Page 1: t I •• 'j • ,. ; Year j laps Lose 60 Planes,3 Ships' ew · Japanese planes in a new bombing assault on Rabaul






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Price, '5, Cenbf

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'~, G~nd.Mor~in*:' ,.'~ '.';::. CoaHlbicrs--,wbo Strl~e Tldlll1'ln1e,

ot. Year ISho\l'lij ,De ,;n,~m~~d~d ,,:~ba,t .the ,091dt:r ,th~ .re~p~e., ...Get, ,the J{qttel''J-bl!lN'l1 Get. . . ',>~ . • l t I" •• 'j • ,. " ... ;

'. '

, ,AI'

,Mlbailovic Leads 100,O~O, Yugoslavs' on DanJibe

.;,. While Three Guenilla: Bands ,Threate~, Rommel;Hannover Bomb-Battered; Allies Keep 'Up'Air. lttYar·

. .,~ . . ~.

Russians Deal Gerillans, '

Stunning Dnieper·BI.~,By Taking Pyatikhatkil




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Entllred ,"P second class mntt~1 M\)uC/l!erqull.N M" postofflcl! undel act of GQIl!(tll$~'lQ~1l

> J',' •

inNew',labaul Raia'•",

Roosevelt Chides-Opponents of,Subsidy Ptograu\




Planes,3 Ships'lIB iii .' * • * III

Published Every Morning


,Volume 2iJ!;Num~el' 20

's::'63rd Year



Japanese Destroyer, Gunboat and CargoShip Sunk in Surprise Air Attack on BigEnemy Base; -Carvette Is Set Afire

Americans Drive Nazislaps Lose 60

Allies Suffer Reverse'In Ground FightingIn Finschhafen Area

Weath~r For~cast


~ ~ODAY'S SMILE;,0 WASHING'l'ON, Oct. 19 (lPl_

:/,1, The Washing'toll Evening Star; pUbll!.bed this ,'JDlDl111licat!on in

its lettel'S to the editor coiumn:"Sorry, but I find out the per­

petltl\l-mot!on tadget I W1'Oto toyou a!b~,ut the other' day will notwork a tall."

Plans MessageToday .( TomorrowOn 1944 Food Plana

1 WASHINGTON, Oct. 19:i' (AP)-President Roosevelt,I strongly backing food price

" \

subsidies to hold down con- , ..

PAC~~~:~ern~~ce~Utc~.Ti:~l~)T~~s~~~To~~;~~ '. surners' pt'ices, !,aid Tuesday ~~l~:(io:;~~dv~i::ined' fi~:mlY in tb.e ~~cenden~y'~1.n:Japanese planes in a new bombing assault on Rabaul tha.t critics who want to allow every theater of conflict· Tue.~4ay is the ;fol'eign '$e~r~"New Britain, bringing the total there to more than 20() 'a little inflation are like people taries of the United States, Britain al'1d Ru~sia sat downwithin lebs than a week, was reported WednesdaybY'.willing to try a little cocaine. in Moscow [-6 one of the most iTilPort~nt .conferences '?~General IvIa-:: Arthur. ' Pretty soon they become drug . mod,ern tImeS. I

Along with the victory, how- 98 M J 'Sh- addicts, he told his press-radio ._ R,'oos.evelt CaU's 'Although ' Secretury cif St~t9I ore ap IpS conference. - Cordell Hull and his Brit~inever, a spokesman disclosed the l' '11 h

f ' Mr. Rooseve t sald he Wl ave I counterpart, Anthony ,'EdenJ' .werelrst Allied ground reverse in.' a message on the 1944 farm pro- L\ bPI

Jm'unangYle wfreoenktS. in the New Guinea Sent to BOttOID gram ready for Congress Wed- SMILING Jayne Walton, vocalist aor ar ey not 'l1lble ~o le,ad, wit\1 an ace-

WjUistth raecWele'vlle-dknaOWumno'qrUClelesatcrca~lahdaes : "'ull fl d dId f t t b. nellday or Thursday. There is a... • e ge at). ·ron es ~ •Mitchell medium bombers, at already a stl'ong movement at from the National ElectrIcal Con- lished oh the' continent'1rom Eng-

a cost of three of iheir group, K T II f H the caPitHol to halt food sUbsidi~s, tractor's Association. She was cho- Rail Strike Threat land-they could 'po~nt to a seri8Cnox e:; 0 uge and the ause banking comnut- sen "the girl they would most like r' D" 5 d' 'd 0'" damagi g, blow'" by Brl·tis~.

bagged the planes and sank at Submarine Toll tee has written a ban on them to be shocked by." (International) "\..oal Ispute tu Ie A'" ...least three enemy ships, includ- , . h t '1 f liTh E 1 into legislation to extend the life. merican military forces againsting a destroyer, in a low level WASHINGTON, .oct. 19 VPl- THAT S~~LL AND CIOSSED BOMiS b~lngpainted on teal 0 e age~ of the Commodity Credit Corp. , ,.$ASHINGTON, Oct. 19 (It'?-- the common enemy. . , 'strike Monday at Rabaul which Beaver, aU. S. heavy bombe\', by Sgt. x... Baer, Brooklyn, is no empt) 'U·J. I C lit' ' H T P ,1\ l' f Th.e Germans had been drivenon last Oct. 12 was pounded with American submnrines hav'e sunk bOlst. The plane is the second oldest in service in New Guinea, has a$'IO-" ~U10 y • o~ Ion . uge ax rogram 'Wl~h rallroad workers ta kmg 0 from the last of 'their stron350 tons of bombs by the biggest 98 more Japanese merchant shIps, counted for thee Jap Zeros, two cargo v.essels and o~e destroyer, and haCl The Plesldent sald he h?p,ed a ~trike vote and a new coal positions along the Volturn~ .

le·ed 69 miss'ons when this'was ta1ten (International) the present method of subsl(iles '.' 'bl 'hr t in Pi' .' lalrforc,e yet amassed for a single bringing to 460 the number of camp, I , would be. continued. It· doesn't BI- dK.n d Crll>lS POSSl y t ea en g, res· RIver 10 Italy a!;ld were iallmg "operatIon m tIllS sector. I enemy vesseb; sunk probably ,cost an awful lot, compared with eleve 1e (lent Roosevelt Tuesday asked top back to, a new mountaul line \ess 'Japs Make Progress Isunk or damaged sm~e the wal' T h A - 'Ot 'U hId " the total cost of the war, he said, . lab~l' leaders to a White House than ·100 ,m~es from ROI!le 'uhder l,

The Japanese ground success, Ofjstar\.<!d I eac ers' rrJVe II ero 'p e and asked: Why try another '. CQn~rence Thm:sday. the. cont~nulng- onsl~ughts of, ~he """"h>'1unspecified exte.!t, was scored in' . , , '. ;. "chame when tpis one is-working? GOP Blo'c Soltdly . c\!led to meet with him was Allied Fifth and EIghth Arnues. ,)the area I')f Sattel!:'crg 1~ miles Secretary of the Navy Kno,~ F S MIS h I Flt h '~l'B~fore meeting :t'cpOl:ters Mr. e'.\: . 'Five Italian Towns ,Fall . 'j'~I')~thwest of Fjnschh~fer;, New r~ported this. Tuesday,,~ ,r:leas.. or tate eel n. C OOJ Iff t I,' t~oosevelt had confetred ,:ith Ago:mst Increase . th~d' omb~~~ L:b~r Wt~' ~~ardf: .The blo~~Y~,!lnd :furiously iough~ .Gq1J1e~. Whose c~)'turc o,n ('let. 2 1mr at A Pi:~s ,c~m.(f'rence It (:q~U"i.L. "'. '. '. " _ " j I~' • ,~b ",~k" b!adc1's.- of i'i'\l~ Aa.!~" ol'gamzll- ~ .~' • , " "_ Ind!CIgP~~..~li'~(!S;'~1,~vei> a;.1~ b~~le! ot th'el:V;91~~no" Jl,S .t.ucli-. , 'bl(4j(ustralians 1?rovided G'ene~al muntque Wl1ich °ililo '~~-~ve- '-:.- ~.~." ,- , ..!.~- ...~ "I \" .,---r.": ·'~~""'f""-·'.'· }";;;:-j .:-':"1·l)11lot'-$t~-1~Q.}li:jgrOUi';:kOf·tl)";S~·~'RE:b\.tbf.~y.rF~~~f·~df·~t~~t~f.~~(;~O~t~A.'1bj~·~1abor.~~~J?~~1':'r~:;;r':\thi~~~c'-'

, ...a~Arthur wlth a potentIal vessels probably ~unk ai\d 45 oth.. Royce E. Brewster Valencia C9.lltradt 7 supporter pf food subsldi~s!!ie p. • lean memb~J;s , the ax lnqrl, the general ~XPl!ctaYon,;.:l$'iwe m1J' 'tht'~,uili,,:th~~'G~~~~~ ._~sprmgblidrd along the Huon Gulf. , . ' ., E' 1 C RId S ill' Tiff' , cllsed the other t~r~e Of ~o1l'l~ng draft1l'l! House waYrJ and .meanS that the conference will'be claret-- sll' n' ~untaindef n '.. '. ~, / )1'for a shor~ ~verwater invasion e:s damaged m the latest subma· Among at y omers u e, t In L I ect iii an "unholy coalItlon" wlth the commlttee declared' themselves] ed largely to discussioh of de~ fiv~ foWns in: ti'in~ t~~U:~ ~~~:. Iof New Bnta1O., rme war patrols. Early arrivals for the New SANTA FE Oct 19 (jp)-Chair. \fro S. Chamber of C(!mme~c~ and Tuesday solidly against any :fur- mands from organized labor that eitht!r side' of ,I the Upper V.ol- I

The Commumque Wednesday He.e are the figures on the ,. t o.ther t~ 'Y:eck the Adm1l'llst.ra- ther increase in federal taxation wage controls be relaxed.. turno. These 'villages, .take,n ,inmade no reference to the reverse latest heavy blows inflicted by Mexico Educational Assn. con- man Raymond Huff of the sta.e tlOn's stabllization program. . '. ' Labor men have (:ompla1l'led for bitter hard-won infantr . 'n :but a headquarters spokesman b ' . vention opening Thursday were Board of Education said Tuesday 'l'his charge came from James ralsmg setlous doubts that a new months that the Administratiol1 vance~ We~e Gioia Libert Fatc" ,..,-..:.jsaid .the Japarl;ese, who have been suSma~1O:Si t 'k 17 1 registering at Albuquerque ho-' the board, following a hearing G. Patton, preside~t of the Nrd- wf~~~. reven~e law can be en- has stabilized wages, but not i~od chio, Pontelantone' and 'Alvig:,/holdmg on grImly around Sattel- un - arge an ers, arge . I d th t t a.t tional Farmers Umon, who sa ac e lS ~eal. prices and the checks agamst nanoberg since' they lost Finschhafen, cargo-supply ships, 4~ medium tels Tuesday. here, had rUI~ at he con l' C some congressmen who he pr~- " "We believe,". they d:clared, wage ~ises ought to be eased. '. "These ains on the m~uni n ,Ihad made some progress down sized cargo-supply' ShlpS, three R. J. MUllins of Santa Fe, of the ValenCia Cour.ty Board bf ferred not to name also were rn t~at a f~th~r mcrease In tax- Sees Strike Ballot heights. af whe tb .~"from that miSSIon. This marked large transports, two medium executive 'secretary said from IEducation with Joe L, Otero, the "coalition," atIon at thlS tIme would threaten .,.The Thursday meeting will be said' an Abied ~itai: sc;X~.the first such success, however sized tankers, five small cargo th tl h' d ttl rural schOOl supervisor of the Denies Any Combine the, future solven~y of American held the day before a scheduled man. "If the mountains ar talc'.temporary. reported since the ships, 20 miscellaneous vessels. e conven on ea quar ers a It't' t 'l'he farm trio, Edward A, busmess and bnng about the conference in Chicago of the gen· l!n the Germans will be forced~apanese launched ground-gail1- ,Probably sunk-Five medium the Hilton. Hotel that W~dIles- CO~!£'s'::: ~;~~ rna eff::l~d to the O'Neal, president of the Am~ri- liquidation of the middle class." eral c~airmen of the five r~lroad tl) s,bandon the lowlands along1I1g c?unterattacks below Sala- SIzed cargo vessels. day would be devoted to mfor- Istale board aft~r Pfue Valenc:a can Farm Bureau FederatIon; . The st~tement made no spec~- operatmg brotherhoo~s to discuss the coast." .' .maua m early Sept?mber, Damaged-Four large tankers, mal pre-convention conferences f County board last Sept mber dis- Albert S, Goss, master of the Na- flC mention of !! feder~l retaIl an emergency board s. award of That the enemy' already 'was

Headquarters sald Wednes~ay two transports, two iar~e ca~gQ. on the general program. 'charged Otero and hire~ SolomOn tional Grange, and Ezra '1'. Ben- sales, tax, ~U!I one, lea~mg Re,~ 4 cents an hour wage mcrease to feeling this pressure was indicat-th~t remnants of forces WhlCh supply vessels, 31 me,<hum-.slzed Scarcity of teachers would oc- Montoya as rural school supe:-- son, executive secretary of the pubhcan sald., that Iss~e lS dead. brotherhood members. They had ed in an announ<;ement that Brit­tned to lan~ from barges Sun- cargo supply vessels, flve mlscel· cupy much of the serioliS dis- visor. Otero, Huff said, had been National Council ,,4' Farmer Co- RepresentatIve Martm of ~'1as- asked $3 a day and spokes~en ish amphibi!>us forces which land­d~y near Frnschhafen had be~l1 laneous vessels, one small cargo cussion during the convention given a two-year contract. operatives, promptly denied be- sachusetts, House. Repubhcan ~ave ~~l1ed the 4-cent award an ed near the mOQth of the Vol­Wiped out, and that a total of 61 supply vessel. Mullins forecast How best to Huff said Otero's dismissal was ing party to any such combine. le~er, backed the mmon~y com- InsUlt. . turno .last week had captured theenemy dead had been counted. In the over-all total of 460 meet the continuing grave short- 1votep. by the county board on They said their aim was to keep mlttee m~mbers, demandmg an ~. C. Ca,shen, preslde~t .of t~e town of Bressa, near the coastBattle in ~lr . ships sun~, probably sunk ur age would be considered, he said., Sept. 8 on charges of incompe- a dispropoj'tionate share of the ~n~, to ~,appy-go-Iuck!, ~pend- SWlt~?m~n s Uru~n" s~d the e just north of the river.

In additIon to t}1e destro) er, a damaged SIDce the Japanese at- Among the early comers was hmce brought by a county boatel cost of sfabilization from being mg and wastefulne~s m the was qUlte a po~slbihty tha~~, Bomber~'Hit Yugoslavia.gunboat and, medmm c.argo ship tack on Pearl Harbor, ~ec. 7, Dr. Royce E. Brewster, repre- member but that under the term.:; levied on the farmer. war effort as well as m the reg- order for a strike ~allot nug t AmerIcan medium Dompersw~re sunk In Monday s Rabaul 1941, the N a v y compilation sentative from the U. S. Office lof,the contract, the procedure, in Patton said he had urged Mr. ular Government departments. result from the .meetmg, s and .fight~s had s\yept across, th~rald. . showed 319 sunk, 36 proba~lY of Education in Washin ton. Dr. the opinion of the state board, Roosevelt to carry the ig."ue of The m~v~ deB.;1t a fmal blow to If the operatmg, brotherhood AdrIatic In daylight to make a,

The MItchells st~ted the attac~ sunk and 105 damaged. ; Br ter came here fro~ a sim- WRS not carr!ed out. Furthermot'e, food subsidies to the country in th~ AdmmlstratIOn's ~~o~osal 10 sh~uld or~er a s~rike v~~e, the blazing wreck of it' freight yiU'dli.3;t 11 a. m. At 1~.40. one forma I .l\lso, ~he Navy released ate- . e~at meetin in Ore on. He Huf':: said, the state iboard found a radio speech. ralSe $10,500,000 .addltwnal .re~- ~n-operatmg unIons nught do at Skoplje, in Yugoslavia, throughbon sank the frelgh~er transport capltulatlon of Japanese losses il~ s d; h gt g t' no evidence to substantiate the "We are on the verge of dis- enue through mcreased 1I1dl- hkewise. which the Na:l:iS must funnel prac-ar.d set a corvette afl~e, then ?e- intlicted by all means under naval w a ess t. e sate, conven ~on char es. front" Patton vidual and corporate income Hear Coal Arguments . tically all theiJ.t s'tpplies and reostroyed seven of 40 mtercepting command, which boosted the oID· assembly at .Its opel'll?: ses~on Inga desire to wl!ld the schools' ~si~r on t~e hO~:ing th~t the tlSe levies and larger excises on ::0- The day of the WhIte HOllse inforcements into Greece .fighters. cially reported totals to 852 ships Thurs?ay mght On ,: ost ar ro ram mol' closel with tha·, 0 re~o~ rs, ~ . rac- called luXuries. meeting is the same .01'1 which Gen. Draja MibaUovic has flung. At 12:52 p. m., another forma- sunk, probably sunk or dam~ged, Planmng for Schools" ~ ihe armedeservice~ the boarel o.f subSldles no\~ 15 the onl~/lin Democrats, themselves wintl.y the War Labor Boar? 1.S to heal his army of more -than 10'0,000

bon sank the cle.?tr~yer an? gun· Secretary K 1'1 0 x, explamlllg Governor Dempsey Wlll a~o authorized schools to 'chart their tlc,able illt:rnatIve to. Spi a g toward many parts of the Ad- arguments from a ~aJorIty of coal Yugoslavs' against the Germansboat and, In a ,~:J-mm~te all' b,at- Tuesday delays in announcement addr~ss the. teachers at therr vocational guidance programs so prIces, ~va.,es and proflts. h' ministration program said they mine operators agamst a propos~d and is advancing steadily to\vardt~e, destroyed 12 10terceptmg of submarine activity said: o,penmg seSSIon, at ~ P. m. at the that students can be channeled At his news c~nfere~ce, 1\ ~ did not intend to "play politics contrl1ct to which ~oh!1 L. LeWIS, the great loo'p of the Danube, theflghters, I "A prompt annlluncement .of hIgh school g~mn~sIum., into variou~fields as military de- Ro~s~velt refer;e. to arm OP with the tax program." UMW head and lllmOls operators bottleneck on th'e 'ri\1er's .cour~e '"

At 12:55 p. m,. aaothe~ forma· sil'lkings by submarines is a meansf General legIslatIve counCIl ses- elo m ts arr nt t posItion to SubSIdIes and remark- • have tentatively agreed. via the Rumanian oil fieldS ';1-0ti~>n raided the Tobera arrdrome, of ~e~ping. the e~emy through sions will take ,.lace through V p en w oa . \( ed !hat so~e. people had been PLAN BOARD TO l\IEET Lewis,,urging.striking Alabama the Black Sea, a. Cairo reportlUne miles south llf Rabaul, ell-' provldmg mformatlon, and they Thursday at the Hilton ballrobm. Th N' M ' ; gettmg SubSIdIes sll'lce 1~33. T~e SANTA FE Oct 19 (JP) Th and Indiana m111ers to go back c::aid Tuesliay night .countered no ~terception and are withheld for that reason." I Mullins said Tuesday night he ree 'ew eXlco ~reasu~y has been spend~ng mll- state Planning B 'rd 'll - ~ to .work, told them he bt;lie,:ed ~ According'to th~;e advites, Mi~wiped out 12 flghters on the "wouldn't venture a guess" as Masons Honored hons smce then for agrlcult.ure, h t 10 0; "d Wl mee the WLB would approve. thIS con- hailovic in his !ir~t; activity 'inground, Sh' I TIS' to the number of educators ex- he said, and declared that lS a ,ere a, . a. m,' 'II ay to con- tract and apply it generally mOhths' is .threatenin~' (jet'lnal1

In addition to t?e 24 interc~p- Ir ey. ~mp e 19ns pected, but local educationalle-ad- At Washington Jubsidy. , . . tmue ',ltS dlS.cusslOns of post-war throughout the ind~stry. It traffic ~n the Danube which i1Ss-'tors shot down, SlX others proh- New MOVie -Contract ers set a mark at 2000. A.s. for the ,farmer s . fmanCIal Pl?n~;g, Dl!ector, V. J. Jaeger would lengthen workmg h~urs es m Northeastern Serbia thr~ri~hably Were bagged, City and county shools will be Three New Mexico men have pOSItion, he saId that fIve years saId ues~ay. It will be the ~ec- and increase miners' earn10gs the famous "!ron Gate" fotrn-ed24 Shot Down LOS ANGELES, Oct, 19 (lP)~ closed Friday and the convention received the 33rd honorary de- a~o, farm income was about ,6 ?l1d me~t1l'lg of the board smce about $1.75 a day for a by high blUffs domimitlng' 9. nilt'--

Twenty-four of the 60 ne~ ene- Shirley Temple, now 15, appear· proper is scheduled to lose Sat- gree in the Ancient and Acc~pted bl1lIon doll~ts, a year, last, year It ItS appomtm~mt ~y Gov, Demp- week. row stretch,of the' rivex:~ .'o:y plane losses o~c~rred 10 sky ed in court TueSday for approvll1 urday noon. Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, was 9th bIlllO!1'. and thIS year sey and ~he fIrst smce Jaeger was • The'spreading ;re~ist~n~e in .theflghts. The rE l1a1Omg 36 were of a 7-year movie contract under in ~leetions held bYa the S:'lpreme would be 12 bIllIon. named dIrector. GFj'tS DIVORCE , Balkans fb\irid the G(!rmans l,lll"dt!stroyerl on the ground. which she will receive $25,000 BERNIE GAINS STRENGTH Council, Southern Jurisdiction, a~ \ . ' -RENO, Nev., Oct. 19 (jp)~Al- del' Field ~ar5hal Gen. Erwin

Above Rabaul, a crowded me- for her fir,;t picture and make HbLLYWOOD, Oct. 19 (iP) Washingt~n, D. C" it \~as reveale.:i Four.Engined Bomber BRl'ltSH LOSE DESTR(jYER bert W. Dilling, Chicago attorney, Rominel· faiied With .three. ~ueJ:';'dium troop ship 'nas sunk off one picture a YPlll'. Bartdleader Ben Bernie Was re- TuesdaY ln an AsSOCIated Pre:>s R dM' , L~~~N, Oct. 19 (JPl-Loss·of received B: divorce Tuesday froqI 1"111a ,armies.; tit a:dditiOri to .Mi..Kaveing, New Ireland, and two Superior Judge J9seph W. p'orted gaining strength Tuesday di&patch, eporte, Issmg the Brl,tIsh des,troye.r Panther Mrs. Elizapetb. K, Dilling, author hailov'it's unitsi th~e.included ~~ecargo ships were damaged off Vickers said 60 per cent of the after a recent setback In an ill- Elected were Ariton Sidneuy c~mm.anded by LleQt.·Cumdr. ~he of '''The Re~' Ne~wor.k" and other paFtisafls of. ,Gen. ,,~dsip' ('ri~rNrw Hanover to the north\vest salary would go into taxes a.nd hellS ,he has suffered for several Kirkpatrick, Albuquerque; W·· RAPID CI'.rY, S. D., Oct. 19 (IP} Vlsc;ount Jocelyn was annouw:ed books, Marrled 10 1918, they sep· Broz and a r~sUl'gel:l.t .,Alp.atluufof New Ireland. . of the remaInder, 60 per c~nt to months. The musician contracted Ham Carlos Powell; Santa· Fe, -A four-engined heavy bomber Tuesday night by the Admiralty. atated last July. . force," .'".' , " .

The attack 01". New Brit~in ',was her parents for her support an,d a PJli,mon.pry in,fection wliHe ap- and AdolPh Schinner Walter, So- from Rapid City Arrr.y air base ' I - , " ._ .. ' " .,~. C:O,mm.Uh,~q,ue ,0.t.. 'the. y,.~'gosf~v-t I ih Ch cOrro.:. has failed to return from a rou· Y R I H Cl Sh t 1 f 1be t iddelivered by Mitchell medIum 40 pereen to a trust fund, pear g ln

llcago, • A. A; ,Keen, New Mexico grand tine training flight. MaJ'ot' El:ls Ilun'g ooseve t as o's'e' av··e' na.lon~ ,arm.Y.o 1 r~ 1M, sa

bombers which went over low, as t . U., that TltO s patrl?-ts,' hav~n~ ~ppar::"they had done in pacing'the Oct, B 'FI bb t 'A - seGretary,' said', that Walter•. 1?as E. Eno, com.manding offi(!er here, , , _ _. ' . " . ently~oute.~. ,qej;~a,p. tinlt$ ~t,~¥Jinquet a ergas S· me'fZp-arS ,New Mexbo grand ma.ster, was antlounced Tuesday. I SAt Sl htl W dd- lit t g raUway budge o'iJ'et: the12 assault. But this time theY " . ._. _ , . .... here to'ilttend the 66th annual Taking off. about 8. O'clock' n., e"a.. c z'on . ".l'(1' Y I'lUR e' . r~ e lC, ", ',.. "-, .. ~ _1~ ' •

flew in adverse we~,herand. " , 0 u l:;a:va.- ft,;lver, ,near. SeVri1c.Q, ..we,r,e. F d J P E h stafe,,Masonic.sessiol1. Monday night in the general di-.. ., ,,~. • .' . \. rpopping lip .:rU'·~.1ov~nlan. ·,.ter~~~Continued bit Falll Two ree zn ap rzsoner XC DElsignated for Knight Co~- tection o~ Denver, the bomb-er WA,SlitNGflON, Oct. 1.9 ~l~~) ,Jloosevert wert4-, ashbl:e to' have tory ,~etweei}',th~ ri~er aif,d....t~e'·

. " ' , • mander !J·t ,the .coutt of ,Honor:,- was lal"t heard from -35 r.linutes -!Javy' Lieatel1ant Frankl~n Di dinner.' 'there wa( a~ airr!,-id..A~strlan'4'pb.~~er. .':; ... ' .MORMUGAO, portuguegeland ,prison camps in HOl1gkong;: ,t~ed s:ym?UrCChlau1de Br~~tY ~~~[. whenj, tthe ctrhew radioed a Eoosevelt Jr., has beert Sl,lght1zJ alarm a~d the otflc~rs. hUrtled 4eTrhlal}y,a! ~~b"t(Dt!'1elf t"h', '<.: '.l,1 .~,.' , Manila China and· Japan were uque que, ar eS ..v" I~e rel;lut to e air .base. wounded and 1:la1'.t'owly escaped. to the ,shIp., , •• e, .nJ,'!i~, ~e'P., up; ,JllI',!i,e!lil '

ALBUQUERQUE and vicin- IndIa" Oct. 19 o(;P)-:-JOYfully, 15~O trl:lhsfeired 'itO\h th'e Grl ~holm Fowler,. Socorr();;'.Al~ert. ltoscoe ?ff~cers exptessed btilleft~e 'death aboard a 1iestfo~er ir; the.. w:fne ,destJ:0fer' was not hit but on~l~ught'1'4esday Votl~h·tai~s, ~Vtty: Continued quite cool Wed· AmerICans and nabonals, of other ito 'the" J'a:pane,lle' vessel. P . . 'thomas, Santa Fe,. ltichat:~, Wal- tll,.ne ~lad been fQ~ced down In MeditemHldan, ' , . a bomb hit a1'1' ammunition shi'p 011 ,:BrItish. ,fl.sF-ie~ and,. D;ght pomf:!~ncsday; dimiuts4illg' winds. western lands who ha1l. been d(l-I The th' g that" rilly g tl' lace &Thorne, "Albuque~que""John SOllle Isolated s~cbon betweeil Senator Russell·(D. da.) chalr.. the other side ot: the destj:tiY\-Jr erso1\,.Na:Zt,t(a~,p..oJ:ta~ol1.,a~'~AW.'

NEW MEXICO: Somewhat tained by the J::tpaneS'eboarcled\bel1, io/nt1i~' re;:t~iati~~n w ~e Samuel.Weber,. Cloyl!!; J~et\X1l:ltI), ;~at>id Ci.ty lind Denver, man'of the'senatoriaigrouxdo;!\t anJ a shell £ragnl.e~t ,tdOR; the ~Pjj.~ .re:Wrni~"Ito~.'~"O,ri~l' () Wedn,esda;n ilcar freer· the e:l<ch'ange. liner GT'ipsholfrtlwnoppirtg,meals'they had Soo Jrreeman ,'Y0~:d~a~: :San~ F~, tr Gl1I S ,.. recently toured thi:! wal! zonesdl~" ll!g off a, man standin,q next to ~Igh,t~,~.~ljl1o~~r.~epQ~,~:

t th' tl '1' d t..,1 h ~' , "d "d' tri d' h 1 '- ',." ,'." " I ~" T LONDON ~OST . closed the close call of the Pres!- Lt. Rcosevelt. '.' ed httl'~J fIgh~er ot'PO~l1tIdh. ,,' ~!Dr temp~ra ures in e nor \ lues aY'da ~ eat~y mea~s a~ Iaft~r bOa; Ifl,g, e rIPS 0 m" Be ~ElRO :~nSSlNG IN A.oTION· ,'YASHIN~TON, Oct. 19 (JPl- dent's third son in a sp'eech il;t "~'A doCltor ilOticed ,t1iat the hand ',. Lt)l1~0i:?-')lad ,its l(jur~h~ :$uq~es~rorHon early W2dnesday morn- s~ttlecl. ow!'!; fo~ the ': Journ.~t If?re :the .,.meals, ~~,e.Y', w~re lM'rn ,C;ANOij'~ "CITY; ,Colo;, Oct. .;19 PhIlip b. need was appoifited the 'Senate '.Cuesd'ay. . . Ot Lt. l100sevelt WI1S bleeding and, SIVe .au· rald 'l11atm ·:l'uesd.aY'nlgl\t,ibir, . ihOh? alte,r belng.. ~changed f~r CIgarets,.·l\le, watet,..and cho~Ql!1tf (I.NS) '--:, Sg~. Herbert,L;.:::ij'iS~:ot. chief of the tfnited Stl!tes mis~ 'rhe $l:!hator related thti incide11t told hifi'1 he had peen hit b¥ a .a~~l~Lal~r,t.i~, whi~h' .so~e, cas:'

SHIPPERS' FOREOAST:,Pto- a s Ipload o~ .JapR.l:lese,. batll... '.". , :", ,Canori, CI~YJ het:0 0;£ the.,~~)tte .ot ,~io!,- ~(it, econom.ic afJahts.J,n Lon", as.,!ollows:, ' :, • ~_ shell fragment. He aske,d th,e lie~. ·q.ahl~s We~~ ,;believed tlaU~ed ~b~.teet .shipments dm:t1g the "next' Theyhad b,eeh ~rough~ heret.ofi t,rhe ,meals a~~Utnec't banquet :aloody ~ldgo ih ·Sl~i1?f 1S,' repo~t., Clan ~uesda'y, 'succeeqing 'Aver,ell ,~'14. RodSEwelt WaS ,executlVetenMt to let him. ta.ktl Ii'stlt<!h itt scattered ~azl" ~lartest,:. ':, 0, .j.2$ houri ending- ea.rly ',rbursday the Japanese ShIp Tela. Mar,uproportI.Qns -:- gre~t platters of eli as, ml~singinacjlon In It,lUY, HarrIman, .Who. recetttly became officer on a d<!stroyt:!l;' which wa~ ,It. ,." I ~" ; ~~R:M!l "c~~st~l 'c::om.,mMlQo 'Bel1u-:, {' .foJ' In 1n 1mum tempcr;l.tures: after, ~any mO,ntl1s of i.ntel'nl'X\entturk~Y, chickejj" frU!t, cheese and the War Depal'tmertt ,~e~daY ad.. ambassador to Russiti. In art.. bom.bed and' tilled With water _ "'J,'h~ c~mtn;anaitig offIcer ra... t~b.te.r~, atw,;cked ,the Ger,m@;,{ 0

South, 28; west, 1't..22;~ rtodb ort'lgld. sUr\1eU1~fi~e, ' . s~.eet$ were sprea~, .along huge vised his mother. Yl\t 111om1.Y tl.OUnclh-g the appolrt!ment, Prest. to (vithin a foot of sitl~ing whenl' filark~ct to"Roosevelt ~hat 'Thi~ thel'cha:~t S~llP Strasburg otf tne,an(1 el\st, 20·2~. Am.~rlcafi offiCIals' sai~ ihe tablEls, trhe l~assertg~I'S'; Who £01". a. Ridge, O~i!geant: Fish.~on, tatpa dent Rooseveit said Retld would ii;, got infO a harhor. \' entitles you to the Purple lIearV coas~ ot' '1'h~ :tqeth~Iand4" and

.\ , . ship pr~bably would sa.i~ Thurs- year ;and mote had hoa:rde~ that b.Y killit1geight I • Germans WIth be subject to thE:! gener~l controi " JIAftet' the vessel. had been,.in~. Roosevelt ~egged hig 'C()p:l< 'ScorE:d ~e'9:~ral hi:"~ ~Ol1, th.e ves",. (:Jjet'ailed U. S. Weather Bu- d,ay tifter 2j~()',tol1~ Of, R~c1. CtoSS/last packet of SU~!I;r or last.Jm' of eight sh:ots.£rQm.~J his' G.lU'tl11d '..oLAtfibMSadot'\inant in ,I~n.. the' harbor four or :fiVe days,50m'S! h1.afiding officer 110t to repott the SE'll~, Wlhc:~ J;1r.d been- damagt(i ..ll\,

rea,\I rCllOl't on Page Five) ICat~6 fot d!SU'lbutlon 111 lnte~jj~e ia~,. appeeuled flab.b,e~aast~d. . rifle", ,don. ' • of "the dUicers. 'ific~udirut Lt~ In<::ident." " c:..,lliuoA •• ' i'lr.ii. ~ "J'I~' ,,' ')"" " • ,,> ~," \~ . (1 I:J at

• " t - • ." r o' ~, ~ ~

f-~ ~ r'\ J,3 ;) ~ " • •

',' , ." ".' 'J {(.. : , '. • ' " / '- , " 0• P' :~. '" -'~ 'I '0 ~ ,"> . :!,.~ #\ '.", ~,' ,

'~~~~}~~~'~1',~ " 1"-'~~~""1, !.iw "'."",.""" H....'iI."·~~"":""'~JIit·-.~'-~...,;-,,.-'-~·~-~~'J;"'''''' "":~ ri~i.llJlO • iii. :~{."',.?"~- i4- ,'" .. ~ ~/ '\~,;: f, ~~ • {~o, ...' ~ ~ • ~- ~ :6/ .. --', "f 'a. :~~
















Page 2: t I •• 'j • ,. ; Year j laps Lose 60 Planes,3 Ships' ew · Japanese planes in a new bombing assault on Rabaul



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