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Talbot House Preparatory School was founded in 1969 by Mrs Stevenson. It has always had a reputation for high academic standards, good manners and consideration for others, with an excellent success rate for the number of pupils who gain places at the local Grammar Schools, as well as scholarships to local independent schools. The school caters for children from 3 to 11 years of age. In September 1998, Mrs Stevenson retired and the school was acquired by the Broadway family. Since then, the school has maintained its excellent high standards, retaining much of the tradition but also embracing developments in education and resources that benefit the children attending the School. Talbot House Preparatory School is a warm and happy environment in which to learn. Our children are always reminded about respect and consideration for one another as well as adults and other people. We celebrate one another’s individuality and children’s cultural differences are also shared positively. Since we are a small school with small classes, we have a wonderful sense of community and our children are always made to feel that they are important and special. Every child participates in frequent dramatic and musical presentations, which helps build confidence and is hugely enjoyable for the participant and audience. Our school assemblies that take place each Friday morning are wonderful opportunities to celebrate our school community. During each assembly we enjoy a talk or presentation. At times we have a visitor from the community but frequently it is a class from the school that takes this part of the assembly. We also have individual musical items performed by children and our pupils are encouraged to bring in certificates or talk about awards or recognition that they have received in activities that may not be associated with the school. The highlight of the assembly is always ‘Pupil of the Week’ where we praise an individual from each class, giving them personal recognition for effort, progress or achievement. Achievement is celebrated at Talbot House Preparatory School. We encourage success and progress for the pupils individually and as a school. The children are stretched and challenged in a learning context that encourages independent reasoning and personal development on all levels. Part of the reason that this is done so successfully is because we have small classes and teachers are able to focus on individual needs as well as strengths that need to be addressed and challenged. Particulars of the academic performance of pupils at the school are available on request. We demand high standards from the children in terms of presentation of work, commitment to work and daily homework. This is all carried out within the very positive context of a happy school environment that fosters a love of learning and encourages success. The School Day The length of the school day grows as the child matures. In the Kindergarten, children can attend full time or they have the option to commence with mornings only from Monday to Friday. There is a third option whereby they may attend all day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with just mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. From Reception upwards, all children attend full time. Children should arrive between 8.30am and 8.45am in the morning. Finishing times are as follows: Kindergarten - 12.30pm (mornings only) or 3.15pm (full day) Reception and Year 1 - 3.15pm Year 2 to 6 - 3.30pm Pre and After School Supervision We have provision for children to arrive from 8.00am in the morning and stay on until 5.30pm in the evening at an additional cost. During the evening sessions the children complete their homework and play and a light tea is provided.

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Early Years As a school, we work with the Early Years department at the Bournemouth LA and we have attained numerous Early Years accreditation awards. In addition to meeting the expectations of the Early Years Foundation Stage, the children benefit from being fully integrated into the life of the School with extensive opportunities to access the facilities and resources available to the whole School. Children therefore enjoy a richer curriculum and broader experiences that give them a wonderful head start at School. 3 and 4 year-old children who attend Talbot House Preparatory School are eligible for an Early Years grant. Each term’s fees are payable in full at the beginning of the term. The grant is usually paid to the School in two payments during the first half of each term, at which time we will refund the amount of the grant to you. Early Years Foundation Stage – Age 3-5 years (Kindergarten & Reception) Boys and girls have their own well-equipped area within the school where good foundations are laid for formal learning. The Foundation Stage contains seven important areas of learning and development.

There are three prime areas which are crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three areas are:

• Communication and language. This involves giving children opportunities to experience a rich language environment; to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves; and to speak and listen in a range of situations.

• Physical development. This involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination, control, and movement. Children must also be helped to understand the importance of physical activity, and to make healthy choices in relation to food.

• Personal, social and emotional development. This involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviour in groups; and to have confidence in their own abilities. In addition, there are four specific areas through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. These specific areas are:

• Literacy. This involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children must be given access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems, and other written materials) to ignite their interest.

• Mathematics. This involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers; calculating simple addition and subtraction problems; and to describe shapes, spaces, and measures.

• Understanding the world. This involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people; places; technology and the environment.

• Expressive arts and design. This involves enabling children to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials, as well as providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in art; music; movement; dance; role-play; and design and technology. Assessment is continuous throughout the Foundation Stage. To ensure effective teaching and learning, practitioners use observational assessment to gauge a child’s development and understanding. Achievements are recorded throughout the year, making assessments based on day-to-day observations of a child’s achievements.

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Each area of learning has specific Early Learning Goals, which summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that children should have gained by the end of the Reception year. These Early Learning Goals form the basis of the EYFS profile. This is a statutory assessment, designed to sum up the child’s progress across the entire curriculum. This profile is reported to parents alongside the summer school report and parents will have an opportunity to discuss the profile with the class teacher. Key Stage 1 – Age 5-7 years (Years 1 & 2) A wide curriculum is followed, with the mastering of basic English and Mathematics being the core aim. As well as foundation studies in Science, History and Geography, the children enjoy Art, Design, IT, Drama, Music, Games, Gym and Swimming. Children have French lessons from Year 1. Key Stage 2 – Age 7-11 years (Years 3 – 6) Children study to a demanding standard in subjects such as: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, IT, French, PE, Swimming, Music, Drama, Technology, Art and Design. They are given a very solid grounding to ensure they develop a good understanding and they enjoy many enrichment activities to extend their knowledge and experience. Reports are issued twice a year, and parents are encouraged to attend a meeting with the Form Teacher each term. Children are assessed frequently to monitor progress. We also help prepare children for significant examinations as appropriate.





3-4 years 4-5 years EYFS

YR 1 YR 2

5-6 years 6-7 years


YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 YR 6

7-8 years 8-9 years

9-10 years 10-11 years


Special Education Needs The School has limited resources to cater for children with Special Education Needs. Children identified with non-severe learning difficulties such as mild to moderate dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia are supported through the intervention of teaching staff and teaching assistants. Some one to one or small-group sessions are available with a part time support teacher. The School does not however have a separate special needs unit. As children are admitted into the School from age three, some learning or behavioural difficulties are only identified once a child has started at the School. Once a child is identified as having Special Education Needs, appropriate action and procedure will be followed in line with the School’s SEN policy. If it becomes clear however, that the learning or behavioural need is one that the School is unable to cater for adequately; the Headteacher, in consultation with the class teacher and other experts, where appropriate; shall meet with the child’s parents to discuss arrangements for a place at another setting where the child can receive the necessary support. School fees do not cover the cost of additional learning support that will be charged to parents in addition to the term’s fees. A copy of the school’s SEN policy is available on request.

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Children with Exceptional Abilities Talbot House Preparatory School recognises that very able children have exceptional needs and therefore opportunities for curriculum extension and enrichment should be made available for these pupils in all phases from the early years onwards. The School and staff are committed to enriching the learning process for very able children and extending these pupils so they thrive in a challenging educational environment. Assessment At Talbot House Preparatory School we aim to develop children by providing a broad and rich curriculum, so that they are stretched and challenged as far as possible in the context of a happy learning environment. We strive to be highly effective in this regard and we aim to ensure that our children are consistently exceeding standards and expectations for children their age. Tests and assessments will vary according to the age of the pupils. They will develop from mostly observational assessment of children in the Foundation Stage to a wider range that includes formal tests as pupils progress up through the school. Particulars of academic performance of the pupils at the school are available on request Admission Before we offer a child a place at our school, we interview parents, meet the prospective pupil and show them around the school. The number of places is strictly limited in order to maintain small class sizes. Parents are advised to submit applications for a place as early as possible to avoid disappointment. If a class is full, parents may put their child on a waiting list. Subject to the availability of places, children may be admitted into the school at any time, where they will be placed in the appropriate year group according to their age. Admission to Talbot House Preparatory School usually takes place in September, the beginning of the school year, although where places are available; children may be admitted into the correct age group for the class at any time of the year. Children are accepted into the Early Years’ department in the Pre-school class from the September after they have turned three. Children must be fully toilet trained and dry for at least two months prior to entry. Children are enrolled via the Kindergarten Class on the understanding that they are joining the School, with the implication that they will continue at the School for the duration of their primary education. Withdrawals A full term’s notice in writing is required to withdraw a child from the school, as set out in the terms and conditions of registration, or a full term’s fees are payable in lieu. Where children are withdrawn from extra murals, half a term’s notice is required. Attendance and Absence Promoting and maintaining good attendance amongst THPS pupils is the responsibility of the Talbot House community; consisting of the parents, staff and pupils. The THPS Community recognises that regular attendance at school is important for the following reasons:

• Children benefit from attending the lessons necessary to give them a good education and missed lessons may impede their progress.

• Children have the opportunity to develop socially with other children at school. • Children who attend regularly become responsible and develop a consistency that sets a

positive pattern for life, where they will develop into responsible adults.

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Parents are responsible to account for any absences by written or verbal communication with the School and should not automatically expect that the school will agree to holidays being taken during term time. Holidays in term time are discouraged, but the Headteacher may authorise absence of a maximum of two weeks (10 school days) provided that written application is made, through completion of a request for leave form available from the Office. The School will only consider additional leave in term time under exceptional circumstances. Wherever possible, parents should avoid taking children out of School during important test and exam times. Extra Murals Children can enjoy various extra mural lessons on and off site that include flute, clarinet, keyboard, saxophone, guitar, singing, Science Club, ballet, Spanish, tennis, football and rugby. IT Suite Talbot House Preparatory School can boast a modern, well-equipped IT suite that is in frequent use by our pupils and staff. Children have skills-based IT lessons each week with the IT teacher and there is also opportunity for the whole class to use the suite with other subject teachers. In addition children have access to a class set of portable laptops and interactive whiteboards throughout the School. We are linked to the Internet and children use this facility with adult supervision. Science Lab Our Science lab provides an exciting and stimulating environment in which to learn Science, where practical experiments and investigation are an essential part of the Science curriculum. Children from Years 3 to 6 are taught by our Science specialist and they carry out experiments to develop their scientific skills and a greater knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Library Children benefit from a well-stocked central library with both fiction and non-fiction books. Pupils visit the library each week where they are able to change their books. The library also provides a quiet environment for story time and study. Lunches All children are provided with a two-course, healthy, cooked lunch each day. We aim to cater for all diets and medical problems. On occasions, a packed lunch will need to be provided by parents when children attend School trips. School Houses The school is divided into four houses: Eagles (red); Kestrels (yellow); Falcons (green) and Hawks (blue). We encourage healthy competition and good team spirit. House points are awarded for academic work, sport and positive achievement in any area for endeavour and commitment. General Appearance We expect children to wear our uniform with pride and to present themselves smartly at all times. Children at THPS may not have dyed or tinted hair or any style that would be seen to be extreme or ornate. Boys’ hair should be short all over (short back and sides). Girls’ hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied back neatly. Children are not permitted to wear any jewellery except for watches and school badges. Only girls may have ears pierced and they may only have one piercing per ear. Earrings must be small, plain gold or silver studs. Children are expected to wear black, conservatively styled, plain school shoes.

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Special Events At the end of the year the school holds a prize-giving event in Bournemouth. A variety of songs and musical and dramatic performances take place. Many trophies are handed out that recognise effort, progress and achievement. Other big events during the year include National Science and Engineering Week; Family Fun Science Day; Healthweek; a Shakespeare Day; a Strictly Come Dancing Evening; World Book Day; our Upper School Christmas Carol Service and Lower School Christmas Playlet at St Mark’s Church; as well as the School Sports Day and Swimming Gala and numerous charity events. Equal Opportunities Our School values the individuality of all of our children. We are committed to giving all of our children every reasonable opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. The achievements, attitudes and well being of all our children matter. THPS seeks to promote the individuality of all our children, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, attainment, age, disability, gender or background. Our philosophy is that each child should have the chance to develop to his/her full potential. School & Parent Partnership At THPS, the parents and School enjoy a very good partnership and shared vision, and the children work hard, which is why our School community is so successful. We have a Talbot House Home-School agreement whereby what is generally considered reasonable and appropriate is formalised in a written document and is signed by the School, parents and children. Working in partnership with parents is of major value and importance to THPS in enabling it to provide a happy, caring and stable environment for children. We aim to form a good relationship with parents so that information regarding their children (be it developmental, emotional, social or health related) can be exchanged easily and comfortably by staff and parents. All year groups throughout the School have a Class Teacher who is responsible for the pastoral care and coordination of learning for the children. As the children approach the upper year groups, an increasing proportion of subjects are taken by specialist teachers, although much of their time is spent with their allocated class teacher, who keeps a close eye on children’s progress assisted by other key staff members in the school. At THPS, we operate an open door policy with parents. If parents have any queries on a day-to-day basis, they are encouraged to have an informal word with the Class Teacher at the end of the day or they may set up an appointment if required. Parents are able to contact the Headteacher with any serious concerns. In addition, the School sends out a weekly newsletter and other notes to parents to keep them abreast of activities, topics, events and relevant issues. All letters and information can also be accessed via the School website. Parents are given more formal feedback about their children’s progress through the two reports issued each year; in the autumn and summer terms. They are also encouraged to attend the parent meetings that are held each term. School Policies Amongst the subject policies and general policies, we also have policies on Attendance, Equal Opportunities, Discipline and Behaviour, Bullying, Safeguarding Children, Health & Safety (including First Aid) and Complaints. Many can be accessed from the School Website via the parent login facility. Alternatively, should you wish to see any of these, please request a copy from the School Office. School Discipline At Talbot House Preparatory School children are expected to be polite and considerate to one another, to staff and any visitors to the school. They are also expected to respect people, property and the environment. The School has an escalating system of sanctions to help maintain discipline in a fair manner that may ultimately result in exclusions either fixed or temporary for serious matters of discipline.

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Trips Children enjoy frequent trips in each year group. They will attend at least one a term and we aim to facilitate trips that are both educational and enjoyable. They vary from promoting safety and awareness, to historical visits and theatre trips. Children in the Upper School have the opportunity to attend residential trips ranging from one night to a few days. In Year 6, children attend a four day residential trip to Stratford where they visit the Royal Shakespeare Theatre for a tour and performance, view all the Shakespeare Houses, visit Warwick Castle and much more. It is thoroughly enjoyable and a brilliant opportunity to learn about and appreciate some wonderful aspects of English history and culture. In Conclusion THPS is a happy school, where children learn and achieve in all areas in a safe, caring environment. Our aim is for each child to achieve his/her maximum potential and to socially mature in preparation for their next step on the academic ladder and to have a varied, well balanced and stimulating time at school which they enjoy.

Talbot House School aims to provide a positive environment where children are happy to attend because we offer: A sense of community … fostered through positive relationships; healthy friendships; mutual respect; good communication and no tolerance for bullying. A positive atmosphere … fostered through encouragement; recognition of progress; praise for all achievement, both academic and non-academic; and a teaching/learning programme that is relevant and inspiring. A broad education … developed through a teaching/learning programme that extends beyond the National Curriculum, motivating children so they develop a love of learning, and are inspired to become lifelong learners. An attractive environment … maintained through providing a school and learning areas that are pleasant in which to learn. Our children are encouraged to develop responsibility in respecting the school and the environment.

Safeguarding Children Talbot House Preparatory School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and all staff, volunteers and members of the THPS Community are expected to share this commitment. We recognise that keeping children and young people safe is paramount and as a school community we have implemented policies and procedures that ensure this is a top priority.

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Most children who join Talbot House are aiming to go on to Bournemouth School or Bournemouth School for Girls at 11+ (local grammar schools). These schools are selective and are targeting the top 15% of the population academically. Our placement history demonstrates that most children from Talbot House will go on to grammar schools or win scholarships to local independent schools. 2012 BOYS 2012 GIRLS Adam Gibbs Bournemouth School (grammar) Lianha Cooke Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) George Hedges Bournemouth School (grammar) Mathilda Farley Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Jack Howe Oakdale Middle School Eleanor Finch Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Carter Lloyd-Hopkins Bournemouth School (grammar) Emily Fletcher Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Michael McElhatton Bournemouth Collegiate School (Sports Scholarship) Eliana Glazer Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Liam McKernon Highcliffe School Ame Ngwako Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Euan Munro Bournemouth School (grammar) Tamara Qaddoura Talbot Heath (offered Bournemouth School for Girls) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School Scholarship) Erin Richardson Talbot Heath (Tennis Academy Scholarship) Marcus Ozanne Bournemouth School (grammar) (offered Bournemouth School for Girls) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School Scholarship) Dominic Parkes Moved away but met Bournemouth School entrance criteria Antonio Andres Rosello Bournemouth School (grammar) Sameecha Sudheer Twynham School Ross Williams Bournemouth School (grammar) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School Sports Scholarship) 2011 BOYS 2011 GIRLS Jed Avissar Bournemouth School (grammar) Elana Almagor Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School Scholarship) Emily Blake Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Harry Butler Bournemouth Collegiate School/West Hants Tennis Sophie Gallimore Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Academy Scholarship Samantha Griffiths Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Matthew Collins Bournemouth School (grammar) Rosie Swoboda Bournemouth Collegiate School Elliott Crocker Bournemouth School (grammar) (offered Bournemouth School for Girls) Leo Curtis Bournemouth School (grammar) Sammy Toms Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Aaroh Dubey Bournemouth School (grammar) Holly Watton Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School Scholarship) Daniel Elliott Bournemouth School (grammar) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School Scholarship) Miles Ewins Bournemouth School (grammar) Dominic Farrow Bournemouth Collegiate School Rhys Hedges Bournemouth Collegiate School (Scholarship) (offered Bournemouth School) Alex Paul-Ajuwape Bournemouth School (grammar)

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2010 BOYS 2010 GIRLS Nicholas Coles Winton Arts & Media College Georgina Broadway Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Timothy Cutler Bournemouth School (grammar) Amy Finch Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School Scholarship) (awarded Talbot Heath Scholarship) Oscar Farley Bournemouth School (grammar) Caitlin Gormley Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Thomas Lloyd-Mead Bournemouth School (grammar) Rebekah Guy Avonbourne School Jamie Munro Bournemouth School (grammar) Eden Igla Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School Scholarship) Emily McElhatton Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Temogo Ngwako Bishop of Winchester Comprehensive School Afua Osei-Lah Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) James Ozanne Bournemouth School (grammar) (awarded Talbot Heath Scholarship) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School Scholarship) James Price Portchester School Andrew Smith Bournemouth School (grammar) Samuel Trott Bournemouth School (grammar) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School Scholarship) Jamie Watton Bournemouth School (grammar) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School and Ballard School Scholarships) 2009 BOYS 2009 GIRLS Ethan Cooke Bournemouth School (grammar) Emily Baxter Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) George Davis Bournemouth School (grammar) Tatiana Durrant Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) (awarded Bournemouth Collegiate School PE Scholarship) Danni Fletcher Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Daniel Gilbert Bournemouth School (grammar) Talia Glazer Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Alfie Hay Bournemouth School (grammar) (awarded Talbot Heath Scholarship) Harrison Kendall Bournemouth School (grammar) Amelia Harris Talbot Heath Gavin Shek Bournemouth School (grammar) Chloe Hedges Glenmoor School Keiron Snell Ballard School Kiana Hooshmand Talbot Heath Sports Scholarship Jemima Lloyd-Hopkins Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Georgina Murray Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Erin Robinson Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) 2008 BOYS 2008 GIRLS Oliver Bliss Bournemouth School (grammar) Iman Ali Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Oliver Butler Bournemouth School (grammar) Alex Broadway Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) (awarded Wentworth College Scholarship) Olivia Browning Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Dennis Danilouk Bournemouth School (grammar) Lauren Deeks Wentworth College Brandon Elliott Bournemouth School (grammar) Rania Qaddoura Talbot Heath Jahan Hossein-Pour Bournemouth School (grammar) Alexandra Siddons Bournemouth School for Girls (grammar) Raymond Wong Winton Arts and Media College Abigail Stickland Talbot Combined School

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STAFF LIST Senior Leadership and Management Mrs C Oosthuizen Headteacher BEd (Hons), PGCE Mrs L Broadway School Business Manager Teaching Staff

Mrs D Hayes BA (Hons) Early Years Kindergarten Care and Education

Mrs L Pay NNEB, NVQ Level 4 Kindergarten Mrs J Gordon BA (Hons), PGCE Reception Mrs J Worsley BA (Home), QTS Reception Miss K Nixon BA Primary Education Year 1 Mrs S Howe BEd (Hons) Year 2 Mrs L Ing BA (Hons), PGCE Year 3 Mrs P McCoy Certificate of Education Year 4 Mrs S Breeze BEd (Hons) Year 5

Mrs L Bradwell BEd (Hons) Year 6 Mr L MorGan BA (Hons) Ed Music Mrs L Sanders Certificate of Education IT Mrs C Gerbais NVQ Level 3 French Teaching Assistants

Mrs R Carden NVQ3 Children’s Care, Learning & Early Years Teaching Assistant/ Development Afterschool Supervisor

Mrs B Griffiths BSc (Hons) Early Years Teaching Assistant

Miss E Westwood BMus (Hons) Teaching Assistant

Miss R Lane BA (Hons) Teaching Assistant

Mr J Legg BSc (Hons) Teaching Assistant Non-Teaching Staff Mrs J Butler School Administrator

Mrs D Leversha School Administrator

Mrs L Grocott Kitchen Manager

Mrs J Beck Kitchen Assistant

Mrs M Heathfield Lunch Supervisor

Miss G Lowe Lunch Supervisor

School Proprietors Mr Mark and Mrs Joanne Broadway; De La Warr House, All Saints Road, Lymington, Hants, SO41 8FB.

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Due to the date of the grammar school entrance exams being brought forward to the end of September, this year the Year 6 class will come back a few days earlier than most of the School to allow them additional time for grammar preparation work. This also gives us the opportunity to welcome our new Kindergarten children a day earlier than the main school commencement, so that they can experience their first day at Talbot House in a quieter environment.

Commence Terminates

Autumn Term 2012 Year 6 children – Wednesday 5 September Friday 14 December Kindergarten children – Friday 7 September Close at 12 noon Reception to Year 5 children – Monday 10 September Spring Term 2013 Wednesday 9 January Wednesday 27 March Close at 12 noon Summer Term 2013 Monday 22 April Wednesday 10 July Close at 12 noon

Half Term Holidays Autumn Term 2012 Thursday 25 October – Friday 2 November inclusive Spring Term 2013 Monday 18 February – Friday 22 February inclusive Summer Term 2013 Monday 27 May – Friday 31 May inclusive Staff Inset Days Autumn Term 2012 Monday 3 September 2012

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Spring Term 2013 Tuesday 8 January 2013

Summer Term 2013 Friday 19 April 2013

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The School’s official outfitter’s are: Barretts Schoolware, 148-150 Seabourne Road, Southbourne, Bournemouth, BH5 2JA

Tel: 01202-425192 GIRLS BOYS

Autumn & Spring Terms Grey tunic dress (up to and including Year 2) Mid grey long trousers Grey skirt (from Year 3 upwards) White long sleeved shirt White long sleeved shirt Purple pullover Purple pullover Striped tie Striped tie Plain, short, charcoal grey or knee high Grey tights or knee high school socks school socks Plain black shoes Plain black shoes Grey hat Grey cap Grey blazer with badge Grey blazer with badge Black bag with silver school logo Black bag with silver school logo Summer Term Summer dress Same as for Autumn & Spring except: Purple pullover (optional) Plain white ankle socks Mid grey shorts (KG to Year 2) Black shoes Mid grey trousers or shorts (Year 3 to 6) Charcoal grey hat Knee high school socks to be worn with shorts Charcoal grey blazer with badge Short sleeved white shirt (all years) Black bag with silver logo Swimming & PE Kit for Boys & Girls Navy tracksuit trousers Talbot House rugby shirt Purple waterproof and removable fleece lined jacket White cotton PE shorts White PE polo shirt with collar White ankle socks Plain white trainers Black PE/swimming bag with silver logo Black swimming costume/trunks (from Reception Class upwards) Swimming cap in house colour (from Reception Class upwards) PE legionnaire’s cap (KG to Year 2) PE baseball cap (Year 3 to 6)

Good quality second hand uniform can be obtained from the School Office.

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FEES – SPRING TERM 2012 Kindergarten (children 3-4 years) Mornings 8:30-8:45 am – 12:30 pm £1182 Mornings plus 8:30-8:45 am – 12:30 pm Mon, Wed and Fri Afternoons 12:30 pm – 3:15 pm £1393 Full Days 8:30-8.45 am – 3:15 pm £1501 Pre-Prep (children 4-7 years) Reception 4-5 years £1593 Year 1 5-6 years £1873 Year 2 6-7 years £1873 Prep School (children 7-11 years) Year 3 7-8 years £2016 Year 4 8-9 years £2016 Year 5 9-10 years £2170 Year 6 10-11 years £2170 Compulsory Lunch Supplement All Year Groups £65 per pupil Please note: Fees include morning drinks, recorder lessons, music, French, swimming coaching and

IT lessons. Optional After School Classes We offer many extra mural subjects - full details available on request. Pre/After School Supervision 8:00am – 8:30am £2.00 per session 3:30pm – 5:00 pm £5.50 per session (includes drink & snack) 3.30pm – 5.30 pm £6.50 per session (includes drink & snack) Fees are subject to regular review, normally on an annual basis. The school reserves the right to alter the fees as necessary at its discretion. Fees are payable on or before the first day of term. There is a 10% sibling discount payable on the basic tuition fees of a younger sibling and 15% discount on the basic tuition fees of any further younger siblings. This is only given if fees are paid promptly. Fees may be paid by monthly Standing Order. Please contact the Bursar for further details.

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TALBOT HOUSE PREPARATORY SCHOOL 8 Firs Glen Road, Talbot Park, Bournemouth, BH9 2LR

Telephone: 01202 510348 Fax: 01202 775904


Full Name of Child: ……………………………………… Preferred name:…….…………………………………… Date of Birth: ……………………………………… Male/Female: …………………………………………. Nationality: ……………………………………… Religion: …………………………………………. Are there any medical conditions or allergies which should be mentioned? …………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Current Nursery/School & Address………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………...……………………………………………………………..………………………………………….…………….. Intended Start Date: ………………………………………. Intended Year Group: ……………………………......

Parents’ Details Father Mother







Home Telephone No.

Work Telephone No.

Mobile Telephone No.

NB: If addresses are different, please indicate* which parent the child resides with.

Declaration A cheque for £300.00 is enclosed consisting of a non-refundable £50.00 registration fee and £250.00 deposit which will be deducted from the first term’s fees or returned only if we are unable to offer your child a place. Early registration is recommended. I/We understand that after application and acceptance of entry, a full term’s fees will become payable unless such entry is cancelled by a full term’s notice in writing. Notice to leave the school is due on, or before, the first day of the term at the end of which your child is going to leave. Failure to do this will incur a further term’s school fees. Fees are payable in advance on, or before, the first day of term. Interest may be charged on late payment of fees. The school reserves the right to review the level of fees termly and will attempt on all occasions to give a full term’s notice. The Principal retains the right to request the immediate withdrawal of any pupil where, in their opinion, circumstances warrant it without repayment of any fees. Please include a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate with the registration form. Father’s Signature: …………………………………… Mother’s Signature: ……………………………….. Print Name: …………………………………… Print Name: ……………………………….. Date: …………………………………… Date: ………………………………..

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