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Page 1: Task 3 research

STREAT (poster)

This poster shows a photograph of a person holding a board with lots of writing on it. The fact that the photograph is in black and white and you can see the background in grey-scale makes the picture seem dark, and infers that there is a dark message to this poster.

The writing on this is in a strange pattern and in different colours and font sizes, this makes it interesting to the eye and makes people want to stop and read it. When they read it, they will realise what the message is and what the STREAT organisation is all about and what work they do for the homeless.

The use of the red colour that is used makes it eye-catching because there is a colour to break up the black, grey and white. The colour red is used on the STREAT logo which would imply that it is the preferred colour of the organisation. Red is the colour of danger and also of a ‘stop’ sign, like the one that is included repeatedly on the board. A ‘stop’ sign is a recognisable symbol and the fact that it is used so much on the poster makes it seem important somehow to the cause/purpose of the poster and its message/meaning; they want to stop homelessness.

Page 2: Task 3 research

STREAT (website home page)

The colour red is used here. This echoes the eye-catching use of red in the poster that was made by STREAT also. This makes us think that the colour associated with ‘stop’ is a theme here; this infers that they want to stop homelessness. This is also echoed by their tag line ‘stop homelessness the delicious way’.There is a clear, san serif font used which makes everything easily readable. Clear fonts are normally associated with conveying information and seriousness so this fits in well with this web page, the issue and the organisation. There is an image of a young woman smiling. This shows positivity and that people enjoying working and volunteering for this organisation.There are updates that you can subscribe to so that you are aware of events that the organisation partake in. People can enter their email address so that they can receive STREAT updates, or events, achievements and work that they are doing. There is also a quite clearly displayed ‘Donate now’ button. Because this is placed at the top of the page and coloured red, this is very eyecatching and people would be drawn to it.

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Homes for the Homeless (poster)The background of this image is a black/grey wall which sets the scene for a dark matter/issue. There is a dark shadow and picture of a small child who looks like she is crying into her arms. This image would make people feel sympathetic to the girl and and want to help her. There is also a teddy bear that is at the side of girl that reminds you that she is a small child who is helpless and vulnerable.

The copy is written in a clear, san serif font and is coloured white. This is so that it will stand out on the dark background. There is also the use of the colour red used; This indicates danger. The red line is underlining the word ‘children’, this infers that there are children in danger that need help from this organisation and its supporters.

The poster supplies you with information and tells you a statistic ‘two million’ children are homeless. There is also a exclamation mark used to show punctuation and importance.

‘Help change that’ is put on this poster to make you feel like if you support this organisation or donate some money to them then you will be helping, and you could change this single handedly, by yourself.

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Current (poster)The photograph that has been taken and used as the background, key art image of this poster is in black in white. This portrays a sad/dark issue and this echoes in the feel and tone of this poster. This makes you realise that this poster is made for a negative issue, which is of course homelessness. The photograph shows a homeless person on the street. This is a real life situation; this is what people who live on the streets really look like and how they really have to live every day.

The text that is used is bright white and clear. This makes it stand out on the grey of the background image. The organisation have used a clever technique here by including 4 squares that of course stand for the letters of the word ‘home’. However, because this is not just written out, somebody who sees this poster will be drawn in to try and make out what it means, this will then make them think about the poster more and think more about the overall issue.

The colour green has been used for the squares. The colour green signifies a ‘fresh’ start and positivity, looking forwards. This infers that there is a positive future possible for homeless people, they just need help to get there. This makes the reader/audience feel sorry for the homeless man in the photo and for the other people without a home in the world. It makes them feel like with help, they could have a home, this therefore makes them want to help.

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Shelter (poster)This poster for ‘Shelter’ shows a monotone image of a woman and a small boy, you are lead to believe that they are mother and son. There is also a quote above talking about the boy’s health. It is a quote from Sam’s mother. It lets you in on their background story. The first sentence is in bold telling you about Sam’s asthma. This would make anybody want to help and give ‘Sam’ a home where he can live that will not be a threat to his health. Giving a background story on an actual case study that the organisation are working with is an effective way of making people feel sympathetic towards homeless people and would be more inclined to help people that they know a bit of background about. Also, the question ‘what am I going to do?’ makes the mother seem helpless event though she wants to help her son. Mothers will be able to relate here as they would imagine themselves in the same position. Surely this would make them want to help as if it was them, they would want people to help.

The colour red is used as well as black and white because this signifies danger and urgency which is what the organisation is trying to convey to the audience.

‘Take action on housing today’ is like a command, it’s an imperative. It’s ordering you to do something. This makes people feel more inclined to do it and help.

Shelter have included the website link which will also supply people with more information on the organisation if they choose to follow it.

‘NO HOME, NO FUTURE’ is the shocking part of this poster. It is the only part in capitals which shows it’s important, and it is also in bold just to emphasise it. These four words are very blunt and have an effect on the person who reads them. It basically tells you that Sam and his mother who you have learnt something about on this poster will soon be out of their home, which then evidently means they have no future.

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Shelter (poster 2)The logo is clearly displayed in the top left hand corner of the poster. This means that logically it is the first thing that you will look at.

The image is a photograph of a cat’s eye in the road. The purpose of a cat’s eye is to make the sides of the roads visible so that you can stay safe on the road in the dark. They help you to stay safe in the dark. ‘Always there in times of darkness’ echoes the function of a cat’s eye, it is using a metaphor and saying that Shelter is actually like a cat’s eye. This means that the organisation, Shelter, will keep you safe at dark times.

The cat’s eye in the photograph is something that is recognisable to most people. This means that they will understand what is being said in the poster by the tagline at the bottom and also by the picture; they will understand the metaphor.

There is not really any way that someone who has never heard of Shelter will know what they do unless they realise that the ‘h’ in the logo is shaped to look like the outline of a house. This could be a way to make people more interested; if they have no idea what Shelter does, it could make me them more inclined to find out more about them. They could then become interested in the work that they do and want to help.

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Cyrenians (poster)This poster contains a lot of copy which leads you to believe that it will supply you with information. The writing in bold capitals and in different colours at the top of the page draws your attention straight to it. It asks a question which people will ask themselves.

Underneath there is a picture of 2 male symbols and 2 female symbols who ask questions in thought bubbles. The fact that the poster uses symbols rather than actual photographs of real people infer that losing your home could happen to anyone. Each thought bubble contains a question of something that could lead to somebody becoming homeless. Underneath in the chunk of text, it explains that if you are having certain problems to do with your home it could potentially lead to you becoming homeless. It then offers a phone number and an email address for people to go to for help. Right at the bottom there is also a web page address for the organisation. This poster supplies the audience with three ways of contacting them and getting help if they are worried. All of the text on this poster would make people stop and read it and really think about this issue.

The bottom line of the main copy, ‘we can help you keep your home’, is a ray of hope at the end of the information and advice on the poster. It makes people think that if they are the slightest bit worried about losing their home, if they contact Cyrenains, then they can actually keep their home and there is nothing to worry about.

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Cyrenians (leaflet, front cover)The front cover of this Cyrenians leaflet is bright yellow. A bright colour always signifies happiness and warmth, and yellow is the main colour of happiness as well.

The logo is displayed clearly at the top of the page with a lot of space around it so that it is eye catching. There is a small description underneath the logo to explain what the organisation does. It is short and to the point. Underneath that, there is another small sentence of their tagline, similar to the final sentence on the Cyrenians poster.

The Cyrenians logo is the partitioning between the photograph and the yellow section with the writing on it. Underneath the logo there is a photograph of two women. They both look very happy and are holding Cyrenians leaflets. The fact that there are happy people on the front of this leaflet echoes the happiness that is already here by the use of the colour yellow. The photograph of the happy women will draw people in and make the believe that the organisation can cause happiness and bring it to people who need it.

The fonts that are used here are clear and san serif. This makes it clear and easy for people to read. The colours that the fonts are in are the two colours that contrast well with and stand out from any other colour background.

This cover is very simple, there is not much going on. However, Cyrenians gets across what they need to, to the audience because they show happiness, and the idea of clarity and one vision which are the only things that they mention on this cover.

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Teen Living Programs (poster)This main background image of this poster shows a homeless teenage girl on the street, also she looks annoyed. This is emotive for anyone who sees the poster because they can relate. Everyone has been/is/will be a teenager and if you already have been one or currently are, you know how it is a hard stage in your life. Nobody who has a teenage child or knows someone close to them who is a teenager would like to think of them in a situation like this. People see homeless people on the street almost everyday but it doesn’t cross their mind until they see it on a poster, until it is shoved in front of their nose and they are forced to think about.

The heading of the poster ‘I do exist’ has a serious/impatient tone to it. It is something that people say usually if they are left out of something or feel like they are being ignored. It gives you an insight of what homeless people are thinking when you walk past them on the street and ignore them. It also makes people think about how they would be feeling if somebody walked straight past them if they were in the same position.

The ribbon across the bottom of the poster signifies the time of year that this poster was brought out, which was winter, around Christmas time. This also makes people feel sympathetic towards homeless people, maybe even more so, because nobody should be alone for the holiday season. It is a hard time to be alone and living on the streets in the cold and bad weather.

The large chunks of text in the middle of the poster explain what the organisation do for homeless teenagers and also what they plan to do this holiday season and how you can help.

There is also a section of text at the bottom of the page that tells you where to make a donation to. It gives you and address and also a web page address.

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SASH (website home page)The website home page for SASH contains a lot of the colour green which signifies fresh starts, positivity and also happiness.

There is a section labelled ‘Working together to make a difference’. This give a positive feel to the page. There is also a section named ‘Case studies’ so you can have a look how SASH as an organisation have helped certain people in particular, and you can learn about what they have done to help people.

There is a small section that is a completely different colour to everything else, it is pink/red. It is labelled ‘What do I do if I need help tonight?’ This is in a totally different colour that contrasts with green so that it stands out. If someone has come to the SASH website who needs urgent help, someone that has been kicked out of their house and literally has nowhere to stay for then night then they can find somewhere.

There is a navigation bar at the top of the page which makes it easy for people to find what they need on the website. This is good because if anyone needs help or they want to help someone then they can get to where they want to be with minimal confusion in an effective way.

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