Page 1: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

Talking about migrationA Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions


Page 2: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

Part 1:Understanding concerns

Page 3: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

A cross-section of the public feel that we need to reduce the number of migrants coming to Britain

base: n=3036


Total union

Pure left

Non Tory press


Not seeking

Lib Dem


Young ABC1



Labour ID

Young women


Young men

50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Total disagree Total disagree

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree:It is essential for the immigration system to reduce the number of migrants coming to Britain

Groups (self-defined)

Page 4: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015


2nd Generation

1st Generation

People without migrant history

‘It is essential for the immigration system to reduce the number of migrants coming to Britain’

Below is a list of statements. For each indicate whether you agree or disagree.

First and second generation migrants also feel we need to reduce the number of migrants coming to Britain

51 40 28



5 9 611 16 16

Very warm (75-100) Warm (51-74) Very cool (0-25) Cool (26-49)

Page 5: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

Which TWO of the following are your biggest CONCERNS about immigration?

Immigrants claiming benefits

Immigrants committing crimes

Immigrants working for less, putting pressure on wages

Britain losing its cultural identity

Immigrants taking British jobs

Immigrants using the NHS

Immigrants' children using schools

None of the above

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50









Union members


What are people’s biggest concerns with immigration? Benefits, crime and pressure on wages

Page 6: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

Which TWO of the following best explain why Britain has high levels of immigration?

Blunders and mistakes made by successive governments have allowed immigration to get out of control.

Politicians on all sides are afraid of being seen as racist if they crack down on immigration.

Britain is an attractive place for people to come.

Big businesses want as much immigration as possible so they can pay lower wages.

Immigration is an inevitable part of globalisation.

Britain needs immigration to keep our economy and public services working.

Left wing thinkers and politicians have allowed immigration as they want a more multi-cultural society

Don't know

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50









February 2014 | Page 6

What do people think is the cause of the number of migrants?Incompetence and political correctness

Page 7: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

Part 2: Messages that make a difference

Page 8: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015


Union members

0 20 40 60 80 100





Strongly Agree

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement about immigration?

Everyone's got a right to a decent job. Too many employers are taking on workers cheaply, some of them from abroad. If all workers had stable contracts and wages they could live on, employers wouldn’t be able to use migrants to undercut local workers. This is what the government should focus on, not keeping migrants out of the country

Strongest messageWe need to target bosses not migrants and demand decent pay and conditions for all

Page 9: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

Crack down on employers Cut immigration0









Statement, stronglyStatement, somewhat

Below are some pairs of statements. For each, please indicate whether the FIRST statement or the SECOND statements comes closer to your views, even if neither is exactly right.

The best way to protect jobs and wages is to crack down on employers who exploit migrants

for cheap labour.

The best way to protect jobs and wages is to cut immigration.

February 2014 | Page 9Split B

In fact, the public believe that cracking down on exploitation would do more for jobs and wages than cutting immigration

Page 10: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

Hard because economy is tough Hard because so many immigrants0









Statement, stronglyStatement, somewhat

Below are some pairs of statements. For each, please indicate whether the FIRST statement or the SECOND statements comes closer to your views, even if neither is exactly right.

It’s hard for young people to find work because the economy is so tough at the


It’s hard for young people to find work because there are so many immigrants

competing for jobs.

People also feel that it is the economic climate more than migrants which is causing youth unemployment

February 2014 | Page 10Split A

Page 11: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015


Total Union

0 20 40 60 80 100





Strongly Agree

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement about immigration?

Our country needs highly skilled people to work hard, contribute and grow our economy. That means we should welcome people from abroad who are willing to invest, spend money, study and work in key industries. We will all lose out if the immigration system stops people who contribute to our economy from coming here.

Second strongest message: migrants contribute skills, taxes and labour to the economy

Page 12: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

By reassuring listeners we do not think they are racist, support for our message grows, particularly among union members

February 2014 | Page 12

*Split C **Split D

Page 13: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

February 2014 | Page 13

Who is trusted to deliver messages on migration?

Page 14: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

Example messages to use

• Everyone's got a right to a decent job. Too many employers are taking on workers cheaply, some of them from abroad. If all workers had stable contracts and wages they could live on, employers wouldn’t be able to use migrants to undercut local workers. This is what the government should focus on, not keeping migrants out of the country.

• Our country needs highly skilled people to work hard, contribute and grow our economy. That means we should welcome people from abroad who are willing to invest, spend money, study and work in key industries. We will all lose out if the immigration system stops people who contribute to our economy from coming here.

Page 15: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

• We need to target bosses not migrants and demand decent pay and conditions for all.

• Employers must not be allowed to divide the workforce so they can use migrants to undercut local workers.

• Exploitation is the problem, not migrants. Too many employers have become addicted to insecure jobs and hiring migrants they know they can get cheaply. They need to create better job opportunities for everyone.

• While the government is slashing spending, migrants help pay for our public services through their taxes and we see them contribute every day as nurses, teaching assistants and care workers.

Example messages to use

Page 16: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

• The best way for migrants to be integrated into the workforce is for employers to give them the same pay and employment contracts as other workers.

• The best way to protect jobs and wages is to crack down on employers who exploit migrants for cheap labour and make workers compete with each other in a race to the bottom. We need employers to pay fair wages and we need fair pay machinery in those industries that can afford to pay more.

• Solving the housing crisis requires an expansion of council house building, not cutting back on migrant numbers. And similar points apply to other services like health, education and transport.

Example messages to use

Page 17: Talking about migration A Trades Union Congress guide for trade unions 2015

• Of course, it’s wrong to accuse someone of racism just because they have concerns about immigration. But on balance, migrants are good for our country – they pay their taxes and help keep our hospitals, schools and care homes going.

Example messages to use

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