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By: Vanessa Rodriquez And my little helpers

I believe that the world is heading toward a water crisis. I think this because the population is growing and the amount of water we have on earth isn’t. People might think that there is plenty of water on Earth but there truly isn’t. 70% of Earth is covered in water however, 30% of this is freshwater and 3% of that is actually potable.


As I’m gathering all of my information, I am noticing

some things. In some countries, the population is decreasing as the years go by. While in other countries, the population is growing. So either people are dying in those countries from lack of water or, they are moving to other countries, trying to live a healthier life. But soon I think everyone will be in a water crisis if we aren’t already in one.

Trends that I’m finding

Afghanistan Graph

As you can see, if the people of Afghanistan lived the way I do

(taking 20 minute showers). they would be in a water crisis right

now and in the future.

This says a lot to me. I don’t like to see people suffer or even know that

people are suffering when I have everything I need as soon as I need


Estonia Graph

Again, the people of Estonia are suffering right now and will still be

suffering in the future. That is if they lived the way I do (letting the water run as the dishes are being rinsed).

However, I do not think that the people of Estonia live like me. But, that does not mean they aren’t in a water crisis.

U.S.A. Graph

Can you believe that! At first I thought I messed up the graph but I checked and double checked myself. If every person in the U.S.A. lived like me we would all be suffering right now with a lot of other


But as you can see not everyone is suffering. Some people in the U.S.A.

conserve their water and want to make the world a better place. Like

the rest of us should start doing.

2 out of 6 people lack access of potable

drinking water

3,900 babies have died because of water diseases. (as of 2002)

About 1.1 million people do not have access to clean water, that's about 1/6 of the world’s population.

Half of the world’s hospital beds are filled with people who are suffering form water related diseases.


Now that I finished all of my research, I think it is time to answer the big question.

Are we heading toward or is there currently a water crisis in the world? What does it mean to life?

The big question

I think that the world together is in a water crisis

at the moment. Hopefully if everyone works together we can get out of this. What does this mean to life? Well, the huge problem is that there is so many people on this planet we call our home. There might start to be population laws like there are in China. But to help us not to harm us. Many people, even our loved ones might start to suffer form lack of water in the next couple of years. Things are going to start to become bad If nothing changes. Not just for the U.S.A. but the whole world!

My Answer…

My solutions… start to conserve water

in small ways.

For example, turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth. Take shorter showers. Don’t buy bottled water. Get any leakage from your

sinks sealed. Don’t let the water run while your not using it. Finally, instead of pouring huge amounts of water, pour little amounts so you

know you will drink it.

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