Download - Synthesis Writing I

What is synthesis writing?
 A writing in which a single topic or a specic idea is e!plored or
researched "y e!a#ining #ultiple perspecti$es or concepts on
that topic%
&hese ideas fro# $arious sources are critically analy'ed
co#"ined incorporated to for# a unied and co#ple! product
(a synthesis)
Various Sources”
• Is critica% and ana%#tica% in nature
• Is #ore focused on transmittin" inormation than
• 8ontains a clearly presented MAIN I&EA (&hesis State#ent)
• 8an account or 'riter(s o'n !e%ies or $iews B9& these
#ust "e supported !# evidences
 )ho is the author*
• 8redi"le sources are written "y authors respected in their elds of study%
• Responsi"le credi"le authors will cite their sources so that you can chec: the accuracy of and support for what they;$e written%
• &he choice to see: recent sources depends on your topic%
 )hat is the author+s purpose* 
• Is the author presenting a neutral o"4ecti$e $iew of a topic? 5r is the author ad$ocating one specic $iew of a topic?
•  A source written fro# a particular point of $iew ma#  "e credi"le< howe$er you need to "e careful that your sources don;t li#it your co$erage of a topic to one side of a de"ate%
• Re#e#"er :now the facts fro# all perspecti$es%
 )hat t#pe o sources does #our audience va%ue* 
=e$er use we"sites without author
• Well+:nown =35 (=on 3o$ern#ent 5rgani'ation) we"sites
e%g% 58A (ederation of alaysian 8onsu#ers  Association) (http@@www%fo#ca%org%#y@$C@)
SYNTHESISING INFORMATION “ Identifying common themes and topics”
&as: D
• Read and identify the co##on the#e that is shared a#ong the articles%
or the ne!t class
• Students need to get into their assign#ent groups for this tas:%
• Each group will "ring any of these #aterials
• =ewspapers(online or printed)

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