Page 1: Taita Taveta County Newsletter

The Taita Taveta County Government wishes you alla Happy and Prosperous 2015! Lets all work together to build

our county to the next level of growth and development.

The Taita Taveta County Political Leaders meet regularly to discuss various issues and deliberate on matters affecting the County.The meetings are aimed at steering the county in the desired path according to the Deputy Governor, Ms Mary Ndigha Kibuka. In spite of the numerous teething problems, the leaders have been finding time to meet, to either agree or disagree, consult and share ideas openly, which in my opinion is the best way. She stated, adding

that service to the public is a big challenge and they are all expected to perform in their mandate. If one wants to endear himself to people of Taita Taveta, public squabbles is not the right way. They dont enhance our services to the public. Leaders are expected to be patriotic and avoid petty differences that instead irritate and demoralize our people.


SO FAR....FEB - MAR 2015


Governor Eng. John Mruttu Deputy Governor Mary Ndiga KibukaSenator Dan Mwazo Women Rep Joyce Wanjala LayMembers of Parliament - Andrew Mwadime -Mwatate, Dr. Naomi Shaban -Taveta,

Jones Mlolwa - VoiThomas Mwadeghu - Wundanyi.

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Feature Stories


Pg 2&3

Pg 4,5,6

Pg 7

Pg 8

Know Your County

Governor’s Interview


Page 2: Taita Taveta County Newsletter


1.What was the situation in the county when you took over?·The county had been marginalized for 50 years (since independence).·Acute water shortage.·Frequent human-animal conflicts.·There were no structures to start or run the county government.·Education was on the downward trend/spiral for more than 20 years.·Hospitals in each sub county had inadequate medicine, lacked modern medical equipment and specialized personnel.·Declining agricultural activities partly because of lack of extension services, subsidized fertilizers were kept away from farmers, they were not encouraged to diversify nor given any education on modern farming methods.·The county is very wide with poorly maintained roads which; hinder transportation of both people and goods form one end to another, waste of time and high cost of travelling for people and goods, for example Voi - Taveta is 98km yet the fare is Ksh 500 taking more than 3 hours.

2.Immediate achievements.·Putting up of administrative structures in place and settled down to work.·Prioritizing sectors and allocating resources.

a)Education (To provide people with nets and not fish)·Establishing ECDE centers.·We have employed over 500 ECDE teachers and 12 Supervisors.·Started a Ksh 16M Mobile Library where reading books will be moved from school to school (both primary and secondary) by use of both a van and motorbikes.·Bought motorbikes for supervisors.·The county government to give scholarships to any KCPE candidate who gets 400 marks and above and an A to any KCSE candidate.·Building and renovating existing polytechnics e.g. Chumvini block. ·School feeding programme being rolled out.

b)Agriculture.·Bought five Farm tractors at subsidized prices (to boost crop husbandry). One tractor per Sub County.·Subsidized fertilizers taken closer to farmers up to sub county level. In future, plans are to take fertilizers to the ward level.·Introduced drought resistant crops e.g. sorghum, cassava and green grams.·Setting up farmers co-operatives to increase their bargaining power .

c)Livestock and fisheries (The Game changer).a)The county has plenty of land for ranching (over one million acres) for crop and animal husbandry.b)Many local people who keep animals (have some basic knowledge). To improve this, my government commissioned a multiplication centre at Bachuma for both cattle and goats. The process of improving animal production (meat and milk products) is ongoing:oWe have bought over 100 Boran and Saiwhal Heifers and Bulls for breeding.oIntroduced artificial insemination services in all sub counties.oInvesting in abattoirs and tanneries for leather industry.oCarrying out research on fish species that can thrive well in our waters e.g. Lake Chala, Lake Jipe and River Tsavo.

d. Mininga)Minerals found in TTC include gemstones such as green garnets, tourmaline, rubies and other industrial minerals like manganese, iron ore, lime etc.·Taita-Taveta County is endowed with many types of mineral deposits. There are many small scale miners county government bought them compressors to share (to boost their mining activities)·TTCG took four youths to Madagascar for training on mining activities (so as to assist other on their return.·TTCG in collaboration with the national government is carrying out mineral mapping exercises in the area.·Encouraging small scale miners to form co-operatives and buy mineral cutting equipment for value addition. e. Tourism. TTC is a tourist destination.·The First World War was entirely fought in TTC. The Commonwealth graves in Makitau, Voi, Taveta, Salaita hills, Kasigau Muslim Museum are among the examples of how fierce the WWI was. Taita -Taveta successfully hosted the centenary commemoration of the World War I. This has given birth to a new type of tourism referred to as Battle field tourism .There are many historical sites.·Tsavo East and West-with the big 5.·Diversified culture/ways of life, cultural artifacts, dances and traditional foods.·Modern hotels e.g Voi Safari Lodge, Sarova Salt Lick, Voi Wild Life Lodge, Jipe Resort among others.·Game drives.·Sanctuaries and Animal orphanages.

Page 3: Taita Taveta County Newsletter

3. How has the county government reformed the county so far?·Education sector (see number 2a).·Agriculture and Livestock (see 2b).·Tourism (see number 2e).·Mining (see number 2d).·Health.oBought and distributed medicine to all sub counties.oRevived Wesu Hospital Mortuary.oImproved Moi Hospital to a level 5 hospital.oEmployed more medical personnel doctors, nurses and other health officers.oConstructing dispensaries and maternity wards e.g. see attached appendix II.oCollaboration with national government - were first to benefit from the Beyond Zero mobile clinics run by The First Lady Mrs. Margaret Kenyatta.·Water and Irrigation.oMany water projects around the county·Works and infrastructure.oBought four earth movers/graders to be used to improve our roads.oStreet lights in Voi and Mwatate towns.

4. What structures has the county government put place?·All administrative structures in place up to the ward level. TTCG waiting for the law establishment village elders so that they are recruited.·CECs, CCOs, Advisors, Sub County and ward administrators are already in place.·CPSB, ECDE teachers, supervisors are all in place. The school supervisors (to support national government) have motorbikes to assist in their movement.

5. What key sectors are seen to be major drivers of the county’s growth development? Agriculture·Plenty of potential land for crop husbandry.·Locals have a history of farming hence with extension officers advice do quite well.·We have both highland and low lands with relatively reliable rainfall.·Horticulture (fruits & vegetables) is doing well in Taita highlands & Taveta sub county hence with little extension services and providing subsidized fertilizers can boost.

Introducing drought resistant crops like sorghum in low lands.·TTCG is also targeting water which can be used for irrigation eg from Lake Chala, Lake Jipe, Dams like Mwatate, Kasigau, Kigombo and rivers Tsavo and Lumi.

Livestock and fisheries.·Plenty of land for ranching–over one million acres of the only non disease zone in Africa.·Research has shown tilapia and trout can do well in our waters where fish population has reduced.·Locals are experienced in livestock keeping hence with little guidance can boost our economy.·Policy formulation considering that we are centrally placed between Mombasa and Nairobi and we enjoy accessibility to a wide market including Tanzania.MiningTTC has more minerals than any other though they occur in small quantities (TTC lies in the Mozambique belt).·Locals have been doing mining in small scale since time immemorial.TourismTTC is a tourist destination. ·Historical sites e.g. WWI common wealth graves at Voi, Maktau & Taveta.·Many war graves, Salaita hills etc. ·The all new Battlefield Tourism.·East and West Tsavo Park.·Many sanctuaries & animal orphanage.·Many five star hotels e.g. Sarova salt lick, Voi safari lodge, etc.·Diversified culture( Taitas, Tavetas and Kambas)·Accessibility by road and railway-midway between Mombasa & Nairobi.·A beautiful scenery such as hills, low lands with different sunshine intensity.

6. Governors vision for TTCG and expected results.·The county government is in the process of setting up structures which will transform TTC locals into middle level economic earners.·Looking forward to a county where the people have improved living standards. The quality of life and the economy of the county will be better than I found them.·Education is key to any development. The county has invested in ECDE, polytechnic supervisors and mobile library in order to improve education.·As I exit, water for domestic and irrigation purposes should be available easily.·Citrus fruits production will have picked up and farmers will be engaged in modern agribusiness. Already we are improving our cattle and goats breeds for better meat and milk production.·To hasten the development process, I have put all the CECs on waves of Rapid Results Initiative. Already we are in the Wave 2 after wave

thone ended on 8 November 2014.


Page 4: Taita Taveta County Newsletter

.Kenya does not have a shortage of women who have made it to the apex of leadership in public, pr ivate , corporate sectors , academic and many other fields.It is disheartening to know that many of these have made it against numerous obstacles placed on their way, almost throughout their lives. They stand out as role models in the wider society, but particularly so, to the girl child, who, it is hoped, would follow their shining example.

Discrimination against the girl child, as well Gender-based violence in its many forms, has been a major challenge In many communities, and places many obstacles towards the upward progression of many a girl child. The good news is that these obstacles are not insurmountable.

Your Excellency, it is through initiatives like these that gradually chip away at these obstacles, eventually eliminating the shroud of silence, bringing down the walls of oppression, and breaking the yoke that marty a time curtails the freedom and preventing the girl child from realizing fullpo ten t ia l .

It is sad to note that Taita Taveta ranks among the Counties with the highest prevalence of this vice in Kenya. This simply means that as a community, we are losing out on the contribution of potential professors, teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs, and many other professionals' crucial towards the development of our beloved County.

As a partner in the development of TT County, the DMF has, in its own small way, come up with programs towards empowering women and helping the girl child surmount these obstacles TCTCs Hairdressing & Beauty and HKA - Housekeeping & Cookery. We therefore consider ourselves as partners to all who come together for the success of this noble cause. At DMF we believe that women are the grea tes t , key and mandatory development partners in any economy and society. Our aspiration is A Better World for All of Us. King David inspires us in Psalm 139:14 I praise you f o r I a m f e a r f u l l y a n d wonderfully made, your works are wonderful and my soul knows i t v e r y w e l l .

Let us all come together - The County Government and Leadership, CBOs, FBOs. CSOs, NGOs, Private Sector & Individuals to rally support and awareness for this noble course.

To achieve lasting change, it is important to enact legislation and develop policies that:•address discrimination against w o m e n ;•promote gender equality;•s u p p o r t w o m e n ; a n d•Help to move towards more peaceful cul tural norms.

In conclusion, Taita Taveta must become proactive with first priority being given to prevention followed closely by r e s p o n s e .



1. The Deputy Governor, H. E. Mary Kibuka strikes a pose with some of the participating models

2.County First Lady Mrs. Hope Mruttu participates in

bicycle riding during the Save Our Queens Launch

Page 5: Taita Taveta County Newsletter

Governor’s Promises are founded on Memoranda of Understanding. By Mwambela Wakio

More on Page 7...

Governor John Mruttu & SGR GeneralManager Mr Sun Liqiang exchange the signed MOU

Governor John Mruttu &


Since Governor John Mrutu was sworn- in to office, he moved in a modest direction of courting by seeking co operation with Private International and public organizastions in development. To lay a firm foundation to his dream,he swiftly began a journey that he says will continue to make impact in the County development for a long time to come.

The County Government of Taita Taveta, then on April 1st 2014 signed a formal memorandum of cooperation with the Kenya National Library Services. The organization opened mobile reading services that continue to render services to the public and educational instituitions across the four Sub-Counties. Within the same month on April 25th 2014, the Taita Taveta University College, followed suit, and signed to Cooperate by participating in offering guidance and facilitation on all matters involving higher Education in the County.'

We have rolled equitequitable learning opportunities that are efficient and cost effective.' Says the communication department.New technology,digital content dissemination and mordern systems, make both students and teachers to enjoy learning in all areaswitin the University. In the month of August,on the 28th the Gorvernor sealed a deal with the Kenya Industrial Estates. The Organisation agreed to work togather with the County in promoting and offer advise in industrial development of infrastaructure and participate in financial aspects. In September theNational Museums of Kenya sought to be associated with the county due to its wealth in varius historic sites and items over the years and signed to cooperate.

In October the Governor clinched two significant deals with the International Organisation, the China Road and Bridges Corporation, that is currently constructing the ultra-mordern Railway-line between Nairobi and Mombasa.It runs through a bigstretch of the Countys lower part. On 2nd October the Kenya Commercial Bank Foundation signed a memorandum of understanding to cater for the Ranching industry development where the Countys ranches stand to benefit from financing of improving breeding and trading of livestock. In the following two months before the end of last year,United Nations Gevelopment Programme signed a memorandum that covers several areas of the development Agendum formulated by the Governor to support and drive his all inclusive develoment agenda.The Cooperative University College of Kenya also joined others with the Countys well founded efforts.

ambassador to

Liu Xian Fa

notes after


Kenya Eng

signing the MOU.

Page 6: Taita Taveta County Newsletter


The Honorable Governors of the ten Counties ofthe Coast after signing the Memorandum of

Understanding to set up the ”Jumuia ya Kaunti za Pwani” Union.


Governors of the six counties have joined

hands with other stakeholders in the region

to form a union known as “Jumuiya Ya

Kaunti za Pwani” The main agenda for this

unification is to spearhead development

agendas in the region. To achieve this goal,

the Governors have first entered into an

agreement with leaders from the four Main

Universities in the region to involve

among other professionals in providing

advisory and other relevant services to the

new organization.

The main aim of this organization is first

to forge unity between the Counties by

supporting one another to ensure that the

social economic status of the communities

in the Six Counties is improved. The

agenda of the Leaders includes uniting the

people, by conducting civic education and

involve all levels of Educational

institutions including Universities. The 4

universities in the region have signed a

memorandum of understanding with the

Leaders of Six Counties including Taita

Taveta University College-TTUC, UMMA

University, Pwani University and the

Technical University College of Mombasa.

The MOU will see all the Universities

work closely with the County leaders by

providing Training, Research and Capacity

Building to the Communities in the Region.

Members of the Kaunti za Pwani have set

resolutions they want to achieve, among

them being lobbying for more positions in

the National Government, Formation of

the Coast Tourism Development Board to

be headed by the Taita Taveta Women

Representative Hon. Joyce Lay. Its main

aim will include marketing the Counties to

increase the number of tourists visiting the


Recent months have seen reduction in the number of tourists due to

insecurity. The Union will work towards supporting the National

Land Commission in its task in the region and formulate a bi-monthly

rotational Coastal Leaders General Assembly.

The leaders also want this Commonwealth to help in nurturing and

development and sharing of resources among themselves.

TAITA TAVETA PARTNERS WITH AFFAGovernor Eng. John Mruttu, has accepted to partner with Agricultural Food and Fisheries Authority (AFFA) among others in strategizing and developing Agriculture for the benefit of all stakeholders involved in this pertinent sector and the residents. Addressing the meeting in his office, the Governor, expressed his appreciation for the efforts shown by the AFFA officials in forging constructive partnership with the County that shall help in re-vamping the agricultural sector which has been identified among the key drivers to transform Taita Taveta by the year 2020.

“We see a lot of opportunities to partner AFFA particularly in improving service delivery to direct and indirect agricultural stakeholders as well as streamlining the value chains of various crops for the benefit of p r o d u c e r s a n d c o n s u m e r s ” a s s e r t e d E n g . M r u t t u .He also called for establishment of their Regional Office, which will also act as a one stop shop for farmer's produce, in the County in a bid to promote various sub sectors of agriculture in the County.

AFFA is an organization of stakeholders of various crops with 9 directorates namely; food crop directorate, horticulture directorate, tea directorate, sugar directorate, coffee directorate, nuts directorate, fiber crops directorate, pyrethrum directorate and fisheries directorate whose aim is to strategize and develop agriculture through empowerment engagement in a l l va lue chains of the var ious crops .


Page 7: Taita Taveta County Newsletter


1. Governor Mruttu juggles the ball before the

before the game.

game commences.

2. Governor Mruttu inspects the team line ups

3. Governor Mruttu has a friendly talk with match.


1. Taita Taveta University College signed on 25th day of April 2014.2. Kenya Industrial Estates Limited Signed on 28th August 2014.3. National Museums of Kenya – signed on 26th September 2014.4. Kenya National Library Service – signed on 1st April 2014.5. Taita Taveta University College and Ngerenyi Community – no signinig date.6. The Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) Foundation signed on 2nd October 2014.7. China Road and Bridge Corporation (Kenya) signed on 1st October 2014.8. The United Nations Development Programme signed on 7th November 2014.9. The Cooperative University College of Kenya. Signed on 11th December 2014.

Continued from Page 5...(Dates of when various MOU’s were Signed)


Taita Taveta County Government will buy sporting shoes for the best two teams that participated in the just Concluded Mboghonyi Ward football Bonaza held in Taveta Sub County.Speaking after watching the finals of the Competitions held at Kiwalwa Primary Schools grounds in Taveta Sub County the Governor promised to support all the Sporting activities taking place in the County.

He addad that his Government will set aside money in the next finacial year will to renovate and refurbish at least two football fields in every Ward and also buy goal nets for all the football field within County.

"Beginning next year, your County Government shall refurbish and upgrade two football fields in every Ward to acceptable modern standards" promised the Governor Mruttu encouraged the use of sporting initiatives as a tool of reaching out the youth and engaging them constructively in abid to salvage them from such vices like indulgence in alcohol and drug abuse.

Mboghoni Football Bonaza was organised by the National Cohesion and Intergration Commission inconjuction with the office of the area member of the County Assembly and attracted 12 men teams in the ward.

By Christine Nafula


the players after the

Page 8: Taita Taveta County Newsletter

Did You Know These County Statistics?1) General Statisticsa. Area (Km 2): 17,084.1 Km 2b. Climate/Weather: The county experiences an annual mean rainfall of 650mm per annum with temperatures averaging 23 0C.c. Road Network: Bitumen Surface (151.8 Km), Gravel Surface (138.2 Km), Earth Surface (663 Km)

2) Population Taita Taveta Countya. Population: 284,657 (Male – 51.1%, Female – 48.9%)b. Population Density: 17 people per Km 2c. National Percentage: 0.7 %d. Annual Growth Rate: 1.74%e. Age Distribution: 0-14 years (37.7 %), 15-64 years (56.9 %), 65+ years (5.4 %)f. Number of Households: 71,060g. Number of Constituencies (2010): 4 (Taveta, Wundanyi, Voi, and Mwatate)h. Registered Voters: 89,089i. National percentage: 0.7 %

3) Economy of Taita Taveta Countya. Poverty Level: 66 % of the population leaves below poverty line (Absolute Poverty – Rural & Urban)b. Age Dependency Ratio: 100:90c. Tourist Attractions: Tsavo Game Reserve, National Parks, Wildlifed. Financial Services: 5 Commercial Banks, 8 Micro- illage Bankse. Main Economic Activities/industries: Sisal Farming, Horticulture, Livestock Farming

4) Education in Taita Taveta Countya. Number of Institutions (2007): Primary (206), Secondary (53)b. Primary: Enrolment (74,616)c. Teacher to Pupil Ratio: 1:40 (Public Schools)d. Secondary: Enrolment (14,132) Teacher to Pupil Ratio: 1:25 (Public Schools)e. Tertiary: Over 20 Institutions

5) Health in Taita Taveta Countya. Health Facilities: District Hospitals (3), Sub-District Hospitals (1), Dispensaries (47), Health Centres (9), Medical Clinics (11), Nursing Homes (None), Maternity Homes (None), Others (4)b. Doctor to Population Ratio: 1:41,000c. Infant Mortality Rates: 14/1000d. Under Five Mortality Rates: 93/1000e. Prevalent Diseases: Malaria, Upper Respiratory Transmitted Infections, Diarrhoea, HIV/AIDSf. Notable Hospitals: Moi District Hospital in Voi, Wesu and Taveta District Hospitals

Published by:Taita Taveta CountyP.O. Box 1066-80304


+254 788186436 / +254 718 [email protected]

Coat Of Arms

County Flag

Urban Centers with population of over 2000 people

Population Density per Km2







Mtito Andei


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