
Taking the Glorious Gospel to the People in Brazil

Tatiana Cordeiro

August 23, 2017Dear Friends,We have recently seen God answer specific prayer, and it is exciting to see God work! Vila Nova1) Rodrigo attended our Father’s Day service in Vila Nova. Why is this significant? Adriana placed her faith in Christ last year and was baptized in December. When the Rings met her, she was in a crisis having just become the sole caregiver for her children. We have been praying for Rodrigo, the children’s father, to soften his heart toward the family. His attendance at the service was a great encouragement in Adriana's faith that God answers prayers. Please pray with us for Rodrigo’s salvation!2) Alex and Arilson placed their faith in Christ. A couple of weekends back, Evangelist Lin Croxton was with us and preached in the services at Vila Nova. Alex found us through the Internet, and Brother Ring visited him in his home. In Alex’ first visit to the church, he placed his faith in Christ. In the morning service of the same day, Arilson, the seventeen- year-old brother of one of our ladies, also put his faith in Christ. Please pray for their spiritual growth.3) For several months, Tammy has been doing Bible studies with Regina, and I have been doing Bible studies with her adult daughter, Carol. Recently, they decided to cease the studies, so we decided one of us should drop in to chat and find out the reason. I went to visit them, and after some conversation that led into the gospel, Regina expressed doubts about eternal security and questions regarding forgiveness. I will be revisiting her in the next few days. Please pray for her salvation and readiness to receive God’s Word.Lami1) At the church plant in Lami, we have been burdened for Anderson and Thais, who were saved at the church in Ponta Grossa. They have had strong seasons of growth, but then periods of regress. Thais recently started coming to services and bringing the children with her. Please pray specifically for Anderson’s heart to be sold out for the Lord and for him to lead his family.2) My Sunday school class in Lami has one pretty faithful member, the young boy, “Natã”/“Nathan.” When I went to pick him up last Sunday, I saw his mom, brother and friend all biking to the supermarket. I arrived at his house, and he was ready to go to church. Praise the Lord!! I am just so thankful that he is willing to come by himself. I am praying that this steadfastness will multiply to months and years! 3) Please continue to pray for Cleiton’s spiritual growth (saved a few months back) and for his wife, Rafaela, to place her faith in Christ. Thank you for praying and partnering here with these ministries!

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