
The Peshitta Aramaic New Testament Bible

The Gospel According To Matthai

Compiled by : [email protected]

Original Source :1. 2. 3.

Arrangement :1. Syriac Peshitta source: use UBS 1905 Peshitta text with options: Unicode font Estrangelo Edessa vowel signs (western ) transliteration : a. Hebrew b. Latin

Transliteration table

t r q p s n m l k y z w h d g b t $ r q S p s n m l k y T H z w h d g b ` (Downward :Estrangelo Arabic Hebrew block script Latin) 2.Include the following New Testament editions: Dr. John W. Etheridge's English Peshitta translation

The Gospel According To Matthai - Chapter 1

- Matthew 1:1 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 1:1 Matthew 1:1 - k dilih dy mi brh dwi brh da()rhm . (analyze)

Matthew 1:1 - THE RECORD of the generation of Jeshu the Meshicha, the son of David, son of Abraham.

- Matthew 1:2 (analyze)

- Matthew 1:2 (analyze) . Matthew 1:2 - rhm awl li()sq isq awl lyaq yaq awl lih wla()aw(hy) . (analyze) Matthew 1:2 - Abraham begat Ishok, Ishok begat Jakub, Jakub begat Jehuda and his brethren,

- Matthew 1:3 (analyze )

- Matthew 1:3 (analyze) . Matthew 1:3 - h awl lpar walzar men tmr par awl lerwn eron awl l()rm . (analyze) Matthew 1:3 - Jehuda begat Pharets and Zoroch from Thomar. Pharets begat Hetsron, Hetsron begat Arom,

- Matthew 1:4 (analyze) (analyze


- Matthew 1:4 Matthew 1:4 - rm awl lmin min awl lnawn naon awl lsalmwn . (analyze)

- Matthew 1:5

Matthew 1:4 - Arom begat Aminodob, Aminodob begat Nachshun, Nachshun begat Salmun,


- Matthew 1:5 (analyze) . Matthew 1:5 - salmwn awl lz men r bz awl li men r i awl li()ay . (analyze) Matthew 1:5 - Salmun begat Booz from Rochab, Booz begat Ubid from Ruth, Ubid begat Ishai,

- Matthew 1:6 (analyze) (analyze


- Matthew 1:6

Matthew 1:6 - iay awl lwi malk dawi awl lalmwn men a(n)th d()ur . (analyze) Matthew 1:6 - Ishai begat David the king; David begat Shelemun from [her who had been] the wife of Uria;

- Matthew 1:7 (analyze) ).

- Matthew 1:7 (analyze Matthew 1:7 - lmon awl laram ram awl la() awl l()s . (analyze)

- Matthew 1:8 (analyze) ).

Matthew 1:7 - Shelemun begat Rehebaam, Rehebaam begat Abia, Abia begat Asa,

- Matthew 1:8 (analyze

Matthew 1:8 - s awl lyhp yhp awl lyrm yrm awl lz . (analyze) Matthew 1:8 - Asa begat Johushaphat, Johushaphat begat Jurom, Jurom begat Uzia,

- Matthew 1:9 (analyze) - Matthew 1:9

(analyze) .

Matthew 1:9 - z awl lym ym awl l()z z awl lzaqy . (analyze)

- Matthew 1:10 (analyze) ).

Matthew 1:9 - Uzia begat Juthom, Juthom begat Ahaz, Ahaz begat Hezakia,

- Matthew 1:10 (analyze

Matthew 1:10 - zaqy awl lamn mn awl la()mon mon awl ly . (analyze)


- Matthew 1:11 (analyze (analyze) .

Matthew 1:10 - Hezakia begat Menasha, Menasha begat Amun, Amun begat Jushia,

- Matthew 1:11

Matthew 1:11 - y awl lyany wla()aw(hy) bl del . (analyze)

- Matthew 1:12 (analyze)

Matthew 1:11 - Jushia begat Jukania and his brethren at the exile of Bobel.

- Matthew 1:12 (analyze) . Matthew 1:12 - men bar gl dn del yany awl lli()l li()l awl lzrbel . (analyze) Matthew 1:12 - And after the exile of Bobel Jukania begat Shalathiel, Shalathiel begat Zurbobel,

- Matthew 1:13 (analyze) - Matthew 1:13

(analyze) .

Matthew 1:13 - zrbel awl la() awl le()lyqim elyqim awl lzr . (analyze)

- Matthew 1:14 (analyze) (analyze) .

Matthew 1:13 - Zurbobel begat Abiud, Abiud begat Aliakim, Aliakim begat Ozur,

- Matthew 1:14 Matthew 1:14 - zr awl lzq zq awl la()in in awl le()l . (analyze)

- Matthew 1:15 (analyze) ).

Matthew 1:14 - Ozur begat Zoduk, Zoduk begat Akin, Akin begat Aliud,

- Matthew 1:15


Matthew 1:15 - ld awl le()lizr lizr awl lmn mn awl lyaq . (analyze)

- Matthew 1:16 (analyze) - Matthew 1:16 (analyze) .

Matthew 1:15 - Aliud begat Aliozar, Aliozar begat Mathan, Mathan begat Jakub,

Matthew 1:16 - yaq awl lyawsp garh dmaryam dmnh il y dmqr mi . (analyze) Matthew 1:16 - Jakub begat Jauseph, husband of Mariam, of whom was born JESHU who is called the Meshicha. [Pronounced Meshee'ha.]

- Matthew 1:17 (analyze)

- Matthew 1:17 (analyze) . Matthew 1:17 - kullhn hil arb men rhm m lwi arb arbaesr wmen dawi m ll del arb arbaesr wmen gl del m lami arb arbaesr . (analyze) Matthew 1:17 - Thus all the generations from Abraham to David (were) fourteen generations; and from David to the exile of Bobel, fourteen generations; and from the exile of Bobel to the Meshicha, fourteen generations.

- Matthew 1:18 (analyze)

- Matthew 1:18 (analyze).

Matthew 1:18 - yaldh dn dy mi hn hw ka mir (h)w maryam mh lyawsp l netawtpon eta ban men r dqudd . (analyze) Matthew 1:18 - NOW the nativity of Jeshu the Meshicha was thus: While Mariam his mother was betrothed to Jauseph, before they could be consociated, she was found to be with child from the Spirit of Holiness.

- Matthew 1:19 (analyze)

- Matthew 1:19 (analyze) . Matthew 1:19 - yawsp dn balh ki() (h)w wl danparsh we()ri (h)w dmay() nerh . (analyze) Matthew 1:19 - But Jauseph her husband was just, and, not willing to defame her, meditated privately to release her.

- Matthew 1:20 (analyze)

- Matthew 1:20 (analyze) . Matthew 1:20 - ka hln dn ri zi lh mla() dmry belm we()mar lh yawsp brh dwi l teal lms lmaryam a(n)t haw gr de()il bh men r h dqudd . (analyze) Matthew 1:20 - But while (on) these (things) he reflected, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, and said to him, Jauseph, son of David, fear not to take Mariam thy wife; for that which is conceived in her is from the Spirit of Holiness.

- Matthew 1:21 (analyze)

- Matthew 1:21 (analyze) . Matthew 1:21 - ti() dn br weqr mh y h gr nw(hy) lmh men hayhon . (analyze) Matthew 1:21 - She shall give birth to a son, and thou shalt call his name JESHU; for he shall save his people from their sins.

- Matthew 1:22 (analyze)


- Matthew 1:22 (analyze Matthew 1:22 - h dn kullh dahw dnmll meddem de()e()mar men mry by n . (analyze)

Matthew 1:22 - Now all this was done, that what was spoken from the Lord by [By the hand of the prophet.] the prophet might be fulfilled:

- Matthew 1:23 (analyze )

- Matthew 1:23 (analyze) . Matthew 1:23 - dh blt tean wi() br wneqron mh mn()il dmettargam man lhan . (analyze) Matthew 1:23 - Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth the son, and they shall call his name Amanuel; which is interpreted, With us (is) our Aloha.

- Matthew 1:24 (analyze)

- Matthew 1:24 (analyze) . Matthew 1:24 - ka qm dn yawsp men enh aykan dapq lh mla()h dmry wrh la()(n)th . (analyze) Matthew 1:24 - Then Jauseph, when he had arisen from his sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took unto him his wife;

- Matthew 1:25 (analyze) ).

- Matthew 1:25 (analyze Matthew 1:25 - wl mh m dilh lrh bur waqr mh y . (analyze)

Matthew 1:25 - and knew her not until she had given birth to her son, the firstborn; and she called his name Jeshu.

The Gospel According To Matthai - Chapter 2

- Matthew 2:1 (analyze) - Matthew 2:1 (analyze) . Matthew 2:1 - ka dn il y blem dih byawmay hrwes malk aw m men mn l()rilem . (analyze) Matthew 2:1 - NOW when Jeshu was born in Beth-lechem of Jehuda, in the days of Herodes the king, there came Magians [Magushee;] from the East to Urishlem:

- Matthew 2:2 (analyze) - Matthew 2:2 (analyze) . Matthew 2:2 - w()mrin aykaw malk dihy de()il zayn gr kawkh bmn we()ayn lmesga lh . (analyze) Matthew 2:2 - and they said, Where is the king of the Jews [Jihudoyee.] who is born ? for we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him.

- Matthew 2:3 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 2:3

Matthew 2:3 - ma dn hrwes malk we()ttzi wllh rilem mh . (analyze)

- Matthew 2:4 (analyze)

Matthew 2:3 - But Herodes the king heard, and was troubled, and all Urishlem with him.

- Matthew 2:4 (analyze) . Matthew 2:4 - wnne kullhon rabbay khn wspr dm wam()el (h)w lhon da()yk mil mi . (analyze) Matthew 2:4 - And he assembled all the chief priests and scribes of the people, and anxiously inquired of them where the Meshicha should be born.

- Matthew 2:5 (analyze) - Matthew 2:5

(analyze) .

Matthew 2:5 - hnon dn mar(w) blem dih hn gr ki ban . (analyze)

- Matthew 2:6 (analyze)

Matthew 2:5 - But they said, In Beth-lechem of Jehuda; for so it is written in the prophet:

- Matthew 2:6 (analyze) .

Matthew 2:6 - p a(n)ty blem dih l hwayty bir bmalk dih mn(y) gr neppuq malk dh nerw(hy) lam(y) isr()el . (analyze) Matthew 2:6 - Also thou, Beth-lechem of Jehuda, wast not the least among the kings of Jehuda; for from thee shall come forth the king who shall be as a shepherd to my people Isroel.

- Matthew 2:7 (analyze)

- Matthew 2:7 (analyze) . Matthew 2:7 - hydn hrwes may() qr lam wilp menhon ba()yn zn zi lhon kawk . (analyze) Matthew 2:7 - Then Herodes privately called the Magians, and learned from them at what time the star appeared to them:

- Matthew 2:8 (analyze)

- Matthew 2:8 (analyze) . Matthew 2:8 - waddddar non llem we()mar lhon zel(w) qq(w) al aly pi() wm de()katuny(hy) taw wwa()un(y) d()p n zal esgu lh .(analyze) Matthew 2:8 - and he sent them to Beth-lechem, and said to them, Go and inquire diligently concerning the child; and when you have found him, come, show me, and I also will go and will worship him.

- Matthew 2:9 (analyze)

- Matthew 2:9 (analyze) . Matthew 2:9 - hnon dn ka ma(w) men malk zal(w) wh kawk haw dazaw bmn zel (h)w qmayhon m de() qm lel men ayk di()aw(hy) aly .(analyze) Matthew 2:9 - But they, when they had heard the king, went forth; and, lo, the star, which they had seen in the east, proceeded before them, until it came and stood over against where the child was.

- Matthew 2:10

(analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 2:10

Matthew 2:10 - ka dn za()w(hy) lawk i(w) rab d . (analyze)

- Matthew 2:11 (analyze)

Matthew 2:10 - Now when they saw the star, they rejoiced with very great joy.

- Matthew 2:11 (analyze) . Matthew 2:11 - wal(w) layt waza()w(hy) laly am maryam mh wanpal(w) s(w) lh wpa(w) simhon wqrr(w) lh qrbn dah wmr walnt . (analyze) Matthew 2:11 - And they entered the house, and beheld the child with Mariam his mother; and they fell down, and worshipped him. And they opened their treasures, and offered unto him oblations; gold, and myrrh, and frankincense.

- Matthew 2:12 (analyze)

- Matthew 2:12 (analyze) . Matthew 2:12 - we()zi lhon belm dl nehpon lw hrwes w()r ()r zal(w) la()rhon . (analyze) Matthew 2:12 - And it was shown to them in a dream, that they should not return unto Herodes; so, by another way, they went unto their place.

- Matthew 2:13 (analyze)

- Matthew 2:13 (analyze) . Matthew 2:13 - ka dn zal(w) zi mla() dmry belm lyawsp we()mar lh qm dar laly wle()mh warq lmern wmn hwi m d()mar ()n l i (h)u gr hrwes lmh laly ay dnawbiw(hy) . (analyze)

Matthew 2:13 - AND when they were gone, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream unto Jauseph, and said to him, Arise, take the child and his mother, and flee into Metsreen, and there be until I tell thee; for it will be that Herodes will seek the child, that he may destroy him.

- Matthew 2:14 (analyze) - Matthew 2:14

(analyze) .

Matthew 2:14 - yawsp dn qm aqlh laly wle()mh blely waraq lmern . (analyze) Matthew 2:14 - Then Jauseph arose, took up the child and his mother, and fled by night into Metsreen,

- Matthew 2:15 (analyze)

- Matthew 2:15 (analyze) . Matthew 2:15 - wahw tamn m lmawth dhrwes dnmll meddem de()e()mar men mry ban d()mar dmen mern qri ler(y) . (analyze) Matthew 2:15 - and was there until the death of Herodes. That it might be fulfilled which was spoken from the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Metsreen have I called my son.

- Matthew 2:16 (analyze)

- Matthew 2:16 (analyze) . Matthew 2:16 - hydn hrwes ka z de()bbazza men m mm waddddar qel ly kullhon dlem wullhon tmh men bar tartn nin walat ay zn dqq men m . (analyze) Matthew 2:16 - Then Herodes, when he saw that he had been deluded by the Magians, was greatly wroth, and sent (and) killed all the children of Beth-lechem, and all its limits, from two years and under,[A son of two years.] according to the time which he had inquired from the Magians.

- Matthew 2:17 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 2:17

Matthew 2:17 - hydn mlli meddem de()e()mar by ramy n de()mar . (analyze)

- Matthew 2:18 )(analyze

Matthew 2:17 - Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Eramio the prophet, who said,

- Matthew 2:18 (analyze) . Matthew 2:18 - ql etma brm bey we()ly saggi() rl by al bnh wl y lmbbayy()u mul dl iayhon . (analyze) Matthew 2:18 - A cry was heard in Rometha; weeping and great lamentation; Rochel weeping for her children, and not willing to be comforted, because they are not.

- Matthew 2:19 (analyze) - Matthew 2:19 (analyze) .

Matthew 2:19 - ka mi dn hrwes malk zi mla() dmry belm lyawsp bmern . (analyze) Matthew 2:19 - BUT when Herodes, the king, was dead, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Jauseph in Metsreen,

- Matthew 2:20 (analyze)

- Matthew 2:20 (analyze) . Matthew 2:20 - we()mar lh qm dar laly wle()mh wzel la()r di()sr()el mi(w) lhon gr hnon dn (h)waw nph daly . (analyze) Matthew 2:20 - and said to him, Arise, take the child and his mother, and go into the land of Isroel; for they are dead who sought the life of the child.

- Matthew 2:21 (analyze) - Matthew 2:21

(analyze) .

Matthew 2:21 - wyawsp qm dar laly wle()mh we() la()r di()sr()el . (analyze)

Matthew 2:21 - And Jauseph arose, (and) took the child and his mother, and came into the land of Isroel.

- Matthew 2:22 (analyze)

- Matthew 2:22 (analyze) . Matthew 2:22 - ka dn ma da()rl()ws hw malk bih lp hrwes (hy) del dni()al lmn we()zi lh belm dni()al la()r dalil . (analyze) Matthew 2:22 - But when he heard that Arkelaos was the king in Jehud, instead of Herodes his father, he was afraid to go thither: and it was shown to him in a dream, that he should go into the region of Galila.

- Matthew 2:23 (analyze)

- Matthew 2:23 (analyze) . Matthew 2:23 - we() mar bami(n)tt dmqary nr ay dnmll meddem de()e()mar ban dnry nqr . (analyze) Matthew 2:23 - And he came and dwelt in a city which is called Natsrath. So would be fulfilled that which was spoken by the prophet, that a Nazarene [Natsroio.] he should be called.

The Gospel According To Matthai - Chapter 3

- Matthew 3:1 (analyze) - Matthew 3:1 (analyze) . Matthew 3:1 - bhon dn byawm hnon ynn mamn wmrez (h)w brb dih . (analyze) Matthew 3:1 - NOW in those days came Juchanon [Or, Yu'hanan.] the Baptizer preaching in the desert of Jehud, (analyze)

- Matthew 3:2(analyze) .

- Matthew 3:2

Matthew 3:2 - w()mar to(w); qerba lh malku damy . (analyze)

- Matthew 3:3 (analyze) - Matthew 3:3

Matthew 3:2 - and saying, Repent! the kingdom of heaven hath drawn nigh.

(analyze) .

Matthew 3:3 - hnaw gr haw da()mir by ay n ql dqr brb ww rh dmry wa()waw lailaw(hy) . (analyze) Matthew 3:3 - For this is he of whom it was spoken by Eshaia the prophet: The voice which crieth in the desert, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths plain.

- Matthew 3:4 (analyze)

- Matthew 3:4 (analyze) . Matthew 3:4 - h dn ynn iaw(hy) (h)w lh dsar daml we()sr dmek al aw(hy) wme()lth qam w dr . (analyze) Matthew 3:4 - But this Juchanon, his clothing was of the hair of camels, with a loins-belt of leather upon his loins; and his food was locusts and wilderness-honey.

- Matthew 3:5 (analyze) - Matthew 3:5 (analyze) .

Matthew 3:5 - hydn npq (h)w lwh rilem wllh h wllh r daray yrdnn . (analyze) Matthew 3:5 - Then went forth to him Urishlem, [Pron. Oorishlem.] and all Jehud, and the whole country about Jurdan;

- Matthew 3:6 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 3:6

Matthew 3:6 - wmdin (h)waw mnh byrdnn nahr ka mawdn bahayhon . (analyze) Matthew 3:6 - and were baptized of him in Jurdan, the river, while they were confessing their sins.

- Matthew 3:7 (analyze)

- Matthew 3:7 (analyze) .

Matthew 3:7 - ka z dn saggie() men pri wmen zadduqy d()n lmem mar lhon yald d()n mn wwiwwn lmeraq men rz d() . (analyze) Matthew 3:7 - But when he saw many of the Pharishee and Zodukoyee coming to be baptized, he said to them, Generation of vipers, who hath showed you to escape from the wrath that cometh? (analyze)

- Matthew 3:8(analyze) .

- Matthew 3:8

Matthew 3:8 - (w) hil pi() dwn ly . (analyze)

- Matthew 3:9 (analyze)

Matthew 3:8 - Work, therefore, fruits which are suitable to repentance.

- Matthew 3:9 (analyze) . Matthew 3:9 - wl tasbron wi()ron bnpon da() i lan rhm mar ()n lon gr dmeka lh men hln ki()p lamqm bny la()rhm . (analyze) Matthew 3:9 - Neither ruminate and say within yourselves, that Abraham is father to us; for I say to you that Aloha is able from these stones to raise up sons unto Abraham.

- Matthew 3:10 (analyze)

- Matthew 3:10 (analyze) . Matthew 3:10 - h dn nr sim al qr di()ln kull iln hil dpi() l mpseq wnpel bnr . (analyze) Matthew 3:10 - But, behold, the axe lieth at the root of the trees; every tree, therefore, which maketh not good fruit is cut down and falleth into the fire.

- Matthew 3:11 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 3:11

Matthew 3:11 - n mam ()n lon bmy ly haw dn dar(y) sin (h)u men(y) haw dl w ()n msnaw(hy) lmeqal h mam lon br dqudd wnr . (analyze) Matthew 3:11 - I, indeed, baptize you with water unto repentance; but He who cometh after me is mightier than I; he, whose sandals I am not worthy to bear,-he baptizeth you with the Spirit of Holiness and with fire.

- Matthew 3:12 (analyze)

- Matthew 3:12 (analyze) . Matthew 3:12 - haw drp bi()h wamakkkk edraw(hy) w kne la()wraw(hy) wn mawq bnr dl dk . (analyze) Matthew 3:12 - He (it is) whose fan is in his hand, and, purifying his floors, the wheat he gathereth into his garner, but the chaff he burneth with the fire that is not quenched.

- Matthew 3:13 (analyze) - Matthew 3:13

(analyze) .

Matthew 3:13 - hydn y men glil lyrdnn lw ynn dnem mnh . (analyze) Matthew 3:13 - Then came Jeshu from Galila unto Jurdan to Juchanan to be baptized of him.

- Matthew 3:14 (analyze )

- Matthew 3:14 (analyze) . Matthew 3:14 - h dn ynn kl (h)w lh w()mar n sniq ()n dmn m wa()(n)t lw(y) ayt . (analyze) Matthew 3:14 - But Juchanon prohibited him, and said, I need from thee to be baptized, and hast thou come unto me?

- Matthew 3:15 (analyze)

- Matthew 3:15 (analyze) . Matthew 3:15 - h dn y n we()mar lh q h hn gr y() lan danmll kullh ki() whydn qh . (analyze)

- Matthew 3:16 (analyze)

Matthew 3:15 - But Jeshu answered and said unto him, Permit [this] now; for thus it becometh us to accomplish all righteousness. And then he permitted him.

- Matthew 3:16 (analyze) . Matthew 3:16 - ka m dn y me sleq men my we()pa(w) lh my waz r da()lh dnt ay yawn we() law(hy) . (analyze) Matthew 3:16 - But when Jeshu was baptized, he immediately ascended from the waters; and the heaven was opened unto him; and he saw the Spirit of Aloha, who descended, like the dove, and came upon him.

- Matthew 3:17 (analyze) - Matthew 3:17

(analyze) .

Matthew 3:17 - wh ql men my d()mar hnaw ber(y) abbi dh ei . (analyze) Matthew 3:17 - And, lo, the voice from heaven, which said, This (is) my Son, the Beloved, in whom I have delighted

The Gospel According To Matthai - Chapter 4

- Matthew 4:1 (analyze ) - Matthew 4:1 (analyze) . Matthew 4:1 - hydn y dar men r dqudd lmbr dnnss men elqar . (analyze) Matthew 4:1 - THEN Jeshu was led by the Spirit of Holiness into the desert, that he should be tempted by the Accuser.

- Matthew 4:2 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 4:2

Matthew 4:2 - wm arbin yawmin wa()rbin laylwn ()ry dn kpen . (analyze)

- Matthew 4:3 (analyze )

Matthew 4:2 - And he fasted forty days and forty nights; but afterward he hungered.

- Matthew 4:3 (analyze) . Matthew 4:3 - waqr haw damnss we()mar lh en brh a(n)t da()lh mar dhln ki()p nehwyn lam . (analyze) Matthew 4:3 - And he who tempteth approached and said, If the Son thou art of Aloha, say that these stones shall become bread.

- Matthew 4:4 )


- Matthew 4:4 (analyze) . Matthew 4:4 - h dn n we()mar ki dl (h)w blam bal y barn l bull ml dnpq men pumh da()lh . (analyze) Matthew 4:4 - But he answered and said, It is written that not by bread alone liveth the Son of man, but by every word which proceedeth from the mouth of Aloha.

- Matthew 4:5 (analyze) - Matthew 4:5

(analyze) . Matthew 4:5 - hydn darh elqar lamin qudd wa()qimh al kenp dhaykl . (analyze) Matthew 4:5 - Then the Accuser taketh him to the holy city, and caused him to stand on the pinnacle of the temple;

- Matthew 4:6 (analyze) (analyze

- Matthew 4:6 ) . Matthew 4:6 - we()mar lh en brh a(n)t da()lh i np lat ki gr dalmla()aw(hy) npqq layk wal iayhon neqln dl tetqel bi()p rl . (analyze) Matthew 4:6 - and said to him, If the Son thou art of Aloha, throw thyself down; for it is written that his angels he shall command concerning thee, and upon their hands they shall bear thee, that thou strike not against a stone thy foot.

- Matthew 4:7 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 4:7

Matthew 4:7 - mar lh y to ki dl tnss lmry lh . (analyze) Matthew 4:7 - Jeshu said to him, Again it is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy Aloha.

- Matthew 4:8 (analyze)

- Matthew 4:8 (analyze) . Matthew 4:8 - to darh elqar lr d rm wwawwh kullhn malkw dlm whn . (analyze) Matthew 4:8 - Again the Accuser took him to a mountain which is exceeding high, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory;

- Matthew 4:9 (analyze) - Matthew 4:9

(analyze) .

Matthew 4:9 - we()mar lh hln kullhn l ettel en teppel tesgu li() . (analyze) Matthew 4:9 - and said to him, These all to thee will I give, if thou wilt fall and worship me,

- Matthew 4:10 (analyze)

- Matthew 4:10 (analyze) . Matthew 4:10 - hydn mar lh y zel l sn ki gr dalmry lh tesgu wlh balaw(hy) tepl . (analyze) Matthew 4:10 - Then said Jeshu to him, Away with thee, Satana ! for it is written that the Lord thy Aloha thou shalt worship, and him only thou shalt serve.

- Matthew 4:11 (analyze) (analyze


- Matthew 4:11 Matthew 4:11 - hydn qh elqar wh mla() qr(w) wammammin (h)waw lh . (analyze)

Matthew 4:11 - Then the Accuser left him, and, behold, the angels drew nigh and ministered unto him.

- Matthew 4:12 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 4:12

Matthew 4:12 - ka ma dn y dynn etlem nni lh llil . (analyze) Matthew 4:12 - BUT when Jeshu heard that Juchanan was perfected, he removed into Galila.

- Matthew 4:13


- Matthew 4:13 (analyze) . Matthew 4:13 - wqh lnr we() mar baparnm al y ym bam dazwlon wnpttli . (analyze) Matthew 4:13 - And he left Natsrath, and came and dwelt in Kaphar-Nachum by the seaside [By the hand of the sea.] on the borders of Zabolon and of Naptholi. )

- Matthew 4:14(analyze) .


- Matthew 4:14

Matthew 4:14 - dnmll meddem de()e()mar by ay n de()mar . (analyze) Matthew 4:14 - That the thing might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Eshaia, who said,

- Matthew 4:15 (analyze)

- Matthew 4:15 (analyze) . Matthew 4:15 - ar dazwlon ar dnpttli r dym raw(hy) dyrdnn glil da(m)m . (analyze) Matthew 4:15 - The land of Zabolon, the land of Naptholi, the way of the sea beyond Jurdan, Galila of the peoples.

- Matthew 4:16 (analyze)

- Matthew 4:16 (analyze) . Matthew 4:16 - m dy b nhr rabb z wa()yln dybbin ba()r wll dmawt nhr dna lhon . (analyze) Matthew 4:16 - The people who sat in darkness the great light hath seen; and they who have sat in the region and shadow of death, the light has arisen upon them.

- Matthew 4:17 (analyze)

- Matthew 4:17 (analyze) .

Matthew 4:17 - men hydn rri y lmrz walmi()ar to(w); qerba lh gr malku damy . (analyze) Matthew 4:17 - From that time began Jeshu to preach, and to say, Repent ! for the kingdom of heaven hath drawn nigh.

- Matthew 4:18 (analyze)

- Matthew 4:18 (analyze) . Matthew 4:18 - w mhll al y ym dalil z trn in emon de()qri ki()p wa()ndre()ws (hy) drmn mi bym iayhon (h)waw gr y .(analyze) Matthew 4:18 - And while he walked by the sea of Galila, he saw two brethren, Shemun who was called Kipha, and Andreas his brother, who were casting their nets into the sea, for they were fishers.

- Matthew 4:19 (analyze) - Matthew 4:19 (analyze


Matthew 4:19 - we()mar lhon y taw bar(y) we()beon dehon y danay ()n . (analyze) Matthew 4:19 - And Jeshu said to them, Come after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

- Matthew 4:20 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 4:20

Matthew 4:20 - hnon dn me aq(w) mihon we()zal(w) brh . (analyze)

- Matthew 4:21 (analyze)

Matthew 4:20 - And they immediately forsook their nets and went after him.

- Matthew 4:21 (analyze) . Matthew 4:21 - w ar men tamn z ()rn trn yaq bar

zay wynn (hy) be()lp am zay hon damaqqnin mihon waqr non .(analyze) Matthew 4:21 - And when he had passed thence, he saw two other brethren, Jakub-barZabdai and Juchanan his brother, in a vessel with Zabdai their father, repairing their nets: and Jeshu called them;

- Matthew 4:22 (analyze) - Matthew 4:22

(analyze) .

Matthew 4:22 - hnon dn me aq(w) le()lp wla()hon we()zal(w) brh . (analyze)

- Matthew 4:23 (analyze)

Matthew 4:22 - and they forthwith left the vessel and their father, and went after him.

- Matthew 4:23 (analyze) . Matthew 4:23 - wmkr (h)w y bllh glil wmllp (h)w banhon wmrez sar dmalku wma()ss kull ki() wrhn bm . (analyze) Matthew 4:23 - And Jeshu perambulated all Galila, and taught in their synagogues, [Or assemblies, congregations.] and preached the announcement of the kingdom, and healed all

- Matthew 4:24 (analyze)

disease and affliction in the people.

- Matthew 4:24 (analyze) . Matthew 4:24 - we()tma ebbh bllh sra wqrr(w) lh kullhon ayln di bi iin brhn malp wa()yln da()liin baniq waywn war eggr wamry wa()ssi non . (analyze) Matthew 4:24 - And his fame was heard in all Suria; and they brought to him all those who were grievously affected with various diseases, and those who were pressed down by strong pains, and demoniacs, and lunatics, and the paralysed; and he healed them.

- Matthew 4:25

(analyze) - Matthew 4:25 (analyze) . Matthew 4:25 - we()zal(w) brh ken saggie() men glil wmen esrmin wmen rilem wmen h wmen r dyrdnn . (analyze) Matthew 4:25 - And there went after him great gatherings from Galila, and from the ten cities, and from Urishlem, and from Jehud, and from beyond Jurdan.

The Gospel According To Matthai - Chapter 5

- Matthew 5:1 (analyze) - Matthew 5:1 (analyze) . Matthew 5:1 - ka z dn y len sleq lr w qr(w) lwh talmiaw(hy) . (analyze) Matthew 5:1 - BUT when Jeshu saw the multitudes, he ascended a mountain; and when he had sat down, his disciples drew near to him; (analyze)

- Matthew 5:2 (analyze) .

- Matthew 5:2

Matthew 5:2 - wpa pumh wmllp (h)w lhon w()mar . (analyze)

- Matthew 5:3 (analyze) (analyze) .

Matthew 5:2 - and he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:

- Matthew 5:3

Matthew 5:3 - ayhon lmeskin br dilhon (h)i malku damy . (analyze) Matthew 5:3 - BLESSED (are) the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (analyze)

- Matthew 5:4 - Matthew 5:4

(analyze) .

Matthew 5:4 - ayhon la()il dhnon nbbayy()on . (analyze)

- ) Matthew 5:5(analyze (analyze) .

Matthew 5:4 - Blessed the mourners, for they shall be comforted.

- Matthew 5:5

Matthew 5:5 - ayhon lmakki dhnon ni()on la()r . (analyze)

- Matthew 5:6 (analyze)

Matthew 5:5 - Blessed the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

(analyze) .

- Matthew 5:6

Matthew 5:6 - ayhon la()yln dpnin wahn li() dhnon nesbon . (analyze) Matthew 5:6 - Blessed they who hunger and thirst unto righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. (analyze)

- Matthew 5:7 (analyze) .

- Matthew 5:7

Matthew 5:7 - ayhon lamramn dalayhon nehon ram . (analyze)

- Matthew 5:8 (analyze) (analyze) .

Matthew 5:7 - Blessed the merciful, for upon them shall be mercy.

- Matthew 5:8

Matthew 5:8 - ayhon la()yln dan blebhon dhnon nezon la()lh . (analyze)

- Matthew 5:9 (analyze) (analyze) .

Matthew 5:8 - Blessed they who are pure in their hearts, for they shall see Aloha.

- Matthew 5:9

Matthew 5:9 - ayhon ldday lm danaw(hy) da()lh nqron . (analyze) Matthew 5:9 - Blessed the makers of peace, for the children of Aloha shall they be called.

- Matthew 5:10 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:10 (analyze) . Matthew 5:10 - ayhon la()yln de()rp(w) mul ki() dilhon (h)i malku damy . (analyze) Matthew 5:10 - Blessed they who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

- Matthew 5:11 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:11 (analyze) .

Matthew 5:11 - aykon my damassdin lon wrppin lon w()mrin laykon kull ml bi ml(y) baggl . (analyze) Matthew 5:11 - Blessed are you when they treat you with reviling, and persecute you, and say concerning you every evil word, for my sake, in falsity.

- Matthew 5:12 (analyze ) - Matthew 5:12 (analyze) .

Matthew 5:12 - hydn aw warwaz(w) da()ron si bamy hn gr rp(w) lan dmen qmaykon . (analyze) Matthew 5:12 - Then be glad and exult, for your reward is great in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets who were before you.

- Matthew 5:13 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:13 (analyze). Matthew 5:13 - a(n)tton non melh da()r enh dn dmel tepkkah bmn temla lmeddem l z(l) l det lar weti men ()n . (analyze) Matthew 5:13 - You are the salt of the earth: but if it happen that salt become tasteless, with what shall it be seasoned? It goeth for nothing but to be thrown without and trodden down by men.

- Matthew 5:14 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:14 (analyze) . Matthew 5:14 - a(n)tton non nhrh dlm l mek de mi(n)tt dal r bany . (analyze) Matthew 5:14 - You are the light of the world: It is not possible that a city which is built upon a hill can be hidden.

- Matthew 5:15 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:15 (analyze) .

Matthew 5:15 - wl manhrin r wsymin lh t sa() l al mnrt wmanhar lull ayln daayt non . (analyze) Matthew 5:15 - Nor do they kindle a lamp and place it beneath a measure, but on a candlestick, and it enlighteneth all who are in the house.

- Matthew 5:16 ) (analyze

- Matthew 5:16 (analyze) . Matthew 5:16 - hn nenhar nhron qm bnayn dnezon aykon wanabbon la()on damy . (analyze) Matthew 5:16 - So let your light shine before the sons of men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

- Matthew 5:17 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:17 (analyze) . Matthew 5:17 - l tasbron de()i de()r nms aw n l i de()r l de()mll . (analyze) Matthew 5:17 - Think not that I came to loose the law or the prophets: not that I might loose, but that I might fulfill.

- Matthew 5:18 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:18 (analyze) . Matthew 5:18 - min gr mar ()n lon dam dnebron my wa()r y aw ser l nebar men nms m dull nehw . (analyze) Matthew 5:18 - For, Amen I say unto you, that until heaven and earth shall pass away, one yod, or one point,["One line."-Codex Vienniensis.] shall not pass from the law, till all be done.

- Matthew 5:19 (analyze) - Matthew 5:19

(analyze) . Matthew 5:19 - kull man hil dner men puqdn hln zr wnllp hn lnayn bir nqr bmalku damy kull dn dnebe wnllp hn rabb nqr bmalku damy . (analyze) Matthew 5:19 - Every one, therefore, who shall set loose one from these least commandments, and shall so teach the children of men, the least shall he be called in the kingdom of heaven: but every one who shall do and teach [them] , this [one] shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

- Matthew 5:20 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:20 (analyze) . Matthew 5:20 - mar ()n lon gr de()l ti()ar ki()on yattir men dspr wpri l telon lmalku damy . (analyze) Matthew 5:20 - For I say to you, that unless your righteousness shall abound more than that of the scribes [Sophree. This order of public teachers (the preaching and writing clergy of the Jews) does notseem sufficiently indicated by the word " scribes " in the English version. Luther well renders the corresponding Greek term by Schriftgelehrten.] and the Pharishee, you shall not enter into the

- Matthew 5:21 (analyze)

kingdom of heaven.

- Matthew 5:21 (analyze) . Matthew 5:21 - maton de()e()mar lqmy l teql wull dneql mybb (h)u lin . (analyze) Matthew 5:21 - YOU have heard that it was said unto them who were before, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill is obnoxious to the judgment.

- Matthew 5:22 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:22 (analyze) . Matthew 5:22 - n dn mar ()n lon dull man dnergaz al (hy) iqi

mybb (h)u lin wull dni()ar la()(hy) rqa mybb (h)u lnt wman dni()ar ll mybb (h)u lhn dnr . (analyze) Matthew 5:22 - But I say unto you, that he who is angry against his brother rashly, is obnoxious to the judgment; and he who shall say to his brother, Thou empty one ! is liable to the council; and every one who shall say, Thou fool ! is liable to the gihano of fire.

- Matthew 5:23 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:23 (analyze) . Matthew 5:23 - en h hil damqrr a(n)t qrbn al mb wmn tetdar da()i layk ak meddem . (analyze) Matthew 5:23 - If it occur, therefore, that thou bring thy oblation to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother retaineth some enmity against thee;

- Matthew 5:24 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:24 (analyze) . Matthew 5:24 - q tamn qrbn qm mb wzel lqam r am whydn t qrr qrbn . (analyze) Matthew 5:24 - leave there thy oblation at the altar, and go, first be reconciled with thy brother, and then come and offer thy oblation.

- Matthew 5:25 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:25 (analyze) . Matthew 5:25 - hwayt ma()ww am bel din al mh a(n)t b()ur dalm bel din nalm lyn wyn nalm labby weppel b sir .(analyze) Matthew 5:25 - Be at one with thine adversary [Beel-dino, "lord of strife."] quickly, while thou art with him in the way; lest thy adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the exactor, and thou fall into the house of the bound.

- Matthew 5:26 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:26

(analyze) .

Matthew 5:26 - wa()min mar ()n l dl teppuq men tamn m dettel mn ()ry . (analyze) Matthew 5:26 - And, Amen I say unto thee, that thou shalt not come forth from thence till thou hast rendered the last shamuna.[A minute coin, in value the one-eighth of the asor, or assarius;

(analyze) - Matthew 5:27 (analyze) .

from the Hebrew shemoneh, " eight."]

- Matthew 5:27

Matthew 5:27 - maton de()e()mar dl tr . (analyze) Matthew 5:27 - You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt not commit adultery.

- Matthew 5:28 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:28 (analyze) . Matthew 5:28 - n dn mar ()n lon dull man dz a(n)t ay dnergih me grh blebbh . (analyze) Matthew 5:28 - But I say to you, that every one who beholdeth a woman so as that he shall desire her, already committeth adultery in his heart.

- Matthew 5:29 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:29 (analyze) . Matthew 5:29 - en dn ayn dymin ml l ih waih mn paq l gr dni() haddm wl kullh par neppel bhn . (analyze) Matthew 5:29 - But if thy right eye cause thee to offend, root it out and cast it from thee: it is better to thee that one of thy members should perish, than that thy whole body should fall into gihano.

- Matthew 5:30 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:30 (analyze) . Matthew 5:30 - we()n i dymin ml l psq ih mn paq l

gr dni() men haddmayk wl kullh par neppel bhn . (analyze) Matthew 5:30 - And if thy right hand cause thee to offend, cut it off and cast it from thee; for it is better to thee that one from thy members should perish, rather than thy whole body should fall into gihano.

- Matthew 5:31 (analyze) - Matthew 5:31

(analyze) .

Matthew 5:31 - e()mar dman dr a(n)th nettel lh k dll . (analyze) Matthew 5:31 - It hath been said, that he who looseth his wife should give her a writing of divorcement.

- Matthew 5:32 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:32 (analyze) . Matthew 5:32 - n dn mar ()n lon dull man dr a(n)th lar men mel dzny lh dar wman dqel iqt g()ar . (analyze) Matthew 5:32 - But I say unto you, that whosoever looseth his wife, except on account of fornication, maketh her to commit adultery; and whosoever taketh her who is sent away, committeth adultery.

- Matthew 5:33 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:33 (analyze) . Matthew 5:33 - to maton de()e()mar lqmy dl taggggel bmawm tllem dn lmry mawm . (analyze) Matthew 5:33 - Again, you have heard it was said to those beforetime, Thou shalt not lie in thine oaths, but shalt fulfil thine oaths unto the Lord.

- Matthew 5:34 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:34 (analyze) . Matthew 5:34 - n dn mar ()n lon l ti()on s l bamy drsy h da()lh . (analyze)

Matthew 5:34 - But I say unto you, Swear not at all: not by heaven, for it is the throne of Aloha;

- Matthew 5:35 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:35 (analyze) . Matthew 5:35 - wl ba()r d (hy) da rlaw(hy) pl b()urilem dami(n)tth (h)i dmalk rabb . (analyze) Matthew 5:35 - nor by earth, for it is the foot-stool beneath his feet; neither by Urishlem, for it is the city of the great king.

- Matthew 5:36 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:36 (analyze) . Matthew 5:36 - pl br ti() dl meka a(n)t lmeba bh men dsar kmt aw wrt . (analyze) Matthew 5:36 - Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, for thou canst not make a single hair in it either black or white.

- Matthew 5:37 (analyze )

- Matthew 5:37 (analyze) . Matthew 5:37 - l tehw mlon in in wl l meddem dmen hln yattir men bi h . (analyze) Matthew 5:37 - But let your discourse be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatsoever is more than these is from the evil.

- Matthew 5:38 (analyze) - Matthew 5:38

(analyze) .

Matthew 5:38 - maton de()e()mar dayn lp ayn wn lp n . (analyze) Matthew 5:38 - You have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

- Matthew 5:39

(analyze) - Matthew 5:39 (analyze) . Matthew 5:39 - n dn mar ()n lon dl tqmon lqal bi l man dm l al pakk dymin pn lh p ()rn . (analyze) Matthew 5:39 - But I say unto you, that you shall not rise up against evil: but if any one strike thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

- Matthew 5:40 (analyze) (analyze


- Matthew 5:40 Matthew 5:40 - wman d danon m wneql kutin q lh p mar . (analyze)

Matthew 5:40 - And if any one will contend with thee to take away thy tunic, leave him thy mantle also; (analyze)

- Matthew 5:41(analyze) .

- Matthew 5:41

Matthew 5:41 - man damar l mil zel mh trn . (analyze)

- Matthew 5:42 (analyze) (analyze) .

Matthew 5:41 - and if a man compel thee one mile, go with him twain.

- Matthew 5:42

Matthew 5:42 - man d()el l h lh wman d dni()p mn l telw(hy) . (analyze) Matthew 5:42 - Give to him who asketh from thee, and him who would borrow from thee refuse not.

- Matthew 5:43 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 5:43 Matthew 5:43 - maton de()e()mar daram lqri wasni leld . (analyze)

Matthew 5:43 - You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and

- Matthew 5:44 (analyze)

hate thine enemy.

- Matthew 5:44 (analyze) . Matthew 5:44 - n dn mar ()n lon (w) leldaykon wrr(w) lman dl()e lon wa(w) dappir lman dsn lon wllaw al ayln drin lon baqir wrppin lon . (analyze) Matthew 5:44 - [Master of enmity.] But I say unto you, Love your enemies; bless them who execrate you; do that which is good to him who hateth you; and pray for them who lead you with a chain, and persecute you.

- Matthew 5:45 (analyze)

- Matthew 5:45 (analyze) . Matthew 5:45 - aykan dehon bnaw(hy) da()on damy haw dmna emh al wal bi wm merh al ki() wal wl . (analyze) Matthew 5:45 - That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven, who causeth his sun to arise on the good and on the evil, and who sendeth showers on the just and on the unjust.

- Matthew 5:46 (analyze )

- Matthew 5:46 (analyze) . Matthew 5:46 - en gr main (n)tton la()yln dmain lon mn r i lon l h p ms hi h ddin . (analyze) Matthew 5:46 - For if you love those (only) who love you, what reward have you ? do not even the tribute-gatherers this ?

- Matthew 5:47

(analyze )

- Matthew 5:47 (analyze) . Matthew 5:47 - we()n ()lin (n)tton balm da()aykon bal mn yattir ddin (n)tton l h p ms hi h ddin . (analyze) Matthew 5:47 - And if you wish peace to your brethren only, what more do you than they ? do not also the tribute-gatherers this ?

- Matthew 5:48 (analyze) - Matthew 5:48

(analyze) .

Matthew 5:48 - hwaw hil a(n)tton gmir aykan da()on damy gmir (h)u . (analyze) Matthew 5:48 - Be ye therefore perfect, as your Father who is in heaven is perfect !

The Gospel According To Matthai - Chapter 6

- Matthew 6:1 (analyze) - Matthew 6:1 (analyze) . Matthew 6:1 - r(w) dn bzqon dl tebnh qm bnay ()n ay dzon lhon we()l r layt lon lw on damy . (analyze) Matthew 6:1 - SEE that in your almsgiving you do it not before men, so as that you may be observed by them; otherwise no reward is for you with your Father who is in heaven.

- Matthew 6:2 (analyze) - Matthew 6:2 (analyze) . Matthew 6:2 - my hil d a(n)t zq l teqr qarn qmayk ay dddin nsbay ba()p ban wq ay dnetabbon men bnay ()n wa()min mar ()n lon dqabbbbel(w) rhon . (analyze) Matthew 6:2 - When, therefore, thou art doing alms, sound not a trumpet before thee, as do the assumers of faces in the assemblies and streets, so that they may be praised from men; and, Amen I say to you, they receive their reward.

- Matthew 6:3 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:3 (analyze) . Matthew 6:3 - a(n)t dn m d a(n)t zq l tedda sml mn dd ymin . (analyze) Matthew 6:3 - But thou, when thou art doing thy alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth,

- Matthew 6:4 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:4

(analyze) .

Matthew 6:4 - ay dehw zq besy wa() dz besy h npr bely . (analyze) Matthew 6:4 - that thine alms may be in secret; and thy Father, who seeth in secret, shall recompense thee in openness.

- Matthew 6:5 ) (analyze

- Matthew 6:5 (analyze) .

Matthew 6:5 - wm damll a(n)t l tehw ay nsbay ba()p drmin lamqm ban wzwy dq llamlly dnzon lnay ()n wa()min mar ()n lon dqabbbbel(w) rhon . (analyze) Matthew 6:5 - And when thou prayest, be not as the face-takers, who love to stand in the assemblies and at the corners of the streets to pray, that they may be seen of men;[The sons of men.] and truly I say to you that they receive their reward.

- Matthew 6:6 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:6 (analyze) . Matthew 6:6 - a(n)t dn my damll a(n)t l lwn wa() tar wll la() daesy wa() dz besy npr bely . (analyze) Matthew 6:6 - But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy secret chamber, and shut thy door, and pray to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father, who seeth in secret, shall reward thee in openness.

- Matthew 6:7 (analyze )

- Matthew 6:7 (analyze) . Matthew 6:7 - wm damlln (n)tton l hwayton mpaqqqqin ay anp srin gr damam(l)l saggi() metamin . (analyze) Matthew 6:7 - And when thou art praying, be not wordy, like the profane; for they think that in much speaking they are heard.

- Matthew 6:8 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:8 (analyze) . Matthew 6:8 - l hil teddamon lhon on gr ya mn mb lon l tee()lny(hy) . (analyze) Matthew 6:8 - Be you not like them, for your Father knoweth what is needful for you before that you ask him.

- Matthew 6:9 (analyze) - Matthew 6:9

(analyze) .

Matthew 6:9 - hn hil llaw a(n)tton on damy nqadddda m . (analyze)

- Matthew 6:10 (analyze) (analyze) .

Matthew 6:9 - Thus pray: Our Father who art in the heavens! be sanctified thy Name.

- Matthew 6:10 Matthew 6:10 - ti() malku nehw yn aykan damy p ba()r . (analyze) Matthew 6:10 - Come thy kingdom. Be done thy will, as in heaven, also in earth.


- Matthew 6:11 - Matthew 6:11

(analyze) .

Matthew 6:11 - h lan lam dsnqnan yawmn . (analyze)

- Matthew 6:12 (analyze) (analyze) .

Matthew 6:11 - Give to us the bread of our need to-day;

- Matthew 6:12

Matthew 6:12 - waq lan awbayn aykan d()p nan aqn lyayn . (analyze)

- Matthew 6:13 ) (analyze

Matthew 6:12 - and forgive us our debts, as also we forgive our debtors;

- Matthew 6:13 (analyze) . Matthew 6:13 - wl talan lnesyn l pan men bi mul dil (hy) malku wayl webut llam lmin . (analyze) Matthew 6:13 - and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory to the age of ages.

- Matthew 6:14 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:14 (analyze) . Matthew 6:14 - en gr tebqon lnayn slwhon nebuq p lon on

damy . (analyze) Matthew 6:14 - For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Father who is in heaven will forgive you also.

- Matthew 6:15 (analyze )(analyze


- Matthew 6:15 Matthew 6:15 - en dn l tebqon lnayn pl on eq lon slwon . (analyze)

Matthew 6:15 - But if you will not forgive men, your Father also forgiveth not your trespasses unto you.

- Matthew 6:16 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:16 (analyze) . Matthew 6:16 - my dn dymin (n)tton l tehon kmir ay nsbay ba()p mabblin gr parpayhon ay dnzon lnayn dymin wa()min mar ()n lon dqabbbbel(w) rhon . (analyze) Matthew 6:16 - WHEN, too, you fast, be not morosely sad as the assumers of faces, for they defile their countenances so as that they may appear unto men to fast: and, Amen I say unto you, they receive their reward.

- Matthew 6:17 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 6:17

Matthew 6:17 - a(n)t dn m d()em a(n)t i appayk wam r . (analyze)

- Matthew 6:18 (analyze)

Matthew 6:17 - But thou, when thou art fasting, wash thy face and anoint thine head,

- Matthew 6:18 (analyze) .

Matthew 6:18 - ay dl tez lnayn d()em a(n)t l la() daesy wa() dz besy h npr . (analyze) Matthew 6:18 - that it may not appear to men that thou art fasting, but to thy Father who is in secret; and thy Father who seeth in secret, he shall reward thee.

- Matthew 6:19 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:19 (analyze) . Matthew 6:19 - l tsimon lon sim ba()r ar dss wa()l mabblin wa()yk dn plin wnbin . (analyze) Matthew 6:19 - Lay not up for yourselves treasures in the earth, a place where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves dig through and steal:

- Matthew 6:20 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:20 (analyze) . Matthew 6:20 - l sim(w) lon sim bamy ayk dl ss wl l mabblin wa()yk dn l plin wl gnbin . (analyze) Matthew 6:20 - but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where no moth and no rust corrupt, and where thieves do not dig through and steal.

- Matthew 6:21 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 6:21

Matthew 6:21 - ayk gr di()h simon tamn (h)w p lebon . (analyze)

- Matthew 6:22 (analyze)

Matthew 6:21 - For where your treasure is, there also your hearts are.

- Matthew 6:22 (analyze) . Matthew 6:22 - r dpr ih ayn en ayn hil tehw pi p kullh par nhir (h)u . (analyze) Matthew 6:22 - The lamp of the body is the eye: if thine eye therefore be perfect, thy whole body will be illuminated;

- Matthew 6:23 (analyze) - Matthew 6:23 (analyze) . Matthew 6:23 - en dn ayn tehw bi kullh par nehw en hil nhr d h km nehw . (analyze) Matthew 6:23 - but if thine eye be evil, thy whole body will be dark. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, what will thy darkness be ?

- Matthew 6:24 ) (analyze

- Matthew 6:24 (analyze) . Matthew 6:24 - l ()n meka lrn mrwn lmpla aw gr l nesn wla(())rn neram aw l nyqqar wla(())rn n l mekin (n)tton la()lh lmpla walmmn . (analyze) Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two lords; for the one he will hate, and the other he will love, or the one he will honour, and the other he will neglect: you cannot serve Aloha and riches.

- Matthew 6:25 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:25 (analyze) . Matthew 6:25 - mul hn mar ()n lon l ti()pon lnpon mn te()lon wmn teton wl lpron mn telbon l h np yattir men saybrt wpr men l .(analyze) Matthew 6:25 - WHEREFORE I say unto you, Let not your souls be anxious what you shall eat and what you shall drink, and for your bodies what you shall wear. Is not the life more excellent than food, and the body than raiment ?

- Matthew 6:26

(analyze) - Matthew 6:26 (analyze) . Matthew 6:26 - r(w) bpra damy dl zrin wl din wl mlin ba()wr wa()on damy mars lhon l h a(n)tton myattrin (n)tton menhon . (analyze) Matthew 6:26 - Behold the fowls of the heaven; they sow not, neither do they reap, nor collect into granaries; yet your Father who is in heaven nourisheth them: are you not far more considerable than they ?

- Matthew 6:27 (analyze) ).

- Matthew 6:27


Matthew 6:27 - mn dn menon ka yp meka lmawsp al qawmh am . (analyze)

- Matthew 6:28 (analyze)

Matthew 6:27 - But who among you by being anxious can add to his stature one cubit?

- Matthew 6:28 (analyze) . Matthew 6:28 - wal l mn ypin (n)tton bbaqqaw bn dr aykan ryn dl l()yn wl zln . (analyze) Matthew 6:28 - and concerning raiment why are you anxious ? Look upon the lilies of the wilderness how they increase; they toil not, neither do they spin.

- Matthew 6:29 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:29 (analyze) . Matthew 6:29 - mar ()n lon dn d()pl lmwn bllh h kkassi ay menhn . (analyze) Matthew 6:29 - Yet I say to you, Not even Shelemun in all his glory was covered like one from among these.

- Matthew 6:30

(analyze) - Matthew 6:30 (analyze) . Matthew 6:30 - en dn lamir daql dyawmn iaw(hy) wamr npel bnr lh hn malbe l saggi yattir lon zray haymn . (analyze) Matthew 6:30 - But if the herb of the field, which to-day exists, and tomorrow falleth into the oven, Aloha thus clotheth, how much more you, little of faith?

- Matthew 6:31 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:31 (analyze) . Matthew 6:31 - l hil ti()pon aw ti()ron mn ne()l aw mn net aw mn nkkass . (analyze) Matthew 6:31 - Be not anxious, therefore, nor say, What shall we eat, or, What shall we drink, or, How shall we be covered ?

- Matthew 6:32 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:32 (analyze) . Matthew 6:32 - kullhn gr hln a(m)m (h)w bn lhn on dn damy ya d()p lon mbbayn hln kullhn . (analyze) Matthew 6:32 - For after all these things do the people of the world inquire: but your Father who is in heaven knoweth that also by you are required these all.

- Matthew 6:33 (analyze)

- Matthew 6:33 (analyze) . Matthew 6:33 - baw dn lqam malkuh da()lh wzaddiqh wullhn hln mettawspn lon . (analyze) Matthew 6:33 - But seek first the kingdom of Aloha and his righteousness, and all these shall be added unto you.

- Matthew 6:34


- Matthew 6:34 (analyze) . Matthew 6:34 - l hil ti()pon damr h gr mr yp dilh speq lh lyawm bith . (analyze) Matthew 6:34 - Be not therefore anxious for to-morrow; the morrow shall care for its own: the evil of to-day is enough for it.

The Gospel According To Matthai - Chapter 7 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:1(analyze) .

- Matthew 7:1

Matthew 7:1 - l tnon dl tetinon . (analyze)

- Matthew 7:2 (analyze) - Matthew 7:2 (analyze) .

Matthew 7:1 - JUDGE not, that you be not judged.

Matthew 7:2 - bin gr dynin (n)tton tetinon wylt damilin (n)tton mettil lon . (analyze) Matthew 7:2 - For with the judgment that you judge, you shall be judged; and with the measure that you mete, it shall be measured to you.

- Matthew 7:3 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:3 (analyze) . Matthew 7:3 - mn dn z a(n)t gel daaynh da() wqri daayn

l bar a(n)t . (analyze) Matthew 7:3 - But why dost thou look at the rod that is in thy brother's eye, while the rafter that is in thine own eye thou dost not consider?

- Matthew 7:4 (analyze )

- Matthew 7:4 (analyze) . Matthew 7:4 - aw aykan mar a(n)t la() q appeq gel men ayn wh qrit bayn . (analyze) Matthew 7:4 - Or how sayest thou to thy brother, Permit that I draw forth the rod from thine eye, and, behold, there is a rafter in thine own eye ?

- Matthew 7:5 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:5 (analyze) . Matthew 7:5 - ns ba()p appeq lqam qrit men ayn whydn nbar l lmappq gel men aynh da() . (analyze) Matthew 7:5 - Hypocrite ! draw forth first the rafter from thine own eye, and then thou wilt see to draw forth the rod from thy brother's eye.

- Matthew 7:6 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:6 (analyze) . Matthew 7:6 - l tetlon qudd lalb wl tarmon margnyon qm zir dalm non nn brlayhon wnehpon nazznon . (analyze) Matthew 7:6 - Give not the holy unto dogs, and throw not your precious stones before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

- Matthew 7:7 (analyze) - Matthew 7:7

(analyze) .

Matthew 7:7 - a()l(w) wnih lon baw wekon q(w) wnpa lon . (analyze) Matthew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall

- Matthew 7:8 (analyze) ).

be opened unto you.

- Matthew 7:8


Matthew 7:8 - kull gr d()el ns w meka wla()yn dnqe mpa lh . (analyze) Matthew 7:8 - For every one who asketh receiveth, and he who seeketh findeth; and to him who knocketh it is opened.

- Matthew 7:9 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:9 (analyze) . Matthew 7:9 - aw mn menon gar dne()liw(hy) brh lam lm ki()p mawe lh . (analyze) Matthew 7:9 - Or what man from among you, who if his son shall ask bread, will reach forth a stone to him ?

- )Matthew 7:10 (analyze) .


- Matthew 7:10

Matthew 7:10 - we()n nn ne()liw(hy) lm ewy mawe lh . (analyze)

- Matthew 7:11 (analyze)

Matthew 7:10 - if a fish he shall ask of him, a serpent will he reach forth to him ?

- Matthew 7:11 (analyze) . Matthew 7:11 - we()n hil a(n)tton di (n)tton yin (n)tton mawh lmettal lnaykon km yattir() on damy nettel la()yln d()lin lh .(analyze) Matthew 7:11 - If, therefore, you who are evil know to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him?

- Matthew 7:12

(analyze )

- Matthew 7:12 (analyze) . Matthew 7:12 - kull m dn (n)tton dnebon lon bnay ()n hn p a(n)tton (w) lhon hnaw gr nms wan . (analyze) Matthew 7:12 - All therefore that you will that men shall do unto you, so also do you unto them: for this is the law and the prophets.

- Matthew 7:13 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:13 (analyze) . Matthew 7:13 - l(w) bar li dap (h)w tar wa()rwi r ay dmawbl la()n wsaggie() non ayln d()zi(l)yn bh . (analyze) Matthew 7:13 - ENTER in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and spacious the way, that conducteth to destruction; and they are many who go therein.

- Matthew 7:14 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:14 (analyze) . Matthew 7:14 - m qin tar wa()li r dmawbl ly wazr non ayln dmekin lh . (analyze) Matthew 7:14 - How small is the gate, and narrow the way, that leadeth unto salvation; and they are few who find it !

- Matthew 7:15 ) (analyze

- Matthew 7:15 (analyze) . Matthew 7:15 - ezda(h)r(w) men n daggl d()n lwon bal de()mr men law dn iayhon di() p . (analyze) Matthew 7:15 - Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but within are ravening wolves.

- Matthew 7:16


- Matthew 7:16 (analyze) . Matthew 7:16 - men pi()ayhon dn tedon non lm lqin men kub enb aw men qrb ti() . (analyze) Matthew 7:16 - By their fruits you shall know them. Do they gather from thorns grapes, or from briers figs?

- Matthew 7:17 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:17 (analyze) . Matthew 7:17 - hn kull iln pi() appir iln dn bi pi() bi . (analyze)

- Matthew 7:18 (analyze)

Matthew 7:17 - So every good tree maketh good fruits; but an evil tree maketh evil fruits.

- Matthew 7:18 (analyze) . Matthew 7:18 - l meka iln pi() bi lmeba wl iln bi pi() lmeba . (analyze) Matthew 7:18 - A good tree cannot make evil fruits, nor an evil tree make good fruits.

- Matthew 7:19 (analyze) - Matthew 7:19

(analyze) .

Matthew 7:19 - kull iln dl pi() mpseq wnr npel . (analyze) Matthew 7:19 - Every tree that maketh not good fruits is cut down, and falleth into the fire.


- Matthew 7:20 - Matthew 7:20

(analyze) .

Matthew 7:20 - mn men pi()ayhon tedon non . (analyze)

- Matthew 7:21 (analyze)

Matthew 7:20 - Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.

- Matthew 7:21 (analyze) . Matthew 7:21 - l (h)w kull d()mar li() mr(y) mr(y) ()el lmalku damy l man d ynh d()(y) damy . (analyze) Matthew 7:21 - Not every one that saith to me, My Lord, my Lord, entereth into the kingdom of heaven; but he who doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven.

- Matthew 7:22 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:22 (analyze) . Matthew 7:22 - saggie() ni()ron li() bhaw yawm mr(y) mr(y) l bam nabbbbin wam i() appeqn wam ayl saggie() n . (analyze) Matthew 7:22 - Multitudes will say to me in that day My Lord, my Lord, in thy name have we not prophesied, and in thy name ejected devils, and in thy name performed many mighty works ?

- Matthew 7:23 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:23 (analyze) . Matthew 7:23 - whydn awd lhon dmen mm l aton areq(w) lon men(y) play awl . (analyze) Matthew 7:23 - And then will I confess to them, I never knew you; go far from me, ye workers of iniquity.

- Matthew 7:24 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:24 (analyze) . Matthew 7:24 - kull hil dma mlay hln w lhn netdamm lr akkim haw dan bayth al . (analyze) Matthew 7:24 - Every one therefore who heareth these my words, and doeth them, shall be likened to a wise man, who built his house upon a rock.

- Matthew 7:25


- Matthew 7:25 (analyze) . Matthew 7:25 - wan mer we()aw nahrw wan r we()rri(w) bh bayt haw wl npal e()saw(hy) gr al simn (h)way . (analyze) Matthew 7:25 - And the rain descended, and the torrents came, and the winds blew, and rushed against that house, but it fell not, for its foundations were placed upon the rock.

- Matthew 7:26 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:26 (analyze) . Matthew 7:26 - wull man dma mlay hln wl lhn netdamm lr sl dan bayth al l . (analyze) Matthew 7:26 - And every one who heareth these my words, and doeth them not, shall be likened to a man who built his house upon sand.

- Matthew 7:27 (analyze)

- Matthew 7:27 (analyze) . Matthew 7:27 - wan mer we()aw nahrw wan r we()rri(w) bayt haw wanpal wahw mappulth rabb . (analyze) Matthew 7:27 - And the rain descended, and the torrents came, and the winds blew, and rushed against that house, and it fell, and the ruin of it was great.

- Matthew 7:28 (analyze) (analyze


- Matthew 7:28

Matthew 7:28 - wahw d llem y ml hln tahirin (h)waw ken al ylpnh . (analyze) Matthew 7:28 - And when Jeshu had finished these words, the multitudes wondered at his doctrine.

- Matthew 7:29 (analyze) - Matthew 7:29


(analyze Matthew 7:29 - mllp (h)w lhon gr ay mal wl ay sprayhon wpri . (analyze) Matthew 7:29 - For he taught them as one having power, and not as their scribes and the Pharishee.

The Gospel According To Matthai - Chapter 8

- Matthew 8:1 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 8:1

Matthew 8:1 - ka n dn men r naqpu(hy) ken saggie() . (analyze) Matthew 8:1 - WHEN he had descended from the mountain, great multitudes clave to him.

- Matthew 8:2 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:2 (analyze) . Matthew 8:2 - wh garb s lh we()mar mr(y) en a(n)t meka a(n)t lamakkkky(y) . (analyze) Matthew 8:2 - And, behold, a certain leper came (and) worshipped him, and said, My Lord, if thou art willing, thou canst cleanse me.

- Matthew 8:3 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:3 (analyze) . Matthew 8:3 - wpa ih y qr lh we()mar ()n etdakkkk wh b etdakkkki garh . (analyze) Matthew 8:3 - And Jeshu extended his hand, and touched him, and said, I am willing: be clean; and in that very hour his leprosy was cleansed.

- Matthew 8:4 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:4 (analyze) . Matthew 8:4 - we()mar lh y zi lm l(())n mar a(n)t l zel w np lhn wqrr qrbn ay dpqq m lshduhon . (analyze) Matthew 8:4 - And Jeshu said to him, See that thou tell no man, but go, show thyself to the priests, and offer the oblation that Musha required for their testimony.

- Matthew 8:5 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 8:5 Matthew 8:5 - ka al dn y lparnm qr lh qenrn w (h)w mnh . (analyze) Matthew 8:5 - Then when Jeshu had entered into Kapharnachum, a certain centurion approached him, and besought of him,

- Matthew 8:6 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 8:6

Matthew 8:6 - w()mar mr(y) li(y) rm bayt wamrray wi() metannaq . (analyze) Matthew 8:6 - saying, My Lord, my child is lying in the house, paralysed and grievously tormented. (analyze)

- Matthew 8:7 (analyze) .

- Matthew 8:7

Matthew 8:7 - mar lh y n wa()ssw(hy) . (analyze)

- Matthew 8:8 (analyze)

Matthew 8:7 - Jeshu saith to him, I will come and heal him.

- Matthew 8:8 (analyze) . Matthew 8:8 - n qenrn haw we()mar mr(y) l w ()n dl t ma(l)l(y) l bal mar bmel wna()ss li(y) . (analyze) Matthew 8:8 - The centurion answered and saith, My Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst come beneath my roof; [Shadow.] only speak in a word, and my child shall be healed.

- Matthew 8:9 (analyze) - Matthew 8:9 (analyze) . Matthew 8:9 - p n gr gar ()n da ln wi() t i(y) esr w()mar ()n lhn dzel w()zel wla(())rn d w() wald(y) da h w . (analyze) Matthew 8:9 - For I also am a man under authority, and under my hand there are soldiers. I say to this one, Go, and he goeth; and to the other, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth.

- Matthew 8:10 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:10 (analyze) . Matthew 8:10 - ka ma dn y etdammar we()mar l()n mh min mar ()n lon d()p l b()isr()el ek ay h haymn . (analyze) Matthew 8:10 - When Jeshu heard this, he was moved with admiration, and said to those with him, Truly I say to you, that in Isroel I have not found faith like this.

- Matthew 8:11 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:11 (analyze) . Matthew 8:11 - mar ()n lon dn dsaggie() ni()on men mn wmen mar wnestamkon am rhm wi()sq wyaq bmalku damy . (analyze) Matthew 8:11 - But I tell you, That many shall come from the east, and from the west, and shall recline with Abraham, and Is'hok, and Jakub, in the kingdom of the heavens;

- Matthew 8:12 (analyze )

- Matthew 8:12 (analyze) .

Matthew 8:12 - bnh dn dmalku nepqon l bary tamn nehw bey wrq n . (analyze) Matthew 8:12 - but the children of the kingdom shall go forth into outer darknesses; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

- Matthew 8:13 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:13 (analyze) . Matthew 8:13 - we()mar y lqenrn haw zel aykan dhayment nehw l we()a()ssi alh bh b . (analyze) Matthew 8:13 - And Jeshu said unto the centurion, Go; as thou hast believed, it shall be to thee. And his child was healed in that very hour.

- Matthew 8:14 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:14 (analyze) . Matthew 8:14 - we() y layth demon waz lamh dramy wa()i lh . (analyze) Matthew 8:14 - 8:14 AND Jeshu came to the house of Shemun, and saw his mother-in-law lying, a fever having seized her.

- Matthew 8:15 (analyze) - Matthew 8:15

(analyze) .

Matthew 8:15 - waqr li()h waaqh wqm wammamm (h)w lh . (analyze) Matthew 8:15 - And he touched her with his hand, and the fever left her; and she arose and ministered to them.

- Matthew 8:16 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:16 (analyze) . Matthew 8:16 - ka hw dn ram qrr(w) qmaw(hy) daywn saggie() wa()peq daywayhon bmel walullhon ayln di() iin (h)waw ssi non . (analyze)

Matthew 8:16 - And when it was evening, they brought before him many demoniacs, and he cast out their devils by a word; and all those who were heavily afflicted he healed.

- Matthew 8:17 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:17 (analyze) . Matthew 8:17 - ay dnmll meddem de()e()mar by ay n de()mar dh ns ki()ayn wrhnayn nean . (analyze) Matthew 8:17 - So was fulfilled what had been spoken by the prophet Eshaia, who said, That he should take our griefs, and bear our infirmities.

- Matthew 8:18 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 8:18 Matthew 8:18 - ka z dn y ken saggie() dairin lh pq dni()u(l)wn lr . (analyze) Matthew 8:18 - Now when Jeshu saw the great multitudes which encompassed him, he commanded that they should go to the opposite shore.

- Matthew 8:19 (analyze) (analyze


- Matthew 8:19

Matthew 8:19 - waqr spr we()mar lh rabbi br la()ar d()zel a(n)t . (analyze) Matthew 8:19 - And a certain scribe approached him, and said, Rabi, I will come after thee to the place whither thou goest.

- Matthew 8:20 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:20 (analyze) . Matthew 8:20 - mar lh y lal neq i lhon walpra damy ma(l)l brh dn d(())n layt lh ayk dnesm rh . (analyze) Matthew 8:20 - Jeshu saith to him, The foxes have their dens, and the fowls of heaven a bower, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

- Matthew 8:21 (analyze) - Matthew 8:21 (analyze) . Matthew 8:21 - ()rn dn men talmiaw(hy) mar lh mr(y) appes li() lqam zal eqbur (y) . (analyze) Matthew 8:21 - And another from his disciples said to him, My Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father.

- Matthew 8:22 (analyze) ).

- Matthew 8:22 (analyze Matthew 8:22 - y dn mar lh t bar(y) waq lmi qrin miayhon . (analyze)

Matthew 8:22 - But Jeshu said to him Come after me, and leave the dead ones burying their dead. )

- Matthew 8:23 (analyze) .


- Matthew 8:23 Matthew 8:23 - w sleq y laspi(n)tt sleq(w) mh talmiaw(hy) . (analyze)

Matthew 8:23 - AND when Jeshu had ascended into the ship, his disciples ascended with him.

- Matthew 8:24 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:24 (analyze) . Matthew 8:24 - wh zaw rabb (h)w bym aykan de()lp tekkass men ga(l)l h dn y dami (h)w . (analyze) Matthew 8:24 - And, behold, a great commotion was made on the sea, insomuch that the vessel was covered by the waves; but Jeshu himself was asleep.

- Matthew 8:25 (analyze )(analyze) .

- Matthew 8:25

Matthew 8:25 - waqr(w) talmiaw(hy) ir(hy) w()mrin lh mran pan ddin ()nan . (analyze) Matthew 8:25 - And the disciples approached him, that they might awake him, saying to him, Our Lord, deliver us, we are perishing !

- Matthew 8:26 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:26 (analyze) . Matthew 8:26 - mar lhon y lmn dalnin (n)tton zray haymn hydn qm w() br wym wahw ely rabb . (analyze) Matthew 8:26 - And Jeshu said to them, Why are you fearful, you little in faith ? Then he arose, and forbade the wind and the sea, and there was a great calm.

- Matthew 8:27 (analyze) (analyze


- Matthew 8:27

Matthew 8:27 - ()n dn etdammar(w) w()mrin mn hn dr wym metamin lh . (analyze) Matthew 8:27 - But the men were struck with wonder, saying, What (being) is this, to whom the winds and the sea are obedient ?

- Matthew 8:28 (analyze )(analyze

- Matthew 8:28 ) . Matthew 8:28 - w y lr la()r dry ar(hy) trn daywn dnpqin men b qr bi d ay dl ()n neka nebar bhy r . (analyze) Matthew 8:28 - And when Jeshu came to the other side, to the region of the Godroyee, there met him two demoniacs, who came forth from the place of sepulchres, exceedingly malignant, insomuch that no man could pass by that way.

- Matthew 8:29 (analyze )

- Matthew 8:29 (analyze) . Matthew 8:29 - waqaw w()mrin m lan wl y brh da()lh ayt l qm zn daannqann . (analyze) Matthew 8:29 - And they shouted, saying, What to us, and to thee, Jeshu, son of Aloha ? Hast thou come hither before the time, to torment us?

- Matthew 8:30 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 8:30 Matthew 8:30 - i (h)w dn lhal menhon baqr dazir saggie() dry . (analyze)

- Matthew 8:31 (analyze)

Matthew 8:30 - Now there was at a distance from them a herd of many swine feeding.

- Matthew 8:31 (analyze) . Matthew 8:31 - hnon dn i() bn (h)waw mnh w()mrin en mappeq a(n)t lan appes lan dni()al laqr dazir . (analyze) Matthew 8:31 - Those demons, therefore, supplicated from him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go into the herd of swine.

- Matthew 8:32 (analyze)

- Matthew 8:32 (analyze) . Matthew 8:32 - mar lhon y zel(w) wme npaq(w) wal(w) bazir wllh baqr hy ter lel laqip wanpal(w) bym wmi(w) bmy . (analyze) Matthew 8:32 - Jeshu saith to them, Go: and immediately they went forth, and entered into the swine; and the whole herd rushed directly over the rock, and, plunging into the sea, perished in the waters.

- Matthew 8:33 (analyze )

- Matthew 8:33

(analyze) .

Matthew 8:33 - hnon dn drn (h)waw raq(w) we()zal(w) lami(n)tt wwwwiww kullmeddem dahw whnon daywn . (analyze) Matthew 8:33 - And they who tended them, fled, and went into the city, and showed every thing that was done, and what concerned these demoniacs.

- Matthew 8:34 (analyze) - Matthew 8:34 (analyze) .

Matthew 8:34 - wnpq kullh mi(n)tt l()rh dy w za()w(hy) baw mnh dannnn men tmayhon . (analyze) Matthew 8:34 - the whole city came forth to meet Jeshu himself; and when they beheld him, they besought from him that he would remove from their coasts.

The Gospel According To Matthai - Chapter 9


1:9 - Matthew

(analyze) .

- Matthew 9:1

Matthew 9:1 - wasleq le()lp waar lami(n)tth . (analyze)

- Matthew 9:2 (analyze)

Matthew 9:1 - And he ascended (into) the ship, and went over, and came to his city.

- Matthew 9:2 (analyze) . Matthew 9:2 - wqrr(w) lh mary ka rm bars waz y haymnhon we()mar lhaw mary labb()bb ber(y) iqin l hayk . (analyze) Matthew 9:2 - And they brought to him a paralytic lying on a bed; and Jeshu saw their faith, and said to the paralytic, Be comforted, my son, thy sins are forgiven thee.

- Matthew 9:3 (analyze) (analyze) .

- Matthew 9:3

Matthew 9:3 - ()n dn men spr mar(w) bnphon hn maddddep . (analyze) Matthew 9:3 - But men from among the scribes said within themselves, This blasphemeth.

- Matthew 9:4 (analyze)

- Matthew 9:4 (analyze) . Matthew 9:4 - y dn a mahon we()mar lhon mn main (n)tton bit blebon . (analyze) Matthew 9:4 - But Jeshu knew their reasonings, and said to them, Why reason ye evil in your hearts?

- Matthew 9:5 (analyze)

- Matthew 9:5 (analyze) . Matthew 9:5 - mn gr piq lmi()ar daiqin l hayk aw lmi()ar qm hll . (analyze) Matthew 9:5 - For which is easier, to say, Forgiven are thy sins, or to say, Arise, walk ?

- Matthew 9:6 (analyze) - Matthew 9:6 (analyze) . Matthew 9:6 - dedon dn dln i lrh d(())n ba()r lmebaq h mar lhaw mary qm ql ars wzel layt . (analyze) Matthew 9:6 - But that ye may know that authority hath the Son of man in the earth to remit sins, he saith to him-the paralytic,-Arise, lift up thy bed, and go to thy house: (analyze)

- Matthew 9:7 - Matthew 9:7

(analyze) .

Matthew 9:7 - wqm zal layth . (analyze)

- Matthew 9:8 (analyze)

Matthew 9:7 - and he arose (and) went to his house.

- Matthew 9:8 (analyze) . Matthew 9:8 - ka zaw dn ken hnon del(w) wabbbba(w) la()lh dya(h) ln da()y hn lnayn . (analyze) Matthew 9:8 - When the assembly saw this, they feared, and glorified Aloha who had given such power as this unto men.

- Matthew 9:9 (analyze)

- Matthew 9:9 (analyze) . Matthew 9:9 - w ar y men tamn z gar dy b ms damh mattay we()mar lh t bar(y) wqm zal brh . (analyze) Matthew 9:9 - AND when Jeshu had passed thence, he saw a man who was sitting at the place of the tribute-takers, whose name was Mathai; and he said to him, Come after me; and he arose and went after him.

- Matthew 9:10 (analyze) - Matthew 9:10

(analyze) .

Matthew 9:10 - w smiin bayt aw ms wy saggie() estm(w) am y wam talmiaw(hy) . (analyze) Matthew 9:10 - And while he reclined in the house, there came to him many tributegatherers and sinners, and reclined with Jeshu and with his disciples.

- Matthew 9:11 (analyze)

- Matthew 9:11 (analyze) . Matthew 9:11 - w zaw pri mrin lalmiaw(hy) lmn am ms wy les rabon . (analyze) Matthew 9:11 - And when the Pharishee saw (it), they say to his disciples, Why doth your master eat with tribute-takers and sinners?

- Matthew 9:12 (analyze)

- Matthew 9:12 (analyze) . Matthew 9:12 - y dn ka ma mar lhon l sniqin lim al sy l ayln

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