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Talk shows

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Programme idea:

My programme is going to be a studio based talk show where you discuss problems that happen amongst teenagers and help them get to a resolution.

It is going to follow the similar idea of Jeremy Kyle but in this talk show it is going to be based on teenagers aged 13-18.

The same idea of lie detector tests and DNA tests will be kept the same as it helps find a resolution to solve problems between people.

There will be all sorts of teenagers with different problems portrayed in the talk show as the aim is to put it out to the viewers that come within the same age group and help them change their lives around.

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Programme format:

My show is going to be studio based. It is a day time talk show I will be using the SLV Studio which comes with the equipment's , the

studio it self and an award winning crew. The Studio is going to be set out in a way where communicating with

each other is more easier. I want to focus on a background where it engages the teenage viewers

to watch the show.

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Development of programme ideas:

I want the programme to focus on teenagers around London. Most of the teenagers in the show will be from Behaviour schools around

London as the aim of the show is to help them make themselves better by giving them another chance through the show.

The problems they bring into the show can range form drugs , physical fights , problems with family of friends and etc.

If the teenagers think they need more help after the show they will be given a choice of attending counselling or rehab services to get them back on track

After a few months there will be a follow up episode on the teenagers who was put into rehab or counselling to see how much they have improved or if they are still the same.

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Development of programme ideas:

The show will be done in a formal way where the presenter will be dressed formally.

The language of the presenter is going to be conveyed in a standard manner

The presenter will be someone who can talk fairly as well as being able to communicate well with the teenagers to find out the problem.

The teenagers will be introduced to the viewers through a short clip before they are brought to the studio to talk.

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Audience (age, gender, socio-economic grouping, lifestyle, location) The audience of the programme can be any age group as it can help everyone

learn something from what they watch for example adults that are parents to teenagers or children can understand on how they should communicate with a teenager if they are going through a hard time as well as what help is available to them.

The teenagers in the audience will also be able to learn from what they see and how they should avoid getting into situations like that.

The show is going to be focused on both males and females. The age group to be involved in the show is 13-18 year olds. The location is going to be in Stewarts Road , London which makes it easier for

people all over London to come down to watch or to get their teenager to be involved in the show.

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List of equipment needs

Multiple Cameras Tripod for each camera A video switcher that can handle every single video source you have (or computer system) Multiple microphones An audio switcher that can handle every audio source you have (or computer system) Graphics generator Multiple TV Monitors, minimum of one per video source Video tape/DVD decks CD/audio tape players Cables and connectors to piece it all together Lights Set furniture

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Resources: set design and props ideas

I want the studio to be set out in a way where the guests will comfortable and homely so that they are able to communicate better.

I want the main colours in the studio to be a light orange colour with white mixed with it.

I want the seating in the studio to be comfortable sofa chairs so that it is relaxed when talking through the problems.

The crew that I am going to be working with comes with the studio package.

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