice, and proves to be an invaluable tool for catering to students with special educational needs in a proper and focused way.


Dirigiéndose a maestros de educación preescolar y primaria, y retomando la teoría de las inteligencias múltiples, dos maestras muestran cómo desarrollar las inteligencias cinestésico-corporal, espacial, lingüística, lógico-matemática, musical y personal de los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales. Cada maestro, de acuerdo con la inteligencia que b...

Mónica Montes Ayala and María Auxilio Castro García are teachers.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497005296 Pub Date: 1/1/09 $27.95/$30.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

436 Pages Carton Qty: 15 Education / Special Education

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.9 in T | 1.6 lb Wt

La discapacidad Aspectos educativos y sociales Mercedes López González, María López González, Vic...

Tackling treatment from a multicultural perspective and with long term goals in mind, this study intends to help not only students with disabilities but also those facing challenges in their personal and/or social development. Topics discussed include professional education, early intervention, and medical treatment. A list of useful associations and organizations as well as information on how to become a volunteer is also detailed. Abordando el tratamiento desde una perspectiva multicultural y con metas a largo plazo, este estudio intenta ayudar no solamente los estudiantes con las discapacidades sino también los que afrontan desafíos en su desarrollo personal y/o social. Los temas discutidos incluyen la educación profesional, la intervención al principio y el tratamiento médico. También se detalla una lista útil de asociaciones y organizaciones además de información sobre cómo hacerse un voluntario.


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Page 45: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003377 Pub Date: 1/1/06 $20.95/$23.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

176 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Special Education

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.4 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

Orientación educativa e intervención psicopedagógica en el alumnado con discapacidad Análisis de casos prácticos Diego Jesús Luque Parra

This useful study first discusses conceptual and definitional issues in regards to disability and education for children with special needs. It presents 10 case studies concerning topics such as intellectual disabilities, developmental disorders, and chronic disease. Each study also includes a set of questions to encourage analysis and debate. Este estudio útil primero discute temas conceptuales y de definición con respecto a la discapacidad y la educación de los niños con discapacidades. Presenta 10 estudios de caso acerca de temas como las discapacidades intelectuales, los trastornos de desarrollo y las enfermedades crónicas. Cada estudio incluye también una serie de preguntas para animar el análisis y el debate.


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006620 Pub Date: 6/1/12 $26.95/$29.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

192 Pages Carton Qty: 45 Education / Special Education

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 0.8 lb Wt

Jugando y aprendiendo juntos (2nd Edition) Modelo de intervención didáctico para favorecer el desarrollo de niños y niñas con síndrome de Down Josefina Sánchez Rodríguez

With a new layout and updated content, this revised guide encourages parents and educators to uncover the great potential for learning in their children and students with Down syndrome. Divided into two sections, the book begins by stating the current knowledge of the congenital condition in terms of biological, cognitive, linguistic, affective, and social characteristics. The second part details how psychomotor education can be used as a helpful tool in the development of those characteristics and skills in individuals with Down syndrome and includes examples, exercises, activities, and intervention guidelines for use at school and at home.


Con un diseño nuevo y contenido actualizado, esta guía revisada anima a padres y educadores a descubrir la gran capacidad de aprendizaje de sus hijos y estudiantes con síndrome de Down. Dividido en dos partes, el libro empieza por exponer el conocimiento actual sobre el trastorno congénito en cuanto a características biológicas, cognitivas, lingüísticas, afectivas y sociales. La segunda parte detalla cómo se puede usar la educación de psicomotricidad como una herramienta útil en el desarrollo de esas características y habilidades en los individ...

Contributor BioJosefina Sánchez Rodríguez is a teacher and the author of Psicomotricidad y necesidades educativas especiales and Recursos y estrategias en psicomotricidad.

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 44

Page 46: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003940 Pub Date: 1/1/07 $23.95/$26.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

248 Pages Carton Qty: 15 Education / Research

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.6 in T | 1 lb Wt

Técnicas e instrumentos de diagnóstico en educación Crispín Calvo Pérez

Divided into two parts, this study first explores the theoretical foundation of the field of diagnostic techniques and tools in education and then presents an example of a test and assessment.


Dividido en dos partes, este estudio primero explora el fundamento del campo de las técnicas diagnósticas y las herramientas en educación y luego presenta un ejemplo de un examen y una evaluación.

Ediciones Robinbook 9788499170664 Pub Date: 7/1/11 $18.00/$20.00 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

256 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Education / Reference

5.3 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.7 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

Ideas para divertir a los niños Juegos al aire libre, manualidades y pasatiempos creativos para estimular su imaginación Laura Bishop

Full of activities that are meant to delight and inspire children, this handy educational resource posits that games can play an essential role in healthy development. These games, crafts, and hobbies stimulate the imaginations of both children and adults and provide knowledge and experiences that help shape character. Active outdoor games such as “Four Corners” and “Capture the Flag” promote exercise and instill an appreciation for nature in children, while indoor pastimes such as “The Memory Game” and “Secret Message” help develop mental and social skills. Beach, pool, and snow activities keep kids busy all year long, and math and word puzzles make learning fun. Cooking projects in the kitchen are also included for aspiring young chefs.


Lleno de actividades diseñadas para deleitar e inspirar a los niños, este práctico recurso educacional propone que los juegos pueden desempeñar un papel esencial en el desarrollo saludable. Estos juegos, manualidades y pasatiempos estimulan la imaginación de los niños y los adultos y proveen los conocimientos y las experiencias que ayudan a formar su carácter. Juegos activos al aire libre como “Las cuatro esquinas” y “Capturar la bandera” promueve...

Laura Bishop is an educator and a children’s book author. She has served as a governmental advisor regarding matters of education in the United Kingdom.

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Page 47: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006590 Pub Date: 6/1/12 $12.95/$13.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

191 Pages Carton Qty: 58 Education / Professional Development

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.5 lb Wt

Experiencias prácticas para educación infantil María José Molina, María Teresa Segura, Gloria Roj...

Fifteen real-life stories of working in early childhood education are documented here to provide the necessary information required for successful job placement within the field, whether at private or public institutions. The essays present different points of view from authors in various positions within the educational system—teachers, counselors, speech therapists, union representatives, and public administration faculty—and are divided into three sections: experiences in schools and other institutions, classroom experiences, and other experiences in early childhood education.


Quince testimonios sobre el trabajo en la educación infantil se documentan aquí para proporcionar la información necesaria para conseguir empleo dentro del campo, ya sea con instituciones privadas o públicas. Los ensayos ofrecen distintos puntos de vista de autores en varios puestos dentro del sistema educacional—maestros, orientadores, logopedas, representantes de sindicatos y empleados de administración pública—y se dividen en tres partes: experiencias en las escuelas y otras instituciones, experiencias en el aula y otras experiencias con la educación infantil.

María José Molina is the coauthor of the two-part Actividades de refuerzo: Área de lengua and a professor at the University of Granada. María Teresa Segura and Gloria Rojas are associate deans at the University of Granada School of Education and Humanities. José Luis Villena is a professor at the University of Granada. He and Elvira Molina are coauthors of a pedagogical discourse.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006507 Pub Date: 2/1/12 $18.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

240 Pages Carton Qty: 50 Education / Professional Development

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H

Organización del centro de educación infantil Nuevos requerimientos en la formación docente de acuerdo al EEES Dolores Madrid, María José Mayorga

Designed to prepare student teachers to manage high-quality early childhood programs that enhance development, this text provides comprehensive information on child development and child care management principles, skills, and knowledge. This unique study focuses on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching and includes information on the necessary strategies, tactics, and resources to make better judgments in administering early childhood programs.


Diseñado para preparar a los estudiantes de magisterio para gestionar programas de alta calidad para la primera infancia que mejoran el desarrollo, este texto ofrece información exhaustiva sobre el desarrollo del niño y los principios, las habilidades y los conocimientos de la gestión del cuidado de niños. Este estudio único se centra en la práctica de aula para innovar y mejorar la enseñanza e incluye información sobre las estrategias, las tácticas y los recursos necesarios para tomar mejores decisiones con respecto a la administración de los programas de la primera infancia.

Dolores Madrid is a professor of curriculum and school organization in the faculty of education at the University of Málaga and a member of the Child Education and Training of Teachers. María José Mayorga is a professor of curriculum and school organization in the faculty of education at the University of Málaga and a member of the Innovation and Educational Assessment in Andalusia.

Contributor Bio

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Page 48: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003520 Pub Date: 1/1/06 $23.95/$26.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

260 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Professional Development

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.6 in T | 1.2 lb Wt

La identidad profesional del profesorado de secundaria Crisis y reconstrucción Antonio Bolívar

Arguing that the current teacher identity crisis is caused by a set of social and educational factors, this book examines the difficulties that these educators face as they reconstruct their professional lives. Argumentando que una serie de factores sociales e educacionalesha causado la crisis de identidad actual de los maestros, este libro examina las dificultades que estos educadores tienen que afrontar mientas están reconstruyendo sus vidas profesionales.


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688606445 Pub Date: 11/1/05 $14.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

170 Pages Carton Qty: 112 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 4 Education / Physical Education

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.4 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Cómo aplicar gimnasia para el cerebro Técnicas de autoayuda para la escuela y el hogar Dr. Paul E. Dennison, Gail E. Dennison, Patricia L...

Brain Gym is a series of 26 physical activities that, although they were originally designed to help children and adults overcome learning disabilities, have the capacity to benefit any person that practices them. The exercises aid the development of neurological connections in the brain that are essential for learning and improve performance in all areas: intellectual, creative, athletic, and personal. They have been taught to children, adults, and elderly people to improve concentration, memory, reading ability, writing skills, sports, and physical health. Gimnasia para el cerebro es un programa de 26 actividades físicas que, aunque originalmente fueron diseñadas para capacitar a infantes y adultos para sobrellevar las llamadas “dificultades de aprendizaje” pueden beneficiar a cualquier persona que la practique. Los 26 ejercicios desarrollan las conexiones neuronales del cerebro—esenciales para el aprendizaje—y mejoran el desempeño en todas las áreas: intelectual, creativa, atlética, e interpersonal. Han sido enseñados a niños, adultos, y ancianos para mejorar áreas de vida tal como la concentración, la memoria, las habilidades para leer, para la escritura, los deportes, y el bie...


Dr. Paul E. Dennison earned his doctorate at the University of Southern California with a specialty in alternative learning, was director of Valley Remedial Group Learning Centers for 17 years, and personally developed the Brain Gym® method. Gail E. Dennison is a holistic health educator, a "Touch for Health" instructor, and the director of integrated movement for Brain Gym. They live in Ventura, California.

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Page 49: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688606438 Pub Date: 11/1/05 $12.95/$17.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

120 Pages Carton Qty: 150 Education / Physical Education

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.2 in T | 0.3 lb Wt

Aprende mejor con gimnasia para el cerebro Dr. Paul E. Dennison, Gail E. Dennison, Ilse Jakob...

Brain Gym is a series of 26 physical activities originally designed to help children and adults overcome learning disabilities, but have the capacity to benefit any person in creative, intellectual, athletic, and personal areas by aiding the development of neurological connections in the brain. Gimnasia para el cerebro es un programa de 26 actividades físicas que, aunque originalmente fueron diseñadas para capacitar a infantes y adultos para sobrellevar las llamadas “dificultades de aprendizaje” pueden beneficiar a cualquier persona que la practique. Los 26 ejercicios desarrollan las conexiones neuronales del cerebro—esenciales para el aprendizaje—y mejoran el desempeño en todas las áreas: intelectual, creativa, atlética, e interpersonal. Han sido enseñados a niños, adultos, y ancianos para mejorar áreas de vida tales como la concentración, la memoria, las habilidades para leer, para la escritura, los deportes, y el bienestar.


Dr. Paul E. Dennison has a PhD in alternative learning and developed the Brain Gym method. Gail E. Dennison is a holistic health educator, a "Touch for Health" instructor, and the director of integrated movement for Brain Gym. They live in Ventura, California.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006606 Pub Date: 5/1/12 $9.95/$10.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

67 Pages Carton Qty: 110 Education / Multicultural Education Series: Colección Enseñanza Multicultural

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H

Lengua castellana y literatura Manual para el alumnado Rocío Bautista Bravo

Designed to help nonnative speakers learn Spanish, this handbook for high school students provides viable educational solutions to the challenges of learning a foreign language. The book is divided into five units, each of which includes six sections of content—reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, writing, and speaking—to make the slow and ongoing process of learning a language more accessible and less frustrating.


Diseñado para ayudar a los que no son hablantes nativos a aprender castellano, este manual para estudiantes de secundaria proporciona soluciones educativas viables a los retos de aprender una lengua extranjera. El libro está dividido en cinco unidades, cada una de las cuales incluye seis secciones—comprensión de lectura, vocabulario, gramática, ortografía, escritura y conversación—para hacer más accesible y menos frustrante el proceso lento y continuo de aprender una lengua.

Rocío Bautista Bravo has a master’s degree in marketing and sales management and has participated in seminars on language, communication, and advertising.

Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 48

Page 50: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497007252 Pub Date: 6/1/13 $18.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

229 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Multicultural Education

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 0.9 lb Wt

Educación intercultural y convivencia en la escuela inclusiva Juan José Leiva Olivencia, Miguel López Melero

Examining the keys to a multicultural education within a real school setting, this book is a valuable tool for teachers in today’s changing world. The growing phenomenon of immigration is creating new social, cultural, and educational scenes, and teachers are approaching one of the most important challenges in the history of formal education. Schools must successfully manage the inclusion of students whose diversity can be perceived at every level, whether it be cultural, linguistic, religious, or social, and this book will aid teachers as they work with their students to develop an inclusive and productive school environment.


Examinando las claves para una educación multicultural dentro de un entorno escolar real, este libro es una herramienta valiosa para los maestros en el mundo actual cambiante. El creciente fenómeno de la inmigración está configurando nuevos escenarios sociales, culturales y educativos, y los maestros están abordando uno de los retos más importantes de la historia de la educación formal. Las escuelas necesitan manejar efectivamente la inclusión de estudiantes cuya diversidad puede ser percibida a todos los niveles, ya sea cultural, lingüística, religiosa o soc...

Juan José Leiva Olivencia is a professor of education at the University of Málaga. He is a specialist in psychology, teacher training, and intercultural and inclusive education who has published widely on these issues. Miguel López Melero is an author and an educator who specializes in new teaching methods and special education. He is the author of Conversando con Maturana de educación.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003599 Pub Date: 1/1/06 $23.95/$26.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

336 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Inclusive Education

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.7 in T | 1.5 lb Wt

Inclusión y diversidad Innovaciones y experiencias Olga María Alegre de la Rosa

Arguing that diversity and inclusion are concepts that go hand-in-hand, this book summarizes the research being done on the Canary Islands concerning how to deal with these factors in schools. Argumentando que la diversidad y la inclusión son conceptos que van juntos, este libro resume las investigaciones que se han estado haciendo en las Islas Canarias sobre cómo se debe afrontar estos factores en las escuelas.


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Page 51: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688608517 Pub Date: 4/1/09 $16.95/$18.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

336 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education

6.8 in W | 9 in H

Aprender moviendo el cuerpo No todo el aprendizaje depende del cerebro Carla Hannaford

Encouraging knowledge retention in young children, this innovative examination—based on the various stages of physiological development—proposes the integration of movement, emotion, and practical experimentation within learning processes.


Animando la retención del conocimiento en los niños, este examen innovador—basado en las varias etapas del desarrollo fisiológico—propone integrar el movimiento, las emociones y la experimentación práctica dentro de los procesos de aprendizaje.

Contributor BioCarla Hannaford is a neurophysiologist, educator, and author of Awakening the Child Heart, Handbook for Global Parenting and The Dominance Factor. She has been recognized by the University of Hawaii and the American Association for the Advancement of Science for her distinguished scientific teachings. She lives in Hawaii.

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003261 Pub Date: 1/1/06 $36.95/$40.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

788 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Evaluation & Assessment

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 1.7 in T | 3.3 lb Wt

Comprender y evaluar la creatividad Cómo investigar y evaluar la creatividad Saturnino de la Torre, Verónica Violant

With contributions from more than 40 renowned researchers and scholars throughout Spain and Latin America, this study explores current theoretical approaches to creativity based on age and educational development. Con contribuciones de más de 40 investigadores y eruditos célebres de España y Latinoamérica, este estudio explora los enfoques actuales teóricos a la creatividad basados en la edad y el desarrollo educativo.


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Page 52: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497007986 Pub Date: 11/1/15 $16.95/$19.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

180 Pages Carton Qty: 0 Education / Essays

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H

Profesorado, escuela y diversidad La realidad educativa desde una mirada narrativa José Ignacio Rivas Flores, Analía Elizabeth Leite ...

The work presented here is grouped into three sections of culled research that represent a wide look at education and its problems in today's society. The first section of school stories offers a fresh perspective on curricula, school experiences, and beginning training for education. The second part details the profession of teaching, with different studies that take a look at teaching from faculties' points of view. The last block demonstrates the limits of the education system through tales of socioeducation, in which other subjects—immigration, delinquency—become the focus.


José Ignacio Rivas Flores and Analía Elizabeth Leite Méndez are professors of education at the University of Malaga in Spain. Rivas Flores is the coauthor of La cultura profesional de los docentes de enseñanza secundaria

Contributor Bio

and Trampas en educación. Leite Méndez is the author of El aprendizaje en la universidad: Las voces del alumnado and Profesorado, formación e innovación. Esther Prados Mejías is a professor of education at the University of Almeria in Spain.

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006484 Pub Date: 11/1/11 $15.95/$17.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

50 Pages Carton Qty: 72 Education / Elementary Series: Colección CuentoEduca

8.3 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.5 lb Wt

Bolsitas raras Rosa Tiziana Bruno, Francesca Reinero

A resource for educators that will prove attractive and engaging for students between ages three and five, Bolsitas raras is a collection of short, original fairy tales that depict a variety of fears—including the fear of traveling, the fear of school, and the fear of growing older. The stories and the fears they represent are color-coded, thus allowing for targeted discussion and education. Children are encouraged to assign their fears to a different colored “bag,” which helps them put their worries into context and understand, ultimately, that while everyone experiences fear, quite often there is no reason to be afraid.


Un recurso para educadores que será atractivo y ameno para los estudiantes de edades entre tres y cinco años, Bolsitas raras es una colección de cortos cuentos de hadas originales que presentan una variedad de miedos—incluyendo el miedo de viajar, el miedo de la escuela y el miedo de crecer. Las historias y los miedos que representan llevan colores distintos, permitiendo de esa manera una discusión y educación más concentrada. A los niños se les anima a asignar sus miedos a una bolsa de color particular, lo cual les ayuda poner sus preocupaciones en contexto y ent...

Rosa Tiziana Bruno is a high school teacher who specializes in intercultural education. She has won several national and international literary awards. Francesca Reinero is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer based in Italy.

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IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 51

Page 53: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688607237 Pub Date: 11/1/05 $14.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

152 Pages Carton Qty: 100 Education / Elementary

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.3 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

Juegos y cuentos tradicionales para hacer teatro con niños Berenice Pardo

This essential work brings together the creativity and expressiveness of theater and the cultural wealth found in games and traditional stories to develop children's artistic awareness and make theater education more dynamic, fun, and playful. Famous sayings, poetry, songs, legends, stories, tongue twisters, riddles, and games are among the theatrical material provided. Esta obra integral ofrece una combinación de la creatividad y expresividad del teatro con la riqueza cultural de los juegos y cuentos tradicionales, un invaluable material para la creación e interpretación teatral, para desarrollar el sentido artístico de los niños, y hacer lúdico, divertido, y dinámico la educación del teatro. Refranes, coplas, rondas, leyendas, cuentos, trabalenguas, adivinanzas, y juegos son algunos de los materiales incluidos.


Berenice Pardo has a BA in language and dramatic literature from the National Autonomous University (UNAM) in Mexico.

Contributor Bio

Editorial Oceano de Mexico 9786077352242 Pub Date: 4/1/15 $15.95/$18.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

204 Pages Carton Qty: 44 Education / Educational Psychology

9 in W | 6.5 in H | 0.4 lb Wt

Escribir y leer con los niños, los adolescentes y los jóvenes Breve antimanual para padres, maestros y demás adultos Juan Domingo Argüelles

According to the author, you cannot force anyone to love reading. Nor can anyone be forced to love writing. In fact, there are many literate adults that do not enjoy reading and only do so because they have to for work or school. However, a passion for reading and writing is something that can be taught. Author Juan Domingo Argüelles calls into question many of these preconceptions and proposes strategies to introduce children, adolescents, and teenagers to the world of writing and literature.


Juan Domingo Argüelles is an essayist, a literary critic, an editor, and the manager of IBERO. He is the author of Antimanual para lectores y promotores del libro y la lectura, Dos siglos de poesía mexicana, La letra muerta, and Ustedes que leen.

Contributor Bio

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 52

Page 54: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497007559 Pub Date: 5/1/14 $11.95/$12.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

100 Pages Carton Qty: 108 Education / Educational Policy & Reform

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.3 lb Wt

La urdimbre sexista Violencia de género en la escuela primaria Emilia Moreno Sánchez

Featuring the experiences of several girls who have been the victims of abuse and violence, this exploration argues that in the face of what is a growing and serious social problem, it’s necessary to change from a model in which power relations and hierarchies are prioritized toward one that emphasizes dialogue, liberty, and mutual respect in the economic, cultural, and educational spheres. The research backing this study was spurred by the belief that the seeds of gender inequality and violence are planted early on in child development and the conviction that these can be combated at that level as well. The guidelines and tools for action provided in the book are as useful for educators as they are for families, who will be able to recognize and work against violence against their daughters.


Emilia Moreno Sánchez is a professor in the department of education at the University of Huelva, Spain. Her primary areas of research are reading habits, gender and education, and health education.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497007221 Pub Date: 4/1/13 $20.95/$23.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

320 Pages Carton Qty: 22 Education / Educational Policy & Reform

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 1.2 lb Wt

Políticas actuales de mejora y liderazgo educativo Antonio Bolívar

Divided into two parts, this book examines the need for a new educational system that requires scholastic organizations to be more flexible, capable of adapting to complex social contexts. The first part is a revision of the school improvement policies that have dominated over the last decades, as well as the lessons learned from their application. The second part is dedicated to understanding educational leadership as a device for boosting improvement and invigorating educational institutions when vertical and centralized regulations are no longer enough.


Dividido en dos partes, este texto examina la necesidad de un nuevo sistema educativo que requiere que las organizaciones escolares sean más flexibles, capaces de adaptarse a contextos sociales complejos. En la primera parte se hace una revisión de las políticas de mejora de la escuela que han dominado en las últimas décadas, así como de las lecciones aprendidas de su aplicación. La segunda parte se dedica al entendimiento del liderazgo educativo como un dispositivo para potenciar la mejora y dinamizar las instituciones educativas cuando ya no bastan las regulaciones verticales y centralizadas.

Antonio Bolívar is a professor of education at the University of Granada whose experience includes counselor and teacher training, curriculum development and innovation, and organizational development. He is the author of more than 20 books and more than 100 articles on these educational topics.

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Page 55: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003001 Pub Date: 1/1/05 $21.95/$24.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

256 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Education / Educational Policy & Reform

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.6 in T | 0.8 lb Wt

Educación y diversidad Carmen García Pastor

This book explores diversity in education as it relates to the crossroad between crisis and reform, its role in the rhetoric found in educational policies, and how it factors in curricula. Este libro explora la diversidad en la educación con respecto a la encrucijada entre la crisis y la reforma, su papel en la retórica encontrada en las políticas educativas y cómo afecta el currículo.


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497007047 Pub Date: 7/1/13 $12.95/$13.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

136 Pages Carton Qty: 58 Education / Curricula Series: Historias con huella

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 0.8 lb Wt

Historias con huella Relatos para la comprensión lectora y la expresión escrita Noelia López Iniesta, José Baides Cobos

Directed at students between the ages of 12 and 15, the short stories in this book have been written to develop reading comprehension and writing skills. This collection is also meant to encourage personal initiative, foster active participation and creativity, collaborate with new technologies, and favor a student’s relationship with the natural world through various topics. Each short story is supplemented by a vocabulary list, reading comprehension questions, and writing prompts.


Dirigido al alumnado entre 12 y 15 años de edad, los cuentos en este libro han sido escritos para desarrollar comprensión de lectura y destrezas de escritura. Esta colección también tiene como propósito fomentar la iniciativa personal, promover la participación activa y la creatividad, colaborar con nuevas tecnologías y favorecer la relación del estudiante con el mundo natural a través de varios temas. Cada cuento está complementado por un listado de vocabulario, preguntas de comprensión de lectura y temas para respuestas escritas.

Noelia López Iniesta is an author and an educator specializing in counseling and early childhood education. She

Contributor Bio

is the author of Padres que educan, niños felices: Orientaciones y ejemplos para que educar sea un poco más fácil. José Baides Cobos is an author, an educator, and an engineer.

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Page 56: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497004596 Pub Date: 1/1/08 $23.95/$26.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

260 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Curricula

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.6 in T | 1.2 lb Wt

Didáctica y currículum De la modernidad a la postmoderidad Antonio Bolívar

Examining teaching’s origins, development, and contemporary practices, this accessible book discusses didactic theory throughout history as well as new additions to modern curriculum. Examinado el origen, el desarrollo y las prácticas contemporáneas de la enseñanza, este libro accesible discute la teoría didáctica a través de la historia además de las nuevas incorporaciones al programa de estudios.


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497003216 Pub Date: 1/1/05 $23.95/$26.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

300 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Curricula

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 1.2 lb Wt

Construir el currículum global Otra enseñanza en la sociedad del conocimiento Juan Ignacio López Ruiz

This study explores how the educational system reoriented itself after many societies adopted a new, postmodern social system. Este estudio explora como el sistema educativo reorientó a si mismo después de que muchas sociedades adoptaron un nuevo sistema postmoderno.


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Page 57: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497002653 Pub Date: 1/1/05 $21.95/$24.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

208 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Curricula

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.5 in T | 1 lb Wt

Una alternativa de apoyo en los centros El modelo de apoyo curricular Asunción Moya Maya, Juan Martínez Ferrer, Juan Man...

Looking to develop support for students outside of what can be found in city centers, this guide details how to create educational resources in schools through curriculum, classroom support, and relationships between teachers; in communities; and at home. Information on teacher training and counseling are also included. Buscando desarrollar apoyo para los estudiantes afuera de lo que se pueden encontrar en los centros, esta guía detalla cómo crear los recursos educativos en las escuelas a través de los programas de estudios, el apoyo en aula y las relaciones entre los maestros; en las comunidades; y en casa. También se incluye información sobre la formación de maestros y el apoyo psicológico.


Editorial Oceano de Mexico 9786077351559 Pub Date: 4/1/15 $17.95/$20.99 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

240 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Education / Computers & Technology

9.3 in W | 6.8 in H | 0.9 lb Wt

Navegar en la nube Una nueva forma de pensar acerca del riesgo, la innovación, el crecimiento y el éxito Thomas M Koulopoulos

“The Cloud” is much more than just a technological concept; it is one of the most important mega trends of the 21st century. Thomas Koulopoulos explains what this paradigm means and the implications it has on our lives. Not only that, this book serves as a practical guide, based on real cases, that tells us how to best exploit this phenomenon. The author demonstrates how the Cloud can change our way of collaboration, how we are influenced, how we can influence others, and the way we experience the world. Koulopoulos helps us better understand how we can respond to this massive change and ultimately transform ourselves and the manner in which we do business.


Thomas M. Koulopoulos is the founder of Delphi Group, which has been providing thought leadership to global organizations on business and technology for 20 years. Named one of the industry’s most influential management consultants by InformationWeek, he frequently appears in both national and international print and broadcast. For the past two decades, he has worked to create core industry concepts such as the Single Point of Access, Touch Points, Digital Control Rooms, Corporate IQ, and Smartsourcing, all of which are widely used today.

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Page 58: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006514 Pub Date: 6/1/12 $21.95/$24.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

260 Pages Carton Qty: 38 Education / Computers & Technology

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H

El lugar de las TIC en la enseñaza universitaria Estudio de casos en Iberoamérica Adriana Gewerc Barujel

With the seemingly inevitable incorporation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education, this account provides professors with valuable information and tools concerning the integration of new technologies in the classroom. It presents the results of the second stage of research developed by the University for the Society of Knowledge (UNISIC), which include specific applications and outcomes from Ibero-American universities, both from a pedagogical point of view and from the standpoint of public policy. The book explains social, cultural, political, and economic shifts created by new technologies and describes how to train professionals to implement use of ICTs in higher education.


Con la incorporación aparentemente inevitable de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (las TIC) en la educación, este informe les proporciona a profesores información y herramientas inestimables acerca de la integración de tecnologías nuevas en el aula. Este libro presenta los resultados de la segunda etapa de una investigación desarrollada por la Universidad para la Sociedad del Conocimiento (UNISIC), los cuales incluyen aplicaciones específicas y sus resultados e...

Adriana Gewerc Barujel is a professor of new technologies applied to education at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela in Spain. She trains teachers at all levels and is a former elementary school pedagogical advisor.

Contributor Bio

She is the author of Paradojas y dilemas de las universidades iberoamericanas ante la sociedad del conocimiento and Políticas, prácticas e investigación en tecnología educativa.

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006422 Pub Date: 1/1/12 $15.95/$17.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

174 Pages Carton Qty: 56 Education / Computers & Technology

13.8 in W | 8.5 in H

Investigaciones sobre buenas prácticas con tecnologías de la información y la comunicación Julio Ruiz Palmero, José Sánchez Rodríguez

Arguing that information technology and communication are undergoing rapid development and affecting almost all areas of society, this book addresses the important issues of these fields and their uses as tools to strengthen the development of education. It posits that these technologies are increasingly a necessity in the context of a society defined by the hallmarks of rapid change, increased knowledge, and the demands of a high-quality education.


Sosteniendo que la tecnología de la información y la comunicación se están desarrollando rápidamente y afectan a casi todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, este libro aborda las cuestiones importantes de estos campos y sus usos como herramientas para fortalecer el desarrollo de la educación. Propone que estas tecnologías son cada vez más necesarias en el contexto de una sociedad definida por los sellos del cambio rápido, un mayor conocimiento y las demandas de una educación de alta calidad.

Julio Ruiz Palmero has a doctorate in educational technology and is a professor of educational technology at the University of Málaga. José Sanchez Rodríguez has a master's in primary education from the University of Málaga.

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Page 59: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9786079346225 Pub Date: 11/1/14 $18.99/$22.99 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

108 Pages Carton Qty: 48 Education / Classroom Management Series: Disciplina con amor

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

Disciplina con amor en el aula Tocando el corazón de tus alumnos. Guía para maestros Rosa Barocio

What happened to students who used to respect and admire their teachers? What does it mean to be a good teacher? Do they come prepared every day? Are they popular with the students? Being a good teacher has never been easy, but in this day and age, teaching has become an even greater challenge. Anyone can stand in front of a group of students and call themselves a teacher, but only a handful merit the name. To be a teacher in its entirety is a privilege that you earn through assisting your students' growth while helping them apply themselves. Our society urges teachers to be flexible, open, and interested in a world with rapidly changing technology and how it is applied in the classroom. Rosa Barocio, with practical advice and a sense of humor, dedicates this book to teachers invested in revamping their teaching styles and not settling to be a great teacher, but an extraordinary one. They understand the responsibility they hold and that since their students look up to them, it’s their job to inspire them.


Rosa Barocio is certified in Montessori education and Waldorf education and has more than 30 years of experience working with children, training teachers, directing schools, and advising parents. She holds

Contributor Bio

conferences and workshops in Mexico, the United States, and Europe. She is the author of Conoce tu temperamento y mejora tus relaciones, Disciplina con amor, and Disciplina con amor para adolescentes.

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006637 Pub Date: 6/1/12 $8.95/$9.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

76 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Education / Classroom Management

5.5 in W | 8.5 in H | 0.3 lb Wt

El método Class Control Juan Mendoza Romero

This teacher’s guide, based on results from decades of real experiences, includes exercises, activities, and scorecards that will help educators engage all students in a classroom, even those opposed to learning. The book demonstrates how to transform students’ negativity into constructive, positive thinking and how to become a flexible and nonthreatening leader, thus making the task of achieving balance and harmony in the classroom an attainable goal.


Esta guía para profesores, basada en los resultados de décadas de experiencias verdaderas, incluye ejercicios, actividades y tarjetas de puntuación que ayudará a los educadores a captar el interés de todos los estudiantes en su salón de clase, incluso los que no quieren aprender. El libro demuestra cómo transformar la negatividad de alumnos en pensamientos constructivos y positivos y cómo convertirse en un líder flexible y no amenazador, de manera que la tarea de crear equilibrio y armonía en el aula sea una meta alcanzable.

Juan Mendoza Romero is a high school Spanish teacher and writer. He studied English and German and trained at the Ministry of Education and Culture in Germany. He developed the ClassControl method and has been practicing it in classrooms for 20 years.

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Page 60: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497002530 Pub Date: 1/1/06 $20.95/$23.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

216 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Classroom Management

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.6 in T | 1 lb Wt

Mejorar el ambiente en las clases de secundaria Un enfoque práctico para responder a la diversidad desde el aula Rosa Marchena Gómez

Discussing both teacher-to-student and peer-to-peer interaction, this study explores diversity in the classroom and how to integrate inclusive education. Also included are teachers’ classroom observations from third and fourth grade social science, geography, and history classes. Discutiendo las interacciones entre los maestros y los estudiantes y entre los estudiantes de su entorno, este estudio explora la diversidad en el aula y cómo integrar la educación inclusiva. También se incluye las observaciones de aula de los maestros de clases de las ciencias sociales, la geografía y la historia.


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688606278 Pub Date: 10/28/07 $18.00/$23.00 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

320 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Education / Classroom Management

6.8 in W | 9 in H | 0.6 in T | 1.1 lb Wt

Estrategias no verbales para la enseñanza Guía personal para el manejo del salón de clases Michael Grinder, Enrique Mercado

Compiling practical management techniques gleaned from over a decade of personal research that includes visiting over 4,000 classrooms, this book collects 31 nonverbal management skills which foster a win-win atmosphere in the classroom. It can be used by the individual teacher or utilized as a manual for professional development and is ideally suited for peer coaching. Teachers will learn to get the class's attention quicker, employ transitions effectively, increase concentration and productivity during seatwork, have more energy both during the school day and at home, and positively influence the single most powerful leverage point in education: the relationship between teacher and student. Compilando técnicas de administración práctica recaudadas de una década de investigación personal que incluye visitas a más de 4,000 aulas, este libro incluye 31 técnicas no verbales de administración que estimulan un aire positivo en el aula. Puede ser usado por maestros individuales o para el desarrollo profesional, pero es ideal para el entrenamiento entre maestros. Los educadores aprenderán a conseguir la atención de los alumnos, usar transiciones de manera efectiva, mejorar la concentraci...


Michael Grinder is dedicated to teaching others how to become fluent in nonverbal communication in a group setting. He has taught his methods at companies around the world, including Hewlett-Packard, Nike, and Volkswagen. He is the author of Righting the Educational Conveyor Belt.

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Page 61: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497006545 Pub Date: 6/1/12 $17.99/$19.99 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

216 Pages Carton Qty: 38 Education / Bilingual Education

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 0.9 lb Wt

Implicaciones de la enseñanza bilingüe en centros educativos Sonia Casal Madinabeitia

Examining bilingualism as a sociopolitical phenomenon, this comprehensive textbook provides an introduction to foreign language and multilingual education and presents concepts and methodologies for implementing integrated curricula in language teaching centers. It emphasizes language acquisition and maintenance while also discussing language policy and shift. With the demand for bilingual schools growing, teachers will find this to be an informative and practical resource.


Examinando el bilingüismo como un fenómeno sociopolítico, este libro de texto exhaustivo proporciona una introducción a la enseñanza plurilingüe o de lengua extranjera y presenta conceptos y metodologías para implementar currículos integrados en los centros de enseñanza de idiomas. Enfatiza la adquisición y el mantenimiento del idioma, a la vez que discute las políticas lingüísticas y el proceso de sustitución lingüística. Con el aumento en demanda de escuelas bilingües, éste será un recurso informativo y práctico para maestros.

Sonia Casal Madinabeitia trains teachers in bilingual schools and does research focused on cooperative

Contributor Bio

learning in bilingual classrooms. She is a former professor and the author of Enseñanza del ingles: Aplicaciones del aprendizaje cooperativo.

Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497005265 Pub Date: 1/1/09 $19.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

200 Pages Carton Qty: 8 Education / Administration

6.7 in W | 9.4 in H | 0.5 in T | 0.7 lb Wt

Entresijos de los centros escolares Desvelarlos para mejorarlos María Amparo Calatayud Salom

A tool for reflection and debate, this resource for learning how to improve the organization of a school is perfect for anyone studying teaching, psychology, or social education. Una herramienta para reflexión y debate, este recurso para aprender cómo mejorar la organización de una escuela es perfecto para cualquier persona que está estudiando la enseñanza, la psicología o la educación social.


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Page 62: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Editorial Pax Mexico 9789688603642 Pub Date: 5/28/07 $12.95/$17.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

152 Pages Carton Qty: 100 Reference / Word Lists

5.5 in W | 8.3 in H | 0.3 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

1367 palabras básicas en inglés ilustradas Más 486 no ilustradas Gilda Moreno

For those interested in saying the most commonly used Spanish words in English, this guide shows the reader the English word, its pronunciation, its translation to Spanish, and an illustrated example. Words are divided by themes like travel, food, transportation, and clothing. With a handy index in both English and Spanish that helps readers find the words they are looking for, this reference guide is perfect for those who want to feel comfortable in an English-speaking setting. Para aquellos interesados en saber cómo pronunciar en inglés las palabras más populares del idioma español, esta obra presenta la palabra en inglés, su pronunciación, su traducción al español y un ejemplo ilustrado. Las palabras se han dividido por temas actuales e importantes como: viajes, comida, restaurantes, hospitales y transporte. También incluye un glosario español-inglés, súmamente útil, ya que su orden alfabético permite localizar fácilmente las palabras. Por la actualidad de sus temas y su novedosa presentación, esta obra será una guía valiosa para quien quiera sentirse más cómodo usando el inglés.


Gilda Moreno is an editor and coauthor of several books in her native Spanish.

Contributor Bio

Edimat Libros 9788497941730 Pub Date: 4/1/14 $19.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

496 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Reference / Quotations

6.3 in W | 9.3 in H | 2.1 lb Wt

Dichos y proverbios José Luis González Díaz

The result of an extensive and meticulous gathering process, this compilation contains a wealth of Spanish folk sayings and proverbs. In these pages, readers will find and recognize vocabulary, expressions, and idioms that have been in use for generations, including Andar a la caza de grillos (“To go hunting for crickets,” or to be worried with matters of little concern) and A mal tiempo, buena cara (literally “Greet bad weather with a good face”—or put a brave face on a situation). Though some phrases have fallen into disuse, the majority continue to be touted as common wisdom. Both kinds, however, comprise an extensive compendium that serves as evidence of an ever-evolving culture and, most importantly, a rich linguistic heritage.


José Luis González Díaz is a specialist in Spanish language and etymology. He is the author of several other books of popular phrases and sayings.

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Page 63: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Edimat Libros 9788497941754 Pub Date: 4/1/14 $19.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

448 Pages Carton Qty: 20 Reference / Quotations

6.3 in W | 9.3 in H | 1.9 lb Wt

Frases célebres Francisco Márquez

The wide but carefully curated selection of sayings, proverbs, adages, verses, and couplets that comprises this book is itself a synthesis of folk knowledge, customs, and life. The sayings range from the profound and serious to the ironic, lighthearted, and humorous and deal with a range of topics, from the scientific and linguistic to the chivalric. The phrases are grouped by topics for ease of reading, comprehension, and reference.


Francisco Márquez is an expert in, and collector of, famous phrases and sayings related to politics, literature, and fiction.

Contributor Bio

Ediciones Norte 9788495761606 Pub Date: 4/1/05 $14.95/$20.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

654 Pages Carton Qty: 18 Reference / Dictionaries Series: Diccionarios Vosgos series

5 in W | 7 in H | 1.5 in T | 1.3 lb Wt

Diccionario English?Spanish/español?inglés

Conceived with the idea that readers should have the maximum information that a manageable format allows, the dictionaries in the Vosgos collection emphasize simplicity, legibility, and accuracy. Los diccionarios de esta colección están concebidos con el objetivo de que los lectores obtengan la mayor cantidad de información en un volumen manejable. Es por esto que se la ha dado prioridad a la sencillez, la legibilidad y la exactitud de la información.


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Page 64: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Norte 9788495761033 Pub Date: 4/1/05 $9.95/$13.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

402 Pages Carton Qty: 40 Reference / Dictionaries Series: Diccionarios Vosgos series

4 in W | 6 in H | 1 in T | 0.6 lb Wt

Diccionario manual de la lengua española Abreviado

Conceived with the idea that readers should have the maximum information that a manageable format allows, the dictionaries in the Vosgos collection emphasize simplicity, legibility, and accuracy. Los diccionarios de esta colección están concebidos con el objetivo de que los lectores obtengan la mayor cantidad de información en un volumen manejable. Es por esto que se la ha dado prioridad a la sencillez, la legibilidad y la exactitud de la información.


Edimat Libros 9788497647281 Pub Date: 4/1/07 $29.95/$37.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

1440 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Reference / Dictionaries Series: Manuales de la lengua series

5 in W | 7.3 in H | 4.3 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Pack manuales de la lengua María José Lorens Camps, Paula Arenas

Educational tips for writing and speaking in Spanish are introduced in these six language guides. Offering tips and advice on the writing process, grammar, editing, speech writing, public speaking, and interpersonal communication, these texts offer an understanding of Spanish that helps readers communicate clearly and


concisely. This pack of six books includes: Diccionario de la lengua española, Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos, Dudas e incorrecciones habituales, Gramática de la lengua española, Ortografía de la lengua española, and Los verbos y su conjugación. Consejos educativos para escribir y hablar en español están proporcionadas en esta colección de seis guías de idioma. Ofrece consejos en el proceso de la escritura, el uso del sujeto y el verbo, la gramática, la redacción, escritura de discurso y comunicación interpersonal y en público. Estos textos ofrecen una mejor comprensión del español para comunicarse de una manera clara y concisa. Los seis libros incluidos son Diccionario de la lengua española, Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos, Dudas e incorrecciones habituales, Gramática de la lengua española, Ortografía de la lengua española y Los verbos y su conjugación.

María José Lorens Camps is the author of several books in her native Spanish. Paula Arenas is a journalist and the author of several books in her native Spanish.

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Page 65: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Norte 9789974801080 Pub Date: 4/1/08 $19.95/$21.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

2500 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Reference / Dictionaries

5.8 in W | 8.3 in H | 2 in T | 1.9 lb Wt

Diccionario multi consulta

Following the idea that as much information as possible should be available in one manageable volume, this reference focuses on making the information as simple, legible, and precise as possible. It includes a dictionary of the Spanish language; a dictionary of synonyms, antonyms, and paronyms of the Spanish language; English-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English dictionaries; and a multilingual dictionary that relates 5,000 commonly used words in Spanish with its equivalents in English, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese. Concebido con la idea que el lector debe tener la mayor cantidad de información posible en un volumen económico, esta guía se concentra en presentar la información de la manera más sencilla, comprensible y precisa posible. Incluye un diccionario en español; un diccionario de sinónimos, antónimos y parónimos en español; diccionarios de traducción inglés-español y español-inglés y un diccionario multilingüe con un listado que incluye 5,000 palabras comunes en español y sus equivalentes en inglés, francés, alemán, italiano y portugués.


Ediciones Norte 9788495761118 Pub Date: 5/28/07 $8.95/$11.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

112 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Study Aids Series: Compendios Vosgos series

4.8 in W | 7 in H | 0.4 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

El burlador de Sevilla Françs Gordo, Lydia Gordo

Created by teachers and writers, each title in this series provides a complete and thoughtful analysis of several of the most valuable works of world literature. Intended as a starting point for a better understanding and appreciation of literature, each analysis also imparts information about the author, the social and historical background, structure and traditions of literary genres, facts about characters, and a bibliography to encourage further intellectual exploration. Esta colección es una herramienta indispensable para el estudio y análisis de obras clásicas de la literatura universal. Los libros de formato agradable y presentación moderna ofrecen un análisis crítico, información sobre los personajes y los géneros literarios, una bibliografía, y un compendio de la obra en particular junto a un estudio del autor y su época.


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Page 66: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Norte 9788493496555 Pub Date: 5/28/07 $8.95/$11.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

128 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Study Aids Series: Compendios Vosgos series

4.8 in W | 7 in H | 0.3 in T | 0.5 lb Wt

Como agua para chocolate Françs Gordo, Lydia Gordo

Created by teachers and writers, each title in this series provides a complete and thoughtful analysis of several of the most valuable works of world literature. Intended as a starting point for a better understanding and appreciation of literature, each analysis also imparts information about the author, the social and historical background, structure and traditions of literary genres, facts about characters, and a bibliography to encourage further intellectual exploration. Esta colección es una herramienta indispensable para el estudio y análisis de obras clásicas de la literatura universal. Los libros de formato agradable y presentación moderna ofrecen un análisis crítico, información sobre los personajes y los géneros literarios, una bibliografía, y un compendio de la obra en particular junto a un estudio del autor y su época.


Ediciones Norte 9788496046917 Pub Date: 5/1/06 $15.95/$22.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

264 Pages Carton Qty: 50 Study Aids Series: Compendios Vosgos series

4 in W | 7 in H | 0.5 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

Don Quijote de la Mancha Análisis y estudio sobre la obra, el autor y su época Françs Gordo

Created by teachers and writers, each title in this series provides a complete and thoughtful analysis of several of the most valuable works of world literature. Intended as a starting point for a better understanding and appreciation of literature, each analysis also imparts information about the author, social and historical background, structure and traditions of literary genres, facts about characters, and a bibliography to encourage further intellectual exploration.


Françs Gordo and Lydia Gordo are the editors of a number of titles in the Compendios Vosgos series.

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Page 67: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788496746695 Pub Date: 5/1/13 $11.00/$12.00 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

256 Pages Carton Qty: 56 Mathematics / Recreations & Games

5 in W | 7.5 in H | 0.4 lb Wt

Diviértete con las matemáticas Y. Perelman

Filled with entertaining and stimulating activities, this book teaches mathematical skills in a fun way. It allows readers to actively learn math in an engaging and interactive manner that combines learning with playing. Brainteasers, logic games, and numeric puzzles fill the pages of this challenging book that promotes mental agility.


Lleno de actividades entretenidas y estimulantes, este libro enseña destrezas matemáticas de una forma divertida. Le permite al lector aprender activamente sobre las matemáticas de una manera atractiva e interactiva que combina el aprendizaje con el juego. Rompecabezas, juegos de ingenio y puzzles numéricos llenan las páginas de este libro desafiante que promueve la agudeza mental.

Y. Perelman was a Russian scientific writer and the author of many books on popular science.

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Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. 9788497007870 Pub Date: 6/1/15 $16.99/$19.99 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

152 Pages Carton Qty: 32 Language Arts & Disciplines / Speech

6.8 in W | 9.5 in H | 0.7 lb Wt

La sustancia de la voz Manual práctico de voz hablada para locutores, oradores y actores de doblaje José Antonio Meca, Eva Gutiérrez (EvaLí)

Our distinct voices are the result of an authentically monumental process, a miraculous part of nature that makes us unique. To know your own voice is a form of understanding yourself. Actors, singers, public speakers—they know that their voices result from constant learning but also from emotions, feelings, doubts, fears, and pleasures. Each one of our words is tinged with feeling. The voice is communication, particularly self-communication. To manage it with solvency is less a virtue or innate ability than a matter of persistence and patience. This guide to developing the full expanse of your voice helps you improve communication with useful tools and practical exercises.


José Antonio Meca is a voice actor, a broadcaster, a radio journalist, and a professor of speech, voiceover, and dubbing at the University of Granada. He is the recipient of two RTVA Journalism Awards, the Pedro Antonio Alarcon National Award, and the Joris Hoefnagel Award. Eva Gutiérrez (EvaLí) is a graphic designer and an

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illustrator who has worked on the magazine Ficcionautas. She is the author of La fantástica odisea de la niña sin alma and the illustrator of La princesa de la habitación 303.

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 66

Page 68: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Ediciones Robinbook 9788496746565 Pub Date: 10/1/11 $11.00/$12.00 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

240 Pages Carton Qty: 60 Reference / Writing Skills

5 in W | 7.5 in H | 0.6 in T | 0.4 lb Wt

Cómo escribir correctamente Resuelva los errores y dudas más comunes José Serra

Accurate and accessible, this reference offers writers practical advice on mastering writing techniques to avoid common mistakes in Spanish language use. This book is an invaluable resource for writers seeking information on creating a personal style, keys to becoming a good speller, and mastering syntax. Designed for anyone wanting to write without making mistakes, this thorough guide is an excellent resource that helps perfect narrative technique.


Precisa y accesible, esta referencia ofrece consejos prácticos para escritores sobre el dominio de las técnicas de redacción para evitar errores comunes en el uso del lenguaje en español. Este libro es un recurso inestimable para los escritores que buscan información sobre cómo crear un estilo personal, claves para un buen conocimiento de la ortografía y el dominio de la sintaxis. Diseñada para cualquiera que desee escribir sin cometer errores, esta guía completa es un excelente recurso que ayuda a perfeccionar la técnica narrativa.

José Serra is philologist and a translator.

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Ediciones Robinbook 9788415256601 Pub Date: 8/1/15 $22.95/$27.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

160 Pages Carton Qty: 56 Language Arts & Disciplines / Composition & Creative

Writing Series: Taller de Escritura

5.8 in W | 8.8 in H | 0.6 lb Wt

La novela corta y el relato breve Cómo escribir una buena obra corta: técnica y dinámica Mariano José Vázquez Alonso

Literary creations written as short stories offer a dose of vigor and eloquence with greater force than acclaimed novels, and this manual teaches how to write a successful novella or short story. Great writers of all time have employed these techniques to develop magnificent stories condensed into few lines. However, to give meaning and depth to a seemingly simple plot with a small number of characters is a difficult task. Chapters of this guide focus on the omniscient narrators, suggestions to start a story, and the "perfect ending."


Mariano José Vázquez Alonso is an essayist and a novelist who has taught creative writing workshops at literary training centers throughout Spain. His novels include La balada del fuego fatuo, El escritor sin fronteras,

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and Negro vuelo de cuervo.

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 67

Page 69: Teacher Resource and Parenting Titles in Spanish Fall 2015This early parenting manual is written to help supplement —rather than supersede—the natural development of children from


Blume 9788498011890 Pub Date: 5/1/08 $35.00/$38.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Trade Paperback

192 Pages Carton Qty: 24 Ages 7 And Up, Grades 2 And Up Juvenile Nonfiction / Science & Nature

7.8 in W | 10 in H | 0.6 in T | 1.4 lb Wt

La naturaleza, un lugar de recreo Actividades, descubrimientos, trabajos manuales, juegos y aventuras Fiona Danks, Jo Schofield, David George

Playing hide-and-go-seek, collecting plants, making ice ornaments, building cabins, and following nature's clues are some of the fun activities included in this guide that stimulate children's creativity and appreciation for nature. These activities, which are explained in detail and are accompanied by charts specifying the materials needed for each—as well as any necessary safety precautions—are a perfect way for parents and children to spend time together while enjoying the great outdoors. Jugando al escondite, recolectando plantas, haciendo decoraciones de hielo, construyendo cabañas y siguiendo las pistas de la naturaleza son algunas de las inteligentes propuestas para niños que fomentan la creatividad y el amor hacia la naturaleza. Todas las actividades se explican con claridad y están acompañadas con recuadros en los que se especifican los objetos necesarios para llevarlas a cabo. También se incluyen consejos para que todas las ideas se desarrollen de forma segura. Estas actividades son la manera perfecta para que padres y niños compartan juntos mientras disfrutan de la naturaleza.


Fiona Danks is a coordinator for WATCH, the national environmental club for young people. Jo Schofield is a photographer who has traveled around the world taking pictures.

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Thule Ediciones 9788496473959 Pub Date: 1/13/10 $17.95/$19.95 Can. Discount Code: LON Hardcover

44 Pages Carton Qty: 36 Ages 7 to 9, Grades 2 to 5 Juvenile Nonfiction / Language Arts

7.3 in W | 9 in H | 0.5 in T | 0.9 lb Wt

Mi pequeña fábrica de cuentos Bruno Gibert

Providing numerous possibilities for creating as many as 194,481 stories by interchanging flaps—each page is divided into 4 sections—this interactive book will stimulate childrens' imaginations and inspire creativity. Children will be motivated to create their own imaginative tales with the endless combination of words available.


Proporcionando numerosas posibilidades para crear hasta 194,481 cuentos por medio de combinar pestañas—cada página está dividida en 4 secciones—este libro interactivo estimula las imaginaciones e inspira la creatividad de los niños. Estarán motivados a crear sus propios cuentos imaginativos con el número interminable de palabras disponibles.

Contributor BioBruno Gibert is the illustrator of more than 40 children's books and contributed to the collection Bunnies, Crocodiles, and Me.

IPG Parenting and Teacher Resource Titles in Spanish Fall 2015 - Page 68

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