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Engineering White Paper

Using SYMCLI to Obtain Symmetrix Configuration Information


This paper describes using SYMCLI commands to obtain Symmetrix configuration and status information that will help you perform control operations with SRDF family and TimeFinder family products.

Published 4/5/2004

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Copyright © 2004 EMC® Corporation. All rights reserved.

EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice.


Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.

Part Number 300-000-285 REV D H606.4

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Table of Contents

Introduction.........................................................................................................4 Purpose and Scope ..................................................................................................................... 4 Related Documentation ............................................................................................................... 4

Practical Uses .....................................................................................................4

Displaying Information about a Symmetrix Unit ..............................................5

Displaying Information about Symmetrix Devices...........................................9

Displaying Information about SRDF Devices .................................................16

Displaying Information about BCV Devices ...................................................18

Displaying Information about a Device Group or Composite Group ...........20

Example 1: Verifying that Configuration Information in the SYMAPI Database Shows the Current Configuration...................................................26

Example 2: Obtaining More Symmetrix Information.....................................28

Example 3: Obtaining More Device Information............................................31

Example 4: Obtaining Information about Dynamic RDF Devices ................35

Example 5: Obtaining Information about Virtual Devices ............................36

Example 6: Obtaining More Device Group Information................................39

Example 7: Obtaining Disk and Audit Information........................................45

Example 8: Obtaining Display Output in XML Format ..................................50

Example 9: Obtaining Status Information about GNS ..................................52

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Introduction EMC® Solutions Enabler (SYMCLI) maintains configuration and status information about every device inside the Symmetrix® units that are accessible from your host. This information is stored in a SYMAPI database file that resides on the host or in a GNS-managed1 global repository. You can use SYMCLI commands to display in standard or XML format various levels of information about:

• Symmetrix units attached to the host

• Remote Symmetrix units that are connected by RDF links to the locally-attached Symmetrix units

• Devices within each Symmetrix unit

• A user-defined device group or composite group that represents a collection of devices

Purpose and Scope

This paper describes using SYMCLI commands to obtain Symmetrix configuration and status information that will help you perform control operations with SRDF® family and TimeFinder™ family products. Displays were obtained while running various Solutions Enabler versions up to version 5.4. Your display may vary slightly, depending on which version of Solutions Enabler you are running.

Related Documentation

The following white papers provide information related to the concepts in this paper:

• Using SYMCLI to Perform TimeFinder/Mirror Control Operations (P/N 300-000-074)

• Using SYMCLI to Perform TimeFinder/Snap Operations (P/N 300-001-381)

• Using SYMCLI to Perform TimeFinder/Mirror Clone Operations (P/N 300-001-382)

• Using SYMCLI to Perform Control Operations with SRDF Family Products (P/N 300-000-076)

• Using SYMCLI to Implement RDF Consistency Protection with SRDF Family Products (P/N 300-000-284)

• Using SYMCLI to Perform SRDF/AR (P/N 300-000-078)

• Using SYMCLI and GNS to Propagate Group Definitions to Multiple Hosts (P/N 300-301-384)

Practical Uses Examining Symmetrix configuration data is especially helpful in understanding the configuration of the Symmetrix units in your storage complex. Each Symmetrix unit has a unique serial number called a Symmetrix ID (sid). A listing of Symmetrix units accessible to your host provides the sid for each Symmetrix unit and specifies whether the unit is local or remote. You can use the sid in subsequent commands to display more detailed information about that Symmetrix unit, such as a list of SRDF devices or TimeFinder BCV devices on that Symmetrix unit.

You can use a symdisk list command to display the configuration and status of the physical disks and their hypervolumes within a Symmetrix unit. Beginning with Enginuity version 5568 and higher, you can use a symaudit list command to retrieve information from the Symmetrix Audit Log file from

1 Group Name Services

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data written to the file during control operations. This audit information allows you to determine what application on what host initiated actions that directed Symmetrix behavior.

You can set an environment variable or include the –out XML option on a command line to produce display output in “XML” format rather than “standard” format.

Your host’s SYMAPI database file stores information about the device group and the standard devices and BCVs included in it. But information about BCV pairs is also stored in the Symmetrix unit’s global memory, meaning that the Symmetrix “remembers” previous device pairing relationships that may no longer be active. Consequently, a BCV or standard device that you add to your device group may have an existing pairing relationship with a device that does not belong to your device group. Thus, to avoid any confusion when trying to create new BCV pairs from devices that you added to your device group, it is recommended that you examine device status information first.

Displaying Information about a Symmetrix Unit Whenever a Symmetrix configuration is new or has changed, you need to ensure which Symmetrix units are connected to your host and that the information about these Symmetrix units is current. You can use the symcfg verify command to determine if the Symmetrix configuration and the SYMAPI database file are in sync. If they are out of sync, the verify action returns code 24 (CLI_C_NOT_IN_SYNC). If they are not in sync, you should run either a discover operation or a full sync (see “Example 1: Verifying That Configuration Information in the SYMAPI Database Shows the Current Configuration”).

You can use the symcfg discover command to rebuild your host’s SYMAPI database file with the most current information about the physical devices directly connected to your host. The command scans all buses, collects information about all the devices found, and rebuilds the database with collected information from all locally and remotely attached Symmetrix devices. If you have disconnected a Symmetrix unit from the configuration since the last discover process, a subsequent symcfg discover does not automatically remove outdated Symmetrix information from the database file unless you first set the environment variable SYMCLI_REMOVE_SYMS to a value of 1. (You can also use the symcfg remove command to remove information about disconnected Symmetrix units.)

The simplest way to display high-level information on Symmetrix units accessible to your host is to invoke the symcfg list command from the host. For example:

symcfg list S Y M M E T R I X Mcode Cache Num Phys Num Symm SymmID Attachment Model Version Size (MB) Devices Devices 000187900035 Local DMX800 5670 6144 204 938 000187900041 Remote DMX800 5670 6144 0 763

The display shows the configuration from the local host’s point of view. The local host is the controlling host from which you enter SYMCLI commands, and the local Symmetrix unit is the one that is connected to the local host. A remote Symmetrix unit is one that is connected to the local Symmetrix unit via RDF links. The display shows that local Symmetrix 35 is connected to remote Symmetrix 41. Both Symmetrix units are running Enginuity version 5670.

The Num Symm Devices column displays the total number of Symmetrix devices configured for a Symmetrix unit. The Num Phys Devices column displays only those devices that are mapped to the host and/or have a physical host device name. The local host has access (read/write capability) to 204 physical

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devices on the local Symmetrix unit. The local host (or point-of-view host in this case) cannot access devices on the remote Symmetrix, which accounts for the zero value under Num Phys Devices.

You can add the verbose option (-v) to the symcfg list command to obtain detailed information about all Symmetrix units in the configuration, such as whether the concurrent RDF and dynamic RDF states are enabled on each Symmetrix. To display details about one specific Symmetrix unit, include the Symmetrix ID using the –sid option. For example, to display the details of Symmetrix 000187900035:

symcfg list –sid 35 -v Symmetrix ID: 000187900035 (Local) Product Model : DMX800 Symmetrix ID : 000187900035 Microcode Version (Number) : 5670 (16260000) Microcode Date : 01.05.2004 Microcode Patch Date : 01.05.2004 Microcode Patch Level : 64 Cache Size : 6144 (MB) # of Available Cache Slots : 107946 Max # of System Write Pending Slots : 86441 Max # of DA Write Pending Slots : 43220 Max # of Device Write Pending Slots : 1330 Symmetrix Total Operating Time : 62 days, 22:23:35 Symmetrix Power ON Time : Tue Nov 4 13:44:30 2003 Symmetrix Last IPL Time (Cold) : Mon Dec 15 14:38:35 2003 Symmetrix Last Fast IPL Time (Hot) : Mon Jan 5 16:35:51 2004 Host DB Sync Time : Tue Jan 6 11:14:43 2004 Symmetrix CLI (SYMCLI) Version : V5.4.0.0 (Edit Level: 516) Built with SYMAPI Version : V5.4.0.0 (Edit Level: 516) SYMAPI Run Time Version : V5.4.0.0 (Edit Level: 516) Number of Configured (Sym) Devices : 938 Number of Visible (Host) Devices : 2 Number of Configured Actual Disks : 60 Number of Configured Hot Spares : 0 Number of Unconfigured Disks : 0 Maximum number of hypers per disk : 32 Number of Powerpath Devices : 2 Powerpath Run Time Version : 4.1.0 SDDF Configuration State : Enabled Configuration Change State : Enabled WORM Configuration Level : WORM_3 WORM Characteristics : MANUAL_LOCK Symmetrix Configuration Checksum : 2E43F0 Switched RDF Configuration State : Disabled Concurrent RDF Configuration State : Disabled Dynamic RDF Configuration State : Enabled Concurrent Dynamic RDF Configuration : Disabled

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RDF Data Mobility Configuration State: Disabled Access Control Configuration State : Enabled Device Masking (VCM) Config State : Disabled VCMdb Access Restricted State : Disabled Multi LRU Device Assignment : BY_NUMBER Disk Group Assignments : Not in Use Parity Raid Configuration : RAID-S (7+1) Raid-5 Configuration : RAID-5 (7+1)

Devices that are configured as PowerPath®-connected devices provide support for controlling SRDF consistency groups. This Symmetrix display shows two PowerPath configured devices running PowerPath software version 4.1.0.

Both the SDDF Configuration State (the ability to track changes and perform incremental updates) and the Configuration Change State (the state of allowing configuration changes) are enabled. The WORM (Write Once Read Many) configuration level is also enabled. The Symmetrix Configuration Checksum (2E43F0) indicates the initial Enginuity program load for this configuration. You can use the symcfg verify command to determine if the Symmetrix configuration has changed compared to the SYMAPI database.

Switched RDF involves non-blocking switching devices that interconnect two or more nodes, allowing a Symmetrix port pair to run full-duplex. For information about Concurrent RDF, Dynamic RDF, and RDF Data Mobility, refer to the white paper Using SYMCLI to Perform Control Operations with SRDF Family Products (P/N 300-000-076). For information about Device Masking and VCMdb Access, refer to the white paper Using SYMCLI to Perform Device Masking (P/N 300-000-650). For information about Parity RAID and RAID-5 configuration, refer to the white paper Using the SYMCLI Configuration Manager (P/N 300-000-475).

Another useful SYMCLI command to examine Symmetrix connections is symcfg list –ra all. This command reaches all Symmetrix units that are accessible through RDF links one or two hops away and displays Remote Link Director information. Information in the Remote SymmID column shows that Symmetrix units 3264 and 3263 are connected to Symmetrix unit 3265 but that 3263 and 3264 are not connected to each other. Figure 1 illustrates this Symmetrix configuration.

symcfg list -ra all Symmetrix ID: 000000003264 (Local) S Y M M E T R I X R D F D I R E C T O R S Remote Local Remote Ident Symb Num Slot Type Attr SymmID RA Grp RA Grp Status RF-3A 03A 3 3 RDF-BI-DIR - 000000003265 2 (01) 2 (B) Online RF-3B 03B 19 3 RDF-BI-DIR - 000000003265 2 (01) 2 (B) Online Symmetrix ID: 000000003263 (Remote) S Y M M E T R I X R D F D I R E C T O R S Remote Local Remote Ident Symb Num Slot Type Attr SymmID RA Grp RA Grp Status RF-3A 03A 3 3 RDF-BI-DIR - 000000003265 1 (00) 1 (A) Online RF-3B 03B 19 3 RDF-BI-DIR - 000000003265 1 (00) 1 (A) Online

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Symmetrix ID: 000000003265 (Remote) S Y M M E T R I X R D F D I R E C T O R S Remote Local Remote Ident Symb Num Slot Type Attr SymmID RA Grp RA Grp Status RF-3A 03A 3 3 RDF-BI-DIR - 000000003263 1 (A) 1 (00) Online RF-14A 14A 14 14 RDF-BI-DIR - 000000003264 2 (B) 2 (01) Online RF-3B 03B 19 3 RDF-BI-DIR - 000000003263 1 (A) 1 (00) Online RF-3B 03B 30 14 RDF-BI-DIR - 000000003264 2 (B) 2 (01) Online

Figure 1 illustrates that an RA adapter can be the interface to an RDF link between Symmetrix systems. In this case, RDF groups (RA groups) represent an established connection between paired R1 and R2 devices, forming an SRDF-pair-associated link. The Local RA Grp and Remote RA Grp columns list the RA group numbers in the Figure 1 configuration. RA group 2 forms the RDF link between Symmetrix units 3264 and 3265. RA group 1 forms the link between Symmetrix units 3265 and 3263.


Remote Symmetrix3263


RA Group 2

RA Group 1

Local Symmetrix3264


Remote Symmetrix3265




Figure 1. Symmetrix Configuration Displayed by the symcfg list –ra all Command

Other useful options with the symcfg list command are included in Table 1. For a complete list of options, refer to EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix Base Management CLI Product Guide.

Table 1. Useful Options with the symcfg list Command

Option Display -applications –sid # Symmetrix-registered applications that have accessed a certain Symmetrix. -connections –sid # All hosts that have accessed a certain Symmetrix. -services Network services in the client/SYMAPI server connection. -dir all Configuration and status information about all directors in a Symmetrix unit. -sa all Configuration of all front-end directors (SA and FA) in a Symmetrix unit. -lock Symmetrix units that have a Symmetrix external lock.

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Displaying Information about Symmetrix Devices SYMCLI provides two commands to list the devices on a Symmetrix unit — one that displays all devices, and one that displays only host-visible devices (devices that are mapped to the host or have a physical host device name, or both).

• The symdev list command lists all devices in a Symmetrix unit.

• The sympd list command lists only those devices in a Symmetrix unit that are visible to your host (that is, each device has a physical device name that allows the host to access it).

The partial symdev list output below displays devices on the local Symmetrix unit by default. To display devices on a remote Symmetrix unit, include the –sid option with the identifier of the remote Symmetrix unit. The ellipsis (……) indicates where output was omitted. The first column contains a device’s Symmetrix device name (the hexadecimal number that the Symmetrix assigns to each physical device), and the second column contains its physical device name (host name) if the device is visible to the host.

symdev list Symmetrix ID: 000000003264 Device Name Directors Device --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- Cap Sym Physical SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- 0000 Not Visible 16A:0 01A:C0 Unprotected N/Grp'd (M) RW 1031 0001 Not Visible 16A:0 02B:D3 Unprotected N/Grp'd (M) RW 1031 0002 Not Visible ???:? 02A:C0 Unprotected N/Grp'd RW 516 0003 Not Visible 16A:0 01B:D3 Unprotected N/Grp'd (m) RW - 0004 Not Visible 16A:0 01B:C0 Unprotected N/Grp'd (m) RW - 0005 Not Visible ???:? 02A:D3 Unprotected N/Grp'd RW 516 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 0086 /dev/rdsk/c4t0d2s2 16B:0 01B:C0 2-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 516 0087 /dev/rdsk/c4t0d3s2 16B:0 02B:C0 2-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 516 0088 /dev/rdsk/c4t1d0s2 16B:0 01A:D0 2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd RW 516 0089 /dev/rdsk/c4t1d1s2 16B:0 02A:D0 2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd RW 516 008A /dev/rdsk/c4t1d2s2 16B:0 01B:D0 2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd RW 516 008B /dev/rdsk/c4t1d3s2 16B:0 02B:D0 2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd RW 516

Director information includes the SA front-end director (SCSI adapter) number and port that connects the device to the host, as well as the DA disk director number and interface that transfers data from the device to cache. Question marks (???:?) in the SA:P column indicate that this device is not mapped to a front-end adapter port, or is mapped to multiple ports with no clearly distinguishable primary path.

Device information includes a device’s configuration, whether it currently belongs to a device group or composite group (N/Grp’d or N/Asst’d means it does not),2 its status (read/write or otherwise), and its storage capacity in megabytes. A meta head (M), the first device in a meta device, and a meta member (m) are displayed with these letter notations.

Useful options with the symdev list command include –multiport and –firstport, which display devices mapped to multiple front-end adapter ports or to just the first port of information for

2 The attribute Grp’d or Asst’d means that the device belongs to a device group or composite group, or to both a device group and a

composite group.

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devices mapped to more than one port, respectively. Refer to “Example 3: Obtaining More Device Information” for displays using these options.

The partial sympd list output below displays the same information as the symdev list output but only for devices that are visible to the host, listing physical device names in the first column. Any device with a 3-megabyte (MB) capacity is a configured gatekeeper device. Note that the “Not Visible” devices from the previous symdev list display are omitted from this display. “N/Grp’d” means that a standard device does not currently belong to a device group or composite group. “N/Asst’d” means that a BCV does not belong to (is not associated with) a device group or composite group.

sympd list Symmetrix ID: 000000003264 Device Name Directors Device --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- Cap Physical Sym SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- /dev/rdsk/c4t0d0s2 0084 16B:0 01A:C0 2-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 516 /dev/rdsk/c4t0d1s2 0085 16B:0 02A:C0 2-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 516 /dev/rdsk/c4t0d2s2 0086 16B:0 01B:C0 2-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 516 /dev/rdsk/c4t0d3s2 0087 16B:0 02B:C0 2-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 516 /dev/rdsk/c4t1d0s2 0088 16B:0 01A:D0 2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd RW 516 /dev/rdsk/c4t1d1s2 0089 16B:0 02A:D0 2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd RW 516 /dev/rdsk/c4t1d2s2 008A 16B:0 01B:D0 2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd RW 516 /dev/rdsk/c4t1d3s2 008B 16B:0 02B:D0 2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd RW 516 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You can use options with the sympd list command to display only devices of specific interest. For example, use the -powerpath option to display only the PowerPath devices in a Symmetrix unit.

sympd list -powerpath Symmetrix ID: 000185500814 P O W E R P A T H D E V I C E S Device Name Directors Device ---------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- Cap Physical Sym SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) ---------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- /dev/rdsk/emcpower0c 041C 02A:D3 Unprotected N/Grp'd RW 5754 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d114s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/c4t0d114s2 - 05B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/c5t0d114s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/emcpower1c 041D 15B:D3 Unprotected Grp'd RW 8632 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d115s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/c4t0d115s2 - 05B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/c5t0d115s2 - 12B:0 - - - - -

Each PowerPath device in this display is configured to have multiple physical device names and SA (SCSI adapter) connections that provide alternate paths for load-balancing and failover capabilities. The physical device names all represent the same PowerPath device (for example, four physical device names represent

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the PowerPath device 041C). The “emcpower” name is a PowerPath pseudo name; some operating systems display this name, some do not. Depending on the circumstances, PowerPath determines which path to use.

When determining devices to add to a device group or composite group, you can list devices that have the same type of configuration. Table 2 lists some common options. For a complete list of options, refer to EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix Base Management CLI Product Guide.

Table 2. Useful Options with the symdev list Commands

Option Display -r1 All RDF1 type (R1) devices. -bcv All BCV devices. -drv All DRV devices. -meta All meta devices. -vdev All virtual devices. -savedev All save devices -raids All RAID-S devices -raid5 All RAID-5 devices -dynamic All devices configured with the capability to become dynamic RDF devices. -hotspare All devices that have a dynamic (hot) spare invoked against them. -r1 -bcv All RDF1 BCV devices (BCVs configured to copy data to a target R2 device). -sid # -bcv All BCV devices on the Symmetrix identified by its sid number, which is useful for

listing BCVs on a remote Symmetrix while issuing commands from the local host. -nobcv All standard devices. -range begin:end A range of devices between a beginning device name and an ending device name. -N # The number of devices to list (for example, –N 9 to list nine devices).

Because the primary purpose of RDF BCV devices is to mirror data from a local Symmetrix on a target Symmetrix, these BCV devices are usually configured to be not accessible (not visible) to the local host for read/write access. The following display shows R1 BCV devices that, in this instance, happen to be “Not Visible” to this host. “N/Asst’d” means the devices are not associated with any existing device group or composite group.

symdev list -r1 -bcv Symmetrix ID: 000184501161 Device Name Directors Device --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- Cap Sym Physical SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- 02E0 Not Visible ???:? 15A:D5 RDF1-BCV N/Asst'd RW 4315 02E1 Not Visible ???:? 02A:C5 RDF1-BCV N/Asst'd RW 4315 02E2 Not Visible ???:? 02A:D5 RDF1-BCV N/Asst'd RW 4315

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The following symdev list command invoked from the local host displays BCVs on remote Symmetrix 505. These remote devices are “Not Visible” to (not accessible for I/O by) the local host.

symdev list –sid 505 -bcv Symmetrix ID: 000185500505 Device Name Directors Device --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- Cap Sym Physical SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- 02E0 Not Visible ???:? 16B:D5 BCV N/Asst'd RW 4315 02E1 Not Visible ???:? 15B:D5 BCV N/Asst'd RW 4315 02E2 Not Visible ???:? 02B:D5 BCV N/Asst'd RW 4315

For detailed configuration information about a specific device, use the sympd show PdevName command or symdev show SymDevName. The following symdev show command displays the details of BCV 64, which is an R1 BCV that belongs to a device group named sar. It acquired the logical device name BCV001 by default when it was associated with this device group. Figure 2 at the end of this display illustrates the configuration in which this device participates.

symdev show 64 Symmetrix ID: 000185500814 Device Physical Name : Not Visible Device Symmetrix Name : 0064 Device Serial ID : N/A Symmetrix ID : 000185500814 Device Group Name : sar Device Logical Name : BCV001 Vendor ID : EMC Product ID : SYMMETRIX Product Revision : 5568 Device Emulation Type : FBA Device Defined Label Type: N/A Device Defined Label : N/A Device Sub System Id : 0x0140 Device Block Size : 512 Device Capacity { Cylinders : 9206 Tracks : 138090 512-byte Blocks : 8837760 MegaBytes : 4315 KiloBytes : 4418880 }

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Device Configuration : RDF1-BCV

“Dynamic Spare Invoked: No” means that no dynamic spare (hot spare) was invoked for a failed disk.

Dynamic Spare Invoked : No

The “Service State: Normal” is a setting that relates to mirrors. If the configuration is SRDF family and partitioned, the service state for SRDF is Degraded. If the configuration is TimeFinder family and the DA is write-disable, the service state is Degraded; if the DA is Not Ready, the service state is Failed.

Device Service State : Normal

The “Device Status: Not Ready” means that the host cannot read or write to the device, but it can “see” it (for example, when a BCV is established and goes to an NR state).

Device Status : Not Ready (NR)

The “Device SA Status: N/A” means that the device is not mapped to an SA. Other possible settings when checking the read/write status on the SA are Not Ready, Write Disabled, or Ready.

Device SA Status : N/A (N/A) Mirror Set Type : [Data,R2 Remote,N/A,N/A] Mirror Set DA Status : [NR,NR,N/A,N/A] Mirror Set Inv. Tracks : [0,0,0,0]

The next section displays Disk Director information related to Symmetrix device 64. The “Hyper Status” of Not Ready means that the part of the physical disk to which BCV 64 is mapped is not currently accessible for reads or writes by its host. Either the BCV device is established (which is the case here) or it is in trouble (Not Ready) on the DA.

Back End Disk Director Information { Hyper Type : Data Hyper Status : Not Ready (NR) Disk [Director, Interface, TID] : [16A, C, 1] Disk Director Volume Number : 25 Hyper Number : 8 Disk Capacity : 70007m Hyper Type : R2 Remote Hyper Status : Not Ready (NR) Disk [Director, Interface, TID] : [N/A,N/A,N/A] Disk Director Volume Number : N/A Hyper Number : N/A }

The BCV Pair Information section shows that BCV 64 is paired with local standard device 0000.

BCV Pair Information { Standard (STD) Device Symmetrix Name : 0000 Standard (STD) Device Serial ID : 14000000 Standard (STD) Device Group Name : sar BCV Device Symmetrix Name : 0064

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BCV Device Serial ID : Not Visible BCV Device Associated Group Name : sar

The “BCV Device Status: Not Ready” means that currently there is no read/write access to the BCV by its host. “State of Pair” indicates that the BCV pair is currently in the Synchronized state.

BCV Device Status : Not Ready (NR BCV) State of Pair ( STD ====> BCV ) : Synchronized Time of Last BCV Action : Tue Mar 18 14:28:02 2003

The “BCV State Flags: (inc)” means that, on the next split operation, data from the BCV’s moving mirror will be incrementally copied to its fixed mirror. Ordinarily, this setting is displayed on a full establish.

BCV State Flags : (inc) Number of Inv. Tracks for STD Device : 0 Number of Inv. Tracks for BCV Device : 0 }

The RDF Information section of this display shows that BCV 64 is also configured as an SRDF pair with a remote R2 device (218) on the remote Symmetrix (sid 505).

RDF Information { Device Symmetrix Name : 0064 RDF Type : R1 RDF (RA) Group Number : 2 (B) Remote Device Symmetrix Name : 0218 Remote Symmetrix ID : 000185500505 RDF Mode : Synchronous RDF Adaptive Copy : Disabled RDF Adaptive Copy Write Pending State : N/A RDF Adaptive Copy Skew (Tracks) : 65535 RDF Device Domino : Disabled RDF Link Configuration : Direct Escon Fibre RDF Link Domino : Disabled Prevent Automatic RDF Link Recovery : Disabled Prevent RAs Online Upon Power ON : Enabled

“Device RDF Status: Ready” is specific to the R1 side, which is almost always Ready except when a device is in Domino mode. “Device SA Status: N/A” means that the device is not mapped to any SA. “Device RA Status: Ready” means that the RA is ready for read/write activity. “Device Link Status: Not Ready” means that the R1 device’s RDF link to the remote R2 device is currently suspended.

Device RDF Status : Ready (RW) Device SA Status : N/A (N/A) Device RA Status : Ready (RW) Device Link Status : Not Ready (NR)

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“Device Suspend State: N/A” means that the device does not belong to an enabled consistency group or that it does but is synchronized and does not have an R1 suspend state. If the device is part of a tripped consistency group, its Suspend State can be Pending Offline or Offline.“Device Consistency State: Disabled” means that the device is not part of an enabled consistency group.

Device Suspend State : N/A Device Consistency State : Disabled

“RDF Pair State” indicates that the SRDF pair is currently in the Suspended state, as you would expect when an R1 BCV is synchronized locally as a BCV pair. (Establishing an R1 BCV in a local BCV pairing relationship automatically suspends the R1 BCV’s RDF link to its paired R2 device.) “Device RDF State: Not Ready” is a composite setting that means the R1 device (64) is not currently accessible for copying data to its R2 device. “Remote Device RDF State” means that the remote R2 device (218) is write disabled to its host.

Device RDF State : Not Ready (NR) Remote Device RDF State : Write Disabled (WD) RDF Pair State ( R1 <- -> R2 ) : Suspended

The resolution of invalid tracks depends on which operation you perform. For instance, you can have remote invalids on both the R1 and R2 sides prior to an establish or a restore operation. If so, performing an establish operation copies modified R1 tracks to the R2 side. A restore operation indicates the opposite — that you want to copy modified R2 tracks to the R1 side. In this display, there are no invalid tracks.

Number of R1 Invalid Tracks : 0 Number of R2 Invalid Tracks : 0 } Figure 2 shows that BCV 64 (the device previously displayed) is paired with local standard device 0000 as a BCV pair and with standard device 218 as an SRDF pair. At the time of the show display, BCV 64 was synchronized with standard 0000 and suspended from standard 218.

Local Symmetrix814

Remote Symmetrix505





BCV Pair








Figure 2. Symmetrix Configuration for the symdev show 64 Command

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Displaying Information about SRDF Devices In an SRDF configuration, you can examine the devices on your local Symmetrix to determine which are source devices (Sym Dev), which are remote target devices (RDev), and whether a device is an R1 or R2 type device. The symrdf list command displays this information as well as other relevant data such as RDF group (G), mode of operation, pair state, invalid tracks, and the state of each device and the RDF links that connect them.

symrdf list Symmetrix ID: 000000003264 Local Device View ------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS MODES RDF S T A T E S Sym RDF --------- ----- R1 Inv R2 Inv ---------------------- Dev RDev Typ:G SA RA LNK MDA Tracks Tracks Dev RDev Pair ---- ---- ------ --------- ----- ------- ------- --- ---- ------------- 0045 0045 R2:2 RW WD NR S.. 0 49500 WD RW Suspended 0046 0046 R2:2 ?? WD NR S.. 0 33000 WD RW Suspended 0047 0047 R2:2 ?? WD NR S.. - - WD RW Suspended 009C 0054 R1:2 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW NR Synchronized 009D 0055 R1:2 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW NR Synchronized 009E 0056 R1:2 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW NR Synchronized 009F 0057 R1:2 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW NR Synchronized 00A0 0058 R1:2 RW RW RW C.W 0 0 RW NR Synchronized 00A1 0059 R1:2 RW RW RW C.W 0 0 RW NR Synchronized …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Legend for MODES: M(ode of Operation): A = Async, S = Sync, E = Semi-sync, C = Adaptive Copy D(omino) : X = Enabled, . = Disabled A(daptive Copy) : D = Disk Mode, W = WP Mode, . = ACp off

Entries in the RDF Typ:G column identify the device as either an R1 or R2 device and the RDF (RA) group number after the colon. The display also shows the state of the SRDF devices and their RDF links. For the SRDF pairs that are in the Synchronized state, the R1 devices are read-writeable (RW), and the RDF links are read-writeable (RW). However, the state of their remote devices (Rdev), which are acting as mirrors to the R1 devices, are not ready (NR) and cannot be written to by the target-side host at this time.

The reverse is true for those SRDF pairs that are in the Suspended state. In this case, the R1 devices are write disabled (WD), the RDF links are not ready (NR), and the remote devices are read-writeable (RW). The R2 Ivalid Tracks column indicates the number of tracks that have been written to the R2 side since the suspension of the RDF links.

The RDF links for these devices are operating either with synchronous replication (S) or Adaptive Copy replication (C). Domino mode is disabled. The Adaptive Copy type can either Adaptive Copy Disk (D) or Adaptive Copy Write-Pending (W). Status information about the Front End Director (SA) and Remote Link Director (RA) is also displayed.

By default, symrdf list displays devices by their Symmetrix device name. To display host-visible devices by their physical device name, include the pd argument on the command line.

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Options such as –r1, –r2, –bcv, or –nobcv allow you to display a list of specific interest, such as just the R1 devices, R2 devices, BCV devices, or standard devices. For a complete list of options for this command, refer to EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix SRDF CLI Product Guide.

If the concurrent RDF configuration state is enabled for a Symmetrix unit, use the –concurrent option to display devices that are configured as concurrent RDF pairs. For example:

symrdf list -sid 77 -concurrent Symmetrix ID: 000185400077 Local Device View ------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS MODES RDF S T A T E S Sym RDF --------- ----- R1 Inv R2 Inv ---------------------- Dev RDev Typ:G SA RA LNK MDA Tracks Tracks Dev RDev Pair ---- ---- ------ --------- ----- ------- ------- --- ---- ------------- 0028 0050 R1:1 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW WD Synchronized 0000 R1:2 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW WD Synchronized 0029 0051 R1:1 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW WD Synchronized 0001 R1:2 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW WD Synchronized ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The display shows an R1 source device (0028) paired with two R2 target devices (0050 and 0000); Symmetrix device 0029 is paired concurrently with devices 0051 and 0001. Note that each of the two concurrent devices of an SRDF concurrent pair belongs to a different RDF group (1 and 2).

If the dynamic RDF configuration state is enabled for a Symmetrix unit, you can use the –dynamic option to display SRDF pairs whose devices have been configured as dynamic RDF devices.

symrdf list -dynamic Symmetrix ID: 000184600249 Local Device View ------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS MODES RDF S T A T E S Sym RDF --------- ----- R1 Inv R2 Inv ---------------------- Dev RDev Typ:G SA RA LNK MDA Tracks Tracks Dev RDev Pair ---- ---- ------ --------- ----- ------- ------- --- ---- ------------- 0072 0092 R1:1 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW WD Synchronized 0073 0093 R1:1 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW WD Synchronized 0074 0094 R1:1 RW RW RW S.. 0 0 RW WD Synchronized ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You can display subsets of dynamic SRDF pairs by including various options with the command. Including the –both option displays dynamic SRDF pairs in which the paired devices have been configured to be either R1 or R2 devices (a requirement for dynamic R1/R2 swap). Including the –r1 option displays only dynamic SRDF pairs in which R1 devices cannot become R2 devices. Including the –r2 option displays only R2 devices that cannot become R1 devices.

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Displaying Information about BCV Devices Information about BCV devices is stored in two different locations:

• Information about devices defined in a device group or composite group is stored in your host’s SYMAPI database file or in a GNS-managed global repository.

• Pairing information about BCV pairs and their current state is stored in the Symmetrix global memory.

When you initially form a device group or composite group, membership information about the group’s BCVs and standards may differ from the pairing information stored inside the Symmetrix. For example, a BCV or standard that you add to your device group could have a current pairing relationship with a device that does not belong to the device group.

Figure 3 shows that while the standard device 84 and BCV 89 are members of the same device group, the record in the Symmetrix indicates that the same standard device 84 was last paired with BCV 88 and still has a pairing relationship with that device. Any attempt to establish an 84/89 pair would fail without the use of a preferred pair attachment or symmir –full establish command options that override the standard’s prior pairing relationship with BCV 88.




Device groupdefinitions stored in SYMAPI

database on host



information stored in




Figure 3. Device Group Memberships that Overlap with BCV Pairing Relationships

If you are creating BCV pairing relationships from devices that have never been paired, the process is relatively straightforward. However, if previous pairings may exist from old device groups, check the status of devices before adding them to your group. Even if no old device groups exist, device pairings may have been made using a device file, or the Symmetrix may still be keeping track of device pairs that belonged to an old device group that was deleted, or devices may have been paired from a different host.

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To check if BCV devices already belong to a device group, use the symdev list –bcv command:

symdev list -bcv Symmetrix ID: 000000003264 Device Name Directors Device --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- Cap Sym Physical SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- 0088 /dev/rdsk/c4t1d0s2 16B:0 01A:D0 2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd RW 516 0089 /dev/rdsk/c4t1d1s2 16B:0 02A:D0 2-Way BCV Mir N/Asst'd RW 516 008A /dev/rdsk/c4t1d2s2 16B:0 01B:D0 2-Way BCV Mir Asst'd RW 516 008B /dev/rdsk/c4t1d3s2 16B:0 02B:D0 2-Way BCV Mir Asst'd RW 516 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

“Asst’d” means that BCVs 8A and 8B belong to (are associated with) a device group or composite group (or both a device group and a composite group). “N/Asst’d” means that BCVs 88 and 89 are not associated with a group. To determine which group BCVs 8A and 8B belong to, you can use the symdev show 8A and symdev show 8B commands. To check if BCV devices have a current pairing relationship, use the symbcv list command:

symbcv list Symmetrix ID: 000187900035 BCV Device Standard Device Status ------------------------------------ --------------------------- ------------ Inv. Inv. Physical Sym RDF Att. Tracks Physical Sym Tracks BCV <=> STD ------------------------------------ --------------------------- ------------ Not Visible 001A R1 0 N/A N/A 0 NeverEstab Not Visible 001B R1 0 N/A N/A 0 NeverEstab Not Visible 001C R1 0 Not Visible 0012 0 Synchronized Not Visible 001D R1 0 Not Visible 0013 0 Synchronized Not Visible 001E R1 + 0 Not Visible 0014 0 Synchronized Not Visible 001F R1 + 0 Not Visible 0015 0 Synchronized Not Visible 0020 R1 0 Not Visible 0016 0 Synchronized Not Visible 0021 R1 0 Not Visible 0017 0 Synchronized Not Visible 0022 R1 0 Not Visible 0018 0 Synchronized Not Visible 0023 R1 0 Not Visible 0019 0 Synchronized Not Visible 0088 (M) 0 N/A N/A 0 NeverEstab Not Visible 0089 (m) - N/A N/A - NeverEstab Not Visible 008A (m) - N/A N/A - NeverEstab ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Not Visible 0187 R1 + 0 rdmp/c15t2d4s2* 005B 0 Synchronized Not Visible 0188 R1 + 0 rdmp/c15t2d5s2* 005C 0 Synchronized Not Visible 0189 R1 + 0 rdmp/c15t2d6s2* 005D 0 Synchronized ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Legend for the Attribute of BCV Devices: (*): Associated with a group. (+): Associated with a group and its paired STD device is a member of same. (-): Associated with a group but its paired STD device is NOT a member of same.

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The Synchronized status of BCVs in the display means that these devices have a current pairing relationship with a standard device. Symbols described in the Legend of the display indicates if a BCV belongs to a group and whether a BCV’s paired standard device also belongs to the same group.

The display also shows BCVs that are not visible to the host and those that do not have a current pairing relationship. NeverEstab means never established. Also, some BCVs constitute a meta device — for example, a meta head (M) and two meta members (m).

Displaying Information about a Device Group or Composite Group The symdg list command displays a list of any device groups that have already been defined in your host’s SYMAPI database file or GNS-managed global repository. The symdg show DgName command displays the membership and configuration details of any existing device group. The commands symcg list and symcg show CgName display the same information for a composite group.

The following display of a device group named RDFGrp1 shows that the group includes seven local standard devices, seven locally associated BCVs, and seven remotely associated BCVs (devices located on a remote Symmetrix unit but associated with the device group defined on the local host). Figure 4 in the middle of this display illustrates this configuration. The device group also includes one gatekeeper device (GK), which means that this gatekeeper device is dedicated to the standard devices in this device group.

symdg show RDFGrp1 Group Name: RDFGrp1 Group Type : REGULAR Device Group in GNS : Yes Valid : Yes Symmetrix ID : 000185500814 Group Creation Time : Tue Jan 6 12:08:17 2004 Vendor ID : EMC Corp Application ID : SYMCLI Number of STD Devices in Group : 7 Number of Associated GK's : 1 Number of Locally-associated VDEV's : 0 Number of Locally-associated BCV's : 7 Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (STD RDF): 0 Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (BCV RDF): 7 Number of Remotely-assoc'd RBCV's (RBCV RDF) : 0

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Standard (STD) Devices (7): { -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sym Cap LdevName PdevName Dev Att. Sts (MB) -------------------------------------------------------------------- DEV001 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d107s2 03F7 RW 1031 DEV002 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d108s2 03F8 RW 1031 DEV003 /dev/vx/rdmp/c3t4d3s2 03F9 RW 1031 DEV004 /dev/vx/rdmp/c3t0d0s2 03FA RW 1031 DEV005 /dev/vx/rdmp/c3t0d1s2 03FB (M) RW 4125 DEV006 /dev/vx/rdmp/c3t0d2s2 03FF (M) RW 4125 DEV007 /dev/vx/rdmp/c3t0d3s2 0403 (M) RW 4125 } Associated GateKeeper Devices (1): { -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sym Cap LdevName PdevName Dev Sts (MB) -------------------------------------------------------------------- N/A /dev/vx/rdmp/c3t4d2s2 025B RW 3 } BCV Devices Locally-associated (7): { -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sym Cap LdevName PdevName Dev Att. Sts (MB) -------------------------------------------------------------------- BCV001 N/A 0407 NR 1031 BCV002 N/A 0408 NR 1031 BCV003 N/A 0409 NR 1031 BCV004 N/A 040A NR 1031 BCV005 N/A 040B (M) NR 4125 BCV006 N/A 040F (M) NR 4125 BCV007 N/A 0413 (M) NR 4125 } BCV Devices Remotely-associated (BCV RDF) (7): { -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sym Cap LdevName PdevName Dev Att. Sts (MB) -------------------------------------------------------------------- BRBCV001 N/A 03A0 RW 1031 BRBCV002 N/A 03A1 RW 1031 BRBCV003 N/A 03A2 RW 1031 BRBCV004 N/A 03A3 RW 1031 BRBCV005 N/A 03A4 (M) RW 4125 BRBCV006 N/A 03A8 (M) RW 4125 BRBCV007 N/A 03AC (M) RW 4125 }

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Local Symmetrix814

Remote Symmetrix505






Figure 4. Symmetrix Configuration for the symdg show RDFGrp1 Command

The first part of the symdg show output displays local information about the device group, including the names and status of each device belonging to the group. Note that each device has a physical device name (PdevName), Symmetrix device name (a four-digit hexadecimal number that the Symmetrix assigns to each physical device)3, and logical device name (LdevName). When you add a device to a device group, a logical device name is assigned to it by default or by specifying a specific name on the command line.

This second part of the symdg show output displays the device group’s RDF information, including the identity of each remote Symmetrix unit in the configuration, RDF configuration settings, and the combined state of all BCV RDF devices in the group and their RDF links.

Device Group BCV RDF Information { RDF Type : R1 RDF (RA) Group Number : 2 (00) Remote Symmetrix ID : 000185500505 R2 Device Is Larger Than The R1 Device : False RDF Mode : Synchronous RDF Adaptive Copy : Disabled RDF Adaptive Copy Write Pending State : N/A RDF Adaptive Copy Skew (Tracks) : 65535 RDF Device Domino : Disabled RDF Link Configuration : Direct Escon Fibre RDF Link Domino : Disabled Prevent Automatic RDF Link Recovery : Disabled Prevent RAs Online Upon Power ON : Enabled Device RDF Status : Ready (RW)

3 Prior to Enginuity version 5568, a Symmetrix device name is a three-digit hexadecimal number.

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Device RA Status : Ready (RW) Device Link Status : Not Ready (NR) Device Suspend State : Offline Device Consistency State : Disabled RDF R2 Not Ready If Invalid : Enabled Device RDF State : Not Ready (NR) Remote Device RDF State : Ready (RW) RDF Pair State ( R1 =====> R2 ) : Failed Over Number of R1 Invalid Tracks : 0 Number of R2 Invalid Tracks : 0 }

The SYMCLI query argument is a useful means of displaying information about device pairs, especially real-time status of Symmetrix devices belonging to a device group or composite group. Querying a TimeFinder device group or composite group displays the state of BCV pairs in a Symmetrix unit. Querying an SRDF device group or composite group displays the state of SRDF pairs in a configuration in which data copying occurs over RDF links. Table 3 lists some commands that use the query argument.

Table 3. Useful query Commands

Query Command Displays symmir query Status of BCV pairs that belong to a device group or composite group. symsnap query Status of snap pairs that belong to a device group or composite group. symclone query Status of clone pairs that belong to a device group or composite group. symrdf query Status of SRDF pairs that belong to a device group or composite group. symreplicate query Status of SRDF/AR copy cycles being processed in the background.

The following symmir query command shows the status of the four BCV pairs in a device group named ProdBgrp after an establish operation was performed. Two of the pairs are fully synchronized, and two are still in progress (the BCV’s Inv Tracks column indicating the number of invalid tracks on the BCV that still need to be copied from the standard device). An asterisk (*) next to the BCV’s device name means that the BCV belongs to the device group. If the asterisk is absent, the BCV is outside the device group.

symmir -g ProdBgrp query Device Group (DG) Name: ProdBgrp DG's Type : REGULAR DG's Symmetrix ID : 000000003264 Standard Device BCV Device State -------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------ Inv. Inv. Logical Sym Tracks Logical Sym Tracks STD <=> BCV -------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------ DEV001 0084 0 BCV001 0088 * 0 Synchronized DEV002 0085 0 BCV002 0089 * 0 Synchronized DEV003 0086 0 BCV003 008A * 414 SyncInProg DEV004 0087 0 BCV004 008B * 627 SyncInProg ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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After splitting all BCV pairs in this device group and concurrently establishing DEV001 with BCV003 and BCV004, a symmir query command with the –multi option displays the DEV001 relationship with the two concurrent BCVs as well as its prior pairing relationship with BCV001. The DEV002 standard device still has a pairing relationship with BCV002. However, the prior pairing relationships of DEV003 and DEV004 with their BCVs were superceded by DEV001’s new pairing relationship with those BCVs.

symmir -g ProdBgrp query -multi Device Group (DG) Name: ProdBgrp DG's Type : REGULAR DG's Symmetrix ID : 000000003264 Standard Device BCV Device State -------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------ Inv. Inv. Logical Sym Tracks Logical Sym Tracks STD <=> BCV -------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------ DEV001 0084 0 BCV003 008A * 138090 SyncInProg 0 BCV004 008B * 138090 SyncInProg 8 BCV001 0088 * 0 Split DEV002 0085 0 BCV002 0089 * 0 Split Total (Primary) ------ ------- Track(s) 0 138090 MB(s) 0.0 4315.3

Table 4 lists some of the more commonly used options available with the symmir query command.

Table 4. Options with the symmir query Command

Option Display -attach The BCV attachment relationship and pairing relationship. -multi All BCVs that can be incrementally established with or restored to the standard device. -bg All BCVs that are still splitting in the background after an instant split. -percent Used with the –bg option to display what percent of the background split has occurred. -protect The status of a protected restore operation. -protbcvest All BCVs that were established with the –protbcvest option (protected BCV).

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The symrdf query command displays the state of a device group’s SRDF devices and their RDF links.

symrdf -g Rdf1Grp query Device Group (DG) Name: Rdf1Grp DG's Type : RDF1 DG's Symmetrix ID : 000000003264 Source (R1) View Target (R2) View MODES -------------------------------- ------------------------ ----- ------------ ST LI ST Standard A N A Logical T R1 Inv R2 Inv K T R1 Inv R2 Inv RDF Pair Device Dev E Tracks Tracks S Dev E Tracks Tracks MDA STATE -------------------------------- -- ------------------------ ----- ------------ DEV001 009C RW 0 0 RW 0054 WD 0 0 S.. Synchronized DEV002 009D RW 0 830 RW 0055 WD 0 0 S.. SynchInProg Total ------- ------- ------- ------- Track(s) 0 0 0 0 MB(s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Legend for MODES: M(ode of Operation): A = Async, S = Sync, E = Semi-sync, C = Adaptive Copy D(omino) : X = Enabled, . = Disabled A(daptive Copy) : D = Disk Mode, W = WP Mode, . = ACp off

The R1 devices are read-writeable, and the RDF links are read-writeable. However, the R2 devices, which are acting as mirrors to the R1 devices, are write disabled (WD) and cannot be written to by their target-side host(s) at this time. The link is operating with synchronous replication (indicated by S in the M column). One of the SRDF pairs is fully synchronized and one is still in the process of synchronizing. On the SyncInProg pair, 830 R2 invalid tracks on the source (R1) side still remain to be copied to the target device (0055) to complete the synchronization process. The R2 invalid tracks on the R1 side represent those tracks that are still “owed” to the R2 side.

Table 5 includes some of the more commonly used options with the symrdf query command.

Table 5. Options with the symrdf query Command

Option Display -bcv All RDF BCV devices. -rdfa State of the SRDF/A devices and the status of the SRDF/A session. -rdfg all Ensures that the display shows the status of both links of a concurrent SRDF pair. -rdfg # Status of each concurrent R2 mirror whose link is represented by the RDF group number (#). -i # Redisplays SRDF pair status in intervals specified as a number (#) in seconds, which is

especially useful when monitoring an update –until operation.

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Example 1: Verifying that Configuration Information in the SYMAPI Database Shows the Current Configuration Whenever a Symmetrix configuration is new or has changed, you need to ensure which Symmetrix units are connected to your host and that the information about these Symmetrix units is current.

The symcfg discover command builds or rebuilds your host’s SYMAPI database file with the most current information about the physical devices directly connected to your host. The command scans all buses, collects information about all the devices found, and rebuilds the database with collected information from all locally and remotely attached Symmetrix devices.

# symcfg discover This operation may take up to a few minutes. Please be patient...

The symcfg list command displays the configuration information from the local host’s SYMAPI database file.

# symcfg list S Y M M E T R I X Mcode Cache Num Phys Num Symm SymmID Attachment Model Version Size (MB) Devices Devices 000185500814 Local DMX800 5670 6144 204 938 000185500505 Remote DMX800 5670 6144 0 763

The symcfg verify command determines if the Symmetrix configuration and the SYMAPI database file are in sync. If they are out of sync, the verify action returns code 24 (CLI_C_NOT_IN_SYNC). If they are in sync, the verify action returns code zero (the CLI_C_SUCCESS value) as shown below using the echo $status command.

# symcfg verify -sid 814 The Symmetrix configuration and the database file are in sync. # echo $status 0

A new device is now added to local Symmetrix 814, changing the configuration. The verify action is repeated, and its output shows an out-of-sync condition. The echo $status command returns the value 24, confirming that the configuration and the database configuration information are now out of sync.

# symcfg verify -sid 814 The Symmetrix configuration and the database file are NOT in sync. # echo $status 24

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The symcfg discover command rebuilds your host’s SYMAPI database file with the most current information.

# symcfg discover This operation may take up to a few minutes. Please be patient...

The symcfg list command now displays the updated configuration information from the local host’s rebuilt SYMAPI database file. Note that the number of Symmetrix devices displayed for Symmetrix 814 has increased from 938 (shown in the previous symcfg list command) to 939.

# symcfg list S Y M M E T R I X Mcode Cache Num Phys Num Symm SymmID Attachment Model Version Size (MB) Devices Devices 000185500814 Local DMX800 5670 6144 204 939 000185500505 Remote DMX800 5670 6144 0 763

The symcfg verify command confirms that the configuration and SYMAPI database file are now in sync again.

# symcfg verify -sid 814 The Symmetrix configuration and the database file are in sync.

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Example 2: Obtaining More Symmetrix Information This example illustrates some of the more useful symcfg list options not described earlier in this paper.

Using the –connections option with symcfg list command allows you to see the host connections to a Symmetrix unit. Only those hosts that have at least one registered application are listed. The node name hk185500814 is the service processor.

# symcfg list -connections Symmetrix ID : 000185500814 Symmetrix Host ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Director Port Node Name IP Address HW Type OS Name OS Revision -------- ---- ------------- --------------- -------- -------- ----------- DA-1A 0 hk185500814 INTEL WinNT 4.0.1381 SA-4A 0 api183 9000/800 HPUX B.11.00 SA-13A 0 api183 9000/800 HPUX B.11.00 SA-4B 0 api212 9000/800 HPUX B.11.00 FA-5B 0 api179 sun4u SunOS 5.8 FA-12B 0 api179 sun4u SunOS 5.8

Using the –sorthost option with the –connections option and symcfg list command allows you to display the host connections to Symmetrix units by host rather than by Symmetrix ID. The ellipsis (……) represents truncated output.

# symcfg list -connections -sorthost Host Symmetrix ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- Node Name IP Address OS Name OS Revision ID Director Port ------------ --------------- -------- ----------- ------------ -------- ---- hk185500814 WinNT 4.0.1381 000185500814 DA-1A 0 api179 SunOS 5.8 000185500814 FA-5B 0 000185500814 FA-12B 0 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

External locks are used to lock access to the entire Symmetrix unit during critical operations. SYMAPI uses lock numbers 0 to 15; applications assigned by EMC use lock numbers greater than 15. By default, the symcfg list –lock command displays what Symmetrix units have a lock number of 0 (used to lock a Symmetrix during SRDF operations). The display shows two unlocked Symmetrix units.

# symcfg list -lock S Y M M E T R I X L O C K S Lock Lock Time SymmID Attachment Status Number Held (Sec) 000185500814 Local Unlocked N/A N/A 000185500505 Remote Unlocked N/A N/A

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Using the –lockn option with symcfg list displays Symmetrix units that have a specific lock number. Specifying zero (0) in the following command displays Symmetrix units that currently have an external lock for SRDF operations. That is, an SRDF control operation was executing when this command was issued. Using the –lockn RDF option displays Symmetrix units that have any of the sixteen locks (0x100 to 0x10F) used during SRDF operations. Using the –lockn ALL option displays these operation locks plus other locks used by such applications as Optimizer, device masking, and Configuration Manager.

# symcfg list -lockn 0 S Y M M E T R I X L O C K S Lock Lock Time SymmID Attachment Status Number Held (Sec) 000185500814 Local Locked 0 8 000185500505 Remote Locked 0 8

Using the –applications option with symcfg list displays all applications that are registered in a Symmetrix unit and that have accessed that Symmetrix unit. The following display lists such applications on a Symmetrix unit (sid 814) connected to the local host. An application listed with the –connections option is not listed here if it has never accessed the Symmetrix unit.

# symcfg list -applications Symmetrix ID : 000185500814 Host Application ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Node Name IP Address ID Vendor ID Version Attr ------------ --------------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------- api179 SYMCLI EMC Corp - SYMCLI EMC Corp - EMCpower EMC Corp - SYMCLI EMC Corp - SYMCLI EMC Corp - api180 SYMCLI EMC Corp (R) hk185500814 OPTIMIZER EMC Corp - Legend for Attribute(s): (M) : Application Registered Remotely via RDF links (Multi-Hop). (R) : Application Registered Remotely via RDF links (One-Hop).

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Using the –semaphores option with symcfg list displays gatekeeper (GK), database (DB), and lock file (FILE) semaphores.

# symcfg list -semaphores S Y M A P I S E M A P H O R E S Lock Proc. ID Key State Type Wait Lock Full Path Specification ------ ---------- -------- ---- ----- ---------------------------- 1 0x45000327 Unlocked GK 0 /dev/rdsk/c4t0d103s2 3 0x45000ba7 Unlocked GK 0 /dev/rdsk/emcpower218c 1 0x45000327 Unlocked DB 0 /var/symapi/db/symapi_db.bin 0 0x45000246 Unlocked FILE 0 /var/symapi/config/symapislck

Using the –services option with symcfg list command displays configured network services for use by the SYMAPI client. These services are listed in the network services file (netcnfg) in the /var/symapi/config directory.

# symcfg list -services S Y M A P I N E T S E R V I C E S Port Name Domain Type Node Name Address Number ------------ ------ -------- -------------------- --------------- ------ api182 TCPIP api182 2707

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Example 3: Obtaining More Device Information This example illustrates some of the more useful symdev list options not described earlier in this paper.

SYMAPI uses device external locks in a Symmetrix unit to lock device pairs during control operations with TimeFinder family and SRDF family products. The following command displays external locks on standard devices on Symmetrix 814 during a SRDF/AR operation. That is, the command was issued in the middle of an SRDF/AR cycle.

# symdev list -lock Symmetrix ID: 000185500814 S Y M M E T R I X D E V I C E L O C K S Device Name Device ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Lock Lock Seconds Lock Device Sym Physical Number Holder ID Held Flags Attribute ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 03F7 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d107s2 9 0x10010FE6 111 Long Grp'd 03F8 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d108s2 9 0x10010FE6 111 Long Grp'd 03F9 /dev/vx/rdmp/c3t4d3s2 9 0x10010FE6 111 Long Grp'd 03FA /dev/vx/rdmp/c3t0d0s2 9 0x10010FE6 111 Long Grp'd

Using the –multiport option with the symdev list command displays devices that are mapped to multiple front-end SCSI (SA) adapter ports. For example, the following display shows Symmetrix device 0000 mapped to SA ports 12B:0 and 05B:0. Other devices (Sym column) are mapped to these same ports.

# symdev list -multiport Symmetrix ID: 000185500814 M U L T I - P O R T D E V I C E S Device Name Directors Device ---------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- Cap Physical Sym SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) ---------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- 0000 16B:D1 2-Way Mir Grp'd RW 4315 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d0s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - /dev/vx/rdmp/c5t0d0s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/emcpower116c - 05B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/c4t0d0s2 - 05B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/c5t0d0s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - 0001 02B:D1 2-Way Mir Grp'd RW 4315 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d1s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - /dev/vx/rdmp/c5t0d1s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/emcpower117c - 05B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/c4t0d1s2 - 05B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/c5t0d1s2 - 12B:0 - - - - -

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0002 01B:D1 2-Way Mir Grp'd RW 4315 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d2s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - /dev/vx/rdmp/c5t0d2s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/emcpower118c - 05B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/c4t0d2s2 - 05B:0 - - - - - /dev/rdsk/c5t0d2s2 - 12B:0 - - - - - ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 00C8 01A:C2 RDF2+Mir N/Grp'd WD 4315 Not Visible - 05A:0 - - - - - Not Visible - 12A:0 - - - - - 00C9 15A:C2 RDF2+Mir N/Grp'd WD 4315 Not Visible - 05A:0 - - - - - Not Visible - 12A:0 - - - - -

Using the –firstport option with the symdev list command displays just the first port of information for devices that are mapped to multiple ports.

# symdev list -firstport Symmetrix ID: 000185500814 Device Name Directors Device ---------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- Cap Sym Physical SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) ---------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- 0000 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d0s2 12B:0 16B:D1 2-Way Mir Grp'd RW 4315 0001 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d1s2 12B:0 02B:D1 2-Way Mir Grp'd RW 4315 0002 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d2s2 12B:0 01B:D1 2-Way Mir Grp'd RW 4315 0003 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d3s2 12B:0 16A:D1 2-Way Mir Grp'd RW 4315 0004 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d4s2 12B:0 15A:D1 2-Way Mir Grp'd RW 4315 0005 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d5s2 12B:0 01A:D1 2-Way Mir Grp'd RW 4315 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Using the –resv option with the sympd list command displays all Symmetrix devices that have SCSI reservations.

# sympd list -resv Symmetrix ID: 000000003143 Device Name Device Reservation ---------------------------- ------------- ------------------ Physical Sym Config Initiator SA :P ---------------------------- ------------- ------------------ /dev/rhdisk20 0018 2-Way Mir 07 01C:0

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The symdev list command with the –meta option shows the meta head member on the meta device. “Concated” means that the meta device consists of a certain number (“# of Devs”) of concatenated devices. “Striped” means that the meta device is striped in “Stripe Size” chunks across “# of Devs” devices. "Cap MB" is the total capacity of the entire meta device (meta head plus meta members).

# symdev list -meta Symmetrix ID: 000185500814 Device Name Device Meta Information ---------------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------- Sym Physical Config Attr Config Stripe # of Cap Size Devs (MB) ---------------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------- 0268 Not Visible RDF2+Mir N/Grp'd Concated - 2 17263 026A Not Visible RDF2+Mir N/Grp'd Striped 960k 3 25895 026D Not Visible RDF2+Mir N/Grp'd Striped 3840k 3 25895 0270 Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Concated - 2 17263 0272 Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Striped 960k 3 25895 0275 Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Striped 3840k 3 25895 03C7 Not Visible Unprotected N/Grp'd Striped 1920k 4 4125 03C8 Not Visible Unprotected N/Grp'd Striped 7680k 4 4125 03D3 Not Visible Unprotected N/Grp'd Concated - 4 4125 03D6 Not Visible Unprotected N/Grp'd Striped 30720k 4 4125 03D7 Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Striped 1920k 4 4125 03D8 Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Concated - 4 4125 03DF Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Striped 7680k 4 4125 03E0 Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Striped 1920k 4 4125 03E2 Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Striped 30720k 4 4125 03E5 Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Striped 7680k 4 4125 03F4 Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Concated - 4 4125 03F5 Not Visible BCV N/Asst'd Striped 30720k 4 4125 03FB /dev/rdsk/emcpower229c 2-Way Mir Grp'd Striped 7680k 4 4125 03FF /dev/vx/rdmp/c3t0d2s2 2-Way Mir Grp'd Concated - 4 4125 0403 /dev/vx/rdmp/c3t0d3s2 2-Way Mir Grp'd Striped 15360k 4 4125 040B Not Visible RDF1-BCV+Mir Asst'd Striped 7680k 4 4125 040F Not Visible RDF1-BCV+Mir Asst'd Concated - 4 4125 0413 Not Visible RDF1-BCV+Mir Asst'd Striped 15360k 4 4125

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When a disk fails, a hot spare (a spare disk) is invoked against it. All devices that have mirrors (hypervolumes) on the failed disk against which the hot spare was invoked, are shown in the symdev list –hotspare display as having a hot spare invoked against them. This display shows that Symmetrix 120 has not had any hot spares invoked against failed disks, whereas Symmetrix 180 shows one hot (dynamic) spare invocation against disk 01A:D0. Note that “Unprotected” devices with a hot spare invoked against them become not ready (NR) because unprotected devices have no mirror to kick in to mirror the spare hypervolume. On the other hand, mirrored devices stay ready (RW) when a hot spare is invoked against them.

# symdev list -hotspare Symmetrix ID: 000184500120 Could not select any Symmetrix devices to list. Symmetrix ID: 000184500180 Device Name Directors Device ---------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- Cap Sym Physical SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) ---------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- 0010 Not Visible ???:? 01A:D0 Unprotected N/Grp'd NR 103 0098 Not Visible ???:? 01A:D0 Unprotected N/Grp'd NR 47 00AE Not Visible 13A:0 01A:D0 2-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 4315 00C7 Not Visible ???:? 01A:D0 Unprotected N/Grp'd NR 47 00DF Not Visible ???:? 01A:D0 Unprotected N/Grp'd NR 47 00F5 Not Visible ???:? 01A:D0 Unprotected N/Grp'd NR 47 0108 Not Visible ???:? 01A:D0 2-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 469

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Example 4: Obtaining Information about Dynamic RDF Devices This example looks for devices on a local source Symmetrix unit (sid 814) that are capable of being dynamic RDF devices. Devices configured for RDF capability can be used to create dynamic SRDF pairs while the Symmetrix units are in operation (“on the fly”).

The symcfg list command displays high-level information on Symmetrix units in this configuration.

# symcfg list S Y M M E T R I X Mcode Cache Num Phys Num Symm SymmID Attachment Model Version Size (MB) Devices Devices 000185500814 Local DMX800 5670 6144 204 938 000185500505 Remote DMX800 5670 6144 0 763

With Enginuity version 5568 and higher, the symdev list command with the –dynamic option displays devices configured for dynamic RDF capability. This command displays devices that have been created as, or are capable of being created as, dynamic SRDF pairs using the symrdf createpair command. When combined with the –r1 option, symdev list -dynamic displays devices configured for dynamic R1/R24 and R1-only; when combined with the –r2 option, the command displays devices configured for dynamic R1/R2 and R2-only. “RDF1+Mir” in the display indicates devices that have already been created as dynamic RDF devices.

# symdev list -sid 814 –dynamic –r1 Symmetrix ID: 000185500814 Device Name Directors Device ---------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- Cap Sym Physical SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) ---------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------------- 00F2 /dev/rdsk/emcpower224c 04A:0 15B:C4 Unprotected N/Grp'd RW 2063 00F5 /dev/rdsk/emcpower227c 04A:0 01A:D1 Unprotected N/Grp'd RW 2063 00FA /dev/rdsk/emcpower239c 04A:0 15A:C4 Unprotected N/Grp'd RW 2063 0106 /dev/rdsk/emcpower235c 04A:0 01B:D3 Unprotected N/Grp'd RW 2063 010A /dev/rdsk/emcpower237c 04A:0 15A:D3 Unprotected N/Grp'd RW 2063 010F /dev/rdsk/emcpower240c 04A:0 02B:C2 Unprotected N/Grp'd RW 2063 0145 Not Visible 04A:0 01A:C1 RDF1+Mir N/Grp'd RW 2063 0146 Not Visible 04A:0 15A:C1 RDF1+Mir N/Grp'd RW 2063 0147 Not Visible 04A:0 02A:C1 RDF1+Mir N/Grp'd RW 2063 0148 Not Visible 04A:0 15A:D1 RDF1+Mir N/Grp'd RW 2063 0149 Not Visible 04A:0 02A:D1 3-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 2063 014A Not Visible 04A:0 16B:C4 3-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 2063 014B Not Visible 04A:0 02B:C4 3-Way Mir N/Grp'd RW 2063

4 Devices intended for dynamic RDF swap must be configured with the dyn_rdf attribute, which allows a device to be either an R1

or an R2 device (refer to the white paper Using the SYMCLI Configuration Manager, P/N 300-000-475).

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Example 5: Obtaining Information about Virtual Devices The virtual device is a host-addressable Symmetrix device with special attributes created at configuration time. But unlike the BCV, which contains a full volume of data, the virtual device is a “slim” device that offers a space-saving way to create instant point-in-time copies of logical volumes. Any updates to a source device after its activation with a virtual device cause the pre-update image of the changed tracks to be copied to a save device. The virtual device’s indirect pointer is then updated to point to this original track data, preserving a point-in-time image of the volume. TimeFinder/Snap uses this copy-on-first-write technique to conserve disk space, since only changes to tracks on the source cause any incremental storage to be consumed. You use symsnap commands to create and activate a source/target snap pair.

This example looks on the local Symmetrix unit (000000006206) for devices configured as virtual devices.

The symdev list command displays devices on the Symmetrix unit that are configured as target virtual devices (VDEV). Devices with the SV attribute have been configured as save devices. To list VDEVs only, use symdev list –vdev. The ellipsis (……) indicates where superfluous output was omitted or truncated.

C:\> symdev list Symmetrix ID: 000000006206 Device Name Directors Device --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- Cap Sym Physical SA :P DA :IT Config Attribute Sts (MB) --------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------------- 0000 Not Visible ???:? 01A:C0 BCV Asst'd RW 8632 0001 Not Visible ???:? 16C:D0 BCV Asst'd RW 8632 0002 Not Visible ???:? 01B:D0 BCV Asst'd RW 8632 0003 Not Visible ???:? 16D:C0 BCV Asst'd RW 8632 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 0048 Not Visible ???:? ???:?? VDEV N/Grp'd RW 8632 0049 Not Visible ???:? ???:?? VDEV N/Grp'd RW 8632 004A Not Visible ???:? ???:?? VDEV N/Grp'd RW 8632 004B Not Visible ???:? ???:?? VDEV N/Grp'd NR 8632 004C Not Visible ???:? ???:?? VDEV N/Grp'd NR 8632 004D Not Visible ???:? ???:?? VDEV N/Grp'd NR 8632 004E Not Visible ???:? ???:?? VDEV N/Grp'd NR 8632 004F Not Visible ???:? ???:?? VDEV N/Grp'd NR 8632 0050 Not Visible ???:? ???:?? VDEV N/Grp'd NR 8632 0051 Not Visible ???:? ???:?? VDEV N/Grp'd NR 8632 0052 Not Visible ???:? 16B:D1 2-Way Mir N/A (SV) RW 8632 0053 Not Visible ???:? 01C:C0 2-Way Mir N/A (SV) RW 8632 0054 Not Visible ???:? 16B:C0 2-Way Mir N/A (SV) RW 8632 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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The symld list command displays devices that have been added to a device group named 3vdevs. The source of any snap operation is standard device 0076. The targets can be three virtual devices (004F, 0050, and 0051) that are paired with the standard device. At different points in time, each virtual device can be the target of snap operation. The virtual devices do not yet have copy sessions with the standard device (indicated by their status of NotCreated).

C:\> symld list Device Group (DG) Name: 3vdevs DG's Type : REGULAR DG's Symmetrix ID : 000000006206 Standard Device Name Directors Device ---------------------------------- ------------- ---------------------------- Cap Logical Physical Sym SA :P DA :IT Config Att Sts (MB) ---------------------------------- ------------- ---------------------------- DEV001 DRIVE29 0076 04A:0 16C:D2 2-Way Mir RW 8632 Legend for STD devices: (+): Paired with a BCV device that is associated with this dg. (-): Paired with a BCV device that is non-associated with this dg. Symmetrix Virtual Devices associated with this dg: VDEV Device Source Device Status ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------- Logical Sym Att. Sts Logical Sym SRC <=> VDEV ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------- VDEV001 004F NR N/A N/A NotCreated VDEV002 0050 NR N/A N/A NotCreated VDEV003 0051 NR N/A N/A NotCreated Legend for VDEV devices: (+): VDEV is paired with a member device. (-): VDEV is paired with a non-member device.

The symsnap list command indicates whether there are snap copy sessions running on the Symmetrix unit. This display shows that there are no copy sessions currently on Symmetrix 6206.

C:\> symsnap list Symmetrix ID: 000000006206 No Snap sessions found

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The symsnap list command with the –savedevs option displays any save devices that have been configured to hold data for virtual devices. This display indicates a list of save devices and that there has not yet been any virtual device activity that caused tracks of data to be copied to these save devices.

C:\> symsnap list -savedevs Symmetrix ID: 000000006206 Snap Save Devices --------------------------------------------------- Device Total Used Free Percent Sym Type Tracks Tracks Tracks Full --------------------------------------------------- 0052 FBA 276210 0 276210 0% 0053 FBA 276210 0 276210 0% 0054 FBA 276210 0 276210 0% 0055 FBA 276210 0 276210 0% 0056 FBA 276210 0 276210 0% 0057 FBA 276210 0 276210 0% 0058 FBA 276210 0 276210 0% 0059 FBA 276210 0 276210 0% 005A FBA 276210 0 276210 0% 005B FBA 276210 0 276210 0% Total --------- --------- --------- ---- Tracks 2762100 0 2762100 0% MB(s) 86315.6 0.0 86315.6

The symsnap query command displays three snap copy sessions that are controlled within the device group named 3vdevs. The –multi option is required to display multiple sessions.

C:\> symsnap query –g 3vdevs -multi Device Group (DG) Name: 3vdevs DG's Type : REGULAR DG's Symmetrix ID : 000000006206 Source Device Target Device State Copy ------------------------- ------------------- ---------- ------------ ---- Protected Changed Logical Sym Tracks Logical Sym G Tracks SRC <=> TGT (%) ------------------------- ------------------- ---------- ------------ ---- DEV001 0076 276210 VDEV003 0051 X 0 CopyOnWrite 0 273902 VDEV002 0050 X 2308 CopyOnWrite 0 273603 VDEV001 004F X 2607 CopyOnWrite 0 Total -------- ---------- Track(s) 823715 4915 MB(s) 25741.0 153.7 Legend: (G): The Target device is associated with this group.

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Example 6: Obtaining More Device Group Information The symdg list command displays a list of any device groups that have already been defined in your host’s SYMAPI database file or GNS-managed global repository. The symdg show DgName command displays the membership and configuration details of any existing device group.5 This example illustrates options for obtaining device group information not described earlier in this paper.

This display is similar to the symdg show RDFGrp1 display described previously, but shows a configuration in which five local R1 devices are the source devices and five remotely associated BCVs are the targets. That is, the R1 devices copy data to their R2 devices, which copy that data to the BCVs located on the same remote Symmetrix unit.

# symdg show rdf1-grp Group Name: rdf1-grp Group Type : RDF1 Device Group in GNS : Yes Valid : Yes Symmetrix ID : 000187900035 Group Creation Time : Tue Jan 6 12:08:17 2004 Vendor ID : EMC Corp Application ID : SYMCLI Number of STD Devices in Group : 5 Number of Associated GK's : 0 Number of Locally-associated BCV's : 0 Number of Locally-associated VDEV's : 0 Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (STD RDF): 5 Number of Remotely-associated BCV's (BCV RDF): 0 Number of Remotely-assoc'd RBCV's (RBCV RDF) : 0 Standard (STD) Devices (5): { -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sym Cap LdevName PdevName Dev Att. Sts (MB) -------------------------------------------------------------------- DEV001 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d102s2 03C2 RW 4315 DEV002 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d103s2 03C3 RW 4315 DEV003 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d104s2 03C4 RW 4315 DEV004 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d105s2 03C5 RW 4315 DEV005 /dev/vx/rdmp/c4t0d106s2 03C6 RW 4315 }

5 The symcg list and symcg show commands display the same information for a composite group.

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BCV Devices Remotely-associated (STD RDF) (5): { -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sym Cap LdevName PdevName Dev Att. Sts (MB) -------------------------------------------------------------------- RBCV001 N/A 02E0 RW 4315 RBCV002 N/A 02E1 RW 4315 RBCV003 N/A 02E2 RW 4315 RBCV004 N/A 02E3 RW 4315 RBCV005 N/A 02E4 RW 4315 } This second part of the symdg show output displays the device group’s RDF information, including the identity of the remote Symmetrix unit (sid 41), RDF configuration settings (Enabled or Disabled), and the combined state of all standard RDF devices in the group and their RDF links.

Device Group RDF Information { RDF Type : R1 RDF (RA) Group Number : 1 (00) Remote Symmetrix ID : 000187900041 R2 Device Is Larger Than The R1 Device : False RDF Mode : Synchronous RDF Adaptive Copy : Disabled RDF Adaptive Copy Write Pending State : N/A RDF Adaptive Copy Skew (Tracks) : 65535 RDF Device Domino : Disabled RDF Link Configuration : Fibre RDF Link Domino : Disabled Prevent Automatic RDF Link Recovery : Disabled Prevent RAs Online Upon Power ON : Enabled Device RDF Status : Ready (RW) Device RA Status : Ready (RW) Device Link Status : Not Ready (NR) Device Suspend State : Offline Device Consistency State : Enabled RDF R2 Not Ready If Invalid : Enabled Device RDF State : Ready (RW) Remote Device RDF State : Write Disabled (WD) RDF Pair State ( R1 <- -> R2 ) : Suspended Number of R1 Invalid Tracks : 0 Number of R2 Invalid Tracks : 12 }

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It is possible to get device configuration and status information about devices by querying the device group to which they have been added. The symmir query command displays the status of BCV pairs in a device group, Rdf1Grp, that contains one SRDF standard device and one local BCV device. The BCV pair is currently in the Split state.

# symmir -g Rdf1Grp query Device Group (DG) Name: Rdf1Grp DG's Type : RDF1 DG's Symmetrix ID : 000185500810 Standard Device BCV Device State -------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------ Inv. Inv. Logical Sym Tracks Logical Sym Tracks STD <=> BCV -------------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------ DEV001 010F 0 BCV001 00CD * 0 Split Total ------- ------- MB(s) 0.0 0.0 Legend: (*): The paired BCV device is associated with this group.

The symrdf query command displays the state of the SRDF devices and their RDF links. Under normal circumstances, the SRDF pair is synchronized. The RDF link is operating with synchronous replication (indicated by an S in the M column).

# symrdf -g Rdf1Grp query Device Group (DG) Name: Rdf1Grp DG's Type : RDF1 DG's Symmetrix ID : 000000003264 Source (R1) View Target (R2) View MODES -------------------------------- ------------------------ ----- ------------ ST LI ST Standard A N A Logical T R1 Inv R2 Inv K T R1 Inv R2 Inv RDF Pair Device Dev E Tracks Tracks S Dev E Tracks Tracks MDA STATE -------------------------------- -- ------------------------ ----- ------------ DEV001 009C RW 0 0 RW 0054 WD 0 0 S.. Synchronized DEV002 009D RW 0 0 RW 0055 WD 0 0 S.. Synchronized Total -------- -------- -------- -------- Track(s) 0 0 0 0 MB(s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Legend for MODES: M(ode of Operation): A = Async, S = Sync, E = Semi-sync, C = Adaptive Copy D(omino) : X = Enabled, . = Disabled A(daptive Copy) : D = Disk Mode, W = WP Mode, . = ACp off

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The symclone query command with the –multi option displays a source device and its four clone targets. The state of the clone operation shows that all four copy operations are currently in progress (CopyInProg) and that each operation is 6% complete.

# symclone -g multiclone query -multi Device Group (DG) Name: multiclone DG's Type : REGULAR DG's Symmetrix ID : 000187900041 Source Device Target Device State Copy ------------------------- ------------------- ------------ ---- Protected Logical Sym Tracks Logical Sym CG SRC <=> TGT (%) ------------------------- ------------------- ------------ ---- CLONESRC 0215 129275 CLONETGT1 0100 XX CopyInProg 6 129277 CLONETGT2 0101 XX CopyInProg 6 129276 CLONETGT3 0102 XX CopyInProg 6 129276 CLONETGT4 0103 XX CopyInProg 6 Total -------- Track(s) 517104 MB(s) 16159.5 Legend: (C): The background copy setting is active for this pair. (G): The Target device is associated with this group. The symdg show command with the –lock option displays existing device external locks on devices within the device group named sar. The display shows which devices on the local and remote Symmetrix units are locked during Symmetrix Automated Replication (that is, in the middle of a SRDF/AR cycle).

# symdg show sar -lock S Y M M E T R I X D E V I C E G R O U P L O C K S Group Name: sar Group Type : REGULAR Valid : Yes Symmetrix ID : 000185500814 Group Creation Time : Tue Oct 14 09:49:41 2003 Vendor ID : EMC Corp Application ID : SYMCLI Lock Number : 9 Number of Locked Devices in Group: STD Devices : 16 (SID: 000185500814) Remote Mirrors of STD's : 0 (SID: N/A ) BCV Devices : 16 (SID: 000185500814) Remote Mirrors of BCV's : 16 (SID: 000185500505) RBCV Devices : 0 (SID: N/A ) Remote Mirrors of RBCV's : 0 (SID: N/A )

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BRBCV Devices : 16 (SID: 000185500505) Remote Mirrors of BRBCV's : 0 (SID: N/A ) STD Devices (16): { ----------------------------------------------------- Sym Lock Director Seconds Lock Dev Holder-ID Initiator Number Held Flags ----------------------------------------------------- 03F7 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 03F8 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 03F9 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 03FA 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 03FB 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 03FC 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 03FD 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 03FE 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 03FF 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 0400 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 0401 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 0402 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 0403 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 0404 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 0405 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long 0406 0x1001100E 0 05B 12 Long } BCV Devices (16): { ----------------------------------------------------- Sym Lock Director Seconds Lock Dev Holder-ID Initiator Number Held Flags ----------------------------------------------------- 0407 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 0408 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 0409 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 040A 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 040B 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 040C 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 040D 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 040E 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 040F 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 0410 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 0411 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 0412 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 0413 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 0414 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 0415 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long 0416 0x1001100E 0 05B 13 Long }

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Remote Mirrors of BCV's (16): { ----------------------------------------------------- Sym Lock Director Seconds Lock Dev Holder-ID Initiator Number Held Flags ----------------------------------------------------- 0390 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 0391 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 0392 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 0393 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 0394 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 0395 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 0396 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 0397 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 0398 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 0399 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 039A 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 039B 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 039C 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 039D 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 039E 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 039F 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long } BRBCV Devices (16): { ----------------------------------------------------- Sym Lock Director Seconds Lock Dev Holder-ID Initiator Number Held Flags ----------------------------------------------------- 03A0 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03A1 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03A2 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03A3 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03A4 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03A5 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03A6 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03A7 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03A8 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03A9 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03AA 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03AB 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03AC 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03AD 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03AE 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long 03AF 0x100113A3 0 14B 13 Long }

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Example 7: Obtaining Disk and Audit Information This example describes some of the more relevant displays from symdisk and symaudit commands. For more information about these commands, including details about other command options not shown here, refer to EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix Base Management CLI Product Guide.

The symdisk list command displays the configuration and status of the physical disks and their hypervolumes within a Symmetrix unit. A disk is identified by its DA symbol (Symb), its interface (Int) and its target ID (TID). To display verbose information about a specific disk (for example, 01A:C3) and its hypervolumes, use symdisk list –da 01A –interface C –tid 3 –v –hypers.

# symdisk list Symmetrix ID : 000185500814 Disks Selected : 96 Capacity(MB) Ident Symb Int TID Vendor Type Hypers Total Free ------ ---- --- --- ---------- ---------- ------ -------- -------- DA-1A 01A C 0 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 446 DA-1A 01A C 1 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 446 DA-1A 01A C 2 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-1A 01A C 3 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-1A 01A C 4 SEAGATE CHET_73 15 70007 5465 DA-1A 01A C 5 SEAGATE CHET_73 19 70007 5977 DA-1A 01A D 0 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 446 DA-1A 01A D 1 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 446 DA-1A 01A D 2 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-1A 01A D 3 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-1A 01A D 4 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 1666 DA-1A 01A D 5 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 2697 DA-2A 02A C 0 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 446 DA-2A 02A C 1 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 446 DA-2A 02A C 2 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-2A 02A C 3 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-2A 02A C 4 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 5466 DA-2A 02A C 5 SEAGATE CHET_73 19 70007 5977 DA-2A 02A D 0 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 446 DA-2A 02A D 1 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-2A 02A D 2 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-2A 02A D 3 SEAGATE CHET_73 18 70007 3612 DA-2A 02A D 4 SEAGATE CHET_73 18 70007 1667 DA-2A 02A D 5 SEAGATE CHET_73 18 70007 1667 DA-15A 15A C 0 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 446 DA-15A 15A C 1 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 446 DA-15A 15A C 2 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-15A 15A C 3 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-15A 15A C 4 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 5466 DA-15A 15A C 5 SEAGATE CHET_73 19 70007 1664 DA-15A 15A D 0 SEAGATE CHET_73 17 70007 446 DA-15A 15A D 1 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-15A 15A D 2 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 DA-15A 15A D 3 SEAGATE CHET_73 16 70007 962 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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The symaudit commands retrieve information from the Symmetrix Audit Log file from data written to the file during control operations. This information allows you to determine what application on what host initiated actions that directed Symmetrix behavior. The symaudit show command below displays the time period and quantity of data in the Audit Log file that relate to local Symmetrix 814.

# symaudit show A U D I T L O G D A T A Symmetrix ID : 000185500814 Starting date : 12/14/2003 14:53:10 Ending date : 12/17/2003 14:40:47 Starting record number : 1 Ending record number : 127 Total record count : 127

The following symaudit list command displays the extracted audit log records for local Symmetrix 814 during the time period that data was collected. The ellipsis (……) indicates where some output was omitted for brevity.

# symaudit list A U D I T L O G D A T A Symmetrix ID : 000185500814 Starting date : 12/14/2003 14:53:10 Ending date : 12/17/2003 14:40:47 Record Function Action Number Date Time Application Host Class Code ------ -------- -------- ---------------- ------------ -------- --------- 1 12/14/03 14:53:10 SYMCLI api179 RDF Split 2 12/14/03 14:53:10 SYMCLI api179 RDF Split 3 12/14/03 14:53:11 SYMCLI api179 RDF Split 4 12/14/03 14:53:16 SYMCLI api179 RDF IncEsta 5 12/14/03 14:53:16 SYMCLI api179 RDF IncEsta 6 12/14/03 14:53:17 SYMCLI api179 RDF IncEsta ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 12/14/03 16:32:39 SYMCLI api179 BCV FullEsta 15 12/14/03 16:32:39 SYMCLI api179 BCV FullEsta 16 12/14/03 16:33:01 SYMCLI api179 BCV FullEsta 17 12/14/03 16:40:01 SYMCLI api179 BCV Split 18 12/14/03 16:40:01 SYMCLI api179 BCV Split 19 12/14/03 16:40:01 SYMCLI api179 BCV Split ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 109 12/17/03 14:39:05 SYMCLI api179 BCV Split 110 12/17/03 14:39:07 SYMCLI api179 RDF IncEsta 111 12/17/03 14:39:07 SYMCLI api179 RDF IncEsta 112 12/17/03 14:39:08 SYMCLI api179 RDF IncEsta 113 12/17/03 14:39:10 SYMCLI api179 BCV IncEsta 114 12/17/03 14:39:10 SYMCLI api179 BCV IncEsta 115 12/17/03 14:39:10 SYMCLI api179 BCV IncEsta

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116 12/17/03 14:39:10 SYMCLI api179 BCV IncEsta 117 12/17/03 14:39:24 SYMCLI api179 BCV IncEsta 118 12/17/03 14:39:24 SYMCLI api179 BCV IncEsta 119 12/17/03 14:39:24 SYMCLI api179 BCV IncEsta 120 12/17/03 14:39:24 SYMCLI api179 BCV IncEsta 121 12/17/03 14:39:24 SYMCLI api179 BCV IncEsta 122 12/17/03 14:39:42 SYMCLI api179 BCV IncEsta 123 12/17/03 14:40:44 SYMCLI api179 BCV Split 124 12/17/03 14:40:44 SYMCLI api179 BCV Split 125 12/17/03 14:40:44 SYMCLI api179 BCV Split 126 12/17/03 14:40:44 SYMCLI api179 BCV Split 127 12/17/03 14:40:46 SYMCLI api179 BCV Split

Using the –text option with the symaudit list command displays the text associated with the audit log record.

# symaudit list -text A U D I T L O G D A T A Symmetrix ID : 000185500814 Starting date : 12/14/2003 14:53:10 Ending date : 12/17/2003 14:40:47 Record Time Function Action Number Class Code ------- -------- -------- -------- Text ------------------------------------------------------ 1 14:53:10 RDF Split STARTING an RDF 'SPLIT'. type: Regular [RDF1 BCV], flags: 2 14:53:10 RDF Split [ 0407-0416 ] 3 14:53:11 RDF Split The RDF 'SPLIT' operation SUCCEEDED. 4 14:53:16 RDF IncEsta STARTING an RDF 'INCREMENTAL ESTABLISH'. type: Regular [RDF1 BCV], flags: 5 14:53:16 RDF IncEsta [ 0407-0416 ] 6 14:53:17 RDF IncEsta The RDF 'INCREMENTAL ESTABLISH' operation SUCCEEDED. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 16:32:39 BCV FullEsta STARTING a local 'BCV Full Establish' operation for 1 [STD-BCV] Pair: 15 16:32:39 BCV FullEsta [ 0000-0190 ] 16 16:33:01 BCV FullEsta 'BCV Full Establish'. sts: SYMAPI_C_SUCCESS 17 16:40:01 BCV Split STARTING a local 'BCV Split' operation for 1 [STD-BCV] Pair: 18 16:40:01 BCV Split [ 0000-0190 ]

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19 16:40:01 BCV Split 'BCV Split'. sts: SYMAPI_C_SUCCESS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 109 14:39:05 BCV Split 'BCV Split'. sts: SYMAPI_C_SUCCESS 110 14:39:07 RDF IncEsta STARTING an RDF 'INCREMENTAL ESTABLISH'. type: Regular [RDF1 BCV], flags: 111 14:39:07 RDF IncEsta [ 0407-0416 ] 112 14:39:08 RDF IncEsta The RDF 'INCREMENTAL ESTABLISH' operation SUCCEEDED. 113 14:39:10 BCV IncEsta STARTING a local 'BCV Inc Establish' operation for 16 [STD-BCV] Pairs: 114 14:39:10 BCV IncEsta [ 03F7-0407 03F8-0408 03F9-0409 03FA-040A 03FB-040B 03FC-040C 115 14:39:10 BCV IncEsta 03FD-040D 03FE-040E 03FF-040F 0400-0410 0401-0411 0402-0412 116 14:39:10 BCV IncEsta 0403-0413 0406-0416 0404-0415 0405-0414 ] 117 14:39:24 BCV IncEsta 'BCV Inc Establish'. sts: SYMAPI_C_SUCCESS 118 14:39:24 BCV IncEsta STARTING a remote 'BCV Inc Establish' operation for 16 [STD-BCV] Pairs: 119 14:39:24 BCV IncEsta [ 0390-03A0 0391-03A1 0392-03A2 0393-03A3 0394-03A4 0395-03A5 120 14:39:24 BCV IncEsta 0396-03A6 0397-03A7 0398-03A8 0399-03A9 039A-03AA 039B-03AB 121 14:39:24 BCV IncEsta 039C-03AC 039F-03AF 039E-03AE 039D-03AD ] 122 14:39:42 BCV IncEsta 'BCV Inc Establish'. sts: SYMAPI_C_SUCCESS 123 14:40:44 BCV Split STARTING a remote 'BCV Split' operation for 16 [STD-BCV] Pairs: 124 14:40:44 BCV Split [ 0390-03A0 0391-03A1 0392-03A2 0393-03A3 0394-03A4 0395-03A5 125 14:40:44 BCV Split 0396-03A6 0397-03A7 0398-03A8 0399-03A9 039A-03AA 039B-03AB 126 14:40:44 BCV Split 039C-03AC 039F-03AF 039E-03AE 039D-03AD ] 127 14:40:46 BCV Split 'BCV Split'. sts: SYMAPI_C_SUCCESS

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The following symaudit list command displays detailed information about record number 124 during a TimeFinder split operation (that is, the BCV is being split from its paired standard device). The “Text” line displays which BCV pairs are being split (for example, device 390 from device 3A0).

# symaudit -v list -record_num 124 A U D I T L O G D A T A Symmetrix ID : 000185500814 Starting date : 12/17/2003 14:40:44 Ending date : 12/17/2003 14:40:47 Record Number : 124 Records in Seq : 4 Offset in Seq : 2 Time : 12/17/03 14:40:44 Vendor ID : EMC Corp Application ID : SYMCLI Application Version : API Library : SEK API Version : T5.4.0.0 (Edit Level: 236) Host Name : api179 OS Name : SunOS OS Revision : 5.8Generic Client Host : Process ID : 00006670 Task ID : 00000000 Function Class : BCV Action Code : Split Text : [ 0390-03A0 0391-03A1 0392-03A2 0393-03A3 0394-03A4 0395-03A5

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Example 8: Obtaining Display Output in XML Format You can specify an XML output mode for SYMCLI utilities outputs using an environment variable setting or the –out xml option on the command line. Valid modes are “Standard” or “XML.” The example uses the symcfg list command to illustrate output.

By default, the symcfg list command produces a standard mode output display as shown below.

# symcfg list S Y M M E T R I X Mcode Cache Num Phys Num Symm SymmID Attachment Model Version Size (MB) Devices Devices 000185500814 Local 8230 5568 4096 757 1097 000185500505 Remote 8230 5568 8192 0 970

The export command sets the SYMCLI_OUTPUT_MODE variable to “XML”.


The symcfg list command now produces the same output in XML format.

# symcfg list <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?> <SymCLI_ML> <Symmetrix id="000185500814" attachment="Local" model="8230" microcode_version="5568" cache_megabytes="4096" physical_devices="757" devices="1097"/> <Symmetrix id="000185500505" attachment="Remote" model="8230" microcode_version="5568" cache_megabytes="8192" physical_devices="0" devices="970"/> </SymCLI_ML>

The unset command terminates the previous setting for SYMCLI_OUTPUT_MODE. In effect, this operation returns the mode setting to standard mode.


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By default, the symcfg list command should now produce its output in standard mode. However, the following command includes the –out XML option to again display output in XML format rather than standard format.

# symcfg list -out xml <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?> <SymCLI_ML> <Symmetrix id="000185500814" attachment="Local" model="8230" microcode_version="5568" cache_megabytes="4096" physical_devices="757" devices="1097"/> <Symmetrix id="000185500505" attachment="Remote" model="8230" microcode_version="5568" cache_megabytes="8192" physical_devices="0" devices="970"/> </SymCLI_ML>

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Example 9: Obtaining Status Information about GNS Group Name Services (GNS) propagates SYMAPI device group and composite group definitions across multiple hosts and Symmetrix units. GNS stores device group and composite group definitions in a shared repository that is accessible from multiple hosts. Thus, you can perform SYMCLI and SYMAPI control operations from any host in the Symmetrix environment. If you make a change to a group definition on one host, that change is visible to other hosts.

The stordaemon list command displays whether the GNS and watchdog daemons are running on your host.

# stordaemon list Available Daemons ('[*]': Currently Running): storapid EMC Solutions Enabler Base Daemon [*] storgnsd EMC Solutions Enabler GNS Daemon [*] storwatchd EMC Solutions Enabler Watchdog Daemon stororad EMC Solutions Enabler SRM Oracle Daemon storudbd EMC Solutions Enabler SRM UDB Daemon storifmxd EMC Solutions Enabler SRM Informix Daemon storsybs11d EMC Solutions Enabler SRM Sybase 11 Daemon storsybs12d EMC Solutions Enabler SRM Sybase 12 Daemon storsybs12.5d EMC Solutions Enabler SRM Sybase 12.5 Daemon storsybs12.5_64d EMC Solutions Enabler SRM Sybase 12.5 Daemon, 64-bit

The symdg list command with the –inactive option displays device groups that exist currently in your host’s SYMAPI database. From the GNS-enabled viewpoint, these are inactive device groups.

# symdg list -inactive I N A C T I V E D E V I C E G R O U P S Number of Name Type Valid Symmetrix ID Devs GKs BCVs VDEVs 79api179regular REGULAR N/A 000187700079 23 0 3 0 35api179regular REGULAR N/A 000187900035 22 0 44 0

The symdg activateall command imports all device groups from your host’s SYMAPI database into GNS. From the GNS-enabled viewpoint, these are now active device groups

# symdg activateall –noprompt Activating Device Group: '79api179regular' ... Succeeded. Activating Device Group: '35api179regular' ... Succeeded.

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If GNS is enabled on your host, the symdg list command displays device groups that are active from the GNS-enabled viewpoint.

# symdg list D E V I C E G R O U P S Number of Name Type Valid Symmetrix ID Devs GKs BCVs VDEVs 79api179regular REGULAR Yes 000187700079 23 0 3 0 35api179regular REGULAR Yes 000187900035 22 0 44 0

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